Upload fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb
Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
1 |
2 |
"cells": [
3 |
4 |
"cell_type": "markdown",
5 |
"metadata": {
6 |
"id": "47kV9o1Ni8GH"
7 |
8 |
"source": [
9 |
"# **Colab Pro notebook from** *Alternatives : [RunPod]( | [Paperspace](*\n",
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
"cell_type": "code",
15 |
"execution_count": null,
16 |
"metadata": {
17 |
"cellView": "form",
18 |
"id": "Y9EBc437WDOs"
19 |
20 |
"outputs": [],
21 |
"source": [
22 |
"#@markdown # Connect Google Drive\n",
23 |
"from google.colab import drive\n",
24 |
"from IPython.display import clear_output\n",
25 |
"import ipywidgets as widgets\n",
26 |
"import os\n",
27 |
28 |
"def inf(msg, style, wdth): inf = widgets.Button(description=msg, disabled=True, button_style=style, layout=widgets.Layout(min_width=wdth));display(inf)\n",
29 |
"Shared_Drive = \"\" #@param {type:\"string\"}\n",
30 |
"#@markdown - Leave empty if you're not using a shared drive\n",
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
"if Shared_Drive!=\"\" and os.path.exists(\"/content/gdrive/Shareddrives\"):\n",
36 |
" mainpth=\"Shareddrives/\"+Shared_Drive\n",
37 |
38 |
" mainpth=\"MyDrive\"\n",
39 |
40 |
41 |
"inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
42 |
43 |
"#@markdown ---"
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
"cell_type": "code",
48 |
"execution_count": null,
49 |
"metadata": {
50 |
"cellView": "form",
51 |
"id": "CFWtw-6EPrKi"
52 |
53 |
"outputs": [],
54 |
"source": [
55 |
"#@markdown # Install/Update AUTOMATIC1111 repo\n",
56 |
"from IPython.utils import capture\n",
57 |
"from IPython.display import clear_output\n",
58 |
"from subprocess import getoutput\n",
59 |
"import ipywidgets as widgets\n",
60 |
"import sys\n",
61 |
"import fileinput\n",
62 |
"import os\n",
63 |
"import time\n",
64 |
"import base64\n",
65 |
"import gdown\n",
66 |
"from import get_url_from_gdrive_confirmation\n",
67 |
"import requests\n",
68 |
"from urllib.request import urlopen, Request\n",
69 |
"from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, unquote\n",
70 |
"from tqdm import tqdm\n",
71 |
"import six\n",
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
"if not os.path.exists(\"/content/gdrive\"):\n",
77 |
" print('\u001b[1;31mGdrive not connected, using temporary colab storage ...')\n",
78 |
" time.sleep(4)\n",
79 |
" mainpth=\"MyDrive\"\n",
80 |
" !mkdir -p /content/gdrive/$mainpth\n",
81 |
" Shared_Drive=\"\"\n",
82 |
83 |
"if Shared_Drive!=\"\" and not os.path.exists(\"/content/gdrive/Shareddrives\"):\n",
84 |
" print('\u001b[1;31mShared drive not detected, using default MyDrive')\n",
85 |
" mainpth=\"MyDrive\"\n",
86 |
87 |
"with capture.capture_output() as cap:\n",
88 |
" def inf(msg, style, wdth): inf = widgets.Button(description=msg, disabled=True, button_style=style, layout=widgets.Layout(min_width=wdth));display(inf)\n",
89 |
" fgitclone = \"git clone --depth 1\"\n",
90 |
" %mkdir -p /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd\n",
91 |
" %cd /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd\n",
92 |
" !git clone -q --branch master$blsaphemy\n",
93 |
" !mkdir -p /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/cache/\n",
94 |
" os.environ['TRANSFORMERS_CACHE']=f\"/content/gdrive/{mainpth}/sd/stable-diffusion-w\"+blsaphemy+\"/cache\"\n",
