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Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2012- University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This contains extra features that can be added to the scorer. To add a new feature:
* 1. Implement a subclass of ScoreFeature
* 2. Updated ScoreFeatureManager.configure() to configure your feature, and usage() to
* display usage info.
* 3. Write unit tests (see ScoreFeatureTest.cpp) and regression tests
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "util/exception.hh"
#include "ExtractionPhrasePair.h"
namespace MosesTraining
struct MaybeLog {
MaybeLog(bool useLog, float negativeLog):
m_useLog(useLog), m_negativeLog(negativeLog) {}
inline float operator() (float a) const {
return m_useLog ? m_negativeLog*log(a) : a;
float m_useLog;
float m_negativeLog;
class ScoreFeatureArgumentException : public util::Exception
ScoreFeatureArgumentException() throw() {
*this << "Unable to configure features: ";
~ScoreFeatureArgumentException() throw() {}
/** Passed to each feature to be used to calculate its values */
struct ScoreFeatureContext {
const ExtractionPhrasePair &thePhrasePair,
const MaybeLog& theMaybeLog
) :
maybeLog(theMaybeLog) {
const ExtractionPhrasePair &phrasePair;
MaybeLog maybeLog;
* Abstract base class for extra features that can be added to the phrase table
* during scoring.
class ScoreFeature
/** Some features might need to store properties in ExtractionPhrasePair,
* e.g. to pass along external information loaded by a feature
* which may distinguish several phrase occurrences based on sentence ID */
virtual void addPropertiesToPhrasePair(ExtractionPhrasePair &phrasePair,
float count,
int sentenceId) const {};
/** Add the values for this score feature. */
virtual void add(const ScoreFeatureContext& context,
std::vector<float>& denseValues,
std::map<std::string,float>& sparseValues) const = 0;
virtual ~ScoreFeature() {}
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ScoreFeature> ScoreFeaturePtr;
class ScoreFeatureManager
m_includeSentenceId(false) {}
/** To be appended to the score usage message */
const std::string& usage() const;
/** Pass the unused command-line arguments to configure the extra features */
void configure(const std::vector<std::string> args);
/** Some features might need to store properties in ExtractionPhrasePair,
* e.g. to pass along external information loaded by a feature
* which may distinguish several phrase occurrences based on sentence ID */
void addPropertiesToPhrasePair(ExtractionPhrasePair &phrasePair,
float count,
int sentenceId) const;
/** Add all the features */
void addFeatures(const ScoreFeatureContext& context,
std::vector<float>& denseValues,
std::map<std::string,float>& sparseValues) const;
const std::vector<ScoreFeaturePtr>& getFeatures() const {
return m_features;
/** Do we need to include sentence ids in phrase pairs? */
bool includeSentenceId() const {
return m_includeSentenceId;
std::vector<ScoreFeaturePtr> m_features;
bool m_includeSentenceId;