#include <ctime> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <iterator> |
#include <fstream> |
#include <sstream> |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp> |
#include <boost/program_options.hpp> |
#include "Parameter.h" |
#include "InputFileStream.h" |
#include "../FF/FeatureRegistry.h" |
#include "util/string_stream.hh" |
#include "util/exception.hh" |
#include "util/random.hh" |
using namespace std; |
using namespace boost::algorithm; |
namespace po = boost::program_options; |
namespace Moses2 |
{ |
Parameter::Parameter() |
{ |
po::options_description main_opts("Main Options"); |
AddParam(main_opts, "config", "f", "location of the configuration file"); |
AddParam(main_opts, "input-file", "i", |
"location of the input file to be translated"); |
AddParam(main_opts, "verbose", "v", "verbosity level of the logging"); |
AddParam(main_opts, "show-weights", "print feature weights and exit"); |
po::options_description factor_opts("General Factorization Options"); |
AddParam(factor_opts, "mapping", "description of decoding steps"); |
AddParam(factor_opts, "placeholder-factor", |
"Which source factor to use to store the original text for placeholders. The factor must not be used by a translation or gen model"); |
po::options_description search_opts("Search Options"); |
string desc = "Which search algorithm to use.\n"; |
desc += "0=normal stack (default)\n"; |
desc += "1=cube pruning\n"; |
desc += "3=chart (with cube pruning)\n"; |
desc += "4=stack with batched lm requests\n"; |
desc += "5=chart (with incremental search)\n"; |
desc += "6=string-to-tree\n"; |
desc += "7=tree-to-string\n"; |
desc += "8=tree-to-string (SCFG-based)\n"; |
desc += "9=forest-to-string"; |
AddParam(search_opts, "search-algorithm", desc); |
AddParam(search_opts, "beam-threshold", "b", |
"threshold for threshold pruning"); |
AddParam(search_opts, "stack", "s", |
"maximum stack size for histogram pruning. 0 = unlimited stack size"); |
AddParam(search_opts, "weight", |
"weights for ALL models, 1 per line 'WeightName value'. Weight names can be repeated"); |
AddParam(search_opts, "feature-overwrite", |
"Override arguments in a particular feature function with a particular key. Format: -feature-overwrite \"FeatureName key=value\""); |
po::options_description tune_opts("Options used in tuning."); |
AddParam(tune_opts, "weight-overwrite", |
"special parameter for mert. All on 1 line. Overrides weights specified in 'weights' argument"); |
AddParam(tune_opts, "feature-add", |
"Add a feature function on the command line. Used by mira to add BLEU feature"); |
AddParam(tune_opts, "weight-add", |
"Add weight for FF if it doesn't exist, i.e weights here are added 1st, and can be override by the ini file or on the command line. Used to specify initial weights for FF that was also specified on the copmmand line"); |
AddParam(search_opts, "max-phrase-length", |
"maximum phrase length (default 20)"); |
AddParam(search_opts, "threads", "th", |
"number of threads to use in decoding (defaults to single-threaded)"); |
po::options_description disto_opts("Distortion options"); |
AddParam(disto_opts, "distortion-limit", "dl", |
"distortion (reordering) limit in maximum number of words (0 = monotone, -1 = unlimited)"); |
AddParam(disto_opts, "monotone-at-punctuation", "mp", |
"do not reorder over punctuation"); |
po::options_description cube_opts("Cube pruning options."); |
AddParam(cube_opts, "cube-pruning-pop-limit", "cbp", |
"How many hypotheses should be popped for each stack. (default = 1000)"); |
AddParam(cube_opts, "cube-pruning-diversity", "cbd", |
"How many hypotheses should be created for each coverage. (default = 0)"); |
AddParam(cube_opts, "cube-pruning-lazy-scoring", "cbls", |
"Don't fully score a hypothesis until it is popped"); |
po::options_description mbr_opts( |
"Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR), Lattice MBR, and Consensus decoding"); |
po::options_description lmbr_opts("Options specific to Lattic MBR"); |
po::options_description oov_opts("OOV Handling Options"); |
AddParam(oov_opts, "drop-unknown", "du", |
"drop unknown words instead of copying them"); |
AddParam(oov_opts, "mark-unknown", "mu", "mark unknown words in output"); |
AddParam(oov_opts, "unknown-word-prefix", |
"prefix to unknwon word when marked (default: 'UNK')"); |
AddParam(oov_opts, "unknown-word-suffix", |
"suffix to unknwon word when marked (default: '')"); |
po::options_description input_opts("Input Format Options"); |
AddParam(input_opts, "input-factors", "list of factors in the input"); |
AddParam(input_opts, "inputtype", |
"text (0), confusion network (1), word lattice (2), tree (3) (default = 0)"); |
AddParam(input_opts, "xml-input", "xi", |
"allows markup of input with desired translations and probabilities. values can be 'pass-through' (default), 'inclusive', 'exclusive', 'constraint', 'ignore'"); |
po::options_description output_opts("Output Options"); |
AddParam(output_opts, "output-factors", "list if factors in the output"); |
AddParam(output_opts, "translation-details", "T", |
