- Roto-translated Local Coordinate Frames For Interacting Dynamical Systems Modelling interactions is critical in learning complex dynamical systems, namely systems of interacting objects with highly non-linear and time-dependent behaviour. A large class of such systems can be formalized as geometric graphs, i.e., graphs with nodes positioned in the Euclidean space given an arbitrarily chosen global coordinate system, for instance vehicles in a traffic scene. Notwithstanding the arbitrary global coordinate system, the governing dynamics of the respective dynamical systems are invariant to rotations and translations, also known as Galilean invariance. As ignoring these invariances leads to worse generalization, in this work we propose local coordinate frames per node-object to induce roto-translation invariance to the geometric graph of the interacting dynamical system. Further, the local coordinate frames allow for a natural definition of anisotropic filtering in graph neural networks. Experiments in traffic scenes, 3D motion capture, and colliding particles demonstrate that the proposed approach comfortably outperforms the recent state-of-the-art. 3 authors · Oct 28, 2021
- Cybloids - Creation and Control of Cybernetic Colloids Colloids play an important role in fundamental science as well as in nature and technology. They have had a strong impact on the fundamental understanding of statistical physics. For example, colloids have helped to obtain a better understanding of collective phenomena, ranging from phase transitions and glass formation to the swarming of active Brownian particles. Yet the success of colloidal systems hinges crucially on the specific physical and chemical properties of the colloidal particles, i.e. particles with the appropriate characteristics must be available. Here we present an idea to create particles with freely selectable properties. The properties might depend, for example, on the presence of other particles (hence mimicking specific pair or many-body interactions), previous configurations (hence introducing some memory or feedback), or a directional bias (hence changing the dynamics). Without directly interfering with the sample, each particle is fully controlled and can receive external commands through a predefined algorithm that can take into account any input parameters. This is realized with computer-controlled colloids, which we term cybloids - short for cybernetic colloids. The potential of cybloids is illustrated by programming a time-delayed external potential acting on a single colloid and interaction potentials for many colloids. Both an attractive harmonic potential and an annular potential are implemented. For a single particle, this programming can cause subdiffusive behavior or lend activity. For many colloids, the programmed interaction potential allows to select a crystal structure at wish. Beyond these examples, we discuss further opportunities which cybloids offer. 4 authors · Aug 1, 2024
1 Critical scaling law for the deposition efficiency of inertia-driven particle collisions with a cylinder in high Reynolds number air flow The Earth's atmosphere is an aerosol, it contains suspended particles. When air flows over an obstacle such as an aircraft wing or tree branch, these particles may not follow the same paths as the air flowing around the obstacle. Instead the particles in the air may deviate from the path of the air and so collide with the surface of the obstacle. It is known that particle inertia can drive this deposition, and that there is a critical value of this inertia, below which no point particles deposit. Particle inertia is measured by the Stokes number, St. We show that near the critical value of the Stokes number, St_c, the amount of deposition has the unusual scaling law of exp(-1/(St-St_c)^{1/2}). The scaling is controlled by the stagnation point of the flow. This scaling is determined by the time for the particle to reach the surface of the cylinder varying as 1/(St-St_c)^{1/2}, together with the distance away from the stagnation point (perpendicular to the flow direction) increasing exponentially with time. The scaling law applies to inviscid flow, a model for flow at high Reynolds numbers. The unusual scaling means that the amount of particles deposited increases only very slowly above the critical Stokes number. This has consequences for applications ranging from rime formation and fog harvesting to pollination. 2 authors · Jan 3, 2023
- Stochastic acceleration in arbitrary astrophysical environments Turbulent magnetic fields are to some extent a universal feature in astrophysical phenomena. Charged particles that encounter these turbulence get on average accelerated according to the so-called second-order Fermi process. However, in most astrophysical environments there are additional competing processes, such as different kinds of first-order energy changes and particle escape, that effect the resulting momentum distribution of the particles. In this work we provide to our knowledge the first semi-analytical solution of the isotropic steady-state momentum diffusion equation including continuous and catastrophic momentum changes that can be applied to any arbitrary astrophysical system of interest. Here, we adopt that the assigned magnetic turbulence is constrained on a finite range and the particle flux vanishes beyond these boundaries. Consequently, we show that the so-called pile-up bump -- that has for some special cases long been established -- is a universal feature of stochastic acceleration that emerges around the momentum chi_{rm eq} where acceleration and continuous loss are in equilibrium if the particle's residence time in the system is sufficient at chi_{rm eq}. In general, the impact of continuous and catastrophic momentum changes plays a crucial role in the shape of the steady-state momentum distribution of the accelerated particles, where simplified unbroken power-law approximations are often not adequate. 2 authors · Nov 22, 2024
- Boundary Graph Neural Networks for 3D Simulations The abundance of data has given machine learning considerable momentum in natural sciences and engineering, though modeling of physical processes is often difficult. A particularly tough problem is the efficient representation of geometric boundaries. Triangularized geometric boundaries are well understood and ubiquitous in engineering applications. However, it is notoriously difficult to integrate them into machine learning approaches due to their heterogeneity with respect to size and orientation. In this work, we introduce an effective theory to model particle-boundary interactions, which leads to our new Boundary Graph Neural Networks (BGNNs) that dynamically modify graph structures to obey boundary conditions. The new BGNNs are tested on complex 3D granular flow processes of hoppers, rotating drums and mixers, which are all standard components of modern industrial machinery but still have complicated geometry. BGNNs are evaluated in terms of computational efficiency as well as prediction accuracy of particle flows and mixing entropies. BGNNs are able to accurately reproduce 3D granular flows within simulation uncertainties over hundreds of thousands of simulation timesteps. Most notably, in our experiments, particles stay within the geometric objects without using handcrafted conditions or restrictions. 6 authors · Jun 21, 2021
- Dark Matter Catalyzed Baryon Destruction WIMP-type dark matter may have additional interactions that break baryon number, leading to induced nucleon decays which are subject to direct experimental constraints from proton decay experiments. In this work, we analyze the possibility of continuous baryon destruction, deriving strong limits from the dark matter accumulating inside old neutron stars, as such a process leads to excess heat generation. We construct the simplest particle dark matter model that breaks baryon and lepton numbers separately but conserves B-L. Virtual exchange by DM particles in this model results in di-nucleon decay via nnto nbarnu and npto ne^+ processes. 4 authors · May 28, 2024
