Video to Text |
============= |
--------- |
**WARNING**: This example is based on the |
`legacy version of OpenNMT-py <https://github.com/OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py/tree/legacy>`_ |
! |
--------- |
Recurrent |
--------- |
This tutorial shows how to replicate the results from |
`"Describing Videos by Exploiting Temporal Structure" <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.08029.pdf>`_ |
[`code <https://github.com/yaoli/arctic-capgen-vid>`_] |
using OpenNMT-py. |
Get `YouTubeClips.tar` from `here <http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/ml/clamp/videoDescription/>`_. |
Use ``tar -xvf YouTubeClips.tar`` to decompress the archive. |
Now, visit `this repo <https://github.com/yaoli/arctic-capgen-vid>`_. |
Follow the "preprocessed YouTube2Text download link." |
We'll be throwing away the Googlenet features. We just need the captions. |
Use ``unzip youtube2text_iccv15.zip`` to decompress the files. |
Get to the following directory structure: :: |
yt2t |
|-YouTubeClips |
|-youtube2text_iccv15 |
Change directories to `yt2t`. We'll rename the videos to follow the "vid#.avi" format: |
.. code-block:: python |
import pickle |
import os |
YT = "youtube2text_iccv15" |
YTC = "YouTubeClips" |
# load the YouTube hash -> vid### map. |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "dict_youtube_mapping.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
yt2vid = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
for f in os.listdir(YTC): |
hashy, ext = os.path.splitext(f) |
vid = yt2vid[hashy] |
fpath_old = os.path.join(YTC, f) |
f_new = vid + ext |
fpath_new = os.path.join(YTC, f_new) |
os.rename(fpath_old, fpath_new) |
Make sure all the videos have the same (low) framerate by changing to the YouTubeClips directory and using |
.. code-block:: bash |
for fi in $( ls ); do ffmpeg -y -i $fi -r 2 $fi; done |
Now we want to convert the frames into sequences of CNN feature vectors. |
(We'll use the environment variable ``Y2T2`` to refer to the `yt2t` directory, so change directories back and use) |
.. code-block:: bash |
export YT2T=`pwd` |
Then change directories back to the `OpenNMT-py` directory. |
Use `tools/img_feature_extractor.py`. |
Set the ``--world_size`` argument to the number of GPUs you have available |
(You can use the environment variable ``CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES`` to restrict the GPUs used). |
.. code-block:: bash |
PYTHONPATH=$PWD:$PYTHONPATH python tools/vid_feature_extractor.py --root_dir $YT2T/YouTubeClips --out_dir $YT2T/r152 |
Ensure the count is equal to 1970. |
You can use ``ls -1 $YT2T/r152 | wc -l``. |
If not, rerun the script. It will only process on the missing feature vectors. |
(Note this is unexpected behavior and consider opening an issue.) |
Now we turn our attention to the annotations. Each video has multiple associated captions. We want to |
train the model on each video + single caption pair. We'll collect all the captions per video, then we'll |
flatten them into files listing the feature vector sequence filenames (repeating for each caption) and the |
annotations. We skip the test videos since they are handled separately at translation time. |
Change directories back to ``YT2T``: |
.. code-block:: bash |
cd $YT2T |
.. code-block:: python |
import pickle |
import os |
from random import shuffle |
YT = "youtube2text_iccv15" |
SHUFFLE = True |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "CAP.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
ann = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
vid2anns = {} |
for vid_name, data in ann.items(): |
for d in data: |
try: |
vid2anns[vid_name].append(d["tokenized"]) |
except KeyError: |
vid2anns[vid_name] = [d["tokenized"]] |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "train.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
train = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "valid.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
val = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "test.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
test = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
train_files = open("yt2t_train_files.txt", "w") |
val_files = open("yt2t_val_files.txt", "w") |
val_folded = open("yt2t_val_folded_files.txt", "w") |
test_files = open("yt2t_test_files.txt", "w") |
train_cap = open("yt2t_train_cap.txt", "w") |
val_cap = open("yt2t_val_cap.txt", "w") |
vid_names = vid2anns.keys() |
vid_names = list(vid_names) |
shuffle(vid_names) |
for vid_name in vid_names: |
anns = vid2anns[vid_name] |
vid_path = vid_name + ".npy" |
for i, an in enumerate(anns): |
an = an.replace("\n", " ") # some caps have newlines |
split_name = vid_name + "_" + str(i) |
if split_name in train: |
train_files.write(vid_path + "\n") |
train_cap.write(an + "\n") |
elif split_name in val: |
if i == 0: |
val_folded.write(vid_path + "\n") |
val_files.write(vid_path + "\n") |
val_cap.write(an + "\n") |
else: |
# Don't need to save out the test captions, |
# just the files. And, don't need to repeat |
# it for each caption |
assert split_name in test |
if i == 0: |
test_files.write(vid_path + "\n") |
Return to the `OpenNMT-py` directory. Now we preprocess the data for training. |
We preprocess with a small shard size of 1000. This keeps the amount of data in memory (RAM) to a |
manageable 10 G. If you have more RAM, you can increase the shard size. |
Preprocess the data with |
.. code-block:: bash |
onmt_preprocess -data_type vec -train_src $YT2T/yt2t_train_files.txt -src_dir $YT2T/r152/ -train_tgt $YT2T/yt2t_train_cap.txt -valid_src $YT2T/yt2t_val_files.txt -valid_tgt $YT2T/yt2t_val_cap.txt -save_data data/yt2t --shard_size 1000 |
Train with |
.. code-block:: bash |
onmt_train -data data/yt2t -save_model yt2t-model -world_size 2 -gpu_ranks 0 1 -model_type vec -batch_size 64 -train_steps 10000 -valid_steps 500 -save_checkpoint_steps 500 -encoder_type brnn -optim adam -learning_rate .0001 -feat_vec_size 2048 |
Translate with |
.. code-block:: |
onmt_translate -model yt2t-model_step_7200.pt -src $YT2T/yt2t_test_files.txt -output pred.txt -verbose -data_type vec -src_dir $YT2T/r152 -gpu 0 -batch_size 10 |
.. note:: |
Generally, you want to keep the model that has the lowest validation perplexity. That turned out to be |
at step 7200, but choosing a different validation frequency or random seed could result in different results. |
Then you can use `coco-caption <https://github.com/tylin/coco-caption/tree/master/pycocoevalcap>`_ to evaluate the predictions. |
(Note that the fork `flauted <https://github.com/flauted/coco-caption>`_ can be used for Python 3 compatibility). |
Install the git repository with pip using |
.. code-block:: bash |
pip install git+<clone URL> |
Then use the following Python code to evaluate: |
.. code-block:: python |
import os |
from pprint import pprint |
from pycocoevalcap.bleu.bleu import Bleu |
from pycocoevalcap.meteor.meteor import Meteor |
from pycocoevalcap.rouge.rouge import Rouge |
from pycocoevalcap.cider.cider import Cider |
from pycocoevalcap.spice.spice import Spice |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
pred = open("pred.txt") |
import pickle |
import os |
YT = os.path.join(os.environ["YT2T"], "youtube2text_iccv15") |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "CAP.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
ann = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
vid2anns = {} |
for vid_name, data in ann.items(): |
for d in data: |
try: |
vid2anns[vid_name].append(d["tokenized"]) |
except KeyError: |
vid2anns[vid_name] = [d["tokenized"]] |
test_files = open(os.path.join(os.environ["YT2T"], "yt2t_test_files.txt")) |
scorers = { |
"Bleu": Bleu(4), |
"Meteor": Meteor(), |
"Rouge": Rouge(), |
"Cider": Cider(), |
"Spice": Spice() |
