diff --git "a/eval_ood/samples.test.hyp.paragraph_answer.question.asahi417_qg_itquad.default.txt" "b/eval_ood/samples.test.hyp.paragraph_answer.question.asahi417_qg_itquad.default.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/eval_ood/samples.test.hyp.paragraph_answer.question.asahi417_qg_itquad.default.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,7609 @@ +When did the embargo petrolifero begin? +When was the secondo shock petrolifero referred to as "secondo shock petrolifero"? +What does the term "secondo shock petrolifero" mean? +Who declared un embargo petrolifero? +Why do some nazioni europee e alcunes e ilgia to dissociarise from the politica Estera degli Ponti Uniti inmedio Oriente? +When did Henry Kissinger revocare l' embargo? +When did Henry Kissinger revocare l' embargo? +When did the US withdraw unilaterally from the accordo of Bretton Woods? +What happened to i paese industrialized when their value fluttuates in quantità significant prima? +When did l' OPEC announce that the value of petrolio stato a un importo fesso dioro? +What happened to the price of petrolio in dollars between 1947 and 1967? +When did l' OPEC have tardato ad adegare i prices per riflrendere tale devaluation? +In what year did the sowithdrawal incrementi di prices in dollars come l'oro? +When did la Siria e l' Egotto cause un attacco a surprise su Israele? +What is the equivalent of the value of a petrolio? +What was Yom Kippur's response to the attack on Israele? +Why did Nixon want to withdraw from the OPEC to reduce the prices of petrolio? +When did the OPEC increase the prices of petrolio? +When did the OPEC decide to continue a reduction of the possession of petrolio? +How much did the oPEC impose? +What did Nixon do in response to the embargo? +How much money does L' Arabia Saudita spend? +What are the ottoman ottomans called? +In what area of the economy does a lot of armies acerbate le tensioni political? +What contesto did the Arabia Saudita see as being erogata? +What is another name for Arabia Saudita? +In what year did the agreement arise? +Who was the dominance of the agenzie governative? +Which embargo has caused un' influenza on the economy statunitense? +What type of problems have been caused by the embargo? +In terreni difficili come where? +How long did L' embargo's individuation of petrolio e lo developo di newigia? +Who affronted un embargo totale? +Which country did the British Emporo e la Francia want to use their aerodromoi e le armi e le armi e le armi e le armi e le armi e le armi e le armi e le armi e le armi e le armi +Who was un alleato of Israele? +What group did Ted Heath want to throw the embargo? +Who was the successor of the embargo unito in 1970? +Which entity is responsible for affronting acrisis petrolifera propria? +What type of dei minatori di carbone e dei salaritori di carbone e dei salaritori del settore ferroviario e dei salaritori di carbone e dei salaritori del settore ferroviario e dei salaritori del settore ferrovi +When did the riopoli di carbone e dei minatori di carbone e dei salaritori del settore ferroviario become important? +Which country does the regno unito, Switzerland, e Norway operate in? +What has caused the decline in the economy? +What was the goal of the selling of the petrolio? +What has caused the decline in the economy? +What is the questione della scarsity affrontata with? +Who did Nixon nominate in 1973? +When did Nixon nominate William E. Simon? +What is the purpose of William E. Simon's initiative? +When did L' American Automobile Association announce the percentage of stasse di diesela americane non avava carbdurant? +What is the maximum limit of speed in 1974? +Who signed the National Highway Designation Act? +When did Bill Clinton sign the National Highway Designation Act? +In what year was the Di Departmento dell' energy a levelso di gasifera created? +What causes a large influence on le energy rinnovative? +Who maintained political policies that promote soluzioni opportune? +How long did the intelligence believe l' occupation America had bisognad di durare? +Whose alienation did the intelligence of the intelligence attribute to the alienation of? +Who was considered one stato Arabo-friendly? +What percentage of the petrolio exported from Africa in 1970? +What has a di December received? +When did the governo claim that Israele do re tarsi da all i territories del 1967? +What was the name of the invasion of the Afghanistan? +Who is considered to be a leader in the ruling empire petrolifera in 1979? +In what month and year did Arabia Saudita fall? +When was the Grande Moschea in Mecca? +What type of vehicles are most likely to be a leader of markets? +What is the main importation for the automobile? +When did the crash petrolifera occur? +What is the name of the Toyota e Nissan manufacturer? +What is the name of the l' Iwasaki constructed Chrysler LUV? +Which Chrysler e la Chrysler e GMC S-15 introduce a partnership with Ford, Chrysler and GMC S-15? +Which two companies did a partnership with? +What did Ford Ranger, Ford Ranger, Chrysler, and Chrysler e la Chrysler/GMC S-15 introduce fine to? +Who do the Ford Fiesta e la Chrysler e la Fiesta e la Fiesta e la Fiesta e la Fiesta e la Fiesta e la Fiesta e la Fiesta e la Fiesta e la Fiesta e la Fiesta e +In what year was il veauto americano media spostato di 17,4 meters per gallone? +Which automobile offers a berline di lusse? +When did Chrysler terminate the p production of auto "full-size" americane? +In what year did Chrysler terminate the productivity of their berline di lusse full-size? +Which car was un preludio to the revisione "downsize" della category of veauto DOT? +In what year did L' OPEC impose the position preminente? +When did L' Arabia Saudita see a more than 10 dollars al barile? +What did L' Arabia Saudita try to do? +What is another name for Amazonia o giungla amazzia? +How many ch kilometers quadrati does Amazonia o giungla amazzinica comprise? +How many territories does the climate comprise? +How many nazioni contengo Amazonas? +What does L' Amazzonia represent? +What is another name for Olande? +What does Amazonia o giungla amazzinica mean? +Where is the largest part of the foresta located? +How does L' Amazzonia represent? +How many species are in the ecosystem of the foresta pluviale tropicale del world? +What is Amazonia o giungla amazzinica? +How many ch kilometers quadrati does Amazonia o giungla amazzinica comprise? +How many territories does the ecoregion of Amazonia o giungla amzonia comprise? +Where is the largest part of the foresta located? +How many species are in the foresta pluviale tropicale del world? +What type of clima does the estintion of dinosauri e il clima have? +What do the fluttuation climatiche degli millions di annis do? +During what period did the foresta pluviale attempt to attempt a large amount of splutterta? +During which time period did the foresta pluviale become successful? +What does the festival di estintion del Cretao-Paleogen mean? +How many degrees does the foresta pluviale reach? +What do the millions of annis use to promote the regioni della savana di Espandersi tropicale? +During what period did the foresta pluviale attempt to attempt a large amount of splutterta? +What type of dinosaurs does l' estintion of del Cretao-Paleogenesis promote? +Where does the foresta pluviale estendeva? +During which time period did the foresta pluviale become successful? +What did the foresta pluviale become a prevalence internal during l' Miocenemedio? +How many years does the fluttuation climatiche have? +What does l' acqua on the side of l' acqua do? +When did l' acqua accumulata ha rotto through l' arco di Purus? +When does the acqua accumulata ha rotto through l' Atlantico? +Where does l' acqua accumulata ha rotto? +Where does a ovest l' acqua accumulate ha rotto? +Where does l' acqua accumulata ha rotto? +Where does a ovest l' acqua accumulate ha rotto? +What does LGLM stand for? +What do scientists believe is a huge e isolate refuga separate da foreste opene e prateria? +Why does the findings of the findings on the climate of the foresta pluviale arise? +What happened to the findings from the ecosystems? +How many years does the vegetation della foresta pluviale have? +How many years does the vegetation della foresta pluviale have? +What type of umida is associated with a riduction vegetale? +What is the significano of a limiti practici del work nella foresta pluviale? +What is the name of the NASA's satellite? +What is the media of the Sahara each year? +How far is the oceano Atlantico from the oceano Atlantico? +Where is the Sahara located? +Which satellite has a misuratoro la quantità of pollution transportata dal Sahara all' Amazzonia dal Vent? +What is the media of the Sahara each year? +What is the percentage of tonnellate in the Costa Orientale del Sudamerica? +What is the name of the NASA's satellite? +What satellite does the satellite CARIPS coordinate with? +What is the media of the Sahara each year? +How far is the oceano Atlantico from the oceano Atlantico? +What is the percentage of tonnellate in the Costa Orientale del Sudamerica? +What was the title of Betty Megers' book? +What was the primary function of the hunter e la culture? +How many people were able to see a geographic area in the 1500 d. C.? +What does l'agriculture mean? +Which archeologa believed that the idea of the idea of a rural area could be found? +Which archeologa believed that the idea of the idea of a rural area could be found? +What is the maximum density of population in the foresta pluviale? +How many people were able to see a geographic area in the 1500 d. C.? +How many people lived in the population in 1900? +Who was the first Europeo a percurse il Rio della Amazzoni fu? +In what decade did the discovery of unnatural histories indicate that a civilta fulfilled lungo l' Amazzonia? +What did La BBC believe la civilta was devastata from diffusione of? +Who was the first Europeo a percurse il Rio della Amazzoni fu? +When did the first Europeo a percurse il Rio della Amazzoni fu Francisco de Orelona? +Who accredited the prima discovery ofi geoglifi in 1977? +How long does the trial of la foresta pluviale amazzinica modelate? +What does lo developing of the terreno fertile do? +Which tribe has a large instigament in the bel mendo della foresta amazzinica? +Who founded the findings of these findings? +What does terreno Nero mean? +Which tribe has a large instigament in the bel mendo della foresta amazzinica? +Who was the colleghi of the Universidad della Florida in 2003? +What are some of the c' evidence of? +How many of the estimated animals are in the province? +How many specie vegetali are in oggi? +How many animals are in Palermo? +How many invertebrati are in Brazile? +How many of the estimated animals are in the province? +How many animals are in the province? +How many specie vegetali are in oggi? +How many anfibi are there? +How many animals are in Palermo? +What type of organism produces a Scossa electricitya? +What is the name of the creature predatorial? +Which animal is noti per mordere e ferire gli esseri umano? +What type of rane dardo deveno secernono? +Which group of people abitano nella foresta pluviale e can diffuse il virus della rabbia? +What is the conversione della aree Boschive in aree non forestalis? +Where does la deforestation easily come from? +How many ch kilometers quadrati is the foresta distruta in the Amazzonia? +How many ch kilometers quadrati is the foresta distruta in the Amazzonia? +Where does Brazile rank in soia? +How many per cento della foresta per cento e primate per cento exposure per i pascoli per il bestiame? +What are some of the easi needs used to encourage molti dei controversi projects? +What is the amount of tonno di deforestation per year? +What is the effect on the deforestation in the Amazzonia? +What percentage is the rate of deforestation from 2000 to 2005? +What do environmentalists preoccupe for? +What does the perdita di biodiversity deriva from? +What causes the perdita of biodiversity? +What does the foreste amazziniche assume in the ecosystemi? +What causes the foresta pluviale to divergence insustainablee? +In what year did the foresta pluviale get quasi totale? +Which territories continue to become distruttid from the deforestation e from ecocidao? +What is the name of the group that continues a lottare per la their heritage? +What is the primati non umano nella suffering e on the symbolismo della popation indigene? +What is used per la conservation of the Amazzonia? +What tribal tribe does Google Earth belong to? +What is the name of the tree pluviali? +What do i members of the Trio Trio Tribe maple le their terra ancestral per do? +What does the use of telerilivance per la conservation of the Amazzonia use? +What is crucial in the diverse parti della foresta? +What is the result of the classification of diverse parti della foresta crucial? +Who organizzed gli Alberi of the Amazzonia in 2006? +When did Tvetlana Kuplich organizze gli Alberi of the Amazzonia? +What does a researcher use to locate diverse porzioni of the Amazzonia? +In what year did alcune parti of alcune parti of alcune parti del bacian amazzinico state colpi from the peggiore spicitate degli cento annis? +What did the scientists of Ricerche Amazzoniche believe is the result of the reply to the classification of the species? +What is the foresta o the orlo della savana o? +When did la foresta amazzinica subitate un' another grave classification? +How many meters di foresta pluviale are in the geographic colpita era? +How many epicents have la vegetation emitted in 2010? +In what year did the vegetation evacuate? +How many acres does a chirimetro quadrato have? +How many specie di Alberi does the foresta pluviale Ecuadorriana support? +How many tone di piante live in a foresta pluviale amazzinica? +What is the bima vegetale media believed to be? +How many specie di piante di interest e social does a state report? +How high does the biodiversity of vegetali support? +How many specie di Alberi does the foresta pluviale Ecuadorriana support? +How many tone di piante live in a foresta pluviale amazzinica? +What is the bima vegetale media per ettaro per ettaro? +How many specie di piante di interest e social does a state report? +Who controls the division of Disney Media Networks? +When was ABC created? +Where is West 66th Street? +When did ABC announce their coverage of the NBC Blue Network? +What was NBC Blue Network a part of? +When did CBS e NBC consolidate CBS e NBC? +What television network affiliated with Capital Cities Communications? +What is the name of the company that operates diverse public television cartacea? +How many affiliates does the strance TV di proprietà e manage? +What does ABC News use to indicate content e content per alcune emittenti radiophonche? +How many strance televisionve does the internet have? +What consentono ai forlying di televisione a separation simultanea impose? +What does ABC News use to indicate content e content per alcune emittenti radiophonche? +What does RCA stand for? +What is the name of the NBC Red network? +Who presented a reclamo to the Federal Communications Commission in 1934? +In what year did the FCC begin a series of investigations against the diffusione dei programme radiofiche? +In what year did the FCC begin a series of investigations against the diffusione dei programme radiofonici di reti radiofiche? +What was the name of the FCC's epoch? +Who was the leader of the RCA in 1941? +Which network did RCA convert to? +Who is the societa di investments in NBC Blue Network? +Who was Dillon, Read & Co.'s president? +How much money did Dillon, Read & Co. offer per l' acquisition of NBC Blue Network? +Edward John Noble is a proprietario of what product? +When did the Commissione authorize l' operation? +Who did Noble acquire i dirights of the American Broadcasting Company? +What position did Noble hold in the presidency of ABC? +When did the vice-president of the governo di advise a vice-president of the governo di a presidency? +What is the nickname for NBC e CBS? +Who is responsible for the use of magnetophon? +Who did NBC e CBS ignore pre-nautrati spectaclei? +What did NBC Blue continue to do with NBC Blue? +How much did Eurosport pay for the coverage of Eurosport? +What is the name of the canale in chiaro in proprietà of the Groupo ABC? +When did Disney announce that it was interrotto ABC1? +Who was the tentative of developing ABC1 in ottobre? +Where is ABC transmitesso? +When did the creation of a programme complete? +What was the arrivo of what? +What did i governi do for limiting the owner's proprietà ditrasmissione radiotelevisive? +What did CBS e NBC refuse to do in 1953? +A metà degli anni Sanche Goldenson invested in proprietà of which entity? +What was the name of the new broadcasting system in 1951? +What problems did CBS e NBC cause? +What problems did CBS e NBC cause? +Which group of people does ABC have i dirights televisionvi? +What is the name of ABC's annual awards? +In what year did CBS give i dirights di traslmissione da CBS? +What awards does ABC claim at the time of being given? +What does A Charlie Brown Christmas include? +In what year did ABC begin a series of television broadcasts? +Who was the successor of Dick Clark? +In what year did ABC become a broadcaster of the allegiance of Miss America? +Where was the rovescia traditionally present in the scene? +What channel does ABC broadcast i dirights televisionvi added to the canale in 2006? +What is the name of the soap opera The view e The Chew? +In what year did the CBS cancel the cancellation of Procter & Gamble The Edge of Night? +What is the name of the sapone of Procter & Gamble? +In what year did the program diurno di ABC stop being featured on ABC Daytime? +In what year did ABC become the responsibility for the divisione athletic? +Which basketball tournament does L's ABC try to show a partire da genanao come? +Who is the allora vice president of ABC? +In what year did ABC release c five domanda di Licenza per le emittenti TVve? +In what year did ABC release c five domanda di Licenza per le emittenti TVve? +How many suburbs evolved in 1952? +Why did CBS and NBC operate in the position of un outsider? +What was the name of the television network CBS and NBC? +Which television broadcasters were a rivale all' epoch? +Who did the operatore cinemagraphic of the United Paramount Theatres (UPT) costed from? +How many affiliates a time in the falling of ABC? +Who purchased a speech in 1951? +Which company earned a citizen of the United Paramount Theatres a large amount of dollars? +Who was the president of UPG in 1951? +Who was the founder of the CBS? +When did the FBI approve l' accordo supposedly? +In what year did the publication della sesta relation e dell' ordinanza della FCC announce la fine of the eventuale approvation of the sesta relation e dell' ordinanza e dell' ordinanza della FCC? +What is the name of the company that is located in Paramount al 1601? +Where is the American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres, Inc. located? +When was la WBZ-TV a Detroit established? +In what month and year did the WBZ-TV a Detroit e andata? +Where did the Prospect Studios e coconstruction untrasmentittore? +When was the anteprima of The Flintstones released? +Who was a filmata a color fine from the beginning of the Flintstones? +When did Walt Disney Productions buy le actions of ABC? +Who did Walt Disney become involved in producing a color a series antologica? +In what year did the prima partnership televisionva di ABC e Disney conclude? +In what year did the media rantologica stop a relationship with Disney? +What logo did ABC use in 2000? +What group did the media incaricate to create e produrre the identità 2001-02? +What is the nickname given to ABC in 2000? +Who was the designer of ABC'sidentity graphics? +In what year did ABC stop le sue Jingle a third note 1998-2002? +What is the name of the campaigna d' images? +Where is the earliest known versions of a single note being used? +When did the logo ABC come a bug? +When was the first atto o segmento a partire? +In what year did the slogan " That Special Feeling" occur? +What is the slogan called in the font script? +In what year was a bola su sfoundation Nero created? +What is a bola called that represents il cecanism con lettere in gold lucido e? +What is the lettere in which the lettere represented? +Who is the graphic that ran the logo ABC in 1962? +What was the name of the lettere? +Who designed the lettere? +When did Paul Rand's logo become successful? +What did Disney- ABC consider la selling? +When did ABC announce the restoration of the groupo? +How many divisions did ABC announce in 2005? +In what year did the audience media di ABC increase their audience media? +Who is the head of the divisione of Disney Media Networks? +Who did ABC Sports e ESPN sign a contract with in 2005? +When did le Consociate Networks approve a contractto of affiliation? +Who was the CEO of the Disney/ CEO in 2002? +What is the name of the first series of successo del network reality? +What is the name of the first spin off? +Which cable elects le stasse di proprietà e managete da ABC? +Who decided against the FCC in 2000-01? +Who decided against the FCC in 2000-01? +What is the name of the pomerio where Time Warner Cable would become a car? +In what year did CBS try to find newi successi? +Who was the first to find a calare anche da their allegiest successi? +Who failed to capture the Family Matters e Step by Step by Step? +When did ABC debut in anteprima un event special della series? +Who ospitato the mandato of ABC? +Which television network helped broadcast the shows with a programma Sindacate? +Who was the original guest of Buena Vista Television? +When did the Walt Disney Company announce un accordo di fusion with Capital Cities/ ABC per 19 billioni di dollars? +Whose new controllata did Disney ridenominate? +Who did ABC buy per 1,41 billions of dollars? +Who was the president e CEO of ABC? +What is the name of the show that Aaron Sorkin presented in 1998? +In what decade did the color divene a dominante per le tre reti TVve? +Where is ABC rumored to be? +What was the title of Goldenson's 1991 book? +Where was the allora affiliata ABC from? +Who was the president of the ABC in 1950? +What is the name of the television network that would be a confusion between the FCC and NBC? +What is the name of the corporation that provided funds to compete with CBS e NBC? +How many dollars did Dumont receive? +What is the name of Paramount Pictures? +What was the name of the movie that was released on ABC? +What was the name of the movie released by Warner in 1947? +What was the name of the movie The Boy from Oklahoma? +Who was Warner's emblematica della relazioni con i produttore Hollywoodian era l' accordo with? +Who showed the shows that they were featured in a series? +Who was Walt Disney's fratelli? +In what year did ABC choose to finance Disneyland? +What did ABC choose to finance in 1954? +Who is the ex program manager of WCFL a Chicago? +Who was the president of ABC Radio? +What was the new concetto called? +What was the concetto called "Love Radio" lacking? +In what year was the film della Settamana released? +What was Steven Spielberg's movie called? +In what year was Duel del released? +Who has started a switch to the audience share? +What did ABC use to determine meglio types of sponsor marketing? +What year did the National Football League premier game della week? +Who does MNF pass to? +In what year did the FCC vote for approving il Financial Interest and Syndication Rules? +In what year did le new regulations showcase the decisione of suddividere ABC Films? +What did the legislature approve in 1970? +When did the legislature in vigore? +Who did the divisione center-occidentale dei theaters sell in 1974? +Who was nominated Secretary e Chief Operang Officer in 1972? +When did Michael Eisner leave ABC? +What was the name of the soap opera called Love, American Style? +Who did Eisner become president of? +Who did Fred Pierce convince to become the first president e Direttore della programmation della television? +Who did ABC present in 1974? +In what year was Good Morning released? +What is the name of the series spin off di successo? +Gli angel di Charlie e la Three's Company is known as what? +Who wrote a romanzo in 1977? +Who wrote The Love Boat? +When was the first place in the televisione european television? +What is Soap a soap opera of? +Who was nominated president of the new ABC News in 1977? +Which sportswear company does Rone Arledge become president of? +What is the name of the building built at West 66th Street? +When were entrabbi gli buildings complete? +When did Arledge create a news magazine 20-20? +Who nominated a single episodio to come a single episodio? +Who was Hugh Downs' ex collegoggi? +Who did ABC sell per 20 millioni di dollars? +What is the name of ABC's canale of reporting 24 ore su 24? +What was the name of the canale d' encyclopedia 24 ore su 24 distributed per la visión su internet e su internet? +Who was Flint affiliated with? +What is the name of the Michigan WV-TV affiliated with? +Who is La Gilda degli scrittore d' America? +Which company wanted to sell i dieci ABC di proprietà e manageti shunzi? +Who does the ABC Television Group sign in a new division? +What is the name of the new division formed by the Disney- ABC Television Group? +Who has embraced the branding of ABC Radio? +What does the partnership with Apple Inc. allow Apple Inc. to purchase? +In what year did Lare have a shocking con qualche problems? +In what year did the sesta e ultima stance di Lost appear? +When did le valuzioni per il colpo crollate ddramatically? +In what month and year did a failed fallito occur? +When did the FCC impose le sue rule of sinterization a pin? +Who is the distributore of Sindacation e ABCcircle Films? +Which company does Worldvision Enterprises come distributore of Sindacation? +What is Hanna-Barbera? +What does the Buena Vista Televisione promote? +What is another name for Disney- ABC Domestic Television? +What is the name of the summlinistata library? +Which television affiliate is affiliated with ABC? +How many shunzi affiliates does ABC have? +How many stasse televisionve addedtive does ABC have? +When was the first logo della reti created? +When did the fusion ABC-UPT fu finalized? +When did le sue primetrasmissione a colors begin? +In what year did the Supernanny cancel? +Where does the affiliate-sindicate Soalia Dante E / I Weekend Vente di Liton become featured? +What is the name of the blocco E / I blocco? +Where does the feed master di ABC come to be transmitted? +How many affiliates have a feed di reti in a definition standard 480i? +Where does the feed master di ABC come to be transmitted? +What is the unico che si a revive per una seconda stancia? +What is the name of the series that ultimately does not elect the premiere of fine stancia? +Which network riuscied a superare di un margine significant across all' year precedent? +What was the cancellation of Brothers & Sisters? +What park did ABC sell i dirights ad entrabbi gli spectacles? +Where did the Prospect Park raise i sapon? +What is one life to Live called? +Where did l's ABC cader? +Who has terminated the viewership dietro a lungo dominante? +Who is The Goldberg? +Where have the cancellations di holdover been heard? +What is the secondo dei quasi a successo critico e commerce? +What does Shark Tank base on? +When did Shark Tank become anche un dormente di mezza stance colpita? +Who is the ultimate female figure in feet? +Who is the party da Capital Cities/ ABC? +Who is responsible for the presidenza prima of ceding the controllo a Robert Iger? +What was the name of the first television show in 1994? +Who created the NYPD Blue? +What was the period of time when the shooting of the NYPD Blue took place? +In what year did the FCC abrogate le restriction in industries? +What studio did Capital Cities/Bac purchase in 1993? +Who did Capital Cities and ABC sign an accordo with? +What was the quota of audience in ABC in 1993? +What company acquired a new line of programme ABC Radio? +When did ABC acquire a new line of programme ABC Radio? +Who was the l' adaptation of ABC Radio in 1960? +What television station did Leonard Goldenson acquire? +What non era dedicated solo ad un s single sport? +Who created Wide World of Sports? +Who is responsible for the creation of Wide World of Sports? +What was the name of the American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres? +What was the name of the anteprima called? +What is the name of the series called when a cooper seeking a photo of leaving their doors? +What percentage of viewers does the tre principali reti represent? +What dynasty did Aaron Spelling lead to? +What is the name of Benson e Happy Days spinoff? +What channel did ABC launch in 1981? +What company did ABC partner with in 1983? +What company did ABC partner with in 1984? +What is the name of the broadcasting company called? +What is the Entertainment Channel called? +Who was Thomas S. Murray's job? +What position did Thomas S. Murray hold in the presidency of ABC? +How much money did Capital Cities/ ABC earn? +What is the name of the misura of Familias? +What anteprima series debuted in 1991? +What is the name of the soap opera where a soap opera is present nella programmation diurna di ABC? +What state e Delaware? +What is the abbreviation for South bend, Indiana? +What is the acronym for Lima, Ohio? +Who did le series televisionve proceive in 1962? +What studio did Touchstone Television merge as a result of the creation of Touchstone Television? +What is the Prospect Studios called? +What is the name of the set of studios in New York? +Who took over the isolato of West End Avenue in 2006? +What is another name for West End Avenue? +Where does La Walt Disney Company offer episodio a role intera della programmation? +When did the Walt Disney Company offer episodio a role intera against ABC? +When do Comcast, Viasat Fi, and Viasat Fi come to being able to watch a video on Demand? +What does l' ABC on Demand impede? +When was the streaming of the episodio over a single programma ABC? +Who is the acknowledgement of the design of ABC? +How many versions of the logo does the logo use? +What is the name of the new logotype? +Who uses a versions rosse? +How many affiliates did ABC contava in 1954? +What act imposed l' inclusion of UHF? +What did l' All- Channel receiver Act impose l' inclusion of? +Where is WSTP-TV located? +How much visuale does un' ora di programmation ABC show? +What is the name of the televisione in Wheeling? +What is the name of the series called Disneyland series? +Who released the series of detective The Untouchables to CBS? +What was the cause of the use of The Untouchables to CBS? +When did Desllu lo debut The Untouchables? +What was the name of the movie which debuted un year after CBS e NBC e NBC e fu? +What was the CBS's supposed audience? +Who is The Flintstones? +What is the name of the third series of the Flintstones? +When did ABC debut l' osplacental general della soap opera? +Who did Goldenson announce a proposta di fusion with? +Who was the director of the FCC in 1966? +Which entity did Donald F. Turner belong to? +Which company is Thomas S. Murray a member of? +Who is responsible for buying 500 millioni di dollars? +What did the emittenti di detere? +What is the name of the società rumored to be a combination of ABC and Capital Cities? +What is the name of the società rumored to be a combination of ABC and Capital Cities? +Who was the vice president of ABC Broadcasting? +Who was the vice president of ABC Broadcasting? +Who played a role in the song Happy Days e Three's Company? +Who decided to refocalize the primato tra le reti dei Big Three? +Who decided to refocalize the primato tra le reti dei Big Three? +What event played a role in Laverne & Shanley? +What was the debutto of the blocco called? +Who was the studio of Warner Bros? +Who is Miller- Boyett Productions a studio of? +What did ABC try to acquire per 1 millione di dollars in dollars? +Who was the regia of ABC Pictures? +Who was the regia of ABC Pictures? +When was the evacuation of ABC Motion Pictures being stolen? +Where was the settore dei parchi di divertiment opened? +What film did Dick Cla come from? +What percentage of the NBC e CBS's coverage was included in the NBC e CBS? +Who was the president of ABC Entertainment in 1957? +Who was the president of ABC Entertainment in 1957? +Who is a notable actor of ABC? +Who criticized the allegio publico e la sponsorization of shows? +What profession does NBC e CBS have? +What is the name of ABC's tv called? +Who are le prime suburbs ad offrendere fluxi di programmation sul service? +Which broadcaster has entered un accordo to offrendere i fluxi della sue affiliate ABC? +What is the name of the network owned by ABC? +What is the name of the largest operatore of stasse ABC per totale numerco? +Who is the largest operatore of sairline ABC per totale numerco? +Who is the largest operatore of stasse ABC? +How many stasse affiliate ABC does the E.W. scripples Company have? +What is the name of ABC's new campaigna di imaging? +What was the name of ABC's projecto on-air? +What does a nastry rosse represent? +Who uses i nastry blu? +What is the name of Tampa, Florida? +What is the name of the marketplace analoga in Kansas City, Missouri? +What is the name of the Grand Rapids, Michigan? +Who was la principal affiliata ABC Tampa prima del 1994? +Who was the first person a volare in 1961? +Who did Yuri Gagarin compete with? +How often did Yuri Gagarin's flight take place? +What was the name of the terzo programma of flight spacial umano? +What was the name of the terzo programma of flight spacial umano? +When did Apollo's first flight with equipment di Apollo risale? +Who created the idea of the Apollo projecto? +How many mani did the Procento Gemelli follow? +When was the Apollo programma supposed to be supported? +Who supported Apollo's program? +Who contiged the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project? +What is the Apollo application program called? +When was the incendio di cabina Apollo 1 killed? +How many remaining missions carry successo? +What is the name of the prima navicella spacial? +Which Apollo mission e la missione finale? +How many kg of libbre does Apollo restitue? +How many astronauti did Apollo offer? +How many astronauti did Apollo offer? +Who was the director of the NASA? +In what year did Silverstein see the name a Casa sua una Sera? +In what year did the NASA announce il programma Apollo ai representanti dell' industry? +Who did the NASA edict i propri studi i propriorities di creation di navicelle spaces condont? +How many contracti di studio a GeneralDynamics/Convar, General Electric, and Glenn L. Martin Company are agjudged? +Who did the NASA edict i propri studi i propriorities di creation di navicelle spaces condont? +When did Kennedy inviato a note to Johnson? +Who was the vice president of Kennedy? +How long did Johnson's statements last? +Who created the Space Task Group? +Where is the site of the Manned Spacecraft Center located? +Where is the site of the Manned Spacecraft Center located? +Where is the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station located? +Where did Apollo superate the structure of lance Canaveral? +Who was nominato il first Direttore of the Loc? +What position did Kurt H. Debus hold? +Whose death did Johnson retire in 1963? +What did the Saturno Vs use to increase the massa dei C SM e Lunare? +What is a rivise per le missions Estese? +How many sites did the NASA publicize preliminare on? +How long did the Lunar Roving vehicle allow the Lunar Roving vehicle? +What does the Lunar Roving vehicle enable to add to the Lunar Roving vehicle? +When did the Apollo 13 run? +What rocket did the creation of the Saturno V eliminate? +What did the budget annuale of the NASA do? +What did the use of Saturn Vs Saturno Vs Saturno become? +When was the decision to annullare anche le missions 18 e 19? +What is the estimated amount of anni per i mutili basaltici derivi da maria Lunare? +What is the component geochemicalo called? +Un' important roccia founded during il programma Apollo e Soprannominata what? +What does a molti carni essere snaccate with? +What do Quasi these riocce show la prove degli? +Who showno la prove degli effectti del process di Impactto? +What was the amount of dollars per year? +How many spiders does Saturn V buy? +What was the estimated amount of dollars allocated to Apollo from 1959 to 1973? +Who did the NASA study diverse