import os import sys import math import glob import uuid import shutil import random import tempfile import importlib from pathlib import Path import torch import torchaudio import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter from import DistributedSampler from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP from torch.distributed import is_initialized, get_rank, get_world_size from s3prl import hub from s3prl.optimizers import get_optimizer from s3prl.schedulers import get_scheduler from s3prl.upstream.interfaces import Featurizer from s3prl.utility.helper import is_leader_process, get_model_state, show, defaultdict from huggingface_hub import HfApi, HfFolder, Repository SAMPLE_RATE = 16000 MODEL_CARD_MARKDOWN = """--- datasets: - superb tags: - library:s3prl - benchmark:superb - type:model --- # Fine-tuned s3prl model Upstream Model: {upstream_model} ## Model description [More information needed] ## Intended uses & limitations [More information needed] ## How to use [More information needed] ## Limitations and bias [More information needed] ## Training data [More information needed] ## Training procedure [More information needed] ## Evaluation results [More information needed] """ class ModelEntry: def __init__(self, model, name, trainable, interfaces): self.model = model = name self.trainable = trainable self.interfaces = interfaces class Runner(): """ Used to handle high-level concepts of a ML experiment eg. training loop, evaluation loop, upstream propagation, optimization, logging, checkpoint saving """ def __init__(self, args, config): self.args = args self.config = config self.init_ckpt = torch.load(self.args.init_ckpt, map_location='cpu') if self.args.init_ckpt else {} self.upstream = self._get_upstream() self.featurizer = self._get_featurizer() self.downstream = self._get_downstream() self.all_entries = [self.upstream, self.featurizer, self.downstream] def _load_weight(self, model, name): init_weight = self.init_ckpt.get(name) if init_weight: show(f'[Runner] - Loading {name} weights from the previous experiment') model.load_state_dict(init_weight) def _init_model(self, model, name, trainable, interfaces=None): for interface in interfaces or []: assert hasattr(model, interface), interface self._load_weight(model, name) if is_initialized() and trainable and any((p.requires_grad for p in model.parameters())): model = DDP(model, device_ids=[self.args.local_rank], find_unused_parameters=True) for interface in interfaces or []: setattr(model, interface, getattr(model.module, interface)) return ModelEntry(model, name, trainable, interfaces) def _get_upstream(self): if "from_hf_hub" in self.args and self.args.from_hf_hub == True: from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download print(f'[Runner] - Downloading upstream model {self.args.upstream} from the Hugging Face Hub') filepath = snapshot_download(self.args.upstream, self.args.upstream_revision, use_auth_token=True) sys.path.append(filepath) dependencies = (Path(filepath) / 'requirements.txt').resolve() print("[Dependency] - The downloaded upstream model requires the following dependencies. Please make sure they are installed:") for idx, line in enumerate((Path(filepath) / "requirements.txt").open().readlines()): print(f"{idx}. {line.strip()}") print(f"You can install them by:") print() print(f"pip install -r {dependencies}") print() from expert import UpstreamExpert Upstream = UpstreamExpert ckpt_path = os.path.join(filepath, self.args.upstream_model_name) else: Upstream = getattr(hub, self.args.upstream) ckpt_path = self.args.upstream_ckpt upstream_refresh = self.args.upstream_refresh if is_initialized() and get_rank() > 0: torch.distributed.barrier() upstream_refresh = False model = Upstream( ckpt = ckpt_path, model_config = self.args.upstream_model_config, refresh = upstream_refresh, ).to(self.args.device) if is_initialized() and get_rank() == 0: torch.distributed.barrier() return self._init_model( model = model, name = 'Upstream', trainable = self.args.upstream_trainable, interfaces = ["get_downsample_rates"] ) def _get_featurizer(self): model = Featurizer( upstream = self.upstream.model, feature_selection = self.args.upstream_feature_selection, layer_selection = self.args.upstream_layer_selection, upstream_device = self.args.device, normalize = self.args.upstream_feature_normalize, ).to(self.args.device) return self._init_model( model = model, name = 'Featurizer', trainable = True, interfaces = ['output_dim', 'downsample_rate'] ) def _get_downstream(self): expert = importlib.import_module(f"s3prl.downstream.