} |
gts = {} |
res = {} |
for outp, filename in zip(pred, test_files): |
filename = filename.strip("\n") |
outp = outp.strip("\n") |
vid_id = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] |
anns = vid2anns[vid_id] |
gts[vid_id] = anns |
res[vid_id] = [outp] |
scores = {} |
for name, scorer in scorers.items(): |
score, all_scores = scorer.compute_score(gts, res) |
if isinstance(score, list): |
for i, sc in enumerate(score, 1): |
scores[name + str(i)] = sc |
else: |
scores[name] = score |
pprint(scores) |
Here are our results :: |
{'Bleu1': 0.7888553878084233, |
'Bleu2': 0.6729376621109295, |
'Bleu3': 0.5778428507344473, |
'Bleu4': 0.47633625833397897, |
'Cider': 0.7122415518428051, |
'Meteor': 0.31829562714082704, |
'Rouge': 0.6811305229481235, |
'Spice': 0.044147089472463576} |
So how does this stack up against the paper? These results should be compared to the "Global (Temporal Attention)" |
row in Table 1. The authors report BLEU4 0.4028, METEOR 0.2900, and CIDEr 0.4801. So, our results are a significant |
improvement. Our architecture follows the general encoder + attentional decoder described in the paper, but the |
actual attention implementation is slightly different. The paper downsamples by choosing 26 equally spaced frames from |
the first 240, while we downsample the video to 2 fps. Also, we use ResNet features instead of GoogLeNet, and we |
lowercase while the paper does not, so some improvement is expected. |
Transformer |
----------- |
Now we will try to replicate the baseline transformer results from |
`"TVT: Two-View Transformer Network for Video Captioning" <http://proceedings.mlr.press/v95/chen18b.html>`_ |
on the MSVD (YouTube2Text) dataset. See Table 3, Base model(R). |
In Section 4.3, the authors report most of their preprocessing and hyperparameters. |
Create a folder called *yt2t_2*. Copy *youtube2text_iccv15* directory and *YouTubeClips.tar* into |
the new directory and untar *YouTubeClips*. Rerun the renaming code. Subssample at 5 FPS using |
.. code-block:: bash |
for fi in $( ls ); do ffmpeg -y -i $fi -r 5 $fi; done |
Set the environment variable ``$YT2T`` to this new directory and change to the repo directory. |
Run the feature extraction command again to extract ResNet features on the frames. |
Then use this reprocessing code. Note that it shuffles the data differently, and it performs |
tokenization similar to what the authors report. |
.. code-block:: python |
import pickle |
import os |
import random |
import string |
seed = 2345 |
random.seed(seed) |
YT = "youtube2text_iccv15" |
SHUFFLE = True |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "CAP.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
ann = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
def clean(caption): |
caption = caption.lower() |
caption = caption.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ").replace("\r", " ") |
# remove punctuation |
caption = caption.translate(str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation)) |
# multiple whitespace |
caption = " ".join(caption.split()) |
return caption |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "train.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
train = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "valid.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
val = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
with open(os.path.join(YT, "test.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
test = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1") |
train_data = [] |
val_data = [] |
test_data = [] |
for vid_name, data in ann.items(): |
vid_path = vid_name + ".npy" |
for i, d in enumerate(data): |
split_name = vid_name + "_" + str(i) |
datum = (vid_path, i, clean(d["caption"])) |
if split_name in train: |
train_data.append(datum) |
elif split_name in val: |
val_data.append(datum) |
elif split_name in test: |
test_data.append(datum) |
