use warnings; |
use strict; |
use FindBin qw($RealBin); |
use File::Basename; |
use File::Path; |
use File::Spec; |
use File::Copy qw(move); |
use Cwd; |
my $SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR = $RealBin; |
$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR =~ s/\/training$//; |
my $minimum_required_change_in_weights = 0.00001; |
my $verbose = 0; |
my $usage = 0; |
my $___WORKING_DIR = File::Spec->catfile(Cwd::getcwd(), "mert-work"); |
my $___DEV_F = undef; |
my $___DEV_E = undef; |
my $___DECODER = undef; |
my $___CONFIG = undef; |
my $___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE = 100; |
my $___LATTICE_SAMPLES = 0; |
my $queue_flags = "-hard"; |
my $___JOBS = undef; |
my $___CACHE_MODEL = undef; |
my $___DECODER_FLAGS = ""; |
my $continue = 0; |
my $skip_decoder = 0; |
my $___RANDOM_RESTARTS = 20; |
my $___RETURN_BEST_DEV = 0; |
my $___PRO_STARTING_POINT = 0; |
my $megam_default_options = "-fvals -maxi 30 -nobias binary"; |
my $___BATCH_MIRA = 0; |
my $___HG_MIRA = 0; |
my $__PROMIX_TRAINING = undef; |
my $__REMOVE_SEGMENTATION = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/ems/support/remove-segmentation-markup.perl"; |
my $__THREADS = 0; |
my $___SHORTEST = 0; |
my $___AVERAGE = 0; |
my $___CLOSEST = 0; |
my $___NOCASE = 0; |
my $___NONORM = 0; |
my $___INPUTTYPE; |
my $mertdir = undef; |
my $mertargs = undef; |
my $mertmertargs = undef; |
my $extractorargs = undef; |
my $proargs = undef; |
my $batch_mira_args = undef; |
my $filtercmd = undef; |
my $filterfile = undef; |
my $qsubwrapper = undef; |
my $moses_parallel_cmd = undef; |
my $old_sge = 0; |
my $___CONFIG_ORIG = undef; |
my $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES = undef; |
my $___RANGES = undef; |
my $prev_aggregate_nbl_size = -1; |
my $maximum_iterations = 25; |
my $___MULTI_MOSES = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/generic/multi_moses.py"; |
my $___USE_MULTI_MOSES = undef; |
my $___MOSES_SIM_PE = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/generic/moses_sim_pe.py"; |
my $___DEV_SYMAL = undef; |
my $dev_symal_abs = undef; |
my $working_dir_abs = undef; |
use Getopt::Long; |
GetOptions( |
"working-dir=s" => \$___WORKING_DIR, |
"input=s" => \$___DEV_F, |
"inputtype=i" => \$___INPUTTYPE, |
"refs=s" => \$___DEV_E, |
"decoder=s" => \$___DECODER, |
"config=s" => \$___CONFIG, |
"nbest=i" => \$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE, |
"lattice-samples=i" => \$___LATTICE_SAMPLES, |
"queue-flags=s" => \$queue_flags, |
"jobs=i" => \$___JOBS, |
"cache-model=s" => \$___CACHE_MODEL, |
"decoder-flags=s" => \$___DECODER_FLAGS, |
"continue" => \$continue, |
"skip-decoder" => \$skip_decoder, |
"shortest" => \$___SHORTEST, |
"average" => \$___AVERAGE, |
"closest" => \$___CLOSEST, |
"nocase" => \$___NOCASE, |
"nonorm" => \$___NONORM, |
"help" => \$usage, |
"verbose" => \$verbose, |
"mertdir=s" => \$mertdir, |
"mertargs=s" => \$mertargs, |
"extractorargs=s" => \$extractorargs, |
"proargs=s" => \$proargs, |
"mertmertargs=s" => \$mertmertargs, |
"rootdir=s" => \$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR, |
"filtercmd=s" => \$filtercmd, |
"filterfile=s" => \$filterfile, |
"qsubwrapper=s" => \$qsubwrapper, |
"mosesparallelcmd=s" => \$moses_parallel_cmd, |
"old-sge" => \$old_sge, |
"filter-phrase-table!" => \$___FILTER_PHRASE_TABLE, |
"transform-decoded-file=s" => \$___TRANSFORM_DECODED_FILE, |