- Quantum algorithm for collisionless Boltzmann simulation of self-gravitating systems The collisionless Boltzmann equation (CBE) is a fundamental equation that governs the dynamics of a broad range of astrophysical systems from space plasma to star clusters and galaxies. It is computationally expensive to integrate the CBE directly in a multi-dimensional phase space, and thus the applications to realistic astrophysical problems have been limited so far. Recently, Todorova & Steijl (2020) proposed an efficient quantum algorithm to solve the CBE with significantly reduced computational complexity. We extend the algorithm to perform quantum simulations of self-gravitating systems, incorporating the method to calculate gravity with the major Fourier modes of the density distribution extracted from the solution-encoding quantum state. Our method improves the dependency of time and space complexities on Nv , the number of grid points in each velocity coordinate, compared to the classical simulation methods. We then conduct some numerical demonstrations of our method. We first run a 1+1 dimensional test calculation of free streaming motion on 64*64 grids using 13 simulated qubits and validate our method. We then perform simulations of Jeans collapse, and compare the result with analytic and linear theory calculations. It will thus allow us to perform large-scale CBE simulations on future quantum computers. 5 authors · Mar 29, 2023
- Quarks to Cosmos: Particles and Plasma in Cosmological evolution We describe in the context of the particle physics (PP) standard model (SM) `PP-SM' the understanding of the primordial properties and composition of the Universe in the temperature range 130GeV>T>20keV. The Universe evolution is described using FLRW cosmology. We present a global view on particle content across time and describe the different evolution eras using deceleration parameter q. We follow the arrow of time in the expanding and cooling Universe: After the PP-SM heavies (t, h, W, Z) diminish in abundance below Tsimeq 50GeV, the PP-SM plasma in the Universe is governed by the strongly interacting Quark-Gluon content. Once the temperature drops below Tsimeq 150MeV, quarks and gluons hadronize into strongly interacting matter particles. Rapid disappearance of baryonic antimatter completes at T_B=38.2MeV. We study the ensuing disappearance of strangeness and mesons in general. We show that the different eras defined by particle populations are barely separated from each other with abundance of muons fading out just prior to T=O(2.5)MeV, the era of emergence of the free-streaming neutrinos. We discuss the two relevant fundamental constants controlling the decoupling of neutrinos. We subsequently follow the primordial Universe as it passes through the hot dense electron-positron plasma epoch. The high density of positron antimatter disappears near T=20.3keV: Nuclear reactions occur in the presence of a highly mobile and relatively strongly interacting electron-positron plasma phase. We apply plasma theory methods to describe the strong screening effects between heavy dust particle (nucleons). We analyze the paramagnetic characteristics of the electron-positron plasma when exposed to an external primordial magnetic field. 5 authors · Sep 26, 2024
- Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Driven and Active Coulomb Field Theories The classical Coulomb gas model has served as one of the most versatile frameworks in statistical physics, connecting a vast range of phenomena across many different areas. Nonequilibrium generalisations of this model have so far been studied much more scarcely. With the abundance of contemporary research into active and driven systems, one would naturally expect that such generalisations of systems with long-ranged Coulomb-like interactions will form a fertile playground for interesting developments. Here, we present two examples of novel macroscopic behaviour that arise from nonequilibrium fluctuations in long-range interacting systems, namely (1) unscreened long-ranged correlations in strong electrolytes driven by an external electric field and the associated fluctuation-induced forces in the confined Casimir geometry, and (2) out-of-equilibrium critical behaviour in self-chemotactic models that incorporate the particle polarity in the chemotactic response of the cells. Both of these systems have nonlocal Coulomb-like interactions among their constituent particles, namely, the electrostatic interactions in the case of the driven electrolyte, and the chemotactic forces mediated by fast-diffusing signals in the case of self-chemotactic systems. The results presented here hint to the rich phenomenology of nonequilibrium effects that can arise from strong fluctuations in Coulomb interacting systems, and a rich variety of potential future directions, which are discussed. 2 authors · Jul 1, 2022
- A Review of NEST Models for Liquid Xenon and Exhaustive Comparison to Other Approaches This paper will discuss the microphysical simulation of interactions in liquid xenon, the active detector medium in many leading rare-event searches for new physics, and describe experimental observables useful for understanding detector performance. The scintillation and ionization yield distributions for signal and background will be presented using the Noble Element Simulation Technique (NEST), which is a toolkit based on experimental data and simple, empirical formulae, which mimic previous microphysics modeling, but are guided by data. The NEST models for light and charge production as a function of the particle type, energy, and electric field will be reviewed, as well as models for energy resolution and final pulse areas. NEST will be compared to other models or sets of models, and vetted against real data, with several specific examples pulled from XENON, ZEPLIN, LUX, LZ, PandaX, and table-top experiments used for calibrations. 26 authors · Nov 19, 2022
- Lake- and Surface-Based Detectors for Forward Neutrino Physics We propose two medium-baseline, kiloton-scale neutrino experiments to study neutrinos from LHC proton-proton collisions: SINE, a surface-based scintillator panel detector observing muon neutrinos from the CMS interaction point, and UNDINE, a water Cherenkov detector submerged in lake Geneva observing all-flavor neutrinos from LHCb. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, we estimate millions of neutrino interactions during the high-luminosity LHC era. We show that these datasets can constrain neutrino cross sections, charm production in pp collisions, and strangeness enhancement as a solution to the cosmic-ray muon puzzle. SINE and UNDINE thus offer a cost-effective medium-baseline complement to the proposed short-baseline forward physics facility. 5 authors · Jan 14
- 3D Gaussian Ray Tracing: Fast Tracing of Particle Scenes Particle-based representations of radiance fields such as 3D Gaussian Splatting have found great success for reconstructing and re-rendering of complex scenes. Most existing methods render particles via rasterization, projecting them to screen space tiles for processing in a sorted order. This work instead considers ray tracing the particles, building a bounding volume hierarchy and casting a ray for each pixel using high-performance GPU ray tracing hardware. To efficiently handle large numbers of semi-transparent particles, we describe a specialized rendering algorithm which encapsulates particles with bounding meshes to leverage fast ray-triangle intersections, and shades batches of intersections in depth-order. The benefits of ray tracing are well-known in computer graphics: processing incoherent rays for secondary lighting effects such as shadows and reflections, rendering from highly-distorted cameras common in robotics, stochastically sampling rays, and more. With our renderer, this flexibility comes at little cost compared to rasterization. Experiments demonstrate the speed and accuracy of our approach, as well as several applications in computer graphics and vision. We further propose related improvements to the basic Gaussian representation, including a simple use of generalized kernel functions which significantly reduces particle hit counts. 9 authors · Jul 9, 2024
- Low-energy Injection and Nonthermal Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Magnetic Turbulence Relativistic magnetic turbulence has been proposed as a process for producing nonthermal particles in high-energy astrophysics. Particle energization may be contributed by both magnetic reconnection and turbulent fluctuations, but their interplay is poorly understood. It has been suggested that during magnetic reconnection the parallel electric field dominates particle acceleration up to the lower bound of the power-law particle spectrum, but recent studies show that electric fields perpendicular to magnetic field can play an important, if not dominant role. In this study, we carry out 2D fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of magnetically dominated decaying turbulence in a relativistic pair plasma. For a fixed magnetization parameter sigma_0=20, we find that the injection energy {varepsilon}_{rm inj} converges with increasing domain size to {varepsilon}_{rm inj}simeq 10m_ec^2. In contrast, the power-law index, the cut-off energy, and the power-law extent increase steadily with domain size. We trace a large number of particles and evaluate the contributions of the work done by the parallel (W_parallel) and perpendicular (W_perp) electric fields during both the injection phase and the post-injection phase. We find that during the injection phase, the W_perp contribution increases with domain size, suggesting that it may eventually dominate injection for a sufficiently large domain. In contrast, both components contribute equally during the post-injection phase, insensitive to the domain size. For high energy ({varepsilon}varepsilon_{rm inj}) particles, W_perp dominates the subsequent energization. These findings may improve our understanding of nonthermal particles and their emissions in astrophysical plasmas. 4 authors · Apr 29, 2024
1 Physically Embodied Gaussian Splatting: A Realtime Correctable World Model for Robotics For robots to robustly understand and interact with the physical world, it is highly beneficial to have a comprehensive representation - modelling geometry, physics, and visual observations - that informs perception, planning, and control algorithms. We propose a novel dual Gaussian-Particle representation that models the physical world while (i) enabling predictive simulation of future states and (ii) allowing online correction from visual observations in a dynamic world. Our representation comprises particles that capture the geometrical aspect of objects in the world and can be used alongside a particle-based physics system to anticipate physically plausible future states. Attached to these particles are 3D Gaussians that render images from any viewpoint through a splatting process thus capturing the visual state. By comparing the predicted and observed images, our approach generates visual forces that correct the particle positions while respecting known physical constraints. By integrating predictive physical modelling with continuous visually-derived corrections, our unified representation reasons about the present and future while synchronizing with reality. Our system runs in realtime at 30Hz using only 3 cameras. We validate our approach on 2D and 3D tracking tasks as well as photometric reconstruction quality. Videos are found at https://embodied-gaussians.github.io/. 4 authors · Jun 15, 2024
- MovingParts: Motion-based 3D Part Discovery in Dynamic Radiance Field We present MovingParts, a NeRF-based method for dynamic scene reconstruction and part discovery. We consider motion as an important cue for identifying parts, that all particles on the same part share the common motion pattern. From the perspective of fluid simulation, existing deformation-based methods for dynamic NeRF can be seen as parameterizing the scene motion under the Eulerian view, i.e., focusing on specific locations in space through which the fluid flows as time passes. However, it is intractable to extract the motion of constituting objects or parts using the Eulerian view representation. In this work, we introduce the dual Lagrangian view and enforce representations under the Eulerian/Lagrangian views to be cycle-consistent. Under the Lagrangian view, we parameterize the scene motion by tracking the trajectory of particles on objects. The Lagrangian view makes it convenient to discover parts by factorizing the scene motion as a composition of part-level rigid motions. Experimentally, our method can achieve fast and high-quality dynamic scene reconstruction from even a single moving camera, and the induced part-based representation allows direct applications of part tracking, animation, 3D scene editing, etc. 6 authors · Mar 10, 2023
- Latent Field Discovery In Interacting Dynamical Systems With Neural Fields Systems of interacting objects often evolve under the influence of field effects that govern their dynamics, yet previous works have abstracted away from such effects, and assume that systems evolve in a vacuum. In this work, we focus on discovering these fields, and infer them from the observed dynamics alone, without directly observing them. We theorize the presence of latent force fields, and propose neural fields to learn them. Since the observed dynamics constitute the net effect of local object interactions and global field effects, recently popularized equivariant networks are inapplicable, as they fail to capture global information. To address this, we propose to disentangle local object interactions -- which are SE(n) equivariant and depend on relative states -- from external global field effects -- which depend on absolute states. We model interactions with equivariant graph networks, and combine them with neural fields in a novel graph network that integrates field forces. Our experiments show that we can accurately discover the underlying fields in charged particles settings, traffic scenes, and gravitational n-body problems, and effectively use them to learn the system and forecast future trajectories. 4 authors · Oct 31, 2023
- Snowmass 2021 Computational Frontier CompF03 Topical Group Report: Machine Learning The rapidly-developing intersection of machine learning (ML) with high-energy physics (HEP) presents both opportunities and challenges to our community. Far beyond applications of standard ML tools to HEP problems, genuinely new and potentially revolutionary approaches are being developed by a generation of talent literate in both fields. There is an urgent need to support the needs of the interdisciplinary community driving these developments, including funding dedicated research at the intersection of the two fields, investing in high-performance computing at universities and tailoring allocation policies to support this work, developing of community tools and standards, and providing education and career paths for young researchers attracted by the intellectual vitality of machine learning for high energy physics. 3 authors · Sep 15, 2022
- Two-photon interference: the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect Nearly 30 years ago, two-photon interference was observed, marking the beginning of a new quantum era. Indeed, two-photon interference has no classical analogue, giving it a distinct advantage for a range of applications. The peculiarities of quantum physics may now be used to our advantage to outperform classical computations, securely communicate information, simulate highly complex physical systems and increase the sensitivity of precise measurements. This separation from classical to quantum physics has motivated physicists to study two-particle interference for both fermionic and bosonic quantum objects. So far, two-particle interference has been observed with massive particles, among others, such as electrons and atoms, in addition to plasmons, demonstrating the extent of this effect to larger and more complex quantum systems. A wide array of novel applications to this quantum effect is to be expected in the future. This review will thus cover the progress and applications of two-photon (two-particle) interference over the last three decades. 8 authors · Jun 16, 2020
2 Learning 3D Particle-based Simulators from RGB-D Videos Realistic simulation is critical for applications ranging from robotics to animation. Traditional analytic simulators sometimes struggle to capture sufficiently realistic simulation which can lead to problems including the well known "sim-to-real" gap in robotics. Learned simulators have emerged as an alternative for better capturing real-world physical dynamics, but require access to privileged ground truth physics information such as precise object geometry or particle tracks. Here we propose a method for learning simulators directly from observations. Visual Particle Dynamics (VPD) jointly learns a latent particle-based representation of 3D scenes, a neural simulator of the latent particle dynamics, and a renderer that can produce images of the scene from arbitrary views. VPD learns end to end from posed RGB-D videos and does not require access to privileged information. Unlike existing 2D video prediction models, we show that VPD's 3D structure enables scene editing and long-term predictions. These results pave the way for downstream applications ranging from video editing to robotic planning. 7 authors · Dec 8, 2023
- Detecting LHC Neutrinos at Surface Level The first direct detection of neutrinos at the LHC not only marks the beginning of a novel collider neutrino program at CERN but also motivates considering additional neutrino detectors to fully exploit the associated physics potential. We investigate the feasibility and physics potential of neutrino experiments located at the surface-level. A topographic desk study was performed to identify all points at which the LHC's neutrino beams exit the earth. The closest location lies about 9 km east of the CMS interaction point, at the bottom of Lake Geneva. Several detectors to be placed at this location are considered, including a water Cherenkov detector and an emulsion detector. The detector concepts are introduced, and projections for their contribution to the LHC forward neutrino program and searches for dark sector particles are presented. However, the dilution of the neutrino flux over distance reduces the neutrino yield significantly, limiting the physics potential of surface-level detectors compared to ones closer to the interaction point, including the proposed FPF. 8 authors · Jan 10
- e^+ e^- to μ^+ μ^- in the Asymptotically Safe Standard Model We study the electron-positron to muon--anti-muon cross-section in the asymptotically safe Standard Model. In particular, we include the graviton contributions to the scattering amplitude, which is computed from momentum-dependent time-like one-particle-irreducible correlation functions. Specifically, we employ reconstruction techniques for the graviton spectral functions. We find that the full asymptotically safe quantum cross section decreases in the ultraviolet with the centre-of-mass energy, and is compatible with unitarity bounds. Importantly, our findings provide non-trivial evidence for the unitarity of the asymptotically safe Standard Model. 4 authors · Dec 18, 2024
- Full Transport General Relativistic Radiation Magnetohydrodynamics for Nucleosynthesis in Collapsars We model a compact black hole-accretion disk system in the collapsar scenario with full transport, frequency dependent, general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics. We examine whether or not winds from a collapsar disk can undergo rapid neutron capture (r-process) nucleosynthesis and significantly contribute to solar r-process abundances. We find the inclusion of accurate transport has significant effects on outflows, raising the electron fraction above Y_{rm e} sim 0.3 and preventing third peak r-process material from being synthesized. We analyze the time-evolution of neutrino processes and electron fraction in the disk and present a simple one-dimensional model for the vertical structure that emerges. We compare our simulation to semi-analytic expectations and argue that accurate neutrino transport and realistic initial and boundary conditions are required to capture the dynamics and nucleosynthetic outcome of a collapsar. 7 authors · Dec 6, 2019
1 Quantifying the Rise and Fall of Complexity in Closed Systems: The Coffee Automaton In contrast to entropy, which increases monotonically, the "complexity" or "interestingness" of closed systems seems intuitively to increase at first and then decrease as equilibrium is approached. For example, our universe lacked complex structures at the Big Bang and will also lack them after black holes evaporate and particles are dispersed. This paper makes an initial attempt to quantify this pattern. As a model system, we use a simple, two-dimensional cellular automaton that simulates the mixing of two liquids ("coffee" and "cream"). A plausible complexity measure is then the Kolmogorov complexity of a coarse-grained approximation of the automaton's state, which we dub the "apparent complexity." We study this complexity measure, and show analytically that it never becomes large when the liquid particles are non-interacting. By contrast, when the particles do interact, we give numerical evidence that the complexity reaches a maximum comparable to the "coffee cup's" horizontal dimension. We raise the problem of proving this behavior analytically. 3 authors · May 27, 2014
- HyperTrack: Neural Combinatorics for High Energy Physics Combinatorial inverse problems in high energy physics span enormous algorithmic challenges. This work presents a new deep learning driven clustering algorithm that utilizes a space-time non-local trainable graph constructor, a graph neural network, and a set transformer. The model is trained with loss functions at the graph node, edge and object level, including contrastive learning and meta-supervision. The algorithm can be applied to problems such as charged particle tracking, calorimetry, pile-up discrimination, jet physics, and beyond. We showcase the effectiveness of this cutting-edge AI approach through particle tracking simulations. The code is available online. 1 authors · Sep 25, 2023
- Dynamical evolution of massless particles in star clusters with NBODY6++GPU-MASSLESS: I. Free-floating MLPs Context. Low-mass bodies, such as comets, asteroids, planetesimals, and free-floating planets, are continuously injected into the intra-cluster environment after expulsion from their host planetary systems. These can be modeled as massless particles (MLPs, hereafter). The dynamics of large populations of MLPs, however, has yet received little attention in literature. Aims. We investigate the dynamical evolution of MLP populations in star clusters, and characterize their kinematics and ejection rates. Methods. We present NBODY6++GPU-MASSLESS, a modified version of the N-body simulation code NBODY6++GPU, that allows fast integration of star clusters that contain large numbers of massless particles (MLPs). NBODY6++GPU-MASSLESS contains routines specifically directed at the dynamical evolution of low-mass bodies, such as planets. Results. Unlike stars, MLPs do not participate in the mass segregation process. Instead, MLPs mostly follow the gravitational potential of the star cluster, which gradually decreases over time due to stellar ejections and stellar evolution. The dynamical evolution of MLPs is primarily affected by the evolution of the core of the star cluster. This is most apparent in the outer regions for clusters with higher initial densities. High escape rates of MLPs are observed before the core-collapse, after which escape rates remain stable. Denser star clusters undergo a more intense core collapse, but this does not impact the dynamical evolution of MLPs. The speeds of escaping stars are similar to those of escaping MLPs, when disregarding the high-velocity ejections of neutron stars during the first 50 Myr. 5 authors · Dec 11, 2024
