use warnings; |
use strict; |
use utf8; |
use Encode; |
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"; |
binmode STDERR, ":utf8"; |
my ($date, $time) = date_time_stamp(); |
print "MT evaluation scorer began on $date at $time\n"; |
print "command line: ", $0, " ", join(" ", @ARGV), "\n"; |
my $usage = "\n\nUsage: $0 [-h] -r <ref_file> -s <src_file> -t <tst_file>\n\n". |
"Description: This Perl script evaluates MT system performance.\n". |
"\n". |
"Required arguments:\n". |
" -r <ref_file> is a file containing the reference translations for\n". |
" the documents to be evaluated.\n". |
" -s <src_file> is a file containing the source documents for which\n". |
" translations are to be evaluated\n". |
" -t <tst_file> is a file containing the translations to be evaluated\n". |
"\n". |
"Optional arguments:\n". |
" -c preserves upper-case alphabetic characters\n". |
" -b generate BLEU scores only\n". |
" -n generate NIST scores only\n". |
" -d detailed output flag used in conjunction with \"-b\" or \"-n\" flags:\n". |
" 0 (default) for system-level score only\n". |
" 1 to include document-level scores\n". |
" 2 to include segment-level scores\n". |
" 3 to include ngram-level scores\n". |
" -e enclose non-ASCII characters between spaces\n". |
" -h prints this help message to STDOUT\n". |
"\n"; |
use vars qw ($opt_r $opt_s $opt_t $opt_d $opt_h $opt_b $opt_n $opt_c $opt_x $opt_e); |
use Getopt::Std; |
getopts ('r:s:t:d:hbncx:e'); |
die $usage if defined($opt_h); |
die "Error in command line: ref_file not defined$usage" unless defined $opt_r; |
die "Error in command line: src_file not defined$usage" unless defined $opt_s; |
die "Error in command line: tst_file not defined$usage" unless defined $opt_t; |
my $max_Ngram = 9; |
my $detail = defined $opt_d ? $opt_d : 0; |
my $preserve_case = defined $opt_c ? 1 : 0; |
my $split_non_ASCII = defined $opt_e ? 1 : 0; |
my $METHOD = "BOTH"; |
if (defined $opt_b) { $METHOD = "BLEU"; } |
if (defined $opt_n) { $METHOD = "NIST"; } |
my $method; |
my ($ref_file) = $opt_r; |
my ($src_file) = $opt_s; |
my ($tst_file) = $opt_t; |
my ($src_lang, $tgt_lang, @tst_sys, @ref_sys); |
my (%tst_data, %ref_data); |
my ($src_id, $ref_id, $tst_id); |
my %eval_docs; |
my %ngram_info; |
($src_id) = get_source_info ($src_file); |
($ref_id) = get_MT_data (\%ref_data, "RefSet", $ref_file); |
compute_ngram_info (); |
($tst_id) = get_MT_data (\%tst_data, "TstSet", $tst_file); |
check_MT_data (); |
my %NISTmt = (); |
my %BLEUmt = (); |
print " Evaluation of $src_lang-to-$tgt_lang translation using:\n"; |
my $cum_seg = 0; |
foreach my $doc (sort keys %eval_docs) { |
$cum_seg += @{$eval_docs{$doc}{SEGS}}; |
} |
print " src set \"$src_id\" (", scalar keys %eval_docs, " docs, $cum_seg segs)\n"; |
print " ref set \"$ref_id\" (", scalar keys %ref_data, " refs)\n"; |
print " tst set \"$tst_id\" (", scalar keys %tst_data, " systems)\n\n"; |
foreach my $sys (sort @tst_sys) { |
for (my $n=1; $n<=$max_Ngram; $n++) { |
$NISTmt{$n}{$sys}{cum} = 0; |
$NISTmt{$n}{$sys}{ind} = 0; |
$BLEUmt{$n}{$sys}{cum} = 0; |
$BLEUmt{$n}{$sys}{ind} = 0; |
} |
if (($METHOD eq "BOTH") || ($METHOD eq "NIST")) { |
$method="NIST"; |
score_system ($sys, %NISTmt); |
} |
if (($METHOD eq "BOTH") || ($METHOD eq "BLEU")) { |
$method="BLEU"; |
score_system ($sys, %BLEUmt); |
} |
} |
printout_report (); |
($date, $time) = date_time_stamp(); |
print "MT evaluation scorer ended on $date at $time\n"; |
exit 0; |
sub get_source_info { |
my ($file) = @_; |
my ($name, $id, $src, $doc); |
my ($data, $tag, $span); |
open (FILE, $file) or die "\nUnable to open translation data file '$file'", $usage; |
binmode FILE, ":utf8"; |
$data .= $_ while <FILE>; |
close (FILE); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no 'src_set' tag in src_file '$file'\n\n" |
unless ($tag, $span, $data) = extract_sgml_tag_and_span ("SrcSet", $data); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no tag attribute '$name' in file '$file'\n\n" |
unless ($id) = extract_sgml_tag_attribute ($name="SetID", $tag); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no tag attribute '$name' in file '$file'\n\n" |
unless ($src) = extract_sgml_tag_attribute ($name="SrcLang", $tag); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: $name ('$src') in file '$file' inconsistent\n" |
." with $name in previous input data ('$src_lang')\n\n" |
unless (not defined $src_lang or $src eq $src_lang); |
$src_lang = $src; |
$data = $span; |
while (($tag, $span, $data) = extract_sgml_tag_and_span ("Doc", $data)) { |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no tag attribute '$name' in file '$file'\n\n" |
unless ($doc) = extract_sgml_tag_attribute ($name="DocID", $tag); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: duplicate '$name' in file '$file'\n\n" |
if defined $eval_docs{$doc}; |
$span =~ s/[\s\n\r]+/ /g; |
my $jseg=0, my $seg_data = $span; |
while (($tag, $span, $seg_data) = extract_sgml_tag_and_span ("Seg", $seg_data)) { |
($eval_docs{$doc}{SEGS}[$jseg++]) = NormalizeText ($span); |
} |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no segments in document '$doc' in file '$file'\n\n" |
if $jseg == 0; |
} |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no documents in file '$file'\n\n" |
unless keys %eval_docs > 0; |
return $id; |
} |
sub get_MT_data { |
my ($docs, $set_tag, $file) = @_; |
my ($name, $id, $src, $tgt, $sys, $doc); |
my ($tag, $span, $data); |
open (FILE, $file) or die "\nUnable to open translation data file '$file'", $usage; |
binmode FILE, ":utf8"; |
$data .= $_ while <FILE>; |
close (FILE); |
while (($tag, $span, $data) = extract_sgml_tag_and_span ($set_tag, $data)) { |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no tag attribute '$name' in file '$file'\n\n" unless |
($id) = extract_sgml_tag_attribute ($name="SetID", $tag); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no tag attribute '$name' in file '$file'\n\n" unless |