95 |
" os.environ['TORCH_HOME'] = f\"/content/gdrive/{mainpth}/sd/stable-diffusion-w\"+blsaphemy+\"/cache\"\n",
96 |
97 |
"with capture.capture_output() as cap:\n",
98 |
" %cd /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/\n",
99 |
" !git reset --hard\n",
100 |
" !git checkout master\n",
101 |
" time.sleep(1)\n",
102 |
" !rm\n",
103 |
" !git pull\n",
104 |
105 |
"inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
106 |
107 |
"#@markdown ---"
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
"cell_type": "code",
112 |
"execution_count": null,
113 |
"metadata": {
114 |
"cellView": "form",
115 |
"id": "ZGV_5H4xrOSp"
116 |
117 |
"outputs": [],
118 |
"source": [
119 |
"#@markdown # Requirements\n",
120 |
121 |
"print('\u001b[1;32mInstalling requirements...')\n",
122 |
123 |
"with capture.capture_output() as cap:\n",
124 |
" %cd /content/\n",
125 |
" !wget -q -i\n",
126 |
" !dpkg -i *.deb\n",
127 |
" if not os.path.exists('/content/gdrive/'+mainpth+'/sd/stablediffusiond'): #restore later\n",
128 |
" !tar -C /content/gdrive/$mainpth --zstd -xf sd_mrep.tar.zst\n",
129 |
" !tar -C / --zstd -xf gcolabdeps.tar.zst\n",
130 |
" !rm *.deb | rm *.zst | rm *.txt\n",
131 |
" if not os.path.exists('gdrive/'+mainpth+'/sd/libtcmalloc/'):\n",
132 |
" %env CXXFLAGS=-std=c++14\n",
133 |
" !wget -q && tar zxf gperftools-2.5.tar.gz && mv gperftools-2.5 gperftools\n",
134 |
" !wget -q\n",
135 |
" %cd /content/gperftools\n",
136 |
" !patch -p1 < /content/Patch\n",
137 |
" !./configure --enable-minimal --enable-libunwind --enable-frame-pointers --enable-dynamic-sized-delete-support --enable-sized-delete --enable-emergency-malloc; make -j4\n",
138 |
" !mkdir -p /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/libtcmalloc && cp .libs/libtcmalloc*.so* /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/libtcmalloc\n",
139 |
" %env LD_PRELOAD=/content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/libtcmalloc/\n",
140 |
" %cd /content\n",
141 |
" !rm *.tar.gz Patch && rm -r /content/gperftools\n",
142 |
" else:\n",
143 |
" %env LD_PRELOAD=/content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/libtcmalloc/\n",
144 |
" os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'\n",
145 |
" os.environ['PYTHONWARNINGS'] = 'ignore'\n",
146 |
" !sed -i 's@text = _formatwarnmsg(msg)@text =\\\"\\\"@g' /usr/lib/python3.10/\n",
147 |
148 |
149 |
"inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
150 |
151 |
"#@markdown ---"
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
"cell_type": "code",
156 |
"execution_count": null,
157 |
"metadata": {
158 |
"cellView": "form",
159 |
"id": "p4wj_txjP3TC"
160 |
161 |
"outputs": [],
162 |
"source": [
163 |
"#@markdown # Model Download/Load\n",
164 |
165 |
"Use_Temp_Storage = False #@param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
166 |
"#@markdown - If not, make sure you have enough space on your gdrive\n",
167 |
168 |
"#@markdown ---\n",
169 |
170 |
"Model_Version = \"SDXL\" #@param [\"SDXL\", \"1.5\", \"v1.5 Inpainting\", \"V2.1-768px\"]\n",
171 |
172 |
"#@markdown Or\n",
173 |
"PATH_to_MODEL = \"\" #@param {type:\"string\"}\n",
174 |
"#@markdown - Insert the full path of your custom model or to a folder containing multiple models\n",
175 |
176 |
"#@markdown Or\n",
177 |
"MODEL_LINK = \"\" #@param {type:\"string\"}\n",
178 |