applicationi post-lunare per l' hardware? +When did Soprannominato Skylab land? +What did Soprannominato Skylab construct? +When did the Skylab depart? +What was the Monte Telescopo Apollo? +Which Apollo missione e tornare al modulo di comando della missione in orbita Lunare e tornare al modulo di comando della missione? +Which Apollo 8 agency inviato le prime image televisionve in directta e della Terra e della Luna e della Terra e della Luna e della Luna e della Luna e della Luna e della Terra? +What book did Apollo 8 believe was the vigilia di natale del 1968? +Who does the Apollo 8 view in directta o in rictator? +What telecamera does Stan Lebar introduce? +How is the telecamera special Apollo TV defined? +Where does NASA a riover un numero enorme of nasti magnetici? +Who created the telecamera Lunare a Westinghouse Electric Corporation? +Who compiled a lowry digital? +How did the video eliminate the rumore casuale e le Vibrazioni della telecamera? +Who released the recordings of kinescope? +What color is the video renamed to? +Who was the first person a volare in 1961? +Who did Yuri Gagarin compete with? +How often did Yuri Gagarin's flight take place? +Who was elected president in 1960? +Which country did John F. Kennedy propose la superiority americano to? +Why did Kennedy use a technological aerospace come symbolize a fare degli state uniti? +Who was Kennedy's position in 1960? +A e B, furono completete in 1965, designate how many places? +Which type of vehicles have potato essere testato in due camera avuotto in due camera a year? +How many feet does it take to essere testato in due camera a year? +How large is the pied cubo? +Who did l' am administrator assume for un work di Alta director? +When did Mueller announce the nomina of Mueller come Vice Amatorial Assoto di Manned Space Flight? +Who did Mueller assume to be a VP of Manned Space Flight? +Who does the Manned Spacecraft Center e dellaunch Operations Center assume? +What did Mueller's esperienza on the settore dei? +What did Mueller's esperienza on the settore dei projecti missilistici do? +Who did Mueller refuse to recruit to recruit? +When did Mueller announce that e Phillip manage Apollo? +What is a difficile in orbita satellite? +In what year did the campaigna per il recognition of the ELO come opzioni practicable e practical? +Who did the NASA inviato a series of promemoraria e reporti against? +Who was the assistant technical special? +When did the creation of the MMSFC briefing on the Mooned Spacecraft Center? +Which group comprising a coming incursion to promote il ELO? +Who was a neo assertion vice director of the U Ordned Space Flight? +What does MFC stand for? +Who was Jerome? +Which organization did Jerome Wiesner see as opposed to the decisione of sbarcare uranium without intopped? +Who keeps la pression? +Who did La NASA announce to seize in 1962? +What does the method ELO do to do in case of guismo della nave di comando? +What Apollo 11 exhibited ironia della sort? +What is the modulo Lunare fornied? +When was the studio MSA del? +What modulo did Apollo di Maxime Faget use? +How did the modulo di Escursione Lunare enable the C SM to restitue? +How many astronauts does the modulo di Comando plan to transport? +The modulo di Comando (CM) e tornare a un aterrage in what ocean? +What does the Apollo's internalo cover with? +What type of container is used for passengers in the discesa a shooterdown? +What is the diameter of the modulo era? +What does SM stand for? +What antenna is used for le communications a linga distanza su flight lunari? +How many libbre does the flight of instruments in orbita cover? +Who has given a contractto for la c construction of the C SM? +What does the motore di propulsione di pompe di propulsione di serviceso stato dimensionato per il volatraslunare? +In what year did a studio di definition of programma conclude that the creation of a blocco essere continuato come blocco I? +What is the seconda step of lancement per the NASA? +Why is the modulo Lunare designed? +How many people created a modulo Lunare? +How many kg e la superficie consenta a circa 34 ore? +How long does a un modulo Lunare esteso perceive soggiorni di superficie? +Who was the creator of the center Marshall Space Flight Center? +What entity did von Braun transfer to the NASA? +When did the decisione of use l'Rendez-vous in orbita Lunare consent? +In what year were state lanterni in orbita c five C SM per fonteie? +What is the name of the veicular di lacio e i vola? +How much spinta did Saturno produce? +What is the stadium of Saturno V? +How many libbre did L' IB di Saturno get in orbita basso? +What is the designed to inviare un C SM e Luna? +How large was the era of Saturno V? +How many stadiums does Saturno V have? +What is the name of the veterani of Gemelli? +Who was the first astronauta scientistiato della NASA? +What is the name of the Apollo 11 mission? +How many astronauti does the NASA recognize? +What is the name of the given to the Apollo 7 astronauts? +In what year did the Medigo state nomination a Grissom, White e Chaffee? +What causes the nomination of the Medalta di Spectrum Ecceratione della NASA minore? +Which Apollo 7 missions did the Medaggi di these missions elect in 1969? +In what year did the C SM del blocco I state lanterni daLC-34 su flight suborbitalis? +What is the altitud of the first AS- 200? +What is the altitud of the secondo, AS- 200? +How did a lp on the flight of prove evolve? +What do Gli astronauti comince to indostage? +What does la tuvalu Eva a superficie Lunare include? +What does LMP stand for? +Who was the Direttore della Operazioni of Operazioni of Operazioni per i programma Gemelli e Apollo? +In what year did the NASA catalog the selection for l's equipment per l' AS-404? +Who did Grissom come Pilota Senior e? +What was the name of the NASA cataloged for the selection definitiva? +When was the Saturn IB supposed to be ridigestioned? +What was the missione of the Saturn IB? +Who documentato le sue discoverte in una lettera del 19 di December al president della NAA Lee Atwood? +Samuel Pittsburgh was a capella of what? +In what year did Grumman eliminate the Speranze? +Who was the Manned Space Flight administrator? +What camera does the Kennedy Space Center have? +What is the name of the first flight called? +What did the test "plug-out" simulate? +Where is the camera di altitud of Kennedy Space Center located? +What do l's equipment notato in the test of spine-out? +When did the test of spine-out begin? +What happened during the test of spine-out? +What does the incendio electrico in cabina induce? +Who presides under the supervisione of entrampe le sedi? +What does the comission di revisione assume during the creation of modulo di comando? +How does the NASA respond to a comission di revisione degli incidenti? +What do prominenti use to suppress the cause of incendio? +What did Mueller approve in 1967? +What did ogni steps do prima of ecatche i successivi? +What type of letter is used instead of dei numer? +What does Apollo 4 stand for? +What did the capacità della capacità della scudo termic del modulo di comando disulfito termica use? +When did l' Apollo 6 (AS-522 come being e un Luna Test Article? +What is the name of the first flight without equipment in orbita satellite? +Where did the Apollo 5 (AS-404) run? +Which scientist vouche un secondo test without equipment? +What do I motori ML e riaviati e riaviati with? +What is the term for the motore di pointed to as being access in modality abort? +What was the name of the Saturno IB? +What was the name of the helicopter that the Unione Sovietica ave inviato animali in 1968? +Where did the televe of the superficie Lunare come from? +Where did George Low believe the Apollo 8 could be sent? +Who did L' Unione Sovietica try to resist l' effort? +Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins e Buzz Lidrin was a veterano of what group? +When did the Apollo 11 mission take place? +What did the Apollo 11 invio? +Who were the members of the Apollo 11 mission? +Where did the observator 3 find a precisione? +Who was non presidiata in 1967? +What parti do they have to do to tornati against Earth? +Where did la Morte Nero acquire origin? +What type of vehicles do the pulci diratti di ratti redi carry? +When does la persecution occur occasionally in Europa? +In which country did the declino of farmture e delcommerce occur? +When was the caresti diffusa partire? +How many people were killed in the epidemie? +Who was responsible for the first invasion of Europa? +Who was the leader of the mongolo? +What did Jani Beg spearhead? +Where is the nave la prevention located? +Where does la matalia spread? +Which country does the malinga si evolve to in 1349? +When was a nave sbarcate a Askhyn introduced in Norway? +In what year did la prevention radded to the spread of the infection? +How does la persecution increase in 1347? +What happened to the residents of the citta? +What was the name of the document that caused a large pestilence in the aria? +What type of aria caused a theory prominent? +What theory believed that the theory evaporated from the cative aria? +Whose epidemia does the theory della prevention assume? +When did scientists visit Hong Kong? +Who visited Hong Kong in 1894? +How does the mechanicalismo della prevention relate to? +Which historian believed that a qualche form di ordinarya prevention would be a qualche form of ordinarya prevention? +What was the origin of the medieval epidemie? +In what year was the Morte Nero published? +What is the implication of the prevention of a pest o bollcine? +What era prevalent in the Impero Roma d' Oriente? +What is the typical typical temperature for the moderna prevention called? +What is the evolution of a malinga? +What percentage of a person does the neumonica have? +When was the article published? +What did a team multinational intrapress in 2010? +What do DNA/RNA use for DNA/RNA? +Where do DNA/RNAs originate? +What does le clave correlate mean? +Who is responsible for the epidemia che si diffuse via i Paese Bassi a partire dal 1350? +In what year e si diffuse in Francia? +When did a rreach l' Inghilingua? +Where is Smithfield Est located? +When was the genoma of Y.petty according to Nature? +Who was responsible for the discussion of the theory della prevention? +What did J. F. D. Shwsbury believe was a conclude of? +What did Graham Wigg produce in 1984? +Who was a notable researcher of the theory of evasion? +What does a stime della pope recognize? +Why do scientists ignore their findings? +How much does the stime of the stime della popessive change? +When was the Domesday Book published? +Why did the settici believe that the loss through le pulci in merci era probabilly? +What is the reason that they believe that la causa would be a combination of antrace e another? +What does Norman Cantor believe they could be a form of antrace? +What are some of the causes of the use of a combination of prevention? +What is another term for a species of prevention? +How many corpi riesumite from Londona in 2014? +In what fraction of the population was the death of the people in Iraq, Iran, e Siria believed to be killed? +How many people died? +What is state more vulnerabi al contagio? +When was the secondo Biraben? +How many people does la Francia have a causa della prevention in the epidemia of 1618-21? +In what year was la Morte Nero calo created? +What percentage of people does a un' epidemia in 1481 have? +In what year did the Grande peste di Londra occur? +How many people murdered a Parig in 1066? +In what country did La Morte Nero destroy l' Europa per tre anni? +What do i fogolai prominenti anniclouze in the Europa Central? +When did the riolegrio di prevention devastate Oslo? +How many people died in Italia? +How many people lived in Italy in 1658? +When was the ultima large epidemia in Europa? +When was the persecute era present in a locality in the world islamico? +When is La prevention important in the società ottomana? +Why has Baghdad s offered gravemente for visiting a pest? +What does la chlorofilla del pigmento photofissico cadenza? +What does la chlorofilla del pigmento photofissico cadenza? +How many alghe fine a 100 in piante come l' Arabidoptera e il grano? +What is a degree of influenza? +What does I ctoroplasty do to the proprio DNA? +What is a degree of DNA that is eredato from their antennato? +What does the proprio DNA of a molecula vegetale e deno essere? +Where does I ctoroplasty find solo? +What was the nationality of Constantin Meeschkowski? +What was the profession of Constantin Meeschkowski? +In what year was the origin of ctoroplasty suggestita? +Who ossered that i ctoroplasty does a significant amount of a cianobacteria? +Which type of bacteria contengo anche una platete cellulare peptidoglicane peptidoglicata? +Which type of bacteria contengo anche una platete cellulare peptidoglicata? +What does gram- Negativi mean? +What do I cianobacteria call a often called? +What is the term fornendo food per a citizen? +When did un cianobacteria vivente liberate entroso in una cella eucariatica? +What does a cianobacteria vivente liberate a snurre al? +What does il cianobacterio become assimilato? +What does 'plastide' mean? +How many lignaggi chloroplasti principali are there? +What lignaggio contient le piante di terra? +What is Cyanophora? +What type of alga is Cyanophora? +What is considered un intermedio primitivo tra cianobacteria? +What is another name for a building iceahedral? +What is the structure of a cophyte ctoroplasty Glaucophyte? +What do Rhodoplasts have per i pigmenti photosintetic? +Where are Rhodoplasts located? +What do alghe rosse do to alghe rosse? +What do Rhodoplasts synthesize? +What does alghe glazcofita e rosso assume in comparison to alghe glazcofita e rosso? +What causes a color verdi della chlorofille? +What does a cloroplasty chlorobolo carbonate have? +What does alghe glazcofita e rosso contend in? +What does a chloroplast primari have? +What is le due membrane cianobacteriache? +What does l' alga inghiottita lose? +What does the euglenofite contende? +What does paramylon mean? +What membrane evolved from le membrane cianobacteria? +What type of molecule does a ctoroplasty crypto contende? +What is l' amido comune conservato in? +Where is all' internal copper e tirography? +Gli Apicomplessians are a groupo of what? +What is plasmmodium? +Where does Gli Api complexan immaggino la their energy? +What is the apicplasto un o objectio ideal for i drugs? +What do Gli apicoplasty non contengo? +How many membrane does the apicoplasty have? +What pigmento is decrescento da tre membrane? +What is the chloroplasto Dinofita prominent? +What is the name of a lignaggi called? +What is the name of a lignaggi called? +How many membrane does a l'apseto chloroplasto have? +What does l' endosombeos tiersaria create? +What type of bacteria sembra essere stato liberate? +What does a citizen of digimon have? +What does a l' intero ersembiont della diatomea e Durinskia have? +How many membrane does the chloroplasto delimite? +Where is l's amido found? +Where are the nucleomorphe-tuti i gen nucleomorphi transferiti? +What is l' unico Dinofite che ha un chloroplasto che non provient dal lignaggio Rodoplasto? +What type of e-tuti can be found in the chloroplasto? +What is alghe verdi? +How many genomi di base does the DNA Cromatofore have? +How many genomi che codingno le proteine? +What is the proprio DNA abbreviated in? +What does ctDNA abbreviate? +In what year was the existence of a ctDNA o cpDNA proveta? +When was the prima sequza of DNA chloro Plastico di etabacco? +What is often conservate tra le piante terrasti e accumulo echemutation? +What does a DNA chloroplasto have a discardo o capturned le repetizioni invertite? +What does le repetizioni invertite help do? +What do scientists try to analyze la replication of chloroplasto mediante? +How are the processes principali proposed? +What does the modulo intermedio di replication complete la replication with? +What does a seconda theory believe is in reality? +What does a seconda theory suggest that la complication of cpDNA e si replica? +Where is the rest of the material genetico conservato in chromosomes? +What is the structure e replication e replication similar to? +What does alcune piante have? +What is the theory predominante continua a realize that la largest part cpDNA e Molte probabilmente replica via un mechanical loop D? +What does a gene donati al nucleo dell' ex hoste prove? +When did a crop of dei plantations non mirati al chloroplasto? +Where do molti plasticidi secondari attempt to atpressare? +How is un polipeptid del chloroplasto synthesized? +What is the ribosome called? +What is the diameter of a chloroplasto? +What is the diameter of a chloroplasto? +What does Chlamydomos mean? +What does a chloroplasto relate to? +What is la membrana internala di chloroplasto? +Where does the membrana mixed chloroplasto paragonate? +Why does la membrana mitochondrial become used? +What are functionali dei plasticdi della celle vegetali? +In what year did scientists first examine le chloroplasto? +What is another name for a gnosperme? +What is formed from a triangle of tubes e vecicole membranose continuing with la membrana Interna di chloroplasto? +What does a vecicole da transportation serve? +What do ribosomi use for? +What is the typical amount of ribosomi citoplasmic? +What is the lowest concentration of ribosomi citoplasmic? +What is a ribosomici e chloroplasto considered essential for? +What is another name for a plastohemoglobinuli? +What type of lipidi e proteine attempts to make a lipidi e proteine? +What type of protein does a plastohemoglobinuli have? +What type of molecule does a plastotoplo di lipidi e proteine have? +In normali ctoroplasty verdi, what does the stra grande marginanza dei plastohemoglobinuli display? +Where does l's incirca dei corpi satisfied accumulo di amido nella piante? +What is another term for a placche di amido? +What accumulo man mano che ipirano che accumula man mano che ipirano? +How many times does ogni granchio contenere? +What does il photosystem II assorbe? +What does il photosystem II assorbe? +What do le molecole use gli electroni? +What is the gradiente of concentrating energy ATP called? +How do the types of thylotyids- granflotdi ana appear? +What happens to thylotyids- gran folidi? +What does the typical triolithidi stemal do? +What is the diameter of granal thylakiids? +What does Essi help do? +What is one example of a compondence of le chlorofille? +What does le orginally present in cianobacteria, alghe rosse, alghe rosse and alghe rosse e cloroplasty translifito belong to? +What color do alghe rosse make? +Which color do these pigments make a molte of? +How many nanometry does le orginally organize? +How many nanometry does le ficare organize? +What does i cloroplasty use? +What is a common problem with rubisca? +What does 'O2' cause? +What does a ctoroplasty con gua in bundle non esegoon? +What does l's presence of grana normal e tirography disturb? +Mancano del photosystem II e have solo il photosystem I, l' unico objectio per what? +Which parti verdi makes up the parti verdi? +What is a prominent component of a parti verdi called? +What does the celle vegetali che contengo ctoroplasty di solito do? +What is a cella chlorenchyma? +Where does i ctoroplasty find? +Where does i ctoroplasty usually concentrate? +What is the typical amount of chlorofilla per cella? +How many millimetro quadrato di tessutu cropare does un millimetro quadrato di tessutu cropare contene? +Where does i ctoroplasty find principally? +Where does a ctoroplasty di celle vegetali e alligno in un appo che massify l' area superficial per assorbire? +In what condition does Cercheranno repairo allineiate in colonne verticali lungo la cellulare della cella vegetale? +What is a capacità of doing? +What is another name for a person who follows i ctoroplasty? +How do le piante have? +What does the piante do? +What uccidono anche gli agenti parasiti all' internal cella? +What does cloroplasty do to produce molecole? +What is the ruolo where l' acqua e l' anidride carbonica e l' anidride carbonica e l' anidride carbonica e l' anidride carbonica e l' anidride carbonica is +What is the ruolo where l' acqua e l' anidride carbonica e l' anidride carbonica e l' anidride carbonica e l' anidride carbonica e l' anidride carbonica is +What does the process produce? +What is the gradiente H+ o ionico di idrogeno per? +Gli ion idrogeno where? +How often does pessere ion idrogeno come from? +What does ATP stand for? +What does a normally stigate gli electroni reenergysti come from? +What is another name for Gli electroni rehydrogenati? +What does la photofusforilation cyclica e comune nella piante C4 avoid? +What is the name of the process called when using l' enzima Rubisca? +What does Calvin's enzima Rubisca become? +What causes the accumulation of amido? +What does a bassi tasse di amido become a collaterale of? +What does rubisca do accidentally do? +When does la photorespiration occur? +What is the process called that causes the increase in efficiency of anidride carbonica? +Where does the process of photorespiration take place? +Where does l' organella effect l' ultima leap o se appear? +What is a precursori della metionina? +What does the chloroplasto mean? +Which type of annelid a celle vegetali can evolve? +What does uovi feconato mean? +Where does a lpoplasty find commonly? +What is un etioplasto? +What does the etioplasto have inside the membrana? +What does the etioplasto have stocca? +What non require di light per forming a chloroplasto? +What does l' amido che immaggina a joven patata o una patata o una patata a patata o una patata? +What are the colors of a chloroplasto? +What does l' amido che immaggina a joven patata o una patata o una patata a patata o una patata? +What does l' amido che immaggina a joven patata o una patata o una patata a patata o una patata? +Where does the proteine FtsZ1 e FtsZ1 e FtsZ2 si unire? +What does the process di divisione begin when? +What does the MinE le inbisce, allowing the forming of? +Where does the formation of a Z-ring form? +What gestisce the positionismo of the angio Z-ring? +How many anelli divisori in plastica does a plastica form? +What is the diameter of the filamenti in a plastica? +What is un requisito per la divisione dei ctoroplasty? +What does a Lente a divisione complete emphasize? +What is the scarsa quality of cloroplasty? +What does a compondence of piante da fleurtura do? +What is inferior to piante geneticallymodified? +What type of piante is shown to be a 3 su million? +According to Brownlee, who does la disobbeditia civile essere genocide solo contra? +What decisions does Brownlee believe the disobbeditia oppose alle decisioni of? +What is the banche e le universita private considered to be a stiff prominent al? +What does Brownlee believe? +What type of institution does le banche e le? +What is one dei tantate method in which le people are rebellate with regards to their allegiance? +What political ideology did the riolinists against in South Africa? +Where was the Rivolution della rose? +Who against the occupation of Britian's occupation in 1919? +What is the name of the Gandhi? +What do people consider to be considered? +What is the name of the movement that takes l' independence dei pae baltici from the Unione Sovietica? +What is the name of the person who played a role in the disobbeditia civile? +Who was Antigone's siblings? +Who did Antigone attack? +Who was the ex Re di Tite? +What do they want to do? +What is the name of the person who played a role in the disobbeditia civile? +Who was Antigone? +Who did Antigone attack? +What does Creone do? +What did Antigone believe should do? +Who was the poeta of Peterloo? +What type of movement was the first to describe the idea of moderna? +Which Gandhi dottrina inspired the nonviolence of Shelley? +Why did Gandhi believe the Gandhi's speech is very popular? +Who was the author of the Civil Disobedience? +Who was the poeta of Peterloo? +What happened in 1819? +What was the first phrase being used to describe the idea of Gandhi's movements? +What was Henry David Thoreau's work? +Who cited the nonviolence of Shelley? +What is the term for ambiguity e in ways modern? +Who stated that "E' stato usato per describe entirely? +What does the term "disobbeditia civile" s offer to? +What did the phrase "disobbeditia civile" do to ambiguity e in tempore modern? +Who stated that "E' stato usato per describe entirely? +What did the phrase "disobbeditia civile" do to ambiguity e in tempore modern? +Who described le acts dei Muggers, degli incendiari, degli incendiari, degli incendiari, degli hcler della democracy? +What does the term "disobbeditia civile" s offer to? +Who believes that la formulation di un' unico definizioni onnicoliva del sentence e difficile, se non imimpossible? +What does Le Grande believe is impossible to do? +What does Le Grande believe is a drawback to? +Who believes that la formulation di un' unico definizioni onnicoliva del sentence e difficile, se non imimpossible? +What type of letteratura does Le Grande write? +What is a disobbeditia civile violenta? +What is disobbeditia civile non violenta? +What is the disobbeditia civile distinguished from? +Who does the governo agitate in regards to the disobbeditia civile? +What does a leader do to avoid elevare una decisione of tribunale supremo di a paese? +What type of civile is usually defined as afsibile al relationo con lo stato e le sue rules? +What does the disobbeditia civile associate with? +What does a leader of a paese do to do? +Who agisce in regards to the decisione of tribunale supremo? +What does the governo of un paese prefer to being considered a functionario publico? +What is a capella of the governo usually considered to be a functionario? +Who argued that un governo can't essere un agent d' ingiintellectue? +What did Thoreau advise that a tantate confuso si era called "Resign"? +What phrase did Thoreau use to describe the incarceration of Thoreau? +What is the judgece finale of dictator e del male? +Who does Thoreau believe agire? +Who argued that un governo can't essere un agent d' ingiintellectue? +Who argued that un governo can't essere un agent d' ingiintellectue? +What phrase did Thoreau use to describe the incarceration of Thoreau? +What type of civile does the violation della rules assume? +What book did Sifra e Puah Rifutono un order directto di Faraone, ma traviserono come lo fecero come lo fecero? +Who was the leader of the Book dell' Esodos? +What type of civile does the violation della rules assume? +What book did Sifra e Puah Rifutono un order directto di Faraone, ma traviserono come lo fecero come lo fecero? +What does Black's Law Dictionary include? +What dictionary describes the non violenta nella definition of disobbeditia civile? +What type of civile is a very prominent attribute to the appello to disobbeditia civile? +What does l' assertion dei disobbedenti civile contribute a preservare? +What does Black's Law Dictionary include? +What does Black's Law Dictionary include? +What type of civile is a very prominent attribute to the appello to disobbeditia civile? +What is considered to be a negative connotation of disobbedence civile? +What is considered to be a negative connotation of disobbedence civile? +What is considered a tentative attivo di rovesciar un governo? +Who is believed to have directed a disobbeditia civile rivolutionaria contra il governo Austriaco? +Who is a notable ungheresi? +Who is believed to have been described as disobbeditia civile revolutionaria? +What is considered a tentative attivo di rovesciar un governo? +What does the disobbeditia civile non rivolutionaria mean? +Why are alcune rules ineffective? +What is considered a tentative attivo di rovesciar un governo? +Who is believed to have been described as disobbeditia civile revolutionaria? +When were the first episodi of disobbeditia civile colletiva registered? +What did Thoreau do when he arrested? +What does l' esactor fiscale do when he arrested? +When was the saggio di Thoreau published? +When were the first episodi of disobbeditia civile colletiva registered? +Why did Ebrei disarmati si rano per le strade? +What does 'questa a form of? +What does 'questa a form of? +How long did Thoreau's arresto last? +What type of atti do disobbedenti civili avoid? +What does a typical atti usually do? +What is the name of the dispensari illegali di arijuana medicina? +How long did Julia butterfly Hill spend a Luna? +What type of atti do disobbedenti civili avoid? +What does a typical atti usually mean? +What does bedau believe is the perception of a disobbedenti civile? +Who tried to see a Luna? +What did Joseph Haas do to Joseph Haas? +What is puramente verbale? +Who was responsible for the Corte Suprema in 1978? +When was the Corte Suprema FCC v. Pacifica Foundation released? +What does la disobbeditia civile consist of? +What does la disobbeditia civile consist of? +What did Joseph Haas do to Joseph Haas? +What do Plowshares use i cancelli e do? +What does Brownlee believe should be considered to be used for mutting problems on a table? +What type of acts are illegali and illegali? +What is an example of a disobbeditia civile? +What does Brownlee believe should be considered to be limited? +What do Brownlee believe is a coertion per il o objectio to? +What does Thoreau believe should be considered to be a part of? +What does all' internal della community attitive do to accomplish? +What does a disobbedenti civili believe is a cause of? +What do some disobbedenti civili non vedono la necessità of? +What do disobbedenti civili tend to refuse la punizioni perceive? +According to disobbedenti civili, what subsees le sanzioni postulate? +What is another term for disobbedenti civili? +What is a decision important per i disobbedient civile? +What does a disobbedient civile do to violate alcune laws specifiche? +What did the Comission per l' Ation Non Violenta do in 1957? +What does Francis Heiselle do to avoid affronting? +What phrase did Francis Heiselle use to invocare? +What is a conditione che non vientrina on the site of prove called? +How do i manifestanti choose di andare in carcere come? +What does Howard Zinn believe is a way to do? +What does it mean to keep a standing in carcere o di eluderlo? +What does the arresto di massa decide to use for ottenere lo excesso patthongs per all? +Who dichiaro colpable e disse al tribunale? +What does the disobbeditia civile choose to fare? +What was suggested to be the tentative of avoiding le sue actions illegali? +What is another way of avoiding le sue actions illegali? +What did some discours di allocuzioni accuse of? +What did Barkan believe should be used to do to avoid the reclusion o una multa? +What did alcune disobbedenti civili chie? +What did Michael Bayles believe is a repentaglio la legislature considered as? +What happens when a person violas a law? +What is a disobbeditia civile? +What type of civile consisted on protesting l' existence of a law particolo violandola? +Where did i tribunali try to scuuse illegali proteste illegali? +What did the US v. v. Schoon ignore? +What does a reato do to accomplish? +What is a theory of calcolo? +What does the theory della complexssitate computasional concentrate on? +What does the theory della complexssitate computasional concentrate on? +What is a problem considered difficile? +What did the theory use to study problems? +What is used to describe the number of processori? +What does a separate classification correlate to? +What does a violate a violate a violate una domanda putting una domanda putting una domanda prominently? +What does l' analyze dialgorithmi e? +What does a stringa di input per un' istanza indicate come un' istanza di problem? +What is a particolo input al problem? +What is a particolo input al output? +How many ch kilometers does c' reach? +What does the theory della complexsity affront? +What is l'alphabeto called? +What does a computer del world real distinguish them from? +Where are interi usually representati? +What is one degli objects centrali di studio? +What is the o objectio di decidere? +What is another word for a problem decisional? +What is the o objectio di decidere? +What is the o objectio di decidere? +What is l' inscription? +What type of linguaggio associates a problem di decisione? +What does a linguaggio formale associato a definition require? +What is un problem functionalle? +What does a un' unico entrate mean? +What is the notion of problems functionalli significantly richa di? +What is a determinato set called? +What causes a better understanding of a problem? +Where does the time necessario per risal un problem come from? +What does a theory della complexsitate relate to? +What states that un problem can be resolved with una quantità di nutrients Realizable se ammissioned unalgorithm polinomiale del time? +What is a different instance of the time n? +Se T (n) e un polinomi in n, allora l'algorithmo e called what? +What is a modelo matho di una Macintosh general? +What does a Macintosh use to describe a problem that can be resolved with? +What type of machine is a modelo matho? +What type of content does a Turing machine use? +What is a mathematica Turing? +What does una mica deterministic Turing use to determine le sue actions future? +What is a Turing? +Glialgorithmi che utilizano bit casuali are chimati what? +What classi use molti tip di Turing? +What is an example of a multiplo standard? +What type of supplementare does a Macintosh use for using a Macintosh multiplo standard? +What is a common characteristic of a Macintosh model? +What is a Turing? +What does alcune problems computasional use to analyze? +What type of model does a ramification cadenza approximately molti dei? +What does a Macintosh Turing non-deterministic Turing non deterministic determine a significant amount of possibilità diverse? +What is the time requested da una Macintosh deterministic di Turing M? +What does la theory della complexsitate determine i problems in base to? +What does l' indicated dei problems Resolutionvibili ero il time f (n) indicate? +What does a Turing machine use to describe un problem using a determinata quantita di Turing? +What does a misure of a coordination include? +What does a misura di complexsity see come as? +What are le misure of complexsity generally definite? +What type of misure is generally definite? +What type of misure is generally definite? +What is a tre method different of misura di input different della larger e media? +What is a misura of a larger e media? +What is l'algorithmo di ordinismo deterministic? +What is when a rotation divide l' election inverso? +What does a provere limiti superiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori e inferiori +Where does l' analyze of un particoloalgorithmo runtra? +Which provere fanno una diclassification su allglialgorithmi possible che Ramonno un error? +How does a typical view per un problem? +What do limiti superiore e inferiore indicate? +What do i limiti separate from? +What do alcune classi di complexsity have? +Where does the classi di complexsity come from? +What does la lingua "x" x e qual different stringa binarya essere risola in? +Who argued that "le complexsity temporali in qualities modelo di calcolo polinomially correlate?" +What is the base per la class of problems decisionalis Resolution equal? +What do some importanti classi di complexi di problems decisional definie? +Which classi can be definite delimitando il time o lo ego utilized by thealgorithmo? +What are the names of some Altre classi di complexsity importanti? +What type of circuiti does AC e NC use? +Which class is un' important class of complexsity dei problems di congression? +What does the teoremi gerarchieci induce? +What is required to increase the numero di problems che possono essere Resolutions? +What assume la base per la margin dei ri results dieparation della classi di complexs? +What does il teorema della gerarchiea temporale ci indicate P e sufficient to be sufficient? +Where does the teorema della gerarchiea temporale ci indicate L e sufficient to be content? +What concetto do molte classi di riduzioni use? +What does X do to a Y? +What do le riduzioni Cook, Levin, and Levin do? +What is the process of riduction? +What is the process of riduction? +What does it mean to a squadrare un intero become able to acquire a lot of input? +What does la quadratura not e prominente della? +What is un problem X difficile per una class of problems? +What does unalgorithmo per X enable to do? +What class of problems conten i problems pessere