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from transformers import Pipeline, pipeline, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer
from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import TruncationStrategy
from torch import Tensor
import html.parser
import unicodedata
import sys, os
import re
import pickle
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
import operator
from datasets import load_dataset
def basic_tokenise(string):
# separate punctuation
for char in r',.;?!:)("…-':
string = re.sub('(?<! )' + re.escape(char) + '+', ' ' + char, string)
for char in '\'"’':
string = re.sub(char + '(?! )' , char + ' ', string)
return string.strip()
def homogenise(sent):
sent = sent.lower()
# sent = sent.replace("oe", "œ").replace("OE", "Œ")
replace_from = "ǽǣáàâäąãăåćčçďéèêëęěğìíîĩĭıïĺľłńñňòóôõöøŕřśšşťţùúûũüǔỳýŷÿźẑżžÁÀÂÄĄÃĂÅĆČÇĎÉÈÊËĘĚĞÌÍÎĨĬİÏĹĽŁŃÑŇÒÓÔÕÖØŔŘŚŠŞŤŢÙÚÛŨÜǓỲÝŶŸŹẐŻŽſ"
replace_into = "ææaaaaaaaacccdeeeeeegiiiiiiilllnnnoooooorrsssttuuuuuuyyyyzzzzAAAAAAAACCCDEEEEEEGIIIIIIILLLNNNOOOOOORRSSSTTUUUUUUYYYYZZZZs"
table = sent.maketrans(replace_from, replace_into)
return sent.translate(table)
######## Edit distance functions #######
def _wedit_dist_init(len1, len2):
lev = []
for i in range(len1):
lev.append([0] * len2) # initialize 2D array to zero
for i in range(len1):
lev[i][0] = i # column 0: 0,1,2,3,4,...
for j in range(len2):
lev[0][j] = j # row 0: 0,1,2,3,4,...
return lev
def _wedit_dist_step(
lev, i, j, s1, s2, last_left, last_right, transpositions=False
c1 = s1[i - 1]
c2 = s2[j - 1]
# skipping a character in s1
a = lev[i - 1][j] + _wedit_dist_deletion_cost(c1,c2)
# skipping a character in s2
b = lev[i][j - 1] + _wedit_dist_insertion_cost(c1,c2)
# substitution
c = lev[i - 1][j - 1] + (_wedit_dist_substitution_cost(c1, c2) if c1 != c2 else 0)
# pick the cheapest
lev[i][j] = min(a, b, c)#, d)
def _wedit_dist_backtrace(lev):
i, j = len(lev) - 1, len(lev[0]) - 1
alignment = [(i, j, lev[i][j])]
while (i, j) != (0, 0):
directions = [
(i - 1, j), # skip s1
(i, j - 1), # skip s2
(i - 1, j - 1), # substitution
direction_costs = (
(lev[i][j] if (i >= 0 and j >= 0) else float("inf"), (i, j))
for i, j in directions
_, (i, j) = min(direction_costs, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
alignment.append((i, j, lev[i][j]))
return list(reversed(alignment))
def _wedit_dist_substitution_cost(c1, c2):
if c1 == ' ' and c2 != ' ':
return 1000000
if c2 == ' ' and c1 != ' ':
return 30
for c in ",.;-!?'":
if c1 == c and c2 != c:
return 20
if c2 == c and c1 != c:
return 20
return 1
def _wedit_dist_deletion_cost(c1, c2):
if c1 == ' ':
return 2
if c2 == ' ':
return 1000000
return 0.8
def _wedit_dist_insertion_cost(c1, c2):
if c1 == ' ':
return 1000000
if c2 == ' ':
return 2
return 0.8
def wedit_distance_align(s1, s2):
Calculate the minimum Levenshtein edit-distance based alignment
mapping between two strings. The alignment finds the mapping
from string s1 to s2 that minimizes the edit distance cost.
For example, mapping "rain" to "shine" would involve 2
substitutions, 2 matches and an insertion resulting in
the following mapping:
[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5)]
NB: (0, 0) is the start state without any letters associated
See more: https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs124/lec/med.pdf
In case of multiple valid minimum-distance alignments, the
backtrace has the following operation precedence:
1. Skip s1 character
2. Skip s2 character
3. Substitute s1 and s2 characters
The backtrace is carried out in reverse string order.
This function does not support transposition.
