has adopted this regulation : |
i could feel her trembling . |
member states shall communicate to the commission the texts of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this directive . |
the manufacturer must provide details of the registration and undertake to inform the approval authority of any revisions to its validity or scope . |
the bearer should be required to read and sign these instructions . |
( 10 ) provision should be made for member states or the commission to adopt emergency measures in the event of a serious threat to the conservation of resources , or to the marine eco - system resulting from fishing activities , and requiring immediate action . |
2 . |
( 91 / 663 / eec ) |
audible bell |
- are contained in bottles with ' mushroom stoppers ' held in place by ties or fastenings , or they have an excess pressure due to carbon dioxide in solution of three bar or more , |
the manufacturer , or his authorized representative established within the community , must inform the notified body that has approved the quality system of any intended adjustment to the quality system . |
the classified information office shall keep a register of the following particulars : |
- the ce marking ( see annex iii ) , |
( 12 ) oj no l 282 , 1 . |
f . , dunkel , v . , mccann , j . , mortelmans , k . , prival , m . , rao , t . |
aid under the simplified scheme shall be paid once a year , starting from the year in which application for participation in the scheme is made , until 2005 . |
" because , " said old wardle , half - bursting with laughter , " because they might turn round on some of us , and say we had taken too much cold punch . " |
meanwhile her husband ' s days had been by no means free from trial . |
the instructions to tenderers must specify any limitations , design criteria and other requirements applicable to a variant solution . |
this claim does not change the calculation of the benefit made by the commission , on the basis of the difference between the amount of the interest paid and that normally payable . |
article 6 |
' i see the tracks of a horse outside the window , ' said joan . |
member states shall take all appropriate measures to prevent and prosecute fraudulent infringements of the system laid down by this regulation . |
the national regulatory authority shall ensure that charging for unbundled access to the local loop fosters fair and sustainable competition . |
as a boy he had a fervent private religion . |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
3 . 3 . |
3 . |
you don ' t exist ! |
- females are introduced into the holding only if they come from a holding which complies with the same requirements , or |
the commission shall report annually to the tac on the implementation of this decision . |
after the hare crash , plant growth slowly recovers , and with fewer predators present , the hare population begins to rebuild year by year . |
( 16 ) whereas , by reason of the diversity of supplementary social security schemes , the community should lay down only a general framework of objectives and therefore a directive is the appropriate legal instrument ; |
he ' d found the drugs the trainers had planted , but he had also gleefully torn an old mattress to shreds . |
have adopted this regulation : |
the pessimist in you moans , " he won ' t be interested in me . " |
- is accompanied by documents showing the name and address of the facility which carried out the irradiation treatment and providing the information referred to in article 8 , |
life is not a spelling bee , where no matter how many words you ' ve gotten right , you ' re disqualified if you make one mistake . |
- italy : i , |
4 . |
this decision shall be published in the official journal of the european communities . |
i am careless , improvident , uncautious , happy out of sheer well - being and overplus of physical energy . |
57 . |
weigh accurately approximately 0 , 25 g of the sample so prepared into a 25 ml graduated flask , make up to the mark with the solvent specified and homogenize . |
( 7 ) commission decision 2002 / 349 / ec ( 11 ) lays down the list of products to be examined at border inspection posts . |
the commission may by decision impose on undertakings or associations of undertakings fines of from 100 to 5 000 ecu where , intentionally or negligently : |
this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities . |
unable to parse your printcap - you probably haven ' t configured any printers yet . |
one of the few surviving neanderthal " art objects " is an 80 , 000 - to 100 , 000 - year - old carved and polished tooth from an adult mammoth excavated in 1958 from the town of tata in hungary . |
applications for import licences shall be lodged with the competent authorities of the member states by 13 . 00 ( brussels time ) on the second working monday of each month . |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
" shoes , " she said hoarsely . |
2 . the following is inserted after article 2 ( 1 ) ( b ) : |
3 . |
2 . 2 . |
article 5 |
- in part , corresponding to the quantities not delivered or not accepted where the difference is not more than 15 % , |
assume yes |
sikes being weak from the fever , was lying in bed , taking hot water with his gin to render it less inflammatory ; and had pushed his glass towards nancy to be replenished for the third or fourth time , when these symptoms first struck him . |
name = connection 09 |
( b ) four examples of the method of calculation are given in annex iii , by way of illustration . |
it pierced through the reaches of the cathedral ready waiting for it ! |
( 2 ) whereas the protection of the communities ' financial interests extends not only to the management of budget appropriations but also to all measures affecting or liable to affect their assets ; |
on receipt of the commission ' s notification member states may issue licences . |
taxes , rates and other charges payable in respect of the ownership of farmland and buildings in owner - occupation and sharecropping . |
if i persisted in my stubbornness and did not yield up the dynamite , then they would put me in solitary for the rest of my sentence . |
user any entity ( human user or external it entity ) outside the toe that interacts with the toe ( when not used in the expression " user data " ) . |
( e ) it shall consider and approve the annual and final implementation reports before they are sent to the commission ; |
genericname = python program |
whereas it is necessary to clarify the definition of the place of taxation of certain operations carried out on board ships , aircraft or trains transporting passengers inside the community ; |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
name = panda |
article 3 |
in the distance there was a large triangle of candles flickering on the main altar , k . was not certain whether he had seen them earlier . |
1 . |
- river esera from its source to the barrier of barasona , |
9 . |
member states shall bring into force the laws , regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this directive by 12 october 2004 at the latest . |
the financial reference amount for the implementation of this programme shall be eur 7 , 5 million . |
6 . 2 . 3 . |
( 4 ) oj no l 346 , 15 . |
80 kbs |
" i know what children are , sir ; and have done these forty years ; and people who can ' t say the same , shouldn ' t say anything about them . |
its stomach contained carrots , beans , string and labels . |
the regulations cited below are hereby amended as follows : |
2 . |
- below : one of the following sets of initials : cee - eoef - ewg - eok - eec - eeg ; |
4 . |
3 . |
name = linux console |
. |
consequently , and without prejudice to article 4 of the aforementioned protocol , the provisions of this directive do not apply to ireland . |
after a silence , he began again : |
for the duty reduction to be granted this must accompany the goods until completion of the customs import formalities . " |
the european parliament |
" why ? " |
2 . |
you should lift marian ! |
4 . 15 . 4 . |
country of dispatch : costa rica |
2 . 27 . |
( g ) use of specimens of species listed in annex a other than in accordance with the authorization given at the time of issuance of the import permit or subsequently ; |
for the council |
whereas a time limit should be fixed for the completion of any consultation that may prove necessary between member states ; |
such termination shall take effect on such date as the group shall decide . |
inspired by the work of pallikaris and several european and american surgeons , hughes studied the pro - cedure in canada and in its experimental stages in the us . |
( a ) the reports made by the member states on the execution of the programme in the previous year ; |
the european parliament shall hold an annual session . |
4 . |
it was not possible to learn anything by looking at him , even though k . was scrutinizing him quite brazenly . |
the breathing apparatus consisted of a flexible silicone mask that covered nose and mouth . |
polly was curt and businesslike . |
2 . in article 2 ( 1 ) the words ' listed in annex ii ` shall be deleted ; |
have agreed upon the following provisions , which are annexed to the treaty establishing a constitution for europe and to the treaty establishing the european atomic energy community : |
- internal diameter approximately 35 mm |
( b ) the specific country code qr ( or 951 ) ; |
this sets the lock option in lilo . conf . |
specific provisions relating to the admission free of import duties of equipment under articles 59a and 59b of the basic regulation |
however , the cases referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be transmitted where : |
2 . 2 . from articles 3 , 4 , 5 , 8 and 16 : |
genericname = a window is restored |
sizing by diameter : |
name = mp3 info |
' a reference price shall be fixed for carp for the periods running : |
name = title portrait |
3 . |
at the time of their issue the import licences or extracts shall be given an issue number allocated by the competent authorities of the member state concerned as follows : |
2 for france |
the goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate cn codes indicated in column 2 of the table . |
they shall forthwith inform the commission thereof . |
distillation of the ammonia and determination of the yield in a known volume of standard sulphuric acid ; titration of the excess sulphuric acid by means of a standard solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide . |
a duel in ipswich , ma ' am ! |
has adopted this regulation : |
if the sound level and the exhaust system of this type of vehicle or of these vehicles comply with the provisions of directive 70 / 157 / eec as amended by this directive . |
the notified body must carry out periodic audits to make sure that the manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and provide the manufacturer with an audit report . |
requirements relating to tyres |
” are all those white kids members ? ” |
( iv ) arrange systematic health surveillance and provide for a review of the health status of any other worker who has been similarly exposed . |
( d ) to set up their own control systems for combating the production , processing , possession and distribution of child pornography material . |
name = highcolor default |
article iii - 164 |
( 2 ) oj no l 110 , 29 . |
for all material , glasshouse grown plants shall be tested , as soon as they are well established but prior to flowering and pollen production . |
- the specific quantity of products covered by the invitation to tender . |
for the period 2004 — 2006 the ignalina programme shall amount to 285 million euro in commitment appropriations , to be committed in equal annual tranches . |
- the plan for the dissemination of knowledge and the perspectives as regards exploitation of the results . |
tupman admitted the fact . |
long - distance touring motor - coach ´ ´ long distance touring motor - coach ' ' means a vehicle designed and equipped for long - distance journeys , arranged to ensure the comfort of its seated passengers and which does not carry standing passengers . |
characteristic lesions are large haemorrhages in the lymph nodes , kidneys and spleen , pulmonary congestion and oedema and in some cases interstitial pneumonia . |
( 1 ) portugal and austria , although not contracting parties to this convention , accept that travel documents issued in accordance with this convention may bear the uniform visa issued by the schengen states . |
while questioning jt , bartlett got a message from australian police . |
name = kde xml rpc daemon |
1 . |
purpose |
it pleased the men to see this battle between them . |
we rode along chalfonte , a pretty side street . |
article 2 |
article 22 |
the operator assured debbie she would dispatch assistance . |
1 . |
the following paragraph shall be inserted in article 18 : |
g . |
- with the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit concerned , |
appendix antenna direction relative to vehicle |
the community network shall be put in place by modifying and integrating as appropriate existing community - supported surveillance networks and by building up new networks for diseases not yet covered by surveillance networks . |
hexaethyl tetraphosphate |
i glanced down . |
each committee ' s opinions shall be brought to the attention of the other committees referred to in this title . |
relevant prenormative research on measurements and testing for these purposes will also be necessary . |
43 . |
1 . |
name = cxhextris |
( e ) " notification " of an active substance means the submission to the commission of the information referred to in annex ii . |
meanwhile , his wife is petite , quiet and a complete homebody . |
when i called sister jane , she was overjoyed . |
comment = croatian keyboard layout |
" 8 . |
annie played the part of maid , then went downstairs for hot water . |
the first ombudsman to be appointed after the entry into force of the treaty on european union shall be appointed for the remainder of the parliamentary term . |
1 . |
iii . |
comment = configure the news ticker applet , manage source files and other related settings . |
( d ) ' major engine modification ' : the modification of an engine which : |
” it ’ s the same principle as when your camera lens is out of focus , ” says dr frank martin , president |
" yep , " he continued , " a blue calico is as rare as a white tarantula & ast ; . " |
3 . 1 . 3 on each occasion the vessel moves from one ices sub - area to another within the zones defined in 3 . 1 . 1 and 3 . 1 . 2 ; |
she returned to her doctor , who prescribed a different dosage , and the sexual side effects diminished . |
( d ) " biomethanol " : methanol produced from biomass , to be used as biofuel ; |
article 2 |
10 . |
article 12 |
- any minority interests within the meaning of article 21 of directive 83 / 349 / eec , where the global integration method is used , |
1 . |
done at brussels , 16 september 2002 . |
- 5 minutes , all filaments lit , |
article 44 ; |
commission regulation ( ec ) no 1 / 2004 of 23 december 2003 on the application of articles 87 and 88 of the ec treaty to state aid to small and medium - sized enterprises active in the production , processing and marketing of agricultural products |
1 . |
import licences issued pursuant to this regulation shall not be transferable . |
it is prohibited to use a top - side chafer together with strengthening bags except for trawls having a mesh size equal to or less than 60 millimetres ' . |
with these systems , a sample is taken from the bulk exhaust stream by setting the dilution air flow and the total dilution exhaust flow . |
a voucher shall be valid for the calendar month indicated thereon ; delivery must be made during that month . |
article 15 |
3 . |
a chest x ray revealed that his lungs had filled with fluid . |
such guarantees must not exceed those required by the member state in its own territory . |
2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 5 . |
comment = cd writing program |
provisions relating to contaminants shall be adopted in accordance with this regulation , except those laid down by the rules referred to in paragraph 2 . |
by 1986 , more than 20 research groups had found h . pylori in the stomachs of patients with gastritis . |
10 . |
the instituto nacional de vigilancia de medicamentos y alimentos ( invima ) shall be the competent authority in colombia for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery aquaculture products with the requirements of directive 91 / 493 / eec . " |
list of guality liqueur wines psr obtained from fermenting grape must with an initial natural alcoholic strength by volume of not less than 9 % vol . |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european economic community , and in particular article 235 thereof , |
definition and scope of the term " transport infrastructure " |
article 8 |
recommended practice |
upon notification , when required , an undertaking may begin activity , where necessary subject to the provisions on rights of use in articles 5 , 6 and 7 . |
2 . |
4 . 4 mixture of pure acetone / water / hydrochloric acid ( d : 1 . 19 ) : 65 / 33 / 2 by volume . |
done at luxembourg , 13 june 2002 . |
( c ) which satisfies the conditions laid down in annexes i and ii for basic material ; and |
middle button : |
name = development |
name = chin |
responsibility for the work of others and the allocation of resources is often present . |
vehicle recovery |
( 6 ) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for fresh fruit and vegetables , |
each member state shall designate , as appropriate , national energy policy experts , authorities or persons ( hereinafter referred to as " national representatives " ) responsible for carrying out the tasks provided for in this regulation . |
they shall forthwith inform the commission thereof . |
article 8 |
' then we will start off to examine some farms on the other side of london that i have heard of , ' he said , ' and by march or april we will pay a visit to my father and mother . ' |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european economic community , and in particular article 99 thereof , |
4 . 3 . |
1 . |
then he set in the middle of the table a heap of gunpowder , a little pile of black grains upon the white - scrubbed board . |
operator ( legally responsible body or individual ) . |
server certificate : the file to read containing the server ' s sertificate |
seven months later , before he could be tried , he hanged himself in his cell . |
marianne eriksson is part of a circle of old friends who visit lindgren regularly . |
from the start of supervised storage , but not before 16 october of the marketing year concerned , the member states shall grant those concerned an advance on the aid , provided a security equal to at least 110 % of the advance is lodged . |
13 . 2 . 4 . have not been used for natural breeding during the period of 30 days prior to the collection of ova / embryos ( 1 ) ; |
42 . |
the allowance shall be passed on by the producer organisation to its members within 90 days of receipt of the amount from the member state . |
1969 , p . |
the list of associations and bodies to be consulted shall be finalised by the committee referred to in article 21 before adopting the mandate of the first tsi and may be re - examined and updated at the request of a member state or the commission . |
2 . |
meanwhile tess was walking thoughtfully among the gooseberry bushes in the garden , and over prince ' s grave . |
3 . |
( 4 ) the revised codex standard for " natural mineral waters " ( 4 ) , gives , for health purposes , a list of constituents and maximum limits for these constituents . |
name = cd / dvd - rom device |
5 . |
" nothing , sir , " rejoined the girl , weeping . |
the department competent to decide on the omitted act shall decide upon the application . |
denmark : reumatologi |
place of the supply of goods |
having regard to the proposal from the commission ( 1 ) , |
the european parliament and the council of the european union , |
joint enterprises ( article 8 ) |
then her car hurtled straight for the truck in front . |
( 57 ) whereas , in addition to remedies provided under the legislation of the member states for infringements of copyright or other rights , member states should provide for appropriate remedies against unauthorized extraction and / or re - utilization of the contents of a database ; |
has decided as follows : |
nominal length between 0 75 and 5 metres . |
table 2 : number of incremental samples to be taken depending on the weight of the lot of cereals |
article 5 |
cleansing , disinfection and treatment with insecticides |
annex iii model certificate of calibration |
( 6 ) steps should be taken to define , on a community - wide basis , essential human safety and health requirements , environmental protection and consumer protection requirements applicable to cableway installations , subsystems and their safety components . |
1 . |
switch to desktop 1 |
- before 1 november 1993 , of the competent authority , the procedure referred to in article 1 and the criteria adopted other than those laid down in article 2 , |
the member states shall bring into force the laws , regulations and administrative provisions necessary to : |
" livestock " aid applications shall include the information needed for payment of the slaughter premium , in particular the date of birth of the animal in the case of animals born after 1 january 1998 . |
qho = dose / oral ld50 ( ìg a . s . per bee ) |
kde pixie thumbnails |
the institute for animal health at pirbright in the united kingdom shall hold the stock of antigen to which paragraph 1 relates . |
4 . |
done at luxembourg , 13 june 2003 . |
3 . |
5 . |
1 . |
of 28 november 2002 |
( l ) state of dispatch means any state from which a shipment of waste is planned or made ; |
we had quite forgotten all such petty restrictions as chapters , we solemnly declare . |
the committee shall meet when convened by its chairman . |
( 1 ) oj no l 185 , 17 . |
it shall be clearly visible and easily legible . |
3 . |
2 . |
the shop seemed to be kept entirely by women . |
do you find little things your spouse does getting under your skin ? |
the commission shall take all appropriate steps to act on the observations in the decisions giving discharge and on other observations by the european parliament relating to the execution of expenditure , as well as on comments accompanying the recommendations on discharge adopted by the council . |
trade in seed not aimed at commercial exploitation of the variety , such as the following operations , shall not be regarded as marketing : |
the commission shall be informed forthwith of any change in those particulars . |
( 4 ) the measures provided for by this directive are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on cosmetic products , |
article ii - 111 of the constitution . |
member states may impose on distribution companies an obligation to supply customers located in a given area . |
the penalties must be in proportion to the infringement and must be made known to the members in advance . |
i made a decision : if i could not take natasha out , i would stay behind until i could . |
in articles 4 and 5 of directive 69 / 169 / eec and article 1 of directive 77 / 800 / eec , ' 22 ° ' shall be replaced by ' 22 % vol ' . |
8 . |
the provisions of this directive shall apply progressively , account being taken of the production cycles of the material referred to in paragraph 2 . |
to hold and manage the official foreign reserves of the member states ; |
article 2 |
- passenger ship safety certificate , |
member states shall determine how such reference is to be made . |
the commission shall forward the details to the other member states at the earliest opportunity . |
oj 152 , 13 . 7 . 1967 , p . |
next afternoon valerie took jaimee lee to water police headquarters . |
( 1 ) oj l 34 , 9 . 2 . 1979 , p . |
these should include four strains of s . typhimurium ( ta 1535 ; ta 1537 or ta97a or ta97 ; ta98 ; and ta100 ) that have been shown to be reliable and reproducibly responsive between laboratories . |
there had never been such preparations . |
through trial and error , he and heyward have discovered that the polyps will readily colonise these tiles , which are similar in texture to limestone . |
directive 76 / 762 / eec is amended as follows : |
name = kssl daemon module |
1 . |
at 9 : 30 that night , eisenhower ' s senior commanders gathered in the library of naval headquarters at southwick house . |
( a ) in the case of pasteurization : |
for a later check on sufficient alkalinization of the extract , several drops of phenolphtalein as specified in section 4 . 6 are added . |
the commission shall submit a proposal containing the draft budget to the european parliament and to the council not later than 1 september of the year preceding that in which the budget is to be implemented . |
for the commission |
test sequence and fuel |
& boptx ; while daily practice is needed to hone the strengths necessary to break into a field , it ' s also the norm for successful people at their peak . |
- turgescent , |
his withered old face was transfigured with delight as he gloated on us . |
( c ) controlled by the same person , whether natural or legal , who controls a credit institution or insurance undertaking authorised in the community . |
schuessler , a nasa contractor , project manager for the space shuttle flight operations , and an authority on ufos . |
1 . |
3 . |
" wot i like in that ' ere style of writin ' , " said the elder mr . |
name = lightning |
