- Calabi-Yau fibrations, simple K-equivalence and mutations A homogeneous roof is a rational homogeneous variety of Picard rank 2 and index r equipped with two different mathbb P^{r-1}-bundle structures. We consider bundles of homogeneous roofs over a smooth projective variety, formulating a relative version of the duality of Calabi--Yau pairs associated to roofs of projective bundles. We discuss how derived equivalence of such pairs can lift to Calabi--Yau fibrations, extending a result of Bridgeland and Maciocia to higher-dimensional cases. We formulate an approach to prove that the DK-conjecture holds for a class of simple K-equivalent maps arising from bundles of roofs. As an example, we propose a pair of eight-dimensional Calabi--Yau varieties fibered in dual Calabi--Yau threefolds, related by a GLSM phase transition, and we prove derived equivalence with the methods above. 1 authors · Jun 11, 2020
- New counterexamples to the birational Torelli theorem for Calabi--Yau manifolds We produce counterexamples to the birational Torelli theorem for Calabi-Yau manifolds in arbitrarily high dimension: this is done by exhibiting a series of non birational pairs of Calabi-Yau (n^2-1)-folds which, for n geq 2 even, admit an isometry between their middle cohomologies. These varieties also satisfy an mathbb L-equivalence relation in the Grothendieck ring of varieties, i.e. the difference of their classes annihilates a power of the class of the affine line. We state this last property for a broader class of Calabi-Yau pairs, namely all those which are realized as pushforwards of a general (1,1)-section on a homogeneous roof in the sense of Kanemitsu, along its two extremal contractions. 1 authors · Nov 7, 2022
2 All Weight Systems for Calabi-Yau Fourfolds from Reflexive Polyhedra For any given dimension d, all reflexive d-polytopes can be found (in principle) as subpolytopes of a number of maximal polyhedra that are defined in terms of (d+1)-tuples of integers (weights), or combinations of k-tuples of weights with k<d+1. We present the results of a complete classification of sextuples of weights pertaining to the construction of all reflexive polytopes in five dimensions. We find 322 383 760 930 such weight systems. 185 269 499 015 of them give rise directly to reflexive polytopes and thereby to mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau fourfolds. These lead to 532 600 483 distinct sets of Hodge numbers. 2 authors · Aug 7, 2018
- Mukai duality via roofs of projective bundles We investigate a construction providing pairs of Calabi-Yau varieties described as zero loci of pushforwards of a hyperplane section on a roof as described by Kanemitsu. We discuss the implications of such construction at the level of Hodge equivalence, derived equivalence and mathbb L-equivalence. For the case of K3 surfaces, we provide alternative interpretations for the Fourier-Mukai duality in the family of K3 surfaces of degree 12 of Mukai. In all these constructions the derived equivalence lifts to an equivalence of matrix factorizations categories. 2 authors · Jan 17, 2020
- Open Gromov-Witten theory on Calabi-Yau three-folds I We propose a general theory of the Open Gromov-Witten invariant on Calabi-Yau three-folds. We introduce the moduli space of multi-curves and show how it leads to invariants. Our construction is based on an idea of Witten. In the special case that each connected component of the Lagrangian submanifold has the rational homology of a sphere we define rational numbers F_{g,h} for each genus g and h boundary components. 1 authors · Jul 29, 2009
- Elliptic genera of two-dimensional N=2 gauge theories with rank-one gauge groups We compute the elliptic genera of two-dimensional N=(2,2) and N=(0,2) gauged linear sigma models via supersymmetric localization, for rank-one gauge groups. The elliptic genus is expressed as a sum over residues of a meromorphic function whose argument is the holonomy of the gauge field along both the spatial and the temporal directions of the torus. We illustrate our formulas by a few examples including the quintic Calabi-Yau, N=(2,2) SU(2) and O(2) gauge theories coupled to N fundamental chiral multiplets, and a geometric N=(0,2) model. 4 authors · May 2, 2013
- Adiabatic Solutions of the Haydys-Witten Equations and Symplectic Khovanov Homology An influential conjecture by Witten states that there is an instanton Floer homology of four-manifolds with corners that in certain situations is isomorphic to Khovanov homology of a given knot K. The Floer chain complex is generated by Nahm pole solutions of the Kapustin-Witten equations on R^3 times R^+_y with an additional monopole-like singular behaviour along the knot K inside the three-dimensional boundary at y=0. The Floer differential is given by counting solutions of the Haydys-Witten equations that interpolate between Kapustin-Witten solutions along an additional flow direction R_s. This article investigates solutions of a decoupled version of the Kapustin-Witten and Haydys-Witten equations on R_s times R^3 times R^+_y, which in contrast to the full equations exhibit a Hermitian Yang-Mills structure and can be viewed as a lift of the extended Bogomolny equations (EBE) from three to five dimensions. Inspired by Gaiotto-Witten's approach of adiabatically braiding EBE-solutions to obtain generators of the Floer homology, we propose that there is an equivalence between adiabatic solutions of the decoupled Haydys-Witten equations and non-vertical paths in the moduli space of EBE-solutions fibered over the space of monopole positions. Moreover, we argue that the Grothendieck-Springer resolution of the Lie algebra of the gauge group provides a finite-dimensional model of this moduli space of monopole solutions. These considerations suggest an intriguing similarity between Haydys-Witten instanton Floer homology and symplectic Khovanov homology and provide a novel approach towards a proof of Witten's gauge-theoretic interpretations of Khovanov homology. 1 authors · Jan 2