:param s1, s2: The strings to be aligned
:type s1: str
:type s2: str
:rtype: List[Tuple(int, int)]
# set up a 2-D array
len1 = len(s1)
len2 = len(s2)
lev = _wedit_dist_init(len1 + 1, len2 + 1)
# iterate over the array
for i in range(len1):
for j in range(len2):
i + 1,
j + 1,
# backtrace to find alignment
alignment = _wedit_dist_backtrace(lev)
return alignment
def space_after(idx, sent):
if idx < len(sent) -1 and sent[idx + 1] == ' ':
return True
return False
def space_before(idx, sent):
if idx > 0 and sent[idx - 1] == ' ':
return True
return False
######## Normaliation pipeline #########
class NormalisationPipeline(Pipeline):
def __init__(self, beam_size=5, batch_size=32, tokenise_func=None, cache_file=None, **kwargs):
self.beam_size = beam_size
# classic tokeniser function (used for alignments)
if tokenise_func is not None:
self.classic_tokenise = tokenise_func
self.classic_tokenise = basic_tokenise
# load lexicon
self.lexicon_orig, self.lexicon_homog = self.load_lexicon(cache_file=cache_file)
def load_lexicon(self, cache_file=None):
orig_words = []
homog_words = {}
remove = set([])
# load pickled version if there
if cache_file is not None and os.path.exists(cache_file):
return pickle.load(open(cache_file, 'rb'))
dataset = load_dataset("sagot/lefff_morpho")
for entry_dict in dataset['test']:
entry = entry_dict['form']
if homogenise(entry) not in homog_words:
homog_words[homogenise(entry)] = entry
for entry in remove:
del homog_words[entry]
if cache_file is not None:
pickle.dump((orig_words, homog_words), open(cache_file, 'wb'))
return orig_words, homog_words
def _sanitize_parameters(self, clean_up_tokenisation_spaces=None, truncation=None, **generate_kwargs):
preprocess_params = {}
if truncation is not None:
preprocess_params["truncation"] = truncation
forward_params = generate_kwargs
postprocess_params = {}
if clean_up_tokenisation_spaces is not None:
postprocess_params["clean_up_tokenisation_spaces"] = clean_up_tokenisation_spaces
return preprocess_params, forward_params, postprocess_params
def check_inputs(self, input_length: int, min_length: int, max_length: int):
Checks whether there might be something wrong with given input with regard to the model.
return True
def make_printable(self, s):
'''Replace non-printable characters in a string.'''
return s.translate(NOPRINT_TRANS_TABLE)
def normalise(self, line):
#line = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', line)
#line = self.make_printable(line)
for before, after in [('[«»\“\”]', '"'),
('[‘’]', "'"),
(' +', ' '),
('\"+', '"'),
("'+", "'"),
('^ *', ''),
(' *$', '')]:
line = re.sub(before, after, line)
return line.strip() + ' </s>'
def _parse_and_tokenise(self, *args, truncation):
prefix = ""
if isinstance(args[0], list):
if self.tokenizer.pad_token_id is None:
raise ValueError("Please make sure that the tokeniser has a pad_token_id when using a batch input")
args = ([prefix + arg for arg in args[0]],)
padding = True
elif isinstance(args[0], str):
args = (prefix + args[0],)
padding = False
raise ValueError(
f" `args[0]`: {args[0]} have the wrong format. The should be either of type `str` or type `list`"
inputs = [self.normalise(x) for x in args]
inputs = self.tokenizer(inputs, padding=padding, truncation=truncation, return_tensors=self.framework)
toks = []
for tok_ids in inputs.input_ids:
toks.append(" ".join(self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(tok_ids)))
# This is produced by tokenisers but is an invalid generate kwargs
if "token_type_ids" in inputs:
del inputs["token_type_ids"]
return inputs
def preprocess(self, inputs, truncation=TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE, **kwargs):
inputs = self._parse_and_tokenise(inputs, truncation=truncation, **kwargs)
return inputs
def _forward(self, model_inputs, **generate_kwargs):
in_b, input_length = model_inputs["input_ids"].shape
generate_kwargs["min_length"] = generate_kwargs.get("min_length", self.model.config.min_length)
generate_kwargs["max_length"] = generate_kwargs.get("max_length", self.model.config.max_length)
generate_kwargs['num_beams'] = self.beam_size
self.check_inputs(input_length, generate_kwargs["min_length"], generate_kwargs["max_length"])
output_ids = self.model.generate(**model_inputs, **generate_kwargs)
