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@@ -21,22 +21,24 @@ tags:
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- IE
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- Information Extraction
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- text: Durante a cirurgia ortopédica para corrigir a fratura no tornozelo,
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example_title: Example 1
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example_title: Example 2
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example_title: Example 3
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example_title: Example 4
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example_title: Example 5
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- text: Monitorização da Freq. cardíaca com 90 bpm. P Arterial de 120-80 mmHg
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example_title: Example 6
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- text: A
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example_title: Example 7
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example_title: Example 8
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# MediAlbertina
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ Like its antecessors, MediAlbertina models are distributed under the [MIT licens
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63 |
**MediAlbertina PT-PT 1.5B NER** achieved superior results to the same adaptation made on a non-medical Portuguese language model, demonstrating the effectiveness of this domain adaptation, and its potential for medical AI in Portugal.
64 |
65 |
| Checkpoints |
66 |
67 |
| Albertina PT-PT 900M | 0.814 | 0.814 | 0.813 |
68 |
| Albertina PT-PT 1.5B | 0.833 | **0.845** | 0.838 |
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- IE
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- Information Extraction
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- text: Durante a cirurgia ortopédica para corrigir a fratura no tornozelo, foram medidos vários sinais no utente, incluindo a PA, com leitura de 120/87 mmHg e a frequência cardíaca, de 80 batimentos por minuto. Após a cirurgia o utente apresentava dor intensa no local e inchaço no tornozelo, mas os resultados da radiografia revelaram uma recuperação satisfatória. Foi prescrito ibuprofeno 600mg de 8-8 horas/3 dias.
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example_title: Example 1
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- text: A ressecção do tumor cerebral resultou numa melhoria significativa do estado neurológico do paciente.
27 |
example_title: Example 2
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- text: A TAC CE revelou uma massa hipodensa no lobo frontal esquerdo.
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example_title: Example 3
30 |
- text: Foi recomendada aspirina de 500mg 4-4 horas por 3 dias.
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example_title: Example 4
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- text: A transfusão de concentrado eritrocitário foi realizada para tratar a anemia severa do paciente após a cirurgia.
33 |
example_title: Example 5
34 |
- text: Monitorização da Freq. cardíaca com 90 bpm. P Arterial de 120-80 mmHg
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example_title: Example 6
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- text: A presença de febre persistente, sudorese noturna e perda de peso inexplicada sugere fortemente a possibilidade de tuberculose ativa.
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example_title: Example 7
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- text: A paciente foi diagnosticada com esclerose múltipla e iniciou terapia com imunomoduladores.
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example_title: Example 8
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- text: AC - aumento do intervalo entre S1 e S2, possível bloqueio atrioventricular de primeiro grau.
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example_title: Example 9
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# MediAlbertina
64 |
65 |
**MediAlbertina PT-PT 1.5B NER** achieved superior results to the same adaptation made on a non-medical Portuguese language model, demonstrating the effectiveness of this domain adaptation, and its potential for medical AI in Portugal.
66 |
67 |
| Checkpoints | Prec | Rec | F1 |
68 |
69 |
| Albertina PT-PT 900M | 0.814 | 0.814 | 0.813 |
70 |
| Albertina PT-PT 1.5B | 0.833 | **0.845** | 0.838 |