use warnings; |
use strict; |
use Getopt::Long; |
my @fixpath = (); |
my $symlink = 0; |
GetOptions( |
"fixpath=s" => \@fixpath, |
"symlink"=>\$symlink, |
); |
my @fixrepls = map { |
my ($fixsrc, $fixtgt) = split / /, $_; |
print STDERR "Will replace >$fixsrc< with >$fixtgt<\n"; |
[ $fixsrc, $fixtgt ]; |
} @fixpath; |
my $ini = shift; |
die "usage: clone_moses_model.pl /a/source/moses.ini" if !defined $ini; |
die "./moses.ini exists, will not overwrite" if -e "moses.ini"; |
my %cnt; |
open INI, $ini or die "Can't read $ini"; |
open OUT, ">moses.ini" or die "Can't write ./moses.ini"; |
my $section = undef; |
while (<INI>) { |
if (/^\[([^\]]*)\]\s*$/) { |
$section = $1; |
} |
if (/^[0-9]/) { |
if ($section eq "ttable-file") { |
chomp; |
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $fn) = split(/ /, $_, 5); |
$cnt{$section}++; |
if ( $a eq '8' ) { |
my ($src, $tgt, $align) = split(/ /, $fn); |
$src = fixpath($src); |
$src = ensure_relative_from_origin($src, $ini); |
$src = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($src); |
my $src_suffix = ($src =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : ""); |
clone_file_or_die($src, "./sa.src.$cnt{$section}$src_suffix"); |
$tgt = fixpath($tgt); |
$tgt = ensure_relative_from_origin($tgt, $ini); |
$tgt = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($tgt); |
my $tgt_suffix = ($tgt =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : ""); |
clone_file_or_die($tgt, "./sa.tgt.$cnt{$section}$tgt_suffix"); |
$align = fixpath($align); |
$align = ensure_relative_from_origin($align, $ini); |
$align = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($align); |
my $align_suffix = ($align =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : ""); |
clone_file_or_die($align, "./sa.align.$cnt{$section}$align_suffix"); |
$_ = "$a $b $c $d ./sa.src.$cnt{$section}$src_suffix ./sa.tgt.$cnt{$section}$tgt_suffix ./sa.align.$cnt{$section}$align_suffix\n"; |
} |
elsif ( $a eq '1' ) { |
$fn = ensure_relative_from_origin(fixpath($fn)); |
foreach my $suf (qw( idx srctree srcvoc tgtdata tgtvoc )) { |
my $fullname = "$fn.binphr.$suf"; |
if (-f $fullname) { |
clone_file_or_die($fullname, "./$section.$cnt{$section}.binphr.$suf"); |
} else { |
die "Binary format specified but file $fullname not found!\n"; |
} |
} |
$_ = "$a $b $c $d ./$section.$cnt{$section}\n"; |
} else { |
$fn = fixpath($fn); |
$fn = ensure_relative_from_origin($fn, $ini); |
$fn = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($fn); |
my $suffix = ($fn =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : ""); |
clone_file_or_die($fn, "./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix"); |
$_ = "$a $b $c $d ./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix\n"; |
} |
} |
if ($section eq "generation-file" || $section eq "lmodel-file") { |
chomp; |
my ($a, $b, $c, $fn) = split / /; |
$cnt{$section}++; |
$fn = fixpath($fn); |
$fn = ensure_relative_from_origin($fn, $ini); |
$fn = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($fn); |
my $suffix = ($fn =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : ""); |
clone_file_or_die($fn, "./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix"); |
$_ = "$a $b $c ./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix\n"; |
} |
if ($section eq "distortion-file") { |
chomp; |
my ($a, $b, $c, $fn) = split / /; |
$cnt{$section}++; |
$fn = fixpath($fn); |
$fn = ensure_relative_from_origin($fn, $ini); |
$fn = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($fn); |
my $suffix = ($fn =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : ""); |
clone_file_or_die($fn, "./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix"); |
$_ = "$a $b $c ./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix\n"; |
} |
} |
print OUT $_; |
} |
close INI; |
close OUT; |
sub clone_file_or_die { |
my $src = shift; |
my $tgt = shift; |
$src = resolve($src); |
my $ok = 0; |
if ($symlink) { |
$ok = safesystem("ln", "-s", $src, $tgt); |
} |
if (!$ok) { |
if (! safesystem("ln", $src, $tgt)) { |
safesystem("cp", "-u", $src, $tgt) |
or die "Failed to clone $src into $tgt"; |
} |
} |
safesystem("echo $src > $tgt.info"); |
} |
sub ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists { |
my $fn = shift; |
return $fn if -e $fn; |
my $tryfn = $fn.".gz"; |
return $tryfn if -e $tryfn; |
die "$0:$ini:Neither file $fn nor $tryfn found."; |
} |
sub fixpath { |
my $fn = shift; |
foreach my $pair (@fixrepls) { |
$fn =~ s/$pair->[0]/$pair->[1]/g; |
} |
return $fn; |
} |
sub safesystem { |
print STDERR "Executing: @_\n"; |
system(@_); |
if ($? == -1) { |
print STDERR "Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n"; |
exit(1); |
} |
elsif ($? & 127) { |
printf STDERR "Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", |
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'; |
} |
else { |
my $exitcode = $? >> 8; |
print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode; |
return ! $exitcode; |
} |
} |
sub resolve { |
my $f = shift; |
return $f if ! -l $f; |
my $targ_from_lnk = readlink($f) or die "Can't lstat $f"; |
my $targ = ensure_relative_from_origin($targ_from_lnk, $f); |
my $fully = 1; |
if ($fully) { |
my $newtarg = resolve($targ); |
$targ = $newtarg if defined $newtarg; |
} |
return $targ; |
} |
sub ensure_relative_from_origin { |
my $target = shift; |
my $originfile = shift; |
return $target if $target =~ /^\/|^~/; |
$originfile =~ s/[^\/]*$//; |
my $prefix = ($originfile eq "" ? "" : $originfile."/"); |
return simplify_path($prefix.$target); |
} |
sub simplify_path { |
my $path = shift; |
my $lastpath = ""; |
while ($lastpath ne $path) { |
$lastpath = $path; |
$path =~ s/\/+/\//g; |
$path =~ s/(\/\.)+\//\//g; |
$path =~ s/\/[^\/]+(?<!\/\.\.)\/\.\.\//\//g; |
$path =~ s/^[^\/]+(?<!\/\.\.)\/\.\.\///g; |
} |
return $path; |
} |