- 6D (2,0) Bootstrap with soft-Actor-Critic We study numerically the 6D (2,0) superconformal bootstrap using the soft-Actor-Critic (SAC) algorithm as a stochastic optimizer. We focus on the four-point functions of scalar superconformal primaries in the energy-momentum multiplet. Starting from the supergravity limit, we perform searches for adiabatically varied central charges and derive two curves for a collection of 80 CFT data (70 of these data correspond to unprotected long multiplets and 10 to protected short multiplets). We conjecture that the two curves capture the A- and D-series (2,0) theories. Our results are competitive when compared to the existing bounds coming from standard numerical bootstrap methods, and data obtained using the OPE inversion formula. With this paper we are also releasing our Python implementation of the SAC algorithm, BootSTOP. The paper discusses the main functionality features of this package. 4 authors · Sep 6, 2022
1 Positive Geometries and Canonical Forms Recent years have seen a surprising connection between the physics of scattering amplitudes and a class of mathematical objects--the positive Grassmannian, positive loop Grassmannians, tree and loop Amplituhedra--which have been loosely referred to as "positive geometries". The connection between the geometry and physics is provided by a unique differential form canonically determined by the property of having logarithmic singularities (only) on all the boundaries of the space, with residues on each boundary given by the canonical form on that boundary. In this paper we initiate an exploration of "positive geometries" and "canonical forms" as objects of study in their own right in a more general mathematical setting. We give a precise definition of positive geometries and canonical forms, introduce general methods for finding forms for more complicated positive geometries from simpler ones, and present numerous examples of positive geometries in projective spaces, Grassmannians, and toric, cluster and flag varieties. We also illustrate a number of strategies for computing canonical forms which yield interesting representations for the forms associated with wide classes of positive geometries, ranging from the simplest Amplituhedra to new expressions for the volume of arbitrary convex polytopes. 3 authors · Mar 13, 2017
- Torelli problem for Calabi-Yau threefolds with GLSM description We construct a gauged linear sigma model with two non-birational K\"alher phases which we prove to be derived equivalent, L-equivalent, deformation equivalent and Hodge equivalent. This provides a new counterexample to the birational Torelli problem which admits a simple GLSM interpretation. 2 authors · Nov 28, 2017
- Breaking supersymmetry with pure spinors For several classes of BPS vacua, we find a procedure to modify the PDEs that imply preserved supersymmetry and the equations of motion so that they still imply the latter but not the former. In each case we trace back this supersymmetry-breaking deformation to a distinct modification of the pure spinor equations that provide a geometrical interpretation of supersymmetry. We give some concrete examples: first we generalize the Imamura class of Mink6 solutions by removing a symmetry requirement, and then derive some local and global solutions both before and after breaking supersymmetry. 2 authors · Nov 27, 2019
- On weakly Einstein Kähler surfaces Riemannian four-manifolds in which the triple contraction of the curvature tensor against itself yields a functional multiple of the metric are called weakly Einstein. We focus on weakly Einstein K\"ahler surfaces. We provide several conditions characterizing those K\"ahler surfaces which are weakly Einstein, classify weakly Einstein K\"ahler surfaces having some specific additional properties, and construct new examples. 4 authors · Dec 31, 2024
- Principal Landau Determinants We reformulate the Landau analysis of Feynman integrals with the aim of advancing the state of the art in modern particle-physics computations. We contribute new algorithms for computing Landau singularities, using tools from polyhedral geometry and symbolic/numerical elimination. Inspired by the work of Gelfand, Kapranov, and Zelevinsky (GKZ) on generalized Euler integrals, we define the principal Landau determinant of a Feynman diagram. We illustrate with a number of examples that this algebraic formalism allows to compute many components of the Landau singular locus. We adapt the GKZ framework by carefully specializing Euler integrals to Feynman integrals. For instance, ultraviolet and infrared singularities are detected as irreducible components of an incidence variety, which project dominantly to the kinematic space. We compute principal Landau determinants for the infinite families of one-loop and banana diagrams with different mass configurations, and for a range of cutting-edge Standard Model processes. Our algorithms build on the Julia package Landau.jl and are implemented in the new open-source package PLD.jl available at https://mathrepo.mis.mpg.de/PLD/. 3 authors · Nov 27, 2023
- Fullness of the Kuznetsov-Polishchuk exceptional collection for the spinor tenfold Kuznetsov and Polishchuk provided a general algorithm to construct exceptional collections of maximal length for homogeneous varieties of type A,B,C,D. We consider the case of the spinor tenfold and we prove that the corresponding collection is full, i.e. it generates the whole derived category of coherent sheaves. As a step of the proof, we construct some resolutions of homogeneous vector bundles which might be of independent interest. 2 authors · Jun 19, 2023