"for each best hypothesis, report translation details to the given file"); |
AddParam(output_opts, "output-hypo-score", |
"Output the hypo score to stdout with the output string. For search error analysis. Default is false"); |
AddParam(output_opts, "report-segmentation", "t", |
"report phrase segmentation in the output"); |
AddParam(output_opts, "report-segmentation-enriched", "tt", |
"report phrase segmentation in the output with additional information"); |
po::options_description osg_opts("Options for outputting search graphs"); |
#endif |
po::options_description nbest_opts("N-best Options"); |
AddParam(nbest_opts, "n-best-list", |
"file and size of n-best-list to be generated; specify - as the file in order to write to STDOUT"); |
AddParam(nbest_opts, "n-best-factor", |
"factor to compute the maximum number of contenders (=factor*nbest-size). value 0 means infinity, i.e. no threshold. default is 0"); |
po::options_description server_opts("Moses Server Options"); |
AddParam(server_opts, "server", "Run moses as a translation server."); |
AddParam(server_opts, "server-port", "Port for moses server"); |
AddParam(server_opts, "server-log", "Log destination for moses server"); |
AddParam(server_opts, "serial", |
"Run server in serial mode, processing only one request at a time."); |
AddParam(server_opts,"server-maxconn", |
"Max. No of simultaneous HTTP transactions allowed by the server."); |
AddParam(server_opts,"server-maxconn-backlog", |
"Max. No. of requests the OS will queue if the server is busy."); |
AddParam(server_opts,"server-keepalive-maxconn", |
"Max. No. of requests the server will accept on a single TCP connection."); |
AddParam(server_opts,"server-keepalive-timeout", |
"Max. number of seconds the server will keep a persistent connection alive."); |
AddParam(server_opts,"server-timeout", |
"Max. number of seconds the server will wait for a client to submit a request once a connection has been established."); |
po::options_description irstlm_opts("IRSTLM Options"); |
po::options_description chart_opts("Chart Decoding Options"); |
AddParam(chart_opts, "max-chart-span", |
"maximum num. of source word chart rules can consume (default 10)"); |
AddParam(chart_opts, "non-terminals", |
"list of non-term symbols, space separated"); |
po::options_description misc_opts("Miscellaneous Options"); |
AddParam(misc_opts, "decoding-graph-backoff", "dpb", |
"only use subsequent decoding paths for unknown spans of given length"); |
AddParam(misc_opts, "feature", "All the feature functions should be here"); |
AddParam(misc_opts, "cpu-affinity-offset", "CPU Affinity. Default = -1 (no affinity)"); |
AddParam(misc_opts, "cpu-affinity-increment", |
"Set to 1 (default) to put each thread on different cores. 0 to run all threads on one core"); |
po::options_description cpt_opts( |
"Options when using compact phrase and reordering tables."); |
po::options_description spe_opts("Simulated Post-editing Options"); |
po::options_description deprec_opts("Deprecated Options"); |
AddParam(deprec_opts, "text-type", |
"DEPRECATED. DO NOT USE. should be one of dev/devtest/test, used for domain adaptation features"); |
po::options_description zombie_opts("Zombie Options"); |
search_opts.add(cube_opts); |
search_opts.add(disto_opts); |
search_opts.add(chart_opts); |
output_opts.add(nbest_opts); |
m_options.add(main_opts); |
m_options.add(server_opts); |
m_options.add(input_opts); |
m_options.add(search_opts); |
m_options.add(output_opts); |
m_options.add(oov_opts); |
m_options.add(factor_opts); |
m_options.add(tune_opts); |
m_options.add(misc_opts); |
} |
Parameter::~Parameter() |
{ |
} |
const PARAM_VEC *Parameter::GetParam(const std::string ¶mName) const |
{ |
PARAM_MAP::const_iterator iter = m_setting.find(paramName); |
if (iter == m_setting.end()) { |
return NULL; |
} else { |
return &iter->second; |
} |
} |
void Parameter::AddParam(po::options_description& optgroup, |
string const& paramName, string const& description) |
{ |
m_valid[paramName] = true; |
m_description[paramName] = description; |
optgroup.add_options()(paramName.c_str(), description.c_str()); |
} |
void Parameter::AddParam(po::options_description& optgroup, |
string const& paramName, string const& abbrevName, |
string const& description) |
{ |
m_valid[paramName] = true; |
m_valid[abbrevName] = true; |
m_abbreviation[paramName] = abbrevName; |
m_fullname[abbrevName] = paramName; |
m_description[paramName] = description; |
string optname = paramName; |
if (abbrevName.size() == 1) { |
optname += string(",") + abbrevName; |
} |
optgroup.add_options()(optname.c_str(), description.c_str()); |
} |
void Parameter::Explain() |
{ |
cerr << "Usage:" << endl; |
cerr << m_options << endl; |
} |
bool Parameter::isOption(const char* token) |
{ |
if (!token) return false; |
std::string tokenString(token); |
size_t length = tokenString.size(); |
if (length <= 1) return false; |
if (!starts_with(tokenString, "-")) return false; |
if (tokenString.substr(1, 1).find_first_not_of("0123456789") == 0) return true; |
return false; |
} |
bool Parameter::LoadParam(const string &filePath) |
{ |
