'''Parallelize decoding with multiple instances of moses on a local machine |
To use with mert-moses.pl, activate --multi-moses and set the number of moses |
instances and threads per instance with --decoder-flags='--threads P:T:E' |
This script runs a specified number of moses instances, each using one or more |
threads. The highest speed is generally seen with many single-threaded |
instances while the lowest memory usage is seen with a single many-threaded |
instance. It is recommended to use the maximum number of instances that will |
fit into memory (up to the number of available CPUs) and distribute CPUs across |
them equally. For example, a machine with 32 CPUs that can fit 3 copies of |
moses into memory would use --threads 2:11:10 for 2 instances with 11 threads |
each and an extra instance with 10 threads (3 instances total using all CPUs). |
Memory mapped models can be shared by multiple processes and increase the number |
of instances that can fit into memory: |
Mmaped phrase tables (Ulrich Germann) |
http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Advanced.Incremental#ntoc3 |
Mmaped mapped language models (Kenneth Heafield) |
http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=FactoredTraining.BuildingLanguageModel#ntoc19 |
''' |
import collections |
import os |
import Queue |
import signal |
import subprocess |
import sys |
import threading |
import time |
HELP = '''Multiple process decoding with Moses |
Usage: |
{} moses --config moses.ini [options] [decoder flags] |
Options: |
--threads P:T:E |
P: Number of parallel instances to run |
T: Number of threads per instance |
E: Number of threads in optional extra instance |
(default 1:1:0, overrides [threads] in moses.ini. Specifying T |
and E is optional, e.g. --threads 16 starts 16 single-threaded |
instances) |
--n-best-list nbest.out N [distinct]: location and size of N-best list |
--show-weights: for mert-moses.pl, just call moses and exit |
Other options (decoder flags) are passed through to moses instances |
''' |
INPUT = sys.stdin |
PROCS = 1 |
EXTRA = 0 |
DONE = threading.Event() |
PID = os.getpid() |
NEVER = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 1000 |
Task = collections.namedtuple('Task', ['id', 'line', 'out', 'event']) |
def kill_main(msg): |
'''kill -9 the main thread to stop everything immediately''' |
sys.stderr.write('{}\n'.format(msg)) |
os.kill(PID, signal.SIGKILL) |
def gzopen(f): |
'''Open plain or gzipped text''' |
return gzip.open(f, 'rb') if f.endswith('.gz') else open(f, 'r') |
def run_instance(cmd_base, threads, tasks, cpu_affinity, cpu_offset, n_best=False): |
'''Run an instance of moses that processes tasks (input lines) from a |
queue using a specified number of threads''' |
cmd = cmd_base[:] |
cmd.append('--threads') |
cmd.append(str(threads)) |
if cpu_affinity: |
cmd.append('--cpu-affinity-offset') |
cmd.append(str(cpu_offset)) |
try: |
work = Queue.Queue(maxsize=(threads * 2)) |
moses = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) |
def handle_output(): |
while True: |
line = moses.stdout.readline() |
if not line: |
break |
task = work.get(timeout=NEVER) |
if n_best: |
(first_i, rest) = line.split(' ||| ', 1) |
task.out.append(' ||| '.join((task.id, rest))) |
while True: |
line = moses.stdout.readline() |
(i, rest) = line.split(' ||| ', 1) |
if i != first_i: |
break |
task.out.append(' ||| '.join((task.id, rest))) |
else: |
task.out.append(line) |
task.event.set() |
handler = threading.Thread(target=handle_output, args=()) |
handler.setDaemon(True) |
handler.start() |
while True: |
task = tasks.get(timeout=NEVER) |
work.put(task, timeout=NEVER) |
if task.event == DONE: |
break |
if n_best: |
moses.stdin.write(task.line) |
moses.stdin.write('\n') |
else: |
moses.stdin.write(task.line) |
moses.stdin.close() |
moses.wait() |
handler.join() |
