marinone94's picture
Training in progress, epoch 0
#include "../lm_exception.hh"
#include "../word_index.hh"
#include "../../util/scoped.hh"
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
namespace util {
class FilePiece;
namespace stream {
class ChainPosition;
} // namespace stream
} // namespace util
namespace lm {
namespace builder {
class CorpusCount {
// Memory usage will be DedupeMultipler(order) * block_size + total_chain_size + unknown vocab_hash_size
static float DedupeMultiplier(std::size_t order);
// How much memory vocabulary will use based on estimated size of the vocab.
static std::size_t VocabUsage(std::size_t vocab_estimate);
// token_count: out.
// type_count aka vocabulary size. Initialize to an estimate. It is set to the exact value.
CorpusCount(util::FilePiece &from, int vocab_write, bool dynamic_vocab, uint64_t &token_count, WordIndex &type_count, std::vector<bool> &prune_words, const std::string& prune_vocab_filename, std::size_t entries_per_block, WarningAction disallowed_symbol);
void Run(const util::stream::ChainPosition &position);
template <class Vocab> void RunWithVocab(const util::stream::ChainPosition &position, Vocab &vocab);
util::FilePiece &from_;
int vocab_write_;
bool dynamic_vocab_;
uint64_t &token_count_;
WordIndex &type_count_;
std::vector<bool> &prune_words_;
const std::string prune_vocab_filename_;
std::size_t dedupe_mem_size_;
util::scoped_malloc dedupe_mem_;
WarningAction disallowed_symbol_action_;
} // namespace builder
} // namespace lm