welcome to caitoo |
1 . |
2 . 1 . |
it shall relate to the six months preceding such notification . |
2 . |
error message : |
3 . |
name = connection 03 |
4 . 1 . 1 . 2 . 2 the prescribed load shall be applied to this equipment so as not to cause any stress on the latch . |
' 7 . |
" mornin ' , gen ' l ' m ' n , " said sam , entering at the moment with the shoes and gaiters . |
name = change to desktop 2 |
> reference to a film > |
& lsqb ; bu & rsqb ; ask for help . |
concd = concentration of the respective pollutant measured in the dilution air , ppm |
a reduction of 25 % or more in the fishing opportunities of the vessel concerned should be regarded as an objective indicator of severe impact . |
arabella did not care if they should recognize her ; but they were too deeply absorbed in their own lives , as translated into emotion by the military band , to perceive her under her beaded veil . |
it shall examine not only the design and manufacturing schedule in order to check its conformity , but also the vessel submitted . |
the internal clock time is utc . |
2 . |
sometimes when late i sleep at the hotel where i am engaged , so nobody will think anything of my staying out . ' |
24 . |
name = boardgames |
the value of the by - products obtained from processing paddy rice into husked rice shall he considered to be nil . |
the member states shall : |
aktieselskaber , kommanditaktieselskaber , anpartsselskaber ; |
( 3 ) oj no l 323 , 29 . |
the culture media used for keeping the strain in the laboratory and for producing the antigen must be such that they do not encourage bacterial dissociation ( s - r ) ; potato agar medium or continuous culture methods should be used . |
- name and address of the consignee . |
> table position > |
> > > id = " 1 " > 3 . |
" now look at that silly cow ! " |
" a good hiding - place , too . |
of 6 september 2000 |
frederik bolkestein |
whereas imports of products of animal origin , excluding fishery products , from madagascar must not be allowed until it can be guaranteed that no more risk exists ; |
( a ) the following subparagraph is added to paragraph 3 : |
this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities . |
online |
new class a , b , c and d ships and existing class b ships : . |
oj c 180 e , 26 . 6 . 2001 , p . |
the commission of the european communities , |
this development would in turn trigger an increase in imports of lower - priced downstream products from other third countries and from the countries concerned by this investigation . |
the winner , by an overwhelming majority , was ” imbabazi z ’ i mugongo , ” which in kinyarwanda means ” mugongo is a place where you will receive all the love and care a mother would give . ” |
( 55 ) the request alleged that imports of disposable , non - refillable flint lighters from macao are circumventing the existing measures . |
has adopted this regulation : |
5 . |
where there are only quasi - tariffs , special contracts , or freely negotiated prices , the most commonly found price ( most respresentative ) for the given supply conditions should be reported . |
two - dimensional hptlc and co - chromatography are mandatory . |
the extra flexibility of the meda programme needs to be complemented by a clear programming methodology in order to enhance effectiveness of planning and implementation . |
she answered quickly . |
component type - approval in respect of the sound level and original exhaust system , as a separate technical unit , of a type of two - wheel moped _ 345 |
` ` say , felix , ' ' the chief justice suddenly called out , ` ` want a lift ? ' ' |
article 11 |
the aim of the system is to allow the commission to ensure continuous monitoring of imports of the products in question in order to facilitate the adoption of appropriate measures in the event of disturbance or threatened disturbance of the community market . |
this licence is valid only for exports in the context of such food - aid operations . |
the orchid girls want me to take their picture . |
article 2 |
the authorizing officer may grant advances to personnel if a provision laid down by regulation specifically provides therefor . |
( 61 ) it has been argued that injury to the community industry was mainly caused by a dramatic decrease of consumption as a result of a generally declining market . |
our fellow passengers , mainly men with mongolian features wearing immaculate western suits , do not match the rustic image we have of mongolia either . |
it ’ s got to work , hood told himself , or those guys are dead — and perhaps me too . |
default color |
one afternoon mary frances stoner , a pretty , outgoing 12 - year - old , disappeared after being dropped off by the school bus at her house near rome . |
( 17 ) whereas the implementation of the measures provided for by this regulation will help to achieve the community ' s aims ; whereas the treaty does not provide , for the adoption of this regulation , powers other than those of article 308 , |
bandon , blessington |
henning christophersen |
fanny was overcome with emotion . |
he pleaded . |
supervisory committee |
> table position > |
name = x biff |
the microphone must be located 250 mm to the side of the central plane of the seat , the side being that on which the higher noise level is encountered . |
circumstances under which an ima 1 certificate or part thereof may be cancelled , amended , replaced or corrected |
( 2 ) opinion of the commission of 12 june 2002 on the european parliament ' s amendments to the council common position , com ( 2002 ) 327 final , p . |
commission decision |
article 15 |
from my college days i remembered that black paint is a good heat emitter , and would help to lower the temperature . |
if the commission has not taken that decision within three months of the receipt of the information a risk of distortion of competition is deemed not to exist . |
as such , the . eu tld will not only be a key building block for electronic commerce in europe but will also support the objectives of article 14 of the treaty . |
member of the commission |
rent guarantees |
article 1 |
name = korganizerplugin |
this framework decision shall take effect on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european union . |
once britanov learned the crew was near the hatch , he paused . |
2 . |
for the preparation of its opinions , the committee may entrust a rapporteur or an outside expert with the task of drawing up reports in accordance with procedures to be determined . |
comment = a kicker extension that displays a tv . |
they shall inform the commission thereof forthwith . |
iv . |
annex amendments to the annexes to directive 70 / 220 / eec |
the number of alopecurus myosuroides seeds shall not exceed 5 in a sample of 25 grammes . |
1992 , p . |
2 . |
( ecb / 1999 / 4 ) |
comment = typewriter keyboard ( qwertz ) |
genericname = paint program |
name = unmount |
name = change to desktop 5 |
the auditing team must have at least one member with experience of assessing the transportable pressure equipment concerned . |
article 24a ( 1 ) is replaced by the following : |
article 33 |
' diplôme d ' état de docteur en médecine ' ( state diploma of doctor of medicine ) awarded by the university faculties of medicine , the university joint faculties of medicine and pharmacy , or by the universities ; |
( d ) register : any book , file or data medium : |
1 . if the offence on which the arrest warrant is based is covered by amnesty in the executing member state , where that state had jurisdiction to prosecute the offence under its own criminal law ; |
we ' ll be lucky to save this one , thought dr . john l . hunt . |
. |
ii , paragraphs 4 , 5 and 6 ; |
tengiz will sell 800 loaves of bread today , each for 3 , 000 rubles ( about 50 cents ) , netting himself over $ 600 this month - - about five times the average moscow salary . |
if the contract is not properly performed the entire guarantee shall be retained . |
the relevant characteristics to validate in respect of this tsi are defined in section 4 . 2 . 12 . |
for applicants , who are only involved in assembling and installation , the harmonised standard shall be en iso 9001 - december 2000 , completed if necessary to take into consideration the specificity of the subsystem for which it is implemented . |
article 2 |
article 5 |
whereas : |
" me . |
- provisions to ensure that the advantages granted are actually passed on to the end user , |
this decision shall apply for live poultry and hatching eggs certified as from 1 january 2002 . |
( v ) evidence that contributions have been paid in as planned ; |
by 1991 , however , he was ready for a new challenge , and the odessa philharmonic was it . |
origin of products |
and beside him , white with rage or fear , or both , were the scowling features of the very man who had accosted him in the inn - yard . |
article 1 |
total sent : |
- to avoid , detect and combat the starting and spread of fires and explosions , |
title i |
notwithstanding article 24 , a member state may allow the licence or certificate to be submitted to the issuing body or , where applicable , to the authority responsible for payment of the refund . |
panama |
1 . |
the price of such a copy must not exceed its administrative cost " . |
- publication of information in trade and scientific publications . |
whereas , pursuant to the said general rules , the goods described in column 1 of the table annexed to the present regulation must be classified within the appropriate cn codes indicated in column 2 , by ritue of the reasons set out in column 3 ; |
depending on the type of infringement observed , that team may remain in the member state in question until the decisions referred to in the final subparagraph have been taken . |
misc |
( ii ) the commitments and payments in respect of the financial year ; |
this decision shall take effect subject to and on the date of the entry into force of the treaty of accession of norway , austria , finland and sweden . |
applicants for a licence in these categories must reverse along a curve , the line of which shall be left to the discretion of the member states . |
early on , i lost count of the times i banged my head on the floor . ” |
14 . |
the contents of the individual aliphatic alcohols in mg / 100 g of fatty substance and the sum of the ' total aliphatic alcohols ` are reported . |
harvest the growth in 15 ml of ethanol ( 4 . 2 ) after having checked sporulation under the microscope , and mix well . |
if mineral oils subject to excise duty are transported within the community by sea or by pipeline , member states may relieve authorized warehousekeepers of dispatch of the obligation to provide the guarantee referred to in the first subparagraph . |
2 . |
5 . |
2 . |
pedersen |
article 4 |
1 . |
pen color . |
proceed ? |
article 1 |
name = mount |
hindmost % 1 |
- irrevocable guarantees ( and similar instruments ) that are certain to be called and likely to be irrecoverable , |
name = thesaurus tool |
the method used to secure the vehicle during the test shall not be such as to strengthen the anchorages of the seats or safety belts , or to lessen the normal deformation of the structure . |
- of the date of placing , the age at placing and the number of laying hens , broken down by henhouse , |
for the purposes of this directive : |
each " extract " , and its copy which shall remain in the t2m booklet , shall include a reference to the initial t2m form referred to in point ( a ) and shall be clearly marked with one of the following words : |
influenza virologists around the world were galvanized . |
7 . |
( d ) the member state of production . |
the density of the weight shall be such that a deviation of 10 % of the air density in relation to that specified ( 1 . 2 kg / m3 ) will lead to an error of not more than 1 / 4 of the maximum permissible error . |
51 ) . |
9 . 9 . 6 . |
name = desktop |
a sharp pain began to ripple through his right hand , torn open between his thumb and index finger . |
then it growls back , louder this time , a sound bristling with menace . |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
the member states may in addition make exemption conditional upon such property having borne , either in the country of origin or in the country of departure , the customs and / or fiscal charges to which it is normally liable . |
amendments of the variety denominations |
a . , huta buczek s . |
the reimbursements referred to in paragraph 1 shall be determined and made in accordance with the procedure laid down by the implementing regulation referred to in article 97 , on proof of actual expenditure , or by lump sum payments . |
1 . 5 . front position lamp ; |
the attribute shall be used . |
justification of the effort and european added value |
" if you were as wonderful as you say - - - , " replied clara . |
standard |
the weight shall be fixed to the hole in the narrowest extremity of the gauge using a hook . |
the evening grew darker , and the roads being crossed by gates it was not safe to drive faster than at a walking pace . |
other pieces , apparently by the same hand , occasionally appeared in miller ' s workshop for restoration . |
a linkage between the programmes of the designated cities of the same year should be made . |
article 12 |
- copying from the motion sensor to the vu data memory necessary motion sensor identification data . |
4 . |
article 15 |
article 4b |
i queried . |
boot - image : |
( i ) heads of bovine animals , parts of the muscular or other tissues of the head , excluding tongues and brains ; |
i shall break off on sunday . " |
. |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european community , and in particular article 161 thereof , |
but do you suppose that if i had been i should have asked you to let me go and live with him ? ' |
19 . |
- hotel bills , |
however , the latter component applies only if the added sucrose has been produced from beet or cane harvested in the community . |
they must have been slaughtered under appropriate conditions of hygiene . |
done at brussels , 15 march 2001 . |
2b228 rotor fabrication or assembly equipment , rotor straightening equipment , bellows - forming mandrels and dies , as follows : |
measurements can be performed with either quasi - peak or peak detectors . |
these derogations shall fix health conditions which are at least equivalent to those of the said annex . |
( iii ) has , before processing , undergone inspection by an official veterinarian to ensure that such fresh meat is still fit to undergo processing in accordance with directive 77 / 99 / eec . |
1 . |
influenza |
. |
article 4 |
( c . 1 . 3 ) address in the member state of registration on the date of issue of the document |
for 20 minutes he tailed the car as it navigated its way through rush - hour traffic . |
this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities . |
salmonella : absence in 25 g , n = 5 , c = 0 , m = 0 , m = 0 . |
name = two column |
comment = choose which fonts are available to kde |
this regulation shall enter into force on the first day of the month following that of its publication in the official journal of the european communities . |
10 . |
system 3 : see annex iii ( 2 ) ( ii ) to directive 89 / 106 / eec , second possibility . |
name = licq |
- the distribution of antigen reserves between antigen banks , |
but that didn ' t legitimize his sample . |
name = dutch |
( d ) for the temporary importation procedure : |
the commission shall monitor and review the application of this directive and submit an overall progress report to the european parliament and the council before the end of the first year following the entry into force of this directive , and thereafter on an annual basis . |
for the purpose of this directive |
1 ) and decision of the european parliament of 12 december 2001 ( not yet published in the official journal ) . |
( 1 ) oj no l 246 , 5 . |
( 12 ) in order to have a wide spread of information to the public , the most appropriate information channels should be selected . |
end of line |
for goods supplied in packings , there shall be a tolerance of 1 % . |
” wait for the rescue truck . ” |
in the middle of the night , he tried to sit up to take a drink of water . |
genericname = sound information |
article 21 |
385 ) , confirmed on 6 may 1999 ( oj c 279 , 1 . 10 . 1999 , p . |
member of the commission |
- the security authority of a eu decentralised agency , or |
( article 91 of the financial regulation ) |
protection of the environment is covered by council directive 85 / 337 / eec concerning the assessment of the effects of certain projects on the environment . |
detailed rules for the application of this article shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 27 . |
name = cleanup icons |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
( 1 ) for semi - trailers , z is the braking force divided by the static weight on the semi - trailer axle ( s ) . |
' there is a strange , indescribable perfume or atmosphere about you to - night , sue , ' he said . |
- milking , |
definition of produce |
( c ) the expiry date of the guarantee or the storage life from the date of manufacture ; |
once the boss sensed how excited i was , he knew i wasn ' t going to turn him down . |
of 22 september 2000 |
admission of domestic securities to a foreign capital market . |
i waited . |
george gathered wood and made a fire , and harris and i started to peel the potatoes . |
name = kwintv |
whereas , according to that procedure , commission decision 96 / 158 / ec ( 3 ) was adopted concerning the placing on the market of hybrid , herbicide - tolerant swede - rape seeds ( brassica napus l . oleifera metzg . |
4 . 2 . 2 . |
council decision |
4 . |
5 . |
a pine tree had torched . |
c / uk / 95 / m5 / 1 ) : |
- the information provided must include a statement clearly directing that the user should not take any decision of medical relevance without first consulting his or her medical practitioner , |
qatar |
( 1 ) oj c 292 , 4 . 10 . 1996 , p . |
active substance |
member of the commission |
article 25 |
' now i am going home , sir , ' she said , rising . |
2 . |
the president |
dumpers may be equipped with integral self - loading equipment . |
allow to cool , stirring occasionally . |
6 . 06 . 4 . |
it is nevertheless wise to make sure of that by changing the receiving flask . |
but he is hardly so lively today , is he ? |
- who are established in the member states where the guarantee is furnished , |
7 . |
ii . |
it ' s the door straight afore you , when you gets to the top of the stairs . " |
genericname = default kde style |
( c ) supporting measures facilitating the peaceful conciliation of group interests , including support for confidence - building measures relating to human rights and democratisation , in order to prevent conflict and to restore civil peace ; |
( 2 ) total nitrogen means : the sum of total kjeldahl - nitrogen ( organic n + nh3 ) , nitrate ( no3 ) - nitrogen and nitrite ( no2 ) - nitrogen . |
in view of the transboundary nature of ozone pollution , target values should be set at community level for the protection of human health and for the protection of vegetation . |
in particular , cross - analyses of the distribution of employees in the ses and lfs should be expressed in percentages and made separately for full - time and part - time employees . |
name = gsm card implementation |
' annex iii ` shall read ' appendix 2 ` . |
name = aisleriot |
taking their cue , tilden adopted a biological approach . |
products of sea - fishing ( name and type ) |
the emergency brake is called in the case of overspeed . |
5 . |
the high contracting parties , |
the commission may request member states to supply information , and member states shall take whatever steps are necessary in order to give effect to such requests . |
' i don ' t know - i don ' t know . ' |
7 . |
( b ) reference of the law , regulation or administrative provision . |
" can we put this horse up here , my good woman ? " |
2 . |
that competent body shall , via the liaison body under which it comes , notify the liaison body of the member state concerned and the commission without delay . |
1 the number , size and disposition of the scuppers are such as to prevent unreasonable accumulation of free water ; . |
for the commission |
these coefficients are a function of the response time of the opacimeter system and the sampling rate . |
( 1 ) oj no l 289 , 7 . |
2 . |
2 . |
( 8 ) experience has shown that specific provisions should be laid down for cases where a producer chooses not to implement a plan or decides not to receive the support in advance . |
; |
5 . |
lillehammer won the bid for the olympics with a ` ` compact - games ' ' concept . |
it would be difficult , but it could be done . " |
in a blur of motion , mike shut down the balloon ' s propane burners and closed the fuel - tank valves , hoping to avert a fire . |
" oohoo , " i mimicked him . |
> end of graphic > |
any person effecting such acts in respect of any other material of the variety , must inform of that denomination in accordance with other provisions in law or if a request is made by an authority , by the purchaser or by any other person having a legitimate interest . |
attachment |
measures taken by member states |
- repairs carried out with specialist support from the home depot via a phone link , |
responsibilities for feed : feed business operators |
table of country codes |
where the information specified in paragraph 1 , or additional information specified in paragraph 4 , is not provided , the substance may not be evaluated . |
the text of the agreement is attached to this decision . |
conflicts with % s - % s - % s |
name = drift |
3 . |
name = kedit |
- the exceptions allowed shall be temporary and planned for a specific time period , |
21 . |
log nothing . |
franz fischler |
i heerd how many ord ' nary women , one widder ' s equal to , in pint o ' comin ' over you . |
any member state , the union minister for foreign affairs , or that minister with the commission ' s support , may refer any question relating to the common foreign and security policy to the council and may submit to it initiatives or proposals as appropriate . |
" total environmental protection investments " is the sum of the variables 21 11 0 and 21 12 0 . |
- pallets , box pallets or other load boards , |
name = khexedit |
article 4 |
commission regulation ( ec ) no 1598 / 95 of 30 june 1995 laying down detailed rules for the application of the arrangements for additional import duties in the milk and milk products sector |
2 . |
procedures and technical characteristics |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the member states in accordance with the treaty establishing the european community . |
i lived for several years on the islands which are nameless to me , and upon which i am confident i was the first white man . |
committee procedure |
the result was three days of agony and a vow to forgo wearing contacts ever again . |
having regard to the opinion of the economic and social committee ( 2 ) , |
in the same way as for other products , does not include intermediate production intended for the manufacture of other dairy products . |
1 . |
nauruans needing a specialist are often flown at government expense to australia . |
tif " > |
m . |
therefore , reference no 411 of annex ii and reference nos 60 , 61 and 62 of annex iii , part 1 , should be amended accordingly . |
within one year of the entry into force of this regulation , the member states shall notify to the commission a list of the flavouring substances which may , in accordance with directive 88 / 388 / eec , be used in or on foodstuffs marketed on their territory . |
if a theoretical estimation of residues in succeeding crops is done , full details and a justification shall be be given . |
models issued in norway |
cox |
on his own , the man built a five - room house on three acres of land and generously turned it over to frances ' s family for & dollar ; 35 a month . |
for the council |
in annex iv ( a ) ( i ) , the following shall be added under ( b ) : |
article 14 |
whereas directive 72 / 462 / eec ( 5 ) , as last amended by directive 90 / 425 / eec ( 6 ) , lays down health and veterinary inspection requirements for the importation of bovine animals and swine , fresh meat or meat products from third countries ; |
1998 |
. |
even now he did not distinctly hear the freezing negative that those scholared walls had echoed to his desire . |
of 6 august 2001 |
depending on the case the e . r . a . has to take into account the relevant technical and scientific details regarding characteristics of : |
3 . |
any member state may provide that a trade mark shall not be registered or , if registered , shall be liable to be declared invalid where and to the extent that : |
name = kde default for 4 modifiers ( meta / alt / ctrl / shift ) |
article 1 |
nothing made her want to do something more than being told she couldn ' t . |
( 1 ) oj no c 156 , 15 . |
1 division of ship into main vertical zones by thermal and structural boundaries ; . |
( b ) the lowest price only . |
regular expression |
soft natural phosphates exclusively . |
whereas : |
such patients can be given the appropriate treatment , including cholesterol - lowering drugs , anti - hypertensives or surgery . |
- 35 mm for " round " and " ribbed " tomatoes , |
name = hard disc |
indicative evidence ( 1 ) |
the financial compensation shall be paid to producer organisations , on application , after the end of each fishing year . |
the decision shall be notified to the manufacturer . |
jim asks , stroking the girl ' s wispy brown hair . |
sweden |