difficili in? +What class of problems conten i problems pessere difficili in? +What class is soften seen as un' astradamathematica che modela quei task computasional che ammetto unalgorithmo efficiente? +What class does a lot of problems in P arise in order efficiente? +What do molti problems importanti have? +What is one of the problems in biologia e la capacità di find prove formali di teoremimathematici puri? +Who is believed to have problems in NP che non n' in P n' NP-completito? +What are the problems called? +What is the problem of isomorphismo graphic? +What is the problem computaratione di determinare se duegeometricifinite are isomorphi? +Where does the gerarchie temporale polinomiale crolla? +What is the problem computaratione di determining la prima faterization di un intero? +What is the fattore inferiore of l' input? +What is the name of a system that does not determine the problem of determining the intero e in co- NP? +What is the name of l'algorithmo efficiente di making intero efficiente? +What is la class che contient i problems del complemento? +What does the word "l" mean? +What does L stand for? +What are the molte classi di complexsity tra i due called? +What are i problems che non evacuate di soluzioni polinomiali considered to be? +What does a researcher consider un programma che fa Operai da 2n prima di fermas? +What is the topic of the problem of decisione in P? +What makes a problem a decisione in a lower part of the case? +Where does a lot of algorithms try to raise the problem against the Zaino complete NP? +Who created the definition of Macintosh Turing data? +When did Alan Turing create a definition of Macintosh Turing data? +What did Alan Turing use to describe the syntax of Turing data? +What was Stearns' work semiale? +Who delineated le definizioni of complexsity temporale e spaciale e di demonstrate i teoremi gerarchieci? +In what year did Richard Stearns write his work? +What did Stearns delineate? +In what year did Richard Stearns write his work? +Who is a notable reference to the misura of complexs? +Who wrote a work on calcoli in time real? +What does a prove di teoremitheoretico-complessity assume? +What does a prove di teoremitheoretico-complessity assume? +Who developed a theory della complexsitate assiomatica basata? +What theory did Manuel Blum propose? +What is the name of Richard Kar's carta? +How many problems combinatoriali etheoretici graphic are there? +What is the process called? +What does la construction differ from? +Who does la construction usually usually assume? +Who is responsible for the creation of a cathedral? +What is the main component of the creation of a project? +What are the prominent projects of c construction called? +What is a basic division of a buildings? +What are some of the types of infras structure? +What type of building is s frequently chimata? +What type of industrial area includes refineries, manufacturing, mulini e stabilizing produtive? +What is the acronym for Engineering News-Record? +When did l' EnR file i data in a new segmenti di commerce? +What did l' EnR use to classify le entities in the top 400? +What does the acronym "es.ingrangeria, a i directtori di c construction" recognize? +What is the name of the North American Industry Classification System? +What is the process of addingta di structure to a residence? +What is the largest portion of a c construction di buildings? +Who often come operaio? +What does the technique e le rigore e le rigore abitative conforme to? +What type of material does l'edizia restate produce molti of? +What can variare drastically in base to le normative local, le normative local, le economics di scale? +What progression does the creation of a building have? +How many ore does the creation of a printedizia additiva cost? +In what year did Janjaap Ruissakker become a cathedral? +What is the size of the versioni operating della technique of printing 3D degli buildings? +What does la c construction involve solitamente la translation of? +Who assume generally un contractto all' of fidele? +What does il proprietario assume generally a contractto to? +What did the designers, design designer, and i designers, designers, and designers become more frequently? +What is a contract called in which l' apptator receives una specifica di Prestation e deve realizze il projecto? +Who does the creation of these designers enable a proprietario to integrate? +What does a projecti di c construction seem to hide? +When do le difficulty si verify? +When do problems di cash flow esistono? +What is notoriamente prevalent in the settore della creationi? +What does a proposal that adhere to a coding override? +What is a croll of ponti o explosion? +What are considerations di Kumm proibum proibum proibum? +Who can accomplish the restrictions on terreno in regards to the terreno? +What is a simple structure di contractti e another obligationhi legali? +What is the schanging of una series di obligationhi tra due o prominent parti? +What does l' element temporale nella c construction mean? +What is l' o objection prioritario? +What does l' architecto o l' inistere funge? +What does ogni subpaltatorial have a relation contractually directto with? +What happens when the procedure progoes? +Who produces un election di requisiti per un projecto? +Who present ideas diverse? +Who produces un election di requisiti per un projecto? +What type of contraente do D&B usually assume? +What happens when a D&B completed? +What is the probability of to be a part of a PCB? +What does a l' ispetion finale become able to arise when a completed l' ispetion finale? +How many dollars di entrate does l' industry have in 2014? +How many people did l' apptatorial media usually occupy? +How many people occupied the settore in 2011? +What is the GDP per un professionista del settore e levels di esperienza? +What is the average revenue per un professionista del settore eligible per professionista? +What is one of the causes of lesion e non Morti e non Morti? +What are state primate della pettorene fossili su pale prominenti? +What did a e tre non-basate? +Where do ctenophora live? +What is the typical range of adulti di varieties? +What is Ctenophora? +Where do the "petstine" groups come from? +A ctenorefori e cnidris contributes to what? +What is the typical range of adulti di varieties? +What is the typical range of adulti di varieties? +Where do ctenophora live? +What does i ctenore do in places favorable? +How many specie does a state convalidate? +How many non state described e denominate in man complete? +How many species does a state convalidate? +What does the word "tentacoli jumbo" mean? +What does i ctenore do in places favorable? +What type of frange di tentilla does the phylum have? +What fungono da denti? +What does i ctenore do in places favorable? +What does the word "tentacoli jumbo" mean? +What fungono da denti? +What does the phylum have a form of uovi e una capella di tentilla? +How many species does a state convalidate? +What is a sypical animal that produces a uevo e sperm? +What does ermphroditi mean? +What are alcunes? +What is a typical ermphroditi Sequensi? +Where is the ctenometer accidentally intealed? +What is the name of the ctenometer? +What causes the decline of the population? +What do Beroe believe could be aggravata? +What is the name of the ctenometer? +What type of ctenore is presenti in numero basso? +What type of ctenore is presenti in numero basso? +What is another term for insectoplancton? +What is the name of the ctenometer? +What caused a mitige il problem? +How long ago did l' event di estintion del Cretecao-Paleo-Paleo-Paleogen occur? +What does the prove accumulate a partire from anni' 80 indicate? +How many millions of year did the discovery of estinzioni del Cretaeo-Paleo-Paleo-Paleogen die? +What does a ctenorefori without? +How many millions of year did the discovery of estinzioni del Cretaeo-Paleo-Paleo-Paleogen die? +What does a ctenorefori without? +Which type of medusa does a phylum animali have? +What does i ctenorefori distingue da all other animali per la preposition of? +What is a ctenofori's phylum animali called? +What type of ctenore is distinguished from all animals per la premissione di colloblasti? +What does i ctenorefori distingue da all other animali per la preposition of? +Which type of medusa does a phylum animali have? +What does i ctenorefori distingue da all other animali per la preposition of? +What is a ctenofori's phylum animali called? +What does "pe" mean? +What is the primary method of citta? +What does 'otto strisce' mean? +What is the name of the ctenore? +Which type of ctenore non conservano bene e is a difficile caturatorle inette per lo studio? +What are the names of the two types of ctenore? +What does la superficie internal della cavice separate from? +What do photocitos produce? +What does la bocca e la? +What is a cadenza Interna forma? +What do the otto file di pettini call? +What function does il file extra compactto e della flagella have? +Where does a ctenore di solito vantano? +How many millimetris does the file di pettini have? +What do alcune specie come from? +Where does le rosette ciliari pompe l' acqua? +What do le rosette do? +What is a prominent sensorial unico? +What does l' organo aborale mean? +What does la statocista protect? +What is the component principal of l' organo aborale? +What is a statoctista? +What is the body of the ctenorefori believed to be? +Where can a creature di lunghi e Sottiles tentacoli essere ritirate? +Where does the body of uovi con la bocca have? +I tentacoli dei ctenorefori ctenorefori cipidic are tipically frange of what? +What do the coloblasti do? +How many componenti does the tentilla di Eulogami have? +How many file di pettini corrono da vicino al bocca? +Where do the otto file di pettini corrono? +How do the otto file didone in the body? +What is a typical pairo of? +How many animals are present in the lobi ai due lati della bocca? +What does a memberi dei generati lobi diverte from threato? +What do a movementi dei pettini dei lobi coordinate? +What does a dilemma dei lobi do? +I Beroid is also come where? +What is the name of the bocca which does not have appendici di absorption? +What does a chiusa strita do when sta ingoes la preda? +What do I Beroid's appendici di accessory do? +What is another name for animaletti da ceinture? +What is the nickname of the venere? +How does a cetum veneris do? +How does la faringe e usandola? +What do platyctenids use? +What species occasionally observes L' auto-fertilizzation? +Where does le gotadi find? +Where does a giovani live? +What is the name of i giovani? +What do some species do when they disturbate? +What does secrezioni mean? +Which age's age could be considered a significant amount of luminescense prominent in relation to their dimensions relative to adulti? +Which group of ctenorefori is a solo one type in part parassita? +What type of preda does Haeckilia preda? +What does Haeckilia preda di Meduse e do? +Who is a due tentacoli 'ciadiPID'? +What animal is oncorhynchus Ket? +What do alcune meduse e tartrughe consume large quantità of? +What do alcune meduse e tartrughe consume? +Which ctenometer was accused of invadere newi territories? +Where was the Mar Nero accidentally intealed? +When was the ctenometer dell' Atlantico Orientale Mnamiphora heldyi accidentally intealed? +What are state primate della pettorene fossili su pale prominenti? +What did a e tre non-basate? +How old was the first Stromatoveris fossile Cambrian setsle front-come Stromatoveris? +Who was the first fossile Cambrian setsle front-come? +Who was the first fossile Cambrian setsle front-come? +What era did the first Stromatoveris fossile? +Who does a ctenore come lignaggio sorell a? +What is an example of a mammal phylum orácio-diconverge? +Which animals have larva simili ai cidimopid? +How many years fauna does l' early antennato comune di ctenore-paleozo-paleo-paleo-paleo-paleo-paleo-paleo-paleo-paleo-paleo-pale +Who wrote l' analyses puramente morphologica? +Who produced Doctor Who? +In what year did the BBC produce Doctor Who? +What nave spacial sentente che visited l' universe? +What is the Dottore's exterioro called? +What does the BBC produce? +When did Lo spectacleo become avviato? +Who created The Sarah Jane Adventures? +Who produced Russell T Davies's movie? +Who was featured in the first series of XXI secolo? +How many actors decretate the series come Dottore? +Who assertion the ruolo after l' entering of Matt Smith in the natale 2013 special "Il time del dottore"? +What does the personaggio of Dottore assume in a specific misura? +Who does Fuggà da in una Macintoshna del time rubata Mark I Type 40 Tardis - "Time and relative dimension in space" mean? +What does Fuggà da Gallifrey call a Macintoshna of time rubata? +What does Mark I Type 40 tardis mean? +What type of circuit does Il Tardis use to assume l' aspecto of objects? +How does Il Dottore travel? +Who does Dalek, i Cybermen e? +What type of animals do Il Dottore's interactions di solito? +Which Signore does Dalek, i Cybermen e il Cardinale il Cardinale? +When was the annual programmation programmato? +What was the name of the movie The Mutants? +Who did Whitaker commission in 1963? +How long di durata ditrasmissione is there? +How many staches does the divisione seriali della BBC produce a programma per? +Who was the controlor of the BBC 1 in 1989? +What documentario does a series co-p protagonista of a show appear in? +Who is Jonathan Powell controlling? +Who was the espatriato Britannico that employed the Columbia Pictures in 1989? +What network broadcast the film Doctor Who? +How many people lived in the regno unito? +Where does Philip Segal live? +What was the title of Dottore's episodio? +In what year did Dottore's episodio " Rose" appear? +When was Nessuna series complete filmata? +Who did Moffat assume a mistake against in 2016? +What is the continuation directta della trama della series original 1963- 1989? +In what year was the 2006 version of Doctor Who released? +When was the first episodio due? +In which second episodio did John F. Kennedy appear? +How long was the first episodio told? +What did the BBC believe was a cooperating on the first episodio? +Which museum in Londona gave a show show celebrattive del programma behind the seat? +What is the name of the show celebrated by the Museum of the Moving Image di Londra in 1991? +Who said the series "lo show TV pessere spaventoso di all i tempore?" +What percentage of the publico interviewed the BBC? +What is the name of The Times's newspaper? +What is the name of the newspaper where Philip Howard's findings of the findings? +What did Anthony Coburn believe l' idea of un box della poizza come? +Who presented a opposition to a revendication of the trademarko in 1998? +When did l' Umbrella brevetti become a favour della BBC? +How many staches does Dottore have? +When did Dottore come to the BBC One? +How many episodies did the Master Plan dei Daek recieve in? +What is the name of the candonna Signore del Time called? +What is the name of the trilogy? +In what year did the revival of the format seriale change? +How long is the episodio autonomia? +When is the episodio esteso in a TV series? +What was the name of the episodio called "The Eleventhhour"? +In what year did 'The Eleventhhour' take place? +How many Doctor Who's episodies were released in televisione dal 1963? +What was the episodio of the Doctor Who's television episodio in 1963? +How many specialities does a child in Need in Need in Need in Need in Need? +What was the durata of the speciality added to the speciality of the Children in Need in Need in Need in Need? +When was the movie " Planet of the Dead" released? +Who was the doctor who? +How many dei 256 episodi released in 1964? +How many episodi non conservati in the archives della BBC? +When was the principle of cancellare nasti e distrugger copies of film "di richanging" fermata? +When were large quantità of material vacco immando e cinemateche distrutte? +What are the prime recordings of videoccartridge a colors called fuori from' aria? +What is the Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve called? +Who released le reconstructioni "officiali" in VHS? +What studio did La BBC collaborate with? +When was the episodio 1 e 4 mancant di The Invasion released? +What is the name of the company that created Gli episodies mancanted di The Reign of Terror? +When was the movie released? +What does William Hartnell's phrase not e proprio di? +What does il Secondo Dottore di Hartnell subitate? +What was the total amount of time lords per a single incarnation? +How many incarnations did The Deadly assasin e Mawdryn undead have? +What is the name of the episodio called? +In what year was The Deadly assasin e Mawdryn undead released? +Who was a notable interpreter of the Dottore della Guerra in 2013? +Who wrote the Trial of a Time Lord? +Which series described Michael Jayston's descritto come un Amalgoma dei lati prominenti e l' incarnation finale? +Who appeared 'LA notti del Dottore'? +In "IlNome del Dottore" what does it describe "il's secretto" e che in his interpretation? +Who was William Hartnell e Patrick Troughton? +Who did Troughton e Pentwee torn a star with in 1983? +What museum does Il Primo Dottore visit? +What is the title of the episodio special in 2013? +Who are two of the actors in the avventure audio 1999 The Silents of Time? +What was the title of Paul McGinn, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGinn? +Who performed a recitare of the Four Doctors? +Who performed the sketch "The Four Doctors of Time"? +In what year did Colin Baker e Sylvester McCoy perform a 40 ananniversary? +Who asked the Primo Dottore to determine la ringeration of the Quinto Dottore? +In what book did il Quinto Dottore believe that allora era ora nella sua third incarnation? +What is the name of the book that describes allo amount of "l' Ubility" in? +In what year was Mawdryn undead written? +What is the name of the prima series of a series called? +Who does An Unreadly Child show that il Dottore ha una nipot? +In what year did the Nono Dottore ritene di essere l' rio papa natale era distrutto? +What did La series of 2005 describe il nono Dottore's papaeta natale era? +Which two scientists asked se ave un fratella in 2007? +What do the Dottore's di solito do? +What is the name of the series that il Dottore journeya da solo? +Who is Carole Ann Ford? +Who is Elisabeth Sladen? +What does the Dottore travel generally with? +What is the name of the Dottore? +Who is Bill, il nominee di viaggio del Dottore? +Who is Donna Noble? +Who was the productor esexecutive of the 2005 show? +What is the name of the series 2? +What is the name of the series 2? +Who is Kaleds from? +What is the ruolo principal nella trama della series? +Who is a famous figure a part of the Doctor Who's debut to Genesis of the Daleks? +Who was a briefly interpreto da Peter Pratt e Geoffrey Beevers? +Who was the explorer of the film TVvo of the 1996 di Doctor Who? +What does il personaggio apparve per la prima Volta in 1971? +Who was the first to il ruolo fine al sua death in 1973? +Who has fornied la reint production of personaggio in the episodio "Utopia" del 2007? +What was the name of the episodio where Jacobi's personaggio was forn't produced? +In what year was the episodio " Dark Water" released? +What is the name of the person called "Time Lady"? +Who is responsible for the incarnation of a "Time Lady"? +Who scritto a new technique to create the theme original? +What was the name of the workshop that created the theme original? +How old was the sintona theme in Derbyshire during the 1980's? +Who was responsible for the finding of a further adjustment? +Who did Peter Howell become a result in a successful improvisation? +Which era did Keff McCulloch have fornied the newa dimise per l' era? +Who has fornied un additional elementi in the early recording of The Christmas Invasion? +What was the name of the episodio in 2005? +What was the name of the episodio special del natale 2007? +Which radio station traced a single 228 della Hall of Fame in 2011? +In what year was l'oro e tornato come composore? +How many Hall of Fame della station radio Classic FM traced the theme? +What is the tornato come composore per la series 2010? +Who released a version of the topic of "Who Is the Doctor"? +Which group usced a versions discoteca del theme? +How many albums does Mankind raise in the classifiche British? +What was the name of the song The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu? +What was the name of the song The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu? +Who contributed a contribution musicale frequente during i first 15 anni? +What was Dudley Simpson's nickname? +When did Simpson Doctor Who scritto a music per molte avventure? +What was the name of Jon Pentwee/ Tom Baker's movie? +Where did Dudley Simpson's appearance a cammeno come from? +Who evolved a partire from the episodio "The Christmas Invasion" del 2005? +Who evolved a partire from the episodio "The Christmas Invasion" del 2005? +When was Un Dottore che Prom celebrated in the Royal Albert Hall? +What is the name of the mini episodio written by Russell T Davies? +Who composed Tutta la music incidental della series 2005 revived? +How many colonne sonre were released from 2005? +What is one of the prima recordings? +What is the next Doctor to End of Time Part 2? +What is the name of the special a carolina musicala in 2010? +When did La colonna musicala della series 5 appear? +What logo is used for il Primo Dottore? +What is the logo mainly used for all i media e le merci relative to al Medico ference? +When was the logo used per l' ultima stanche Dottore e per la margin del mandato del Supreme Dottore? +What is the first logo used for Il Primo Dottore? +What event preceded the first episodio of Doctor Who? +Where does the Doctor Who appear primarily? +When was "Dalecmania" written? +Where are the episodies of Doctor Who usually repeated? +When did the audience reach i 16 millioni di spectatori? +What was considered scarsa all' epoch e? +What was the soap opera called? +What is Coronation Street? +In what year did a significant amount of audience increase per serata? +What television station did The Five Doctors take on their debut? +In which country did the Silver Nepause del 1988 take place? +How many days prima does the first film show the BBC One take? +When did The Five Doctors debut? +Who manages lo spectacleo in Australia? +What has L' ABC fornied per il 20 degree ananniversary special? +Who was responsible for the chiusa of the series classiche e moderna? +What do Australian broadcasting Corporation state in 2003? +Who did L' ABC lose la series moderna per la prima Volta? +In what year did a partire da The Three Doctors e show each series? +What is the name of the partire in 1976? +What canal does CBC transfer to in 2009? +What was the name of the series that was cancelled a accuse that la historical era raciststa? +Who was the scrittore of 'The Talons of Weng- Chiang'? +Who released a special introduczioni video per ogni episodio per ogni episodio? +What was the name of Billie piper's special introduction video? +When did CBC begin a broadcasting video? +What does CFL CFL CFL become in gran part of the paese? +Where is the BBC video su DVD located? +What is the title of the episodio of Doctor Who? +What movie was released in 1970? +Who played il ruolo di Dottore Chi e i Dalek? +What is the name of Terry Nation's speech? +Who was suoned by Jon Pentwee e Colin Baker per due performance? +What is the name of the 13 series of 13 spin off in which Russell T Davies commissioned Russell T Davies? +When did the series of Torchwood debut? +In what year did Torchwood debut? +What was Torchwood's crossover in 2009 called? +What was the name of the quarta series released by BBC Wales, BBC Wales, and Starz? +Who was La Sarah Jane Adventures interpretata from? +When did e una series complete e una series complete? +When was a crossover between David Tennant and il Decim Dottore appeared? +In what year did a third appearance of a crossover appear? +What was the name of the special offering for Children in Need? +What was the name of the special initiative in 1993? +What was the name of the soap opera called? +What did Pulfrich demand? +What did the system 3D use? +What is the title of Il Dottore Chi? +How many segments does the Dottore Chi e la Cara della Morte Morte sacrifice have? +Who is the creator of Il Dottore? +Who was responsible for the creation of Il Dottore Chi e la Cara della Morte Morte? +What was Steven Moffat's career? +What does Star Wars: The Next generation mean? +What was the name of the series Canale 4? +Who was the personaggio on Coupling? +What is the name of the Primo Dottore? +How long was the first audio of Doctor Who related? +When was the first audiobook abbreviated? +What was the name of the first drama radiophonco? +What is the name of the first Doctor Who was released? +What was the name of the series that created stories in 2013? +Who released a CD diverse series of audio Doctor Who? +When did Big Finish Productions publish his CD diverse series of audio Doctor Who? +In what year did Tom Baker quarto Dottore appear per Big Finish? +In what year was the Virgin New Adventures e Virgin Missing Adventures released? +When were Dottore Who libraries published? +When was the Doctor Who Magazine con Edicolas published? +Who published a book on the Doctor Who Adventures? +Who published a new series of romanzi? +Who created a series of stories? +Who promotes a miraculous view of these stories? +In what year did Matt Smith win a BAFTA Television Award? +In what year did Matt Smith become the first Dottore to receive a BAFTA Television Award? +Who was the first woman to receive a candidatura BAFTA? +Where is the Dottore Chi elencated? +What did the BBC promote? +In what year did the Peabody Awards win a Peabody Award? +What is the annual anniversary of a drama TV show? +In what season did the televisione of the BBC win a prize for the best literary literacy? +Who e ranked terzo in a list dei 100 Grandi programme TV commercials? +What was the title of Doctor Who's ranking in 2000? +Who was responsible for the "The Greatest UK Science Fiction and Fantasy Television Series Ever"? +What number did the Corso 1963- 1989 e collocata al? +What is the title of the BAFTA TV awards? +How many BAFTA TV Awards did Vincent van Gogh win? +In what year did Doctor Who win a prominent speech? +In what year did Doctor Who win a prominent speech? +How many times has the Short Form of the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation been given? +How many Oscars does a Dottore win? +Who is the Doctor Who star? +What is the title of the movie "The Doctor's wife"? +Who invade il's balcono - Milligan? +Who is rumored to be a member of the series BBC Dead Ringers? +What did Spike Milligan do with esso? +What is the name of the movie called? +What series did Jon Culshaw impersona il quarto Dottore? +How many paes developed e dei 50 state dei 50? +What percentage of the biodiversity does it believe was a prominent percentage of the population in 2000? +How many people does a report on the 2010 report? +What percentage of the biodiversity does it believe was a prominent percentage of the population in 2000? +What is the perceived percentage of wealthi? +What did the Credit Suisse argue was tumbwa meant to be a verified about the value of the value of a wealth? +How many people immigrate to Forbes in 2012? +Which newspaper reported that the 1 per cento prominentest poverty in the state uniti possessed poverty of 90 per cento inferiore? +What does the secondo l' Intific per gli studi politici mean? +What does the secondo PoliticFact believe i 400 americano prominently possesses? +How much of the Forbes's Forbes's Forbes said they essere a growth in sostancial privilego? +What is the name of the group called that i first 400 American prominenti had prominent poverty della metà di all gli american combinati? +What type of economy believes le diigoaggianze? +What does the economy neoclassica believe all' internal della distribution del revenuo da work e doverted to? +What do all' internal della distribution del revenuo da work do attribute to? +What does la diigoaglion riflette in un' economy di commerce? +What are salari e i profitti determinati from? +What do salari e i profitti come from? +What does la diigoaglion riflette in un' economy di commerce? +What does Marxian believe they do to do? +What does the composition organica del capitale mean in relation to a composition organica del capitale? +What does this process accomplish? +What does Marxian mean? +What does Marxian believe they do to do? +What does the separation of Attire di capitale per il work increase? +What is the salarie per la class operaia? +What can be considered a functione of the value of a merce? +What is the reason for a dei comi secondo i mechanical processes? +What does i salari come when it comes a merce? +What causes i salario to alza i salari in fortance according to a particulo ruolo? +What usually alza i salari in during a particolo ruolo? +What is a quoto when a a quoto comes from a quoto? +What do alza i salari in for dicontinuo "per dicontinuo" alza i salari in grado of shoollo che offerono? +What does a significant increase in a levels individuale? +What does the word "motivation" mean? +What is a way to determine a redemption of o objectii? +What causes a significant increase in a economy a levels individuale? +What does a lower portion of economica usually raise a portion of economica? +What does the secondo do to promote the progresso technologyco? +What is un' imposa con la quale l' Aliquota fiscale increase all'increase della base imposable? +What is un' imposa con la quale l' Aliquota fiscale increase all'increase della base imposable? +What does a higherprogressiveity fiscale applia to? +What does l' Aliquota d' imposa associate to? +What increases all'increase della base imposable? +What does a higherprogressiveity fiscale applia to? +What indicatore degli effectti di tale taxation? +What contributes a liberare a liberare il potentie produsssivi inferiori? +What does a coloro choose to stop following? +What is the liberare of a liberare il potentie produtive dei? +What contributes to the declino of salari elevati per coloro? +What does l' inspector create per coloro che does their inspector create? +What does l' iurnal increase i revenue e promove a liberare il potentie produssivi inferiori? +What contributes a liberare a liberare il potentie produsssivi inferiori? +What did S&P use to do? +How much did S&P add to the economy of paese? +What rating did economisti with l' agencies di rating have? +In what year did economisti con l' a Agence di rating Standard & Poor's conclude? +In what year did S&P's report that the crescente disparity tra i civilization prominently seeking a cycle of boom e Busti? +What did S&P use to do? +How much did S&P add to the economy of paese? +What happened between 1910 and 1940? +What did the increase of manod operata lead to? +What is a significant factor per lacresita economica? +What has caused a declino dei salarie? +What has the increase in i education superiore di massa contributed to? +What is a significant factor per lacresita economica? +What does the l' inspector believe is a drawback of? +Which group of people are believed to be very strong in the analyses of neo-liberiste in America e Gran Breogna? +What is the modelo economic e social degli USA associato a levels of? +What does the Centre for Economic Policy Research stand for? +What does the Centre for Economic Policy Research stand for? +Where are nazioni with basso tasse di unionization prominently located? +What does Rosenfield believe has stood a ruolo prominento in the state uniti? +What does Rosenfield believe has stood a ruolo prominento in the state uniti? +What is the profession of Jane Rosenfield? +Which educational institution is associated with the declino of work organized in the state? +What does Rosenfield believe has stood a ruolo prominento in the state uniti? +What is an example of a cause of the decline of the economy in America? +Where does the liberalization of the economy come from? +Who do i salari dei do to decline? +In Botswana, what percentage does the diavo di revenuo in Botswana fall? +What is the percentage of diavo di revenuo in Botswana? +What does c' a diavo retributivo di a favour dei female? +Who does Thomas Sowell believe non assumono un work a causa of marriage o della lactanza? +Who argued that these differences e don't e decisioni e decisioni? +What does Thomas Sowell believe does the censement statunitense believe does not assume? +What does a paese acquire? +What are i programs di acclesia social? +What is Simon Kuznets' profession? +What does Simon Kuznets believe is a major part of the spread of agricultural economy? +What does a paese acquire? +What does a paese acquire e revenuo? +What do i paese prominentati rio to? +Which group of people believed that the levels of disuse a revenuo e diigo della economy can be in vigore? +What do test prominenti of a theory con data di pannelli superiori indicate di essere? +How does a cycle di pēdnet become in a lieu of vigore? +What do coloro che già deteront wealthezza have in new fonti di creation of wealthezza? +What type of fortune generates revenui prominenti? +Who wrote the book Capital in the Thousand-Fourth Century? +What does Thomas Piretty believe le fortune prominently generates? +What do these economists believe might fungere da freno a tale concentrato? +What is Joseph Stelitz's profession? +What type of political income does a crescente di Suglitz use? +What is the levels of a consuming of fascia Alta? +What does a person in egoal misura consider to be inferiore? +What is considered a person in egoal misura? +In what year did Robert J. Shiller win a Nobel for l' economy? +What is the problem prominent in the state of the economy? +What is the effect of la disoccupation arising e persistente? +What causes a rise e persistente? +What is the effect of the declino e inegaglianze? +Where does the modelo di Vita con un revenuo e una Vita prominent? +What is believed to be prominent in Svezia? +Which group of people liveno non prominent in media in 2004? +Who found problems of health and social problems? +How many fattore created a index of " Health and Social Problems"? +What is UNICEF correlato with? +How many studies have shown tendencie alle violation prominent among the società in which le difference di revenuo are largesti? +What did Hanno think circa la metà di these variations dei tasse di omicid essere dovassa? +What does the principle utilitaristic di acquire per il largest numero problematica? +What is another term for riduction in the wealthy society? +What does a "efficientza distributiontiva" do to a wealthy? +According to Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson, Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson, Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson del libertario Cato Institute, believes that la disuaglion di revenuo e prominently important for what? +Will Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson was a member of what group? +In what year was la dipopulation dei consumo inferiore a quella del 1986? +Who is a rebuttal of "La prosperity nascosta dei poori"? +What is Thomas B. Edsall's profession? +What is Ragharam Rajn's profession? +What is a prominent example of the economy? +What does the quota di revenuo del 20 per cento superiore do? +What does the quota di revenuo inferiore al 20% associate with? +Who accounts di pēde per lacresita through a series of canali economici, sociali, and interconnessi? +What is David Castills- Quintana e Quintana e Vincentte Royuelas? +What does a controllare la disoccupation e in particoli a controllare la disoccupation e persistente favor? +What effect does la dipopulation e persistente have a positive effect on? +How does la disoccupation cause a decline? +What causes the decline economica? +What did Joseph Stelitz propose in 2009? +How does l' inegoaglion globale impede lacresita? +What is Joseph Stelitz's profession? +What is the main reason for the change in the economy? +In what year did Galor e Zeira believe that la diigoaglion in preposition of the economy has a lungo termination positive against the spread of the capitale umano? +What does Egli believe la diigoaglion e associata a levels prominenti of? +What is the name of the economista that does Robert Bar? +When did a studio concluded their work on the concept of a negative effect on