else: |
assert False |
random.shuffle(train_data) |
train_files = open("yt2t_train_files.txt", "w") |
train_cap = open("yt2t_train_cap.txt", "w") |
for vid_path, _, an in train_data: |
train_files.write(vid_path + "\n") |
train_cap.write(an + "\n") |
train_files.close() |
train_cap.close() |
val_files = open("yt2t_val_files.txt", "w") |
val_folded = open("yt2t_val_folded_files.txt", "w") |
val_cap = open("yt2t_val_cap.txt", "w") |
for vid_path, i, an in val_data: |
if i == 0: |
val_folded.write(vid_path + "\n") |
val_files.write(vid_path + "\n") |
val_cap.write(an + "\n") |
val_files.close() |
val_folded.close() |
val_cap.close() |
test_files = open("yt2t_test_files.txt", "w") |
for vid_path, i, an in test_data: |
# Don't need to save out the test captions, |
# just the files. And, don't need to repeat |
# it for each caption |
if i == 0: |
test_files.write(vid_path + "\n") |
test_files.close() |
Then preprocess the data with max-length filtering. (Note you will be prompted to remove the |
old data. Do this, i.e. ``rm data/yt2t.*.pt.``) |
.. code-block:: bash |
onmt_preprocess -data_type vec -train_src $YT2T/yt2t_train_files.txt -src_dir $YT2T/r152/ -train_tgt $YT2T/yt2t_train_cap.txt -valid_src $YT2T/yt2t_val_files.txt -valid_tgt $YT2T/yt2t_val_cap.txt -save_data data/yt2t --shard_size 1000 --src_seq_length 50 --tgt_seq_length 20 |
Delete the old checkpoints and train a transformer model on this data. |
.. code-block:: bash |
rm -r yt2t-model_step_*.pt; onmt_train -data data/yt2t -save_model yt2t-model -world_size 2 -gpu_ranks 0 1 -model_type vec -batch_size 64 -train_steps 8000 -valid_steps 400 -save_checkpoint_steps 400 -optim adam -learning_rate .0001 -feat_vec_size 2048 -layers 4 -rnn_size 512 -word_vec_size 512 -transformer_ff 2048 -heads 8 -encoder_type transformer -decoder_type transformer -position_encoding -dropout 0.3 -param_init 0 -param_init_glorot -report_every 400 --share_decoder_embedding --seed 7000 |
Note we use the hyperparameters described in the paper. |
We estimate the length of 20 epochs with ``-train_steps``. Note that this depends on |
using a world size of 2. If you use a different world size, scale the ``-train_steps`` (and |
``-save_checkpoint_steps``, along with other parameters) accordingly. |
The batch size is not specified in the paper, so we assume one checkpoint |
per our estimated epoch. And, sharing |
the decoder embeddings is not mentioned, although we find this helps performance. Like the paper, we perform |
"early-stopping" with the COCO scores. We use beam search on the early stopping, |
although this too is not mentioned. You can reproduce our early-stops with these scripts |
(namely, running `find_val_stops.sh` and then `test_early_stops.sh` - |
`process_results.py` is a dependency of `find_val_stops.sh`): |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: `process_results.py` |
import argparse |
from collections import defaultdict |
import pandas as pd |
def load_results(fname="results.txt"): |
index = [] |
data = [] |
with open(fname, "r") as f: |
while True: |
try: |
filename = next(f).strip() |
except: |
break |
step = int(filename.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]) |
next(f) # blank |
next(f) # spice junk |
next(f) # length stats |
next(f) # ratios |
scores = {} |
while True: |
score_line = next(f).strip().strip("{").strip(",") |
metric, score = score_line.split(": ") |
metric = metric.strip("'") |
score_num = float(score.strip("}").strip(",")) |
scores[metric] = float(score_num) |
if score.endswith("}"): |
break |
next(f) # blank |
next(f) # blank |
next(f) # blank |
index.append(step) |
data.append(scores) |
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index) |
return df |
def find_absolute_stops(df): |
return df.idxmax() |
def find_early_stops(df, stop_count): |
maxes = defaultdict(lambda: 0) |
argmaxes = {} |
count_since_max = {} |
ended_metrics = set() |