this is indeed an acquisition . |
antónio vitorino |
" that ' s what one must have , i think , " he continued - " the real , real flame of feeling through another person - once , only once , if it only lasts three months . |
at the same time , greece shall forward to the commission , annexed to these declarations , particulars of current scheduled charges for the transportation of livestock by lorry , rail and sea . |
eco - label criteria and assessment and verification requirements |
1 . |
name = kmplot |
3 . |
the implementation of these programmes shall be the national responsibility of each contracting party and , if necessary or expedient from a legal or a practical point of view , by mutual consultation or agreement . |
equilibration of the water and the co2 |
1 and to the level of the groupings listed in section 9 for the other sections . |
whereas the establishment of these common rules should also include standardisation of the provisions concerning the duty - free admission of fuel contained in the fuel tanks of commercial motor vehicles ; |
a . |
9 . |
finally , the third column , which is labeled " mounted under " shows the location on your system where the shared resource is mounted . |
( text with eea relevance ) |
before 31 december 2002 , the council shall examine the application of this decision to that date on the basis of a comprehensive report by the commission . |
" hold your din , " cried sikes , as the dog retreated under the bed : still growling angrily . |
name = window management |
direction indicator lamps |
the president |
` ` they must have stamped it upside down , ' ' he explained with a silly grin . |
maintenance of stock culture |
" thank you . " |
for the council |
comment = desktop border options |
12 . |
when anaid ' s legs were almost free , i saw the rocks shift . |
any selective advantage or disadvantage conferred to the gmo and the likelihood of this becoming realised under the conditions of the proposed release ( s ) . |
chapter vii |
without prejudice to paragraph 3 , licences shall be issued on the fourth working day following the day on which the application was lodged . |
for the commission |
validate web page |
- importazione alla rinfusa o in imballaggi immediati superiori a 5 litri ; |
so when the work was completed , the red sedan sported a green hood , a yellow fender and a blue door . |
20 . |
name = psbook |
derogations from the provisions of this section may be made in favour of the least - developed beneficiary countries benefiting from the generalized system of preferences when the development of existing industries or the creation of new industries justifies them . |
iii . |
not to agitate and hinder her longer the considerate clare began talking in a more general way : |
6 . |
you can ' t do it without me , i know ; but it ' s best to be on the safe side when one deals with you . " |
name = bsod |
i . |
communities , |
the inspection body may , with the approval of the competent authority , decide , in certain cases , to extend or reduce that period , having regard to previous parcel use . |
the period laid down in article 5 ( 6 ) of decision 1999 / 468 / ec shall be set at three months . |
the following crops are for example regarded as subtropical fruit and berry species : anona ( anona spp . |
no table % 1 in this query |
rules of procedure |
anti - knock additive ( lead , etc . |
( 6 ) oj no l 181 , 1 . |
the management of the incineration or the co - incineration plant shall be in the hands of a natural person who is competent to manage the plant . |
( b ) with flights so regular or frequent that they constitute a recognisably systematic series . |
for the purposes of this directive : |
- operational capacity of the sirene bureaux : response time etc . |
i have never known a woodworker who didn ' t have at least one antiquated tool . |
whereas : |
annex d , chapter iii is replaced by annex iv to this decision . |
- in paragraph 1 the words ' by region and by branch of activity ' shall be deleted , |
1 . 2 . 3 / / |
within hours of our meeting , we had a team of field investigators on a plane to albuquerque . |
1 . |
( a ) members of member states ' permanent representations to the european union as well as by members of national delegations attending meetings of the council or of its bodies , or participating in other council activities ; |
article 8 |
- processors must inform the competent authorities of the quantity of beet delivered by each producer . |
the workers ' living quarters should be properly ventilated to ensure a constant supply of fresh air and prevent condensation . |
9 . |
name = utilities |
in the case of goods suspected of infringing patents , certificates or design rights , the owner , importer or consignee of the goods shall be able to have the goods in question released or their detention revoked against provision of a security , provided that : |
( 89 / 382 / eec , euratom ) |
table 4 . 5 |
comment = configure smartcard support |
where the simplified community transit procedures provided for in articles 444 and 448 are used , proof of community status shall be provided by entering the letter ' c ' ( equivalent to ' t2l ' ) alongside the relevant items on the manifest . " |
article 7 |
49 . |
could they save this baby ? |
the provisions of the first subparagraph shall apply only to products originating in the community , norway or switzerland ( according to the rules of origin relative to the tariff preferences in question ) which are exported direct to the beneficiary country . |
this shall apply by analogy where the programmes are transposed in another form . |
% 1 bytes |
the purpose of the official control shall be to detect immediately any suspicion of avian influenza , count the poultry and monitor their movements and , where appropriate , to take the action provided for in paragraph 3 . |
done at brussels , 29 august 2001 . |
the company should establish and maintain procedures for identifying any training which may be required in support of the sms and ensure that such training is provided for all personnel concerned . |
whereas the measures provided for in this directive are in accordance with the opinion delivered by the committee for the adaptation to scientific and technical progress of community legislation on waste , |
1991 |
toshiko and mari looked at each other . |
in the random sampling checks carried out in the treatment establishment , sterilized milk and uht milk must meet the following standards after incubation at 30 oc for 15 days : |
5 . |
wrestling with ideas , someone suggested salad dressing . |
( a ) in the case of a genetically modified variety referred to in article 4 ( 4 ) an environmental risk assessment equivalent to that laid down in directive 90 / 220 / eec shall be carried out . |
keywords = keys , global key bindings , key scheme , key bindings , shortcuts , application shortcuts |
user openly declined the file . |
yelling and slapping the surface of the water , alistair charged at the crocodile to frighten it off . |
in the case of discharges affecting the waters of more than one member state , the member states concerned shall cooperate with a view to harmonizing monitoring procedures . |
costs of consumables and supplies are eligible for co - financing , where the conditions set out in part i are satisfied . |
\ t \ t end of terms and conditions |
this directive is addressed to the member states . |
article 5 |
background color : |
luxembourg : hématologie biologique |
1 . |
2 . |
among them are optimism , a distinct feeling of self - esteem , and an orientation to the outside . |
' 4 . |
( g ) |
` ` in navajo , everything - - songs , prayers - - is in memory , ' ' said william mccabe , one of the code ' s designers . |
for the council |
it shall be fixed by the commission during the month following the date of the operative event . " |
a request for the application of simplified procedures shall be made in accordance with the procedures laid down in paragraphs 2 and 3 and article 3 . |
smb and nfs servers not installed ! |
you ain ' t ben in an hour yet . " |
reports and review |
this sets a limit of a file size of 1 mb ( in total ) for each user of existing printer danka _ infotec _ 4850 during one week . |
article 3 |
belgium , greece and ireland may , due to the specific technical characteristics of their electricity systems , have an additional period of respectively 1 year , 2 years and 1 year to apply the obligations ensuing from this directive . |
there is a little poetry in a church . |
" i don ' t know him , " said dawes . |
giblets shall comprise only the following : |
has adopted this decision : |
measures following testing |
brewer ' s steady voice rang through the caswell county courtroom : " the state of north carolina calls bobby jackson . " |
thus he went on adoring her , fearing to realize that it was human perversity . |
( u8 = s8 × a ) |
for the commission |
therefore , the exporter is not always able to declare such quantities . |
a refusal shall indicate the reasons therefor . |
we have to lift our bicycles over fallen tree - trunks , remove our saddle bags , hack our way through and go back and forth ten times for each 100 metre advance . |
openpgp information |
( yes / no ) |
luxembourg , for the bureau luxembourgeois des assureurs : paul hammelmann , secretary - general |
in the case of discharges affecting the waters of more than one member state , the member states concerned shall cooperate with a view to harmonizing monitoring procedures . |
iii . |
- request for application of article 10 ( 7 ) of regulation ( ec ) no 2090 / 2002 |
article 75 |
- - that my wife was mad . |
the cold was now excessive , and we had hail squalls continually from the northward and eastward . |
214 ) : |
name = image viewer part |
article 41 ( |
strontium nitrate |
whereas the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on construction , |
has adopted this regulation : |
my father went to the third grade and my mother went to the second grade . |
' don ' t you ask questions , and you won ' t hear lies . ' |
- may refuse to grant national type - approval |
. |
slaughtered poultry must be plucked immediately and completely . |
having regard to the opinion of the economic and social committee ( 3 ) , |
( warning : the result is likely to contain colors not in the icon palette |
haertle told police the killer was in his 50s or 60s , with crooked , yellow teeth , and was balding . |
` ` i don ' t see any , ' ' the father said . |
the root mean square value at a microphone position i shall be given by : |
i did it for my mother , but i think she ' d rather have the money . " |
as the hours dropped past , as the motive of each act in the long series of bygone days presented itself to his view , he perceived how intimately the notion of having tess as a dear possession was mixed up with all his schemes and words and ways . |
" in this very room - - - in this very bed - - - i once nursed a pretty young creetur ' , that was brought into the house with her feet cut and bruised with walking , and all soiled with dust and blood . |
first of all , bergson is right . |
whereas the community has issued regulations in respect of health requirements for intra - community trade in bovine animals and swine and fresh meat ; |
fish and animal by - products and products derived therefrom intended as feed for fish shall comply with the following requirements : |
after dong graduated from university with a biology degree in 1962 , he entered the ivpp . |
( 12 ) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the committee established under article 31 of directive 95 / 46 / ec , |
last modified : |
that same year les won a grammy for an album he made with guitarist chet atkins . |
name : extraordinary profit or loss ( + / - ) |
. |
5 . |
5 . in annex a , chapter i , the following point 16 shall be added : |
1 . |
2003 / 863 / ec : commission decision of 2 december 2003 on health certificates for the importation of animal products from the united states of america ( text with eea relevance ) ( notified under document number c ( 2003 ) 4444 ) |
done at luxembourg , 23 april 1990 . |
the estimated amount shall be shown in the budget remarks ; |
exclaimed k . , he had thought the businessman would just wait there for him while he quickly settled his business with the lawyer , and then they would leave together to discuss everything thoroughly and undisturbed . |
special attention will be paid to projects on less widely used and taught languages . |
relating to carbon tetrachloride 2 . |
( m ) austria : bundesanstalt für tierseuchenbekämpfung , mödling ; |
g . |
whereas the measures provided for in this directive are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on feedingstuffs , |
3 . |
name = qix |
iso 11094 : 1991 |
such measures should be taken in compliance with the provisions of the treaty , and in particular articles 28 , 29 and 30 thereof . |
ijsselmeer : including the markermeer and the ijmeer but excluding the gouwzee . |
she ' s an orphan , and she ' s great . |
14 . |
1 . |
2 . |
article 6 |
o ' kennedy |
( 12 ) in response to an application by greece , new base areas should be fixed in accordance with the greek regionalisation plan without altering the total base area . |
it shall function as a separate and autonomous unit . |
this decision will be reviewed before 31 december 1996 . |
the following information in respect of each approval granted , refused or withdrawn in the abovementioned period shall be given : |
- the abolition of checks on persons at internal borders , in particular the removal of obstacles to and restrictions on traffic at road crossings on the internal borders |
meat from : |
you probably don ' t have the access permissions to perform this operation . |
united kingdom : orthopaedic surgery , |
however , if these measures are not in accordance with the opinion of the committee , they shall be communicated by the commission to the council forthwith . |
article 1 |
article 26 |
rule 1 |
` ` what the hell is going on ? ' ' he blurted . |
( iii ) proper performance . |
whereas the measures provided for in this directive are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on seeds and propagating material for agriculture , horticulture and forestry , |
preferences |
1 . |
- body of data |
annex |
it shall apply three months after the date of its entry into force . |
how did primakov transfer so seamlessly from the soviet gorbachev government to the russian yeltsin government ? |
- one - half of the share capital or the initial fund which is not yet paid up , once the paid - up part reaches 25 % of this capital or fund , |
special notes referring to the relevant box numbers : |
" it ' s reg ' larly understood about the knockin ' down , is it , sir ? " |
" won ' t it be nice for me to come out at dinner - times ? " |
1 . |
appendix 2 |
nationality of arbitrators |
for the council |
upon expiry of the time - limit , the absence of an opinion shall not prevent further action . |
2 . |
the representative of the commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken . |
" ha ! " |
research shows that oral estrogen lowers ldl levels by 15 percent and raises hdl by about the same amount after menopause . |
12 . |
data set for active substances |
( e ) generally to enhance consular cooperation between member states . |
name = krfb desktop sharing |
her mother was subdued . |
% n replacements made . |
of 16 december 2002 |
why do young people work so hard ? |
a qualified majority shall be defined as at least 55 % of the other members of the council , representing member states comprising at least 65 % of the population of the participating member states . |
1 . |
netherlands ` , subparagraph ( b ) , of part a , and paragraph 1 ( f ) of part d ; |
that same spring , the network news was full of pictures of starving children in africa . |
1 . |
- information allowing for the identification of the embryos , date of insemination , date of collection , and the names and addresses of the embryo collection centre and of the consignee . |
the pentagon tried to kill the dc - x , though congress restored some test funding . |
5 . produce monthly employment information ; |
finishing agents , etc . |
the same applies to joint studies on the probable impact of extraneous circumstances that may influence the frequency or scale of claims , or the yield of different types of investments . |
name = sierpinski3d |
next > |
7 . 5 . 3 . 1 . |
be sure to space them evenly to keep your blood sugar stable and your appetite at bay . |
reeling from the blow , shari was barely conscious as he shoved her back into the driver ' s seat . |
9 . |
. |
3 . 6 . |
article 4 |
the storage contract shall refer to these specifications . |
article 5 |
monitoring of surface water status , groundwater status and protected areas |
article 6 |
a self - propelled machine wheeled or crawler machine having an open body , which either transports and dumps or spreads material . |
- the quantity of raw " tel quel " sugar by weight and in white sugar equivalent refined that is counted against the quota of the preceding marketing year . |
8 . |
into a glass tube ( 5 . 3 ) , weigh approximately 1 g of the sample . |
1987 , p . |
having regard to article 54 of the treaty ; |
without prejudice to article 18a , payment orders shall be sent for prior approval to the financial controller . |
19 . |
france 278 691 278 691 73 628 73 628 40 087 40 087 |
comment = kcontrol splash screen module |
1 . |
ii . |
oxyquinoline |
as additives in the manufacture of peeled or unpeeled tomatoes only citric acid ( e 330 ) and calcium chloride ( 509 ) may be used . |
pannonia : |
the committee shall draw up its rules of procedure . |
( c ) where appropriate , the numbers of the lots for which a tender is being submitted ; |
´ ´ the rind of such cheeses is the outer layer formed from the cheese itself , having a distinctly more solid consistency and a distinctly darker colour . ' ' |
article 16 |
9 . 1 . 1 . |
community support is available for actions undertaken on a transnational basis on priority themes of common interest . |
the latter spoke little english , hendrik hamel but little more . |
comment = someone on your buddy list is now online |
( 1 ) oj no l 363 , 31 . |
name = boardgames |
in the case of standing invitations to tender , the intervention agency shall fix the closing dates for the submission of tenders in response to each partial invitation . |
the council of the european union , |
and so " america ' s most wanted " was born . |
name = activex - plugin |
( b ) in the azores |
coëme |
- the products originating in certain third countries listed in council regulation ( ec ) no 519 / 94 on common rules for imports from certain third countries ( 4 ) . |
the president |
we ' d rummaged through the earth ' s box of ancient treasures out of sheer , undaunted curiosity . |
- a 3000 va at 230 v , 50 hz electrical power supply connection shall be provided in each coach for powering industrial cleaning equipment . |
if ' cells in repair ' are counted , the criteria for defining ' cells in repair ' should be justified and based on historical or concurrent negative control data . |
annex ii |
rights recognised by this charter for which provision is made in other parts of the constitution shall be exercised under the conditions and within the limits defined by these relevant parts . |
when packed , the inner part of the flank and the goose skirt must be clearly visible . |
faq 5 - the role of the data protection authorities |
( 12 ) whereas the legal framework for the creation of a single audiovisual area laid down in directive 89 / 552 / eec must , therefore , be supplemented with reference to copyright ; |
any subsequent privatisation of any of the benefiting companies shall respect the conditions and principles regarding viability , state aid and capacity reduction defined in this title . 6 . |
( h ) official statement : statement issued by , or under the responsibility of , the responsible official body ; |
ksirc startup settings |
1 . |
a gastric ulcer originates when the acid in the gastric juice corrodes weak spots in the mucous membrane of the stomach . |
summary |
member states shall take all necessary measures to ensure that all suppliers and dealers established in their territory fulfil their obligations under this directive . |
not a copper farthing ' s worth of it ! |
( g ) |
17 ; directive as last amended by directive 95 / 29 / ec ( oj l 148 , 30 . 6 . 1995 , p . |
of these 10 % , not more than 4 % may consist of split and / or worm - eaten fruit . |
2 . |
article 5 |
the specter of 1918 . |
having regard to the proposal from the commission ; |
. |
article 3 |
article 4 |
where , in the opinion of the competent authority of the member state , the prices reported to it : |
a partial test as defined by the technical service in relation to the modifications made may be carried out . |
the expenses of experts invited to attend meetings of the commission , committees or working parties in their individual capacity shall be borne by the budget of the commission . |
the council of the european communities , |
drinks with a milk base ( 15 ) |
to this end , the best solution appears to be an average of the exchange rates applicable during the month preceding the year in respect of which the premium is granted , calculated pro rata temporis . |
do you want to overwrite it ? |
( a ) a commercial invoice containing at least the elements listed in the annex is presented to member states ' customs authorities upon presentation of the declaration for release into free circulation ; and |
has adopted this directive : |
the drained net weight of whole peeled or unpeeled preserved tomatoes shall on average be at least equal to 56 % of the water capacity , expressed in grams , of the container . |
an error occured : % 1 |
genericname = quest game |
" hold your tongue this instant , or i ' ll have you turned out of the office ! " |
hessische brandversicherungsanstalt , kassel , |
a lower amount may be fixed for persons less than 15 years of age or for persons who cross the frontier frequently . |
genericname = pavement |
14 . |
the old gentleman with the spectacles gradually dozed off , over the little bit of parchment ; and there was a short pause , after oliver had been stationed by mr . |
' how many times ? ' |
genericname = fish net |
the objectives of these studies are : |
' what are you doing in there ? ' |
. |
' it is a city of light , ' he said to himself . |
there is , first and foremost , the somewhat icy , always complicated relationship with his parents . |
( 3 ) oj l 296 , 21 . 11 . 1996 , p . |
the unit ' degree celsius ' is equal to the unit ' kelvin ' . " |
- the explicit release ( possibly in part ) by the intervention agency . |
he ' s dead . " |
we stared into the darkening night , feeling utterly helpless . |
- all details required for the identification of the sample . |
article 2 |
laurence was also there , attending brigham young university . |
name = cleanup icons |
' what is it you want to know now ? ' |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
( c ) helping governments and communities to assess the epidemic ' s impact on different economic sectors and social groups , and to define and implement strategies to cope with it ; |
- animals originating from countries with indigenous tses , |
the top of tank one should be about nine inches beneath me . |
the official languages and the working languages of the institutions of the community shall be dutch , french , german and italian . |
however , at stages following dispatch , the products may show in relation to the requirements of the standard : |
. |
article 1 |
having regard to the proposal from the commission , |
for this , he would sacrifice . |
- in the case of potatoes , officially certified seed potatoes shall be planted for ware production only and , |
whereas the court of justice has , in a number of judgments , noted the need to attain a degree of harmonization which allows double taxation in intra - community trade to be avoided ; |
go forward one month |
( 20 ) if the intermediary declares that he is giving advice on products from a broad range of insurance undertakings , he should carry out a fair and sufficiently wide - ranging analysis of the products available on the market . |
she seriously considered euthanasia . |
financial assets |
1 . |
the officers shall prepare and organize the work of the committee . |
this situation is detrimental to undertakings producing isoglucose and requires provision to be made for a certain amount of flexibility in the monthly recording of isoglucose production . |
( a ) ' air carrier ' means an air transport undertaking with a valid operating licence ; |
quantities of allowances to be allocated shall be consistent with the potential , including the technological potential , of activities covered by this scheme to reduce emissions . |
procedure ( i ) preliminary treatment |
13 . |
8 . |
but in any case , the aid paid out in the period 1997 — 2003 is limited to a maximum amount of czk 14 147 425 201 . |
bottom panel |
. |
whereas armenia and georgia are undertaking fundamental political and economic reforms and are making substantial efforts to implement a market economy model ; |
comment = applet to control mediaplayers |
using the 0 , 1 ml microsyringe , streak a chromatographic plate with 0 , 3 ml of solution approximately 1 , 5 cm from the lower edge in a streak which is as thin and uniform as possible . |
" and his master , too , i think you said , noah ? " |
( c ) the weight and the number of boxes or pieces otherwise packaged ; |