"predictable-seeds" => \$___PREDICTABLE_SEEDS, |
"historic-bests" => \$___START_WITH_HISTORIC_BESTS, |
"random-directions" => \$___RANDOM_DIRECTIONS, |
"number-of-random-directions=i" => \$___NUM_RANDOM_DIRECTIONS, |
"random-restarts=i" => \$___RANDOM_RESTARTS, |
"return-best-dev" => \$___RETURN_BEST_DEV, |
"activate-features=s" => \$___ACTIVATE_FEATURES, |
"range=s@" => \$___RANGES, |
"use-config-weights-for-first-run" => \$___USE_CONFIG_WEIGHTS_FIRST, # use the weights in the configuration file when running the decoder for the first time |
"prev-aggregate-nbestlist=i" => \$prev_aggregate_nbl_size, #number of previous step to consider when loading data (default =-1, i.e. all previous) |
"maximum-iterations=i" => \$maximum_iterations, |
"pairwise-ranked" => \$___PAIRWISE_RANKED_OPTIMIZER, |
"pro-starting-point" => \$___PRO_STARTING_POINT, |
"historic-interpolation=f" => \$___HISTORIC_INTERPOLATION, |
"batch-mira" => \$___BATCH_MIRA, |
"hg-mira" => \$___HG_MIRA, |
"batch-mira-args=s" => \$batch_mira_args, |
"promix-training=s" => \$__PROMIX_TRAINING, |
"promix-table=s" => \@__PROMIX_TABLES, |
"threads=i" => \$__THREADS, |
"spe-symal=s" => \$___DEV_SYMAL, |
"multi-moses" => \$___USE_MULTI_MOSES |
) or exit(1); |
if (scalar @ARGV == 4) { |
$___DEV_F = shift; |
$___DEV_E = shift; |
$___DECODER = shift; |
$___CONFIG = shift; |
} |
if ($usage || !defined $___DEV_F || !defined $___DEV_E || !defined $___DECODER || !defined $___CONFIG) { |
print STDERR "usage: $0 input-text references decoder-executable decoder.ini |
Options: |
--working-dir=mert-dir ... where all the files are created |
--nbest=100 ... how big nbestlist to generate |
--lattice-samples ... how many lattice samples (Chatterjee & Cancedda, emnlp 2010) |
--jobs=N ... set this to anything to run moses in parallel |
--cache-model=STRING ... local directory into which copy model before running decoder |
--mosesparallelcmd=STR ... use a different script instead of moses-parallel |
--queue-flags=STRING ... anything you with to pass to qsub, eg. |
'-l ws06osssmt=true'. The default is: '-hard' |
To reset the parameters, please use |
--queue-flags=' ' |
(i.e. a space between the quotes). |
--decoder-flags=STRING ... extra parameters for the decoder |
--continue ... continue from the last successful iteration |
--skip-decoder ... skip the decoder run for the first time, |
assuming that we got interrupted during |
optimization |
--shortest --average --closest |
... Use shortest/average/closest reference length |
as effective reference length (mutually exclusive) |
--nocase ... Do not preserve case information; i.e. |
case-insensitive evaluation (default is false). |
--nonorm ... Do not use text normalization (flag is not active, |
i.e. text is NOT normalized) |
--filtercmd=STRING ... path to filter-model-given-input.pl |
--filterfile=STRING ... path to alternative to input-text for filtering |
model. useful for lattice decoding |
--rootdir=STRING ... where do helpers reside (if not given explicitly) |
--mertdir=STRING ... path to new mert implementation |
--mertargs=STRING ... extra args for both extractor and mert |
--extractorargs=STRING ... extra args for extractor only |
--mertmertargs=STRING ... extra args for mert only |
--scorenbestcmd=STRING ... path to score-nbest.py |
--old-sge ... passed to parallelizers, assume Grid Engine < 6.0 |
