diff --git "a/eval_ood/samples.test.hyp.paragraph_answer.question.asahi417_qg_esquad.default.txt" "b/eval_ood/samples.test.hyp.paragraph_answer.question.asahi417_qg_esquad.default.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/eval_ood/samples.test.hyp.paragraph_answer.question.asahi417_qg_esquad.default.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10570 @@ +What was the name of the movie called The Fighting Temptations? +What do rattios depend on? +What does the mayoria de la rope indicate? +What was the Centro Nacional de Desclasification meant to do? +Where does the Bronx's Adventures of Herbie Bookbinder live? +What does Arnold J Toynbee argue that a gran power should be poseed de? +What government controls the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation? +Where did Lawrence Durrell live? +Where did Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill recognize Tito? +Who was the economista of the Checo? +When did the Region Oriental declare the independencia as un state llamado Republica de Biafra? +When did the earliest versions of neo Georgiano become employed? +What embargo declared 15 centimeters on the aeroPuerto? +Who obtained control y la oposition responding to a conspiracion? +What must be evidente when a consenting no se invalidated? +What did Hayek describe the humans as being able to adapte? +What percentage of the Americans enrolled in a scale inferior a la bbasic, intermedia y competente? +What is the process called when insects usually reproduce y dar a light? +How many monuments hindúes does London have? +What was James Broadwood's profession? +What does a menudo argue that God is? +How many t titles does El Barcelona have? +Who referred to the use of un instruments en el cult as "una campaigna de vaca en un conzco"? +Who co-produced the American Idol experience? +Where was the culture neopolitana migrated? +What is Galicia's largest y more populada? +Who considered a separation of nucleares? +Why does la cartel rubia seLevanta? +Where did the US occupy Corea? +What was El Mesozoico? +What could be found in the pasos demonta? +When was the cityela real constructed? +What was the name of the drug La aresfenamina? +What does 238U stand for? +Who coreographyed the Chopin de 1909? +Where does a large part of the crops of cultivo se cultivate? +What did the decision cause for companies such as Motorola, produce el Starmax, and Umax? +What was the Caso de Taff Vale de 1901? +Who presented a inquiry that explained the mimetismo de insectos utilizing la selection natural? +What is a menudo de ecitos variorum? +What concept did El primero have? +Which country has a transmission public exitosa de HDTV analogical? +What is located in the center of Valencia? +How many clips did Viacom find en youtube? +What does the voltage de la emulsion indicate? +Who wrote a statement about the approval of Pepsi? +What cable did Comcast and Time Warner announce planes to buy? +Where does the rejo del rejo del? +When did Derby resign? +What is Van Halen's escena musical de? +When was the reign of the Imperio Romana created? +When does la digesta external become a part of? +How is la architecture residential definida? +When did the laws prohibit a nobles poseer fines? +When does El autumn become a plaza? +In what year did the empire colapse? +What is the structural of the cathedral de Brasilia? +Who was the president of programation against Fox? +When does the Premier League usually play? +Who is considered to be the club more exitoso del world? +What was Turnbull's political position? +What does laclassification bacteriana moderna do? +During what era did the cameo de Vidrio logrado? +When did a i investigate that the property of animals are associated with un riesgo reducing the exposure? +What does el Buda do to describe si el yo era ideoriginal al cabdomo? +In 2010, what percentage of anglicans se find en Africa? +Where does the residence of the Dalai Lama located? +When did Tito visit the India? +Along with Minneapolis and Minneapolis, what city does the diáspora somalí have? +What does a treaty have to resolve when a treaty might be resolved? +What country did Nasser describe the assault against? +What does the agricultural adaptation do? +What does the FBI use to relieve contra ellos? +What were poos szlachta known as? +What does the ADGB unia? +Who created Express Yourself? +What is la dependencia humana casi universal de? +What sea y sea devolverto when a un avlion has aterrized? +When did the Book de la Concordia become a protector of the luteranismo? +What do the Estudios y los historie? +What are some of the eareas of the produccion agricultural? +Where were the playas del sur de? +Where does the forma de policia transnational juega? +When was the first film released? +What are the areas where Russia expanded hacia el sur? +What did Bow Street prohibit taking honorarios privates? +How much did the GDP of the country cause in 1986? +How long did the Archivos Nacionales prohibit la photographia flash? +What did Laird claim los Ming t titles? +What epicontinental area does this contribute to? +What was the advice of Melecio de Licopolis? +Where does a lot of the Mexicans exhibit? +What is the Universidad Brigham Young? +Where was the PlayStation Business Briefing held? +What did Salonik Chopin Parillon become in the siglo XX? +When did Alfred Eduardo, Principle de Gales die? +What does El 22 de March 2012 promote? +During which time period did a historian believe that el per Periodo helenistic represented un declive cultural de la dullez de la Grecia clacea? +How many heirs did Victoria have? +Who took over Gough Whitlam? +Which explorer put a battle a volver a Batum, a volver a Batum, a volver a Batum? +Who was Abd-Shams? +Who uses la lluvia? +Where do many texts sánscribes survive? +Along with the U.S. and the U.S., what entity was responsible for the creation of the Treatado de Principios? +What does the certificion en si a lack of? +Who functioned as un intermediario between the reinos de los livings y los deaths? +Where is Flagler Street y Miami Avenue located? +What is the name of the mayor center of the Nacion y la Media Luna ray y Los Accordos de Gineze y? +What did El EPV use to avoid losing supplies y material? +What does Wiesner-Hachas argue is essential for madaris? +When was the death of Juan XXIII? +Who was the consultant de Bain? +What does PRC stand for? +What happened to Gladstone in 1885? +How many cityes ghost solo in the state of Kansas? +When was the finals of the newspaper talk? +When was the union de las coronas de Castilla y Aragonón created? +What type of government has tendencias hacia? +What groups does Neoptera divide en? +Who was the emmperor of the Dominican Order? +Which supercontinente se divides en the supercontinente Norte Laurasia and the supercontinente Gondwana? +How many o o en the list of Nintendo Magazine? +How much energy does the LFC consume? +How much did the increase in population increase between 1975 and 1990? +How many states restantes are referred to as "Flächenländer"? +Who guides the dios de la colonization? +What is Estonia's subdivisión administrative? +What is the mayor employor of San Juan? +What type of genomas does a genoma ensamble? +What is a target of the preferencia racial? +What does el monetarismo do to the mercado? +When did West and Alexis Phillipfer assume a relacion continuo with Alexis Phillipfer? +What did the ejéroquin no se have introduced en sus ejécitos? +What aspects did the Royal College of Chemistry argue wasn't envisioned? +Who started the antorcho? +Who was Apolo's mother? +What was a manera dealing with the enveo de sus Hijos a working en granjas y feabricas? +What is the forma more acceptada de comparing cerebros between especies? +When were the dos buildings built? +Who has recieved permissions for finding a retransores? +Whose death caused a large number of troops to be rescued? +What type of weather does Brasilia have? +What does the group multiappo de enters? +What are some of the areas of the economy? +How does Stallman describe patentes y marques? +What does Frege describe? +Where is the bodeg de wines de Enrique VIII located? +When did the smartphones LEDs become exitous? +What is a lines lateral a la lucha de lateral para la lateral para la longitude? +When did the Jubileo de Oro take place? +What does o plato mean? +Who discovered a minerial de uraniot? +How many kilometers is the ferry de Staten Island? +What was the estimated edad media for the estimated viewers? +What type of pueblos continue to construct? +How did Nasser respond to the turmoil? +Who is responsible for being diagnosed with diabetes? +What is a tieque central for? +In what year did El Congreso deroge la DST? +How many people remained in the final of the asedio? +What are some of the organizations that approve the use of antibiotics? +Who sent the infrastructural al country? +Who was the filántomo? +What did a user aclamate for the creation of a game? +What is Seattle Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center? +Who was the explorador of the island in 1526? +Who was the president of the Endangered Species Act of 1973? +Who y corto el rio Mississippi in 1862-63? +When did La Rebellion Dungan die? +How many seats does All Progressives Congress have? +In what year did a researcher introduce schools integrales in I England y Gales? +What does the reino UK do to adopt un model federal? +What color does el blue visible de Neptuno denote? +Who conquered the tribuna de Mario? +What has caused a unincrease in the gravedad of the mountains? +What can be done to identifier la fonte de copys legales y Cerrals? +What did the tribunal of la corona promote? +What does a software usually include? +What does'serpence' describe? +Who did Kexi nominate to retire? +What does the educator de Dominicana en Palence believe is necessary to superar? +What did the "crculos governantes" describe? +What did La Guerra de Crimea cause un exodo? +What was the name of Elton John "candle in the Wind 1997"? +What does the abbreviation Fdic stand for? +What is the principal way of locomotion for the especies de aves y se utilize? +In what year did Gladstone resign? +What is a newspaper satirica de pregrado? +How many doctors have been promediad in 2001? +What needs to be considered a better way to acquiring objectives y add? +When was Arena Football Unleashed de Kurt Warner released? +What is the term for a plant that produces semilla within un recinto? +Who was the leader of the UGLE? +Where does a Loga local run? +Who was the alumna Escocesa? +El judaism general jasídico sees el fuerte emphasis positions en which language? +Who utilized el Panslavismo as hegemony politica? +What does Microsoft Windows use to describe MES-1 y WGL-4? +Who destroyed the city? +How many jurisdictions does the Ciudados Suizos have? +What does Zugibe's findings indicate? +What is un transistor used for? +When did Bell send a message? +How did Spain change Florida +When does Little Tennessee appear on the maps? +How many immigrants were reached in the island y 1924? +What does the agricultura depend on? +Where does Tharapita natio? +How many permanentes does Sichuan have? +In what years did Gaddafi visitMoscow? +What does a voluntary assume between each treaty? +When was the papado de Aviñón? +What epidemia took place in 1960? +Who started a promotional a new linguistico? +What does the conmutator do? +What does the MPEG accomplish? +When did Estonia become a member of the OAS? +What does El Finne y los? +Whose recommendations did the Archivos Nacionales have? +What school did Liu Shaoku teach? +What does the model Lambda-CD do? +Where do the elevations of la zone del desimeto usually converge? +Which club has the largest amount of clubes that usually descended from La Liga? +What percentage of the population of the U.S. is believed to have existed in 2012? +What does the lack of zinc cause? +What do many NPOs associate with? +What phrase describes a new Patriarca? +What is the largest vía fluvia no Drenada? +Bismarck tried to find what con la quenegotiation? +What is added to a portion of a poultry? +When was the transistor bipolar invented? +Where did the fonologia autosegmental evolve? +When did the dialect europeo become a dialect? +How many cargos does the medieval nobleza have? +What happened to Harsha de Kannauj? +Where was the first ISUT created? +Along with Australia and Australia, where did a lot of centers de inquiry begin? +What contributed to the growth of the industrial sector? +How many avions de combate were produced by the Luftwaffe? +How many dialects does el Italian y el francés share? +What are the Peshwas? +Where did the traders come to find the world Malayo? +Why did the crisis of desarma occur? +What does Himachal mean? +How many inquilins does the Mall of San Juan have? +What is the state governado por? +How much indication does a person have? +What does ASCII stand for? +What does each locus contain? +Who invaded Suza? +What does Schopenhauer believe the cerebro's determination de? +What are the names of the dos grandes rios? +Where were the fathers of Tony and Tony immigrated? +When did the tensiones politicas arise? +Where is I2a1b1 saliente? +Who is responsible for a safety social tribunal? +What was Bismarck's ideology? +What system EAL6 uses en el Airbus A370 y varios avions militares? +What type of depression did Letoya luckett y Robern's death cause? +How does La Liga divide the revenue? +When was Southampton designated No. 1 Puerto de Embarque Militar? +Before 1994, el consentismo real was conceded por what? +What does the efficiency of the electrical system cause? +How many people were reded by Kars in 1855? +What does the Dutch word "rumah sakit" mean? +What does a group utilize to symbolize a God? +What was the process called when el system Financio se expanded y se expanded y se expanded y se expanded y se expanded y se expanded y se expanded y se expanded y se expanded y se expanded y se +What percentage of the population of Mexico City has a youth? +What does Pyral invente? +What was the reina called in 1861? +What describes the group no abeliano D4 de order 8 = 23 =5? +What are some examples of "Lophotrochozoa"? +El B-52 Stratofortress uses what Stratofortress? +When did the Griegos lose a censo? +All conventos Dominicanos were under the jurisdiction of what? +Who written Chopin? +How long is the Voltaje de CA? +What did the media de media focus on? +What does El embrion ensure? +What does el c code rehire to verify el system? +What areas of the United States does El Sol particularly acknowledge? +Who was the first inventor of Sprague's motor? +What did Shell do in 2006? +In 1949, which country started transmissions with un system de 819 lines? +When was the declaration de Ginembargo del De Ley de Los Nones ratified? +What did Dunstan contribute to the creation of? +How does Kerry describe a Kerry? +What hotel is located in the avenida Illinois y el Paso Maritimo? +What is the promedio temperature in the areas centrales? +What language did the phrase "policia" originate from? +What is used to make water salina o Salbo potable? +In what year was Ibn Tufail written? +When did the Papa Pío IX declare ex Cathedra? +What did Daniel Day-Lewis do to Daniel Day-Lewis? +How many cities are in Turingia? +How many mmissions does Israel have? +Who built dos news portaaircraftes STOVL? +Who does Ewell's army attack? +Who was the soulful de? +Who suffered a suffering statue de Nanjing? +What percentage of the population does Boulangui form? +Who criticized the IASP's system? +What does the rhythm y pronunciation fuerte influenciada por? +What does La Academia del FBI encourage? +Who developed a technology for the Copa Nations de la FIFA 2010? +When did Hazel fall? +How many asistences promedio en the clubes de la liga fueron for the teams de la liga? +When was the new aeroPuerto built? +Who made a Muravyev informdo about the Turkos en Kars y juzgo? +What did the reinos en el espanyolo do to the reinos? +What are many of the buildings in Cork? +Who is the alcalde of Miami? +What is the literal meaning of the concepto de inimitability? +What is the most length of the Gulf Stream? +What magnitude do the humani oris speciem adsimul grandere ex? +When did Arsenal convert a Highbury a un estadio de asentes a time? +What is the name of a writingura simplificada? +How far is Sandston from Sandston? +What was the Naiad's nickname? +What type of vehicles were built when they reached a portion of Sichuan? +What does Unicode herede? +How much does the construction of the Concourse Yard del Metro de Nueva York allow? +How many e students does La Universidad de Plymouth inscribe? +When was a large base industrial surigo? +Where did the creation of the mixture of the Veda and Materialist come from? +Whose ideas did Darwin use to describe Darwin's ideas? +Which team beat Barcelona for converting to a champion? +How many management does the contracto de governance have? +What is the typical typical alignment when su longitudes de antennas are resonante? +Where does the spread of Humanism increase? +What was the colapso of El 27 de Mayo? +What is the earliest term used to describe? +What type of instruments are usually used in a folclorica stateunidense? +What was the name of the peridico studentil de Imperial? +Where did China Airlines make a vowel de cargo? +What is the doctrina de terra? +Where did West inspire a music de rap? +What does El TribunalAdministrativeo Supremo consider? +What does the idea of ra a menudo se utilize? +When did the c Calendar Juliano begin? +Who opposed la revuelta de Epira a large scale de 1854? +What happened to Konignitz? +Who has purchased groups of units PS3 with fines de inquiry? +How many soldados did Napoleon invade Prussia? +Where did Comcast try to buy Disney? +Nintendo had a tendency to alentado the participation of what? +Who was renamed to the republicano? +Who did James Challis solicite data additionales? +Whose tribute was presented in the final de the latest season? +What type of dialect did the empire of Yuezhi speak? +What are some of the causes of tuberculosis? +Who added the dates en which ratifies the dates? +Who did the cantant have a contracto of three áalbums with? +What did Dell sell in 2009? +What indicates diá logo? +How many protesters were involved in the protests? +When does El aire evaporate? +How much did Comcast pay for NBCUniversal? +Where was El Nuevo Testamento written? +What type of coral is located on the canal? +Who controlled un ejéismo y una marina Canadaiensis? +What does the aluminum aluminum more efficient follow? +What does the UNESCO call the city of Bath? +What causes a prediction precise? +How many lenguas de Alaska fueron being classified as a beginning of 2014? +What are these donantes used for? +What does El numbers f equal to? +Who transmited ArenaBowl XXVII? +What did Victoria's wife send a un apartmentsremote? +What is a funcion del quantity dielectrico? +What does the term "acid" mean? +What was the base of the radio mixto? +In what month and year did the bombardeos de la construction explode? +What did a mediados del siglo VII do? +Manuel Oribe y Fructuoso Rivera luchad contra whom? +What is another term for periodismo? +What does Raymond Brown describe the Crucifixion? +What does the transistor de union bipolar have? +What percentage of the especies en Pelgroo de la nacion searching comida y refugo en areas protected with fondos de Duck Stamp? +What is CBC's stance on the playoffs de la Stanley Cup de la NHL? +When did Constancio die? +How many people live in New Haven? +What type of crianeos could have been enterrado por their individuals? +What is a visión generalizada? +Who was the first Ministry Whig? +What part of the brain does a visión en el latormo send? +During which month does a Marruecos y Palestine use DST? +What is the name of the first video game? +What is the name of the tallest e la Terbera Avenida? +What did Foster present a sopetition for patenting a deporte invented? +What does the name of the clero mean? +What was the name of the invasion of Plymouth? +What is supposed to serve a the southern portion of Little Island? +Who were the influencias of Miami? +What type of religious beliefs were favored by the persecution? +Where did the alguiniles continentales include a sus servant? +What was the name of the refugado who assasinated a Napoleon III? +What is one of the ways Nasser introduced the Carta Nacional? +What is the FBI's occupation de field? +What was the percentage of increase in areas urbanas y rurales? +Who did May describe the exitosa actuation of? +What term is used to describe the concept of using phrases? +What type of eating kitniyot was prohibited during the Pascua? +In what year did the lose a un point al sur of the sea? +What is a complication of these transactions? +What is the purpose of the expansion of the lines? +How many days after leaving ODB? +Where are the lenguas polinesias de? +What is a solution to the spread of labour y al water? +Where does El Monte Abu located? +In what year did I England lose a defeat of Ramsey? +Who serves as a jurisdiction over violations de 200 groups de delitos federales? +What happened to the precious precious precious during the decades de 1980? +When was a zone de developing a level estatal? +Who did Lord Kilbracken believe was a "group de Alto riesgo"? +Where was the teleón de TVón de Vilna located? +How many cities does Nueva Delhi have? +What did Hudson do when these decrees were avoided? +What era did the moderna Tsaikistan become a part of? +What were Fantasia Barrino, Latoya London y Jennifer Hudson called? +How many people did the Corte Penal Minya sentence a death? +Where did the rio de los Tres Reinos de la earlier periods? +What does the embrión of a species contain? +Where does Apple choose un conector de muelle de 30 pines? +What is the mayor part of Arizona without observing DST? +What does James Marcia argue is important for a youth? +Where does Cornwall y Devan connect? +When did Samuel Colt invent el revulver automatico? +What does el leadership minoritario recognize as being a member of? +What is the center of Southampton? +What award did Nakamura, Amano e Akasaki give? +How many civiles are in Charleston? +What did Napoleon believe would restablecer in colonias submarines de Francia? +What contributes a digesta de predation? +What does a creator of a paradoja de la piedra mean? +What type of vacantia does El Ducador administra? +Where does Arkefly travel to? +What does Dio mean? +What Design Group runs The Edmond Office? +What is the oper buffa? +Who was the principal logro of the invasiones espanyolas? +What causes the spread of proporcion sexual significanta? +Who was Python's heir? +Where do the Ganso depatas rosadas migrate? +Where does la I-805 y se fusiona with la I-15? +Who elected the libanesa in 1958? +Which two countries have a conflict with regards to the safety y la proliferation nuclear? +What is the name of the slogan that describes the violation of the rights garantized de los Englishes? +What did Michel ter Hark call Popper's book? +What did La Ley Lacey prohibit? +Who was the head of the Rugby Football Union? +What was the name of the cathedral of art located in Paris in 2014? +What does Mrigavyadha translate to? +What metro station is located near the Colonia de defensa flyover? +El East River seperates which coast to the sureste of the Bronx? +IBM, Hewlett Packard y Compaq, and Hewlett Packard y Compaq are examples of what? +What does the digesta serve primarily as? +Where does the Baises de San Ramon hail from? +What doesn't have territorys in Oklahoma? +FireWire 800 y another distinguishes the objectives of d design of which buses? +Who was the first president to restore the power of the cargo? +How many people live in the Confederation Suza? +What contributed to the conclusiones of the changing of the level del Mar? +What offered tendencies y practics distinctas? +Why did the miners de hierro dicrease? +What condecorations did Josip Broz Tito recieve? +What are protocontinentes sutados? +What is su rewarda por hacelo? +What did France ignore during the invasion of Francia? +What does Brihadaranyaka mean? +How many types of variances did the International Rice Research Institute support? +What does the spelling's's' mean? +What type of architectural style is built in Paris? +Where is the White Sands Proving Ground located? +What type of especies is metablectic yenvironmentalmente more diversa? +Which city does the ruta 34 lead to? +What did Maxwell do to Maxwell? +What causes a lessening or lessening the negative beliefs? +What is the third largest territory? +What has the use of la terra de la city been able to maintain? +What does the Road to Serfdom argue the socialismo require? +How many albums does the RIAA list? +When did Wellington arrive en Eton? +What buildings did Bradshaw Gass & Hope y Percy Thomas establish? +What temperature does the material de resina usually display? +Who was responsible for the film Munich de Spielberg? +What does a " Mes Mustache" mean? +Who criticized the idea of a contracto social? +What did the Isma 'il ibn Ismail go to? +What hemisfero is the island located in? +What supera las perdida atroces? +When did George W. Bush declare 'war on terror'? +What does Albert Einstein use to describe Albert Einstein? +What did the Portugueses use to avoid being able to move to the coast of Asia? +When did Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller y Daryl Chapin create a celula solar crystalina de Silicio? +What did esos t titles recieve? +How did Nasser view his time libre? +What does the juez Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt Rutleunt +In what year did the Acta del Legislato approve un Acta del Legislato for fortification Plymouth? +What does the ability de runque de una t card SD con un adaptor USB use to do? +Where did the sultanato de Rum y el Imperio Selyucuida become? +What is Wanamaker Mile? +What did Skousen retire to disperse? +Who decided to leave a plaza para plaza musicales? +What doctrine has lead to the prisioners? +What is the maximum amount of a torque mayores? +In what year did the estadio open a finals? +What was the name of the Romanticismo? +What was Styx's nickname? +Who was Edney's Edney? +What did the Acta de Union create? +What did the primeros antibiotics use to treat? +What was the goal of sociologia? +In what year did Decca's studios lose ir a director contracted? +What does a typical agriculturan use to produce a time parcial? +What did Winston Churchill call the expertos? +Which political party ran the country? +Where did the club abandon in 1913? +What is another name for Berberia? +Why were the clubes hesitant to get a permiso de work? +Who was captured in the battle of Manzikert? +What is the responsibility exclusiva of? +What was the name of West's tanuscript? +Where are the Carolina Hurricanes located? +When did George W. Bush declare 'war on terror'? +What declive did Europa Occidental introduce as a result of the declive? +Who was named El Ganador de la season? +What is the umbrella of the Campus Morningside Heights? +When did Bozize lay un assault against Patasse? +Who was the leader of Yugoslavia? +When did the emmperor Hongwu utilize la fuerza militar? +What percentage of the population does the mon have? +What does Frank Welker's voice produce? +Who visited Nepal in 250 aC? +What percentage of the population of Nueva Delhi is Hindu? +Which two manufacturers produced films E6 designed for empjar? +When did Claridge obtain patentes in Escocia? +What was the name of the book? +Where is Wakker Cheve located? +In 1872, how many Muslimes were in the island? +Where is the Ecole Polytechnic located? +What did Bell's sordera de la familia prefer? +How many people attended the celebration principal of the Jubileo de three days? +Where did the Dominican Order sell a Dominican Order? +How does La Premier League distribute revenues? +How many millions of Mexicans exported to Houston in 2012? +What does each una de these red indicate? +What did Louis Pasteur y Ferdinand Cohn focus on? +When did El Canal de Suez complete? +What were the pubs granted su licenses in 1780? +Where are these studios de produccion located? +What animals have a typical variation in typical typical animal households? +How many people died during the attack? +What does UNFPA support? +When does the term "basso sajon" come from? +Who established a organization sin fines de lucro? +What does Popper use to reemplaza a teoria en la que "es truera" se reemplaza with? +How does Guinea-Bisau introduce a Facultad de Dedo? +What is the name given to the inscription de builtismo de la parroquia? +What telenovel is produced by BBC Scotland? +When did Manchester United leave the Recopa de Europa? +What did the powers of Nanjing do with the Treatado de Nanjing? +When was El Imperial College Boat Club funded? +How many estations does El Metro de Delhi have? +Who funded The New York Daily News? +What did the Romans build to mark the frontera Norte de su imperio? +What was La Monarquia de Julio? +Where did El siglo X migrate? +What does these statutos de practictica justa consagrar? +Who did Notre Dame salt a trophy national a principles of 1900? +What was the H1N1 made up of? +When did El 132nd Street Community Garden receive a changing of image de Jardín? +What is the name of cabinda? +How old was Puyi's heir? +When did the battles gemels de Jena y Auerstedt y Auerstedt collapse? +What has been a topic principal? +What has caused a large desemployment during 1981-2002? +What did Canada have between 1957 and 1970? +Who are listed as a citizen of Mexico? +What does the 65Zn produce? +What did Kurita do to Nishimura? +Where does the elevator of a sizable elevator stand for? +How many Mexicanos lived in Detroit in 2010? +What type of especies has been eliminated? +When was Arquinaso de Perga born? +Who did Chipre demarcate su frontera maritima with? +How many meters does LER have? +Where was the reign of Victor Manuel II de? +What was the name of Dell's minorista? +What currency did Canada use to honor the 150 aanniversary of his papal? +What was the word "alsacia" used for? +What season did Willett use to describe the time de adjustment? +How many primeros did Schleiden have? +Where did MESAN capture a Boganda a ser elected president? +Who recieved a teaching? +Who wrote El Gran Diano? +Who introduced LEDs in 1968? +What did the anticomunism do? +What was Sunyol's nickname? +What happens when a state se retira de un treatdo multilateral? +How many Macintoshes did Apple have? +Why did the mayoria de 35 years o a lot of people use to combat bombardeos? +Which Corte elected Thompson in 1988? +What does promediar un color a tijuana more smallo? +What is Southpark Mall in Charlotte? +How many expatriados residen in the Congo? +What system was the most complexo of the three? +What is the name of the seminary presidential y president of D NC Howard Dean? +When did Portugal invade the territory of Portugal? +Who established Nanjing as the capital of China? +How many tracks did Hubway have during the finals of 2011? +When did El Año de Teoria de groups reunite? +What is irregular, y por lo tanto retain el recognition? +Who was declared protector de Enrique III? +Who was Bartolomeu Dias? +What does ILO stand for? +What sector represents the mayor part of the eeconomy estatal? +What percentage of San Diego's population increases in 2010? +How large is the Ciudad de Mexico? +What period did the agricultura se extend to? +Who was responsible for the creation of a logople in 1882? +What did American Idol use to increase the amount of publicity? +What did these organizations indigenous indigenous organizes indigenous indigenous indigenous known as? +When did the idea of a leader minoritario become a innovacion? +Who was the director de la división de audio de Philips? +What was Roscoe Jackson's nickname? +What is the name of the icono de la city? +Who invaded Numidia y capture Yugurta? +When did Mária Soares become Primer Ministero? +What was introduced for the primeros colonos judias? +What is a typical value of capacitancia? +Where did the Masacre of Amritsar take place? +What is el par calculado? +Who has been ranked among cities with la mayor quality of life in the world? +Where did the alion de la Liga Santa pressiono a Casa la Venda la Venda la Vendaa defeat? +Whose tenure allowed a Huir? +What do many aves migrate a lo length of? +What percentage of PIB de la nacion contributed to the PIB? +How many acres does Alaska have? +When did the Mexicans occupy the areas costeras del state? +What is the name of the smallo spaces on Swayambhu? +Whose illness did Hayek describe? +Who se converted en regente del imperio? +What was the usually defined as a signo of destraina? +When was La Armada modernized? +What instrument did El Padrery take to make a child? +What are the main examples of contemporary discos? +What contributes a large part of Boston's economy? +What pieces of textiles were created to make a telona de foundation? +What did many cultures ancients use for prevention of viruses? +What does a mutualist do to survive a c competition y extenderse expanding? +What is the difference between el soborno and soborno? +Who was the comandante of the military against Cartago? +What radio did the produccion indigenous to? +What did Sun Yat-Sen become a comandante en Jef de? +Which luchad de America 2007-2008? +What does the model of federalismo Australiano adhere to? +What religious group does Grecia, Macedonia, Macedonia, Macedonia, and Macedonia have? +What would be included in the formas of documentos officiales? +What type of infrastructure does Norfolk Island have rights to? +What is the literal meaning of the literal translation of Argyrotaxonus? +What is the emission of CBC? +What type of criterio did the Revolutionary Industrial introduce as a criterio for the classes media? +How many protestantes are there? +Where is the Avenida Toole located? +What does Rums specialize in? +When was the griego arcaico Katharevousa created? +What does k. y ⟨? +Where is the budismo surigo? +Why did the changes on the receptacular micro-USB have? +What does the ginplaza describe? +What does "Apizza" mean? +In what month and year did the Plaza Durbar take place? +What does la fuerza policial se pagan? +What did Armenia establish? +What does the Tribunal Supremo supposedly be apelades to? +What is an example of a better way to apply to new drugs? +What is semiduplice? +What did a división of Japanesa do to capture? +What was the name of the indigenous quensus? +What percentage of Mexicans does La Ciudad de Mexico have? +When did the reconstruction of El Teatro Solis complete? +What jurisdiction does Puerto Rico have? +In what year was the first election of the ecumenicales? +How many people use the orchestra de commuto each year? +What did Darwin's work focus on? +What does el federalismo mean? +What does the presence of Azucuar indicate? +Who was the ex novio of Breakfast Club y? +How many ms of tee Masters are in the tee Masters? +Who was Henry Kelsey de? +What does Elerida de su wife y y tenías access? +What are some examples of individuals with low leveles below? +What did Constante do to Constante? +What does the inquiry believe to do? +What does Bucopho elect the decisiones of the inkhundla? +Where are the C Cartas de Huayang compiled? +What contributed to the indignation of all the world Cristiano? +What did El amdebar era de los pinos? +Who released a sello de fashion fe feminine in the Paris Fashion Week? +What was the original name of International Radio? +Where can a microbiana be found? +How many miles de diámetro does a un insect use? +What publication states that the population of Burman is del 69%? +What does la mechanica statistica believe is no define su value? +Who considered the lenguas una solo lenguas? +What helped a creation of many miles of organizations? +What does a state have to interpret, interpret, y occasionally cancel laws? +What does Bajo el Reino Travancore de Kerala have to pay un impositions for? +When was the flower del state adopted? +Which dialects de la lengua converged con el time when el reino de León y el reino de Castilla se unon y la lengua? +Why did Eisenhower ignore the controversias of McCarthy? +What hospital is located near West Raleigh? +What type of transistor did Bell invent? +What does "Federalist No.46" mean? +Who supervises the operation of the Archivos Nacionales y Ayuntamiento? +How many people lived in China during the siglo XVIII? +When did La Guia Michelin become a guia for Mexican restaurants? +What does la "Mittelgymnasium" offer? +What did Liberia firme in the industrys de mineral de hierro y Accepte de palm? +What happened to a third rida de simplification de characteres? +What was Vietnam's tactical? +What do the costs of the aves include? +Who e executed the pointed de Oro de the cathedral de San Vi en Praga? +Along with Osman, Osman, Osman, Osman and Osman, what is one of the most famous authors? +When was the recording of Chopin written? +When did the Karachay y la Republica Socialista Sovicitos fueron transferados? +What is the abbreviation for the asambleas de los distritos urbanos y rurales? +How many students does Southampton Solent University have? +What was removed from Yale's schools? +Who was the explorador of the Puerto de Nueva York de Albany? +Where was Philips based? +When did Nintendo create a distribution directa de Nintendo? +Where does la capa exterior suele ser facilitate? +Who is a tropical tropical tropical? +Who has el control final over the organization? +What does the CIPA DC-004 use to apply to the creation of a facial image? +Which company produces a record called that produces a volcano linel consistent? +When did the longitude of Neptuno reach? +What are some factores related to Elasm? +Who was the editor of The Sun in 2005? +What era se amplio el circuito de la pied? +What is the largest villa in the palacio real? +How many types of judicials are there? +What country uses the use of armies? +Where was Melanchthon a discípulo? +What is the Bronx Warriors 2 y Escape 2000? +Where are the puentes de carolina y ferrocarril located? +Where does the areas of the areas of Richmond originate? +When was Zichenau annexed? +How many years did the esperanza de life al nacer era? +What was the occupation of the destructores? +What was the moral alemana? +What was Montevideo's population? +What is the typical frequency for a CD? +Who was the candidato de compromiso en la persona of five years de Hong Taiji? +When was the finals of the finals of 1838? +Who did Muhammad lose a asedio contra? +Whose name does Edward Schnell concede? +What did the culture Mondsee muestra? +What city does the Plaza de Ciudades Hermanas honra? +How much did the Premier League's asistence promedio decrease during the 2009-10 season? +When did Nikolai Daukin visit Alaska? +Where did Al Qaeda invade? +What is Charlottebank? +Who is the president of Notre Dame? +Who assisted the emergencia? +Where did Yuan Chonghuan retire? +What organization criminal organization did James Bond have? +What are the areas where a gallina uses hueves? +What is a plaga that has been eliminated in America del Norte? +Where did the Guerra de Vietnam del Sur come from? +What is a possible alternative to the use of the water as a source of electrones? +What was built a lo length of the playas del Puerto? +Who was José Luis IV's heir? +What does the titular of copyright use? +How many albums does a artiste en Solitate vuelta? +What is the term for the term "gente mala"? +Why did a comitate universities use the color "negro y el Oro"? +Who did Hayek's phrase "Vejo Whig" mean? +What does El Fundo work with? +Which organization provided a relationship with Melbourne? +What is the fracaso of a legislature? +During what period did urbanism increase in India? +When did the earliest cities become a city? +What is the name of the summit y los Alpes Orientales? +What is a subconjunto of the sector sin fines de lucro? +When was the expansion of the subway de tren Gare du Nord finished? +What is Florida +When were the codes ferroviaries internationales? +What did the creation of a child's emphasis on? +In what year was BYU's program MBA ranked No. 1? +Where did Atayasao retire? +Which American supported the use of ATSC? +What is the composition more compelling del uraniot? +What is la madera more joven? +During which period did the Bronx's population increase? +What was the principal contaminante of the contamination? +What percentage of votantes in Nueva York were democrats? +How long ago was Su Book de Curation available in Europa? +What concept does the concepto de? +What is Alister McGrath viewed as? +When did Matar un usually get a rebuttal? +What are these boats called? +How many millions of people does the masoneria have? +Which part of Nigeria does the colonialism abolite? +What does 'esperienza' mean? +What did the movement defend? +What did the Romanos impose? +Where are the protestes located? +What percentage of haplogroups does R1a oscile en Moscow? +Who removed for use with la ACU? +What is Malí? +What was the name of the educational school in Anglesey in 1949? +What was Lincoln's goal? +What percentage of people in Berna y live in 2000? +What is the name of the famous person de Plymouth? +When did the union end? +What did El Palacio prohibit a los Gelug de awaiting? +Belle Isle y Brown's Island is a field de prisioneros de what? +Who was named Melbourne? +Where is Brazil located? +Who funded the primer laboratory? +What was the concorporation of the new government based on? +What is the name of the younger who lives in Maycomb? +During which time period did the Catalano use? +When did Nigeria's e education primaria improve? +What species might see a observar near the costas? +What is the term used to describe the classification of a genoma de organisms de organisms related to? +Where was the manifestation republicana located? +How many terms does the Japanese have? +What did a Guam argue to do? +Where did the reino lose a contrary to the control of the system de monarquia absoluta? +Capybara, conejo, monkeys, and animals related to do what? +What is the cause of the oxidation in SNES? +Who planned the reconstruction of the city? +Why did the packete de rights de ESPN transfer a BT Sport? +When was a organizer y presion for designation racial? +Where did the neoclarcas originate? +Which two countries were considered to have had a large influence on the creation of the agreement? +What religion does the inmigracion tray to? +What is the name of the Box Music? +What is another name for the Imperio Roman de Oriente? +What does the antigenome mean? +What type of altura varies between the upper upper buildings? +What was the focus of El Estudi de Developmento Humano's 2007 / 2008? +How many people lived in the island in 1872? +What does the word "Dios" monoteísta mean? +What style were Valencia's buildings designed? +Why are these industries rewarded? +What is another name for "Propaganda Due Lodge"? +When was 'From This Day Forward' released? +Why did Fulton use the name given to use the name given by Fulton? +Who released 'Keep Yourself Alive'? +How many units does the alineation original of Houston have? +When did the modern system of homes ligate? +When did el Patriarca announce that la Rus had accepted un obispo? +When did the Pan-Germanism begin a principle? +What was the purpose of the bombardeo en Siria? +What does the Hiposis de la Hiposis de la hygiene explain? +What does a new ley impositive implemented in 2005 do? +Where are the Mexicans located? +Who is the principal of Taxi Driver? +Why does the era de la Renaissance Europeo flourish? +What did El Partido Popular Suizo restringir? +In what year did a second legation of the UAR convince Nasser to try to convince Nasser? +Where was the Iglesia Bautista Horton located? +What did the cathedral per lose thousands of? +Who did Tony se caso with in 1966? +How was Atlantic City viewed? +What does the imagen de Horatione have? +What does the laws prohibit? +Which areas did the RSFSR border on? +Who was Kerry eligible to be elected to the Senate? +What does Himachal occupy? +How does a bombilla describe the evaporation of tungsteno? +What did the invasion dorica cause the colapso of? +Who was the fiscal de la Corte Penal International? +What type of s si solo preenen the cgrowth bacteriano? +How many villes nouvelles were built? +When was the produccion of Nuevos currency presidential para circulation suspended? +Which institute has a bases de data integrales de information genomics? +When was ORT Uruguay recognized as a universities private? +What does OFR stand for? +What precento describes la mala conducta sexual? +Why did the minorista lose a minorista? +What was the name of the cantion given to Madonna's video musical? +When did the explorador Gaspar de Portla acampe close to? +What is the exception to the vocales no acentuadas se reducen a three? +Where is the Unisphere located? +Where is San Pedro located? +What is the name of the center of Brooklyn? +What did the Armenians do when they organized masacres? +How many workers contributed to the eeconomy de la city in 2014? +Who was elected as president of Ivashko? +What is the name of the cancion Ganadoras? +What is the goal of the organization? +Who criticized Hegel's ideas? +Who ran the sentencia to restringe the a application of a drug? +What is the polimera orgamented most abundante of the world? +What is another term for Ciudades Independants? +Who reported Detroit's walkability superior? +What happened to the peor? +What was the name of Queen's 1986 movie? +Which dialect forms un continuo dialectal? +How many tera bytes does youtube get? +Who did De Peyster give to the island Ellice? +Along with sociologia, historiography, historiography, historiography and historiography, historiography and arqueology, what discipline does Estudios somalíes have? +What type of buildings does Nanjing have? +What are minorista manufacturers of? +What colonos did Hitler create? +What does El Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery permit? +How many boats were involved in the attack? +What is the length of a colina? +What is Tim Johnson's nickname? +How many semesters does un year aacademico typical divide? +When did the findings concerning a millón de people a lo rio far from Torquay to the New Forest? +Who is the icono de la city? +Where is the mayor inversor espanyolo? +What did Planck recognize? +How did the manifestation "Jubertud por Cristo" take place? +Who was Marwan descended from? +What does el metodo use to describe the diverse colors? +What does the federation international consider the part southern of the island to be? +What is the advantage of the antennas de Alta Ganancia? +What was the octava provincie? +What does the Crucifixion of the piernas adhere to? +How does a certain species of life survive? +Which hurcanes dominate la zone? +What is the Xbox Live Silver's service? +What does China use to produce duties? +What does the culture permite the identification of organisms infectiouss mediante? +What was El primer device de conto considered? +Who was a scholar of the philosophy of the process? +What does the mayor incremento de reresistance have? +How many days does the temperatures of the autumn of New Haven vary to 90 degrees Fahrenheit? +When did la AFL lose 22 seasons? +How can a carpeta usually be copied? +What do the temperatures of la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de la capa de +What did West confirm the delay of? +What is the name of El budismo Mahayana? +What does the system of Eritrea mean? +Who was Arthur Conan Doyle? +What does Opera-mini focus on? +Where is the Cathedral de la Santa Cruz located? +Why did Tito lose the control of the godos germános? +What religious group provided a los humanistas? +Why does el time de journey se reduce? +What does Whitehead describe as one of the principal metaphysicalos del siglo XX? +Who was a teísta personal? +What was the name of the city subprovincial de Chongqing? +Who was the Secretario de State in New Haven? +What did France do to the colonias? +What was the name of José Vi's t title? +What does a "morosa capa marina de nubes" do? +When did Kevin Gilbert receive a prize? +Who was the general of New Haven in response to the rebellion? +What is the doctrine of the metaphysical budista? +When did se reform una series de reforms? +What was Broz's ethnicity? +What did Bell believe would be able to convert a corrientes alternate to? +Who was the creator of Apple? +What does Hecateo de Mileto y en? +When did Calvino promote his reforms? +What subcontinente did the subcontinente of the noreste come from? +How many impactos did a large amount of aerial de hostigling generalizada por un solo avion? +In what year did the debate concerning la creation de un perímetro de defense come? +Where did Bell and Caroline travel? +Where does a large amount of dollars come from? +How many kPa can be described as a caida de pression? +Who was the president of the U.S.? +Who was the editor of the eduction de la musika de piano de Chopin? +What types of pubs are usually chosen for being a home o work? +What did von Neumann's article recognize? +Who appeared in the list de 28 heroes academios de la newspaper Esquire? +What does Mark Z. Jacobson believe would be remodified? +Where does a VHS contene the information of image y sonido? +What were the indigenous areas that occupied the B bloc Oriental de countries called? +How much did the estimates of the perdida economy superate? +What are Neptuno's temperatures in sus nubes? +What is another name for the cargo of a Primer Ministero? +Where did Napoleon Bonaparte's Guerras y campales study? +How many schools primarias were in 1861? +Who debates the idea de que los dos teams grandes de Escocia? +What was the capital of the British Isles? +Who trancribed para piano seis de the lyrics Polacas de Chopin? +In what year did the Colonia se conquer a sus Delegados al Congreso Continental? +Where is the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit base? +How many pines does MULTI OUT have? +Who did the finalista include originally? +What does El South Western Ambulance Service do +Who developed a formulation mamatic of the concepto de entropia? +Who has written y produced la mayoria de sus songs? +When did Zoe die? +What type of codification did Microsoft Windows use? +When did the mongoles build a large barca de piedra? +Why was Jose de Capadocia elected? +How long did Whitehead y Russell believe that the Principia Mathematica took? +During which years did the color y negro become the colors of the Imperio aleman? +What is GE's current name? +Which group of herero Tomon las armies contra los Alemanes y en una actions punitiva calculada? +What was the purpose of El canal de carbón +Why has a recent term for animal being used to describe cruel e innecessaryo? +When did the assault principal fuera the Crecia arcaica y clarca era discernible? +What is the Ley de la Agencies Central de Intelecto? +How many weeks does a charian artica depart from Melbourne, Australia? +What systems did Ancil Jones use to inspire? +Who started a participating in the military during the invasion of 1951? +What is the name of the Dunicipio? +When did the OMB change the rules for racial races? +What country abarcabo la mayoria of los eslavos del sur? +What is another name for the a capella a capella? +What park is located in Tucson? +How could a lose los points added to the altura promedio de los salts? +What type of person does a typical luchador employ? +Where are the chromosomes Yanalyzados usually different? +How many e students de pregrad graduated from 2007 to 2007? +Who awarded the award to Margaret Thatcher? +What does modernos use to avoid being renderized de la larger manera? +Which arena hosts acts titulares? +How much did the teams of the Premier League lose in 2014 / 15? +What did the explorers discover? +When did IBM become a "International Business Machines"? +What types of HDTV does the American Idol transmit por? +What does the original tenia el game Brick include? +What are the a apps produced with el iPhone developers compatibles with? +Who introduced the first system of videoconferencia de Alta definicion? +What is the probability of a e disease? +Which city is often referred to as Stadtstaaten? +Where was the Copa Nations de la FIFA 1970 located? +What was the persecution of the cathedral called? +Where did Algons escapon? +Who was Halyna Kolotnytska? +When was the t title a Prussia Oriental? +What are the 24 Casas de Oppidan known as? +What are the especies de coníferas usually called? +Where do St Mary Axe, Tower 40, and St Mary Axe, Tower 40 and St Mary Axe, Tower 40 and St Mary Axe, Tower 40 and St Mary Axe, Tower 40 and St Mary Axe, Tower 40 and St Mary Axe, Tower 40 y One Canada +Whose reputation does El Viejo Pueblo resemble? +What does a traveler usually use for a person? +Who abandoned a reunion de security de la OAS? +Which country uses the Jardín de infantes? +tenue y consonantes aspirdas son what? +What did some couldni consider? +What does the capacity global de transport aereo allow for? +What is a menudo montanda over una superficie conductora, un plan de terra? +What dictas a series of cycles of life? +What do the articles numerados contain? +What did TCM win a prize peabody for? +Who did Quemar York y derrot? +Who died during the motines de factions militares? +When did the exodo de Salvador lose? +What is a cause of malnutrition? +What is the Indian Vaccination Act of 1832? +What country has a continuous competitor to Portugal? +What was the title of the 2008 movie about un luchador professional fracasado? +What is a menudo llamados paneles de fabrication de tablero desmutilated? +How much did the banks estimate se vended between finales de 2005 y mediados de 2007? +What did Shawn Vancour argumenta about? +Who was the presentador of talk show? +What is Tuvalu's primary elevation? +What is the typical amount of units of a PCB? +When did the protests de Occupy Wall Street begin? +When was the Copa Domestic de Fúbol? +How many distritos does El Dept of Oklahoma cubren? +What type of decorations does the grangaleria have? +Who did Chola attack? +What does videoconferencia allow a people to participate in reuniones with a time y? +What is another term for Catalan? +What does CKPR-DT stand for? +Where did sarmatism originate? +What does LD stand for? +Where is el testauto suspended? +When were the movies completes released? +What is the history of Presbiteria a part of? +When was Robert C. Solomon published? +Who was given the cargo de Protector General de las Regiones Occidentales? +What did The Times use to retract from the editorial of Constantinopla? +Who considered cruel e innecessaryo? +What style of d design did a females have? +In what year did Omar Pasha capture Calafat? +Who purchased Buckingham House? +What does NPO stand for? +How many kilometers of the areas centrales of Canberra, Territorio de la Capital Australiana covered? +How does a menudo use a menudo? +What was the name of the famous singer who was a popularer local de la colection de lyrics populares? +When did Israel Aerospace Industries designed y builddo en la India al less 13 satelites? +What part of the contendor depends on the detonation detonation? +What is the another name for the Papal? +What type of abilities fueron probadas? +What is the dialecto Quanzhou? +In what year did the expulsions of France occur? +How many soldados did the monumento national de la India conmemorate? +What type of fence did Castello a Mare use? +Where did the city of Plymouth become e strategica? +What contributed to the logros de inventing de la revolucion? +What type of elects did the Republicans elect in 1988? +What types of transportation does Nanjing operate primarily? +What does the Dia ANZUS design? +Who did the British Isles dio un t title de cavalero? +What percentage of the produccion economy does the agricultura consist of? +What are the units of a brigada called? +What mentales did the animals use to help a socialar? +Along with Biscayne al southern, where do the Everglades de Florida and Biscayne al southern reach? +Which Beethoven describes as 'un fundator de la era romantica'? +What does a comparing describe the state y the behavior of a software contra? +Where is the Bibliotheque de Nankín located? +How much distance did the colonial rebelde por la fuerza accomplish? +What does PGW stand for? +Along with Reims and Reims, what cathedral uses a cathedral? +What is the basic component of the military? +What are the aves defined as? +Who wrote 'The Troublesome Reign of King John'? +Where did Los Padres de Tucson move for the estadio Escondido? +Where was Polibio de Megalopolis given to? +In what year did the Canal de Erie connect the Puerto of Erie? +How many departments does the ecumenical control have? +How long is La Transat AG2R Race? +Who presided El Norte? +When did the abolition gradual del State de Nueva York end? +When was the Bibliotheque RIBA established? +What does WTO stand for? +What happened to the FBI's revelations? +What allows a gymtas to accomplish mmovements de balanceo, balanceo, and liberation? +In what year did Bill Clinton lose a victory for Bill Clinton? +What did the case se decide en against? +What was the area of control during this period? +When did sensores develop? +What caused the final del Mioceno? +How many years did Victoria's funeral last? +How far does N Mountain Avenue have a carril? +Along with a aislating of diplomas, what did a Myanmar have? +Who wrote War on the Floor? +How many avions were destroyed in Pearl Harbor? +What system was used by the Hungarian Kando? +What does the omissions del Romo describe? +Who invented the prototype original C-X 75? +What does OLPC stand for? +Who was the author of the world of Japanese Comics? +What does Zhang refer to? +Who might be elected as president of the Senado? +What did the puritanos do to the Rey Anglicano de Iengland? +What type of strategy does a organization sin fines de lucro include? +What percentage of the population conmuta a pie? +Who was a compositor Polaco y francés de la Romanticismo? +How many visas tourismas were granted in 2003? +Who was the ccaptain of Mexico City? +What cargo did el governor have? +How much did a partnership between Ford Motor Company and AT & Twireless cost? +How many books de text academics were examined? +What did the Padres de la Iglesia identify with herejia? +What did the critics of H &M criticize a H &M por? +Who was el principal funcionario a cargo de defender, administrar e interpret la ley? +What do the griegos do? +What concept is central to the ecologia? +What was the principal dominante of the enormous Imperio seleucida? +What does the program include? +Where was Edward Teach encalled? +Who received the Nobel de medicina? +When did the election generales take place? +What would be used to make a vinino preferable for radio pregravada? +What does Whitehead do to Whitehead? +How many winners have won the prize Nobel? +Before being celebrated, when did the people se abstain de consuming food? +Which state provided services to the island? +Where did Myer opened a ienda departmental Myer? +What se envía a un? +What does the ocho dimensiones significantas del? +Who describes la mandolina Lombarda? +Why does the Dover House have a low capacity of energy? +What does Lynx allow for navigators? +What does the embargo combinado un " rapiddo deterioro" de? +What part of the body usually shows a physical mutilation antes de quedar? +East 5th Street va al eastern what? +What makes up a large portion of Turingia? +Who is a notable estructural estructural, architecto y del architecto y del architecto y del architecto y del architecto y del architecto y del architecto? +During which years did the dynastia de China become a división del gran imperio conquistado por los mongoles? +How many lenguas does the INSEE de 1999 conclude? +What law limits the testigo permitdos en las execution federales? +Where was the DualShock 3 launched? +What sector did the city of Nueva York receive? +How many stages of testing clinicalos humans could a cabo? +Who caused the mal governo? +Which insects finding en el areas pleural? +Where was Henry H. Arnold from? +Which Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, and Guinea-Bissau are some of the indigenous Guinea-Bissau? +In what year did Danielle Streder y Frederic Abbés advance the system con una división en 5o per Periodos? +When did WiZ land for the creation of Digimon? +What law requires that se utilican anally 28 million of m3 de biofuelles? +What does the idea of a creation of a realismo objective? +When did Public Safety Canada dio a debate? +What did Hegel identify as a result of Hegel's ideas? +What se reducen a [ɪ] +What might a person have a rare chance to be present during the age? +Where did the altar de la Victoria de la Casa del Senado abandon? +What was Anwar Sadat's position? +When did An Lushan rebel? +What is the typical difference between a typical and a typical typical ones? +What is the name of the tree that protects San Diego's population? +What did Bud Light buy the rights of? +Where was the antorcha de 24 km? +What was the inception original de Zeng Guofan for elejémperor Xiang simplemente to do? +What animals are sensibles during DST? +What are some of the types of texts? +What did a child do to the children of the Universidad de Varas? +Which NES Max does Nintendo fabrico dos controlors turbo for? +Which religion did Arando de Brescia's ideas on their contributions? +What era started a recurring a los juicio de los cronista y a central part of? +What does the a salt conceptual conceptual describe? +What are dumplings al vapor llamados? +Who were responsible for the defeat of Stalin? +How much did El Colegio de 1998 define the estability de prices? +What did Anthon H. Lund describe? +Who guides the city of Stalybridge? +What did Shen Kua describe the process of? +How much of the votes popular national does the enmienda constitutionales deben ser accepted? +What is one of the types of armenia? +What does the IPEC want to accomplish? +In what year did the Primera line of reproductors become released? +Where is the Autopista Tribhuvan located? +What was the 175 acento? +When was the genocidio griego definido? +How many pasaderos does Sirvio in 2005? +How many spectators does Twickenham Stadium have? +Where did the soviets transport their commodities? +El ovalo de what Speedway hosts a celebration of NASCAR? +When did the USS Enterprise denote a significant increase in t weight? +What was a contraer marriage between Bell and the Academia Nacional de sciences? +What type of s contributes to the density de la madera? +What subtype of antibiotics had a typical effect on a patogenos tales? +What was a problem with the discos MUSE? +What percentage of Namibia's population speaks as a lengua materna? +What did a historian believe was critical for the use of perros? +Who convirteded en el primer Rey de Armenia? +Who were the finalists? +Which magazine featured a Madonna en el numbers 56 of de la Fama de los Compositor? +What is the precipitation media in Somerset +In what year was the abolition ministerial introduced? +What is the approximate capacity of the 'Faccia Studio y empty space'? +When did Johann Grueber leave the Lhasa? +What are the Richmond y Bushy Park called? +Who purchased the actions of Maverick? +In what year did the revolution of los claves occur? +What percentage of Dell's revenues were spent on Hewlett-Packard? +Who was the third woman of the third woman? +Whose actions does Satana la Grande destroy? +What does the testigo de Jehovah's Witnesses tend to be? +When was the Treatado de Amiens signed? +What do the catapultas "ceinture" enable? +What does Je Jesus use to rescue? +How did 'The Exorcist' compare to 'The Exorcist' to 'The Exorcist'? +What was Elveden de? +What political party is considered to be a political party? +When did the traditiones similars persist? +What are the definicion historicas de identity judia based on? +What did Nasser do to Nasser? +What part of the aves marinas makes a migrar? +What does a luchador usually have when a descalification comes? +What does a society corrupt? +What can amutation cause for anormalities Cromosomica? +What was the name of the Guerra de which Corea del Norte invaded? +Who was the governante de facto de la province of Bengala? +What was rumored to be in Rome? +What was Juarez trying to resist? +When did the Primera de these revueltas begin? +When did la specifcion 1.0 de Type-C finalize? +What did Asa Gray defend? +What makes up a superficie plan like el suelo? +Who was Wilson's mando? +Where did Peter Minuit buy a cityela y un fuerte? +How does Ajahn Sucito describe the journey? +Who is the fundator de la Free Software Foundation? +What do designers efficients have? +What are the zones basadas en? +What system does the forma stateunidense deeparation de powers have? +How many years did the Football League have? +What was the name of Hayek's advocacy? +What fueron resueltas in la duties Tang? +What was the title of Betty Hundred? +What was the name of the astillero Deonport's astillero? +Where was Mexico originally built? +How did Arthur Hutchings describe the position unicoa de Chopin as compositor? +How many structures were suspended in China Unicom? +What other teams does the Carolina Courage de la Women's U.S. Basketball Association have? +What new territory did Palermo become a part of in 1861? +Where is the buildings Roland Levisky located? +Who was responsible for being given a arresto? +When does la imagen dada por la physicala clarca no duplicate por una Gama de results? +What is the name of the bankos espanyolos that represent a temple operan in Houston? +Where were un mayor numbers of residentes latinos y assigned? +What is the northern part of Houston? +What are the genes ensambles de los pueblos de Siberia? +When did Chopin visit Berlin? +Where did Paquime y Cuarenta Casas come from? +What does Glastonbury believe about Glastonbury? +What percentage of Nueva York's vehicles are no longer cars? +When did the Union Soviária gain control over la mayoria de las nations de mayoria eslava? +Where does the sonido come from? +What does the acronym IAH stand for? +What does a another state have to do when a treatdo limits sus Obligations de treatdo a form of reservations? +When did the FAA announce that allowing a large use of smartphones? +What is Bermudas equivalent to? +Who maintained la position articulada en el Proto Evangelio de Santiago? +When was the intento of genocide de state? +How does South Raleigh compare to Raleigh? +What type of ceramics produced en Spain? +What region experiments unclimate atlantica? +What was the name of the rio de Delhi? +What does El 22 de s Sep. 2003 say judging mal el ánido del public? +What types of powers does the Constitution introduce? +What can a perros detect el olor en una part por? +What Auditorium did the Carolina del Norte inaugure in 1932? +Where is the Museo Philbrook located? +What does a person use to minimize DST? +When was the Guerra Korabe-Israelí funded? +What does la activity related with el lator en el tellamo se extend? +Where did M y travel? +What did the Swingle Singers use for sonar as instrumentos? +How much length does a gymta have? +Where was the Monumento a la Liberty located? +Which tribe makes slaves when it comes to the Spanish? +What is often a part of the Nuevo Mundo, Africa subsahariana y Siberia? +Which company did Dell use as a result of the Q4 de 2012? +What is another term for Nuevas Proteines? +What does the term'reign' mean? +What is the plan called? +Who was the leader of the new fronteras of Armenia? +What happened to Amer's actions? +Why did the clubes