{self.args.downstream}.expert") Downstream = getattr(expert, "DownstreamExpert") model = Downstream( upstream_dim = self.featurizer.model.output_dim, upstream_rate = self.featurizer.model.downsample_rate, **self.config, **vars(self.args) ).to(self.args.device) return self._init_model( model = model, name = 'Downstream', trainable = True, interfaces = ['get_dataloader', 'log_records'] ) def _get_optimizer(self, model_params): optimizer = get_optimizer( model_params, self.config['runner']['total_steps'], self.config['optimizer'] ) self._load_weight(optimizer, 'Optimizer') return optimizer def _get_scheduler(self, optimizer): scheduler = get_scheduler( optimizer, self.config['runner']['total_steps'], self.config['scheduler'] ) self._load_weight(scheduler, 'Scheduler') return scheduler def _create_model_card(self, path): model_card = MODEL_CARD_MARKDOWN.format(upstream_model=self.args.upstream) with open(os.path.join(path, ""), "w") as f: f.write(model_card) def train(self): # trainable parameters and train/eval mode trainable_models = [] trainable_paras = [] for entry in self.all_entries: if entry.trainable: entry.model.train().to(self.args.device) trainable_models.append(entry.model) trainable_paras += list(entry.model.parameters()) else: entry.model.eval() # set amp amp = self.config['runner'].get('fp16', False) if amp: print('[Runner] - Enabled fp16 training') scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() # optimizer optimizer = self._get_optimizer(trainable_models) # scheduler scheduler = None if self.config.get('scheduler'): scheduler = self._get_scheduler(optimizer) # specaug specaug = None if self.config.get('specaug'): from .specaug import SpecAug specaug = SpecAug(**self.config["specaug"]) # progress bar tqdm_file = sys.stderr if is_leader_process() else open(os.devnull, 'w') pbar = tqdm(total=self.config['runner']['total_steps'], dynamic_ncols=True, desc='overall', file=tqdm_file) init_step = self.init_ckpt.get('Step') if init_step: pbar.n = init_step # Tensorboard logging if is_leader_process(): logger = SummaryWriter(self.args.expdir) batch_ids = [] backward_steps = 0 records = defaultdict(list) epoch = self.init_ckpt.get('Epoch', 0) train_split = self.config['runner'].get("train_dataloader", "train") while pbar.n < try: dataloader = self.downstream.model.get_dataloader(train_split, epoch=epoch) except TypeError as e: if "unexpected keyword argument 'epoch'" in str(e): dataloader = self.downstream.model.get_dataloader(train_split) if hasattr(dataloader, "sampler") and isinstance(dataloader.sampler, DistributedSampler): dataloader.sampler.set_epoch(epoch) else: raise for batch_id, (wavs, *others) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader, dynamic_ncols=True, desc='train', file=tqdm_file)): # try/except block for forward/backward try: if pbar.n >= break global_step = pbar.n + 1 wavs = [torch.FloatTensor(wav).to(self.args.device) for wav in wavs] with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=amp): if self.upstream.trainable: features = self.upstream.model(wavs) else: with torch.no_grad(): features = self.upstream.model(wavs) features = self.featurizer.model(wavs, features) if specaug: features, _ = specaug(features) loss = self.downstream.model( train_split, features, *others, records = records, ) batch_ids.append(batch_id) gradient_accumulate_steps = self.config['runner'].get('gradient_accumulate_steps') loss = (loss / gradient_accumulate_steps) if amp: scaler.scale(loss).backward() else: loss.backward() del loss except RuntimeError