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Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2010 Hieu Hoang
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "Util.h"
#include "Range.h"
#include "ScoreComponentCollection.h"
#include "Phrase.h"
#include "ChartTranslationOptions.h"
#include "ObjectPool.h"
namespace Moses
class ChartKBestExtractor;
class ChartHypothesis;
class ChartManager;
class RuleCubeItem;
class FFState;
typedef std::vector<ChartHypothesis*> ChartArcList;
/** a hypothesis in the hierarchical/syntax decoder.
* Contain a pointer to the current target phrase, a vector of previous hypos, and some scores
class ChartHypothesis
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const ChartHypothesis&);
// friend class ChartKBestExtractor;
boost::shared_ptr<ChartTranslationOption> m_transOpt;
Range m_currSourceWordsRange;
std::vector<const FFState*> m_ffStates; /*! stateful feature function states */
/*! sum of scores of this hypothesis, and previous hypotheses. Lazily initialised. */
mutable boost::scoped_ptr<ScoreComponentCollection> m_scoreBreakdown;
mutable boost::scoped_ptr<ScoreComponentCollection> m_deltaScoreBreakdown;
ScoreComponentCollection m_currScoreBreakdown /*! scores for this hypothesis only */
float m_totalScore;
ChartArcList *m_arcList; /*! all arcs that end at the same trellis point as this hypothesis */
const ChartHypothesis *m_winningHypo;
std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> m_prevHypos; // always sorted by source position?
ChartManager& m_manager;
unsigned m_id; /* pkoehn wants to log the order in which hypotheses were generated */
//! not implemented
//! not implemented
ChartHypothesis(const ChartHypothesis &copy);
ChartHypothesis(const ChartTranslationOptions &, const RuleCubeItem &item,
ChartManager &manager);
//! only used by ChartKBestExtractor
ChartHypothesis(const ChartHypothesis &, const ChartKBestExtractor &);
unsigned GetId() const {
return m_id;
const ChartTranslationOption &GetTranslationOption() const {
return *m_transOpt;
//! Get the rule that created this hypothesis
const TargetPhrase &GetCurrTargetPhrase() const {
return m_transOpt->GetPhrase();
//! the source range that this hypothesis spans
const Range &GetCurrSourceRange() const {
return m_currSourceWordsRange;
//! the arc list when creating n-best lists
inline const ChartArcList* GetArcList() const {
return m_arcList;
//! the feature function states for a particular feature \param featureID
inline const FFState* GetFFState( size_t featureID ) const {
return m_ffStates[ featureID ];
//! reference back to the manager
inline const ChartManager& GetManager() const {
return m_manager;
void GetOutputPhrase(Phrase &outPhrase) const;
Phrase GetOutputPhrase() const;
// get leftmost/rightmost words only
// leftRightMost: 1=left, 2=right
void GetOutputPhrase(size_t leftRightMost, size_t numWords, Phrase &outPhrase) const;
void EvaluateWhenApplied();
void AddArc(ChartHypothesis *loserHypo);
void CleanupArcList();
void SetWinningHypo(const ChartHypothesis *hypo);
//! get the unweighted score for each feature function
const ScoreComponentCollection &GetScoreBreakdown() const {
// Note: never call this method before m_currScoreBreakdown is fully computed
if (!m_scoreBreakdown.get()) {
m_scoreBreakdown.reset(new ScoreComponentCollection());
// score breakdown from current translation rule
if (m_transOpt) {
// score breakdowns from prev hypos
for (std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*>::const_iterator iter = m_prevHypos.begin(); iter != m_prevHypos.end(); ++iter) {
const ChartHypothesis &prevHypo = **iter;
return *(m_scoreBreakdown.get());
//! get the unweighted score delta for each feature function
const ScoreComponentCollection &GetDeltaScoreBreakdown() const {
// Note: never call this method before m_currScoreBreakdown is fully computed
if (!m_deltaScoreBreakdown.get()) {
m_deltaScoreBreakdown.reset(new ScoreComponentCollection());
// score breakdown from current translation rule
if (m_transOpt) {
// delta: score breakdowns from prev hypos _not_ added
return *(m_deltaScoreBreakdown.get());
//! Get the weighted total score
float GetFutureScore() const {
// scores from current translation rule. eg. translation models & word penalty
return m_totalScore;
//! vector of previous hypotheses this hypo is built on
const std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &GetPrevHypos() const {
return m_prevHypos;
//! get a particular previous hypos
const ChartHypothesis* GetPrevHypo(size_t pos) const {
return m_prevHypos[pos];
//! get the constituency label that covers this hypo
const Word &GetTargetLHS() const {
return GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetTargetLHS();
//! get the best hypo in the arc list when doing n-best list creation. It's either this hypothesis, or the best hypo is this hypo is in the arc list
const ChartHypothesis* GetWinningHypothesis() const {
return m_winningHypo;
// for unordered_set in stack
size_t hash() const;
bool operator==(const ChartHypothesis& other) const;
}; // class ChartHypothesis