stop being able to move to the rock and roll? +What did Manuel L. Queson want to convert to be el Jef de police? +What describes a scale for many aerolines exoticas en varios aeroPuertos del country? +What type of accessory is la music en these occasiones essentially? +What type of music did Joy Division, Siouxsie, and Bauhaus y The Cure hail from? +What is the maximum frequency of a CD? +What is another name for The Sun? +What kind of actitudes does Alicante have? +What did El Brahmi evolve? +What was the name of Joanot Martorell's novel? +Which company enacted a plan to recover the territory of Southampton Water? +What is the usual term for a recipient of a vegetable called? +What type of government does the riode de Doing Business have firmly? +What was the name of the assault nuclear being attacked on Nagasaki? +Who designated a minority de legislatures? +Who recognized the observation of Brown? +What do the tubos de tiq del flooma do? +What percentage of the population does Burma have? +Where is the AeroPuerto located? +What are species of bacterias called? +Who was responsible for the rebellion? +What causes lluvias during monzones during monzones? +How many remodeled Nuevas v apartments were constructed in 1964? +Who has been able to detect a pest porros? +What did the designers of Oak Ridge help designers? +What does CCS stand for? +During what period did Southampton experiment a large expansion? +Why does part of the energy decrease? +What does BMG stand for? +Who was considered heredero de the religiones Chamlenguas de Asia? +How many troops are in the Ordo? +Who was considered to have prohibited the cargos superiores? +Who did Jeff Gerstmann de? +Where did the Guerra de Nagorno-Karaban take place? +What are Pashupatinath? +What is the northern region of Asia? +Who did El juez Taylor refuse to defender? +What does enoposition a la fountain mean? +What entity controls the areas urbanas de la metrupoli de Delhi? +What does the tribunales federales do to make simplemente la ley? +When was the Museo de la memoria y Tolerancia inaugurated? +Who signed the treatdo? +When did la masoneria se extend a Francia? +What are the industries y las institutions a part of? +What was the debility of the Marathas? +Who was the father biologist of Banda? +Which plan contributed to the death of 80 million people? +In what year did Locke introduce a challenge to empirismo? +Who does William A. Osborn'69 lead to? +Stone Cold Steve Austin originally served as what? +What did Eomea's rasgos tend to be? +What do Arquinases use to calculate el areas? +What did geologists do? +Which ley regulated the mercados of animals? +What did youtube use to minimize videos de longitude? +Why are cuernos envolvertos envolvertos? +Who publiced a new Estudio "Guerra a Principos del Siglo XX"? +What was the name of the song "Greatest Song of the 2000s" de VH1? +What does the mayoria depend on for maintaining sus transactions y changes? +What does a pesticide envene? +What species coloniza el colon de mamíferos? +When did the laws prohibit el marriage between europeos and other states? +What does a company dedicated a la fabrication of beer se mean? +Where does a significant percentage of the Judiaso genetic originate? +What type of attorneys does El Colegio de Casacion offer? +What does the HVC-001 de Family computer display? +Which team defeated I England in 1990? +How long did the ministerio of Disraeli run? +What does the zinc consist of? +How many LTROs did El primer LTRO ten? +Since 2010, which stores have a mayor de? +What type of buildings were built for the residentes de classes media Alta y Alta y Alta? +When did Victoria's funeral take place? +Which city holds the highest desfile? +What types of systems deben stay presents? +What did the Fundation Bill y Melinda Gates announce +How much money does the printing of The Sun produce? +Which familys had a dicrease in the riqueza during the crisis? +What was the name of the first a capella? +What is the population of Houston? +Why did the Premier League introduce changing rules? +What was the name of the al-Qaeda? +In what year did the demoscrats lose control of the legislature estatal? +Where does la transcribes usually begin? +Who is the hogar de three Estudis de produccion y distribution en HD? +What are ThreeThousand? +What does Popper believe doesn't describe the way Popper does? +What is Hyderabad's largest industrial industry? +When did New Haven have added carriles for bike? +What was the mayor y formerly known political political party? +What was the era de la goma laca? +What was the name of the second satelite? +What system did the soldiers continue in 1950? +Which city does the Megabus service directly connect to? +Where do Lemkos reside? +Who violated Tom Robinson? +Why did the British colonias control Nueva Francia y Florida? +Where did El y Sand move in 1842? +Which country was able to assistance a su fellow Aliado? +Who tried to reverse the canal al governo britains in 1875? +What is the potential cause of a zinc to be able to be accessible? +What is the name of Dell's manufacturing facility? +When did Somalilandia Britnica remain as protectorado? +What was the original name of Canada's stores? +When did the persecution of los judias extend much? +Who did Victoria call al cargo of Napoleon III? +Which agency recognizes the restrictions on these aleations? +Where does la terica verna noble identify un cadora a cee? +What is the name of the first treating a series of compoints? +Where does Ibn Sina have a written book? +What type of politicas a cabo a cabo de tantal sacrificio human? +How many countries does IDLO work? +What is the name of the Universidad de Boston? +What does Monaco mean? +What was the foundation of Cork? +What does the word "les snacks" mean? +What was the name of the TV series called "The Switch"? +When did Plymouth become popular? +When did the migracion massiva de Chinese Han del Norte a la region de Fujian cause? +Who did Winston Churchill rename to as a Prime Minister? +Who did Ismail I de Ardabel establish as capital? +Who construyed the creation of the creation of the book? +What was the tphone where a person speaks a another? +When was the Primera Guerra Memorial? +What is Israel's Israel called? +What era did the Congregacion para las Causas de los Santos conclude about un milgro? +What percentage of the criados en Hogres orthodoxos have been abandoned before el judaism orthodoxo? +When did Columba y Columba die? +Who led a los Cacorros en el Playstation 6? +How does a cortefuegos usually connect to the internet? +How many Mexicanos were de Mexicano? +What does the information de la hora del dia retransmitida por loses en el cerebro usually have? +What does DST hereda do? +When did von Neumann first introduce the computation to the computer? +What law depicts the typical typical typical errores punible? +Where is West Raleigh? +What does the term "escruma fine" mean? +In what year did Somalia receive a primary connection de fibre optical? +Where did Demetrio's flota defeat? +Who compiled Sarva-darśana-samgraha? +What plan encourages the Bronx to redevelop? +What was the original purpose of La Florida Norfolk? +What was the original state of the Primera Guerra Worldwide? +What country invaded the Persia y Turkia? +What type of incandescente is produced by electricity? +What context does the contextos de produccion media relate to? +Where is the budismo Mahayana located? +What did the NRA allow a people to do to do? +What is the name of the Irish Examiner? +What does a single person have to develop universally? +What drains la llaura de Mesaoria? +What did the July 5 de July of 2004 herald? +What does the problem with bases de data y bases de data objecto y bases de identifiers enable? +Where did Von Neumann earn a certificate of chemistry? +What were the Nuevas demands called? +What percentage of ascendence africana is estimated to have? +What is one way to use pesticides? +What is the name of the program where the US News & World Report de 2016? +What does la tradition griega believe is related to? +Why did the texts y encyclopedias argue time? +What does a PCB use to resist? +What type of cultivos does la agricultura dominate? +When did a tribal against Sudafrica occur? +Where was Annexed del Bronx created? +Where is El concourso International de piano Chopin located? +What was the cgrowth territorial of the U.S.? +How many people were killed in the Charlie Hebdo? +Who leaves la mayoria of the cityes de Manchuria? +How many people were killed in the Pentágon? +Who can participate in the Umhlanga Reed Dance? +How many acres does the fuerza central de Kurita consist of? +What types of agencies have debated the emperor de rights in China? +When was the revolution of Xinhai? +Who is the current rector of La Universidad de la Republica? +How many wins did the edict of the Oscars win? +Who did Mysore refuse to assist? +Do formatos alternatives de audio de cwazi no longer admit to using DRM? +What group has a widespread dispersion of the secta casi maniquea? +What is Houston's censo? +What was the percentage of suscribes in Somalia in 2008? +How is the PIB de Turingia? +Where did La mayoria ocurre? +What is a dialect of jure? +Who did Raskin pio to describe Raskin's proposal? +What does Ibn al-Haytham use to describe emportica? +Who describes that la improvisation is designed for una audience? +When did China announce the Beidou service? +Where does FDR Drive y termina? +What type of alcohol is probably probably to cause graves effects? +How many officiales are in the Imperial College Union? +What distinguishes the ceramic de Vidrio? +What did Hoover initially ignore? +What subgénero did Bad Boy Bill, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood, DJ Lynnwood +What planet is similar to Neptuno? +Who was the first president electo del Congo? +What is El Cimetio de Grove Street known for? +How many years is the esperanza de life al nacer estimated? +What was the name of San Diego's area? +What is a notable universities affordable to offer t titles? +How many Marines occupied the city? +What does Alaska belong to? +What does the impulso por la instructor y la politica monolinguistices have? +What is the earliest school of Shaivism? +What conflict did the final del corrazon griego terminate? +Which exponent believes that detras de la personas existia elprinciple Permanent de las matematic? +What does the term "ver mido" mean? +What is an example of a species de hurevo fertilizada? +What is the name of the project that contributes to the creation of the USAID? +What does much of the troops use? +What does un use usually describe? +What is another term for the Estonian schools? +What language is the lenguaje de work internal del BCE generally? +What does the agricultura en Portugal base en units dispersas de? +How does Je Jesus sacrifice? +What does ladrillos secador y el use generalization of? +What type of letras have a forma characteristic? +How many dates did the Queen's tour include? +Where does the interés aacademico believe the educator religiosa remains? +When did Troutman Sanders fusion with Mays & Valentine LLP? +What event does the Evangelio de Lucas ignore? +When was the Oxford English Dictionary added? +Who operates Galeries Lafayette, Harvey Nichols and Seibu y Sogo? +How many millions of dollars did the cartel de la industrial delarnaval earn in 2012? +What did a ceramicos use to convey their experiences? +What was the name of the Macintosh analogical mechanics? +What did they report? +When did Nueva York suffer problems financially? +Where is Montevideo located? +What is a violation of these malpracticas? +What do the Reyes have a menudo represented as? +What did Feynman describe as being described as a result of his LSD? +Who created a recording de 1915 a la memoria de Chopin? +What is the temperature of Tirat Zvi? +What does a mixture of los septos use to accomplish o nadar? +Who was Knowles? +How many Reyes y convicts were invited to the banquete? +Who emited the currency de Oro? +What is representing a distinction between "Dios" monoteísta y "dioes" en el politeism? +What does the hembra have that permits el obstumia de los especies to stay viable? +Who was the editor of The Independent? +Who did Carol Moseley Braun attack? +What was the plan designed for New Haven? +What does the ley estatal permite? +How much of the superficie of the state does the zone del desimeter represent? +What is a renuence of the states de la eurozone? +What is the name of the movie de James Bond produced by Eon Productions? +What percentage of uraniot absorbes when the formas insoluble de uraniot absorbe? +Who rescued a large amount of troops de rescue? +Along with the Guerra de Crimea and Arglia, what estallo antes of these reforms? +What are the cities called? +What was the aim of SEATO? +Who uses the term "estomago de techo"? +In which Copas did Arsenal lose victorioso? +Who patented the process for sulfuro de zinc? +What was the cause of the death of Chopin? +What does the IASP do to combat conflicts? +What does El adoltivo suizo use? +Who was the Critico of Steven Spielberg? +What is the largest species of hominiumdo? +What is the center principal of Israel for traveles aereos internationales? +What was the name of Marvel's creation? +How many representatives does La Premier League envía representatives? +What does the responsibility del Banco central have to inverted? +How much did Rosell firm a David Villa de Valencia? +What are the news groups known as? +What does a third edict do? +What did El Reino de Palermo become? +Why does sacarosa become sacarosa? +What does the SMDS determine more por? +What is a notable scientificos notable de? +What is the emperor of Estonia? +According to David Steel, what did David Steel believe was posible? +Along with the judaism, el zoroastrismo and zoroastrismo, what religious group of Islam has been recognized? +What were los fragmentos de un gran miroof destroyed by? +Where did the tensiones secational exist? +What organization is related to the Mar de Plymouth Marine Laboratory? +What is Ceefax the first service of? +In what year did a magazine cite un use temproso desphalto en Francia? +Where is the Secretario del Comit de Nankín? +What were the workers who typical workers usually able to do? +Who did Menzies have a series of "The Fotten People" similar to? +Who was the ruler of Damasco? +What was the content de ISO-8859-1 used for? +What does la relativamentebasso virus permit a sus victim to do? +Whose actions were the judges y signos de? +What is a menudo la solving more economic para la Nueve capacity de generating? +How many miles is the caienda del rio James? +What sea has el per Periodo de los three Patriarcas placed en alcion? +How did the oposition of una fuerte coalicion de powers europes differ from other countries? +Who is David Lewis? +What did West announce to lay for lany? +What are some of the other types of migrations? +What does genocidio define as a strategy to destruction? +What are the names of the treatdos internationales? +Why does a disco de zinc unido a disco de zinc unido? +When did IBM's first version of a system prototype finally appear? +When was the Yale Record funded? +What is the most complexo of the c body de unvertebrado? +In what year did Alaska announce a proposal of $1 mil miles para connecting Asia y Alaska rural? +Where was Nizam-ul-LLM defeated? +Who was Haile Selassie de? +Where was Bell enterrado? +What type of structural introduce variations indigenous to the parametro electricalos? +How many metropolitanos does Grecia have? +When was the creation of Digimon World created? +Where does Berna rank among cantones? +What was the most important amount of boats in Estonia? +What does el term vacuo use to refer to? +What does the word "la persona que la helpo a luchar" mean? +What is the executive called? +Whose supervisión did the Gibson F-5 build? +Who was elected presidenta en funciones of Yale in 1977? +Which newspaper claimed the accusation of parciality? +Where does El Kpelle reside? +How did the numbers negatives appear in the Nueve cchapters? +How many books did Elihu Yale enve in 1714? +How much did El Time Warner Center pay for the property de Nueva York? +What is the name of the cancion that Jay Z lacked? +When does the Corte Suprema decide to hear the case por second? +What was the amount of meters per hour in 1987? +Who are the visibles of the insectos? +What does Lee attribute the racial punishment to? +What is the earliest salta de la 02: 59: 59.9 hacia? +What was Antony Armstrong-Jones's nickname? +What concept did Chopin invent? +What does Gorbachov have planes formales for dejar? +What Avenue y Harlem River Drive connects to the viaducto? +What percentage of the energy electrica was recycled in 1989? +What does Barbara Anderson believe to protect? +When did a Mexican females begin a Casase with females europeos? +What does AF1 stand for? +What era does Irian refer to? +When did Doordarshan begin? +What does el acto o fall under? +Who called the PS3 "la PS3 always has been dulled"? +What did Armenia try to expand? +Where did the ijazat al-tadris wa-al-iftā take its orígenes? +What excremento de aves is called? +How much does eSATAp produce? +Who introduced El nylon? +What type of lucha libre does Mexico have? +Who did Juan VI reanud the relations with? +What describes the ssequence of aminoacitos de una proteina? +What does Robbins want to accomplish? +Where does el cocodrilo americano live? +What was used to edit a 16 2 / 3 rpm? +What does UTF-8 use? +What are the factores de enveculous? +What did El Imperio believe was promoted to the regionalism? +Who was the juez of Mexico City in 2010? +What did the primeras transmissiones of HDTV use? +What did the eelections in 2005 raise? +What types of media has a large presence in Himachal Pradesh? +When did Chopin dio un con concert de debut? +What conflict caused a explosion in the discovering of news classes of medicines antibacterianos? +What does a lot of receptores have? +What percentage of the Jews residen in Israel? +Who was Takahashi? +What does a microscopo gastrointestinal do to control de manera more efficient? +What does Wright use to describe the differences between humans and the humans? +Where did Anibal lose a victory? +What did a typical ecoles encode? +Who was Barcelona's trophy? +What is an alternative to the formatos de documentos de office de Microsoft? +What is the extension urban hacia el exterior impeded by? +Where is El Islam located? +What is the eastern edge of Florida? +What month and year did Network Rail begin to resume the works de Reparation y la line principal? +What did the visitantes experiment with? +What is a law regulated by pesticides? +What happened to Gaddafi's nacion? +Who envio in response to the declaration of a moratoria de payment a los deutors espanyolos? +What is considered liberado de certain art y de las conformities religiosas? +What is another term for a dialect of Dubrovnik? +What did the countryes del Este de Europa do? +Who did Burke write about his political beliefs? +Who was captured in the battle of Peluro? +What does la grabation de la altitude reduce? +What makes a manera mayor? +Where does la varilla suelta come from? +Where does a level estatal usually locate a level estatal? +When did the media depicting populares occur? +What does the ideology use a menudo to prerender? +What did Truman believe would be a solving solving? +When were these censos listed? +What is the political political affiliation of the political party? +Where was the manifestation republicana located? +What era did Tito declare as a adults? +When did the produccion regional occur? +When did the Santo Viaticum finally prohibit the Santo Viaticum? +What does Makdisi do to Makdisi? +When was William Miller born? +What is the purpose of the BeiDou-1D system? +When did Surinam become a member of the Union Dutchesa de la Lengua? +What does the term dialectos Alemanes use to distinguish? +What are the causes of faults in Turingia? +Who was the largest female in a luchaing intergénero? +What did the ancients griegos se base en? +What is the usual climate between the extremo sur y el extremo Norte? +El dialecto Amoy (Xiamen) is what type of dialect? +What does the desfile culminate with? +Where is Sabha en Fezzan located? +When did the leyes prohibit el marriage between europeos y americans? +What does the majority of the energy solar produce? +What did Maudlin argue about El Paso del time? +When did La Revolution rusa take place? +What is the name of the biggest bateria? +Where did pesos o di pesos o di pesos come from? +Why did El Somerset levels have a lot of popularity? +Where did Alexander Ellis believe the experimentos were similar to? +Where did Leopoldo die? +What does the corruption sometimes affect? +What does the defense general include? +What do many nearby neighborhoods have a large impact on Downtown Detroit and Midtown Detroit? +What did the battle of Hakusukinoe lead to? +How many visitantes does youtube have? +What percentage of Nigeria's females are female? +How many kilometers does Portugal have? +What did El governo liberal adopt to allow a Uniones de las Tranvias to finance a laborista? +Who was the first soldado confederado? +Where does the separatation of the water cause? +What color is predominantly predominantly? +What hospital in Chihuahua was inaugued in 1897? +How many soldados were transported during the Primera Batalla del Marne? +What does the perros depend on? +What program de supercomputation was given to IBM in 2009? +How many a week in the list of bestsellers did Matar un usually have? +When was the convencion de Berna established? +What is an example of a involuntaria? +What are some organisms called? +What does the term "cagal" y " Valencia" y " Valenciano" have? +When did Congo adopt la Cuartha Republica? +When was the book Fever Pitch de Nick Hornby published? +What type of pueblos were en los Balkanes? +What does NFD stand for? +When did this notion begin? +What does the enmarcates of leyes permit? +What is the usual evidence sufficient for el Molino de water in China? +What could be considered to be considered for the case special de systems? +Who was Johnny Weissheimer's nickname? +Who has shown a ambitious objectives of energy Renovable? +What escenarios does caj gris implement? +Who is the third NFL teams called? +What do ssequences cronologicas de? +How many tourists did Grecia receive each year? +What happened to Bath Spa University? +Who emigrated during this period? +What does el hydrogeno elemental de sources solares usually function as? +What is a menudo "buscadoras de calories? +What is a difference between the de Back Bay, East Boston, South End y South Boston, South End y South Boston, South End y South Boston? +Who was Ralph Ingersoll? +Where were the primeras schools formales located? +In what part of 2015 did Caesars y Harrah' s reconsider? +What does the phrase "Inmaculada" concede? +What is Oklahoma's promedio de? +What are the names of Mahayana? +Who was the actual director of the FBI? +What is the name of Tuvalu's missions? +How many Oklahoma cities have in 2010? +Why did a familia de un campsino libre increase a aristarchy? +Why did the new capitol of Chongqing form? +Whose insistence led to the invasion of Sénat? +What is the capacity total combinada de la Premier League in the 2010-11? +What was the era victoriana del reina Victoria? +Who was responsible for the death of Tupua Tamasese me 'ole'? +What did the year of 1759 do? +What happens when a bacteria is transferred from a plasmo conjugado to a other bacteria? +How many deaths did the Luftwaffe cause? +When was the Lancashire County Cup abandoned? +How many sites webs does a Queen have? +What do the avions de combate de la USAF use primarily for? +What is a relacion mutualism between plants e insectos? +What document did the legislature reform? +What does a rope do to a person? +What is the English translation of the army-civilian marsal office? +What does Theradvada identify as? +In what year did the Archivos Nacionales announce their colection of Universal Newsreels? +What style of patrones might be used to create a simple al complex? +What is another name for 'imágenes latinos en HDTV'? +What was a topic clave de the years 1950 y 1960? +How many marque global AAA does Arsenal, Holdings plc, opera? +What caused the final del dominio ptolemaico? +What was Montini known as? +When did Wilhelm Conrad Reynolds become the first winner of the prize? +Whose responsibilities did Nasser deny? +What does ISP stand for? +What helps a judge a judge a de finalizing a point lagrimal? +What does Barbara McClintock's "genes saltadoras" study? +What was one of Juan's principal challenges? +Where does Bon / Tibetan originate? +What does Corrientes associate with? +Where did the adaptation of h tool de reduccion mica paleo India originate? +What did Max Schoop obtain a patent? +When did Ban Ki-Moon declare that the Comission de Considation de la Paz de la Paz de la Paz de la Paz? +Who has jurisdiction originally to determinate the Ley de Tuvalu? +What does the judaism orthodoxos believe may have un nucleo subyucude de? +What percentage did Gallup's findings have for his leaders? +When did Milton Friedman introduce a concept of un imposto personal? +Which newspaper reported the allegations of mala conducta sexual de various females? +What did Chapman added to the uniforms? +What color does I use? +El pitch is exactly related to what? +Where is Tucson located? +What is the sendero de Ocho Noble? +When does el redevelopment de la memoria become better? +What was Reagan's final mandato? +In what year did Victoria's rumoreaba era popular? +What allowed a clubes competir with teams de all Europa? +How does the energy total de un system calculate? +What percentage of the population Italiana speaks Italiana? +Which group of protoestomos usually includes the rasgo? +What are some formats de audio available on a telephone? +What does 'a u i' follow? +Who wanted to execute a defense against el Sarre? +What is the cause of the dicrease in the incidence of the death penalty? +Who was the finalista? +Who was the ex-president of New Haven? +Where were the pueblos of the pueblos? +What is the funcion more important de la amistad? +How many petroglifus live in the Sahara? +When did Brown announce to resign? +Who ran the iHeartRadio Music Festival? +Who was Jennifer Hudson's coach? +Which theory did Popper use to describe falscionismo? +What do all the residuos of the Paisje de la universities do? +Who was the founder of the AFL Global y Ganlan Media? +How much did the Corte Suprema fall against the Ciudad de Grecia? +Where did Grecia invade? +What was the occupation of Delacroche? +When does Estonia seun a la OAS? +What is the name of Billboard's new list? +What did Burge claim about the cup? +Who wanted to continue the dominio of the island? +What did Chopin se quejo de? +What does a videoconferencia use? +What is one way to help combat a crisis? +What does the entropia absoluta mean? +What has Estonia considered a si larger than the restablencing of la independencia? +How many discos are in a compilation? +Where did the negotiations of peace take place? +How does the exposure of a diarea severa tend to be compared to other animals? +What does Popper believe is a criterio of demarcacion between lo que es, y no lo es, y no lo es, y no lo es? +Where does the campus Evanston de Northwestern located? +What doesn't exist en a Laserdisc? +How does the madera inadequate for a construction en su forma nativa decomposition? +How many years does the FBI have? +When was Primer del College of Charleston written about the Huguenot Element in Charleston's provincialisms? +What caused Apple to become rentable? +What indigenous pueblos evolves elcommerce, the jerarquias spirituales y society? +What are the names of BYU's schools? +What is the Oklahoma city called? +What did the primeros LEDs use? +How many senior football championships does Cork win? +What does the abreviatura "ps" mean? +What is the name of the duo francés? +When were the dos primeras autopists constructed? +What type of men did Twain public in 1903? +What does a burro usando? +What trophy has El Barcelona won? +What is El Colegio del Golegio Nizamia Tibbi? +What nickname did Fradiani run for? +When did El Teatro Pregones open a new theater? +What was the name of the military that defeated Devanport? +What does El crisis economy vendre? +What percentage of Armenia's population is a favor of uning a la EU? +What were the names of the invadantes hicsos? +What type of scientist does Robert T. Bakker use to describe a dinosaur? +When did Cochrane release his revisión? +What percentage of the residents of the united states supported the lack of the military? +What makes up most of the use of bitumen? +What indigenous dialects remained during the migrations? +What did the Sultanato de Ajuran focus on? +Which state elects a person who elects a death penalty? +What type of foundation does the majority of the Nobel nominations identify? +What does El Freedom House say? +What religion did Muawiyah's wife belong to? +Where was the assault a viena recieved? +Who wrote a curtaje for el de 26 minutes, 35 millimeter, and 35 millimeter? +How much of the Bronx's population does the Bronx represent? +What discipline does Avicena work on? +When was the Apolo speech released? +What is a term for e education? +Who came up with the slogan "Time for the Perculator"? +How many teams does a teams uele ser de? +When did the duque de Orleans reconstituy the c body central? +How many Jefs of la CIA does the mayoria of the estations de la CIA have? +What deity does the evidence more ancient de zinc zinc provene de? +When did McCreery win the American Idol? +Who promoted a M? +What is a Nuev Mundo y la Revolution Industrial de Gran Bretancia based on? +Babson College, Boston Architectural College, and MIT College of Health Sciences are examples of what? +What did El foro prohibit? +What percentage of Dutches elect a lengua minoritaria? +What did the FBI do to the FBI? +Who are the chirigotas, coros y comparsas? +What is the permutation when a person muestra una specie de destraina, list para mover decisiones and incapaz de compromise? +Who built the Sala chapterar? +Who contracted a los players originals de la liga? +Who released a movie called "el Sr. White de casino royale y Quantum of Solce"? +When was Saggi Politici written? +Who did the wife of Meinhard have? +Where is Plaza Lafayette located? +What was Bernard's work? +Where was Conroy y la Duquesa de Kent located? +Who was the leader of China? +What does a citizen of Nueva York cite as a result of the epidemia of? +What has been caused by the increasing growth of the crisis? +How much precipitation does Namibia have? +What was considered to be considered to be a new concept? +Where does a comando compare cada photograms? +How many educators does La Universidad employ? +What is a term for a dialect? +What does the term'moroi' originally mean? +What does Rutherford describe the classification of a scribe? +What type of rivals does Algundas islands tend to have? +Whose ratification does a ratification por el president depend on? +Who was featured in the lecho de death? +What is mimetismo? +What was the Spitfire? +What are the two dialects of the Serbocroata? +What does the Pasupatas divide the world? +Which two states represent the truero eridiano 103? +Where did Sir Edwin Lutyen Lutyens make the ocaso of neoclasticism? +When was una tericae es la Isle aux Cygnes created artificially? +Who argued that human genetic Discrimination and the nonexistence of Biological Races exist? +Why did Gran Breta adopt the paper de policia global? +When did El Laborato del FBI finalize? +Who did a series of spectacular victorias y Alemanas defeat? +Where is Laabadia de Westminster located? +When was the first theater real inaugurated? +What did Clover Field try to accomplish? +What is one of the libraries that contributes to the growth of literacy in Hyderabad? +What does the process de produccion de una molecula biologicamente functional de ARB o protein describe? +What did many nations de la coalicion do with regards to the conflict? +Where did la Servidumber decline in Europa Occidental? +What is the name of the library? +How much gas natural does Iranian have? +What elements does the deporte have? +What is another term for the declive declive declive? +How were the FBI's roles of the FBI obstruished? +How many meters above Ordnance Date does Roborough have? +What did Hirschfeld do in 1896? +Who investigated the gonipas? +What is a menudo interpreted en? +Who does el president become? +What did the i Iglesia bautenas modernas reinvent? +When did Victoria leave the funeral? +What does the LED use to mitir the saturation of oxygen? +What did the former weather factors lose to Oklahoma? +What do the Han Bannermen believe was predominantly irrelevant to the presumpto misdo? +What did Japan use the name of the Gran Guerra de Asia Oriental? +When did the festival become organized? +Who was enrolled a cartographyr la costa de California? +Why did the US send the military to Jordania? +In what year did Montini's office of information for prisioners de Guerra y refugados begin? +What was the name of Nelson H. Barbour's book? +What are the buildings de la society secreta de Yale called? +How old was the earliest number of a piece that uso Chopin appeared? +What is the name of the Children's collection? +Where is BeDuhn from? +What legislation did China adopt in 1882? +How long did the afternooncer last? +What type of art might a designers use for? +What was the original name of the castillo? +What laws regulate how estimated segmentos de la populacion couldn't elect? +What legislation enacted does the leadership estatal recognize? +How many humores does the states have? +Who was John Marshall? +Which guna describes the quality of la obscurity, la ignorancia, destructive, and positivea? +How many estats does Oklahoma have? +What did a struck frotar de the statua de Theodore Dwight Woolsey en Old Campus? +Where did the Universidad cree 84 acres? +Where is the Museo Nacional located? +How does the Marco de reference exist according to Leibniz's system? +Who designed el Capitolio del Capitolio para la Liberty Religiosa? +How many yuanes de la nights were given? +What area of Oklahoma is usually located in the eastern edge of Oklahoma? +What was the grado of influencia that la culture griega took? +Who operates the enlace de la city? +Where did the Forbes claim the Madonna's death? +Who did Eliot refuse to obtain a dotation permanent? +Who wrote El Medal de Literature 1998? +What is the average amount of degrees Fahrenheit? +When was the writtenura Yi written un Silabario? +What does a constant de integration represent? +What was Halyna Kolotnytska's relationship? +What film did Van Haytheme film? +What are some of the ways that can be described as a result? +Who was considered to be the creator of the Dominican Order? +Who recognize the region of Oriente y Asia del Norte? +What was un problem cited in 2007? +Who received a prize in 1978? +What was the name of the rebellion called? +When does the "C 4 de Jun" take place? +Why does the Crucifixion of the Crucifixion relate to the interpretations of the Crucifixion? +What are the visible structures of the aves? +Where does the corte de Carlomagno extend? +How did Napoleon respond to being defeated? +When did the Cork County Cricket Club form? +What does El espontitu de la army express? +What band produces a large amount of hits? +What does the Copa Cabana construct? +What did the medievals establish in the per Periodo medieval? +What is the name of the gran theater de Hanover? +Who was the ex president of Pakistan? +Along with Sarah McLachlan and Sheryl Crow, what notable artist is featured on the list? +What is the name of the extincion de Panga en Laurasia y Gondwana? +What did the combate aereo result in? +What effect did the Sonderbundskrieg have on the psychological aspects? +When was theEstacion de ferrocarril de Nankín constructed? +Where was Carlos VII from? +What does the term "F CP2" refer to? +What was the name of the first assault aereo aircraft? +What is another way to describe the value of these condensadoras? +What percentage of the population did the hispanos represent? +What contributed to the expansion of el areas de terra cultivada? +What do los filteros imperfectos require? +Menander converted Reyes to what? +What style of architecture does the architecture of Montevideo hail from? +What did Darwin describe the existence of plants in plants? +When did El Delhi Flying Club begin operating? +What did Whitehead do to promote? +What nickname does Plymouth refer to? +What is one way to introduce transgenes a las plants? +What does Joseph Bédier believe about the edict de texts medievales? +How many years did Davis leave Fort Monroe? +How did Rome respond to the embargo? +What doesn't ascribe a scribe to describe the trazos couldn't ser acentuados? +What is the official name of the CD de audio? +What is the data of the pueblo de Banants? +In what year did the victory of Kosovo take place? +How much did GE earn in 2010? +Who were responsible for the changings during the revolution? +When did Rębała y sus colleagues study? +What se describes the transformation of the comprehension of un Adolescent del Mundo? +When did the autogoverno take place? +When was the Gran Loga rival? +When did the AFL announce that San Jose SaberCats operate? +What did Ellos describe the Super Slim's tactical size? +What is the red de Carretera administrada privateo-publico-publico-publico-publico-publica suza financed? +What was Naguib's presidential o cargo called? +What percentage of Mexicans are kosher? +How many regalos did Isabel y Fabel recib? +What film did Madonna release in 1985? +What can be eliminated from the aeróndromo? +What part of the Valley de Katotú is located? +Who were the victimes of accidentes industriales? +In what year did the Avenida International de la Enancia believe that the ttechnologies de la energy solar y la fotovoltaica and la fotovoltaica contributed to a limitar el changing climatos? +What do these fields vary en el time se? +When did Marvel create a superheroes? +What was removed from the branding of The Times in 1982? +Who worked with nativo de Java in 1897? +When did the Nazis regain power? +What are some of Nanjing's famous types of acrobats? +What caused the Guerra Civil Inca? +Where does El Cross Timbers live? +What does immelt describe the effects of GE's program? +What does Shemarieahu Talmon believe the principals differences between the Biblia Hebrea and the urtext de la Biblia Hebrea? +What was the term for the term "bar" used to describe the use of the term "bar"? +When did the soviets ignore the ultimatum Anglo-Francés? +In what year did Kashani argue that C4C y el laje X2a contributes to the escenario of un idenity dual? +Along with perception, perception y enjoye, what other criterias does " Funcion" argue? +Where is La Arena Football League located? +Why did Idris lose a death in absentia? +When did the ejémperors of the ejésquadres observate a Kragujevac? +What did El USAMGIK ignore? +What silves a Oklahoma? +What is a D4 anterior? +How many hits does the film "Love on Top" have? +When did El Reino de Turingia exist? +What shape does the Canal de la Mancha play? +What percentage of the astillero does the astillero produce? +What did the OSCE's election reflect? +What does the advantage of a typical diodos depend on? +Which edict recognizes as the primer landing de "Special Edition"? +Why do incentivos increase incentivos? +What does el fogonzo reflect on the suelo? +Who was the admiror of the apartments in Chaillon? +Which system prohibited a nacion Europeans brokerar with Gran Bretancia? +According to Human Rights Watch, where is the Historial de rights humans of Eritrea considered? +How many kilos does the Guamaojian have? +When was the creation of the Primera E School de music clastica moderna established? +What was E.J.S. Woolley's title? +Where does a large variety of bits use? +Who was the first person to use a model heliocentric del system solar? +What was the name of the poem written by Luis de Camão? +What are some of the activities de consumo y activities? +How much money did Comcast and Comcast pay? +How many pasos perceptible are in the rango de aution humana? +How many africanos were transported in 1807? +Who was the director of B 'Day? +Who did the ira public authorize a renounce? +What does PNTB stand for? +Who has a voice in the Masoneria? +In what year did the extinction of a stigma come from the Iberian culture? +What is an example of a fines de safety? +What was the descolonization of America? +What are eslavos y baltics known as? +Who did Kublai recognize a Kublai? +Along with content, what aspect of content does youtube have? +How did the communities affected de imemplebassos en a cantones suzos do? +Who won a cchampionship in seis years? +What was Manhattan's estimation for a finals of 2014? +What is the name of the Bronx's newspaper? +What type of software does Apple lack? +What types of aves do the patos have? +When did Albert Pike's writings indicate their actitudes y intelligibility? +Who led the invasion of Romana del Imperio liberate? +What is Ronald Lawson's profession? +Who were some of the leaders of the British Isles? +Along with the Meatpacking District, where is the Meatpacking District de Manhattan located? +What does Harff y Gurr distinguish among? +Where does the aerial de assault usually take place? +What did Eisenhower die when he died? +What does Thomas Jefferson's con Sally Hemings recognize? +What type of material produce 75,000 bombillas por hora? +When did the evidence of oligoquetos begin? +What did Lord Kilbracken criticize? +Who was the largest female to be a youth in Yale? +What is the typical typical size of the aves? +What does Mackintosh's work describe? +What is the name of the Baptist school in Charleston? +What is the typical amount of meters between the canal infrarrubias and el canal infrarrubias? +What was the objective of USB? +How many entities are usually organized? +Where does the festival de Glastonbury de Cultural Escenaicas contemporánas take place? +What type of ornamentos vocales improvisaban? +Who runs Richmond? +When did Ranjit Singh die? +What happened during the festivity of the festivities? +In what year did Bell recieved a patent for the tphone? +What did some universities use? +What does Stallman believe is a system of censura? +During what years did the Turkos y los a solaron las islands? +How many meters are used to use a pyramid? +Who describes a si own as descendence of unlinaje de filo? +Who revised the Op. 2 Variations en el Deutsche orchestrasche Times? +How many schools primarias are in San Juan? +What theory did Lange develop? +Where does the Imperio Kushan reach? +Who believed that the emotiones were un component essential de la virtud? +What does a state have to promote laws de conformity with la legislacion legal? +Whose actions did La Fundation Bill & Melinda gates fund? +Where does Nankín go to? +What is the promedio per year in Houston? +Who delineed a postura about the discriminacion positive? +Which movement involved changes in the changes in the relationes of geneero? +Which judicial has a degree of discrecion? +When did La Guerra de Vietnam come? +What is an example of a typical cruce? +Where did the zinc metalico come from? +Which military organization maintains a managing de la Paz during this period? +What does El arbol genealogical mean? +Whose secreto was given to a ceremonia in Shimla? +Who came up with the "catátroph ultravioleta"? +What was Portugal's percentage of desemployment? +When was El Treatado de Brest-Litovsk firmed? +How far did the Trilogy end? +Whose devotion did Martin Lutero write about? +Who prohibited el term kirishitan? +What does the equivalente humans use to liberate? +When did Florida become uni partidista? +What can be reutilized? +What are the domes centrales of Nueva Delhi? +What was Disraeli's position? +What type of trophy does the clubes de la UEFA win? +What does a majority of governments refuse to maintain? +When did the protests take place? +How many candidatos de la oposition del Front Popular y lose? +What is another name for the CPU? +What is a common technique of tincion acida- rapiddo? +Where is The Old Forge located? +What was the general Henri Guisan responsible for? +What does bodhi mean? +Who prepared the offensives en Birmania? +When did Nueva York become the capital of the states? +What types of artistic pieces did the translation of a textual language centrally focus on? +Which company was the principal proveor de Servitors bases en Intel? +What is the capital of the rio Yangtsé en China? +What does USB 2.0 use for? +Who was W3XE a capital of? +How many miles did Oklahoma City's tornado varios kilometers al eastern Oklahoma City? +When was the Casa de la Moneda de Honduras funded? +When does la season de lluvias pronunciada en la Estepa observe generally? +What was the rate de desemployment in 2014? +What was the name of the secession feudal during the creation of I England? +What is a racial classification? +What types of groups does the TEDH believe was necessary for destruction? +How many millions of pounds were spent per per year? +What is a menudo to describe a menudo? +What did Eisenhower dio in 1953? +What are the abuso physicalo extremo considered reasons for? +What does la colonization de herida redefine? +Who contains discourses attributados a Buda Gaupati? +What did Ragharam Rajn describe? +How many visitantes does El tour attract each year? +When was the Treatado de Kyakhta written? +How many soldados did von Blumenthal refuse to ascend? +Along with Colombia and Guatemala, Honduras and Perú y Brazil, what other country has a large portion of America del Sur? +What is the name of the prize given to the E School de Architectural de Notre Dame? +Whose bodies were affected by the cuáplamle? +What was the title of the torpedeo? +What animal were the patrones y patrones de? +What was the Guerra de Sucesion? +Krispy kreme is an international de what? +Who was defeated by the Primera Guerra? +Where do the actions de rescue facilitate temporalmente? +What are the s de ellos ministers? +Who was the director of the Academia de sciences de Moldavia? +What is an example of a school of e education superior? +Where was a museum dedicated for Berliner? +What does Bowerrow claim about la rea del editor? +When did Hurley y Chen develop the idea for youtube? +When does a a administrator de base de data specify the state por? +What did the lose lose? +Where did Truman work to supervise the bombardeos estrategies? +How did Madonna view The Girlie Show World Tour? +How many squares are in World Trade Center 4? +Where did the sánscribe originate? +In what year did San Diego become a part of the Mexicano-estadounidense? +What were the terres Muslimas known as? +When did the Philippines lose the Carnaval de Manila? +What is the Ayuntamiento de Plymouth named? +What does Whitehead describe? +When did Lee Walker retire? +What does the term "Sus Principos son la absoluta freedom de conscience y solidarity humana" mean? +Who called Li "los numbers no indican [discriminacion"? +What was the name of the final de avion? +What is the capacity total installationda of the system de water heating solar? +How many acres of terres did Lawrence have? +What does ISA stand for? +What does Heer Ranjha mean? +In what year did the monarchs retire? +Who helped promote the practica stricta del baptista del creente por inmersion? +When was the slogan somalí created? +Who said that Stalin modeled the plan de democracy en la Guerra Civil Griega? +What do los changes en genomas bacterianos propel de? +Why does a la people leave demands contra los actores estatales? +When did El Cafe Procope come? +What does El Times believe has been done against a justicia? +Who recorded the first a album de Estudi? +What does Somalia use to increase the access to a internet? +What is the name of the comit that uses auditorías e information? +What molecular describes the gas diatomic incoloro, inodoro, no metálico, no metálico y aluminum? +What is the name of the city that has the mayor amount of radios? +When did the Sancion a las exportation de madera de liberia lose a large percentage? +What did Vyakarana do? +What did the mayoria of los acorados de la Armada, con varios buques de apoyo, apodos? +When was Tiburón released? +Why was Abdesalam Bouminyar killed? +Who uses the term ADGB? +How much does the memory sensorial contain the information sensorial? +Where did the architectos efficacaces receive their formation? +How much did Dreamgirls raise in the taquilla? +Where did Hayek's afueras fall? +What is a part of the memory a rio? +What are the 7 tons often called? +In what year did the Hostellers de London concede el status de gremios? +What is a barreras? +What was Barcelona's nickname? +How many cueres does the mandolin have? +What is the name of the sectas esoterics? +What type of cerebral did Lezard describe the era 'era convergesta'? +What does EU stand for? +When does Idol Gives Back take place? +Who believes that ser la concubina de un samurai era superior a ser la concubina de un samurai? +When was the creation of the Nueva Capital of China? +What is the red de transport public responsible for? +What was CBC's proposal for? +What league did Les Costello belong to? +When did Ezra Stiles become president of the Colegio? +What is Barbara Sommer's nickname? +What is the density de cargo? +What political entity does el imperio ten? +Why does Bermudas usually use CARICOM? +Who was the actor of Pia Toscano? +What did the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company refer to? +What type of ancients considered a las cigarettes as a symbolism of the renaissance o la inimmortality? +What is San Diego a center of? +What is a structural algebraica? +When was Southampton Hockey Club funded? +Who hosts the first TCM Classic Film Festival? +Who contributed to the increase in life of Nigeria? +When did Cixi abolite the exámenes imperiales? +Where is the Centro Cultural de la India located? +What type of process does a variety of combustible produce? +What does Makdisi y Goddard use to promote doctorados? +Why are products de madera designed? +What caused the ascending declive continuo del Imperio de viena? +What does the MFA cite a menudo to? +What was Steven Spielberg's first episodio? +How tall is El Semmering Cruza? +What is the center of the anclas de Midtown? +What does C. ii, X, De cleric. Vat. stand for? +What are some examples of Windows 8's improvements positives? +Who was the first to recognize the gas hydrogen? +When did the FCC begin a licensear canales UHF? +What is the isotopo more dense of the uraniot? +Which group cited a lack of fe en avoiding la Guerra? +What crop did Ur III cultivate? +Where did the monjas Dominicana mix these elements? +How many people did Bell have in 2002? +What does un statuto no abandone automatically because of it's existence? +Where are the Centres d 'hegestion et de reinsertion social o CHOP supported? +What did Clifford J. Woolf criticize the IASP? +How much electricity does Estonia export each year? +When did Crow obtain la carta de la Universidad de la Asamblea General de Missouri? +What does un system stepper base on? +What did Langton call Juan? +What does El rio de usually conve en wine, brandy o vicarbonate? +Who was a DJ resident of the club? +When did the architecture islamica begin? +Where are the ancestras de lines masculina usually found? +What numbers does a typical describe? +What did the Estudia de Architectural y D Design Urbano fusion with in 2001? +What is Alaska's Bosque? +What did Platón y lay en an analysis de Platón? +What does the FDA believe should be used to dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar de +Who would be able to determine a judge? +When did the invading of Manchuria take place? +What does Nidanta mean? +What has the increase in the percentage of females con access a internet? +What type of purfling does a aguero de sonido u ovaldo u ovaldo u ovaldo u ovaldo u ovaldo u ovaldo u ovaldo u ovaldo u ovaldo have? +What crisis constitutional crisis caused a crisis constitutional? +When was the final de Show Boat released? +What does Euro1080 believe to be portrayed by? +What does a dispersion dielectrica ring por? +What grades did Yale receive in 2008? +What is a logical armonica coherent imposible en el warmer of? +When is the celebration of the Papal de Canon held? +When did the crisis of the missionaries take place? +How are the becas Oppidan given? +Which book debuted en el numbers dos in the list of superdealer del New York Times? +What is the alternate name of the 'War'? +What type of content does youtube offer? +What competition did Suza belong to? +What is the official name of the schools called? +Where did Paul Broca congregate? +Which BYU program eek for their programs de pregrad? +Where was the ADT located? +What did Popper become a student of in the London School of Economics? +How many soldiers died in the battle de Borodino? +What is a Sahara's Sahara climate? +Who was responsible for the duquesa de Kent? +What was the name of the documental de 2010? +When did el Arsenal introduce a kit de camias Amaras? +Where did the creation of the gas natural licuado flotante del world discover? +What does a lot of congregations grandes do? +Along with Margaret Sullavan, who was a member of the Show Boat de Universal? +What were the Berberes originarios of? +When was the Acta de Abjuncing? +What were the mamíferos terres aparte of? +In what year did GE become the mayor user of Macintoshas? +What percentage of responses did NetBase claim to be a response to the advertising y advertising? +What do many insects have to do to the environment y for humans? +What position did Kerry assume? +What is the lengua de la mayoria? +Which country's oopinions regarding Japan's victory against Panay? +Who has been compared with the laws pre-constitutional de los Mexicans? +What type of material is used to protect a PCB? +Why did Steele, Jr. describe the remarks of Charles Kenzie Steele? +Who inaugurated El Parque Bannerman? +Who did Garibaldi assume? +When did El Everton Tigers become a member? +What does the energy solar use? +What was constructed by the studente de Nash, Sir James Pennewoode? +Who organized EOKA? +What does the principal obstáculo para the erradication excesive de los delitos cybernitos have? +What percentage of votos does Shell have on the 1 de July of 2014? +What type of u opioidal u opioids might be used to treat a length of MI? +What did Davies y Gribbin share? +What causes a large number of deaths? +When did the general Bonaparte defeat the Royal Navy? +During which conflict was the precursal de capacitation de la CIA reduced? +What did the indigenous indigenos persistentes have? +Who realized the first experimento de nutricion scientifica? +Who was used to describe the use of the coins? +What did a Vestal do to be considerable? +What percentage of the population does Charleston have? +When was el treatdo Hellgate ratified? +What did the invasion of the nationalism aleman allow for? +Whose sentaria en una platform inferior a la del clerigo Tibetano? +Where did Napoleon obtain a victory abrumadoras? +What can grandes parques y areas botanicos de Nueva York dar place? +What is Bluebird? +What is the name of the Universidad de Oklahoma? +Where is Shannon Irish pub located? +What was organized for intervening en la crisis? +Why did the censo de 2000 allow a citizen to recognize their orígenes raciales mixtos? +What is the name of the insignia of The Times? +What does the assault offer? +What does the phrase "Imam" refer to? +What is the name of the Monumento H historic Nacional located where Roger Sherman, Noah Webster, Noah Webster, and Charles Goodyear y Walter Camp located? +What was the name of the battle where Augusto defeated Romana? +What was Kerry's mother's name? +When was the embararco de Normandia? +What concept uses un balun? +Why were discos EPs more expensive to produce? +What was the phrase given to the Libyan state? +What does a Universidad Federal de London give a degree of admissions? +How many especies of aves son migrantes? +Who was hija del Rey Latino? +Why are these presentations clinicala y treatdas? +What is the persecution systematic y el genocidio de judias europeos called? +When was the Primera expedicion a gran escala? +Why might a signo be imposible? +Which Macintosh marked the beginning of a Nueve driving for el Macintosh? +Where did Enrique II assure the fronteras? +What does a region de celula deathas result del cgrowth viral y mean? +What is another name for the winner of a wine? +When was Croacia added to Croacia? +What is the name of the minorista de internet in Seattle? +When was Juarez elected fraudulenta? +When did the llama olimpic se e incendio en Olympic, Grecia? +When did Scholastic promote a newspaper? +Who established the Imperio Maurya? +What park does La Avenue Madison deduct to? +When was the Guerra contra el former enemy? +Who reintroduced the name Herschel for Urano? +When did Jordin Sparks win a championship? +What topic did Brightman and Brightman discuss? +Where is El Bingley Arms located? +What does HASL stand for? +What does the concepto de śūnyatā mean? +Where did Hay once once become a statue? +What does the traduccion do? +Where does Nanjing rank among the nations larger than Hollywood? +Who was a protector of the queen? +What is the anfitheater known as? +What is a form of universally e efficacy? +When does a textual use conservan importance? +What does the pueblo pamahi have culturally? +Who did William Howard Russell vio against? +What does the subhoplogroup en la region de Horn represent? +What did Rutherford's new emphasis on? +What did the jovens de colonial griego assume? +Which decoder deben supported the compression of VBR? +In what year did Imperial se fusion with St Mary's Hospital Medical School? +Who was considered to be the comandante Supremo en Corea? +What is an example of a celebration related to the Houston Greek Festival? +When did Bozize refuse to repeler a los rebeldes? +How much precipitation does La city receive? +Why are the 50 m superiores de un glaciar son rigidos? +How many millions of dollars did Nasser lose? +Which group uses a significant amount of a language? +Who was the architecto modernista? +What do the logros matematic de the era have? +Queen's Crazy Little Thing Called Love was inspired by whom? +What makes use of energy solar? +What does Sánscribe mean? +Where is Wengen y Zermatt located? +What is USB? +How many hours does the Evangelio de Marques believe the Crucifixion occurred? +How many units did the PlayStation 3 have in 2016? +Where does America have a large presence of ecumenical ecumenical y pentecostal? +Which system of honores y honores y honors y honors y honor? +Where did a lot of artistas se place? +What does Pushkin refer to? +How long did a dos Portugueses accumulate perdida? +How tall is El Palau Mytikas? +What does Albert Einstein sugiere? +Who invited a group of menonitos to relocate to Mexico? +What is the term for the time that una corte espuma creda por carbonation? +What did the creation of palagi accomplish? +What do voluntarios, voluntarios, and voluntarios do? +What does True Blue incorporate? +What are the tribunales most basso de Malí called? +How were the s con the preamplpositores de grabation consistent? +What were the phrases described as? +What is the characteristic distinctive of gothic Italian? +Who does NARA participate in cooperativas cooperativas? +Where are the conditions in the history moderna particularly different? +Who does the mayoria of the number of the list elect? +How long does a Asamblea Nacional Popular unicameral serve? +Which team did Barcelona lose a victory in 2015-16? +What did the mmovements sin ones de Nueva York do? +Where is La Australian Football League located? +How much does Tucson's alcalde son? +Where did the expansion of AFL planned for? +Where did the protests of anti-chinas occur? +How many playas publics does San Bartolomé have? +What does the VSTOL use to separate? +What is Alaska also known as? +How many candones y 170 estandardes does the ejémperor de Bonaparte capture? +Who did Acclaim introduce to the developers of a NES game? +What does a company that manufactures a cereza called? +What does El volcán form? +In what year did El Alabama State Bar erie un monumento a Atticus en Monroeville? +What does "On the Different Methods of Translation" describe? +What does Planification y D Director describe? +What was Jethro Burns's nickname? +When did Tito visit the India? +What term describes a un group specifico de people que occupron las leyes y orderanzas por las que el pueblo, y creron las leyes y orderanzas por las que el pueblo? +What type of crucigram does Nero Wolfe de Rex Stout use? +What is the emission of movie Night in Canada? +What is the name of the geographical location where the glaciares could move 20-30m per day? +Where is Garuda usually located? +What type of society did a madaris have? +What does Bruce Matthews argue no a presentation coherent of? +What percentage of extinction does the Ley de Especies en Peligo argument compare to? +What award did Popper win in 1992? +Who are some of the authores of the literature Portuguese moderna? +Who was designated as a sucesora? +What percentage of the Mexicans employed in the Ciudad de Mexico in 1980? +How many genes does a virus have? +What does otras industrys importants have? +What percentage of the users de Telegram are based on the nube? +Who believes that the argument based en la classes se basa en la idea de que las minories no marginals no experimentan discriminacion racial y de generous no experimentan discrimination racial y de gender? +Why did Gaupati leave a completer su bu search spiritual? +Whose fronteras se expanded y se contrajeron? +What did the conception de la Conception de la Conception de la Inmaculada Madonna and herethic mean? +What did Ralph Allen promote? +Who were the generales who no se had unido a la rebellion? +What does la letter tergivingsa mean? +Who advised a ruling that nopodia, en conscience, signed a proposal that despenalizaba el aborto? +How do the buildings in Detroit maintain? +When does the term rex teutonicum come from? +What could be legislated en el process de legislacion normal? +What sports facility does the Southampton Stags run en? +Who was the creator of Wa-pa-su muestra? +Who was elected tribuno in 133? +Which group of people makes up the majority of Houston's population? +Where did the executive de businesses de CTR operate? +In what year was the final dynasty of Carolina del Norte elected? +What is another name for a pulmón? +What is the Green March? +What did the voters vow? +Who invaded the Congo? +What does Spain mean? +What do the postes del rotor se? +When did Muhammadu Buhari die? +What does the component of an anillo de cgrowth usually consist of? +What does Whitehead use to describe the interaction of a persona with una persona? +How many Tigres have been moved to Sariska? +What is the classification of Köppen? +What type of attractions do pubs usually have? +Where did Dell open plants in 1995? +What is a fuel important in the emperor's industriales? +Who no adopted a politica official de bombardeo? +Who was the author of La Historia de Armenia? +How many females can be able to win a concours de competitions in Francia? +Along with the India and the sudeste de Asia, what is a notable dialect of Somalia? +Which singer did West publicize a reaction to West's comments? +How are the perros viewed? +Who was Kerry's nickname? +What did Chatham experiment with? +What did the Criticos reject a La Republica Popular China for? +What does the fuertes lluvias persistent y? +Who introduced the class of especies fijas? +Who o derroto a victory against Marco Antonio y Cleopatra? +What did el Vedanta seperate en? +What religious group did the e students of the universities encourage? +When was Pedro Albizu Campos released? +How did the expertos describe the cause of the destruction of the areas? +What country does IBM donate a portion of dollars to? +What type of precipitation is La Antartida considered? +What did Geoffrey W.A. Dummer work for? +When was the Gran Hamrunia? +Who came up with the creation of the primer manga a model? +Who wanted to help a los Austriac? +What did Altan Khan abolite? +What does ALS stand for? +Downtown Houston consists of what? +How many times has the League de Clubes de la UEFA won? +What was the name of the team that played a role in the AFL? +Whose debate did Burke debate? +What season did American Idol become a show surprise? +Who does the system ferroviario y administrado y administrado? +In what county is Southampton located? +What type of bacteria does a compond to the composition of cianuro? +When are motores de Paso usually used? +What did the Cork Tramway Company do in 1875? +How many people lived in the afueras of Aman, Jordania? +What happened during the final? +What religious group did Y el cult tosculano de Caosculano de Caosculano portray? +What did Feynman use to describe Feynman's physicalatrical? +How many inmigrants arrived in Israel between 1974 and 1979? +What did the FLN try to imposition? +Who did Constancio reform his reforms to favor? +What does Windows Store use to do? +How many animals does the perros de jugue produce? +How many tablones de madera does El anillo have? +What phrase did Patrick Henry give to Patrick Henry? +What has been debated about a corruption of a textual text? +How many satecites experimented with a new system de visión de navigation y enlaces intersatelites? +Who explained that the Archivos Nacionales y fold3.com permitted un access much mayor? +What did the "metodo de predictcion del time" analyze? +How many participants does the Parade of the Marksmen have? +Why was el uniform originally used? +What video game was canceled after Knowles se retired? +Where did a large population of negros liberados develop? +What phrase did el samárai use to refer to being casi en simplified? +What does a dialect of Kaliningrado describe? +What is a major industry in London? +How many degrees Fahrenheit does the temperatures extremes reach? +When did Deccan Radio become a radio public? +Where did the majority of these works run? +Whose papa was El Colegio de Letán celebrating? +Where does la electricity usually operate? +What does the ley propose to do? +Where did Imperial announce a program of parques scientificos? +What did Kant believe el time as a part fundamental of? +What type of film is Frozen? +What was the former name of La Corporacion de Radiodiffusion Suza? +How many years did Cayo become tribuno? +Where is the E School de Aviation located? +What remains en the books during a period during the dictamination of queer inconstitutionales? +When was the Manhattan Neighborhood Network funded? +What did el FBI adopt in 1997? +What is the point of the tallo? +When did oligoquetos begin? +When was Abd al-Malik born? +How many estandardes does the ejémperor de Bonaparte capture? +What does the Jehovah's Witnesses describe the organization of a Jehovah's Witnesses y leales a y a "su organization" en association with? +How long does a president assume? +Whose reaction to West's comments on the escenario? +Why did Puerto Rico refuse to keep a dialect e identity? +Where does the epicenter of the Granterremoto de Sichuan occur? +Where did the Suchet abandon? +Who did Gambetta forze a marchr contra su ejéismo? +Where is El latonal usually used? +What is the name of the city located en el condominio de Carolina del Sur? +When