as e: if 'CUDA out of memory' in str(e): print(f'[Runner] - CUDA out of memory at step {global_step}') if is_initialized(): raise with torch.cuda.device(self.args.device): torch.cuda.empty_cache() optimizer.zero_grad() continue else: raise # whether to accumulate gradient backward_steps += 1 if backward_steps % gradient_accumulate_steps > 0: continue # unscale if amp: scaler.unscale_(optimizer) # gradient clipping grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( trainable_paras, self.config['runner']['gradient_clipping']) # optimize if amp: scaler.step(optimizer) scaler.update() elif math.isnan(grad_norm): print(f'[Runner] - grad norm is NaN at step {global_step}') else: optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() # adjust learning rate if scheduler: scheduler.step() if not is_leader_process(): batch_ids = [] records = defaultdict(list) continue # logging if global_step % self.config['runner']['log_step'] == 0: self.downstream.model.log_records( train_split, records = records, logger = logger, global_step = global_step, batch_ids = batch_ids, total_batch_num = len(dataloader), ) batch_ids = [] records = defaultdict(list) # evaluation and save checkpoint save_names = [] if global_step % self.config['runner']['eval_step'] == 0: for split in self.config['runner']['eval_dataloaders']: save_names += self.evaluate(split, logger, global_step) if global_step % self.config['runner']['save_step'] == 0: def check_ckpt_num(directory): max_keep = self.config['runner']['max_keep'] ckpt_pths = glob.glob(f'{directory}/states-*.ckpt') if len(ckpt_pths) >= max_keep: ckpt_pths = sorted(ckpt_pths, key=lambda pth: int(pth.split('-')[-1].split('.')[0])) for ckpt_pth in ckpt_pths[:len(ckpt_pths) - max_keep + 1]: os.remove(ckpt_pth) check_ckpt_num(self.args.expdir) save_names.append(f'states-{global_step}.ckpt') if len(save_names) > 0: all_states = { 'Optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), 'Step': global_step, 'Epoch': epoch, 'Args': self.args, 'Config': self.config, } for entry in self.all_entries: if entry.trainable: all_states[] = get_model_state(entry.model) if scheduler: all_states['Scheduler'] = scheduler.state_dict() if is_initialized(): all_states['WorldSize'] = get_world_size() save_paths = [os.path.join(self.args.expdir, name) for name in save_names] tqdm.write(f'[Runner] - Save the checkpoint to:') for i, path in enumerate(save_paths): tqdm.write(f'{i + 1}. {path}'), path) pbar.update(1) epoch += 1 pbar.close() if self.args.push_to_hf_hub: self.push_to_huggingface_hub() if is_leader_process(): logger.close() def evaluate(self, split=None, logger=None, global_step=0): """evaluate function will always be called on a single process even during distributed training""" # When this member function is called directly by command line not_during_training = split is None and logger is None and global_step == 0 if not_during_training: split = self.args.evaluate_split tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() logger = SummaryWriter(tempdir) # fix seed to guarantee the same evaluation protocol across steps random.seed(self.args.seed) np.random.seed(self.args.seed) torch.manual_seed(self.args.seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(self.args.seed) with torch.cuda.device(self.args.device): torch.cuda.empty_cache() # record original train/eval states and set all models to eval trainings = [] for entry in self.all_entries: trainings.append( entry.model.eval() # prepare data dataloader = self.downstream.model.get_dataloader(split) evaluate_ratio = float(self.config["runner"].get("evaluate_ratio", 1)) evaluate_steps = round(len(dataloader) * evaluate_ratio) batch_ids = [] records = defaultdict(list) for batch_id, (wavs, *others) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader, dynamic_ncols=True, desc=split, total=evaluate_steps)): if batch_id > evaluate_steps: break wavs = [torch.FloatTensor(wav).to(self.args.device) for wav in wavs] with torch.no_grad(): features = self.upstream.model(wavs) features = self.featurizer.model(wavs, features) self.downstream.model( split, features, *others, records = records, batch_id = batch_id, ) batch_ids.append(batch_id) save_names = self.downstream.model.log_records( split, records = records, logger = logger, global_step = global_step, batch_ids = batch_ids, total_batch_num = len(dataloader), ) batch_ids = [] records = defaultdict(list) # prepare back to training if torch.cuda.is_available(): with torch.cuda.device(self.args.device): torch.cuda.empty_cache() for entry, training in zip(self.all_entries, trainings): if training: entry.model.train().to(self.args.device) if not_during_training: logger.close() shutil.rmtree(tempdir) return [] if type(save_names) is not list else save_names def inference(self): filepath = Path(self.args.evaluate_split) assert filepath.is_file(), filepath filename = filepath.stem if hasattr(self.downstream.model, "load_audio"): wav = self.downstream.model.load_audio(filepath) else: wav, sr = torchaudio.load(str(filepath)) assert sr == SAMPLE_RATE, sr wavs = [wav.view(-1).to(self.args.device)] for entry in self.all_entries: entry.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): features = self.upstream.model(wavs) features = self.featurizer.model(wavs, features) self.downstream.model.inference(features, [filename]) def push_to_huggingface_hub(self): """Creates a downstream repository on the Hub and pushes training artifacts to it.""" if self.args.hf_hub_org.lower() != "none": organization = self.args.hf_hub_org else: organization = os.environ.get("HF_USERNAME") huggingface_token = HfFolder.get_token() print(f"[Runner] - Organisation to push fine-tuned model to: {organization}") # Extract upstream repository metadata if self.args.hub == "huggingface": model_info = HfApi().model_info(self.args.upstream, token=huggingface_token) downstream_model_id = model_info.sha # Exclude "/" characters from downstream repo ID upstream_model_id = model_info.modelId.replace("/", "__") else: upstream_model_id = self.args.upstream.replace("/", "__") downstream_model_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] repo_name = f"{upstream_model_id}__{downstream_model_id}" # Create downstream repo on the Hub repo_url = HfApi().create_repo( token=huggingface_token, name=repo_name, organization=organization, exist_ok=True, private=False, ) print(f"[Runner] - Created Hub repo: {repo_url}") # Download repo HF_HUB_DIR = "hf_hub" REPO_ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(self.args.expdir, HF_HUB_DIR, repo_name) REPO_TASK_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_DIR, self.args.downstream, self.args.expname) print(f"[Runner] - Cloning Hub repo to {REPO_ROOT_DIR}") model_repo = Repository( local_dir=REPO_ROOT_DIR, clone_from=repo_url, use_auth_token=huggingface_token ) # Pull latest changes if they exist model_repo.git_pull() # Copy checkpoints, tensorboard logs, and args / configs # Note that this copies all files from the experiment directory, # including those from multiple runs shutil.copytree(self.args.expdir, REPO_TASK_DIR, dirs_exist_ok=True, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(HF_HUB_DIR)) # By default we use model.ckpt in the PreTrainedModel interface, so # rename the best checkpoint to match this convention checkpoints = list(Path(REPO_TASK_DIR).glob("*best*.ckpt")) if len(checkpoints) == 0: print("[Runner] - Did not find a best checkpoint! Using the final checkpoint instead ...") CKPT_PATH = ( os.path.join(REPO_TASK_DIR, f"states-{self.config['runner']['total_steps']}.ckpt") ) elif len(checkpoints) > 1: print(f"[Runner] - More than one best checkpoint found! Using {checkpoints[0]} as default ...") CKPT_PATH = checkpoints[0] else: print(f"[Runner] - Found best checkpoint {checkpoints[0]}!") CKPT_PATH = checkpoints[0] shutil.move(CKPT_PATH, os.path.join(REPO_TASK_DIR, "model.ckpt")) model_repo.lfs_track("*.ckpt") # Write model card self._create_model_card(REPO_ROOT_DIR) # Push everything to the Hub print("[Runner] - Pushing model files to the Hub ...") model_repo.push_to_hub() print("[Runner] - Training run complete!")