- Connecting Permutation Equivariant Neural Networks and Partition Diagrams We show how the Schur-Weyl duality that exists between the partition algebra and the symmetric group results in a stronger theoretical foundation for characterising all of the possible permutation equivariant neural networks whose layers are some tensor power of the permutation representation M_n of the symmetric group S_n. In doing so, we unify two separate bodies of literature, and we correct some of the major results that are now widely quoted by the machine learning community. In particular, we find a basis of matrices for the learnable, linear, permutation equivariant layer functions between such tensor power spaces in the standard basis of M_n by using an elegant graphical representation of a basis of set partitions for the partition algebra and its related vector spaces. Also, we show how we can calculate the number of weights that must appear in these layer functions by looking at certain paths through the McKay quiver for M_n. Finally, we describe how our approach generalises to the construction of neural networks that are equivariant to local symmetries. 1 authors · Dec 16, 2022
- Stability of Superconducting Strings We investigate the stability of superconducting strings as bound states of strings and fermion zero modes at both the classical and quantum levels. The dynamics of these superconducting strings can result in a stable configuration, known as a vorton. We mainly focus on global strings, but the majority of the discussion can be applied to local strings. Using lattice simulations, we study the classical dynamics of superconducting strings and confirm that they relax to the vorton configuration through Nambu-Goldstone boson radiation, with no evidence of over-shooting that would destabilize the vorton. We explore the tunneling of fermion zero modes out of the strings. Both our classical analysis and quantum calculations yield consistent results: the maximum energy of the zero mode significantly exceeds the fermion mass, in contrast to previous literature. Additionally, we introduce a world-sheet formalism to evaluate the decay rate of zero modes into other particles, which constitute the dominant decay channel. We also identify additional processes that trigger zero-mode decay due to non-adiabatic changes of the string configuration. In these decay processes, the rates are suppressed by the curvature of string loops, with exponential suppression for large masses of the final states. We further study the scattering with light charged particles surrounding the string core produced by the zero-mode current and find that a wide zero-mode wavefunction can enhance vorton stability. 4 authors · Dec 16, 2024
- Black holes and the loss landscape in machine learning Understanding the loss landscape is an important problem in machine learning. One key feature of the loss function, common to many neural network architectures, is the presence of exponentially many low lying local minima. Physical systems with similar energy landscapes may provide useful insights. In this work, we point out that black holes naturally give rise to such landscapes, owing to the existence of black hole entropy. For definiteness, we consider 1/8 BPS black holes in N = 8 string theory. These provide an infinite family of potential landscapes arising in the microscopic descriptions of corresponding black holes. The counting of minima amounts to black hole microstate counting. Moreover, the exact numbers of the minima for these landscapes are a priori known from dualities in string theory. Some of the minima are connected by paths of low loss values, resembling mode connectivity. We estimate the number of runs needed to find all the solutions. Initial explorations suggest that Stochastic Gradient Descent can find a significant fraction of the minima. 3 authors · Jun 26, 2023
1 All you need is spin: SU(2) equivariant variational quantum circuits based on spin networks Variational algorithms require architectures that naturally constrain the optimisation space to run efficiently. In geometric quantum machine learning, one achieves this by encoding group structure into parameterised quantum circuits to include the symmetries of a problem as an inductive bias. However, constructing such circuits is challenging as a concrete guiding principle has yet to emerge. In this paper, we propose the use of spin networks, a form of directed tensor network invariant under a group transformation, to devise SU(2) equivariant quantum circuit ans\"atze -- circuits possessing spin rotation symmetry. By changing to the basis that block diagonalises SU(2) group action, these networks provide a natural building block for constructing parameterised equivariant quantum circuits. We prove that our construction is mathematically equivalent to other known constructions, such as those based on twirling and generalised permutations, but more direct to implement on quantum hardware. The efficacy of our constructed circuits is tested by solving the ground state problem of SU(2) symmetric Heisenberg models on the one-dimensional triangular lattice and on the Kagome lattice. Our results highlight that our equivariant circuits boost the performance of quantum variational algorithms, indicating broader applicability to other real-world problems. 3 authors · Sep 13, 2023
- Flat matrix models for quantum permutation groups We study the matrix models pi:C(S_N^+)to M_N(C(X)) which are flat, in the sense that the standard generators of C(S_N^+) are mapped to rank 1 projections. Our first result is a generalization of the Pauli matrix construction at N=4, using finite groups and 2-cocycles. Our second result is the construction of a universal representation of C(S_N^+), inspired from the Sinkhorn algorithm, that we conjecture to be inner faithful. 2 authors · Feb 14, 2016