--inputtype=[0|1|2] ... Handle different input types: (0 for text, |
1 for confusion network, 2 for lattices, |
default is 0) |
--no-filter-phrase-table ... disallow filtering of phrase tables |
(useful if binary phrase tables are available) |
--random-restarts=INT ... number of random restarts (default: 20) |
--predictable-seeds ... provide predictable seeds to mert so that random |
restarts are the same on every run |
--range=tm:0..1,-1..1 ... specify min and max value for some features |
--range can be repeated as needed. |
The order of the various --range specifications |
is important only within a feature name. |
E.g.: |
--range=tm:0..1,-1..1 --range=tm:0..2 |
is identical to: |
--range=tm:0..1,-1..1,0..2 |
but not to: |
--range=tm:0..2 --range=tm:0..1,-1..1 |
--activate-features=STRING ... comma-separated list of features to optimize, |
others are fixed to the starting values |
default: optimize all features |
example: tm_0,tm_4,d_0 |
--prev-aggregate-nbestlist=INT ... number of previous step to consider when |
loading data (default = $prev_aggregate_nbl_size) |
-1 means all previous, i.e. from iteration 1 |
0 means no previous data, i.e. only the |
current iteration |
N means this and N previous iterations |
--maximum-iterations=ITERS ... Maximum number of iterations. Default: $maximum_iterations |
--return-best-dev ... Return the weights according to dev bleu, instead of returning |
the last iteration |
--random-directions ... search only in random directions |
--number-of-random-directions=int ... number of random directions |
(also works with regular optimizer, default: 0) |
--pairwise-ranked ... Use PRO for optimisation (Hopkins and May, emnlp 2011) |
--pro-starting-point ... Use PRO to get a starting point for MERT |
--batch-mira ... Use Batch MIRA for optimisation (Cherry and Foster, NAACL 2012) |
--hg-mira ... Use hypergraph MIRA, ie batch mira with hypergraphs instead of kbests. |
--batch-mira-args=STRING ... args to pass through to batch/hg MIRA. This flag is useful to |
change MIRA's hyperparameters such as regularization parameter C, |
BLEU decay factor, and the number of iterations of MIRA. |
--promix-training=STRING ... PRO-based mixture model training (Haddow, NAACL 2013) |
--promix-tables=STRING ... Phrase tables for PRO-based mixture model training. |
--threads=NUMBER ... Use multi-threaded mert (must be compiled in). |
--historic-interpolation ... Interpolate optimized weights with prior iterations' weight |
(parameter sets factor [0;1] given to current weights) |
--spe-symal=SYMAL ... Use simulated post-editing when decoding. |
(SYMAL aligns input to refs) |
--multi-moses ... Use multiple instances of moses instead of threads for decoding |
(Use with --decoder-flags='-threads N' to get N instances, each of |
which uses a single thread (overrides threads in moses.ini)) |
--transform-decoded-file=STRING ... transform n-best list before scoring, |
STRING='bpe', script or command for transforming |
"; |
exit 1; |
} |
$filtercmd = File::Spec->catfile($SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR, "training", "filter-model-given-input.pl") if !defined $filtercmd; |
if ( ! -x $filtercmd && $___FILTER_PHRASE_TABLE) { |
warn "Filtering command not found: $filtercmd."; |
warn "Use --filtercmd=PATH to specify a valid one or --no-filter-phrase-table"; |
exit 1; |
} |