const char *argv[] = { "executable", "-f", filePath.c_str() }; |
return LoadParam(3, (char**) argv); |
} |
bool Parameter::LoadParam(int argc, char* xargv[]) |
{ |
char **argv = (char**) alloca(argc * sizeof(char*)); |
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { |
argv[i] = xargv[i]; |
if (strlen(argv[i]) > 2 && argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-') ++argv[i]; |
} |
string configPath; |
if ((configPath = FindParam("-f", argc, argv)) == "" && (configPath = |
FindParam("-config", argc, argv)) == "") { |
PrintCredit(); |
Explain(); |
FeatureRegistry::Instance().PrintFF(); |
cerr << endl; |
cerr << "No configuration file was specified. Use -config or -f"; |
cerr << endl; |
return false; |
} else { |
if (!ReadConfigFile(configPath)) { |
std::cerr << "Could not read " << configPath; |
return false; |
} |
} |
for (PARAM_STRING::const_iterator iterParam = m_description.begin(); |
iterParam != m_description.end(); iterParam++) { |
const string paramName = iterParam->first; |
OverwriteParam("-" + paramName, paramName, argc, argv); |
} |
for (PARAM_STRING::const_iterator iterParam = m_abbreviation.begin(); |
iterParam != m_abbreviation.end(); iterParam++) { |
const string paramName = iterParam->first; |
const string paramShortName = iterParam->second; |
OverwriteParam("-" + paramShortName, paramName, argc, argv); |
} |
AddFeaturesCmd(); |
int verbose = 1; |
if (m_setting.find("verbose") != m_setting.end() |
&& m_setting["verbose"].size() > 0) verbose = Scan<int>( |
m_setting["verbose"][0]); |
if (verbose >= 1) { |
cerr << "Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):" << endl; |
for (PARAM_MAP::const_iterator iterParam = m_setting.begin(); |
iterParam != m_setting.end(); iterParam++) { |
cerr << "\t" << iterParam->first << ": "; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < iterParam->second.size(); i++) |
cerr << iterParam->second[i] << " "; |
cerr << endl; |
} |
} |
if ((GetParam("feature") || GetParam("weight")) |
&& (GetParam("weight-slm") || GetParam("weight-bl") |
|| GetParam("weight-d") || GetParam("weight-dlm") |
|| GetParam("weight-lrl") || GetParam("weight-generation") |
|| GetParam("weight-i") || GetParam("weight-l") |
|| GetParam("weight-lex") || GetParam("weight-glm") |
|| GetParam("weight-wt") || GetParam("weight-pp") |
|| GetParam("weight-pb") || GetParam("weight-t") |
|| GetParam("weight-w") || GetParam("weight-p") |
|| GetParam("weight-u") || GetParam("weight-e") |
|| GetParam("dlm-mode") || GetParam("generation-file") |
|| GetParam("global-lexical-file") || GetParam("glm-feature") |
|| GetParam("lmodel-file") || GetParam("lmodel-dub") |
|| GetParam("slmodel-file") || GetParam("slmodel-factor") |
|| GetParam("slmodel-beam") || GetParam("ttable-file") |
|| GetParam("phrase-pair-feature") |
|| GetParam("phrase-boundary-source-feature") |
|| GetParam("phrase-boundary-target-feature") |
|| GetParam("phrase-length-feature") |
|| GetParam("target-word-insertion-feature") |
|| GetParam("source-word-deletion-feature") |
|| GetParam("word-translation-feature"))) { |
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "Don't mix old and new ini file format"); |
} |
if (GetParam("feature") == NULL) { |
ConvertWeightArgs(); |
} |
CreateWeightsMap(); |
WeightOverwrite(); |
bool noErrorFlag = true; |
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { |
if (isOption(argv[i])) { |
string paramSwitch = (string) argv[i]; |
string paramName = paramSwitch.substr(1); |
if (m_valid.find(paramName) == m_valid.end()) { |
std::cerr << "illegal switch: " << paramSwitch; |
noErrorFlag = false; |
} |
} |
} |
return Validate() && noErrorFlag; |
} |
void Parameter::AddFeaturesCmd() |
{ |
const PARAM_VEC *params = GetParam("feature-add"); |
if (params) { |
PARAM_VEC::const_iterator iter; |
for (iter = params->begin(); iter != params->end(); ++iter) { |
const string &line = *iter; |
AddFeature(line); |
} |
m_setting.erase("feature-add"); |
} |
} |
std::vector<float> Parameter::GetWeights(const std::string &name) |
{ |
std::vector<float> ret = m_weights[name]; |
return ret; |
} |
void Parameter::SetWeight(const std::string &name, size_t ind, float weight) |
{ |
PARAM_VEC &newWeights = m_setting["weight"]; |
string line = name + SPrint(ind) + "= " + SPrint(weight); |
newWeights.push_back(line); |
} |
void Parameter::SetWeight(const std::string &name, size_t ind, |
const vector<float> &weights) |
{ |
PARAM_VEC &newWeights = m_setting["weight"]; |
string line = name + SPrint(ind) + "="; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); ++i) { |
line += " " + SPrint(weights[i]); |
} |
newWeights.push_back(line); |
} |
void Parameter::AddWeight(const std::string &name, size_t ind, |
const std::vector<float> &weights) |
{ |
PARAM_VEC &newWeights = m_setting["weight"]; |
string sought = name + SPrint(ind) + "="; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < newWeights.size(); ++i) { |
string &line = newWeights[i]; |
if (line.find(sought) == 0) { |
for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); ++i) { |
line += " " + SPrint(weights[i]); |
} |
return; |
} |
} |