179 |
180 |
"def getsrc(url):\n",
181 |
" parsed_url = urlparse(url)\n",
182 |
" if parsed_url.netloc == '':\n",
183 |
" src='civitai'\n",
184 |
" elif parsed_url.netloc == '':\n",
185 |
" src='gdrive'\n",
186 |
" elif parsed_url.netloc == '':\n",
187 |
" src='huggingface'\n",
188 |
" else:\n",
189 |
" src='others'\n",
190 |
" return src\n",
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
"def get_name(url, gdrive):\n",
195 |
" if not gdrive:\n",
196 |
" response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False)\n",
197 |
" if \"Location\" in response.headers:\n",
198 |
" redirected_url = response.headers[\"Location\"]\n",
199 |
" quer = parse_qs(urlparse(redirected_url).query)\n",
200 |
" if \"response-content-disposition\" in quer:\n",
201 |
" disp_val = quer[\"response-content-disposition\"][0].split(\";\")\n",
202 |
" for vals in disp_val:\n",
203 |
" if vals.strip().startswith(\"filename=\"):\n",
204 |
" filenm=unquote(vals.split(\"=\", 1)[1].strip())\n",
205 |
" return filenm.replace(\"\\\"\",\"\")\n",
206 |
" else:\n",
207 |
" headers = {\"User-Agent\": \"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36\"}\n",
208 |
" lnk=\"{id}&export=download\".format(id=url[url.find(\"/d/\")+3:url.find(\"/view\")])\n",
209 |
" res = requests.session().get(lnk, headers=headers, stream=True, verify=True)\n",
210 |
" res = requests.session().get(get_url_from_gdrive_confirmation(res.text), headers=headers, stream=True, verify=True)\n",
211 |
" content_disposition = six.moves.urllib_parse.unquote(res.headers[\"Content-Disposition\"])\n",
212 |
" filenm =\"filename\\*=UTF-8''(.*)\", content_disposition).groups()[0].replace(os.path.sep, \"_\")\n",
213 |
" return filenm\n",
214 |
215 |
216 |
"def dwn(url, dst, msg):\n",
217 |
" file_size = None\n",
218 |
" req = Request(url, headers={\"User-Agent\": \"torch.hub\"})\n",
219 |
" u = urlopen(req)\n",
220 |
" meta =\n",
221 |
" if hasattr(meta, 'getheaders'):\n",
222 |
" content_length = meta.getheaders(\"Content-Length\")\n",
223 |
" else:\n",
224 |
" content_length = meta.get_all(\"Content-Length\")\n",
225 |
" if content_length is not None and len(content_length) > 0:\n",
226 |
" file_size = int(content_length[0])\n",
227 |
228 |
" with tqdm(total=file_size, disable=False, mininterval=0.5,\n",
229 |
" bar_format=msg+' |{bar:20}| {percentage:3.0f}%') as pbar:\n",
230 |
" with open(dst, \"wb\") as f:\n",
231 |
" while True:\n",
232 |
" buffer =\n",
233 |
" if len(buffer) == 0:\n",
234 |
" break\n",
235 |
" f.write(buffer)\n",
236 |
" pbar.update(len(buffer))\n",
237 |
" f.close()\n",
238 |
239 |
240 |
"def sdmdls(ver, Use_Temp_Storage):\n",
241 |
242 |
" if ver=='1.5':\n",
243 |
" if Use_Temp_Storage:\n",
244 |
" os.makedirs('/content/temp_models', exist_ok=True)\n",
245 |
" model='/content/temp_models/v1-5-pruned-emaonly.safetensors'\n",
246 |
" else:\n",
247 |
" model='/content/gdrive/'+mainpth+'/sd/stable-diffusion-w'+blsaphemy+'/models/Stable-diffusion/v1-5-pruned-emaonly.safetensors'\n",
248 |
" link=''\n",
249 |
" elif ver=='V2.1-768px':\n",
250 |
" if Use_Temp_Storage:\n",
251 |
" os.makedirs('/content/temp_models', exist_ok=True)\n",
252 |
" model='/content/temp_models/v2-1_768-ema-pruned.safetensors'\n",
253 |
" else:\n",
254 |
" model='/content/gdrive/'+mainpth+'/sd/stable-diffusion-w'+blsaphemy+'/models/Stable-diffusion/v2-1_768-ema-pruned.safetensors'\n",
