- Categorical Foundations of Gradient-Based Learning We propose a categorical semantics of gradient-based machine learning algorithms in terms of lenses, parametrised maps, and reverse derivative categories. This foundation provides a powerful explanatory and unifying framework: it encompasses a variety of gradient descent algorithms such as ADAM, AdaGrad, and Nesterov momentum, as well as a variety of loss functions such as as MSE and Softmax cross-entropy, shedding new light on their similarities and differences. Our approach to gradient-based learning has examples generalising beyond the familiar continuous domains (modelled in categories of smooth maps) and can be realized in the discrete setting of boolean circuits. Finally, we demonstrate the practical significance of our framework with an implementation in Python. 5 authors · Mar 2, 2021
- Reverse derivative categories The reverse derivative is a fundamental operation in machine learning and automatic differentiation. This paper gives a direct axiomatization of a category with a reverse derivative operation, in a similar style to that given by Cartesian differential categories for a forward derivative. Intriguingly, a category with a reverse derivative also has a forward derivative, but the converse is not true. In fact, we show explicitly what a forward derivative is missing: a reverse derivative is equivalent to a forward derivative with a dagger structure on its subcategory of linear maps. Furthermore, we show that these linear maps form an additively enriched category with dagger biproducts. 7 authors · Oct 15, 2019
- Representable Markov Categories and Comparison of Statistical Experiments in Categorical Probability Markov categories are a recent categorical approach to the mathematical foundations of probability and statistics. Here, this approach is advanced by stating and proving equivalent conditions for second-order stochastic dominance, a widely used way of comparing probability distributions by their spread. Furthermore, we lay foundation for the theory of comparing statistical experiments within Markov categories by stating and proving the classical Blackwell-Sherman-Stein Theorem. Our version not only offers new insight into the proof, but its abstract nature also makes the result more general, automatically specializing to the standard Blackwell-Sherman-Stein Theorem in measure-theoretic probability as well as a Bayesian version that involves prior-dependent garbling. Along the way, we define and characterize representable Markov categories, within which one can talk about Markov kernels to or from spaces of distributions. We do so by exploring the relation between Markov categories and Kleisli categories of probability monads. 4 authors · Oct 14, 2020
- Probability, valuations, hyperspace: Three monads on Top and the support as a morphism We consider three monads on Top, the category of topological spaces, which formalize topological aspects of probability and possibility in categorical terms. The first one is the Hoare hyperspace monad H, which assigns to every space its space of closed subsets equipped with the lower Vietoris topology. The second is the monad V of continuous valuations, also known as the extended probabilistic powerdomain. We construct both monads in a unified way in terms of double dualization. This reveals a close analogy between them, and allows us to prove that the operation of taking the support of a continuous valuation is a morphism of monads from V to H. In particular, this implies that every H-algebra (topological complete semilattice) is also a V-algebra. Third, we show that V can be restricted to a submonad of tau-smooth probability measures on Top. By composing these two morphisms of monads, we obtain that taking the support of a tau-smooth probability measure is also a morphism of monads. 3 authors · Oct 8, 2019
- Infinite products and zero-one laws in categorical probability Markov categories are a recent category-theoretic approach to the foundations of probability and statistics. Here we develop this approach further by treating infinite products and the Kolmogorov extension theorem. This is relevant for all aspects of probability theory in which infinitely many random variables appear at a time. These infinite tensor products bigotimes_{i in J} X_i come in two versions: a weaker but more general one for families of objects (X_i)_{i in J} in semicartesian symmetric monoidal categories, and a stronger but more specific one for families of objects in Markov categories. As a first application, we state and prove versions of the zero-one laws of Kolmogorov and Hewitt-Savage for Markov categories. This gives general versions of these results which can be instantiated not only in measure-theoretic probability, where they specialize to the standard ones in the setting of standard Borel spaces, but also in other contexts. 2 authors · Dec 5, 2019
- Bayesian machine learning via category theory From the Bayesian perspective, the category of conditional probabilities (a variant of the Kleisli category of the Giry monad, whose objects are measurable spaces and arrows are Markov kernels) gives a nice framework for conceptualization and analysis of many aspects of machine learning. Using categorical methods, we construct models for parametric and nonparametric Bayesian reasoning on function spaces, thus providing a basis for the supervised learning problem. In particular, stochastic processes are arrows to these function spaces which serve as prior probabilities. The resulting inference maps can often be analytically constructed in this symmetric monoidal weakly closed category. We also show how to view general stochastic processes using functor categories and demonstrate the Kalman filter as an archetype for the hidden Markov model. 2 authors · Dec 5, 2013
- A Probability Monad as the Colimit of Spaces of Finite Samples We define and study a probability monad on the category of complete metric spaces and short maps. It assigns to each space the space of Radon probability measures on it with finite first moment, equipped with the Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance. This monad is analogous to the Giry monad on the category of Polish spaces, and it extends a construction due to van Breugel for compact and for 1-bounded complete metric spaces. We prove that this Kantorovich monad arises from a colimit construction on finite power-like constructions, which formalizes the intuition that probability measures are limits of finite samples. The proof relies on a criterion for when an ordinary left Kan extension of lax monoidal functors is a monoidal Kan extension. The colimit characterization allows the development of integration theory and the treatment of measures on spaces of measures, without measure theory. We also show that the category of algebras of the Kantorovich monad is equivalent to the category of closed convex subsets of Banach spaces with short affine maps as morphisms. 2 authors · Dec 14, 2017
- Learners' Languages In "Backprop as functor", the authors show that the fundamental elements of deep learning -- gradient descent and backpropagation -- can be conceptualized as a strong monoidal functor Para(Euc)toLearn from the category of parameterized Euclidean spaces to that of learners, a category developed explicitly to capture parameter update and backpropagation. It was soon realized that there is an isomorphism LearncongPara(Slens), where Slens is the symmetric monoidal category of simple lenses as used in functional programming. In this note, we observe that Slens is a full subcategory of Poly, the category of polynomial functors in one variable, via the functor Amapsto Ay^A. Using the fact that (Poly,otimes) is monoidal closed, we show that a map Ato B in Para(Slens) has a natural interpretation in terms of dynamical systems (more precisely, generalized Moore machines) whose interface is the internal-hom type [Ay^A,By^B]. Finally, we review the fact that the category p-Coalg of dynamical systems on any p in Poly forms a topos, and consider the logical propositions that can be stated in its internal language. We give gradient descent as an example, and we conclude by discussing some directions for future work. 1 authors · Mar 1, 2021
- Graph Convolutional Neural Networks as Parametric CoKleisli morphisms We define the bicategory of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks GCNN_n for an arbitrary graph with n nodes. We show it can be factored through the already existing categorical constructions for deep learning called Para and Lens with the base category set to the CoKleisli category of the product comonad. We prove that there exists an injective-on-objects, faithful 2-functor GCNN_n to Para(CoKl(R^{n times n} times -)). We show that this construction allows us to treat the adjacency matrix of a GCNN as a global parameter instead of a a local, layer-wise one. This gives us a high-level categorical characterisation of a particular kind of inductive bias GCNNs possess. Lastly, we hypothesize about possible generalisations of GCNNs to general message-passing graph neural networks, connections to equivariant learning, and the (lack of) functoriality of activation functions. 2 authors · Dec 1, 2022