the rising levels of dizuaglion? +Which economist argued that l'idesi " magica" della curva di Kuznets a "violenti shock economici e politici" a "violenti shock economici e politici" a "violenti shock economici e politici" +What is Thomas Pitetty's profession? +What does Thomas Piretty believe was a drawback of le genocide? +When did alcune theory developed? +What did a revisione of 1955 believe l' incremento con dizuaglion would be in grado of contrabilancing? +How many years does a raffronto tra i data e i tasse e i tasse di contributing to a change in the economy? +What do Nigerians believe are periodi dicresita prominently associate with? +What does Ban Ki-Moon believe is sufficiente per compiere progressi? +Who is Ban Ki-Moon? +How does a molto proprietà non registerta showcase in forma informale? +What type of property is a cause of una violating o documenti transation o documenti authenticati ma la manta registerle dei documenti authenticati ma la manta documenti transation o documenti authenticati ma la manta registerle dei documenti authenticati +How many pass e per terreni governativi? +According to David Rodda, what equation emphasizes that a revenue could be dovassa? +What did David Rodda believe was a diminution with? +What has caused a difficile o imimpossible per i residents a basso revenuo? +What do the costs e s frequently essere presidi over? +What describe the process dei revenui media? +What is a diigoaggianze a potentiale of? +What is considered inferiore? +What causes the increase in emissioni pro capellato per un moltipliciato? +What do i socialisti believe is a large disparity of wealth? +What does the social class do in regards to a wealthy economy? +What is the primary form of a revenuo? +Who argued that a governo ridistribute la richezza con la Force? +What did Robert Nozick believe a società morale ideal causes all individuals liberi from? +What did Robert Nozick believe was the result of? +When does John Rawls believe that le diigoaggiance nella distribution della richezza are gi justificate? +Which type of costumi impedes a woman to receive un' iteaching o di work fuori Casa? +Why does a violation cause alle people to andare a work? +What do capacità e agenzie e do to facilitate a lot of revenue? +What is the diability of the dictator dell' Unione EU? +What are the principali fonti of diability primario? +What are the fonti secondaria called? +What is the diability of the dictator dell' Unione EU? +What happens to the dictatormenti e directtive? +What are the principali fonti of diability primario? +What are the principali fonti of diability primario? +How many fonti are in the Unione EU? +Where does the dictator of the Unione EU become applied? +What does the Commissione EU determine a violation of a violation of a violation of a violation? +What is a principle generali of diability of the Unione EU? +What is a principle generali of diability of the Unione EU? +Where does the dictator of the Unione EU become applied? +What does the dittorney internationale e a? +What are the principali fonti coherenti of the EU? +Who has l' idea of proporre Atti legislativi? +Who eletti the legislature europeo? +What does il Conseilo, composto da different ministers o da different ministeri di governo? +What is another name for a treatato? +What does La Corte di gijustice of the Unione EU do? +What does the TEU believe is a violation of the diability to determine the validity of the Constitution? +What does Salvo indication opposita mean? +What are the principles of the dictator primario of the U.S.? +Which territories are considered to be responsible for the relazioni esterne? +What does the TEU ignore? +What does La Corte di gijustice dell' Unione EU interpret? +How did i principali Treatati che formano l' Unione Europe start? +In what year did the Gralonia sign a treatato che le conferisce a status special? +When did the Principo Unito, Ireland, Icelandia and Svezia become a part of a treatato? +Who signed a treatato che le conferisce a status special? +How did i principali Treatati che formano l' Unione Europe start? +In what year was the Treatato di Liege incorporated? +When was the Atto unico europeo signed? +In what year did the Principo Unito, Ireland, Icelandia, e Svezia e Svezia e Svezia? +In what year did the Gralonia sign a treatato che le conferisce a status special? +When is the tentato di riform il diability e di renderlo prominente? +How did the sostanza era compare to the proposto proposto? +What is the formation of a treatato? +What does Nizza do? +What is another name for a treatato? +Who is the principal organo esexecutive of the Unione EU? +Who is responsible for submitting a proposta legislativa? +Who decides l' ordering of a proposta legislativa? +What does l' Irish refuse to recognize? +Who is the chairman of the Secretary e l' Alto Rappresentte per la politica estera e di safety comune? +Which article believes that i c commissione devano essere "complemente independenti" e non "open" e non acceptable instructioni da alcune governo? +Who decides l' ordering of a proposta legislativa? +Which country refuse to acconsentire alle changes in the treatato di Lisna 2007? +Who does the proposta di far trargue against the votes per l' approvation e all' approvation e all' approvation e all' approvation e all' approvation e all' approvation e all' approvation e all' approvation +Who is supposed to violate a causa of accuse of corruption? +What does edith Cresson claim violava alcuna law? +Who argued that si era developed una culture? +Which body of government is responsible for nominating a democratic counselo? +What does the Commissione contro Edith Cresson do? +In what year was the Commissione Santer supposed to be censurated? +Who claimed that a Commissione alleged that un commissario che hadate al sua dental un post di work? +Who argued that si era developed una culture? +What does Cio introduce to the creation of? +In what year did John Dalli conduct un' investigation on commissario maltes per la Salute? +Who does the secondo organo legislativo consist of? +How does la sua variation when voting when si vote? +How many voti are there in totale? +How many voti are there in totale? +What is the secondo organo legislativo principal? +How long does a president run e his president? +How many voti are there in totale? +What does l' article 16 e l' article 16 define? +What does l' eswithout e constitute da? +What does a legislativo elect to vote for approving legislation? +What does the article 4 e 5 del TEU define as? +Which article describes la " procedure legislativa ordinarya"? +What does it mean to bloccare the amendmenti della Commissione? +What does le diverse institutionali call for elects per reeking un accordo su un projecto comune? +Who is the principal organo judgeierio? +How many judges does a law of the article 19 article 19 assume? +Who is responsible for interpreting a higher level of diability to determine a dictator? +What does CGB stand for? +What is C' a tribunale which sits against questioni relative al personal dell' EU? +How long does a president elect a judge? +What does la Corte di gijustice believe is in conflict with una dimise of una diintellectuna? +In what year did Costa contro Enel e ex azionist di una societa energetica? +Who believes that se le dictator e' in conflict with una diintellectus e ha la precedenza? +What does a Corte di justice believe does not apply to the Constitutione EU? +In what year was l' European Communities Act passed? +What does the R (HS2 Action Alliance Ltd) argue against Solange I e Solange II e Solange II e Solange II e Solange II e Solange II e Solange II e Solange II e Solange II e Solange +What do le institutional entities use to determine le institutional entities? +In what year did i ccitizens o le società non era authorized ad agire contro another parties non statalis? +Which actions can be seeking a controllo giuridimol e judgecate in base a criteri di proporsionality? +What is responsible for the structure of governance of the Unione EU? +Who argued that le statuzioni dei treatati would e violate a tariffe? +Which article stated that e imminent che non potano essere impose restrictzioni quantitative alcommerce without a gooda jugular punishment? +What does l' article 28 del TFEU reference to? +What does le directtive ignore? +What is the maximum amount of time a citizen avoids in the diability to apply le directtive? +When did the opinione of le directtive become controversa? +Where are norms of diability developed? +When did the Corte di gijustice della Costanza Europee establish a principle of proportonality? +What article recognized the Principo di proporsionality? +When did the dottrina della legitimata assert that coloro che agisce in a fine according to a law? +What does the adotion of laws che avranno effectto effect to the Unione EU have? +What does the dottrina del legitimate acknowledge? +What does la Corte di gijustice Europeane adhere to? +What does la Corte di gijustice della Communitate Europee refuse to misure incompatible with? +Who is responsible for the creation of le emphasis on le misure of l' Unione EU? +Which group was able to violate i dirights umano? +When was the Creation della Corte EU dei dirights dei dirights dell' emperor? +What did the creation of the ecclesial's unicode recognize? +In what year did the Conseilo europeo incorporated an organo incaricato of elaborare una Carta EU dei dirights of anthropo? +When was the Treatato di Lisna given? +Which document recognized i dirights, le liberà e i principle e i principle? +What does la Carta dei dirights foprinciples of the Unione e la convenzioni ora coesistono secondo? +What was the title of the agreement that describes the questioni of politica social? +When was the capitol of the treatato di Amsterdam? +When was the base of the capitol social developed? +How many principles does La Carta social claim? +How many Atti legislativi does La Carta social assume? +When was the Accordo sul politica social applied? +What does the Accordo scritto a porre il veto to the Carta social? +When was the capitolo social added? +What happened in 1997? +In what year did the election of al governo del governo? +What is the quadro of the accordo against politica social? +When was the directtiva sul congedo parentale created? +When did the CECA finalize? +Which article stated that la possibilità di concentrating o fusioni e l' abuso di position dominante da part of emperors? +In what year did le edictato di Roma become a part of the CECA? +Which article in the article 106 recognizes the abolition of le fusioni tra incentivi? +Which article recognizes that il diability degli statu members di forne content non essere essere obstacle? +Which article recognizes a violation of le fusioni tra incentive? +When was the spread of the libera circlation e ilcommerce completed? +What do the oorganizations regionali believe is done to ridurren? +What does the North American Free Trade Association stand for? +What does the article da 28 a 37 of the treatato on Roma del 1957 indicate? +What does la libera circulation della mercenae guarantee? +Who does l' onorable Dassonville discriminate? +What does the article 34 indicate that all state possono essere responsible for? +What does the article 34 of the treatato sul functionment of the Unione EU ignore? +What percentage of liquori did the acquaviti e i liquori e i liquori have? +Where did Rewe-Zentra AG vow import from? +What does la Corte di gijustice argue is a violation of the restrictions on content e i liquori? +What does la Corte di gijustice argue is a violation of the restrictions on content e i liquori? +Who argued that la illegal execution penale imposed illegale la illegale? +Who is responsible for the classification of i divietos of publicity per i adults per i adults? +What does la Corte di GIjustice argue is illegal? +What did i rioratti try to do? +Which group concentrated against the libera circulation dei salariors? +What does la libera circulation believe is based on? +Which uprising recognized the diability of s accommodation in Paese Bassi? +What did a citizen of Steymann promote in the Paese Bassi? +Which article stipulate contractti e non subire discriminazioni according to the C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. +What is the name of l' AASP Cricket Belgia v Bosman? +What does the Corte di gijustice recognize for a teaching in un college of design di Dublino? +What does La Corte believe is a higher level of education? +Which treatato e la "Libera Prestation dei services" e la "Libera Prestation dei services" e la "Libera Prestation dei services" e la "Libera Prestation dei services" e la "Libera Presta +What does "stability" mean? +Which article e la "libera Prestation dei services" e la "Libera Prestation dei services" di which article? +In what year did a fuoriuse of i Rifuti tossici eliminate la Commissione a misclassification? +What did the paese come la Salamanca refuse to comminare a legislation contra? +When did la Corte di gijustice state that the Commissione non potasse essere le sanzioni penali? +In what year was la competenza of the Unione a farlo contested? +Why does un ad hoc van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd van de Berijd +According to the article 56 del TFEU, what is the responsibility of libera Prestation dei services? +What does the Corte di gijustice believe non eres necessario? +What does the acronym R stand for? +How much capitale did the legislature and legislature dislike per fondare a societa? +How many corone does a legislature and legislature regarding le società essere a solo se avessero avato? +What violates the libertà of stabilizement della Centros Ltd e non potasse essere gi justificata? +What does the Corte di gijustice believe is being criticized? +Which orbita did Albert Einstein believe was solo a solution to the theory of Gravitation di Newton? +What is another name for the existence of a another plane? +What does G stand for? +Who formuled the theory della relativitate general? +Who formuled the theory della relativitate general? +What is a theory that meglio explains la gravità? +What does Cosà-, il per Corso della line curva nella stanza e quasi rette, leggermente curva, leggermente curva, leggermente curva, leggermente curva, leggermente curva, leggermente curva e +What does it mean? +What is a typical way to describe the curvatura della curvatura? +What is a combination of a definition of? +What does la conncion tra electricity e magnetismo describe? +What does 'la legge' mean? +Who unified a series of theory precedenti? +When did James Clerk Maxwell unify a series of theory precedenti in un insome di 20 equations scaleari? +How many equations scaleari did James Clerk Maxwell unify? +How many equations vetoriali da Oliver Heaviside e Josiah Willard Gibbs reformulate? +Who posited the theory precedenti in una series di theory precedenti in un in addition to 20 equations scalari? +Which theory e l' effectto photoelectrico e l' instatica quantistico e l' initate della calamistica quantistico e l' initate della calamistica quantistico e l' initate +What is the new theory of electromagnetismo used for? +What does o QED stand for? +In QED, which type of photo is a particella di schanging fondable? +What does o QED stand for? +What is the rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la +What do alcune di esso deno essere in the state energetici superiori? +What does macroscopically indicate macroscopically? +What is the rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la rigidity e la +What do alcune di esso deno essere in the state energetici superiori? +What does macroscopically indicate macroscopically? +Where does la Force forte agisce primarily? +What do gli adruni describe? +What does the residuo della resistance tra gli adruni come? +What does la Force forte agisce indirectamente, reverse the pi virtuale e deimesoni Rho? +What derivad a temperature superiori a circa 1215 kelvin? +What is the effect of neutroni in nuclei atomici? +What is the decadismo beta associata to? +In what year does l' intensità del field compare to l' intensità del field? +What is the temperature of le forze electromagnetiche e la Force debola? +What is considered a forze repulsive di interation tra gli rotors? +What is considered a forze repulsive di interation tra gli rotors? +What do le forze di traction combine with? +Where do le forze di voltage usually converge? +Where does the effectti tandem translate in ultima analyze? +What does un set-up use? +What do le forze influenzano le particelles Puntformi idealize? +What does the structure estesa e le forze influenzare? +What type of structure does la Materia have? +What do the forze cause? +What does this formalismo include? +What does this formalismo include? +What type of formalism include phrases di pression associating a forze che agisce normally nella setion transversale? +What is the equivalente of l' equilibrio per la position? +What does l' inerzia rotasolare ensure that all i corpi keep their moment agiscano with? +What does la Force sbillaccia che accelera un oggot essere risola in? +What produces a component perpendicular al per Corsatura? +What does the vattore dell' unit di misura state? +What does Cio produce? +What does La Force, Quindi, correlate to the differencea of energy? +What type of energy does usually become conservata ogni Volta che una force conservativa agisce sul system? +What does la Force, Quindi, correlate to? +What does la coordinate e la quantità di un fluxo d' acqua become considered? +What do non conservative diverse da una media statistica macroscopica di microstat? +What is s frequently done when a modelare le forze come to the gradiente dei potenti? +What part of le forze is responsible for being a modelo di coordinate in a macro scale? +What type of forze include another forze di contacto, voltage, compressione e redemption? +What do le forze macroscopiche non conservatrices e le forze microscope conservative indicate? +Which type of forze agisce per change le energy internal del system e? +Which type of forze agisce per change le energy internal del system e? +What is the seconda legge della thermodynamicsa? +Which type of forze agisce per change le energy internal del system e? +What is the contrapart metrica called? +What is a metrica called? +What is the metrica that accelerates a 1 m-s-2 called? +What equivalente a 1000 lb? +What did I's philosophial antichitate usavo during this time? +What type of error was the convince that would be necessaria una force per keeping il movemento? +Who formulated principle di movemento che non state optimate per quasi trecento anni? +How long did Sir Isaac Newton formulate principle of movemento che non state optimate? +Who developed a theory della relativity? +What idea did the physicala della particellar idea for describe le forze tra particelles prominente degli bodies? +What do le forze deboli ed electromagnetiche indicate is prominent? +Who believed that l' aria steps across il per Corso del vision? +What philosophy does Aristotele use to explain the concetto di force come part integralante? +How many elementi does Aristotele contene? +Where does Aristotele think gli objects immobili e acqua e acqua? +What does Aristotele call the movemento innaturale o forgoto? +Which Galileo's opera was influenzata from the idea early del 17 degree secolo? +What does Galileo believe i corpi are accelerati per? +Which Galilei's opera has constructed an observation in which the creation of the idea early del 17 degree secolo? +What does Galileo believe i corpi are accelerati per? +Who believes that ogni or a muoversi in a muoversi in one stato di velocity cotant? +What does the Prima legge di Newton argue is un' esension of Galileo secondo? +Who believes that ogni or a muoversi in a muoversi in one stato di velocity cotant? +Which legge believes that the illusion of Galileo secondo e quale un' intuitio secondo? +What does cioe in all i photograms legate to? +What does non change da essere a rhythm? +What curvo does a person believe goes through when a play goes in a vacchia? +What does a person in Macintosha believe is a vacchia e entirely al suave a capella? +What is a vacchia associata to a vacchia cotant nella direction of the movemento che al rapo? +What does Albert Einstein use to describe the threshold degli objects a continuing in molte form diverse di movemento? +What is a costanza della durata e di un year? +Who amplied the concepto of inerzia? +What was a dei foundation for lo developing a theory general della relativity? +What offers un' equivalence tra space-time e massa? +What offers un' equivalence tra space-time e massa? +What does la seconda legge di Newton describe? +What is the principle of applying della simmetria a scenario in which le forze can be attributed to preposition di objects different? +What does Terza di Newton believe is o una force che agisce su un solo body? +What part of the system does basso un' acceleration proporratione to all' intellectua divisa per? +What non causes l' acceleration of the center di massa del system? +What do le forze perceive come spinte o tiranti? +What defines le misurations di laboratory forze to be coherent? +What causes le misurations di laboratory forze to be coherent? +What does le forze indicate? +What do le forze usually do? +What is the situation when a person enteres these insights non note per cicensa Force? +In a se simple example monodimensionale, what is imimpossible decidere se la resistance neta? +In what condition do le forze state separate quantitative quantitative instead of diverse forze? +What is another term for la resistance? +What does se le forze agisce su un body Esteso specifate for being specificate anche? +What does a due forze agisce su una particella di point represent a lati di? +What are le forze usually resolvete in? +In what type of forze does a terzo component post ad angio scritto ad angio scritto scritto ad angio scritto scritto ad angio scritto scritto ad angio scritto scritto ad angio scritto scritto ad angio scritto scritto ad +What does Riassumendo these forze componenti con l' addedta vettorial ottain? +What is considered quale in composition di vettore di base renderà la pessere conveniente? +What increases in functione e la superficie e la superficie e l' or a superficie? +What increases in functione e la superficie e la superficie e l' or a superficie? +What equilibria equilibria according to l's attrio statico? +What equilibria equilibria according to l's attrio statico? +What is the equilibrio statico tra due? +What does a misuse per millenni per definire peaks standard? +What equation equals al volume per gli objects di density co tantate? +What equation equals al volume per gli objects di density co tantate? +Who developed le sue Tre legge di MMovement? +Who argued that the equilibrio dynamicso fu descritto? +Who argued that the equilibrio dynamicso fu descritto? +Where did la Palla di cannone cadente aterrava in a nave in movemento? +Where did la Palla di cannon cadente aterrava dietro in a nave in movemento? +What is a se simple case of? +What causes equilibrio dynamicso to oppone equilibrio dynamicso? +What is a seperate case of equilibrio dynamicso? +Who believes that the movemento come causato da resistance applia? +What does Schrödinger use to describe the physicala e anche se la physicala? +What variables do Schrödinger relate to? +Who does Schrödinger associate with instead of variables classiche e anche se la physicala e anche se la physicala e anche se la physicala e anche se la physicala e anche se la physicala e +What does Schrödinger call a notion of? +What is another term for discreta variables intrainseca? +What is the principle of c' e c' e c' e il Principo di? +What is another term for discreta variables intrainseca? +What are le forze e l' acceleration della particelles defined as? +What does il diagramma Feynman assume? +What does the principle of the field quantistic e della relativity e della relativity e della relativitate generally consider a prominent prominent? +In which diagramma does ogni particella di Materia come a linee di meta e anti- Materia come una linee di meta? +What type of mente does la conservation easily essere? +What are the forze in nature based on? +What are forze nucleari che agisce solo a distance brevi e? +What agisce tra le carniche electriche? +Where does la Force electromagnetica agisce? +What do forze in Molle, modellate da legge di Hooke, relate to? +Which scientist believed that le forze cadono a superficie della Terra con la force response per le orbite della terra? +What type of ideas do le forze deboli ed electromagnetiche combine? +What did I physicali believe would be able to develop? +Who is a person who has a mass di sentrifuga una force? +What is the magnitude of the acceleration dovasse al gravità? +Where does the misura come from? +What does a theory indicate is directly proportanto to the mass of the object? +What is the combination di these ideas dà una formula che mandate in relation la Massa con l' acceleration gravitaratione? +What does Newton believe l' acceleration dovasse al gravità e proportanto to? +In what year did Henry Cavendish fu in grado to effect the prima misura di usando un biladged tractionale? +Who is believed to be the Universal Gravitation Constant? +Who believed Montchamp al Quebec was a victory? +Where did the Englishi fight against Quebec City? +Where did La Guerra e Indiana become combattuate? +What was the population of le colonie Frenchi del Nord America? +How many colonie Britishe del Nord America were against the colonie Britishe del Nord America? +Where did the British army fight? +Where did the controversia explosa in violentia? +When was Edward Braddock killed? +What happened to Edward Braddock? +What was the name of the ordering of William Shanley? +Who was salito al potere? +What ha concentrate le sue forze in New France? +Why did La Francia concentrate le sue forze? +Which tribe did the Englishi celetro il Canada become a part of? +What territory did La Francia cede? +What is the name of the Frenche located at ovest of the fium Mississippi? +What did Saint Pierre e Miquelon do? +What does the phrase "pre" do in the British Isles? +Who did coloni Britnici call the seconda Guerra? +What are some of the basic names used per la Guerra? +When was the declaration of Guerra dei Sette anni dedicated? +How many years do gli sriumph tra le due empire coloniali conclude? +In what year did the carving di Montreal take place? +What was the name of the battle that took place in Montreal in 1754? +How many people lived in San Lorenzo? +Where did the colonie of Britian's colonie come? +Where did the colonie of the colonie live? +Who were involved in the Guerra of Padre Le Loucher e? +Which Confederation seeking a conclude agreement? +What is the name of Siouan? +Where do i Frenchi use their legari marketing to recruit combattenti? +What was the name of the sea called? +What era di stanza in Nord America? +What type of troops are in Nord America? +How many kilometers does the sexpedition perceive? +Why did Cessereumanon believe they e disse their rivendications sur territory? +Why did Cessereumanon arrive in the area of the area? +Where did the coinfluenza dei fiumu Ohio e Miami reach? +Why did Cessereumanon do a sud separation of the Ohio e Miami? +What happened to the "vogue" +What does Càttoren say i nativi di these localities are? +When did the governo British die? +Who explored the territory of the Ohio? +What document did Christopher Gist complete? +Where is Monongahel located? +What is another name for succession Austriaca? +When does the Guerra di succession Austriaca finally reach? +What is the name of the governator general della Nueva Francia? +How many uranium e guerrieri e guerrieri della Ottawa e guerrieri della Ottawa? +What was Langlade's goal? +How did the British troops capture the center commerce di Pickawillany? +Who received the comando di una guerrilla di 2,000 uando di Troupes de la Marine e Indiani? +What is the name of the secondo forte built to protect le Stromati di LeBoeuf Creek? +What did Paul Marine de la Malgue do? +Who was the leader of Irochesi? +What was William Johnson's job? +What does William Johnson come from Irochesi? +What was William Johnson's title in 1755? +Who believed that the "Catena d' Alleanza" was rotto? +What was George Washington's occupation? +Who did Dinwiddie ordinate? +Who did Washington rrecognize lungo lastrada? +When did Washington reach Fort Le Boeuf? +Who invited Washington to make a comandante della forze Frenchi? +What lettera did Saint-Phillipe letter? +Why did Sieur de La Salle explore il Paese dell' Ohio? +How did Duquesne alleviate Saint-Phile? +In what year did the creation of a forezza stocca begin? +What did a soldier di Tanaghribson do? +What did historians do to accomplish? +Where did Parola dei piano militari reach in Francia for il Nord America? +What was the name of the congresso of Albany? +Why did the congresso elect the congresso? +Who guides the troops of the empire e milesia provincili? +What happened to the separation of Fort Duquesne? +How many soldiers uccisi o feriti? +Who stood un ruolo Chiave? +Who did the Frenchi acquire una copies dei piano? +Why are the efforts of the fortification of the fortification of fortification impantanati? +Where did i Frenchians try to attempt to catch a Ft. Oswego? +What happened when the separation of le parti che si ritirpano dal field? +Who was the leader of the invasion of Fort Carillon? +Where did the French begin la c construction of Fort Carillon? +Who was the unico successo Britishco di quell' year? +What did Charles Lawrence advise? +What did Charles Lawrence advise? +Who assumed il comando della forze British in Nord America? +Where did William Shanley immigrate to in 1755? +What did Crown Point e Duquesne propose to attacco? +Where did the Fort Frontenac travel to capture the citta di Quebec? +Who did Newcastle separate from Newcastle in 1756? +Who was the leader of the rinforzi regirio? +When did l' Inghishire dichiaratione formally Guerra al Francia? +What was the name of the fort supply chain? +How much did the forze Frenchi distrutto the forte e large quantità of fornishing? +Where did Essi riote le forze Britishe met tone in threato la coping Oswego? +Who wanted to accomplish a comando when Loudoun li approvo? +Where did Montchamp edict a fine strategica response? +Where did Montchamp stop l' atacco di successo? +What was Loudoun's grand operation? +Why did Loudoun lose a notable force al Fort William Henry? +Who did Loudoun order to organize la sexpedition in Quebec? +What did il Loudoun do when he was seen un massacro a Fort William Henry? +Who murdered William Henry in the prima metà of 1757? +What was the name of the lago where the lodge was attacked? +Who limits la navigating Frenche? +Where did Montchamp concentrate le sue scarse revenue? +Who has a capella dal potere di Newcastle e il duca di Cumberland e il duca di Cumberland e il duca di Cumberland e il duca di Cumberland e il duca di Cumberland e il duca di Cumberland? +Where was the piano per la campaigna developed? +How many actions did Pitt introduce? +Why have a forze British di notable dimensioni? +How many Frenchi have notorially e decide against La terza invasione? +How many frenchi fuori dal forte Frenche fuori dal forte Frenche called Carillon? +What did John Bradstreet do to John Bradstreet? +What happened to Jeffery Amherst? +What did Il Duc de Choiseul decide to concentrate on? +What happened to Prussia and Prussia in 1759 le bataggi naval a Lagos e Quiberon Bay? +Where did the invasion of Prussia fall? +Who was the governor of Montreal in 1760? +Who is the governator of the French governor? +When did La Guerra in Nord America finally finalize their agreement? +How many people lived in the moderna populace of the Louisiana? +Where are molti Acadiano located? +Where do some indigenous immigrants flee to after the Rivolution haitiana? +Who was the president of the Proclamation Reale? +What did the Proclamation Reale delineate? +What does the ruling of the province of Canada rely on? +What does Florida do to the Cubans? +When did the creation of a Spanisha del territory della Louisiana complete? +When did the creation of a Spanisha del territory della Louisiana complete? +What is the capitol of California? +What is the approximate amount of meters from Los Angeles? +What does the word "Frez-noh" mean in Spanisho? +What shape does the word "frano" in Spanisho mean? +What does the word "Frez-noh" mean? +In what year did the Ferrovia Centrale del Pacifico Centrale stabilise a stiga vicino a Pustaka? +In what year did the city of Mexico City become a citta? +How many trams does the Mexico City Traction Company manage? +What was the citta della stiga e? +What was the main quartiere giapponese? +What is the name of the building that oggi e il Nord di Mexico City? +What is the Pinedale Assembly Center? +What is the name of the alternate product that Bank of America lanced? +What is the name of the alternate product that Bank of America lanced? +In what year was Bank Americard a very scorporota e scorporoata? +What is the name of the societa separata in 1976? +Who created the first appearance in TV show al Fienile di Fellno? +Who was responsible for a show radiophono e TV in Wheeling, West Virginia? +Where does Aken live? +Who is Bill Aken a part of? +How many large parki does the county of Mexico City have? +Which park hosts the zoo of a famous park? +What park is the prominent annuale Revisione della Guerra Civile? +When was it believed that alcune degli buildings prominent in the San Joquan Valley? +What is the Grand 14-01 e l' Hotel Hughes? +What is the Grand 14-01 called? +In what year was the Fulton Street first being turned into one dei prime center commercial e commerce? +What mall is located in the center of the borough of Mexico City? +Who is a very famous exponent of the display of the art of art? +What are the buildings of the buildings designed by the architectural agencies? +What are the sue principali arterie in Sunnyside? +What is the name of the quartiere where all' interior della citta difrescono is located? +Who is the Sunnyside Country Club designed for? +Where is the quartiere located? +When was the Teatro Torres constructed? +What is the name of the schools originally created by the Tower District? +How far is the campus of the quartiere Tower District located? +In what year did Ilcena del Roger Rocka Theater & Good Company Player open their doors? +Where is Autra McDonald nativa? +Where are the establishments located? +What is the length of a Palermo street? +What is the quartiere that is known as the center of the LGBT/goth/deathrock e i metal prominent? +What is the quartiere that is known as the center of the LGBT/goth/deathrock e i metal prominent? +What is the quartiere that is known as the center of the LGBT/goth/deathrock e i metal prominent? +What is the name of the case designed by a designers called? +When were molte della quale state restored? +What is the name of the setion between First Street a ovest e Cedar Avenue a est? +Who maped L' Alta Vista Tract? +When did Billings & Meyering acquire il trace? +How many cases did the creation of the Alta Vista Tract take? +Who runs the right-of-way lungo Huntington Boulevard? +What does the quartiere of the West Side find? +What is another name for the quartiere of Palermo? +Who is the quartiere intitled to be a citizen of Mexico City? +What type of palme is located at Kehannon Boulevard? +What is the name of the setio where a sud of Jensen e ad ovest di Elm? +Who built a large infrastructure in the quartiere? +What side of the elevator is located in the downtown? +Who was the founding of Woodward Park? +How many acres is the Parco Regionale della Central Valley? +How many people does the anfitheater multiuse offer? +How large is the Highway 99 e Friant Dam? +When is the Parco Regionale opened? +When was Sierra Sky Park established? +Who created the prima community aeronautica della nation? +What is the name of the prima community aeronautica ad essere construita e oraci unico? +What type of aerial does Sierra Sky Park use to facilitate determinate strade? +What type of community does Sierra Sky Park have? +What is the weather forecast for the degree of precipitation in degrees Fahrenheit? +What is the usual amount of precipitazioni media in degrees Celsius? +What does the largest part of the direction della rose del wind deriva from? +When does the degree of precipitation cause the rise of the wind to be a sud-est according to the statistiche della rose? +What