""" PP-HGNet (V1 & V2) |
Reference: |
https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas/blob/develop/docs/zh_CN/models/ImageNet1k/PP-HGNetV2.md |
The Paddle Implement of PP-HGNet (https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas/blob/release/2.5.1/docs/en/models/PP-HGNet_en.md) |
PP-HGNet: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas/blob/release/2.5.1/ppcls/arch/backbone/legendary_models/pp_hgnet.py |
PP-HGNetv2: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas/blob/release/2.5.1/ppcls/arch/backbone/legendary_models/pp_hgnet_v2.py |
""" |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from timm.layers import SelectAdaptivePool2d, DropPath, create_conv2d |
from ._builder import build_model_with_cfg |
from ._registry import register_model, generate_default_cfgs |
__all__ = ['HighPerfGpuNet'] |
class LearnableAffineBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
scale_value=1.0, |
bias_value=0.0 |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([scale_value]), requires_grad=True) |
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([bias_value]), requires_grad=True) |
def forward(self, x): |
return self.scale * x + self.bias |
class ConvBNAct(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
in_chs, |
out_chs, |
kernel_size, |
stride=1, |
groups=1, |
padding='', |
use_act=True, |
use_lab=False |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.use_act = use_act |
self.use_lab = use_lab |
self.conv = create_conv2d( |
in_chs, |
out_chs, |
kernel_size, |
stride=stride, |
padding=padding, |
groups=groups, |
) |
self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_chs) |
if self.use_act: |
self.act = nn.ReLU() |
else: |
self.act = nn.Identity() |
if self.use_act and self.use_lab: |
self.lab = LearnableAffineBlock() |
else: |
self.lab = nn.Identity() |
def forward(self, x): |
x = self.conv(x) |
x = self.bn(x) |
x = self.act(x) |
x = self.lab(x) |
return x |
class LightConvBNAct(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
in_chs, |
out_chs, |
kernel_size, |
groups=1, |
use_lab=False |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.conv1 = ConvBNAct( |
in_chs, |
out_chs, |
kernel_size=1, |
use_act=False, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
self.conv2 = ConvBNAct( |
out_chs, |
out_chs, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
groups=out_chs, |
use_act=True, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = self.conv1(x) |
x = self.conv2(x) |
return x |
class EseModule(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, chs): |
super().__init__() |
self.conv = nn.Conv2d( |
chs, |
chs, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
padding=0, |
) |
self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() |
def forward(self, x): |
identity = x |
x = x.mean((2, 3), keepdim=True) |
x = self.conv(x) |
x = self.sigmoid(x) |
return torch.mul(identity, x) |
class StemV1(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, stem_chs): |
super().__init__() |
self.stem = nn.Sequential(*[ |
ConvBNAct( |
stem_chs[i], |
stem_chs[i + 1], |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=2 if i == 0 else 1) for i in range( |
len(stem_chs) - 1) |
]) |
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = self.stem(x) |
x = self.pool(x) |
return x |
class StemV2(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, in_chs, mid_chs, out_chs, use_lab=False): |
super().__init__() |
self.stem1 = ConvBNAct( |
in_chs, |
mid_chs, |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=2, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
self.stem2a = ConvBNAct( |
mid_chs, |
mid_chs // 2, |
kernel_size=2, |
stride=1, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
self.stem2b = ConvBNAct( |
mid_chs // 2, |
mid_chs, |
kernel_size=2, |
stride=1, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
self.stem3 = ConvBNAct( |
mid_chs * 2, |
mid_chs, |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=2, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
self.stem4 = ConvBNAct( |
mid_chs, |
out_chs, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=1, ceil_mode=True) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = self.stem1(x) |
x = F.pad(x, (0, 1, 0, 1)) |
x2 = self.stem2a(x) |
x2 = F.pad(x2, (0, 1, 0, 1)) |
x2 = self.stem2b(x2) |
x1 = self.pool(x) |
x = torch.cat([x1, x2], dim=1) |
x = self.stem3(x) |
x = self.stem4(x) |
return x |
class HighPerfGpuBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
in_chs, |
mid_chs, |
out_chs, |
layer_num, |
kernel_size=3, |
residual=False, |