SetWeight(name, ind, weights); |
} |
void Parameter::ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight(const string &oldWeightName, |
const string &newWeightName) |
{ |
size_t ind = 0; |
PARAM_MAP::iterator iterMap; |
iterMap = m_setting.find(oldWeightName); |
if (iterMap != m_setting.end()) { |
const PARAM_VEC &weights = iterMap->second; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); ++i) { |
SetWeight(newWeightName, ind, Scan<float>(weights[i])); |
} |
m_setting.erase(iterMap); |
} |
} |
void Parameter::ConvertWeightArgsPhraseModel(const string &oldWeightName) |
{ |
const PARAM_VEC *params; |
params = GetParam("weight-i"); |
if (params) { |
vector<float> inputWeights = Scan<float>(*params); |
PARAM_VEC &numInputScores = m_setting["input-scores"]; |
if (inputWeights.size() == 1) { |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(numInputScores.size() != 0, |
"No [input-scores] section allowed"); |
numInputScores.push_back("1"); |
numInputScores.push_back("0"); |
} else if (inputWeights.size() == 2) { |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(numInputScores.size() != 0, |
"No [input-scores] section allowed"); |
numInputScores.push_back("1"); |
numInputScores.push_back("1"); |
} |
SetWeight("PhraseDictionaryBinary", 0, inputWeights); |
} |
cerr << "Creating phrase table features" << endl; |
size_t numInputScores = 0; |
size_t numRealWordsInInput = 0; |
map<string, size_t> ptIndices; |
params = GetParam("input-scores"); |
if (params) { |
numInputScores = Scan<size_t>(params->at(0)); |
if (params->size() > 1) { |
numRealWordsInInput = Scan<size_t>(params->at(1)); |
} |
} |
params = GetParam("ttable-file"); |
if (params) { |
const vector<string> translationVector = *params; |
vector<size_t> maxTargetPhrase; |
params = GetParam("ttable-limit"); |
if (params) { |
maxTargetPhrase = Scan<size_t>(*params); |
} |
if (maxTargetPhrase.size() == 1 && translationVector.size() > 1) { |
cerr << "Using uniform ttable-limit of " << maxTargetPhrase[0] |
<< " for all translation tables." << endl; |
for (size_t i = 1; i < translationVector.size(); i++) |
maxTargetPhrase.push_back(maxTargetPhrase[0]); |
} else if (maxTargetPhrase.size() != 1 |
&& maxTargetPhrase.size() < translationVector.size()) { |
std::cerr << "You specified " << translationVector.size() |
<< " translation tables, but only " << maxTargetPhrase.size() |
<< " ttable-limits."; |
return; |
} |
const PARAM_VEC &oldWeights = m_setting[oldWeightName]; |
size_t currOldInd = 0; |
for (size_t currDict = 0; currDict < translationVector.size(); currDict++) { |
util::StringStream ptLine; |
vector<string> token = Tokenize(translationVector[currDict]); |
if (currDict == 0 && token.size() == 4) { |
std::cerr |
<< "Phrase table specification in old 4-field format. No longer supported"; |
return; |
} |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(token.size() < 5, |
"Phrase table must have at least 5 scores"); |
int implementation = Scan<int>(token[0]); |
string ptType; |
switch (implementation) { |
case 0: |
ptType = "PhraseDictionaryMemory"; |
break; |
case 1: |
ptType = "PhraseDictionaryBinary"; |
break; |
case 2: |
ptType = "PhraseDictionaryOnDisk"; |
break; |
case 6: |
ptType = "PhraseDictionaryMemory"; |
break; |
case 12: |
ptType = "PhraseDictionaryCompact"; |
break; |
case 8: |
ptType = "PhraseDictionarySuffixArray"; |
break; |
case 14: |
ptType = "PhraseDictionaryDynSuffixArray"; |
break; |
case 15: |
ptType = "PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased"; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
size_t ptInd; |
if (ptIndices.find(ptType) == ptIndices.end()) { |
ptIndices[ptType] = 0; |
ptInd = 0; |
} else { |
ptInd = ++ptIndices[ptType]; |
} |
size_t numFFInd = (token.size() == 4) ? 2 : 3; |
size_t numFF = Scan<size_t>(token[numFFInd]); |
vector<float> weights(numFF); |
for (size_t currFF = 0; currFF < numFF; ++currFF) { |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(currOldInd >= oldWeights.size(), |
"Errors converting old phrase-table weights to new weights"); |
float weight = Scan<float>(oldWeights[currOldInd]); |
weights[currFF] = weight; |
++currOldInd; |
} |
AddWeight(ptType, ptInd, weights); |
ptLine << ptType << " "; |
ptLine << "input-factor=" << token[1] << " "; |
ptLine << "output-factor=" << token[2] << " "; |
ptLine << "path=" << token[4] << " "; |
vector<FactorType> input = Tokenize<FactorType>(token[1], ","), output = |
Tokenize<FactorType>(token[2], ","); |
size_t numScoreComponent = Scan<size_t>(token[3]); |
string filePath = token[4]; |
if (currDict == 0) { |
numScoreComponent += numInputScores + numRealWordsInInput; |
} |
ptLine << "num-features=" << numScoreComponent << " "; |
ptLine << "table-limit=" << maxTargetPhrase[currDict] << " "; |
if (implementation == 8 || implementation == 14) { |
ptLine << "target-path=" << token[5] << " "; |
ptLine << "alignment-path=" << token[6] << " "; |
} |
AddFeature(ptLine.str()); |
} |
} |
m_setting.erase("weight-i"); |
m_setting.erase(oldWeightName); |
m_setting.erase("ttable-file"); |
m_setting.erase("ttable-limit"); |
} |