($src) = extract_sgml_tag_attribute ($name="SrcLang", $tag); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: $name ('$src') in file '$file' inconsistent\n" |
." with $name of source ('$src_lang')\n\n" |
unless $src eq $src_lang; |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no tag attribute '$name' in file '$file'\n\n" unless |
($tgt) = extract_sgml_tag_attribute ($name="TrgLang", $tag); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: $name ('$tgt') in file '$file' inconsistent\n" |
." with $name of the evaluation ('$tgt_lang')\n\n" |
unless (not defined $tgt_lang or $tgt eq $tgt_lang); |
$tgt_lang = $tgt; |
my $mtdata = $span; |
while (($tag, $span, $mtdata) = extract_sgml_tag_and_span ("Doc", $mtdata)) { |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no tag attribute '$name' in file '$file'\n\n" unless |
(my $sys) = extract_sgml_tag_attribute ($name="SysID", $tag); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no tag attribute '$name' in file '$file'\n\n" unless |
$doc = extract_sgml_tag_attribute ($name="DocID", $tag); |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: document '$doc' for system '$sys' in file '$file'\n" |
." previously loaded from file '$docs->{$sys}{$doc}{FILE}'\n\n" |
unless (not defined $docs->{$sys}{$doc}); |
$span =~ s/[\s\n\r]+/ /g; |
my $jseg=0, my $seg_data = $span; |
while (($tag, $span, $seg_data) = extract_sgml_tag_and_span ("Seg", $seg_data)) { |
($docs->{$sys}{$doc}{SEGS}[$jseg++]) = NormalizeText ($span); |
} |
die "\n\nFATAL INPUT ERROR: no segments in document '$doc' in file '$file'\n\n" |
if $jseg == 0; |
$docs->{$sys}{$doc}{FILE} = $file; |
} |
} |
return $id; |
} |
sub check_MT_data { |
@tst_sys = sort keys %tst_data; |
@ref_sys = sort keys %ref_data; |
foreach my $doc (sort keys %eval_docs) { |
my $nseg_source = @{$eval_docs{$doc}{SEGS}}; |
foreach my $sys (@tst_sys) { |
die "\n\nFATAL ERROR: no document '$doc' for system '$sys'\n\n" |
unless defined $tst_data{$sys}{$doc}; |
my $nseg = @{$tst_data{$sys}{$doc}{SEGS}}; |
die "\n\nFATAL ERROR: translated documents must contain the same # of segments as the source, but\n" |
." document '$doc' for system '$sys' contains $nseg segments, while\n" |
." the source document contains $nseg_source segments.\n\n" |
unless $nseg == $nseg_source; |
} |
foreach my $sys (@ref_sys) { |
die "\n\nFATAL ERROR: no document '$doc' for reference '$sys'\n\n" |
unless defined $ref_data{$sys}{$doc}; |
my $nseg = @{$ref_data{$sys}{$doc}{SEGS}}; |
die "\n\nFATAL ERROR: translated documents must contain the same # of segments as the source, but\n" |
." document '$doc' for system '$sys' contains $nseg segments, while\n" |
." the source document contains $nseg_source segments.\n\n" |
unless $nseg == $nseg_source; |
} |
} |
} |
sub compute_ngram_info { |
my ($ref, $doc, $seg); |
my (@wrds, $tot_wrds, %ngrams, $ngram, $mgram); |
my (%ngram_count, @tot_ngrams); |
