import argparse import yaml from argparse import Namespace import json import pandas as pd import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import Stage1_source.model as mod # Step 1: Load JSON Configuration def load_json_config(json_path): with open(json_path, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) return config # Step 2: Convert JSON dictionary to Namespace def convert_to_namespace(config_dict): for key, value in config_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): config_dict[key] = convert_to_namespace(value) return Namespace(**config_dict) # Step 3: Load Pre-trained Model def prepare_model(config_args, model_path) -> nn.Module: model = mod.Facilitator( in_dim=config_args.emb_dim, hid_dim=config_args.hid_dim, out_dim=config_args.emb_dim, dropout=config_args.dropout ) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location="cpu")) model.eval() print("Model loaded successfully with weights!") return model # Step 4: Compute MMD Loss def compute_mmd_loss(x, y, kernel="rbf", sigma=1.0): def rbf_kernel(a, b, sigma): pairwise_distances = torch.cdist(a, b, p=2) ** 2 return torch.exp(-pairwise_distances / (2 * sigma ** 2)) K_xx = rbf_kernel(x, x, sigma) K_yy = rbf_kernel(y, y, sigma) K_xy = rbf_kernel(x, y, sigma) mmd_loss = K_xx.mean() - 2 * K_xy.mean() + K_yy.mean() return mmd_loss # Step 5: Argument Parser Function def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="BioM3 Facilitator Model (Stage 2)") parser.add_argument('--input_data_path', type=str, required=True, help="Path to the input embeddings (e.g.,") parser.add_argument('--output_data_path', type=str, required=True, help="Path to save the output embeddings (e.g.,") parser.add_argument('--model_path', type=str, required=True, help="Path to the Facilitator model weights (e.g., BioM3_Facilitator_epoch20.bin)") parser.add_argument('--json_path', type=str, required=True, help="Path to the JSON configuration file (stage2_config.json)") return parser.parse_args() # Main Execution if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse arguments args = parse_arguments() # Load configuration config_dict = load_json_config(args.json_path) config_args = convert_to_namespace(config_dict) # Load model model = prepare_model(config_args=config_args, model_path=args.model_path) # Load input embeddings embedding_dataset = torch.load(args.input_data_path) # Run inference to get facilitated embeddings with torch.no_grad(): z_t = embedding_dataset['z_t'] z_p = embedding_dataset['z_p'] z_c = model(z_t) embedding_dataset['z_c'] = z_c # Compute evaluation metrics # 1. MSE between embeddings mse_zc_zp = F.mse_loss(z_c, z_p) mse_zt_zp = F.mse_loss(z_t, z_p) # 2. Compute L2 norms for first batch batch_idx = 0 norm_z_t = torch.norm(z_t[batch_idx], p=2).item() norm_z_p = torch.norm(z_p[batch_idx], p=2).item() norm_z_c = torch.norm(z_c[batch_idx], p=2).item() # 3. Compute MMD between embeddings mmd_zc_zp = model.compute_mmd(z_c, z_p) mmd_zp_zt = model.compute_mmd(z_p, z_t) # Print results print("\n=== Facilitator Model Output ===") print(f"Shape of z_t (Text Embeddings): {z_t.shape}") print(f"Shape of z_p (Protein Embeddings): {z_p.shape}") print(f"Shape of z_c (Facilitated Embeddings): {z_c.shape}\n") print("=== Norm (L2 Magnitude) Results for Batch Index 0 ===") print(f"Norm of z_t (Text Embedding): {norm_z_t:.6f}") print(f"Norm of z_p (Protein Embedding): {norm_z_p:.6f}") print(f"Norm of z_c (Facilitated Embedding): {norm_z_c:.6f}") print("\n=== Mean Squared Error (MSE) Results ===") print(f"MSE between Facilitated Embeddings (z_c) and Protein Embeddings (z_p): {mse_zc_zp:.6f}") print(f"MSE between Text Embeddings (z_t) and Protein Embeddings (z_p): {mse_zt_zp:.6f}") print("\n=== Max Mean Discrepancy (MMD) Results ===") print(f"MMD between Facilitated Embeddings (z_c) and Protein Embeddings (z_p): {mmd_zc_zp:.6f}") print(f"MMD between Text Embeddings (z_t) and Protein Embeddings (z_p): {mmd_zp_zt:.6f}") # Save output embeddings, args.output_data_path) print(f"\nFacilitator embeddings saved to {args.output_data_path}")