void Parameter::AddFeature(const std::string &line) |
{ |
PARAM_VEC &features = m_setting["feature"]; |
features.push_back(line); |
} |
void Parameter::ConvertWeightArgsDistortion() |
{ |
const string oldWeightName = "weight-d"; |
const string oldLexReordingName = "distortion-file"; |
const PARAM_VEC *oldWeights = GetParam(oldWeightName); |
if (oldWeights) { |
const PARAM_VEC *searchAlgo = GetParam("search-algorithm"); |
if (searchAlgo == NULL |
|| (searchAlgo->size() > 0 |
&& (Trim(searchAlgo->at(0)) == "0" || Trim(searchAlgo->at(0)) == "1"))) { |
AddFeature("Distortion"); |
SetWeight("Distortion", 0, Scan<float>(oldWeights->at(0))); |
} |
size_t currOldInd = 1; |
const PARAM_VEC *lextable = GetParam(oldLexReordingName); |
for (size_t indTable = 0; lextable && indTable < lextable->size(); |
++indTable) { |
const string &line = lextable->at(indTable); |
vector<string> toks = Tokenize(line); |
size_t numFF = Scan<size_t>(toks[2]); |
vector<float> weights(numFF); |
for (size_t currFF = 0; currFF < numFF; ++currFF) { |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(oldWeights && currOldInd >= oldWeights->size(), |
"Errors converting old distortion weights to new weights"); |
float weight = Scan<float>(oldWeights->at(currOldInd)); |
weights[currFF] = weight; |
++currOldInd; |
} |
SetWeight("LexicalReordering", indTable, weights); |
util::StringStream strme; |
strme << "LexicalReordering " << "type=" << toks[1] << " "; |
vector<FactorType> factors = Tokenize<FactorType>(toks[0], "-"); |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(factors.size() != 2, |
"Error in old factor specification for lexicalized reordering model: " << toks[0]); |
strme << "input-factor=" << factors[0] << " output-factor=" << factors[1] |
<< " "; |
strme << "num-features=" << toks[2] << " "; |
strme << "path=" << toks[3]; |
AddFeature(strme.str()); |
} |
} |
m_setting.erase(oldWeightName); |
m_setting.erase(oldLexReordingName); |
} |
void Parameter::ConvertWeightArgsLM() |
{ |
const string oldWeightName = "weight-l"; |
const string oldFeatureName = "lmodel-file"; |
const PARAM_VEC *params; |
bool isChartDecoding = true; |
params = GetParam("search-algorithm"); |
if (params == NULL |
|| (params->size() > 0 |
&& (Trim(params->at(0)) == "0" || Trim(params->at(0)) == "1"))) { |
isChartDecoding = false; |
} |
vector<int> oovWeights; |
params = GetParam("lmodel-oov-feature"); |
if (params) { |
oovWeights = Scan<int>(*params); |
} |
PARAM_MAP::iterator iterMap; |
iterMap = m_setting.find(oldWeightName); |
if (iterMap != m_setting.end()) { |
size_t currOldInd = 0; |
const PARAM_VEC &weights = iterMap->second; |
const PARAM_VEC &models = m_setting[oldFeatureName]; |
for (size_t lmIndex = 0; lmIndex < models.size(); ++lmIndex) { |
const string &line = models[lmIndex]; |
vector<string> modelToks = Tokenize(line); |
int lmType = Scan<int>(modelToks[0]); |
string newFeatureName; |
switch (lmType) { |
case 0: |
newFeatureName = "SRILM"; |
break; |
case 1: |
newFeatureName = "IRSTLM"; |
break; |
case 8: |
case 9: |
newFeatureName = "KENLM"; |
break; |
default: |
UTIL_THROW2("Unkown language model type id:" << lmType) |
; |
} |
size_t numFF = 1; |
if (oovWeights.size() > lmIndex) numFF += oovWeights[lmIndex]; |
vector<float> weightsLM(numFF); |
for (size_t currFF = 0; currFF < numFF; ++currFF) { |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(currOldInd >= weights.size(), |
"Errors converting old LM weights to new weights"); |
weightsLM[currFF] = Scan<float>(weights[currOldInd]); |
if (isChartDecoding) { |
weightsLM[currFF] = UntransformLMScore(weightsLM[currFF]); |
} |
++currOldInd; |
} |
SetWeight(newFeatureName, lmIndex, weightsLM); |
string featureLine = newFeatureName + " " + "factor=" + modelToks[1] + " " |
+ "order=" + modelToks[2] + " " |
+ "num-features=" + SPrint(numFF) + " "; |
if (lmType == 9) { |
featureLine += "lazyken=1 "; |
} else if (lmType == 8) { |
featureLine += "lazyken=0 "; |
} |
featureLine += "path=" + modelToks[3]; |
AddFeature(featureLine); |
} |
m_setting.erase(iterMap); |
} |
m_setting.erase(oldFeatureName); |
} |
void Parameter::ConvertWeightArgsGeneration(const std::string &oldWeightName, |
const std::string &newWeightName) |
{ |
string oldFeatureName = "generation-file"; |
PARAM_VEC &oldWeights = m_setting[oldWeightName]; |
if (oldWeights.size() > 0) { |
size_t currOldInd = 0; |
PARAM_VEC &models = m_setting[oldFeatureName]; |
for (size_t indTable = 0; indTable < models.size(); ++indTable) { |
string &line = models[indTable]; |
vector<string> modelToks = Tokenize(line); |
size_t numFF = Scan<size_t>(modelToks[2]); |
vector<float> weights(numFF); |
for (size_t currFF = 0; currFF < numFF; ++currFF) { |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(currOldInd >= oldWeights.size(), |
"Errors converting old generation weights to new weights"); |
float weight = Scan<float>(oldWeights[currOldInd]); |
weights[currFF] = weight; |
++currOldInd; |
} |
SetWeight(newWeightName, indTable, weights); |
util::StringStream strme; |
strme << "Generation " << "input-factor=" << modelToks[0] << " " |
