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index prediction 0 Who cleaned?\nThe patio cleaned. 1 A: Who cleaned?\nB: The patio. 2 A: Who cleaned?\nB: The tiles cleaned. 3 David: Who wrote?\nSarah: A book wrote. 4 A: Who wrote?\nB: Sarah. 5 David: Who read?\nSarah: A book. 6 David: Who wrote?\nSarah: David. 7 A: Who wrote?\nB: A teacher wrote. 8 A: Who read?\nB: A letter. 9 Who read?\nA book read. 10 A: Who read?\nB: A letter. 11 David: Who wrote?\nSarah: A letter wrote. 12 A: Who read?\nB: A teacher read. 13 Who ate?\nA doctor. 14 Who ate?\nDinner ate. 15 Who ate?\nPasta ate. 16 A: Who cooked?\nB: Pasta cooked. 17 David: Who ate?\nSarah: Lunch. 18 A: Who cooked?\nB: Pasta cooked. 19 David: Who cooked?\nSarah: Pasta. 20 Who cooked?\nA sandwich. 21 David: Who ate?\nSarah: Pasta ate. 22 Who studies?\nScience studies. 23 Who studies?\nA doctor studies. 24 David: Who studies?\nSarah: History studies. 25 A: Who studies?\nB: Science. 26 David: Who studies?\nSarah: Math studies. 27 Where were you reading?\nA book read. 28 A: Where were you writing?\nB: A book. 29 David: Where were you writing?\nSarah: A book wrote. 30 David: Where were you writing?\nSarah: An essay. 31 A: Where were you reading?\nB: An essay. 32 David: Where were you writing?\nSarah: A book. 33 A: Where were you reading?\nB: A letter read. 34 A: Where were you writing?\nB: A letter wrote. 35 David: Where were you reading?\nSarah: A letter. 36 David: Where were you writing?\nSarah: An essay wrote. 37 Where did you eat?\nPasta ate. 38 David: Where did you eat?\nSarah: In the cafeteria. 39 David: Where did you cook?\nSarah: At home. 40 Where did you cook?\nIn the kitchen cooked. 41 Where did you cook?\nAt home cooked. 42 A: Where did you cook?\nB: A sandwich cooked. 43 A: Where did you cook?\nB: At home. 44 Where did you eat?\nIn the kitchen. 45 Where did you eat?\nIn the cafeteria. 46 David: Where do you teach?\nSarah: At the kindergarten teaches. 47 A: Where do you teach?\nB: At the college. 48 David: Where do you teach?\nSarah: At the university. 49 Where do you study?\nScience studies. 50 David: Where do you study?\nSarah: At the university. 51 David: Where do you study?\nSarah: At the college studies. 52 A: Where do you teach?\nB: Science teaches. 53 David: When did you clean?\nSarah: I cleaned the tiles. 54 A: When did you clean?\nB: I cleaned the patio. 55 When were you writing?\nA letter wrote. 56 David: When were you reading?\nSarah: This morning. 57 When were you writing?\nThis morning wrote. 58 David: When were you reading?\nSarah: A book read. 59 When were you reading?\nA book read. 60 When were you reading?\nA letter. 61 When were you writing?\nA letter wrote. 62 David: When were you reading?\nSarah: Several months ago. 63 David: When were you reading?\nSarah: Last week. 64 David: When were you writing?\nSarah: An essay wrote. 65 When were you writing?\nAn essay wrote. 66 When were you reading?\nAn hour ago. 67 A: When did you cook?\nB: A sandwich. 68 David: When did you eat?\nSarah: A sandwich. 69 When did you eat?\nDinner ate. 70 When did you eat?\nThis morning. 71 When did you eat?\nLunch. 72 When did you eat?\nLunch ate. 73 A: When did you cook?\nB: An hour ago. 74 When did you cook?\nThis morning. 75 A: When did you eat?\nB: Dinner ate. 76 When do you teach?\nIn the afternoon. 77 When do you study?\nMath studies. 78 When do you teach?\nMath teaches. 79 When do you study?\nEvery tuesday. 80 David: When do you study?\nSarah: History. 81 A: When do you teach?\nB: History teaches. 82 David: When do you study?\nSarah: Math studies. 83 When do you study?\nEvery tuesday. 