255 |
" link=''\n",
256 |
" elif ver=='v1.5 Inpainting':\n",
257 |
" if Use_Temp_Storage:\n",
258 |
" os.makedirs('/content/temp_models', exist_ok=True)\n",
259 |
" model='/content/temp_models/sd-v1-5-inpainting.ckpt'\n",
260 |
" else:\n",
261 |
" model='/content/gdrive/'+mainpth+'/sd/stable-diffusion-w'+blsaphemy+'/models/Stable-diffusion/sd-v1-5-inpainting.ckpt'\n",
262 |
" link=''\n",
263 |
" elif ver=='SDXL':\n",
264 |
" if Use_Temp_Storage:\n",
265 |
" os.makedirs('/content/temp_models', exist_ok=True)\n",
266 |
" model='/content/temp_models/sd_xl_base_1.0.safetensors'\n",
267 |
" else:\n",
268 |
" model='/content/gdrive/'+mainpth+'/sd/stable-diffusion-w'+blsaphemy+'/models/Stable-diffusion/sd_xl_base_1.0.safetensors'\n",
269 |
" link=''\n",
270 |
271 |
" if not os.path.exists(model):\n",
272 |
" !gdown --fuzzy -O $model $link\n",
273 |
" if os.path.exists(model):\n",
274 |
" clear_output()\n",
275 |
" inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
276 |
" else:\n",
277 |
" inf('\\u2718 Something went wrong, try again','danger', \"250px\")\n",
278 |
" else:\n",
279 |
" clear_output()\n",
280 |
" inf('\\u2714 Model already exists','primary', '300px')\n",
281 |
282 |
" return model\n",
283 |
284 |
285 |
"if (PATH_to_MODEL !=''):\n",
286 |
" if os.path.exists(str(PATH_to_MODEL)):\n",
287 |
" inf('\\u2714 Using the trained model.','success', '200px')\n",
288 |
289 |
" else:\n",
290 |
" while not os.path.exists(str(PATH_to_MODEL)):\n",
291 |
" inf('\\u2718 Wrong path, use the colab file explorer to copy the path : ','danger', \"400px\")\n",
292 |
" PATH_to_MODEL=input()\n",
293 |
" if os.path.exists(str(PATH_to_MODEL)):\n",
294 |
" inf('\\u2714 Using the custom model.','success', '200px')\n",
295 |
296 |
" model=PATH_to_MODEL\n",
297 |
298 |
"elif MODEL_LINK != \"\":\n",
299 |
300 |
" if src=='civitai':\n",
301 |
" modelname=get_name(MODEL_LINK, False)\n",
302 |
" if Use_Temp_Storage:\n",
303 |
" os.makedirs('/content/temp_models', exist_ok=True)\n",
304 |
" model=f'/content/temp_models/{modelname}'\n",
305 |
" else:\n",
306 |
" model=f'/content/gdrive/{mainpth}/sd/stable-diffusion-w{blsaphemy}/models/Stable-diffusion/{modelname}'\n",
307 |
" if not os.path.exists(model):\n",
308 |
" dwn(MODEL_LINK, model, 'Downloading the custom model')\n",
309 |
" clear_output()\n",
310 |
" else:\n",
311 |
" inf('\\u2714 Model already exists','primary', '300px')\n",
312 |
" elif src=='gdrive':\n",
313 |
" modelname=get_name(MODEL_LINK, True)\n",
314 |
" if Use_Temp_Storage:\n",
315 |
" os.makedirs('/content/temp_models', exist_ok=True)\n",
316 |
" model=f'/content/temp_models/{modelname}'\n",
317 |
" else:\n",
318 |
" model=f'/content/gdrive/{mainpth}/sd/stable-diffusion-w{blsaphemy}/models/Stable-diffusion/{modelname}'\n",
319 |
" if not os.path.exists(model):\n",
320 |
", output=model, quiet=False, fuzzy=True)\n",
321 |
" clear_output()\n",
322 |
" else:\n",
323 |
" inf('\\u2714 Model already exists','primary', '300px')\n",
324 |
" else:\n",
325 |
" modelname=os.path.basename(MODEL_LINK)\n",
326 |
" if Use_Temp_Storage:\n",
327 |
" os.makedirs('/content/temp_models', exist_ok=True)\n",
328 |
" model=f'/content/temp_models/{modelname}'\n",
329 |
" else:\n",
330 |
" model=f'/content/gdrive/{mainpth}/sd/stable-diffusion-w{blsaphemy}/models/Stable-diffusion/{modelname}'\n",
331 |