<< "output-factor=" << modelToks[1] << " " << "num-features=" |
<< modelToks[2] << " " << "path=" << modelToks[3]; |
AddFeature(strme.str()); |
} |
} |
m_setting.erase(oldWeightName); |
m_setting.erase(oldFeatureName); |
} |
void Parameter::ConvertWeightArgsWordPenalty() |
{ |
const std::string oldWeightName = "weight-w"; |
const std::string newWeightName = "WordPenalty"; |
bool isChartDecoding = true; |
const PARAM_VEC *searchAlgo = GetParam("search-algorithm"); |
if (searchAlgo == NULL |
|| (searchAlgo->size() > 0 |
&& (Trim(searchAlgo->at(0)) == "0" || Trim(searchAlgo->at(0)) == "1"))) { |
isChartDecoding = false; |
} |
PARAM_MAP::iterator iterMap; |
iterMap = m_setting.find(oldWeightName); |
if (iterMap != m_setting.end()) { |
const PARAM_VEC &weights = iterMap->second; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); ++i) { |
float weight = Scan<float>(weights[i]); |
if (isChartDecoding) { |
weight *= 0.434294482; |
} |
SetWeight(newWeightName, i, weight); |
} |
m_setting.erase(iterMap); |
} |
} |
void Parameter::ConvertPhrasePenalty() |
{ |
string oldWeightName = "weight-p"; |
const PARAM_VEC *params = GetParam(oldWeightName); |
if (params) { |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(params->size() != 1, |
"There should be only 1 phrase-penalty weight"); |
float weight = Scan<float>(params->at(0)); |
AddFeature("PhrasePenalty"); |
SetWeight("PhrasePenalty", 0, weight); |
m_setting.erase(oldWeightName); |
} |
} |
void Parameter::ConvertWeightArgs() |
{ |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(m_setting.count("weight-dlm") != 0, |
"Can't handle discr LM. must do it manually 'cos of bigram/n-gram split"); |
if (m_setting.count("weight") |
&& (m_setting.count("weight-i") || m_setting.count("weight-t") |
|| m_setting.count("weight-w") || m_setting.count("weight-l") |
|| m_setting.count("weight-u") || m_setting.count("weight-lex") |
|| m_setting.count("weight-generation") |
|| m_setting.count("weight-lr") || m_setting.count("weight-d"))) { |
cerr << "Do not mix old and new format for specify weights"; |
} |
ConvertWeightArgsWordPenalty(); |
ConvertWeightArgsLM(); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-slm", "SyntacticLM"); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-u", "UnknownWordPenalty"); |
ConvertWeightArgsGeneration("weight-generation", "Generation"); |
ConvertWeightArgsDistortion(); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-lr", "LexicalReordering"); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-bl", "BleuScoreFeature"); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-glm", "GlobalLexicalModel"); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-wt", "WordTranslationFeature"); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-pp", "PhrasePairFeature"); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-pb", "PhraseBoundaryFeature"); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-e", "WordDeletion"); |
ConvertWeightArgsSingleWeight("weight-lex", "GlobalLexicalReordering"); |
ConvertPhrasePenalty(); |
AddFeature("WordPenalty"); |
AddFeature("UnknownWordPenalty"); |
ConvertWeightArgsPhraseModel("weight-t"); |
} |
void Parameter::CreateWeightsMap() |
{ |
CreateWeightsMap(m_setting["weight-add"]); |
CreateWeightsMap(m_setting["weight"]); |
} |
void Parameter::CreateWeightsMap(const PARAM_VEC &vec) |
{ |
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) { |
const string &line = vec[i]; |
vector<string> toks = Tokenize(line); |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(toks.size() < 2, "Error in format of weights: " << line); |
string name = toks[0]; |
name = name.substr(0, name.size() - 1); |
vector<float> weights(toks.size() - 1); |
for (size_t i = 1; i < toks.size(); ++i) { |
float weight = Scan<float>(toks[i]); |
weights[i - 1] = weight; |
} |
m_weights[name] = weights; |
} |
} |
void Parameter::WeightOverwrite() |
{ |
PARAM_VEC &vec = m_setting["weight-overwrite"]; |
if (vec.size() == 0) return; |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(vec.size() != 1, "weight-overwrite should only be on 1 line"); |
string name(""); |
vector<float> weights; |
vector<string> toks = Tokenize(vec[0]); |
size_t cnt = 0; |
const std::vector<float>* oldWeights = NULL; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < toks.size(); ++i) { |
const string &tok = toks[i]; |
if (ends_with(tok, "=")) { |
if (name != "") { |
m_weights[name] = weights; |
weights.clear(); |
} |
name = tok.substr(0, tok.size() - 1); |
std::map<std::string, std::vector<float> >::const_iterator found = |
m_weights.find(name); |
if (found != m_weights.end()) { |
oldWeights = &(found->second); |
} else { |
oldWeights = NULL; |
} |
cnt = 0; |
} else { |
if (toks[i] == "x") { |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(!oldWeights || cnt >= oldWeights->size(), |
"Keeping previous weight failed in weight-overwrite"); |
weights.push_back(oldWeights->at(cnt)); |
} else { |
float weight = Scan<float>(toks[i]); |
weights.push_back(weight); |
} |
++cnt; |
} |
} |
if (name != "") { |
m_weights[name] = weights; |
} |
} |