- Categorical Stochastic Processes and Likelihood In this work we take a Category Theoretic perspective on the relationship between probabilistic modeling and function approximation. We begin by defining two extensions of function composition to stochastic process subordination: one based on the co-Kleisli category under the comonad (Omega x -) and one based on the parameterization of a category with a Lawvere theory. We show how these extensions relate to the category Stoch and other Markov Categories. Next, we apply the Para construction to extend stochastic processes to parameterized statistical models and we define a way to compose the likelihood functions of these models. We conclude with a demonstration of how the Maximum Likelihood Estimation procedure defines an identity-on-objects functor from the category of statistical models to the category of Learners. Code to accompany this paper can be found at https://github.com/dshieble/Categorical_Stochastic_Processes_and_Likelihood 1 authors · May 10, 2020
- Classifying Clustering Schemes Many clustering schemes are defined by optimizing an objective function defined on the partitions of the underlying set of a finite metric space. In this paper, we construct a framework for studying what happens when we instead impose various structural conditions on the clustering schemes, under the general heading of functoriality. Functoriality refers to the idea that one should be able to compare the results of clustering algorithms as one varies the data set, for example by adding points or by applying functions to it. We show that within this framework, one can prove a theorems analogous to one of J. Kleinberg, in which for example one obtains an existence and uniqueness theorem instead of a non-existence result. We obtain a full classification of all clustering schemes satisfying a condition we refer to as excisiveness. The classification can be changed by varying the notion of maps of finite metric spaces. The conditions occur naturally when one considers clustering as the statistical version of the geometric notion of connected components. By varying the degree of functoriality that one requires from the schemes it is possible to construct richer families of clustering schemes that exhibit sensitivity to density. 2 authors · Nov 23, 2010
- Space-time tradeoffs of lenses and optics via higher category theory Optics and lenses are abstract categorical gadgets that model systems with bidirectional data flow. In this paper we observe that the denotational definition of optics - identifying two optics as equivalent by observing their behaviour from the outside - is not suitable for operational, software oriented approaches where optics are not merely observed, but built with their internal setups in mind. We identify operational differences between denotationally isomorphic categories of cartesian optics and lenses: their different composition rule and corresponding space-time tradeoffs, positioning them at two opposite ends of a spectrum. With these motivations we lift the existing categorical constructions and their relationships to the 2-categorical level, showing that the relevant operational concerns become visible. We define the 2-category 2-Optic(C) whose 2-cells explicitly track optics' internal configuration. We show that the 1-category Optic(C) arises by locally quotienting out the connected components of this 2-category. We show that the embedding of lenses into cartesian optics gets weakened from a functor to an oplax functor whose oplaxator now detects the different composition rule. We determine the difficulties in showing this functor forms a part of an adjunction in any of the standard 2-categories. We establish a conjecture that the well-known isomorphism between cartesian lenses and optics arises out of the lax 2-adjunction between their double-categorical counterparts. In addition to presenting new research, this paper is also meant to be an accessible introduction to the topic. 1 authors · Sep 19, 2022
- From open learners to open games The categories of open learners (due to Fong, Spivak and Tuy\'eras) and open games (due to the present author, Ghani, Winschel and Zahn) bear a very striking and unexpected similarity. The purpose of this short note is to prove that there is a faithful symmetric monoidal functor from the former to the latter, which means that any supervised neural network (without feedback or other complicating features) can be seen as an open game in a canonical way. Roughly, each parameter is controlled by a different player, and the game's best response relation encodes the dynamics of gradient descent. We suggest paths for further work exploiting the link. 1 authors · Feb 22, 2019
- Categorification of Group Equivariant Neural Networks We present a novel application of category theory for deep learning. We show how category theory can be used to understand and work with the linear layer functions of group equivariant neural networks whose layers are some tensor power space of R^{n} for the groups S_n, O(n), Sp(n), and SO(n). By using category theoretic constructions, we build a richer structure that is not seen in the original formulation of these neural networks, leading to new insights. In particular, we outline the development of an algorithm for quickly computing the result of a vector that is passed through an equivariant, linear layer for each group in question. The success of our approach suggests that category theory could be beneficial for other areas of deep learning. 1 authors · Apr 27, 2023
- Characterizing the invariances of learning algorithms using category theory Many learning algorithms have invariances: when their training data is transformed in certain ways, the function they learn transforms in a predictable manner. Here we formalize this notion using concepts from the mathematical field of category theory. The invariances that a supervised learning algorithm possesses are formalized by categories of predictor and target spaces, whose morphisms represent the algorithm's invariances, and an index category whose morphisms represent permutations of the training examples. An invariant learning algorithm is a natural transformation between two functors from the product of these categories to the category of sets, representing training datasets and learned functions respectively. We illustrate the framework by characterizing and contrasting the invariances of linear regression and ridge regression. 1 authors · May 6, 2019
- SmoothGrad: removing noise by adding noise Explaining the output of a deep network remains a challenge. In the case of an image classifier, one type of explanation is to identify pixels that strongly influence the final decision. A starting point for this strategy is the gradient of the class score function with respect to the input image. This gradient can be interpreted as a sensitivity map, and there are several techniques that elaborate on this basic idea. This paper makes two contributions: it introduces SmoothGrad, a simple method that can help visually sharpen gradient-based sensitivity maps, and it discusses lessons in the visualization of these maps. We publish the code for our experiments and a website with our results. 5 authors · Jun 12, 2017
- Functorial Manifold Learning We adapt previous research on category theory and topological unsupervised learning to develop a functorial perspective on manifold learning, also known as nonlinear dimensionality reduction. We first characterize manifold learning algorithms as functors that map pseudometric spaces to optimization objectives and that factor through hierarchical clustering functors. We then use this characterization to prove refinement bounds on manifold learning loss functions and construct a hierarchy of manifold learning algorithms based on their equivariants. We express several popular manifold learning algorithms as functors at different levels of this hierarchy, including Metric Multidimensional Scaling, IsoMap, and UMAP. Next, we use interleaving distance to study the stability of a broad class of manifold learning algorithms. We present bounds on how closely the embeddings these algorithms produce from noisy data approximate the embeddings they would learn from noiseless data. Finally, we use our framework to derive a set of novel manifold learning algorithms, which we experimentally demonstrate are competitive with the state of the art. 1 authors · Nov 14, 2020
- Calabi-Yau fibrations, simple K-equivalence and mutations A homogeneous roof is a rational homogeneous variety of Picard rank 2 and index r equipped with two different mathbb P^{r-1}-bundle structures. We consider bundles of homogeneous roofs over a smooth projective variety, formulating a relative version of the duality of Calabi--Yau pairs associated to roofs of projective bundles. We discuss how derived equivalence of such pairs can lift to Calabi--Yau fibrations, extending a result of Bridgeland and Maciocia to higher-dimensional cases. We formulate an approach to prove that the DK-conjecture holds for a class of simple K-equivalent maps arising from bundles of roofs. As an example, we propose a pair of eight-dimensional Calabi--Yau varieties fibered in dual Calabi--Yau threefolds, related by a GLSM phase transition, and we prove derived equivalence with the methods above. 1 authors · Jun 11, 2020