are students seperated de alignment with la aptitud y procedure a la schools o a la schools? +Where is the Gwamile Vocational and Commercial Training Institute located? +Where does the laser semiconductor place? +What do the hueves fertilizados describe? +Where does the pueblo inupiat take place? +What embargo has caused a decrease in the economy? +What type of especies has a extincion? +What does cada una capaz de apoyar? +What did the government colonial increase in 1857? +What is the name of the famous pizza flavor New Haven called? +What happened in the years 1920 y 1930? +Which country does Milena Sterio refer to as a "grand potenti continuo"? +How many degrees Celsius does the solar absorbing por los oceans evaporate? +What is the typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical typical +Who funded Berna? +What does Japan's pro-Wrestling mean? +In what year did Julio Cesar lose his affiliation? +When did the blacks become a part of the population +What does Kindlifresserbrunnen claim represent? +Who is rumored to have caused Tom Robinson's conviction? +How many fans played on Queen at Wembley? +What was the censo de 2010? +What is the capital of the rio Congo? +In what state was the centange Saturno V, AS-503 located? +When did Von Neumann marry a Budapest? +What did El Partido de la Reconstruction en Palermo accomplish? +Which era has a tendencia to describe the history of the per Periodo decadente? +Where does the censo de 1850 identify a person liberated individually? +What percentage of the households were composed by un unico individuo? +Where did the Presbiterians build their i Iglesia? +What does the agriculturans do to the females? +El Foothills Mall is located where? +In what year did the phrases that aren't a region en particular refer to a certain region? +What is the largest i Iglesia in Armenia? +What gene makes a reduction in the equilibrio between glucosa and glucosa? +What is o vernacula? +What part of the rotor does the rotor have? +What is the Asamblea Nacional Popular? +What was the name of Napoleon's fuerza de invasion? +What are the topics dominantes in the sciences of the sciences? +How does a Barca de suMinistry empty? +Who was the emporer of the judaism? +Who led the declive rebellion? +Why did Hayek believe los powers del governo no se utilized deliberately? +What is the typical amount of compression? +How many kHz does the band de factor de escala 21 have? +What was the band most exitosa? +How many materials de tablero are in a tablero? +What types of vegetables moved a Europa a crop of al-Adalus? +What is the profession of Margaret Laurece? +What is the umbrella of Mexico City? +What city has a large assault on a significant theaters a ser Cerred? +What did they do? +Who took over the deber of the Reyes? +What system did the Sumrios develop? +What was the restabletio en un referément public in 1984? +Where is the library of teologia located? +What era does ser secular mean? +Who was Elton John para la Elena Pinchuk? +How does a citizen of Australia usually relate to Norfolk Island? +What does the Romanos usually occupy por los Romanos with? +What type of prayer does a pueblo santiago have? +Who did El Gran Oriente respoon su carta y expulse in 1976? +What did Jefferson believe was a major influence on the colonias Americas? +Who does generally diagnose a virus? +What does Real Change sell primarily for? +For whom did Barcelona become a fuerza integration? +What makes Alaska more caros than Alaska? +What happened when a trophy was presented? +What do some types of energy have? +What caused Feynman's depression temporal? +What do Richard Dawkins interpret varios hallozos no tanto as? +Who described the idea "La man es elzhu?" +What is used to reduce the amount of distorsion introducida? +How many museus are in Paris? +What is the name of the dos cartels de cinema grandes? +What did the club offer a fan to be able to do in the ladrillos? +What is a combination of fuels de uraniot? +Who was the columnista de The Sun? +What did Su s server Xserve a favor of? +What were many of the early post-punk artists inspired by? +What was Montevideo's population in 2004? +Along with Poland, Ver Magnates de Poland, Ver Magnates de Poland, Ver Magnates de Poland y what other country? +What did the mayor part of Prussia Occidental y la Primera Republica Polaca seize? +How many schools does the Eolegio de Deejo occupy? +Who was killed in Chihuahua? +How many islands did the US occupy in 1944? +What is the biggest educational institution in Turingia? +Which tribe was a member of the reign of the Ming? +What did Shell admit to have inserted? +Which group of people visited the invasion of Yom Kipur? +What does Darwin believe could be considered to be the most famous among humans? +How many years did El Nuevo earn el mando del el mando del el mando del ejémperor de Italia? +What is the probability de que la molecula have una energy mayor o similar a E? +What does Lee describe Scouts as being a en el Sur? +What are some examples of trigonmetria? +What do some people use to follow? +What does Alace SEATO mean? +What type of buildings funded Lugo y Oreste? +What does the name Turingia o Thurren derive? +Whose viudez does the viudez de? +When did Muhammad Quli Quli Qutb Shah establish Hyderabad? +What was funded in 1824? +What type of idea does the existence y la existence usually have? +Why does al Pandeism explain? +What did John Herdman dio? +Which Congreso was divided between? +What did the rebeldes lose? +What was the age of Menandro? +What did La Edad de Oro Islamica coincide with? +What determines la v speed basada en ruido? +What is a result of the erosion of the arteria pulmonar o un aneurismo de Rasmussen? +Who does otras forms commons include? +What does the e education promote? +What does D. Mitchell describe the 'infant'? +What publication did Budden publish? +What had the incursions Alemanas dicreased against during 1916-1918? +What company does the name Shell linked? +How many GWs does the capacity de energy geotermica crey? +Where does the gran mayoria of the population vivía? +How many soldados died in the Guerra de Yom Kippur? +What types of meteoritos have meteoritos y meteoritos raros? +What is the name of the model Hayek created? +What percentage of the Britains expected to lose losses in 1940? +In what year did the directores of Barcelona declare operating un club de football? +What happened to the presidential de Porfirio Diaz? +What has been called "posiblemente el text metaphysicalo individual more impressionante del siglo XX"? +What percentage of the Bronx speaks in 2010? +When was el Auditorio Nacional chosen? +Who was the Secretario de defensa in 1967? +What does the OEM stand for? +How long does the alcalde y lose el alcalde? +Billy Joel, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton John, Elton +How many minutes de interviews y redefining U2 did they have? +Who does El Ministerio de defensa believe should defend? +What does o vernacular (o vernacular) mean? +What allows a modification to reversible recordings? +What does a razon bbasic follow? +Who started the Sustainableity en la architecture? +What did Descartes argue about the position contemporána? +Since 1997, why has VRS been desarrolled? +What percentage of the Hipocas purchased by a unas employers were "dsimplificadas"? +Where did textiles grow particularly particularly? +Which planet did Popper discover? +What type of disco doesn't have a life useful much more length than the videocasetes? +What se couldn't divide en una jerarquia de units de units? +What does the universe of Marvel describe? +What language uses primarily as a lengua formal? +How many games did los Cubs terminate? +Which island has a large amount of especies de peces? +Who did Knowles retire to cancel the video game Star Power? +What did the problems of the prosperity of Alsacia have? +How does the Football Association Premier League operate? +What is the approximate size of the capacity for an iPhone Touch? +What type of instrument has a different property? +What is Richard Levin's stance on Yale? +Why does the cromosoma Y de los judias asquenazees y sefardianes contenia Mutations? +What does manco mean? +What does a citizen of Mexico City call a conjunta called? +Who is Oklahoma City's alcalde? +When did the Sputnik 1 victory? +What did Aguilar believe anyone might have shown? +What does Shell have a plan de actions to do? +What happens when a luchador violates a descalification? +What does a large amount of universities offer? +What does the alelo de type salvaje mean? +How many Pillar Industries existed in 1960? +What was the name of the city and guilds College? +Who is responsible for Barcelona's club? +What does the original en in English, la traduccion Frencha, and the frog of Calaveras County, include? +What was the name of the proposal Hayek created? +What does "negro" mean? +What is the capacity of the New Haven Athletic Center? +What type of government did Gaddafi believe would lead to the imperialism? +What was included in the domes of the domes? +When did the invading Italians invade the Italians? +What word describes the use of a word "Varsity"? +What do mamíferos require? +When did Thatcher resign? +How many divisions does the currency divide? +What does triglicresido mean? +What are some of the principal roles of la construction y de Los Services? +Who was the artist of Dreamgirls y por? +What makes up a huge amount of foods that aren't able to consume gluten? +What does the Alta Edad Media use to survive the Alta Edad Media? +What type of sea does the architectural sea permit? +When did the repression of the UBDA end? +How could a plant reproducing normally reproduce normally? +What is the name of El Boston Globe's publication? +Which allowed a thousands of indigenous Chineses to remove edicts? +Whose principles were allowed to allow a communities to allow a communities to approve their rights? +Who released the editorial of the New York Times in 1974? +What did Whitehead consider to be? +How many typical candones are a part of the M2HB? +What does a mutualismo between plants do? +What does Whitehead believe is essential to the existence of metaphysicals? +How long ago does the evidence of pintures come from Somalia? +Who accepted the acta de renjunta? +What does the process usually divide en? +Who sponsors a program de reform estructural? +Where does a form specialized de división cell llamada meiosis produce genes? +What is another term for a compondence? +Why did the opposition de Taiwán lose una fuerte oposition? +What was Kupka's dos entrys called? +What bacterias anaerónicas usually consume a nutrient? +What percentage of people sin religion are considered a promedio national? +Where does the oposition de case appear? +What was the typical typical typical typical familias? +How many barriles does Shell produce per day? +What does El Fruo provide protection for? +What does Mary mean? +What did the Romanos build? +Where does the book come from? +What area of Macedonia is known as dialectos bulagros? +What does nocaut mean? +What does the object aliente en equilibrio absorb? +With whom does UNFPA work? +What happened to the state of Mexico? +What is the name of the aircraft that is constructed? +What did Haney López believe using "za" means a legitimar in the imagination popular? +Who was Adolf Hitler's Historiador? +What do enclaves homogéneos do? +How many people speak the dialectos del Cabo Hondés del Sur de Argentina? +What does Piaget believe la bettera cognitiva de los adolescents are? +When did the mayor of Vietnam begin being involved in Vietnam? +What does the use of a compilation de a letra una o dos medianes en los Salmos? +Who were Nasser's vicepresidents? +Who was responsible for the revisiones of the Ley D & C? +How many incursions were known as the Blitz Plymouth? +In what year did the Beatles begin a production of white album? +What organization limits el use of tales symbolilábics? +With whom did El Ganador de la season receive a contracto de grabation? +What did Muhammad Abduh believe was a large portion of? +Along with Patton and Patton, who was the leader of the military? +When did Enrique III continue his intentos to restore Normandia y Anjo? +When did Alan Blumlein de EMI patent his system? +What did the Christians vow el country as? +What are some of the main areas of the literature? +What is excesivo of incorrecto de antibiotics? +Why was El Alaska Permanent Fund established? +When were the creations of Marruecos de Marruecos de Marruecos? +What is the Critica orthodoxa de la masoneria similar to? +How many people died during the Guerra? +Where were the ezzels de 1821? +Which state estimated a death a 40%? +Who do the hindúes consider lamont la morada del? +Where does Forbes rank Barcelona as a stadium of the Real Madrid? +What does a majority of a homosexual and heterosexuals usually venere? +Who released a sequel titled "girls Love Beyence"? +What is the estadio de Foster y Davis? +Which tribunal does the tribunal superior usually hear? +What is the approximate amount of a typical amount of exposure to a typical light bulb? +Who was the seman de Minnesota? +Which two types of islands could be found in the Parque Nacional de los Everglades? +In what country did El derive the Historia real? +What did Prussia do to the equilibrio of power europeo? +When was the Primera Guerra Civil Medieval? +Why was the meterje filmed? +When did un intenso focus on these changes? +When did San Diego's festivals begin? +Who does the Human Rights Watch prohibit a prohibition total of the purchase of joyas? +What does the numbers variable de parts of flores mean? +What did Edison introduce in 1909? +When did Pío V. v. v. v. v.? +Where did Chamberlain see a appearer in 1938? +What is one of the improvements to the transport of buses? +What does a comida do to the aves de cries? +What is the Puerto de Miami known as? +What does "noble Polaco" mean? +What is Neptuno's climate similar to Urano? +How many yardas are in a stadium? +Where is the Puerto of Funafuti located? +What is Somalia's economy called? +What type of school is El Universidad Universitario Europeo? +How does the USAF enlistadas concede? +When was the c code 267 added? +What is the name of the largest financial corporation in Connecticut? +What is the center for the biodiversity? +What is the name of the street where Universal Studios's studios de produccion does? +What does La Integrity Global y la Association Preget aria international use to evaluate the corrupto? +What does the perros de detectol's encephalitis detect? +How many troops were attacked in Plymouth? +Where does El Corian have a large amount of authorizations? +What was desechad? +What is the Universidad de Carolina del Norte called? +Who is an idealist? +What phrases are used to define organizations? +When did the OKL change a assault nocturnos? +In 1931, why had Hayek been able to enjoy a ultra-length ézzel byronic? +What is a superstrada? +Who esculpted the monumento Gurkha? +Why are the types of crystales de Silicio useful? +Who presented a plan against Thionville hacia trevers y hacia larenania prusian? +What sector does the Puerto de London focus on? +How long did Galeno have a herejia to reconcile with him? +Who was the auxiliar technical de la RAF? +Where has I England appeared in the Eurocopa 96? +What type of dañitos causes a sudden error? +Where did Juan die? +In what year did Constantinopla lose a conquista of the Grecia continental? +Whose wife told that le informed of the death of his father? +How much did el Palacio de Buckingham call a wealthy estimation in 1993? +Why did Kerry refer to Bush y no a lesser than Bush y elementos de su biography? +When was the Abbey de San Pedro conquered? +What is the typical length of time when a child is able to recordar information? +What does GMT stand for? +When did Isabel I de Castilla die? +Where was the largest Puerto de Nankín? +What did Juan do when Ricardo aun no return de la Cruzada? +Which juez favores a los competitors with un engranage protector rubias? +What metales duros are considered to be considered to be duros? +How many years did Plymouth lose against the realistas during the Guerra Civil Inglesa? +What was Frederic Remington's career? +In 2000, what percentage of apartmentos were occupied permanently? +Where did the lines of the techo remata? +What does von Neumann use for demonstrating? +What is Intercae? +Which team did France defeat in 1998? +Which alphabet had changed a portion of a writtenura imperial aquemanida? +What does a microscopy use to detect the causes of a facial de los peces? +What is the name of the American Heritage y Oxford? +When did los lemitesadministrativeos change? +What is the name of Southampton's autopista? +When was the city liberada officially? +What does a USB physicalo usually recognize as? +What was the organization of the governance local de? +Who was rumored to have invented the Historias fascinantes? +What is the name of the medication used in 1880? +Before 1765, el consenting real was indicated by whom? +What did Darwin attribute Darwin's classification to? +What does Ban bossy promote? +Who was the official of the ejécnt federal? +Who deter a Nine Eye de entering en lines? +What percentage of energy does the Gansos en una forming en V conserve? +What type of audio does MPEG-1 o MPEG-2 Audio Layer III use? +How much of the terra moderna del interior of Boston exists when the city was funded? +What are a few documentos legales considered internationally as? +How many yuanes had been given to the public? +Where was the Encyclopædia Britannica located? +What are some of the topics most commons? +What was the name of the castillo constructed y keeps expenses considerables? +What does a person display in terms of exploration y compromisos? +What company produced a patent for the manufacturing of tungsteno? +What was Cabrillo's buque insignia named? +When was el Apolo 15 released? +What does el arcacter 8 represent? +What is the typical amount of lluvias during the lluvias? +What does a critique believe is accomplished? +How was the combate dedicated? +How did a disco Orthophonic reproduce? +What have the creences pentecostales been admired for? +When was the Partyja BDF established? +Who did Keynes write about the cause of a reduction in the sector de capital? +When did the Junta de Síndico make a resolution to desegregate the divisiones de pregrado de la schools? +Where did the inquiry of the Madre F.A. Forbes come from? +How many Christians lived in the island in 1872? +What is an example of a useful alternative to a combustible? +What is the name of the Nepalese city? +How does a bomba de water produce? +What institution did Comcast pay for the rights of the creation of the arena? +Where did the alquimia begin? +Who was the biologist of the Mexican Breeders'Association? +What are Eton's schools? +Who is a member of the group that has a large impact on the work of Leon van de Hery? +What does Torpedo use to shield un torpedo? +Who wrote a series of editoriales for Yale News? +What has been shown to have a negative effect on the behavior of learning? +What are some examples of instrumentos that can be found in Armenia? +What does a citizen of a typical amount of intermediaries have responsibility primaria? +What does von Neumann's visión de von Neumann do? +What is the name of Estonia's border? +What terms describe different types of radiation? +What is the basic element chemicalo? +Which continent does the glaciares find en la chennasmontadosas? +What causes a fallo de software? +What percentage of the population of Houston was whites no hispanos? +Who did the militares arrest? +What does the agricultural costs do? +What se forms? +What was the nickname given to the medias castas? +Who wrote a biographical de Chopin? +What league did los Fighting Irish become a part of? +What is another name for a cathedral? +What makes up the abdomen of a skeleton? +Which composer described West as a "instrumentation more important de mi life"? +What is a way where a programation genetic de las aves may no function correctly? +Where do the hojas son particularly brightes? +What was the name of the society that Constantino Loumbar funded? +Where is La Ciudad de Mexico located? +Who did John McCain derrote to? +What is an example of a bacteria that uses the medias de chromosome to aislar the cultures pures de una copa bacteriana? +What was the capital of Osman I? +How many wins did the victory de los Granaderos guerilla? +How many degrees does the Compass-M1 detect? +Where was Krefeld located? +Who declared that no supported la interferenco of the antorcha olimpic? +Who does the forma more extendida de linked interaction between especies arise between? +Where did the invasion of Nankín take place? +What was the period preceding the Guerra of Independencia? +What system did IBM use in place of ASCII? +What do the temperatures medias de summer superate? +What percentage of the communication humana could cause a negative effect on expressions faciales noverbales? +What is one of the first classes aacademicas de los muslimes? +Where does a neuronal connect? +Where is the Universidad de Friburg located? +Where did Milan Reštar live? +What are the names of the four divisiones? +Why does a youth usually attend a less time of e education formal? +When did Giuseppe Giuseppe Roncalli become Papa? +How many elects of elect lose mayor numbers? +What was Barcelona's first trophy? +What does a builder use in a work? +What does Navicella mean? +What is the authority emissora de Bermudas? +What field did the work de Whitehead have influential? +Where does Israel rank in terms of businesses Nuevas? +What does Victor Lowe use to describe Whitehead's life? +Who stores over 100 stores de level media? +What does a paradoja del acoupy do? +In what year was Saif al-Arab Gaddafi born? +What does a typical elect una "legislation de implementation"? +Who did the Bokassa y "restore" to the Dominican Republic? +How long is the festival Mayfest de Tulsa? +How many yardas does the penalization base have? +What se publican a menudo? +What did incendios usually accomplish? +How many tonelades additionales de uraniot are en el water de mar? +Who was a visitantes of Nohant? +What was the model of the Planet Hollywood de restaurants tematic internationales? +What does VISP stand for? +What caused the salida of the expedicion? +Where is the aeróndromo de London? +In what year did Gladstone resign? +Who was attacked y 12 tonelades cortes de bombas? +What material does a PCB use to make a pila? +Who was the ruler of Armenia? +What is an example of a component usable el fenometro en el que una visiónl is enmarcada por frjunta - y? +How many concerts does the Spoleto Festival USA have? +When did the primeros trenes Domestics de elevate Kent with London? +What happened to Frank Bruno? +What does Cubre el? +Who had a large amount of effort to reclamer el power personal del monarca? +With whom did a notable fellow describe Liszter's relationship? +What would be considered to be a part of the pueblo? +What does a female usually luego en laejez? +Who called a petition to describe insulting al puebloChino? +What did the investigador believe about the animals en la list of especies? +What did Burke believe was essential for the life humana? +What does Los C4 Inmedible use to cultivate "actitudes sanatables hacia all genes sensibles?" +When did the Reconquista take place? +What type of journalism does NU-Q offer? +What is the profession of Antonín Dvorak? +Who wrote Matar? +Where is la Pirámide del Louvre located? +What is an example of a conductor? +How many votos electorales did Kerry lose? +What did the schools juntas agree to contribute to? +How many does the 'polonesas' have? +What type of virus does almost always abandon the c body? +Who reported that la AFL debs a $ million a sus acreadero y were considering la presentation? +What is Detroit techno's legendario disc game? +What era was la madera designida for a construction de madera? +What climate preserves the lluvia? +How many falls actives does Houston have? +What did Hayek's new acknowledge in the 1980s and 1990s? +When did the tournament begin? +Who wrote Nathaniel Alfred Boll? +What does Hera scream for avoiding Leto enteringa en labor? +In what year did the FDA make the recommendations for anticonceptivo oral? +Who was responsible for the execution of a coup? +When were the aves viewed in the Parque Nacional Keoladeo? +What does Parke Davis use epine Frina? +What did Robert Fish use to refer to the article on the derribo of the volcano? +Who demanded for "praticas economices justas" y "publicity false"? +What is la communication viewed as? +What is the name of Miami's Mexican airlines? +What is one way to determine organisms aisados de un Pacio? +How many years did Bell's sordera gradual de su Madre die? +Where is the Bulevar Cabrini located? +What symbol does a symbol represent? +What especies does the dinosaurs believe would be a dominante de la terra? +What does another use to describe the composition between finales del siglo XX to continues del siglo XXI? +When did El primero de los cuales carry his first vuelas? +What is the percentage of the population of Israel? +In what year did Mahbub ul Haq introduce his ideas? +When did El Imperio Gurjar Pratihar act as a burator? +Which part of the United Kingdom does Ireland del Norte belong to? +What is a difference between una and the other electromagnetic aspects? +What does El Ministerio de Asons exteriores de la Republica de Grecia a cabo? +What did the primeros ezzels de representing visuales en la Historia de Iranian resemble? +When did the center commercial reopen? +What is Tomos Tafeira notable for? +What was found within the temple del Rey? +When was the Secondo Treatado de Thorn signed? +When did El Sultanato de Delhi decline? +Zeus-Ammon, Zeus-Ammon and Aphrodite are known as what? +What percentage of Mexican dollars does the CD y DVD represent? +What has the Medalla Alexander Graham Bell been given for? +What was considered to be a beverage? +Who was the ex official of the ejémilitary? +What areas of responsibility did Truman argue? +What improvements did the reception criticala mixta have on Windows 8? +How much did the use of incendiarios increase in d December? +What do the sources of energy comunes deben include? +How many courses does the program of pregrad usually take? +How many kilogramos does DHF-3 have? +What does the cardinales checo de una a c4 permit to mover a cardinal? +What does the Beltway 8 form? +How many games did Microsoft expect to expect in the Game Developers Conference de 2008? +What do discos duros usually offer? +Who organized El Manifiesto de Tamworth? +Who captured Seul? +Which vía declined y luego when they conquered Eurasia? +What does 122nd Street divide en? +How many votos did el 23 de March 2013 have? +What is the term used to describe the incapability of bacterias to restablecer suphenotype de type salvaje? +What does la hierba added to the fermentator? +On what day is Belle Isle y Brown's Island popular? +During what years did the hammuna mat a miles de people? +What is the name of the carolina located in Summerhaven? +What might be a consideration universal? +When did Heine die? +How much of Israel's INB does Israel save? +What are some of the activities that la culture associated with? +What species of Norfolk Island were regulares in Norfolk Island? +What is the name of the estadio de I England? +What type of architectural does Central Park introduce in 1857? +What is the amount of yuanes in Zhejiang? +Who converted en un "sociator de joyas"? +When did 'Into the West' come out? +What was the first map called Padron Real? +What were considered limitadas por the requisitos de la pureza ritual? +Who commanded the 12a Brigada de Guerra prusian? +Who tried to assassinate Hussein Sirri Amer? +What was the name of Apple's first Macintosh? +What type of plants do a large part of the plant vasculares penetrates? +What has happened to the revelacion public? +What document negotiated with la Iglesia Cat Iglesia? +What did Nasser focus on? +When did the revolutionary de la Revolution Francesa begin? +In what year was el primer pretor plebeyo elected? +Un Partio no could basar the changes in the changing caused by what? +What is the name of the alternate route that uses Orange Street and Orange Street? +What has extended a casi all the richest areas of the economy? +What is the game de Platinumo en Europa y Australia called in Japan? +What changed the use of grandes Vidrieras? +What are the types of old types of Vidrio? +Along with Napoleon, Ataturk, Otto von Bismarck and Otto von Bismarck, what group of people were considered to be a part of Nasser? +When did the Colonial of Escocia e I England unify? +Who invented the grúa hydroaula? +Who was the Museo named after? +What language did Gaddafi lose? +Which church represents the tradition of la Iglesia Libre de Escocia? +What did the British lose the ability to debarrar? +What was the name of Everton's nickname? +Which area of Tennessee cultivad cultivos? +When did the Everton lose a third t title de Liga? +What book did El Rey Wu de Zhou's phrases come from? +Who performed de " Hemorophage (In My hands) de fuel"? +What is the ultravioleta y las longitudes of ultraviolet visible? +What country did the Xi 'an de la Republica Popular de? +When did a huge increase in the frequency of coding en dBX? +What part of the abdomen is less esclerotized? +How many people lived in the island in 1814? +What country did Murdoch buy The Times in 1980? +What did they do to the invasion of India y Suecia? +Who was Yang Min? +Who was the Padre de la Nation? +What does the individuals usually derivar precedencia of? +What does LPI stand for? +What does the Taxi Driver call the neighborhood y el neighborhood of Harlem? +What is la revisión 2.0 de la Entrevisión 2.0 de la Entrevisión 2.0? +What organization did the RIBA y V & A work on? +Where do eslavos live? +What is a notable variety of Aleman Occidental Central llamada Deitsch? +Who contributed to reintroduced the creation of the artworks of Aristotle? +What does coccumque bis tinctum mean? +How many y can be built to build 33,000 v homes? +How many people lived in the urban area of Paris in 2012? +In what year did El governo Polaco open his archives? +Where is East Rutherford located? +What type of insects are beneficial to la polinization? +How long did the Zune Marketplace run? +During which centuries did rituales y contrarender continuity? +What is unicode to describe the color complementario al green? +What league did Jim Foster belong to? +What sacro does the Supremacia del Sacro belong to? +Who was the first to establish the sequencing of nucleocitos de un genoma viral? +What does SQA focus on? +Who was the flaut principal de the Filarmonica de viena? +Where was Matrox's Bajo contracto? +What does dharma mean? +What college runs Elm y York? +What happened to Clermont-Ferrand during the invasion? +In what year did the trains stop operating in New Haven? +What is the NCAA championship? +How many cargos does PGW serve? +What dinosaurs evolve to reemplazalos? +How many kilometers does El Loop have? +What are the principles auxiliares y pronoms? +Who was the first i Iglesia Presbiteria de Richmond? +What did the europeos try to legitimate? +What percentage of Australia's aves son partial migratorias? +What did the familias Negras become a part of? +What happened to the Estadio de Wembley? +When did Nueva York become a capital? +What type of changes have been projected en el siglo XXII for the Alpes? +What does a certain color do? +What type of instrument has a significant impact on the violin? +What event led to the declive terminal in the reinado de Aurangzeb? +When was the Great Western Railway built? +When did the Padres de children de raca mixta start organizing a organizing y presion? +What is BYU's organization mosaic? +How many miles of miles were reoccuped by el ecoles? +What is Valencia's superficie? +Who developed a visión of the existence of God? +Who were the representatives of the C4 Potentes? +How many years does a species of polillas evolve in the Alpes? +Where is DeWitt Clinton High School? +What was Lee's role in Monroeville? +What did la asistence Frencha include for the rebeldes? +What type of accessory did Joy Division, Siouxsie, and the Cure hail from? +In what year did the occupation alemana de Francia take place? +Who was the founder of the debate between Marcel Mauss and Marcel Mauss? +How many mmovements are usually divided? +What is the name of the dialectal principals of the inSpanish? +What does the ability to active a mammals have a capacity reduced for activar? +What caused the extincion of the megafauna northern America to be a coincidence with? +Who does Armenia coordinate with? +Which gender has a tendency to decrease in a large variety of places? +What does Ereshkagal do when a people morian? +Who was a representative of the SFA en Roma? +Who declared a Swaraj? +When did El Bronx experiment un resurgencing financial y del growth? +When did the Liga de asignar rights de transmission a BSkyB? +Where did the People for the Ethical treatment of Animals criticize a citizen? +What types of indigenous indigenous indigenous societies tend to have more chances of being educated in Valencia? +What was the name of the famous piece of Cubism? +What caused the independencia of Kenia? +Who y su orella tocador allí in Irving? +Who was the personality of the TV? +Who is responsible for the perception of los colors in Cataluña? +Where does a botanico originate? +Where is the Universidad de Tribhun located? +What was the term for empirismo logical? +What is the name of the Promise given to Yale? +Where was the enlace de capable of using a dido PbS? +What type of homes does El Museo H historic have annexed? +What does bobina de voice describe? +What is necessary for a aislante como el porje? +What did El Lector de la Minoria Gephart describe? +What is the name of the Rocky Theater? +What type of acento does the acento indicate? +What type of security does a lot of areas urbans use? +What percentage of Alberta uses bitumen? +When was the British Empire Medal recognized? +When did el Capitolio del Capitolio del State de Virginia finally complete? +What is Helheim's nickname? +What percentage of the gays and bisexuals does Seattle have? +Why did El Templo Mayor explode? +Which company is responsible for reencarnation of Napster y? +What does la reresistance a menudo to reflect? +When did Si Gary Matthews y CF Bobby Dernier vine de Filadelphia? +What did Eannatum de Lagash annex? +How many people lived within the streets of the city? +What did Hayek claim a socialist political party has permitted? +What is the result of interactions between a fews patónos y las defenses de los hésped que infectan? +Who was the criado de Escocia? +What type of animals are believed to have been found in Newtown Creek? +When did Secunderabad become a center soccer? +Who provided cargo of the interbank de London? +What is the process called when a country changes impostes? +How did the Vestalia play a role in each sacrificio official? +What is a separation between a su hésped, o biatotromos? +What did El iMac incapaz de write en CD u citos sin? +Who is the designers de produccion? +What is the chemicalo that is present in the wine y loses espontitusdistillados y? +What contributed to the creation of aacademiques? +Why did the Reyes normandos adopt la tradition de decoration demosico? +What alters the characteristics Espacial de la antennas de aperture? +How many Supercopas de la FIFA does Barcelona win? +How long does a comentario de la actions de sopetition de permiso commemorate? +What does the colegio de madrasas examine? +What was the capital of the Estonia Danesa? +What does the pavement of the pavement mean? +Who attacked the assault terrorist? +When did Gadafi organize a protest? +What did Gaddafi do when he traveled to Britain? +What team did Los Sidewinders become known as? +How long did a scribe of the election last? +What happened to J. Edgar Hoover in 1972? +What is the usual cause of a spike in Houston's metro? +What does el -active evolve en en Ijekavian Neostokavian Neostokavian Neostokavian? +What guerrilla took place in 2004? +What are some of the objectos used to make? +When did the population of Filadelphia increase? +Who was David Eyre y? +In which years did I England lose a decisive defeat for the Copa del Mundo? +When was Beyond the Mat released? +What was the name of the inspired style of a composition con text? +Where is Plymouth hogar? +What is invadida? +Which country did Barcelona's colors become a rival to in 1900? +Where did a lot of refugados avoid being able to adapt? +Where is the Primer Dept de la Corte Suprema located? +What type of dialect did el group Oriental have a similar relationship with? +What are the conjuntos composed por? +Where is the Kao Gong Ji de? +Where are larges portions de las cuales available? +How many hispanics live in Spain? +Who declared that el dominio de los "C4 Grandes" threatened la división? +What does the grano e malleado do to make it so easily? +Who retomos el control total of Santa Elena? +What style did James Gamble Rogers design? +How many processs de reduction vocal does a dialect have? +What is the name of the CFB? +What are some of the ways e students who assist a separate educational system can graduarse with? +Who was responsible for the efforts that the presidential de Johnson contributed to the increase in employers? +Who was 'The Lasto Samurai' portrayed by? +What does the ancestral temporal have? +In what year did the Guerra de Crimea take place? +Where did some scholars describe the military conquering a diplomacia espanyola? +What did critics consider Matar a un usually related to? +Where did paleoindigenos come from? +How many pieces of a Augusto, Octavia, se desmayara? +What does the term 'Chino simplificado' mean? +What is the name of the Academia that serves as a capacitation y certificate? +What does El Dept del Tesoro envía for selar las currency? +What does Bermudas still have? +What did Gaddafi remove in s September of 1978? +Who investigated the use of dialectos y lenguas regionales? +What is the name of the SNES's botones? +What is the slogan called that represents the union of the dos administratives? +What are the areas where a person's depression e Hipocondria are located? +Who was the director of the Deutsche Universal-Film AG? +Who was a notable translator who learned to learn these texts directly? +Along with dopamine, noradrenalina, noradrenalina and noradrenalina, noradrenalina and noradrenalina, what chemicals are sometimes called? +What is the name of Los Angeles Kings? +How many miles of distance does the migracion inversa have? +How much precipitation does Seattle receive annually? +How many females remained to be able to form lose primeros? +Who said "la admiration of Bonaparte por el profeta Mahoma"? +How many teams were relegated de la Primera y Primera División? +When did Zipoetes I assume el t title de Rey? +What does BnF stand for? +What was the faculty of the London School of Economics? +What is another name for El Ord de phrases bbasic? +What is the name of the community of inmigrants located between Mill y Quinnipiac and Quinnipiac Heights? +Who did Frick retire de la police de Turingia? +When did the American Bus Association celebrate the centenario de Oklahoma? +What contributes to the completion of especies de plants? +How many awards did the 51 degrees of the Oscars win? +When was the cañón de riel probed? +Who was the a manager of Windows 8? +What does a salida comprimda produce a portion of? +How many years does Eomea have? +What destroyed the entire amount of vueltas? +Where is London de pie? +What did BSkyB and BT Group give to the rights of transmission? +How many new cases did the tribunales estatales de apelation recieve in 2010? +When was the rule de una gota promoted? +Where is the Baima Peach Blossom y kite Festival located? +What does the area of Yale y New Haven have today? +What was the inverted global en energy solar in 2012? +What is the denominacion more large of Vanuatu? +What has been produced by Samoa's islands? +What does the new transmission of Radio AM en Funafuti repel to? +When did the Terbera Republica declare la Tererria? +When did Southampton become central to the invading of Europa? +When did the Ministry of defensa regain power? +What does la ley use to perfill suspichosos? +What percentage of a foreign usage does the people use el Spanish? +What was the name of El siglo VII? +Who was the ex DJ of El D.J. El sello discographic international? +What award did West win in 2015? +What was the name of the hit single in 1991? +Which country has a fuerza de cimetiles e strategica? +When did the festivales de la Cancion de Estonia begin? +How many people are in the Iglesia Presbiterian de Brazil? +Where did the migrating of genes originate? +What term describes the term "un term general"? +How many soldiers were involved in the 'Guerras Serviles'? +When was El apoyo a la revolt impulsed? +What does a female usually describe upon being ejected? +Which republic did a series de revolutiones republicanas crete? +What does I. NY stand for? +When did Napoleon Bonaparte die? +What did the Mexicans do to Japan? +What does IGRAs do when they use solo? +What type of art does the Invaor Francés work with? +In what year did the death of Newton occur? +What did Jeffrey Bub argue in 2010? +What has been done to the creation of a microscopy? +How many schools does the ACC have? +Does Melbourne have a significant or significant increase or decrease in the numbers of estudents who studyn en la city? +Who was defeated in the emperor He's arresto? +When did Montini visit Brazil? +In what year was the first cchampionship de patibay artistic en St. Murren celebrated? +What does la de Predation maintain? +Who controls the name Columbia? +Who represents the females in the crucifixion de pie? +When was the Dublin, Ireland written? +What system did the activists prohibit the use of algodon Uzbeko e implement? +What did Joseph McCarthy contribute to the ma cartismo? +What entity was responsible for the divisions of the Indias de la India? +What does a bares usually have to separate? +Why might adultos mayores dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar dejar de +What does Armstrong describe the accuracy of a biographical de Buda? +What are some of the attractions +How many people does the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center have? +What did Huxley convince Huxley to do? +How many congregations does La Iglesia Presbiterian Reformda en Malaui have? +What model did Atticus Finch have? +What percentage of the economy does the economy comprise? +Who was the president of the Guerra Civil de la Republica del Congo in 1997? +What do otras religiones son? +Who did los magnates recieve a menudo regalos de? +Which building dominas thehorizone of la Bahia de Montevideo? +Who did Gambetta forze a marchr contra su ejéismo? +Why does the idea of la exhibicion de aves de corros have a significant impact on? +Where is the educator de Dominicana located? +Who did Seattle vote for in 2012? +What did von Neumann consider? +What concept does interlingua belong to? +What is the sur de Italia called? +Where did Songtsan Gampo unigo? +What avenida does Luego describe? +In what year did the Carta de Isabel II change? +When was El Fonoautograms de canto y speech created? +What type of s caducus y coníferas can be found in Gerês? +What did a large amount of expertos en el Nuevo contempory begin to form? +Which newspaper sold un promedio de 2.0 690.34 copies? +When does the city of Boston exist? +When was the Embse de Jerome Park Racetrack constructed? +What is a major factor in the dominio of a fashion? +When did John Dennett leave Santa Elena? +What was ignored by Sun Yat-Sen's efforts? +What does the flowers usually provide the characteristics extras confiables for? +Who has unido a unido a unido a unido a unido? +What is probable that a female versus los females expressen su sexuality? +Whose theory did Popper use to describe the concepts of the understanding of the realism metaphysicalo? +Who would be able to SELECT a NES controller? +What is the name of the military base located in Oklahoma City? +When was Morina y la Quinina a fabrication mayorista? +Who assumed el cargo? +What percentage of the material normal does the H atomica make up? +What hit Def Leppard in 1987? +What did the book de Potter y el Manifiesto result in the publication of? +What does the corruption facilitate? +What is an example of a firm de capital privateo? +When did the Guerras Anglo-Mysore take place? +What was the name of the third remodeling of Thunderball? +What does Air Train connect to the Metro de Nueva York y el Ferrocarril de Long Island? +What is the name of the radio located in San Diego? +Who was the principal naturalista? +When did Juan, Ricardo, become en Rey? +In what year did American Idol leave America? +What was the typical typical typical typical familias? +What is another name for a region that no se transcriben? +What does Enmebaragesi's demise mean? +What does LZZ stand for? +Where is the Universidad Al-Azhar located? +What is the Instutu motu? +What type of henna has a cabo normally? +How many inches of a photogram does a 1920x 1080p25 have? +How much precipitation does Alice Springs promedia each year? +What animal died in Cork? +Who was the fundator of the political y political party? +When does the term'music clarca' come from? +What does SOF stand for? +What dialect does Avestan have a media claramente identifiable? +What did Arnold, Constable move in 1857? +What is the name of the AeroPuerto principal of the country? +What are the leyes libanesas usually used as a dialect? +What does la madera compose of? +Who did West present with? +What were the developers de la Xbox de arcade copied directly from? +Who built the Maru Satal? +Where does Jacques Derrida ensign? +Who was a notable researcher of Broca in 1937? +When did a persecution change? +What is Formula One Championship Edition? +Which team did they lose los censors de finals? +What types of buildings does Nanjing have? +What was David Cook's nickname? +When did Estonia become a territory? +What is barotrauma? +What did Kanye West begin to produce? +When did the new legislativo occur? +What are Rosella Hightower y Maria Tallchief known as? +What did the Edad de Antebellum mark? +Why are the buildings deemed diversos? +Whose relatos describe the artwork de la obscurity? +What animal is responsible for the daño causated by the Tuvalu government? +Who compiled the list to analyze the Nuevo Testamento? +Along with Fashion Week Miami, what automobile hosts Fashion Week Miami? +Who captured Malakoff? +What does LDC stand for? +In what year was the service postal national planned to be compatible with the communications of Somalia? +In what year did the statutos supplementarios lose una solo carta? +When did the temperatures extremas oscilate? +Which composers usually considered to be a more harmonize with the ideales de la Illustration? +What does a typical clave responsible for? +What is cloudina sometimes referred to as? +Who were viewed as inferiores por la propaganda nazi? +What does the Criticos believe a person de color doesn't have? +Which territorys uned a Turingia in 1945? +How many troops did Toyotomi Hideyoshi have? +When did a new political election occur? +What does Namibia's censo mean? +What is the primary principle of the use of the pústria? +When did the society de Nations combine territorys Alemanes to form el Mandato del Pacuoso Sur? +Who took control of the city portaria de Umm Qasr? +Why did the grandes stores lose their advantages? +What does Canis usually mean? +What is a menudo ambiguos? +What was the name of the pact that took place in 1939? +How many e students does ORT Uruguay have? +When was the sequel de Spears "Me Against the Music" released? +Where is CBC HD usually available? +What has China been able to become a part of a government central? +Where was Juarez based? +Which console did IGN compare the PS3 to? +What contributed to the decrease of the expansion of the urban area? +What act did Donda West give to Donda West? +Who was killed in the chi spa? +What is the name of the airport located in Delhi? +Until what year was the per Periodo more innovador del cubismo? +Who took control of Prussia in el siglo XII? +What does El DVB develop y similar with? +In what year was the beginning of the Prima Arafat? +How many ecoles are in Namibia in 1998? +What is the most famous advertisement? +What does John B. Cobb Jr. written on? +What does Matisse use to describe the color of the peinture? +What was the car traffic transitada in Oklahoma in 2008? +What was the name of the Dominican Order? +What phrase did Feynman describe? +What does EPV stand for? +What have the medias de communications been accused of doing? +Where are alo Fonecitos located? +What is the advantage of having a poultry? +What se controla connecting motores de tractions? +How many kilometers does a Romanos build un system of Carreteros? +What is the name of the city that incorporas the Moson de las Lamentations y laMedina del Templo? +What could help superar these problems? +What type of realism did Bell try to recreate? +What color does La Torres del Relew assume? +What does El proposal de ley require? +How long does the amount of energy solar reach a la superficie of the planet? +What does the genoma consist of? +What happens to the amount of objectos en el Agua? +Along with the lenguas Sami, which lenguas are usually related? +What is the molar de? +What type of letra does the Evangelio Uspenski use? +Who describes the división en the per Periodos Indo-mislamices? +When was the t title of Gran Duque de la Rus de Kiev? +What does the imagen de 'postes de barbero' resemble? +How many techniques does the ISO 12232: 2006 have? +What has caused humans to suffer intoxication? +Where is Godin Tepe located? +Who was the president of the C Conference Episcopal de Yugoslavia? +What was the title of M. Hassan Kakar's book? +What did Passos Coello ignore? +What is Piaget's perspective? +What ideology did Nasser influence? +When did the rate of desemployment decrease? +Who developed a proposal for the Douglas Company in 1945? +What se utilized to calculate the extension y las distances between objects? +What does the Rot-un-Wiss represent? +What is the surface of the city? +Who were the comprises to find un temple of 103 acres? +What does el bombero do when enching la second step? +What does Drosophila geneaster use to analyze? +What is the name of the Mayflower theater? +Who provided a fuerza to the universities and universities? +When did the United Shipbuilding Corporation de Moscow announce the creation of a new company? +What famous river was the construction of Plymouth o Drake's Leat? +When does El pinguino emprae reproduce? +What percentage of dollars did el S & P 500 reduce in 2007? +When did the Universidad de Washington change its name? +What did the Zune video marketplace y la Xbox Live Video Store become a part of? +How much money did El Fono Permanente earn as a result of regalías petroleras y programs de inversion de capital? +What does pe h-h-e-jī mean? +What is a way to produce the energy solar? +Who se sentías capaz de controling Milán? +Where was "Evangel from Reims" given? +What did Valeriano legalize? +What ethnicity was given to Tom Robinson? +What ideology did Hayek promote? +What evel los impulses impulses? +What would a female usually be considered to be? +What is the new conector de 8 pines called? +How many people were able to be able to access a drug as well as a result of Human Rights Watch? +Who developed el disco de 33 1 / 3 rpm? +What makes up the largest amount of copper? +What causes the duplication of chromosomes to cause? +What did Feynman describe the classes de graduacion? +How many days after Napoleon y se installation on the palacio de Josefina en Malchamp? +What did Neptuno do to Neptuno? +What type of commodity did refineries petrochemicals y plants decrease? +How many citizens are in Hyderabad? +When was the new governo elected? +What is El Teatro Capital known as? +What does a bit indicate that they use la capa 3 o MP3? +What does 122nd Street divide en? +What phrase did los continentales give to los continentales? +Where does El Portugues originate? +What was a consideration important to Yugoslavia? +What does a t card identifier do? +When was Burke's father born? +What did Oreste Baratieri declare? +In what year did the emperor of Chopin leave a Poland? +Who was the misionero jesuita in 1692? +What did the BCE do to a financial situation? +What was the percentage of readers de text de biologia de la ecoles de biologia de la classroom? +When was Nigeria's satelite established? +Who was the founder of Universal-International Pictures Inc.? +What does a typical insecto supere? +Whose intervencion does Pearl Harbor have? +What is a junta festiva, a junta festiva, a junta festiva, and brindis y cantos? +Who killed Lord Mountbatten? +What is the name of the obelico? +Who was the inventor of the teoria atomica de la Materia? +What does a transistor do? +Who built a plant in Clover Field? +What does Theodore Roosevelt y el Boone and Crockett Club belong to? +What is the largest library in America del Norte? +What is a typical asimetria responsible for? +How does a textual analyze a textual error? +What types of condensors are designed to be designed to work in circuits de tension CA de tension de lines? +What is the largest population of minoria eslavas? +What type of adaptor does la bateria use? +How many albums does the American Idol have? +In what year did the Imperio Osmano lose a su fine? +What percentage of SACU's revenues does SACU have? +In what year was the evacuation vernal sea restored? +When did Larsen-B colapso? +Who was the mother of Victoria? +When was Richmond funded? +How many dialects does El Tibetano have? +What state does Washington D.C. originate from? +How much other estadio does Deloitte compare the Emirates Stadium to? +What does the epidermis have to be made of? +What did the governor Zeexplod Baird Vance order to build? +What term was used to refer to the creation of bandes dessinées? +Where do the majority of the migrantes live? +Which manufacturers adopted Nintendo's control system? +Which artists were featured on the Salon d 'Automne? +Who utilized a mixture clico de changing de b barrio? +What did John Bardeen y Walter Brattain y Walter Brattain do? +In what year did a rebellion contra los varegos? +What forms the colinas terranos del northern Ireland? +What are the troads called? +When did importados arrive? +What was the typical cartel of Tucson? +How many civiles died in Lagos? +Who was responsible for the defense of The Daily Mirror y The Guardian? +What does Detroit have a large impact on in the siglo XXI? +Who did Corea del Norte declare a "estado de Guerra"? +In what year did the French and French invade Egypto? +When are monzones located? +How many citizens were killed in Isfahán? +What dialect does el taglo have? +What is a "clave" defined as? +What type of transportation travels to West Quay? +What weather factor causes hurricanes? +What did Núñez emphasize strictly? +What group uses a placer proposals o vanidoosos? +What are the names of the two islands built artificially in Paris? +In what year did Filiberto Ojeda Ríos die? +What is the abbreviation for Letters Patent and Proclamations? +What is the modern Dutch word for "wad"? +What did los eslavos de la región de Kiev colonize? +What does the term infrarro mean? +What does DRM stand for? +What does a host USB usually implement? +Where was the battle Gorkha del Valley de Kato? +How many entities does the territory of Grecia subdivide? +What is a technique de codification more moderna? +Who was Enrique el navegot's heir? +What did Truman do with the Proclamacion Presidential No. 2914, 3 C.F.R. 99? +Which colonos sold sus terras a los colonos a changing de protection? +What did the Grecia accuse a Grecia of instign entail? +Who runs the portal GetCyberSafe for citizens? +How often does el c calendar omite 3 days bisiest? +Which part of the globe contributes to the enhancement of a resistance de un tico parcial natural? +Who is the fundator de la Free Software Foundation? +Which animal has a temerity a significant characteristic of the humans y buildings al atacr a los perros? +How many millions of dollars does the crisis decrease during the crisis? +What was the name of the a capella from the Universidad de Maryland? +Where did San Juan de Capistrano come from? +What was the name of the governor de California in 2003? +What is an example of dos perros de cuelas vigilan el puente Chinvat? +Why was the phrase "Partenias" o "dontias" o "odatella" o "della"? +Who wrote The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness? +Who led the election generales de 1945? +What did Ibn Sina use to describe falsification? +What was the population estimated to be in 2004? +What does El Tribunal Caliente also do? +What percentage of the population identified as multirracial? +What did the Sultanato de Ajuran focus on? +What was the escenario of el Palacio de Buckingham? +What does the term "soccer" refer to? +Who claimed that Austria se alinearia con el? +Whose ideas inspired the idea of the creation of the Ciudad de Dio? +What are the actuales knowns for having a cabo sus services de adoration? +What group dominates the mafia? +What could cause a person to be treated a person? +What happened to the institutions del governo central during the siglo XII? +Where does el canal reach? +What causes exceso of glucosa to be converted to glucosa? +How many visitantes does the festival annual Wooster Square Cheer Blossom Festival attract? +What does La Primera Fitna mean? +How many days does the Mexicans have to leave a Mexico City? +What is a factor called when classifications raciales could en part reflecting subjetiva, identityes e institutions social? +What causes a large increase in a frequency? +What does a citizen do when un individual entra al service del country? +What country did the emperor of the emperor leave? +What did robert Burle Marx designed? +What was Ming responsible for? +Who is the presidenta of the Asamblea Interliberalia Inter-Latinesa? +When did Emirates Air Line open? +What concepts did La eeconomy politica introduce? +How much did Colquhoun use to salvar? +What is the name of the island where the tripulation del ballifero estatunidense Globe y part of? +What do aves y form connections with? +What was the name of May y Taylor's concert? +Which groups appeared a finales del Carbonífero? +What groups did the Paz de Westfania protect? +Who did Patterson believe was the emperor of the Dalai Lama? +Who did Chopin hear playing el violín y compos un conjunction de variations? +What did El abad y los monje belong to? +When did the city superse the fronteras naturals? +How large was Victoria's image? +What does the camouflage have evidence of? +Where did the confederation Vajji exist? +Who was el primero en basar sus conclusiones? +What does a sgo necessary to describe a culture? +What does the NIBRS use for? +What system of cerebro mamífero does the braino mamífero have? +Which ley was responsible for the creation of a definicion abstracta de un group finite? +What do the motors usually increase when using a bobina? +Why didn't a lack of a translation of a text do? +Where did the rioteos y tropas soviets produce? +What did Federico do? +What is the distingucion of three vías en oclusives y Africadas? +What organization claimed that Eton had received £.650 en subsidios agricultural in 2004? +What are the dos dimensiones known as? +Where did the new centers of interiores commence? +Who claimed that they had abandoned the concepto de raca as a representation for la diversity biologica humana? +Where is la Bibliotheque Bleue located? +How many areas does a videoconferencia permit? +What does Discovision y LaserDisc care about? +Which country recognized the independencia of Liberia? +Where does the bombilla electricitya operate? +When was Blumenbach's treatdo? +How many parts does Sichuan have? +What does a menudo se amplie para forming la vesculation mediano? +Who was the luchador who designed the logotype original de Gold? +What does a contrary to the effects of a fluctuating componentes virtuales al circuito equivalente of the condensator? +What is the name of the first estadio natural de la nacion? +When did the aves appear? +Who released a finals of the 1950s? +What did the participantes de la convencion de 1872 do? +What did Eisenhower suffer between 1955 and 1955? +What is Boardwalk Hall? +What do the Reyes have a menudo represented as? +Why did the people consider la actions affirmtiva to be controversial? +Which ley defines that la entropia decreases con el time? +Where was the musika de Chopin used? +What did the europeos de la Dominicana try to find? +What did many griegos escape from? +When was Tito admitido? +How many patentes did Alcatel demand a Microsoft for infringing? +What does the palacio real mean? +Who demanded a West for the video de West por " Touch the Sky"? +What is the percentage of the energy hydroelectrica derived from? +What happened after the abdication of Nicolés II de Moscow? +What was John Locke's ideas based on? +What does El Colegio want to discuss? +When was the AeroPuerto de College Park established? +Where does the Wide Lane Sports Facility run? +What religious group settled en Kodiak? +What does "Nibbana" mean? +Who was the mando del general who wanted to retain control over Sainte-Domingue? +What dialects does el rabino Berechiah describe? +Who was responsible for the Edificio de sciences Benson y el Museo de Arte? +Where does El AeroPuertoejexecutive de Charleston located? +What happened to El Puerto Rico's 51 Partido del State con la Comission Electoral? +Along with publics and schools, what is the library affiliated with? +How many people lived in the campismo? +Which company announced the reinvencion total of the grabation de disco? +What are generallyrecognized by the colonos Englishes? +What was Jasper Christensen's book called? +When does the Dia de Acion de Buena Nuevo terminate? +Who recieved the numbers of votos? +What does HMMWV stand for? +Who was a notable exponent of the revolution? +Where were the primeros electricalos modernos installed? +Who contracted a Jantype de Cartago? +What does a person take decisiones de identity y las compromise? +How much did Zocor and Mevacor lose to the findings? +What causes the atms y la superficie to be much more cold? +Where does the rio explorer usually reach? +What state does the libraries y Museo Presidential de Abraham Lincoln have? +What system was implemented by the FBI in 2001? +What is the name of the religious group that doesn't have a very large number of people within Bosnia yMontenegro? +Which a cappella uses the interpretation stricta? +How many governantes did Chandragupta I and Chandragupta II have? +When was the Primera invention of t technology o Universidad o Universidad Tecnologica del Mundo funded? +What percentage of citizens are no whites? +When was Woodhaven Road constructed? +What does El ASI permit? +What is the most prominent library in Mexico City? +What was the name of the sequel that Madonna grabed for? +When was Galicia's lines ferroviaria inaugurated? +What is the name of the vía fluvia artificial? +What type of motor excites un motor de induction? +How much internet does Santa Elena have? +Where did the governantes de la expansionista duties de la expansionista Qin come from? +What era did some sources consider the beginning of? +What embargo did Sega use to make a third-party? +Who is el comandante civil en embargo? +When did 'The War of the Worlds' take place? +What happened when la UGLE se formed en 1813? +What is another name for Congo? +When did the use of the c calendrio increase? +What were the dialectio y la fonologica de la Tarraconensis romana different from? +What was Chen Mu's reign? +Who was Christoph Waltz eligible for? +How many distritos schools does Oklahoma have? +What award did Caroline Link win in 2002? +What happened to new frailes? +Along with the Hargesian, what type of culture was a part of the Edad de Palacio? +What does a enmienda a la Constitucion de los states define? +Who utilized the argument contra el rights divino de los Reyes? +What does the LEAA have a reduction of 10% to 13%? +How did Juan do a rebellion? +Who did Robert Hutchins become a member of? +What did Eisenhower's plan to describe the new mirada? +How many soldiers were defended by every 1000 residentes? +What did Victoria publically publicize when they dio a recognize the extent of the influencia politica? +What country did the Treatado de Kyakhta consolidate? +What type of building did the greeks predinastics build? +What does a infrastructural criticala do to a vulnerable? +Where did el Sultanato de Delhi become funded? +When did the evacuation of Seul take place? +What type of swaps were utilized? +What judicial office did Delaware belong to? +What are some examples of alternate classifications? +Who has identified gran part of Santa Helena as important for the conservation of the aves? +Where did Gorkhas come to power? +What does lamasa de un objecto surrender de? +What animal visited Southampton in 1348? +Along with the neuroscience and the neuroscience, what field contributes to the ixploration of the emotions? +What is one of the especies model examples of especies model? +What adorados por su capacity demaintainer su color during the season of invierno? +What is the hogar del Monte Shishaldin? +Where are granero y arms generally located? +What is the cause of the evaporation in the rivers de esqui? +What was BYU's ranking in 2013? +When was the first service of Maundy celebrated? +What has caused the dedeficits in iranianes to be a problem? +What did a Nintendo introduce to the creation of Nintendo's controls? +Which lenguas modernas describes a unpaste de Altamonta where se toman vacas? +Who was the cofundator of the Partido Protective Negra? +What was the reina called in 1861? +Where does a PCB have to observa? +How many groups does Wright argue about the variations within? +What does the patron de reception refer to? +What does a luchador usually have to do? +Who did the Dominicanos of the Dominicanos use a forma more simple de imiting? +What are ribosomas responsible for? +What was the title of The American Economic Review in 2011? +Who invented the alphabeto armeio? +What percentage of e students identify as Christians? +What are the doctrinas traditiones called? +How many phases of progress did Ferguson use in An Essay on the History of Civil Society? +What allows FireWire o connection USB? +What is the third dialect used in many signos de tejas y restaurants? +What is the región called a radiation detectable por el ozoumano? +What does this type of locomotion no es ringida y los insects usually adapt? +How did Kerry criticize George W. Bush? +What are the colors officiales de Notre Dame? +How is Selenizza able to use? +What is another term for peridico? +What are the componentes de level superior? +Where does the art graphic a 1871 display? +Where was the first ISP established? +What does Samoa Joe call a paper less comon de? +What does Su PIB per calpita mean? +Which panteón focused on the creation of the alto cargos of Rome? +What type of alignment does the Alpes subdivide? +Where did Sir James Lancaster send his first voyage? +What Jubileo did the Foreign and Commonwealth Office recognize? +Who formed a alliance with el heir adoptivo de Cesar y-nieto, Cayo Octavio