import argparse |
import torch |
import onmt |
import onmt.model_builder |
from onmt.utils.parse import ArgumentParser |
import onmt.opts |
from onmt.utils.misc import use_gpu |
from onmt.utils.logging import init_logger, logger |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='translate.py') |
parser.add_argument('-model', required=True, |
help='Path to model .pt file') |
parser.add_argument('-output_dir', default='.', |
help="""Path to output the embeddings""") |
parser.add_argument('-gpu', type=int, default=-1, |
help="Device to run on") |
def write_embeddings(filename, dict, embeddings): |
with open(filename, 'wb') as file: |
for i in range(min(len(embeddings), len(dict.itos))): |
str = dict.itos[i].encode("utf-8") |
for j in range(len(embeddings[0])): |
str = str + (" %5f" % (embeddings[i][j])).encode("utf-8") |
file.write(str + b"\n") |
def main(): |
dummy_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='train.py') |
onmt.opts.model_opts(dummy_parser) |
dummy_opt = dummy_parser.parse_known_args([])[0] |
opt = parser.parse_args() |
opt.cuda = opt.gpu > -1 |
if opt.cuda: |
torch.cuda.set_device(opt.gpu) |
checkpoint = torch.load(opt.model, |
map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) |
model_opt = checkpoint['opt'] |
fields = checkpoint['vocab'] |
src_dict = fields['src'].base_field.vocab |
tgt_dict = fields['tgt'].base_field.vocab |
model_opt = checkpoint['opt'] |
for arg in dummy_opt.__dict__: |
if arg not in model_opt: |
model_opt.__dict__[arg] = dummy_opt.__dict__[arg] |
ArgumentParser.update_model_opts(model_opt) |
ArgumentParser.validate_model_opts(model_opt) |
model = onmt.model_builder.build_base_model( |
model_opt, fields, use_gpu(opt), checkpoint) |
encoder = model.encoder |
decoder = model.decoder |
encoder_embeddings = encoder.embeddings.word_lut.weight.data.tolist() |
decoder_embeddings = decoder.embeddings.word_lut.weight.data.tolist() |
logger.info("Writing source embeddings") |
write_embeddings(opt.output_dir + "/src_embeddings.txt", src_dict, |
encoder_embeddings) |
logger.info("Writing target embeddings") |
write_embeddings(opt.output_dir + "/tgt_embeddings.txt", tgt_dict, |
decoder_embeddings) |
logger.info('... done.') |
logger.info('Converting model...') |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
init_logger('extract_embeddings.log') |
main() |