- Backprop as Functor: A compositional perspective on supervised learning A supervised learning algorithm searches over a set of functions A to B parametrised by a space P to find the best approximation to some ideal function fcolon A to B. It does this by taking examples (a,f(a)) in Atimes B, and updating the parameter according to some rule. We define a category where these update rules may be composed, and show that gradient descent---with respect to a fixed step size and an error function satisfying a certain property---defines a monoidal functor from a category of parametrised functions to this category of update rules. This provides a structural perspective on backpropagation, as well as a broad generalisation of neural networks. 3 authors · Nov 28, 2017
- Bimonoidal Structure of Probability Monads We give a conceptual treatment of the notion of joints, marginals, and independence in the setting of categorical probability. This is achieved by endowing the usual probability monads (like the Giry monad) with a monoidal and an opmonoidal structure, mutually compatible (i.e. a bimonoidal structure). If the underlying monoidal category is cartesian monoidal, a bimonoidal structure is given uniquely by a commutative strength. However, if the underlying monoidal category is not cartesian monoidal, a strength is not enough to guarantee all the desired properties of joints and marginals. A bimonoidal structure is then the correct requirement for the more general case. We explain the theory and the operational interpretation, with the help of the graphical calculus for monoidal categories. We give a definition of stochastic independence based on the bimonoidal structure, compatible with the intuition and with other approaches in the literature for cartesian monoidal categories. We then show as an example that the Kantorovich monad on the category of complete metric spaces is a bimonoidal monad for a non-cartesian monoidal structure. 2 authors · Apr 10, 2018
- Position: Categorical Deep Learning is an Algebraic Theory of All Architectures We present our position on the elusive quest for a general-purpose framework for specifying and studying deep learning architectures. Our opinion is that the key attempts made so far lack a coherent bridge between specifying constraints which models must satisfy and specifying their implementations. Focusing on building a such a bridge, we propose to apply category theory -- precisely, the universal algebra of monads valued in a 2-category of parametric maps -- as a single theory elegantly subsuming both of these flavours of neural network design. To defend our position, we show how this theory recovers constraints induced by geometric deep learning, as well as implementations of many architectures drawn from the diverse landscape of neural networks, such as RNNs. We also illustrate how the theory naturally encodes many standard constructs in computer science and automata theory. 6 authors · Feb 23, 2024
- Derived categories of families of Fano threefolds We construct S-linear semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of smooth Fano threefold fibrations X/S with relative Picard rank 1 and rational geometric fibers and discuss how the structure of components of these decompositions is related to rationality properties of X/S. 1 authors · Feb 24, 2022
- Markov Categories and Entropy Markov categories are a novel framework to describe and treat problems in probability and information theory. In this work we combine the categorical formalism with the traditional quantitative notions of entropy, mutual information, and data processing inequalities. We show that several quantitative aspects of information theory can be captured by an enriched version of Markov categories, where the spaces of morphisms are equipped with a divergence or even a metric. As it is customary in information theory, mutual information can be defined as a measure of how far a joint source is from displaying independence of its components. More strikingly, Markov categories give a notion of determinism for sources and channels, and we can define entropy exactly by measuring how far a source or channel is from being deterministic. This recovers Shannon and R\'enyi entropies, as well as the Gini-Simpson index used in ecology to quantify diversity, and it can be used to give a conceptual definition of generalized entropy. 1 authors · Dec 22, 2022
- A Heegaard-Floer TQFT for link cobordisms We introduce a Heegaard-Floer homology functor from the category of oriented links in closed 3-manifolds and oriented surface cobordisms in 4-manifolds connecting them to the category of F[v]-modules and F[v]-homomorphisms between them, where F is the field with two elements. In comparison with previously defined TQFTs for decorated links and link cobordisms, the construction of this paper has the advantage of being independent from the decoration. Some of the basic properties of this functor are also explored. 1 authors · Jun 20, 2024
- A synthetic approach to Markov kernels, conditional independence and theorems on sufficient statistics We develop Markov categories as a framework for synthetic probability and statistics, following work of Golubtsov as well as Cho and Jacobs. This means that we treat the following concepts in purely abstract categorical terms: conditioning and disintegration; various versions of conditional independence and its standard properties; conditional products; almost surely; sufficient statistics; versions of theorems on sufficient statistics due to Fisher--Neyman, Basu, and Bahadur. Besides the conceptual clarity offered by our categorical setup, its main advantage is that it provides a uniform treatment of various types of probability theory, including discrete probability theory, measure-theoretic probability with general measurable spaces, Gaussian probability, stochastic processes of either of these kinds, and many others. 1 authors · Aug 19, 2019
- Specialization maps for Scholze's category of diamonds We introduce the specialization map in Scholzes theory of diamonds. We consider v-sheaves that behave like formal schemes and call them kimberlites. We attach to them: a reduced special fiber, an analytic locus, a specialization map, a Zariski site, and an etale site. When the kimberlite comes from a formal scheme, our sites recover the classical ones. We prove that unramified p-adic Beilinson--Drinfeld Grassmannians are kimberlites with finiteness and normality properties. 1 authors · Dec 10, 2020
- Learning Globally Smooth Functions on Manifolds Smoothness and low dimensional structures play central roles in improving generalization and stability in learning and statistics. This work combines techniques from semi-infinite constrained learning and manifold regularization to learn representations that are globally smooth on a manifold. To do so, it shows that under typical conditions the problem of learning a Lipschitz continuous function on a manifold is equivalent to a dynamically weighted manifold regularization problem. This observation leads to a practical algorithm based on a weighted Laplacian penalty whose weights are adapted using stochastic gradient techniques. It is shown that under mild conditions, this method estimates the Lipschitz constant of the solution, learning a globally smooth solution as a byproduct. Experiments on real world data illustrate the advantages of the proposed method relative to existing alternatives. 5 authors · Oct 1, 2022
- On κ-solutions and canonical neighborhoods in 4d Ricci flow We introduce a classification conjecture for kappa-solutions in 4d Ricci flow. Our conjectured list includes known examples from the literature, but also a new 1-parameter family of Z_2^2times O_3-symmetric bubble-sheet ovals that we construct. We observe that some special cases of the conjecture follow from recent results in the literature. We also introduce a stronger variant of the classification conjecture for ancient asymptotically cylindrical 4d Ricci flows, which does not assume smoothness and nonnegative curvature operator a priori. Assuming this stronger variant holds true, we establish a canonical neighborhood theorem for 4d Ricci flow through cylindrical singularities, which shares some elements in common with Perelman's canonical neighborhood theorem for 3d Ricci flow as well as the mean-convex neighborhood theorem for mean curvature flow through neck-singularities. Finally, we argue that quotient-necks lead to new phenomena, and sketch an example of non-uniqueness for 4d Ricci flow through singularities. 1 authors · Aug 2, 2023