there ' s nothing to be ashamed of ; it ' s a matter of mutual accommodation , nothing more . |
- at least 15 head , and |
later he collapsed and was rushed to a hospital . |
le ministre de l ' économie , des finances et de l ' industrie , |
ground ( s ) for extending type - approval ( where appropriate ) : |
with dames , he fled to miami where , unable to get jobs , they lived the life of bums in the poor cuban community . |
the elisa for detection of antibodies is a monoclonal antibody - based competitive elisa . |
3 . 2 . 4 . 2 . 3 . |
* * * * * |
rosengren |
( i ) in the first subparagraph , in point ( i ) , the word " services ( s ) " shall be replaced by the word " organisation ( s ) " . |
article 1 |
1 . |
1 . |
2102 20 19 |
article 4 |
each correction must identify the entry to which it pertains . |
3 . |
new window |
- the maximum working pressureps in bar |
1 . |
this regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities . |
the swab suspension and the homogenised meat suspension in the stomacher bag are not a dilution and are to be taken into consideration when calculating as the 10 ° dilution . |
- fabrics of natural fibres , of man - made fibres and of mixtures of natural and man - made fibres |
( iii ) class ii |
name = metacrawler |
on awarding the contract for the sis ii preliminary study |
could not create view for % 1 the diagnostics is : % 2 |
the employer shall take measures and precautions appropriate to the nature of the operation : |
- where sows have been artificially inseminated with semen originating from a suspect source , |
purpose and scope |
article 2 |
8 . mineral oils and oily substances ( e . g . cutting sludges , etc . |
" ay , they all say that , my lad . |
- the fado system shall work through a network between the central point within the general secretariat and the central services located in each member state , which will allow for the rapid exchange of information , |
- in the case of the kingdom of denmark : " aktieselskaber " , " gensidige selskaber " , " pensionskasser omfattet af lov om forsikringsvirksomhed ( tværgående pensionskasser ) " , |
" always - it has always been so ! " |
whereas it is necessary to prevent and reduce , by appropriate measures , the appearance of zoonoses which pose a threat to human health in particular , through food of animal origin ; |
producing renewable energy for the market , inter alia , wind mills or biogas producing electricity , selling agricultural products , straw or wood to energy production facilities , etc . |
information security |
arunga was the woman i had stolen from the hill tribes . |
1 . |
section 7 |
- belongs to one of the categories listed in the annex or does not belong to one of these categories but forms an integral part of : |
name = memo |
whereas the consignment note , consisting of a notification form and of a movement / tracking form , should be used for the notification and tracking of shipments of waste and should serve as a certificate of disposal and recovery ; |
( 2003 / 72 / ec ) |
1997 ` for the category of animal ' sows ` ; |
1 . |
federal republic of germany |
telex 56396 |
( iii ) no other mode of transport can provide an adequate service ; |
any excess pressure or any pressure exceeding the working pressure must be automatically compensated by suitable devices ( vents , safety valves , etc . |
niver while the world stands ! " |
one alternate director nominated by the commission . |
name = atomic entertainment |
the import licence application and the import licence shall contain the following information : |
edit urls |
" what about mount foraker ? " |
- the quality records as foreseen by the design part of the quality system , such as results of analyses , calculations , tests , etc . , |
in an effort to encourage her , the zookeepers gave her more to eat if she didn ' t walk away from indy . |
2 . |
dilute 10 ml of this solution to 100 ml with water . |
( e ) a prohibition on the movement of used litter or poultry manure out of the zone ; |
' i knew you wouldn ' t be able to stand it ! ' |
name = most secure |
chapter iii |
( 4 ) whereas the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing veterinary committee , |
( 6 ) oj no l 132 , 16 . |
in carrying out such inspection , the official veterinarian may be aided by assistants reporting to him . |
( 17 ) correction : |
1999 / 725 / ec : commission decision of 22 october 1999 amending decision 85 / 377 / eec establishing a community typology for agricultural holdings ( notified under document number c ( 1999 ) 3414 ) |
1 . |
article 5 |
article 222 |
´ france : chirurgie thoracique et cardio - vasculaire ' ; |
5 . |
a level piece of ground is selected , of suitable extent , usually comprising three or four acres , and situated as near the sea as possible , being still beyond its reach . |
implementation |
4 . |
( b ) the agreements , decisions and concerted practices do not include arrangements such as to limit , directly or indirectly , the capacity to be provided by the participants or to share capacity ; |
it ' s natural to have sleepless nights when you ' re stressed - out or ill . |
uso 31 " |
member states shall communicate to the commission the texts of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this directive . |
each time that it is deemed that re - sampling of pigs might be necessary , all pigs which are sampled must be uniquely marked in such a way that they can be easily re - sampled . |
- to mention on the seed bags to be sold to farmers that the product has been genetically modified to make it tolerant to the herbicide glufosinate ammonium , |
goods declaration forms for customs transit shall conform to the official model prescribed by the competent authorities . |
the cliff came down like a sloping wall from far above their heads . |
- faulty elimination of waste water , smoke , solid or liquid wastes , |
" i ' ve been working closely with the embassy in moscow for over a year , " she explained . |
( iv ) the supervisor shall , when he requires any parts of the works to be measured , give reasonable notice to the contractor to attend , or to send a qualified agent to represent him . |
after stitching up the wound with fine nylon thread , i told my assistant to stop the anesthetic , and stood back to admire my work . |
name = pager |
2 . |
consolidated statements and other financial information |
& eoptx ; but it wasn ' t long before we realized it wasn ' t bill he really came to see . |
- commissions for guarantees , loans administration on behalf of other lenders and securities transactions on behalf of third parties , |
the lifting mechanism during the test shall be mounted in one of the following ways . |
procedure |
the monitor did not allow using the device % 1 for connection status monitoring . |
1 . |
article 9 |
" amen to that , my child ! " |
& eoptx ; counterterrorist expert robert kupperman of the center for strategic and international studies in washington estimates that perhaps six other abu nidal cells remain fully operational in the united states . |
genericname = pavement |
cleaned refers to squid where the arms , head and internal organs have been removed from the body . |
judge eagles also placed billings on supervised probation , ordered him to pay $ 137 in court costs and to make restitution to the allen family of $ 928 , to be paid at the rate of $ 50 per month . |
15 april of following year : definitive estimates . |
a tolerance of about 1 , 5 mm above or below this position is permitted . |
name = gedit |
the purpose of this standard is to define the quality requirements for witloof chicory after preparation and packaging . |
" i was seven years old , and i nagged mom every day to make up new stories . |
uniformity |
generally , the operating conditions shall be those defined in 4 . 1 . 1 . |
has adopted this regulation : |
( 5 ) oj no l 395 , 30 . |
she was utterly humiliated . |
the chairman shall not vote . |
when the ruptured compartments filled with water , the weight would pitch the ship forward . |
- permesso di soggiorno con esclusione delle sottoelencate tipologie : |
supported input formats |
for structural use in concrete , mortar and grout . |
this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities . |
having regard to opinion of the european parliament ( 2 ) , |
- ulceroglandular ( cutaneous ulcer with regional lymphadenopathy ) , |
y . |
of 20 march 2000 |
such bodies shall be monitored for all priority substances discharged and all other substances discharged in significant quantities which could affect the status of the body of water and which are controlled under the provisions of the drinking water directive . |
if the period laid down for payment has been exceeded , the supplier shall qualify for interest calculated pro rata on the basis of the number of days delay at the rate specified in the special conditions subject to a maximum period , also specified therein . |
contrast blending |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european community , |
consignment movements |
" you were present at that glorious scene , sir ? " |
for the european parliament |
) |
1 . 2 . 10 . the outer dimensions : the overall tyre width and overall diameter , |
url - completion |
accounting treatment in the simplified accounts for the nation : changes compared to recording according to esa 79 rules . |
you can hide the tools window by deactivating options - > show tools . |
1 . ' |
3 . |
2 . |
begrotingsfonds voor de grondstoffen |
bday |
article 3 |
transposition |
- operating conditions including |
you can choose what happens when you click the middle button of your pointing device on the desktop : no action : as you might guess , nothing happens ! |
and since the dolphin area was isolated at the far end of marineland , jeff often found himself alone with the playful creatures . |
honey which is ( a ) suitable for industrial uses or as an ingredient in other foodstuffs which are then processed and ( b ) may : |
4 . |
in his haste some small boxes were thrown down , the noise occasioned by which i heard , as will be recollected . |
( i ) organization and personnel - the roles and responsibilities of personnel involved in the management of major hazards at all levels in the organization . |
" what is it , then - - what is it , then , that matters to me ? " |
28 . |
i bring this whole experience as an offering . |
someone in new york or washington always served as editor , interpreter - - or censor . |
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali , roma ( ministry of labour and social policies , rome ) . |
he refused even to talk about it . |
whereas the provisions on transit and proof of the community status of goods carried by sea needs to be amended to simplify the tasks both of economic operators and of customs administrations ; |
tip of the shoelace . |
where a producer opts , before a deadline set by the member state concerned , against support being paid in advance , 95 % of the security shall be released . |
the suspension shall cease as soon as the standards of protection are assured and the competent authority concerned in the community is notified thereof . |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
article 32 |
the member states shall notify these provisions to the commission not later than 20 july 2002 and any subsequent amendments thereof as soon as possible . |
and there ' s the emotional roller coaster that has me crying and laughing at the wrong times , cutting kelsey off in mid - sentence with a biting remark . |
( 6 ) this decision will be reviewed in the light of the guarantees offered by the competent thai authorities and on the basis of the results of the tests carried out by the member states . |
3 . |
; |
- c . |
2 . |
1 . |
has decided as follows : |
- in italy , the " corte d ' apello " , |
name = alexa |
to address these problems , applets can be marked ' trusted ' . |
- major environmental hazards associated with their activities , products and services , or |
whereas the conditions laid down in the said article 5 are met in certain member states ; whereas , in fact , interest rates below the level of the uniform interest rate have been recorded in these member states since 1986 ; |
each member state shall take the necessary measures to establish its jurisdiction with regard to the offences referred to in articles 2 and 3 where the offence has been committed : |
this directive shall apply without prejudice to more specific community provisions on animal health , animal nutrition , food hygiene , communicable human diseases , health and safety in the workplace , gene technology and transmissible spongiform encephalopathies . |
the calibration curve is calculated by the method of least squares . |
bills , invoices , financial statements and other non - identical messages shall not be regarded as direct mail . |
( a ) eur . 1 movement certificate |
annexes i , ii and iii to directive 79 / 409 / eec are hereby replaced by annexes i , ii and iii to this directive . |
that abstraction was " the king of the jews . " |
9 . |
article 3 |
( 1 ) oj no l 33 , 8 . |
explanations relating to the charter of fundamental rights |
has adopted this directive : |
( 18 ) in order to ensure that the aid is necessary and acts as an incentive to develop certain activities , this regulation should not exempt aid for activities in which the beneficiary would already engage under market conditions alone . |
general information , including compliance with the relevant monograph ( s ) of the european pharmacopoeia . |
such animals are taken into account for the purpose of determining the holding ' s stocking density and the producer could therefore be excluded from eligibility for the extensification payment . |
( a ) the duration of residence in their territory ; |
- river flúmen from its source to the barrier of santa maría de belsue , |
2 . |
1 . |
the drive must be engaged or reversed when the lever is approximately in the neutral position . |
gender roles and stereotypes |
the community shall organise conferences , workshops and other types of events in order to ensure general awareness of the achievements and benefits of the ida projects and actions and encourage a broad discussion on the future direction and priorities of the ida programme . " |
- 25 000 iu for contents between 25 000 and 500 000 iu / kg ; |
terminate task |
persecution on religious grounds may take various forms , such as a total ban on worship and religious instruction , or severe discriminatory measures against persons belonging to a particular religious group . |
2 . |
genericname = fetchmail configuration |
( f ) the rights conferred by the recipient companies on the holders of shares to which special rights are attached and the holders of securities other than shares , or the measures proposed concerning them ; |
( format din a4 ) |
( a ) the antigen shall have been inactivated before concentration using a first order inactivant . |
commission directive 93 / 8 / eec of 15 march 1993 amending council directive 82 / 711 / eec laying down the basic rules necessary for testing migration of constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs |
article 93 |
( b ) evaluate and select the actions proposed by national agencies . |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european community , |
- the surviving spouse is a national of the state of residence or lost the nationality of that state by marriage to that worker . |
4 . |
( d ) " public communications network " means an electronic communications network used wholly or mainly for the provision of publicly available electronic communications services ; |
since then some 300 terrorist prisoners have been released , yet the ” structures of terrorism ” remain firmly in place . |
composition , abundance and biomass of phytoplankton |
" come with me ! " |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
( b ) while not being holders of such rights or entitled to rights under such contracts , have the power to exercise the rights deriving therefrom . |
. |
article 1 |
gregory liemandt couldn ' t believe it . |
calculating new game . |
5 . |
" you ' re not quite finished , " the official said . |
exclaimed pott , with frightful vehemence . |
then january cast a shadow on little sam ’ s life . |
) but she cannot abide injustice , and she sees it in every driver who runs a yellow light , in every shopper with an extra can of soup . |
other * x * * * * |
maintain that temperature , continuing to stir , until the oil to be analysed is entirely free from water ( about 30 minutes ) . |
daddy had done a wonderful thing . |
to parents , such a fear may seem nonsensical . |
( c ) any change in the ownership of the registered community design resulting from the final decision . |
genericname = multiple pages per sheet filter |
1 . |
national law may also provide for formation expenses to be shown as the first item under " intangible assets " . |
i smiled back . |
( f ) applying for renewal of the registration of a community trade mark ; |
name = kfract ( fractals generator ) |
drugs and dangers . |
genericname = activex viewer |
the financial framework shall lay down any other provisions required for the annual budgetary procedure to run smoothly . |
- the manufacturing , quality control and quality assurance techniques , processes and systematic actions that will be used , |
it shall be set at the highest point of the vertical adjustment range where this is independent of adjustment of its horizontal position . |
implementing rules |
he leapt up lightly , arranged the reins , and was gone between the tall red - berried hedges . |
5 . |
their world had been cut in half , and all our medical knowledge and shiny equipment could not alter that fact . |
without prejudice to market support measures to be taken as part of the common organization of markets , the financial contribution by the community , divided if necessary into several tranches , must be : |
when the depression started , however , almost all building stopped , so his job came to an end . |
" i ' ll mention it , sir . " |
15 . |
when the refund is being fixed particular account shall be taken of the need to establish a balance between the use of community basic products in the manufacture of processed goods for export to third countries and the use of third country products brought in under inward processing arrangements . |
workers ' obligations |
} |
this item will be permanently deleted . |
' |
3 . |
( text with eea relevance ) |
on their way to the cemetery , the back seat of the car full of flowers for their planned gravesite visit , the three stopped at a store . |
community aid may cover only project - related expenditure incurred by the beneficiaries or by third parties responsible for the implementation of a project . |
entitlement under the specific supply arrangements shall be subject to the condition that the economic advantage derived either from exemption from import duties or from aid in the case of supply from the rest of the community is actually passed on to the end user . |
( b ) the variety or varieties ; |
the tread caught and the machine surged up the bank . |
2 . |
the commission shall adapt the annexes to this regulation to any amendments to the combined nomenclature in order to keep unchanged the arrangements in force prior to such amendments . |
such exclusive or partially exclusive licences shall be granted on a normal commercial basis . |
spain ' , the following point shall be added : |
nothing . |
done at brussels , 16 january 1991 . |
name = legal |
2 . |
( 11 ) oj no l 129 , 19 . |
amending directive 77 / 99 / eec on health problems affecting the production and marketing of meat products and certain other products of animal origin |
" did i ever show you my cattle brand ? " he asked the girls , pointing to an empty hole in the living - room ceiling . |
annex vi |
name = x editor |
she remained fruitlessly blowing and blowing , wondering how she could have so grown out of the art which had come by nature , till she became aware of a movement among the ivy - boughs which cloaked the garden - wall no less than the cottage . |
done at brussels , 22 december 2000 . |
3 . |
1994 |
where the commission has not issued a recommendation in accordance with paragraph 2 nor acted within the period laid down in paragraph 4 , the investment project shall be deemed to be in compliance with the objectives and provisions of the euratom treaty . |
( 2 ) they have subsequently agreed on a declaration on article 32 and annex xv of the accession treaty . |
annex vii |
summary report |
comment = a character picker to use german umlauts for example . |
( a ) the holder of the authorization , or |
where : |
profile of pantograph collector head |
of 24 january 2002 |
verification of the interoperability , in accordance with the essential requirements , of a structural subsystem constituting the trans - european conventional rail system shall be established by reference to tsis where they exist . |
he was dressed in a tweed suit of fashionable pattern , and he twirled a gay walking - cane . |
2 . 3 . 1 . |
name = acronym database |
has adopted this regulation : |
a self - powered jib crane capable of travelling , loaded or unloaded , without the need for fixed runways and relying on gravity for stability . |
in general meters shall be tested individually and , in all cases , in such a way as to demonstrate the individual characteristics of each . |
( 1 ) oj no l 148 , 28 . |
directorate - general for energy xvii , |
the content of halofuginone w ( mg / kg ) of the sample is given by the following formula : |
net turnover . |
more gamma |
3 . 4 . |
click here to add a new file type . |
the affixing of markings or inscriptions on the equipment which are likely to be misleading with regard to the meaning or the ce marking or to the indication of the guaranteed sound power level shall be prohibited . |
huddled on the couch , melinda felt a fresh wave of pain as she thought of the gaily wrapped presents - - a toy kitchen set , a cartoon video , some new crayons - - hidden away for christmas morning . |
" it won ' t take much longer . " |
( 2 ) optional . |
these activities will concern : |
- pursuit of an activity under a professional title , in so far as the use of such a title is reserved to the holders of evidence of education and training or an attestation of competence governed by laws , regulations or administrative provisions , |
the location of the samples depends on the size of the honeycomb block . |
2 . |
council regulation ( eec ) no 4069 / 87 |
example > pic file = " t0021471 " > |
chapter v |
- agricultural equipment , rotary tillers , |
201 . |
where a non - complying device bears the ce marking , the competent member state shall take appropriate action against whomsoever has affixed the mark and shall inform the commission and the other member states thereof . |
the president |
3 . |
" ` i leave england to - morrow , ' said heyling , after a moment ' s pause . |
the certificates are issued and held in a book - entry form in securities depositories in the euro area . |
for the council |
encoding |
- - " as much as makes it , " continued sam , " altogether , eleven hundred and eighty pound . " |
competent bodies may grant reductions of up to 25 % for up to the first three applicants in each member state that are awarded the eco - label for a given product group . |
1989 , p . |
done at brussels , 28 may 1999 . |
for services carried out on a fee - per - hour basis the charge - out rates or hourly fees could be used to form a b method . |
whereas for the sake of clarity directive 77 / 99 / eec should be updated and directive 64 / 433 / eec ( 7 ) on health problems affecting intra - community trade in fresh meat should be adapted , |
name = bosnian |
44 . |
direction indicators |
" nothing ! " |
at first everything seemed either brown or gray or black . |
( 3 ) oj l 143 , 27 . |
- or one lamp on each side . |
appendix 2 |
article 1 |
keyboard |
- the expenditure timetable ; |
after all , he had three daughters . |
1992 |
loop |
the member state may make exemption of the goods referred to in paragraph 1 conditional on their having borne , either in the country of origin or in the country of departure , the customs and / or fiscal charges to which they are normally liable . |
the cn codes which correspond to the headings listed below are modified as follows : |
chapter v |
( b ) insurance costs ( unless included under ( a ) ) ; |
( a ) " error " means the discrepancy between the results obtained with and without application of the thresholds referred to in article 10 . |
- vessels equipped for fishing activity , whether the equipment is permanently attached to the vessel or not ; |
- 2nd : antiscanner background , in light blue , |
article 8 |
name = sonar |
v . |
85 . |
2 . |
36 . |
cold - water meters which may bear the eec marks and signs are described in the annex to this directive . |
5 . |
it was occupied by a little boy , perhaps eight or nine . |
' mistrà ' : |
1 . |
for years he has been involved in the protection of endangered species . |
the council of the european union , |
393 . |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european community , |
- no moving part of the machinery or piece held by the machinery must fall or be ejected , |
it is therefore appropriate to authorise the adoption of those provisions . |
( b ) the technical services which they have approved , specifying for which test procedures each of these services has been approved . |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european community , |