and Cleopatra? +What are the dialectos checas known as in Moravia y Silesia? +What is the name of the basketball club? +In what year did the Iglesia Apostolxa de Grecia declare that ser masón constituy un acto de apostasia y por lo tanto? +What does OTG stand for? +Where does Ann Arbor introduce a large numbers of dispensarios de marihuana? +Who is responsible for determining the ability to determine a new elected elected entity? +What general griego describes many aspects of la life y hospitality? +How much was the initial disembursement for the Alaskans? +What type of electroplatadas are used to create agugers plateados? +What book is popularly implicated in the beginning of the Guerra Civil de los Nations? +In what year did AMC increase its content to show a colorida? +What does China call the military officially? +Who holds el Museo Romantico? +What does Internet Explorer use to refer to a wikipedia? +What type of censo vio un changing dramatic? +Why was the Royal College of Chemistry established? +How is the ensamble de connections normally protected? +What type of mente does the phrase templum traze? +What does a consonante do to a consonante? +What is a length of time when a memory a longs to? +Which Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-Summerville is a metropolitana? +What is the name of the islands that have horseshoe Bays? +Who built the palacio de rosso? +What was Dewey's idea? +What is the estimated percentage of adults who work every year? +Who was the Preston North End? +What do ceremonias formales do? +What does a manufacturers use to denote un Motorola FET? +What does a separation of a separation cause? +What does the anguille electricitya use to defenderse deanimals? +When did the supression final occur? +What did Calder expose en el mito del Blitz? +When does a list similar to the Nuevo Testamento exist? +What type of antenna is el field magnetic de una radio? +How many volúmenes did Russell's work en? +When did Hack Wilson establish a reagreement of 56 jonrones y 190 streets? +How were the elevators controlled? +What did Bell admit to learn? +What declaration did De Brum promulge? +What percentage of voters voted for purchase? +When did the Treatado de Presburg end? +What percentage of the murders in Nevada were estimated to be executed? +Who had helped a Austria en la supression de la Revolution Obregon de 1848? +What do the dialects "cagal" y " Valencia" y " Valenciano" have? +How did the new system respond to the new system? +When did Japan begin a defense in the society of Nacion? +What does Claude Lieu-Struss 'The Way of the masks' do? +What was Peg LeVine's profession? +Where did the C Compania de la Bahia de Hudson come from? +How does a traductor preserve the contexto en si? +What happened to the habitants interiores? +What did en 1734 establish? +How many teenagers are usually using a media red social? +What is the name of ENA's ecoles politicas Sciences-Po? +When did the Meiji lose reforms? +Which street was named after Richard Amos Street? +When was the i Iglesia de Martorana decorated? +What act did ARCUK promulge? +What did the 51a edict of the Oscars Grammy receive? +What does Seattle have many of ellos associated with? +Who took over for el consulado in 55 a. C.? +What type of evisión does MTV have? +What is Layla y Majnun an example of? +What color were the primeros uniformes de visitante de I England? +What did Rayleigh y Jeans use to describe the problem of c body negro? +Where is The Eagle located? +What are the departments of universities usually divided in? +What is another name for the Iglesia Episcopal in Canada? +Who was the protagonist of Improvimtu? +When did the 360 lose a large amount of units? +Who no public a huge estimate for Nueva Delhi? +Where did the reina maria y Tom un gran interés? +What is one of the most notable awards? +What new anesthetico helped Victoria dio? +How much money did the Strategic Defence and Security Review in 2015 include? +How far is Plymouth from Southampton? +Where did the sichuan de 2006 form a sherman affiliated a la Federacion de Sindicates de all China? +Who was Henry Haxton? +What does la architecture Georgiana describe? +What has caused a problems generalized with? +What does the mayoria of the motors have? +Who were the names of the pilots who mured on the 26 de January 1967? +Who did Eisenhower defeat in 1956? +Who was Nene's wife? +Along with Palm Beach, Palm Beach and Palm Beach, what is the name of Miami-Dade? +Who are the principals wholesales de luxury de Francia? +What were the Dominican Orders responsible for? +Who cantan en behind? +What does MITC stand for? +When might a candidato be requested for ser de una religion specifica? +In what year did a colony buya la territory? +What did the Advertises change in 2003? +What was the name of Mendes's director? +What does the visión de la visión de? +What displays the numbers y un conjunction limitado de letras? +What is the name of Tucson's tallest mountain? +What did Whitehead describe a system metaphysicalo as? +What type of doctrine did Magón I de Cartago reform? +Who is the legendario of Portugal? +What did El Klavern decide to tense in South Bent? +Why do these organisms usually exist in the flora humana normal? +What is the linguistic theory de Principia Mathematica? +What does the pomerium take a cabo? +What part of the biosphere causes the destruction of the biosphere? +Where did Dr. Carlos Moore live? +What does El Territorio Federal have to revise? +Who did Churchill ignore in 1952? +What is 1723 degrees Celsius? +What nickname did sillas electricityas have? +How many negros lived in Richmond in 1900? +What was the corrazon de Chopin conservada in? +What is the name of the Stade de France? +When did Edward Oxford's wife become a child? +What does El Corian believe is a fonte divinas? +What is Nigeria's modelada? +Where is the Gran I incendio de Nueva York located? +What type of system describes un lenguaje? +Who discovered the primer vasodilatator? +How much of the superficie actual de la Terra era sumerrida? +What did the primeros inimmigrants in the extremos southern y Greenland y Greenland become? +What resort is in western Tucson? +Which library has a large colection de books raros y paperbacks? +What was Lee Walker's role decisive? +Who are the sisters of Yvonne Choueau? +Where is the lake Sammamish y la cordillera de las Cascadas? +What city was the capital of Jim Morrison? +What was the name of the park where Ann Arbor was funded? +When did CNN publish his debates? +What opinions did Hayek's work draw on? +What team did Theo Epstein contract a Theo Epstein de? +Where is the mayor part of Jodhpur located? +When did Apple announce that DRM se removed del 80% of the cta logo de music? +When did El Iwo Jima arrive? +Who were some of the lines related to the idea? +Who refuted Tito's dialecto local? +What new cañón did the Royal Navy adopt? +Who was the first person to be considered divus life? +What was Guillegal I's proclamation? +When did Hirai announce that the PlayStation 3 could be a benefits? +How many females does Southampton have? +What is the paternal ideal of a antenna? +Who declared that the protocolos secretos no son legally? +What does Nueva York, Illinois, and California have? +How many soldados Alemanes concentrated en la frontera Frencha? +What are some of the definicion sexual? +What does the creation of a new interface base en? +What country did Gaddafi believe was imperialista y lo ridiculeba? +When did Mexico, California, Arizona, Arizona, Arizona, Utah, Arizona, Utah, Arizona, Utah, Arizona, Utah, Arizona, Utah, Arizona, Arizona, Arizona, Utah, Arizona, Arizona, Utah, Arizona, Utah, Arizona, Utah, and +Who wrote "un resumen de complete mioeuvre"? +What were los RLVs populares for? +What types of foods does a lot of zinc combine to add to a fortification? +What term describes the dialecto of the ancients dwelles nosemítics de Mesopotamia? +What is the relacion between el zes payaso ocellaris? +When was La Royal Dutch Petroleum Company funded? +When did Uruguay become a state independent? +The rivality geopolitical e ideologica de siglos between el Iranian y el neighboro was called what? +What did the armed de la OAS hunt? +What is a disputia about the number of pueblos indigenos de las Americas? +How many wins does Alan Shearer have? +What phase of adopting la t technology was a significant improvement over patentes de software? +Who participates in the Baltic Basketball League? +What was the name of the first album released by Jay Z? +During which conflict did the RAF become responsible for protecting the aerdromos? +What does a simple rectification of a convertdor de base tension de? +What is a major reason for death in neonatos? +What was the aagreement called? +What does the teism believe is personal e interactúa with el universe? +What did the changes constitutionales prohibit? +Who did Juan devolve un aagreement de peace en el que Juan devolve? +Who approved a resolution to discuss the concerns of the rights humans? +What was Julio Cesar's nickname? +When did the coronation of Napoleon take place? +What linguistic does a dialect of Lombardia tend to limit the ability mutua with? +When did a large remodelation take place? +What is the name of the recipient of a regal? +What did George Sarton call the scientists of the field de la medicina? +How many republicanos control El Senado del State? +Where does the rio támmings lie? +Who claimed that los arrisans had been accused of a persecution? +Who assists the emergencies graves and emergencies graves? +Which company has been interested in NBCUniversal? +Who was Churchill's mayor? +Who was the leader of the Islam? +Who did Nasser admire prestige with? +What percentage of the electricity utilized by the industry is responsible for the use of motors? +What are fonétics similar to other dialects? +Who introduced el Christianism? +Who accused the Christians of chivo expiatory convenientes? +What is evidente in the primeras suras de lameca? +Why was Dio dos con concerts delicate? +What is St. Francis Xavier? +When did the región first recognize a los primeros states en adopting el Christianism? +What depends on the length of the grados of a software? +Who was the Ministera del Interior? +Who proposes dos objectiques differents to evaluating the orienting sexual? +What happened to the level of mar? +What was the name of the artista de la Decada? +What law declared formally al Territorio de la Union de Delhi as Territorio Capital Nacional de Delhi? +What does Funafuti form? +What was the name of the famous disaster that was funded in 2005? +In what year did R & B become exuberante? +What does la piedra sea devuelta? +What happened to the queen que lose el throne? +When did Buckingham finally become the residence real principal? +Which band de rock was the cantion "Hymn for the Weekend" de? +What is another term for voting? +Where did Hisham establish his corte? +What does El Front de Liberation de Eritrea mean? +What is the Museo de medicina Mexicana called? +What are the eslavos y una trib llamada? +What was the title of Jean-Jacques Rousseau? +What type of observations have a great impact on the interior of the Antartida? +What is the principle of a mente y a mente son in a instanza reales? +What did the Aagreement Permanente introduce in Bengala? +What did Brasilia's planned planners try to do? +When did John Hopkins identify the concept of epine Frina? +What does the CTCs provide? +What does San Bartolomé mean? +What was Pontevedra called? +What is the name of the escenario clave de la Revolution Americana? +What does El Congreso promote? +When was Napoleon coronated? +Which conjugation has less than 100 verbs? +What is the average age of a teenager? +What was the name of El Lago de Gineze? +What did the impression of la impression help facilitate? +What does John Locke use to describe the mente humana? +What did El HMWSSB operate in 2005? +What was the name of the military located in the rio Misuri? +Who was John Charles Marshall? +How many salidas did Sperrle send? +What did the votation de 2010 do? +What especies of aves has a very large amount of nidos? +What sea fresco o a temperature o a temperature? +In what year was the Jardín de las Tuleres rebuilt? +Who was the ruler defensor of ccatholicism reared a la Iglesia romana? +What are the terms used to eliminate the term "nato americano"? +What does the alignment between the alignment y que el aagreement que sees considered as a respectable? +When did the Tribunal de Apelation final take place? +Who says los sclaveni tenías Pantanos y Bosques? +Who was the leader of the ejemperor? +Who developed the work de Avicena? +What was the earliest avions de Guerra de Britain? +What is the name of the radio station in Detroit? +What does a videoconferencing allow a user to download a video? +What are zurias? +Who was the clan Jurchen? +What describes a characteristic distinctive? +How many tourists were in Nepal in 1961? +What does the grabado posterior eliminate? +Who created the first antecedent de la fuerza aerea? +What does Shelby Steele believe the actions statements volver a significado original of? +Where did El guardián entre el centeno? +What does the creation of a bombilla create? +When did the migracion come to be? +What percentage of the DEI produces energy en Grecia in 2009? +When did the assault most devastated? +Who was the leader of the republicans? +When was the Ciudad de Mexico converted to a model for reducing the level of contamination? +What describes the original universitas? +What does a NPO have to indicate about the employees of a NPO? +When did the gran migracion occur? +How much energy does a gramo produce? +What does SBM stand for? +How many indigenes lived in Prussia Oriental during 1945? +Who was the leader of Tito? +What did the rivales cobraron more than 600,000 of? +What is when many ideas that componen la musika central to form? +What is the only sacramento in the Catholic church? +What are the trozos de suelo? +How many lines does the Red Ferroviaria contain? +What is the mayor part of the aid financia? +What is the desgrace de? +In what year did TCM Guest Programmer elect the TCM Guest Programmer? +The Yellow Kid de Outcault created a humoristic humoristic illustrator in which world? +What causesAlgunas electrification to eliminate posteriorly? +What famous opera does el auditorio transmit? +What are these differences no always regarded as? +What is generally considered illegal? +What does El indicador McLeod do? +What was the name of the movement that once started in Nueva York? +What did a lot of artistas expect to do? +In what year did Seleuco die? +What are some of the sutras called? +What does the anthropology use to analyze? +Where does the Historia del Reino de Poland-LITUania take place? +How old was Augusto? +What happened to Edmund Burke's proposal of ley? +What is the name of the re-lancuation of B'Day? +What depends on the type of media used? +What type of rock was formed as a genre mainstream in 1965? +Why did Puerto Rico refuse to adopt el inSpanish? +What does the power sumanda a los terminales de la antenna which no se irradia se convene en? +What term is used to describe the virginity perpetua de Maria? +What does TPCBAC stand for? +What does the word "q" y x" display? +Where did Lekh fund the reino Polaco? +What entity developed the Trinity College? +What animals did the pueblos germáns find con to find en el territory of la Alemana moderna? +What did von Neumann public a la edad de 19 years? +What religion did Juan want to conve? +Who wrote 'Baseball's Sad Lexicon'? +What does the subcamp examine? +Why was Media Transfer Protocol designed? +Who uses a concepto generally accepted de population? +When did Digimon begin a transmission? +Al-Khilam al-maumawiyya took over how many califacts? +Who received a license for regular publicity of drugs? +What did some of the politicas promote? +What does a reflectography infrarrubia reveal? +What is a la liga called? +How many million did Clarkson sell worldwide? +Where does Michel Foucault believe the concepto contemporáno de la policia was invented? +What does a citizen do when a treatdo doesn't elect a citizen? +In what year did Dell's acquisitions de Dell take place? +What shape does a a disco usually have? +How many clubs de la AFL se juegan every week in Melbourne? +What are the three things John Herschel describes? +What was El governo accused of doing? +Who was a well-known alumnus of the University of Kansas? +What religious group did Jan Hus believe had un impacto politic much mayor? +What was the name of the orginal orginal instrument? +When did "bluey" die? +How many layers did King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band have? +What does the colection of House of Deréon share? +What does the word "monster" mean? +What percentage of Nigeria's residents were Catholics? +What percentage of the population of Gran London doesn't have a citizen? +Why did the grandes manadas de bisones mata a docitos de bisones? +What did IBM use to analyze the value of the company? +What is the UEFA Europa League's goals? +In what year did La Ley de Canada prohibit the invasion of the territorys de ultramar restantes? +Where does el ice commemorate aaccumulation in a glaciar? +Whose speech does the lenguas de la Tora (Pentateuco) describe a Mesés por? +What does the IRS do to apply to exentions para types limitados de organizations sin fines de lucro? +How many people lived in Sichuan? +Where were the French able to attack a the French? +What type of rock dominated the decades of 1980? +What does a responder en these consults have? +Who discussed the rumores of "MacIntosh" en Apple? +How much de su value did el dollar stateunidense lose between 1965 and 1981? +What does the term 'edad ancienta' refer to? +What types of cases does La Corte Suprema de Espana have? +How does the bus system connect to the center of Cork? +How long did Daniel y sus friends receive su diet? +What were the terres Muslimas known as? +What permiso did the officials oppose? +What percentage of uraniot-235 does uraniot-235 have? +What was Phuture el primero en using? +When did Nueva York's earliest slaves lose liberados? +When was the speech of Mexico City? +How many viewers does the American Idol have? +What did the schools symbolize in America - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Princeton? +What is the H.323 basada known as? +Who was responsible for the use of ballesta? +What type of CD has a selection musicales? +When did the battle de Corunna take place? +What is a field floabundance in Israel? +Along with el Caribe, where is the AeroPuerto International de Miami y PortMiami located? +Where did Danelaw extend to? +What did the Academia Nacional de sciences consider to be the most important part of his work? +In what year did the Estudio Robbins conclude that these institutions should be necessary? +What month does Oklahoma City have a severa meteorologica severa? +What document was believed to be the most probable to continue? +Where is Mill y Quinnipiac located? +What is the name of the group that uses the planes de Estudis de Education Personal y Social y Computing? +Which group killed aerials y cartels y activos? +What do the perros de vigilan? +In what year was el fuerte abandoned? +During which era did the supercontinente panomics merge? +What did Thatcher do about the admiration personal por la reina? +What is the FBI's FBI? +What does West do with Bob Dyl? +How large is the Cubre? +Who is Grace Hopper? +Who was the capital of IBM? +Who was the creator of the Super Famicom original? +In what year did Sikh Khalifah bin Sulman Al Khalifah leave el cargo? +What did the nobles become in fontes y en Samogitia antes of the Creation del Reino de Litania por Mindaugas? +What did Apple do in 1998? +Who did Compaq los los lose a large al final del year? +Who is the alcalde of Miami? +How many soldados did Grecia send to Chipre? +What does Poco say about the period of 275-650 +What did protests against? +Whose work comparativo on the state Balinés is un estadio temproso y famouso? +What did Popper fund in 1946? +Where did the prusians escape their perspectives? +What was the lucha de seis years called? +Where are the 40 % of e students matriculated? +What do the avions de assault a terra de la USAF use? +Home Theater Magazine and Home Theater Magazine are examples of what? +When was the Concrio Vaticano II? +What happened on the 11 de October de 1962? +What did the Tribunal Superior de Australia recognize as un territory de Australia? +What was the name of the indigenous indigenous political affiliation? +What does La flota marina merlante consist of? +Along with Power FM and Power FM, what other radio station does The Saint y transmit? +Where did antisemitas generalize? +What is the name of the city where the rio Han y raptured? +Where did the term "melting pot" come from? +What were the Reyes II? +What system did the naturalists use to transform the geology? +When does the Primera season reveal? +How many people died during the numbers of death? +What is the federalismo en los states? +When did Sand publicize a relacion de diez years? +Where do they live? +Where does the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory? +In what year did the senting republicano dicrease? +What does la energy del Sol provene de? +Where did the reino de Britain form? +What animals worked on a remodelation of a crop? +Where did Federico vio? +When did Diana, princesa de Gales die? +What is the library public a de Francia? +What types of buildings se consider creations sin precio y se enumeran con UNESCO? +In what city was El Bronx's editorial written? +How many civiles died during the Blitz Plymouth? +What happened during the incendio? +Why does the crisis de las hypothecas de low riesgo serve? +Where did Bismarck argue that the invasion of un gran imperio aleman was impossible? +In what year did la peste Negra arrive in Southampton? +When did El Mardyke ibex a estadio? +How was Avicena known? +When did the micronesians establish en las Islands Marshall? +What was the manifestation more tempran? +What is the Ciudad de London's primary fuerza policial? +What is the largest Puerto interior de China? +Who describes the artwork de la obscurity? +What does the Gran Valley de los Apalaches do? +What was the title of Milton Friedman's work? +What sacramentos y sacramentos y sacramentos y? +What is a menudo de understanding of the world natural? +What did the USSR se disolvie for? +How large are the especies of aves marinas? +Who was a leader of the Indians Orientales? +What part of Francia is P Paris located? +What forms un fiordo? +Who organized guerrilla y activities de saboteadoras? +Who did Bhimsen Thapa attack a Francia? +What does a typical hip hop do to a hip hop? +When did Alexander Balus come up with Alexander Balus? +What percentage of Macintosh's enveos de Macintosh did Apple increase in 2010? +When did the group act on MSNBC? +What is the principal alternative to a ferrocarriles electricos? +Whose ideas did The Sun ignore? +When was Y la convencion Caliente signed? +When was the granja opened? +How does Iranian have a influence on the safety of the economy? +What type of building is A.C. Goode House? +What does a sonido usually produce? +What has the lenguas done to the nationalismo? +What was the title of the first Nitos? +Who developed the discovering of zinc metalico uro? +How many phases does the plan general de reconstruction del governo para el Corrio Somali have? +What type of animals does the island of Portugal have? +When did Willett's proposal of ley del DST take place? +When did the alehouses introduce a finale for producing beer? +What is the name of the art gallery located in Fair Haven? +What reduces degradation in an environment aerobic? +What is the name of the Indian India India India Delhi Delhi Delhi? +What was 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find'? +What color reflectante does the color púura violeta result in? +What percentage of revenues does youtube usually take? +What percentage of the variation humana se produces between the continentes? +What did the workers of the city do to the workers of the city? +How many soldados were killed? +Who was funded in 2007? +What is the name given a los fans? +What subgroup of pardos se describes as a subgroup de pardos? +What country has started a mixing of ideas de Taoism and confucianism? +During which lucha tripartita vio el advenement del Islam? +Who wrote The Road to Serfdom? +What is the principal i Iglesia Anglican de the city? +Who co-invented the primer laser de gas? +What was the name of Queen's album? +When did el Capitolio del Capitolio del State de Virginia finally complete? +Who was the president of the Iglesia SUT? +How much did Forbes estimate the club valías in 2015? +How long was the episcopado? +What was the cargo of? +What is the name of the cooperativa located in New Haven? +What is the name of the northern state of the Rajasthani region? +What has caused Bermuda's economy to be affected by? +What divide Asia en una base similar? +What does el cabileo usually provide? +Where does a t treatment doctor de las infections cae? +What did Mother Jones describe the varios conjuntos? +What type of animal does a species have a degree of specialization? +What does Chilangoland mean? +What does a consonantes reach? +What does vertaling mean? +What are some examples of a typical ones practicantes laics practiced lamed? +What indigenous tribe moved the capital a Bagdad? +What does.org mean? +How did many gestores de activos optar? +What types of detalles does a LaserDisc have? +Who was William Penn's plan? +How much did the numbers of females increase in 1965? +Who describes a menudo as su verso favorite? +In what year did Arsenal lose a la Football League? +What does the erosion creo? +How large do the typical bacterias have? +What has been debated in 1949? +What does la forma combine a menudo with? +What did the findings show as a result of envenaging por arsénico? +Why were the Indias Orientales Neerlandesas considerable to be important for Japan? +What was the name of the Queen's quinto album de Estudio de West? +Who was the third governante of Corea del Norte? +What type of relation does la density de una madera have? +What is the name of the edict exclusivo? +Along with Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Lyon and Lyon, what city won a promotion? +When did Lobund's ixploration endeavor? +What is responsible for offerer variety en lo que comes? +When did Philip Morris USA open a center of ixploration y develop? +Along with Harlem and Harlem, where does the street 155 form? +What river crees the delta interior of Malí? +When did the TCM Wineclub launch? +In what year did the ayuntamiento reject a proposal for a new estadio de 55,000 assumptions? +What is Min afluente of? +What does the Constitution describe? +Who does the Comandante en Jefe deben ser firmed por? +What are the names of the boroughs in Nueva York? +How many universities does the Big 12 Conference have? +What describes the goals of a SWEBOK? +How much did Dell pay in 2010? +Where did the electorales de armies come from? +Which philosopher did Popper say he learned more than he learned? +How much money did Napoleon pay to sell the territory of Luisiano? +What is another name for a topologia? +What is the name of the primer area de Belleza Natural Desicata de I England designada in 1956? +What did Russia do? +Why was El Alaska Permanent Fund proclaimed? +Who does a commandancia encompass? +What types of diseases are cited as a result of the Ley de Morales Huerfanis? +What did Hoskins encode when he came up with the new tablero? +What is the name of La I-94? +What type of artists can a surrender a surger? +What type of club does the Premier League usually receive? +What percentage of Israel's Israelies lived en areas urbanas? +How many floors are in the palacio mide? +How many years did The Times se quede con Times New Roman? +What did El Thirdo Congreso Continental selibrate in y close to Filadelphia? +What does the personal militar stateunidense de la Primera Guerra Nations refer to? +How many ships zarpron de Torbay? +Where did the soldiers of Corea y Taiwán slaughter? +Along with Cawsand y Whitsand Bay and Cawsand y Whitsand Bay, what is the name of the county? +What does the factor de power de 1 mean? +What has happened to the percentages of obesity in the average 30 years? +What is La Nueva? +Which country has a large number of countries to provisión de VRS? +What spin-off company took over Bermuda in 1615? +What is the Dutchea's dialect? +What does a person stressed a ser more socially repressed y expressar sus emotiones? +What was the name of Laemmle's tour? +How many salidas diaries does Houston offer? +What did the Libyan government do to erradicar the corruptcion? +What era a form of ateism? +What were escitos helenized known as? +What did UNICEF retire from UNICEF? +What percentage of the population are hispanos o latinos? +In what year did the Everton FC lose a resurgence? +Who is Seattle's largest city? +What do editors globales use to describe the capitalization of sentencia? +What has happened to the areas of employment in Brazil? +Who inspired Somebody to Love? +What describes the implementation en course of la strategy? +What is the name of the territory where Alaska has taken a large portion of the territory? +Who believes that the debate has caused a debate more serious y more arida in the culture croata del siglo XXI? +How does the reresistance a la corrosion del Vidrio accomplish? +What Mexican airlines were destroyed? +What shape does the cubismo use? +El ezzel ézzel griego was favorable for what? +What was the Teletype Model 33 ASR? +What is the simple definition of Planck? +How many people live in Norfolk Island? +When did Paramount Pictures de Viacom acquire DreamWorks Skg? +How are dos events en el spaces-tolome de Minkowski seperate? +How many states did Britain Occidental ten? +How many versions of the mito de Hiram are different? +Who was the president of Gaddafi? +What caused Prussia to atargue Prussia? +Which military group wanted to escalate directly a lose a personal? +Where did the demolition parcial of the walls medievales take place? +How many soldiers did France agree to indemnize against? +What is a visión generalizada? +Napoleon Bonaparte salted a lafame during what war? +What are the two categories of the e training en el estimated estimated? +What is the currency given to el dollar de Plata pure? +What language does the term 'géno decrease' en? +Along with la isoniaida, what is another term for a dos antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis? +What aspects does the architectural de dimension emphasize? +When did the whites no hispanos increase +What does el budismo believe that the deities mundana are mal ceptive? +How long did von Neumann die? +How many extras did they contract in 2015? +What describes a role vital en the developing social of un adolescent? +Who was the creator of the Cherna doll? +What type of writings contributed to the growth of the sciences? +What are the names of the schools primarias in Richmond? +What are gametos produced por the hembones called? +What type of diarios does the Ciudad de Mexico public? +What is the literal meaning of a separation between dos especies biologicas differents? +How many lines of evidence does the field e interdisciplinario e interdisciplinario e interdisciplinario use? +What did Armando Dias mirate de 1913? +Who is a prominente directora de theater in Croacia? +What is the name of the popular tofu frito with Cilantro? +Who elected Bader Field? +What was Ars Technica's revisión of the PlayStation 3? +What did Senussi de Idris argue for judging? +What is the climate climatic de Köppen? +What did the protestantes use to prohibit the evacuation? +What is the ethnicity of Cheh Kiang? +When was the buildings of the Centro Cívic en Armada Way cataloged? +What is the base of the somalí? +What is the name of the Cancion de Eurovisión? +Where are the mountains divided? +What did the laws limit as a result of? +What hospital is located in the pueblo de West End? +How many hurones de patos does Montana ibex? +What does the United States Statutes at Large have? +Whose proposal is planned for a capacity de cultivation of electricity? +What is NARA's secondary installation known as? +What was Mark Long's occupation? +What types of combustible can be competed with? +What has caused a tendencia comun en the Estudis of the sciences? +What is the capital of Mexico City? +What is the Tribunal Cerebral Federal known as? +What does the art griego contribute to? +When was Ann Arbor funded as city? +When did Isabel I prohibit all pieces of theater? +What is a basic eerobic eexercise de colegio con arcos? +Where is the iHeartRadio Music Festival held? +Who did Farouk abdicare? +How long does RCA Victor's discos flexible have? +What does Bell's health suffer? +What does the I + D stand for? +How many protestantes pro-Tíbet were able to assist? +When was the estadio Charleety celebrated? +Where is el Bombero de? +How many points does the Corte Suprema impose? +What is the color used for a doctor in the ceremonias de Licenatura? +What did Duns Scotus's reactions against? +When did the coloniales of Guinea-Bissau begin to explore el interior? +When was the Arsenal de Redstone located? +What is a common explanation for the enforcement of diplomas? +What does the caCatalan evolve from? +When did the combates individuales intergénero lucha? +What type of states does Rajputana include? +When did Boris Yeltsin lose his seat? +What is Ki known as? +What is the hub built en el controlator host? +Who is a notable exponent of a philosophical philosophy? +What conflict did the Quejas lead to? +When was a new rado brilliante recievient en Europa? +When was the largest altitude southern of the Alpes ascended? +Whose admissions does the Universidad de Luisia argue se le neego la acceptation a los tribunales? +Which calendar has the ability to determine how many years each 400 year? +In what year did Sir Richard Blackmore come to create a poetry of Creation? +What are the Territory Dependentes Britains known as? +What does a legislature believe would be evidente for a certain state? +What does the term "time-givings" mean? +What does Mach sugerio argue about the cubo son? +Where did Napoleon invade in 1808? +What does the caspanyol central abandon? +What was a typical use for LPs? +What did Hirsch believe the Jews would e influir en? +Who was the gran secretario? +When did the colonias of the colonias concede la independencia? +How many ecoles y universities does El Gran Boston have? +What does Wi-fi stand for? +What does the Constitution describe? +What does isharat mean? +What does the fonographer de tinfoil do to be able to reproduce? +When was la i Iglesia de la Dormicion distruida? +What is Namibia known as? +What dialect did El acento agdo mean? +What is probable about the interaction between the policial and el interaction of information? +Who was a notable director who directed a movie in Hollywood? +In what year did the Legend of Zelda: the Legend of Zelda take place? +How did Jonathan Sterne describe Jonathan Sterne? +During which conflict did the growth of the population increase? +What are some types of semiochemicals? +Why did a millions of estimated estimated estimated estimated africanos leave a Moscow? +What did the religion romana base en? +What does the quality de un VACo parcial revolve to? +What makes a capability de ver un avion de sigILO separate from RCS de la aeronavia? +What are some cultures de? +What was the asistence en 2013-2014? +Who established el In-no-cho? +What type of animals did Victoria's view become nubeda for? +When did a Nueve Logcesa form? +Who adopted the changings of the rules? +Why did Apple sell 24,000 cubo en Q4 de 2000? +When was Canberra, Territorio de la Capital Australiana? +Which ley did Andrew Johnson want to reform the presidential power? +Which country wanted to implement content de Alta definition? +Who did Nasser marry with in 1944? +What was Yvonne Fletcher's occupation? +How many components related to the specification have been publicadas by Microsoft? +Who does a minority congregate with? +What do reptiles do to portray the temperatures? +What was the classification of the riesgos associated with the riesgos? +Who was the author of the seven lamps of architecture? +How do plants con flores compare to plants con flores? +What is un aelevator de cargo called? +Who was the creator of the program, Salva a Fox? +What do the costumes funeraria en Somalia come from? +What does the word "asphalto" deriva from? +What did Lamarck refer to the process related to? +What does the doctrina Theravada call a person y occasionally budas? +Where did Kerry arrive? +What does Eritrea use less condimentades y more tomates? +What types of plants does a prima chlorofill B specify? +What is a notable military called? +What is another name for a lucha libre? +What was the name of the panel de juez? +Who was the consulado general in Kiev? +What does unincrease de los prices deprive a decrease? +When did the troops capture Montevideo? +What type of motor does the rotor have? +What is another term for Operations de mouth abunden? +What percentage of Dell's notebooks does Dell reon? +Why does the Iglesia believe that a woman has a pecador? +What is another term for the dialects liturgic de la religion? +What caused the earliest enlatias to explode a continuos de 1980? +When did Nasara salt a lafame? +When did the Alemanes reanud the assault submarines? +During which season do the precipitations usually increase? +Who was J. Barrie Jones's favorite composer? +What does the tariah prohibit? +What does El Paso del time belong to? +How long had San Juan been responsible for the eeconomy provincial? +What percentage of electricity does Estonia produce? +Who was the eunuco de la corte Han? +What type of chemicals can be used for producing gas de separation? +When was the idea of the OA adopted? +When was ODC created? +How many parties does the aagreement define rights y Obligations? +Who was the Secretario de State del Sur? +What conflict did Nasser try to promote the peace global? +What did El Cuartel General Imperial describe the assaults debías ser? +Which dialect goes to Hong Kong, Macao, and Macao? +What did Huxley do when Huxley enfatized similarities? +What does the perception of la tripulation reconcile? +What was Greece's occupation? +How many leveles does a jerarquia de de Predation vary? +What teams de Gales, Ireland y Escocia participate in the competition? +Who murdered a Obrador y culmined the revolution Mexicana? +Where did the troops of the Mexicans capture? +What does Israel produce between 2002 and 2002? +Who is a member of the Liga Obregon? +When did Benito Juarez die? +What allows a transfer to a Macintosh store? +Who does La Comitia Centuriata elect? +What does the freedom de forming mean? +What does a capella subscribe to? +How long did Zhou want to prepare a operacion? +Who were the senators of the United States in 1993? +What are many genes associated with? +When does Parkwood Topshop Athletic Ltd announce the availability of the topshop? +What did Constantino call a dividing group? +Why is the legislature considerable to be inviable? +Who investigated the findings regarding the behavioral and Experimental Economics? +What does el caCatalan have? +What has been prohibited in the Archivos Nacionales? +What is the population of the British Isles? +What are the principal exports of the PIB? +What did the promulgation of the palace promulge in 2009? +What era was introduced por la Iglesia primitiva? +In what year did Selim III recognize a Napoleon as emperor? +What does Homero describe? +What did Eisenhower do to Jrushchev? +What does the NTB stand for? +What did Gaddafi do to the officiales of the ejémilitary? +What does the crianeo y las menes belong to? +What is the name of the transport system in Hyderabad? +What trophy does Arsenal recieve? +What was the name of the subway de pasaderos more transitada del world in 1927? +When were the dominios of jure? +How did some scholars argue the Crucifixion happened? +How many cities did the Bolsa de value del world hizo public? +Which side of the political party wanted a pea? +What is the name of the subordination to the Manhattan Dept of the Corte Suprema? +What religion was the largest in the Roman Republic? +What did the Zhoukan argue could have recieved? +What was MTP designed for? +What is an example of a battle called? +Who is a principles del siglo I? +What is the advantage of a menudo son el objectique more rentable? +When did El Paso del Norte leave a Santa Fe? +When was the American Idol program released? +What was defended as a writtenura unificationa in Sri Lanka? +What does le mean? +What does Buho rubia mean? +Where is the Fenway Park? +How many MTV Video Music Awards does Madonna have? +What did Federico do? +Why did Parnellite model a model? +Who does the lobos protect de being invaded? +In what year was CU-SeeMe developed? +What does en Aleman describe un tono spiritualista ynationalista? +What does the state of nirvana mean? +Where does the ontonia of a flores tend to a grower? +How long does Porter- Gaud School y Ashley Hall's history of Charleston's history last? +What were the names of the oregenia de Nevada? +How does a grabation acútica reproduce electricity? +How many antorchas were in London? +What does Lekhi mean? +Whose musical has converted to a musical longevo en playing in the primer theater de London? +What linguistic group uses a red de schools de inmersion? +Who volvered a Barcelona as a team? +What does the word "presente" mean? +What does the term'sánscribe' mean? +When does Limasol's perceptions of temperatures de 21-22 degrees Fahrenheit? +What is the name of the curator to City? +What is the general style of a contemporary accessory? +Where is CBC located? +What is the objective declared de la mayoria del rights de IP? +What does Napster mean? +How many schools colapsed in Mianyang? +What was the altura of the diversity de arcades y mamíferos euterios? +When was Johnwen's reign? +What does a una Fiesta offer? +How many iconoclastas survived a la destruction iconoclasta del siglo VIII? +Where did a majority of Mexicans live? +When did the EU redact a document? +Where do the Quichuas de Montón live? +How much was Comcast's revenue in 2009? +In what year did el suman Mamluco Baybars convern the Cueve de los Patriarcas? +Who dictamined that the sudafricanos deben ser discriminated as "personas negros"? +What does CCM stand for? +Who believed that the creation of la jerarquia celestial was popular? +What was the name of the famous pizza inspired by New Haven? +What is the dialecto central of the dialecto central? +Who was accused of expiatory convenientes? +How did the eslavos del sur evolve? +What religion has a large influence on the art y la literature? +What animal was Friedrich Serturner a protector inductor of? +Who invented the creation of arcabuces? +How did Shagari view Shagari? +How might a patient be extirpated? +In what year was the College dropout released? +What article describes Namibia's goals? +What does a arqueologia examine a human's life? +Why does the teams de la Premier League lose quinto en la Premier League Fair Play? +Where did the tendencia begin a griar hacia el campamente conservador? +Who describes la adolescencia? +What is Halakha? +What does a state do to violate a treatdo? +Who is el titular for 2015-16? +What is the gravedad en 1 bar? +Which drama did Greg limit his emphasis on? +What is another name for el exodo rural? +What did the Portugueses build? +What does a dhimmis pagan? +What is another name for these grandesprophetas? +Who was the general of the confederas? +What contributed to the spread of the traditiones neotiles? +Who represents San Bartolome? +What is a common name for cultivos? +What indicates the final de lapista? +Which Guerra uses el primer use of ferrocarriles and other inventos modernos? +Where does the color de latewood usually appear? +What does la zone financial exclusiva provide? +What did PC Magazine consider the 360 to be the prototype for? +What was Metrolite, Merco Plastic y Sav-o-flex primarily used for? +Who permite a user to elect the name a animal salvaje? +What did Jesse McReynolds invent? +What contributed to the increase in PIB de Turingia? +Why did they attack a los Osmanios? +What does an organism of internationales recognize as a codification de characteres? +Where does the term humanista come from? +What type of animal has been removed from Boll Weevil Eradication Program? +What does a region of promotors lack? +Along with the hard rock and hard rock, what is an example of a group demographic? +Why were the cavalos given del Tiobet? +During what event did the history of the biodiversity occur? +What is the name of the famous restaurant in New Haven? +What type of weapon is used in Edison's demonstrations? +In 1783, the growth of a porcion espanyola has confirmed what o opinion of Smith? +Who established rules predecessors use el c calendar judio? +Who does the Senator have to determine a legislacion en el C Calendar Corricsional? +When did the groups de rescue de Corea del Sur, Japan, and Taiwán arrive? +What is the name of the mangonel? +How many Fortune Global 500 located in Francia? +What were the satelite BDS-3 lacking? +What was Edward Schnell's occupation? +What percentage of the population are residentes espanyolos? +What is the meaning of federalismo y confederalismo? +How many years does El Paleozoico arise? +What does a supergroup llamado opiocontis include? +What percentage of the enrollment does the enrollment media place a promedio to? +What does the lack of chemicals reduce? +What position did Frederick Franz hold in 1976? +What do aves y form connections with? +Who were the teories raciales in the United States? +Where did the Montales suffer a severa erosion? +What are some common inclusiones? +What does this cuanto de actions involve? +Who does American Idol associate with in The American Idol? +Where was the first World War IMAX released? +What does the technique RENE stand for? +What did Hitler believe was the mayor daño a? +What type of art continued to become more prestigiosa? +Who was horrorized? +What did the conflictos of the per Periodo strengthen the control real over sus reinos y fueron extremely duros with? +What is an example of a significant historical organization? +Gagan Narang y Asher Noria y culturista Mir Mohtesham Ali Khan are known as what? +Who is the entirely employed to gastar money? +Where did the films de la library de HDTV de Turner become released? +What caused Napoleon to lose control in Francia? +Which institution did the Inns of Court and Inns of Chancery become a part of? +What did the canal of carbón de Somerset use in 1805? +What was the name of Iosef Stalin? +When did the alcaldes of Prussia Oriental expulse? +Who took over the final de the FA Cup between Preston y Hussardfield? +Why does the system for determinating la latentia para una emulsion son possible? +Where does the Gales e Ireland del Norte devolve a senator? +Who is Sun Jiadong? +What is the principle of Samoa's culture? +How many nucleares did the US probaron? +What did plants develop contra insectos? +What family is the lengua somalí a member of? +What was Johannes Kepler's model called? +What is another word for capitalization? +What is the name of the museum located in New Haven? +Which part of the body avoids a negative effect on the consumption of food? +What was the name of the center of use mixto y complexo commercial? +What does a "auto-e executores" do? +How many of the residentes of Santa Monica son inquilinos? +What does a lot of judias aspire a return to? +What does a software do to determine a problem? +What does Wood believe the states doesn't do? +How many entities did Barcelona have in 2016? +Which famous explorer provided a large portion of his life in London? +In what year was a reproductor de LaserDisc built with SCSI? +What did von Neumann public a finals of 1927? +Why was José I herido in 1758? +Who was Charles Darwin? +What system does the city rely on to produce mucha lluvia? +What describes la intensity luminancia? +What did AstraZeneca, Johnson and Eli Lilly y Eli Lilly y Eli Lilly have? +What does a calza dillo al southerno do? +What is the Revue Biblique? +Why did the elects of the elects of coreans want to cooperate with? +What was the job of Chan Cheong? +What did La Compania experimente to attract? +In what year did a manos of manos del ejéGuerra Espana declare su independencia de Espana? +What was the result of the agreement between the cultures griega and Asia? +Where does the teams de lucha a third place in the Cchampionship Nations de la FIBA de 2006? +Where did the clanes Orlam de la Colonia del Cabo migrate to? +What are the names of Hospital New Haven - Hospital New Haven called? +What percentage of voters were chosen for cargos estatales y federales? +Who discovered the mevastatina? +What was the title of 'The Adventures of Tintin'? +How many years did Bell have to matriculate in the Royal High School? +What are the pigmentos that causes the color de las hojas de otcitos? +When did the Ottoman Empire lose control of the Ottoman Empire? +What were limitados en su a application? +What mixto did Madonna mix? +What are some of the components of la dermis? +What does MIME define to define? +What did historians of the Carolina del Norte include? +What moderna is 4200 km from Guinea-Bisau? +What did Japan use to refer to Japan? +Who were Los Caprichos de? +What type of impact does the military have on the eastern United States? +Where did Juan site? +What does a citizen en a coreana o coreana o Filipinoa no define as a citizen? +What did the advertising politicas en la TV do? +How many people live in Montana? +What does the Mexicano de Mexico have? +What did Madonna do when Madonna leaving perdida for explaining su conduction? +What does the destruction of SCN cause? +How many died in the coronation ceremony? +Who was Vieira's chief? +When was Charleston destroyed? +When did a plegger copper y hierro fundido? +What did the a divino determinate? +What proposal was established in 2002 for replant part of great wood? +How many finalists were eliminated in the first show? +When did the Guerra Anglo-Irisha end? +What does Ozark y Ottawa form? +Who was the author of the TEDxuston? +What does the doctrina de la incorporation a enmienda a enmienda a la Constitution de los e inmunits do? +Who was the ex-president of Iala? +Who argued that la marketing de la music clarca a principles del siglo XX? +How many acres is el campus principal? +Who was the Secretario de defensa de los states? +Where is the suMinistry of energy tradition de Turingia es lignito? +How many days does the fortnightlies y crooms se publican en sánscribe? +Where is Roland Levisky located? +Who was Kerry's brother? +What does a minority do? +Who was responsible for expanding the system? +Who was the emporer of Brazil? +In what year did the masacre deathletes perpeto the masacre? +What adds grandeschallenges in a traductor? +What does the pilotos of la Forcea y la Guarda y la Guarda y la Guarda y la guerilla search? +What did Google consider the system to be necessary to do? +What does the term "hispano" mean? +How many residents does HHCP have? +Along with the armías, where does the adults contemporáno tend to acentua el emphasis? +When did Victoria die? +What does West-Vlaams mean? +What does a federacion form en dos leveles? +Where did Luis XVIII leave a Napoleon a Prussia? +What runs a frontera suizza? +What part of the body does a compondrio de carbono y water oxidate? +How many people worked in 2010? +What does Prajñā describe? +When was Yeltsin al Secretario General de la OAS signed? +What does the CAF use to salvo "trabasso sucio" o combate? +When did the cardenales orginally assume a relacion titular? +What is sufficient to divide the patrones climatic en Europa? +How did some scholars describe the creation of the first versions of the series Prajñānīmana? +What does la ixploration have revelado that se construy? +What does the forming architectonica formally dio much emphasis on? +When did Arline Greenberg die? +Where did the monje live during the Sthaviras? +What is the emphasis on the linguistics of interlingua? +What has enfatized the desregulation for promote the economy? +What is a dialect of a lengua? +Which indigenous converted a sus cautivo a las Americas utilizing el rio Ubangui? +Who was the creator of products de Google? +When was El Congo re-admited? +Who was the mayor sello de blues de Detroit? +What did the Jehovah's Witnesses instruct to inform? +How many years after To Kill a Mockingbird was released? +What does the doctrine of the Testigas de Jehovah's son do? +Who wrote a finals del siglo IX? +Who has a large portion of Guinea-Bisau? +What languages does the marshallés belong to? +Who wanted to restringir the exports of the calón y latella fuere importado? +Where did Chopin leave a Poland? +What does'moroz' mean? +How did a student do in 1924? +What did Burke believe should be Tomado? +What does R.A. Dave believe the book takes elementos of? +What are the first techniques of meditation? +Where does El papo come from? +In what month and year did the U.S. try to establish un system de security collectively? +What is chattista? +How many kilometers does the Marroquino se extene? +What is the percentage of estimated literacization de adultos? +Whose impulso did Bellaigne describe? +What is the predecessor of the CLV? +What are the nubes de? +Who did the Mexicans try to protect? +What type of religious beliefs did China e India begin a donation to? +Who sponsors the proceedings regarding a riesgo of decaing a metal? +What does the Tribunal Caliente de Espana argue over acts de conformity with? +Why did Kim Il-sung send him to Kim Il-sung? +What is the dialecto derived from? +How much of the population worked in the industry de services? +Who was the finalista? +What is the sexta city of Iranian? +How long did Roncalli take his name? +What is the name of the aircraft that reemplazas the viejo catapultas de vapor y aerial no tripulados no tripulados? +How many individuals quedan en la natureza? +What type of natation does the zoology de Hanover have? +When did the mandolin de bobina divisióno o microphone introduce? +What type of grades does not have a degree in e education? +Where does Barcelona y Castilla have a rival? +Along with tamores, tamores and tamores, what new instrument could be added to a new instrument? +What does a Jehovah's Witnesses have a lack of obedientes y leales a Jehovah's y leales a y? +What does Bernardo say about the conception? +Where did Isabel y Fabel live? +What does the organization of inquiry pide compares to? +What type of buildings did the Edad Media associate with? +What type of interés aacademico has el checo recieved? +What era did Kato Kiyomasa belong to? +Who popularized Jhochen Tol? +Where is the golfo de Mexico located? +What did the proposal de ley require to apply to the laws? +What does Hayek believe is necessary to do? +Which band comprises a cancion for the movie? +What does a citizen's rights usually infrinjan? +What did TWX originally use? +Who killed Brazelton? +Who argued that the leyes fundamentales de la physicala son leyes de evolution temporal? +What percentage of dollars does a citizen of Brazil earn? +Where is El primer Ministry elected? +Where does much of the programs maintain their computer? +What type of ros 11 venenos de outstanding? +When did the emmissions de Baird por la BBC continue? +When did Pocahontas se caso with John Rolfe de Jamestown? +Who is a notable son of the Greco y Odysseas Elitos? +Which park is popular for attractions y a visitors? +Why did the edicts of Aśoma send a varios countries? +In what year did the synado en Leptines strike contra los excesos? +What competitions did Bermudas compete in? +How long does the Corte Suprema sirve? +What is a typical instrument associated with? +Who reproduces more al sur than a other pinguino? +What determines su gravedad? +What is the name of Richmond's publical newspaper? +When does the interaction of the culture of the Grecian y la population nativa usually ocurre? +When did the comida take place? +Where are the interiores of the i Iglesia usually decorated? +How many pueblos are in Brazil? +Where did the princesas Isabel y Rita leave? +What does the emulsion por las fibres A-delta describe? +What does the orthodox think of Maria y lose perpetua y Theotokos? +What percentage of Swiss residents uses Pentecostalism? +What does a ranura de for a cartchuo de a game? +How many of the 40 escuelas del FPP were given to el PRD? +Who is Kanye? +Which axiomas contributed to the creation of un conjunction de all conjuntos? +What enredo did the invasiones de Ilaria cause? +Which part of the cerebro is important to controlar impulsos y planear? +What does the ICTR do to the citizens responsible for? +What did Sega Enterprises use in 1988? +When did el governo federal decide abolir all the capitol of the Dunicipio Federal? +Who invented von Siemens's ideas? +When did the medias arrive? +What is a menudo llamado llamados? +What does the CBC use el time to emitted? +What were these plagas controlled by? +What does OCA include? +What epoch did the renovacion del learning en Europa end? +How long does a typical OSUT last? +What is another term for "exports" e importations? +When did the Portugueses enjoy recognition international? +Who was the original creator of the tipography of The Times Roman? +What does a dialect of a griego share? +How many monjees contributed to the creation of Dunstan? +What caused the familia real Portuguesea to leave a Brazil? +What bacterias degrad? +What does a society preindustrials have? +How many weeks did the political colapso? +What organization did the Marshalls unify in 2007? +Who co-written the cancion de coronation? +What political group did Gaddafi refuse to unse a certaina de los politicals prohibited activos in the city? +What was the building called that opened pieces of theater y acts musicales? +What were favorables to volar a escalada? +What did Mao Zedong add to the beliefs? +How many people lived in Plymouth in 2001? +How often does the legislature strictly regulate emmissions de cars? +Which language takes much del latin y las lenguas derivadas del latic? +What are the comities of? +Who experimented a revitalization y revitalization? +What are the universities responsible for the creation of drugs? +Who was defeated in Raphia? +When was the Memorial Heinrich Heine written? +Where was the 62a convencion AES held? +Where does el ground de la units operate? +What book describes Ibn al-Haytham's experiments? +Which two countries have a significant influence on the G7 y? +1080p / 24 and 720p / 30 are examples of what type of disc? +When is the largest aluvias during the invierno? +When did la Republica de China begin a decline in recognition? +Where was the capital of the India? +What time does el Temple de Europa Central have? +What is the name of the Universidad de Yale? +Who was elector vicepresident of Notre Dame in 1934? +When was the prohibition introduced? +Where is the hogar del Puerto de New Haven located? +What happens to activos distributed? +What rango did Nasser use to determine the rango of ocho civiles? +Why did el new iMac con su flexible monitor screen compare to el iMac G3? +Which political party lead to the elections? +What caused the decline in the finals of the siglo XVIII? +How many schools does Plymouth have? +What characteristics does Vasari introduce to the introduction of las Vids? +Where does the adhesive of a mural usually apply? +Who designed the Sala 128a? +What was Edward Hawke's mando? +What happened to Birmania? +What did El Congreso seek to prohibit? +What is another name for a mafia? +Who was Arsaces el leader de? +What is the name of a cardra that contains alremundo de 120 dominios y de development? +What is the advantage of a tractor de remolque? +What does the course introductory do? +How is Southampton located? +How many times was el sulan deposed? +What is the profession of the Mexican called "spring forward, fall back"? +What does the nobleza terrateniot Polaca mean? +What phrase did the citizens of Sichuan invent? +What organization does Santa Elena belong to? +Which style of music influy much on the extrañismo vocal rhythms of ella? +What is the name of the baises de Vrina, Albania? +What did the estadio sacude in 1925? +What did republicanos liberales y incipientes lead to? +Who used the term Culturesoziology? +When did a group of eindigenous eindigenous eindigenous Mexicans elect a Mexican officer? +Where did the plant de Shuman move to? +What is the name of the system that allows viewers to recieved a TV? +What causes the mmovements of pesticides? +What was the beginning of the Guerras Napoleonicas? +What did una interception base en? +How large is El canal? +What part of the brain does a significant component of? +Who was the admiror of the Dominican Order? +What is an example of a perros' behavior? +When did the ensamble de computeres open? +What was the title of Cobb's 1992 book? +What has been used as argument to allow a patients with a terminal terminal finalizing sus generations? +What is an aspecto important de la Emocion? +What secreta hormonas en the torrente arterio e induce changes? +Where does the climate of Alaska usually reach? +What does the presence of Grasas produce? +How many people active in Georgia in 2004? +Who was the mayor fuerza de? +Who had renovated the aalliances anti-Frenchas? +When did the legislation that provided a legislation for regular pesticides promulge? +Why did Karl von Loesch enter the contendor de metal with the microfilm? +What does post-punk define as? +How many letras does Pro Electron commemorate? +What type of music established firmly? +What was El AeroPuerto International Indira Gandhi considered to be? +Where was the capilla medieval de San Bartolomé constructed? +What did the program of nationalization of the British Petroleum-N.B. begin to expropriate? +What happens when the production se traslada al juzdo de Monroe y la corte? +What type of environmental does Suizza have a large amount of? +Why did Austria sign a alliance with Prussia? +Where does a dialecto have to be supported? +Who did Clark y Dean deny when he won caucus y primarias? +How many centres specialized in e education superior? +Who was Gertrude Stein's father? +What does Ben Goldacre argue has no longer known as having new drugs y healthcare? +Who was the Ministry of Employment y Bienest Social? +What does the lack of a textual identifier do? +Where did a group of oponents of the Romans congregate? +What type of antiaerea does La WTO define? +What percentage of content does the content of a bacteria y bacterias promedia? +How many points did Barcelona lose? +How many times did Alban Butler describe the appearance of the clero and clero? +What was the name of the documentos officiales prepared to describe the reinado? +When was the color international en la convencion de viena? +What does a state have to be able to determine a reduction in the ratification of la Constitucion? +Where did the fronteras of Richmond expand? +When did los Cubs fueron a selection consensuada? +What is Midna? +Who was Carlos el Grande o? +What rights did Madonna concede? +Who did the Romanos believe was able to expand a su Guerra con Attalid Pergamo? +Who did Madonna learn a chord la bateria y la guitarra de? +What did Montini send to the Papa? +How does the budism differ? +What type of music did Joy Division, Siouxsie, and Bauhaus y The Cure hail from? +How did Kanye West vote for MTV? +When did much of ellos expulse their terres? +What did the legions celebrate in absentia? +What does this mean? +What does a typical patos have? +What does El Front Popular de Liberation de Liberation de Eritrea mean? +What was Burke's religion? +Who was the Phantom of the Opera with? +What is a major factor in New Haven's interiors? +How many people live in El Reino UK? +What is the average age of a person who consumes alcohol? +Why is la tension de union directa applied a la union emissor base de un BJT? +Who does Estonia consider una eeconomy de basso incomes for? +What causes a problem with using incansables de motors de CC? +What shape did the reostato have? +How did Winston Churchill describe the killing of prisioneros de Guerra Rusos y civiles? +Who was responsible for the restructuring of the CEO of Epic Records? +Who did the celoso Zephanius throw on the feet of Apolo? +What does the concepto de Myplate resemble? +In what year was Ghost Deer produced? +What did MacArthur do when he started a movement at Inchon? +What is the name of teena Marie, Freddie Jackson, Lalah Hathaway, Lalah Hathaway, and Lalah Hathaway? +What is considered to be the gorra most uses? +Who was eligible to lose power in 1999? +When a cquart goes to a scrimmage? +Which city did the Corte Suprema de los elect a favor? +Who did the familia noble de los Orbelios share control with? +Where did the Omar Pasha capture the Danubio en Silistra? +Who originated as a group national y religioso in Orientemedio? +What caused interés e indignation? +What does el gas inerte do? +What does alfàbia Catalana y Teja represent? +What nickname does Nueva York have? +What is another term for a radio station? +Why does a madaris tend to be able to study? +What is the name of the community of inmigrants located between Mill y Quinnipiac and Quinnipiac Heights? +How did this group do? +What is a part of the study of tuberculosis? +What philosophy did Price use to describe the beliefs of the Revolution Society? +What is another name for a dos teams de la city de Nueva York? +What did Melvin Laird refuse to cortejar al teniot de la Reserve Marcial Kerry? +How often did Jim Shooter describe the perceptions of Marvel's male procesales? +What does Japan's pro-wrestling mean? +What happens when a si la alarm se activaba? +Who was the coreography of the Chopin de 1909? +When did the London Eye y el Millennium Dome occur? +What type of incandescente does BYU replace? +What does the cathedral de Salisbury o la cathedral de Ulm have? +What is a definicion mamatic de a versatility? +How many objectos does La resonancia more populada del ceinture de Kuiper have? +When did Queen take a line-up of Freddie Mercury? +What are the terratenantes called? +What are the brotes called? +What was the name of Estonia when Estonia was invaded? +What are the grabadoras used for? +Who was Nri governed by? +What is the name of the missil balismo? +What did los impositions al champenado se do? +What type of religious beliefs did Bonaparte's memorias promote? +What goals are normally considered to be accomplished by Hitler? +How many days did Maria leave the Sangre de su purification? +Why did El Paso Beavers move a Tucson to Portland? +What does a pinning use simplemente to do? +What was Brian Evans de? +When did the torpedo Mark 14 have defectuous faults? +How many years of prisioners were imprisoned? +What percentage of Congo's followers are considered a result of the CIA World Factbook? +What did Obama declare against? +Where are the plants de la larger o especies related? +How much of the demands of electricity does the AAI compare to the demands of electricity? +How many Nuev York villas were constructed in 2007? +Where does India en este side del Ganges? +How large was Kyriakos Ioannou? +What was the ESA's membership? +When does the vapor de water se condensa? +What does El Christian Science monitor argue is focused on? +What system does the system de traction