light_block=False, |
use_lab=False, |
agg='ese', |
drop_path=0., |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.residual = residual |
self.layers = nn.ModuleList() |
for i in range(layer_num): |
if light_block: |
self.layers.append( |
LightConvBNAct( |
in_chs if i == 0 else mid_chs, |
mid_chs, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
) |
else: |
self.layers.append( |
ConvBNAct( |
in_chs if i == 0 else mid_chs, |
mid_chs, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
stride=1, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
) |
total_chs = in_chs + layer_num * mid_chs |
if agg == 'se': |
aggregation_squeeze_conv = ConvBNAct( |
total_chs, |
out_chs // 2, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
aggregation_excitation_conv = ConvBNAct( |
out_chs // 2, |
out_chs, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
self.aggregation = nn.Sequential( |
aggregation_squeeze_conv, |
aggregation_excitation_conv, |
) |
else: |
aggregation_conv = ConvBNAct( |
total_chs, |
out_chs, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
att = EseModule(out_chs) |
self.aggregation = nn.Sequential( |
aggregation_conv, |
att, |
) |
self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path else nn.Identity() |
def forward(self, x): |
identity = x |
output = [x] |
for layer in self.layers: |
x = layer(x) |
output.append(x) |
x = torch.cat(output, dim=1) |
x = self.aggregation(x) |
if self.residual: |
x = self.drop_path(x) + identity |
return x |
class HighPerfGpuStage(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
in_chs, |
mid_chs, |
out_chs, |
block_num, |
layer_num, |
downsample=True, |
stride=2, |
light_block=False, |
kernel_size=3, |
use_lab=False, |
agg='ese', |
drop_path=0., |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.downsample = downsample |
if downsample: |
self.downsample = ConvBNAct( |
in_chs, |
in_chs, |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=stride, |
groups=in_chs, |
use_act=False, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
) |
else: |
self.downsample = nn.Identity() |
blocks_list = [] |
for i in range(block_num): |
blocks_list.append( |
HighPerfGpuBlock( |
in_chs if i == 0 else out_chs, |
mid_chs, |
out_chs, |
layer_num, |
residual=False if i == 0 else True, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
light_block=light_block, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
agg=agg, |
drop_path=drop_path[i] if isinstance(drop_path, (list, tuple)) else drop_path, |
) |
) |
self.blocks = nn.Sequential(*blocks_list) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = self.downsample(x) |
x = self.blocks(x) |
return x |
class ClassifierHead(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
num_features, |
num_classes, |
pool_type='avg', |
drop_rate=0., |
use_last_conv=True, |
class_expand=2048, |
use_lab=False |
): |
super(ClassifierHead, self).__init__() |
self.global_pool = SelectAdaptivePool2d(pool_type=pool_type, flatten=False, input_fmt='NCHW') |
if use_last_conv: |
last_conv = nn.Conv2d( |
num_features, |
class_expand, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
padding=0, |
bias=False, |
) |
act = nn.ReLU() |
if use_lab: |
lab = LearnableAffineBlock() |
self.last_conv = nn.Sequential(last_conv, act, lab) |
else: |
self.last_conv = nn.Sequential(last_conv, act) |
else: |
self.last_conv = nn.Indentity() |
if drop_rate > 0: |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop_rate) |
else: |
self.dropout = nn.Identity() |
self.flatten = nn.Flatten() |
self.fc = nn.Linear(class_expand if use_last_conv else num_features, num_classes) |
def forward(self, x, pre_logits: bool = False): |
x = self.global_pool(x) |
x = self.last_conv(x) |
x = self.dropout(x) |
x = self.flatten(x) |
if pre_logits: |
return x |
x = self.fc(x) |
return x |
class HighPerfGpuNet(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
cfg, |
in_chans=3, |
num_classes=1000, |
global_pool='avg', |
use_last_conv=True, |
class_expand=2048, |
drop_rate=0., |
drop_path_rate=0., |
use_lab=False, |
**kwargs, |
): |
super(HighPerfGpuNet, self).__init__() |
stem_type = cfg["stem_type"] |
stem_chs = cfg["stem_chs"] |
stages_cfg = [cfg["stage1"], cfg["stage2"], cfg["stage3"], cfg["stage4"]] |
self.num_classes = num_classes |
self.drop_rate = drop_rate |
self.use_last_conv = use_last_conv |
self.class_expand = class_expand |
self.use_lab = use_lab |
assert stem_type in ['v1', 'v2'] |
if stem_type == 'v2': |
self.stem = StemV2( |
in_chs=in_chans, |
mid_chs=stem_chs[0], |
out_chs=stem_chs[1], |
use_lab=use_lab) |
else: |