of 20 august 2001 |
the tsi control - command describes the ertms characteristics , in accordance with the directive 96 / 48 / ec . |
the commission shall be assisted by the management committee for live plants . |
when a bureau is informed that one of its members has decided to dismiss a correspondent , it shall immediately so inform the bureau that granted the approval . |
genericname = fax tool |
a ) by means of formula ( c ) . |
kb read : |
for ad valorem charges it is possible to construct price indices that reflect both changes in the percentage charged and the changes in value of the underlying asset ( stock or flow ) to which this percentage rate is applied . |
choose a billboard or a tree near the road and start counting seconds as soon as the car ahead passes it . |
2003 |
module g : unit verification |
" there ' s a communications network that operates via receptors and neuropeptides strings of amino acids that float throughout the body and convey information by attaching themselves wherever they find a welcoming receptor . |
2 . |
collect the filtrate in a centrifuge tube . |
that structure is particularly suitable for making efficient and economic use of resources while improving the visibility of the services provided , refocusing effective operational responsibilities and keeping pace with the needs and demands of users . |
dissolve 5 g of bromine in 100 ml of carbon tetrachloride ( 4 . 2 . 1 . 12 ) . |
( a ) essential requirements as to the nature or composition of the products ; |
arabella , like some other nurses , thought that your duty towards your invalid was to pacify him by any means short of really acting upon his fancies . |
information |
1 . |
( 3 ) oj no l 203 , 15 . |
tindemans |
error running pgp |
the words took a moment to sink in . |
the person concerned shall mark the said document clearly with the ' t2l ' symbol , accompanied by his handwritten signature . |
_ : name of translators your names |
7 . 6 . |
` ` that ' s a winner , all right , ' ' i agreed . |
cross - tabulations should be attempted by nace activity and by region . |
the requirements of paragraphs 1 . 1 . 3 shall be considered satisfied if : |
article 9 |
for the purposes of calculating the average and for the measurement of the smallest and the most important financial sectors , the banking sector and the investment services sector shall be considered together . |
during elections , following politicians about can involve some pretty nifty driving . |
power curve |
name = algeria |
the valuation of assets and off - balance - sheet items shall be effected in accordance with directive 86 / 635 / eec . |
name = koffice workspace |
1 . |
( ii ) under the rules defined in the calls for proposals , proposals are to be submitted by the promoters to the management structure designated by the member state . |
7 . |
the centre line of the femur load cell simulator ( 78051 - 319 ) shall be vertical ( ± 0 , 5 ° ) . |
where the application or notification is signed by representatives of persons , undertakings or associations of undertakings , such representatives shall produce written proof that they are authorized to act . |
. |
2 . |
. |
3 . |
" not the slightest , my love , " said bob sawyer , playfully stretching forth his arms , and skipping from side to side , as if to prevent the young lady ' s leaving the room . |
1 . |
1 . |
why do i get unable to connect to samba host : success with my printer shares from windows ; accessed via samba ? |
3 . |
a . |
watching her folk - singing parents perform , jewel delighted in her father ’ s yodeling and wanted to learn how to do it herself . |
annex v |
( e ) the legal protection of databases . |
in respect of any measure which may give rise to expenditure chargeable to the budget , the authorising officer responsible must first make a budget commitment before entering into a legal obligation with third parties . |
article 1 |
article 1 |
- front position ( side ) lamps , |
you don ' t have to do work , just help . " |
' - dry pasta , excluding gluten - free and / or pasta intended for hypoproteic diets , in accordance with directive 89 / 398 / eec , ` ; |
5 . |
printing page % 1 . |
while they called for a medical emergency helicopter , johnson walked back to the four - wheel drive where anderson and his lawyer sat waiting . |
for all other persons , provision shall be made for escorts or equivalent controls , to prevent unauthorised access to eu classified information and uncontrolled entry to areas subject to technical security inspections . |
sch / com - ex ( 99 ) 6 ( telecommunication ) ; |
1 . 5 . 1 . |
the following package of tests is recommended : |
text background color |
where such action thresholds are exceeded , investigations must be carried out to identify the sources of the undesirable substances and steps taken to reduce or eliminate such sources . |
george stirred it all up , and then he said that there seemed to be a lot of room to spare , so we overhauled both the hampers , and picked out all the odds and ends and the remnants , and added them to the stew . |
be reasonable as you enjoy . |
done at brussels , 3 april 1998 . |
1 . |
of 18 december 1975 |
rum , only obtained from cane sugar juice |
the arabian nights recounted ubar ' s violent destruction and said that " allah had blotted out the road to the city . " |
article 2 |
other issues related to life sciences are addressed under the sixth priority or covered , as appropriate , by section 1 . 2 . 1 . |
let the final weight recorded be m1 g . |
8 . |
it also lets you keep several things in mind simultaneously to riffle through your mail , talk on the phone and catch the attention of a colleague walking by the door all without losing your place . |
whereas , the notifier subsequently supplemented the original dossier with further information ; |
see http : / / www . hypothetic . org / docs / msn / basics . php for a description of all error codes . |
david byrne |
clipped grains : |
do you really want to delete % 1 from % 2 ? |
1 . |
3 . |
c . |
the european parliament and the council of the european union , |
( a ) in the case of shift work activities , each time the worker changes shift and cannot take daily and / or weekly rest periods between the end of one shift and the start of the next one ; |
i don ' t want to intrude upon your secrets . " |
eligible counterparties |
article 4 |
article 50 |
( 1 ) for new concentration processes the commission can agree to a different value if the member states can demonstrate the non - availability of techniques to achieve this standard . |
1 . |
switch to desktop 3 |
the undersigned certifies that these documents contain the particulars mentioned in article 1 of commission decision 88 / 124 / eec . |
14 . |
in case a ppi does not exist , the cpi can be used as an approximation . |
article 1 |
the commission of the european communities , |
( e ) the operations carried out by assurance undertakings such as those referred to in chapter 1 , title 4 of book iv of the french " code des assurances " . |
- detailed and verifiable statements by the asylum applicant , |
and i ' m sure he ' s not soulful . " |
( 100 ng ec and 400 ng pc ) / ml ; |
it was only on account of his preoccupation with his own affairs , and the illness in his house , that he did not bear in mind the curious incident , which , however , he recalled a long while after . |
for the council |
for the commission |
upper foot impact test |
name = qt - sql source ( single table ) |
the council shall inform the european parliament fully of the reasons which led it to adopt its position at first reading . |
the maximum gradients of each line are defined in the infrastructure register . |
mary was outgoing and strong - willed , her husband recalls , " but she came around to accepting that it was futile trying to compete with him . " |
" my heart is only a bit old one must expect it . " |
where appropriate , the commission shall submit proposals to the european parliament and the council , in particular to guarantee high public service standards . |
whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the eaggf committee , |
3 . |
name = uadescription ( ie 6 . 0 on win xp ) |
general provisions |
name = opengl chess |
1998 |
1992 |
. |
a . |
_ : email of translators your emails |
such insights have led to drugs that affect brain chemistry . |
name = root console |
they shall forthwith inform the commission thereof . |
6 . |
capacity reduction shall be measured only on the basis of permanent closure of production facilities by physical destruction such that the facilities cannot be restored to service . |
- a written declaration that no application has been lodged with any other notified body for the same type . |
- the amount and breakdown of the contributions paid into the support fund ( fonds de concours ) by each state and , where appropriate , any outstanding amounts to be recovered . |
name = kwin4 |
the council of the european communities , |
” there ’ s no trace of the tumor . |
you might just as well own up . " |
if this is new information for you , maybe you ' re not ready to drive down streets i ' ll be traveling . |
spectrophotometer set at 420 nm |
how serious could such a minor symptom be ? |
mario monti |
eller |
franz fischler |
3149 / 92 êáé ôïõ ueñèñïõ 21 ðáñueãñáoeïò 3 ôïõ êáíïíéóìïý ( aaïê ) áñéè . |
- animals born or derived from tse infected dams , |
article 191 |
article 4 |
these tools may include liability mechanisms to guarantee the necessary investment . |
federal republic of germany |
1 . |
the value of the marketed production to be taken into account shall be that of a delivery to the first port or airport of unloading . |
methods of detection and identification |
i was hardly aware of what i was doing . " |
- d . |
” he has kept that childlike wonder — the curiosity that put him on the roof at age 14 with his little telescope , ” she says . |
name = window shade up |
100 |
3 . 3 . |
( 1 ) oj l 329 , 30 . 12 . 1995 , p . |
( i ) unduly prejudice the aims of this directive ; |
a european law of the european parliament shall lay down the regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the ombudsman ' s duties . |
but empty touch doesn ' t arouse anyone . |
2 . |
( iii ) the prokaryotic gene bla ( coding for a â - lactamase conferring resistance to ampicillin ) under prokaryotic promoter . |
and i was in the sixth standard when i left school , and they said i had great aptness , and should make a good teacher , so it was settled that i should be one . |
if necessary , the commission shall attach to the report any harmonisation proposals necessary for the effective operation of the internal natural gas market . |
1 . |
but we who have lived in the stir know of the cases that are hushed in the prison crypts , where the victims ' necks are not broken . |
article 16 |
this regulation shall not apply to : |
2 . |
file associations , file manager |
the office ' s employees shall carry out their tasks on production of a written authorisation showing their identity and their capacity . |
" come and talk to me a minute , " he pleaded . |
kde modifiers |
- cas number , eec ( einecs or elincs ) number , and cipac number if available , |
8702 90 39 |
3 . 2 . 1 . 3 . |
the expression " regional group " shall be taken to mean the asean or the cacm or the andean community as the case may be . |
blanca esthela castaneda was born in 1960 in nuevo laredo , on the mexican side of the rio grande . |
before long , the church needed two morning services to handle the increasing crowds . |
whereas detailed rules must be laid down to ensure that tenderers are notified of the outcome of the invitation to tender and that the necessary licences are issued for the export of the quantities allocated ; |
personnel carrying out audits should be independent of the areas being audited unless this is impracticable due to the size and the nature of the company . |
when the doctor appeared , he explained that justin was alive , but in serious condition and on his way to the trauma center in tucson . |
her pity came up , hurting her till she could not bear it . |
there were outings , bicycle races and evenings with folk songs to protect them from the " bad influence of the street ” . |
automatic |
( 1 ) delete where inapplicable . |
around him men were being machine - gunned to death . |
prime minister |
" sergei , " he asked , " can you operate the ventilation system ? " |
( 3 ) oj no l 301 , 17 . |
` ` saying you ' re sorry doesn ' t signal inconsistency ; it signals mutual respect , ' ' says schaefer . |
7 . |
` ` you ' ve got a serious shot at the u . s . paralympic swim team . ' ' |
article 20 |
51 . |
. |
he will help you . " |
mark hands it to me , and on the count of five i flick the switch . |
whereas the commission must be able to obtain from member states all relevant information concerning the application of this regulation ; |
it shall organize exchanges of views on this subject with the member states . |
' the trees have inquisitive eyes , haven ' t they ? |
if it does not , please select a lower severity . |
chute volunteered and began training as a navigator for aerial reconnaissance . |
to secure the route , the tatmadaw boosted its presence from five to 14 battalions . |
> table position > |
5 . |
2 . |
document exchange may not be reserved . |
the risk - measurement system must also capture the risk of less than perfectly correlated movements between different yield curves ; |
oj c 177 e , 27 . 6 . 2000 , p . |
experts report |
where required by the safety and health document , a supervisor must visit occupied workstations at least once during each shift . |
genericname = quicktime video |
` ` no problem , ' ' terry replied . |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european economic community , and in particular article 100 thereof ; |
help |
he rose , and assisted her |
article 4 |
iii . |
4 . |
02 . 22 waste ammunition |
publication |
phenprocoumon * |
3 . |
4 . |
3 . |
1 . |
manufacturer ' s name and address : _ |
when he turns its huge wheel clockwise , the door opens upon a ten - foot - high wall emitting a butter - yellow glow . |
article 5 |
whereas a decision cannot yet be taken establishing a single method for measurement of asbestos - in - air concentrations at community level ; |
midnight . |
nessler cylinders , graduated at 50 ml . |
2000 |
i could only sit and look at him . |
39 . |
he tried again — and again . |
for the commission |
has adopted this regulation : |
semi - trailer : . |
( 12 ) the risks of irregularities are particularly high when carcases bought in are boned systematically . |
new provisions should be included in this regulation in order to remedy those omissions . |
comment = task scheduler |
4 . |
" the only future for gibraltar is its past , and they ' re just letting it crumble away . |
his father had died of typhus eight months earlier , and now there was a rumor that the nazis wanted to ship the ghetto inhabitants off to a concentration camp called treblinka . |
4 . |
20 . |
genericname = usenet news reader |
i was back among the living , but felt myself losing control of the car . |
annex k |
2 . |
care shall be taken to ensure that the speed setting mechanism does not influence electromagnetic radiations . |
article 7 is amended as follows : |
name = shells |
` ` you don ' t have to take it , if you really don ' t want to . |
the products set out in annex ii shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby , in addition to a factory production control system operated by the manufacturer , an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself . |
9 . |
council regulation ( ec ) no 1973 / 2002 of 5 november 2002 amending regulation ( ec ) no 2026 / 97 on the protection against subsidised imports from countries not members of the european community |
study of the biological , toxicological , macroscopic and histological effects . |
( 7 ) oj no l 388 , 30 . |
the flavour may differ depending on whether the mats are made of green esparto or dried esparto . |
font path : |
section 12 of import licences shall show the last day of validity . |
article 5 |
" ( m ) for biologists : |
8 . |
general provisions |
hallo , old lady , vere ' s mr . |
2 . |
done at brussels , 13 april 1994 . |
- if appropriate , the nature of the treatment , |
in the event of a purchase from an intervention agency , the purchase shall be effected on the basis of a fixed - price sale in accordance with current community agricultural rules . |
the devices and their manufacturing processes must be designed in such a way as to eliminate or reduce as far as possible the risk of infection to the user or other persons . |
unloading and landing equipment must be constructed of material which is easy to clean and disinfect and must be kept in a good state of repair and cleanliness . |
article 2 |
( d ) the marketing of straight and compound feedingstuffs ; |
comment = password caching support |
article 11 |
" something just for yourself . |
2 . 5 . |
the information to be recorded and monitored must include the particle size , critical temperature and , as appropriate , the absolute time , pressure profile , raw material feed - rate and fat recycling rate . |
the annex to directive 91 / 357 / eec is hereby amended as follows : |
mechanical correction factor a2 |
" like a lamb , " rejoined nancy . |
( 2 ) oj no c 127 , 21 . |
in multicylinder engines having distinct groups of manifolds , such as in a ' v ` - engine configuration , it is permissible to acquire a sample from each group individually and calculate an average exhaust emission . |
19 . |
( 2 ) oj n ° l 84 , 31 . |
1 . |
if this requirement cannot be met , the moment of effective cutout shall be indicated . |
" and i cannot get there in less than an hour or more , " muttered nancy : brushing swiftly past him , and gliding rapidly down the street . |
has adopted this regulation : |
this act of masculine clumsiness was the spear through the side of her love for morel . |
make up the volume by adding and mix . |
imports from establishments listed in the annex shall remain subject to the community veterinary provisions laid down elsewhere . |
- burn preparations × × × |
1 . |
6 . |
working with chambers , mendez had observed the intensity of film companies struggling to complete productions . |
2 . |
- salting , |
2000 / 596 / ec : council decision of 28 september 2000 establishing a european refugee fund |
enhanced cooperation shall aim to further the objectives of the union , protect its interests and reinforce its integration process . |
subject to paragraph ( d ) , such rules of priority may take account of rights acquired by air carriers through the use of particular slots in the previous corresponding season ; |
however , for grain spirit contained in spirituous beverages falling within cn code 2208 , this quantity shall be 3 , 4 kg of barley per % vol of alcohol derived from cereals per hectolitre of the spirituous beverage exported ; |
( iii ) during six months in the case of vesicular stomatitis ; |
she came down in the july , and in the september expected her third baby . |
buffoonery . |
( d ) for the candidate countries : |
stocks are valued at production cost , and are valued prior to value adjustments ( such as depreciation ) . |
( c ) for an adequate number of accounting records , the correspondence of those records with supporting documents held by intermediate bodies , and the implementing body ; |
annex i |
palù |
4 . |
the age of the animal shall be estimated based on dentition , obvious signs of maturity or other reliable information . |
done at brussels , 27 july 1998 . |
come , girls , bustle about . " |
member of the commission |
c . |
" how ' s that for heidelberg ! " |
it shall apply to export licences applied for from 22 november 1999 . |
entries recorded in special journals and special ledgers shall be centralised at least every month in the journal and in the general ledger . |
- substances placed on the market in limited quantities , and in any case not exceeding 100 kg per manufacturer per year , and intended solely for purposes of scientific research and development carried out under controlled conditions . |
where the commission imposes provisional urgent safety restrictions on the marketing authorisation holder , the marketing authorisation holder shall be obliged to submit an application for a variation taking account of the safety restrictions imposed by the commission . |
( a ) a high - level representative from each member state , appointed by the commission on the basis of nominations by the authorities of the state in question ; |
1 . |
1 . |
- mantequilla con adición de marcadores destinada a ser incorporada a los productos finales previstos en el artículo 4 del reglamento ( ce ) no 2571 / 97 , en su caso , a través de un producto intermedio contemplado en el artículo 8 |
as bucio worked , his left hand was the key instrument , his three - fingered right the helper . |
article 15 |
. |
article 9 |
annex ii particulars regarding total zinc and dissolved copper |
- or to calculate the vat resources base in the cases referred to in ( a ) and ( b ) by using approximate estimates , |
external filters |
" ha ! |
) , |
( 12 ) there is not enough direct contact between local or national anti - fraud offices , with communication between central liaison offices being the rule . |
17 . |
( a ) total labour costs ; |
france : médecine nucléaire |
member states shall communicate to the commission the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this directive . |
the master and the members of the crew of a fishing vessel who are remunerated by a share in the profits or gross earnings of the vessel . |
the loaded distance of the goods road transport vehicle is the distance between the first place of loading and the last place of unloading ( where the goods road transport vehicle is completely emptied ) . |
6 . |
guides |
zoom in |
whereas in order to ensure uniform application of the combined nomenclature annexed to the said regulation , it is necessary to adopt measures concerning the classification of the goods referred to in the annex to this regulation ; |
festuca arundinacea schreb . |
3 . |
comment = image processing program |
if the member state does not follow the opinion of the commission , it shall within one month inform the commission and justify its decision . |
k . so enjoyed imagining this scene that he decided to take the student along to elsa with him if ever he should get the opportunity . |
. |
i see this in all my kids . |
comment = you have won the current game of backgammon |
the fumigation procedures as described in 1 and 2 shall be carried out by officially licensed fumigation operatives , using proper fumigation facilities and qualified staff to requisite standards . |
name = electric eyes |
2 . |
capi 2 . 0 |
" you see , " he said , " with me - - i don ' t think one person would ever monopolize me - - be everything to me - - i think never . " |
having regard to the opinion of the european parliament ( 1 ) , |
" hallo ! " |
its members were headed for college . |
for calibration of the dynamometer the provisions of appendix 2 of annex iii apply . |
article 9 |
unpaid family workers refer to persons who live with the proprietor of the unit and work regularly for the unit , but do not have a contract of service and do not receive a fixed sum for the work they perform . |
member states who do not wish to benefit by seeking the regularisation of unlawfully planted areas , the increase in planting rights , or support for restructuring and conversion are not obliged to compile the inventory . |
sorting . |
4 . |
the competent authority of each member state shall ensure that persons involved in the intra - community movement of products subject to excise duty are allowed to obtain confirmation of the information held under the terms of this article . |
" thank you , " said mr . |
the bear grabbed the maple with its front paws and pulled itself onto the tree . |
2 . |
for the council |
( b ) all checks carried out . |
article 2 |
subject |
annex i , item 53 . |
where transfers of explosives must be specially supervised in order to comply with special security requirements in the territory or part of the territory of a member state , prior to the transfer the following information shall be provided by the consignee to the recipient competent authority : |
k . wanted to help him and said , " you wanted immediate results and so went to the petty lawyers . " |
default font : |
article 1 |
the surface of decks , bulkheads and deckheads in working areas must be such that they can be cleaned or refurbished to an appropriate standard of hygiene . |
69 . |
the cat years |
3 . |
1 . |
granting derogation to the united kingdom and fixing the equivalent health conditions to be respected in relation to cutting of fresh meat |
effects of temperature , method of packaging and storage , etc . on retention of biological activity |
it seemed to davis that everyone in it was thrown into the air all at once . |
said the boy with misgiving . |
miraculously , the sound of her voice , almost a whisper , stopped jennings . |
" promise , " i said , crossing my fingers . |
name = fonts |
" wot department has he got , fagin ? " |
these solutions contain 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 and 50 mg selenium per millilitre , respectively . |
the document for aliens marked with the code e will be issued both to ec nationals and to nationals of contracting states to the european economic area agreement . |
´ 1 . |
or the probationary or professional practice which is an integral part of that secondary course , or |