- Lenses and Learners Lenses are a well-established structure for modelling bidirectional transformations, such as the interactions between a database and a view of it. Lenses may be symmetric or asymmetric, and may be composed, forming the morphisms of a monoidal category. More recently, the notion of a learner has been proposed: these provide a compositional way of modelling supervised learning algorithms, and again form the morphisms of a monoidal category. In this paper, we show that the two concepts are tightly linked. We show both that there is a faithful, identity-on-objects symmetric monoidal functor embedding a category of asymmetric lenses into the category of learners, and furthermore there is such a functor embedding the category of learners into a category of symmetric lenses. 2 authors · Mar 5, 2019
- Categorical Hopfield Networks This paper discusses a simple and explicit toy-model example of the categorical Hopfield equations introduced in previous work of Manin and the author. These describe dynamical assignments of resources to networks, where resources are objects in unital symmetric monoidal categories and assignments are realized by summing functors. The special case discussed here is based on computational resources (computational models of neurons) as objects in a category of DNNs, with a simple choice of the endofunctors defining the Hopfield equations that reproduce the usual updating of the weights in DNNs by gradient descent. 1 authors · Jan 7, 2022
- Differentiable Causal Computations via Delayed Trace We investigate causal computations taking sequences of inputs to sequences of outputs where the nth output depends on the first n inputs only. We model these in category theory via a construction taking a Cartesian category C to another category St(C) with a novel trace-like operation called "delayed trace", which misses yanking and dinaturality axioms of the usual trace. The delayed trace operation provides a feedback mechanism in St(C) with an implicit guardedness guarantee. When C is equipped with a Cartesian differential operator, we construct a differential operator for St(C) using an abstract version of backpropagation through time, a technique from machine learning based on unrolling of functions. This obtains a swath of properties for backpropagation through time, including a chain rule and Schwartz theorem. Our differential operator is also able to compute the derivative of a stateful network without requiring the network to be unrolled. 2 authors · Mar 4, 2019
- Categorical Representation Learning: Morphism is All You Need We provide a construction for categorical representation learning and introduce the foundations of "categorifier". The central theme in representation learning is the idea of everything to vector. Every object in a dataset S can be represented as a vector in R^n by an encoding map E: Obj(S)toR^n. More importantly, every morphism can be represented as a matrix E: Hom(S)toR^{n}_{n}. The encoding map E is generally modeled by a deep neural network. The goal of representation learning is to design appropriate tasks on the dataset to train the encoding map (assuming that an encoding is optimal if it universally optimizes the performance on various tasks). However, the latter is still a set-theoretic approach. The goal of the current article is to promote the representation learning to a new level via a category-theoretic approach. As a proof of concept, we provide an example of a text translator equipped with our technology, showing that our categorical learning model outperforms the current deep learning models by 17 times. The content of the current article is part of the recent US patent proposal (patent application number: 63110906). 2 authors · Mar 26, 2021
- Generalized-Smooth Nonconvex Optimization is As Efficient As Smooth Nonconvex Optimization Various optimal gradient-based algorithms have been developed for smooth nonconvex optimization. However, many nonconvex machine learning problems do not belong to the class of smooth functions and therefore the existing algorithms are sub-optimal. Instead, these problems have been shown to satisfy certain generalized-smooth conditions, which have not been well understood in the existing literature. In this paper, we propose a notion of alpha-symmetric generalized-smoothness that extends the existing notions and covers many important functions such as high-order polynomials and exponential functions. We study the fundamental properties and establish descent lemmas for the functions in this class. Then, to solve such a large class of nonconvex problems, we design a special deterministic normalized gradient descent algorithm that achieves the optimal iteration complexity O(epsilon^{-2}), and also prove that the popular SPIDER variance reduction algorithm achieves the optimal sample complexity O(epsilon^{-3}) in the stochastic setting. Our results show that solving generalized-smooth nonconvex problems is as efficient as solving smooth nonconvex problems. 4 authors · Mar 5, 2023
- A Convenient Category for Higher-Order Probability Theory Higher-order probabilistic programming languages allow programmers to write sophisticated models in machine learning and statistics in a succinct and structured way, but step outside the standard measure-theoretic formalization of probability theory. Programs may use both higher-order functions and continuous distributions, or even define a probability distribution on functions. But standard probability theory does not handle higher-order functions well: the category of measurable spaces is not cartesian closed. Here we introduce quasi-Borel spaces. We show that these spaces: form a new formalization of probability theory replacing measurable spaces; form a cartesian closed category and so support higher-order functions; form a well-pointed category and so support good proof principles for equational reasoning; and support continuous probability distributions. We demonstrate the use of quasi-Borel spaces for higher-order functions and probability by: showing that a well-known construction of probability theory involving random functions gains a cleaner expression; and generalizing de Finetti's theorem, that is a crucial theorem in probability theory, to quasi-Borel spaces. 4 authors · Jan 10, 2017
- Bayesian open games This paper generalises the treatment of compositional game theory as introduced by the second and third authors with Ghani and Winschel, where games are modelled as morphisms of a symmetric monoidal category. From an economic modelling perspective, the existing notion of an open game is not expressive enough for many applications. This includes stochastic environments, stochastic choices by players, as well as incomplete information regarding the game being played. The current paper addresses these three issue all at once. To achieve this we make significant use of category theory, especially the 'coend optics' of Riley. 3 authors · Oct 8, 2019
- Categories of Differentiable Polynomial Circuits for Machine Learning Reverse derivative categories (RDCs) have recently been shown to be a suitable semantic framework for studying machine learning algorithms. Whereas emphasis has been put on training methodologies, less attention has been devoted to particular model classes: the concrete categories whose morphisms represent machine learning models. In this paper we study presentations by generators and equations of classes of RDCs. In particular, we propose polynomial circuits as a suitable machine learning model. We give an axiomatisation for these circuits and prove a functional completeness result. Finally, we discuss the use of polynomial circuits over specific semirings to perform machine learning with discrete values. 2 authors · Mar 12, 2022
- Higher Order Automatic Differentiation of Higher Order Functions We present semantic correctness proofs of automatic differentiation (AD). We consider a forward-mode AD method on a higher order language with algebraic data types, and we characterise it as the unique structure preserving macro given a choice of derivatives for basic operations. We describe a rich semantics for differentiable programming, based on diffeological spaces. We show that it interprets our language, and we phrase what it means for the AD method to be correct with respect to this semantics. We show that our characterisation of AD gives rise to an elegant semantic proof of its correctness based on a gluing construction on diffeological spaces. We explain how this is, in essence, a logical relations argument. Throughout, we show how the analysis extends to AD methods for computing higher order derivatives using a Taylor approximation. 3 authors · Jan 17, 2021
- Dependent Bayesian Lenses: Categories of Bidirectional Markov Kernels with Canonical Bayesian Inversion We generalise an existing construction of Bayesian Lenses to admit lenses between pairs of objects where the backwards object is dependent on states on the forwards object (interpreted as probability distributions). This gives a natural setting for studying stochastic maps with Bayesian inverses restricted to the points supported by a given prior. In order to state this formally we develop a proposed definition by Fritz of a support object in a Markov category and show that these give rise to a section into the category of dependent Bayesian lenses encoding a more canonical notion of Bayesian inversion. 2 authors · Sep 29, 2022