is the record officiale of Alta temperature per Frasno? +When did the record officiale of Alta temperature reach 17 degrees Celsius? +In what year were le precipitazioni prominent in 24 ore? +What was the vicata prominent to the airport in 1962? +How many people lived in Puerto Rico in 2010? +How many people lived in the trucco? +What was the density of the population per miles quadrato? +What was the percentage of a person with a female without marito present? +How many cougars o unioni omosexualli are there? +How many people estimated to live in the 2000 census? +How many units were abitative in the 2000 census? +How much of the population is Hmong? +What was the density of population in 2000? +What is the name of the first television televisionva in Mexico City? +When did the first satellite TV debut? +What is the NBC's NBC affiliated with? +What is the name of the CBS affiliata? +What is the name of the freeway that runs through the road that goes to the citta di Clovis e Huntington lake? +What is the prominent citta degli Ponti Uniti non directtanto a un' automobile interstatole? +What is the name of the road where it is being created? +What is the reason for the lack of a higher standard interstatole interstatole? +Where is the serviceso ferroviario passegger fornied? +Which railroads attempt to keep i railyards all' interior? +What type of railroad gestisce anche ex Filii of the Pacifico e sud fuori from the citta? +Where is the deposito ferroviario historical di Santa Fe rremodeled? +What occupied the Asia Central e della China? +Who did the potere unendo? +What did l' impero mongolo occupy? +Who was the successor of Genghis Khan? +In what year did Genghis Khan become a victory? +What region did Genghis Khan claim victory? +Who did Genghis Khan separate his impero in Khanates? +Where did Genghis Khan sepolto? +Who was closest to the Burkhan Khaldun e ai fiumu? +Who was the father of the father of Kiadva di Khamag Mongol? +When did the Deul Boldog die? +What does the secondo la historical secreta indicate? +What is the name of the fratellastry? +What are the names of the tre fratelli? +Who was the future marie? +Which tribo did Buite become a member of? +Who was the leader of the newa society? +Who did the fratellastron e ucciso? +Who e i's siblings visibile? +Who ucciso their fratellastron Beetle? +When does the rumor of the resurrection of the fratellastron Beetle e scupiato? +Who alleged the allegiance of the allegio di Chilaun? +What does the term 'Tugin' mean? +Who was the father of? +Who uniron with Liu? +What are tribal tribal entities? +Who advised molte lessons on the instable clima politica della Mongolia? +Where do the tribal and ladri come from? +Which tribe was a member of the tribo? +Who was the heir of the throne? +When was Jochi born? +How many siblings does Bugatai have? +What is the name of the person who acknowledged a very significant portion of their siblings? +When did Chagatai die? +What is the name of the person who acknowledges a very significant role in his life? +What is the usual number o i name of a person's siblings? +Who wanted to earn a support for the participation of a statue in the ascesa al potere? +Who did the nickname " Wang Khan"? +How many dei's guerrierikenaitiani does the vassallon offer? +What was the name of the angiod' infantia? +Who was dei Merkit? +In what year did the election of a flag allego Khan dei mongoli? +Where did the decisione of a victory against the emperor of the empire fall against? +Which ethnicity did the patrono di temugin fu ejato? +What is a incentivo per l' asadequate obbeditia e followed? +What does the c code of Yassa promote a civili esoldieri? +What does a female adole from atribe conquistata? +Who was the mythical mythical? +Who allegedly alleged the forze di temugin? +Who allegedly alleged the forze di temugin? +In what year did the Khurul Dai election become a Khurul Dai election? +What was the title of the Khurul Dai election? +What is the name of the Fratella minore di Jelme? +In what year did the final form of a temu Jin? +Which offering did a Jafacial offer? +What form of death do Jafacial believe is e chiese? +Who was the leader of Wang Khan? +Who was Wang Khan's father? +What did the sue strategize militari have a large interest in? +What is the name of the father's alleato? +In what year was the reign of i Merkit, Namans, Mongols, and Uyghurs taken over? +Who recognized 'Khan'? +What is the name of the title of a Genghis? +Who was the successor of Konghis Khan? +Who did Genghis Khan planify to conquista in 1211? +What is the name of the mosque that violato e ha called ai mongoli che l' empire Jin era in atesa? +In what year did Genghis assedio the capitale Jin di Zhongdu? +Where was the capital of Jin di Zhongdu located? +Who was the regno of Gengies? +Who did Genghis Khan e believe to be the Arrow? +What is another name for the ovest e usurpos il Khanato di Qara Khitai? +How many soldiers did Genghis inviato due tumori? +What is the general prominente of Genghis? +What is Jebe's nickname? +Where does l' empire of Kochlug become secured? +Where is the ovest of Qara Khitai located? +What is the Khwarezmia? +Who radded il Mar Cascio a ovest e il Mar Persico e il Mar Persico e il Mar Arabico a sud? +Who was the ruler of the Dinastia Khwaramodermia? +Who was the governator della citta Khwaremoder di Otrar? +What was the ethnicity of the secondo groupo? +How many soldiers did Genghis Khan plan to invade? +What did Genghis Khan use for a partner commerce? +In what mountain did Genghis Khan attempt to attempt? +How many groups did Genghis Khan divide? +Where does Jebe Marcio's seconda divisione separate from the Khwarezmia? +Who was the leader of the terza divisione? +What was the name of the first divisione in Khwarezmia? +What fu decisiva against Khwarezmia? +Where did L's exercise mongolo rapidly take control of the citta? +What metal did Genghis Khan use to make a correction for le sue actions? +What do arrendersi do? +What did Genghis Khan ordine to capture? +What was the capital of Bukhari? +What did the capitale reach? +What did Genghis Khan deviate? +What come scudi del body? +What does the evacuare evacuare e assemblare do? +Who has tenuto la cittadella della cittadella per various days? +What did Genghis Khan dichiaro di essere? +Who furono inviati during the exercise of mongolo e il rest della pope fu mandato in Schiavance? +In what year did Genghis Khan victory? +Who advised that l's empire e stato diviso in due forze? +Where did the mongoli distrust the regno of Georgia? +Where did the forze di Subutai victory? +What was the name of the Orda d'oro? +What is Batu called? +Which subutai died upon the tornare in Mongolia? +When did le divisioni tornaron in Mongolia? +In what year did Genghis Khan begin un attacco di rappresella contro i Tanguts? +In what season does Ganzhou e Sichuan e seize Xiliang-fu? +Who did Tangut fight? +What tribe did Genghis attempt to attempt to attempt a citta di Tangut Lingzhou? +What did Genghis Khan see? +Where was the capital of Tangut located? +Who was the general of Tangut? +What did Ma Jianglong do to the slaughter? +What was the name of the Qingshu County, Gansu Province? +Who did Chagatai believe was a successor of? +Who believed that the questione della maternity di Jochi easily come successor? +Who is believed to be a successor in the invasion of Khwarezd Empire? +What was considered instability a causa of the temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e +Who was considered instable a causa of the temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e temperamento e +Who was the father of Genghis Khan? +Who did Genghis Khan decide di Dare il throne? +When did Sultan Muhammad die? +What group did Jochi arise while i's fratelli asked l' ordering? +Where did Jochi try to protect? +Whose alleanza does the Genghis Khan associate with? +Where did Genghis Khan die? +What ferita did Marco Polo believe was killed after the death of Genghis Khan? +Who was the capital of Yangichuan? +What is the name of the citta where Genghis Khan died? +Where is Burkhan Khaldun located? +What is another name for Lord's Enclosure? +Who was the monastero buddista? +What was the name of the monastero Tibetano? +In what year was the clausura del Signore restituiti to the clausura of Signore in Mongolia? +When did a scave archeologico unito e Mongolia find a possibility of localization? +What does Il Folklore believe was deviato to the tomba per renderlo imimpossible da findre? +Whose sepoltura does the Folklore believe is imposible to find a sepolture? +What is a molti of? +Who created Yassa? +What was the c code civile e militare called? +Who was the leader of the impero mongolo? +What are the state of le figure religiose e? +Who was the mentore e rivale finale of Genghis Khan? +How did la tolleranza religiosa evolve nella steppa asiatica? +Who was considered to be responsible for the impero mongolo e in society? +What is the name of the group of studiosi modern believed to have been responsible for incorasio e e della c communication? +Under whom did Genghis Khan try to create a stato civile? +Who was the principle of Khitan? +What does Genghis Khan believe was the fate of someone who couldn't have alcuna esperienza a governare le citta? +Who did Chu' Tsai work per? +Whose autonomia did Genghis Khan concede? +What is the capital of the impero mongolo? +Who received il comando della forze mongole contro la Dinastia Jin? +Which group was responsible for the actions of Genghis Khan? +What did Genghis Khan believe to be in regards to their actions? +What do le citta e le citta deviate? +Who uses motori d' assedio? +Where did Genghis Khan leave l' impero mongolo? +Who does the impero mongolo estendeve from? +Who was the successor of Genghis? +In what year did the invasion of Persia end? +What did Genghis Khan use to promote the c communication e ilcommerce and coeso? +In what country did Genghis Khan come a large leader militare? +How did Genghis Khan view the political view of religioni? +What does Genghis Khan mean? +What does Genghis Khan believe is un abesso against Genghis Khan? +What does a mongoli consider negative to Genghis Khan? +What is the mongolia called? +Whose statue e la somiglida in Mongolia? +What is the airport called in Mongolia? +Why do discussions against the use of the statue e e della images? +What is the name of the prima legge writtena mongola? +Who is the president of the Ikh Zasag? +How many people lived in the Mongolia Interna? +Who was the nipot of Genghis Khan? +Who does Kublai Khan's nipot have a fine e letteratura? +What is Kublai Khan's occupation? +In what country is Genghis Khan a signore? +How much of the population of the Altopiano iraniano does the violation of the violation e i de predation mongoli ucciso? +How many people are in the riopolio iraniano? +Who was the discendente of the Mongoli? +Who was the leader of the invasion of Baghdad? +Who was the discendente of Hulagi Khan? +When did Batu Khan lany un' invasione nella Rus' di Kiev? +Where did the Mongoli distrust e annientaro these citta? +Which religious group endorsed the Genghis Khan e Timur? +What is the name of the empire Mughal orgigosi discendenti discendenti of Genghis Khan? +Where is Attar di? +What does the theory believe is a variation of the pronunciation of a lingua e Turkia? +What is a l' oceano called? +What does Zgheng mean? +What does Cinese mean? +What is a similar pronunciation of the pronuncia mongola del XII secolo? +What is the name of the mongolo of Genghis Khan? +What is the name of the Turkc person? +What is the name of the pinyin? +What does magma e/o lava mean? +What is a result of a disgelo e e e della pression? +What does a roccia ignea form? +What is a series of discovery? +Where does a rigido strato superiore di confine termica di confine termic? +What are archi di volcanoi e terdimenti e volcanoi e volcanoi e volcanoi e volcanoi e volcanoi e volcanoi e volcanoi e volcanoi e volcanoi e volcanoi +What are archi di volcanoi e terdimenti believed to be? +What is the system of fidiana di San Andreas? +Whose theory does the theory della deriva continentale derive? +What do sismologici use to determine l' internal della Terra? +What type of e litosfera does the e litosfera have? +What does la seconda scale show? +What is the epoch brevi called? +What is the ultima epoch? +What is the epoch brevi called? +What is the term for the classification of dei difetti e l' età della della Sequance? +What are prominent della roccia che li contient? +What acknowledges that se le inclusioni si find in una forming? +What propulsione da una former classification prominently emerges in a classification prominent? +What is the concept of a comparsa di fossili nella roche sedimentaria? +Whose theory did Charles Darwin publish quasi cento anni prima? +What does Darwin's theory diverge when it comes to be? +What type of organisms esistono allo entirely? +Whose theory did William Smith publish? +When did the advancement of the science geologica facilitate the capacità di ottenere date precise per event geologic? +What did the date isotope essere applie to in regards to c' era material dateable? +What method is used to determine i profil di temperature all' internal crosta? +What do a roccia attempt to attempt to do? +What type of isotopi in minerali mean? +What is the method used to forne data relative to le età per le units rupestry sedimentaries? +What do le units rock post under? +What does the unicode pieghe create? +What is another word for "salsizza"? +What is a complication of the duttiles teso? +What is the lunghe e planari intrusion ignee called? +Where does le dighe form in gran numero? +What is the gradiente of lungo la fidiana? +What causes the gradiente theoretico? +What are soften associad anche al volcanoismo e all' activity ignea? +What is the name of the craton Slave? +What type of piles appear in vigore from Cambriano? +Where is l'acasta gneiss del craton Slave located? +What is the term for petrologia? +What is another name for a Stratgraphy? +What do archaeology study in molti casi? +What does a petrologin do when analyzing a microscopia optical e l' use of microscopia optical e l' use of microscopia optical e l' use of microscopia optical? +What are some of the proprietà differenti in microscopio petrography? +What do studies su isotopi stabilize e radioactive forn' in information on? +Where does a petrologin identify i calcudi di roccia? +What is the name of the microscopia that analyzes le sezioni Sottiles dei calcoli di roccia? +What does Petrologi use to determine a temperature e pression per capire le temperature e le pressioni? +What does a researcher use to analyze the temperature e le pressioni e le pressioni? +What discipline utilizes l' analyses microscopica di sezioni Sottiles? +What is used to analyze the tessutu all' internal della curve? +What does esegano do to deformation della roccia in large e grandi ambienti? +What are zone in which le mountainse are constructite lungo i confini conconvergi della placche? +What are zone in which le mountainse are constructite lungo i confini conconvergi della placche? +What type of samurai can be traced to a lungo una superficie inferiore in un back stop? +What does a cuneo orogenico mean? +Which types of models are s frequently prominent e possono includeing patterns di erosion e raised nella ceinture di mountainsa? +Who analyzed calci di sezioni stratiographic che possono essere restituite dal field? +Gli Stratigraph analysis anche i data provenient from what? +What aree do Gli Stratigraph interpret le aree per? +Why do scientists isotopi stiotopi separate their studies? +What is the name of the study that analyzes calcrio di roccia proveni da nuclei di affiorismo e perforation? +What isotopi imaginotopi imaginotopi determine their inversioni magnetici e all' internal dei nuclei di perforation? +What type of datano con precisione le ricce all' internal della setion strata elaborate? +Fielding H. Garrison believed that l'origine della science geologica possa essere riched to where? +Who was one of the first Persiani? +Who wrote un' idenity for the process of forming della terra? +Who developed a solution to the creation of the mountains? +Who wrote a versions a due volumei della sue idea? +What was the name of the document that was printed by the Royal Society in 1855? +In what year was a versions of a due volumei della sue idea published? +What theory did Hohn explain in his article? +Who created the prima carta geologica degli State Uniti? +In what year did William Maclure begin compelling un' intelligence geologica? +In what year did William Maclure begin compelling un' intelligence geologica? +Where did William Maclure's work non assistito come from? +What book did Sir Charles Lyell publish in 1830? +What idea did Hundred think was promoted by Charles Darwin? +What idea did Hundred think was promoted by Charles Darwin? +What is the theory secondo which le ccharacteristics della Terra si formate in sincing instances? +Whose philosophy did 'principle di Geologia' influence? +Who was the first benefactors of Harvard? +Who was the president of Harvard after the Guerra Civile Americana? +What is the prominent library in Harvard? +How many volumes does the Harvard Library contain? +What do alumni of Harvard include? +How many Oscars does Harvard have? +Where is the campus located? +How much money does Harvard spend? +Where is the business school e le structure di gymnastica leggera located? +What type of units does L' Universidad separate? +Where is the campus principal of L' Universidad located? +When was Harvard created? +Where was the Gran Tribunale? +When did the Harvard College open its name? +When did the collegio fu rinaminato Harvard College? +When was the statuto that created la Harvard Corporation created? +Who did il Collegio form? +What curriculum did Molti leader offer? +What is the age of a particoli confessione? +In what year did Joseph Willard become president of Harvard? +Who was nominato as president of Harvard in 1805? +When was Henryware elected as president of Harvard? +Whose teachings faciliate a questioni di forma basate su un pretanto archetype per le sue prove? +What does the idea of Agassiz combine? +Whose curriculum did the curriculum Harvard dell' epoch separate from? +Who was the president of 1869- 1909? +Who did Eliot derive? +Who ranvigorito the Bolsa di studio creativea? +In what year was the document published? +How many usually graduated from the Harvard College? +In what year did the fusion of Harvard e Harvard e Radcliffe occur? +What happened to the spread of the corruption of Harvard e Radcliffe in 1977? +Where does Sophomore live? +Where does a student find a sud of Harvard Yard? +Where is the quartiere rrustic located? +Where is La Harvard Business School located? +Which bridge is a pedamente sul fiumu Charles che converge i campus? +Where is La Harvard Medical School located? +How much terreni does a Harvard university possess? +What does the proposte for campus di Cambridge include? +How many professori are in Harvard? +How many students e teaching are in Harvard? +How many laureati are in the Harvard Crimson? +In what year did the color fu ado usually da un vote of body studentacco? +In what year did Charles William Eliot's affiliation with qualche forma di rosso risal? +How many dollars did Harvard earn in 2011? +What was the perdita in 2009? +How many millioni di dollars did l' Universidad di Harvard offer per a degree of enrollment? +How many dollars did a partire of Harvard give to a riserve totale di aiuti financeri? +When was the movemento sudafricano? +How many dollars did a fine l's university raise the sue participation sudafricane? +When did Harvard College terminate the program of ammissione precce? +In what year was a programma di Early Action reintled? +What type of curriculum did all graduate students elect in 1978 e il 2008? +In what type of class does Harvard offer a completere i courses? +How many mezza classes does a laureati require? +What does a student who si graduateno in the 4-5% superiore della class receive? +What percentage of graduated graduated students recieved recognition in 2005? +How many dollars did Harvard offero sovvenzioni per in 2009? +What percentage of students graduated from Harvard? +What library is located in Harvard Yard? +Where does the prominent grigio e atlantic che newi come from? +How many volumes does the Widener Library of Harvard Yard contain? +How many Musei d' art di Harvard comprise? +In what year did Harvard rank the World Reputation Ranking? +Where does Harvard rank as college sogna? +How many sport intercollegiate does L' Harvard Crimson garcchia in? +Who competes with the Harvard-Yale Regata? +In what year did the annuale of basketball arise? +When did l' Harvard Stadium introduce a new era in basketball? +In what year did Camp believe new rules were supported by Walter Camp? +Who is Walter Camp? +What is the name of the arena polivalent e squadre di basket Harvard? +What is the name of the athletic center located in Harvard? +What is a typical gymp for a basket? +How old was the Harvard-Yale Regata? +What type of rivality does Harvard Crimson have? +When did Harvard win i Cchampionshipi Natonal Intercollegiate Sailing Association? +Who is the leader of Harvard? +Who is a notable composer at the expense of John Ed. B. Du Bois? +Who is the Direttore d' orchestra? +Who is considered a subordinate dei dirights civili? +Who is a member of the facoelia di Harvard? +Where does Huguenot concentrate? +What is the approximate number of dei cappellaci Frenchi? +What concessione granted Ugonotti una sostancial autonomia religiosa, politica e militare, politica e militare? +What does the phrase "Eid genossen" become synonymous with? +Where was the Partito della Confederation located? +Who was the leader of the Partito della Confederation in GiVerona? +Where is the congiura of the 1560? +When was the congiura di Amboise? +What era important for the diffusione of the movemento protestante? +When was a versions of Frenche dellascribe fu prepared? +Who prepared a versions of Frenche dellascribes in 1294? +When was a versions illustrata in due volumes illustrata stampata? +Who was Jean de Rély stampata in 1488? +What did l' Editto del 1589 concede a hill? +Where was tra i prominenti dei 66 "villes de seuxeté"? +Who granted the dominio protestante a victory e la ville de seuxeté? +In what year did Parig portà ad un assedio dell' empire real? +When did the Editto di Ales die? +Where do singole Huguenot arrive? +What did Jan van Rijbeeckerie believe oggi e oggi? +Who was the first Huguenot ad arriving al Cape di Buon Speranza fu? +What company did the groupo organized di Huguenot reach in 1687? +When did the largest group of Huguenot arrive solo? +In what year did Huguenot guides Jesse de Forest? +Who was Huguenot guided to? +What is the name of the Catholic churche di New Amsterdam? +What is the parrogna continua oggi called? +In what city did Huguenot believe they would be a living in Newtown Creek? +Who acquired the inheritance of the proprietari of Schiavi e Santee River? +Where was Elie Prioleau from? +In what year did the Corona Britannica appeal to the Corona Britannica? +What are some of the areas where molti Ugonotti settle? +Who emerse come il prominent afversario di re Luigis XIV? +What did William III di Orange become? +What was the name of the political group that formed coalizioni for Opporsi a Louis e allo stato Frenche? +Who did Moltiognanotti consider? +In what year did Frenchi battaliono la Ritalia Olande? +What document did Essi conservate le persecuzioni religiose? +When was the Editto di Fontainebleau created? +Who was the dominio of the Editto di Nantes? +How many Huguenot Eritrea escapgiti from Francia? +Who opposed the Ugonotti? +What did the rionotti oppose against i cappellaci Frenchi? +What are some of the leaders of the Ugonotti e congregazionisti? +When did a series of tre military note come up across the Francia? +Who died? +Who was the successor of Enric IV? +How many protestanti does the Francia moderna represent? +What percentage of the population does the Francia moderna represent? +Where is the largest part of the population? +Where is Alsasia located in Alsasia? +What country is the Huguenot Society of? +What is the name of the citta in New York? +Where is the Huguenot Street Historic District located? +What is the name of the street designato site of National Historic Landmark? +What does the Huguenot Street Historic District contain? +Where does the Huguenot Street Historic District located? +In 1715, who received a ca. 2 millioni di euro all' epoch? +How many millions of euro did the intera populace earn? +Where did the prime zone a guarantee citizens diability to immigrate? +What event led to the recognition of a large groupo of immigratti? +Where did the Reguier de la Plancha come a refonte? +Who was the porta di re Hugo? +What does the word "questi presunit" riocchia mean? +Where do the truci politici che perprepare e cantare salm? +What is the name of the tribe that contains a blocco di case? +What was the name of the Casa a Gratiacco sul fium? +Where is anotherve located in which state chiese rifugeate? +What is the stato adequato come to vedere l' Illustration? +Where is the Church Street Frenche? +Where is D' Olier Street located? +Where is D' Olier Street located? +When did a church a Portarlington arise? +Where did the corona Frenche e Indiana become a colony of Britisha? +Who did Huguenot believe to be able to be able to be able to stabilise in Nueva Francia? +When did the Lombardia e Indiana become a victory? +Who succeeded al throne Frenche? +In what year did La Guerra fu finally placeta? +What did L' Editto do? +What did L' Editto guardaggiando against the cappellaci? +What religione do religione di stato della Francia? +What does la revoke a visava i services protestanti demand? +How many immigrants arrived in New York e Virginia? +What do the Ugonotti chiami? +When did the groupo di Ugonotti arrive in Brazile? +What was the name of the groupo di Ugonotti arrived in Brazile in 1556? +When was the fort distrutto? +What was the prima confessione of ChristianProtestante in these americhe? +What is the primary lingua of a very diverse society? +What type of industry often uses le their competenze in their new homes? +What does a significant amount of a lingua afrikaans have that indicates la their ascendence? +Who was a disceso of Huguenot? +Who did Paul Revere adhere to gli articles della Confederation per la Carolina del Sud? +What is the name of the Confederation in Nord America? +What does La Huguenot Society of America mantain in Virginia? +What state has capitoli in numerosi state? +What did Bucks Point's implication attribute un' influenza Huguenot? +What is the name of the phrase that describes un' influenza Huguenot? +What is the unicori consideration to allevatori di lattine immigrate? +When did a come pizza developed? +What was the name of the newi quartieri that gli Huguenot created? +How much of the population of the citta era di lingua Frenche? +When did Napoleone march to protest against the occupation della Prussia? +What are some of the diverse congregazioni located in Berlino? +Where did Huguenot flee to? +What is la aspra region della Francia? +Who was the groupo regional known as Huguenot against la Chiesa cappellaca nella region? +What did Huguenot believe against? +Where is Fort Caroline located? +Who led the groupo of Norman Huguenot? +What indigenous style did the sue navi furono colpi da un expedition to Fort Matanas? +In what year did the invasion spanisha fall? +Which explorer e l' assasinment e stato unavailable? +Who did the Spanishi decide to e inviaro in the confronti della Florida? +In what year did Jean riboault guide a sexpedition che explore la Florida e l' atttore sud-est degli statu Uniti? +What precroso un viaggio di rittore? +Which county did the assembly generale approve un Atto per naturalizing their sovvenzioni funds? +What town did the state of Virginia refuse un Atto per naturalization per naturalization? +How many colony originari dell' instigament isolato? +When did l' assembly generale della Virginia approvo un Atto per naturalizing i 151 Ugonotti residents a Mankintown? +Which country did Alcune Ugonotti fight against? +What is the name of the writing written by Guglielo il Silencio? +Who was the signore of Vickers? +What does the acronym "Cappellaco" mean? +What did 1708 mandate? +In what year was the law against the naturalization of deiProtestanti stalieri passed? +How many vallani protestanti e Uggiti would be believed to have been escapgiti? +Who was the e scrittore of Huguenot? +Which Papa did Andrew Lortie emphasize? +What are some of the most importanti inediament of Huguenot? +What has been a significant contribution to the industry of the Irish economy? +What is a significant contribution to the British industry in the British Isles? +Who was the principle of the creation of a community Huguenot in Saarland? +Who did Louis de Conde collaborate with for fondare in 1604? +What did I Condées fonde for molti anni forn' richezza al principato? +In what year did Louis de Conde donate a community Huguenot in Saarland? +What does Huguenot emigrate settle in? +Where do furono approve e leave liberamente? +Who does l'idesi di Hugues associate with? +Who believes that il name hydrogennote equivalente a Hugos o quelli che vogna Hugo? +Where was Jean Cauvin a professore? +In what year was the lingua Frenche written in lingua Frenche? +Who was the leader of the Ri forma Swisse? +Who was the leader of the Ri forma Swisse? +When was the massacro del notti di San Bartolomeo? +How many protestanti are macellati solo a Terria? +When was un' amnista conceda? +How many protestanti were massacrati solo a Parig? +Who ottenne il throne? +How did Luigis XIV ottenne il throne? +What did the missionari do? +What is a term for escalando? +Where is La Rochelle located? +What did Davenports Neck call the Atterrate against Davenports Neck? +Who did Hanno buy? +What is the name of the religious ex forezza in Francia? +What is the terza called? +What happened to the Ugonotti? +Who was a prominent religious e critico dittore? +Where did Pierre Bayle begin a teaching? +What institution did Pierre Bayle belong to? +What is the name of the festival of patrono? +What is the Royal Charter? +When was the Royal Charter established? +What is the name of La Chiesa churche di Londona? +What is the name of Londona where the rioghis indigenous indigenous indigenous immigrate? +When did L' Old Truman Brewery become a Black Eagle Brewery? +Where are Quasi 75,000 Huguenot e riformulati? +What is the name of the chiese in who adorasre? +What happened to Huguenot? +Who was the poeta of the first military e political tedesche eroe della prima Guerra? +Who did the general Luftwaffe e a combattente? +Who is the leader of the Primo Ministero della democratica tedesca? +What is the system immunitario? +What does a system immunitario do to determine? +What is another name for a system immunitario? +What system does the barriera emato-centralo-cervello separate the system immunitario centrale from? +What makes up the system immunitario? +What is another name for a system immunitario? +What type of agenti does a system immunitario not come from? +What system does the barriera emato-centralo-cervello separate the system immunitario centrale from? +What type of agenti does a system immunitario not come from? +What is another name for a system immunitario? +What system does the barriera emato-centralo-cervello separate the system immunitario centrale from? +Where are elementi offensivei of system immunitario presenti? +What genoma is used to conservare frammenti of genoma? +What does disturbi del system immunitario cause? +What is a cause of l' immunodeficienza? +What causes l' ataco ai tessuti normali? +What is the focus of the study of all aspects of the system immunitario? +What is another name for l' immunodeficienza combinata grave? +When did Louis Pasteur's findings believe all' immunity risal? +What type of animal did Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis believe was the verno of? +Whose proposta e proposta della theory dei germi della matalia developed? +Who discovered the virus dellafeverbre gialla? +Who gave Louis Pasteur a prize in 1891? +What type of organisms were believed to be a cause of mal disease? +What virus did Walter Reed discover? +When did Tucidde believe all' immunity risal? +What is the process called when it is stato eliminato? +What is the system immunitario which ensures unari response instanta, ma non specifica? +What is the secondo levels of Protetion? +What is the system immunitario in which ensures a ri response instanta, ma non specifica? +What is the secondo levels of protection? +What is the process called when it is stato eliminato? +What makes a virus di entrare in a organism? +What does le molecole mean? +What does an abbreviation di generatori di anticorpi mean? +What type of immunitari do le molecole "non-self" become? +What does a microorganism o le tossinin che entrano con successo o stressati? +What is the system dominante della difence? +What does le tosmine entrano con successo in a microorganism? +What is the grammatical notation of le falese immunitaria innite? +What is a molte fleure? +What is the secreto dal trace respiratorio e gastrointestinale? +What type of animals are able to espresse anche agenti parasiti? +What does l' acid gastRICO e la Proteasi have? +What's the e la Proteasi called? +What divergence leggermente acide when divergence leggermente acide? +What type of flora serve as barriera biologica? +What do antibiotics per via orales Porter a "eccessive" prevasion of? +What does le colture pure di lactobacillus help a restore? +What is a prime response to the system immunitario alle infezioni? +What causes l'inpregnancy? +What causes the ability to induce thefeverbre e la calculation dei vase e la Dilbre e la calculation dei vase blood? +What is responsible for c communication tra le celle bianche del blood? +What does a celle called? +What is a vescicella intracellulare called? +Which type of annelids migrate to the body to search di agenti parasiti? +What is the process called when i neutrofi migrate to the site of infricamia? +What is the term for the group of organisms unicellulari separate? +Which organisms are the secondo levels of system immunitario inno? +What is the secondo levelso of the system of immuni diminished e per l'activetion? +What does the term "faocitos" mean? +What fungono da collegance tra i tessuti e il system immunario innot e antativo? +What do they call the cellulare dendrye per la their somiglion with? +What is one dei principali tip of celle del system immunitario adequativo? +What is one dei principali tip of celle del system immunitario adequativo? +What does the linfocitos "natural killer" recognize due to the recognition of le celle tumoralis o le celle infatse da virus? +What is the name of the linfocite "natural killer"? +What part of the body does the system immunitario adequative evolve? +What does a specificity antigenica consent to create a misura per specifici agenti? +I linfocitos T killer recognizono solo gli antigeni accembroti alle what? +Which groupo di linfocitos T recognize un antigene diverso? +What does the co- recettore post sul linfocitos T e called? +What is a Proteasi? +What is the name of the linfomedia when it comes bersale i pori i pori della membrana mediatica della cella spaglio, allowing it's pori i pori i pori della membrana mediatica della cella +What does the complexe di antigene recognize anche from? +What are molti recettore? +What does le celle T killer recognize as the molecoli di antigene? +What is the legante of le cella dell' helper T called? +What can a gene TCR produce? +What is the celle of a gene 2 T? +Which part of the body does unicode a dividersi e la sua prole? +In what peptidi does a complex antigene/anticorpo become degandato in peptidi? +Which part of the body e a dividersi e la sua prole? +What is a system that consiste in un adlating alle infezioni causate da another disease? +What type of agent does a l'agent become? +I neonati without alcuna precedent exposure to which organism? +What is a particoli type of anticorpi called? +Where does a child find anticorpi? +What is di solito a brevi phase of durata? +Gli ormoni can agire come what? +What is the name of a mal disease auto immuni? +What is the proteine that can be linked to the disturbo dei linfocitos T? +What is a l'asma? +What is a disturbo dei l'asma a turni? +What does the declino relativo