foreach $ref (keys %ref_data) { |
foreach $doc (keys %{$ref_data{$ref}}) { |
foreach $seg (@{$ref_data{$ref}{$doc}{SEGS}}) { |
@wrds = split /\s+/, $seg; |
$tot_wrds += @wrds; |
%ngrams = %{Words2Ngrams (@wrds)}; |
foreach $ngram (keys %ngrams) { |
$ngram_count{$ngram} += $ngrams{$ngram}; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
foreach $ngram (keys %ngram_count) { |
@wrds = split / /, $ngram; |
pop @wrds, $mgram = join " ", @wrds; |
$ngram_info{$ngram} = - log |
($mgram ? $ngram_count{$ngram}/$ngram_count{$mgram} |
: $ngram_count{$ngram}/$tot_wrds) / log 2; |
if (defined $opt_x and $opt_x eq "ngram info") { |
@wrds = split / /, $ngram; |
printf "ngram info:%9.4f%6d%6d%8d%3d %s\n", $ngram_info{$ngram}, $ngram_count{$ngram}, |
$mgram ? $ngram_count{$mgram} : $tot_wrds, $tot_wrds, scalar @wrds, $ngram; |
} |
} |
} |
sub score_system { |
my ($sys, $ref, $doc, %SCOREmt); |
($sys, %SCOREmt) = @_; |
my ($shortest_ref_length, $match_cnt, $tst_cnt, $ref_cnt, $tst_info, $ref_info); |
my ($cum_ref_length, @cum_match, @cum_tst_cnt, @cum_ref_cnt, @cum_tst_info, @cum_ref_info); |
$cum_ref_length = 0; |
for (my $j=1; $j<=$max_Ngram; $j++) { |
$cum_match[$j] = $cum_tst_cnt[$j] = $cum_ref_cnt[$j] = $cum_tst_info[$j] = $cum_ref_info[$j] = 0; |
} |
foreach $doc (sort keys %eval_docs) { |
($shortest_ref_length, $match_cnt, $tst_cnt, $ref_cnt, $tst_info, $ref_info) = score_document ($sys, $doc); |
if (($detail >= 1 ) && ($METHOD eq "NIST")) { |
my %DOCmt = (); |
printf "$method score using 5-grams = %.4f for system \"$sys\" on document \"$doc\" (%d segments, %d words)\n", |
nist_score (scalar @ref_sys, $match_cnt, $tst_cnt, $ref_cnt, $tst_info, $ref_info, $sys, %DOCmt), |
scalar @{$tst_data{$sys}{$doc}{SEGS}}, $tst_cnt->[1]; |
} |
if (($detail >= 1 ) && ($METHOD eq "BLEU")) { |
my %DOCmt = (); |
printf "$method score using 4-grams = %.4f for system \"$sys\" on document \"$doc\" (%d segments, %d words)\n", |
bleu_score($shortest_ref_length, $match_cnt, $tst_cnt, $sys, %DOCmt), |
scalar @{$tst_data{$sys}{$doc}{SEGS}}, $tst_cnt->[1]; |
} |
$cum_ref_length += $shortest_ref_length; |
for (my $j=1; $j<=$max_Ngram; $j++) { |
$cum_match[$j] += $match_cnt->[$j]; |
$cum_tst_cnt[$j] += $tst_cnt->[$j]; |
$cum_ref_cnt[$j] += $ref_cnt->[$j]; |
$cum_tst_info[$j] += $tst_info->[$j]; |
$cum_ref_info[$j] += $ref_info->[$j]; |
printf "document info: $sys $doc %d-gram %d %d %d %9.4f %9.4f\n", $j, $match_cnt->[$j], |
$tst_cnt->[$j], $ref_cnt->[$j], $tst_info->[$j], $ref_info->[$j] |
if (defined $opt_x and $opt_x eq "document info"); |
} |
} |
if ($method eq "BLEU") { |
bleu_score($cum_ref_length, \@cum_match, \@cum_tst_cnt, $sys, %SCOREmt); |
} |
if ($method eq "NIST") { |
nist_score (scalar @ref_sys, \@cum_match, \@cum_tst_cnt, \@cum_ref_cnt, \@cum_tst_info, \@cum_ref_info, $sys, %SCOREmt); |
} |
} |
sub score_document { |
my ($sys, $ref, $doc); |
($sys, $doc) = @_; |
my ($shortest_ref_length, $match_cnt, $tst_cnt, $ref_cnt, $tst_info, $ref_info); |
