import argparse import yaml from argparse import Namespace import json import pandas as pd import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import Stage1_source.preprocess as prep import Stage1_source.model as mod import Stage1_source.PL_wrapper as PL_wrap # Step 1: Load JSON Configuration def load_json_config(json_path): with open(json_path, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) return config # Step 2: Convert JSON dictionary to Namespace def convert_to_namespace(config_dict): for key, value in config_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): config_dict[key] = convert_to_namespace(value) return Namespace(**config_dict) # Step 3: Load Pre-trained Model def prepare_model(config_args, model_path) -> nn.Module: model = mod.pfam_PEN_CL(args=config_args) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location="cpu")) model.eval() print("Model loaded successfully with weights!") return model # Step 4: Prepare Test Dataset def load_test_dataset(config_args): test_dict = { 'primary_Accession': ['A0A009IHW8', 'A0A023I7E1'], 'protein_sequence': [ "MSLEQKKGADIISKILQIQNSIGKTTSPSTLKTKLSEISRKEQENARIQSKL...", "MRFQVIVAAATITMITSYIPGVASQSTSDGDDLFVPVSNFDPKSIFPEIKHP..." ], '[final]text_caption': [ "PROTEIN NAME: 2' cyclic ADP-D-ribose synthase AbTIR...", "PROTEIN NAME: Glucan endo-1,3-beta-D-glucosidase 1..." ], 'pfam_label': ["['PF13676']", "['PF17652','PF03639']"] } test_df = pd.DataFrame(test_dict) test_dataset = prep.TextSeqPairing_Dataset(args=config_args, df=test_df) return test_dataset # Step 5: Argument Parser Function def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="BioM3 Inference Script (Stage 1)") parser.add_argument('--json_path', type=str, required=True, help="Path to the JSON configuration file (stage1_config.json)") parser.add_argument('--model_path', type=str, required=True, help="Path to the pre-trained model weights (pytorch_model.bin)") parser.add_argument('--output_path', type=str, required=True, help="Path to save output embeddings") return parser.parse_args() # Step 6: Compute Homology Probabilities def compute_homology_matrix(z_p_tensor): """ Compute the homology matrix as cosine similarities between protein latent vectors. """ # Normalize z_p to unit vectors z_p_normalized = F.normalize(z_p_tensor, p=2, dim=1) # L2 normalization # Compute cosine similarity matrix homology_matrix = torch.matmul(z_p_normalized, z_p_normalized.T) # (num_samples x num_samples) return homology_matrix # Main Execution if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse arguments config_args_parser = parse_arguments() # Load configuration config_dict = load_json_config(config_args_parser.json_path) config_args = convert_to_namespace(config_dict) # Load model model = prepare_model(config_args=config_args, model_path=config_args_parser.model_path) # Load test dataset test_dataset = load_test_dataset(config_args) # Run inference and store z_t, z_p z_t_list = [] z_p_list = [] text_list = [] protein_list = [] with torch.no_grad(): for idx in range(len(test_dataset)): batch = test_dataset[idx] x_t, x_p = batch outputs = model(x_t, x_p, compute_masked_logits=False) # Infer Joint-Embeddings z_t = outputs['text_joint_latent'] # Text latent z_p = outputs['seq_joint_latent'] # Protein latent z_t_list.append(z_t) z_p_list.append(z_p) protein_sequence = test_dataset.protein_sequence_list[idx] text_prompt = test_dataset.text_captions_list[idx] text_list.append(text_prompt) protein_list.append(protein_sequence) # Stack all latent vectors z_t_tensor = torch.vstack(z_t_list) # Shape: (num_samples, latent_dim) z_p_tensor = torch.vstack(z_p_list) # Shape: (num_samples, latent_dim) # Prepare embedding dict. embedding_dict = { 'sequence': protein_list, 'text_prompts': text_list, 'z_t': z_t_tensor, 'z_p': z_p_tensor } # Compute Dot Product scores dot_product_scores = torch.matmul(z_p_tensor, z_t_tensor.T) # Dot product # Normalize scores into probabilities protein_given_text_probs = F.softmax(dot_product_scores, dim=0) # Normalize across rows (proteins), for each text text_given_protein_probs = F.softmax(dot_product_scores, dim=1) # Normalize across columns (texts), for each protein # Compute magnitudes (L2 norms) for z_t and z_p z_p_magnitude = torch.norm(z_p_tensor, dim=1) # L2 norm for each protein latent vector z_t_magnitude = torch.norm(z_t_tensor, dim=1) # L2 norm for each text latent vector # Compute homology probabilities homology_matrix = compute_homology_matrix(z_p_tensor) # Print results print("\n=== Inference Results ===") print(f"Shape of z_p (protein latent): {z_p_tensor.shape}") print(f"Shape of z_t (text latent): {z_t_tensor.shape}") print(f"\nMagnitudes of z_p vectors: {z_p_magnitude}") print(f"Magnitudes of z_t vectors: {z_t_magnitude}") print("\n=== Dot Product Scores Matrix ===") print(dot_product_scores) print("\n=== Normalized Probabilities ===") print("Protein-Normalized Probabilities (Softmax across Proteins for each Text):") print(protein_given_text_probs) print("\nText-Normalized Probabilities (Softmax across Texts for each Protein):") print(text_given_protein_probs) print("\n=== Homology Matrix (Dot Product of Normalized z_p) ===") print(homology_matrix), config_args_parser.output_path)