for index, row in df.iterrows(): |
for metric, score in row.items(): |
if metric in ended_metrics: |
continue |
if score >= maxes[metric]: |
maxes[metric] = score |
argmaxes[metric] = index |
count_since_max[metric] = 0 |
else: |
count_since_max[metric] += 1 |
if count_since_max[metric] == stop_count: |
ended_metrics.add(metric) |
if len(ended_metrics) == len(row): |
break |
return pd.Series(argmaxes) |
def find_stops(df, stop_count): |
if stop_count > 0: |
return find_early_stops(df, stop_count) |
else: |
return find_absolute_stops(df) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Find locations of best scores") |
parser.add_argument( |
"-s", "--stop_count", type=int, default=0, |
help="Stop after this many scores worse than running max (0 to disable).") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
df = load_results() |
maxes = find_stops(df, args.stop_count) |
for metric, idx in maxes.iteritems(): |
print(f"{metric} maxed @ {idx}") |
print(df.loc[idx]) |
print() |
.. code-block:: bash |
:caption: `find_val_stops.sh` |
rm results.txt |
touch results.txt |
for file in $( ls -1v yt2t-model_step*.pt ) |
do |
echo $file |
onmt_translate -model $file -src $YT2T/yt2t_val_folded_files.txt -output pred.txt -verbose -data_type vec -src_dir $YT2T/r152 -gpu 0 -batch_size 16 -max_length 20 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null |
echo -e "$file\n" >> results.txt |
python coco.py -s val >> results.txt |
echo -e "\n\n" >> results.txt |
done |
python process_results.py -s 10 > val_stops.txt |
.. code-block:: bash |
:caption: `test_early_stops.sh` |
rm test_results.txt |
touch test_results.txt |
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do |
if [[ $line == *"maxed"* ]]; then |
metric=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}') |
step=$(echo $line | awk '{print $NF}') |
echo $metric early stopped @ $step | tee -a test_results.txt |
onmt_translate -model "yt2t-model_step_${step}.pt" -src $YT2T/yt2t_test_files.txt -output pred.txt -data_type vec -src_dir $YT2T/r152 -gpu 0 -batch_size 16 -max_length 20 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null |
python coco.py -s 'test' >> test_results.txt |
echo -e "\n\n" >> test_results.txt |
fi |
done < val_stops.txt |
cat test_results.txt |
Thus we test the checkpoint at step 2000 and find the following scores:: |
Meteor early stopped @ 2000 |
SPICE evaluation took: 2.522 s |
{'testlen': 3410, 'reflen': 3417, 'guess': [3410, 2740, 2070, 1400], 'correct': [2664, 1562, 887, 386]} |
ratio: 0.9979514193734276 |
{'Bleu1': 0.7796296150773093, |
'Bleu2': 0.6659837622637965, |
'Bleu3': 0.5745524496015597, |
'Bleu4': 0.4779574102543823, |
'Cider': 0.7541600090591118, |
'Meteor': 0.3259497476899707, |
'Rouge': 0.6800279518634998, |
'Spice': 0.046435637924854} |
Note our scores are an improvement over the recurrent approach. |
The paper reports |
BLEU4 50.25, CIDEr 72.11, METEOR 33.41, ROUGE 70.16. |
The CIDEr score is higher than the paper (but, considering the sensitivity of this |
metric, not by much), while the other metrics are slightly lower. |
This could be indicative of an implementation difference. Note that Table 5 reports |
24M parameters for a 2-layer transformer with ResNet inputs, while we find a few M less. This |
could be due to generator or embedding differences, or perhaps linear layers on the |
residual connections. Alternatively, the difference could be the initial tokenization. |
The paper reports 9861 tokens, while we find fewer. |
Part of this could be due to using |
the annotations from the other repository, where perhaps some annotations have been |
stripped. We also do not know the batch size or checkpoint frequency from the original |
work. |
Different random initializations could account for some of the difference, although |
our random seed gives good results. |
Overall, however, the scores are nearly reproduced |
and the scores are favorable. |