my ($cum_ref_length, @cum_match, @cum_tst_cnt, @cum_ref_cnt, @cum_tst_info, @cum_ref_info); |
$cum_ref_length = 0; |
for (my $j=1; $j<=$max_Ngram; $j++) { |
$cum_match[$j] = $cum_tst_cnt[$j] = $cum_ref_cnt[$j] = $cum_tst_info[$j] = $cum_ref_info[$j] = 0; |
} |
for (my $jseg=0; $jseg<@{$tst_data{$sys}{$doc}{SEGS}}; $jseg++) { |
my @ref_segments = (); |
foreach $ref (@ref_sys) { |
push @ref_segments, $ref_data{$ref}{$doc}{SEGS}[$jseg]; |
printf "ref '$ref', seg %d: %s\n", $jseg+1, $ref_data{$ref}{$doc}{SEGS}[$jseg] |
if $detail >= 3; |
} |
printf "sys '$sys', seg %d: %s\n", $jseg+1, $tst_data{$sys}{$doc}{SEGS}[$jseg] |
if $detail >= 3; |
($shortest_ref_length, $match_cnt, $tst_cnt, $ref_cnt, $tst_info, $ref_info) = |
score_segment ($tst_data{$sys}{$doc}{SEGS}[$jseg], @ref_segments); |
if (($detail >=2) && ($METHOD eq "BLEU")) { |
my %DOCmt = (); |
printf " $method score using 4-grams = %.4f for system \"$sys\" on segment %d of document \"$doc\" (%d words)\n", |
bleu_score($shortest_ref_length, $match_cnt, $tst_cnt, $sys, %DOCmt), $jseg+1, $tst_cnt->[1]; |
} |
if (($detail >=2) && ($METHOD eq "NIST")) { |
my %DOCmt = (); |
printf " $method score using 5-grams = %.4f for system \"$sys\" on segment %d of document \"$doc\" (%d words)\n", |
nist_score (scalar @ref_sys, $match_cnt, $tst_cnt, $ref_cnt, $tst_info, $ref_info, $sys, %DOCmt), $jseg+1, $tst_cnt->[1]; |
} |
$cum_ref_length += $shortest_ref_length; |
for (my $j=1; $j<=$max_Ngram; $j++) { |
$cum_match[$j] += $match_cnt->[$j]; |
$cum_tst_cnt[$j] += $tst_cnt->[$j]; |
$cum_ref_cnt[$j] += $ref_cnt->[$j]; |
$cum_tst_info[$j] += $tst_info->[$j]; |
$cum_ref_info[$j] += $ref_info->[$j]; |
} |
} |
return ($cum_ref_length, [@cum_match], [@cum_tst_cnt], [@cum_ref_cnt], [@cum_tst_info], [@cum_ref_info]); |
} |
sub score_segment { |
my ($tst_seg, @ref_segs) = @_; |
my (@tst_wrds, %tst_ngrams, @match_count, @tst_count, @tst_info); |
my (@ref_wrds, $ref_seg, %ref_ngrams, %ref_ngrams_max, @ref_count, @ref_info); |
my ($ngram); |
my (@nwrds_ref); |
my $shortest_ref_length; |
for (my $j=1; $j<= $max_Ngram; $j++) { |
$match_count[$j] = $tst_count[$j] = $ref_count[$j] = $tst_info[$j] = $ref_info[$j] = 0; |
} |
@tst_wrds = split /\s+/, $tst_seg; |
%tst_ngrams = %{Words2Ngrams (@tst_wrds)}; |
for (my $j=1; $j<=$max_Ngram; $j++) { |
$tst_count[$j] = $j<=@tst_wrds ? (@tst_wrds - $j + 1) : 0; |
} |
foreach $ref_seg (@ref_segs) { |
@ref_wrds = split /\s+/, $ref_seg; |
%ref_ngrams = %{Words2Ngrams (@ref_wrds)}; |
foreach $ngram (keys %ref_ngrams) { |
my @wrds = split / /, $ngram; |
$ref_info[@wrds] += $ngram_info{$ngram}; |
$ref_ngrams_max{$ngram} = defined $ref_ngrams_max{$ngram} ? |
max ($ref_ngrams_max{$ngram}, $ref_ngrams{$ngram}) : |
$ref_ngrams{$ngram}; |
} |
for (my $j=1; $j<=$max_Ngram; $j++) { |
$ref_count[$j] += $j<=@ref_wrds ? (@ref_wrds - $j + 1) : 0; |
} |
$shortest_ref_length = scalar @ref_wrds |
if (not defined $shortest_ref_length) or @ref_wrds < $shortest_ref_length; |