" if not os.path.exists(model):\n",
332 |
", output=model, quiet=False, fuzzy=True)\n",
333 |
" clear_output()\n",
334 |
" else:\n",
335 |
" inf('\\u2714 Model already exists','primary', '700px')\n",
336 |
337 |
" if os.path.exists(model) and os.path.getsize(model) > 1810671599:\n",
338 |
" inf('\\u2714 Model downloaded, using the custom model.','success', '300px')\n",
339 |
" else:\n",
340 |
" !rm model\n",
341 |
" inf('\\u2718 Wrong link, check that the link is valid','danger', \"300px\")\n",
342 |
343 |
344 |
" model=sdmdls(Model_Version, Use_Temp_Storage)\n",
345 |
346 |
"#@markdown ---"
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 |
"cell_type": "code",
351 |
"execution_count": null,
352 |
"metadata": {
353 |
"cellView": "form",
354 |
"id": "Svx6Hx0iUPd1"
355 |
356 |
"outputs": [],
357 |
"source": [
358 |
"#@markdown # Download LoRA\n",
359 |
360 |
"LoRA_LINK = \"\" #@param {type:\"string\"}\n",
361 |
362 |
"if LoRA_LINK == \"\":\n",
363 |
" inf('\\u2714 Nothing to do','primary', '200px')\n",
364 |
365 |
" os.makedirs('/content/gdrive/'+mainpth+'/sd/stable-diffusion-w'+blsaphemy+'/models/Lora', exist_ok=True)\n",
366 |
367 |
" src=getsrc(LoRA_LINK)\n",
368 |
369 |
" if src=='civitai':\n",
370 |
" modelname=get_name(LoRA_LINK, False)\n",
371 |
" loramodel=f'/content/gdrive/{mainpth}/sd/stable-diffusion-w{blsaphemy}/models/Lora/{modelname}'\n",
372 |
" if not os.path.exists(loramodel):\n",
373 |
" dwn(LoRA_LINK, loramodel, 'Downloading the LoRA model '+modelname)\n",
374 |
" clear_output()\n",
375 |
" else:\n",
376 |
" inf('\\u2714 Model already exists','primary', '200px')\n",
377 |
" elif src=='gdrive':\n",
378 |
" modelname=get_name(LoRA_LINK, True)\n",
379 |
" loramodel=f'/content/gdrive/{mainpth}/sd/stable-diffusion-w{blsaphemy}/models/Lora/{modelname}'\n",
380 |
" if not os.path.exists(loramodel):\n",
381 |
", output=loramodel, quiet=False, fuzzy=True)\n",
382 |
" clear_output()\n",
383 |
" else:\n",
384 |
" inf('\\u2714 Model already exists','primary', '200px')\n",
385 |
" else:\n",
386 |
" modelname=os.path.basename(LoRA_LINK)\n",
387 |
" loramodel=f'/content/gdrive/{mainpth}/sd/stable-diffusion-w{blsaphemy}/models/Lora/{modelname}'\n",
388 |
" if not os.path.exists(loramodel):\n",
389 |
", output=loramodel, quiet=False, fuzzy=True)\n",
390 |
" clear_output()\n",
391 |
" else:\n",
392 |
" inf('\\u2714 Model already exists','primary', '200px')\n",
393 |
394 |
" if os.path.exists(loramodel) :\n",
395 |
" inf('\\u2714 LoRA downloaded','success', '200px')\n",
396 |
" else:\n",
397 |
" inf('\\u2718 Wrong link, check that the link is valid','danger', \"300px\")\n",
398 |
399 |
"#@markdown ---"
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
"cell_type": "code",
404 |
"execution_count": null,
405 |
"metadata": {
406 |
"cellView": "form",
407 |
"id": "zC3Rz1b2TBcB"
408 |
409 |
"outputs": [],
410 |
"source": [
411 |
"#@markdown # ControlNet\n",
412 |
"from torch.hub import download_url_to_file\n",
413 |
"from urllib.parse import urlparse\n",
414 |
"import re\n",
415 |
"from subprocess import run\n",
416 |
417 |
"XL_Model = \"None\" #@param [ \"None\", \"All\", \"Canny\", \"Depth\", \"Sketch\", \"OpenPose\", \"Recolor\"]\n",
418 |
419 |
"v1_Model = \"None\" #@param [ \"None\", \"All (21GB)\", \"Canny\", \"Depth\", \"Lineart\", \"MLSD\", \"Normal\", \"OpenPose\", \"Scribble\", \"Seg\", \"ip2p\", \"Shuffle\", \"Inpaint\", \"Softedge\", \"Lineart_Anime\", \"Tile\", \"T2iadapter_Models\"]\n",
420 |
421 |
"v2_Model = \"None\" #@param [ \"None\", \"All\", \"Canny\", \"Depth\", \"HED\", \"OpenPose\", \"Scribble\"]\n",
422 |
423 |
"#@markdown - Download/update ControlNet extension and its models\n",
424 |
425 |
"def download(url, model_dir):\n",
426 |
427 |
" filename = os.path.basename(urlparse(url).path)\n",
428 |
" pth = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(model_dir, filename))\n",
429 |
" if not os.path.exists(pth):\n",
430 |
" print('Downloading: '+os.path.basename(url))\n",
431 |
" download_url_to_file(url, pth, hash_prefix=None, progress=True)\n",
432 |
" else:\n",
433 |
" print(f\"\u001b[1;32mThe model {filename} already exists\u001b[0m\")\n",
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 |
"with capture.capture_output() as cap:\n",
444 |
" %cd /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/extensions\n",
445 |
" if not os.path.exists('sd-w'+blsaphemy+'-controlnet'):\n",
446 |
" !git clone$blsaphemy-controlnet.git\n",
447 |
" %cd /content\n",
448 |
" else:\n",
449 |
" %cd sd-w$blsaphemy-controlnet\n",
450 |
" !git reset --hard\n",
451 |
" !git pull\n",
452 |
" %cd /content\n",
453 |
454 |
455 |
"for filename in os.listdir(mdldir):\n",
456 |
" if \"_sd14v1\" in filename:\n",
457 |
" renamed = re.sub(\"_sd14v1\", \"-fp16\", filename)\n",
458 |
" os.rename(os.path.join(mdldir, filename), os.path.join(mdldir, renamed))\n",
459 |
460 |
"!wget -q -O CN_models.txt\n",
461 |
"!wget -q -O CN_models_v2.txt\n",
462 |
"!wget -q -O CN_models_XL.txt\n",
463 |
464 |
465 |
"with open(\"CN_models.txt\", 'r') as f:\n",
466 |
" mdllnk =\n",
467 |
"with open(\"CN_models_v2.txt\", 'r') as d:\n",
468 |
" mdllnk_v2 =\n",
469 |
"with open(\"CN_models_XL.txt\", 'r') as d:\n",
470 |
" mdllnk_XL =\n",
471 |
472 |
"!rm CN_models.txt CN_models_v2.txt CN_models_XL.txt\n",
473 |
474 |
475 |
"if XL_Model == \"All\":\n",
476 |
" for lnk_XL in mdllnk_XL:\n",
477 |
" download(lnk_XL, mdldir)\n",
478 |
" clear_output()\n",
479 |
" inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
480 |
481 |
"elif XL_Model == \"None\":\n",
482 |
" pass\n",
483 |
" clear_output()\n",
484 |
" inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
485 |
486 |
487 |
" download(globals()[XL_Model], mdldir)\n",
488 |
" clear_output()\n",
489 |
" inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
490 |
491 |
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
508 |
"with capture.capture_output() as cap:\n",
509 |
" cfgnames=[os.path.basename(url).split('.')[0]+'.yaml' for url in mdllnk_v2]\n",
510 |
" %cd /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/extensions/sd-w$blsaphemy-controlnet/models\n",
511 |
" for name in cfgnames:\n",
512 |
" run(['cp', 'cldm_v21.yaml', name])\n",
513 |
" %cd /content\n",
514 |
515 |
"if v1_Model == \"All (21GB)\":\n",
516 |
" for lnk in mdllnk:\n",
517 |
" download(lnk, mdldir)\n",
518 |
" clear_output()\n",
519 |
520 |
"elif v1_Model == \"T2iadapter_Models\":\n",
521 |
" mdllnk=list(filter(lambda x: 't2i' in x, mdllnk))\n",
522 |
" for lnk in mdllnk:\n",
523 |
" download(lnk, mdldir)\n",
524 |
" clear_output()\n",
525 |
526 |
"elif v1_Model == \"None\":\n",
527 |
" pass\n",
528 |
" clear_output()\n",
529 |
530 |
531 |
" download(globals()[v1_Model], mdldir)\n",
532 |
" clear_output()\n",
533 |
534 |
535 |
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 |
"if v2_Model == \"All\":\n",
542 |
" for lnk_v2 in mdllnk_v2:\n",
543 |
" download(lnk_v2, mdldir)\n",
544 |
" clear_output()\n",
545 |
" inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
546 |
547 |
"elif v2_Model == \"None\":\n",
548 |
" pass\n",
549 |
" clear_output()\n",
550 |
" inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
551 |
552 |
553 |
" download(globals()[v2_Model], mdldir)\n",
554 |
" clear_output()\n",
555 |
" inf('\\u2714 Done','success', '50px')\n",
556 |
557 |
" #@markdown ---"
558 |
559 |
560 |
561 |
"cell_type": "code",
562 |
"execution_count": null,
563 |
"metadata": {
564 |
"cellView": "form",
565 |
"id": "PjzwxTkPSPHf"
566 |
567 |
"outputs": [],
568 |
"source": [
569 |
"#@markdown # Start Stable-Diffusion\n",
570 |
"from IPython.utils import capture\n",
571 |
"import time\n",
572 |
"import sys\n",
573 |
"import fileinput\n",
574 |
"from pyngrok import ngrok, conf\n",
575 |
"import re\n",
576 |
577 |
578 |
"Use_Cloudflare_Tunnel = False #@param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
579 |
"#@markdown - Offers better gradio responsivity\n",
580 |
581 |
"Ngrok_token = \"\" #@param {type:\"string\"}\n",
582 |
583 |
"#@markdown - Input your ngrok token if you want to use ngrok server\n",
584 |
585 |
"User = \"\" #@param {type:\"string\"}\n",
586 |
"Password= \"\" #@param {type:\"string\"}\n",
587 |
"#@markdown - Add credentials to your Gradio interface (optional)\n",
588 |
589 |
"auth=f\"--gradio-auth {User}:{Password}\"\n",
590 |
"if User ==\"\" or Password==\"\":\n",
591 |
" auth=\"\"\n",
592 |
593 |
594 |
"with capture.capture_output() as cap:\n",
595 |
" %cd /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/modules/\n",
596 |
" !wget -q -O$blsaphemy/master/modules/\n",
597 |
" !wget -q -O$blsaphemy/master/modules/\n",
598 |
" !wget -q -O /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gradio/\n",
599 |
" %cd /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/\n",
600 |
601 |
" !sed -i '[email protected]\\[\"sd_model_checkpoint\"] = [email protected]\\[\"sd_model_checkpoint\"] = checkpoint_info.title;model.half()@' /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/modules/\n",
602 |
" !sed -i '[email protected]_ui().*@ui.create_ui();shared.demo.queue(concurrency_count=999999,status_update_rate=0.1)@' /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/\n",
603 |
" !sed -i \"s@map_location='cpu'@map_location='cuda'@\" /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/modules/\n",
604 |
605 |
" !sed -i 's@possible_sd_paths =.*@possible_sd_paths = [\\\"/content/gdrive/{mainpth}/sd/stablediffusion\\\"]@' /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/modules/\n",
606 |
" !sed -i 's@\\.\\.\\/@src/@g' /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/modules/\n",
607 |
" !sed -i 's@src/generative-models@generative-models@g' /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/modules/\n",
608 |
609 |
" !sed -i 's@print(\\\"No module.*@@' /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stablediffusion/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/\n",
610 |
" !sed -i 's@\\[\"sd_model_checkpoint\"\\]@\\[\"sd_model_checkpoint\", \"sd_vae\", \"CLIP_stop_at_last_layers\", \"inpainting_mask_weight\", \"initial_noise_multiplier\"\\]@g' /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/modules/\n",
