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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Detokenization tests.
use warnings;
use strict;
# This is here to suppress (false) warnings about OLDOUT and OLDERR being used only once. Maybe there is a less brutish way to suppress that, but I don't know it.
no warnings 'once';
use utf8;
use Cwd ('abs_path');
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Basename ('dirname');
use IPC::Run3;
use Getopt::Long;
use Test::More;
GetOptions("detokenizer=s" => \(my $detokenizer),
"results-dir=s"=> \(my $results_dir)
) or exit 1;
unless (defined $results_dir) {
print STDERR "Usage: run-test-detokenizer.t --results-dir <RESULTS-DIRECTORY> [--detokenizer <DETOKENIZER-SCRIPT>]\n";
exit 1;
die "ERROR: Results directory ".$results_dir." doesn't exist or is not a writable directory. Dying" unless (-d $results_dir && -w $results_dir);
$detokenizer = catfile(dirname(dirname(abs_path($0))), "scripts", "tokenizer", "detokenizer.perl") unless $detokenizer;
die "ERROR: Detokenizer script ".$detokenizer." does not exist. Dying" unless -f $detokenizer;
my @testCases = ();
# Definitions of individual test cases
# A simple English test
&addDetokenizerTest("TEST_ENGLISH_EASY", "en",
This sentence is really simple , so it should not be hard to detokenize .
This one is no more difficult , but , hey , it is on a new line .
This sentence is really simple, so it should not be hard to detokenize.
This one is no more difficult, but, hey, it is on a new line.
# An English test involving double-quotes
&addDetokenizerTest("TEST_ENGLISH_DOUBLEQUOTES", "en",
This is a somewhat " less simple " test .
This is a somewhat "less simple" test.
# A simple French test
&addDetokenizerTest("TEST_FRENCH_EASY", "fr",
Voici une phrase simple .
Voici une phrase simple.
# A French test involving an apostrophe
&addDetokenizerTest("TEST_FRENCH_APOSTROPHE", "fr",
Moi , j' ai une apostrophe .
Moi, j'ai une apostrophe.
# A French test involving an apostrophe on the second-last word
de musique rap issus de l' immigration
de musique rap issus de l'immigration
# A German test involving non-ASCII characters
# Note: We don't specify a language because the detokenizer errors if you pass in a language for which it has no special rules, of which German is an example.
&addDetokenizerTest("TEST_GERMAN_NONASCII", undef,
Ich hoffe , daß Sie schöne Ferien hatten .
Frau Präsidentin ! Frau Díez González und ich hatten einige Anfragen
Ich hoffe, daß Sie schöne Ferien hatten.
Frau Präsidentin! Frau Díez González und ich hatten einige Anfragen
# A simple Chinese test
&addDetokenizerTest("TEST_CHINESE_EASY", undef,
这 是 一个 简单 的的 汉语 句子 。
# A simple Japanese test
&addDetokenizerTest("TEST_JAPANESE_EASY", undef,
どう しょ う か な 。
どこ で 食べ たい 。
# Now run those babies ...
plan tests => scalar(@testCases);
