
by sleepdeprived3 - opened

Hey thanks for all the quants! I just made this and didn't even test it yet. How do you like it?

Haven't even tried it, either :)

But while I have you here, the constant combos of bible experts and academic kink metric research models is breathtaking!

I'll be honest. The first one really was for academic research to help me make better safeguards for the Bible models. Then my friends wanted more because I did it too well... hides in shame

@sleepdeprived3 uh what the what--I just saw the model collections you have! Are you in hf's discord? message me please nachoz4k

@sleepdeprived3 as long as you enjoy it. I must admit I have put some of yours on my list to try out. It's a long list, though, but... the intent is there :)

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