General: File Version = If there are two or more of the same .menu, the one with the highest number will be loaded Name = Name of the item (Maximal Number of Characters TBD) Do not edit! Describe = Description of the item (Maximal Number of Characters TBD, Maximal Number of Lines: 3?) Do not edit! For Copy and Paste = Use 《改行》 to start a new line in the description txt path = path to the txt (need more info) メニューフォルダ = Menu folder, there are DRESS... (and BODY? need more info) category = Category in which the Menu Icon will appear (Reference List at the Bottom) catno = ? (category number? where it will be placed in the category? 属性追加 = Attribute added? Known attributes in the reference list priority = priority will state where the icon will appear. the lower the priority the higher in the list the mod appears. name = Name of the item (Maximal Number of Characters TBD) setumei = Description of the item (Maximal Number of Characters TBD, Maximal Number of Lines: 3?) icons = Icon Texture for the Mod in .tex format onclickmenu = アイテムパラメータ = Item paramters? アイテム = Item (call additional .menu to e.g remove two of these three when selecting teh third: Top, Swimsuit, One-Piece) additem = Model for the Mod in .model format (and category) maskitem = Categories that will be hidden when this piece is visible, additionally to the ones in the reference list/replacing: Nipples have accNipL and accNipR for Left and Right マテリアル変更 = Material change. Is useful for setting a quick Material swap. リソース参照 = Resource reference node消去 = node erase (Nodes erase or display certains parts of a maids body associated with the vertex group name.) node表示 = node display (Nodes erase or display certains parts of a maids body associated with the vertex group name.) アイテム一時的に適用 = Items temporarily applied (Also used for removing?) カス美 = Kasumi? もし = if (cases) 終了 = end If cases: カス美のpanz が = But 無効 = Invalid なら = Nara? Nodes: Spine1 Spine1a Uppertwist Forearm Foretwist Hand Mune None 消去node設定終了 = Erasure node setting end シナリオパート開始 = Scenario Part start ▲ドレスアップ中にクリックされた時の処理 = ▲ processing when it is clicked in the dress-up Attributes: 所持数表示しない = Do not show possession of the number of Clothes: --acchat = Hat --head = Headdress --wear = Top --skrt = Bottom --onep = One Piece --mizugi = Swimsuit --bra = Bra --pants = Panties --stkg = Socks --shoe = Shoes Accessory -acckami = Front Hair -megane = glasses -acchead = Eye Mask -acchana = Nose -accmimi = Ears -gloves = Gloves -acckubi= Necklace -acckubiwa = Choker -acckamisub = Ribbon -accnip = Nipples -accude = Arms -accesho = Belly -accashi = Ankles -accsenaka = Back -accshippo = Tail -accxxx = Genitals Head -face = Face -eye_brow = Eyebrows -eye = Eyes -eye_hi = Highlights -hokoro = Moles -lip = Lips -accha = Teeth Hair -hair_f = Front Hair -hair_r = Back Hair -hair_side = Side Hair -hair_twin or hair_pony = Extensions -hair_aho = Ahoge Body -skin = Skin -chikubi = Nipples -tatoo = Tattoos -underhair = Pubic hair