enforcement measures |
murray asked his partner . |
1 . |
- parameters updated or confirmed ( w , k , l , tyre size , speed limiting device setting , odometer ( new and old values ) , date and time ( new and old values ) , |
scroll up page |
the agreement on customs cooperation in the form of an exchange of letters between the european community and the kingdom of norway is hereby approved on behalf of the community . |
i . |
floppy |
. |
3 . 5 . 1 . 1 . |
( d ) the means to verify the effective operation of the quality assurance system ; |
the requesting member state shall be informed of the prosecution initiated and of its outcome . |
name = personalization |
in section 22 of the licence , at least one of the following shall be indicated : |
2 slight / / slight fat cover , flesh visible almost everywhere / / |
enzyme - linked immunosorbent assays ( elisas ) or other binding assays for the detection of bovine brucellosis in serum or milk |
this guidance identifies issues to be considered in designing the verification programme including when deviations from the annual frequency of updating the information in the environmental statement might be justified . |
and |
the provisions referred to in the first paragraph shall have the same status in law as the acts which they repeal or amend and shall be subject to the same rules as those acts . |
continuous road operation for 10 000 km 5 . 3 . 1 . 1 . 1 . |
references shall be made in a manner which does not undermine protection of the interests in article 4 . |
222 . |
has adopted this regulation : |
3 . |
the commission accepts that the parts used by the chinese and the filipino producers are not absolutely identical and that consequently the assembly process is not strictly identical . |
evidently the old " chief " was deaf . |
1 . |
done at brussels , 24 september 1996 . |
for the commission |
for the commission |
1995 |
inquired charley bates . |
2 . |
( 11 ) given the differences between the member states as regards their rules of procedure , the material date for the purposes of service varies from one member state to another . |
4 . |
miss western held out her hand and showed her teeth in a small smile . |
article 84 |
comment = xpaint painting application |
( a ) male sheep of the arr / arr genotype ; |
- method based on chronological order of the lodgment of applications ( ' first come , first served ` principle ) , |
1 . |
the provisions relating to the use of additives in the manufacture of infant formulae and follow - on formulae shall be laid down in a council directive . |
name = color picker |
in the dim light and paralyzing cold , i wonder what possesses me to live in the arctic anyway . |
has adopted this directive : |
22 . |
for the council |
_ : style name footer |
of 21 may 2002 |
iso / iec 8824 - 1 information technology - abstract syntax notation 1 ( asn . 1 ) : specification of basic notation . |
1 . 1 . 1 . 6 . the number and arrangement of the axles |
laying down animal and public health conditions and veterinary certification for imports of farmed ratite meat amending decision 94 / 85 / ec drawing up a list of third countries from which the member states authorise imports of fresh poultry meat |
. 255 ) |
( 5 ) oj no l 48 , 26 . 2 . 1969 , p . |
" yeah , " the cadet answered nervously . |
( 4 ) the technical arrangements for the carrying out of the trials and tests have been made within the standing committee for propagating materials of ornamental plants . |
54 . |
sterea ellada |
of 26 may 1989 |
article 18 |
the average of the three test results is taken as the type - approval value . |
name = x terminal |
as we packed our gear , natasha spoke to the interpreter . |
sterilize by autoclaving at 115 ° c for 10 minutes . |
if necessary , a device for temperature control ( tc ) is used to preheat the heat exchanger before testing and to keep up its temperature during the test ± 6 k ; |
1976 |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european economic community , |
colombana bianca ( verdea - colombana de peccioli ) |
in any case of dispute the fuel shall be one of the reference fuels specified in annex ix a of directive 70 / 220 / eec , as last amended . |
the copper content shall not be higher than 10 mg / kg . |
greece 967 003 967 003 25 000 15 000 21 593 21 593 |
4 . |
8 . |
article 4 |
chapter a |
the data group shall be used to insert the identification of sensitive goods ( sgi ) if the transit declaration concerns goods of annex 44c . |
3 . |
name = glsnake |
" i suppose it was , " replied oliver , " because heaven is a long way off ; and they are too happy there , to come down to the bedside of a poor boy . |
the wells must be filled until the meniscus disappears . |
1 . |
( 8 ) oj l 167 , 30 . |
( 3 ) oj no c 49 , 24 . |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european community , |
14 . former article 11 becomes article 11 ( 1 ) ; |
the designated holding in the surveillance zone is included in a monitoring programme equivalent to that carried out in the free area . |
- in the centre , the veterinary approval number of the cutting plant . |
” we ’ ve nailed them ! |
cried the old man , strutting . |
the organisation must have comprehensive rules and regulations for the design , construction and periodic survey of merchant ships , published and continually upgraded and improved through research and development programmes . |
the commission of the european communities , |
2 . |
30 ) ; council common position of 20 february 1995 ( oj no c 93 , 13 . |
article 22 |
article 15 |
1 . |
there was rarely a time when there weren ' t at least three jansen kids competing , and my parents ' entire weekends were devoted to our meets . |
despite his slight stature , the 13 - year - old ran at the creature and kicked it in the face . |
the shadow of the jet ranger glides along the banks of the cascade river far below . |
references to the repealed regulation shall be construed as references to this regulation . |
- between third countries crossing the territory of one or more member states in transit , |
low hills stretched endlessly away on every hand . |
shall be tested for bse at random . |
the president |
my printer named 3 - lp - duplex shows erratic behavior . |
engine capacity ( s ) : . cm3 |
traffic routes |
4 . |
2 . |
" in the case of basic seed , one fragment of claviceps purpurea per 500 grammes shall be tolerated , and in the case of certified seed , three pieces or fragments of claviceps purpurea per 500 grammes shall be tolerated . " |
where the external projections of such type of vehicle or of such vehicles or of the aforementioned separate technical units comply with the provisions of directive 74 / 483 / eec , as last amended by this directive . |
" you said your impotence was becoming more consistent . |
3 . 7 . |
1 . |
ann ’ s cheerful enthusiasm brought to mugongo a spirit of vitality that had been missing for some time . |
after that period these provisional maximum residue levels should become definitive ; |
under these objectives they may include more long - term or " risky " research . |
effective running time : 195 seconds . |
you will not be able to revert this change . |
1 . |
3 . |
now her soul felt lamed in itself . |
( a ) where the foreseeable cost of recovery would exceed the amount to be recovered and the waiver would not harm the community ' s image ; |
( c ) the operative event for the euro exchange rate , for the refund . |
jones showed colflesh two pieces of paper he had found at 351 west end lane . |
definition of terms |
i use standard film , lenses and no filters . |
in 2004 an evaluation will be undertaken by independent experts of the efficiency of each of these instruments in the execution of the framework programme . |
2 . |
' well - don ' t discuss it . |
the commission of the european communities , |
( g ) all staff matters ; |
the price of such a copy must not exceed its administrative cost . |
( b ) anti - bacterial sulphamide × × |
they may even listen around corners by bouncing echoes off the bottom of floes . |
33 . |
( 2 ) oj no c 113 , 7 . |
change display link command |
has adopted this directive : |
where the commission informs members of the committee that an opinion requested or an issue raised concerns matters of a confidential nature , members shall be under an obligation not to disclose information which they have acquired through the work of the committee or its working parties . |
whereas reference is made to electromagnetic compatibility in other directives relating to vehicles , their components and separate technical units , within the framework of directive 70 / 156 / eec ; |
40 ml of 1 , 6 % agarose in 0 , 05 m tris / hcl buffer , ph 7 , 2 with 8 , 5 % nacl ; |
( i ) ' extra ' class |
commercial purchasers of plants , plant products or other objects shall , as final users professionally engaged in plant production , retain the related plant passports for at least one year and enter the references in their records . |
creating new document . |
( c ) where appropriate , the numbers of the lots tendered for ; and |
y decay |
comment = color palette editor |
anisa , a 40 - year - old health manager and midwife in the city ' s hospital , thinks it is right that men should claim first priority on work and education . |
replacement brake lining assemblies of the type for which approval is requested shall be tested for compressibility according to iso 6310 : ( 1981 ) standard . |
" what ' s the matter ? |
today whenever desiree wants to talk about her dad , she still calls the mackinnons . |
transfer by decantation the saponification solution quantitatively by rinsing with a total volume of 250 ml water to a 1000 ml separating funnel ( 4 . 2 . 3 ) or to the extraction apparatus ( 4 . 8 ) . |
" she makes me feel uncomfortable , " said paul . |
product family waste water engineering products outside buildings ( 3 / 3 ) |
” we got it ! ” |
3 . |
6 . |
has adopted this directive : |
article 2 |
( e . g . |
" i wouldn ' t give melatonin to pregnant or nursing women , growing children or people with allergies or autoimmune disease , " he says . |
however , any clauses concerning extra flights must not require the approval of the other parties or involve financial penalties . |
format |
article 14 |
name = kreatecd |
such a gentle lamb ! |
article 3 |
where it is found that any interested party has supplied false or misleading information , the information shall be disregarded and use may be made of facts available . |
the member states should recognise the imo fal forms and the categories of information in them as sufficient proof that a ship has fulfilled the reporting formalities these forms are intended for . |
3 . a . 3 . the organisation must establish arrangements with other relevant organisations , as necessary , to ensure continuing compliance with these essential requirements for airworthiness ; |
jacky he called her coz ! ' |
8 . |
name = realplayer |
7 . |
" but we must also keep in mind its potential for harm . |
1 . in support of the community decision - making process and parliamentary questions ; |
6 . |
this is possible only where knowledge of the imports effected under the licences issued is available within a fairly short period . |
- performing internal audits vice versa in the partner ' s organisation to easier identify environmental aspects and impacts , |
the competent authorities may also apply more flexible provisions , particularly as regards publication deadlines , for transactions concerning bonds and other forms of securitized debt . |
version 2 of the kde address book is not compatible with the previous one . |
5 . |
1 . 1 . |
emily , my dear , ring the bell . " |
this variable shall comprise capital and reserves not formally allocated to pension beneficiaries , such as equity capital , reserves or other equivalent funds . |
' yes . |
( e ) all dead or diseased pigs on a holding shall be immediately notified to the competent authority , which shall carry out appropriate investigations in accordance with the procedures laid down in the diagnostic manual ; |
visa registers |
( 3 ) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion delivered by the statistical programme committee established by council decision 89 / 382 / eec , euratom ( 5 ) , |
the second sample or aliquot or as the case may be the aliquots shall be clearly identified and stored under suitable conditions for a period of at least one month under the control of the competent authority . |
( list of attached plans and dimensional drawings ) |
the unanimity of the members of the council , with the exception of the representative of the government of denmark , shall be necessary for the acts of the council which must be adopted unanimously . |
rené steichen |
none |
comment = let the floaters push you ! |
- practically stringless except in the case of beans for slicing . |
- prohibit the marketing of products which fail to conform to this directive , with effect from 17 july 2004 . |
( b ) |
1992 |
( l ) students means persons registered in universities as defined in this annex , whatever their field of study , in order to follow higher education studies leading to a degree or diploma , up to and including the level of doctorate , |
procedures |
article 9 |
the commission of the european communities , |
purchases of materials made by households with the intention of undertaking the maintenance or repairs themselves should be shown under 07 . 2 . 1 or 07 . 2 . 2 . |
these exemptions and the conditions under which they can be granted shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 16 ; |
. |
the applicant authority shall provide all additional necessary information to which it normally has access . |
article 4 |
the forms may also be printed by printers appointed by the member state in which they are established . |
calves shivered at their mothers ' sides . |
1977 , p . |
it shall apply from 1 january 1995 . |
five minutes later : " mamotchka . |
- x . |
" you shall me do it in half a minute , sir , " replied mr . |
the council , acting on a proposal from the commission , shall every two years examine and , where appropriate , revise the amounts expressed in euro in this directive , in the light of how the community ' s economic and monetary situation has evolved . |
( c ) prevent the risk of the user being crushed , trapped or struck , in particular through inadvertent contact with objects ; |
location , exact address with telephone and telex numbers . |
provisions concerning summer time should therefore be laid down for an unspecified period . |
user classes can be used to control access from specific hosts / users . |
number of effective interchangeable codes , if applicable : |
a distinction is required for pcdds , pcdfs and dioxin - like pcbs from a multitude of other , coextracted and possibly interfering compounds present at concentrations up to several orders of magnitude higher than those of the analytes of interest . |
( a ) |
however , when cut meat or offal is wrapped in accordance with point 62 of chapter xii , the label referred to above may be affixed to the wrapping . |
' jude - how seriously you are going into it ! ' |
an additional 3 % of the quantity fished in excess of permitted landings shall be deducted for each successive year in which permitted landings are overfished by more than 10 % . |
- the vu is in the default diagnostic mode , i . e . |
article 2 |
' i shall tell you ! ' |
these days the rocks is a warren of stairways , alleys and hidden nooks harbouring such establishments as a didgeridoo and boomerang school , and pubs like the hero of waterloo with a trapdoor and tunnel through which sailors were said to have been shanghaied . |
a 24 - hour community telecomputing network will allow users to communicate with elected representatives and retrieve information about government services . |
coordinated deployment of document advisers at the above locations immediately should be the aim . |
" protective device " means the totality of the components designed to prevent the unauthorized use of the vehicle . |
where applicable , non - acceptance of variants . |
1 . |
at the high speeds envisaged for the trans - european high - speed rail system the interaction of the overhead contact line and the pantograph represents a very important aspect in establishing a reliable power transmission without undue disturbances to railway installations and of the environment . |
meanwhile , millions of & bopt ; gallons & eopt ; liters of this pumped water were sealed in an adjacent underground reservoir , located at a higher elevation than meigs 31 . |
for example , i ' ve got four girls up in the morgue , all homicide victims , all runaways , i believe . |
1 . |
name = warning |
the member state in which the vendor is established must ensure that he complies with the following requirements : |
it was an act of pure faith . |
he had a lot of difficulty accepting his son ' s disability . |
the commission shall publish in the official journal of the european communities a list of the notified bodies and their identification numbers and the tasks for which they have been notified . |
" yes , " she replied , going to unpack her bag . |
name = joystick |
the 34 - year - old pierce quickly gathered his gear , then , with two members of his medical team , jumped into an ambulance . |
since it was established that the depb on post - export basis is not a drawback or a substitution drawback scheme as defined in annex ii and iii of the basic regulation no further examination needs to be carried out . |
done at brussels , 26 july 1991 . |
7 . |
genericname = virtual memory statistics |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european economic community , and in particular article 113 thereof , |
1 . |
( 5 ) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for tobacco , |
name = kspread crypto import filter dialog |
( text with eea relevance ) |
( ii ) the second for the alternative stage of delivery free at port of shipment specified in the tender notice ; |
7 . |
this would be showing weakness , and to show weakness is to lose face . " |
corrections must be endorsed by the person filling in the sheet and by the customs authority which issued it . |
drag sensors from the kde system guard into this cell . |
1 . |
if the motion sensor accesses cryptographic keys , it shall be in accordance with specified cryptographic keys access methods . |
television advertising has demonstrated that it can play a powerful role in shaping teens ' perceptions of drugs . |
it took us weeks to reassure her that her fingers were perfect . |
storage ( baled tobacco ) : |
( i ) not to develop criteria for this product group ( i . e . only the eu label would be available ) . |
( 2 ) oj no l 332 , 28 . |
in that case , the member state which has adopted safeguard measures may maintain them until the amendments enter into force . |
articles 126 to 130 to the extent that they relate to the provisions in which the united kingdom participates by virtue of this subparagraph ; |
( 28 ) as regards croatia , the revised weighted average price undercutting expressed as a percentage of the community industry ' s prices amounts to 14 , 4 % . |
monitoring year . |
n - pentane |
general |
council directive 88 / 667 / eec of 21 december 1988 amending for the fourth time directive 76 / 768 / eec on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to cosmetic products |
name = bolivia |
serial no 09 . 4537 |
by 1 january 2008 at the latest , the maximum permissible sulphur content of gas oils intended for use by non - road mobile machinery and agricultural and forestry tractors shall be 1000 mg / kg . |
minnesota . |
- in the case of the kingdom of denmark : " aktieselskaber " , " gensidige selskaber " ; |
- the detailed description of the product , |
6 . |
without having passed through the wall of skull , nevertheless it seemed to me that the periphery of my brain was already outside my skull and still expanding . |
5 . |
but to be sure you ' re really compatible , we need to see how your blood and the patient ' s react after they ' ve ` lived together ' in the test tube for a while . ' ' |
the machine - readable area shall conform to icao guidelines . |
open all figures / tables |
1991 |
- the grant of premiums within the limit of 90 animals per age group , per calendar year and per holding ; |
with edgar she was cordial , but with miriam cold and rather grudging . |
libya |
sensor colors |
you must specify at least one proxy address . |
class and type of the coupling device ( s ) : . |
dielectric layers refers to more than four dielectric layers or dielectric / metal " composite " layers . |
( e ) the competent authorities shall make provisions to examine the progress reached under an agreement ; |
( 1 ) continuous numbering corresponding to that of annex i . |
( b ) contaminants |
article 34 |
title iii |
3 . |
content of the national legislation : for all classes except class 7 : no transport document needed , if the quantity of the goods transported is not exceeding the quantities given in 1 . 1 . 3 . 6 . |
the softer side of his nature , the desire to see sue , made him unable to resist the offer even now , provoked as he had been ; and he replied breathlessly : ' yes , i agree . |
applications for refund certificates may be lodged outside the periods referred to in paragraph 1 , with effect from 1 october of each budget period . |
4 . 4 . |
- crops for which there is an identified risk of the organism spreading ; |
jews played an increasingly prominent role in mainstream culture . |
now appointed to head the beefed - up investigation task force air , small could think of no case in which he had started with fewer advantages . |
classification |
whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the committee on duty - free arrangements , |
( e ) are not allowed to serve naturally ; |
placing of notified substances on the market |
he was turning drearily away , when he saw a drop of blood fall from the averted wound into the baby ' s fragile , glistening hair . |
article 7 |
( 5 ) according to the oie animal health code there is no need to restrict the use of bovine semen because of bse . |
len length byte ( last byte of message header ) |
the president |
these measures shall be repealed at the latest when it is found that , for a period of three consecutive weeks , the condition stated in paragraphs 2 is no longer fulfilled . |
name = energy |
- methods to ensure traceability of maintenance work on the rolling stock . |
reptiles can now be found in more than 450 , 000 households . |
- grd for greek drachmas . |
oj l 375 , 23 . 12 . 1989 , p . |
4 ) , |
the arrangements shall comprise the following : |
( 2 ) oj no l 272 , 26 . |
( 8 . |
inside an uninsulated bivouac bag , martin spooner ’ s body was convulsed by deep shivering . |
his dark , vigorous hair sat close to his smallish head . |
she seemed to be saying . |
- the external height of the curved part of the base of cylinder h , in mm , |
annex ii - overseas countries and territories to which title iv of part iii of the constitution applies |
" 1 . |
. |
in your answer , please give reasons for assumptions or findings , and explain how the factors outlined above have been taken into account . |
two elements shall be inserted for each capability : |
the goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate cn codes indicated in column 2 of the said table . |
21 . |
( ii ) moreover , ' extra ' class and class i cucumbers grown under protection weighing : |
the u . s . government has committed & dollar ; 355 million for a variety of programs to encourage free enterprise . |
where necessary , in particular to ensure the functioning of the internal market pursuant to article 14 of the treaty , it shall submit proposals for amendments to this directive . |
1999 |
( 2 ) oj no l 173 , 27 . |
" there never was such a pestering bankrupt as that since the world began , i do believe ! " |
6 . |
the lists of characteristics and statistics set out below indicate , where relevant , the type of statistical unit for which the statistics are to be compiled and whether they are to be compiled with a yearly or multi - yearly frequency . |
this directive shall enter into force on 1 july 2002 . |
when member states adopt these measures , they shall contain a reference to this directive or shall be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication . |
" you see those two raindrops ? " he said . |
( a ) |
- a safety data sheet has been submitted for the formulant in accordance with council directive 67 / 548 / eec . ' |
” you get a free ride . ” |
1964 , p . |
name = point reyes green |
jamel repeated the poem , mantralike , all the while stepping back . |
collect strings |
a few moments elapsed ; then , with an effort , she brought herself to . |
( 8 ) oj no l 197 , 27 . |
( ii ) the following nutrients : |
( 1 ) oj l 225 , 10 . 8 . 1992 , p . |
maximum cache size : |
& boptx ; i can ' t live without her , he realized . |
options for the catalog manager |
article 1 |
" 1a . |
server / channels |
( 14 ) in fact , the community industry produces all types of psf and in particular psfns . |
unexplained aerial phenomena have been observed for centuries , but the modern ufo era began in 1947 , when there was an unprecedented number of reported sightings . |
" well of course you have , " called out k . , " i ' d forgotten about it , of course you would already have been told . " |
member states shall , where relevant , estimate the exposure of animals , taking into account the residue levels observed in treated plants or plant products intended to be fed to animals . |