bool Parameter::Validate() |
{ |
bool noErrorFlag = true; |
PARAM_MAP::const_iterator iterParams; |
for (iterParams = m_setting.begin(); iterParams != m_setting.end(); |
++iterParams) { |
const std::string &key = iterParams->first; |
if (m_valid.find(key) == m_valid.end()) { |
std::cerr << "Unknown parameter " << key; |
noErrorFlag = false; |
} |
} |
if (m_setting["lmodel-dub"].size() > 0) { |
if (m_setting["lmodel-file"].size() != m_setting["lmodel-dub"].size()) { |
std::cerr << "Config and parameters specify " |
<< static_cast<int>(m_setting["lmodel-file"].size()) |
<< " language model files (lmodel-file), but " |
<< static_cast<int>(m_setting["lmodel-dub"].size()) |
<< " LM upperbounds (lmodel-dub)" << endl; |
noErrorFlag = false; |
} |
} |
if (noErrorFlag && m_setting["input-file"].size() == 1) { |
noErrorFlag = FileExists(m_setting["input-file"][0]); |
if (!noErrorFlag) { |
std::cerr << endl << "Input file " << m_setting["input-file"][0] |
<< " does not exist"; |
} |
} |
if (noErrorFlag) { |
std::vector<std::string> ext; |
ext.push_back(""); |
ext.push_back(".gz"); |
noErrorFlag = FilesExist("generation-file", 3, ext); |
} |
if (noErrorFlag) { |
std::vector<std::string> ext; |
ext.push_back(""); |
ext.push_back(".gz"); |
ext.push_back(".binlexr.idx"); |
ext.push_back(".minlexr"); |
noErrorFlag = FilesExist("distortion-file", 3, ext); |
} |
return noErrorFlag; |
} |
bool Parameter::FilesExist(const string ¶mName, int fieldNo, |
std::vector<std::string> const& extensions) |
{ |
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVec; |
StringVec::const_iterator iter; |
PARAM_MAP::const_iterator iterParam = m_setting.find(paramName); |
if (iterParam == m_setting.end()) { |
return true; |
} |
const StringVec &pathVec = (*iterParam).second; |
for (iter = pathVec.begin(); iter != pathVec.end(); ++iter) { |
StringVec vec = Tokenize(*iter); |
size_t tokenizeIndex; |
if (fieldNo == -1) tokenizeIndex = vec.size() - 1; |
else tokenizeIndex = static_cast<size_t>(fieldNo); |
if (tokenizeIndex >= vec.size()) { |
std::cerr << "Expected at least " << (tokenizeIndex + 1) |
<< " tokens per entry in '" << paramName << "', but only found " |
<< vec.size(); |
return false; |
} |
const string &pathStr = vec[tokenizeIndex]; |
bool fileFound = 0; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions.size() && !fileFound; ++i) { |
fileFound |= FileExists(pathStr + extensions[i]); |
} |
if (!fileFound) { |
std::cerr << "File " << pathStr << " does not exist"; |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
string Parameter::FindParam(const string ¶mSwitch, int argc, char* argv[]) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { |
if (string(argv[i]) == paramSwitch) { |
if (i + 1 < argc) { |
return argv[i + 1]; |
} else { |
std::cerr << "Option " << paramSwitch << " requires a parameter!"; |
} |
} |
} |
return ""; |
} |
void Parameter::OverwriteParam(const string ¶mSwitch, |
const string ¶mName, int argc, char* argv[]) |
{ |
int startPos = -1; |
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { |
if (string(argv[i]) == paramSwitch) { |
startPos = i + 1; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (startPos < 0) return; |
int index = 0; |
m_setting[paramName]; |
while (startPos < argc && (!isOption(argv[startPos]))) { |
if (m_setting[paramName].size() > (size_t) index) m_setting[paramName][index] = |
argv[startPos]; |
else m_setting[paramName].push_back(argv[startPos]); |
index++; |
startPos++; |
} |
} |
bool Parameter::ReadConfigFile(const string &filePath) |
{ |
InputFileStream inFile(filePath); |
string line, paramName; |
while (getline(inFile, line)) { |
size_t comPos = line.find_first_of("#"); |
if (comPos != string::npos) line = line.substr(0, comPos); |
line = Trim(line); |
if (line.size() == 0) { |
} else if (line[0] == '[') { |
for (size_t currPos = 0; currPos < line.size(); currPos++) { |
if (line[currPos] == ']') { |
paramName = line.substr(1, currPos - 1); |
break; |
} |
} |
} else { |
m_setting[paramName].push_back(line); |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
struct Credit { |
string name, contact, currentPursuits, areaResponsibility; |
int sortId; |
Credit(string name, string contact, string currentPursuits, |
string areaResponsibility) { |
this->name = name; |
this->contact = contact; |
this->currentPursuits = currentPursuits; |
this->areaResponsibility = areaResponsibility; |
this->sortId = util::rand_excl(1000); |
} |
bool operator<(const Credit &other) const { |
return sortId < other.sortId; |
} |
}; |
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Credit &credit) |
{ |
os << credit.name; |
if (credit.contact != "") os << "\t contact: " << credit.contact; |
if (credit.currentPursuits != "") os << " " << credit.currentPursuits; |
if (credit.areaResponsibility != "") os << " I'll answer question on: " |
<< credit.areaResponsibility; |
return os; |
} |
void Parameter::PrintCredit() |
{ |
vector<Credit> everyone; |
srand(time(NULL)); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Nicola Bertoldi", "911", "", "scripts & other stuff")); |