- Lie Group Decompositions for Equivariant Neural Networks Invariance and equivariance to geometrical transformations have proven to be very useful inductive biases when training (convolutional) neural network models, especially in the low-data regime. Much work has focused on the case where the symmetry group employed is compact or abelian, or both. Recent work has explored enlarging the class of transformations used to the case of Lie groups, principally through the use of their Lie algebra, as well as the group exponential and logarithm maps. The applicability of such methods to larger transformation groups is limited by the fact that depending on the group of interest G, the exponential map may not be surjective. Further limitations are encountered when G is neither compact nor abelian. Using the structure and geometry of Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces, we present a framework by which it is possible to work with such groups primarily focusing on the Lie groups G = GL^{+}(n, R) and G = SL(n, R), as well as their representation as affine transformations R^{n} rtimes G. Invariant integration as well as a global parametrization is realized by decomposing the `larger` groups into subgroups and submanifolds which can be handled individually. Under this framework, we show how convolution kernels can be parametrized to build models equivariant with respect to affine transformations. We evaluate the robustness and out-of-distribution generalisation capability of our model on the standard affine-invariant benchmark classification task, where we outperform all previous equivariant models as well as all Capsule Network proposals. 2 authors · Oct 17, 2023
- The anomaly that was not meant IIB Type IIB supergravity enjoys a discrete non-Abelian duality group, which has potential quantum anomalies. In this paper we explicitly compute these, and present the bordism group that controls them, modulo some physically motivated assumptions. Quite surprisingly, we find that they do not vanish, which naively would signal an inconsistency of F-theory. Remarkably, a subtle modification of the standard 10d Chern-Simons term cancels these anomalies, a fact which relies on the ***specific*** field content of type IIB supergravity. We also discover other ways to cancel this anomaly, via a topological analog of the Green-Schwarz mechanism. These alternative type IIB theories have the same low energy supergravity limit as ordinary type IIB, but a different spectrum of extended objects. They could either be part of the Swampland, or connect to the standard theory via domain walls. 4 authors · Jul 29, 2021
- Symmetries and Asymptotically Flat Space The construction of a theory of quantum gravity is an outstanding problem that can benefit from better understanding the laws of nature that are expected to hold in regimes currently inaccessible to experiment. Such fundamental laws can be found by considering the classical counterparts of a quantum theory. For example, conservation laws in a quantum theory often stem from conservation laws of the corresponding classical theory. In order to construct such laws, this thesis is concerned with the interplay between symmetries and conservation laws of classical field theories and their application to asymptotically flat spacetimes. This work begins with an explanation of symmetries in field theories with a focus on variational symmetries and their associated conservation laws. Boundary conditions for general relativity are then formulated on three-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes at null infinity using the method of conformal completion. Conserved quantities related to asymptotic symmetry transformations are derived and their properties are studied. This is done in a manifestly coordinate independent manner. In a separate step a coordinate system is introduced, such that the results can be compared to existing literature. Next, asymptotically flat spacetimes which contain both future as well as past null infinity are considered. Asymptotic symmetries occurring at these disjoint regions of three-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes are linked and the corresponding conserved quantities are matched. Finally, it is shown how asymptotic symmetries lead to the notion of distinct Minkowski spaces that can be differentiated by conserved quantities. 1 authors · Mar 16, 2020
- On κ-solutions and canonical neighborhoods in 4d Ricci flow We introduce a classification conjecture for kappa-solutions in 4d Ricci flow. Our conjectured list includes known examples from the literature, but also a new 1-parameter family of Z_2^2times O_3-symmetric bubble-sheet ovals that we construct. We observe that some special cases of the conjecture follow from recent results in the literature. We also introduce a stronger variant of the classification conjecture for ancient asymptotically cylindrical 4d Ricci flows, which does not assume smoothness and nonnegative curvature operator a priori. Assuming this stronger variant holds true, we establish a canonical neighborhood theorem for 4d Ricci flow through cylindrical singularities, which shares some elements in common with Perelman's canonical neighborhood theorem for 3d Ricci flow as well as the mean-convex neighborhood theorem for mean curvature flow through neck-singularities. Finally, we argue that quotient-necks lead to new phenomena, and sketch an example of non-uniqueness for 4d Ricci flow through singularities. 1 authors · Aug 2, 2023