de los 25 Hz de Septa use? +How many bomberos were promoted in New Haven? +What percentage of the especies se extingued? +What makes up the placement of mamíferos no placentarios? +What did Morse do to Morse? +Who documented the name of zinc? +What were the cleres parroquiales a menudo extramundos of? +Along with Bahrain, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and Bahrain, what other +What ethnicity was killed in Sainte- Marie-aux-Mines? +What is the name of the center where the center de music Vredenburg built? +When was the College dropout finally publiced? +What uses does the idea of the humans use to distinguish themselves from? +Who was the son of Buda el Rey Casimoro III el Grande? +Along with Wolof, Yoruba, Fulani, Igbo, Igbo and Malinke, where else are these groups transported? +How many pieces are in Virginia Occidental? +Who abolio el abedul y lo reenforced con enlace? +When did the British Broadcasting Corporation produce programs de TV? +When was the Parque de las Berges de la Seine built? +How much does the HDI compare to? +Where does the DNA of a plants come? +How many phrases did Victoria write upon her death? +What types of poultry does Belegria have? +Who was elected as a presidenta woman in Liberia? +What did the demands de a scribe have a large amount of? +Who intervened for salvar Villa? +Who was elected for alcalde in Zagreb? +What is the name of Yale's newspaper? +When did the independencia of the new dominios of the India y Pakistanis occur? +What are the fuero Tomados de reference? +Sammy, "Listen To Your Heart" and "Listen To Your Heart" are examples of what? +What happened to the production of the Bofors 40 mm? +What company did the Acta del Legislato establish? +Which city is considered to be a capital more prominent? +What are the conductos salivales called? +What does Bell use to build a huge blocs of aire conditioning? +Who was leading a rebellion? +Why has there been a debate between the clubs and eliite de "super clubes" y la mayoria de la Premier League? +In 1988 y 2005, El Arsenal won how many cchampionships de la Liga y? +What does the tijuana de elementos verticales create? +What did the reinado of Juan hubo? +What was Margaret Thatcher's role? +What happened to the citizens of Rome? +What is another term for a license for encoder? +What are some types of bilaterianos? +During what month does El Carnaval usually occur? +When did Gottfried Osan invent the metalurgical en polo? +How many soldados did the Region Militar de Chengdu have? +What uses la polarization vertical? +What was Pu Songling's written work called? +What is a logo called when a barril arrives in a barril? +What vio la adaptation as evidence de "designo" beneficial? +What era does the eo Tetis dominate? +Who was the comandante of Fort Sullivan? +What does a Tribunal Supremo Jjudicial have? +Who did Abu Hashim marry? +Who luchad contra Link poseing the carried de Zelda? +Which agreement did Grecia enthrow officially in 1917? +What is the structural crystalina's design? +What decision de New Haven denied ignoring the T Title VII de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de la Ley de Ley de +How are the elevators normally impulsed? +How long did La truca depart? +When was La Ley de Autonomia Cultural de Estonia adopted? +When did Australia announce that the autogoverno de la island would reobt por la Commonwealth? +Who was el primero en basar sus conclusiones? +When was the pueblo de Somalia ratified? +When were the demos grabados? +When did the universities publics en los universities publics have no tenías de matriaculars? +What was Hayy ibn Yaqdha's? +What are some of the types of foods in Hyderabadi? +Himachal is extremely Rican in what areas? +What is the Union Station designed for? +What was Seattle's Exposition del Siglo 21? +When did un incendio important occur? +What happens when the officiales who preside the Rey o la reina has received la statue del Rey o la reina? +What does the city use to describe the forma of alcalde-advise? +What does ISDN stand for? +What percentage of tuberculosis died in 1950? +When did the diez reinos de China los Diez Reinos de China? +What does PXFM stand for? +What did Tanzimat hope to do? +How many years does El uraniot-238 have? +Which ancients considered a symbolism religioso y cultural? +What is la Patalina Blanco de la Muerta updated with? +What does the term'resistence a la infecticion' mean? +When did El Imperio lose los territorys? +How much does Tucson's alcalde have? +What did Armenia's cargo lead to? +What does the t weight of the genoma correlate with? +Who had a rescued a certainos boys who no had been rescued? +What book is popularly implicated in the beginning of the Guerra Civil de los Nations? +When did al-Baqillani die? +How many soldados did the Operacion Tormenta del Desetato defeat? +When did America del Sur experiment a large amount of e Evangelica y pentecostal? +What was the eslogan official of Namibia? +Who was responsible for the masacre? +Who does el political political party sire usually? +What are these anellos de cgrowth usually referred to as? +What does the Spanish describe the teories of rights natural agora obolished? +What does a monoteíst believe doesn't have? +What is the name of the sekwondo de e students en Imperial College? +In what year was the Revolution de Praga created? +What did some tribunales call? +When did Kublai Kan lose the duties Song? +What was the primary component of a Famicom's original Famicom? +When did the ensancinga begin? +What did Frederic de Hoffmann believe was missing? +Which country has the largest density de population average? +What area of the debate has taken un use limitado between a minorian en la academia? +When did the Colonial of Escocia e I England unify? +What is the borough of Manhattan? +What anti-jacobo de Gaddafi's admiration led to the attack on the Libyans? +When did Victoria declare a heredera presunta de su rio super viviente? +What did Kwame Nkrumah defeat los temores for? +Who was the reportero encoded the Historian de Tulisa Contostavlos? +What contributed to the increase in trade y territory? +Why did they capture the colonias of Guinea-Bissau en 1758? +What is la etologia a combination of? +Whose bodies regulated el religious public en Francia? +How does Milton Diamond describe the use of androsexual, homosexual, homosexual, and bisexual? +What resulted from reducing a glaciation in 1973? +Who did Sassou negotiate a agreement de amistad with? +What are some of the clubs de boxeo y art marcial? +Where was the cerebro most Antigo? +What does El Imperio Kushan colect? +What subgroup of antioxidantes are usually found? +What is the name of the judicial structure located in Boston? +How often does the Hipodromo recognize information en si? +What is another name for a union militar? +How many countries did Portugal have? +What did Nintendo use to create a series of tanuscripts? +What is the c Corp legislativo central called? +When does the ceremonia ritual para la concesion of assenting en el legislature utilize regularly? +What was the title of Martin Lutero's work? +What is the Gran Prix de? +How much does a cultivation of algae subsidiate each year? +What year did Dell tenia una cuutra de mercado en PC de 13.9%? +Who survived depicting the walls y la capella of the buildings? +What does el color del estandarde de Mahoma represent? +Who was rumored to have a convento because no ten la ability to apprentice? +What do the stimuliantes populares promote? +In what year did the College dropout finally resume a delay? +How many lines de buses does the STIF have? +What was given to Connecticut to build in 2010 y 2011? +Where are the teimanim de? +How many structures were suspended? +How many years does El escudo de Enas represent the victoria de Augusto contra Marco Antonio y Cleopatra VII? +What causes el DNA to easier to be available for a promotor? +What is a menudo adoptan? +What website does youtube.org use to remove the content? +When did Neptune All Night occur? +When does a new government recognize gastos? +How many estimated ecoles are there? +What movie represented the operacion de una teja regina de la teja? +What did Diego's familys become? +What does the identifier allow a user to do? +How many millions of dollars did Alaska offer to purchase a Diamarca? +How many triazines interfen with? +When did Portugal introduce a tendencia towards developing a industrial de revenues? +What did Ernst Haeckel do? +What did Allí require? +How many Bf 109 were there? +What does the clan of Taira do? +What describes the characteristics of bacterias? +What are Galician estuarios called? +What did the primeros advertising de ca campaign base en? +What happens to the photoelectrones? +What does Link's creation become a part of? +Where does the Real Baises de los Reyes usually come from? +When did Helena Lee become nacida? +Where does the defense, subsidios y access a agencing? +What type of film did Eon Productions produce? +What caused the surcoreans to be able to be a part of? +What decorations did the coronation of Isabel have? +What law describes the execution of prisioners federales? +What does the acroplatanus mean? +What did Robert Mueller do to the FBI? +What year did Dell's inquiry begin? +What did John F. Kennedy emit in 1961? +What is the prospective cultural of the adolescencia? +When did the use of gas increase? +Who was responsible for the expansion of the new escudo? +When did Thomas Samuel Hood buy a land? +In what year did LaserWriter de Apple allow a user to design a certainer? +Whose dominios contributed a military alliance between the rios Volga y Don? +What is an example of a perjudicial behavior? +What does el politetrafluoroethyleneo mean? +What does the de predation exitosa result in? +What did ninguna de las sedes do? +Who is the president of the BCE? +How many states does Kerry have? +What does la redactions del treatdo consider una definicion adadequate to? +Who presides the reuniones de la Asamblea? +What did the BBC do in 2011? +How did the Colonia de Virginia superate a Bermudas? +Tito has been responsible for the erradication systematic de la populace alemana en where? +Where did Kerry tell in 2004? +What does el objecto es negro mean? +Which political group seceed a protest in 1961? +What was Miami known as in the primeros years de su cgrowth? +How much did El Partido Laborista receive in 2008? +During which historical period did el condo se urbanize cadaly more? +When did the USAF perdi varios proposals de purchase de avions de Alto profile? +Who was known for representing the authenticity of the empire? +What was the final cantion of Blue Ivy's gritos called? +How does the process de serpentinization produce? +What does the fuerza imperial britnica base on? +What is the usual color of a joven without a white white? +What does a Mexican population recognize o ser classized por una solo etnicdad? +What is the main dialect of Myanmar? +What title did Farrukhsiyar give? +What are extravagantes places? +How many deaths were there? +What does a joven usually have today? +Who did Eisenhower promise to terminate the Guerra Allí? +What did Wylie concede t titles given indiscriminately? +How many bacterias are in the gramo de suelo y un millón de suelo? +What does el treatdo termina automatically? +Who does El Mesías believe is compatible with? +Who are some examples of a large amount of indigenous instruments virtuoso y conjuntos? +When was the convencion de Filadelphia held? +Where do they learn? +Who was the president of Microsoft in 2007? +What is moderna? +What media had a large proportion of the population? +In what year did The Times change a trolley compacto? +When did Hohokam live? +Which group has a significant impact on the culture demasas? +Who introduced la traditioncion gothic de Francia al sur de Italia? +Whose impulsos did Burke think were facultados? +Who funded London? +What does Mach argue about the experimento of the water en a manera cubico? +What does Whitehead do to explain? +Where does the rate of estances hospitalaria relate to asthma? +What had a luchar luchad with? +Where does the impacto dio place? +Who was a member of the periodista? +Which company rejected a proposed offer to Alstom? +Where do patrones de radiation del Plan vertical display? +Where did a modified version of Adobe Flash use to avoid errors? +What happens when a person inheritida papa a no es obispo? +What does la fuerza aerea se vio? +What is the name of the estadio in Mexico City? +What did Santa Elena's citizens lose? +What type of music has a significant impact on the culture of Samoana? +What does El Claridge call 24 plants? +Where did y Clarke begin a i Iglesia builtista? +When did the idea of the Premier League take place? +Which congresos celebrated en Berna? +How does the use of a capacitor come to be used in telecomunications? +How does the rotor rotor rotor usually rotor? +How many dormitories are there? +What did Santa Helena change the tphone to? +How much does the temperatures diurnas en el Piamonte usually reach? +What settlements did Rome decide to divide el Reino de Macedonia en? +What country did the indigenous decades de miles de los Alemanes o Huir? +What is Swayambhu considered? +Who assumed el cargo de president y en Mayo de 2013? +When does the Carnaval become popular? +Who was Eisenhower's leader? +What does the región deBrusselses emerge as? +What did J.S. Bach argue particularly favorable for? +What does the population of Brookline y Newton have? +What new political party did the Liberal y Nacional form in Queensland? +When was the term "diversity natural" introduced? +When was the final de the Recopa de Europa? +What school has a similar relationship with the Estonian educational schools? +What were the unicos architectos principals of the Treatado de Versalles known as? +What does'morphologia' mean? +What does the relacion grams la consistent de proportionality between? +When did El abuelas y el Padre of Victoria marry? +How long does endosporas stay viables? +What does the term "negro" deriva from? +What was the name of Simon Cowell's viewer? +Which buildings prevalent in Francia? +What types of tourists does the International Plum Blossom Festival attract? +Who interpreted a John en la versions en color de 1938? +What does a group of people believe? +What was the name of the first tinte created by William Henry Perkin? +When did Peterson's celebrate the Dia de la Lengua Madre? +What is the DMA de Boston? +What type of bacterias include types parositos? +What illness did Nasser earn? +What does the system de electrification use to determine a capital? +Who considered el future de los estonics? +Who considered Je Jesus to be el heir ilegal de un soldado a llamado Panthera? +Where did Kerry's tripulation explode? +What causes the juicio del time? +What is Oklahoma's largest mountain? +What year did San Jose SaberCats announce that they had no associations? +How much did Babylonia emigrate? +When are vulnerabilities of microchip introduced malicioously? +Who did Briggs announce? +How many systems of EditDroid were built? +How did a finales of the siglo XV come to be considered? +What is the Banco de Richmond? +Where is Midtown Raleigh? +Which group of people have more than 5 thousands of deaths than tuberculosis? +When did the pueblo de Somalia ratifie a Nueva Pueblo de Somalia? +Why does the operador de services publics a menudo oppose the revenues reformables? +How much did the diez drugs de 2013 increase? +How many points does the KSOG use? +Where did Gaddafi hope to refuge? +What is the most important art islamica? +What system did the 16 kV change to? +When did the Chamonix casi hacen cathedral en el Mont Blanc? +When were the dates for the draft de dispersion announced? +Why were the soldiers allowed to leave barracone? +How many dollars does Nigeria have in terms of PIB nominal y parity? +What era was sizable for the cultures y era inmutable y el order social de ceremonias y morales en una culture? +Where does a "personas licenses de color" usually live? +What is considered una antenna? +What did Napoleon abolite in 1813? +What is the name of the law that utilizes el rights penal? +What does the lenguaje humans define as? +What is a cause of a serious e disease? +Who is considered a model for Tom Robinson? +What does a Premier League club have? +What did the Comission EU do in d December of 2013? +Which political movement prohibited activos in Sabha? +Which country occupied the Primera Guerra Worldwide? +How many people attended the manifestation "Jubertud por Cristo"? +What group did the Iglesia de Chipre use to invade? +What se inverted temproso en el Carbonífero? +What does La carta describe? +What percentage of votos did Cronin lose against Cronin? +When did the patentes for implementar MP3 expire? +What does the embargo believe el revenue aquisitivo internal is? +Where is Boston usually located? +Who judged Tom Robinson? +What is the name of the journey where the sutras Mahayana describes? +What did the colonos romanos want to use? +Lenin y Trotsky entered what treaty? +What was the ducleo del posterior Eectorado y Reino de Sejonia? +Where did Hayek die? +Who runs the Ranking Worldwide de Eolegios Medicales? +Who invented the cancion Tom's Dinner'? +Which part of the insects has been debate? +When did the demographics of Gran Bretancia change? +What military entity established a large presence in San Diego in 1901? +What was the capital of the empire ptolemaico y Siria? +What was the plan called that caused Qing to reorganize? +Where was the reunion? +What color does the train elevado de la Autovisión de Chicago use? +What ideology did Gang of Four y This Heat introduce? +When did the dialect toscano become used in the poesia y la literature? +What was the market of the MUSE era? +What did the majority of Guinea-Bissau have a form of? +What did Microsoft reveal about the certificion of Microsoft for Windows 8? +Where does the majority of Nigeria's population live? +What did the excavations en y near Agordat produce? +Who was responsible for the creation of a primer stateunidense? +Where does the orthodoxia scientifica divide a hereje? +What Air Force base is located in Tucson? +What is the mando del Cirucaso General responsible for? +What does BYU's programs de languages lose? +Who were the concejales de la city? +What is another name for Armenia? +Where does the country turn a time "estándar" o "i" o? +Who killed El 8 de January de 2011? +How long has the copper been used? +What is the average temperature in Miami? +Where does Maliki prohibit a donantes controlar su dotation? +Who created a Puerto para elcommerce con el Mundo exterior? +What has the census been prohibida from the primeros times Christianos? +What was the name of Emerson Muschamp Bainbridge? +What type of fuel is much less like el gas y el carbón? +What is Parque de los Aliados called? +Who funded Motown Records? +Why did Lou Piniella retire a los Cubs prematurely? +Where did the term "grand potenti" come from? +What is another name for Old Style and New Style? +What does el alburnum use as a driving force? +What functions en part rewhereando bits no essentiales de information? +Who once again ran the battle y se retiro a su cuartal general? +What areas did the Guptas lazos promote? +Where did La Universidad Portuguesea probably move? +What do bacterias patónos cause? +What was Yaroslav el Sabo's madrastra called? +What did Tuvalu use to promote? +What did El joven Samuel se dio about? +Who proclaimed the name of the Macintosh? +What is the average elevation of the golfo of Estonia? +When did un renovado interés en la poliphonia Renacentista begin? +What do the Frisos decorations display? +When did el Cardiff City lose a dos de lose? +When was the 50 aanniversary of su death celebrated? +What type of conflicts did the reforms de Zuinglio lead to? +Which street commemorates Morningside Heights? +Who discovered the relacion mamatic between the curvas a differents temperatures? +When did RIBA leave the 9 de Conduit Street al 66 de Conduit Street? +What percentage of Valencia's population has a decline in 2007 y 2008? +Why is the term "serbocroata" contraverted? +Where does the Rainbow Times serve? +How many types of art does the city of Nueva York have? +When did Giotto die? +What are exuberantes of? +What is the dialecto de Nueva York also known as? +Whose protection did Atayasao hold? +When was Theologus Autodidactus written? +Where are many grandes arms expanding rapidly? +Where does the Legend of Zelda: Unity Princess HD come from? +When did Timothy McVeigh y Juan Garza die? +UNFPA has been accused of promoting abortos forzos y what? +Who won the 1993 election? +What se dejo primarily fuera del durban tourismo? +What extractos del Rodeo de Aaron copland? +How did the relations between el libanesa de Fuad Chehab and the UO improve? +What were the estimates teologicas initiales of del numbers de genes humans? +Who defeated Baji Rao II? +What is a linguistico de a linguistico? +What does a USB require? +Where do the majority of a salariados work? +Which city was particularly brutally brutalized? +What declaration did Tuvalu establish? +What is another name for the Nuevo Salón de de Porte real? +Who organized a new type of organization militares y rurales? +Where did Napoleon III lose a couple of lovers? +Which city does Augsburgo y? +What did Nasser do to Israel? +During which era did the de predator dominante? +How many people destroyed the buildings? +What is probably the composition of aluminum? +What does El SCN use to implement? +What does the teorema de Pitágoras provide? +Who assumed a large part of the actions of the club y antes de la Louisiana Liga Federal? +What was a manera able to desacreditar rivales politicas? +Who was the leader of the Universidad de Mánchester? +When did J. G. Droysen a mediados? +Who designed el cañón automatico de 40 mm y el cañón de 40 mm y el cañón de 88 mm FlaK 18? +Who has promediad 22 approvations? +What did the indigenos use to analyze? +How large is San Juan? +Who would be responsible for the creation of a cartel superior? +Which city condivided Buenos Aires as a principal Puerto del Río de la Plata? +What happened to the capital social? +What is the term for la lengua no nativa de la writtenura y la Iglesia catalonia? +What does the floridans decribe +What park does El Detroit International Riverfront extend to? +What principle describes the basic design of antennas? +What was Brennan's political party? +What was the name of the creator of the system de eduction no linel de EditDroid? +Who was the quarterback of the AFL? +What was Voltaire's nickname? +What are the beginnings of the crimen organized in Nueva York? +What part of the state does the clima do? +What part of the reino de Galicia formed during the luchas Internas? +What are the theoretical diameters of an inestable? +When did the Mexicans leave their territory? +Who was the principal enemy of the invasion of Nueva Francia? +How many soldiers did Bonaparte send to the emperor? +What did the colonial vote to vote for voting? +What phrases do some de these estats specify El Jurismo del cargo include? +How many people were listed as a result of the findings? +What level of life does Israel have? +What dialect does the majority of Zhejiang speak? +What can be used to make a larger value? +What was the finals of the conception +What country did Venus capture in 217? +What type of color does a semiconductor de manganeso display? +Which type of climate dominates the lluvias? +What is another name for Plymouth Argyle F.C.? +Which manos had a huge amount of recognition for mayor aperture? +What was the precursor of the faculty de the Universidad detokio? +When did La Reina a Australia visit? +What was the cause of being released in the United Kingdom? +Where did the hunos Blancos settle? +Where did the patrias griegas traditiones originate? +Where does 'The Spite marriage' come from? +Where is the NBS located? +What is unicode de information used as? +What country does Gibraltar claim? +What is poor en areas interiores as Sichuan? +Why are buses compatibles with Euro-VI? +What is equinut? +Who took over posesion de la capital del state? +How many buildings se derrumbaron? +What was the abbreviation for the establishment of El Hoddle Grid? +Where does the work usually produce predominantly in the areas rurales? +What sector has been a significant impact on Armenia's economy? +What is a especies called? +What was the Iglesia centered in 2010? +Who generally receives the actions more grandes? +In what month and year did the Aliados have retired their offer? +When did the Primera relacion international de Kathmandu establish? +Who was captured by police? +Who built a new attraction tourisma? +What area of the Antartida has a colapsos dramatic? +What continues to be unstable in the adolescencia? +How many pasaderos diarios does Metrobus transport? +Who were the finalists of "We Are the Champions"? +What did the estimated estimated estimated destruction of the economy during the 60's? +When did El principle coloqual proverge? +How many days does El Daysimeter have? +Why does the regiones regulatadoras de un gen tend to be able to obtain for traer el gen y su region? +Who publicated the BCCI Affair? +Who referred to Iranian Persis? +In what year did ITU-R create an effort to establish un usable entire HDTV? +What year did Seleuco lose a time to salvar a Lisimaco y aplasto to? +What is the name of the movie that describes the intents of communication with Tuja? +What does Planck believe the objectos y systems y systems are created de? +Where are Castilla y León located? +What did the expansion of Nueva York cause? +Where do the orígenes de las i Iglesias originate? +During which season did a solo un participante to be elected? +What had suplanted al tour as a sector dominante de la eeconomy de las Bermudas? +What was Feynman's nickname? +What is the SAM's most notable weapon? +What were the t titles de in the area? +Where did Shuhda die? +What describes a relacion between dos organisms where one se beneficia y el other? +What did Kevin Keegan declare? +Which military organization created a program for lanying al primer person en el spaces? +What was the capital of the youth in 2009? +Where does the conscience del time limit? +Who evacuated Seul? +What does Darwin do? +What does a concubina de un samurai do? +What did the police antidisturbios use to limit? +What is the Historia del pueblo griego related to? +When did the ejésquadre aleman entrance in Paris? +How much does a capacitance additional become? +Which ashkenaz i deriva generally of the Aškūza? +What type of voltage can cause rayos X blendos? +What percentage of females were viudas? +Who did Bertrand Russell's cismo begin with? +What did the FCC fall a favor de red mediante? +When was the declaration of Doha adopted? +How much does the hydrogen function? +Which insect is a member of the ecosystem? +What happened to Bascom? +What is the third process? +When did Chopin make a public presentation? +What are the areas where CBC and Radio-Canada lose? +What precio does the "snug" pay? +What is the name of the new material absorbente? +What animal is considered to be considered to be a diosa y sizzle de pureza? +When did el President del Conseil introduce a director ejexec? +What does El primer Ministry mean? +What are some of the grandes cities where the rio Yangtsé reach? +What was Corea considered to be a part of? +Which Tribunal dictamined en 2015? +What are some of the main uses of DC motors? +Which company did Bobby Kotick criticize? +Why is the bitumen moved to a refinery? +When were the executions of piratas executed? +Who was considered allí por Hazrat Muhammad as a student? +Who did Derby resign to resign? +When did the deporte en America del Norte become a form de complementary to a deporte? +What happened when a anniversary of the anniversary of the accident? +When was the videophone de AT & T released? +How much precipitation does Tuca, Arizona have? +What is the name of Dell's service? +Why did Apple demand a Microsoft y Hewlett-Packard to demand a Microsoft y Hewlett-Packard? +When did Yitzhak Rabin firmo the Treatado de Paz? +What did the pueblos farmers want to mobilize? +What is a púura y hace a portion of juice del Niagura? +What does a cause during the emmissions cause? +What percentage of people utilize the transport public? +When did the Mexicans declare una nacion independence? +Where did the Vartman Patram y Vishwasya Vrittantam y Vishwasya Vrittantam y Vishwasya Vrittantam y Vishwasya Vrittantam y Vishwasya Vrittantam y Vishwasya Vrittantam +When manejan esas Tablas, where does el user usually reside? +Where are the rules de usually enacted? +Who reported that Powell simplemente se alineo? +When was the Pacto ANZUS? +Where do the pagas eslavas fueron christianized? +How much precipitation does the interior of the continente have per year? +What does Chopin describe? +Who was the first Archivista to serve in 1934? +What is the vestuoso based on? +When did John Charles Marshall y Thomas Gilbert visit the island? +What does the term griego mean? +What cargo did el piano modern contribute to suena more delicate? +Whose army did Charles Frossard y Bartolomey LeBrun reforce? +When did West retire a photo of a radio de Chicago? +What was the persecution of 303? +What is the effect of a lucha de lucha? +What could be a response to the climate global? +Who does the coercion directa o indirecta de? +What is the capital of Samoa? +What does the term Darijas mean? +Along with buildings, what type of llamativo does a corrupt government gaste? +What system did los Qing utilize? +What military organization contributed to the expansion of Vietnam del Norte? +What was the result of the capture of Pyongyang? +Which country offered a much of sus citizens a chance to study? +Why did Austria use this situation? +Where did the Spanishes y Portugese carry the waters? +What are some creents responsible for? +Who were the chiefs de estates de facto? +How many families lived in the city in 2010? +Where was La Sala chapterar originally used? +What was the anniversary of the Jubileo de Oro de Victoria? +What did the city of Nueva York begin to remove? +Where is the base submarine located? +How was the meterje filmed? +Who uses strategies to combat the biodiversity? +What does the term "Nuevo 51" mean? +What was introduced to help promote the growth of the sciences? +How much did 'The Adventures of Tintin' earn? +How many entities compose El Colegio de la Ciudad? +When was the 'Fiselle Knowles- Carter' created? +Who designara a citizen recie elected for el Senado? +Who was the mandol of the troops in New Haven? +Who did von Neumann leyera? +What did the pueblos indigenos alentar a los aborígenes a assimilarse a? +When did the union declive de la lengua mark the beginning of the declive de la lengua? +What are the names of the princes Yaroslav el Sabo's hijas? +When did a law establish changes to the consideration of petitions contra la concesion real? +Who was persecuted by the persecution of whom? +Where was the finals of 2011? +When could a large amount of a computer run? +How many elects does the new counsel regional have? +What does this mean? +Who did Notre Dame abandon the Gran Oriente? +Who was responsible for the evacuation of Hungnam? +What does ASIS stand for? +Which two cities does London have a similar relationship with? +Where did the childs live primarily? +What do the plumas use to acicalize a menudo? +Who was the Terminator? +Prior to 1903, what were the Mexicans considered to be? +What does SWAPO stand for? +What could be exported to a sizable enclaves? +What did the Watch Tower Society admit in 1980? +How many adults in Brazil worked legally? +Who declared that ella might have a romance with the throne? +When did Brazil lose the monarchy? +Who created Afro Samurai? +What is una curator official? +Who did Adams no merece el same as Adams? +Who describes valiente, carinhoos, guerros, and fuertes? +What does la fuerza policial se pagan? +What is a traditional tradition in the pueblos alpinos? +What is the name of the cancion de coronation? +Who designed La Puelta Dialect? +What percentage of Oklahoma's exposure did Oklahoma lose between 2007 and 2008? +What does the bombilla elect? +When was the Columbia Phonograph Company established? +During which conflict did Kansas participate in a program de E Training de la Armada V-12? +What was the occupation of the band? +When did a large number of presbiterians become significant? +Which ley defines un consumption criticalo? +When did the construction of the aeroPuerto flourish? +When did Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi die? +When was the Primera invention of t technology o Universidad o Universidad Tecnologica del Mundo funded? +What is another word for a patois? +Who aplasted the aplastada? +What does r2 describe? +When did the plan de retirada? +Who built the facade carolingia original? +What award did Nakamura, Amano e Akasaki win? +What weapons were developed during this period? +Which band did Brian May describe the song "charla" dedicated to? +What did the Ley de violations de contracto do? +What does a teenager base on? +Where did a manifestation incendie a rebellion in 1979? +Who converted en el rio Marsias? +Who was El Shahnameh de? +What do the larves de molts insects perforan? +Which singer repeated the emphasis on James Bond? +What does NAA stand for? +What is Atlantic City considered as? +What is the lowest amount of time savings in DST? +What is El autonimo eslavo reconstruido en? +What word does the Europa continental use in the regiones de speak holandsa? +What was Whitehead's exposure to? +What is the PLD originally known as? +What did the Corte Suprema de Florida do in 2015 +What does el cubo do when it is detained? +What does a "T" indicate? +What does El zinc reactive? +What store did Parkson acquire in 2011? +What does the photoínsis describe the energy de la solar? +Who wrote the letra original? +What does Triangle Transit do? +Who did Enrique VIII lose de la Iglesia romana after leaving a protector de la Iglesia romana? +Why do parapodios son extensiones? +How many people were killed during the combates? +What was the name of al-Zahf Al-Akhdar? +What empire did C. Ciro el Grande control? +What does a menudo use directly for? +When did Madrid decide to destroy el territory a los states? +What did the exposure to tuberculosis cause a large impact on? +When did the sale of The Weather Company shut down? +What happened to El 10 de July? +How many units of brigada de combate activos does the emperor reduce for 2018? +When was the Academia de sciences de Portugal funded? +How many clubes does La Union have? +Where did the finals of the antorcha take place? +Where did the hojas ashs start being created? +When did the assault a la city sueca de Sig tuna? +How did the Eton Beagles make their accusations? +What does Wright believe the FST de.25 represents? +What does Leibniz argue has contrary to the existence of? +What did the subastas de Verdingkinder do? +Why are a tribe indigenous to the jungle? +How many barradas does a stadium have to earn 10 yardas? +What is the Latin term for Athanasius Contra Mundum? +Where are the requisitos de grado individual son established? +When did the Mexicans legalize their marriages? +What was Kerry's ranking on the Forbes? +How many divisions of sciences does the madrasas have? +How many estates does the Qing have? +How much of the population lived in zones urbanas? +Before the caida of what city did the slogan rubia become a showcase? +When did Grecia lose control? +What does el esclerenquima y elixirma y el bixemaa y el bixoma have? +What type of religious does Rome use to cultivate the identity cultural sharing y la lealtad? +What is the earliest way of studying the cerebro es anatomoy? +Who murdered Alvaro Obregon? +Who designed El Raj Ghat? +What is the lengua of the swazis? +When did the Enmienda Kefauver-Harris declare ley? +What are the acceptores de electrones used for? +What did the cañón Krupp disarando? +Who did Mackintosh describe Burke's ideas? +What was a cartel adjunta for? +Where does the headquarters picante Texas Pete become a member of? +How many provinces does Punyab have? +When did Nasser fund the MMovement de Pías No Alineados? +When did the tournament inaugural de la FA Cup begin? +What type of ingredientes does la cooking suza traditionally use? +Who claimed El primer Gol de la Premier League? +How much did Sky's contracts increase between 1997-98 and 1997-98? +What are the principals clients of these services? +Who suggested the existence of anion hyduro? +Beatport, Bleep, Juno Records, and Juno Records are examples of what? +What model of 20 GB could be described as compared to? +What does la culture en el field sociological define? +Symphony Hall en Boston is a part essential del d design of what? +What does EchoStar opera? +How much of the revenues does the area of New Haven offer? +What does the society alienta? +When did the mayoria of these congregations form a union federal llamada Iglesia Presbiteria de Australia? +What do the ley of Rayleigh-Jeans describes similar to? +What percentage of carbono is de carbono? +What are the temperatures in Myanmar? +How many pounds did Foxley receive? +What country is Babatunde Osotimehin a part of? +What does clean Edge believe helps a loses to a lier con el malstar economy? +What does the word "magnate" mean? +What does a dialecto no varying have to be el beneficial of? +How many times did Eisenhower vote for Tennessee? +Who conserved Catholicos de Cilicia? +Who was the Ministry of government in 1998? +What surway did the Senator Estes Kefauver de Tennessee surrender? +How many times has the Cchampionship de Europa won? +What does the introduction of millions of news en denominations e evangelicas lead to? +What does the Corte Suprema comprises? +What is the most known plants alpinas? +What did the ASEAN agree on combating the contamination? +What violation did a large tension en la relacion between the dos nations violate? +Who was 'Lincoln'? +What is the earliest episodio de dos hours? +What does the metro avoid? +What is a doctrine that describes doctrinas primarias? +What is the name of the cimetio de Ford Park? +What does a firmantes do to prevent? +Where does the sello Cockney come from? +How many years did West abandon the Universidad? +What percentage of Norfolk Island is unpaste Permanente? +When was the Ley de R reclamation passed? +Who extended the creence griega de las formas ideales a su teoria metaphysicala de las formas ideales? +How did Clausentum defend? +Where does the plan original of Brasilia have a metro principal? +When does su desgasification become important? +What did the Humanism use to search for? +What did Philo T. Farnsworth invent? +What does a clero y los laicans share? +How many creditos does M.S. refuse? +When did El Legislato Helénico vote a favor of una ixploration official? +How many communities are involved in the Protocolo de Harkin-Engel initiative? +Who were the most bassos en statistico? +What is the name of TCM Underground? +What was the name of the video called "Formation"? +What happened to the debate in 1998? +Who was the leader of Japan? +What would be used to use a portion of a francia resonante particular? +What does Je Jesus do? +What did these instrumentos contribute to? +What is the balance of the fibre nervoosa? +What was William Scott Wilson's occupation? +Where is the largest exportator of algadon? +Where did the AFL match take place? +What alignment does a certain ascendence africana usually refer to? +How much did China Airlines realize? +How much did Zocor y Mevacor y Mevacor earn in 1995? +What is the sustanza resinosa de color rosso obscuro secretada por varios insectos a escala? +Where does Qadis central? +Who was the Historiador who expressed the criterio realism? +What does the majority of definicion de population depend on? +What road is located on the southern edge of the Catalina Foothills? +When does a mayor oyentes de votos compite en general? +What are some of the basic sources of the energy solar that comes from the globe? +Where is the Haunted Mansion located? +What type of civilization does the Mature Indus introduce? +What research Laboratory designed the componentes for the ENIAC? +When was El Royal Manchester College of Music funded? +Who created The Sound Pattern of English? +What is n universal? +What is the finales of 2008? +Who was the heir of the queen? +What does Napoleon usually use? +Where does El uraniot form naturally? +What type of schools does Raffles Millennium International and Wigan y Leigh College have? +What type of feeling does a person recieve a door to a resurrlection triunfante recieve? +What does the privileges de Jedlnia no longer elect a nobleza? +What company purchased el Wesley A story Nueva York? +What types of foods does Sauerkraut serve? +When did Auguste Francoine dio a conquest? +When was the Third edict? +What does La Coria describe when Deucallion se converted en Rey de Ftia? +Who did West lose to los American Music Awards de 2004? +When was El bandolim popular? +What was the patria original of? +When did the genocidio ocurre allí? +Which continent does Alaska limit al sur? +Who wrote the ley crucial written by the Asamblea Nacional? +What does un ECG confirm? +Who supported HTML5 video? +What happened to Idris's policies? +What is la discriminacion inversa? +What type of chemicals does the organismos respiratorios use? +When did the Ferrocarril Central del Uruguay open? +Who enforces the laws of the ley federal? +What has been used to determine the eaccuracy of the t treatment of a patient? +When was La "Shell" Transport and Trading Company funded? +What is a component clave for reducing the control y previent aattacks? +What did Juan XXIII continue to reform? +What is the contexto of un primagénio? +What are some of the governantes temporales? +What does Whitehead believe is a "ideas inertes"? +When did the Federacion Rusa stop being called Federacion Rusa? +What were some of the variations in the interpretations of a Biblia? +How many steps does the CPI have? +What battle did Allí derroto al Rey Porus? +What percentage of the superficie of Zhejiang are colinas? +What does the UNESCO recognize the structures of Berna? +What is the capital of Berna? +Where did the use of uraniot become a prominent among other countries? +What were primeros used for lighting? +What does Israel pose? +Who restored a Soviet territory? +What did Nintendo recieve to recieve in a video game de 2006? +Where is Nanjing located? +What was responsible for many victorias? +Who probaron the problem del c body negro? +How many zones does the Alpes divide? +Whose equilibrio did el Pacto de Verrova establish? +How many millions of habitants live in Egypto? +How long did the Guerra During? +What is the hogar of the primeras civilizations en Europa? +How many bisones lived in Montana in 1870? +What reign did Mahmud Ghaznavi conquista Kangara? +What do tejas de temples do? +Where was West's curator? +Who invented the first motor de induction? +How many hubo una granola de i Iglesias de piedra? +Where was the antorcha de Konnie Huq based? +How many years does the communistismo last? +What is another term for omnisscience? +What does a corruption usually accomplish? +What is the findings about the patrones de excitation sexual de females? +What does Oklahoma's trees compond to? +Where are especies marinas located? +What did the legislator europeos adopt in 2005? +Where did the PlayStation 3 sell? +What was Punt considered to be? +Which arco is comparable to the style gothic? +What are the paneles called? +Who were the finalists eliminated? +When does a lesser group divide? +What ethnicity did Roosevelt want to be considered to be a citizen of Mexico? +Why are aagreements ejexecutives ejected? +What has been universal en use professional during many years? +What does Daysimeter mean? +What did the Salón de karaoke de La Monica become? +What does Deaner claim is restricted en cantities de? +Who built un gran ejéarmy? +What topics have many people y argue for? +What does the system care of in the jurisdictions seculares? +What was the title of Frederick Lynch? +Whose relation did Bonaparte and Eugénie collaborate with? +How much money does the Mexican Union have each year? +What type of mercado does La Ciudad de Mexico offer? +What palacio was considered to be a large scale y la solidez style? +What does Hé Megale Syntaxis mean? +How much did'Dreamgirls' raise? +What city promedias more precipitacion than a other city? +What type of arrestos did Jim Morrison hold in New Haven? +What does Hegel y Berkeley argue contra? +When did India establish relations with Israel? +What does la piedra sea devuelta a while coronan los Reyes de Escocia? +What did David Randall argue about the history of The Sun? +When was the system de aproximacion de lines introduced? +What do Tuvalu's boats transport? +What type of political entity was su father? +What is a canonica son? +What happens when a base denied a un error de software? +Who was the governor of Richmond? +How many teams does the Everton club have? +What does the FBI stand for? +Where do bocetos o write equations de physicala? +What was the USS Gridley's journey called? +How many kilometers was the estadio original? +What does this do? +What is an example of a model that uses a jaula circular? +When did la construction of la cathedral end? +What was the name of the empire where these reforms ideologists no se integration? +Who was the father of Oberhausen? +When did Portugal occupy Portugal? +What is the name of a youth whose visión de San Pedro? +What is the Forbes? +How many years did the lapitas establish Samoa's islands? +What is a t treatment called? +When did the Mexicans arrive in 1810? +How did the communities of Santa Monica contribute to the communities of Santa Monica? +What is the effect of salarios y un mayor desemployment? +When was El Carnaval de Strumica celebrated? +What does the CIA stand for? +Who ento the Iglesia Episcopal Methodista Africana Emanuel? +What is the name of a son called? +What is the name of Santa Elena? +Who was Victoria's mother? +What does plutonio use for someterse a nuclear nuclear? +What is the Estadio Dasarath Rangasala? +What is another term for Catalan? +Where did the majority of Kathmandu's festivales originate? +Who was responsible for the discovery of the process of fision? +Along with Laugh, Clown, Laugh and Laugh, who is a notable actor? +What did Carlos Martel do +What is the name of the Museo de Historia de Filadelphia? +When did La Republica del Congo become independent? +Where does mosaic paso de fashion come from? +Where is the AeroPuerto de Melbourne located? +What does a pub usually use to avoid being a pub? +What does the religiones politeístos do? +What is the Pepsi Center World Trade Center de? +How did they sellados infame? +What did the Macintosh de Smith use to make it more rentable? +What is the normal term for total el epiteto when the cursive no is available? +What percentage of isotopos de uraniot-235 no should be superior to? +On what day did the emission of the sello conmemorative take place? +What type of s utilized to keep el tipography? +What is one of the ramas most grandes of? +When does Beaks have a forma of a dress? +What is a CD-ROM legible for? +Who was Jan Baudouin de Courtenay? +What does a pinning usually do to pinning? +What did Buda el Rey consider to be a nobleza? +What type of service is Greater Melbourne y Geelong? +What does Homero incorpore en su Odisea? +Where does the transport of electrones usually occur? +Where was Alison Jing Xu from? +Who was Hayek's father? +How many entities does the Colegio have to superar? +Who was the leader of the governo central? +Whose reino did el Treatado de Verdón divide un reino between? +What political party does Sassounguesso belong to? +How many meters does Alentejo reach? +What does Grecia have? +What is the process a menudo se llama? +Where does the reina se locate? +How old was Shunzhi when he died? +How long does the definicion of the altura a la que un Blanco se aproxima directly a 400 mph? +What caused the invasion of Manchuria? +What is the name of the governor republicano? +What was funded in 1982-85? +What happened to the attacks on the canal? +Who controled grandes trozos del imperio? +Where does Gustavo A. Madero y Gustavo A. Madero live? +What was the objective of the negotiations? +What does the Secretario of Tesoro pay? +What does a digimon do when eclosion? +Where did the jet hysterize emergencia? +How much did el governo chipriota announce to want to help apoyar al Banco Popular de Chipre? +What did Carlos V do? +In what year was el C Code de Justiniano established? +Whose actitudes did the "artists de Passy" include? +What is the name of the valley located in California? +What animal se congregates en grandes schools? +What is the sur of the sur? +What did Florida do +How many conjuntos did La alforia GL control? +Where is Tobolar Copra located? +What does Neornithes mean? +Where does the BCE's capital rank? +What does the senses portray portray portraying portraying portraying the trends of neoclassicism? +How much more promedio does a sampling of the animals per capita live? +What do respiratorios use to make electrones del sustrano reduced y transfering a un aceptor terminal de electrones? +What did the Dominicanos Dominicanes use to express la experiement mistices? +What airport is located in Essex? +How many inches of water does Staten Island have? +What is the romance of a lenguas de Italia? +What does el conductor use to describe el time Tomado? +What could a condensator with to cause ruptura dielectrica? +How many kilometers is the antorcha? +In what year did the Guerra de Crimea occur? +What was the final score of Chasetown? +What happened in 1761? +What is Tucson's autopista? +How many aleations de cope mataban a more than 100 percent of bacterias? +Who is un famouso aleman? +What do en Corea and the entronization del Rey Gojon a la entronization del Rey Gojon a la entronization del Rey Gojon a la entronization del Rey Gojon a la entronization del Rey Gojon a la entronization del Rey Go +Why does a ramp de salt de esqui function? +What was MCA Discovision originally referred to as? +Which areas where compiten por ser el hogar original de los semi? +Where are Bermudas located? +Who established El Orfanto de Jenkins? +What percentage of Florida's population is Hispanic +What is an example of a book de Historia natural? +Who was Tito's heir? +What does Lockheed U-2 try to do? +When did Bayinnaung colapse completely? +How many findings did a 2007 revisión of 2007? +Who comprises El lapisdo Vietnamita Vietnamese? +Who prohibited the use of the term szlachta? +Where does the Clima de sabina tropical originate? +Who defeated the ability of la duquesa for ser regente? +Where did Leonard Shockley die? +When did Lady Liberty become a "Templo a la Rrazon"? +What was funded during the caeding of the Dirmenia Ming? +When was Laserdisc suplanted? +What organization does the NRA stand for? +What do orthodoxos griegos y Turkochipriotas traditionally do? +In what year did Bruce Bagemihl describe the idenity homosexual? +When did El Padre H. Linckens publish his work? +What did the company use the "Transistron" to produce? +What causes a portion of the pulmón tosing? +What did the ecumenical groups create? +When was the decoration of the i Iglesia de San Tommaso en Formis created? +Where was the ISO 216 adopted? +Who was the father of the throne? +What was the name of the legiones romanas? +What was the name of the first anticonceptivo oral? +What causes the changes in the intake of nutrients to be caused by? +What was the Bronx named for in 1997? +Who was elected primer minister in 1999? +New Haven was a debate over which Olympic championships? +Where is Sandakan located? +What did Martin Luther King Jr. describe the phrase "negro"? +What was the name of Comcast's cable provider? +What did the error principal seem to be related to? +How can Backup y Restore be accessed? +Who were discos primarily used for? +When did the FBI elect Tony Chebatoris? +What is the name of the project that developed in the US, Australia, Britain, and Spain? +What was the name of the pact formed by La Union Soviethics? +What is an example of aNuevas t technology de sorchestracion? +When was Robert Osborne released? +Along with religious and mentores, what did the frailes serve? +When did the election generales occur? +When did the ca campaign de Crimea arrive? +What dictas the splices en los extremos de los instones? +What did the SNS-101 care of salida? +What did China change the actitud of? +Who believes that the population of Southampton increases a percentage more than un dos por cento? +How many hours does Sackett's findings describe how much time does a society forrajeras e industriales work? +When did El Museo de Arte contemporáno de la Fundation Louis Vuitton open? +What are the primeras mentions de? +Who abandoned el nido la nights after the eclosion? +What does the icclesia medieval medieval suprime? +What did the WHO adopt in 1998? +What structures were constructed in the Mar del Norte? +What have the these politicas handled? +What river is located on the island of Duwamish? +What doesn't a lenguaje use to analyze the memory de recognition? +When did a debate minoritaria argue that los bauten de continentales fueron influenciados por the ABAptists continentales? +Where is the Comit Permanente del Congreso Popular Nacional located? +Where did the mendicantes del siglo XVI encode a Nueva Filologica? +What does un no contest mean? +Who sang the song "You Belong With Me"? +What is the term for the l de la Edad Media? +What does Funafuti's troops occupy? +What is the Centro de Architectural de Virginia? +In what year was the aresfenamina developed? +Why might especies that se mueven distances cortes? +When did Luis die? +How many animals does El Museo de Osteologia exhibit? +What is the a album called that contenia una versions de la cancion? +What is the name of Kvarner's muñeca? +Who adopted la ortography Macintosh in 1979? +How many visitantes did El zoological de Hanover have in 2010? +What is a characteristic of New Haven? +Whose ideas did the Whigs influence? +What is the tenia bloco o filterado? +What percentage of desemployment does Atlantic City have? +Who released the finals of the 1980s? +What did the misticismo in English tend to concentrate on? +What is an example of a larger amount of activos? +What type of pinos have little contraste between different parts of anillo? +How much was Southampton's granja fiscal? +What type of transportation has been conquered in New Haven? +What are some of the causes of asthma being reversible? +What organization contributed to the creation of the creation social de la property? +What type of protective does a PCB have? +What type of sulfonamida did Prontosil represent? +What does R stand for? +What uses DC? +How many o presidents did John I. Jenkins, C.S.C.C.S.C. have? +What does the bitumen use as a material prima? +What type of computer does the use popular de la phrase "computera personal" mean? +What does the abbreviation for the recording of MP3 stand for? +When did Howard Kendall resign? +When was the Illusion Store introduced? +When did the independencia take place? +What instrument de a clarinete y el fagot revolves more refinados in the era clastica? +When was the battle de Sacheon? +What does I stand for? +Who uses rex teutonicum? +What material does Bell use to describe? +What does El epiteto "Delphinius" mean? +Who designed the ala? +Where did Marion Crawford teach? +In what year did the defeat of the fuerza muslimas take place? +What does the phrase madrasa describe simplemente? +When was El World Trade Center Montevideo built? +What did Armenia's teams lose in the Ranking Millennium de la FIFA? +What did Shell declare to be a deter? +Who was the general of Moseley? +What is the name of the Fiesta de Eton? +Who was responsible for the mediacion de debates y communications? +What percentage of the population is Muslima? +Whose papal was funded in 1408? +What did Napoleon publicize to promulge the rules del deduction process? +What does ascribe to the acts of a templum augur? +What is a predominant part of the EPA? +What does the manufacturers of hardware do? +What is the literal meaning of the term "persamedio"? +Who was the poeta Galo desonrado por? +What do many of the buildings de apartmentos de apartmentos y Sheffield Avenues build? +What is the Puerto de Mexico? +What are the Bolsas de value? +What always has been a significant impact on Espanyol's goals? +Which two nations se reunion in viena? +When was the Treatado de Ryswick ratified? +Who was named El Ganador of the American Idol: The Untold Story? +What are El Everglades? +What does a patent omite when a public acto? +What do the Estudios y los historie? +What shows the impacto of American Idol? +Why did the gran coalicion propria form a large coalicion? +Along with Tolkien and Tolkien, who is a member of the Inklings? +What does la visión del atoning substitusional believe la death de Je Jesus is de? +Who received a carta for governar Santa Elena? +How many pasaderos does the aeroPuerto de Nanjing have in 2013? +In what year did the colonias conquer America del Norte? +Where was El Tesoro al Banco de Ingo? +What type of amplio does a lower amount of recordings use? +Where did a rapid increase in organization estructural? +How much did the geographes believe the continente era? +Which street comprises en la Avenida C? +What is the Latinization of bitumen? +Who was the rival of Tom McClintock? +What is the advantage of a motor powered with dobles? +In what year did Bell die? +What is the name of the radio del campus? +What has been a regulation strictas for? +What was McKerrow's objective? +Who created El ICTR? +Who was considered to be considered for a perception? +Which group did Queen turn a teaching for sordos y citos? +What was the indemnization of Comcast in 2010? +How does the doctrine change the doctrine? +What did Nasser consider un requisito prior to the dedemocracy liberal? +Where does the term "Decode rights" primarily use primarily? +What is another name for a game pak? +What is the name of Yale's radio? +What was the emphasis on the protectoration of Somalilandia Britania y Somalilandia Italiana? +How does el Su-33 s capaz de lany? +What did a lot of 800 books contain information about being related to the festivities in January yfeverero? +What is Faraday F? +How old was Zhang Qian? +Who was the current director of El Fúbol Ku? +What is the base de apoyo clave del Partido Liberal? +Who was responsible for the removal of Muhammadu Buhari? +When did American Idol leave America? +Where does El Santuoso de? +Who does Universal Studios Inc. own? +What defines these points de reference? +What was Dell's model original de Dell known for? +Who designed the ala? +When was Dangerously in Love released? +Who organized a reunion in February of 1865? +During which period did El reino de Yue appear? +What does El titular del copyright do? +What type of system evolves with the neighbors in Europa Central? +Who revised the mamíferos en 1997? +When has the madera been used for esculptures? +What percentage of the revenues does the dominio "TV" come from? +Who provided lo sufficiently assures to consider la costa neighbora as a rival? +What does a lot of countries elect to study? +Who were some of the reformers magisteriales? +What does un system de byes guarantee? +Where does H & J Smith opera? +What is the typical equation of a 30 voltia? +When was the Metro Times funded? +When did the Decima season de la series reveal? +What does Harvard use to describe these findings? +What does the Office of Supervisión monitor? +Why did the walls of the villa rustica lose y protection? +What does OFR stand for? +When did a large assault over London occur? +How long does a species usually have? +What does the fotovoltaico do? +What was the name of the personaje called? +What is Malí? +Who did the economista de la Universidad Americana say they monopolize el power y excluded? +What type of languages are usually shaped by the expansion of Rome? +What does the legislature do? +What does Crystal Bowersox cause? +What were the usual amounts of candones in July of 1940? +What is Giulio Cesare de Handel? +What is the name of the famous female that ella sugier energically que despidan a Chpurnia? +What is the typical degree of rotation? +What was the name of Detroit techno? +What does the concepts sustantive del imperio de la ley include? +Who compatibles the a apps produced with el iPhone y iPhone? +Why was there a con Concert for Hurricane Relief? +What was Alonso de Salazar's nationality? +What has been used for referencing a pueblos indigenas de America? +What form of currency did the reserve Federal determine the value of a currency? +What deben keeps en la transformation? +What did the use of caligraphic decorations display? +Who was the mayor of the bermudianos? +Where are the employees of the Hospital y Universidad de Yale located? +What does elsphalto use for buildings? +How many satiles de Neptuno were discovered in 2004 y 2005? +Who is the governor of California? +How many days does a perros have? +How many hours does a bombilla caseras cover? +What is another way to describe a compondron paperes importants? +What is the typical typical typical amount of vehicles per a citizen? +When did the attacks on terrorismo occur? +What are the earliest scientists considered to be referred to as? +Where is the Gran Logoria Unida de I England? +Who established a Regulation in 1970? +What are derivados llamados? +What did the juez Jackson argue the mayoria had impeded una violation of? +What does the art sasánida sometimes refer to? +When might a species usually become a llamado recombination genetic o crossing-over? +When did the company Southampton Docks form? +How many nocturnos are structured? +What political group did Nasser supervisión? +How many schools does Brasilia have? +What does this allow a user to do? +What does a lot of programs use directly? +What did Matthew Bannister believe the artistas post-punk reject? +Where does a moderna house public come from? +What has been describes as a result of La Guerra? +In what year did Nasser die? +What percentage of sorbios does R1a oscile between? +What is another name for the armature moderna? +What does ASCII represent? +What is the name of the park in Nueva Delhi? +How many years did Bulger stay in prison? +Who is de Oliveira's nickname? +What does G refer to? +Along with Mergui, Mergui and Myeik, what is the name of the city? +Which team does Forbes compare Barcelona to? +What represented el 69% of the PIB global de 2007 a 2014? +What was the name of the pacto invaded by the pacto? +What types of schools does the madrasa tend to have? +Who was rumored to refuse the execution of the eunuco? +What does the new aeroPuerto have to calibrate? +What does a diversos rasgos florales identify as? +What does a despanelado require less of? +What did Popper recieve? +What types of wines are used in el rio de sacrificio de la misa? +What type of events does the island ibexa during the year? +What is the capital of Houston? +What do some scholars argue El Partido Ariano do? +How many times did London increase the expansion of the Olympics de Verano modernos? +How many islands did Ellice use to describe Edward George Findlay? +During which conflict did the captura y occupy y occupy los states? +Where is the Granja Solar Desert Sunlight built? +Who was asked to expose Bulger's arrest? +How did the monje respond to the actions of Burma? +Who sent a Marchfeld? +What does the turnos de relew increase? +What is usually known as un event athletic? +What does la codification allow? +What did Bortolazzi describe? +What type of food does Santa Elena produce? +What was the playing en areas used as a source of? +How many guards Chineses are there? +What does the federation convirte en 1961? +What vio a Robert Menzies assuming el cargo of Primer Ministero? +When was Josephina de Beauharnais born? +What type of vaqueros ban news terneros? +What type of disease does the use of antibiotics lead to? +Who established as el primer duque del Duque de Prussia? +When does a teams internationales usually prepare for? +What was funded by Gurian, Matthew Fitzsimons, Frederick Crosson y Thomas Strtish? +What does a cooperativa, company limitada por garantia include? +Which insects are beneficial to the humans? +What tribal tribes did the invasion of the al-Qaeda eliminate? +How many of the mountains de Suizza are? +What does 'Xon' mean? +Who was Knute Rockne and Ronald Reagan? +What did Darwin introduce to Darwin's ideas? +Who is the fundor of New Haven? +What was the earliest launch of the Primera line? +What is constante in regards to decisiones de la corte suprema? +What did the findings accomplish? +What type of weather does London have? +What does the term 'el kosher' mean in Israel? +Which i Iglesia uses the concepto en procedure contra individualos y groups? +Who did Freddie Mercury collaborate with? +Where does la mandolina become popular? +Who was one of the principals political parties? +What percentage of elementos does a uraniot have? +What was the term used to describe the enforcement penalty? +What does Lee use the talent of Lee for? +Who wrote the famous poem? +Who signed el Concordato de 1801? +When did the CCU de la Universidad Nacional open its doors? +What could have taken matices budista de elighting y connections with el Bupatisettva Manjuri? +What is an example of a type of internationales? +Who was Takeda Shingen? +Which group of people claimed a reformulate su fuerza? +Why did Irene Pap, Mlisa Mercouros, and Atalos Sakellarios, and NicosTsaros have a decades? +How many visitantes arrived in London for the coronation? +What is the dialect of the inSpanish usually referred to as? +How does the liberation of samsara evolve? +What does Bruno Latours use to describe the concept of a society? +When did El escultismo arrive in Santa Elena? +What does Alexander argue is a red more grande de leyes, laws, politicas y costumes? +Where does a neuronas de primer order entran en la a molenguas de primero? +Who was responsible for the rescue of Taiwán? +What is the rule of a gota? +Where did the inmigration take place? +What does the term "Énglisc, Anglisc, Englisc, and Englisc" mean? +What are the fibres y Sedosa? +What type of componentes se utilized when a Montje en superficie ento use? +What does la suposition de que la radiation del c body negro es termica lead to? +How many cues de metal does a Tabla de sonido do blada have? +When did the Guerra de Nama-Herero estallo? +How much more efficient does the incandescentous incandescentes produce? +When did the Anglo-birmanos lose el country en corrientes constantes? +What percentage of the population of Charleston did lose negros? +What was the name Wayback Machine named? +Along with Pathé and Pathé, what is the name of the company? +What movie did Youssef Chattle produce? +The diptongos found en the dialectos rurales were considered feos por what class? +What country did Hayek visit in 1981? +What type of fronteras does the City de London conserva? +What colors did the antorcha y su group utilize? +What did the traders of the indigenos come to archipiélagi? +What was the percentage of the population of Mexico City? +What does Netflix use to allow access to Netflix? +When did El canto monofonic become the forma dominante? +When did the infectious disease Society of America (IDA) announce that the tuberia de antibiotics debile no longer existed? +What are the cepas y especies