foreach my $testCase (@testCases) {
## Utilities
# Creates a new detokenizer test case, adds it to the array of test cases to be run, and returns it.
sub addDetokenizerTest {
my ($testName, $language, $tokenizedText, $rightAnswer) = @_;
my $testCase = new DetokenizerTestCase($testName, $language, $tokenizedText, $rightAnswer);
push(@testCases, $testCase);
return $testCase;
sub runDetokenizerTest {
my ($testCase) = @_;
my $testOutputDir = catfile($results_dir, $testCase->getName());
my $tokenizedFile = catfile($testOutputDir, "input.txt");
my $expectedFile = catfile($testOutputDir, "expected.txt");
# Fail if we can't make the test output directory
unless (mkdir($testOutputDir)) {
return fail($testCase->getName().": Failed to create output directory ".$testOutputDir." [".$!."]");
open TOK, ">".$tokenizedFile;
binmode TOK, ":utf8";
print TOK $testCase->getTokenizedText();
close TOK;
open TRUTH, ">".$expectedFile;
binmode TRUTH, ":utf8";
print TRUTH $testCase->getRightAnswer();
close TRUTH;
&runTest($testCase->getName(), $testOutputDir, $tokenizedFile, sub {
return defined($testCase->getLanguage()) ? [$detokenizer, "-l", $testCase->getLanguage()] : [$detokenizer];
}, sub {
&verifyIdentical($testCase->getName(), $expectedFile, catfile($testOutputDir, "stdout.txt"))
}, 1, $testCase->getFailureExplanation());
# $stdinFile, if defined, is a file to send to the command via STDIN
# $buildCommandRoutineReference is a reference to a zero-argument subroutine that returns the
# system command to run in the form of an array reference
# $validationRoutineReference is a reference to a zero-argument subroutine that makes exactly one call
# to ok() or similar to validate the contents of the output directory
# $separateStdoutFromStderr is an optional boolean argument; if omitted or false, the command's
# STDOUT and STDERR are mixed together in out output file called
# stdout-and-stderr.txt; otherwise, they are printed to separate output
# files called stdout.txt and stderr.txt, respectively
# $failureExplanation is an explanation of why the test is expected to fail. If the test is expected
# to pass, then this should be left undefined. Even in the case of a test that
# is expected to fail, the system command is still expected to exit normally --
# only the validation routine is expected to fail.
sub runTest {
my ($testName, $outputDir, $stdinFile, $buildCommandRoutineReference, $validationRoutineReference, $separateStdoutFromStderr, $failureExplanation) = @_;
my ($stdoutFile, $stderrFile);
if ($separateStdoutFromStderr) {
$stdoutFile = catfile($outputDir, "stdout.txt");
$stderrFile = catfile($outputDir, "stderr.txt");
} else {
$stdoutFile = catfile($outputDir, "stdout-and-stderr.txt");
$stderrFile = $stdoutFile;
my $commandRef = $buildCommandRoutineReference->();
my $exitStatus = &runVerbosely($commandRef, $stdinFile, $stdoutFile, $stderrFile);
return fail($testName.": command exited with status ".$exitStatus) unless $exitStatus == 0;
if (defined $failureExplanation) {
local $TODO = $failureExplanation;
} else {
# Announce that we're going to run the given command, then run it.
# $stdinFile, if defined, is a file to send to the command via STDIN
# $stdoutFile and $stderrFile, if defined, are file paths to which the command's standard output
# and standard error, respectively, are written. They can be the same file.
# The exit code of the command is returned.
sub runVerbosely {
my ($commandRef, $stdinFile, $stdoutFile, $stderrFile) = @_;
my @command = @{$commandRef};
note("Executing command:\n @command\n");
note("standard input coming from: ".$stdinFile) if defined $stdinFile;
note("standard output going to: ".$stdoutFile) if defined $stdoutFile;
note("standard error going to: ".$stderrFile) if defined $stderrFile;
run3($commandRef, $stdinFile, $stdoutFile, $stderrFile);
return $?;
# Verify that the given output file is identical to the given reference file.
sub verifyIdentical {
my ($testName, $referenceFile, $outputFile) = @_;
open(REF, $referenceFile) or return fail($testName.": Can't open reference file ".$referenceFile." [".$!."].");
open(OUT, $outputFile) or return fail($testName.": Can't open output file ".$outputFile." [".$!."].");
my @referenceFileAsArray = <REF>;
my @outputFileAsArray = <OUT>;
is_deeply(\@outputFileAsArray, \@referenceFileAsArray, $testName.": Output file ".$outputFile." matches reference file ".$referenceFile.".");
## DetokenizerTestCase class ##
package DetokenizerTestCase;
# Constructor
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
_name => shift,
_language => shift,
_tokenizedText => shift,
_rightAnswer => shift,
_failureExplanation => undef
bless $self, $class;
sub getName {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_name};
sub getLanguage {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_language};
sub getTokenizedText {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_tokenizedText};
sub getRightAnswer {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_rightAnswer};
# Call this routine to indicate that this test case is expected to fail.
# (The detokenizer script is still expected to exit normally, but the output is not expected to
# match the right answer because of a bug or unimplemented use case.)
sub setExpectedToFail {
my ($self, $failureExplanation) = @_;
$self->{_failureExplanation} = $failureExplanation || "This test is expected to fail.";
# Returns a string explaining why this test is expected to fail, or undef if this test is expected
# to pass.
sub getFailureExplanation {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_failureExplanation};