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# Foundational Libraries (core dependencies) setuptools==59.5.0 numpy==1.23.5 # Pin numpy to ensure compatibility scipy==1.9.3 # Install scipy after numpy pandas==1.5.3 # Pin pandas to avoid dask incompatibilities # Libraries dependent on numpy, pandas, or scipy numba==0.58.1 dask==2023.4.1 # Use a stable version compatible with pandas==1.5.3 scikit-learn==1.2.2 imageio==2.34.0 matplotlib==3.7.1 seaborn==0.12.2 wordcloud==1.9.3 # Machine Learning and Deep Learning torchmetrics==0.10.3 pytorch-lightning==1.9.5 transformers==4.29.2 deepspeed==0.9.2 accelerate==0.19.0 diffusers==0.16.1 optuna==3.1.1 fair-esm==2.0.0 # Specialized Libraries lightning-flash==0.8.2 axial-positional-embedding==0.2.1 linear-attention-transformer==0.19.1 linformer==0.2.3 # Bioinformatics biopython==1.79 # General Utilities tqdm==4.65.0 pynvml==11.5.0 |