comment = a dock panel for applications |
9 . |
in the social sphere , professional training measures may be undertaken , as may activities in favour of the environment , |
2 . 2 . |
( e ) ensure that a unit trust ' s income is applied in accordance with the law and the fund rules . |
in such cases all the cn codes and product descriptions must be entered in boxes 16 and 15 respectively . |
since the justification is similar , this provision should also apply to deliveries to platforms and naval vessels and to victualling in third countries . |
a few days later , watching the television news , she learned that she had been dismissed from her kremlin job . |
i look upon you , sir , as a man who has placed himself beyond the pale of society , by his most audacious , disgraceful , and abominable public conduct . |
article 2 |
" ` i know all about that , tom , ' said the old gentleman . |
- excise duty on manufactured tobacco , |
1 . |
6 . 2 . 1 . |
commission regulation ( ec ) no 1639 / 94 of 5 july 1994 concerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature |
minoru ran , stumbling in the rubble , not daring to believe the hope that soared again in his heart . |
appendix 4 |
g - anomalies , incidents and accidents |
not a moment to spare |
1968 |
and that year she went with him to the isle of wight for a holiday . |
luxembourg ' : |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european economic community , |
guidelines on how to fill in visa - stickers . |
6 . 2 . 1 . |
today 34 , 000 welfare recipients are on workfare , and 200 , 000 others have moved through the program since march 1995 , when his first reforms were announced . |
1998 |
the " diplôme d ' accoucheuse / vroedvrouwdiploma " awarded by schools set up or approved by the state or by the " jury central " ; |
eskimos hunt , cut wood and travel between villages in all but the worst cold snaps , as they ' ve always done . |
of course , the woman has to mean it when she says she wants the truth . |
sickness and maternity |
has adopted this regulation : |
1981 , p . |
16 . |
the commission shall adopt measures which shall apply immediately . |
9 . |
transition from work into retirement |
it is possible that you need to authenticate with a valid username / password combination to gain access to any databases . |
2 . |
in addition , reference to european standards and specifications to be used as part of the assessment procedure for conformity are indicated , for each characteristic , in annex a to the control - command tsi . |
- to witness the surveillance audits as under point 4 . 4 , |
1 . |
lithuania |
within the , week fred ' s system had stamped out the cholera and substantially reduced the death rate . |
in the livestock sector , aid shall be granted for the supply to the fod of pure - bred animals , animals of commercial breeds and livestock products , originating in the community . |
1 . |
however , no aid shall be granted in such cases to producer organisations or processors for quantities already delivered or in the course of delivery unless the checks needed to establish eligibility for the aid can be conducted to the satisfaction of the competent authorities . |
comment = the kde tetrinet game |
it ' s a waste of resources trying to teach most teenagers anything - - even when they appear attentive they ' re really thinking about sex . |
rosalyn hawkins , a patient of dr . ethel siris & bopt ; at new york city ' s columbia - presbyterian medical center , & eopt ; is a believer . |
- ms viviane reding |
" i was always opposed to it . |
hydrochlorofluorocarbon controls under the montreal protocol should be considerably tightened to protect the ozone layer and to reflect the availability of alternatives . |
chapter 1 |
12 retro - reflecting yellow stars |
22 . |
the greek authorities shall inform the commission of the territorial extent of the derogations granted . |
21 for portugal ; |
for meters of the same g size , the lowest torque value obtained in the tests shall be used as the maximum permissible torque value . |
1 . |
frederik bolkestein |
all insurance premiums covering farm risks , such as the holder ' s third - party liability , fire , flood , insurance against death of livestock and damage to crops , etc . , except insurance premiums covering accidents at work shown under heading 59 . |
- 2006 for ships delivered in 1978 and 1979 , |
gil - robles |
the notified body must : |
states , whether or not members of the council , and customs or economic unions which accept this recommendation to notify the secretary - general of their acceptance , of the date from which they will apply the recommendation , and of the conditions of its application . |
- tickets , |
( d ) conditions to guarantee that the varietal authenticity has first been verified . |
for the purposes of this regulation : |
comment = tracks your favorite sports team |
article 16 |
name = slovakia |
name = channel event |
1 . |
1 . |
article 12 of that directive is applicable , mutatis mutandis . |
each member state shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the conduct referred to in articles 2 and 3 is punishable by effective , proportionate and dissuasive criminal penalties . |
distribution costs ( including value adjustments ) . |
the centre shall be under the authority of a director appointed by the management board on a proposal from the commission for a period of five years ; the appointment shall be renewable . |
the ombudsman shall be elected after each election of the european parliament for the duration of its term of office . |
by definition , the communication antennae at the trackside shall not infringe the network ' s structure gauge . |
it must therefore be able closely to circumscribe the action of each executive agency and maintain real control over its operation , and in particular its governing bodies . |
" here , " she said , throwing them over the fence . |
member states shall take the measures necessary to ensure that , per each seven - day period , every worker is entitled to a minimum uninterrupted rest period of 24 hours plus the 11 hours ' daily rest referred to in article 3 . |
( d ) maturity and interest terms |
commission regulation ( eec ) no 1385 / 83 of 27 may 1983 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 21 . 02 c ii of the common customs tariff |
1993 |
3 for italy |
stanley clinton davis |
the goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate cn codes indicated in column 2 of the said table . |
they saw the great cathedral lying couchant above the plain . |
aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas , where such aid does not adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest ; |
" china has already labeled pro - democracy groups and activists such as martin lee as subversive elements . " |
4 . |
and , we should all note , napping is one of the few pleasures left that are not life - threatening . |
his appointment shall be renewable . |
take 30 ml of the filtrate and extract three times with 15 ml of diethyl ether ( 4 . 4 ) . |
viscera or parts of viscera remaining in the carcase must , with the exception of the kidneys , be removed entirely , if possible under satisfactory hygienic conditions . |
taiko drum |
with an audible crack , fischer felt the arm pop back into its socket . |
- pedicurist ( " fusspfleger " ) , |
( ii ) class i : |
( c ) see to it that an inspection does not exceed four hours or the period until the net and catch are hauled in and inspected , whichever is longer . |
( 3 ) opinion delivered on 9 september 1998 ( not yet published in the official journal ) . |
at that moment her eyes fell on the console . |
even the most humdrum activities can increase the potential for rage . |
if this is checked , then kbiff will not check for new mail on startup . |
interpretation of test 3 . 2 . 2 . 1 . |
article 2 |
6 . |
” walter , ” she said , ” nanette and the girls are dead . |
she couldn ’ t . |
name = game invitation |
` ` i wanted the gift to show the uninterrupted succession of the generations and to point out we ' re both left - handed , ' ' norton says . |
returning home that fall , he wrote a 30 - page single - spaced paper on the balance of world power for his high - school english class . |
vii . |
2 . |
i don ' t know why it is they bother me like this , i expect you ' ve just seen that i do nothing to encourage them to come near me . |
it was easy to see how people from the dull grey cities of northern europe could become so captivated that they would impulsively throw over everything and buy a home here . |
the final product - - velcro - - blended years of training as an engineer and his curiosity about botany . |
article 13 |
1992 |
1 . |
in the doorway , the manufacturer turned and said he wouldn ' t make his farewell with k . just yet , he would of course let the chief clerk know about the success of his discussions but he also had a little something to tell him about . |
- specialised training with the emphasis on the nuclear expertise and the nuclear safety culture in the european union , |
i don ' t say things are being done without due care but i would like to make it clear that it is i who make the acknowledgement . " |
48 . |
name = save |
( 2 ) oj no l 373 , 31 . |
whereas human rights must be duly respected in implementing measures under this regulation ; |
the president |
member states may allow exceptions to the application of the fiscal marker provided for in paragraph 1 on grounds of public health or safety or for other technical reasons , provided they take appropriate fiscal supervision measures . |
. |
25 . |
- the west coast of denmark at latitude 55 ° 30 ' n , |
to |
if i needed anyone else ' s help i ' d have to beg and show gratitude whenever i do anything . " |
article 24 |
replacement of arbitrator |
” the dressings have to be changed every day , ” says dr palu . |
comment = irc channel event |
these exchanges of mutual admiration have led to complaints that charles is in danger of breaking the long tradition of political neutrality observed by royals . |
( ii ) all animals in the herd aged over 12 months must react negatively to two tests carried out in accordance with chapter ii at an interval of at least four months and no more than 12 months ; |
- pharmacy technician ( ' pharmazieingenieur ' ) received prior to 31 march 1994 in the former german democratic republic or in the territory of the new laender , |
genericname = hungarian _ alt _ keyboard layout . |
3 . 3 . 1 . 1 . |
for the council |
3 . |
32 . |
article 9 |
analyzer |
- by europol , for meetings relating to matters of implementation of the europol convention . |
these doors must be so designed and installed that the car cannot move , except for the landing movements referred to in the third subparagraph of section 2 . 3 , unless the doors are closed , and comes to a halt if the doors are opened . |
1 291 287 000 |
sodium acetate trihydrate , 77 g . |
where it is found that any interested party has supplied false or misleading information , the information shall be disregarded and use may be made of facts available . |
article 31 |
during the year before the budget is due to be implemented , the french contracting party shall draw up the draft budget for c . |
member states may limit the maximum number of test cycles . |
add current view |
2 . |
( 7 ) one form of outsourcing consists in using community bodies which have legal personality ( executive agencies ) . |
genericname = fish net |
he said , as the young lady rose in some alarm at this unusual proceeding . |
sample preparation |
- ms loyola de palacio del valle lersundi |
( iii ) the limit of detection and determination of the proposed methods for impurities . |
genericname = moon phase indicator |
2 . 1 . 4 . and incorporate a space large enough to contain the eec component type - approval mark , including the additional symbols prescribed in 4 ; this space shall be shown in the drawings mentioned in 1 . 2 . 2 . |
he explained it had been seven years since the auto collision that had put him into a coma for six months . |
" hey , big man , come with me and i ' ll teach you a big man ' s game . " |
anne dubner still shudders at the memory . |
5 . |
that sense of emptiness was so foreign to me . |
the candidate ' s final grading , sealing his acceptance or rejection or selection as a taster , depending on his responses to the four attributes under consideration , would be as follows : |
take a look at the backtrace tab . |
competent authority : ' ministère des pêches et de l ' économie maritime - centre national de recherches océanographiques et des pêches - département valorisation et inspection sanitaire ( mpem - cnrop - dvis ) ` |
5 . |
conditions and obligations may be attached to the decision . |
there was no time , only space . |
( 2 ) oj no l 126 , 24 . |
name = dondorf |
note : |
esparto : characteristic flavour of oil obtained from olives pressed in new esparto mats . |
member states may also publish disidentified reports . |
i asked later . |
9 . 1 . 1 . consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effect and that in any case the vehicle or the speed limitation device still complies with the requirements ; or |
has adopted this regulation : |
it must be possible to provide the taximeter with a supplement indicator conforming to national regulations , which is independent of the fare indicator , and which automatically returns to zero in the " for hire " position . |
if the host member state gives its lawyers a choice between several forms of joint practice , those same forms shall also be made available to the aforementioned lawyers . |
her heart hammered in her throat as she felt for the key . |
- the results of previous surveillance visits , |
( 1 ) ( 2 ) |
article 3 |
comment = multiple pages per sheet filter |
( 6 ) the agreement in the form of an exchange of letters concerning this extension should be approved , |
on march 13 , a young - looking police cadet , dressed in black jeans and carrying a skateboard , walked into foster ' s freeze , a fresno fast - food restaurant , and sat down at a booth . |
- located outside the danger zones , except for certain controls where necessary , such as emergency stop , console for training of robots , |
3 . |
as regards subsidisation , it should also be recalled that most of the programmes available in india had already been examined and countervailed in previous investigations involving imports from india e . g . |
' article 2 |
- power - driven . |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
1 . |
but it was the best she could do . |
5 . |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european economic community , and in particular articles 2 , 7 , 51 and 235 thereof , |
5 . |
tariff quotas for preserved mushrooms of the genus agaricus falling within cn codes 0711 51 00 , 2003 10 20 and 2003 10 30 , shown in annex i , shall be opened subject to the conditions laid down in this regulation . |
name = procinfo |
4 . |
it was with some heartache that he saw how little he cared for the freedom and fearlessness that would result in her from such knowledge . |
" i never knew you were there till the very second when you passed , " said morel . |
mohr was desperate . |
said perker , as the door closed behind them . |
where acres of pyrethrum plants once grew , now lilies , gladioli , carnations , irises , agapanthus and alstroemeria bloomed , creating a vibrant landscape of pinks and blues and yellows . |
2 . |
considering that such measures shall not affect the application of the |
1 . 2 . 6 . |
2 . |
article 1 |
the arid land imparts a sense of timelessness as perspectives take on new dimensions , horizons expand into infinity and space is amplified around , above and beyond . |
he heard father barrett shout . |
2 . |
it shall apply with effect from 1 september 1987 . |
couldn ' t win ! |
( a ) for distribution free of charge to victims of disasters affecting the territory of one or more member states ; or |
mercifully , the walk from the plane to the dome is short . |
35 . |
fishery and aquaculture products originating in the seychelles must meet the following conditions : |
checks at the premises of undertakings |
toggles the ability to change the width of the selected stencils |
* c . |
he shall direct , by his decisions , the activities of the institutes and services , and in particular decide between the alternative methods of implementing the programmes ' objectives . |
( 2 ) opinion delivered on 24 september 2003 ( not yet published in the official journal ) . |
b . |
name = storage devices |
the activities under these three headings will contribute to the integration of research efforts and activities on a european scale as well as contributing to the structuring of the various dimensions of the european research area . |
at age four , when sarah cries , " maaawwm ! " |
once the system is operational , medical students and practicing physicians will use a virtual scalpel to make an incision on a virtual human torso and remove a virtual gallbladder , without jeopardizing real patients . |
article 58 |
` ` now i ' m grounded for the rest of my life for cutting , and it ' s your fault . ' ' |
thus , the case of josephine which he describes . |
this decision is addressed to the member states . |
it should be expressly provided that the commission may attach to its decision conditions and obligations in order to ensure that the undertakings concerned comply with their commitments in a timely and effective manner so as to render the concentration compatible with the common market . |
the following shall be regarded as different categories of wine or must : |
in the case of undertakings associated for the purpose of operating a regular service or a shuttle service , the authorization shall be issued in the names of all the undertakings . |
main targets |
the form shall then be sent to the customs office referred to in article 328 . |
( b ) the composition of mixtures used ; |
council directive 66 / 601 / eec of 25 october 1966 amending the council directive of 26 june 1964 on health problems affecting intra - community trade in fresh meat |
name = kinfocenter modules |
2 . 12 . |
2 . |
at every age , women ’ s memories outperform men ’ s , reports psychologist thomas crook , president of psychologix , a research organiza - tion that has tested the memories of more than 50 , 000 men and women . |
the contracting authority may , at any time and with immediate effect , terminate the contract , except as provided for under article 64 . 2 . |
perhaps tess ' s lineage had more value for himself than for anybody in the world besides . |
v . |
( 4 ) see page 1 of this official journal . |
- the list of third countries or parts of third countries from which the member states shall authorise imports , |
2 . |
31 . |
in the corridor outside , doreen found joe , his eyes misting . |
2 . |
16 . |
( text with eea relevance ) |
he answered . |
members shall not be remunerated for their services . |
and you will be more productive . |
the officials exchanging information under articles 11 and 13 shall in any case be deemed to be competent officials for this purpose , in accordance with conditions laid down by the competent authorities . |
59 ) . |
she had begun to talk to the coles in mende , the local dialect , but never about her life before they found her . |
having you back in the house was one thing - this another . |
` ` i talked to your parents , ' ' he lied . |
2002 |
- research activity intended to modify the genetic heritage of human beings which could make such changes heritable ( 2 ) ; |
5 . |
2 . |
general rule |
norway |
for " creation " contract prices would form an a method , however , care would need to be taken in the interpretation of the collected prices to ensure they did not include production costs . |
iv . |
during the months of april , june and october , the council shall hold its meetings in luxembourg . |
then he peered into the cab . |
make and type of eec component type approved seats ( if any ) : |
the rules for the participation of undertakings , research centres and universities ; |
the commission shall decide , in accordance with the procedure referred to in article 38 , whether to grant a requesting country the special incentive arrangements for the protection of labour rights . |
3 . |
( ii ) payment of advances , and |
- a list of the infringements liable to give rise to administrative or penal sanctions , recorded by the agency as a result of checks carried out over the preceding quarter , specifying the nature and seriousness of the infringement , |
article 2 |
comment = xpaint painting application |
genericname = sysv - init editor logfile |
neighbors seemed charmed to have this blond dynamo pop in . |
article 10 |
the agreement on fisheries between the european economic community and the kingdom of norway is hereby approved on behalf of the community . |
1 . |
however , in the case of three - wheel mopeds with a maximum width exceeding 1 300 mm , two front position lamps are required . |
note concerning colour |
turner does practice what he preaches . |
it is simply being responsible . |
genericname = calendar decoration plugin |
genericname = debian package |
article 4 |
( 2 ) oj no l 386 , 31 . |
3 . |
memory |
additional requirements , specially concerning high - speed lines are specified hereafter . |
3 . 2 . 13 . |
the payment of that sum may be made to depend upon a final decision that the infringement has in fact taken place . |
4 . |
each delegation shall have one vote on the governing board . |
potable water tanks must be fitted with a water level indicator . |
4 . |
5 . |
5 . |
1 . |
gentian spirit |
expand all threads |
this regulation shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities . |
( c ) a room for packaging , where such operations are carried out in the cutting plant , unless the conditions provided for in point 74 of chapter xiv are fulfilled . |
without prejudice to article 7 : |
it ' s no business of mine , but i could find out all about the wedding - if it really did take place - if you wanted to know . ' |
1 . |
( 24 ) whereas member states may take measures to encourage faster progress towards replacing existing vehicles with low - emission vehicles ; |
the manufacturer shall ensure that the handling characteristics of the craft are satisfactory with the most powerful engine for which the boat is designed and constructed . |
so please , be so kind as to help me on my way a little , i ' m feeling dizzy , you see , and it ' ll make me ill if i stand up by myself . " |
but after only half an hour in the air one of the fuel tanks overflowed , flooding the floor of the gondola and contaminating our water reserve . |
de minimis |
2 . |
article viii |
mrs crick is gone to market with mr crick , and retty is not well , and the others are gone out somewhere , and won ' t be home till milking . ' |
harris ( with kindly encouragement ) : " it ' s all right . |
generate missing fonts |
they waited in silence till the wedding - party could be heard entering the house . |
name = x osview |
( c ) wastage during processing ; |
- indicator 1 : number of operations |
1 . |
information relating to the conditions of release and the receiving environment |
there are standard products available in the industry , so pricing is straightforward , and use of cpi data represents an a method if adjusted to basic prices . |
this will lead to a common defence , when the european council , acting unanimously , so decides . |
g . |
- the ground clearance under the rear axle must be least 250 mm . |
decision as amended by decision 90 / 352 / eec ( oj no l 173 , 6 . |
" g . |
" will you take some ? " |
4 . 2 . |
- fresh meat : the meat defined by directive 64 / 433 / eec , |
it is so antique and dismal that it depresses me dreadfully . |
said mr . |
name = color picker |
name = calculator |
implementation |
member states shall apply the laws , regulations and administrative provisions referred to in paragraph 1 : |
the directory already exists in the tracklist . |
3 . |
whereas the measures provided for in this directive are in accordance with the opinion of the committee on the adaptation to technical progress of the directives on the removal of technical barriers to trade in the cosmetic products sector , |
chapter iv |
1 . 8 cabin and stateroom doors shall not require keys to unlock them from inside the room . |
4 . |
article 6 |
article 5 |
if the er team had not stepped in when they did , samantha would have died . |
it had occurred on a day entirely unlike this one . |
the part marked ( * ) of the cap must not , by reflection of light emitted by the dipped - beam filament , throw any stray rising ray when the filament lamp is in the normal operating position on the vehicle . |
3 . |
a statement or record shall be drawn up by the authorising officer whenever any property in the inventory is sold , given away free of charge , scrapped , hired out or missing on account of loss , theft or any other reason . |
( a ) debt securities , bonds and other money and capital market instruments ; |
under reservation of community legislation to be defined , the procedure and number of samples to be taken depending upon the appropriate national legislation for each member state . |
if an organization is inter - regional or community - wide in scope , it must meet these requirements in each of the regions in question . |
( 3 ) in particular , the " direction nationale des pêches maritimes ( dnpm ) of the ministère de la pêche et de l ' aquaculture " is capable of effectively verifying the application of the laws in force . |