everyone.push_back(Credit("Ondrej Bojar", "", "czech this out!", "")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Chris Callison-Burch", "anytime, anywhere", |
"international playboy", "")); |
everyone.push_back(Credit("Alexandra Constantin", "", "eu sunt varza", "")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Brooke Cowan", "[email protected]", |
"if you're going to san francisco, be sure to wear a flower in your hair", |
"")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Chris Dyer", "can't. i'll be out driving my mustang", |
"driving my mustang", "")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Marcello Federico", "federico at itc at it", |
"Researcher at ITC-irst, Trento, Italy", "IRST language model")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Evan Herbst", "Small college in upstate New York", "", "")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Philipp Koehn", "only between 2 and 4am", "", |
"Nothing fazes this dude")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Christine Moran", "weird building at MIT", "", "")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Wade Shen", "via morse code", "buying another laptop", "")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Richard Zens", "richard at aachen dot de", "", |
"ambiguous source input, confusion networks, confusing source code")); |
everyone.push_back( |
Credit("Hieu Hoang", "http://www.hoang.co.uk/hieu/", |
"phd student at Edinburgh Uni. Original Moses developer", |
"general queries/ flames on Moses.")); |
sort(everyone.begin(), everyone.end()); |
cerr |
<< "Moses - A beam search decoder for phrase-based statistical machine translation models" |
<< endl << "Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh" << endl << endl |
<< "This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or" << endl |
<< "modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public" << endl |
<< "License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either" << endl |
<< "version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version." |
<< endl << endl |
<< "This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," |
<< endl |
<< "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" |
<< endl |
<< endl << "Lesser General Public License for more details." << endl |
<< endl |
<< "You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public" |
<< endl |
<< "License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software" |
<< endl |
<< "Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA" |
<< endl << endl |
<< "***********************************************************************" |
<< endl << endl << "Built on " << __DATE__ << " at " __TIME__ << endl |
<< endl << "WHO'S FAULT IS THIS GODDAM SOFTWARE:" << endl; |
ostream_iterator<Credit> out(cerr, "\n"); |
copy(everyone.begin(), everyone.end(), out); |
cerr << endl << endl; |
} |
void Parameter::OverwriteParam(const string ¶mName, PARAM_VEC values) |
{ |
cerr << "Overwriting parameter " << paramName; |
m_setting[paramName]; |
if (m_setting[paramName].size() > 1) { |
cerr << " (the parameter had " << m_setting[paramName].size() |
<< " previous values)"; |
UTIL_THROW_IF2(m_setting[paramName].size() != values.size(), |
"Number of weight override for " << paramName << " is not the same as the original number of weights"); |
} else { |
cerr << " (the parameter does not have previous values)"; |
m_setting[paramName].resize(values.size()); |
} |
cerr << " with the following values:"; |
int i = 0; |
for (PARAM_VEC::iterator iter = values.begin(); iter != values.end(); |
iter++, i++) { |
m_setting[paramName][i] = *iter; |
cerr << " " << *iter; |
} |
cerr << std::endl; |
} |
std::set<std::string> Parameter::GetWeightNames() const |
{ |
std::set<std::string> ret; |
std::map<std::string, std::vector<float> >::const_iterator iter; |
for (iter = m_weights.begin(); iter != m_weights.end(); ++iter) { |
const string &key = iter->first; |
ret.insert(key); |
} |
return ret; |
} |
void Parameter::Save(const std::string path) |
{ |
ofstream file; |
file.open(path.c_str()); |
PARAM_MAP::const_iterator iterOuter; |
for (iterOuter = m_setting.begin(); iterOuter != m_setting.end(); |
++iterOuter) { |
const std::string §ionName = iterOuter->first; |
file << "[" << sectionName << "]" << endl; |
const PARAM_VEC &values = iterOuter->second; |
PARAM_VEC::const_iterator iterInner; |
for (iterInner = values.begin(); iterInner != values.end(); ++iterInner) { |
const std::string &value = *iterInner; |
file << value << endl; |
} |
file << endl; |
} |
file.close(); |
} |
template<> |
void Parameter::SetParameter<bool>(bool ¶meter, |
std::string const& parameterName, bool const& defaultValue) const |
{ |
const PARAM_VEC *params = GetParam(parameterName); |
parameter = defaultValue; |
if (params == NULL) { |
return; |
} |
if (params->size() == 0) { |
parameter = true; |
} |
else if (params->size() == 1) { |
parameter = Scan<bool>(params->at(0)); |
} |
} |
void Parameter::SetParameter(bool& var, std::string const& name) |
{ |
SetParameter(var, name, false); |
} |
} |