from ultralytics import YOLO class EndpointHandler: def __init__(self, model_dir): """ Initialize the EndpointHandler with the YOLO model from the given directory. """ # Update the model file name to match your actual file self.model = YOLO(f"{model_dir}/") def preprocess(self, inputs): """ Preprocess the input data for YOLO inference. :param inputs: JSON input data :return: Preprocessed data (image path) """ image_path = inputs.get("image") if not image_path: raise ValueError("Input JSON must contain an 'image' key with a valid path.") return image_path def predict(self, inputs): """ Run inference using the YOLO model. :param inputs: Preprocessed input data :return: Raw YOLO results """ return self.model(inputs) def postprocess(self, outputs): """ Postprocess YOLO results into a JSON-compatible format. :param outputs: Raw YOLO results :return: JSON results """ detections = [] for result in outputs: for box in result.boxes: detections.append({ "class": self.model.names[int(box.cls)], # Class name "confidence": box.conf.tolist(), # Confidence score "box": box.xyxy.tolist() # Bounding box coordinates }) return {"detections": detections} def __call__(self, inputs): """ Complete handler pipeline: preprocess -> predict -> postprocess. :param inputs: JSON input data :return: JSON output """ preprocessed_data = self.preprocess(inputs) predictions = self.predict(preprocessed_data) return self.postprocess(predictions)