except: |
kill_main('Error with moses instance: see stderr') |
def write_results(results, n_best=False, n_best_out=None): |
'''Write out results (output lines) from a queue as they are populated''' |
while True: |
task = results.get(timeout=NEVER) |
if task.event == DONE: |
break |
task.event.wait() |
if n_best: |
top_best = task.out[0].split(' ||| ', 2)[1] |
if n_best_out != sys.stdout: |
sys.stdout.write('{}\n'.format(top_best)) |
sys.stdout.flush() |
for line in task.out: |
n_best_out.write(line) |
n_best_out.flush() |
else: |
sys.stdout.write(task.out[0]) |
sys.stdout.flush() |
def main(argv): |
moses_ini = None |
input = INPUT |
procs = PROCS |
threads = THREADS |
extra = EXTRA |
n_best = False |
n_best_file = None |
n_best_size = None |
n_best_distinct = False |
n_best_out = None |
show_weights = False |
cpu_affinity = False |
cmd = argv[1:] |
i = 1 |
while i < len(cmd): |
if cmd[i] in ('-f', '-config', '--config'): |
moses_ini = cmd[i + 1] |
i += 2 |
elif cmd[i] in ('-i', '-input-file', '--input-file'): |
input = gzopen(cmd[i + 1]) |
cmd = cmd[:i] + cmd[i + 2:] |
elif cmd[i] in ('-th', '-threads', '--threads'): |
args = cmd[i + 1].split(':') |
procs = int(args[0]) |
if len(args) > 1: |
threads = int(args[1]) |
if len(args) > 2: |
extra = int(args[2]) |
cmd = cmd[:i] + cmd[i + 2:] |
elif cmd[i] in ('-n-best-list', '--n-best-list'): |
n_best = True |
n_best_file = cmd[i + 1] |
n_best_size = cmd[i + 2] |
if i + 3 < len(cmd) and cmd[i + 3] == 'distinct': |
n_best_distinct = True |
cmd = cmd[:i] + cmd[i + 4:] |
else: |
cmd = cmd[:i] + cmd[i + 3:] |
elif cmd[i] in ('-show-weights', '--show-weights'): |
show_weights = True |
i += 1 |
elif cmd[i] in ('-cpu-affinity', '--cpu-affinity'): |
cpu_affinity = True |
cmd = cmd[:i] + cmd[i + 1:] |
else: |
i += 1 |
if show_weights: |
sys.stdout.write(subprocess.check_output(cmd)) |
sys.stdout.flush() |
return |
if not (len(cmd) > 0 and moses_ini): |
sys.stderr.write(HELP.format(os.path.basename(argv[0]))) |
sys.exit(2) |
if not (os.path.isfile(cmd[0]) and os.access(cmd[0], os.X_OK)): |
raise Exception('moses "{}" is not executable\n'.format(cmd[0])) |
sys.stderr.write('Moses flags: {}\n'.format(' '.join('\'{}\''.format(s) if ' ' in s else s for s in cmd[1:]))) |
sys.stderr.write('Instances: {}\n'.format(procs)) |
sys.stderr.write('Threads per: {}\n'.format(threads)) |
if extra: |
sys.stderr.write('Extra: {}\n'.format(extra)) |
if n_best: |
sys.stderr.write('N-best list: {} ({}{})\n'.format(n_best_file, n_best_size, ', distinct' if n_best_distinct else '')) |
tasks = Queue.Queue(maxsize=(8 * ((procs * threads) + extra))) |
results = Queue.Queue() |
if n_best: |
cmd.append('--n-best-list') |
cmd.append('-') |
cmd.append(n_best_size) |
if n_best_distinct: |
cmd.append('distinct') |
if n_best_file == '-': |
n_best_out = sys.stdout |
else: |
n_best_out = open(n_best_file, 'w') |
cpu_offset = -threads |
instances = [] |
for i in range(procs + (1 if extra else 0)): |
if cpu_affinity: |
cpu_offset += threads |
t = threading.Thread(target=run_instance, args=(cmd, (threads if i < procs else extra), tasks, cpu_affinity, cpu_offset, n_best)) |
instances.append(t) |
t.setDaemon(True) |
t.start() |
writer = threading.Thread(target=write_results, args=(results, n_best, n_best_out)) |
writer.start() |
id = 0 |
while True: |
line = input.readline() |
if not line: |
break |
task = Task(str(id), line, [], threading.Event()) |
results.put(task, timeout=NEVER) |
tasks.put(task, timeout=NEVER) |
id += 1 |
for t in instances: |
tasks.put(Task(None, None, None, DONE), timeout=NEVER) |
for t in instances: |
t.join() |
results.put(Task(None, None, None, DONE), timeout=NEVER) |
writer.join() |
if n_best: |
n_best_out.close() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
try: |
main(sys.argv) |
except: |
kill_main('Error with main I/O: see stderr') |