- Pooling Image Datasets With Multiple Covariate Shift and Imbalance Small sample sizes are common in many disciplines, which necessitates pooling roughly similar datasets across multiple institutions to study weak but relevant associations between images and disease outcomes. Such data often manifest shift/imbalance in covariates (i.e., secondary non-imaging data). Controlling for such nuisance variables is common within standard statistical analysis, but the ideas do not directly apply to overparameterized models. Consequently, recent work has shown how strategies from invariant representation learning provides a meaningful starting point, but the current repertoire of methods is limited to accounting for shifts/imbalances in just a couple of covariates at a time. In this paper, we show how viewing this problem from the perspective of Category theory provides a simple and effective solution that completely avoids elaborate multi-stage training pipelines that would otherwise be needed. We show the effectiveness of this approach via extensive experiments on real datasets. Further, we discuss how this style of formulation offers a unified perspective on at least 5+ distinct problem settings, from self-supervised learning to matching problems in 3D reconstruction. 4 authors · Mar 4, 2024
1 Flagfolds By interpreting the product of the Principal Component Analysis, that is the covariance matrix, as a sequence of nested subspaces naturally coming with weights according to the level of approximation they provide, we are able to embed all d--dimensional Grassmannians into a stratified space of covariance matrices. We observe that Grassmannians constitute the lowest dimensional skeleton of the stratification while it is possible to define a Riemaniann metric on the highest dimensional and dense stratum, such a metric being compatible with the global stratification. With such a Riemaniann metric at hand, it is possible to look for geodesics between two linear subspaces of different dimensions that do not go through higher dimensional linear subspaces as would euclidean geodesics. Building upon the proposed embedding of Grassmannians into the stratified space of covariance matrices, we generalize the concept of varifolds to what we call flagfolds in order to model multi-dimensional shapes. 2 authors · May 17, 2023
- Preservation of Loewy Diagrams Under Exact Functors We derive sufficient conditions for exact functors on locally finite abelian categories to preserve Loewy diagrams of objects. We apply our results to determine sufficient conditions for induction functors associated to simple current extensions of vertex algebras to preserve Loewy diagrams. 1 authors · May 1, 2023
- Mukai duality via roofs of projective bundles We investigate a construction providing pairs of Calabi-Yau varieties described as zero loci of pushforwards of a hyperplane section on a roof as described by Kanemitsu. We discuss the implications of such construction at the level of Hodge equivalence, derived equivalence and mathbb L-equivalence. For the case of K3 surfaces, we provide alternative interpretations for the Fourier-Mukai duality in the family of K3 surfaces of degree 12 of Mukai. In all these constructions the derived equivalence lifts to an equivalence of matrix factorizations categories. 2 authors · Jan 17, 2020
- The generalized roof F(1,2,n): Hodge structures and derived categories We consider generalized homogeneous roofs, i.e. quotients of simply connected, semisimple Lie groups by a parabolic subgroup, which admit two projective bundle structures. Given a general hyperplane section on such a variety, we consider the zero loci of its pushforwards along the projective bundle structures and we discuss their properties at the level of Hodge structures. In the case of the flag variety F(1,2,n) with its projections to P^{n-1} and G(2, n), we construct a derived embedding of the relevant zero loci by methods based on the study of B-brane categories in the context of a gauged linear sigma model. 4 authors · Oct 20, 2021
- Smooth Grad-CAM++: An Enhanced Inference Level Visualization Technique for Deep Convolutional Neural Network Models Gaining insight into how deep convolutional neural network models perform image classification and how to explain their outputs have been a concern to computer vision researchers and decision makers. These deep models are often referred to as black box due to low comprehension of their internal workings. As an effort to developing explainable deep learning models, several methods have been proposed such as finding gradients of class output with respect to input image (sensitivity maps), class activation map (CAM), and Gradient based Class Activation Maps (Grad-CAM). These methods under perform when localizing multiple occurrences of the same class and do not work for all CNNs. In addition, Grad-CAM does not capture the entire object in completeness when used on single object images, this affect performance on recognition tasks. With the intention to create an enhanced visual explanation in terms of visual sharpness, object localization and explaining multiple occurrences of objects in a single image, we present Smooth Grad-CAM++ Simple demo:, a technique that combines methods from two other recent techniques---SMOOTHGRAD and Grad-CAM++. Our Smooth Grad-CAM++ technique provides the capability of either visualizing a layer, subset of feature maps, or subset of neurons within a feature map at each instance at the inference level (model prediction process). After experimenting with few images, Smooth Grad-CAM++ produced more visually sharp maps with better localization of objects in the given input images when compared with other methods. 4 authors · Aug 3, 2019
- Correctness of Automatic Differentiation via Diffeologies and Categorical Gluing We present semantic correctness proofs of Automatic Differentiation (AD). We consider a forward-mode AD method on a higher order language with algebraic data types, and we characterise it as the unique structure preserving macro given a choice of derivatives for basic operations. We describe a rich semantics for differentiable programming, based on diffeological spaces. We show that it interprets our language, and we phrase what it means for the AD method to be correct with respect to this semantics. We show that our characterisation of AD gives rise to an elegant semantic proof of its correctness based on a gluing construction on diffeological spaces. We explain how this is, in essence, a logical relations argument. Finally, we sketch how the analysis extends to other AD methods by considering a continuation-based method. 3 authors · Jan 7, 2020
15 Smooth Diffusion: Crafting Smooth Latent Spaces in Diffusion Models Recently, diffusion models have made remarkable progress in text-to-image (T2I) generation, synthesizing images with high fidelity and diverse contents. Despite this advancement, latent space smoothness within diffusion models remains largely unexplored. Smooth latent spaces ensure that a perturbation on an input latent corresponds to a steady change in the output image. This property proves beneficial in downstream tasks, including image interpolation, inversion, and editing. In this work, we expose the non-smoothness of diffusion latent spaces by observing noticeable visual fluctuations resulting from minor latent variations. To tackle this issue, we propose Smooth Diffusion, a new category of diffusion models that can be simultaneously high-performing and smooth. Specifically, we introduce Step-wise Variation Regularization to enforce the proportion between the variations of an arbitrary input latent and that of the output image is a constant at any diffusion training step. In addition, we devise an interpolation standard deviation (ISTD) metric to effectively assess the latent space smoothness of a diffusion model. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that Smooth Diffusion stands out as a more desirable solution not only in T2I generation but also across various downstream tasks. Smooth Diffusion is implemented as a plug-and-play Smooth-LoRA to work with various community models. Code is available at https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Smooth-Diffusion. 9 authors · Dec 7, 2023
- Reverse Derivative Ascent: A Categorical Approach to Learning Boolean Circuits We introduce Reverse Derivative Ascent: a categorical analogue of gradient based methods for machine learning. Our algorithm is defined at the level of so-called reverse differential categories. It can be used to learn the parameters of models which are expressed as morphisms of such categories. Our motivating example is boolean circuits: we show how our algorithm can be applied to such circuits by using the theory of reverse differential categories. Note our methodology allows us to learn the parameters of boolean circuits directly, in contrast to existing binarised neural network approaches. Moreover, we demonstrate its empirical value by giving experimental results on benchmark machine learning datasets. 2 authors · Jan 25, 2021
