# -----Configurations of the Transformer model----- # # Model name MODEL_NAME=TRANS_BASE_KE ## Path to training data of source language CONTEXT_DATA_PATH=dataset/FULL_DATA.gom ## Path to training data of target language TARGET_DATA_PATH=dataset/FULL_DATA.en ## Path to vocabulary of source language CONTEXT_TOKEN_PATH=vocabulary/bert_gom.vocab ## Path to vocabulary data of target language TARGET_TOKEN_PATH=vocabulary/bert_en.vocab # Reloading weights from pretrained model (Comment out or leave empty or set to 'None' if not using) WEIGHTS_PATH=trained_models/T_BASE_KE_17_07/checkpoints/best_model.weights.hdf5 # Set model configurations BATCH_SIZE=128 MAX_TOKENS=128 ## number of encoder and decoder layers NUM_LAYERS=6 ## dimensionality of the embeddings D_MODEL=512 ## internal dimensionality of the FeedForward layer DFF=2048 ## The number of self-attention heads NUM_HEADS=8 ## Residual Dropout DROPOUT_RATE=0.3 # Set Training parameters epochs=10 ## save only the best weight? default = True save_best_only=True ## save epochs after every `save_freq`, default = 1 save_freq=1