name = psbook |
unless already reflected in the cost allocations under this subparagraph , costs shall be adjusted appropriately for those non - recurring items of cost which benefit future and / or current production . |
11 . |
( d ) hatching eggs laid during the presumed incubation period should be traced and destroyed ; poultry which hatched from such eggs shall be placed under official surveillance ; |
( 19 ) the convention concluded by the nordic states in 1931 should be capable of application within the limits set by this regulation . |
wallaces legendary fighting spirit has resonated among people of scottish descent wherever they lived , including america . |
she cried . |
beneficiaries of community support shall provide a substantial proportion of funding , which may include any other public funding . |
of 15 june 1988 |
article 6 |
having regard to the opinion of the committee of the regions ( 3 ) , |
17 . |
1 . |
these pilot studies will be carried out in order to assess the feasibility of collecting the data necessary for the compilation of results for this breakdown , taking into account the benefits of the data in relation to the costs of collection and the burden on business . |
in addition to the obligations which arise for them under article 3 , the operators concerned must ensure that those authorities have actually received the particulars in question at least 15 working days before any customs export declaration is lodged . |
general provisions |
this title shall not apply to appeals lodged with a view to the annulment or revision of a decision taken by the customs authorities on the basis of criminal law . |
this decision is addressed to the member states . |
7 . 4 . |
( notified under document number c ( 2001 ) 3687 ) |
done at brussels , 30 march 2001 . |
packages must be free of all foreign matter including excessive casing material . |
identification |
the competent supervisory authorities shall furnish each other with the documents and information necessary for exercising supervision . |
19 . |
- permanent inventory |
( 9 ) whereas community legislation requires certain products to be monitored from the place of arrival in the community to the place of destination to safeguard public and animal health ; whereas for that reason strict rules must be laid down ; |
manual sampling 4 . 2 . 1 . 1 . |
such aid shall be governed by the principles laid down in article 11 . |
in both cases you won ' t contact the host , so nobody will ever regard you as an attacker . |
name = desktop sharing configuration |
jude staggered under the news ; could eat no breakfast ; and kept on drinking tea because his mouth was so dry . |
this directive shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european union . |
( m ) in rooms where work on meat is undertaken , natural or artificial lighting which does not distort colours ; |
the president |
( 3 ) opinion delivered on 21 november 1990 ( not yet published in the official journal ) . |
these indices shall be based wholly on data underlying existing national consumer price indices , adjusted in particular as follows : |
1 . |
name = function plotter |
full print job control |
2 . |
the policies and functioning of the union |
i returned to chief justice warren , and we proceeded toward the exit . |
273 . |
” black apples , ” he says . |
this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states . |
article 83 |
mauritius |
council directive |
radio phone |
monitor : |
council directive 91 / 671 / eec of 16 december 1991 on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to compulsory use of safety belts in vehicles of less than 3 , 5 tonnes |
comment = someone on your buddy list is now offline |
article 2 |
articles 5 and 6 shall apply as from the dates specified in the implementing rules . |
the speed at which the braking surfaces rotate shall correspond to an initial vehicle speed of 60 km / h . |
1e002 . f . does not control " technology " for the repair of " civil aircraft " structures using carbon " fibrous or filamentary materials " and epoxy resins , contained in aircraft manufacturers ' manuals . |
name = vines |
” shao - shao is tolerating the banding very well , ” he said . |
that intelligence has been accumulated through the work of agents like tim grant , who pass on information to one of several handlers , chief of whom is the 61 - year - old gable . |
nature of produce |
unless the statute provides other wise , the provisions of the constitution relating to the court of justice shall apply to the general court . |
10 . 2 . |
john smiled , and they squeezed each other ' s hands . |
6 . |
the dossier submitted to the commission shall contain all the information required for full consideration . |
adjustment cavity |
neck bones must be removed cleanly . |
in the case of decentralised management and in the case of indirect centralised management within the meaning of article 53 of the financial regulation , the rule referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall apply only to the entity receiving pre - financing direct from the commission . |
having regard to council directive 92 / 61 / eec of 30 june 1992 relating to the type - approval of two - or three - wheel motor vehicles ( 1 ) , |
the president |
7 . 3 . 1 . 1 . |
to be eligible , the offer must contain the following : |
( 2 ) the mesures provided for in this decision are in conformity with the opinion delivered by the committee on the adaptation to technical progress of the directives on the removal of technical barriers to trade in agricultural or forestry tractors , |
she went over to a little door and shoved it open . |
16 . |
name = atomic entertainment |
five ? |
( t . |
name = kmid |
name = morph3d ( gl ) |
we usually think of rewards as coming from the outside . |
results from internationally accepted collaborative trials are not available . |
crew - leader dan ortega , 43 , called nervously to two men laboring in a hole & bopt ; six feet & eopt ; 1 . 8 meters below . |
a grin stole over the fat boy ' s features as he said : |
b8 |
” meanwhile , happy couples who ’ ve been married 25 years find it ’ s not just quality time that does the trick , it ’ s quantity . ” |
article 1 |
from 1 january 2001 , no member state may : |
applications for eec type - approval of a vehicle type with regard to the speedometer equipment shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his duly appointed representative . |
article 3 shall be amended as follows : |
simplifying , current price accounts can be seen as the aggregation within an accounting framework of transactions which took place and can be evidenced . |
2 . |
genericname = email message viewer |
ft destroys the liver - - the organ that produces proteins and filters the blood . |
done at brussels , 21 december 1976 . |
article 15 |
the distribution system operator shall maintain a secure , reliable and efficient electricity distribution system in its area , with due regard for the environment . |
" we ' ll just have to buy her ourselves , " my brother chris said . |
this is the currently selected font family |
copies shall bear the same serial number as the original . |
greece |
the president |
” don ’ t you dare ! ” |
6 . |
- introduction if necessary of a system of import or delivery licences . |
where land is purchased with existing buildings and the value of the two components is not separable , the total is recorded under this heading if it is estimated that the value of the existing buildings exceeds the value of the land . |
this period may be extended to up to 36 months as concerns hiring out or transfer where there is a risk of abuse . |
( 3 ) whereas it is convenient to harmonise the wording of decision 94 / 448 / ec with the wording of the more recently adopted commission decisions , laying down special conditions governing imports of fishery and aquaculture products originating in certain third countries ; |
- the group on ' the ageing population ` , |
> pic file = " t9001000 " > ( b ) list of colouring agents provisionally allowed for cosmetic products which come into contact only briefly with the skin |
3 . 2 . 18 . |
1 . |
then a youth in a heavy overcoat climbed down . |
( b ) a physical check on each consignment : |
most of the time , this elemental force sweeps through our lives unnoticed until it rages . |
definition |
( 4 ) delete as appropriate . |
( a ) |
comment = chess game |
occasional services in the form of cabotage shall be subject , save as otherwise provided in community legislation , to the laws , regulations and administrative measures in force in the host member state in the following areas : |
article 4 |
( 3 ) astm d 3536 - 91 , ( 1991 ) . |
from a purely functional point , a system may also be built combining components from the unified and a pre - unified system . |
( a ) in any notification referred to in this regulation , quantities of source materials shall be expressed in kilogrammes and quantities of special fissile materials in grammes . |
janyce eagerly endorsed thompson ' s campaign , as did aaron . |
stencils bar visual |
article 1 |
importation of rendered fats |
6 . |
he was simply lost , never to be found . |
1 . |
annex iii type i test ( verifying the average emission of pollutants in a congested urban area after a cold start ) |
i motioned for the children to sit on the floor , and i sat down with them . |
repackaging may take place only after the customs authorities have given their agreement . |
( 4 ) oj no l 206 , 12 . |
all these years later we now know many details of one of the century ' s most fateful mass executions . |
10 . |
( b ) the tread is not less than 0 715 m ; |
they safely crested two wavy drifts , and unser felt his spirits rise . |
& eopt ; quick thinking and a cool head had gotten sandy out of tough situations before . |
comment = plugin for the properties dialog |
poultry and hatching eggs may not be imported into the community if : |
shall be issued on the seventh working day following that on which the application is lodged , provided no specific action as indicated in article 10 ( 2 ) of that regulation is taken by the commission in the meantime . |
6 . |
" not the least doubt of it , ma ' am , " rejoined bob , looking wondrous wise . |
apart from this standardization , the antigen in use can be calibrated in accordance with b . |
( 4 ) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for natural fibres , |
41 . |
comment = recent documents you have used |
1 . |
annex v |
establishment of the calibration curve |
( b ) the number of fishermen aboard vessels operated by members of the producers ' organisation is more than 50 % of the total number of fishermen established in the area to whom the rules which may be extended would apply . |
- transfer quantities from one quota to another , |
13 . |
when prayers were over , his mother said - - |
having regard to the proposal from the commission , |
the supplier shall not be entitled to be paid any additional expenses if the suspension is : |
1 . |
all the arms on board , too , were in their possession , with the exception of a pair of small pistols which peters had concealed about his person , and the large seaman ' s knife which he always wore in the waistband of his pantaloons . |
it was too congested , too expensive , and they drove straight back to calgary . |
1996 |
article 5 |
done at brussels , 15 june 1965 . |
1 . |
this directive shall apply to the manufacture , marketing and importation of foods and food ingredients , hereinafter called ' foodstuffs ` , treated with ionising radiation . |
comment = samba status monitor |
in vitro mutagenicity tests ( bacterial assay for gene mutation , test for clastogenicity in mammalian cells and test for gene mutation in mammalian cells ) must always be performed . |
whereas protocol 6 to the agreement between the european economic community and the republic of iceland ( 1 ) should be amended and the agreement in the form of an exchange of letters which has been negotiated to that end should be approved , |
after a few minutes she hid her face in the pillow again , and said : |
> table position > |
whereas it is desirable to define more clearly the conditions in which equivalent compensation may be used for inward processing operations in the maize sector in order to avoid distortions within the sector ; |
he talked , hesitant at first , then faster , cresting and overflowing , as if he ' d been waiting for some link with that day . |
title iv |
sch / com - ex ( 96 ) 14 rev . of 27 june 1996 |
these controls shall be periodically reviewed and , where necessary , updated ; |
the president |
playing the arrogant studio executive , he threw his trench coat across his shoulders and led the way into the terminal . |
- air injection |
" it very warm , my lord , " replied the m . |
( 56 ) the market share of the imports from the countries concerned on the community market decreased by 2 , 4 percentage points during the period considered . |
6 . 3 . |
trade name or mark . |
( i ) the permanent presence of at least one official veterinarian in a slaughterhouse approved in accordance with article 10 throughout the ante - mortem and post - mortem inspections ; |
" i don ' t have any idea whether the baby will survive , " spetzler reiterated . |
they shall apply these provisions from 1 april 1999 . |
( iii ) the method of donning life jackets . |
1999 |
( ) ( ) ( 1 ) oj n ° l 194 , 25 . |
. |
7 . |
- performing assembling ( assemblers ) and installation of the subsystem . |
conclusions on the potential environmental impact from the release or the placing on the market of gmos |
or : |
make of three - wheel moped / tricycle / quadricycle ( ¹ ) : _ |
the products classified here are those generally purchased for consumption at home . |
2 . |
- the following is an indicative list of consumables for continuous - flow systems : |
annex iii |
the member state concerned shall notify the commission of the measures taken to this effect . |
article 2 |
comment = gnome time tracker |
2 . 1 . |
the crew put her on a stretcher and moved her to the & bopt ; medic one & eopt ; medically equipped truck . |
10 . |
name = spell checking |
growers shall notify the competent authority in writing of cases of force majeure or exceptional circumstances , with relevant evidence to the satisfaction of that authority , within 10 working days of the date on which they are first in a position to do so . |
3 . |
name = title |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european economic community , and in particular articles 130s and 235 thereof , |
a selection of the checks listed in point 5 . 1 . 1 shall be tested . |
4 . |
the afternoon was perfectly still , with a dim haze , and yellow sheaves glowing through . |
5 . |
article 10 |
( a ) if a dog springs at you , try to meet its mouth with a rolled - up jacket , a purse or even a shoe . |
when she held out her hand to me , i reached to clasp it , but my hand clutched air and i fell forward , steadying myself on the handle of her wheelchair . |
2 . |
1 . |
subject to reciprocity , the agreement referred to in article 1 shall be applied on a provisional basis from 1 january 2003 , pending the completion of the procedures for its formal conclusion . |
comment = hardware status monitor |
read : |
unfortunately , file transfer is currently not supported . |
1 . |
that was the appeal for him . |
the year was 1955 . |
( a ) type of instrument |
in this case , the official veterinarian of the border inspection post must : |
member states shall adopt the procedure for such reference . |
the test must be carried out in accordance with directive 92 / 69 / eec method b1 or b1 bis . |
i tell you , master , i , pons , your servant , a poor old man who knows not a letter from a pike - staff — i tell you god lives , and the time you shall appear before him is short . " |
( i ) participation fees ; |
only in 1983 was the work finished . |
did he speak english ? |
ppe materials and parts , including any of their decomposition products , must not adversely affect user hygiene or health . |
5 . |
done at brussels , 12 february 1997 . |
31 ) . |
/ / 65 / / 100 / / 20 / / 10 / / 5 / / |
at a small village they passed through , an elder asked thompson with a smile , ” did someone disturb the djang ? ” |
plainly skeptical , they said they would take the proposal under advisement . |
member states shall be responsible for having the forms printed . |
purchase applications may be made from the fifth working day following the time limit set for the submission of tenders in response to the invitation to tender concerned . |
article 3 |
h . |
article 10 |
keywords = smb , samba , windows network , lan , system information |
( 4 ) oj no c 152 , 10 . |
local characters for regular expressions : |
5 . 2 . 1 . |
4 . |
3 . |
article 15 |
chapter 4 |
they must be accompanied by an inspection slip drawn up by the producer of the materials as described in annex ii . |
26 . |
( b ) take over the assets of any company not included in annex 1 to protocol 2 to the act of accession of 16 april 2003 which is declared bankrupt in the period up to 31 december 2006 . |
of 8 june 2000 |
article 17 |
4 . |
8 . |
c . |
whereas the measures provided for in this directive are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on seeds and propagating material for agriculture , horticulture and forestry , |
2 . |
the national authorities shall pay the private storage aid within three months of receipt of the complete request for payment from the producer organisation concerned . |
- the information shall be for the purpose of performing the task of overseeing referred to in the first subparagraph , |
genericname = xfig document |
as she neared it , she turned , and withdrew her eyes from my face . |
a sne whose secondment is terminated at his request or at the employer ' s request within two years from the start of the secondment shall not be entitled to reimbursement of removal costs to the place of residence . |
pioneering , 2015 - 2030 . |
it shall apply from the 1999 / 2000 marketing year . |
it was the other man ' s mouth he was dying to get at , and the desire was anguish in its strength . |
name = slrn |
article 9 |
the commission of the european communities , |
. |
3 . |
however , as it happens , it is just as well as if i had made it up , and i forgive you . |
matthau agreed . |
1 . |
once the decision on the imposition of a sanction has become final , the governing council of the ecb , after consulting the relevant national supervisory authorities , may decide to publish the decision or information relating thereto in the official journal of the european communities . |
- aged twenty - six , her ovulation cycle normal and having given birth the first time the natural way , isabelle was the ideal candidate for in vitro fertilisation . |
1 . |
the commission shall send to the european parliament and the council : |
if the president is absent or indisposed , the vice - president or one of the vice - presidents shall take his place in accordance with the procedure laid down by the administrative board . |
and all the time i was thinking estonia , estonia , estonia , and trying to calm him down . |
then dixon heard a scream . |
2 . |
interrupt yourself . |
( f ) whether the shares are registered or bearer , where national law provides for both types , and any provisions relating to the conversion of such shares unless the procedure is laid down by law ; |
article 1 |
name = window maximize |
) |
- after the third indent a fourth indent shall be added , as follows : |
he called back within an hour . |
mary knows the difference between first cold - pressed extra - virgin olive oil and whatever the alternative is . |
( ii ) is owned or controlled by a shipbuilder , directly or indirectly , whether through stock ownership or otherwise . |
done at brussels , 16 december 1993 . |
on the organisation of the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities |
article 912d |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european community and , in particular , article 308 thereof , |
pending the entry into force of the community provisions referred to in paragraph 1 , national animal health provisions concerning the import of meat products prepared in part or in whole from or with fresh poultrymeat shall remain applicable while complying with the general provisions of the treaty . |
foreword |
this regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european communities . |
9 ( fast ) |
2 . |
now is that chess like our kind of chess ? " |
the president |
finally she said , ` ` i think the lord wants me to do it . ' ' |
annex ii |
has adopted this regulation : |
name = c curve |
article 10 |
" you can say anything in front of leni , " said the invalid , in a tone that was unmistakably imploring . |
whereas , in accordance with the abovementioned provisions , packages of seed shall normally be sealed in such a way that the sealing system comprises either the prescribed official label or an official seal ; |
this is no fiction . |
( 1 ) optional . |
we were both widows . |
( b ) in heading ' i . |
commission decision |
- the reliability of the source of energy , |
signature and / or stamp . |
done at brussels , 3 november 1992 . |
general000 |
i went to the shed and got my shovel . |
she apologized to her son and spent two hours going through trash bags in the basement until she found his toys . |
( 18 ) the effectiveness of this directive depends greatly on the member states enforcing its implementation strictly . |
iii . |
- - one tiny upright speck of flesh , less than an ear of wheat lost in the field . |
for the council |
for instance , the community industry recorded losses of 10 , 8 % in the original ip which have been turned into a profit of about 6 % . |
this directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european communities . |
it shall carry out everyday network activities involving collating , analysing and disseminating information in liaison with the national contact points . |
in implementing the measures referred to in paragraph 1 , the commission shall take into account the statistical data , studies and project reports available from international organisations such as the organisation for economic cooperation and development ( oecd ) and the international labour organisation ( ilo ) . |
- because he aimed at that line o ' business ? |
article 18 |
genericname = ftp client |
- prepared systematic information on the pollution level , |
19 . |
having regard to the proposal from the commission , |
she sold the idea to law firms , banks and corporations with a simple pitch : keeping employees at work ( rather than filling in for the baby - sitter ) was good for the bottom line . |
" quite ! " |
1 . |
name = uadescription ( w3m 0 . 1 . 9 ) |
6 . |
table 3 |
assistant general counsel for aviation enforcement and proceeding |
it was 5 : 20 p . m . on sunday , august 4 , 1991 . |
the showers must be equipped with hot and cold running water . |
( 183 ) the above figures include imports from indonesia . |
from her position he knew it to be the pretty maiden with whom he had not danced . |
p . |
entry into force |
member states shall undertake progressively to improve their military capabilities . |
opinions shall be delivered by a majority of 45 votes . |
56 . |
then prepare the concentrations u4 , u2 and u1 as indicated in 6 . 1 . |
article 2 |
reference to the annex to the directive : section 5 . 4 . 1 |
article 5 is replaced by the following : |
we live in an upside - down house . |
each member state shall communicate to the other member states and to the commission a list of the competent authorities referred to in article 1 . |
having regard to the treaty establishing the european economic community , and in particular article 113 thereof , |
council decision |
" lord bless your heart , sir , " said sam , " why where was you half baptised ? |
' these limits apply only to fish species of the following families : scombridae , clupeidae , engraulidae and coryphaenidae . ' |
( 1 ) |
in good time before the investigation , the commission shall inform the competent authority of the member state in whose territory the same is to be made of the investigation and of the identity of the authorised officials . |
2 . |
the products and families of products set out in annex i shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby the manufacturer has under its sole responsibility a factory production control system ensuring that the product is in conformity with the relevant technical specifications . |
for the commission |
i don ' t know of any case i can talk about with certainty where they ' ve taken any part . |
- specially built high - speed lines equipped for speeds generally equal to or greater than 250 km / h , |
my last gasp so far , i should say . |
comment = cpio archive |
2 . |
likelihood of continuation of dumping |
addendum to ec type - approval certificate no . |
for qc values higher than 65 mg / ( litre . cycle ) , a constant value of fm equal to 1 , 2 = ( fm = 1 , 2c ) will be taken ( see the figure ) . |
article iii - 306 |
member state : |
1987 , p . |
3 . |
restore to directory : |
advisory committee - secrecy |
examination of the application |
done at brussels , 28 november 2002 . |
4 . |
2 . |
when such systems are designed for installation in a central supply system , the pattern approval certificate shall be accompanied by one or more specimen drawings showing the conditions for assembly at the place of use , > pic file = " t0011038 " > |