- Information structures and their cohomology We introduce the category of information structures, whose objects are suitable diagrams of measurable sets that encode the possible outputs of a given family of observables and their mutual relationships of refinement; they serve as mathematical models of contextuality in classical and quantum settings. Each information structure can be regarded as a ringed site with trivial topology; the structure ring is generated by the observables themselves and its multiplication corresponds to joint measurement. We extend Baudot and Bennequin's definition of information cohomology to this setting, as a derived functor in the category of modules over the structure ring, and show explicitly that the bar construction gives a projective resolution in that category, recovering in this way the cochain complexes previously considered in the literature. Finally, we study the particular case of a one-parameter family of coefficients made of functions of probability distributions. The only 1-cocycles are Shannon entropy or Tsallis alpha-entropy, depending on the value of the parameter. 1 authors · Sep 22, 2017
1 Barycentric Subspace Analysis on Manifolds This paper investigates the generalization of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to Riemannian manifolds. We first propose a new and general type of family of subspaces in manifolds that we call barycentric subspaces. They are implicitly defined as the locus of points which are weighted means of k+1 reference points. As this definition relies on points and not on tangent vectors, it can also be extended to geodesic spaces which are not Riemannian. For instance, in stratified spaces, it naturally allows principal subspaces that span several strata, which is impossible in previous generalizations of PCA. We show that barycentric subspaces locally define a submanifold of dimension k which generalizes geodesic subspaces.Second, we rephrase PCA in Euclidean spaces as an optimization on flags of linear subspaces (a hierarchy of properly embedded linear subspaces of increasing dimension). We show that the Euclidean PCA minimizes the Accumulated Unexplained Variances by all the subspaces of the flag (AUV). Barycentric subspaces are naturally nested, allowing the construction of hierarchically nested subspaces. Optimizing the AUV criterion to optimally approximate data points with flags of affine spans in Riemannian manifolds lead to a particularly appealing generalization of PCA on manifolds called Barycentric Subspaces Analysis (BSA). 1 authors · Jul 11, 2016
1 The snake in the Brownian sphere The Brownian sphere is a random metric space, homeomorphic to the two-dimensional sphere, which arises as the universal scaling limit of many types of random planar maps. The direct construction of the Brownian sphere is via a continuous analogue of the Cori--Vauquelin--Schaeffer (CVS) bijection. The CVS bijection maps labeled trees to planar maps, and the continuous version maps Aldous' continuum random tree with Brownian labels (the Brownian snake) to the Brownian sphere. In this work, we describe the inverse of the continuous CVS bijection, by constructing the Brownian snake as a measurable function of the Brownian sphere. Special care is needed to work with the orientation of the Brownian sphere. 4 authors · Feb 18 2
- Homotopy Limits and Homotopy Colimits of Chain Complexes We prove that the homotopy limits and homotopy colimits of chain complexes can be computed by the cobar and bar constructions. We also show that the totalizations of double complexes compute the homotopy limits and homotopy colimits of simplicial and cosimplicial chain complexes. 1 authors · Sep 29, 2023
1 Building Neural Networks on Matrix Manifolds: A Gyrovector Space Approach Matrix manifolds, such as manifolds of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices and Grassmann manifolds, appear in many applications. Recently, by applying the theory of gyrogroups and gyrovector spaces that is a powerful framework for studying hyperbolic geometry, some works have attempted to build principled generalizations of Euclidean neural networks on matrix manifolds. However, due to the lack of many concepts in gyrovector spaces for the considered manifolds, e.g., the inner product and gyroangles, techniques and mathematical tools provided by these works are still limited compared to those developed for studying hyperbolic geometry. In this paper, we generalize some notions in gyrovector spaces for SPD and Grassmann manifolds, and propose new models and layers for building neural networks on these manifolds. We show the effectiveness of our approach in two applications, i.e., human action recognition and knowledge graph completion. 2 authors · May 8, 2023
1 Geometry of Sample Spaces In statistics, independent, identically distributed random samples do not carry a natural ordering, and their statistics are typically invariant with respect to permutations of their order. Thus, an n-sample in a space M can be considered as an element of the quotient space of M^n modulo the permutation group. The present paper takes this definition of sample space and the related concept of orbit types as a starting point for developing a geometric perspective on statistics. We aim at deriving a general mathematical setting for studying the behavior of empirical and population means in spaces ranging from smooth Riemannian manifolds to general stratified spaces. We fully describe the orbifold and path-metric structure of the sample space when M is a manifold or path-metric space, respectively. These results are non-trivial even when M is Euclidean. We show that the infinite sample space exists in a Gromov-Hausdorff type sense and coincides with the Wasserstein space of probability distributions on M. We exhibit Fr\'echet means and k-means as metric projections onto 1-skeleta or k-skeleta in Wasserstein space, and we define a new and more general notion of polymeans. This geometric characterization via metric projections applies equally to sample and population means, and we use it to establish asymptotic properties of polymeans such as consistency and asymptotic normality. 4 authors · Oct 15, 2020
- Homoclinic Floer homology via direct limits Let (M omega) be a two dimensional symplectic manifold, phi: M to M a symplectomorphism with hyperbolic fixed point x and transversely intersecting stable and unstable manifolds W^s(phi, x) cap W^u(phi, x)=:H(phi, x). The intersection points are called homoclinic points, and the stable and unstable manifold are in this situation Lagrangian submanifolds. For this Lagrangian intersection problem with its infinite number of intersection points and wild oscillation behavior, we first define a Floer homology generated by finite sets of so-called contractible homoclinic points. This generalizes very significantly the Floer homologies generated by (semi)primary points defined by us in earlier works. Nevertheless these Floer homologies only consider quite `local' aspects of W^s(phi, x) cap W^u(phi, x) since their generator sets are finite, but the number of all contractible homoclinic points is infinite. To overcome this issue, we construct a direct limit of these `local' homoclinic Floer homologies over suitable index sets. These direct limits thus accumulate the information gathered by the finitely generated local' homoclinic Floer homologies. 1 authors · Feb 19, 2024
- De Finetti's construction as a categorical limit This paper reformulates a classical result in probability theory from the 1930s in modern categorical terms: de Finetti's representation theorem is redescribed as limit statement for a chain of finite spaces in the Kleisli category of the Giry monad. This new limit is used to identify among exchangeable coalgebras the final one. 2 authors · Mar 4, 2020
- The Compositional Structure of Bayesian Inference Bayes' rule tells us how to invert a causal process in order to update our beliefs in light of new evidence. If the process is believed to have a complex compositional structure, we may observe that the inversion of the whole can be computed piecewise in terms of the component processes. We study the structure of this compositional rule, noting that it relates to the lens pattern in functional programming. Working in a suitably general axiomatic presentation of a category of Markov kernels, we see how we can think of Bayesian inversion as a particular instance of a state-dependent morphism in a fibred category. We discuss the compositional nature of this, formulated as a functor on the underlying category and explore how this can used for a more type-driven approach to statistical inference. 3 authors · May 10, 2023
- An Algorithm for Computing with Brauer's Group Equivariant Neural Network Layers The learnable, linear neural network layers between tensor power spaces of R^{n} that are equivariant to the orthogonal group, O(n), the special orthogonal group, SO(n), and the symplectic group, Sp(n), were characterised in arXiv:2212.08630. We present an algorithm for multiplying a vector by any weight matrix for each of these groups, using category theoretic constructions to implement the procedure. We achieve a significant reduction in computational cost compared with a naive implementation by making use of Kronecker product matrices to perform the multiplication. We show that our approach extends to the symmetric group, S_n, recovering the algorithm of arXiv:2303.06208 in the process. 1 authors · Apr 27, 2023