} |
foreach $ngram (keys %tst_ngrams) { |
next unless defined $ref_ngrams_max{$ngram}; |
my @wrds = split / /, $ngram; |
$tst_info[@wrds] += $ngram_info{$ngram} * min($tst_ngrams{$ngram},$ref_ngrams_max{$ngram}); |
$match_count[@wrds] += my $count = min($tst_ngrams{$ngram},$ref_ngrams_max{$ngram}); |
printf "%.2f info for each of $count %d-grams = '%s'\n", $ngram_info{$ngram}, scalar @wrds, $ngram |
if $detail >= 3; |
} |
return ($shortest_ref_length, [@match_count], [@tst_count], [@ref_count], [@tst_info], [@ref_info]); |
} |
sub bleu_score { |
my ($shortest_ref_length, $matching_ngrams, $tst_ngrams, $sys, %SCOREmt) = @_; |
my $score = 0; |
my $iscore = 0; |
my $len_score = min (0, 1-$shortest_ref_length/$tst_ngrams->[1]); |
print "length ratio: ".($tst_ngrams->[1]/$shortest_ref_length)." ($tst_ngrams->[1]/$shortest_ref_length), penalty (log): $len_score\n"; |
for (my $j=1; $j<=$max_Ngram; $j++) { |
if ($matching_ngrams->[$j] == 0) { |
$SCOREmt{$j}{$sys}{cum}=0; |
} else { |
$score += log ($matching_ngrams->[$j]/$tst_ngrams->[$j]); |
$SCOREmt{$j}{$sys}{cum} = exp($score/$j + $len_score); |
$iscore = log ($matching_ngrams->[$j]/$tst_ngrams->[$j]); |
$SCOREmt{$j}{$sys}{ind} = exp($iscore); |
} |
} |
return $SCOREmt{4}{$sys}{cum}; |
} |
sub nist_score { |
my ($nsys, $matching_ngrams, $tst_ngrams, $ref_ngrams, $tst_info, $ref_info, $sys, %SCOREmt) = @_; |
my $score = 0; |
my $iscore = 0; |
for (my $n=1; $n<=$max_Ngram; $n++) { |
$score += $tst_info->[$n]/max($tst_ngrams->[$n],1); |
$SCOREmt{$n}{$sys}{cum} = $score * nist_length_penalty($tst_ngrams->[1]/($ref_ngrams->[1]/$nsys)); |
$iscore = $tst_info->[$n]/max($tst_ngrams->[$n],1); |
$SCOREmt{$n}{$sys}{ind} = $iscore * nist_length_penalty($tst_ngrams->[1]/($ref_ngrams->[1]/$nsys)); |
} |
return $SCOREmt{5}{$sys}{cum}; |
} |
sub Words2Ngrams { |
my %count = (); |
for (; @_; shift) { |
my ($j, $ngram, $word); |
for ($j=0; $j<$max_Ngram and defined($word=$_[$j]); $j++) { |
$ngram .= defined $ngram ? " $word" : $word; |
$count{$ngram}++; |
} |
} |
return {%count}; |
} |
sub NormalizeText { |
my ($norm_text) = @_; |
$norm_text =~ s/<skipped>//g; |
$norm_text =~ s/\p{Hyphen}\p{Zl}//g; |
$norm_text =~ s/\p{Zl}/ /g; |
$norm_text =~ s/"/\"/g; |
$norm_text =~ s/&/&/g; |
$norm_text =~ s/</</g; |
$norm_text =~ s/>/>/g; |
$norm_text =~ s/'/\'/g; |
$norm_text = lc( $norm_text ) unless $preserve_case; |
$norm_text =~ s/([^[:ascii:]])/ $1 /g if ( $split_non_ASCII ); |
$norm_text =~ s/(\P{N})(\p{P})/$1 $2 /g; |
$norm_text =~ s/(\p{P})(\P{N})/ $1 $2/g; |
$norm_text =~ s/(\p{S})/ $1 /g; |
$norm_text =~ s/\p{Z}+/ /g; |
$norm_text =~ s/^\p{Z}+//; |
$norm_text =~ s/\p{Z}+$//; |
return $norm_text; |
} |
sub nist_length_penalty { |
my ($ratio) = @_; |
return 1 if $ratio >= 1; |
return 0 if $ratio <= 0; |
my $ratio_x = 1.5; |
my $score_x = 0.5; |
my $beta = -log($score_x)/log($ratio_x)/log($ratio_x); |
return exp (-$beta*log($ratio)*log($ratio)); |