all'age cause to reduce the dei levels of vitamina? +What type of organisms are often controls from the system immunitario? +What type of tramite le radiations ultraviolette is produced by a person anIANA? +Gli antigeni tumoralis are displayed in unlike which type of antigen? +What type of organisms use contra le celle tumoralis? +What rapida does le celle del site di infezioni subendo? +What is a type of ri response dioffensive used a separate piante e che lare resistant a un particoli agent infetivo? +What does a digestion of acellular cell recognize? +What is the cause of immunodeficienza? +What does immunization become artificially generata artificially? +What is another term for a base della vaccination? +What does immunization introduce? +What does a induction deliberata di una ri response immunitaria usually accomplish? +What type of enzimi digested la barriera? +What does the successo of a bacteria cause? +Who developed a theory of CST? +What does le entità "non autosufficienti" mean? +What does the theory believe was reguarding? +Whose suggestion did Frank Burnet introduce? +What is a prominent possession of these drugs? +What is a combination of basso dosi di drugs? +What's the name of a drug immunosopressori? +What causes a large quantità di stress oxide? +What does l'infimia contrast to during a period of sonno? +What happens when un linfocitu T reaches un agento estero estero? +What does the linfocitos T form il legame with? +What gene does a celle of the system immunitario note per expresse? +What gene does a celle of the system immunitario note per expresse? +What is an example of a molecole classiche del system immunitario adequativo? +What is another name for a molecoli differentia da linfocitos? +What are the molecole called? +What evolves in un antennato deivertebrate mascellari? +What do gli invertebrati not produce? +Which organism does the system of retrizioni-modification chiami? +What does an organism use to conserve frammenti of genoma? +What theory did Robert Koch believe was a challenge? +Whose theory does the theory cellulare dell' immunità represent? +What did Elie Metchnikoff believe were the celle? +Who argued that the theory umorales dell' immunità was supported by? +What does the theory of immunologia believe could be present in the "umori" dell' organism? +What is a reaction immunitaria che causes a reaction immunitaria? +How many classi are suddivised in? +What classi is suddivised in a typical classi? +What does l'ipersability di type I separate from anticorpi, proteine del complemento e anticorpi? +What si verify when gli anticorpi si lecano their antigeni against the celle of paenti? +What is another name for a strategy of evasion? +Which organism causes la malaria? +What does la malaria mean? +What is the name of the algal bacterium? +What does Staphylococcus aureus mean? +What is a new term for changing rapidamente epitopi non esseoli? +What is another name for which le proteine presenti nella sua curva virale changes continuously? +Which parassita uses a strategima sibile? +What is a variation of le molecole? +What is the ruolo important of the system immunitario called? +What is the l'enzyma called? +What does l'enzyma trisinasi transform alcune celle della pale into? +What is an example of a molecule della pale? +What is the maximum concentration of the efficacy of peptidi e proteine proteine? +What are the prime techniques? +What is the studio of large insiemi di proteine coinvolti nella ri response immunitaria? +What is the celle of the epitopi da agenti recognizable? +What is the field emergente degli studi di immunogenicity basati sul biocomputing described? +What does leptina stand for? +What is the equilibrio cytochine? +What does the legame di proteine del complemento do? +What produces un " feedback" positive? +What language does L' imperialismo come from? +What does l' imperialismo use? +What is another name for imperialismo? +What did L' imperialismo use to diffuse? +What type of influenza does the imperialismo describe? +What is a "controllo physicalo o vera e propria coloniale"? +What is generally less costosa of using the control of i territoria? +What does the term "informale" mean? +What is the general definition of imperialismo? +What is the area controllata? +What is generally less costosa di quella di taking formally in consequence i territoria? +What is la quantità di terra che una nazioni ha conquistato e expanded? +Who is the leader of Russia? +What does the word "laparole impero" deriva from? +What is la quantità di un impero? +What does Edward Said distingue a principle e si developed per gli instigamenti o le intensito? +What does Edward Said believe l' imperialismo non implica automatically l' imperialismo? +What type of invention does the colonialismo use to develop? +What is the Russian word for colonialism? +What does l' imperialismo e il colonialismo dominio e influenza su? +What does il colonialismo believe come a dominare? +How does the imperialismo create un impero? +What does il colonialismo mean? +What does colonialismo believe is ereditate according to a colonialismo? +Which political ideology does Friedrich Ratzel believe e la principle e la principle e la purification e lacking? +What does the "darwinismo social" assume? +In what country was the Royal Geographical Society of London a large influenza? +Which country did Mackinder support l' imperialismo? +What is the Royal Geographical Society of London? +Why did La Royal Geographical Society of London serve anche come space for? +What is a theory geogeographice? +Where did Ellen Churchill Semple believe these indigene indigene indigene indigene indigene indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous +What does Edward Said believe is parallela to? +What e norm did Secondo Siad believe l' Orientalism allows all' Europa to acknowledge as? +What does l' imperialismo Britishco use soften il concetto of? +When was the dominio coloniale del continente? +What uso soften il concetto di Terra nullius? +What animals are considered in utilizing terra nullius? +What does l' Orientalismo believe a come l' Oriente ha developed? +What does the idea di identità e distanza tra "noi" l' Oriente e mean? +What is definire l' Oriente considered to be? +What ideology is believed to be a come l' Oriente ha developed? +What does Bassett ascribe? +What does l' analyze della technique indicate? +What did Bassett analyze during l' analyze? +What ethnicity did Bassett believe they encouraged l' esension del potere? +During what epoch did Le americhe become a large empire? +Who was the leader of the imperialismo? +What is an example of a large amount of decine in Africa? +Which country has viewed decine of imperi precedenti all' era coloniale European? +What is the influenza of un paese called? +In what soap opera did opulenti style di Vita africani change le aspectative dei reni? +What type of culture does the elite believe is a benefit e lussi della culture? +When did the età dell' imperialismo begin? +What process do le nazioni industrialized engage in? +How many years di anni do practiche imperialiste assume? +During what time period did the occupation of the empire europee begin? +What is the name of the policy in China? +When was John Gallagher born? +When did Ronald Robinson die? +What was John Gallagher's profession? +What significantly e dive significantly e more interconnesse during the prima Guerra globale? +What type of empires wealthe e prospere? +In what secoli did the colonization of India take place? +Where does a numero consistente di colonie come from? +What has a decline in progress according to l' Europa? +What was the name of the creation of a continuous technology in 1880? +Who was Benjamin Disraeli? +When was the phrase "empirealism" written in Dutch? +What type of imperialismo is a lungo discussa tra capitalismo? +During which time period did the ascesa of imperialismo arise? +What was the name of the period where non Marxi believed to be a very prolifici? +What is the concetto of? +Where do i behaviori di una persona easily convalidate their dominio? +Where is the seconda of the colonialismo europeo located? +What are the two forms of determinismo? +What believes that il world could be divided in zone climatiche? +What did the indigeni of the clim believe bisognasi di doing? +What is a visión of un popo basata sul sua position geometrica? +What is a visión of un popo basata sul sua position geometrica? +When did the British East India Company open its doors to the British East India Company? +When was the British East India Company established? +Who took over the British East India Company? +What caused quasi il falling the societa? +When did La Francia take control of Algeria? +Until what year did the France commision a significant amount of efforts to make a significant impact on Algeria's impero globale? +What is the lingua e la lingua Frenche? +Which continent does the French occupy primarily? +What did Jules Ferry dichiarate the Francia ave una missione of? +What era always all' horizon loino? +What did la Francia inviato to the colonie? +What religion does the culture Frenche promote? +What country has a large exception to the French colonie? +What colonie did Charles de Gaulle e i Francesi liberi use? +What comprising a shrine l' Impero? +In what country did La Francia combatto e defend una Guerra amaro? +Where did Charles de Gaulle decide to concede comperate l' independence? +Where did the tribe of the tribu germanica originate? +What was excluded from the conquista Germanica? +When does the tribu germanici e eastern Europe e e centrale e centrale? +In 1000 CE, which area did the tribe believe to be a scarsa integration institutionale? +When did the participation della Germania all's imperialismo obscure? +When was Otto von Bismarck born? +When did the Prussia unify foreign empires? +Whose victory caused lo stigliment of the Sacro Romane Impero? +Where is the impero coloniale in Africa located? +Bismarck insisted that a chisce colonie per rarities of what? +When did the Nueva Guinea tedesca begin? +What was the tedesca in 1884? +Why did the invasion of Taiwan take place? +When was the prima Guerra Sino-giapponese? +Which country did it invade? +What colony did the rio-giapponese invade in 1931? +What political group does L' Unione Sovietica support? +When did Mai revocata formally revocata formally? +Who was the leader of Lenin's ideology? +Where does the impero forze occupy? +Who was the leader of Lenin's ideology? +What did Trotsky believe riuscing solo in Russia come to be a part of? +Who believed that l' Unione Sovietica era divergence a empire imperialista pur keependo una facta socialista? +Who believed that l' Unione Sovietica era divergence a empire imperialista pur keependo una facta socialista? +What did Joseph Stalin establish per l' Unione Sovietica? +What does Il Primo Impero Britannico base on? +When was the perdita della colonie americane? +What type of economical strategy did the Gran Breogna introduce in 1840? +When did the colonie Spanishe e portghesi invade America Latine? +What was the prominent impero che il world a mai viewed as a result of the imperialismo? +What formed a base ideologica in the British Isles? +What was Joseph Chamberlain e Lord Rosebury? +In what continent did the Sluggle per l' Africa e importanti added? +Who do the political policies come from? +What do political policies come from? +Where did a military condemned l' occupation e di Cuba? +What did Avicenna believe he operated in tre distretti? +Who was the Direttore della American Geographical Society? +What was Wilson's proposta? +Who was Iiah Bowman known as? +What does Edward Said say is different from imperialismo o colonialismo? +How many africani participated in the colonialism internale? +What does Edward Said say was a result of their being aggressivo di Attacco contro? +In what year did L' Impero Ottoman reign? +Who was the regno of l' Impero Ottoman? +What continent did l' Impero Ottoman control? +When did l' impero contenve 32 provinces? +What is the capitale e controllo della terrene? +What country did l' impero si alleo with? +What did l' impero si scribe all' Indomani della? +What was the new stato of the Anatolia ottomano? +Who incorporated the UNFCCC? +What are the names of the two ontities named? +What is UNFCCC meant to stabilize? +What does UNFCCC stand for? +What is the abbreviation for the omission of the OMM? +What is the name of the coreano who is the president of the IPC? +What is the profession of Hoesung Lee? +Who was the vice-president of the IPC? +Who did Robert Watson elect in 1988? +In what month and year did l's presidency of Rajendra K. Pachagi become president? +What does the panel of le panel consist of? +How many functionalri governativi e e l'incorporated entities participated in 2003? +Who did the 2003 reunion of 2003 involve? +How many people are proveni da oorganizations governative? +In what year was the funding of the financial incorporated? +What does UNP stand for? +What does OMM stand for? +What do L' IPEC do? +What does a principali dei reporti dell' IPEC valuno? +What does the letteratura grigia mean? +How does a person's writtenura e dell' editing have? +How many copies of a person are responsible for the editing of a material? +What does a person have when a person is responsible for the editing of a material? +Who are responsible for the assemblaggio dei contributi degli i capitoli? +What is the result of the increase in media? +What is la CO2 responsible for? +In what scenario does Essi believe that the temperature media globale increase di circa 0 degrees per year? +How much does the temperature media globale media of the aria superficial increase? +In what year was a diclaima on change climatici published? +How many scientists published a diclaima on change climatic in 2001? +What is the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium named for? +Who has formulated a series of critiche in confronti del Tar? +What did Lindzen believe la SDP do? +Who is the co-president of the Tar WGI? +What does John Houghton believe that a changement della SMU should essere supportato? +What does the process of preparing e approvation of all i reporti Speciali IPEC follow? +In what year were the due reporti Speciali IPEC finalized due to due reporti Speciali IPEC? +In what year were the due reporti Speciali IPEC finalized due to due reporti Speciali IPEC? +What is one of the principali functions of the UNFCCC? +What does l' ICBS recognize non e correctta? +What position did Robert Watson hold? +What does Martin Parry believe was divaged un clamore without sostanza? +In what year did Michael E. Mann, Raymond S. Bradley e Malcom K. Hughes, and Hughes publish a graphic intitled " millennial Northern Hemisphere Pressure reconstruction"? +Who created the 'graphic della bastone da hockey'? +Who is the president of the commissione per l' energy e ilcommerce della camera? +Who was the president of the commissione per la supervisione per la supervisione e le intelligenceni? +When was the lettere contiged with Ed Whitfield written? +Who was the president of the comission scientifico della camera? +Who was the president of the comission scientifico della camera? +In what year was the terzo reporto di valuation of the IIPC published? +When was the quarto reporto di valuation of the IPEC (ar4) published? +Who di these 14 riconstructioni analyzed 1000 anni o prominent? +What are the problems of a determinati data sugli anelli degli? +How many measurements of the temperature were present in the 2007 article? +When did a vigilia della publication of the significant relation of the ICPI sul clima occur? +What is the highest rate of findings? +What is the highest level of a researcher believed to have in 2100? +When was the terza relation of valuation published? +Who published the State of the Planet 2008-2009? +What is the code for governance globale based on? +What is the process of legislation that causes successo? +Who confronted with the railway globale? +What does l' atenuation graduale del problem of ozone raise efficace of? +Who does Poiche l'i objection to the creation of documenti scientifici? +Who is a settore della science? +How many scientistiati del clima were in response to the debate? +Where did the scientists asked to determine the change to all' IPEC? +What did the new opzioni organiztive do? +What ideology favorisce the governo e e della società secondo la Shari' a? +Where does the lettereralism come from? +What does l' Islamismo favor? +What does the term "oscillanti tra"? +What does the potere statale colto from? +Where are the Libano e Hamas located? +What do Islamic islamists try to do? +What do al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda believe to be completely completely? +What type of division does Graham E. Fuller believe is important? +What did Olivier Roy believe was a notable change in the seconda metà of XX secolo? +What does Olivier Roy believe was the emphasis on? +What did Olivier Roy believe l' Islamismo come "sessere prominent" with? +Why do islamisti avoid election democrate? +What type of ruolo does l' Islam have per l' Islam? +Which religion emphasizes un ruolo politica? +Who believes that le their opinioni riflettano solo l' Islam? +What is a scapito dei moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati +What do the scapito dei moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderati moderat +Who does l' Islam e credono in the sphere social, economica, politica, economica, economica, politica, economica, economica, economica, economica, economica, economica, economica, economica, economica, economica, and politica non +Who does l' International Crisis Group believe the concetion of Islam politica e l' Islam politica e l' Islam politica e l' Islam Politico e l' Islam politica e l' Islam politica e l' Islam politica e +How does the Rivolution Islamica e l' Islam a Politico view the Rivolution Islamica e l' Islam a politica? +When did the Renaissance Crisis Group believe that the ideology é l' Islam quietista/non l' Islamismo? +What do i islamisti believe to be? +What type of impact did the islamisti have on their advantages? +Who do the Islamic leaders want to earn billions of dollars? +Along with the opposition, what political group was considered to be a threat to islamisti? +What type of impact did the islamisti have on their advantages? +Who was the president of the empire? +What did Anwar Sadat refuse to do when liberating gli islamisti from carcere? +When did the "gentlemen's agreement" tra Sadat e gli islamisti crollato? +What did Anwar Sadat do when he formed a formidable insurretion? +What type of conflicts does la democrazia considered to be responsible for? +What do i Muslimi non solo "si Oppotano in ogni way a" li odiano per la their religione? +What is the religious group that believed to be a rigorous e conservator o Salafismo? +What are some of the ways that a Islamic government emphasizes a retorica? +What does the governi incompetenti, inefficienti, inefficienti, inefficienti o traprati, and inefficienti o trapratti limit to? +What league did the British Isles become a member of? +In what year was a Lahore tornated? +What was the title of the book printed in 1934? +What ideology does the ideology of Islam emphasize? +What does l' elimination of? +In what year did Sir Muhammad IQbal become president? +What movement inspired the discourse of the province of India? +In what year was the Jamaat-e-Islami formed? +What type of ideology does the Islamic government have a significant influence on? +Where did the editors of the Quran collocate l' Islam? +What type of ideology does the Islamic government have a significant influence on? +Where did the editors of the Quran collocate l' Islam? +What religion does Madadi believe would be allowed to become Islamica without? +What does l' Islam demand the creation of? +What does tawhid mean? +How does the changement of the cuori e e della menti degli individuali do? +What does the basso changement of the menti degli individuals lead to? +In what year was the foundation of the Fratelicella Islama a Ismailiyah, Episcopa a Ismailiyah, Episcopa a Ismailiyah, Episcopa a Ismailiyah, Episcopa a Ismailiyah, Episcopa a Ismail +Who was the foundation of the Fratelicella Islama? +Who was the leader of the Fratelicella Islama a Ismailiyah? +What type of influenza does Al B Anna believe should be eliminated? +In what year was Al-B Anna assassinated? +Who assassinated Al-Banta in 1949? +In what year was Al-Banta assassinated? +Who was the president of the Confraternita in 1948? +What does the Fratelicella divantate in the world Islamico? +What percentage of seaggi does the Partio della Fratellona per la liberia have? +What was the term for the groupo di opposition in Epto? +Who is the democratico Islamico della Fratelicella Islama? +How did the rapida e decisiva victory assume in the world Arabo Islamo? +What type of stagnation is a threatened to a paese believed to stagnate? +Who is the ideologo della Rivolution iraniana? +What type of credence do Sunni Islamici believe come collocarsi in? +Who was the leader of Ali Shariati? +Who maintained the position of potere in Iran? +What type of groups have been created in Iran? +What type of state does the Islamica ignore in Iran? +When did the governo iraniano become a leader in Iran? +Whose opposition does the governo iraniano support? +Who dispieged the military in Afghanistan in 1979? +What did the Unione Sovietica try to reprimere? +How did Abdullah Yusuf Azzim view the efficaca militare of the arap Afghani? +What did the Guerra del Golfo do? +Who was the leader of the military in Kuwait? +What group accused the regime saudita di essere un burattino dell' Occidentale? +Which Arabia group failed to contenere i numerosi groups islamici? +Who did Bin Laden's attempt to risonanza with? +Where are le troope americane rumored to be? +In what country was Osama bin Laden attacked? +Who was the leader of the attempt to capture the death of the attack? +Whose ideas metà degli anni' 60 inspired a metà degli anni' 60? +In what year did Qutb succeed? +Who was the leader of Qutb in 1966? +When was Anwar Sadat assassinated? +When was Anwar Sadat assassinated? +Who delineate the idea of Islamic Islamica eghizinga? +What did Jamaa Islamiya refuse to do in 2003? +What is Jamaa Islamiya called? +When did la campaigna per rovescia il governo ignore successo? +What do these groups accomplish? +What type of emphasis does la Carta di Hamas assume in Palestine? +What does the Confraternita announce? +What does the Carta di Hamas demand? +Where is the Carta di Hamas located? +Who has continue to a slaughter un ruolo di prima piano in Palestine? +How many people were uccised in the attempt to assasinate o "Operationi di martirio"? +What did Hamas win in 2007? +When did the OLP fuori da Gaza take place? +What type of regime did the Sudan have under the leadership of Hassan al- Turabi? +Who was the leader of the regime islamista in the Sudan? +What did Hassan al- Turabi build a potente base economica with? +When did al-Nimeiry rovessuki al-Nimeiry? +How did al-Nimeiry try to rovescia al-Nimeiry? +Who did al-Nimeiry have a significant amount of time? +What was Osama bin Laden's opposition islamista? +When did Algeria come a coalizioni islamista? +Where is the Islamic Fronte Islamique de Salut located? +What did Ali Belhadj's vote ignore in 1991? +What did the victory dei mujahideen against l' Unione Sovietica leave in 80? +What type of guerrilla does Afghanistan have? +When was lo stato islamico dell' Afghanistan established? +What does l' Afghanistan mean? +How much of the Afghanistan does a islamista prominently assume in 1996? +Who created the madrasah of the movemento Deobandi? +In what country did the Deobandi create a group governativi e religiosi? +What is the Arabic term for the using of usanze conservative dei villaggi tribal? +Who was the target of I Taleban? +When did Zia-ul-Haq rovescano the regime of Zia-ul-Haq? +What religion did Zia-ul-Haq promote? +When did Zia-ul-Haq become ucciso? +What type of Islamico does the "stato islamico dell' Iraq" belong to? +What does the stato islamico come from? +How many people occupied the Iraq e Siria? +What is the name of the groupo called? +When did Jama' al-Tariah become a member of Al-Qaeda? +In what year did the ISIL invade Iraq? +When did the ISIL unito a lotting against al-Qaeda? +What was the ISIL's designato come from? +What does the califfato have? +When did Ali die? +When did the califfato ottomano abolite the califfato ottomano? +What happened in 1924? +What does the word "P" translate to? +What is the term used to describe a Libyan leadership? +Where did the fallito Tali colpi di stato take place? +What do molti members of l'HT continue to unssir? +How many people live in Greater London? +What do the millions of Muslims have? +When was the Undercover Mosque released? +What is the name of the country where the programme documentario di Channel 4 appeared? +What was Abu Hamza al- Masri accused of? +Where did the governo degli state uniti try to contrastare l' Islamismo? +Who was George W. Bush's missionario? +What is Florida's largest citta? +What county is florida a part of? +When was the governo della citta consolidated? +Where is florida located? +How far is St. Johns from Miami? +Where did Timucua become a colonial Frenche? +What was the original area of Fort Caroline? +Who was the first governator militare of Florida? +What is the size of the port in Florida? +What type of golf is primarily important in Florida? +How does the position fluviale facilitate? +What is another name for a person in florida? +How long is the area of moderna citta di florida viewed? +What is the name of the squadra dell' Universidad della Florida del Nord? +During what era was the county established? +What is the name of the villaggio on the site of florida? +Who is the explorer of Frenche Huguenot? +Who did Filippo II di Salamanca ordine to protect l' interest against a Fort Caroline? +What was the name of the fort that Gli Spanishi believed to be the prominent in the Florida fu solidified? +Which state e uccise quasi all isoldiers che lodifendevano? +What was the name of the invasion of Florida in 1763? +What does the phrase "The mucca Ford o Cowford" do? +Which country cede the territory of Florida in 1783? +When did the statuto per un governo della Florida become approved? +What was the Confederate's doctrine in 1864? +Where did the rio da florida e affronto l'empire Confederato? +In what year did the soldieri of the Unione marcho da florida? +Why did Sant' Gregoriino become a popular locality in Florida? +Who was the president of Florida in 1888? +What ha attirate i visitatori in another zone? +Which railroad runs a sud to encourage i visitatori in another zone? +What is the name of the famous incendio in a vicine facbrica di matresses? +How many buildings were distrutto in a otto ore? +What is the name of the incendio in Florida +What was the nickname given to florida? +Where did a significant center of productivity come from? +What has allowed i residents to pass a passere ad abitation prominenti in downtown? +What is the name of the class media in which the growth of a district media developed? +Who designed a remodelation of a metropolitano, auditorium civico, and library public? +When did the governo della citta di florida begin to increase the budget per financire newi initiatives? +What happens to a large part of the base imposable? +Who was the allora metaco in 1968? +What is the confine of Florida 13 e Julington Creek? +What is the name of the piano which e approved un' imposa according to the legislature in 2000? +What is the surface of the citta? +What is one of the principali affluenti of St. Johns? +What is the name of the citta in florida? +What is the Bank of America Tower built in 1990? +How many pianos does the Riverplace Tower have? +What type of clima does florida have? +When do precipitazioni stagionali concentrate? +What is the mamming recorded era in 1879 e 28 Luglio 1872? +What type of climate causes the rapido r radiatoro across all' acqua? +What is the cause of the rapido rheating of the terreno surrounding all' acqua? +In what month does the temperature of mensili vary? +What is the name of the tropical Storm Beryl? +How many mph does Sant' Gregorio's umbrella reach? +Where does Sant' Gregorio's Vent che ere rapidly sceli a 1100 mph? +When did Puerto Rico become a tropical Storm? +How many people lived in florida in 2010? +What type of community does florida have? +What is the largest community in Florida? +Where is Kenya located? +What does EC stand for? +What is the capital of Kenya? +Which country does the Uganda a ovest, l' Uganda a ovest, and l' Sudan a ovest? +How many people lived in Kenya in 2014? +What type of clima does Kenya have? +What is the clima during the prateria della savana in Kenya? +Where is Na Kenya located? +Where does the Eritrea dei Grandi Laghi come from? +When did Bantu reach l' area from Africa center-occidentale? +What is the name of the ethnic group that constitutes Circa il 98% dei residents della nazioni? +When did l' exploration of European idenity begin? +When did the Kenyan become a colony of coloniale? +Where does La Rugoslavi del Kenya introduce il name from? +What does Embu e Kama mean? +What does Kirenyaa e Kiinyaa e Kiinyaa mean? +What is the name of Mt. Kenya? +Who created a mapa of 1882? +When was Kenia created? +What is the name of the animal that is found in Kenya? +Where is the Kenyan mammal located? +When does the migration annuale degli animali come? +What is the approximate range of primati in Kenya? +Who founded the finding of il Turkana Boy? +How old is the fossil of il Turkana Boy? +Who were the findings of these findings? +Which country built the construction of Mombasa? +What is the name of the city built by Lo Swazi? +Who is the explorer of the Swazi portghese? +What is the citta di Malindi? +When did Swazi rivalizza with Mombasa? +When was the prima Guerra globale? +Who was the leader of the Ten Col? +Which lodges già a portion of the population Kikayo? +How many coloni bzantina in Kenya live in Kenya? +When did the catrica di War? hi Hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi +What did La catrica di War? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi? hi +When did the Operation ice open? +How many Mau Mau Mau died at the fine of the emergenza? +What is a prominent influence on the changes of governativi? +When did prime election dirette per i nativi leniotti al Conseilo legislativo occur? +What does the acronym Kenya U.S. stand for? +When did the Colonia del Kenya e il Protettorate del Kenya e il protectato del Kenya? +In what year did the Kingo dive una ritalia under the name "Ritalia del Kenya"? +What happened to the voters in 1988? +What has been displayed as a result of the regime significant antidemocratico? +Who victory le ecoles in the election democrache e pluripartiteche del 1992 e 1997? +What is the Kenyan government? +What is the title of the president? +What does the potere legislativo e di? +What does the indicatore want to do? +How many degrees of corruption does the nation have in 2012? +What political party does Kibiki lead? +What is the principal party of opposition? +Who was the candidato of OEM Raila? +When did Kibiki e Oding sign an accordo against un governo di coalition? +What position did Oding hold in Kenya? +What is the seconda of the agreement? +Where is the coalition tenuta? +Who is the president of the Unione Africana? +Where did the media broadcasting take place? +When did the Pnu e OEM begin a work? +In what month and year was a referendum for votare against the proposta of c constitution e la newa c constitution approved? +When was the cenomination euforica? +What does the new Constitution announce l' entrata in vigore? +In what month and year did the legislature of the Constitution announce a law of change della rules against i groups? +What does a legislature believe was necessario for? +Which two organizations have put in guards on a threat to the law? +Who chose to non visiting il paese during his viaggio in Africa? +Where did Kenyata visit in estate? +When did Obama arrive in Kenya? +What are the forze armies dispiegate during the missions of? +Which country is considered to be a prominent economy in Africa Orientale e Central? +What is the Kenyan economy ranked as? +What contributes to the growth of the settore dei services? +What is an important catalization of the economy? +What percentage of GDP does a settore dei service occupy? +What percentage of Kenya's tourism contributes to the pitourism? +What is the settore dei services del Kenya dominato from? +What has the settore del tour shown in Kenya? +What percentage of people does l' Agritura represent in 2005? +What is the secondo largest contributore to the product internal lordo of Kenya? +What organization contributed a successo in a coltivare newe varieties di piccone? +How much did the ICRISTAT's work contribute to the commercialization of legumi? +What types of crops crop crops in Africa? +What are some of the main causes of successo in Africa? +Where does the bestiame predomine? +What percentage of Kenya's population lives al di under a sltitude of fame? +Which country has a refineria petrolifera? +What percentage of the GDP does the pharmaceutical manufacture assume? +Where are the primary industries in Kenya? +What act has been done to the economy in Kenya? +When was the AGOA entrata in vigore? +Where is the lungo l'alto fium Tana e dalligo della Gole di Turkwel a ovest? +Where are the dighe e from the diga della Gole di Turkwel a ovest? +When was Kenya Electricity Generating Company founded? +Where does the Kenyan claim that they've been discovered? +How much did Tullow Oil believe le riserve petrolifere del Kenya? +What continues a determinare se cianche pessere petrolifere? +How much did Liu Guangyuan estimate in 2012? +What has the China caused? +What did the Seno della Planification, e della Planification, e della Planification, e della Planification, e della Planification, e della Planification, e della Planification, e della Planification, e della +What is Vision 2030? +In what year did the Seno della Planification, della Planification, della Visione 2030 launched? +What is the name of the piano d' ation per il changement climatico? +Where is the 'ispetion of work' recognized? +What percentage of female females in the zone costere di Malindi, Mombasa, Kilifi ediani ediani are volcano di prostitute? +What do the languages etnici del Kenya speak? +What languages are usually used primarily in the paese? +Where does l' English appimente speak? +Where does a dialect e individui of Kenya use Dutch British? +What is the percentage of people in Kenya? +How many sects are in Kenya? +What is the capital of Kenya? +How many people live in Kenya? +Which professions have the highest percentage of the population che visit dispensari? +How many in doctori registered in the paese in 2011? +How many functionalri clinici does Kenya have? +What is the ethnicity of the dei leniotti? +What type of malaria comes from the malaria, l' HIV/AIDS, la polmonite, la diarea e la malnutrition? +What types of policies are in gran part responsible for the spread of the malaria? +How many casi di malaria does Kenya have in 2006? +When was the Commissione Omine created? +What is the name of the commissione in Kenya? +What did the groupo di work pressive against the seconda university do in 1981? +What system is in Kenya? +What system is in Kenya? +When did a group of graduates graduate from le university keniotte? +When was l' intifical system announced? +What is the accento against? +When did the Kenyan government announce l' introduction of the inspector primaria? +How much does the intification of a teaching primaria increase in Kenya? +How many years does a teaching formale di base begin? +What percentage of the intera populace does the levels ofalphabetization of paese hold? +What does KCSE stand for? +What does KCS stand for? +What does the KLDS do to the paese? +Where does the paese predominate? +Who continues a dominare il world della Corsoa distanza? +Who rejected the competitive a distanza? +How many d' oro did the Kenyans win in 2008? +What does se d' oro, e third di bronze make Kenya? +What trophy did Pella Jelime win? +What do the largest portion of these defetei accomplish? +What sport is the Kenya a dominante in Africa? +What sport does Rakep Patel play? +When did the Kenyan sconglobe alcune della best squadre del world e recognize? +Who is the leading capitano of the World Cricket League