$qsubwrapper = File::Spec->catfile($SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR, "generic", "qsub-wrapper.pl") if !defined $qsubwrapper; |
$moses_parallel_cmd = File::Spec->catfile($SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR, "generic", "moses-parallel.pl") |
if !defined $moses_parallel_cmd; |
if (!defined $mertdir) { |
$mertdir = File::Spec->catfile(File::Basename::dirname($SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR), "bin"); |
die "mertdir does not exist: $mertdir" if ! -x $mertdir; |
print STDERR "Assuming --mertdir=$mertdir\n"; |
} |
my $mert_extract_cmd = File::Spec->catfile($mertdir, "extractor"); |
my $mert_mert_cmd = File::Spec->catfile($mertdir, "mert"); |
my $mert_pro_cmd = File::Spec->catfile($mertdir, "pro"); |
my $mert_mira_cmd = File::Spec->catfile($mertdir, "kbmira"); |
my $mert_eval_cmd = File::Spec->catfile($mertdir, "evaluator"); |
die "Not executable: $mert_extract_cmd" if ! -x $mert_extract_cmd; |
die "Not executable: $mert_mert_cmd" if ! -x $mert_mert_cmd; |
die "Not executable: $mert_pro_cmd" if ! -x $mert_pro_cmd; |
die "Not executable: $mert_mira_cmd" if ! -x $mert_mira_cmd; |
die "Not executable: $mert_eval_cmd" if ! -x $mert_eval_cmd; |
my $pro_optimizer = File::Spec->catfile($mertdir, "megam_i686.opt"); |
if (($___PAIRWISE_RANKED_OPTIMIZER || $___PRO_STARTING_POINT) && ! -x $pro_optimizer) { |
print "Could not find $pro_optimizer, installing it in $mertdir\n"; |
my $megam_url = "http://hal3.name/megam"; |
if (&is_mac_osx()) { |
die "Error: Sorry for Mac OS X users! Please get the source code of megam and compile by hand. Please see $megam_url for details."; |
} |
`cd $mertdir; wget $megam_url/megam_i686.opt.gz;`; |
`gunzip $pro_optimizer.gz`; |
`chmod +x $pro_optimizer`; |
die("ERROR: Installation of megam_i686.opt failed! Install by hand from $megam_url") unless -x $pro_optimizer; |
} |
die "Not executable $__PROMIX_TRAINING" unless -x $__PROMIX_TRAINING; |
die "For promix training, specify the tables using --promix-table arguments" unless @__PROMIX_TABLES; |
die "For mixture model, need at least 2 tables" unless scalar(@__PROMIX_TABLES) > 1; |
for my $TABLE (@__PROMIX_TABLES) { |
die "Phrase table $TABLE not found" unless -r $TABLE; |
} |
die "To use promix training, need to specify a filter and binarisation command" unless $filtercmd =~ /Binarizer/; |
} |
if (!defined $mertargs) { |
if (defined $batch_mira_args) { |
$mertargs = $batch_mira_args; |
} |
else { |
$mertargs = ""; |
} |
} |
my $scconfig = undef; |
if ($mertargs =~ /\-\-scconfig(?:\s+|=)(.+?)(\s|$)/) { |
$scconfig = $1; |
$scconfig =~ s/\,/ /g; |
$mertargs =~ s/\-\-scconfig(?:\s+|=)(.+?)(\s|$)//; |
} |
my $sctype = "--sctype BLEU"; |
if ($mertargs =~ /(\-\-sctype(?:\s+|=).+?)(\s|$)/) { |
$sctype = $1; |
$mertargs =~ s/(\-\-sctype(?:\s+|=)+.+?)(\s|$)//; |
} |
$scconfig .= &setup_reference_length_type(); |
$scconfig .= &setup_case_config(); |
$scconfig =~ s/^\s+//; |
$scconfig =~ s/\s+$//; |
$scconfig =~ s/\s+/,/g; |
$scconfig = "--scconfig $scconfig" if ($scconfig); |
my $mert_extract_args = "$sctype $scconfig"; |
$extractorargs = "" unless $extractorargs; |
$mert_extract_args .= " $extractorargs"; |
$mertmertargs = "" if !defined $mertmertargs; |
$proargs = "" unless $proargs; |
my $mert_mert_args = "$mertargs $mertmertargs"; |
$mert_mert_args =~ s/\-+(binary|b)\b//; |
$mert_mert_args .= "$sctype $scconfig"; |
$mert_mert_args .= " -o \"$___ACTIVATE_FEATURES\""; |
