NMTKD / translation /OpenNMT-py /tools /extract_vocabulary.py
sakharamg's picture
Uploading all files
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
import sys
def read_files_batch(file_list):
"""Reads the provided files in batches"""
batch = [] # Keep batch for each file
fd_list = [] # File descriptor list
exit = False # Flag used for quitting the program in case of error
for filename in file_list:
for lines in zip(*fd_list):
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
line = line.rstrip("\n").split(" ")
yield batch
batch = [] # Reset batch
except IOError:
print("Error reading file " + filename + ".")
exit = True # Flag to exit the program
for fd in fd_list:
if exit: # An error occurred, end execution
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-file_type', default='text',
choices=['text', 'field'], required=True,
help="""Options for vocabulary extraction.
The default is 'text' where the user passes
a corpus or a list of corpora files for which
they want to create a vocabulary from.
If choosing the option 'field', we assume
the file passed is a torch file created during
the preprocessing stage of an already
preprocessed corpus. The vocabulary file created
will just be the vocabulary inside the field
corresponding to the argument 'side'.""")
parser.add_argument("-file", type=str, nargs="+", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-out_file", type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("-side", choices=['src', 'tgt'], help="""Specifies
'src' or 'tgt' side for 'field' file_type.""")
opt = parser.parse_args()
vocabulary = {}
if opt.file_type == 'text':
print("Reading input file...")
for batch in read_files_batch(opt.file):
for sentence in batch:
for w in sentence:
if w in vocabulary:
vocabulary[w] += 1
vocabulary[w] = 1
print("Writing vocabulary file...")
with open(opt.out_file, "w") as f:
for w, count in sorted(vocabulary.items(), key=lambda x: x[1],
if opt.side not in ['src', 'tgt']:
raise ValueError("If using -file_type='field', specifies "
"'src' or 'tgt' argument for -side.")
import torch
print("Reading input file...")
if not len(opt.file) == 1:
raise ValueError("If using -file_type='field', only pass one "
"argument for -file.")
vocabs = torch.load(opt.file[0])
voc = dict(vocabs)[opt.side]
word_list = voc[0][1].base_field.vocab.itos
except AttributeError:
word_list = voc[0][1].vocab.itos
print("Writing vocabulary file...")
with open(opt.out_file, "wb") as f:
for w in word_list:
if __name__ == "__main__":