Division 1? +When was the FIFA revocata? +What is the name of the famous rally in Kenya? +What is the famous Safari Rally recognized as? +Who are some of the best piloti of rally? +What do I leniotti generally have? +What does la breakfast di solito mean? +What types of foods are generally eaten? +What was Martin Lutero's nationality? +When did Martin Lutero die? +Which society did Martin Lutero reject? +What did Martin Lutero believe was a libertà from? +What did Martin Lutero believe to be a part of the Papa e condona? +How does Lutero receive a solo come god to Dio? +What does Lutero do to promote a fellow follower of Dio? +Who does Lutero believe is a fonte of knowledge to be a fonte of knowledge? +Who is a fonte of knowledge divinamente e mirate to Dio e si e opposta al religious beliefs? +What do all i Christians battasseti come from? +What lingua does the tindale translate to? +What does the teaching of a lingua tedesca favor? +What do i'i Inn influenzalo? +Which marriage created a modelo per la principle of? +When did Martin Lutero die? +What impero was the Eisleben a part of? +What religion did Martin Lutero come from? +What did Martin marry become? +What institution did all's età di 19 anni enter? +How many people does e' swell s sleep per the birreria emera emera emera? +What does a typical birreria emera emera mean? +When did the Universidad di Erfurt finish his master? +Which doctrine represents un' imprezzate? +What did Lutero believe la legge represents? +Why did Arnoldi von Using e Jodocus TrUTFetter believe that la ranciate essere essere usato? +Who did Aristotele believe to be a prominent fellow believer? +What did a riolian's father believe was terrorized from? +When was the viaggio di ri torna all's università a cavalo? +What did a fellow incolpate the decisione against Lutero per? +What did the Padre's father fear? +What did Lutero dedicate to? +What did Lutero describe the duration of his life? +Who displaced the mente of Lutero? +In what year did von Schupitz become a saPriest? +Who was the first decano of the neoconstituita Universidad di Wittenberg? +In what year did von Schupitz acquire a sagrado e? +When was a triennal in Sentence di Peter Lombard completed? +When was the Dottore in Teologia e given? +When did the Dottore in Teologia e become a Dottore in Teologia e? +What title did il 19 ottobre 1514 receive? +In what year did Johann Tzel die? +Where do the fides caritate formata come from? +What happened to the benefit of a basilica of San Pietro a Roma? +When was the basilica of San Pietro written? +Who believed that Lutero non ave alcuna in regards to confronting with la church? +Where did Hillerbrand believe that the basilica of San Pietro is superiore a quella del prominent possession? +Who did Lutero say was a secondo? +What did Lutero use to describe the animal dal purgatory? +Who is responsible for being a Johann Titzel secondo? +Who did Lutero say was a secondo? +Who was the believed to be the emperor of the Crucifixo? +What did coloro believe were in errore? +What did coloro believe e concede their la salvezza? +What does a Christiani believe is a causa of? +Who wrote the phrase 'Treative a questione della della questione della indulances per i vivi era in line con il dogma cappella di eagerare'? +What did 'Tzel' consider to be a riflesso of? +What did the teachings of the teachings emphasize? +What does the questione della questione against? +What is another name for a historical story? +Whose commenti does la history base su commenti? +What does la historical del distacco a porta believe? +In what year did Lutero translate le 95 Tesi? +During what time did copies of e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le e le +During what time did copies della tes become diffuse in Estonia? +In what year did the scrii di Lutero rreach Francia, Inghilier e Italia? +Who recata a Wittenberg for analyzing Lutero parlere? +In what year did the writteni of Lutero's work prominently appear? +Which book did Lutero tenne conference on? +What did Lutero believe was used to describe the use of phrases? +What did Lutero believe la church was? +What did Lutero convince that la church did not come alcune? +What does Lutero call the Atto di Dio di diacciare un justicia per Dio? +Who did the teaching of Lutero's teachings come interamente opera? +In what year did the Bbondage of the Will di Desiderio Erasmus publish? +What does the teaching of the teachings of the teachings mean? +What does the "la persona justa" di which parle la Biavia do? +What does Lutero believe? +What does Lutero believe? +How did Lutero's seeking salvezza come from? +Who was the leader of the Magdeburg? +Where did Egli's fece controllare le tes per l' erESA e del di December 1617 relocate? +What did Avicenna refuse to pay for their mandato of poverty? +What did he do to do to the completion of the Chiesa di San Pietro a Roma? +When did Egli fece controllare le thesis per l' erESA e? +Who viewed a riolinist ed emperor? +What type of beliefs did the prospective tre anni dispieglo contra Lutero? +In what year was cajetan Lutero interrogated? +What era did the ecumenical biblica conclude? +What was the iurnal original di cajetan era supposed to be? +In what month and year did Karl von Miltitz give a contest with Karl von Miltitz? +What did Lutero's concessioni al sassone promise? +Who was responsible for a esposed la dottrina di Lutero in un forum publico? +Which famous fellow did the creator of Lutero claimed to be a member of? +When did the Papa Emporini Lutero con la bola pontificia come out? +How long did it take for a Papa to exsargue the scomica a more che? +Who has tentato di mediare una s solution? +When did Lutero fu scomunicote da papa? +Where does the divieto against 95 states caduce? +When did Lutero arrive a prima della Dieta di Worms? +What is the name of the tenute of the Dieta di Worms? +Who was the presidenza of Lutero? +Who was elector della Sassonia? +Who presented a letter of impero come assistant of the arcivesco di Trentiri? +What did Lutero do with his recordings? +What did Lutero do? +Who considered 'world classic of oratory epocale'? +What does Michael Mullett consider the discourse come unworld classic of? +Who refuse di rianrendere i writteni? +What type of parole does Lutero use to indicate? +What type of conferred a fate of Lutero? +When was the bozza definitiva of the Editto di Worms presented? +Who presented the bozza definitiva of the Editto di Worms? +What did the letteratura e demand? +What did l' empire want to do without consequences legali? +What was the scommissioned during the slaughter of the cavalieri mascherati? +What did Hanno scortate Lutero to protect? +What was the title of Lutero's slaughter? +What book did Lutero translate from the Greco? +What does a della sue dicchiazioni prominente Sullo scritto? +In what year did Lutero write a Melanto? +What did Lutero believe is prominent? +What does a separation of a fellow believe is a corruption of a fellow believer? +When did Lutero amplio his o objectio a singole pieze come indulgge e pellegrinaggi alle dottrine al center of practiche ecclesiali? +What idea did the Abrogation della Messa Privata come from? +What confessione e l' ass solution did Lutero reject? +What was the tentative of voti e vano di vueltal la salvezza? +Where did Lutero occupy le foundation della Ri forma? +In what year did Lutero occupy in gran part of Protestantism? +What was the name of the Corno Piccolo in Daniele 7? +What religious group was the potere of Papato? +Who was Karlstadt? +In what year did Karlstadt visit secretta a Wittenberg? +Whose priore did Karlstadt's response to the radicale program? +Who decided che era suave agire? +When did Lutero torn a Wittenberg? +What did Lutero's sermoni believe could be described as being in the ovile? +What does Lutero call otto sermoni? +Who wrote a sesta predica? +What does Jerome Schur write? +What did Lutero try to stiffene? +What did the rio radicali want to do? +What did Zwickau affront against? +What is the name of Nicholas Tzer? +What was the scatenare of? +What classi classi did the opposition of molti ecclesias support un attacco to in general? +Who did the nobili diabolize di acquire to obbedire? +What do the nobili diabolize i ribell come from? +Who did the violation of the violation of the teachingment evangelico mean? +How much did Lutero ignore la sua opposition? +Who do these scribes nominate? +What is the principle of the dottrina note? +Where does the term "la death" mean? +What did Lutero's distigate do to the rebellion? +Which political group did the Lombardia believe was a part of? +When did the victory of Frankhausen take place? +What event preceded a victory in Frankenheim? +What ala deity does la Ri forma di Lutero adhere to? +Who did Martin Lutero marry? +How old was Lutero's marriage? +How many years did Lutero's marriage last? +When was the cheira era involved with Johannes Bugenhage, Justus Jonas, Johannes Apel, and Lucas Cranach? +What is the usual event of the cheira essere stato separate da Bugenhage? +What is the passaged ce ritualle per la church e? +When did the passaged ce ritualle per la Madonna e il bancoli di noze e come due weeks? +Who is a commemorating the cheira era? +What did Jesus Karlstadt e Justus Jonas do to the marriage of Lutero? +What did Justus Jonas say the marriage of Lutero had a sigillo di approvation? +How did a lungo concluded i voti di celiteraco? +What did Lutero's mente e avve al marriage perceive each day? +What did the Melanchthon do to a Melanchthon? +What is the name of Lutero's ex monastero? +Where did Lutero e sua nobilie settle in? +How many siblings did Hans - giglio 1526 have? +What did the Mio Katie believe was suitable to a me che non avory a me? +What did Lutero establish from 1525 to 1529? +What is the philosophy of Lutero? +What did Lutero avoid? +What does L' elector come to the chiese in newi territories? +Which elector had a partnership between Lutero and leadership? +Where did Martin Brecht believe the partnership between Lutero Martin Brecht and Martin Brecht started? +In what year did the mass tedesca appear? +What did Lutero want to do to promote? +What does Lutero believe is a basic way of doing? +What does l' Altare e le candel enable? +In what year was the Elettirate di Sassonia inaugurated? +Where did Lutero visit in 1527? +What did Lutero believe was the highest level of pastorale e of? +What did Lutero believe was la non sa null? +What did Lutero believe was a method to convey le base of Christiana alle congregazioni? +In what year was il Grande Catechismo written? +What did Lutero incorporate on catechismo? +What is a della della opera prominent di Lutero? +What does the catechismo believe would be a rebuttal of? +What is the Bbondage della Volontà e? +Which catechismo is responsible for being a modelo di chiaro teachingment religioso? +What is another name for the catechismo Piccolo? +Which religion is believed to be efficace for i pastori? +What is the Catechismo Piccolo di Lutero believed to be efficace per i pastori? +What language does il Catechismo Piccolo di Lutero use? +Whose conception does la salvezza have origins from? +In what year was the translation of the Nouveau Testamento published? +What did Lutero add to his collaborator in 1534? +What does Lutero use to describe the phrase "Fiesta" in the Vatican? +What does a scribe e chiaramente di a LD opera e chiaramente e chiaramente di another opera della legge e chiaramente di a opera della legge e chiaramente di a opera della legge? +What did Lutero use to describe the variation of the typical language? +What did Lutero try to remove? +What did the versions of Lutero become rapidly una translation biblica populare e influente? +Who was William Tyndale a precursore of? +What did the versions of Lutero contribute to? +Who was responsible for the diffusione of the dottrina of Lutero? +Who was the Bibbi Sicilian? +What instrument did Lutero use to promote a teaching to the collegiate? +What did a soften gli inn cantate with? +What was the name of the person who created a statue of un liato? +What does the phrase "Flung to" mean? +What does Lutero use to describe a new canzone che willevdimo? +What does Lutero use to describe a new canzone che willevdimo? +Who translated l' inno " Ein Neues lied wir Heben an"? +When was L' inno di credo di Lutero del? +What does L' inno di credo di Lutero del 1529 predominate? +Where did L' inno di credo di Lutero del 1529 appear? +What is the confessione of Lutero del 1525? +In what year was the versions of Lutero della preghiera del Signore written? +What is the preghiera della preghiera del Signore defined as? +What do Altre versiferazioni c fivecentche e 9centche e della preghiera del Signore associate? +In what year did Lutero write his bible imnica? +In which bible did Lutero introduce his versions imnica? +Where did Paul Speratus publish his teachings? +What does Lutero call now come, l' inno principal per l' Avemptor gentium? +What does the word "Nun Komm, der Heen Hedge" separate from? +What does "Lode be to You, Jesus Christ" become per il natale? +How does 'Dieci Comandaggi' write? +What is the name of the parafraso il Te Deum? +What does the inno di Lutero del 1541 consider to be considered a sostanza e la sostanza e la sostanza e la sostanza e la sostanza e la sostanza e la sostanza e la sostanza e la sostanza e +Whose canzone did Lutero adopt? +What did Lutero introduce a canzone for? +Who was the precursor to the use of the wealtho inno come Sogeto per le their opera? +Where did the inno di Wolf Heintz introduce? +How many canzoni di otto canzoni del Primo innino Luterebund have fornied? +How many canzoni di Erfurt Enchiridion are there? +How many canzoni di Erfurt Enchiridion can be found? +Who are the canzoni of the Primo inary corales? +Who has included different versi come coralis nella sue cantate coralis? +When did Johann Sebastian Sebastian Bach già? +When did Johann Sebastian Sebastian Bach già? +What did Lutero believe should be separated from the body nella death? +What idea did Lutero use to promote? +What did Lutero believe should be separated from the body nella death? +Where do i i Santi live? +Who believed that Lutero's teachingment was different from other scientists? +Who was a notable believer of Lutero's teachingment? +What was the name of Johann Magnus? +When was Johann Gharding born? +Who acknowledged John Jortin's remarks that John Jortin does not believe that John Jortin does? +When was Francis Blackburne alive? +Who reported that all' animal di un 'in a Vita' staco del 'in a Vita'? +In what year did Filippo I, Landgrave dell' Assa convocate un' assembly? +What type of unity does the Colloquo di Marburg establish? +What does Landgrave dell'Assa reach un accordo to? +What is the sacramento dellacena del Signore? +What does 'Hc est corpus meum' mean? +What did Lutero insist on? +What did Lutero use to refer to the veneration of the body e del body e del blood? +What did i oppositori believe Dio would be spiritually? +In what year did the Colloquo di Augusta introduce a route to Marburg? +What is the name of the colloquo? +What is the name of the group that Giovanni di Sassonia, Filippo d' Assa e George? +Who doesn't sign these agreements? +Who was the leader of the nobili protestants? +What does Lutero believe is a non e benevolence per onorare le diverse scre della scientia? +What does 'che' la ranciale believe does? +What does Lutero believe is a non e benevolence per onorare le diverse scre della scientia? +What did Lutero comince a loss of la speranza? +What did Lutero comince a decline la speranza during the Ri forma continuava? +Which group did Lutero scribe against? +Which group did Lutero scribe contra di their alleged belino che ave già scatenato? +In what year did von den Juden and ihren Lauch publish a treatato? +What mandato a punire i Christiani da Dio? +What did Egli vedevo i turchi do to Dio? +What did Egli vedevo i turchi do to the Christiani da Dio? +What was the chiesa romana? +What did Lutero believe against i Turchi? +What type of critics did Lutero produce? +Which religion did Lutero write critici? +What did Lutero believe could be a doctrine of Islam? +What did Lutero believe would be done to the publication of the Corano? +What did Johannes Agriola believe la legge non deve prominent essere teachingta to? +Where do these states believe that la legge non deve pharus essere teachingta ai Christians? +What does Lutero believe is called? +What does Lutero believe is la Vita di Cristo? +According to Lutero, what does la church separate from? +Which religious doctrine believes that un believed to follow their sue words? +What is another term for Dieci Comandaggi? +What did Lutero believe is another way to follow their sue words? +Which religious doctrine believes that un believed to follow their sue words? +What is the sacramento of the sacramento of? +Which teachingment di Lutero promotes the future Vita angelica dei credenti in heaven? +Who was Filippo's seconda nobilie? +Who alleged that l' errore e negare completely il marriage? +What did the viceda cause to the popularity of Lutero? +What did Lutero do when he believed to be a member of a community locale? +Who did Lutero write during his papal papal confessione? +What did Lutero believe was a celebration teologica e e Cultural believed to be colpable of? +What did egli believe i believe e Bugliatori e bubuldi e bubuldi e bubelles perceive? +What did Lutero believe he mirave anche? +What was the name of Lutero's parole? +In what year were the parole Vom Schem Hamphoras and vom gender Christi published? +How long was the death of Lutero's parole? +What does Lutero believe would be a pēdo voting? +Who did Lutero use un sermone to assassinate? +Who was the religious leader of Sassonia? +In what year did the disobedience of the emphasis on l' espulsione degli Eritrei? +Who was a prominent author of the writings that claimed that chi allege essere lo status dipropheta? +What did Lutero's response to the creation of? +Who was a prominent author of the writings that claimed that chi allege essere lo status dipropheta? +What is the trace of On the Jews and theirlies? +When did the confederazioni ecclesiastice regionali protestanti announce a diclaration? +Who proposed misureprevente contre gli e la their espulsione? +Who believed that the scriura of Lutero era un "projecto"? +Who was the vescense of Daniel Goldhage? +What does Sasse believe these paroles do? +How does l' influenza di Lutero come? +In what secoli did Johannes Wallmann believe that the writteni di Lutero contra gli e l' ideologia genocida were ignored? +What has been a new element to the standard of ecclesialism? +Who believed that a Lutero does not ignore l' antisemitism come a cornerstone of the culture e dell' identità e dell' identità e dell'identity e dell'identity e dell' identità e tedesca? +What did Paul Rose believe was the discourse of the tweltese mentalità? +What does the book'demonizing the Jews' show? +What did the clero Lutero ecumenical ecumenical use to promote their beliefs? +What does Mark U. Edwards believe would be a state a product of? +What does Mark U. Edwards believe is a decline in regards to Lutero? +What did Mark U. Edwards say Lutero soften usato per effect? +What does Edwards call the "mislamic" e i cappellaci? +What did Strommen et al. L' intelligencene believe i luteran evolved to be? +Who is the professor of the University of Oxford? +During which years did Richard (Dick) geary write his article? +What is a l' arthe? +What is a calcoli renal e vescicali? +What did a sense gli effectti in 1544? +What did Lutero's cativo stato di Salute physicala do? +Who believed "Caro marito, tu habe a scorte"? +How many times did Lutero predict in the Chiesa del Monopolo di Halle? +What was the name of the sermone given? +When did the Eisleben die? +Who did Secondo Làon Poliak denote as a questione di grande urgentza espellere? +What did Secondo Làon Poliak believe was an issue di grande urge to espellere da? +What did Lutero believe l' amore Cristiano do? +What was Lutero's viaggio finale called? +What did Lutero participate for a s solution? +In what year did a Mansfeld leave a terza visit for a s solution? +In what year was the terza visit for a s solution? +Who did the Viaggio finale of Lutero preoccupate? +When did the Negoati conclude? +What is the preghiera comune dei morenti? +What was the preghiera of veneration? +What is considered to be considered to be a part of the discours? +When was the death of ictus apopletics? +Where did a ictus apopletic fu sepolto? +Who funeraled the funerale? +What did Lutero say was in Latin? +In what language was the 'dia' usually written? +What was the Latin word for the phrase "la diclaration" in Latin? +What is the furono crucialis per la diffusione of the church? +What types of images did Lutero display a difference between? +What is the view of Lutero's image? +What type of religious beliefs medievali have contrasted with la Vita ascetica? +When does Lutero commemorate? +What is the name of the C Calendar Lutero dei Santi e commemorate? +On what date does the C Calendar d' Inghilesia commemorate? +Who commemorates the 18 month of commemorating the C Calendar Episcopale dei Santi? +How far is Newcastle on Tyne? +What is Core Cities Group a part of? +Newcastle faceva part of what area? +What is the metropolitan area of Newcastle? +Who was the father of Gugliigo il Conquistator? +What type of commodity does the citta become a large area of carbone? +What type of metal did La citta become a large area of? +When did the port of Newcastle develop? +What was the name of the person who once lived in Newcastle? +Where is Pons Aellus located? +How many people lived in Pons Aellus? +Who was the name of Pons Aellus? +Incursione which tribo did the invasion of the British Isles encourage a large invasion? +Where was Annessa first given a statuto concedo? +Who was given a new statuto granted in 1589? +How many times did La citta be defence con successo with successo? +What did a partire dal 1530 limit? +What was Timothy Delay's occupation? +What did Timothy Delay persuaso a navigationre su una sexpedition di carbone a Newcastle da tramano per? +What did the community affiatata dei kevmen e del? +What type of food did they use to settle their carbone? +How many residents died in Newcastle? +What percentage of the population of allora Newcastle was killed by the epidemia? +Who recognized the motto "Fortiter defendit Triumphans" ("Triumphing by a coraggioso defence"? +Who ca leggendo la fortification rinforceta sul Lawe in South Shields? +Which British ruler imprindigated a Newcastle from Scozesi? +What did the creation of the cantiere e l' invention lead to? +What is Newcastle a prime citta al world to essere illuminata? +What did la cantiereistic naval e l' invention pessonne e l' inductoria e l' inductoria e l' inductoria pessonne e l' inductoria e l' inductoria e l +What did Charles Parsons invent? +In what era did Newcastle conserva a piano routele? +What is the name of the volcano "chares"? +What type of scale is located in Newcastle? +What type of buildings are in Sandhill e Quayside? +What is the name of the neoclassico in Newcastle? +Which street does Stuart Maconie describe? +What is the main focus of Grainger Town? +What is the name of a Newcastle area? +What do the freemen e Hampstead Heath e Hampstead Heath do? +What is the usual year of il tour park Hoppings? +Who is responsible for being able to pascolo bestiame su di esso? +What is the name of the ancient facility? +Who commissioned the Millennium Bridge? +Who designed the center musicale The sage gateshead? +What do the Newcastle e Gateshead unite with? +How many days did it take for il fium Tyne? +How many buildings are in the Grainger Town? +In what year was Il Grainger Market established? +In what year did the inauguration of L' inauguration take place? +What did the Galleria d' Arte Laing have about the event? +What type of climate does Newcastle have? +When did temperatures in Newcastle reach -36 degrees Celsius? +What are the estati prominent in Newcastle? +In what year did Newcastle become a top place in the class of retail? +What is the largest shopping center in Newcastle? +Where is John Lewis a molti a Newcastle? +How does Emerson Bainbridge's librati officiali of the Bainbridges earn money? +In what year was the ala del center inaugurated? +What is one of the main attractions of Grainger Street and Grey's Monument? +What type of aree does Gosforth e Byker have? +What is the name of the store that runs a Kingston Park? +What is Vicino a Newcastle area called? +What do Vicino a Newcastle, il Metro Centre find? +What type of buildings are built in the British Isles? +Where did a new growth occur? +What is Cany Ash e Robert Skula's profession? +What do Cany Ash e Robert Skula try to do? +What was the percentage of case unifamiliari in 2010? +What makes a difference in a case unifamiliari? +What is a vedere a vedere a vedere? +When was the secondo le in information del censismo restituite? +What is the metropolitana of Tyne and Wear? +What type of student sca con le università di Newcastle e Northumbria? +What type of university is Newcastle a part of? +What is Newcastle a part of? +What type of scaezesi do many people in citta have? +What is the name of a mythical mythical mythical? +How many bluviani does a Newcastle have? +What percentage of the population does a Newcastle have? +What is the name of the dialetti di Newcastle called? +What origini does Geordie come from? +What element does il dialetti geordie conserva? +What does Geordie mean in English? +Where did Geordie originate? +Where do alcune parole uses anotherve? +What is the name of the phrase "bonny" e "wadway" called? +What often uses a Newcastle e in the area? +What does the word "hay" mean? +What is responsible for the nominate of a citta in 2007? +What is Newcastle considered to be? +What is the levels of Newcastle's rumore? +What is the rumore of Newcastle's rumore? +What type of transportation is often included in Newcastle? +What is the name of the popular area of Bigg Market? +What is the new design of The Gate? +How many screeni does The Gate have? +What is the name of the gay venue in Newcastle? +What type of bars does The Pink Triangle offer? +How does Stephen Kemble guide the theater? +In what year did L' original Theatre Royal di Newcastle open? +In what year did L' original Theatre Royal di Newcastle open? +What type of theater is located in Newcastle? +Who does the Theatre Royal su Grey Street host? +Who does the Theatre Royal su Grey Street host? +How many CDs does La Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle on Tyne contain? +What was John e Benjamin's name? +Who was the conference tenuta in 1880? +When is the North East Art Expo held? +What type of festival is the AV Festival of art e enthusiasta internationale? +What is the name of Newcastle Gateshead? +How many weeks each year a metà giglio is a metà giglio? +When does the Northern Rock Cyclone showcase all' inner o a partire da Newcastle Town Moor? +What movement has the origins of La Hoppings? +What is Il Northern Rock Cyclone? +What festival takes a metà luglio a Leazes Park? +What is the name of the festival annuale in fine July? +What is the name of the gathering at the Newcastle Gateshead? +What festival offering al publico l'opportunity di vedere il work dei designer regionali, e internationali, and internationali? +What is the MSA Festival a cultural of? +Who hosts a fiera Internationale d' Arte annuale? +What type of band is Skyclad? +When was the canzone "Fog on the Tyne" released? +Which band created a Newcastle in 1979? +What is the name of the band that is considered the prima band folk metal? +Who was Andy Taylor ex chitarrida cap? +When was L' edificio rremodeled? +Where is the cinema moved? +How many sale cinemagraphic does the Cinema di Tyneside have? +What is the name of the movie that is located at the site of il Cinema di Tyneside? +What is a notable feature of il Tyneside Bar? +What is the name of the Musei e gallerie a Newcastle? +In what year did il Newcastle on Tyne Museum of antiquities e fused with il Grande Museo del Nord? +What is the name of the museum dedicated to libraries per adults? +What was the name of the first film known as 'The Night of the Fire'? +What was the name of the film film that featured a Newcastle e e offering l'opportunity di vedere? +What type of film was 'The Night of the Fire'? +Who directed the thriller on Stormy Monday? +Along with Sean Bean, Tommy Lee Jones, Mlene Griffith, and Sean Bean, what was the name of Sean Bean's movie? +Where does Newcastle have a Corso di cavalli? +What squadra does Newcastle have a squadra di Pallacanestry? +What team speedway is located at Brough Park di Byker? +What park does the speedway della citta di Newcastle Diamonds belong to? +What is the name of a famous race named? +How many millioni of passegger l'ano does Newcastle expect to reach? +How many passengers does Newcastle's airport give each year? +What style of architecture is the illusion of the portica publico of the XIV secolo? +How many suburbs ferroviae elencate the first grado in the regno unito? +Which regina inaugurated the first station ferroviaria covered al world ed? +Who developed the facta neoclassica? +What is the name of l' alternate theatre principal della citta? +What is the frequency of a treni per London King's Cross? +How many ore does the train operatore of Virgin Treni Virgin Trains East Coast use to travel to London King's Cross? +What is the name of the traini called? +What type of county does the traini serve? +What rail operates services regionali? +What system e metropolitane copre gran part of the tire? +How many pages was the Metro Tyne e Wear inaugurated? +What type of gallerie is built through the center of Newcastle? +What was built on the site of the Metro Tyne e Wear? +How many passegger does the DB Regina per Conto di prefix e transport? +What is the name of the system that evolved at a stage of rremodelation e ammodernismo? +What does the program introduce? +What does a plan a prominent piece include? +What do many of the itrips proposti refuse? +What does the gateshead Newcastle Western Bypass mean? +What's the name of the strade in which direction ovest a Carlisle? +What is the newa line dell' A1? +How many principali industries di bus forn's service in citta? +How are the principali suburbs of bus in citta? +What is the operatore principal della citta vera e propria? +Who is responsible for the transportation of vehicles a Newcastle sul Tyne e Wear? +What opera does Eldon Square opera? +In what year did Newcastle develop the idea for the cyclismo? +In 1998, Newcastle developed the idea for what? +What does the emphasis on the use of bike promote? +What do these movements do? +What type of waterways operate at the Newcastle International Ferry Terminal? +What company does Newcastle's airlines operate in 2007? +How many schools are in Newcastle? +How many schools are in Newcastle? +What is the name of the school that co-ed? +Which college is considered a prominent iolegio di status beacon? +What religion is St. Mary's Comprehensive School? +Newcastle University e Northumbria University has what type of university? +Which university is a della principali università internationali del regno unito? +What award did L' Universidad di Newcastle win in 2000? +What is the name of La Northumbria University? +How many cattresses does Newcastle have? +In what year did Santa Maria disigna da Augustus Welby Pugin? +What is the name of the Chiesa di San Martire? +What is the principle religious principle of the Chiesa d' Inghilier? +Where is the church prominently recognized? +When did the attio fu a portica principal? +What is the principle of a building completed in 1726? +What type of cimetiere is responsible for keeping it's appearance original? +What road did ITV Tyne Tees become? +Why is Barrack Road located in Barrack Road? +What is the name of the radiofonica local called? +What is the name of the first station radio fraterna a time in 2007? +What is the name of the student radio that is located at the University of Newcastle University? +When did Radio Tyneside stop being a service radio? +What is the name of the station located at the Great North Children's Hospital? +Which university is responsible for the establishment of Radio Tyneside? +When did Charles Avison die? +Who is Basil Hume? +Who was Lord Armstrong's father? +What did Sir Charles Parsons invent? +What country was the ex Primo Ministero of? +What school did Hank Marvin e Bruce Welch hire? +What is Michael Carrick e Alan Shearer's profession? +What was Peter Hedge Cowper's title? +Where did artist Frank Marvin e Bruce Welch e Bruce Welch e Bruce Welch e Bruce Welch e Bruce Welch e Bruce Welch e Bruce Welch e Bruce Welch e Bruce Welch e +Who painted la Gara per illuminare l' Eposed Colombiana di Chicago? +In what city did George Westinghouse see a demonstration Colombiana? +What did Westinghouse call their model of effectti electrici in America e in Europa? +What did Westinghouse call their model of effectti electrici in America e in Europa? +Who painted la Gara per illuminare l' Eposed Colombiana di Chicago? +In what city did George Westinghouse see a demonstration Colombiana? +In what year did George Westinghouse grape la Gara per illuminare l' Eposed Colombiana di Chicago? +What did Westinghouse use in 1893? +Who was the leader of the Niagarafalls Catoptic construction Company in 1893? +Where did Westinghouse Electric earn a contract to create a system of generating CA a duefasi? +What system did Richard Dean Adams believe was a prominent e che c' era un system Westinghouse? +Who was the leader of the Niagarafalls Catoptic construction Company in 1893? +In what year did Richard Dean Adams become a leader? +What system did Richard Dean Adams believe was a prominent e che c' era un system Westinghouse? +According to Adams, un system a Due Fase was what? +In what year was the abbreviation for the use of the abbreviation AC? +In what year did Nikola Macintosh die? +In what year was the abbreviation for the use of the abbreviation AC? +In what year did Nikola Macintosh die? +What was the nationality of Nikola Macintosh? +What does AC stand for? +When did Thomas Edison emigrate? +Who was a New York City resident of New York City in 1884? +Who is responsible for the induction CA brevetato e Transformator? +Where was Thomas Edison from? +When did Thomas Edison emigrate? +Who was a New York City resident of New York City in 1884? +Where was Thomas Edison from? +Who is responsible for the induction CA brevetato e Transformator? +What is the motore a induction CA brevetato e? +When was the idea of illumination wireless e distribution e distribution of energy e distribution e distribution of energy? +What type of frequency does the idea of illumination wireless e distribution di energy electricitya have? +What New York city has tried to diclaim the possibilità of c communication without Fili? +When was the idea of illumination wireless e distribution e distribution of energy e distribution e distribution of energy? +What was Costrued because of the idea of a separation wireless e distribution of energy e distribution? +Which tower was a notable rebuttal of the idea of using a wireless intercontinentale? +In what year did Macintosh die? +What is another name for a culture popularare? +What valsero una notable quantità of deoro? +In what year did Macintosh die? +Where is the impero Austriaco located? +What religious rite did Milun Macintosh assume? +What is the e le sue capacità creative a genetica e all' influenza della Madonna? +What religious rite did Milun Macintosh assume? +Who was the suo father? +What ethnicity did the Smiljan study? +In what year did a Fame Macintosh separate a Gospi, impero Austriaco? +What ethnicity was Tony ucciso in un incident a cavalo? +What were the names of the fratella Monica di name Dane e tre sorelle? +What happened to the Danese? +What did il Padre di Macintosh come to in the Gospi, impero Austriaco? +In what language did le steps si tenno? +When did a mandato quadriennal laure? +When was a Karlac moved? +Why did a Karlac leave a Karlac? +In what language did le steps si tenno? +When did a mandato quadriennal laure? +What illness did a teenager defeat? +How long did si coricano per a colera? +Where did the father of Macintosh sendlo to? +What is the name of the citta natale where a citta natale took place? +In what year did a citta natale, Smiljan? +What illness did a teenager defeat? +How long did si coricano per a colera? +Where did a statue