} |
my ($just_cmd_filtercmd, $x) = split(/ /, $filtercmd); |
die "Not executable: $just_cmd_filtercmd" if $___FILTER_PHRASE_TABLE && ! -x $just_cmd_filtercmd; |
die "Not executable: $moses_parallel_cmd" if defined $___JOBS && ! -x $moses_parallel_cmd; |
die "Not executable: $qsubwrapper" if defined $___JOBS && ! -x $qsubwrapper; |
die "Not executable: $___DECODER" if ! -x $___DECODER; |
my $input_abs = ensure_full_path($___DEV_F); |
die "File not found: $___DEV_F (interpreted as $input_abs)." if ! -e $input_abs; |
$___DEV_F = $input_abs; |
my $pass_old_sge = $old_sge ? "-old-sge" : ""; |
my $decoder_abs = ensure_full_path($___DECODER); |
die "File not executable: $___DECODER (interpreted as $decoder_abs)." |
if ! -x $decoder_abs; |
$___DECODER = $decoder_abs; |
my $ref_abs = ensure_full_path($___DEV_E); |
my @references; |
if (-e $ref_abs) { |
push @references, $ref_abs; |
} else { |
my $part = 0; |
if (! -e $ref_abs . "0" && -e $ref_abs . ".ref0") { |
$ref_abs .= ".ref"; |
} |
while (-e $ref_abs . $part) { |
push @references, $ref_abs . $part; |
$part++; |
} |
die("Reference translations not found: $___DEV_E (interpreted as $ref_abs)") unless $part; |
} |
my $config_abs = ensure_full_path($___CONFIG); |
die "File not found: $___CONFIG (interpreted as $config_abs)." if ! -e $config_abs; |
$___CONFIG = $config_abs; |
if ($___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(config|f) / |
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(ttable-file|t) / |
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(distortion-file) / |
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(generation-file) / |
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(lmodel-file) / |
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(global-lexical-file) / |
) { |
die "It is forbidden to supply any of -config, -ttable-file, -distortion-file, -generation-file or -lmodel-file in the --decoder-flags.\nPlease use only the --config option to give the config file that lists all the supplementary files."; |
} |
$working_dir_abs = ensure_full_path($___WORKING_DIR); |
if (defined $___DEV_SYMAL) { |
$dev_symal_abs = ensure_full_path($___DEV_SYMAL); |
} |
my $need_to_normalize = 1; |
my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd(); |
mkpath($___WORKING_DIR); |
{ |
chdir($___WORKING_DIR) or die "Can't chdir to $___WORKING_DIR"; |
my $mert_outfile = "mert.out"; |
my $mert_logfile = "mert.log"; |
my $weights_in_file = "init.opt"; |
my $weights_out_file = "weights.txt"; |
my $finished_step_file = "finished_step.txt"; |
my $start_run = 1; |
my $bestpoint = undef; |
my $devbleu = undef; |
my $sparse_weights_file = undef; |
my $prev_feature_file = undef; |
my $prev_score_file = undef; |
my $prev_init_file = undef; |
my @allnbests; |
print STDERR "Training mixture model using promix\n"; |
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@__PROMIX_TABLES); ++$i) { |
my $filtered_config = "moses_$i.ini"; |
substitute_ttable($___CONFIG, $filtered_config, $__PROMIX_TABLES[$i]); |
my $filtered_path = "filtered_$i"; |
my $___FILTER_F = $___DEV_F; |
$___FILTER_F = $filterfile if (defined $filterfile); |
my $cmd = "$filtercmd ./$filtered_path $filtered_config $___FILTER_F"; |
&submit_or_exec($cmd, "filterphrases_$i.out", "filterphrases_$i.err", 1); |
push (@_PROMIX_TABLES_BIN,"$filtered_path/phrase-table.0-0.1.1"); |
} |
} |
