--- license: apache-2.0 --- # Positive Transfer Of The Whisper Speech Transformer To Human And Animal Voice Activity Detection We proposed WhisperSeg, utilizing the Whisper Transformer pre-trained for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for both human and animal Voice Activity Detection (VAD). For more details, please refer to our paper > [Positive Transfer of the Whisper Speech Transformer to Human and Animal Voice Activity Detection](https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.30.560270) > > Nianlong Gu, Kanghwi Lee, Maris Basha, Sumit Kumar Ram, Guanghao You, Richard H. R. Hahnloser
> University of Zurich and ETH Zurich The model "nccratliri/whisperseg-large-ms" is the checkpoint of the multi-species WhisperSeg-large that was finetuned on the vocal segmentation datasets of five species. ## Usage ### Clone the GitHub repo and install dependencies ```bash git clone https://github.com/nianlonggu/WhisperSeg.git cd WhisperSeg; pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Then in the folder "WhisperSeg", run the following python script: ```python from model import WhisperSegmenter import librosa import json segmenter = WhisperSegmenter( "nccratliri/whisperseg-large-ms", device="cuda" ) sr = 32000 min_frequency = 0 spec_time_step = 0.0025 min_segment_length = 0.01 eps = 0.02 num_trials = 3 audio, _ = librosa.load( "data/example_subset/Zebra_finch/test_adults/zebra_finch_g17y2U-f00007.wav", sr = sr ) prediction = segmenter.segment( audio, sr = sr, min_frequency = min_frequency, spec_time_step = spec_time_step, min_segment_length = min_segment_length, eps = eps,num_trials = num_trials ) print(prediction) ``` {'onset': [0.01, 0.38, 0.603, 0.758, 0.912, 1.813, 1.967, 2.073, 2.838, 2.982, 3.112, 3.668, 3.828, 3.953, 5.158, 5.323, 5.467], 'offset': [0.073, 0.447, 0.673, 0.83, 1.483, 1.882, 2.037, 2.643, 2.893, 3.063, 3.283, 3.742, 3.898, 4.523, 5.223, 5.393, 6.043], 'cluster': ['zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0', 'zebra_finch_0']} Visualize the results of WhisperSeg: ```python from audio_utils import SpecViewer spec_viewer = SpecViewer() spec_viewer.visualize( audio = audio, sr = sr, min_frequency= min_frequency, prediction = prediction, window_size=8, precision_bits=1 ) ``` ![vis](https://github.com/nianlonggu/WhisperSeg/blob/master/assets/res_zebra_finch_adults_prediction_only.png?raw=true) Run it in Google Colab: Open In Colab For more details, please refer to the GitHub repository: https://github.com/nianlonggu/WhisperSeg ## Citation When using our code or models for your work, please cite the following paper: ``` @article {Gu2023.09.30.560270, author = {Nianlong Gu and Kanghwi Lee and Maris Basha and Sumit Kumar Ram and Guanghao You and Richard Hahnloser}, title = {Positive Transfer of the Whisper Speech Transformer to Human and Animal Voice Activity Detection}, elocation-id = {2023.09.30.560270}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1101/2023.09.30.560270}, publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}, abstract = {This paper introduces WhisperSeg, utilizing the Whisper Transformer pre-trained for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for human and animal Voice Activity Detection (VAD). Contrary to traditional methods that detect human voice or animal vocalizations from a short audio frame and rely on careful threshold selection, WhisperSeg processes entire spectrograms of long audio and generates plain text representations of onset, offset, and type of voice activity. Processing a longer audio context with a larger network greatly improves detection accuracy from few labeled examples. We further demonstrate a positive transfer of detection performance to new animal species, making our approach viable in the data-scarce multi-species setting.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.}, URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2023/10/02/2023.09.30.560270}, eprint = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2023/10/02/2023.09.30.560270.full.pdf}, journal = {bioRxiv} } ``` ## Contact nianlong.gu@uzh.ch