out_b = output_ids.shape[0]
output_ids = output_ids.reshape(in_b, out_b // in_b, *output_ids.shape[1:])
return {"output_ids": output_ids}
def postprocess(self, model_outputs, clean_up_tokenisation_spaces=False):
records = []
for output_ids in model_outputs["output_ids"][0]:
record = {
"text": self.tokenizer.decode(
return records
def postprocess_correct_sents(self, alignment, pred_sent_tok):
#return [pred_sent]
output = []
# align the two
#alignments = self.align(orig_sent, pred_sent)
# correct word by word
len_diff_orig, len_diff_pred = 0, 0
pred_idxs = []
start = 0
for i, char in enumerate(re.sub(' +', ' ', pred_sent_tok) + " "):
if char == " ":
pred_idxs.append((start, i-1))
start = i+1
suffix_pred_sent = pred_sent
for i, (orig_word, pred_word, _) in enumerate(alignment):
#print(orig_word, pred_word)
start_idx, end_idx = 1, 1
postproc_word, alignment = self.postprocess_correct_word(orig_word, pred_word, alignment)
# replace word in tokenised sentence
return re.sub(' +', ' ', ' '.join(output)), alignment
def postprocess_correct_word(self, orig_word, pred_word, alignment):
# pred_word exists in lexicon, take it
if pred_word.lower() in self.lexicon_orig:
return pred_word, alignment
# otherwise, if original word exists, take that
if orig_word.lower() in self.lexicon_orig:
return orig_word, alignment
pred_replacement = self.lexicon_homog.get(homogenise(pred_word), None)
# otherwise if pred word is in the lexicon with some changes, take that
if pred_replacement is not None:
alignment = (alignment[0], pred_replacement, alignment[2])
return pred_replacement, alignment
orig_replacement = self.lexicon_homog.get(homogenise(orig_word), None)
# otherwise if orig word is in the lexicon with some changes, take that
if orig_replacement is not None:
alignment = (orig_replacement, alignment[1], alignment[2])
return orig_replacement, alignment
# otherwise return original word (or pred?) + postprocessing?
return orig_word, alignment
def get_caps(self, word):
first, second, allcaps = False, False, False
if len(word) > 0 and word[0].upper() == word[0]:
first = True
if len(word) > 1 and word[1].upper() == word[1]:
second = True
if word.upper() == word:
allcaps = True
return first, second, allcaps
def set_caps(self, word, first, second, allcaps):
if allcaps:
return word.upper()
elif first and second:
return word[0].upper() + word[1].upper() + word[2:]
elif first:
return word[0].upper()
elif second:
return word[1].upper()
return word
def lexicon_lookup(self, candidate):
norm_candidate = homogenise(candidate.lower())
replacements = []
for candidate_word in candidate.split('▁'):
capitals = self.get_caps(candidate_word)
for word in self.lexicon:
if homogenise(word.lower()) == candidate_word:
if len(replacements[-1]) > 0:
return None # if ambiguity skip
replacements[-1].append(self.set_caps(candidate, *capitals))
if [] not in replacements:
return ' '.join([x[0] for x in replacements]) # or some better strategy
return None
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Generate the output text(s) using text(s) given as inputs.
args (`str` or `List[str]`):
Input text for the encoder.
return_tensors (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs.
return_text (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):
Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs.
clean_up_tokenisation_spaces (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output.
truncation (`TruncationStrategy`, *optional*, defaults to `TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE`):
The truncation strategy for the tokenisation within the pipeline. `TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE`
(default) will never truncate, but it is sometimes desirable to truncate the input to fit the model's
max_length instead of throwing an error down the line.
Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method
corresponding to your framework [here](./model#generative-models)).
A list or a list of list of `dict`: Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys:
- **generated_text** (`str`, present when `return_text=True`) -- The generated text.
- **generated_token_ids** (`torch.Tensor` or `tf.Tensor`, present when `return_tensors=True`) -- The token
ids of the generated text.
result = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
if (isinstance(args[0], list)
and all(isinstance(el, str) for el in args[0])
and all(len(res) == 1 for res in result)):
output = []
for i in range(len(result)):
input_sent, pred_sent = args[0][i].strip(), result[i][0]['text'].strip()
alignment, pred_sent_tok = self.align(input_sent, pred_sent)
#pred_sent, alignment = self.postprocess_correct_sents(alignment, pred_sent_tok)
char_spans = self.get_char_idx_align(input_sent, pred_sent, alignment)
output.append({'text': result[i][0]['text'], 'alignment': char_spans})
return output
return [{'text': result, 'alignment': self.align(args, result[0]['text'].strip())}]
def align(self, sent_ref, sent_pred):
sent_ref_tok = self.classic_tokenise(re.sub('[ ]', ' ', sent_ref))
sent_pred_tok = self.classic_tokenise(re.sub('[ ]', ' ', sent_pred))
backpointers = wedit_distance_align(homogenise(sent_ref_tok), homogenise(sent_pred_tok))
alignment, current_word, seen1, seen2, last_weight = [], ['', ''], [], [], 0
for i_ref, i_pred, weight in backpointers:
if i_ref == 0 and i_pred == 0:
# spaces in both, add straight away
if i_ref <= len(sent_ref_tok) and sent_ref_tok[i_ref-1] == ' ' and \
i_pred <= len(sent_pred_tok) and sent_pred_tok[i_pred-1] == ' ':
alignment.append((current_word[0].strip(), current_word[1].strip(), weight-last_weight))
last_weight = weight
current_word = ['', '']
end_space = '░'
if i_ref <= len(sent_ref_tok) and i_ref not in seen1:
if i_ref > 0:
current_word[0] += sent_ref_tok[i_ref-1]
if i_pred <= len(sent_pred_tok) and i_pred not in seen2:
if i_pred > 0:
current_word[1] += sent_pred_tok[i_pred-1] if sent_pred_tok[i_pred-1] != ' ' else '▁'
end_space = '' if space_after(i_pred, sent_pred_tok) else '░'
if i_ref <= len(sent_ref_tok) and sent_ref_tok[i_ref-1] == ' ' and current_word[0].strip() != '':
alignment.append((current_word[0].strip(), current_word[1].strip() + end_space, weight-last_weight))
last_weight = weight
current_word = ['', '']
# final word
alignment.append((current_word[0].strip(), current_word[1].strip(), weight-last_weight))
# check that both strings are entirely covered
recovered1 = re.sub(' +', ' ', ' '.join([x[0] for x in alignment]))
recovered2 = re.sub(' +', ' ', ' '.join([x[1] for x in alignment]))
assert recovered1 == re.sub(' +', ' ', sent_ref_tok), \
'\n1: ' + re.sub(' +', ' ', recovered1) + "\n1: " + re.sub(' +', ' ', sent_ref_tok)
assert re.sub('[░▁ ]+', '', recovered2) == re.sub('[▁ ]+', '', sent_pred_tok), \
'\n2: ' + re.sub(' +', ' ', recovered2) + "\n2: " + re.sub(' +', ' ', sent_pred_tok)
return alignment, sent_pred_tok
def get_char_idx_align(self, sent_ref, sent_pred, alignment):
#sent_ref = self.classic_tokenise(re.sub('[ ]', ' ', sent_ref))
#sent_pred = self.classic_tokenise(re.sub('[ ]', ' ', sent_pred))
covered_ref, covered_pred = 0, 0
ref_chars = [i for i, character in enumerate(sent_ref) if character not in [' ']]
pred_chars = [i for i, character in enumerate(sent_pred) if character not in [' ']]
align_idx = []
for a_ref, a_pred, _ in alignment:
if a_ref == '' and a_pred == '':
a_pred = re.sub(' +', '', a_pred).strip()
span_ref = [ref_chars[covered_ref], ref_chars[covered_ref + len(a_ref) - 1]]
covered_ref += len(a_ref)
span_pred = [pred_chars[covered_pred], pred_chars[covered_pred + max(0, len(a_pred) - 1)]]
covered_pred += max(0, len(a_pred))
align_idx.append((span_ref, span_pred))
return align_idx
def normalise_text(list_sents, batch_size=32, beam_size=5):
tokeniser = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("rbawden/modern_french_normalisation", use_auth_token=True)
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("rbawden/modern_french_normalisation", use_auth_token=True)
normalisation_pipeline = NormalisationPipeline(model=model,
normalised_outputs = normalisation_pipeline(list_sents)
return normalised_outputs
def normalise_from_stdin(batch_size=32, beam_size=5):
tokeniser = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("rbawden/modern_french_normalisation", use_auth_token=True)
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("rbawden/modern_french_normalisation", use_auth_token=True)
normalisation_pipeline = NormalisationPipeline(model=model,
list_sents = []
for sent in sys.stdin:
normalised_outputs = normalisation_pipeline(list_sents)
for s, sent in enumerate(normalised_outputs):
# printing in order to debug
print('src = ', list_sents[s])
print('norm = ', sent)
# checking that the alignment makes sense
for b, a in alignment:
print('input: ' + ''.join([list_sents[s][x] for x in range(b[0], max(len(b), b[1]+1))]) + '')
print('pred: ' + ''.join([sent['text'][x] for x in range(a[0], max(len(a), a[1]+1))]) + '')
return normalised_outputs
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-k', '--batch_size', type=int, default=32, help='Set the batch size for decoding')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--beam_size', type=int, default=5, help='Set the beam size for decoding')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_file', type=str, default=None, help='Input file. If None, read from STDIN')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.input_file is None:
normalise_from_stdin(batch_size=args.batch_size, beam_size=args.beam_size)
list_sents = []
with open(args.input_file) as fp:
for line in fp:
output_sents = normalise_text(list_sents, batch_size=args.batch_size, beam_size=args.beam_size)
for output_sent in output_sents: