1 Rieger, Schwabe, Suess-de Vries: The Sunny Beats of Resonance We propose a self-consistent explanation of Rieger-type periodicities, the Schwabe cycle, and the Suess-de Vries cycle of the solar dynamo in terms of resonances of various wave phenomena with gravitational forces exerted by the orbiting planets. Starting on the high-frequency side, we show that the two-planet spring tides of Venus, Earth and Jupiter are able to excite magneto-Rossby waves which can be linked with typical Rieger-type periods. We argue then that the 11.07-year beat period of those magneto-Rossby waves synchronizes an underlying conventional alpha-Omega-dynamo, by periodically changing either the field storage capacity in the tachocline or some portion of the alpha-effect therein. We also strengthen the argument that the Suess-de Vries cycle appears as an 193-year beat period between the 22.14-year Hale cycle and a spin-orbit coupling effect related with the 19.86-year rosette-like motion of the Sun around the barycenter. 5 authors · Sep 1, 2023
- M dwarfs quasi-periodic pulsations at a time resolution of 1 s Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) of Sun and stars are challenging for stellar flare models. The white light stellar QPPs in the periodicity region of tens of second are unexplored yet. On the basis of observations with the 6-m telescope BTA in U-band of flaring dM-stars EV Lac, Wolf 359, Wolf 424, V577 Mon and UV Ceti we found 13 new QPPs. This composes 30% occurrence among 44 worked flares. These QPPs were found to have periods ranging from 6 to 107 seconds and were detected using both Fourier transform and empirical mode decomposition methods. The observed QPPs were categorized by the evolution of their oscillation envelope and fractional flux amplitudes. There are shown the statistically significant correlations of the QPP period with the duration, the equivalent duration and the amplitude of a flare, and the correlation between the QPP amplitude and flare amplitude. 4 authors · Dec 10, 2024
1 A Dataset for Exploring Stellar Activity in Astrometric Measurements from SDO Images of the Sun We present a dataset for investigating the impact of stellar activity on astrometric measurements using NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) images of the Sun. The sensitivity of astrometry for detecting exoplanets is limited by stellar activity (e.g. starspots), which causes the measured "center of flux" of the star to deviate from the true, geometric, center, producing false positive detections. We analyze Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager continuum image data obtained from SDO between July 2015 and December 2022 to examine this "astrometric jitter" phenomenon for the Sun. We employ data processing procedures to clean the images and compute the time series of the sunspot-induced shift between the center of flux and the geometric center. The resulting time series show quasiperiodic variations up to 0.05% of the Sun's radius at its rotation period. 3 authors · Oct 18, 2023
- Sharp seasonal threshold property for cooperative population dynamics with concave nonlinearities We consider a biological population whose environment varies periodically in time, exhibiting two very different "seasons" : one is favorable and the other one is unfavorable. For monotone differential models with concave nonlinearities, we address the following question: the system's period being fixed, under what conditions does there exist a critical duration for the unfavorable season? By "critical duration" we mean that above some threshold, the population cannot sustain and extincts, while below this threshold, the system converges to a unique periodic and positive solution. We term this a "sharp seasonal threshold property" (SSTP, for short). Building upon a previous result, we obtain sufficient conditions for SSTP in any dimension and apply our criterion to a two-dimensional model featuring juvenile and adult populations of insects. 2 authors · Apr 20, 2018
- Multiwavelength Variability Analysis of the Blazar PKS 0727-11: A sim168 Days Quasi-periodic Oscillation in Gamma-ray We performed variability analysis of the multiwavelength light curves for the flat-spectrum radio quasar PKS 0727-11. Using the generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram, we identified a possible quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) of sim 168.6 days (persisted for 6 cycles, with a significance of 3.8sigma) in the gamma-ray light curve during the flare period (MJD 54687-55738). It is the first time that periodic variations have been detected in this source, and further supported by other methods: weighted wavelet z-transform, phase dispersion minimization, REDFIT, autoregressive integrated moving average model, and structure function analysis. Cross-correlation analysis shows that there is a strong correlation between multi-band light variations, indicating that gamma-ray and radio flares may originate from the same disturbance, and the distance between the emission regions of gamma-ray and radio flares is calculated based on the time lag. We demonstrate that QPO arising from the non-ballistic helical jet motion driven by the orbital motion in a supermassive binary black hole is a plausible physical explanation. In this scenario, the estimated mass of the primary black hole is Msim3.66times10^8-5.79times10^{9}M_odot. 5 authors · Feb 22
- New rotation period measurements for M dwarfs in the southern hemisphere: an abundance of slowly rotating, fully convective stars Stellar rotation periods are valuable both for constraining models of angular momentum loss and for under- standing how magnetic features impact inferences of exoplanet parameters. Building on our previous work in the northern hemisphere, we have used long-term, ground-based photometric monitoring from the MEarth Observatory to measure 234 rotation periods for nearby, southern hemisphere M dwarfs. Notable examples include the exoplanet hosts GJ 1132, LHS 1140, and Proxima Centauri. We find excellent agreement between our data and K2 photometry for the overlapping subset. Amongst the sample of stars with the highest quality datasets, we recover periods in 66%; as the length of the dataset increases, our recovery rate approaches 100%. The longest rotation periods we detect are around 140 days, which we suggest represent the periods that are reached when M dwarfs are as old as the local thick disk (about 9 Gyr). 5 authors · Jul 24, 2018