611 |
612 |
613 |
"if Ngrok_token!=\"\":\n",
614 |
" ngrok.kill()\n",
615 |
" srv=ngrok.connect(7860, pyngrok_config=conf.PyngrokConfig(auth_token=Ngrok_token) , bind_tls=True).public_url\n",
616 |
617 |
" for line in fileinput.input('/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gradio/', inplace=True):\n",
618 |
" if line.strip().startswith('self.server_name ='):\n",
619 |
" line = f' self.server_name = \"{srv[8:]}\"\\n'\n",
620 |
" if line.strip().startswith('self.protocol = \"https\"'):\n",
621 |
" line = ' self.protocol = \"https\"\\n'\n",
622 |
" if line.strip().startswith('if self.local_url.startswith(\"https\") or self.is_colab'):\n",
623 |
" line = ''\n",
624 |
" if line.strip().startswith('else \"http\"'):\n",
625 |
" line = ''\n",
626 |
" sys.stdout.write(line)\n",
627 |
628 |
"elif Use_Cloudflare_Tunnel:\n",
629 |
" with capture.capture_output() as cap:\n",
630 |
" !pkill cloudflared\n",
631 |
" time.sleep(4)\n",
632 |
" !nohup cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:7860 > /content/srv.txt 2>&1 &\n",
633 |
" time.sleep(4)\n",
634 |
" with open('/content/srv.txt', \"r\") as file: text =\n",
635 |
" srv= re.findall(r\"https?://(?:\\S+?\\.)?trycloudflare\\.com\\S*\", text)[0]\n",
636 |
637 |
" for line in fileinput.input('/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gradio/', inplace=True):\n",
638 |
" if line.strip().startswith('self.server_name ='):\n",
639 |
" line = f' self.server_name = \"{srv[8:]}\"\\n'\n",
640 |
" if line.strip().startswith('self.protocol = \"https\"'):\n",
641 |
" line = ' self.protocol = \"https\"\\n'\n",
642 |
" if line.strip().startswith('if self.local_url.startswith(\"https\") or self.is_colab'):\n",
643 |
" line = ''\n",
644 |
" if line.strip().startswith('else \"http\"'):\n",
645 |
" line = ''\n",
646 |
" sys.stdout.write(line)\n",
647 |
648 |
" !rm /content/srv.txt\n",
649 |
650 |
651 |
" share='--share'\n",
652 |
653 |
654 |
"if os.path.exists('/content/temp_models'):\n",
655 |
" ckptdir='--ckpt-dir /content/temp_models'\n",
656 |
657 |
658 |
" model\n",
659 |
" if os.path.isfile(model):\n",
660 |
" !python /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/ $share --api --disable-safe-unpickle --enable-insecure-extension-access --no-download-sd-model --no-half-vae --ckpt \"$model\" --xformers $auth --disable-console-progressbars --upcast-sampling $ckptdir\n",
661 |
" else:\n",
662 |
" !python /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/ $share --api --disable-safe-unpickle --enable-insecure-extension-access --no-download-sd-model --no-half-vae --ckpt-dir \"$model\" --xformers $auth --disable-console-progressbars --upcast-sampling\n",
663 |
664 |
" !python /content/gdrive/$mainpth/sd/stable-diffusion-w$blsaphemy/ $share --api --disable-safe-unpickle --enable-insecure-extension-access --no-download-sd-model --no-half-vae --xformers $auth --disable-console-progressbars --upcast-sampling $ckptdir"
665 |
666 |
667 |
668 |
"metadata": {
669 |
"accelerator": "GPU",
670 |
"colab": {
671 |
"provenance": []
672 |
673 |
"gpuClass": "standard",
674 |
"kernelspec": {
675 |
"display_name": "Python 3",
676 |
"name": "python3"
677 |
678 |
"language_info": {
679 |
"name": "python"
680 |
681 |
682 |
"nbformat": 4,
683 |
"nbformat_minor": 0
684 |