called? +Where does the exceso of aminoacitos se Descartan? +Who was responsible for the invasion of Britain? +When did Melbourne resign? +How did Freedom House describe Armenia? +What se terminas la PCB? +Who won a victory aplastantes en the new legislativo? +What was the population resembled antes of the Guerra? +Who was named El Ganador of the American Idol: The Untold Story? +Who was a notable explorer of Chipre? +What determines the composition of Neptuno? +Who salvado El Imperiooto mano? +What se distingue from the assasinato legal, captura o captura of especies? +Who does the Historias speak de? +When was La Ley de Police Metropolitana created? +What does Suzanne Shell demand for a Internet Archive to pay money for? +What was the name of the city when the former expansion of the Colonia de New Haven stood to Quinnipiac? +What modern technologies did La Guerra de Crimea use? +When did Kerry and Tom Harkin visit Nicaragua? +When did the desemployment have superado lamarca del 10% a level national? +When did the eslavos lucha contra sus eslavos? +What is one of the types of destructures in Cork? +What do los numbers en los numbers en los numbers indica? +What is el clero's traditional dress? +How many dormitories are in the palacio? +What contributes to a large exportation of congolnas? +What does Hegel believe the time transcends? +What does the Jehovah's Witnesses accept a personal discrecion? +What crisis caused the Thomson Corporation to lessen a crisis? +How much money does the BCE give to the banks to pay for their deudas? +What does the división superior do? +When did Canada's GDP decrease? +Which asamblea recognizes the legislature de Malí? +What famous event led to the creation of a cage de cooking? +How much did Kerry y Weld plan to pay in Beacon Hill? +Where was the altar mayor de the abadia designed? +What rules does Dean Amadon use to define subespecies? +When did the history of la science begin? +When did Bismarck die? +What does the word "Tibet" o "meseta Tibetana" mean? +Which two designers had publiced certain information in 1910? +What reduces bits al identifier y deleted? +What is the name of the paper that James Madison considers implication de la definicion del "asismo del governo"? +What are the terminales a transistor de compond de? +What does la ranura de expansion de la SE cause? +What is a relacion definida with? +What rights did Brasilia obtain in 1988? +When did the consolidation of the system estatal de e education primarily begin? +What was the purpose of a donation to the Mexicans of Colonization? +What does another word for "ser lumindo" mean? +What did La Office Colonial britao to nominate for the aborígenes de Victoria? +What is the name of the center of Brooklyn? +What is the phrase used to describe the genocidio? +Who believed that varios million of Muslimes were expulsed from the territory? +What did Tom Nettles teach? +What does the judaism modernos believe might have a connections more fuerte with Israel despite a su apego? +What was the name of West's concert? +In what year did Elizabeth win a female female? +What areas of the area are located in the area? +What concepto did Arthur Cayley introduce? +Who presided the BYU? +Why did the Kevadon distribute a Kevadon? +What is the name of the Tribunal de Apelations del Primer Circuito? +What vary con el time? +When did the desfile del Dia de San patricio de New Haven begin? +How many aeroPuertos does Oklahoma have? +When did the puente y a close al tography? +Along with teena Marie and Lalah Hathaway, who is a popular artist popular? +How many teams does the city have? +Who ignored the demands? +What did many of the Mexicans work on? +What happened between 1988 and 1991? +What describes the objectives of the creation of the understanding humans? +What article de the Constitucion de los states recognizes the right judicial? +What causes a dividing element to be divided? +What does la digesta chemicala do? +Who declared Vieira's third vuelta? +What type of electricity does the electricity of? +What did a group of individuales share un style comúde de? +Who was the activista politico? +Who established the plan de Estudis de una madaris? +What could a Secretary elect as a result of a treatdo? +What does a species of plants usually consist of? +How many seconds does a reduction of 10 minutes have? +What agency maintains grandes programs in Mexico City? +What schools does El Mayor Escoces reject planes for? +What is the typical chalet suizo made of? +Which Dominicanos were able to develop during the first siglo de existence? +What is another term for Castros? +Where do bacterias live? +During what conflict did the Armenianians lose their territorys ancestrales? +What is a drawback of a LDOJ? +What does la sangre del Cordero de Diego do? +What caused a dicrease in the population? +What do actions insegura y el cultivo de actions positivas called? +What could explain a guerrilla, alegria y capacitate de encajar en hores humans? +When did Heather y Gary Botting compare the paradigms culturales de la religion? +What is the rate of fertility among those orthodoxos? +What does a menudo describe simplista? +When did the FBI begin to investigate cases de cybernaje contra the states y sus Aliados? +What are the teams athletics de la Universidad de Washington called? +What is an example of a modern game? +How many people died in the Union Sovietic y China? +What were the Chinese Han superiores en la lucha contra? +What type of culture does the senderismo have? +What started a caer considerable in 1914? +Along with Somalia, Yibut, Cuba and Cuba, what is the other country that divides the Somalíes? +What did the Confederation of la Confederation signifie? +Why did the leaders of the Myanmar visit? +What did a species do to transfer el t title a proprietrio transfer to? +Whose dominios were important to the finals of the siglo XVI a creation ordynacja? +What types of rituals did the Vestales publics prepare? +In what year did Dreyfus say Phagmodrupa perdi su control over el Titbet? +What concerns can be found in regards to elcylindero de elevation de fluido en el suelo? +Who moved a la clientela de luxury de Mánchester? +What has caused a detrimental de genes de diverse genes de diverse species? +How many members does the Tribunal Colegio supervise the constitutionality of the leyes? +What does the technique DEI permit al manufacturers to do? +What causes fenomenes y anticyclones? +How often is the GrandPrix du disque de F. Chopin celebrated? +Along with Florida, which state has a renforcement of cudas raciales with rango de classification y other criterios? +Who is the general Sir Nicholas Houghton? +Where does a citizen of Ireland del Norte se una? +How did bin Laden describe Bin Laden's assasination? +What was Seattle's primary lucha general? +Who was the ex-jugador of Arsenal in 1986? +Along with tourists, what type of tourists does the Mexican Mexicans have? +What causes when the pliegues vocales son open y vibrantes? +What was Madonna's movie de 17 minutes called? +What is the typical range of temperatures in Namibia? +Who funded Rough Trade? +What is another term for Juan? +Who was the detective of Rex Stout? +In what year did the riolinist resign? +In what year did the finalization of the rio lago Nasser take place? +How long did the Mexicano-estadounidense take control over Santa Cruz de los Rosales? +What shows the mmovements of manos? +What does a form of ver las differences between groups tend to be measured? +Who was responsible for the use of Y archie? +How long did the indigenas of the Bajo Egypto coexist? +Who did Elihu Yale marry? +What did the FA argue about the ability extra de los oponents de Wembley? +Who were the pubs named "Marques de Granby"? +What type of transportation was destroyed in 1939? +Do s countries have rights a al less un cardenal? +Who agreement with Turner to continue a distribution of Warner Bros.? +Who announced a plant desalinization Wonthaggi? +When did the rionimous fathers leave the classrooms? +What is the Corte Suprema generally considered? +Along with the episodios emotionales, what might have comparables a los rasgos de acter? +What is the name of the bamba de rhythms? +What are some of Raleigh's religious groups? +What ideology did the political parties of Francia y Gran Breta adopt? +Where does the clave de su relacion e interinteraction exist? +Whose beliefs did La Guerra de los Treint Anchis become a conflicto religioso between? +What is Oklahoma's annual season? +When did the Mmovements de Oxford promote the idea of neoclassicism? +Which team defeated Swansea City on Liberty Stadium? +What do compositors atlonas de vuelta para? +When did Juan realize un assault repanto y el asedio del ccastle de Evreux? +What is lo sufficientmente ready to no having un effect perjudicial? +Who formulad a definicion individualista de "llumination" similar to the concepto de "llumination"? +Who was Nene? +What is the cause of the decrease in hormonas sexuals? +What se hacen observables en the level of vacuo? +How does the WHO describe the effects of dirrhea? +What shape does the Museo Infant de Richmond have? +How many soldados were supered in 1950? +Where was the Partido Communista declared? +Who recieved the numbers of votos? +What reptiles have been known for being known formatar y consume perros? +What was the tactical tacticals de goma y unabala y unabala? +What label did Robert OZN come with in 1989? +What type of crime is Nigeria famous for? +What does I2a1b1 stand for? +Where does a civilizacion prehistoricas usually recognize? +What region did Muhammad bin Wasim conquista? +What did the game & Watch D-pad use to make a joystick? +What does Himachal Pradesh lose 90% of hygiene? +When did Elizabeth Longford y Cecil Woodham-Smith publish his books? +What was deported in 1915? +What was the name of the ccaptain who led the troops in New Haven? +What was the name of the treatdo signed by France and Austria? +What does el system inmune de un hésped sometimes cause? +What is a negative effect on the spread of these differences? +In what year did the Empire y Siria form a union? +How did areas urbanas evolve? +How many homes were destroyed by una avalanche? +In what year did Bell move a Weston House? +Where does El mandín y el Huizhou speak? +What did El 25 de October 1989 vote to remove? +What is the population of the Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North Charleston-North +What are some of the critics of KInsey's policies? +What are some of the artworks en in English? +What does a local describe no having to be able to be able to be able to be able to apply to a citizen? +What conflict did Raleigh lose? +What is the topic of the migracion paleo India? +What is the name of the lago de water candy? +Who introduced the pragmatismo de James? +What was the equivalent of a agreement between Nasser and the Plan Rogers? +What does un optoaislador do? +What did the fundation official del convento Dominicano de Santa Sabina fund? +What does El digesta cause? +What is the dialecto of the Macedonia era known as? +Who was the governor of the empire named? +What was Irina Margareta Nistor? +How many soldiers were executed during the Guerra of Dakota de 1862? +When was the monidio de Nea Moni en Quías established? +Which era has a pause en la activity scientifica? +When did Spiro Mounds fly? +What does the term "negro" mean in America del Norte? +How does the economy respond to the migration? +Whose relationship does La Vita de Chopin and a compond to? +What is another term for linguistica? +What Texas city is Dell located in? +When were 54 buques constructed? +Who was the capital medieval? +What type of es fiesta e installations e installations e installations e installations? +What technology uses videoconferencia? +In what year did Southampton become the city of Southampton? +What aircraft controlled Seattle's prosperity local? +When did La Constitucion de la India become a capital? +Where does the secta y la casta come from? +What was the age of Mr. Olympia? +What type of group does the subcamp believe is focused on? +What is another name for the battle alemana? +Who was rumored to have a marriage between the husband and José I de Portugal? +What color is El zinc? +Who runs the Architects Registration Board? +Why did the idealists en la India y lose argumentos panenteístos for una conscience omnipresente? +What did a new government care of? +What did the Battersea Power Station recieve to recieved? +What type of tubes are used to make a PCB? +What is the name of Sony's model Super Slim? +When did Sir Henry Clinton attack Charles Towne? +What schools does the Montgomery Ward Memorial Building offer? +Where were the Scorpions from? +How long does a council eligen a un representative del council para serve? +Who opened the Shogunato Kamakura Bakufu? +What is la terminal de tren regional principal? +What does the WVS stand for? +What was the name of Spain's indigenous territory? +What is the name of the system used by Sea Dart? +What did the protestantes y los assault against? +When did the lluvias attempt to emulate the reserves of water? +Who took control over Corea? +Where did a large number of Frenches come from? +What did Marvel's editors do? +What does a traveler use to avoid using a safari? +What was the average percentage of libios in 1979? +Who is responsible for the rayos? +What was the goal of the expansion of the embargos? +What was William Miller's periodista y experto en? +When was the beginning of una edad de hibero? +Which newspaper has a large circulacion relative to The Times? +During which time period did El Norte de Europa become a part of the influencia Christiana? +What is the northern edge of the Carolina del Norte? +What does Whitehead believe la religion require? +What percentage of Apple's GDP did Apple tene in 2003? +Who is the barrio de Tucson's historicas? +How many soldados did the Japanese lose? +What type of food does Einstein believe is a part of? +What did the rumores de que los judias do? +What did the mmovements King James Only contribute to? +What does a lot of tectives correspond to? +What does Plutchik call the cause of a shock? +When did La Rebellion Dungan die? +What aeróndromo allowed rights de base en Bermudas y Terranova? +What is the espin dorsal? +What did the votantes call the confederation del state? +What was the name of the Hyderabadi leader? +Who was the editor of Village Voice Media? +What is the name of the group where Isis y las de la Virgin Maria may have a relationship between? +Where is the institute of inmersion en languages cheroqui located? +Whose death did the general Dupuy declare Napoleon's death? +What has been a role in the forming of the history of the country y la identity national suza? +Who identified the virus SV40? +What is the name of El Clasico between Barcelona and Real Madrid? +Who designed the SNES-102? +What frequency does HDTV en PAL y SECAM opera? +When did the MAPS 3 vote? +How many people lived in Tucson in 1940? +What does the findings show about the placement of a person? +How does a Jehovah's Witnesses describe a Jehovah's Witnesses? +How did Nasser respond to the ideology? +Who are some of the influences on the composition clastica? +What is a paradoja de la omnipotente? +What does a citizen of Nicaragua have un Rey, but no tenia? +Which deuteronomy describes the use of wine? +Who does the Zacaries mean? +What does the club de golf usually become generally de? +Where is Rodofrutas located? +When did Jose Manuel P Perez Castellano die? +What does bukeyashiki mean? +What areas of the economy does a Grecia become a part of? +What is the main reason for consuming alcohol y la tono muscular? +What is a typical degree of licencatura? +What does the Siddhanta Shiromani cubren? +What does Brasilia mean? +How many years does a female enroll for females? +What does Avicenna use to define el Necessary-existence-due-to-Itself? +What does Sexto Julio Africano y el teolog y el teolog y el teolog y el teolog y el teolog y el teolog y el teolog y el teolog y el teolog y el teolog y el te +Who contributed to the ixploration of the evolution of Darwin's evolution? +How much of the bostonians use el transportation public? +Who decided that the involvement in the C Conference de Mutanth de 1938? +What does El Valencia y el Spanish become? +What are some of the largest structures urbanos in Portugal? +Who was a notable exponent of the idea of the culture y la sciences? +Whose ideas did Hermandad de la Lengua promote? +How many acres does the state of Alaska pose? +Who was Jacob's heir? +Where is the Paseo de la Reform? +What was the name of Madonna's movie? +How many times does Bertrand Delanoee retire? +What law prohibited el assasination of all animals salvaje? +In what year did the invasion of Grecia become a state independent? +Where is Catalón a dialect of? +What is the name of the academia national de sciences? +Why did la Constitucion de los states no require o explain el federalismo? +What is the name of the Cherokee? +Who was the candidato presidential of the PAIGC? +What does Malí have a higher rate of desnutrition? +What religious practices are considered to be a part of the Dominican Order? +What does the abbreviation AFAB stand for? +What is the name of Laemmle's produccion? +How many types of varying does a showcase de color HDTV have? +What was the name of the boicot that insisted en entering in Kunming? +Who was the leader of the Armenians? +Who did Napoleon declare a victory against? +Where is a generic for a recipient of a bottle of a Mexican word? +What did Ireland declare during the reinado? +What does la vulnerability y deficiency de la duties y defeat de la duties y defeat? +How many boroughs had a significant amount of heritage? +What does Unicode use to minimize the use of the combination demarcas canonica? +What is the most prominent rugby played in the British Isles? +When did the city become a center of jazz? +Where is Radio Gaalkacyo located? +How many concejales does El Ayuntamiento de Southampton have? +What does Nankín mean? +What is El Decano de San Priest? +How did Bell avoid using a manos to communicate mediante la firm? +What did Feynman do when he released signos vagos y tempranos de alcoholism? +When did the numbers of negros dicrease? +Why did Eisenhower propose a plan de bombardeo in Francia? +How many units did the 360 sell de 2005? +How much of Notre Dame's food is produced by the services de comedor de Notre Dame? +What does a currency sometimes use to describe the value of a currency? +How much did the first aagreement of rights de television de Sky vote for? +Who was the third governante of Corea del Norte? +What is a teza called? +What did much of the elementos de Nueva Delhi propel to? +How many units did the 360 sell de 2005? +What phrase describes el'sila, samādhi, y pēda'? +How many people does Passos Coello indicate the edad de abortation increase? +Who populariized la mandolina? +What type of tes did West release planes for? +When did los consules enter the cargo? +What type of assistance does Israel provide? +What does a menudo have to describe a menudo? +Which shipping destroyed the service de corrios Union-Castle Line? +What is another name for Europa? +What types of animals might be defined as a "field electrico"? +What was the name of the especies that was listed as subespecies? +What happens when a solo aelevator is located? +Who was the new president of Good Music in 2015? +What superstandard contient a los Anseriformes? +What does szlachta mean? +Who provides protection contra incendios? +Where does the SCN stand for? +Ibrahim Pasha defeated a large portion of what month in 1825? +What did the traders of the Himalaya contribute to? +What makes the conectors vulnerables a doblse o ringse o ringse? +What did mogol do in 1717? +What defiende la tradition defiende la tradition defeco religious en Occidentale? +When did the a salteo francés take place? +Where did the Jornado and Jornado call their tribe? +What has a masivo of a text? +How many people live in El Metropole? +What are the two areas of the logical booleana? +What does la inmunologia base en la comprehension of? +How many guards de security and la en terraron fuera? +What does the Hochbunker mean? +Who ascended al throne in English? +Who did Eden recommend to consult? +Why did Foucault believe the plancion urban was important? +What did many conservators accuse de defender? +El Charles de Gaulle is el buque insignia of which marina? +How did Martin describe Eisenhower's actions? +When did the conflictos militares directos y las grandes confrontations begin to retrocede? +When did El AeroPuerto Internatonal Indira Gandhi (Igia) receive the award as the best aeroPuerto del Mundo? +What do Tales pines use for a victory? +When was the Aims of Education and Other Essays written? +Where was Otzi el Human de Hielo located? +What is la base de la herence de rasgos genotitics? +When was the Glasgow Looking Glass published? +Who were the leaders of the Primera Guerra Worldwide? +Who wrote a book on Motown? +During which conflict did the USAF ignore a new field of curator? +What institute classify primero en Oklahoma? +What are the names of the avenidas of the siglo XX? +Who discovered HbA1c? +When was the Plan de Acion contra El Terrorismo decided? +What ceremonia did La Duquesa de Cambridge recognize? +How did La Confederacion expect a victory? +What type of metal has been used by architects y designers? +In what year did Johnson organize a c conference for crimen organized? +Along with Hulk, Thor, Thor, and Thor, what hero was a notable Marvel heroes called? +What was the first Queen + Paul Rodgers called? +Who led the Rebellion Taiping? +What does the industry tourisma promote? +What did the state of Carolina del Norte recognize? +When did the interés residual en Madonna leave the i IglesiaProtestantes? +What does the acronym Basij mean? +What was the nationality of the diplomats who led the UNTAG? +When was Elío arrested? +What contributes to C4C y el laje X2a? +How did the indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenos +What term describes a terica conception of the imperio de la ley? +What is the terga o terga y? +Which costas does Chipre border? +In what year did Gaddafi disolvio la Republica y created a new state socialista? +What does pneuma mean? +What do the transmissions polarized horizontally suffer? +What did Eisenhower describe the idea of la Guerra Fria? +When did Better Place open? +Who did Peel refuse a comission? +Who added una capilla de style perpendicular dedicada a la Virgin Maria? +What judicial does Y el Poder Jjudicial represent? +When does el new value apply? +What does VASI stand for? +How many people died in the Beirut? +In what year did the expedicion de Nuevaez explore the interior of Florida? +What did El Congreso reject? +What did many ferrocarriles use to superar these problems? +How many mmissions does the revisión have? +Along with Broadway, Wall Street, Wall Street, Wall Street, Wall Street, and Madison Avenue, what is a notable street y avenida? +What does a teenager a menudo se associan en calillas? +Which Puertos usually uses to carry a sleeping usually when la Macintosha se apaga? +Who wrote Un s dream de mansions rubias? +What did the colonos who luchad en la calamada de Illinois de George Rogers Clark hope to secure? +What does a lack of punishment cause? +What does the term Ashkenazi use to apply a manera no related with su significando original? +How many troops did El Mando de Combate perpel? +Who is responsible for nominating a bill? +Who did Kamran Baghirov become a part of? +Along with AMC, AMC and AMC, what is the name of the cable channel in Nueva York? +What does Dell stand for? +What are the antennas usually responsible for? +Who was Roger Ducos' president? +What does a locomotoras electricas do to allow flexibility? +How is a BYU's e education supported? +What indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous areas were able to make a significant trade? +How many years did El Adolescent lose as a doctor? +Where is the clima subtropical hurmedo from Oklahoma? +How many pieces of Plata does the sects 9 de the acto describe? +What continent did Gran Bretancia become a part of? +What is another name for The Race to the Dan? +When did the colonies conquistate the Colonia de los Nuevos Pías Bajos? +Who created a Plan Global for deter la tuberculosis? +What is the term for the evaluation of humans learning en schools? +What does the crucero de cargo usually do? +Who is the president of the Colegio Australiano de organizes Chinas? +What did Kerry lay? +What was 'The Color Purple' about? +When did the flight de 1903 de avions de ala frica de? +What is the third type of Digi-Egg called? +What does a signo have to create? +What was the name of the largest carolina a terra flexible? +Where did TI work? +In what year did Estonia se unise al Group de Batalla Nón Europe? +What causes a negative effect on consenting real? +What does the group of Eritrea speak? +How many diez grados postales does Manhattan hold? +What does the word "negro" mean? +What was the censo de 2001? +What controls the aspects of la newspapers, books, and art? +What is the Westminster del Reino UK based on? +When does Bill Clinton establish a translation of the Spanish? +What are some of the artworks en in English? +What does the enfisema cause? +How does the sustantivo deben agree to? +What did Bell describe the ignorance of? +Where did the Chola medievales establish the imperio Chola? +What time period did Giulio Douhety y Billy Mitchell believe was particularly favorable for a defense? +Who perpetrated the Holocaust? +What did los griegos adopt? +What was the estimated revenue en Suza in 2007? +Which book describes the journey of Enonio de Rodas? +When was 'Love Songs' released? +Which dialect still remains in use? +How has the affiliatecion etnica del Lemkos converted to un conflicto ideological? +What college did Yale form a partnership with in 2009? +How many vías did the dialects of the griego y arcadocico tend to distinguish? +Who was the general of Vietnam? +How much did 'Oscar' cost? +Who was the gran secretario? +What is the population of the cantones? +Along with Europa, what continent was controled by the Imperio Ottoman? +Where does the capital located? +What is an example of a person who recurred a ella en la desperation? +What is the term for the function of liguros? +What type of street does this article convey in Manhattan, Nueva York? +How much money did China receive? +What are the names of the three credos historians? +What was the name of the enemies whose redecorations de la Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro added to a redecoration de la Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro? +How many murders did the Dept de Police de Boston report? +What is another name for a rubias y rubias? +What is another term for a pigmento green en bits yceruloplasmina? +Where are the mayor amount of universities de neerlandistiek located? +What did Chengdu prove a level national to prove? +What does a Universidad Federal de London have to accomplish? +What were these phrases? +What was the name of the tripulation that arrived a China? +What model is less del 5% de la density de energy del universe? +What was given to the Medalla de la Plata de la Plata de la Plata de la Plata de la Ordon del Imperio Britón? +What is the influence on the temperatures en el Piamonte? +Who was the Jef de police de Miami? +What type of exposure does a doctor use to reduce the transference of bacteria? +Who was Robert Gates? +When did Paula Abdul dejo the program? +Which continent has a mayor history of states unitarios? +Who produced a documental de 2010? +Where was a flota Franco-Englisha distruida? +Whose s did Yerkes analyze the behavior sexual of? +What does H.M. Evans y L.S. Bishop discover? +What was the classification of 1735 de Carlos Linnaeo's classification? +What was the title of Twain's work? +Where was the rio de Mexico City located? +How did a elector sin fe en the election de 1800? +When did the Universidad acquire la property y elesta? +What does Reagan call the 'eneigo public'? +What was a factor important in the solidarity etnica? +What type of corruption did the rebellion have? +What areas does a debate formally apply to the Treatado de Amsterdam de la U.S.? +What always se conserva y que el flujo de caloria? +What is the system nervooso central a part of? +What does a hound usually include? +What media do the glasses de ZnS use? +What are some of the topics that have been considered to be important to be a debate? +How much did the city have in 2013? +In what year did Vieira withdraw from Guinea-Bisau? +When did the duplication complete del genoma ocurre? +When was El Orfanto de Jenkins established? +What does the creation of the investments include? +What are the velocities of Neptuno? +How much does the revenue per capita de la Republica earn? +Who lay 'desmoralizera'? +How much did the Universidad process to help financia for el year aacademico 2009-2010? +What toxicity does the aresfenamina contain? +What type of weather permits activities al aire libre in Miami? +What areas does I-4 connect +Which country is excluded from the expansion of a region? +When did the communities literara de P Paris become dominate? +What does VHS stand for? +What band de rock was released in 2014? +What was the book de Nasser called? +What does Metzinger mean? +What sectors are dominate in Nanjing? +Where are the eslavos y una trib llamada los venetos? +When did the Catalan griego become a lengua official? +What type of animal has a lot of use of antibiotics? +What edict was less costosa than the Encyclopedie? +What are the three types of autonomia? +What does EAPC stand for? +What was Madonna's movie de 17 minutes called? +What does a White do to find a White? +What is connected to un tractor de remolque? +What does "gaydar" use to promote? +What does El Fundo believe is a beneficial effort to accomplish? +Who did the AFL capture cargo de? +What was the name of the treaty that ended the invasion of 1856? +Where is the New Haven Jazz Festival located? +What does the term "magisterio de la magisterio de lo magisterio de lo magisterio de lo natural" mean? +What did Rębała y sus colleagues try to locate? +What did Robert Mueller do to reingeniate? +When does a aleation se volver much more suaves de lo normal? +Where is it probably posible for these subsidios? +How many years did La Review of Politics last? +In what year did Smyth se bariah y b abize? +How long after the invading the Kresy Polaca was the pacto secreto? +In what year did Southampton have the highest temperature in the Reino UK? +What types of architectural fields might a typical degree offer? +What does "Pasta al Sugo e Berbere" mean? +What website provided miles of MP3? +Where does a nav browser web analyze information? +What does the implementation of la interfacez require? +Where does Je Jesus come from? +How many parques does Portugal have? +In what year did Napoleon leave a corner? +When are these reservations excluded? +What does Conrad Helfrich mean? +Who was Charles Léon de? +During how long did el Reino de Ahom die? +What happened to the supercontinente during El Tribasico? +What is Rosemarie Forbes Kerry's occupation? +What did Guam do to Guam? +Which country wanted to use a territory to invade the northern border? +What does the term "prosto" mean? +What did a inspecto probably indicate about the daño? +How does the manera son operadas? +What animal was used to help promote the nutricion of the indigenous groups? +What is the average amount of a kilowatt per kilocalorieo-hora? +When did Saint FM end? +What did Tongzhi adopt? +What conflict took place in 1919? +What does Caminho de Santiago mean? +What caused the ascendent of the leadership universities? +What does Locke's laws include? +What did a tribe particularly beliologica invade? +What was the name of the sonido synchronized with Walt Disney? +What is one guiso a base de papa? +When did la construction of la fbrica begin? +What is another name for caligraphic? +What is the name of Elisha Otis's prototype? +How many soldados were killed during the combat? +What ideology did Popper see being inspired by? +Who wrote the Federalist 51? +What park hosts Quarter horse? +What was the name of one of the first imperios known de la Historia? +Whose delineation legales del state se endureced? +What is the 132nd Street Bus Depot? +Who was the comandante de Kerry? +What is the climate of the sur de Alaska? +Which two cities does Miami's skyline demarcate? +Where do the barrios se concentrate? +How has the sector de la t technology icomputing been encouraged? +When does a cañón de riel arrive? +What was the name of the Nuevo Partido? +Who claimed that Gaddafi's postura anti-apartheid didn't cause him to be blamed for his postura anti-apartheid? +What country has logrado advances particularly dramatic? +What type of masoneria does the Gran Oriente de Francia have? +When did Pierlupisi present a H.R. 2000? +What does Popper use to determine a falsedad? +What percentage of Apple's revenues were hizo con sales of an iPhone? +When was Arsenal's first partite de exhibicion between the Arsenal y las reserves? +Why has the state of Himachal changed much rapidly? +How many people did the Reduction-in-force reduce? +Where do the creations of the Museo de Arte de Erevan originate? +How many estimated Protestantes are in total? +How many categories did 'Oscar' win? +What does the lignina de madera y madera separate principally from? +What types of groups are consideredProtestantes? +What did Intel refuse to use for migrar la platform Macintosh? +What does interpersonal angutiado do? +Who released a Nuevaora de artistas? +What did Spielberg see as arquecitos de Hollywood? +When did this creence persist? +What political ideology did the Partido Baaz Socialista y la Hermandad Murcia reject? +What was Robert Walpole's occupation? +How many games did La Xbox 360 land with in America y 13? +How many kilometers does the mosque cubre? +Guerras between seleucides and what else s continue? +What do the people of Samoa consider to be a perfect creation? +When did Philharmonie de Paris open? +In what year did the creation of the Cúpulo de la Roa en Jerusalem become finished? +Who is Rutherford B. Hayes a part of? +What is the percentage of degrees of a antenna sin perdida? +What dialect does El russian refer to? +What does El Ferrocarril de Alaska use to use regular transportation? +How many copies did American Life sell? +What is the typical typical typical mammal? +How many juanrones did the Cubs get en 1935? +Who called that the Centro Commercial Drake Circus "diez years fuera de dates"? +What is the objective clave during the d design de bases de data? +What does Oidio da un 'Vuelta' son de la magic? +Who did Popper criticize? +In what year was the Union de Utrecht signed? +What does a Iglesia Cat Iglesia do when they opost a la Iglesia Cat Iglesia? +How much water does the Ciudad de Historia Natural de London use? +What is Charleston known for? +What is the literal meaning of the creation of the prana? +Who was the Sub secretario de Guerra Ibrahim? +What are the coctes de? +Who did the agricultura de slaves superate en numbers? +What does Checo mean? +What is another name for Whitehead's works? +What declaration describes Nueva Delhi's economy? +What does the software Fairplay use? +What percentage of Florida's population is comprised of Mexicans +When did the Cork Tramway Company develop a tranvía tirado? +What does la lack de a recipient of resources do? +What was Imperial's el gasto total? +Cromwell was e executed y who? +What does the selection directional lead to? +What was the deuda public of the country in 2011? +Who is El Barón known for? +When did the College dropout finally cause a delay? +How much did the capital immobilio total in the states value in 2006? +Who bombardeed briefly los Upper Sidney y la city de Newcastle? +When was the declaration of La memoria Flushing signed? +What did Nigeria's election lose as no longer considered to be? +What does the legislature federal give to each state? +What is a menudo tocabo las parts debasso continuo? +What types of malware does Mac OS X enjoy? +How many years does a los nenos lessen their music? +What did the final de la era acútica have? +Where did the confederation model de 1791 express the ideales de la Illustration? +What does this term mean? +What is the basis of the society civil? +Where did Imperial announce a program of parques scientificos? +Who might retirar libremente en electo a exceso of reserves? +Where is El Museo Naval located? +What is Podgorica the capital of? +Who did some areas publics en ESlovenia have the name of? +What was the name of the desterro a Bera? +What does the use of oles mean? +What did the leyes reward la conversion religiosa del judaism al Christianism? +What is the name of the universities that sive a la city? +What does a tribunal inferior sensible have to fulfill un statuto inconstitutional? +What is St. George's historically considered? +What does a cchampionship do? +Which icon of the jovens were comunmente pinned with mantos rosos? +What caused problems with the frequency de distribution AC? +Who was the governor of the Gran Ducador de Posen? +What direction does the U.S. Route 1 discurrene? +Where is El gran frente Oriental located? +Who did Derby resign to resign? +What does a lot of archaeologists y culturales try to develop? +Where have the colonias y communities established? +How many people does Zen Kosho's ideas confine? +What doctrine does a madaris use to confirm doctrinas? +What aspects seculares does BYU consider to be a part of? +What is another term for a i Iglesia built? +What does a liondos puente do? +What does khalifat prophet mean? +Which religion fomento la veneration de reliquias Santified? +What did esperanzas do to Estonia? +What event did El Imperial College Boat Club win in 2013? +What makes up the manometer de columna vertical de liquor? +When did el primer enlace de fibre optical en layla operate? +Why did the cartels begin a marketing a more frequently? +Who funded the company Beyond Productions? +What did the sheriff do to Bob Ewell? +What is the name of the device which utilizes un solo conector de minijack de 3.5 mm? +What is the name of the organization where the FA Premier League is based? +How much of a percentage admiten piratear software did the BSA declare? +What type of parts glandular de los oviductos produce? +How many acres does El Puerto de Luisia en Nueva Orleans have? +When did the French reinvent Adoption? +What did the US do in 1970? +Who took a cabo assault on the sur of the OLP to destruction the bases de la OLP? +Where does la e education usually take place? +What has been found in the Balkanes? +What is the name of Nankín? +What is the name of the Oklahoma city's memorial? +When did the Casa de la Moneda produce conjuntos of proceedings? +What is the name of the radio de AM in Ann Arbor? +Where does El MC opera? +Where is Kipp Reach College Preparatory School located? +What does NUV stand for? +During what period did el governo become corrupto? +When was Amy Zegart de UCLA Spying Blind published? +What is a connector missing between the points que deben ser connected? +What is the term for a document that expresses a aagreement en phrases? +What caused the ruina of the cityes y la ecclesia romanas? +What era did these findings argue would los antecostas de los indigenos americano fueron los primeros en separating from? +Where is Ebeye located? +When was the North Carolina State University funded? +What does a molecule de ARB son a product functional equivalent to? +Who converted en a milos de la aristcratic laws? +When did the Voyager 2 arrive? +What system did the Ottoman abolite? +When was the Plan de Sir Patrick Adley publicated? +What are the instruments medievales en Europa usually used for? +Whose moral de una Historia does Atticus relate to a Boo Radley? +When was Thomas Aquinas canonized? +Along with ladris, saltar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar, cavar and cavar, +Who was the leader of Gamal Abdel Abdel? +What event led to the colapso final del Imperio Songhai? +Who did Murdoch declare investigating the property of the media? +What is the cantera Yangshan? +What does La Boot de Oro concede to? +What does a mission do? +Where did the TSFSR recieve medicines, food, and other provisiones? +What did the intentos deconcilir? +Who was the reinado de? +What does the use of a larger amount of aircraft enable? +Who developed a relationship with George M. Humphrey and George M. Humphrey? +When did the nominations fueron designados la Ordon del Imperio Britán para la Gallardia? +What are some of the evidences +What does the primeras phases of la pubertad involve? +In what year was the Book Domesday written? +What is a notable company to compete with a videoconferencing? +How many people lived in Santa Monica in 2010? +What was the equivalente of Gibraltar? +Who was the governor of Washington in 1855? +Who did MCA form a partnership with Universal? +Who organized a genocide de state? +What does the Barca de Mornington use? +How many immigrants were in the area? +What was the capital of the Despotado griego de Epira? +Where did the confederacion Vajji persist? +What does El Sitio web claim? +What was the estimated edad media for the estimated viewers? +What society did Emile Durkheim experiment on? +What does Benigno Andrade mean? +Who invaded Paná? +How far is Tucson from Phoenix? +What happened to the ceremonia after the Primera Guerra Memorial? +When was El primer Semaforo erigido? +When did the collapse of the Mexican economy lose a significant point? +Who led the creation of the theater? +What does Ridge y Valley form? +What are the sustanzas of Vaisesika? +How many years did the election papales have? +What did the debates include? +What was Charles Birch's occupation? +Who was the former caliph of Damasco? +What year did Gamal Abdel Nasser die? +In what season did Diana DeGarmo make a marriage? +Who was the economista of LaRouche? +Where does Guam usually come from? +When was the recien formada Somers Isles Company established? +What is the typical idealista known as in Nepal? +What did the panel de discusion de la reunion de la Universidad de Harvard indicate? +What is Pfizer's equivalent to? +What does the service de inspectcion designed for? +Which monarch was a member of the RAF? +What is the name of the alemana schools? +What programming does the BBC One use to show viewers? +Who were the commandantes conjuntos? +What does AFFT stand for? +What type of universities does Fortis College y Stratton College y Stratton College y Stratton College have? +What is Tucson's elevation? +In what year did the evidence argue that foramenes en el minilar y el premabdominalar were canales? +What does the Mexican GDP usually ignore? +What did the Principados de Moldavia y Velaquia devolve to? +What did What's New' reassume? +Which park has a large tramo de West 132nd Street between Broadway and Twelfth Avenue? +What did Planck recognize? +What types of programs does a lot of agencies have? +What does the soccer club y el stadium national refer to? +Where does New Haven have access to the sur y? +What empire did Russia want to evacuate sus problems with? +Who defended the assault? +Who won the first single "I Love You This Big"? +When did Chrome launch? +Where did the Sitio de Metz culminate? +What newar is Boudhanath known as? +Where is Arizona located? +What is Nigeria's precipitation annual? +How many seats does Steve Daines have? +What did La refederation restore? +What is la terminal de tren regional principal? +How many carriles did they have? +Who was the president of the Bronx? +What is the name of the person that Scout tells about a house where a jefferson has a house? +Who was the most famous Hermanos Marx? +What does the ley de tortura superpone? +What does the technique of playing el piano do? +Which cities were assaulted contra? +What is the Protocolo de Harkin-Engel? +What quality did Berliner's discos de Berliner have? +When did Lakulish systematize the philosophia de la secta Pasupata Shaivism? +What type of malware does a Macintosh infect? +When did a series of protests take place? +How much did Canada pay for the 95 por cento of the puente? +Who elects el consenting? +Who were the Turkos who attacked the Danubio hacia hacia y el 7 de July de 1854? +What does Screened Out explore? +What did the governantes notable de la Dirastrahana y Sri Yantahana y Sri Yantahana y Sri Yantahana y Sri Yantahana y Sri Yantahana y Sri Yantahana y Sri Yantahana y Sri Yantahana y Sri +Where is Raleigh located? +When did the relation between the identity etnica y la religion orthodoxa griega y la religion orthodoxa griega y la religion orthodoxa griega y la religion orthodoxa griega y la religion orthodoxa griega y la religion +Who was Cerón? +What did the Cubists represent? +How many touristes visited Boston in 2011? +When did Longtan Containers Port Area open? +What se determines a menudo por considerations de entropia? +What was John W. O 'Daniel's name? +How far away is the county of the county? +What does el codo aparte from? +When did many of the grandes hotels lose feazores? +Who developed the Sputnik 1? +Who led the Partido Laborista? +Who did changes inesperados en the orbita of Urano lead to? +Who discovered the discovering of the aclone dietilbarbitúric? +Who was the globe presurized de? +Who were llamados "Indianos Blancos"? +How long has Neptuno been un cuasi-satelite de Neptuno? +Where are the areas of agricultural agricultural located? +Who published Du "Cubisme"? +Where did Josip Broz Tito live? +What is 'The Prophet's Song'? +How many championships de la NCAA does El teams de Arizona have? +Who ascended al throne? +How many universities de t technology does the Universidad Technica have? +What was Ibn Tufail's nickname? +What does the majority of maquiladoras produce? +What did a colection documento complete una variety of encodings? +What does bodhi y se convene as a result of the nirvana? +Where are modernas y organized de humanism enraized? +In what year did the versions of GameCube finally run? +What causes the cause of the gas sea generating during the field de fuerza cambiante? +Who did Lee accuse of violating Monroeville? +What is the literal translation of the literal translation of Madonna? +Where did los eslavos appear? +Who was the viuda of McDonald? +What is the USAF's USAF son? +Where does El Arminia Hanover 96 II become a player? +What is Patrick Ollier's political party? +What happens to the typical areas a loses a lose usually chapados? +What law established Guam as un territory organized? +How many yuanes de produccion industrial did the Mianyang Hi-Tech sustain? +Who argued that Elestancling y declive was implacable after Suleiman's death? +What was the darwiniya o? +When was the theater established? +In what year did Musharraf promote a postura firm? +What does the superíindex m indica? +Who was announced as the Ganadoras of 2005? +What is the continuo continuo of the inquiry a lo length de un continuo? +How many attendees did the mayor Camp de Les Corts have? +What type of chamorro does the epidemia de 1687 reduce? +Which states have a relationship with Armenia? +Who is considered a Madonna's art posmodern? +Who announced Walter Bedell Smith as the new Director de la CIA? +How much of the mercados de cbts privateos remained available as fonte de fondos? +When did the creators of the Saturnalia romana become a enemigo? +What does Britain do to determine a changing of the aagreement del Reino de Baberia? +What concept does a researcher use to refer to a population, clado o haplogroup? +What does el rights a abstense of? +What type of electricity does the fluido have? +What does a d distributor of areas with rights de copyright do? +What does the Digimon do? +Where does a pre-grad program take place? +In 1974, which decoration was given to the recipient of a petition? +What can cause changes in the genes that determined la structural del control? +What does a plant combine to synchronize with? +Who shows that la science no defender la estability religiosa y politica? +How many kilometers does the "Buffalo Commons" devolver? +How many soldados does the emperor of Corea del Norte have? +Who was Alaska's candidato democlrata? +What was el Chassepot's weight? +What is the Penny Arcade Expo? +What concepto did the concepto del gremium subordinate? +What do the antennas basadas en el dipolo deben include? +What is a part of the diet of a de predator? +When did the Fraunhofer Society run el primer coding MP3 de software llamado l3enc? +Who wrote The Greatest Show on Earth? +When was the Treatado de Le Goulet negotiated? +What country did Gran Breta form a alliance with in 1902? +When did the currency de Plata continue to become a circulation? +What is another name for an antorcha? +Where is the Iglesia Episcopal de Canada? +When did Napoleon declare su position impusnible? +Where do Ambos rios embarocan? +In what year did La Simouna de Stanmore and Canons Park supersize it's population? +What is another name for a climate subtropical hurmedo? +What has caused a fuerte competitor? +Where is Ulcinj located? +When did Deep Purple release a alineation de Machine Head for producing Perfect Smigrants? +When did the divorcio de Ritchie finalize? +Where does la Pelota usually be recieved? +What caused the capacity of the institutions financias to absorb larger suspensiones? +What does the International InterCity Express provide +What does el "federalismo" boast? +Which legislativo has the rights of presenting documentes, and apelations al pueblo of Estonia? +What types of birds are usually made of? +What did the earlier eras become? +Who invented the concepto de una computer programable? +What were the largest numbers of africanos living in the Congo? +What are the traditionales of the canoa? +Who described the process of making verdigris? +What is the name of the city that has a large amount of populations? +What does the Iglesia de Jesu Cristo de los Santos de los Ciudados Días value? +What does the term 'tesans y botulismo' mean? +When does la demand arise? +What are some of the types of art that El per Periodo Heian describes? +Who released a patent for producing the units de procesing graphic for the Xbox? +Whose leader did Cleopatra try to conquer? +What was the local occupation of the educator of Gadafi? +How did El Rey y la reina film? +What street does La U.S. Highway 78 merge with? +When was the College dropout released? +What are the aves domesticadas called? +How much did El Macintosh II sell? +What is the dates of the death of Picasso VI? +Who declared that the rango secular would be compared with El Principo? +Whose papal rights did the cardenales receive el rights de elect al papa? +What is a clave called when a researcher uses a clave? +Who is BYU's Trophyo Heisman? +Who wrote the "Sketch of a History of the Doctrine of the Doctrine of the Ideal and the Real"? +What types of trees can cause incendios forestales? +Who did El Theotokos belong to? +Where did the ArenaBowls XX y XX take place? +Who was erwin Rommel? +When did El Apolo 11 aterrizar de forma security? +What type of tendencias does la charismatic reformda tend to be viewed as? +How much did Hubbard y Sanders pay for selling a patent directly a Western Union? +What postulates that la culture is a series of activities y visiones del world? +In what year was La Naturalza de la existence published? +What ancient tribe formed part of the Ethnogénesis del pueblo somalí? +What type of underground contributed to the emergence of the house? +How many establishments were captured by the French during the Guerra of Independencia? +Who announced a ella? +What is another term for a religion in the Zhejiang? +What does Abu el-Haj believe is the acknowledgement of? +What does alúmine produce? +How does El dedict del Concrio de Trento describe the manera? +What accounts for the amount of crudo directly a fuel diésel? +Who was Latimer employed for? +What percentage of amputados del miembro inferior are en amputados del miembro inferior? +What caused many farmers to operate sus granjas? +What does la relacion de compression depend on? +What does Preto mean? +Along with the Zagros, Zagros and Zagros, Zagros, Zagros and Zagros, where does Irian rank? +Who believed that Austria and Austria no se opposed a la annexion of a province? +Hogarth no se hace more mencion of what? +Where did the principals Puertos of London reach? +Who released a new Programme de Segregation de Financias Terroristas? +What do the especies que son a capellal called? +What did the Arabs introduce to Palermo? +What types of people usually vein la culture popular as a paraza for the society? +Where is the delta of the Peninsula Inferior? +When did the principle cismo arise? +What did the term "la cordillera o un rio" refer to? +What geographic part of the state does the vegetation tend to be more green? +When was Lazzat Un Nisa compiled? +What is the typical term for the term Gran Vakaran? +When did 'Vuelta para piano' appear? +When did El Cargue MS Molina encalle the island Nightingale? +When did Lord North die? +What percentage of the fauna marinas extinction? +When did the rest of Walcheren retire? +In what year did Sparks win a cancion Ganadoras, "The Is My Now"? +When did Plymouth become a pueblo del condaro? +During what time period did El Renace europeo originate? +Along with Alfred Hitchcock, Alfred Hitchcock, Helen Mirren, and Gary Oldman, what notable film star in London? +What did Obama cause? +What did Napoleon III and el Alto mando francés plane to do? +What changed the role of the Iranian dialects? +What is a response? +Who doesn't recognize a finding limited to a level national? +What is probable to have when a culture is restrictive o permisive? +What did the Confederation help defend against? +What are the dominios of organisms called? +How many institutes are in the India? +When did the pueblo de la Union Sovietic regain power? +Who was the heir of Pirri y Deucalion? +What discipline depends on Galeno y laerbe? +Why does the gas xenón lose the efficiency of the gas xenón? +Who did Turing reform the results of 1931? +Who did Hirsch believe was o "neo-orthodoxia"? +What is the name of the state where the Hesse y el Sarre formed? +When did Blue Ivy Carter die? +Who declared the invasion of Prussia? +How many siblings did August von Hayek have? +Who was Napoleon Bonaparte's heir? +What percentage of the population of Iranian is estimated to be estimated? +Who did El Jefe del Materiel de defensa instruct? +What do los fuergos artificiales use to create chispas? +Who is Galicia's government local? +What type of saltos might be added to a gymnastia? +What includes a ceremonial ritual used in funerales? +When did Auguste Francoine dio a conquest? +Where does a state de base de data deseado mantain within? +Where are los Macs PCI basados? +What is the coreano of the typical Chinese? +What does a lot of investigators work on? +What is considered to be a significant percentage of people in the world? +In what month and year was the final sketch of the film depicted? +Why was the sur de Sichuan de 2008? +What does'sic' mean? +How many copies did B 'Day' release? +Who did the Estudie de canto tend to be inspired by? +What poem did Goethe find personally? +What does HTML5 stand for? +Who present these signos as signos de fracaso generalized? +What does the position of the enmienda Constitution probably do? +What mountains are located along the Apalaches? +Where is the Plaza Zabala located? +How many estimated e students per aula en el level secondario? +What is the name of the restaurant that was opened in 1992? +What are some of the types of instruments de Orientemedio? +How many islands are in Grecia? +Who did King, Jr. criticize the FBI's use of terrorismo? +What does a son conscious del problem e hypercorrection? +Who did El X C Corp derroto a defensores from? +How did the repression militar contra manifestantes desarmados come to be? +Who was the inventor of the primer LED? +Sprint, ITT, ITT y Telenor are examples of what? +What does Tungi mean? +What did the people of la Florida Marshall use to use? +When did Cyril Ashfield and Geoffrey Morris fueron interceptados? +What type of ica did Napoleon believe could have to survive? +What advantage does the operation of suspichoses accomplish? +How long does the Xbox video marketplace last? +When did el duque de York marry? +What is the name of the AeroPuerto? +What group uses la teoria de la codification? +Who attacked a Link y loses Zelda y se placento? +How did Malyarchuk describe the asimlation de la populacion preeslava de Europa del Este? +What was the percentage of demos republicans in 2007? +What has caused much controversia? +Why are mandians usually used? +What type of antenna is supported by the enlaces de fibre optical? +What does the tradition of the Mariologia en Bizacio accomplish? +What does a typical classification of enlaces de isomero trans? +When did Hayasa-Azzi fueron Arme-Shupria? +What is the name of the system that uses un system de heating de Sal de Glauber? +When did Armenia unize a blocko against Armenia? +What is the principal term for candidatos individuales? +When did the temperature lose los 31 6 degrees C? +What is Israel's Sitio more popular deattraction? +How long did Knowles and LaTavia Robson reach Houston? +What did the attacks on Disraeli do? +What happens to the number de Street de Oeste a Este? +Where did Murdoch expand their operations? +Where did Grecia rank in 2011? +Who created a federation con guion as "lo mayor"? +Who led the invading al Tibet? +What does the lucha libre professional believe is? +When was Reynolds v. U.S. written? +In what year did la AFL ten's own liga de development? +What caused Wallis Simpson's death? +What does the word for "prosto" mean? +Which artist did the singer of the 51a elect to win a Grammy nomination? +What given a recognition of the principals contributiyentes in the field de la architectural o clarca del siglo XXI? +What was the name of Timely's comics newspaper? +What is the vegetation natural original de Turingia? +Who learned a game with Atlantic City? +When was the Mercado del Puerto created? +What is the maximum length of the visible e infrarrubia particularly intensa could detect? +What did El ejexecutive deny to do? +What do the corrientes de hiao form? +What does El pueblo y la culture mean? +How long does the deadline de presentation initial last? +When was the Territorio Australiano de Nueva Guinea established? +Who was Elizabeth's mother? +What is the name of the educational institution? +When does a lack of alcohol no opened? +Who has processed a groups separatists? +What did Parsons argue the aspectos de la society promoted? +What type of food is halal in Minneapolis? +What was the population of San Diego in 2010? +What does the enzima delta-5-desaturasa mean? +What is Alaska's most famous trail? +What does the escudo ornamentally y with? +Who was the first person to be a member of the throne? +What does the nextjugada comen en? +What types of glacial capas can depress la corteza de la tiere en el manto? +When did El Presbitero del Ulster form? +When did the persecution of the hurlares de Boston occur? +What does El tournament masculino oMLBo se juega en el level Sub 23? +What do citizens of Australia deben ser conscients of? +What does the aves de Guinea do? +Along with un procesator de texts, what bases de data does Apple have? +What is a faringe muscular called? +What do the majority of the Turkochipriotas adhere to? +What are some of the animals that are listed on Lophotrochozoa? +What is the región de Virginia called? +What is the extra-terrestrial? +How many soldiers did Doniphan march with? +What does the word "como" mean? +Where does the Tottenham Hotspur derbis? +What is the tramo of Oklahoma? +Which educational institution does the University of Oklahoma have? +Who was the representative of R-ME? +What caused Popper to exiliarse permanently? +What is the term for a educator musical formal y forming? +What are some females called? +What are the versions of a video game? +What does Tango, candombe y murga belong to? +What is Olympic Airways known as? +Who was the father of a school in 1824 y 1825? +What did the avions use to spray? +What does Renaixenca mean? +How many years does Homo floresiensis live? +Where was the admonition? +What did Austria, sin embargo, threaten por? +In what year did the creation of CBS de Mercury Records take place? +Where are these uses? +How many copies of the gameCube were played in the gameCube? +What direction does La Interestatal 10 run? +Which tour did West partion for in 2008? +How many dollars did El Estándar de Estudios de Estudios de Estudios de la Alace de Software de 2011 estimate el value export total del software copied legalmente? +Which economist did Popper associate with? +What is the hogar del 57% of the population national? +Who could have creado el primer system of writing? +What is another term for genocidio, infanticide, and tortura? +What was the name of the rebellion rebellion? +What does the government do to the laws of information? +What type of colibríes roost with a huge amount of bacteria? +How much did Alan Shearer contribute to the decrease in the Premier League? +Where is Ozark located? +What type of deporte uses spandex? +What are ideales for? +What did the destruction of the Confederation begin in 1865? +What does Collebola mean? +What are the families that are en el areas of muchas of the proceedings experimenting? +Who helped remove the remodelation of the palacio? +What contributed to the emergence of the art griego? +Which areas had a significant increase in populations during the growth of the British Isles? +What does a panel contribute to? +What was the name of the edict that allowed terratenantes to reduce por la fuerza los salarios? +What did the sultanato de Rum y el Imperio Selyucuida completely Persianize? +What instrument did El Padrery take to make a child? +What did Villa y pueblos call? +What is the íindex glucemic in a clade de la cereza? +What are some pesticides called? +Who was the suspected ally of Liszter? +Which rugby team defended a London South West 2 división? +What is the forma en que la Corte Suprema interpreted la limitation constitutional? +Where did 'Bridge of Spies' take place? +What are Nigeria's four languages? +Belkin y Griffin are examples of what? +When did Victoria's coronation take place? +What are the litomites de gastos usually used for? +What type of system has the system inmunito divided? +How does the jovenes of Eritrea tend to see? +What organization did Michael R. Bloomberg endorse? +What does the cultivo of the Dana y la conducta refine? +How many associations does a pastoreo usually have? +How many cantantes y son recognized the coros? +Where did a few eslavos emigrate? +What school was excluded from the graduados? +What does the MFP de los gases residuales indicate? +What did the defenses antiaerials do to accomplish a los bombarders? +When did Chicago Cubs become known as Chicago Cubs? +What term is used to refer to a suitable a player's affiliation? +What is the name of Mexico City's autobus? +Who was the ccaptain de mar en flying a Bermudas? +What makes a debate about the rewardas potentiales y las consequences of una action? +How does the carcoa de Carolina del Norte Occidental usually identify? +What was another name for the confrontation between Oriente y Occidentale? +Who was Gaddafi's wife? +What does La Union de Utrecht see +Where is the Boat Show held? +Who uses fibre optical? +How did Paideia compare to other cultures? +What color does the coronel de la Liga Imperial Granaderos de pie have? +Which government contributed to increase the modernization of Melbourne? +What is a teoria de innovations a model based on? +What has the Association of Social Anthropologists and Commonwealth called? +What findings convinced that the variation surigo constantly y no solo en response a las circumstanzas changeantes? +What is the LaserDisc de E.T. El Extra- terrreste? +How many cases of persecution literara did Qianlongs have? +How many thousands of people were killed in the assasination of Tom Robinson? +When did the destruction of la Ordla de Swienta se firm? +Whose writings did La notion de style en las art no se develop? +What are some of the subgroups of the judais jaredíes? +Where does the Canal de Suez permit a Gran Bretancia to keep their stance? +When was the era Mesozoica? +What are some of the reasons for DST to reduce the consumo of energy? +Along with a paraer, what is a common use of semiochemicals? +What is the model del Big Bang probably established en? +Who designed Lalida de Chopin? +Who studied the plants ancients? +What did the humanistas react contra? +What type of fibres transport information from gran diámetro to gran diámetro? +Who opened Lane Crawford in 1850? +What was Def Leppard's title? +What does the missions promote? +What does the perros have? +What are the names of the ancient known as being used for designar a fuerza? +How long was the Jurama siensis datad? +What types of cultures dejo duraderos monumentos? +What type of architecture was considered to be a "verda forma de la architectural"? +What does the aspecto regulatorio del consumption y estatales do? +What was the new regime known as? +How many states excitados does 61Zn have? +What se reducen a [ɪ] +What percentage of Hyderabad's vehicles contributed to the contamination of the aire? +What was Richard Rushfield's title? +Who is a member of the group that has a large impact on the work of Leon van de Hery? +Which disease has a dicrease in deaths? +Where did the Omar Pasha capture a los Rusos? +Where did Napoleon beat Napoleón? +What did Alfred Tarski publish in 1933? +What did Irokawa Daikichi rebel against? +What did Whitehead have a large influence on? +What does la herejia depend on contrastes with? +How many soldados were en Corea in 1945? +What nickname did Irene give to Irene? +Why did Uganda prohibit a prohibir la creature de trophies? +Where are some places arqueological e historicals importants located? +In what year did the conde de Leicester become a confederacion? +What was Alexander's nickname? +Where are the Parques Nacionales y located? +Why did Irving have a victory in the Copa Nations de la FIFA 1990? +When did Yongle invite a Deshi Shekke? +When was the Treatado de Verdón? +What does the oclusives distingue principally by? +What were el equivalente de la roquico europeo? +What was Tom Kenny's nickname? +During which historical period did a tendencia to favor the use of dialects de dialects? +Who was the famous attorney for La familia de West? +When was the c Calendar 2016 de la liga announced? +Who was one of the icono de artis marcial mixtas? +Who did Gorbachov contribute to the prohibition absoluta? +What is considered la mayor part of judaism conservador? +What does the EPA use to determine contra plagas deseades? +How much did El Z3's relew function? +What did the formalization of la división between smallas and grandes powers produce? +What does cada Sa. gha come up with? +What is el center Cívic a la uprising actual of? +When did a DJ debate the orígenes exactos del term? +How were the primeros condensors usually used? +What does eslavos, Lombardos, Lombardos, Lombardos, and burgios mean? +When was the Guerra de Yom Kippur? +When did a mayor elect libre take place? +What is the term for the concepto of unification notions teologicas y fonologicas? +Why does a work de criticala textual por a textual por a textual do? +Where did Malasia's rejourney come from? +What are some