self.stem = StemV1([in_chans] + stem_chs) |
current_stride = 4 |
stages = [] |
self.feature_info = [] |
block_depths = [c[3] for c in stages_cfg] |
dpr = [x.tolist() for x in torch.linspace(0, drop_path_rate, sum(block_depths)).split(block_depths)] |
for i, stage_config in enumerate(stages_cfg): |
in_chs, mid_chs, out_chs, block_num, downsample, light_block, kernel_size, layer_num = stage_config |
stages += [HighPerfGpuStage( |
in_chs=in_chs, |
mid_chs=mid_chs, |
out_chs=out_chs, |
block_num=block_num, |
layer_num=layer_num, |
downsample=downsample, |
light_block=light_block, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
use_lab=use_lab, |
agg='ese' if stem_type == 'v1' else 'se', |
drop_path=dpr[i], |
)] |
self.num_features = out_chs |
if downsample: |
current_stride *= 2 |
self.feature_info += [dict(num_chs=self.num_features, reduction=current_stride, module=f'stages.{i}')] |
self.stages = nn.Sequential(*stages) |
if num_classes > 0: |
self.head = ClassifierHead( |
self.num_features, |
num_classes=num_classes, |
pool_type=global_pool, |
drop_rate=drop_rate, |
use_last_conv=use_last_conv, |
class_expand=class_expand, |
use_lab=use_lab |
) |
else: |
if global_pool == 'avg': |
self.head = SelectAdaptivePool2d(pool_type=global_pool, flatten=True) |
else: |
self.head = nn.Identity() |
for n, m in self.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): |
nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu') |
elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): |
nn.init.ones_(m.weight) |
nn.init.zeros_(m.bias) |
elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): |
nn.init.zeros_(m.bias) |
@torch.jit.ignore |
def group_matcher(self, coarse=False): |
return dict( |
stem=r'^stem', |
blocks=r'^stages\.(\d+)' if coarse else r'^stages\.(\d+).blocks\.(\d+)', |
) |
@torch.jit.ignore |
def set_grad_checkpointing(self, enable=True): |
for s in self.stages: |
s.grad_checkpointing = enable |
@torch.jit.ignore |
def get_classifier(self): |
return self.head.fc |
def reset_classifier(self, num_classes, global_pool='avg'): |
self.num_classes = num_classes |
if num_classes > 0: |
self.head = ClassifierHead( |
self.num_features, |
num_classes=num_classes, |
pool_type=global_pool, |
drop_rate=self.drop_rate, |
use_last_conv=self.use_last_conv, |
class_expand=self.class_expand, |
use_lab=self.use_lab) |
else: |
if global_pool: |
self.head = SelectAdaptivePool2d(pool_type=global_pool, flatten=True) |
else: |
self.head = nn.Identity() |
def forward_features(self, x): |
x = self.stem(x) |
return self.stages(x) |
def forward_head(self, x, pre_logits: bool = False): |
return self.head(x, pre_logits=pre_logits) if pre_logits else self.head(x) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = self.forward_features(x) |
x = self.forward_head(x) |
return x |
model_cfgs = dict( |
hgnet_tiny={ |
"stem_type": 'v1', |
"stem_chs": [48, 48, 96], |
"stage1": [96, 96, 224, 1, False, False, 3, 5], |
"stage2": [224, 128, 448, 1, True, False, 3, 5], |
"stage3": [448, 160, 512, 2, True, False, 3, 5], |
"stage4": [512, 192, 768, 1, True, False, 3, 5], |
}, |
hgnet_small={ |
"stem_type": 'v1', |
"stem_chs": [64, 64, 128], |
"stage1": [128, 128, 256, 1, False, False, 3, 6], |
"stage2": [256, 160, 512, 1, True, False, 3, 6], |
"stage3": [512, 192, 768, 2, True, False, 3, 6], |
"stage4": [768, 224, 1024, 1, True, False, 3, 6], |
}, |
hgnet_base={ |
"stem_type": 'v1', |
"stem_chs": [96, 96, 160], |
"stage1": [160, 192, 320, 1, False, False, 3, 7], |
"stage2": [320, 224, 640, 2, True, False, 3, 7], |
"stage3": [640, 256, 960, 3, True, False, 3, 7], |
"stage4": [960, 288, 1280, 2, True, False, 3, 7], |
}, |
hgnetv2_b0={ |
"stem_type": 'v2', |
"stem_chs": [16, 16], |
"stage1": [16, 16, 64, 1, False, False, 3, 3], |
"stage2": [64, 32, 256, 1, True, False, 3, 3], |
"stage3": [256, 64, 512, 2, True, True, 5, 3], |
"stage4": [512, 128, 1024, 1, True, True, 5, 3], |
}, |
hgnetv2_b1={ |
"stem_type": 'v2', |
"stem_chs": [24, 32], |
"stage1": [32, 32, 64, 1, False, False, 3, 3], |
"stage2": [64, 48, 256, 1, True, False, 3, 3], |
"stage3": [256, 96, 512, 2, True, True, 5, 3], |
"stage4": [512, 192, 1024, 1, True, True, 5, 3], |
}, |
hgnetv2_b2={ |
"stem_type": 'v2', |
"stem_chs": [24, 32], |
"stage1": [32, 32, 96, 1, False, False, 3, 4], |
"stage2": [96, 64, 384, 1, True, False, 3, 4], |
"stage3": [384, 128, 768, 3, True, True, 5, 4], |
"stage4": [768, 256, 1536, 1, True, True, 5, 4], |
}, |
hgnetv2_b3={ |
"stem_type": 'v2', |
"stem_chs": [24, 32], |
"stage1": [32, 32, 128, 1, False, False, 3, 5], |
"stage2": [128, 64, 512, 1, True, False, 3, 5], |
