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"""Transforms relate to hamming distance sampling."""
import random
import numpy as np
from onmt.constants import DefaultTokens
from onmt.transforms import register_transform
from .transform import Transform, ObservableStats
class HammingDistanceSampling(object):
"""Functions related to (negative) Hamming Distance Sampling."""
def _softmax(self, x):
softmax = np.exp(x)/sum(np.exp(x))
return softmax
def _sample_replace(self, vocab, reject):
"""Sample a token from `vocab` other than `reject`."""
token = reject
while token == reject:
token = random.choice(vocab)
return token
def _sample_distance(self, tokens, temperature):
"""Sample number of tokens to corrupt from `tokens`."""
n_tokens = len(tokens)
indices = np.arange(n_tokens)
logits = indices * -1 * temperature
probs = self._softmax(logits)
distance = np.random.choice(indices, p=probs)
return distance
def _sample_position(self, tokens, distance):
n_tokens = len(tokens)
chosen_indices = random.sample(range(n_tokens), k=distance)
return chosen_indices
class HammingDistanceSamplingTransform(Transform, HammingDistanceSampling):
"""Abstract Transform class based on HammingDistanceSampling."""
def _set_seed(self, seed):
"""set seed to ensure reproducibility."""
class SwitchOutStats(ObservableStats):
"""Runing statistics for counting tokens being switched out."""
__slots__ = ["changed", "total"]
def __init__(self, changed: int, total: int):
self.changed = changed = total
def update(self, other: "SwitchOutStats"):
self.changed += other.changed +=
class SwitchOutTransform(HammingDistanceSamplingTransform):
def __init__(self, opts):
def require_vocab(cls):
"""Override this method to inform it need vocab to start."""
return True
def add_options(cls, parser):
"""Avalilable options relate to this Transform."""
group = parser.add_argument_group("Transform/SwitchOut")
group.add("-switchout_temperature", "--switchout_temperature",
type=float, default=1.0,
help="Sampling temperature for SwitchOut. :math:`\\tau^{-1}`"
" in :cite:`DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1808-07512`. "
"Smaller value makes data more diverse.")
def _parse_opts(self):
self.temperature = self.opts.switchout_temperature
def _switchout(self, tokens, vocab, stats=None):
# 1. sample number of tokens to corrupt
n_chosen = self._sample_distance(tokens, self.temperature)
# 2. sample positions to corrput
chosen_indices = self._sample_position(tokens, distance=n_chosen)
# 3. sample corrupted values
for i in chosen_indices:
tokens[i] = self._sample_replace(vocab, reject=tokens[i])
if stats is not None:
stats.update(SwitchOutStats(n_chosen, len(tokens)))
return tokens
def apply(self, example, is_train=False, stats=None, **kwargs):
"""Apply switchout to both src and tgt side tokens."""
if is_train:
example['src'] = self._switchout(
example['src'], self.vocabs['src'].itos, stats)
example['tgt'] = self._switchout(
example['tgt'], self.vocabs['tgt'].itos, stats)
return example
def _repr_args(self):
"""Return str represent key arguments for class."""
return '{}={}'.format('switchout_temperature', self.temperature)
class TokenDropStats(ObservableStats):
"""Runing statistics for counting tokens being switched out."""
__slots__ = ["dropped", "total"]
def __init__(self, dropped: int, total: int):
self.dropped = dropped = total
def update(self, other: "TokenDropStats"):
self.dropped += other.dropped +=
class TokenDropTransform(HammingDistanceSamplingTransform):
"""Random drop tokens from sentence."""
def __init__(self, opts):
def add_options(cls, parser):
"""Avalilable options relate to this Transform."""
group = parser.add_argument_group("Transform/Token_Drop")
group.add("-tokendrop_temperature", "--tokendrop_temperature",
type=float, default=1.0,
help="Sampling temperature for token deletion.")
def _parse_opts(self):
self.temperature = self.opts.tokendrop_temperature
def _token_drop(self, tokens, stats=None):
n_items = len(tokens)
# 1. sample number of tokens to corrupt
n_chosen = self._sample_distance(tokens, self.temperature)
# 2. sample positions to corrput
chosen_indices = self._sample_position(tokens, distance=n_chosen)
# 3. Drop token on chosen position
out = [tok for (i, tok) in enumerate(tokens)
if i not in chosen_indices]
if stats is not None:
stats.update(TokenDropStats(n_chosen, n_items))
return out
def apply(self, example, is_train=False, stats=None, **kwargs):
"""Apply token drop to both src and tgt side tokens."""
if is_train:
example['src'] = self._token_drop(example['src'], stats)
example['tgt'] = self._token_drop(example['tgt'], stats)
return example
def _repr_args(self):
"""Return str represent key arguments for class."""
return '{}={}'.format('tokendrop_temperature', self.temperature)
class TokenMaskStats(ObservableStats):
"""Runing statistics for counting tokens being switched out."""
__slots__ = ["masked", "total"]
def __init__(self, masked: int, total: int):
self.masked = masked = total
def update(self, other: "TokenMaskStats"):
self.masked += other.masked +=
class TokenMaskTransform(HammingDistanceSamplingTransform):
"""Random mask tokens from src sentence."""
MASK_TOK = DefaultTokens.MASK
def __init__(self, opts):
def add_options(cls, parser):
"""Avalilable options relate to this Transform."""
group = parser.add_argument_group("Transform/Token_Mask")
group.add('-tokenmask_temperature', '--tokenmask_temperature',
type=float, default=1.0,
help="Sampling temperature for token masking.")
def _parse_opts(self):
self.temperature = self.opts.tokenmask_temperature
def get_specials(cls, opts):
"""Get special vocabs added by prefix transform."""
return ({cls.MASK_TOK}, set())
def _token_mask(self, tokens, stats=None):
# 1. sample number of tokens to corrupt
n_chosen = self._sample_distance(tokens, self.temperature)
# 2. sample positions to corrput
chosen_indices = self._sample_position(tokens, distance=n_chosen)
# 3. mask word on chosen position
for i in chosen_indices:
tokens[i] = self.MASK_TOK
if stats is not None:
stats.update(TokenDropStats(n_chosen, len(tokens)))
return tokens
def apply(self, example, is_train=False, stats=None, **kwargs):
"""Apply word drop to both src and tgt side tokens."""
if is_train:
example['src'] = self._token_mask(example['src'], stats)
return example
def _repr_args(self):
"""Return str represent key arguments for class."""
return '{}={}'.format('tokenmask_temperature', self.temperature)