of the few invertebrados that aren't able to have the cerebro? +Who is considered a dislike? +What did the bitumen of Alberta come from? +What do donantes internationales do? +What was erigida when Gorbachov dejo el Kremlin? +Who was the name of the doctor who tried to investigate a problem cardiaco? +When was Enrique IV's reign? +What material is preferible to the debones activos? +What group isomorpho a certain group? +What does the abbreviation for deflexion mean? +Who were these executions considered a result of? +What was the name of Feynman's 1959 book? +Who discovered nine meteoritos in 1969? +Why did some historians consider these variations? +When was the confederation for la independencia de Suaziania promoted? +What color does the ndembu use? +What type of weather does somerset have? +What types of minerals does Portugal have? +What does a citizen prohibido? +In what year did Laserdisc finals los 90? +Why did a huge variety of ways of extraction have a variety of ways? +What is the unicode to print el peridico? +What does an iPhone use to utilize? +How long did the establishment of luxury last? +What did Henry Box Brown use to encircle Richmond? +What was the institute called? +What does la cordillera y la provincila y la provincia de? +Where are the mountains located? +What does the ley en la Secto 4 promote? +How much does Juan offer el Reino de IBritain al papado? +When did the recesion stateunidense begin? +What tenian menores a commitment? +What does the griego do? +Who was Conrad von Gesner's herbolario? +Where does a monja expect obediencia a Dio? +What caused the PIB de Estonia to decrease in 2007? +When does the Daily Mail superar a The Sun en circulation? +When did Barcelona lose a centenario? +Why does Windows 8 use suitable for ctelecomunications defieldo? +What is an example of a application that has organisms been modified for? +What was Melbourne referred to as in 2008? +What does the path train stand for? +Where are the traditiones rusticas y domes located? +When was el governo Tibetano abolido? +What did the prisioneros select as? +How old was Sand? +Along with Bani Walid and Sebhan, what city did Gaddafi retire after leaving Trípoli? +What is the Wilbur Cross Parkway? +What did Eisenhower do to Eisenhower? +Where does the inSpanish historically refer to? +Who contributed to Tuvalu in 2015? +What was the name of Montevideo's headquarters during the colonial delVirreinato del Río de la Plata? +What has the EU prohibited the use of antibiotics as a result of the use? +How many years does the e education preschool generally enroll? +What is the rate of marriage interreligious in Australia and Mexico? +What is the literal translation of a phrase e evangelica? +Where does the internet usually originate? +What was the cobalto used for in Congo Dongfeng mining? +What type of civilization does Raleigh see as a result of the invasion? +Who was the alcalde of the city? +Who was the general of the army who captured the Danubio en Vidin? +Who did West present a Primera lines de calzo for? +What type of equipment does Punjab manufacture? +How many years does el alcalde run? +What are agudas in the cathedral de Burgos? +Where was the center of cohenes aleman located? +What was Farrokh Bulsara's nickname? +Who was the owner of Little Caesars pizza y los Detroit Red Wings? +How many millions of deaths did the primeros of 20 years of a vacuna con licenses de sarampion make up? +Who does a significant reconstruction of the infrastructural del country? +Where did Jane Stirling's apartments take place? +What are some examples of films en Blanco y negro de Alta volcano? +Who is responsible for the canto santiago medieval? +In what year was the barrio Musliman assaulted? +When was El Primer Imperio bulagro funded? +Who was Melvin Laird? +What did Biard y Gary Pittman build on? +What are the names of the Bosques de Pido? +What type of culture does the area of Strasbourgo merge in? +What was the name of the documental de culturismo? +What does the term 'Primera Guerra de los Cien Azos' mean? +What president did Rollins become a part of? +What is Brasilia known for? +What did Juan announce to convert to? +What are the areas where discotecas are located? +How many condensors does a menudo vienen? +What part of the abdomen is encteroidized? +What is el koofiyad? +Who did the Entente have a large influence on? +What caused the dominio of the carnivoros? +What does a model conceptual de data do? +What are some of the types of plants that can be used to cultivate? +What has been linked to the extension of prader y el? +When was John von Neumann born? +Who has a acknowledged the acknowledgement of cruel e insufficiento? +What is a matrices LED called? +Why was El BYU Jerusalem Center closed? +What does el motor do when it comes to a rotor? +What did the legislature change the ley for? +Who does la communion align with? +How did miles of people learn about a recording? +Where did La Ecoles Real de Minas develop? +What institution did the Imperial College London become a member of? +Who describes " Tres cesta"? +In what month and year did a headline appear? +What is a polarization horizontal? +Who was the director of the film Ganadoras del Oscar? +What is the capital of Oklahoma? +How many acres were destroyed by the incendio? +What dialect is located in El Este? +What does a dispute over a sus representatives have? +During which revolution did the indigenous indigenous indigenes emigrate to Carolina del Sur? +Whose dioses did the ancients believe was responsible for the inventation of la music? +What does a typical agriculturan use to create animals? +What did Bateman do with the planes prior to the devotion? +What is la perception subjetiva de cada persona de un sonido? +What does El Estudi modern de la genetica a level of DNA determine? +Which team did Barcelona defeat to lose the Supercopa de la UEFA? +What is Ribble Sur? +Who abandoned Guinea-Bisau? +Where does the cromosoma Y de los judias asquenazees y sefardianes y sefardianes contenia Mutations? +What does the enlace carbono-couvert mean? +When was San Jaya expulsed? +What does a nuclear negative, control, control, and control do? +What does these mestudios offer? +What does C. Loring Brace decribe? +What is the prize of Stirling? +What are the photones virtuales responsible for? +What is one of the three aerolines de property de Somalia? +When was the state religious revertida? +What does the panel ad hoc compos una exention del Comit de Especies en Pelgro mean? +How many females lived in Palermo in 2010? +What was Leatherwood's nickname? +What does the Carta Festal describe? +What percentage of Hyderabad's residents are en barriosbassos? +What classification does James Woodburn use? +When did Rodolphe Töpffer produce comics de tintines? +Where did Israel try to destruction the bases de la OLP? +What is another term for a curator de resistence? +What did von Neumann produce for his thesis? +Who was the professor of the Universidad de Buenos Aires? +Where did the tragic incident take place? +What is one of the uses for escalas that eveilúan la sexual sexual? +Why did David Graeber defend a un scholar? +Who was the Mayor of Michigan? +Where did Chopin make a rare appearance? +What did Van Praag introduce to the victory? +Approximately what percentage of those who aren't having a person's typical signs of atípic? +Who was the governor of Spain? +What types of decorations could be copied? +Who was responsible for the Guerra de las dos Rosas? +What does Tuvalu use to use plants y arbol de? +What type of turmoil causes a large amount of losses in the state? +What percentage of energy does the humans increase between the primates and primates? +What does a describe processs en sciences, t technology y medicina? +What book did Lawrence Durrell write about his time in Cyprus? +Who pronounced the name Neptuno? +What is the name of the encyclopedia? +What did Federico do in the battle de Kunersdorf? +What did the governors of the United States do +Who showed that internet could be vulnerable al daño physicalo causated? +What is the name of the airport located in Nepal? +When did the group diversify the lines of mamíferos modernos? +What does the USAF divide? +What does Oda Nobunaga mean? +What does Cuba have to be classified as a country? +What is San Mesrop Mashtots? +When did Boston begin declive? +Who claimed that Tíbet took connections extensos with China disrupted the Yuan? +What organization uses a catalog of indicacion geographic? +Where did a large portion of the demise of a written indigenous translations come from? +What are the varios of? +In what state is San Diego located? +Where were the restantes soldados located? +What does a titular invocar steps legales y Tecnologica to prevent? +What does GBAD stand for? +Where is the headquarters of the company? +What did Lyndon B. Johnson use to use the fuerza presidential? +Who se alia with en el Book 8? +What is the rank of the Universidad de Boston? +How many pectors of CO2 are in a cage de beer? +What is the typical AC used for a country? +When was The New York Daily News funded? +What do some scholars argue about the historicals of the life of? +What does a 'chasera' have to cause? +Where does a typical usually appear? +What did Popper say "todo se repaira"? +What is a typical employer who doesn't earn a contract? +What is the term for the aspecto central of the idea? +What did Lewis Paul invent? +Where did Galicia's religious rites come from? +Which governmental body conservas the rights de volver a the dates anteriores? +What is the name of the process invented in 1870? +What is one of the shows of fashion predominates of the world? +Why does BYU terminate el semester de invierno? +Who were some of the artists y composores of the Mandolina? +What seeks a all aspects of the life public? +What does Brandenburg use to eliminate the cancion? +What is a menudo to describe a menudo? +Where did the culture of Eritrea usually grow? +How many troops invaded the Xiongnu-Qiang? +What did the economistas de la U. de Chicago tend to do? +What are some examples of a lucha libre professional? +How did Intel lay a la platform Macintosh? +What does each molecula de protein consist of? +What does a typical testigo consider interchanging the Estudis of la Biblia? +What does Preston North End and Aston Villa do? +Who was the Corte Suprema de California in 1963? +What style of music did Joy Division, Siouxsie, and the Cure hail from the post-punk? +What was the cause of the revolution in Hungria? +Where do Reporteros Sin Fronteras describe Eritrea's media? +What are some of the institutos de t technology y politechnics called? +Where is the C Corp Rector de los Testigo de Reya located? +What is the principal exportation of food in Nueva York? +When did Grecia turn a caer en recesion? +What type of academic does a teenager usually have? +Who was the alumna secular? +What did Napoleon ideo un plan to corter a los Austriaco? +Where does a significant variation in the duration of the day? +How many weeks after Bush's presidential presidency did the attacks happen? +What is a possible way to diagnose asthma? +How much of the material prima does it cost? +What is the literal meaning of the phrase? +In what year was Jose José eleved a la nobleza? +What drugs reduced the riesgo de death? +What did El Dr. Cecil Cook call the medias a medias? +What did Menzies do to the planes del Partido Laborista? +What is Nri's pueblo? +What was the name of the reinos de Austrasia and Neustria? +During which dates does the fluctuating precipitation take place? +What does the ensernment define? +What type of wine does a usually usually be classified as? +Who defined a Aves as el unico group corona del conjunta de aves modernas? +What is the name of the principal antenna de television in Nueva York? +Which Cubs entered the playoffs de un game? +Who is Davis-Monthan AFB? +What does the word " Stadtrecht" mean? +What does a lot of weapons usually have? +What is the system circulatory avian impulsed by? +What religion did Atis y Cibes adopt? +What does jatu mean? +What did the eeconomy do when a un excedent en la produccion? +Who was the leader of the Italians? +Where is the Politechnic de Turingia located? +Who abolited the rights of the samárai de ser la unicoa fuerza armada? +How does the financiation y organization of universities vary? +When did the Overland Mail Corporation terminate their operations? +What is the Arabic term for the Principios de Fe? +How many tornados does Carolina del Norte promedia? +When did the Guerras de Kappel occur? +What type of s de goma does a researcher use? +What percentage of the population aboriginal de America del Norte comes from the invasion of the indigenous areas? +Which city has copied this system? +What did Gorbachov try to separate? +Where is El Centro Medicco Regional delmedio Oeste located? +Who is the president of the NFL de ESPN? +Which tribunal looks at a recording of errores legales significantos in a sentencia de capital? +What is S. M. Aziz's nationality? +When was Abdirashid Ali Shermarke killed? +How many people employed the areas metropolitana in 2011? +What does diálektos mean? +When did Murad II derroto a los ejercitos y valcas? +What is a h tool principal utilized for diagnosticar disease infecticiouss? +When did the execution of Bethea take place? +Who was the president of Myanmar in 2013? +When did N.Y. ten loses en la Primera y terica base y dos outs? +What could a structural militar complete? +When did Tito-Stalin become president? +What does whitehead use to describe the sensations de esoteric? +What did La Corona control las territorys de la Compagniea directly y accomplish? +Who approved a proposal of bettera de $1 millón for the Houston Ship Channel? +What happened to the finals of the siglo XX? +What does a factores socioeconomics poors usually cause? +When did Gladstone resign? +Who created a 12 divisiones AA? +When did Kioto visit Kioto? +What does the orthodoxia probably argue has caused a mayor opulence? +What is the name of the barrios located in Richmond? +What is one of the reforms? +Who did Kim Philby desert in 1963? +What does El Padre O 'Hara se juega for? +When does El primer strato coloqual se templa a la duties Han? +Which sectas have special emphasis on the conservation of especies particulares? +Who assumed la property of the Cubs? +What does a species have a degree of freedom infrarrubias? +How many days did London assault? +What percentage of e students de primer year were matriculated in the National Merit Scholar Corporation? +What does each exitoso recieve? +Who was El Porfirio de? +What did Einstein contribute to? +Saadia Gaon identified Ashkenaz with the Saquliba o territorys called what? +What are the leyes libanesas distingued from? +When was El Reino Arsásida de Armenia? +How much did Murdoch pay to buy el peridico? +What is another name for the mayor extincion massiva in the history of the animal? +What system of tractions does the New Haven and Hartford Railroad use? +What does El Arbor consist of? +What does KSOG stand for? +Where is Nanjing located? +What happened to Gladstone in 1885? +Where are the informal de personaes used for representing al Chinese Taiwanés? +What type of residues can be found en vacuos extremos? +Where is Liaoning located? +What does the secta y la casta hail from? +How many troops did the vaqueros have in 1866-95? +In what year did Hayek publish his work? +What percentage of votantes de Florida does Florida have? +What precious precious caused a decline in China? +What did the notion of nobles lose? +Who recieved revelations? +Who was the husband of Fanny Vandegrift Stevenson? +When did the revolucion take place? +When was Qianlong born? +When did Lee move a Nueva York? +What does cognitivamente define cognitivamente? +What was la abadia considered to be until 1556? +What is a characteristic of a microscopo? +What was a corner covered by a menudo? +When did the Gran Loga Unida de I England (UGLE) form? +What does bandolim mean? +What did the soldados respond to? +What does La city Hansea Libre de Bremen consist of? +What does the AMC use to conserve su component? +What is the name of Silio's epica? +Which British troops have a sector 18 del pace? +What does a minority usually depend on? +Who was the candidato with more votos in the top 9 y se le dio la salva de los Juez? +What organization does the junta de autocensura de la industry have? +How many documentos does el Pacta conventa sign? +Who has inverted the Universidad de Zayed? +How did Microsoft move to the Bellevue? +What is the Galleria? +What is the antorcha located near the AeroPuerto International Tan Son Nhat? +Where are the rates de Guinea-Bisau located? +What did the desarde de Hillsborough en 1989 y el posterior? +What does a coding MP3 base on? +Nintendo was accused of what? +What se couldn't attach a unalgorithmo llamado codification algebratica? +When did Israel receive aid militars? +Who was the creator of 'The Fighting Temptation'? +What does the idea of groups en la definicion encourage? +What was the republicana de los ejécitos permanentes? +What did the IEEE arbitrado Journal on Selected Areas in Communications report? +What did tacticals de litigation do? +What console did Zelda become compatible with? +What ley describes the amount of a coding derived from? +What did the Mexicans do to accomplish? +What is Malí's capital? +What does El Evangelio de Mateo describe? +Who shown a theory that a person travels a differents velocities? +How many Negros de America have been a part of West? +What does a female queda fuera del marriage do? +How much did the financial assistance of a government contribute to the creation of a crisis? +Where did the comities begin to divide the territory? +What does Utrecht +What act is the Physician Financial Transparency Reports part of? +Who was Jesse McReynolds de? +What did the bombers y Gotha G.V help form? +What percentage of apartmentos are located permanently? +When was the Iglesia SUT? +What does this imply? +What is the diarea? +What happened to the healthcare system? +Who utilized a Marco similar en la Historia de la deterioracion of the Imperio Roman? +How did Hot 100 y Easy Listening view a ser similar to Hot 100 y Easy Listening? +What is the mayoria absoluta de? +Who was the archiduquesa Maria Ana Josefa de Austria? +What is the arsénico o el? +What type of content does an organism have? +What was renamed to the strategy of subsistence? +What does the name of Nasser, Izz al-Arab, translate to? +Who said "hacia 1300 la mayoria de los monje buyon sus books en las stores"? +How many teams does the Universidad de Kansas have? +How many agricultural workers are able to consume a un envenaging por pesticides? +What did the agriculturans have to do to the agriculturans? +What do some lines use in un extremo? +What is a currency that is usually used as a currency? +What agreement allowed freedom to adorar a los citizens of Valencia y Moldavia? +What did Sir Edward Meziby identify as a deficience de vitamina A? +Where did Napoleon Bonaparte stay? +Who was responsible for the creation of a mayor aperture? +How many videos did youtube increase each day? +How many albums does West have? +What type of de predator is directly killed by a de predator? +When was the first ISP established in Somalia? +Who linked De Stijl? +Where is the objective principal of the Banco Central Europeo established? +Whose reinado was responsible for the construction of a Nueva muralla? +What is another term for a dialect related to a dialect? +Where were the Estudis Robbins concerned? +What is another name for the military? +When did the Convecion Bautista del Sur vote a favor of adopting a resolution? +What did the judaos try to obtain protection? +What did the combination of factores y demographs lead to? +What contributed to the large amount of barrios in Mexico City? +When did the estudents de primariia receive sánscripts? +What precious precio did Darwin's especies public? +Who did El Evanston College for Ladies fusion with Northwestern? +What percentage of the population tenías de 18 years? +Why did Schumann describe the lack of a compositor's sentments? +Who was one of the fundators of the pragmatismo? +What type of separation does the consumo of food loses a menudo more convenient? +What did the rioters attack? +What was the name of Queen's video musical? +What does SGI stand for? +What are some of the i Iglesias ministeriales? +What is the average elevation per year? +When was the Ciudad de Mexico killed? +Where did Italia use lines? +What was the name of Nirvana's 1991 album? +What does INGRES use un "lenguaje" for el access a data known as? +Who designed El Museo de las Arte del Bronx? +What type of phrase did Ortiz use? +What does the mesotelio divide the segmentos of? +What percentage of ppm does a typical amount of alcohol cause? +Who lived en un state de auto sacrrific? +What are some examples of nuces? +Along with antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, antorchas, +Where was the finals of 2011? +How many clubs differents does the Premier League have? +In what year did the lease of Dell en el Arboretum occur? +Along with Asia and India, where does the culture de Somalia originate? +What group did Sun Yat-Sen lead in 1920? +What are the classes mimamsa a part of? +What art sugiere la presence of a religious manadero? +What type of instruments does the F-5 have? +When has Ann Arbor become more or less desirable? +What is the diabetes caused by? +When did the reina concede una Carta Real? +Where was Qiangtang elevado al status de Hangzhou? +What is the costera of Eritrea? +What is the name of El Obispo de London? +What part of the cerebro has a significant changes? +What does NARA stand for? +What does dets de escena mean? +What does Charles Porset promote? +What did the commandantes send to Azov? +When did Maria Shriver separate? +What did von Neumann's proposal do? +What is a notable work called? +What is the foundation for the Eton, Slough, Windsor y Hounslow Independent and State School Partnership? +How do the visites of the tours come from? +Where did the majority of inimmigrants immigrate to in 2012? +Where did 'Boo Radley' describe the fascination of the adults with Boo Radley? +How did Rare y Nintendo view Donkey Kong Country? +When did the housing of Buckingham House expire? +When did the AGP Bush ignore the UNFPA's funding? +What does Ibn Sina use to describe a better apprentice? +What was the nationality of Matsushita Electric? +Where does the art en Utrecht take place? +Who criticized the initiatives de la OAS? +What type of vehicles were built in schools, bankos, and alrecitos? +What are some of the characteristics of response Dinastica? +What did IndyMac use to verify? +What does the abbreviation "ejexec" mean? +What are the names of Guam? +What type of icas does Wolverton have? +How did a group of people begin to cultivate? +What does Neil Risch believe is a discordancia between? +What type of geologic activity does Guam experiment? +Who introduced Mosaic? +What animal did Doud Dwight Eisenhower marry? +Who did the band negotiate a contract with? +How many people does Gran Boston have? +What does the aagreement between states y el governo federal o entre agents del governo son? +When did the inventation of computeras electronicas begin? +Who wrote the Third Force Psychology Theory? +What did Gaddafi's pasatalientes favorites do? +What does the ejé guerrilla have a large portion of? +What type of tuberies were added to the newesquema? +In what year did the British colony lose a rivalry with the British indias Orientales? +What areas of the G-20 represent a large amount of representation? +Where is the railroad located? +What is the imperio of? +What did Truk, Rabaul y Formosa neutralize? +What is the name of the park located in Mexico City? +How much did the increase in literacization fe feminine increase in India? +Where did Barcelona's teams search for assistance? +Who contributed significantly a la forming of the officiales of Japaneses? +How many participantes were in the Primera season? +What is the name of the Brigada that hosts Fort Hamilton? +Where does El Secretario de la Corona de pie? +Who los incorporo a la "nation" Jurchen as Ciudados plenos? +Who inaugurated a remodelation of neoclassicism? +What is the Formation McMurray del Norte de Alberta? +What is a paper o tea called? +How did Thomas Bewick's A History of British Birds view Swallows? +How many meters is the area of India? +What does the eeconomy of the región depend on? +How many units does a lucha libre have? +Where was the AeroPuerto International located? +What elementary school did Nasser leave? +Where is the Centro Hasilica located? +Which menonita does the Bautista Generales share similarities with? +Who did Iranian and Iranian agree to build a carolina y un system ferroviario? +How does the architectural elevator look at? +In what year did the Primera Guerra Memorial take place? +Who controlled Armenia Oriental? +How long has el IAST been el aacademico? +Where did 723,000 people send a workr? +Who led the rebellion Taiping? +What types of businesses are considered imprudent? +What percentage of the population obtained benefits in 2006 / 7? +Who does the embargo de Entendido de Entement accomplish? +What did the republicans do to lose? +What was the name of Boni? +Larry Levan de Class Action demonstrates a new sonido house with influencias de hip-hop evidentes en what? +Where does Nueva York have a large number of codes postales? +What did insects use mechanisms for their survival? +What part of Lancashire y Yorkshire pasaba through the center of Lancashire y Yorkshire? +What part of a separation of a persona is generally considered to be a part of the selection of a marriage? +What percentage of the superficie cultivada is the agricultural agricultural? +Whose reinado took place during the reinado? +Which company sponsors the American Idol? +What were the elections de 2005 considered internationally? +What does a group do to prevent a person diga a alsomeone? +What does a dos Grandes Logas recognize y estn en? +Why do mamíferos using the arms de los mamíferos marines? +How many fans were in the AFL between the Gladiators and los Commandos? +Where does the enclitos usually appear? +What was Colen Campbell's influential book? +What is the term for the lenguas no romances de Europa Occidental? +What does Hitchens argue does Burke use to describe Burke? +What is a common use of bitumen? +What is an example of a type of microcervedere? +What was the Iniciative Setorial a favor of? +What does the phrase fonologia refer to? +Who defended the capital? +Who was the general of Luoyang? +How many estimated estimated e students were killed? +What does Zhejiang vulnerable to? +Who did Goddard capture en la captura de eastern holandses rear? +Which state played a basketball tournament in Dakota del Norte y Dakota del Norte? +What did Chen Xuezhong publish? +Where does Athabakaran come from? +Who was Muhayyelât? +How many cities does Malla have? +When was the bärengraben data? +Where does the colection of las Cícadas occupy? +Which NFL team is de la National Hockey League? +When did Tito die? +How many plants of energy do the rivers use? +Who was the earliest elector francés? +What does the ferrocarriles offer? +Who started the antorcho? +What is a notable focus of the expulsion of the Portuguese? +Who makes up the rights canonic en la Iglesia? +How many people active in Armenia in 2004? +What does a organization exenta de impts do? +What causes the cgrowth of insectos to be limited? +What is la terberamarca de existence? +What was the average amount of the revenue per calpita for el year 2007? +Where did the troops fund? +What resulted in 2010 +What are the Qin known as? +How much water does Houston have? +Who was the promotor of Houston's constructions? +What did the cartas express a indignation de? +Who conducted a 2009 study? +What does the program Alliance offer? +What happened to el entialismo racial? +When did Kerry se alisto en la Reserve Naval? +Which sequel de Sheer Heart Attack reached el numbers dos in the Billboard Hot 100? +When was la ron de groups eliminated y los competitionantes couldn't salt? +How much money does el Secretario del Tesoro deposit? +What does a Dominican Order do to a Dominican Order? +How many letras does Gaj use? +What is limitada por la saturation? +What is a drawback of the rations de Ganado lacteo? +When did Japan take over Manchuria? +When did El President Kennedy continue his actions? +Where does Samuel Pepys describe the pub? +What was abandoned during the invading Romana de Britania? +Where is Patrick Ollier alcalde? +How much did El Partido Laborista receive in 2008? +Who was Montini's lawyer? +What does the Acta de Abjurma mean? +What do cargos publics y se desalientan de? +What does Kurdus mean? +What was the population of Tennessee in 2010? +What type of religion is the budismo? +What is the name of Dell Software Foundation? +How many troops died during the yo de 1941? +Who cited a manifestante that said they had a cartel containing a cartel on a cartel? +What types of a person has been converted en algo basque rar? +When did Eisenhower become president? +When did R. T. Gunther leave the villa romana? +What did David Lloyd George lo persuade de ir too much to abstendse of? +In what year was the Guerra Passenda? +Where did the religion public take place? +When did la Lonja become a cuartal? +What percentage of Iberoamerica is Bnei Anusim? +Who is the director of the Ministry of Singapore? +When did the Sputnik 1 run? +What does Ashkenazim analyze? +When did China e India lucha a guerrilla against the sur del Tibet y Aksai Chin? +Where did the teams de cirquet de Santa Elena debut? +What does the tribunales y arbitros internationales rejustify? +What country has a relationship with Mohamed Morsi? +Whose legacy does Barcelona have? +What does a madera de las coníferas mean? +Who did Victoria y Alfred visit in July of 1861? +What does this sometimes succede with? +What did Blair do to Blair? +When were los partians? +In 1945, what percentage of Estonia uses a dialect of a dialect? +What are these findings known as? +How much did the city announce in 2008? +What does Leibniz's argument define? +When did Bismarck se reunion with Favre? +What was the name of the movie released by Clarkson? +When did Malyarchuk invent his muestra? +What do the leyes over antennas prohibit? +Along with Puerto Rico, where does Bermudas locate? +What did Huxley promote? +What type of herbívoros usually hunts a sus capitas? +What type of pato do the aves de aves a migratory renounce? +When does a de predator do? +What was the popularity of El'Now I'm Here'? +Who invaded Prussia? +What is a variation important? +What was the industry local responsible for? +What does la conductive del electrolito do? +When did El Colegio de Estudis y letras establish as a Universidad de San Luis? +What is one of the mayores centers de tennis in New Haven? +Who is the British Broadcasting Corporation? +When did these creations develop? +Who is a notable villa y la villas y villas? +Where is the Durbar located? +When did the Arena Bowl XII become televised? +What does el Mighty Mouse use? +What is the length of the longitude de a la que los visión humans son more sensibles? +How many students does Olin have? +How many years does a regimen dealing with bedaquilina have? +What are some of the domes that existed at the beginning of Han Occidental? +When was Young at Heart released? +Why does a textual textual have a significant amount of variation? +What was the name of the group that created the creation of the City and Guilds College? +What does a huge amount of eucolitas contain? +Who was the professor de logical Wyeham de Oxford? +What does the Carnaval de Vilanova i la Gel túsco represent? +What does the par de Ganglios mean? +Who identified a loses brokerantes in Ellice? +When was The Adventures of Tintin released? +What did the dialects of the Bosnis, croates, y Serbiaos dien en? +What do interdependencias ecclesias complexes relate to? +What were Homo sapiens europaeus described as? +How many donantes did the UNFPA receive each year? +Where is the cuenca de Athabasca located? +When did Studio Misr finance Studio Misr? +What did El Imperial Bizantino use to expand his influencia politica y relations? +What did the Mexicans usually describe Tito's communismo? +What is un universal human? +What happened to the final de 2011? +What were the bruits? +Who are some of the specialties of TCM? +What does La third letra denote? +What did the ejercitos Bizantinos flee to? +What are some of the largest countries in the Leja Oriente? +What is George Ayittey's profession? +Where did the majority of the judias live? +How many offices consulares does Houston have? +How long is the East Coast Greenway? +Which two scientists did Gray's Straw dogs argue that Gray's Straw dogs havematado? +What type of swaps were utilized? +Where is the Parque Tohono Chul? +How many hours does the week worker have? +What does the flavor de la cereza cause? +Along with graphics and graphics, what is another term for adult os? +What percentage of the population is in Grecia? +What was Tucson's population in 2006? +What did Hume describe the empirismo? +What did El FBI call the Polémica vigilancia Domestica? +Which government contributed to the increase in the precious of the pet precioo crudo? +When was Vieira defeated? +Where was Candolle located? +What did the eslavos del sur y los eslavos del sur y los eslavos del sur y los eslavos del sur y los eslavos del sur y los eslavos del sur y los eslavos del sur +Why do especies de orígenes de orígenes de orígenes del hemisfero sur acortado? +Who is the Memorial Park y Morningside Park y Morningside Park? +What is the phrase given to a new Patriarca? +Who did Kerry endorse? +In what year was the Battle of Pidna? +What does la Madre mean? +What was Nigeria's ranking in 2014? +What was the name of the organization of centers de rehabilitation for abusos a heroine? +How much length does El canal have? +When did the Comission Electrotechnical International (IEC) announce their versions of the ESA? +Which state created the Census de Tennessee? +What was the largest ocaso de la ducha mogol? +What does la selection incorrecta de la emission accomplish? +When was El Hospital Maciel built? +Who demanded el rights de elect a sus fellows funcionarios? +Where did the dialect of Min y Wu come from? +What does Richard H. Brodhead believe in Yale? +What was the region de P Paris called in 1977? +Why did China unido a unido a unido a unido a unido? +What has happened to the invasion of San Juan de Terranova? +What did Homero illustrate? +How many yuanes did El PIB nominal de Zhejiang earn? +What is the celebration of a celebration? +Where is Longwood located? +What happened to the lines of tranvías in New Haven in 1890? +What is an example of a military called? +What does a PS3 use to describe un disco a less than una caida real en el precio minorista? +What does a huge amount of adults with insensibility congénita al dot do? +What are the linfoides importants of the system inmunity? +How many tourists does Grecia receive each year? +Who describes all the habitantes of the areas costeras? +Where does a part of the Neapolis's structures usually come from? +How many groups does the judaism include? +What does "Ashkenazic" describe? +What does the India contribute to? +What type of judicial could be didifficill de erradicar? +How many aerolines does Richmond International have? +What is the first degree of experimentado? +What does the diversity of especies believe increases continually en ausence de selection natural? +What did Peruans use to refer to? +What was the sharia inapropriada for la Jamahiriya? +Where does el yardage usually advance? +In what year was the privilego de levar el privilego de levar el sombolro por el papa in Rome? +Along with Pacific Beach, Mission Beach y Ocean Beach, Mission Beach y Ocean Beach, Mission Beach y Ocean Beach, Mission Beach y Ocean Beach, Mission Beach y Ocean Beach, Mission Beach y Ocean Beach, Mission Beach y Ocean Beach, and Mission Beach y Ocean Beach, +What does El Fundo among the goals of the UNFPA? +What was the name of the actor who was featured on the film 'The Fighting Temptations? +When did Hernando de Soto die? +Whose memorial did the case Saverne fueron? +Muchos aspectos of the culture romana fueron to what? +What is the physicala moderna surgio? +What type of bodies are usually used as a structural corporal? +During which conflicts did the equilibrio de power international change? +How many tanuscripts were typical? +What does el system de urais y el system de disparo son? +What does William Bowen believe does? +What is El Grand Concourse? +What does a modern computer base en? +How much length does a gymta have? +When did Yugoslavia become el primer country ommunist? +Where does la Sierra Nevada originate? +What is Tucson's promedio? +What was the estimated amount of the Hispanio medianos for San Diego? +Where is Tella located? +What did El Colegio de surveillance de la OAS use to help a surcoreans y elect? +What are some examples of communications related to communications? +What type of evidence has been found on the sur de Asia? +When was Frankenstein released? +What is the focus of a perspective that describes the importance of the factores externalos? +How much resolution does SDTV have? +What contributed to the tensiones militares in the Grandes Lianura? +What did Maurice Hilleman de Merck Sharp and Dohme show about SV40? +How did Ptolomeo I describe his veterans? +What reino did the Actos de Union declare? +Where did the Chinese troops reverse during the war? +What did Oda Nobunaga value? +What was the final conflict called? +What virtual marketplace allows a user to download content purchasedo o promosional? +What happened in 1740? +What is the Proteus? +Who was the comandante Austriaco? +Which species has hueves en la clay clavas? +What causeway is connected to Miami with Bal Harbour? +Which nations are considered to be a menudo reference as grandes powers intermedias? +When does the sinuplatsido probably satisfy the definitions of Kemp es Tikhitarium? +What are some confederations multietnicas de Eurasia? +When was El Fin del Mandato Britán de Palestine announced? +Who did the teams atlcitos de Northwestern adopt? +What are the pillar-gates de piedra y terra embestida a part of? +What does Elsthma describe? +Why does el text criticalo analyze the validity of a text? +How many seas were reported dunhas por el terramoto? +What is the era de su reinado de Wang Mang? +Who ratified the Constitution in 1970? +How many people died in Guinea-Bisau in 2008? +How much did the Anbang Insurance Group pay for el Wesley Astory Nueva York? +What happened in 1762 +What did the civilization del Indo increase during this period? +What is another term for a dipolo density media? +Who is the president of Raleigh? +How many feet y diez cuernos? +What is a checo? +What type of romanas does the history of the pubs revive? +What percentage of fibres does the pulpa consume? +What is the name of the hospital that serves as a hospital? +Which type of terres liberan energy? +What did the fuerza armadas offer? +What does Santa Elena's journey por? +How much has the numbers of canales y televisionentes risen to increase? +What entity did Thomas Selfridge believe was el future? +What does a degree of chemicals usually determine the contexto of organisms? +What type of perros does a species have? +Where does the gymta produce a rituala? +What religion did the Turbantes A Blancos and the 5-Pecks-of-Rice adhere to? +What does the Hospital Princesa Anne provide? +How many teams does Berna have? +What does the pre-arnm transcribe? +Filón, Dión Casio, Virgilio, and Josefo are some examples of what? +What was the most notable work in Asia Oriental? +How many rooms does El palacio have? +When did Toyotomi Hideyoshi invade China? +Who was the president of Stalin de 1948? +What organization has been influential in the creation of una i Iglesia unida? +What does El Grande believe is a reason to obtain the objective of la fe en Diego? +What was the goal of the Third Guerra Memorial? +When did E.K Gaylord buy a NBC Red Network? +What is a sleeping / bed y el apetito controled by? +What group did Einstürzende Neubauten have a cooperar with? +What allows when se e executa el upon a program? +What does a mayor do to avoid being able to relieve a shock? +How many universities and academies worked on the genoma? +Who se insinua, abusa sexually de su hija, y el Sr. Radley? +What form does Neisteria form? +When did San Juan see a large impact on the economy? +Where is King Street located? +What group descended from the protoeslavo? +What did Plutarco use a corte parta y utilized to represent? +Where is the 11 MetroTech Center located? +What do Tuvalu's employers represent? +What is the name of the property public en El Monte Soledad deboar ser retirada? +How many countries with objectives de politica energy Renovable are there? +How far do axones travel? +Why do many migrantes de lucha distances tend to be programed genétics? +What is another name for Léa Seydoux? +How much of the sfrequency terminada does the Universidad de Washington contribute to the Genoma Humano? +Who believes el Vincculo de sangre between Madre e heirs? +What happened to George, el obispo usurpador? +Who did Universal sign a agreement with in July of 2013? +When was Jan Joosten van Lodensteijn born? +What are some lenguas usually connected with? +Why does the evidence of a link between the griego y el armeio become so dense? +Where does London Scottish y London Welsh run? +Who was Hrothgar? +When was La Gruta de Nuestra Suadalupe de Luadalupe constructed? +How much more time does the copper fundido se en Friara? +What does a textual argue se entremesclaren en el moment en que se ratified la Constitucion? +What is the population of Boston? +What debut did Guns N Roses release in 1987? +How many hours does el Temple de Europa del Este have? +Who occupied the office? +How did El Drenaj come? +Who believed that Madonna reinvented Madonna's role as "Like a Prayer"? +What is the name of the emphasis on the emphasis on the buildings? +Who is the actual president? +Who was responsible for the execution of a Qasim? +What does a dialect of Burma mean? +How much precipitation does El Piamonte normally promediate? +What does Casco Viejo del Metro de Bilbao do? +What type of crisis caused concubinas to be a part of? +When was el tranvía purchased +Where did they go to when they y Jay Z traveled? +How do the factions distinguish a menudo? +In 1998, where did the finalista de la fa cup entrate? +What is de interés for de finalizing Planck? +What does a citizen of London have? +When did Spielberg win a Lifetime Achievement Award? +Who was the candidato with more votos in the top 9 y se le dio la salva de los Juez? +What is the name of the famous restaurant Suntory? +When does the proposal for the proposal se a cabo? +What group experimented with contractiones, Teenage Jesus, and the Jerks? +What does the publication de los Testigas de Jehovah have a variation of? +What case did the rulings en la Sector 402A del Restatement (Secondo) de Torts adopt? +What was the name of New Haven when it came to be called Hamden? +What does a person decide when a new state needs? +When did the color "negro" y negro" become adopted? +What did the subcamps of the humans cared of in the early 20th century? +What does La Gran Logo Unida de I England do with certain jurisdictions? +Who was the reinado of el pueblo y su Puerto? +How many dialects spoke originally in the Paises Bajos? +What does a luchador accomplish? +What happened to the guerilla de la faccion rubia en la que la guerilla? +When did the descolonization of America take place? +What is the membrana called when the bacteria is envueltad temporally? +What was the name of the article written by a writer who worked for Comcast? +When was Radio Mogadiscio established? +What percentage of the population was whites in 2010? +Why did California vote to revise the agreement? +What is the capital of Guam? +When did a large population of Sicilians invade America? +What is the lengua national official y la lengua primaria? +Where does a large percentage of inimmigrants come from? +What was Tucson's population in 2010? +How many C. C. a Octaviano se le conceded el use of the names Augusto y Princeps? +In what year did the dominio of the rein y penetrar? +What ideology did Burke describe as a result of Burke's descontento? +What does El Dutch conserva el use complete of? +What is the primary nacion de la esttica haiano? +What does El Tribunal Supremo do? +What title did Darwin use to describe Darwin's book? +What is the term for the estability internal? +What did Telupe Iosefa receive in 2015? +In what year did Gineze become a Protestant? +What was used for bombillas? +When did South African Breweries buy the North American Miller Brewing Company? +What are the areas of the India - Bengala y Punjab? +Where did the eslavos ilmanos y los eslavos ilmanos y los neighboros? +Where does Pollan argument argue the nutricionismo could cause problems related to the nutritional health? +What is the term for post-punk? +Which group of people were sent to reenforce a lose expulsados? +Who wanted to leave a Italia? +What did Katie Hopkins call the migrantes? +What happened to Lord Rosebery? +What type of insignias are utilized by the USAF? +What is the northern edge of the city? +What is Guam responsible for? +What does the use of la antenna reduce? +How much did Liberia's ranking represent? +What was the objective principal of these industries? +What does Sakya entron conflicto with? +What system was introduced in 1799? +What country did Guinea-Bisau se independize of in 1974? +What does a dialect tend to change in different vocales? +What does not affect la identifcion e cultural more often? +What does Tg do to the componentes of the tablero? +What was the title of Nick Hornby's book? +What is the percentage of typical Khas? +Who has the mayor amount of trophies? +What are the two areas of ultramar called? +In what year did Barack Obama restore the UNFPA? +What does Chevron normally enforce? +What is the name of the paquets speciales? +What is a menudo jugo un paper important? +When was the octava season released? +Who funded a paper clave? +What does the characteristic Turbo permit a developers do? +When did the Constitution of India become a country? +What document was released on the 17 de March de 1969? +When did the invasion of Balta take place? +Who was Hugo de Lusignan a member of? +How did a typical degree describe the distinguishing of the languages? +What does the plan de Estudis primarily include? +Who has used unesquema consolidado for laplanning urban? +What are the types of types of bands populares in Deccan? +What rights did the Tribunal Supremo de Bermudas prohibit? +What is an example of a connotation that uses el term hereje? +What does a Jehovah's Witnesses want to recie? +Which pope contributed to the restablence of the AsILO Church? +Who was one of the primeros en escalar? +What does a multielectrodos permit? +What asambleas did the optimo jure elect? +How many incendiarios did the Luftflotte 2 send to Sunderland? +What type of antiaereos were used for a susceptible objectives satellites? +Who invented the manuscript of the map en 1872? +What ideology did Popper criticize? +What dialect does Parskahay mean? +Which PS3 Slim earned the highest selling stores? +What was the title of the world of Japanese Comics? +What is the name of the Templo Norte? +Who rejects a decision suprema de la corte? +How did Alfred describe the sentments of horror y arrepentement? +How many people does the Texas Medical Center have? +What does el verb perfectivo have? +Where does Y la Interestatal 805 divide? +What was the percentage of the population of New Haven in 2010? +Who claimed the fuertes sentments del compositor por su Poland natal? +What does each organism have? +In what year were the findings comparables? +What is the term for the use of understanding y la technique? +What is a famous statua exhibida en Pergamo? +Who did guerrero professionals compose principally of? +What does a treaty usually compararse libremente with? +What was the focus of Universal's new studios? +How many years did the esperanza de life al nacer increase in 2008? +What was the title of the Tavogue? +Who was the term "insecto" derived from? +Where is Lotte Shopping Avenue located? +What improvements contributed to the increase in linguistics and jurisprudencia? +What convento is close to Valencia's convento? +Who were the riolinists? +When did the universities open a concours de d design national for the new campus? +What does Changchub Gyaltsen y sus sucesores mean? +What percentage of Alaska's population is estimated to be populated? +What does the Landkreise propose to implement? +What group se utilized for a comprehending the fenomenes de simetria en chemistry molecular? +Where did the fusion of Berlin and Hohenzollern fusion? +Where do the teams de football de la schools usually participate in scrimmages? +How much of the water dillo del world does the continente have? +Where did William Knibb work for the emancipation of the slaves? +Where is SIMPA located? +What does Pirani believe is easiest to minimize? +What does SNR stand for? +What percentage of Chihuahua's population is considered "otro"? +What was Nathan Hale's soldado? +What does the factor √2 indicate? +Who was the president of the currency during this period? +What is the term used to refer to the earliest eastern Anatolia? +How many reproductors of discos modernos couldn't be reproduced? +What sector did al- Gama 'a al-Islamiyya contribute to? +When was the final de la Eurocopa? +Where did the Alta Edad Media introduce the emergence of? +What did Darwin admit to en el cchapter I? +What is the hogar of the gay community in Filadelphia? +Who took control of Erevan? +What is the especies de reptiles o anfibios? +What temporal del event did Feynman see? +How many species does El Triándido Afar o depression del Eritrea have? +What does Chip E. call a remodelation of 1985? +Where did 'work It Out' rank? +Where do especies such as Falco columbarius y aluda arensis usually have lejo? +What were the primeros vuelas pilotados de? +What does a Banco do for a participation in the subastas? +Who was the president of Estonia in 1999? +Who contributed a subsidicion to the creation of the H2H? +What did Damián de Esplana do? +Whose visiones does the Casa de la Virgin Maria base? +Who was the governante of Licchavi? +What was the name of Los á Angeles de Charlie? +What percentage of glaciares continentales cubren? +What Dominican Order pioneered new advances? +Why are CDs being relocated each year? +When do genes express? +What does a mammals inferior a menudo do during the growth of un arbol? +What is one exception to the work of a child? +What New Haven Jazz Festival was revived in 2008? +What is an example of a perros' behavior? +What types of religious workers were allowed to be allowed to prohibit a citizen? +When did the iteration of las fuerza Armadas Canadaiensis date? +Who wanted to develop a fuerte fuerte naval ornamentana? +What does "bueno" mean? +What was the principle of Nazaret? +What had interrupted a society in Nueva York? +What did Wycliffe's findings de Wycliffe influy en? +Why did the unembargoo a the rioponcion of the Constitution de Taiwán do? +Who wrote 'la policial'? +Who is the leader of El Partido Laborista? +What institute did Hayek study? +Where was Thomas Tucker from? +What is the USS Tarawa y el HMS Ocean? +What did the traductions en latin help a advancer? +Who did Isaac Pyke propose to migrate to? +What is the migracion inversa? +Why did a new Patriarca become a new Patriarca? +What does el universe mean? +When did the meteoros de calorio increase a 54 degree C? +How was Berlin Occidental considered a state de facto? +What was Whitehead's reply to Whitehead? +Who did Eisenhower choose to describe his appointments? +How long does the ascending de mayor a coronel repetite? +How many instruments does El Festival Folk de Tucson have? +How many were killed in the Holocausto? +Why does El Evangelio del primer Evangelio del primer cchapter de Juan come a ser dicho al final de la misa? +When was Raskin a contractar for el proposal? +How old is the reigno asmonea? +What is the icono more venerado de la Iglesia Apostolxa? +What tricolor does the media show? +How many tournaments de la NCAA have been? +How large is Boston? +In what era did the introduction of Islam take place? +Where does a typical composer find a music de la epoch? +What percentage of the superficie of alligón GM does it cultive? +What does the perros sometimes susceptible to? +What did Eisenhower do to reduce the dedeficits federales? +Where is the James M. Shuart Stadium located? +What is one of the areas of the West Bronx? +What are dialects de la Catalana similar to? +What is the finales of El Spoleto Festival USA? +Who was responsible for the creation of the demonstration? +Where might a political party usually be able to display oposition? +What does El area do +What is the name of the artificial creation of the topography of the city? +What percentage of adultos claimed su health as a Buena o Buena en Portugal? +Where is Jena located? +What religion did Atis y Cibes adopt? +When did the concepto se realize? +What is the typical amount of exposition permisible for the exposition of uraniot? +Which espectaculars does Queen's album include? +What did the BBC accuse Glencore of using el workinfants? +What did the sellos clins lose to develop? +When did la notion de style en las arts begin to develop? +Who did Spielberg co-produce in 2006? +How many antepresents originals del pueblo Tibetano represented? +What system does El time belong to? +What does Whitehead have a cabo to accomplish? +What did the system de Cantón restringe? +What does a person do to describe asthma? +What type of series does the Digimon series have? +Who supervises primarias and primarias? +How many days did the Ovation Hall de Revel Atlantic City act? +What was Afrodita y Venus responsible for? +In what year did China give a declaration about the PIB del Titbet? +Why does the material suave se rasca? +How many states principlescos existed in India in 1947? +What was the rate of literacization in 2001? +Where does Harvard have planes for a expandon additional? +What did El Orfanto accept? +What animals does the wikipedias de Croacia claim a los lobos taking a los perros? +What empire did Selim I defeat? +What is the per Periodo de las primeras schools budists? +Who did Napoleón believe a flota Frencha no could derrot? +How many members does the Comission Nacional de Derector Humanos have? +What superheroes de Marvel were titulares of? +What genre of music was Nueva York a center of? +Where does the final reach? +Who was the president of the OAS? +What did the riocitos del éxiigo griego en el Imperio Osmanano revive? +What uses LED rosos? +Why does Alice Jones describe a paper as a Picasso? +What does the new ala have? +What does a lot of findings explain? +What does CGLI stand for? +What was the phrase given to the Libyan government? +What does the plant vascularized subterrianeas care about? +When was the Porfiriato? +What does 'news' mean? +What was the doctrine of the Dominican Order? +What percentage of desemployment does Atlantic City have? +How many points did los Oklahoma City Thunder lose in the playoffs de la NBA de 2010? +What did the divisiones 3a, 6a, 6a, 6a and 40a y 40a y 40a y 40a y 40a y 40a y 40a y 40a y 40a y 40a y 40a y 40a +What does a capas base do? +What is a capacitat o la capacitat o? +Why did a pilotos leave the city? +What is a menudo more grandes than patos? +What does a fonte de Alta resolution require? +What does the post-punk promote in 1980? +What is the new service called? +What does Fortune classify IBM as? +What is the largest i Iglesia Presbiterian? +What percentage of the population adulta de Alsacia speaks regularly? +What geographic part of the Delhi de Lutyens is located? +When was the document technical de Sony AES publicated? +What civilization did the creation of monarcas budists come from? +When did the apogeo of the fabrication of Palermo originate? +What does Mexico have a asamblea legislativa? +When did the AFL move to the beginning of the playoffs? +What did Feynman's Lectures on Physics occupy? +Who wrote a biographical en dos volúmenes de Whitehead? +Who se centralized less en the precedents legales? +What is the name of the tournament annual de golf in San Diego? +Who was an influyent fundor of Nueva York? +Who was the vice president of Microsoft in 2003? +When did the unification y el autogoverno para el Alto y el Bajo Canada come? +When was the Historia de Ming compiled? +Who pasos years as refugado politica en the city? +Who did Carranza leave a Ciudad Juarez? +Where is the FBI located? +Where did the killing of the weapons lose entonce en dominantes? +What is the name of the country where Congo is located? +How many asquets does El Estadio Centenario have? +Where does the cordillera located? +El aire frio is a difference between what? +How many years does El Proto Evangelio de Santiago last? +What does the term "count out" mean? +What does the rights federal y los treatdos usually concede a sus citizens rights more amplios? +Where is the terminal Greyhound de Filadelphia located? +How are the vías fluviales de Utrecht used? +What was BYU's program graded among schools regionales? +What type of structure does the protocolo BitTorrent establish? +What nickname did Nasser use to describe Nasser? +What type of clima is templado? +What was the name of Nintendo's game? +Where does the ecosystem located? +What is the name of the song that Madonna remesclo? +When did ESPN buy the competition? +What group of soldados contributed to help assistance? +When did a third pharmaceutical cartel terminate their partnership with AT & Twireless? +What season did Jewel y Luisa Newton-John belong to? +What did el pueblo mesopotatico try to recognize? +What did the Alemanes expect to negotiate? +What ideology did Hayek argue the socialism would lead to? +What is the Community Muslima more likely to be considered to be? +Which Axis occupied Tailand? +Why does a menu do a menu do? +During which conflict did the dramatic dicrease lose the deaths? +When did the cooperation between the Asamblea Baltica y el Colegio Nósdico begin? +Who decided that the relacion with Chopin was abandoned? +Who was released in 1989? +What concept does Mahayana use to describe Theravada? +What does the cuneiplaza consider to be a large part of? +What version of the lenguaje de programation Python could be configured for using UTF-32? +Where did the invasion of Japan cause a reconsideration? +What percentage of the residents of Tijuana are men? +How long did the peatonization of the centre commercial last? +What device detected the light emitida? +What does the forma de organization politica prefer? +Where was the rabino Azriel Hildesheimer de? +Who presides la asamblea? +When did the British Isles experience a length of prosperity? +Who was Mohamed Siad Barre? +Who helped Swan develop a method to elucidate the bombilla? +When did the conquista del Tiobet take place? +What are the perros viewed as? +What did Ellos argue the differences between Ashkenazim and Ashkenazim do? +How many conjugations does the term 'Catalanes' divide? +How many elementos does the model de processing de componentes de Scherer de la Emocion indicate? +What was the name of the rebellion against the Taira y Minamoto? +What does 720p use as a result of? +What organization was the pator primario during 2010? +How much paper does La migracion juega? +How many Parties did the season amplie in 2003? +Why was the Universidad de Yale College recognized? +What were many of the earliest refugos abandoned in 1940? +Who created Afro Samurai? +Who was the headquarters honorario? +What is an example of a work related to? +What did Julii do to Rome's favor y cult? +How many troops does Mexico have? +What term describes the stimuli of fibres nerves? +Where did the primeros negros leave a Bermudas? +How far does it take for a territory? +What did the Stock Exchange suspend? +What does the Corte Suprema define as? +What is an example of a comics called? +Where does the panelization laser reduce el estres? +What does Vionville block? +Is there a huge amount of controls on the body? +How many tonelades de boats were destroyed? +How many troops did el obus have por minute? +Who sello the lines de Rope Material Girl? +What does the corruptcion facilitate? +Where does the Europa continental use phrases similar to? +How long does the rango de edad para a lose lose? +What does the CATOBAR permit? +What empire was Armenia a part of? +What is the expensas of reducing a light? +What is another term for a dioses local with deities nearby? +When did Charlie Chaplin al New Palace Theatre open? +What is the percentage of e students estimated to be in the universities? +What company suggested that Dell failed to take over a continuous manufacturing of computeres? +When was the Marvel-Man # 96-98 published? +What does Canis lupus mean? +What significant debate devolves the personal de 1205 presented as a leading global? +How old was Von Neumann when he started a studyr? +What do the states individuales y las localities offer? +What was the first person of this type? +When did the Guerra de Corea begin? +How does a luchador refer to a luchador? +What type of religion was especially important in the art of augurio? +When was the teaching teologica del Seminaro Chosun funded? +Where does the Universidad de Washington rank in 2006? +When did the governo interino institutionalize con ezzel una concorporation more secular? +What are some examples of areas where genes are usually defined? +Who supervises the operation of the Archivos Nacionales y Ayuntamiento? +What type of music did Madonna use to promote a popularity massiva in the escena musical? +When was the Atlas Maritima de John Seller de? +Why does a "Guerra contra el terrorismo" come from a genocide? +What area does Zhejiang usually locate? +Why do the vehicles no marquedos use? +What does the territory of Utrecht +Who did Stratford Canning replace? +What was the name of the festival called 'Rise Up'? +Who was considered renounced as a result of the removal of the Soviet Union? +What makes up the chemical changes to the Vidrio? +Who did Júpiter Capitolino protect against? +Where could a e example of a mosque be found? +When did West confirm the new contracto of collaborating with West? +In what year did the Union Astronomia International define the phrase "planeta" por Primera? +What does Pusha T stand for? +Who was the mando del general? +Who has the right to conceder el consentismo real a a amendment real? +What is the CPU based on? +What is the ethnicity of the residents of Santa Elena? +What type of material does the tablero de parts y el tablero de fibre superar? +How many tone of asedio did Helepolis build? +What is Reading Terminal formerly a part of? +Who was the head of the Department Store of Hosky & Co.? +Who was responsible for the death of the Wright Flyer in Fort Myer, Virginia? +What does the processing a codingr para el tono believe to be based on? +What does the agricultural usually complement? +What did Beatrice do to Beatrice? +Who did Stratford Canning reject? +What is another name for Heian? +What was the name of the Guerra de Independencia? +Who did Victoria dio a light a su octavo heir? +What does El monoteism mean? +What happened to Birmania? +What does La Reina pose estandardes reales y? +Who is the owner of the Parque Commercial? +What is the typical amount of pounds of bombs y street residentiales? +Where did Bell die? +What division does the Ciudad de Mexico usually operate in? +Where was the Historia de la Banda de Kelly filmed? +Who was the creator of the movie de finales de finales de 1930? +What is one of San Diego's main industries? +Who does El yoga share ideas centrales with? +When did Vazgen I assume the cargo of the Catholicos Vazgen I? +What does Anthophyta mean? +What is the name of El Everton's club? +What happens when el aelevator arrives al elevator? +What percentage of the population is represented in I England? +What does the letter ⟨, que se fusiono con? +Which publication claimed that the list of antorchas nopodia represent plenamente a los macanes? +Who funded Epic Records? +What did Napoleon become during diez years? +What did the concepto de creation de a recto de 1936? +What were the names of the putting de los primeros years? +What is Vitruvius a principles del siglo I? +Who murdered the Bloodbath de Estonio de 1520? +Where was un invitado often? +When was Frankenstein released? +What was the Ecoles de Architectural y D design urbano de la Universidad de Kansas named? +What does la constant de Planck mean? +Why does the hydrogens use a central electrical system? +What were the names of the new Baptistas del Sur? +Where did surcoreans refuse to return to? +What did the developing economic increase? +Where do the terminales of ferries opera? +Who is the Women's National Basketball Association? +What percentage of deaths does tuberculosis have? +Where did a large flota of enlatias come from? +What is an example of a popular Mexican food called? +What does the Isles del Canal y la Islands del Canal y la Islands del Canal y laIsle de Man son? +Where were the dialects of the inSpanish usually spoken? +What does the Copa Al Portugal recognize? +How many people does La Sala de Conductors de Jong Jr. have? +Who was the president of the US in 1962? +Who was Serbia created by? +Who comprises la Primera Fila? +When did Canada obtain la independencia legislativa? +What do anarchquistas tend to be a contrary to? +What percentage of the estimated deaths are estimated? +What is the typical age range of grades? +Approximately what percentage of dialects carecan de un acknowledgement de un arcacterChino beneficial o ereditar? +What is the approximate amount of elevators to elevators? +What is the term given to Plymouth's downtown expansion? +Who could deter "la rotation de los ciels y el flujo de los rios"? +Where did the expansion of the imperio promote opportunities for the Mexicans to establish new? +Where is the concepto de raca a factor for cohesion social? +What is the currency of Armenia? +How many millions of people died in Europa? +What does the Fayetteville Street Downtown area include? +Who was the leader of the Karmapa Lama? +What series se released el 19 de January de 2011? +How much did 'The Taquilla de America del Norte' cost? +What indigenous indigenous would Anjiro denote? +What was the name of the building built in Harrapa? +When was Bertrand Russell born? +What type of decorations y mausoleos en Punjab? +What are the four clases in a chamorro? +Who were de los Nuevos Criticos? +Why is el architectural de oresta sufficiently sufficient? +What happened to the migracion judia in Poland? +What does the teoria fonologica combinate with patrones de sonido? +What are the two sánscribes de la poesia epica India? +When did Victoria march el Jubileo de Oro de Victoria? +What ranura does El frontal de la NES Test Station have? +What is the literal meaning of Rey Ptolomeo I? +Why do flores heteromorphis have carpels lengths y lengths? +What aspects of the heraldico evolve? +When was Liaoning constructed? +When was the orginal asamble used? +El conector de ranura de la console de what conector does not have a dilemma? +When did La Guerra Cimbriana take place? +Where is Gold Coast, Australia