- The S2 orbit and tidally disrupted binaries: indications for collisional depletion in the Galactic center The properties of the stellar cluster surrounding Sagittarius A* can be assessed indirectly through the motion of the S-stars. Specifically, the current accuracy to which the prograde precession of the S2 star is measured allows to place significant constraints on the extended mass enclosed by its orbit. We suggest that high velocity destructive collisions (DCs) offer a natural mechanism for depleting the mass inside the S2 orbit, thus allowing to reconcile the measured precession and the existence of a dense stellar cluster. Such a solution is especially necessary when considering that stars are supplied to the inner part of the cluster by both dynamical relaxation and by stars being captured in tight orbits during tidal disruption of binaries. We use analytic arguments and results from simulations to demonstrate that in order to obtain a precession that is consistent with observations, collisional depletion is necessary if the capture rate is greater than a few 10^{-6} yr^{-1}. We also show that fluctuations arising from the finite number of stars cannot serve as an alternative to DCs for generating consistency with the observed S2 precession. We conclude that astrometric observations of the S-stars provide a meaningful indication that the inner part of our galactic center is shaped by collisional depletion, supporting the hypothesis that DCs occur in galactic nuclei at an astrophysically significant rate. 2 authors · Dec 10, 2024
- Prompt emission of relativistic protons up to GeV energies from M6.4-class solar flare on July 17, 2023 We show evidence of particle acceleration at GEV energies associated directly with protons from the prompt emission of a long-duration M6-class solar flare on July 17, 2023, rather than from protons acceleration by shocks from its associated Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), which erupted with a speed of 1342 km/s. Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) accelerated by the blast have reached Earth, up to an almost S3 (strong) category of a radiation storm on the NOAA scale. Also, we show a temporal correlation between the fast rising of GOES-16 proton and muon excess at ground level in the count rate of the New-Tupi muon detector at the central SAA region. A Monte Carlo spectral analysis based on muon excess at New-Tupi is consistent with the acceleration of electrons and protons (ions) up to relativistic energies (GeV energy range) in the impulsive phase of the flare. In addition, we present another two marginal particle excesses (with low confidence) at ground-level detectors in correlation with the solar flare prompt emission. 3 authors · Nov 28, 2023
- Short-Term Evolution and Risks of Debris Cloud Stemming from Collisions in Geostationary Orbit The increasing population of objects in geostationary orbit has raised concerns about the potential risks posed by debris clouds resulting from fragmentation. The short-term evolution and associated hazards of debris generated by collisions in the geostationary region is investigated in this study. The initial distribution of two debris clouds is modeled using a single probability density function.The combined distribution of the evolved clouds is determined by solving boundary value problems.The risks associated with these debris clouds are evaluated by calculating the instantaneous impact rate and cumulative collision probability.The probability of collisions with millimeter-sized fragments may increase to 1% within 36 hours, while the probability of collisions with fragments 5 cm or larger is approximately 10^{-5}.These findings underscore the vulnerability of the geostationary region to space traffic accidents. 6 authors · Dec 18, 2024
- Information divergences to parametrize astrophysical uncertainties in dark matter direct detection Astrophysical uncertainties in dark matter direct detection experiments are typically addressed by parametrizing the velocity distribution in terms of a few uncertain parameters that vary around some central values. Here we propose a method to optimize over all velocity distributions lying within a given distance measure from a central distribution. We discretize the dark matter velocity distribution as a superposition of streams, and use a variety of information divergences to parametrize its uncertainties. With this, we bracket the limits on the dark matter-nucleon and dark matter-electron scattering cross sections, when the true dark matter velocity distribution deviates from the commonly assumed Maxwell-Boltzmann form. The methodology pursued is general and could be applied to other physics scenarios where a given physical observable depends on a function that is uncertain. 2 authors · Mar 7, 2024
- Letter of Intent: The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) Neutron tagging in Gadolinium-doped water may play a significant role in reducing backgrounds from atmospheric neutrinos in next generation proton-decay searches using megaton-scale Water Cherenkov detectors. Similar techniques might also be useful in the detection of supernova neutrinos. Accurate determination of neutron tagging efficiencies will require a detailed understanding of the number of neutrons produced by neutrino interactions in water as a function of momentum transferred. We propose the Atmospheric Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE), designed to measure the neutron yield of atmospheric neutrino interactions in gadolinium-doped water. An innovative aspect of the ANNIE design is the use of precision timing to localize interaction vertices in the small fiducial volume of the detector. We propose to achieve this by using early production of LAPPDs (Large Area Picosecond Photodetectors). This experiment will be a first application of these devices demonstrating their feasibility for Water Cherenkov neutrino detectors. 33 authors · Apr 7, 2015
- Expression of Interest: The Atmospheric Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) Neutron tagging in Gadolinium-doped water may play a significant role in reducing backgrounds from atmospheric neutrinos in next generation proton-decay searches using megaton-scale Water Cherenkov detectors. Similar techniques might also be useful in the detection of supernova neutrinos. Accurate determination of neutron tagging efficiencies will require a detailed understanding of the number of neutrons produced by neutrino interactions in water as a function of momentum transferred. We propose the Atmospheric Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE), designed to measure the neutron yield of atmospheric neutrino interactions in gadolinium-doped water. An innovative aspect of the ANNIE design is the use of precision timing to localize interaction vertices in the small fiducial volume of the detector. We propose to achieve this by using early production of LAPPDs (Large Area Picosecond Photodetectors). This experiment will be a first application of these devices demonstrating their feasibility for Water Cherenkov neutrino detectors. 25 authors · Feb 26, 2014
- Deep learning probability flows and entropy production rates in active matter Active matter systems, from self-propelled colloids to motile bacteria, are characterized by the conversion of free energy into useful work at the microscopic scale. These systems generically involve physics beyond the reach of equilibrium statistical mechanics, and a persistent challenge has been to understand the nature of their nonequilibrium states. The entropy production rate and the magnitude of the steady-state probability current provide quantitative ways to do so by measuring the breakdown of time-reversal symmetry and the strength of nonequilibrium transport of measure. Yet, their efficient computation has remained elusive, as they depend on the system's unknown and high-dimensional probability density. Here, building upon recent advances in generative modeling, we develop a deep learning framework that estimates the score of this density. We show that the score, together with the microscopic equations of motion, gives direct access to the entropy production rate, the probability current, and their decomposition into local contributions from individual particles, spatial regions, and degrees of freedom. To represent the score, we introduce a novel, spatially-local transformer-based network architecture that learns high-order interactions between particles while respecting their underlying permutation symmetry. We demonstrate the broad utility and scalability of the method by applying it to several high-dimensional systems of interacting active particles undergoing motility-induced phase separation (MIPS). We show that a single instance of our network trained on a system of 4096 particles at one packing fraction can generalize to other regions of the phase diagram, including systems with as many as 32768 particles. We use this observation to quantify the spatial structure of the departure from equilibrium in MIPS as a function of the number of particles and the packing fraction. 2 authors · Sep 22, 2023
- Posterior Sampling Based on Gradient Flows of the MMD with Negative Distance Kernel We propose conditional flows of the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) with the negative distance kernel for posterior sampling and conditional generative modeling. This MMD, which is also known as energy distance, has several advantageous properties like efficient computation via slicing and sorting. We approximate the joint distribution of the ground truth and the observations using discrete Wasserstein gradient flows and establish an error bound for the posterior distributions. Further, we prove that our particle flow is indeed a Wasserstein gradient flow of an appropriate functional. The power of our method is demonstrated by numerical examples including conditional image generation and inverse problems like superresolution, inpainting and computed tomography in low-dose and limited-angle settings. 6 authors · Oct 4, 2023
- Charged lepton flavor violation in light of the muon magnetic moment anomaly and colliders Any observation of charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) implies the existence of new physics beyond the SM in charged lepton sector. CLFV interactions may also contribute to the muon magnetic moment and explain the discrepancy between the SM prediction and the recent muon g-2 precision measurement at Fermilab. We consider the most general SM gauge invariant Lagrangian of Delta L=0 bileptons with CLFV couplings and investigate the interplay of low-energy precision experiments and colliders in light of the muon magnetic moment anomaly. We go beyond previous work by demonstrating the sensitivity of the LHC, the MACE experiment, a proposed muonium-antimuonium conversion experiment, and a muon collider. Currently-available LHC data is already able to probe unexplored parameter space via the CLFV process pptogamma^*/Z^*to ell_1^pm ell_1^pm ell_2^mp ell_2^mp. 4 authors · Apr 9, 2021
- Polytropic Behavior in Corotating Interaction Regions: Evidence of Alfvénic Heating Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) are recurring structures in the solar wind, characterized by interactions between fast and slow solar wind streams that compress and heat plasma. This study investigates the polytropic behavior of distinct regions in and around CIRs: uncompressed slow solar wind, compressed slow solar wind, compressed fast solar wind, and uncompressed fast solar wind. Using Wind spacecraft data and an established methodology for calculating the polytropic index ({\gamma}), we analyze 117 CIR events. Results indicate varying {\gamma} values across regions, with heating observed in compressed regions driven by Alfv\'en wave dissipation originating from fast streams. In the uncompressed fast solar wind, {\gamma} exceeds adiabatic values the most and correlates well with strong Alfv\'enic wave activity. 8 authors · Feb 19
- To the origin of the difference of FSI phases in Btoππ and Btoρρ decays The final state interactions (FSI) model in which soft rescattering of low mass intermediate states dominates is suggested. It explains why the strong interaction phases are large in the B_dtopipi channel and are considerably smaller in the B_dtorhorho one. Direct CP asymmetries of B_dtopipi decays which are determined by FSI phases are considered as well. 2 authors · Apr 3, 2007
- The Quest for the Origins of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays Significant progress has been made over the past decades towards unveiling the sources of the most energetic particles in nature, the ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). Despite these advancements, the exact astrophysical sites capable of accelerating these particles to such extreme energies remain largely unknown. Moreover, the mechanisms by which they achieve these extreme energies are poorly understood. Here, I provide a concise overview of the theory underlying the acceleration and propagation of UHECRs. I then critically discuss three recent results that could help unveil their origins: the reported excess around Centaurus A, the correlation with starburst galaxies, and the efforts to jointly model the energy spectrum, composition, and arrival directions. Finally, I discuss strategies for advancing this field, emphasising the need for refined theoretical models, the challenges in building them, and the potential for new observatories to shed light on the mysteries of UHECRs. 1 authors · Dec 22, 2024
- Detection asymmetry in solar energetic particle events Context. Solar energetic particles (SEPs) are detected in interplanetary space in association with flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at the Sun. The magnetic connection between the observing spacecraft and the solar active region (AR) source of the event is a key parameter in determining whether SEPs are observed and the properties of the particle event. Aims. We investigate whether an east-west asymmetry in the detection of SEP events is present in observations and discuss its possible link to corotation of magnetic flux tubes with the Sun. Methods. We used a published dataset of 239 CMEs recorded between 2006 and 2017 and having source regions both on the front side and far side of the Sun as seen from Earth. We produced distributions of occurrence of in-situ SEP intensity enhancements associated with the CME events, versus \Delta \phi, the separation in longitude between the source active region and the magnetic footpoint of the observing spacecraft based on the nominal Parker spiral. We focused on protons of energy >10 MeV measured by the STEREO A, STEREO B and GOES spacecraft at 1 au. We also considered the occurrence of 71-112 keV electron events detected by MESSENGER between 0.31 and 0.47 au. Results. We find an east-west asymmetry in the detection of >10 MeV proton events and of 71-112 keV electron events. For protons, observers for which the source AR is on the east side of the spacecraft footpoint and not well connected (-180 < \Delta \phi < -40) are 93% more likely to detect an SEP event compared to observers with +40 < \Delta \phi < +180. The asymmetry may be a signature of corotation of magnetic flux tubes with the Sun, given that for events with \Delta \phi < 0 corotation sweeps the particle-filled flux tubes towards the observing spacecraft, while for \Delta \phi > 0 it takes them away from it. 9 authors · Nov 12, 2024
- Constraints on Cosmic Rays Acceleration in Bright Gamma-ray Bursts with Observations of Fermi Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are widely suggested as potential sources of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). The kinetic energy of the jets dissipates, leading to the production of an enormous amount of gamma-ray photons and possibly also the acceleration of protons. The accelerated protons will interact with the radiation of the GRB via the photomeson and Bethe-Heitler processes, which can initiate electromagnetic cascades. This process can give rise to broadband radiation up to the GeV-TeV gamma-ray regime. The expected gamma-ray flux from cascades depends on properties of the GRB jet, such as the dissipation radius R_{rm diss}, the bulk Lorentz factor Gamma, and the baryon loading factor eta_p. Therefore, observations of Fermi-LAT can impose constraints on these important parameters. In this study, we select 12 GRBs of high keV-MeV fluence and constrain the baryon loading factor, under different combinations of the bulk Lorentz factor and the dissipation radius based on Fermi-LAT's measurements. Our findings indicate a strong constraint of eta_p<10 for most selected GRBs over a large parameter space except for large dissipation radii (gtrsim 10^{15}rm cm) and high bulk Lorentz factors (gtrsim 600). The constraint is comparable to, and in some GRBs even stronger than, that from high-energy neutrinos for stacked GRBs. Our results suggest that for typical bulk Lorentz factor of several hundreds, the dissipation radii of GRBs need be large to avoid overshooting the GeV gamma-ray flux during the prompt emission phase of GRBs, which can be used to constrain GRBs. 6 authors · Jan 16
- Discovering heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations at the Z-pole Collider-testable type I seesaw extensions of the Standard Model are generally protected by an approximate lepton number (LN) symmetry. Consequently, they predict pseudo-Dirac heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) composed of two nearly degenerate Majorana fields. The interference between the two mass eigenstates can induce heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations (NNOs) leading to observable lepton number violation (LNV), even though the LN symmetry is approximately conserved. These NNOs could be resolved in long-lived HNL searches at collider experiments, such as the proposed Future Circular e^+e^- Collider (FCC-ee) or Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). However, during their Z-pole runs, the LN carried away by the light (anti)neutrinos produced alongside the HNLs prevents LNV from being observed directly. Nevertheless, NNOs materialise as oscillating signatures in final state distributions. We discuss and compare a selection of such oscillating observables, and perform a Monte Carlo simulation to assess the parameter space in which NNOs could be resolved. 3 authors · Aug 2, 2024
- Anatomy of singlet-doublet dark matter relic: annihilation, co-annihilation, co-scattering, and freeze-in The singlet-doublet vector-like fermion dark matter model has been extensively studied in the literature over the past decade. An important parameter in this model is the singlet-doublet mixing angle (sintheta). All the previous studies have primarily focused on annihilation and co-annihilation processes for obtaining the correct dark matter relic density, assuming that the singlet and doublet components decouple at the same epoch. In this work, we demonstrate that this assumption holds only for larger mixing angles with a dependency on the mass of the dark matter. However, it badly fails for the mixing angle sintheta<0.05. We present a systematic study of the parameter space of the singlet-doublet dark matter relic, incorporating annihilation, co-annihilation, and, for the first time, co-scattering processes. Additionally, the freeze-in parameter space is also explored. We found that due to the inclusion of co-scattering processes, the correct relic density parameter space is shifted towards the detection sensitivity range of the LHC and MATHUSLA via displaced vertex signatures. 3 authors · Dec 3, 2024
10 Scaling Up Diffusion and Flow-based XGBoost Models Novel machine learning methods for tabular data generation are often developed on small datasets which do not match the scale required for scientific applications. We investigate a recent proposal to use XGBoost as the function approximator in diffusion and flow-matching models on tabular data, which proved to be extremely memory intensive, even on tiny datasets. In this work, we conduct a critical analysis of the existing implementation from an engineering perspective, and show that these limitations are not fundamental to the method; with better implementation it can be scaled to datasets 370x larger than previously used. Our efficient implementation also unlocks scaling models to much larger sizes which we show directly leads to improved performance on benchmark tasks. We also propose algorithmic improvements that can further benefit resource usage and model performance, including multi-output trees which are well-suited to generative modeling. Finally, we present results on large-scale scientific datasets derived from experimental particle physics as part of the Fast Calorimeter Simulation Challenge. Code is available at https://github.com/layer6ai-labs/calo-forest. 2 authors · Aug 28, 2024 2
- Self-limiting stacks of curvature-frustrated colloidal plates: Roles of intra-particle versus inter-particle deformations In geometrically frustrated assemblies local inter-subunit misfits propagate to intra-assembly strain gradients, giving rise to anomalous self-limiting assembly thermodynamics. Here, we use theory and coarse-grained simulation to study a recently developed class of ``curvamer'' particles, flexible shell-like particles that exhibit self-limiting assembly due to the build up of curvature deformation in cohesive stacks. To address a generic, yet poorly understood aspect of frustrated assembly, we introduce a model of curvamer assembly that incorporates both {\it intra-particle} shape deformation as well as compliance of {\it inter-particle} cohesive gaps, an effect we can attribute to a {\it finite range of attraction} between particles. We show that the ratio of intra-particle (bending elasticity) to inter-particle stiffness not only controls the regimes of self-limitation but also the nature of frustration propagation through curvamer stacks. We find a transition from uniformly-bound, curvature-focusing stacks at small size to gap-opened, uniformly curved stacks at large size is controlled by a dimensionless measure of inter- versus intra-curvamer stiffness. The finite range of inter-particle attraction determines range of cohesion in stacks are self-limiting, a prediction which is in strong agreement with numerical studies of our coarse-grained colloidal model. These predictions provide critical guidance for experimental realizations of frustrated particle systems designed to exhibit self-limitation at especially large multi-particle scales. 3 authors · Mar 3, 2024
- Note: Stokes-Einstein relation without hydrodynamic diameter in the TIP4P/Ice water model It is demonstrated that self-diffusion and shear viscosity data for the TIP4P/Ice water model reported recently [L. Baran, W. Rzysko and L. MacDowell, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 158}, 064503 (2023)] obey the microscopic version of the Stokes-Einstein relation without the hydrodynamic diameter. 2 authors · Aug 1, 2023
- Disentangling axion-like particle couplings to nucleons via a delayed signal in Super-Kamiokande from a future supernova In this work, we show that, if axion-like particles (ALPs) from core-collapse supernovae (SNe) couple to protons, they would produce very characteristic signatures in neutrino water Cherenkov detectors through their scattering off free protons via a , p rightarrow p , gamma interactions. Specifically, sub-MeV ALPs would generate photons with energies sim 30 MeV, which could be observed by Super-Kamiokande and Hyper-Kamiokande as a delayed signal after a future detection of SN neutrinos. We apply this to a hypothetical neighbouring SN (at a maximum distance of 100 kpc) and demonstrate that the region in the parameter space with ALP masses between 10^{-4} MeV and 1 MeV and ALP-proton couplings in the range 3 times 10^{-6}-4 times 10^{-5} could be probed. We argue that this new signature, combined with the one expected at sim 7 MeV from oxygen de-excitation, would allow us to disentangle ALP-neutron and ALP-proton couplings. 4 authors · Dec 27, 2024
- Stellar evolution and axion-like particles: new constraints and hints from globular clusters in the GAIA DR3 data Axion-like particles (ALPs) are hypothetical pseudoscalar bosons, natural in extensions of the Standard Model. Their interactions with ordinary matter and radiation are suppressed, making it challenging to detect them in laboratory experiments. However, these particles, produced within stellar interiors, can provide an additional mechanism for energy loss, potentially influencing stellar evolution. Prominent methods for searching for such effects involve measuring the properties of red giants and helium-burning stars in globular clusters (GCs). Here we use published catalogs of stars selected as members of seven GCs on the basis of parallaxes and proper motions measured by Gaia (Data Realease 3). Making use of previously derived theoretical relations and the new data, we find the upper limit on the ALP-electron coupling, g_{ae}<5.2*10^{-14} (95% CL), and an indication (3.3 sigma) to nonzero ALP-photon coupling, g_{a\gamma}=(6.5+1.1-1.3)*10^{-11} GeV^{-1}. Given the precision of contemporary observational data, it is imperative to refine ALP constraints through more sophisticated analyses, which will be explored in detail elsewhere. 1 authors · Oct 3, 2024
1 AirPhyNet: Harnessing Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Air Quality Prediction Air quality prediction and modelling plays a pivotal role in public health and environment management, for individuals and authorities to make informed decisions. Although traditional data-driven models have shown promise in this domain, their long-term prediction accuracy can be limited, especially in scenarios with sparse or incomplete data and they often rely on black-box deep learning structures that lack solid physical foundation leading to reduced transparency and interpretability in predictions. To address these limitations, this paper presents a novel approach named Physics guided Neural Network for Air Quality Prediction (AirPhyNet). Specifically, we leverage two well-established physics principles of air particle movement (diffusion and advection) by representing them as differential equation networks. Then, we utilize a graph structure to integrate physics knowledge into a neural network architecture and exploit latent representations to capture spatio-temporal relationships within the air quality data. Experiments on two real-world benchmark datasets demonstrate that AirPhyNet outperforms state-of-the-art models for different testing scenarios including different lead time (24h, 48h, 72h), sparse data and sudden change prediction, achieving reduction in prediction errors up to 10%. Moreover, a case study further validates that our model captures underlying physical processes of particle movement and generates accurate predictions with real physical meaning. 6 authors · Feb 6, 2024
- Particle-Hole Symmetry in the Fermion-Chern-Simons and Dirac Descriptions of a Half-Filled Landau Level It is well known that there is a particle-hole symmetry for spin-polarized electrons with two-body interactions in a partially filled Landau level, which becomes exact in the limit where the cyclotron energy is large compared to the interaction strength, so one can ignore mixing between Landau levels. This symmetry is explicit in the description of a half-filled Landau level recently introduced by D. T. Son, using Dirac fermions, but it was thought to be absent in the older fermion-Chern- Simons approach, developed by Halperin, Lee, and Read and subsequent authors. We show here, however, that when properly evaluated, the Halperin, Lee, Read (HLR) theory gives results for long-wavelength low-energy physical properties, including the Hall conductance in the presence of impurities and the positions of minima in the magnetoroton spectra for fractional quantized Hall states close to half-filling, that are identical to predictions of the Dirac formulation. In fact, the HLR theory predicts an emergent particle-hole symmetry near half filling, even when the cyclotron energy is finite. 4 authors · Dec 30, 2016
- Equilibrium of Charges and Differential Equations Solved by Polynomials II We continue study of equilibrium of two species of 2d coulomb charges (or point vortices in 2d ideal fluid) started in Lv. Although for two species of vortices with circulation ratio -1 the relationship between the equilibria and the factorization/Darboux transformation of the Schrodinger operator was established a long ago, the question about similar relationship for the ratio -2 remained unanswered. Here we present the answer. 2 authors · Oct 2, 2024
- Electric Penrose process and the accretion disk around a 4D charged Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black hole In this paper, we aim to examine the electric Penrose process (PP) around a charged black hole in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity and bring out the effect of the Gauss-Bonnet (GB) coupling parameter alpha and black hole charge on the efficiency of the energy extraction from the black hole. This research is motivated by the fact that electrostatic interactions significantly influence the behavior of charged particles in the vicinity of a charged static black hole. Under this interaction, decaying charged particles can have negative energies, causing energy to be released from black holes with no ergosphere. We show that the GB coupling parameter has a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the electric PP, but the efficiency can be strongly enhanced by the black hole charge due to the Coulomb force. Finally, we consider the accretion disk around the black hole and investigate in detail its radiation properties, such as the electromagnetic radiation flux, the temperature, and the differential luminosity. We show that the GB coupling parameter can have a significant impact on the radiation parameters, causing them to increase in the accretion disk in the vicinity of the black hole. Interestingly, it is found that the 4D EGB charged black hole is more efficient and favorable for the accretion disk radiation compared to a charged black hole in Einstein gravity. 2 authors · Jul 31, 2024
- Lagrangian Coherent Track Initialisation (LCTI) Advances in time-resolved Particle Tracking Velocimetry (4D-PTV) techniques have been consistently revealed more accurate Lagrangian particle motions. A novel track initialisation technique as a complementary part of 4D-PTV, based on local temporal and spatial coherency of neighbour trajectories, is proposed. The proposed Lagrangian Coherent Track Initialisation (LCTI) applies physics-based Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) to build four frame coherent tracks. We locally determine the boundaries (i.e., ridges) of Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) among neighbour trajectories by using FTLE to distinguish clusters of coherent motions. To evaluate the proposed technique, we created an open-access synthetic Lagrangian and Eulerian dataset of the wake downstream of a smooth cylinder at a Reynolds number equal to 3900 obtained from 3D Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). The dataset is available to the public. Performance of the proposed method based on three characteristic parameters, temporal scale, particle concentration (i.e., density), and noise ratio, showed robust behaviour in finding true tracks compared to the recent initialisation algorithms. Sensitivity of LCTI to the number of untracked and wrong tracks are also discussed. We address the capability of using the proposed method as a function of a 4D-PTV scheme in the Lagrangian Particle Tracking challenge for a flow with high particle densities. Finally, the LCTI behaviour was assessed in a real jet impingement experiment. LCTI was found to be a reliable tracking tool in complex flow motions, with a strength revealed for flows with high particle concentrations. 4 authors · Jun 21, 2021