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# -*- Makefile -*-
# make module for tuning a system
tune.input ?= $(error missing
#tuned_moses_ini ?= tuning/moses.ini.${run_id}
#$(tuned_moses_ini): | ${untuned_moses_ini}
#$(tuned_moses_ini): | ${untuned_moses_ini}
# make sure that all necessary variables are set
untuned_moses_ini ?= $(error Fatal error: the required variable untuned_moses_ini is not set)
tuning_input ?= $(error Fatal error: the required variable tuning_input is not set)
tuning_reference ?= $(error Fatal error: the required variable tuning_reference is not set)
tuning_itype ?= $(error Fatal error: the required variable tuning_itype is not set)
tuning_wdir ?= $(error Fatal error: the required variable tuning_wdir is not set)
$tuning_root_dir ?= ${MOSES_ROOT}
# default tuning parameters
mert.nbest ?= 100
mert.decoder-threads ?= 4
tuning/%/tmp/moses.ini: mertcmd = ${tune}
tuning/%/tmp/moses.ini: mert_flags += --working-dir $(CURDIR)/tuning/$*/tmp
tuning/%/tmp/moses.ini: mert_flags += --decoder-flags "${mert.decoder_flags} -inputtype ${input-type}"
tuning/%/tmp/moses.ini: mert_flags += --rootdir ${MOSES_ROOT}/scripts
tuning/%/tmp/moses.ini: mert_flags += --mertdir ${MOSES_BIN}
tuning/%/tmp/moses.ini: mert_flags += ${mert.options}
tuning/%/tmp/moses.ini: ${untuned_moses_ini}
$(info TUNING: ${tune} ${tune-src} ${tune-ref} ${decode} ${untuned_moses_ini} ${mert_flags})
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@mkdir $@.lock
@echo $(call lockline) > $@.lock/owner
${tune} ${mert_flags} ${tune-src} ${tune-ref} ${decode} ${untuned_moses_ini}
@rm $@.lock/owner
@rmdir $@.lock
tuning/%/moses.tuned.ini: tuning/%/tmp/moses.ini
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@mkdir $@.lock
@echo $(call lockline) > $@.lock/owner
${apply-weights} tuning/$*/tmp/moses.ini < ${untuned_moses_ini} > $@_
mv $@_ $@
@rm $@.lock/owner
@rmdir $@.lock