- How DNNs break the Curse of Dimensionality: Compositionality and Symmetry Learning We show that deep neural networks (DNNs) can efficiently learn any composition of functions with bounded F_{1}-norm, which allows DNNs to break the curse of dimensionality in ways that shallow networks cannot. More specifically, we derive a generalization bound that combines a covering number argument for compositionality, and the F_{1}-norm (or the related Barron norm) for large width adaptivity. We show that the global minimizer of the regularized loss of DNNs can fit for example the composition of two functions f^{*}=hcirc g from a small number of observations, assuming g is smooth/regular and reduces the dimensionality (e.g. g could be the modulo map of the symmetries of f^{*}), so that h can be learned in spite of its low regularity. The measures of regularity we consider is the Sobolev norm with different levels of differentiability, which is well adapted to the F_{1} norm. We compute scaling laws empirically and observe phase transitions depending on whether g or h is harder to learn, as predicted by our theory. 3 authors · Jul 8, 2024
- Joint Generative Modeling of Scene Graphs and Images via Diffusion Models In this paper, we present a novel generative task: joint scene graph - image generation. While previous works have explored image generation conditioned on scene graphs or layouts, our task is distinctive and important as it involves generating scene graphs themselves unconditionally from noise, enabling efficient and interpretable control for image generation. Our task is challenging, requiring the generation of plausible scene graphs with heterogeneous attributes for nodes (objects) and edges (relations among objects), including continuous object bounding boxes and discrete object and relation categories. We introduce a novel diffusion model, DiffuseSG, that jointly models the adjacency matrix along with heterogeneous node and edge attributes. We explore various types of encodings for the categorical data, relaxing it into a continuous space. With a graph transformer being the denoiser, DiffuseSG successively denoises the scene graph representation in a continuous space and discretizes the final representation to generate the clean scene graph. Additionally, we introduce an IoU regularization to enhance the empirical performance. Our model significantly outperforms existing methods in scene graph generation on the Visual Genome and COCO-Stuff datasets, both on standard and newly introduced metrics that better capture the problem complexity. Moreover, we demonstrate the additional benefits of our model in two downstream applications: 1) excelling in a series of scene graph completion tasks, and 2) improving scene graph detection models by using extra training samples generated from DiffuseSG. 5 authors · Jan 2, 2024
1 Learning Semi-supervised Gaussian Mixture Models for Generalized Category Discovery In this paper, we address the problem of generalized category discovery (GCD), \ie, given a set of images where part of them are labelled and the rest are not, the task is to automatically cluster the images in the unlabelled data, leveraging the information from the labelled data, while the unlabelled data contain images from the labelled classes and also new ones. GCD is similar to semi-supervised learning (SSL) but is more realistic and challenging, as SSL assumes all the unlabelled images are from the same classes as the labelled ones. We also do not assume the class number in the unlabelled data is known a-priori, making the GCD problem even harder. To tackle the problem of GCD without knowing the class number, we propose an EM-like framework that alternates between representation learning and class number estimation. We propose a semi-supervised variant of the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with a stochastic splitting and merging mechanism to dynamically determine the prototypes by examining the cluster compactness and separability. With these prototypes, we leverage prototypical contrastive learning for representation learning on the partially labelled data subject to the constraints imposed by the labelled data. Our framework alternates between these two steps until convergence. The cluster assignment for an unlabelled instance can then be retrieved by identifying its nearest prototype. We comprehensively evaluate our framework on both generic image classification datasets and challenging fine-grained object recognition datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance. 3 authors · May 10, 2023
- Minimax estimation of discontinuous optimal transport maps: The semi-discrete case We consider the problem of estimating the optimal transport map between two probability distributions, P and Q in mathbb R^d, on the basis of i.i.d. samples. All existing statistical analyses of this problem require the assumption that the transport map is Lipschitz, a strong requirement that, in particular, excludes any examples where the transport map is discontinuous. As a first step towards developing estimation procedures for discontinuous maps, we consider the important special case where the data distribution Q is a discrete measure supported on a finite number of points in mathbb R^d. We study a computationally efficient estimator initially proposed by Pooladian and Niles-Weed (2021), based on entropic optimal transport, and show in the semi-discrete setting that it converges at the minimax-optimal rate n^{-1/2}, independent of dimension. Other standard map estimation techniques both lack finite-sample guarantees in this setting and provably suffer from the curse of dimensionality. We confirm these results in numerical experiments, and provide experiments for other settings, not covered by our theory, which indicate that the entropic estimator is a promising methodology for other discontinuous transport map estimation problems. 3 authors · Jan 26, 2023
- SPTNet: An Efficient Alternative Framework for Generalized Category Discovery with Spatial Prompt Tuning Generalized Category Discovery (GCD) aims to classify unlabelled images from both `seen' and `unseen' classes by transferring knowledge from a set of labelled `seen' class images. A key theme in existing GCD approaches is adapting large-scale pre-trained models for the GCD task. An alternate perspective, however, is to adapt the data representation itself for better alignment with the pre-trained model. As such, in this paper, we introduce a two-stage adaptation approach termed SPTNet, which iteratively optimizes model parameters (i.e., model-finetuning) and data parameters (i.e., prompt learning). Furthermore, we propose a novel spatial prompt tuning method (SPT) which considers the spatial property of image data, enabling the method to better focus on object parts, which can transfer between seen and unseen classes. We thoroughly evaluate our SPTNet on standard benchmarks and demonstrate that our method outperforms existing GCD methods. Notably, we find our method achieves an average accuracy of 61.4% on the SSB, surpassing prior state-of-the-art methods by approximately 10%. The improvement is particularly remarkable as our method yields extra parameters amounting to only 0.117% of those in the backbone architecture. Project page: https://visual-ai.github.io/sptnet. 3 authors · Mar 20, 2024
- Lie Group Decompositions for Equivariant Neural Networks Invariance and equivariance to geometrical transformations have proven to be very useful inductive biases when training (convolutional) neural network models, especially in the low-data regime. Much work has focused on the case where the symmetry group employed is compact or abelian, or both. Recent work has explored enlarging the class of transformations used to the case of Lie groups, principally through the use of their Lie algebra, as well as the group exponential and logarithm maps. The applicability of such methods to larger transformation groups is limited by the fact that depending on the group of interest G, the exponential map may not be surjective. Further limitations are encountered when G is neither compact nor abelian. Using the structure and geometry of Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces, we present a framework by which it is possible to work with such groups primarily focusing on the Lie groups G = GL^{+}(n, R) and G = SL(n, R), as well as their representation as affine transformations R^{n} rtimes G. Invariant integration as well as a global parametrization is realized by decomposing the `larger` groups into subgroups and submanifolds which can be handled individually. Under this framework, we show how convolution kernels can be parametrized to build models equivariant with respect to affine transformations. We evaluate the robustness and out-of-distribution generalisation capability of our model on the standard affine-invariant benchmark classification task, where we outperform all previous equivariant models as well as all Capsule Network proposals. 2 authors · Oct 17, 2023
