from s3prl.corpus.hear import dcase_2016_task2 from s3prl.nn.hear import HearFullyConnectedPrediction from s3prl.task.event_prediction import EventPredictionTask from s3prl.util.configuration import default_cfg, field from .timestamp import HearTimestamp class Dcase2016Task2(HearTimestamp): @default_cfg( **HearTimestamp.setup.default_except( corpus=dict( CLS=field( dcase_2016_task2, "\nThe corpus class. You can add the **kwargs right below this CLS key", str, ), dataset_root=field( "???", "The root path of the corpus", str, ), ), downstream=dict( CLS=field( HearFullyConnectedPrediction, "\nThe downstream model class for each task. You can add the **kwargs right below this CLS key", str, ), output_size=11, hidden_layers=2, ), task=dict( CLS=field( EventPredictionTask, "\nThe task class defining what to do for each train/valid/test step in the train/valid/test dataloader loop" "\nYou can add the **kwargs right below this CLS key", str, ), prediction_type="multilabel", scores=["event_onset_200ms_fms", "segment_1s_er"], postprocessing_grid={ "median_filter_ms": [250], "min_duration": [125, 250], }, ), ) ) @classmethod def setup(cls, **cfg): super().setup(**cfg) @default_cfg( **HearTimestamp.train.default_except( optimizer=dict( CLS="torch.optim.Adam", lr=1.0e-3, ), trainer=dict( total_steps=15000, log_step=100, eval_step=500, save_step=500, gradient_clipping=1.0, gradient_accumulate_steps=1, valid_metric="event_onset_200ms_fms", valid_higher_better=True, ), ) ) @classmethod def train(cls, **cfg): """ Train the setup problem with the train/valid datasets & samplers and the task object """ super().train(**cfg) @default_cfg(**HearTimestamp.inference.default_cfg) @classmethod def inference(cls, **cfg): super().inference(**cfg) @default_cfg( ** stages=["setup", "train", "inference"], start_stage="setup", final_stage="inference", setup=setup.default_cfg.deselect("workspace", "resume"), train=train.default_cfg.deselect("workspace", "resume"), inference=inference.default_cfg.deselect("workspace", "resume"), ) ) @classmethod def run(cls, **cfg): super().run(**cfg)