We know performed one of the major tasks in programming called the looping, we told you |
how we can make our cat reside the multiplication tables, well we made our cat do some |
mental exercise you see it is time for us to make her do some physical exercise. We will make |
her move back and forth by using our programming skills. Ok, friends see I have written a |
very long code, very patiently I have tried writing this code what exactly is this code? Look at |
this, initially I am going to move twenty steps take a half a second break there and then come |
back twenty steps, half a second pause go ahead forty steps see it’s like first day cat moves |
twenty steps and comes back next it goes forty steps and comes back sixty steps comes back |
minus sixty steps, eighty steps and then comes back and so on as you can see so on so on, so |
on, move hundred, minus hundred move one twenty and then minus one twenty which means |
come back move one forty and then come back one sixty, one eighty, two hundred and then |
come back as you would have guessed, if you have guessed this cat will now keep moving |
ahead like this incrementally will get bolder and bolder and move away from her house, she |
will try going as far as possible, let’s see how this works by double clicking on this. Double |
click; ahead back, back, ahead back go ahead back, go bolder and bolder go twenty steps |
ahead twenty steps ahead and finally stop once you reach two hundred steps. Correct? Let’s |
do this once again and then watch one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten so |
twenty steps, two hundred steps which is ten perfect, now I have a question for you all, she is |
doing basically ten ahead’s and ten backs in succession right, is there any way I can use a |
repeat loop and then put something so that the same thing can be achieved by making her by |
do something ten times without going through this ordeal of writing this big of code, now |
what am I trying to say, is there any way you can use this and reduce this to a smaller code, |
because its looks like we are repeating the same stuff but these values are changing correct? |
How do we go about it? Can you now figure out by looking at all the options here, if you can |
do this all by yourself, we strongly suggest that you spend at least fifteen to twenty minutes |
time figuring out, how you can achieve the same thing using the repeat loop, if you cannot |
solve it get back and continue watching the videos. |