- Compositional Embeddings Using Complementary Partitions for Memory-Efficient Recommendation Systems Modern deep learning-based recommendation systems exploit hundreds to thousands of different categorical features, each with millions of different categories ranging from clicks to posts. To respect the natural diversity within the categorical data, embeddings map each category to a unique dense representation within an embedded space. Since each categorical feature could take on as many as tens of millions of different possible categories, the embedding tables form the primary memory bottleneck during both training and inference. We propose a novel approach for reducing the embedding size in an end-to-end fashion by exploiting complementary partitions of the category set to produce a unique embedding vector for each category without explicit definition. By storing multiple smaller embedding tables based on each complementary partition and combining embeddings from each table, we define a unique embedding for each category at smaller memory cost. This approach may be interpreted as using a specific fixed codebook to ensure uniqueness of each category's representation. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach over the hashing trick for reducing the size of the embedding tables in terms of model loss and accuracy, while retaining a similar reduction in the number of parameters. 4 authors · Sep 4, 2019
- Fullness of the Kuznetsov-Polishchuk exceptional collection for the spinor tenfold Kuznetsov and Polishchuk provided a general algorithm to construct exceptional collections of maximal length for homogeneous varieties of type A,B,C,D. We consider the case of the spinor tenfold and we prove that the corresponding collection is full, i.e. it generates the whole derived category of coherent sheaves. As a step of the proof, we construct some resolutions of homogeneous vector bundles which might be of independent interest. 2 authors · Jun 19, 2023
- Compositionality in algorithms for smoothing Backward Filtering Forward Guiding (BFFG) is a bidirectional algorithm proposed in Mider et al. [2021] and studied more in depth in a general setting in Van der Meulen and Schauer [2022]. In category theory, optics have been proposed for modelling systems with bidirectional data flow. We connect BFFG with optics and prove that different ways of composing the building blocks of BFFG correspond to equivalent optics. 2 authors · Mar 24, 2023
- Categorical Reparameterization with Gumbel-Softmax Categorical variables are a natural choice for representing discrete structure in the world. However, stochastic neural networks rarely use categorical latent variables due to the inability to backpropagate through samples. In this work, we present an efficient gradient estimator that replaces the non-differentiable sample from a categorical distribution with a differentiable sample from a novel Gumbel-Softmax distribution. This distribution has the essential property that it can be smoothly annealed into a categorical distribution. We show that our Gumbel-Softmax estimator outperforms state-of-the-art gradient estimators on structured output prediction and unsupervised generative modeling tasks with categorical latent variables, and enables large speedups on semi-supervised classification. 3 authors · Nov 3, 2016
- Smooth ECE: Principled Reliability Diagrams via Kernel Smoothing Calibration measures and reliability diagrams are two fundamental tools for measuring and interpreting the calibration of probabilistic predictors. Calibration measures quantify the degree of miscalibration, and reliability diagrams visualize the structure of this miscalibration. However, the most common constructions of reliability diagrams and calibration measures -- binning and ECE -- both suffer from well-known flaws (e.g. discontinuity). We show that a simple modification fixes both constructions: first smooth the observations using an RBF kernel, then compute the Expected Calibration Error (ECE) of this smoothed function. We prove that with a careful choice of bandwidth, this method yields a calibration measure that is well-behaved in the sense of (B{\l}asiok, Gopalan, Hu, and Nakkiran 2023a) -- a consistent calibration measure. We call this measure the SmoothECE. Moreover, the reliability diagram obtained from this smoothed function visually encodes the SmoothECE, just as binned reliability diagrams encode the BinnedECE. We also provide a Python package with simple, hyperparameter-free methods for measuring and plotting calibration: `pip install relplot\`. 2 authors · Sep 21, 2023
- The Minkowski Billiard Characterization of the EHZ-capacity of Convex Lagrangian Products We rigorously state the connection between the EHZ-capacity of convex Lagrangian products Ktimes TsubsetR^ntimesR^n and the minimal length of closed (K,T)-Minkowski billiard trajectories. This connection was made explicit for the first time by Artstein-Avidan and Ostrover under the assumption of smoothness and strict convexity of both K and T. We prove this connection in its full generality, i.e., without requiring any conditions on the convex bodies K and T. This prepares the computation of the EHZ-capacity of convex Lagrangian products of two convex polytopes by using discrete computational methods. 1 authors · Mar 3, 2022
2 All Weight Systems for Calabi-Yau Fourfolds from Reflexive Polyhedra For any given dimension d, all reflexive d-polytopes can be found (in principle) as subpolytopes of a number of maximal polyhedra that are defined in terms of (d+1)-tuples of integers (weights), or combinations of k-tuples of weights with k<d+1. We present the results of a complete classification of sextuples of weights pertaining to the construction of all reflexive polytopes in five dimensions. We find 322 383 760 930 such weight systems. 185 269 499 015 of them give rise directly to reflexive polytopes and thereby to mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau fourfolds. These lead to 532 600 483 distinct sets of Hodge numbers. 2 authors · Aug 7, 2018
- The algebra of higher homotopy operations We explain how the simplicial higher-order unstable homotopy operations defined in [BBS2] may be composed and inserted one in another, thus forming a coherent if complicated algebraic structure. 3 authors · Jul 22, 2023
- A category theory framework for Bayesian learning Inspired by the foundational works by Spivak and Fong and Cruttwell et al., we introduce a categorical framework to formalize Bayesian inference and learning. The two key ideas at play here are the notions of Bayesian inversions and the functor GL as constructed by Cruttwell et al.. In this context, we find that Bayesian learning is the simplest case of the learning paradigm. We then obtain categorical formulations of batch and sequential Bayes updates while also verifying that the two coincide in a specific example. 2 authors · Nov 28, 2021
- Fast, Stable and Efficient Approximation of Multi-parameter Persistence Modules with MMA In this article, we introduce a new parameterized family of topological invariants, taking the form of candidate decompositions, for multi-parameter persistence modules. We prove that our candidate decompositions are controllable approximations: when restricting to modules that can be decomposed into interval summands, we establish theoretical results about the approximation error between our candidate decompositions and the true underlying module in terms of the standard interleaving and bottleneck distances. Moreover, even when the underlying module does not admit such a decomposition, our candidate decompositions are nonetheless stable invariants; small perturbations in the underlying module lead to small perturbations in the candidate decomposition. Then, we introduce MMA (Multipersistence Module Approximation): an algorithm for computing stable instances of such invariants, which is based on fibered barcodes and exact matchings, two constructions that stem from the theory of single-parameter persistence. By design, MMA can handle an arbitrary number of filtrations, and has bounded complexity and running time. Finally, we present empirical evidence validating the generalization capabilities and running time speed-ups of MMA on several data sets. 3 authors · Jun 4, 2022
- Incremental Generalized Category Discovery We explore the problem of Incremental Generalized Category Discovery (IGCD). This is a challenging category incremental learning setting where the goal is to develop models that can correctly categorize images from previously seen categories, in addition to discovering novel ones. Learning is performed over a series of time steps where the model obtains new labeled and unlabeled data, and discards old data, at each iteration. The difficulty of the problem is compounded in our generalized setting as the unlabeled data can contain images from categories that may or may not have been observed before. We present a new method for IGCD which combines non-parametric categorization with efficient image sampling to mitigate catastrophic forgetting. To quantify performance, we propose a new benchmark dataset named iNatIGCD that is motivated by a real-world fine-grained visual categorization task. In our experiments we outperform existing related methods 2 authors · Apr 27, 2023