"stage3": [512, 128, 1024, 3, True, True, 5, 5], |
"stage4": [1024, 256, 2048, 1, True, True, 5, 5], |
}, |
hgnetv2_b4={ |
"stem_type": 'v2', |
"stem_chs": [32, 48], |
"stage1": [48, 48, 128, 1, False, False, 3, 6], |
"stage2": [128, 96, 512, 1, True, False, 3, 6], |
"stage3": [512, 192, 1024, 3, True, True, 5, 6], |
"stage4": [1024, 384, 2048, 1, True, True, 5, 6], |
}, |
hgnetv2_b5={ |
"stem_type": 'v2', |
"stem_chs": [32, 64], |
"stage1": [64, 64, 128, 1, False, False, 3, 6], |
"stage2": [128, 128, 512, 2, True, False, 3, 6], |
"stage3": [512, 256, 1024, 5, True, True, 5, 6], |
"stage4": [1024, 512, 2048, 2, True, True, 5, 6], |
}, |
hgnetv2_b6={ |
"stem_type": 'v2', |
"stem_chs": [48, 96], |
"stage1": [96, 96, 192, 2, False, False, 3, 6], |
"stage2": [192, 192, 512, 3, True, False, 3, 6], |
"stage3": [512, 384, 1024, 6, True, True, 5, 6], |
"stage4": [1024, 768, 2048, 3, True, True, 5, 6], |
}, |
) |
def _create_hgnet(variant, pretrained=False, **kwargs): |
out_indices = kwargs.pop('out_indices', (0, 1, 2, 3)) |
return build_model_with_cfg( |
HighPerfGpuNet, |
variant, |
pretrained, |
model_cfg=model_cfgs[variant], |
feature_cfg=dict(flatten_sequential=True, out_indices=out_indices), |
**kwargs, |
) |
def _cfg(url='', **kwargs): |
return { |
'url': url, |
'num_classes': 1000, 'input_size': (3, 224, 224), 'pool_size': (7, 7), |
'crop_pct': 0.965, 'interpolation': 'bicubic', |
'classifier': 'head.fc', 'first_conv': 'stem.stem1.conv', |
'test_crop_pct': 1.0, 'test_input_size': (3, 288, 288), |
**kwargs, |
} |
default_cfgs = generate_default_cfgs({ |
'hgnet_tiny.paddle_in1k': _cfg( |
first_conv='stem.stem.0.conv', |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnet_tiny.ssld_in1k': _cfg( |
first_conv='stem.stem.0.conv', |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnet_small.paddle_in1k': _cfg( |
first_conv='stem.stem.0.conv', |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnet_small.ssld_in1k': _cfg( |
first_conv='stem.stem.0.conv', |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnet_base.ssld_in1k': _cfg( |
first_conv='stem.stem.0.conv', |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b0.ssld_stage2_ft_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b0.ssld_stage1_in22k_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b1.ssld_stage2_ft_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b1.ssld_stage1_in22k_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b2.ssld_stage2_ft_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b2.ssld_stage1_in22k_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b3.ssld_stage2_ft_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b3.ssld_stage1_in22k_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b4.ssld_stage2_ft_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b4.ssld_stage1_in22k_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b5.ssld_stage2_ft_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b5.ssld_stage1_in22k_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b6.ssld_stage2_ft_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
'hgnetv2_b6.ssld_stage1_in22k_in1k': _cfg( |
hf_hub_id='timm/'), |
}) |
@register_model |
def hgnet_tiny(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnet_tiny', pretrained=pretrained, **kwargs) |
@register_model |
def hgnet_small(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnet_small', pretrained=pretrained, **kwargs) |
@register_model |
def hgnet_base(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnet_base', pretrained=pretrained, **kwargs) |
@register_model |
def hgnetv2_b0(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnetv2_b0', pretrained=pretrained, use_lab=True, **kwargs) |
@register_model |
def hgnetv2_b1(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnetv2_b1', pretrained=pretrained, use_lab=True, **kwargs) |
@register_model |
def hgnetv2_b2(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnetv2_b2', pretrained=pretrained, use_lab=True, **kwargs) |
@register_model |
def hgnetv2_b3(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnetv2_b3', pretrained=pretrained, use_lab=True, **kwargs) |
@register_model |
def hgnetv2_b4(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnetv2_b4', pretrained=pretrained, **kwargs) |
@register_model |
def hgnetv2_b5(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnetv2_b5', pretrained=pretrained, **kwargs) |
@register_model |
def hgnetv2_b6(pretrained=False, **kwargs) -> HighPerfGpuNet: |
return _create_hgnet('hgnetv2_b6', pretrained=pretrained, **kwargs) |