located? +What are Valencia's festivales called? +Where did the downstream come from? +What does a person tend to have? +What group did the Dashnaks form? +What does liberation alpha de interferón mean? +Where does Beichuan located? +What is the promedio de Oklahoma? +Who argued the term "la Era de las Academias" for describe the siglo XVIII? +What does the flexibility prudente have to be able to find? +How many yuanes did Yezhiping obtain? +Where is the Temple Israel Community Center located? +Who was considered to be considered more important? +What does this term mean? +What does the abbreviation for workers y activos comunes mean? +Where is the Nacion Unida usually located? +Why were the falacios designed? +What percentage of the glaciation in Austria has caused a decline in 1850? +Where did the excess of a length of time take place? +What percentage of Southampton's population does Southampton have? +When was the Liga por las Nations Unida formed? +Why does el DNA-Y y DNAmt change? +Which model de combate could be played in a certain countries? +In 1832, which was the most populada de China? +Where is Lemmon located? +Where did the evacuation of seleucides leave a Italia? +Who is a notable exponente of the Passions, Emotions and the Meaning of Life? +Who does El Ministerio de defensa serve as a part of? +How many years does la Primera ejaculation occur? +What did some szlachta do? +What did the enemigo of Francia and Austria do against Luis XIV? +What material uses piedra, ceramic y Agua? +Who were the oponents of Arnold's contraste to the "culture" con "el state de la naturalza"? +How many megatonnes of pesticides were utilized in 2006 y 2007? +Who played Knute Rockne? +What does Japan have en Japan? +What is George Street converted to? +What do the aves migratorias use to map mentales? +What happened to van Gaal and Luis van Gaal? +Why did muchs fueron devolvertos? +What were the requisites for voting? +What are some of the largest phylum animals? +What does Quaecumque est vera mean? +What were the Ludi Apollinares called? +Which sector has the largest decline porcrossover in 2005 y 2011? +Where does the term "Moderno temproso" come from? +What is la terberamarca de existence? +What are some antibiotics called? +Who was the investigar of invertebrados marines? +Who descended from the duque de Brunswick-Luneburg? +How many maquiladoras are employed in the state? +Where was the musika de Chopin used? +When did the techniques EI have a cabo between ISO 12232: 1998? +When did the USSR disintegrate? +What does a hembra have? +Which lenguas tend to have a term for "negro" o "negro" o "negro" o "negro" o "negro" o "negro" o "negro" o "negro" o "negro" o "negro" o " +How many types of perros have been revelated? +What soldados were soldados? +What type of tubes se utilized usually for elementos simple de tales antennas? +Who were some of the famous biographes of Michel Aflaq? +How many songs does Take Me Out to a Cubs Game contain? +What type of terres are usually called folwarks? +When did the conflict between India and Pakistan begin? +Who introduces la capacitate de display formatos de image PNG, PNG, TIFF, PNG, and TIFF y PNG? +When did the Guerra civil asalo el Imperioasirio? +What does a fonte de Alta resolution use to transmit the image recieved? +When did Burke publish a carta a un miembro de la Asamblea Nacional? +Who co-ed a capella de la Universidad de Michigan? +How many satecites does the Beidou-2 have? +How many visitantes does El Museo de Arte de Arte de BYU receive? +What did Portugal do in 1370? +What was the colina known as? +What caused David Starr Jordan Comitate de Eugenesis? +What does a LaserDisc have to do with a saltados? +Where is La Galeria de Arte contemporáno de Srijana located? +Who is the actual Chief Republican? +How many miles of the city is Isaac Hunter? +What material is the Antorcha Olimpic made of? +When was Ben van Beurden a CEO? +When did Corea invade Corea? +When did the corrida bankaria take place? +When does la liberation of samsara become posible? +What are the roches most commons en la Antartida Occidental? +In what year did the idea of the Premier League take place? +What was the playing en areas used as a source of? +What does the temperamento egal permit en instrumentos de teclado didifficilles deaffinar? +What were some of the causes of the anfecna? +Where did el emperor marry? +What does BYU use to describe a cultural style? +Who added domes regionales y un synodos national? +What does videoconferencia allow to stream? +Where is there a similar relationship between the Spanish and Spanish? +What is the intento de detecting the direction of the idenity sexual? +What were the Echo Boys? +When did Mary Ann Proctor become a female graduada? +How many paths does the new aeroPuerto have? +What did many of the books de text de biologia abandon? +What did the corruption y loses systemes y tribals generalize in? +What indicates the final de lapista? +When did the currency acuñaron without acuñation? +What was a subdivisión historica de? +When did Magallanes give Guam? +What do these changes do? +Why did the invasiones of Stalin do? +What did Eisenhower use to combat the Guerra de Corea? +How many especies of aves are there? +What does El SASO elect? +What did Robert Blumenschine believe the idea of confrontar la repecto involves? +Where is the Juicio Final located? +What does the vitamina A protect? +What is the hogar de Zhejiang? +What did los cardenales receive el rights de elect al papa? +What is the name of the mantar located in Connaught Place? +Where is the affiliation of organizations internationales? +Where is the Melcher Center for Public Broadcasting located? +What type of animals can be found territorially? +Where is the Flushing Meadows- Corona Park located? +What do some gerentes do? +In what year did the Gran Guerra Sioux occur? +What does the RIBA Parte III accomplish? +Where is the naturalismo of the Hindu? +What does Eléctric mean? +What is the name of the fan who has been known as? +Which country has tetan a quedar reconfuseda respecto of sus socios de la Union EU? +What is another name for a person who describes the a capability of being considered a capable? +What was Jin Jing's reply to the etnia china? +What are the emmissions de Hockey Night in Canada affiliated with? +When did Berna's area begin? +When was the phrase "eslavos" used? +What type of ideology did the Mexicans use to promote the communismo y forjaron in numerous countries? +What happened to Filiberto Ojeda Ríos and Filiberto Ojeda Ríos in 2005? +How many groups does La D Director de A Analysisis have? +How many kilotones did von Neumann's exploón have? +When did Yitzhak Rabin leave a manifestation de peace? +What types of music are particularly popular? +What does the paradoja de la piedra mean? +What did the Constitucion of Massachusetts describe a manera y antenna more attractive a los dictados de Paz? +What does Cerón's nickname mean? +In what year did the convento franciscano de Southampton retire? +What type of vehicles were used to operate in New Haven in 1860? +What is the name of the satirista Israelí-árabe? +What did the Iglesia de Irving (anglicans) separate from? +Where does the use of uraniot empobted become? +What does a luchador supposedly ignore? +Where does Oklahoma City have a circuito de con concerts national? +What increases the numbers of Mexicans? +What did Deshi Shek claim helped legitimize the leadership of Yongle? +What is the name of the tribunal that serves as a result of the ICTR? +What was the name of Marshallie Knuckles y Ron Hardy's box? +What system does the BYU BYU form? +Where does the Expo 2000 take place? +Who was Albert's mayor? +Who believes that Brahman is inactive? +What types of controversias include la "crisis de las mmissions" and la "crisis de las mmissions"? +What is the objective final del criticalo textual? +What season did El Barcelona win a triplete historical? +In what year did London become the largest city to earn the Olympics de Verano modernos? +What system did Apple unify? +Where is the Institute for Complex Systems, Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center located? +What does UGLE stand for? +How many Alemanes were expulsed? +What is another name for a mechanism de monitoreo? +What does a cardiovascular armamentista evolution result in? +When did the grandes poros en los grandes poros deno? +Who was the first concilio? +Who was responsible for the reunion with the representatives of the "cinco grandes" clubes de football? +Where does El contrapeso locate? +How are the agugers of water usually usually created? +What is the cantera Yangshan? +What does a linters de driving a person grab with? +What does the country have a luchas etnicas de Birmania involved with? +Where did Sheptycki work? +What was El TD Garden originally called? +What was the title of Eat, Play, Love? +When does El iranio anglico last? +What type of DC uses the P Paises Bajos, Japan, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and India? +Who visited the arenas petrolíferas de Athabasca? +Who created the first use of the 'lana de Algodon'? +How much money did Dell buy in 2006? +What was the name of the IPEC? +Where does the fohn come from? +What did the Corte Suprema believe the privilege de la Primera Enmienda era tocompatible with? +What does Hayek believe the role central del dominion should be? +What are the areas of tundra usually comprised of? +Who assumed la Presidential? +What is the Iglesia Unida de Cristo called? +What road does Lavenida 35 depart from? +When did Juan XXIII die? +Who reported the unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a unido a una i +Which part of the MPEG-1 Audio Layer I, II, and III finalized en 1993? +What did the post-migo lose? +What does Microsoft announce? +When did the primeras vacunas dedifteria produce? +What did the dialecto de Xiamen develop a finales of? +How many representatives does Southampton have? +What is the name of the book Lao Tzu? +What has been converted en un center national de Ajedrez? +What organisms model de metazoos? +What era ligado a la dates of Pascua? +What did the Dashnaks want to do? +What is the phrase given to the execution of the edict? +What does 'factor de escala 21' mean? +When did the advenement of the Illustration Judia del? +Which two composers comprises a conquest de mandolina? +Who contributed to the creation of una politica monetaria? +What did la Pascua alejarida add to the Pascua alejarida? +What does el Treatado de Locarno guarantee a cada signario of? +What does El materialismo associate a menudo with? +How many places of books are in P Paris? +What do ecoles do when the teams oppose controla la Pelota? +What is the name of the therapy that uses a mixture of mmovements y componentes de expression facial? +What venue did Morrison display in the New Haven Arena? +When did El Ministerio de defensa criticize the retiration of el e training? +What does the Vedanta mean? +Who transformed a new elite militar based on the ideales del bushi? +What did Constantino el Grande want to discuss? +Who is currently alcalde? +How did Federico el Grande lose su deuda with la fortune? +What were the two groups de la Sé perfecta Flota? +What is the palacio de Bellas Architects called? +What is the earliest way of studying el cerebro? +How many seats did the NLD lose? +Who did MGM y McClory resolve the problem with? +Who is a menudo to make a mansion? +What is the religion dominante en el Titbet? +Who was the mando central of the general? +How many years was Napoleon's viuda? +What club does el Plymouth Albion R.F.C.Y. el club de? +What political party has el Partido Republicano converted to? +When did La Liga emit un communication? +In what year did the Ley de Asignations Indias del 3 de Marzo? +How many Tennessee solos were given to the Confederacy? +What affects the state de health general? +What does a t technology help to help minimize the state frescos? +What caused Allan Loren to increase the industry de PC? +How were the bombardeos destroyed in 1944? +Where was Operacion Torch y planned? +What was the primary adaptation of the humans? +What does Ado Grenzstein use? +In what year did Nasser send a Jartum, Sudán? +Who was responsible for the adaptation of a single de 2004? +How does the Galvnoplasty use copper? +What does youtube use to incrustar en a web? +What does MI6 stand for? +Who led the protests against Nasser and Naguib? +What type of animal was Laika? +What did Al-Badar Mujahideen describe? +Who does Sherrel W. Stewart believe "la mayoria" de los Africans aren't apoyaya por? +When was the Yale Daily News published? +What does la occasional word for debutantes represent? +Who has ido lo sufficiently lejo? +What did Darwin believe about the especies of horgas? +What is Zhejiang? +Who wrote a book about the focus of the phrase "Efoque Mozart"? +How many aeroPuertos did they have in 2009? +What did Jennifer Strange participate in in 2007? +What concept does the conflicto usually assume principally? +What did the civilizacion romana begin with? +Who claimed that "la mayoria" de los African Americans aren't able to be able to analyze findings? +What was Bell's first patent? +What was Baréin referred to as? +When was El Porter first used? +Who was Gustav's mayor? +When did Digimon Xros Wars begin a transmission? +When does the final happen? +Where does the ferry de Staten Island travel? +In what year did the capture of Tripolitsa come? +What does CC stand for? +In what year did La Universidad de Southampton receive the Carta Real? +What is the resentismo of the lenguas eslavas? +What does Wood use to describe the concept of religion? +What was the name of the agreement with Pompeyo and Craso? +How does the access en lines sea compare to el usermedio? +Where was Fort Pontchar train located? +What did Amer do to Nasser? +In what year did Tito have a relationship with Tito? +What does El Ministry de Asons exteriores want to do? +How did James Gamble Rogers rope these buildings? +What is a problem continuo experimenting? +How many days does the typical typical usually have? +What did Peel organize? +What protectors does Russia see a protector of? +What was the name of the battle where Popper's police disparo a ocho de sus friends de political desarmados? +What term did the mutinous africanos use for the citizens of the United States? +Who se converted the "factotum general y copista" de Chopin? +Whose writings does Hojas de hierba de Walt Whitman write? +What does Whitehead argue the supositores o contrary to? +What is Artsaj? +What is the aeroline de slogan de Suza called? +When did the NRA introduce the military? +Who opened a red de TV for BYU? +What did Kerry do to cost the curator? +What are some of the types of foods that are located in Mexico City? +What did the Hostellers de London become a member of? +Who written el Sub-Marinero? +What was el receptor? +How could a legislature be eligible? +Whose ideas did The Sun criticize? +How many programs does BYU have? +Who was the president of the Tribunal Supremo? +When did the agreement of these agreements terminate? +What era is considered to be the easiest to survive? +What does the paleobotáns study on? +When did the CRTC emit a decision to permite a loses de retransmission of the mercado mandato de CBC? +Where are the temples de los Charminar located? +Who was diagnosed with colitis toxinosa? +What is the name of the mayor enclave diplomatica de la India? +How far is Portugal's territory? +Where does the process de fabrication de paper develop? +Who produced melodramas? +What does DBMS stand for? +What allowed enemigo elect el time y el place de la Guerra? +Who is known as Fort Oscar? +How many people died in Sichuan? +When was the earliest censo tomadara? +Where was the Ptolemaieia popular? +How many ports does the " fuerza Norte" de Ozawa have? +How many patients does the AP-HP have? +What happened to the coefficient de temperature negative de reresistance? +What controls the system de encentang o de una pastilla magnitude y? +Who died during Nasser's death? +What is the name of the company that CBC, CKPG, and CKPG y CHAT owns? +What caused conflicts between Iraq and Chad? +What was the name of the treaty that caused M. tuberculosis? +What does Link do to attack? +What percentage of the United States believe that Spielberg is influential? +What is the GDP of the average amount of cotton produced in the United States? +What does the cartel use to describe the violation of the acts de violation de rights de author? +What is the name of the radio station in Boston? +What continent did the Kuomintang deny to describe Sichuan? +What was Stefan Schmid's profession? +When did the Primera line of reproductors launch? +Who was the monje of the monje cosmas? +What are some factors that depend on the average amount of gas in Alaska? +What type of buildings are usually defined as displays culturales y? +Who dominios the terras Altas de Eritrea? +Who was the fundator of the political y political party? +Who does Ulvaeus compond to the single "Gimme!!! "A Man After midnight"? +When did John Lennon devolve the insignia MBE? +What percentage of Afroamericano's ascendence does the Estudis genetic de Afroamericano indicate is in promedio? +How much precipitation does Mexico City promedia each year? +What was the result of the removal of the India +When did "King Cotton" become a columna vertical? +What does o use to describe? +What group did Nasser try to support? +What type of veneration do segmentos conservan? +Who was the producer of R & B? +How long does a missions a time complete do? +What guitarra did Brian May build? +What team did Nwankwo Kanu win? +What did El Cubismo centralize? +What percentage of those reportados a police en 2004 were reported a police? +When did Japan send a loseses? +What does a hosts usually have? +What was the center administrative del Secretarias de? +Who e speculates that deriva de a reconstruction protoIndo europea * lawos? +What do some Muslimes believe might be described as? +What percentage of the residents of Mexico City have menores de 18 years? +What does the duram produce? +What did the intento fallido de convertla for producing? +What country did Carranza threaten with the invasion of Mexico? +Who was the first Europeano to visit Guam? +What are the principles of a mosque? +What does the numbers de elementos describe? +When did Puerto Rico have a representation limitada en el Congreso? +What is one of the types of armenia? +Who is the VP de Marketing for Valve? +How long does the USS Enterprise describe these u Tal Vez ocho Nuevas Companías? +When did Yohannes II die? +Who was the earliest ruler of Acaya? +How many people live in Utrecht +When did Northwestern lose un trazon? +What did John Knox do to Escocia? +What did Apple recommend a user to take to execute the SE? +When was MDNA released? +How many wins did 'Bridge of Spies' win? +What type of animals are usually able to be able to be able to be able to food? +Who introduced a series of reforms? +What factors encouraged the expansion of Rome? +When was the fundation of the Northwestern University recognized? +Who was the explorador of the Marshall Islands? +What country did Dell continue to use minorista? +Which company is responsible for producing residuos testicidos de Superfund? +What does Bermudas economy base on? +Why are paneles solares useful? +What is a negative effect on de predators? +Who was the mother of the queen? +Why did David H. Price work? +Where is All Aboard Florida planned to terminate? +Who was considered to be the appointed regente of the Imperio? +Where do Anasa limosa limosa lie? +When did ella retire? +What was the name of El Reino de Turingia? +When did Santa Monica appear in the video game L.A. Consultdo el 1 de? +What did La reina open in Montreal 1976? +What does Mivart do about metaphysical falsification? +What Parque is located in Tucson? +What does the AcademiaMaritima Warsash provide capacitation y certificate? +When did France intervene on the sopetition of the governo Maliese y desplego tropas? +Which Tennessee city is Dell located in? +Where did Argentina's antorcha begin? +What does the emissions depend on? +What is the name of the street built in New Haven? +What does a researcher find related to the terrenmoto? +What does El CAM instruct a probator electrico to use to display the placement? +What was the name of Victoria's father's name? +What is the earliest salida sur a Nueva York en el Trans-Manhattan Expressway? +How many structures are in Nueva York? +Which two countries did Gorton associate with? +What depends on the reresistance real of a PCB? +How many years does a female enroll for a female female? +What are the eslavos y una trib llamada? +How many people worked in the Nueva York area? +What did the emphasis on safety social have on the citizens of Mexico City? +What is a difference between DVDs and DVDs? +What does the system de rewarda en el corrazon de las cuales determine? +When was the expulsion? +What s are usually oriented horizontally? +What percentage of Hyderabad's females were employed in 2005? +In what year did the group of puritans abandon the Colonia de la Bahia de Massachusetts? +What do the animals evolve a beginning of? +What type of a mano doesn't use these styles? +Where does La Inmaculada Conception still exist? +How does Max Weber believe el interaction efficient y el use of a revenue could be managed? +When does La BFG released a fuera de competicion? +When did the desfile del Dia de San patricio de New Haven begin? +What does Pyral invente? +When was the Grand Theft Auto V released? +What type of clima does la Antartida have? +How many Junkers Ju 87 Stuka y Jabos utilized? +What part of the arcs does Welch describe? +In what year did Imperial receive rights de concesion de t titles? +What does the Cascadas consist of? +Who formed a finales de los 60? +How many companies did Apple expect to create electronics for the new Macintosh? +What does the placement en la cuenca de la lagrima do? +What was established by Sir Henry de la Beche in 1851? +Who was the biographer of the song "I 'll Remember"? +What destroyed Ecuador's indigenous structures? +What is a history linguistica iranian? +How many states have a distinction to distinguish a caer? +How many concerts did they dio? +What system is used in the areas superficial de una huahua de paper? +In what year did El Grande lose a victory over the reign of the Liga de Corinto? +When did the Primera Republica Francesa capture the Primera Republica Francesa? +What did El Vicecanciller emit? +What supercontinente did the continentes cambarores lose? +What is the per Periodo de las primeras schools budists? +What did Cixi do in 1901? +Who opened the Curia Romana? +What is a varios guitarrista principals called? +How many criterios did Grecia ignore? +Where does la capacitancia parasita se produce? +How does the Premier League distribute a portion of sus revenues de la liga? +What was the largest parada de la antorcha en Africa? +Whose sacrificio se sacrifica for healing a Midna? +Where are these groups considerable to be a mayor? +What describes the aspecto more impopular de la Guerra for civiles? +Who was a notable exponent of von Neumann's work? +Who did Torii Mototada serve? +What did al-Qaeda say about the Muslims in Burma? +When did Joshua Baron believe there is a significant parity between grandes powers? +What type of music did Wilco y Feist emulate? +Where did Maglione, Tardini y Montini fueron? +What does the increase of the efficiency de produccion y la communication reduce? +What percentage of the sectores industriales does Grecia have? +What phrase describes the i Iglesias reformed? +What does SQA stand for? +What did the Testigos de Jehovah have obtained un t title de posgrado e interés en? +What does CTR stand for? +What was the name of the political party for South East Queensland? +What was the name of the war that Victoria visited in 1900? +What does el system respiratorio del insecto use? +What does Paul Hart and David pleat include? +New Haven tried to transport a tribute to which ethnicity? +What did Burke say was 'el Banco general y capital' y capital? +What did DeGarmo sing for a coronation with DeGarmo? +What does the creation de tal superficie en el mar plantea limitations en el portavia limitations en el portavia limitations? +When was the Plan Annan enacted? +What does a menudo to limit the use of armies? +When was the Ley Stubbs passed? +Who was a notable actor of The Life Before Her Eye? +When did Big room house find a controversy? +What was used to refugee y sleeping during the bombardeo de Coventry? +Who did Musgrave criticize Richard Rorty? +What does Schopenhauer define el ideal as? +Where does the viewer describe the programming y content y content? +What does the organization teocracy describe? +In what year did the reino UK decide to retire the ejémilitary? +What are campamente temporales known as? +Who produces the estimations de perdida globales totales attributible a a attack de virus y archiles? +When did Gregorio envoy the missions Gregorio envoy? +What is another term for apatheia? +What is the climate of the island believed to be? +Who tried to convince de intervening in El conflicto? +In what year was the planned inquiry for the tuberculosis discovered? +What District did Chris Christie announce in January of 2011? +When was the conflicto armed? +What type of pieces are usually described as a distinction? +What do these indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous eruditos believe the estimated estimated estimated estimated estimated estimated estimated estimated estimated e +Who did the Mexicans try to protect? +Why does El Puerto Commercial de Guam operate? +What is the typical level of a textual preference for a dialect? +What does the phrase "No" initial" mean? +Who decided to remove the Iglesia de Irving de la morality de Rome? +Where is the Occupy Wall Street located? +How long did the findings show about the fluidez de phrases? +What is another example of a antenna de bucle? +What does a peer-to-peer do? +What percentage of ecoles are estimated to be a child? +How many theaters are in Hanover? +Where did the interpretation teologica defending al-Razi finally appear? +How many acres are in Santa Monica? +Who designed the designo, creation y governance? +What do some defensores try to reduce? +Who was the Secretario de Guerra? +How many deaths were there? +Which country has a extensia colection de musika de mandolinas? +How many people attacked Yeongcheon? +What did some szlachta have to do? +What do eslavos a menudo se identify with la región geographical local? +Why might a larger amount of a facial be opened? +Who was the principal rival de los Tang? +What is the term used to describe the ruta de ocho? +What was the Cathedral de Valencia's capitol called? +What percentage of people sin hogar are in Francia? +What is the process de replication del DNA? +What did a person prescribe? +What is the eslavos pardening en Europa del? +When did El Papa Pío IX nominate a Spada Master del Palacio Sagrado? +Parque Batlle y Ordonez was originally proposed by what? +Who advised the consenting of un project de ley for the colonization of the Milicia en Escocia? +Whose defense did the pact de 1955 de a defense, Cooperation, and Cooperation y? +When did Eritrea obtain la independencia? +Where was El Senado de? +What does the perros use to communicate with perros? +What was Juan XXIII's death? +When did the United Shipbuilding Corporation de Moscow announce that they would be able to begin a new company? +Where do the alelos Assort separately? +What does the ISP have a vigilancia over? +What is the GPA de los Ocho? +What did Martyn Lyons call Napoleon's system? +What type of especies does Tuvalu base on? +Who probably created a classes de elite Greco-persa mixta? +Where are the cordilleras located? +What does the word "units de pronunciado" mean? +How many years did El president François Mitterrand have? +How many days of use are legal? +What does BCE stand for? +Why did Fort Niagara y Fort Carillon lose ante for the French? +When was Spielberg's interés written? +Who did La Iglesia de Iberia declare su independencia of? +When was the octava season released? +Who was a notable architect in 1960? +What type of motetes are usually found in the liturgical period? +What is a creature sanctuare o animal salvaje a capable of? +What is another name for La cancion de geste? +Who was elector for governar? +How many countries produced oxcitos de uraniot? +What ayuntamiento does la "A" pinte de varios colors to intervene? +When was Y el Thomas More Law Center established? +What is the letra de aperture of the cancion del theme de la series called? +What state does the libraries y Museo Presidential de Abraham Lincoln have? +Who mentioned un Daurentius? +What is another name for El Xbox S? +What does a dialect of a dialect belong to? +Where did the BBC begin their programing? +What school describes the ccharacteristics innates de la mente that se expressan as omnisscience? +How many troops contributed to Juan's visit a Ireland? +Who cobardes, valiente o excesively leales? +What was cajmere's nickname? +WBUR y WGBH are examples of what type of radio? +Where was the Iglesia orthodoxa griega unified? +What is the name of the incorporation of e education primaria alemana? +What is another name for the Nuevo Testamento? +What conectors interrumpín la communication? +How many lenguas differents does the Venezuelans have? +What does NARA stand for? +How many teams were in the tournament? +What are some examples of simplemente architecture neoclarcas? +What is another term for controls y equilibrios? +What does the incentivo to the inventores y authores do? +Who was the rival of Lucio Cornelio Sila? +What culture did the Sumerians become part of? +What is another name for ars? +Who was the creator of the Macintosh? +When did Final Fantasy VII y Final Fantasy Versus VII appear? +Who are some of the poetas associated with el cubismo? +Strepsiptera y Diptera y Diptera are examples of what? +What did the Alemanes declare en Jaluit? +In what year was the "auge de la terra" built? +What does Taylor Branch describe the prisoner of Taylor Branch? +How has Chipre been searched for offshore industries? +What did the artists en la escena begin a ejarse de? +What is another name for a luchador? +What are some of the main differences between the sectas sunitos y chiítas y chiítas y chiítas? +Who was defeated in the Battle of Imos? +What do some areas use DST for? +Which artist did the singer of the 51a elect to win a Grammy nomination? +Which two areas does the FMI claim to be a typical exponent of the PIB? +Who decided to abolite Norfolk Island's abolition? +Who built a new investigation of transmission de AM? +When did Askold y Dir attack Constantinopla? +Where did Juan march? +What did the Rusos send to the Sinop? +What was the name of the first minister that supported the political party? +What does a letra luego 2 dignititos follow? +What was the Nuevo Laborismo usually displayed for public? +What espectacular victory did the stadium lose in 2006? +What does the term madrasa describe? +What does a nocturnos do to minimize the de predation? +What is the name of the plant that uses the genoma? +How many illas does Nankín have? +What type of businesses does Richmond hold? +What organization does the laws allow for a dietist to apply to licenses? +When did Armenia occupy Armenia? +Who was the finalista? +What was La Liga sought to be a part of? +What does the Faraday F describe? +What does Ron English program for? +What era does the creation of the creation of a creation? +Where did West move? +When did Napoleon Bonaparte die? +What happened in Brazil in 1889? +What do cubren parts of the c body require? +Where did the Junta lose a significant amount of motines urbanos? +What does el siglo XIV introduce? +What was the title of the 'bootylicious' album? +Who was the exponent of Leibniz's ideas? +What caused the Pentium de Intel? +What percentage of Detroit's population is Detroit? +What did the aleman de assault de areas do? +When did Knowles y su Madre run a new sello de rope junior? +Who preceded the duties imperial de China? +What did the compromisos en Britain do +What does the ingesta de organisms have to do? +What does a Mexican word for a female being referred to as? +Who detonated un explosive fuera del Edificio Federal Alfred P. Murrah? +What type of de latewood is sometimes referred to as? +How many nationalities minoritaries does Nanjing have? +What is a paradoja de la omnipotente? +When did the antorcha olimpic reach Islamabad? +Who did Lockheed firm un aagreement with? +What did the refugados try to search for? +Where did El Salvador's Guatemalans come from? +What does the word " helenos" mean? +Why did James T. Costa believe the book was more accesible? +What did Alguna cultures desapquistan? +What was the principle of the palacio real? +What did Bell's 'Avance de laive? +What is probable that la desnutrition sea causes un access deficient a variety of nutrients o consumo excesivo? +When does a soccer club have a contract? +What event preceded the final del Porfiriato? +How did the representatives of la Santa Iglesia movie? +Who estimed that a finales de 2014, Madonna se converted to a negro better playing de la Historia? +What percentage of the population does Rakhine have? +Where did Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla leave? +What did los naturalists reject? +What happened to the post-punk original termino? +What did the typical use of the titanium demontal surigo increase? +What did the reforms allow Nasser to do? +Why does the bitumen usually prefer the bitumen to make it unimportant? +What were the names of the three permanentes? +What did Eton's club de beagling accuse? +What type of weather does Nankín have? +What does SWR stand for? +What type of aircraft does the flota principal provide? +What is the name of al-Haytham? +What happened to the monopolio of Sky? +What is the Minnesota city called? +What sport did Arnold's barra play? +Who insisted that the invasion of the canal se find con los Israelíes en la battle? +What percentage of the Suizos se autoidentifieron as "ateos convinced"? +How did the emperors respond to the victory over the fuerza Rusas dispoints contra ellos? +Who dominates El PLP? +What animals dominate the biomasa? +What series helped a la red a significant increase in redevelopment? +When did the viñedos cultivate en Suza? +Why did the FBI help reduce the FBI's departments? +When did Ibn al-Haytham discuss the perception Espacial y sus implication epistemologica? +What period of colonial does Richmond's buildings become a part of? +When was the first museum built? +What does the NSA en Cryptologic Spectrum conclude Tito no lenguas eslavas? +What does a willing to manipulate to reduce the numbers of beneficiaries? +When did the capture de Bomarsund rusa? +How many judias del world were killed in 1939? +Who was DeMarcus Sears executed for? +What is the name of the mental health center in New Haven? +What did the 5o cityes lose to the terramoto? +What percentage of the flota de taxis de Nueva York are employed in 2010? +What type of relation does Malí have? +Who was the Secretario de Defence Equipment 2009? +How many million of 45s were sold in 1954? +What does Mahayana describe as a recipient of una essence e inmutable? +Where does a resolution argue about the place ofBrussels in regards to the deseos de los political deseos? +What did Hayek argue was a better way toward the riqueza y la Coordinacion economy? +Who led the reforms urgentes? +What does 'wad' mean? +Why does el monarca lose el consenting real? +Where was El Estudi de Developmento Humano released? +What are the termitos? +How many indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous areas? +What type of bacterias are usually used to categorize a mechanism of interaction? +When did the AFL program the mayoria of sus playoffs? +What is the earliest usage of the lenguas eslavas Oriental? +Whose ideas did historians have about the declive of the Imperio Ottoman? +How often does a helicopter de vuelta de vowel se Rodaron? +What was Burke's final reinado de la reina? +What type of Fortune contacted with Larry McKinney? +What is a characteristic important of Seattle? +Who was the leader of the Imperio Huno? +How many people lived in Nueva York in 1860? +What are some examples of tendencias de renovacion? +How long does the president of Mexico City have to elect? +Which military aircraft uses el vujo 8610 de Eastern Airlines? +What did El IJM declare in 2010? +What is Himachal Pradesh ranked as? +How many workers does La Defence employ? +What is a protocolo where a person normals no could entering a un day de 28 hours? +What is the actual instance of a competitor? +What is the name of Houck's book? +Who did Lee describe the aspiration era "ser"? +What teams did Comcast announce to allow a Comcast Corporation to take over the canals? +Why did Iranian cederria? +What did the colonos micronesians use to use the navigator interisolar? +Where does a cathedral have a large y coronada por una aguja? +What is the name of the agency that serves as a cuasi-independent? +What was the name of the explorador? +What does Galicia mean? +What percentage of females were employed in combate? +What is the name of the military that a these familys se les conceded sus escudos de armies? +When was Terra Mariana established? +Who did Madonna win a prize in 1991? +What happened to Alcatel-lucent? +Who did Burke believe could be revered to? +Where is the stonewall located? +What did these findings show the bacterias diverged primero of? +What does the M249 SAW provide? +What was the model analito used for analyzing los results? +What normally accomplis una compression much mayor than the flujo original? +Who is responsible for the FBI's investigations? +Who captured Josip Broz? +What survived de la decorating original en Mosico de Amalfi? +What was the estimated income for a hogar in the city? +How many transistores were constructed in 2002? +When was the first satelite for the BeiDou-1B? +When is el service independant? +Where can a large number of motores be found? +What does the perros have to convert to? +What did the orthodoxia believe was the result of? +What type of system does the federalismo stateunidense have? +What is the forma primaria de desintegratecion del 238U? +When did decades de miles of negros africanos come from? +How were the formatos de TV usually distributed? +In what year did Victor y Columbia emitted discos? +What nations occupied Liba in 1945? +What type of animal does Nagdaha belong to? +What happened to the subsidios of the Soviet Union? +What dialect is sometimes known as somalí costero? +In what year was the pontification de Innoccio III? +What does la Ley McCarran-Ferguson promote? +What is la units necessary en la list de redefinicion? +How many people were known to have caused the effects of the drugs? +What is a lengua de fusing? +What is the name of the tournament de tennis de Grand Slam? +What percentage of Namibia's population is exposed to HIV? +Who designed El palellon? +When did la membresia dicrease a finals of the 1970s? +What was the last election in Oklahoma? +What did Planck assume during the work of Planck? +When was el Rey Alfredo el Grande born? +What are the dialects of the mar del Norte referred to as? +What are generally transversales al flujo? +When was 'War Horse' released? +What percentage of costs did Sony reduce in 2009? +When did el governo of Eritrea rerecognize the Iglesia orthodoxaEritrea? +What types of products do they use to cultivate? +Which country contributed a large amount of tonelades de phosphates? +What did Brooke Foss Westcott argue? +What does Polkinghorne describe a fe en el materialismo? +What do the areas aereas include? +During what season did the Mt.Area de esqui Baker report a 1.139 centimeter de neve? +Who does El alcalde de la FAA report directly to? +Who was the director of the Game Developers Conference? +What are some of Israel's principal exportations? +When did the Cimetiere des Innocents a las catacumbas take place? +What characteristics does CNET use to describe the Super Slim 4 de 5 stars? +Who was the first madrasa's educator? +What is the name of the ley antes del C Code? +What type of animals are usually studied? +What was the name of the party that murdered Bobby seale? +What does Gorbachov call these attacks? +What is an example of a large sector of public corruption? +What do the perros son a fonte of? +What was Vladislao III de Poland also known as? +In what year did the agreement between the emmperor Wu and the emmperor Wu take place? +Who informed Hongwu that la status general en Dbus y Gsang "estable caj control" a Sabya Gyaincain? +What award did Madonna give? +What was the name of the movement e Evangelico y de revitalization? +What does el Velcro stand for? +Whose consults secretas were considered suspicious? +What part of China did Krishnan describe the damage to the pueblos rurales? +What were the Britishes accused of using the use of ballesta? +Which empire often controlled Chipre? +Where did the rules de Cambridge come from? +Why does the legislacion prohibe the transactions interestatales y exoticas for especies listades? +Where did Napoleon have a large plan to establish a presence Frencha? +How much did Idol Gives Back raise? +What is the equivalent of neerlandés? +What is a PCB's diámetro made of? +What philosophy did Platón use to describe the idealism? +What type of microclimas does El state have? +Who designed El Bronx as All America City? +What has the significant impact on the movements of the indigenous areas of Java contributed to? +What does a defense aerial believe might be defined as? +What does El Jef de governo de la Republica Popular China also refer to? +What newspaper was funded in 1920? +What does Navicella mean? +What was organized to protect the invasion of Prussia? +How many kilometers of the costa was the Torres de Stampaton? +When was Little Boy detonada? +Where is Susan Page y Cristina Brennan from? +What did Warren Buffett do to a donation? +What was a gota that precipited elLevanting de los barones during the earliest years de Juan Como Rey? +What type of animals can be able to be able to regenerar muscles perdos? +What does Ford believe a los republicanos offer a manera to provide? +Which series tries to eliminate the reference al present? +Where did Gaddafi and his family move to? +What percentage of the population of Guinea-Bisau are practicing el Islam? +What type of malware does a Macintosh infect? +What does NCDC stand for? +What especies do insects society have more familiares of? +What percentage of the electricity does DST consume? +What is the name of Skylab 1? +Where does Guinea-Bissau belong? +How many golf areas does Guam have? +What does the legislature have to determine a citizen? +What is another word for federalism? +Where is the Museo de la Planta de la Planta de la Avenida? +How much energy does a condensator usually conquer? +How many hours of reproduccion de a recording did a textual for MP3.com earn? +What were the names of the persecution in vehicles persecuted by persecution? +What is the name of the museum located in Hamden, Connecticut? +What does SIMPA provide? +Where did the group travel to Barcelona? +How many kilometers does the density de population cae? +Who were allowed to be allowed to admit within the estadio? +What are some of the causes of a significant increase in the incidence of a infant? +Along with Chelsea, Liverpool, Liverpool and Manchester United, what team dominate the dominio of the "C4 Grandes" clubes? +What team did Brian Deane del? +What Tennessee autopista uses la I-40? +What does a tribunal usually control? +El use de microprocessor Intel has helped a competir more directly with sus contrapartes of what? +Who recognizes that the evidences de DNA a no could distinguir between the races of differents? +How much did Sichuan increase a salario minimum in 2007? +In what year did IBM add a direction sexual a su politica de no discriminacion? +What lake is Mir Alam Tank y? +When did the health of Chopin continue to deteriorate? +What type of animal does a larger amount of a larger e implicate? +What percentage of the population are Polaco? +Who argued that la fiability de la Historia de Ming as a fonte creíble de las relations Sino- Tibetas is controversable? +When did C. form the mmovements Shramana? +Along with Easttaternsia, Easttaternsia, Easttaternsia and Easttaternsia, what other composer is associated with the Danza Greco-turcas? +What did Bell call a citizen of the United States? +What did Eisenhower's ability to minimize continuo? +What is the density of El Gran London? +Who was the ruler of Dong Zhongshu? +When was the AFL funded? +Where did El Laborato del FBI stop being a part of? +What is the capital of Norfolk Island? +What was Wu Oriental called? +What did not have a principle aná logo a laeparation of? +Where did Enrique VII over Ricardo III win? +What se Articulo? +What do the actions legales internationales do? +How many especies of musgos are there? +What concept did Chopin use to describe 'baldas y scherzi'? +What are some SNES units? +What percentage of the Native Americans claimed a capable of being a capella? +What did Heather Levi write? +Where did Baird Television Ltd. conduct a transmission TV? +Which group received a donation de $280 miles de la Fundation Bill y Melinda Gates? +Where is la mandolina an important instrument? +Where are the smallos clubes de jazz found? +Where does El Carnaval take place? +When did Casandro invade Macedonia? +Who was the explorador of the Congo? +How many distritos did Calvin Coolidge barriendo in 1924? +What conflict contributed to Armenia's economy? +What is a typical characteristic of the Rule Americana? +Where did the ruta planeada originally include a parada? +What did the funcionarios of the Dept of State de curator say about Kerry's power? +What phase of a textual decline has a significant effect on the creation of a calígraph? +What is the exception to el cardenal vicaria de la seat de Roma? +What is la migracion de aves? +Where was the World's first ISP commercial located? +How many tourists visited Filadelphia in 2013? +Where is the theater located? +Who defeated un embargo commercial contra el group? +When did John Couch Adams begin a working en la orbita de Urano? +What did the Colonias de America del Norte reject? +Who was liberado over the Cubs as a "Orphans"? +Who did Queen mark the earliest recordings of Elton John y Elton John y el Béjart Ballet? +Who produced the victory for St. John's? +What did the Estudios de Ku accomplish? +What organization released a report for Grecia in 2005? +Where did West fund the Kany West Foundation? +What is the mayor tagma del insecto? +Who does La AFL have a contracto de cable regional with? +What did the societyes preindustrials describe as? +What does a large group of multinationals have? +What did the term "Levanto Oriente" y "Lecaso Oriente" encode as? +What does Puerto Rico do to Puerto Rico? +How many kilometers of roads are in the republic of Chipre? +What agreement did El Golegio de Menzies firm? +What does Dawkins describe the genes tanto del de predator and de predator? +What is the name given a base of fans? +Who was the juez stateunidense who declared the city of Detroit? +How many people died in the masacre? +What is another term for conjuntos? +What does the WTO stand for? +Where does the imagen attempt to describe a world griego? +What era was the Particion de Poland de 1772? +Who runs the informal areas of the University of Kansas? +What do some scientists do? +How many scholars could use stemmatics? +What type of clima does California have? +Who did the el orginal orginal de Karachay y la Republica Socialista Sovicitos de Chechenia e Ingutalia e Ingutalia rerestore? +Who describes the role of Link y Toon Link? +What type of alignment conceptual does a post-punk lack? +What was the nickname of James Monroe? +Who was renamed a su Ministry de Asons exteriores? +What took place in d December of 1004? +What is a moralmente responsible for? +What is the average amount of mayor a chance of salir? +What does the term'murina' mean? +Who conceded a carta a Sir Walter Raleigh? +Who was responsible for the restoration of la Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro? +When was Live Aid celebrated? +When did Kerry retire? +How many Banu Qurayza were decapitated during the invasion of Banu Qurayza? +Who was the earliest heir to convert to cahalifa? +Who established the Ducador de Valencia? +What did the BBC de 2014 introduce? +Who did Victoria want to be a member of? +What is the title of the cover de Don McLean "American pie"? +What does the majority of videos allow a user to do? +What type of mente does STOVL lose? +Who was Popper named cavalero? +When does la energy solar se convierta en la mayor fonte global de electricity? +When was the abolition of the abolition of slaves abolited? +What was the confraternity's labor called? +What started a purchase of granjas? +What did the leaders of the Libios enjoy during the revolution of 1969? +Which country developed a relacion de defense and defense? +When did James Cook, HMS Resolution and Adventure leave the Círculo polar Antartica? +What percentage of the mercantes o avions were hurt by submarines? +Why was the interpretation of Live de "I walk the line" criticized? +What law enacted in 1976 describes a organization sin fines de lucro? +What series did Spielberg run in 2011? +How many prisioners does the Freedom House claim in Burma? +What are the two transactions inversas? +What part of the brain does a perros use? +Whose virtuosismo did Harold C. schonberg believe was a compositor a compositor? +When did the finals del siglo occur? +Where is Nicholas Tomzis from? +What is a Plaza y Plaza called in Velenje? +Who unidentified un Game & Watch D-pad? +What is an example of a problem with organizations with fines de lucro? +Who did the entities accuse of Noriega? +What weapons does the Agencies Central de Intelctica use? +Where does the forming of organo Magnesia fall? +What are the names of the 4 rios principals de Sichuan? +When does Atlantic City superar el weather? +What organization listed GE's creation as a mayor productor corporative de contamination del aire? +How many municipalities are in the City of London Corporation? +In what year did Feynman receive a prize? +Who started with Ram Mohan Roy? +How many v homes lived in Raleigh? +Where is El Museo de Historia del Arte located? +What does the letter v ⟨ v ⟩ mean? +What does a lack of perros' genes associate with? +What does the Legend of Zelda focus on? +What was Comcast Corporation's primary acquisition? +What sectors contributed to the increase in the currency of Estonia? +What was the name of Hayek's book? +What type of art does the Rajasthani usually have? +What is one of the famous monuments in Agra? +What did the independencia de Somalia do to decide si unise o no a la republic of Somalia? +Why did a notable notable argue that la precision moderna demarcar la hora del dia no demarcar la hora del dia no demarcar la hora del dia no demarcar la hora del dia no demarcar la hora del dia no demarcar la hora del +Who was the head of Spalding Sporting Goods? +What were the Mexican descendants of Madison Hemings called? +What contributes to the escape of la familias? +What does the use indiscriminado de los antibiotics alter? +Where is El Dunicipio Commercial de la Cuartha Avenida located? +What is the name of the cappella on Off-Broadway? +What was the R-7 used for? +What percentage of Brazil's population has descended from the colonial period? +What types of vehicles are included in a debate about pesticides? +What does Ireneo describe the creences y doctrinas de la communities as? +How much money did the doctors receive between 2009 and 2009? +What areas where the 70% of the work child prevale? +What was Nevill's response to Wellington's comments? +What type of trains diésel can be eliminated? +When was El peridico Sentinel introduced? +Where is La División de Services de Information de lajusticia criminal located? +How long ago did Homo sapiens arrive in the región? +Who is Black Grace? +When did Alfred North Whitehead die? +What does la madera generally use? +What is the abbreviation for the Assistance de Cooperation Eonservation? +What is the advantage of a larger amount of decrease in a car? +How many especies of flores are in the Alpes? +What did this ley do? +Why did the culture of the culture evolve? +In what year was Five Mile Point Light added to New Haven? +How many wins did the edict of the Oscars win? +What did the abolition of the Aagreement de Multifibre (MFA)? +What is zinc similar to? +What book describes the time as "el numbers de mmovements con respecto al antes y despues"? +Who was the designer of the NFL in 1929? +How many students received su e education free? +Whose rights does a society violate? +Where is the Campus Morningside Heights located? +What is the delicada natureza of the cerebro called? +When did General Electric use la escala ASA? +What does griego mean? +How many troops did the US lose during the Primera Guerra Worldwide? +What were the Manchúes referred to as? +What is one of the characteristics of a solar passiva? +When was San Valentineín martirized? +How many divisiones of infanteria were organized in 1950? +When did American Idol win a prize for Creative Arts Emmys? +What is the name of the missile? +When was the Revuelta Macabeo? +How many copies did El 'Independent Women Part I' have? +What did the destruction of Ios y Gaugamela accomplish? +What did Austria do to Austria? +When was La Entente Anglo-rusa signed? +Who was the first director of the Arsenal de Redstone? +What are the componentes principals of a computer? +What is a Casa public rural? +When did Bell arrive present with el Silver Dart? +What does Schengen permit? +In what year did the GSDP de Delhi a report on Rs 3.13 lakh crore? +When was Odeon's a disco introduced? +Who is the director of La Sinfonica de San Diego en Symphony Towers? +When did un accidente occur? +In what year did MGM and McClory resolve problems with Danjaq? +How many dollars did American Idol's publicity lose? +What does ella use to calcule? +How does la perception humana de los intervalos musicales differ? +What was the name of the first album released by Jay Z? +What does a species of deuterostom have? +Who did El Century Link Field defeat to win the Super Bowl? +What does el primer Ministry refer to en the lenguas nativa? +Who exported slaves africanos? +When did Britain annexe Baluchistan? +How long ago did the sellos clins lose camouflage? +What does the transistor ideal use for a circuito de conmutation? +Where is the AeroPuerto International de las Islands Marshall located? +What percentage of su biodiversity has el planet permitted since 1970? +How many phrases does the phrase "dalous" have? +Where did David "Puppet" Robles y Jesse "Psycho" Garcia enter? +What were the regalos de los monarcas usually called? +What has been the most recent amount of precipitation in San Diego? +What is another name for a quemador de incingo? +Where did a vigilia take a cabo? +Who propagated scritto? +What did the frenesí boostismo send to Melbourne? +What defines the architecture de d design de USB? +Who wanted to unise a coalicion? +Who was the newly Tito's new leader? +What is Don Bluth? +Where does the tradition believe that the youth of a youth live? +Who was the rector of the University of Cambridge in 2002? +What does Nueva York, Illinois, y California have? +What is the length of the week when a movie was released? +Which city has the largest system of parques? +In what year did the tribunal find a number of cases en Liublia? +What was a continuas prohibitions of doing? +In 2001, Southampton y what county reported as being a part of areas urbanas separatas? +What does the series Digimon focus on? +What does the final part of the archives MP3 do? +In what year did Constantinopla lose control of Constantinopla? +Whose statuas encan su creation viva? +How old was William tubman? +Where were most of the books in the Edad Media published? +What is a compondence of a gymnasto? +Where is the Hightown y Redbridge located? +What do the aves migratorias usually do with the aves migratorias? +What genes does Richard Dawkins have? +What does Eritrea divide en? +What political party did Aung San Suu Kyi lose a mayoria in both cameras? +What did Nwankwo Kanu win? +What crop did Myanmar export? +What did the intenso interés media en las visión y visión privates de la familia real have? +What is a cause of errores infreones during el ensamble intracerebral de partibus de virus? +Who was the leader of Nasser in 1969? +What does a variety de industrys se benefician de? +When does the phrase griega parousia translate to? +Where did James Rassmann escape a la escena y Kerry? +How long did Bewick describe the experimento? +Along with the Visconti and Visconti, where did they los Visconti defend? +What type of acento primario does acento primario recie una acento secondario? +What percentage of the population is 65 years? +What do ecologists call? +How much RAM do all Mac actuales have? +What is the dialecto of the dialecto? +What happened to León III's papa? +What does el desagesi allow a mile of? +What does NTB stand for? +When did Madonna collaborate with Steven Klein? +What conflicts caused the decline of the empires? +What was the name of the movement that inspired the idea of neoclassicism? +In what year did Victoria dio a lose del pain? +How are the temperatures diaries? +Where is the Pioneer Square constructed? +When did Burke's translation of La Reflexions y a diez edict? +What does a lack of evidence show about the exposition of pesticides? +What system was electrified in the 1970s? +What does the judaism use to determine certainties that surgen de sus raices comunes? +What is limited when a citizen's rights may grant a sus citizens rights? +What does the icono USB require to be? +When was the Papa Pío XI elected? +Where does el Dutch lose authority legal and el understanding de la lengua? +What does Mark David Hall argue the jurisprudencia stateunidense se centralized exactly en? +When were the victorias de Napoleon en Austerlitz y Jena? +What does the A.S. argue? +What field has developed a series of concepts y terms? +What monuments did the city build for dejar monuments a su reinado? +Where did George H. W. Bush describe Michael Dukakis? +How many departments does the Establishment Militar Nacional have? +What context describes the contextos de produccion media? +What did George W. Bush use to describe the military against terrorismo? +Who describes a confederacion holandsa as exhibiendo "imbecility en el governo"? +What was the largest part of China's imperio? +When was Yale funded? +Who is responsible for reducing the dependencia of la dependencia? +What forms the base del rights canonic? +Who runs the services of emergencia de emergencia? +When was the Taula de Canvi expulsed? +What species has become a "extinto en state salvaje" a "vulnerable"? +Where did The Times use the sufijo? +When did the ruptura formal se produjo? +When are monzones located? +Who studies the role of the emotiones? +Why does a large portion of Palermo lose a large portion of their existence? +Judea was governed by whom? +How many milites y personal fueron to the campus of Evanston y Chicago? +Who bought Valencia's mayor residence? +How many animals does a capella promedio consist of? +Where is the manzana de la Green located? +Which region has the largest percentage of visitantes in 2010? +In what year did Nasser leave protests? +Who rejected a testified favor del bar? +What did the Revolution Society conmemorate? +What are some of the notables art en exhibicion en Erevan? +Ibn al-Haytham is considered the father of what? +How large were the ejercitos helenistic? +What phrase does Phillip use to describe a cancion de coronation? +What was a typical intento of a sonido? +What does a large group of organizations usually do? +When did Corea del Sur stop being en vigor? +Who comprises the Corte Suprema? +What type of mineral is de hierro? +When did El gothic international become a fresco Corteano? +What is sensible al choque? +In what year was the first vasodilatator discovered? +What does a person use to determine si el c hair? +Where was Sir John Burgoyne concerned? +What does each exitoso recieve? +What contributed to the decline of the Palermo islamica? +Where does El Barcelona rank in the ranking of clubes de clubes de la UEFA? +What does a mitocondrias tend to refer to? +What type of government did the conda de Hampshire become in reorganization? +Who operan bombardero estrategies? +Who was eligible to be a pope in 1417? +What affects the clima de Europa? +When did Uthman die? +What was Popper's actitud? +What does a 2015 study argue about the forma de la Cara? +Who declared the independencia as Azawad? +What was the name of the movie that was released for converting to IMAX more taquillaro del country? +What does la szlachta usually do? +What does Brian Roberts's actions de supervation de Clase B mean? +Shell has 44,000 what? +What animal contributes to the consumption of food? +What is the name of the Tampa Bay team? +Who was the bisnieto de un samurai? +How large were the Templs griegos constructed during el per Periodo helenistic? +What does the field electromagnetic boast? +How much did Park Avenue pay for the 2 de July de 2007? +Who did The Times promote during the Guerra Civil Stateunidense? +What happens when a player is transfered? +Which bowl de football americano graduates each month? +Who were the mayoria of the marriages between europeos e indigenos eindigenos americano? +Which deporte is considered a cruce between el Béisbol y el golf? +When did the conflicto between al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda begin? +What was the purpose of the Wikiproject? +Where can a computer de a ARM be found? +When was the Museo de la abadia de Westminster funded? +What couldn't affect tanto la experiance sensorial? +What did the Anscience-Medieval-Moderna believe caused gradually? +What percentage of Guinea-Bisau had been mutilation genital fefemale? +What is one way to adjust the DST? +How long did Broz's death last? +When did the NBC and Arena Football League lose officially los lazos? +When was the primary visit to the llama olimpic a Tailand? +What is an example of a way to control the natality poors? +What is the name of the codification that revelas una visión de la structural social en la ley sumera tardia? +What is the Arabic term for "maṣr"? +What does Bajo these leyes favor? +Where was the first twinning of the Olympics? +How much did the numbers of females increase in 1965? +What era was raramente utilized? +What was the typical typical typical typical typical familias? +How much did Alstom agree to pay for GE's offer formal de GE? +What is William Howard Russell's wikipedia? +What does Shawn Vancour argue is a way to accomplish? +Where was Jim Foster's exterior stadium? +What did the first intento of producing a military use to destroy a cañón de 50 millimeter? +What did the burrowing del apartheid ideo criterios complexos entail? +What type of art is located in Orange Street? +What does the violation of these rights legales permit a loses corruptos obtain? +What does George junction stand for? +What is the name of the street where the two areas are located? +Which countries did the Treatado de los Pirineos seek a conflicto with? +What does El Nuevo Mexico have a significant portion of their dialects? +What did West do when tenías five years? +Which type of aircraft has a large asistence de lacking en el mar plantea limitations? +Who did Jeff Foley describe the preseasons de un periodista? +What does checo decline en checo? +When did el Rey Carlos II concede a carta? +Which Centro offered un course de e training for females and females? +What does wifi y bluetooth use to communicate with? +What did Pere Bu y Devo inspire? +Who was considered a defensor of lamarckismo? +What dialect did El lenguaje de la corte y el ejéarmy de Luiso II y ales use? +How did the USAF try to make these changes? +How many newspapers does the city have? +When was the masacre de Tientsin? +What percentage of the GDP does la agricultura represent? +What percentage of the population does Grecia have? +How many buildings did Godfrey Weitzel comandante? +What is Milpa Alta? +What is the name of the first citizen of Nueva York? +What was to be prominent during the reinado of Jiajing? +When did Guillegal IV marry? +What does the BYU believe no should do to be able to do? +What is a menudo a level normals? +What happened to the pintures in 1979? +How many videos did youtube recieve per day? +Who was elected as Secretary of the Partido Laborista Legislatario? +What part of the abdomen is usually linked to the placement of a cardiaco? +What does la masoneriaInglesa casi se defeat? +What caused a failure to final a movie? +Where did the gardenes forestales originate? +What is a distinguished dialect de pronunciation? +In what year did the center of New Haven begin to revitalize? +What does "een" mean? +What does 'conscience, Intelecto' mean? +What does El fraude involve? +What might a text abarcar all the principles of? +What does the classification of a species deben ser purchasedas? +Who took control of the region de los Baltanes? +How many days does un year regularly usually consist of? +What happened in the 2013-14 season? +What no reappeared to be comparable to? +What agreement did Tuvalu sign in 2006? +During which period did Longquan decline? +When did the avikismo appear en el dictionary of Aavik? +Who was captured by the Libyans? +What animal is a primates? +What is another term for ejexecs? +What was the title of the book written by a monje en Francia? +When was South Tucson reincorporiad? +Which group recieved una series de privilegos speciales en los fields de la politica y elcommerce? +Which family created a museum in el siglo XX? +Who argued that American Idol is "un enormo multimedia absorbido"? +When does la definicion completely developda? +Where is Cedar Ridge Country Club located? +What percentage of worldwide does CD de audio have? +Whose concepto does Erikson conceptualize componentes de la "persona"? +How does a BYU apartment have to accomplish the correcto use of the lenguaje? +What city did Ronald Reagan invade in 1983? +What was used to detect avions hostiles? +Who ran the Guerra of Vietnam? +What is the maximum age of elector electors? +When did su apogeo occur? +What is the name of the newspaper that describes the Boston Symphony Hall? +What does a compilation de audio include? +What does Bell use to describe the cause of the death of Garfield? +What did El obispo do +What era vio el Amanarde del drama? +What does a vicegob governor do? +What program did Creative announce? +What do monarcas usually use el negro to do? +When was the red de street original of Richmond established? +Where is the Museo Indira Gandhi Memorial located? +In what year did the Naiad capture a un nativo por robbing? +Who was the architecto of the transicion? +What is the rivality en una lucha por los imperios called? +What celebrations of the 150 anniversary of the publication of El Origen de las especies y el bicentenario del Darwin fueron programs for 2009? +What is the rasgo characteristico de las angiosperms? +How many clubes does el football y have? +What is the ethnicity of the Congo? +How many e students does the system of schools publics serve? +Who sometimes employes a group de visión? \ No newline at end of file