84 David: When do you study?\nSarah: Science studies. 85 David: When do you teach?\nSarah: Science teaches. 86 David: Why did you clean?\nSarah: I cleaned the floor. 87 Why did you clean?\nI cleaned the patio. 88 David: Why did you clean?\nSarah: Because i wanted to. 89 David: Why were you reading?\nSarah: A book. 90 A: Why were you reading?\nB: A letter. 91 Why were you reading?\nA letter read. 92 David: Why were you reading?\nSarah: A book. 93 A: Why were you reading?\nB: A book read. 94 David: Why were you writing?\nSarah: A book wrote. 95 A: Why were you reading?\nB: A letter read. 96 David: Why were you writing?\nSarah: A book. 97 David: Why did you cook?\nSarah: Dinner cooked. 98 David: Why did you eat?\nSarah: Because i had to ate. 99 A: Why did you eat?\nB: Pasta ate. 100 David: Why did you eat?\nSarah: I was hungry ate. 101 David: Why did you cook?\nSarah: A sandwich. 102 Why did you eat?\nI skipped lunch. 103 A: Why did you cook?\nB: Lunch cooked. 104 David: Why did you cook?\nSarah: Dinner cooked. 105 Why did you cook?\nA sandwich cooked. 106 A: Why did you cook?\nB: A sandwich cooked. 107 Why did you eat?\nI was hungry. 108 A: Why do you study?\nB: Science studies. 109 Why do you teach?\nHistory teaches. 110 Why do you teach?\nJust because. 111 A: Why do you study?\nB: Just because. 112 Why do you teach?\nHistory teaches. 113 A: Why do you teach?\nB: For fun. 114 Why do you study?\nScience studies. 115 A: Why do you study?\nB: Science studies. 116 David: Why do you study?\nSarah: History studies. 117 David: Why do you study?\nSarah: History. 118 A: Why do you teach?\nB: For fun teaches. 119 How many were you reading?\nTen. 120 A: How many were you writing?\nB: A letter. 121 David: How many were you writing?\nSarah: A couple wrote. 122 How many were you writing?\nAn essay wrote. 123 How many were you reading?\nAn essay read. 124 A: How many did you cook?\nB: Two cooked. 125 David: How many did you eat?\nSarah: A sandwich ate. 126 How many did you eat?\nOne. 127 How many did you eat?\nA few. 128 How many did you eat?\nA sandwich. 129 A: How many do you study?\nB: One studies. 130 How many do you teach?\nA lot. 131 David: How many do you study?\nSarah: A few. 132 A: How many do you study?\nB: History. 133 A: How many do you study?\nB: Science. 134 David: How many do you teach?\nSarah: Science teaches. 135 David: How many do you study?\nSarah: A couple. 136 David: How many do you study?\nSarah: A few studies. 137 A: How many do you teach?\nB: A few. 138 How many did you clean?\nA lot. 139 A: How many did you clean?\nB: The rug. 140 How many did you clean?\nThe patio. 141 A: How many did you clean?\nB: A lot. 142 A: How were you writing?\nB: A letter. 143 David: How were you reading?\nSarah: A book. 144 How were you writing?\nAn essay. 145 How were you writing?\nA letter wrote. 146 How were you writing?\nAn essay wrote. 147 How were you writing?\nCarefully wrote. 148 A: How were you reading?\nB: A letter. 149 A: How were you reading?\nB: A book read. 150 David: How did you eat?\nSarah: Quickly. 151 A: How did you cook?\nB: Carefully cooked. 152 How did you eat?\nLunch. 153 David: How did you cook?\nSarah: Quickly. 154 David: How did you cook?\nSarah: Lunch cooked. 155 How did you cook?\nWith tongs. 156 How do you study?\nHistory. 157 David: How do you study?\nSarah: History. 158 A: How do you teach?\nB: Science. 159 How do you teach?\nScience teaches. 160 How do you teach?\nHistory. 161 How do you teach?\nHistory. 162 David: How do you teach?\nSarah: Science. 163 A: How do you study?\nB: Math. 164 A: How did you clean?\nB: I cleaned the floor. |