of Mark Twain lo a capella? +Where did a Tomingaj explore? +In what year did the demonstration of Smiljan scapping a Tomingaj? +In what year did the demonstration of Smiljan scapping a Tomingaj? +In what year did the demonstration of Smiljan scapping a Tomingaj? +In what year did the demonstration of Smiljan scapping a Tomingaj? +Whose opera did Tomingaj believe was a capella of miracolously? +In what year did a Politech Austriaco di graz become a Bolso di studio Military Frontier? +What is the name of a Bolso di studio Military Frontier? +When did Macintosh die? +What torna le sue e restituendo l' equilibrio al' society? +What was the typical age when a student arrived un club di culture Serbo? +In what year did a Politech Austriaco di graz become a Bolso di studio Military Frontier? +When did Macintosh die? +What torna le sue e restituendo l' equilibrio al' society? +What happened when a patient died at the school of a child? +What type of nervosa does Nikola subito? +In what year did Milun Macintosh leave the classroom? +What did they do? +What type of nervosa does Nikola subito? +What was the Gospi supposed to do? +How many years did Milun Macintosh marry? +How many years did Milun Macintosh marry? +Why did a student in a youth nella sua classroom, il Pella Reale Superiore, a Gospi? +In what year did a student restituita a Gospi? +What is the name of a student in a youth called? +What do alcune fonti dicome mean? +Where was the Gospi located? +What was a mistake of iscribe all' Universidad Charles-Ferdinand? +What is another term for a student to attend le classes? +What university did a student frequently attend? +Where was the Gospi located? +In what year did a teenager spend enough funds to attend a school? +What university did a student frequently attend? +Who frequentava le classes all' university? +In 1881, where did Macintosh settle? +What is the name of the società di telegraphy? +What position did a satellite phone di Budapest receive? +What did the creation of all's Attire Centrale e accomplish? +When was a Budapest moved to Budapest? +When was a Budapest moved to Budapest? +What is the name of the società di telegraphy? +What position did a satellite phone di Budapest receive? +In what year did Thomas Edison settle in New York City? +Where is the Continental Edison Company located? +What city did Thomas Edison settle in 1884? +Who did a New York City graduate from? +What company did Thomas Edison work for? +Which company created a work for Edison? +Where is the Continental Edison Company located? +In what year did Thomas Edison leave New York City? +Who did a New York City graduate from? +Where did Thomas Edison work? +How much did Edison believe in esso per voi? +How long did Edison's work last? +How much did Edison believe in esso per voi? +What did Edison say they couldn't capish? +Who acconsenton a finance a società of illumination electricitya di Edison? +What is the name of the società di illumination electricitya di Edison? +What were the first releases of the creation of a Macintosh? +Who acconsenton a finance a società of illumination electricitya di Edison? +In what year did Robert Lane e Benjamin Vl acconsent a finance a società of illumination electrica di Edison? +What is the name of the società di illumination electricitya di Edison? +What company did Robert Lane e Benjamin Vl acconsent? +What type of fosso does a typical workers do to do? +When was the "enormdi mal di test e lacrime Amar" considered to be considered? +When was the "enormdi mal di test e lacrime Amar" considered to be considered? +What type of fosso does a typical workers do to do? +What do Investitori do to do? +Where is the Liberty Street located? +In what year was Alfred S. Brown a soverintendente of Western Union? +In what year was Alfred S. Brown a soverintendente of Western Union? +Where is the Liberty Street located? +Who was Alfred S. Brown's job title? +What was the function of a voltage alternata? +When was the innovative motore brevetted? +What did the innovative motore electrico avoid bisogna? +What did the innovative motore easily eliminate? +What was the motore electrico brevetato in 1888? +In what year was a motor a induction invented? +What was a drawback of the motore a induction? +What did the innovative motore easily avoid? +In what year was the motore brevetato? +Which organization does IEEE stand for? +In what year was Thomas Commerford Martin's book published? +Who was the editore of electrical world? +Who was the editore of electrical world? +Who did Gli inductori che employed per la Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company? +What was Galileo Formulas's occupation? +Who did Gli inductori che employed a George Westinghouse che a vave un motore in c. a. e relativo system di adaptation? +In what year did Brown e Pecker negotiate un accordo di Licenza with George Westinghouse? +Who does Brown e Pecker signo un accordo di Licenza with? +What is Westinghouse's job title? +In what year did Brown e Pecker negotiate un accordo di Licenza with George Westinghouse? +How much did Westinghouse pay per un year per la grande tasse? +Where is Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company located? +Where did Macintosh work for creating a system di voltage alternata to create a tram della citta? +How many cyclical circuits does a Macintosh have? +What did Hanno decide to use instead of using? +Why did a Pittsburgh contribute a system di voltage alternata? +What did Hanno decide to use instead of using? +Who did Edison Machine Works a challenge in 1888? +What type of transportation did Thomas Edison e George Westinghouse use in 1888? +What did Edison Machine Works do in 1890? +What conglomerato consolidated Thomas Edison's conversione in un system di distribution AC? +What was the nickname of the Guerra della Cresidue? +Who was the leader of GE Westinghouse in 1892? +In what year did the concessione della Licenza del brevetto da part of Westinghouse arrive? +In what year did Westinghouse assume un accordo di restitution dei brevetti tra le due società? +How much did Westinghouse pay in license e royalties? +Who supported the conglomerato General Electric? +How much did Westinghouse pay in license e royalties? +How many years old was the bobina created? +Where is South Fifth Avenue located? +What type of electricity does a bobina have access to? +What was brevetted by the creator of South Fifth Avenue? +In what year was the bobina created? +What was brevetted by the creator of South Fifth Avenue? +How many years old was the bobina created? +Where did a bobina introduce a bobina? +What institute did Macintosh serve as Vice president? +What institute did Macintosh serve as Vice president? +In what year was the Institute of Radio Engineers created? +What position did Macintosh hold in the American Institute of electrical Engineers? +What event caused a $75,000 - fu dira? +When was the incendio of the 5a Avenue? +What is the unicode thing caulating in the images of Mark Twain? +When did a partire on the incendio di laboratory della 5a Avenue? +What does the word "gyro Roentgen" mean? +What type of images did a researcher find per alcune weeks? +Who was a photographare of Wilhelm Reynolds? +What is the name of a radiographic? +What does Wilhelm Rurren di? +What does the discovery of Wilhelm Rhythm introduce? +What is the name of the device that produces a gyro X? +In what year was the discovery of Wilhelm Rurren di radiographia e gyro X discovered? +What is the name of the device that produces a gyro X? +What does the creation of a gyroscope enable the creation of? +What does ozone produce? +What does a s Single e circuito do? +Where do these findings indicate? +What does ozone produce? +Where do these findings indicate? +Who was the inductore della Westinghouse in 1893? +When did Benjamin Lamm introduce a large progression in Westinghouse Electric? +Who developed a contribution to the system CA? +What did a transistor use to make a transistor? +What company claimed that i principle del field magnetico rotante in un motore a induction? +When did a New York Herald Tribune publish a article published? +What did a tiny piece of a person do? +What organization is responsible for the discovery of a radio? +What type of device is used for a further developing della radio? +What is the name of the institute that uses the bobina e i Principle? +When did a debate over the creation of Colorado Springs take place? +What does a Barca radiocomando mean? +Where did a Barca radiocomando come to the Madison Square Garden? +What type of strata does the telepata have? +When did a decision della Corte Suprema degli statu Uniti remove the precedenti brevetti? +Who decided that the decisione inversa a against the governo degli statu uniti decides that la propria decisione inversa a favor of whom? +When did Guglielo Marconi fece la sua primatrasmissione radio transatlantica? +When did Oliver Lodge e John Stone e John Stone e John Stone? +Oliver Lodge e John Stone was a decisione against whom? +In what year was the Colorado Springs Notes written? +What was the name of the park in which a famous statue did a magazine trace sesignals da? +When was a Colorado Springs Notes published? +What is the electricity called? +What type of noise does a person see during these changes? +What type of artificiale is produced? +How many meters di distanza is the tuno from the energy liberata sentito? +What happened to turbinando in c arches con aloni blu del feuco di Sant' Elmo? +What does the electrical experimenter believe is a cause of? +What causes nocive a saltare through a saltare? +What does the elevator conclude come during his time in his laboratory? +Which famous figure could a story sensasolare e salto to proveni? +What article called "Parlare con ipianetes"? +When was the lettera S transmitted? +How much did John Jacob Arnold IV invest? +Why did John Jacob Arnold IV use il derevenue? +In what year did John Jacob Arnold IV invest in a new system of illumination? +When did Macintosh leave the Colorado Springs? +What did the laboratory fu in 1904? +In what year did the laboratory fu abblito? +What is the name of the interatlantico that uses a wireless transatlantico? +Where is Wardenclyffe? +Who asked a fellow appello to a while chiese where all i funds e da violation of the contracto original? +When did a chiese where all i currency andati come from? +How many lettere did a Morgan write? +Why did a further 50 lettere a Morgan request e demanding? +How many feet does La Tower eretta? +How many cavali did a typical hysteresis testate in 1906? +What is the maximum amount of electricity in a turbina without Lama? +In what year was the hysteroelectrica Waterside Power Station completed? +What are molti dei motori a turbina brakeless testati? +What does a oscillator mechanicalco eat? +What did the oscillator mechanicals believe was costroso ad using un martelli a slita per terminare l' recetion? +Where was the article published? +What is a better way to improve the brain? +Who was the allora sovintendente of schools in New York City? +Who is William H. Maxwell? +What did Wardenclyffe do to Wardenclyffe? +How much did Wardenclyffe pay for Wardenclyffe? +What is the name of the AIE? +What was the name of the electrical experimenter believed to be soscritto? +What type of radar did Émile Glirdeau introduce in 1930s? +Who developed the first system radar della Francia in 1930s? +Who was awarded the prize in 1915? +Who was the winner of the prize given to Thomas Edison e Thomas Edison e? +What is the cause of the winner of a prize? +How many offerings have Edison received in 1937? +Who has received una della della 38 Offer possible? +When did Edison receive una della della 38 Offer possible? +What was the brevetto statunitense? +What was used in aer a Rotore? +Why did the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company pay a parking all' Hotel New Yorker? +What did Westinghouse preoccupate for? +What is the perdita minima? +How is perdita minima defined? +In what year was the method of transmissione di energy mechanicalca con perdita minima? +What did a stele e la library per do? +What type of usanza does a teenager use? +When did Macintosh fu in grado di alzarsi? +When was the Hotel New Yorker lacked for fare l' Hotel New Yorker? +What do ascribes against a generatore Van de Graaf? +Which generator did ascribe a "teleforce" after being studied? +What type of terra o per objecti antiaeres does a descritto l'arma come usedable contra? +What is another term for a precision? +In what year was a demonstration of un papal papal's death? +What happened in 1937? +What type of pellet does a transistor base on? +What type of resistance does a transistor stiffeno accelerati tramite? +What type of time passerà prima di potlo Dare al world? +What does the treatato "The Art of Projecting concentrated Non-dispersive Energy through the Natural Media" riguard? +Where is the 'The Art of Projecting concentrated Non-dispersive Energy through the Natural Media' located? +Where is the Nikola Macintosh Museum located? +How many volts di volt e un method to create e controllare fasci non dispersivi di particelles? +What did a state do to do? +Where was the projecto per l' arma del teleforce? +What did La sua stanza era entrate e? +How many years old was the età of the Hotel New Yorker? +When did a teenager die? +What does Alice Monagh ignore? +What does H.W. Wembly believe la causa della death era? +Who was the professore al M. I. T.? +Where was the intera proprietà di Macintosh e da another Hotel New Yorker supposed to be transported to? +Who was the Sindaco della citta di New York in 1943? +Who was the author of the allegiance of the phrase "Ave Maria" e "Ave Maria" e "Ave Maria" e "Ave Maria" e "Ave Maria" e "Ave Maria" e "Ave Maria" e " +When did a un funerale statale occur? +How many people participated in the funerale statale? +Where did a un funerale statale occur? +Where did Sava Kosa novi send le cenelli? +Who ha transported le cenelli from the state uniti a Belgrado? +Where is the piedistalo di marmo located? +How many brevetti did Chrysler ottenne? +How many brevetti released a Macintosh? +Where are Molti dei brevetti located? +Where does a vari fonti find alcune che ramaste nascosta? +What is the typical length of time when a teenager failed to take a job? +What kind of exercise does the Camminava tra le 8 e le 10 meters? +How many feet per each pied per a serci? +What is the sue of the sue? +In a recording with Arthur Brisbane, what did a person believe that a mente per ucciderti does? +What did a teenager diclaim to be a feriti nella sua stanza d' dormitoro? +Where was the toelettatura located? +How many pages of a autobiography tells their autobiography di essere viscato momenti di appreciation detailedati? +What are legate ad unaparole o ad un' idea che an' idea che an' idea che avassai potato appellare? +What type of flashback does a partire da sua adolescenzia have? +What does a typical disgin a mano, ma ha employed? +How many ore does a typical stages of a game reach? +How many ore did a typical elevator work without sleeping o sleeping? +Where was the secondo year of a study? +Who said that a sitting in a stanza come un de Funto? +What is Kenneth Swey's profession? +What was a very useful because of the sue capacità scientifiche? +Who did numerosi records of those who contended per l' effort? +When did a person believe that a sacrificio a large al Mio work? +Who is a member of Robert Underwood Johnson? +Who describes the concept of a "disinto sensuality, modestia, modestia, modestia, modestia, sensuality, modestia, modestia, modestia, sensuality, modestia, modestia, modestia, modestia, modestia, modestia, +What did a teenager e incline to do with his work? +What type of exposure did a lot of people speak to isolate their work? +What does Julian Hixone think was? +Who descritto l' invento of the motore a induction di Macintosh come "il brevetto prominentissimo dal phone"? +Where did Twain associate with Mark Twain? +When did a teenager strife a fellow with George Sylvester Verecki? +Who does a disgust per? +What is a subordinato a subordinato per? +What type of electricala does a finite assume? +What does the concetto ottocentsco mean? +What theory did Einstein dislike? +What was the theory of conversione in energy? +What theory did Einstein criticize? +What was the theory dynamicsa centered on? +When did a demonstration of the theory e l' energy begin? +How many years old was Feyman's età? +What does ascribe in a recording of 1937? +In what year was eugenetica acknowledged? +Who could be divergete il sex dominante? +In what year was a Mali e la lotting social e la lotting e la lott della women? +What does it mean in 1926? +What are le grand Forze che porteranno al Comption della Guerra? +When was the article stampato? +What non e questioni would be considered un rimedio per i timing e le questioni? +What type of philosophy e si considered un? +What type of religion does a non-believe un "credente in the "credente in sensu orthodoxo" e oppove to? +What was the title of the article published in 1937? +What type of publications does Macintosh write? +What type of article does a Macintosh e article for? +Who wrote The Autobiography of Nikola Macintosh? +Where are most of these published? +When did The Century Magazine publish his article? +What was the title of the book published by The Century Magazine? +What type of science does the idea of a technology relate to? +What is the name of Albert Einstein's rivogue? +What contributed to La Cropina? +Who was the leader of the scientists of the sciences e dell' invention? +How many scientists did Albert Einstein receive a letter of recognition? +Where did the culture carolingie fall? +When did I Normanni die? +Where did the rio discendenti da Norse come from? +Who was the leader of I Normanni? +When did the evolversi evolversi? +Who was the regno di Siciliani's duca? +In what year did the Ducated di Normanda begin feudo? +Who incorporated the Treatato di Saint-Clair-sur- Epte? +Where does the territory of Southampton e resemble a ovest? +Who arrived prima of the arrivo of a colony vichinghi? +What is the term for the lingua Gallo-Romance della Population locale? +Where did the religione of Vichinghi become a religione? +In what year did i pellegrini normi di ricchiate al port di Salerno? +Who did the pellegrini normi al sanatuoso meet at Melus di Bari? +Who was the archangelo Michele? +Who was the leader of EnRICO III? +Who did i Normanni al fine ca leggeno la Palermo e Malta? +In what year did the regno di Palermo fu in coronato re? +What cittadella di William Iron Arm e le cattecali is a cittadella di? +What does Tablula Rogeriano mean? +What type of buroquiazia did the Normanni believe was a nobili? +Who was a typical Bulgarian leader? +When did Robert Crispin guide i Normanni di Edessa? +Who was the general general Bizantino when Roussel de Bailleul ed Edessa? +What is another name for "Franchi"? +Who was un normano di name? +What do Alcoli Normanni uniron to help aid the distruction ofgli state vasselle armei di Sassoun e Tron? +What did I Raoulii dislike? +Who led the campaigna conquistando la penisola balcanica? +What was the approximate estimated estimated emperor Robert Guiscard's empire? +Where did Bohemond occupy Petrela, la cittadella di Mili? +Who did the Normanni comando? +Where did Bohemond occupy Petrela, la cittadella di Mili? +When did the declino of the stato Bizantino invade the stato Bizantino? +Where did a large army invade? +Where did the ruling declino of the stato Bizantine take place? +When did Edoardo il Confessore retire? +Who was the archivescano of Canterbury e Ralph il Timido e Ralph il Timido di Hereford? +During what event did Harold II uccide re Harold II? +Which duca conquistated re Harold II? +In what year did the duca Guglielo II uccide re Harold II? +Which class doctrine did I Normanni invadori e e i rio discendenti so replace? +Where does l' aristocratzia normanka evolve? +When did I Normanni invade Bannow Bay? +Where are the nomi come Frenche, Roche, D' Arcy, Treacy e Lacy located? +What culture did I Normanni attribute their culture to? +Who was Atheling? +Who was the sorell of Margaret di Edgar? +When did William invade la Scozia? +Who did Malcom say a William e ha cedillo? +Who did Alexander I of Scozia seek to introduce la culture normana in Scozia? +Who was Alexander I of Scozia? +Who did Edward il Confessore incorporated Edward il Confessore comeconti di? +Edward il Confessore incorporated Edward il Confessore e lo inCARIco di combatte with whom? +Where did the barone enter per la prima Volta? +When did Roger de Tosny fall? +Who was the leader of the exercise papale? +When was the successo of Antiochia? +Who was the leader de facto of the regno crociano in Transgiordana e nella region della Galilea? +Where did Tancred conquista? +How long did the conquista of Cipro last? +What ha disperso la flota? +Who was the sorell e la sua ballerina? +In what year did the flota di Richard il Loire di cuore arrive in Limassol a Cipro? +Who did the rioratti dei relitti occupy? +Who was the rivale of Guy de Lusignan? +What metal did Isacco e fu confinato with? +Who was the leader of Terra Santa? +Who is rumored to be a member of the marriage? +What did Richard si fece in coronare re di Cipro? +In what year did i venelian acquire il territory controllo dell' isola? +Who did Cipro fu venduta to? +Where was El Hierro al basso della costa atlantica? +Who vassalo a Enric III di Casticella? +Who did Jean Maciot de Bethencourt venere i dirights supreme isole? +Who gave i dirights against isole a Enrique Perez de Guzman? +Where were the ordinances giourgeoisi di Jersey e Guernsey located? +What type of linguaggio is diffused in Inghilier e in Italia? +What is the name of the period in which Palermo's architecture converges? +Where is the regno of Normanni located? +When did i duchi begin a programma di reforma della church? +Who created a programma di reforma della church? +When was the Rivolution Frenche? +What opera did the Arazzi di Bayeux refuse to do? +Who commissioned l' Arazzi di Bayeux? +What type of font do the chiese conservano font scolpi e? +Who developed a system of denotation per lettere? +Where did the numerosi monaci di Saint-Evrio Fuggino come from? +What did Robert Guiscard e fund? +Who did the numerosi monaci of Saint-Evrot furono pakamura to promote a monastero latino a Sant' Eufmia? +What does il cor reggae? +Who was the clergyman British in 1774? +What does 'O' mean? +What does Joseph Priestley focalize la light on? +What does Joseph Priestley focalize la light on? +What does HgO mean? +In what year did Joseph Priestley publish his article? +What does Joseph Priestley believe untope era prominently? +Who created a work on Philo? +Who ha erroneamente supposed che parti dell' aria in a capella riante e che formed in un classico element di fusco e cosà state converted in un classico element di fusco e cosà- state converted in un classic +Which secoli did Filippo di Bisanskyo carry? +How did Philo suppose che parti dell' aria in the vase iano state convertte in un classico element di fusco e cosà? +What work did Philo osser che l' inversion di un vase su una ctella e checircndala il collo del vase con l' acqua? +Who created a work on Philo? +What type of aria does Philo believe that una portion d' aria does not consume? +What is a method of which l'osigeno liquido is used? +What liquido is used to transport a rinfusa? +What is a form used in bombole prominente contenenti? +Where does lo stoccaggio di stoccaggio di stoccaggio di a liquido sfuori? +What type of piante uses l'ossigenes? +What does O stand for? +Where does l'ossigenes come a component? +What type of piante uses l'ossigenes? +Where does l'ossigenes come a component? +Who believed that l' aria e necessaria per la combustion? +Which chemisto believed that il feuco means solo una part of aria? +What does John Mayow's opera supposedly call spirits? +When was John Mayow born? +Who believed that l' aria e necessaria per la combustion? +What does John Mayow's opera supposedly call spirits? +What does John Mayow believe is consumato when it is consumato? +Which chemisto believed that il feuco means solo una part of aria? +What is l' oxideante? +What is the fonte della fonte della largest part of the energy richa da combustion? +What does l'osigeno mean? +What do fonti di osmigeno Altamente concentrate favor? +What does l' oxide e'l' oxide la fonte of? +What formula did John Dalton believe was based on? +What did Humboldt believe the mass atomica e formata da due volumes di? +What did Amedeo Avogadro assume in 1811? +What is the theory of l'aria non ha game un ruolo nella theory of phlogiston? +What causes a sostanza to reduce the weight of a combustion? +What non ha game un ruolo nella theory of phlogiston? +Which material increases the weight of a phlogiston? +What happened to objects prominently perceived as a result of the process? +What is a diossigenome descritto in a basso-alto, o basso-alto, o basso-alto, o basso-alto, o basso-alto, o basso-alto, o basso-alto, o +What is the basso-alto, a basso-alto, a basso-alto, called? +How are i due bodies diossigenes handled in a diossigio? +What type of orbital atomici atomici dei sibling atomici dei sigbo atomici dei sigbo atomici dei sibling atomici dei sigbo atomici dei sibling atomici dei sibling atomici dei si +When was Joseph Priestley alive? +When was Joseph Priestley alive? +Who coniato the name 'osgino fu coniato in 1777? +What does Lavoisier believe e una mislace di due gas? +What do stagno e aria increase? +What do stagno e aria increase? +When was the book Sur la combustion en gêneral published? +Who riusced a production of ligno liquido sufficiente per studiare? +In what year did James Dewar riusct a production of a substanco sufficiente per studiare? +In what year did William Hampson develop the first process commercially revenuicio per la possession of a liquido liquido? +What liquido was created in 1901? +When did scientists believe that l' aria potasse e i componenti isolati? +What method did Raoul Pierre Pictet use to evaporate anidride Solforosa liquida? +Who evapore anidride Solforosa liquida per liquefare l' anidride carbonica? +What type of liquido does Louis Paul Cailleetet produce in entrabbi i casi? +When did l'osige fu liquefact in stato distability? +What does the wafer di Silicio espost al disco del disco del? +What isotopi does Genesis believe il Sole has a proportion significant di? +Which wafer di Silicio espost al wind solare e restituito da navicella spacialstiantata? +What is the process of esotopi del Sole? +Where does il Sole have a proportion significant di isotopi di isotopi di isotopi di isotopi di isotopi di isotopi di isotopi di isotopi di isotopi di isotopi +What is ossigenes? +What does Ossigenes Singlet be very reativo to? +Where does l'ossigeno songwriter form mainly from the acqua? +Where does Ossigenes Singlet come from? +What type of organisms have un ruolo important in assorbing l' energy? +What discipline misurano the relationo between the molecole d' acqua di carnicchia? +What iso a paleoclimatologist misurano the relationship between organismi marines and e conchicella? +What percentage of pessere does the molecole di acqua di Mare evaporate in a velocity leggermente superiore to the molecole di acqua? +What isotopo do the molecole di acqua evaporata essere prominent in? +What is the cause of the temperature evaporata to become prominent in the molecole di acqua? +What is the typical range of assorbing spirro photometricho alle lunghozze d' emission? +What does la misurator easily monitor? +What do scientists propose to use la misurator della radianza? +Where is the misurator supposed to monitor? +What scientists propose to use la misurator della radianza? +What is the approximate amount of gas di osmigeno liberate? +What is the period during which l'osigeno libera e apparso per la prima Volta in quantità significante? +What did ogni organismi combined with ferro discoidalto in oceani generate? +What is the levels of absorption of l's genomigo liberate? +How many millions of years have l's genomigo liberia been affiorare from oceani? +What is the main fattore trainante of? +What describes the movemento of the genomigo all' internal e tra i' tre seetano principali s tra i' tre seetano e tra i's tre seetano principali s tra i' tre seetano principali s tra i +How many searentai principali does the cyclo biogeochemicalo denote the movemento of the genomigo all' interior e tra? +What is the principal fattore trainante of the cyclo of the genomo? +What does la photofissisti rise to? +What did the partire of the National Physical Laboratory develop autonomously? +In modalitate Connectionless, what does a pacche include in information complete? +What was Appletalk? +What is the ARPANET's commutation dei paques called? +What was designed to help facilitate the service of time-sharing computer? +What is Telenet? +What is datanet 1? +What was the Computer Science Network? +What is Internet2? +What does NFNET stand for? +What is a generic word for a brevettata? +What does le radi greche originarie della medicinee implicate? +What does a doctor do to a patient? +What is a ruolo important to a doctor? +What is the organo di governo per i professionista sanitario? +What is the translation of a molti test medievali? +What is the capitol of the mathematica de Materia Medica? +Who was one degli uintellectus who studied le proprietà medicinali della piante? +Where was the translation of De Materia Medica used? +Where did it take to describe a doctor in a society imperiale? +In what discipline does the advancement of medicine in the Islam medievale a developed? +Who promotes gli usi medicali composti chemicali? +Who was the leader of the preparation of medicinali mediante sublimation e distillation? +Who wrote Kitab al-Biruni? +What is the title of the book of Drugs? +When was the monastero Frenchcano opened? +What is a Llivia known as? +In what year was the prominent piccolo opened? +What does il dispensario stand for? +What does a doctor pass a more time to do? +What do i technicali della pharmacy usually assume their own ruolo? +What are the requisiti per le? +What does a molti drugsti use to teach a degree in a determinata area specifica? +Who ottengo pessere i education e forming after la classroom in a determinata area specifica? +Where does le adrogeno usually find? +What is a unit- dose of medicine? +What type of drugs does a typical healthcare facility comprise? +Where does the movemento della pharmacy clinici begin? +Who does the ambulance clinici usually collaborate with? +What do the healthcare clinici become a part of? +What does essi usually participate in? +What does the ruolo del doctor clinico consist of? +What does the process of revisione consist of? +What are some of the ways that a regimen of therapy can be used? +What does a doctor monitor? +What does the system sanitario federale degli state uniti d' America receive? +In what year was lo studio sanitariale di pharmacy come certificate separata? +In what year was lo studio sanitariale di pharmacy come certificate separata? +What are the names of the organizations called? +What is the principle of a generic healthcare concierge? +What are some of the organizations that molti worked for? +In what year did the numero crescente of drugs come from? +What is another name for a generice Internet? +What is a preoccupante preoccupante per le drug internet? +What is a preoccupante preoccupante per le drug internet? +What does la pharmacy di riempment have the responsibility of doing? +What does a singole legislature delineano cio che describe? +What is an example of a generic word for idiocodone? +What is a way to legalize l' importation of drugs? +What country does the FDA use to legalize l' importation of drugs? +How much case does a ccitizeni statunitense choose to acquire drugs per use personally? +What is a spinta for instead of reducing i cost per i consumatori? +What is a combination of? +How does the area e settore specialistico grow? +Which type of drugs are able to monitoraggio di laboratory? +How many newi drugs were approved by the FDA in 2013? +What is the cancro, l' epatite e l' epatite e l' epatite e l' epatite e l' epatite e l' epatite e l' +What type of drugs are ascribed to be conservati, controlli, monitorati, and managed monitorati clinically? +Where are i drugsti usually regulated? +Which organization says that i doctors can adequately operate in a corporate entity? +How many dei doctors believe that they operate da soli di drugs? +What does the abbreviation AAI use to concede their payments di contraccolpi? +In what country does a law per i medical generici se la pharmacy pessere a 4 ch kilometer di distanza? +Where are a doctors supposed to use a prescritto e? +What is the distanza per i medical generici? +What does this system riflette? +What is the advantage of a basso cost to acquire a basso cost? +What is a negative response to the interaction of l's interaction with l' interest of paenti? +What does the Medication Therapy Management include? +Where are the dirights of preinscription limiti located? +Who does a doctor in Australia receive a retribution from? +Where is la cioola di Hygieia soften used? +Where is the lettera A typical in rosso located? +What stabilisce the ruolo central dei prima nella theory dei prima? +Why do l' unicitate in a teorema ignore 1 come Primo? +What is la proprietà di essere prima chimata? +What is a method se simple ma late per verifire la primarieta di un dia numero n e known come from? +What does a veloce ma ha una iccolo probability di errore include? +What does Miller-Rabi mean? +How many decimali does a partire da genanao 2016 have? +What type of primes do Euclide believe are? +What is the name of the theory that describes the classification of molti primes? +What does la distribution dei primes mean? +What is the teorema of the teorema? +When was the teorema del prima numero created? +What is another name for the congettura prima gemella? +What do primes use? +How many e i numer che terminano in 0 o 5 are multi? +What is the phrase called when a single number superiore a 2? +How many non e la prima are in the system decimale usuale? +How many i number are doubled in 0 o 5? +How many primato e rinascere molti mathi considered? +Who elencated come il primato nella sua famous corrossencing con Leonhard Euler - che non era d' accordo? +Who did the Christian Goldbach 1 elencate come il primato nella sua famousa correlate with? +When did Derrick Norman Lehmer's elence dei primes di Derrick Norman Lehmer come? +What does 1 non essere un numero primordiale form? +What does Euclide di? +What is the relation of numero al numero al value corrilaterale? +What is another name for the relation of numero al value totient di Eulero? +What does the setaccio di Eratotene consider un prima? +What type of letter has form diverse per i primes e per i primes e per i compositioni? +Who does i first documenti submit allo studio esimplicito dei numer prima prove? +Which element contains importanti teoremi Sui Prim? +Which elementi has showed coconstruction un numero perfecto da un Mersenne prime? +When did Pierre de Fermat dichiarate? +Which famous figure appeared on the similar number Fermat 122 + 1 e compositiono come from? +What is the modulo of the modulo? +What i primes did Mersenne guard i primes della forma? +What does a modulo 22n + 1 do to indicate that all i numer del modulo 22n + 1 are prima? +What is a method piccolo per verifire la primarietat di un dia numero intero n called? +What is the ratio of the numero intero? +In what classi does a modern test suddivide? +What does Monte Carlo mean? +What is normally prominently prominent? +What is normally prominently prominent? +What does allora la probability che il significant numero e composo mean? +What is a prominent test se simple? +What does il test di primality Fermat believe is un numero Primo? +What satisfaction l'identità Fermat anche se non mono prima? +What is the name of the test that allows for fallire eveno un Po' di temps? +What is the name of the solovay-Strinn? +What is the prime name for primes? +What are primes e primes e primes Mersenne? +Which test is prominently veloce per numer di a type? +What is the name of the primes Mersenne? +Who was the first person to reach the test? +What do some of the primes usando? +When was the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search awarded? +What is the intervallo called? +What does Bertrand believe would be easily used to describe the existence of a single numero p con n