my $outdir = "filtered"; |
if (-e "$outdir/moses.ini") { |
print STDERR "Assuming the tables are already filtered, reusing $outdir/moses.ini\n"; |
} else { |
print STDERR "filtering the phrase tables... ".`date`; |
my $___FILTER_F = $___DEV_F; |
$___FILTER_F = $filterfile if (defined $filterfile); |
my $cmd = "$filtercmd ./$outdir $___CONFIG $___FILTER_F"; |
&submit_or_exec($cmd, "filterphrases.out", "filterphrases.err", 1); |
} |
$___CONFIG = "$outdir/moses.ini"; |
} else{ |
} |
my $featlist = get_featlist_from_moses($___CONFIG); |
$featlist = insert_ranges_to_featlist($featlist, $___RANGES); |
if (defined $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES) { |
$featlist->{"enabled"} = undef; |
my %enabled = map { ($_, 1) } split /[, ]+/, $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES; |
my %cnt; |
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) { |
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i]; |
$cnt{$name} = 0 if !defined $cnt{$name}; |
$featlist->{"enabled"}->[$i] = $enabled{$name . "_" . $cnt{$name}}; |
$cnt{$name}++; |
} |
} else { |
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) { |
$featlist->{"enabled"}->[$i] = 1; |
} |
} |
print STDERR "MERT starting values and ranges for random generation:\n"; |
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) { |
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i]; |
my $val = $featlist->{"values"}->[$i]; |
my $min = $featlist->{"mins"}->[$i]; |
my $max = $featlist->{"maxs"}->[$i]; |
my $enabled = $featlist->{"enabled"}->[$i]; |
printf STDERR " %5s = %7.3f", $name, $val; |
if ($enabled) { |
printf STDERR " (%5.2f .. %5.2f)\n", $min, $max; |
} else { |
print STDERR " --- inactive, not optimized ---\n"; |
} |
} |
if ($continue) { |
print STDERR "Trying to continue an interrupted optimization.\n"; |
open my $fh, '<', $finished_step_file or die "$finished_step_file: $!"; |
my $step = <$fh>; |
chomp $step; |
close $fh; |
print STDERR "Last finished step is $step\n"; |
my $firststep; |
if ($prev_aggregate_nbl_size == -1) { |
$firststep = 1; |
} else { |
$firststep = $step - $prev_aggregate_nbl_size + 1; |
$firststep = ($firststep > 0) ? $firststep : 1; |
} |
if ($firststep <= $step) { |
print STDERR "First previous needed data index is $firststep\n"; |
print STDERR "Checking whether all needed data (from step $firststep to step $step) are available\n"; |
for (my $prevstep = $firststep; $prevstep <= $step; $prevstep++) { |
print STDERR "Checking whether data of step $prevstep are available\n"; |
if (! -e "run$prevstep.features.dat") { |
die "Can't start from step $step, because run$prevstep.features.dat was not found!"; |
} else { |
if (defined $prev_feature_file) { |
$prev_feature_file = "${prev_feature_file},run$prevstep.features.dat"; |
} else { |
$prev_feature_file = "run$prevstep.features.dat"; |
} |
} |
if (! -e "run$prevstep.scores.dat") { |
die "Can't start from step $step, because run$prevstep.scores.dat was not found!"; |
} else { |
if (defined $prev_score_file) { |
$prev_score_file = "${prev_score_file},run$prevstep.scores.dat"; |
} else { |
$prev_score_file = "run$prevstep.scores.dat"; |
} |
} |
if (! -e "run$prevstep.${weights_in_file}") { |
die "Can't start from step $step, because run$prevstep.${weights_in_file} was not found!"; |
} else{ |
if (defined $prev_init_file) { |
$prev_init_file = "${prev_init_file},run$prevstep.${weights_in_file}"; |