- Generating logical magic states with the aid of non-Abelian topological order In fault-tolerant quantum computing with the surface code, non-Clifford gates are crucial for universal computation. However, implementing these gates using methods like magic state distillation and code switching requires significant resources. In this work, we propose a new protocol that combines magic state preparation and code switching to realize logical non-Clifford operations with the potential for fault tolerance. Our approach begins with a special logical state in the Z_4 surface code. By applying a sequence of transformations, the system goes through different topological codes, including the non-Abelian D_4 quantum double model. This process ultimately produces a magic state in a condensed Z_2 surface code, which enables the implementation of a logical T gate in the standard Z_2 surface code. In our analysis, we employ a framework where the topological codes are represented by their topological orders and all the transformations are considered as topological manipulations such as gauging symmetries and condensing anyons. This perspective is particularly useful for understanding code switching between topological codes. 2 authors · Feb 2
- The generalized roof F(1,2,n): Hodge structures and derived categories We consider generalized homogeneous roofs, i.e. quotients of simply connected, semisimple Lie groups by a parabolic subgroup, which admit two projective bundle structures. Given a general hyperplane section on such a variety, we consider the zero loci of its pushforwards along the projective bundle structures and we discuss their properties at the level of Hodge structures. In the case of the flag variety F(1,2,n) with its projections to P^{n-1} and G(2, n), we construct a derived embedding of the relevant zero loci by methods based on the study of B-brane categories in the context of a gauged linear sigma model. 4 authors · Oct 20, 2021
- Gauge Invariant and Anyonic Symmetric Transformer and RNN Quantum States for Quantum Lattice Models Symmetries such as gauge invariance and anyonic symmetry play a crucial role in quantum many-body physics. We develop a general approach to constructing gauge invariant or anyonic symmetric autoregressive neural network quantum states, including a wide range of architectures such as Transformer and recurrent neural network (RNN), for quantum lattice models. These networks can be efficiently sampled and explicitly obey gauge symmetries or anyonic constraint. We prove that our methods can provide exact representation for the ground and excited states of the 2D and 3D toric codes, and the X-cube fracton model. We variationally optimize our symmetry incorporated autoregressive neural networks for ground states as well as real-time dynamics for a variety of models. We simulate the dynamics and the ground states of the quantum link model of U(1) lattice gauge theory, obtain the phase diagram for the 2D Z_2 gauge theory, determine the phase transition and the central charge of the SU(2)_3 anyonic chain, and also compute the ground state energy of the SU(2) invariant Heisenberg spin chain. Our approach provides powerful tools for exploring condensed matter physics, high energy physics and quantum information science. 6 authors · Jan 18, 2021
- Non-Perturbative Hamiltonian and Higher Loop Corrections in USR Inflation Calculating the action and the interaction Hamiltonian at higher orders in cosmological perturbation theory is a cumbersome task. We employ the formalism of EFT of inflation in models of single field ultra slow-roll inflation and obtain a non-perturbative result for the Hamiltonian in terms of the Goldstone field pi. To complete the dictionary, a non-linear relation between the curvature perturbations and pi is presented. Equipped with these non-linear results, we calculate the higher order loop corrections in USR models which are employed for PBHs formation. It is shown that the loop corrections on long CMB scales increase rapidly with the number of loop L and the setup will go out of perturbative control at the four-loop level. 2 authors · Feb 13
- A mechanism to generate varying speed of light via Higgs-dilaton coupling: Theory and cosmological applications We allow the Higgs field Phi to interact with a dilaton field chi of the background spacetime via the coupling chi^2,Phi^daggerPhi. Upon spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking, the Higgs VEV becomes proportional to chi. While traditionally this linkage is employed to make the Planck mass and particle masses dependent on chi, we present an textit alternative mechanism: the Higgs VEV will be used to construct Planck's constant hbar and speed of light c. Specifically, each open set vicinity of a given point x^* on the spacetime manifold is equipped with a replica of the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam action operating with its own effective values of hbar_* and c_* per hbar_*proptochi^{-1/2}(x^*) and c_*proptochi^{1/2}(x^*), causing these ``fundamental constants'' to vary alongside the dynamical field chi. Moreover, in each open set around x^*, the prevailing value chi(x^*) determines the length and time scales for physical processes occurring in this region as lproptochi^{-1}(x^*) and tauproptochi^{-3/2}(x^*). This leads to an textit anisotropic relation tau^{-1}propto l^{-3/2} between the rate of clocks and the length of rods, resulting in a distinct set of novel physical phenomena. For late-time cosmology, the variation of c along the trajectory of light waves from distant supernovae towards the Earth-based observer necessitates modifications to the Lema\^itre redshift relation and the Hubble law. These modifications are capable of: (1) Accounting for the Pantheon Catalog of SNeIa through a declining speed of light in an expanding Einstein--de Sitter universe, thus avoiding the need for dark energy; (2) Revitalizing Blanchard-Douspis-Rowan-Robinson-Sarkar's CMB power spectrum analysis that bypassed dark energy [A&A 412, 35 (2003)]; and (3) Resolving the H_0 tension without requiring a dynamical dark energy component. 1 authors · Aug 5, 2024