} |
sub date_time_stamp { |
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(); |
my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); |
my ($date, $time); |
$time = sprintf "%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d", $hour, $min, $sec; |
$date = sprintf "%4.4s %3.3s %s", 1900+$year, $months[$mon], $mday; |
return ($date, $time); |
} |
sub extract_sgml_tag_and_span { |
my ($name, $data) = @_; |
($data =~ m|<$name\s*([^>]*)>(.*?)</$name\s*>(.*)|si) ? ($1, $2, $3) : (); |
} |
sub extract_sgml_tag_attribute { |
my ($name, $data) = @_; |
($data =~ m|$name\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"|si) ? ($1) : (); |
} |
sub max { |
my ($max, $next); |
return unless defined ($max=pop); |
while (defined ($next=pop)) { |
$max = $next if $next > $max; |
} |
return $max; |
} |
sub min { |
my ($min, $next); |
return unless defined ($min=pop); |
while (defined ($next=pop)) { |
$min = $next if $next < $min; |
} |
return $min; |
} |
sub printout_report |
{ |
if ( $METHOD eq "BOTH" ) { |
foreach my $sys (sort @tst_sys) { |
printf "NIST score = %2.4f BLEU score = %.4f for system \"$sys\"\n",$NISTmt{5}{$sys}{cum},$BLEUmt{4}{$sys}{cum}; |
} |
} elsif ($METHOD eq "NIST" ) { |
foreach my $sys (sort @tst_sys) { |
printf "NIST score = %2.4f for system \"$sys\"\n",$NISTmt{5}{$sys}{cum}; |
} |
} elsif ($METHOD eq "BLEU" ) { |
foreach my $sys (sort @tst_sys) { |
printf "\nBLEU score = %.4f for system \"$sys\"\n",$BLEUmt{4}{$sys}{cum}; |
} |
} |
printf "\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; |
printf "Individual N-gram scoring\n"; |
printf " 1-gram 2-gram 3-gram 4-gram 5-gram 6-gram 7-gram 8-gram 9-gram\n"; |
printf " ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------\n"; |
if (( $METHOD eq "BOTH" ) || ($METHOD eq "NIST")) { |
foreach my $sys (sort @tst_sys) { |
printf " NIST:"; |
for (my $i=1; $i<=$max_Ngram; $i++) { |
printf " %2.4f ",$NISTmt{$i}{$sys}{ind} |
} |
printf " \"$sys\"\n"; |
} |
printf "\n"; |
} |
if (( $METHOD eq "BOTH" ) || ($METHOD eq "BLEU")) { |
foreach my $sys (sort @tst_sys) { |
printf " BLEU:"; |
for (my $i=1; $i<=$max_Ngram; $i++) { |
printf " %2.4f ",$BLEUmt{$i}{$sys}{ind} |
} |
printf " \"$sys\"\n"; |
} |
} |
printf "\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; |
printf "Cumulative N-gram scoring\n"; |
printf " 1-gram 2-gram 3-gram 4-gram 5-gram 6-gram 7-gram 8-gram 9-gram\n"; |
printf " ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------\n"; |
if (( $METHOD eq "BOTH" ) || ($METHOD eq "NIST")) { |
foreach my $sys (sort @tst_sys) { |
printf " NIST:"; |
for (my $i=1; $i<=$max_Ngram; $i++) { |
printf " %2.4f ",$NISTmt{$i}{$sys}{cum} |
} |
printf " \"$sys\"\n"; |
} |
} |
printf "\n"; |
if (( $METHOD eq "BOTH" ) || ($METHOD eq "BLEU")) { |
foreach my $sys (sort @tst_sys) { |
printf " BLEU:"; |
for (my $i=1; $i<=$max_Ngram; $i++) { |
printf " %2.4f ",$BLEUmt{$i}{$sys}{cum} |
} |
printf " \"$sys\"\n"; |
} |
} |
} |