package MosesRegressionTesting; |
use strict; |
sub find_data_directory |
{ |
my ($test_script_root, $data_dir) = @_; |
my @ds = (); |
my $mrtp = "moses-reg-test-data"; |
push @ds, $data_dir if defined $data_dir; |
push @ds, "$test_script_root/$mrtp"; |
push @ds, "/export/ws06osmt/regression-testing/$mrtp"; |
push @ds, "/tmp/$mrtp"; |
push @ds, "/var/tmp/$mrtp"; |
foreach my $d (@ds) { |
next unless (-d $d); |
if (!-d "$d/models") { |
print STDERR "Found $d but it is malformed: missing subdir models/\n"; |
next; |
} |
if (!-d "$d/lm") { |
print STDERR "Found $d but it is malformed: missing subdir lm/\n"; |
next; |
} |
return $d; |
} |
print STDERR<<EOT; |
You do not appear to have the regression testing data installed. You may |
either specify a non-standard location when running the test suite with |
the --data-dir option, or, you may install it in any one of the following |
standard locations: $test_script_root, /tmp, or /var/tmp with these |
commands: |
git clone https://github.com/hieuhoang/moses-reg-test-data.git |
exit 1; |
} |
sub get_localized_moses_ini |
{ |
use File::Temp; |
my ($moses_ini, $data_dir, $results_dir) = @_; |
my $LM_PATH = "$data_dir/lm"; |
my $MODEL_PATH = "$data_dir/models"; |
use Cwd qw/ abs_path /; use File::Basename; my $TEST_PATH = dirname(abs_path($moses_ini)); |
my $local_moses_ini = new File::Temp( UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.ini' ); |
open MI, "<$moses_ini" or die "Couldn't read $moses_ini"; |
open MO, ">$local_moses_ini" or die "Couldn't open $local_moses_ini for writing"; |
while (my $l = <MI>) { |
$l =~ s/\$\{LM_PATH\}/$LM_PATH/g; |
$l =~ s/\$\{MODEL_PATH\}/$MODEL_PATH/g; |
$l =~ s/\$\{TEST_PATH\}/$TEST_PATH/g; |
$l =~ s/\$\{RESULTS_PATH\}/$results_dir/g; |
print $local_moses_ini $l; |
} |
close MO; |
close MI; |
return $local_moses_ini->filename; |
} |
sub get_nbestlist |
{ |
my ($moses_ini) = @_; |
my $nbestfile = undef; |
my $nbestsize = undef; |
open MI, "<$moses_ini" or die "Couldn't read $moses_ini"; |
while (my $l = <MI>) { |
if ($l =~ /^\[n-best-list\]/i){ |
chomp($nbestfile = <MI>); |
chomp($nbestsize = <MI>); |
} |
} |
close MI; |
return ($nbestfile,$nbestsize); |
} |
1; |