- BPS and near-BPS black holes in AdS_5 and their spectrum in N=4 SYM We study quantum corrections in the gravitational path integral around nearly 1/16-BPS black holes in asymptotically AdS_5 times S^5 space, dual to heavy states in 4D N=4 super Yang-Mills. The analysis provides a gravitational explanation of why 1/16-BPS black holes exhibit an exact degeneracy at large N and why all such states have the same charges, confirming the belief that the superconformal index precisely counts the entropy of extremal black holes. We show the presence of a gap of order N^{-2} between the 1/16-BPS black holes and the lightest near-BPS black holes within the same charge sector. This is the first example of such a gap for black holes states within the context of AdS_5 holography. We also derive the spectrum of near-BPS states that lie above this gap. Our computation relies on finding the correct version of the N=2 super-Schwarzian theory which captures the breaking of the SU(1, 1|1) symmetry when the black hole has finite temperature and non-zero chemical potential. Finally, we comment on possible stringy and non-perturbative corrections that can affect the black hole spectrum. 4 authors · Mar 2, 2022
- Pair State Transfer Let L denote the Laplacian matrix of a graph G. We study continuous quantum walks on G defined by the transition matrix U(t)=expleft(itLright). The initial state is of the pair state form, e_a-e_b with a,b being any two vertices of G. We provide two ways to construct infinite families of graphs that have perfect pair transfer. We study a "transitivity" phenomenon which cannot occur in vertex state transfer. We characterize perfect pair state transfer on paths and cycles. We also study the case when quantum walks are generated by the unsigned Laplacians of underlying graphs and the initial states are of the plus state form, e_a+e_b. When the underlying graphs are bipartite, plus state transfer is equivalent to pair state transfer. 2 authors · Jun 4, 2019
1 Flagfolds By interpreting the product of the Principal Component Analysis, that is the covariance matrix, as a sequence of nested subspaces naturally coming with weights according to the level of approximation they provide, we are able to embed all d--dimensional Grassmannians into a stratified space of covariance matrices. We observe that Grassmannians constitute the lowest dimensional skeleton of the stratification while it is possible to define a Riemaniann metric on the highest dimensional and dense stratum, such a metric being compatible with the global stratification. With such a Riemaniann metric at hand, it is possible to look for geodesics between two linear subspaces of different dimensions that do not go through higher dimensional linear subspaces as would euclidean geodesics. Building upon the proposed embedding of Grassmannians into the stratified space of covariance matrices, we generalize the concept of varifolds to what we call flagfolds in order to model multi-dimensional shapes. 2 authors · May 17, 2023
1 A theory of meta-factorization We introduce meta-factorization, a theory that describes matrix decompositions as solutions of linear matrix equations: the projector and the reconstruction equation. Meta-factorization reconstructs known factorizations, reveals their internal structures, and allows for introducing modifications, as illustrated with SVD, QR, and UTV factorizations. The prospect of meta-factorization also provides insights into computational aspects of generalized matrix inverses and randomized linear algebra algorithms. The relations between the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, generalized Nystr\"{o}m method, and the CUR decomposition are revealed here as an illustration. Finally, meta-factorization offers hints on the structure of new factorizations and provides the potential of creating them. 1 authors · Nov 29, 2021
- Strong pairing and symmetric pseudogap metal in double Kondo lattice model: from nickelate superconductor to tetralayer optical lattice In this work, we propose and study a double Kondo lattice model which hosts robust superconductivity. The system consists of two identical Kondo lattice model, each with Kondo coupling J_K within each layer, while the localized spin moments are coupled together via an inter-layer on-site antiferromagnetic spin coupling J_perp. We consider the strong J_perp limit, wherein the local moments tend to form rung singlets and are thus gapped. However, the Kondo coupling J_K transmits the inter-layer entanglement between the local moments to the itinerant electrons. Consequently, the itinerant electrons experience a strong inter-layer antiferromangetic spin coupling and form strong inter-layer pairing, which is confirmed through numerical simulation in one dimensional system. Experimentally, the J_K rightarrow -infty limits of the model describes the recently found bilayer nickelate La_3Ni_2O_7, while the J_K>0 side can be realized in tetralayer optical lattice of cold atoms. Two extreme limits, J_K rightarrow -infty and J_K rightarrow +infty limit are shown to be simplified to a bilayer type II t-J model and a bilayer one-orbital t-J model, respectively. Thus, our double Kondo lattice model offers a unified framework for nickelate superconductor and tetralayer optical lattice quantum simulator upon changing the sign of J_K. We highlight both the qualitative similarity and the quantitative difference in the two sides of J_K. Finally, we discuss the possibility of a symmetric Kondo breakdown transition in the model with a symmetric pseudogap metal corresponding to the usual heavy Fermi liquid. 3 authors · Aug 2, 2024
- Geometric Clifford Algebra Networks We propose Geometric Clifford Algebra Networks (GCANs) for modeling dynamical systems. GCANs are based on symmetry group transformations using geometric (Clifford) algebras. We first review the quintessence of modern (plane-based) geometric algebra, which builds on isometries encoded as elements of the Pin(p,q,r) group. We then propose the concept of group action layers, which linearly combine object transformations using pre-specified group actions. Together with a new activation and normalization scheme, these layers serve as adjustable geometric templates that can be refined via gradient descent. Theoretical advantages are strongly reflected in the modeling of three-dimensional rigid body transformations as well as large-scale fluid dynamics simulations, showing significantly improved performance over traditional methods. 5 authors · Feb 13, 2023
- Flat space cosmologies in two dimensions - Phase transitions and asymptotic mass-domination We study flat space cosmologies in two dimensions by taking the flat space limit of the Achucarro-Ortiz model. We unravel a phase transition between hot flat space and flat space cosmologies, and derive a new dilaton-dependent counterterm required for the consistency of the Euclidean partition function. Our results generalize to asymptotically mass-dominated 2-dimensional dilaton gravity models, whose thermodynamical properties we discuss. The novel case of asymptotic mass-domination is neither covered by the comprehensive discussion of hep-th/0703230 nor by the more recent generalization to dilaton gravity with confining U(1) charges in 1406.7007. 5 authors · Aug 22, 2014
- Conformal Bootstrap with Reinforcement Learning We introduce the use of reinforcement-learning (RL) techniques to the conformal-bootstrap programme. We demonstrate that suitable soft Actor-Critic RL algorithms can perform efficient, relatively cheap high-dimensional searches in the space of scaling dimensions and OPE-squared coefficients that produce sensible results for tens of CFT data from a single crossing equation. In this paper we test this approach in well-known 2D CFTs, with particular focus on the Ising and tri-critical Ising models and the free compactified boson CFT. We present results of as high as 36-dimensional searches, whose sole input is the expected number of operators per spin in a truncation of the conformal-block decomposition of the crossing equations. Our study of 2D CFTs uses only the global so(2,2) part of the conformal algebra, and our methods are equally applicable to higher-dimensional CFTs. When combined with other, already available, numerical and analytical methods, we expect our approach to yield an exciting new window into the non-perturbative structure of arbitrary (unitary or non-unitary) CFTs. 3 authors · Aug 20, 2021
- Bootstrability in Line-Defect CFT with Improved Truncation Methods We study the conformal bootstrap of 1D CFTs on the straight Maldacena-Wilson line in 4D {cal N}=4 super-Yang-Mills theory. We introduce an improved truncation scheme with an 'OPE tail' approximation and use it to reproduce the 'bootstrability' results of Cavagli\`a et al. for the OPE-coefficients squared of the first three unprotected operators. For example, for the first OPE-coefficient squared at 't Hooft coupling (4pi)^2, linear-functional methods with two sum rules from integrated correlators give the rigorous result 0.294014873 pm 4.88 cdot 10^{-8}, whereas our methods give with machine-precision computations 0.294014228 pm 6.77 cdot 10^{-7}. For our numerical searches, we benchmark the Reinforcement Learning Soft Actor-Critic algorithm against an Interior Point Method algorithm (IPOPT) and comment on the merits of each algorithm. 5 authors · Jun 27, 2023
- Specialization maps for Scholze's category of diamonds We introduce the specialization map in Scholzes theory of diamonds. We consider v-sheaves that behave like formal schemes and call them kimberlites. We attach to them: a reduced special fiber, an analytic locus, a specialization map, a Zariski site, and an etale site. When the kimberlite comes from a formal scheme, our sites recover the classical ones. We prove that unramified p-adic Beilinson--Drinfeld Grassmannians are kimberlites with finiteness and normality properties. 1 authors · Dec 10, 2020
- On the generation of periodic discrete structures with identical two-point correlation Strategies for the generation of periodic discrete structures with identical two-point correlation are developed. Starting from a pair of root structures, which are not related by translation, phase inversion or axis reflections, child structures of arbitrary resolution (i.e., pixel or voxel numbers) and number of phases (i.e., material phases/species) can be generated by means of trivial embedding based phase extension, application of kernels and/or phase coalescence, such that the generated structures inherit the two-point-correlation equivalence. Proofs of the inheritance property are provided by means of the Discrete Fourier Transform theory. A Python 3 implementation of the results is offered by the authors through the Github repository https://github.com/DataAnalyticsEngineering/EQ2PC in order to make the provided results reproducible and useful for all interested readers. Examples for the generation of structures are demonstrated, together with applications in the homogenization theory of periodic media. 2 authors · Feb 4, 2020
- An elementary and unified proof of Grothendieck's inequality We present an elementary, self-contained proof of Grothendieck's inequality that unifies the real and complex cases and yields both the Krivine and Haagerup bounds, the current best-known explicit bounds for the real and complex Grothendieck constants respectively. This article is intended to be pedagogical, combining and streamlining known ideas of Lindenstrauss--Pe{\l}czy\'nski, Krivine, and Haagerup into a proof that need only univariate calculus, basic complex variables, and a modicum of linear algebra as prerequisites. 3 authors · Nov 28, 2017
- Singularities in Einstein-conformally coupled Higgs cosmological models The dynamics of Einstein-conformally coupled Higgs field (EccH) system is investigated near the initial singularities in the presence of Friedman-Robertson--Walker symmetries. We solve the field equations asymptotically up to fourth order near the singularities analytically, and determine the solutions numerically as well. We found all the asymptotic, power series singular solutions, which are (1) solutions with a scalar polynomial curvature singularity but the Higgs field is bounded (`Small Bang'), or (2) solutions with a Milne type singularity with bounded spacetime curvature and Higgs field, or (3) solutions with a scalar polynomial curvature singularity and diverging Higgs field (`Big Bang'). Thus, in the present EccH model there is a new kind of physical spacetime singularity (`Small Bang'). We also show that, in a neighbourhood of the singularity in these solutions, the Higgs sector does not have any symmetry breaking instantaneous vacuum state, and hence then the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism does not work. The large scale behaviour of the solutions is investigated numerically as well. In particular, the numerical calculations indicate that there are singular solutions that cannot be approximated by power series. 2 authors · Feb 2, 2018
- Categorical Hopfield Networks This paper discusses a simple and explicit toy-model example of the categorical Hopfield equations introduced in previous work of Manin and the author. These describe dynamical assignments of resources to networks, where resources are objects in unital symmetric monoidal categories and assignments are realized by summing functors. The special case discussed here is based on computational resources (computational models of neurons) as objects in a category of DNNs, with a simple choice of the endofunctors defining the Hopfield equations that reproduce the usual updating of the weights in DNNs by gradient descent. 1 authors · Jan 7, 2022
- Incomplete RG: Hawking-Page transition, C-theorem and relevant scalar deformations of global AdS We discuss relevant scalar deformations of a holographic theory with a compact boundary. An example of such a theory would be the global AdS_4 with its spatially compact boundary S^2. To introduce a relevant deformation, we choose to turn on a time-independent and spatially homogeneous non-normalizable scalar operator with m^2 = -2. The finite size of a compact boundary cuts down the RG flow at a finite length scale leading to an incomplete RG flow to IR. We discuss a version of {\it incomplete} C-theorem and an {\it incomplete} attractor like mechanism. We discuss the implication of our results for entanglement entropy and geometric quantities like scalar curvature, volume and mass scale of fundamental excitation of the how these quantities increase or decrease (often monotonically) with the strength of the deformation. Thermal physics of a holographic theory defined on a compact boundary is more interesting than its non-compact counterpart. It is well known that with a compact boundary, there is a possibility of a first order Hawking-Page transition dual to a de-confinement phase transition. From a gravity perspective, a relevant deformation dumps negative energy inside the bulk, increasing the effective cosmological constant (Lambda) of the AdS. Dumping more negative energy in the bulk would make the HP transition harder and the corresponding HP transition temperature would increase. However, we have found the size of the BH at the transition temperature decreases. 3 authors · Dec 14, 2021
- Phase sensitivity at the Heisenberg limit in an SU(1,1) interferometer via parity detection We theoretically investigate the phase sensitivity with parity detection on an SU(1,1) interferometer with a coherent state combined with a squeezed vacuum state. This interferometer is formed with two parametric amplifiers for beam splitting and recombination instead of beam splitters. We show that the sensitivity of estimation phase approaches Heisenberg limit and give the corresponding optimal condition. Moreover, we derive the quantum Cram\'er-Rao bound of the SU(1,1) interferometer. 7 authors · Mar 29, 2016
- Correlation functions of degenerate fields in Super-Liouville field theory We study four-point correlation functions of degenerated fields in the NS sector in Super-Liouville field theory. We find integral expressions for these functions using the BPZ equation, and study some superconformal properties of these solutions. Finally, we present the general form for three-point correlation functions. 1 authors · Feb 17
- An Algorithm for Computing with Brauer's Group Equivariant Neural Network Layers The learnable, linear neural network layers between tensor power spaces of R^{n} that are equivariant to the orthogonal group, O(n), the special orthogonal group, SO(n), and the symplectic group, Sp(n), were characterised in arXiv:2212.08630. We present an algorithm for multiplying a vector by any weight matrix for each of these groups, using category theoretic constructions to implement the procedure. We achieve a significant reduction in computational cost compared with a naive implementation by making use of Kronecker product matrices to perform the multiplication. We show that our approach extends to the symmetric group, S_n, recovering the algorithm of arXiv:2303.06208 in the process. 1 authors · Apr 27, 2023