} else{ |
$prev_init_file = "run$prevstep.${weights_in_file}"; |
} |
} |
} |
if (! -e "run$step.weights.txt") { |
die "Can't start from step $step, because run$step.weights.txt was not found!"; |
} |
if (! -e "run$step.$mert_logfile") { |
die "Can't start from step $step, because run$step.$mert_logfile was not found!"; |
} |
if (! -e "run$step.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz") { |
die "Can't start from step $step, because run$step.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz was not found!"; |
} |
print STDERR "All needed data are available\n"; |
print STDERR "Loading information from last step ($step)\n"; |
my %dummy; |
($bestpoint, $devbleu) = &get_weights_from_mert("run$step.$mert_outfile","run$step.$mert_logfile", scalar @{$featlist->{"names"}}, \%dummy); |
die "Failed to parse mert.log, missed Best point there." |
if !defined $bestpoint || !defined $devbleu; |
print "($step) BEST at $step $bestpoint => $devbleu at ".`date`; |
my @newweights = split /\s+/, $bestpoint; |
if (!$___HG_MIRA) { |
sanity_check_order_of_lambdas($featlist, |
"gunzip -c < run$step.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz |"); |
} else { |
print STDERR "WARN: No sanity check of order of features in hypergraph mira\n"; |
} |
$featlist->{"values"} = \@newweights; |
} else { |
print STDERR "No previous data are needed\n"; |
} |
$start_run = $step + 1; |
} |
my $run = $start_run - 1; |
my $oldallsorted = undef; |
my $allsorted = undef; |
my $nbest_file = undef; |
my $lsamp_file = undef; |
my $hypergraph_dir = undef; |
my $orig_nbest_file = undef; |
my @promix_weights; |
my $num_mixed_phrase_features; |
my $interpolated_config; |
my $uninterpolated_config; |
while (1) { |
$run++; |
if ($maximum_iterations && $run > $maximum_iterations) { |
print "Maximum number of iterations exceeded - stopping\n"; |
last; |
} |
print "run $run start at ".`date`; |
if (!@promix_weights) { |
$num_mixed_phrase_features = (grep { $_ eq 'tm' } @{$featlist->{"names"}}) - 1; |
@promix_weights = (1.0/scalar(@__PROMIX_TABLES)) x |
($num_mixed_phrase_features * scalar(@__PROMIX_TABLES)); |
} |
$uninterpolated_config= $___CONFIG unless $uninterpolated_config; |
my $interpolated_phrase_table = "interpolate"; |
for my $itable (@_PROMIX_TABLES_BIN) { |
$interpolated_phrase_table .= " 1:$itable"; |
} |
$interpolated_config ="moses.interpolated.ini"; |
substitute_ttable($uninterpolated_config, $interpolated_config, $interpolated_phrase_table, "99"); |
open(ITABLE,">>$interpolated_config") || die "Failed to append weights to $interpolated_config"; |
print ITABLE "\n"; |
print ITABLE "[weight-t-multimodel]\n"; |
for my $iweight (@promix_weights) { |
print ITABLE $iweight . "\n"; |
} |
close ITABLE; |
$___CONFIG = "$interpolated_config"; |
} |
create_config($___CONFIG, "./run$run.moses.ini", $featlist, $run, (defined $devbleu ? $devbleu : "--not-estimated--"), $sparse_weights_file); |
{ |
my $densefile = "run$run.dense"; |
my @vals = @{$featlist->{"values"}}; |
my @names = @{$featlist->{"names"}}; |
open my $denseout, '>', $densefile or die "Can't write $densefile (WD now $___WORKING_DIR)"; |
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) { |
print $denseout "$names[$i]= $vals[$i]\n"; |
} |
close $denseout; |
} |
if (! $skip_decoder) { |
print "($run) run decoder to produce n-best lists\n"; |
($nbest_file, $lsamp_file, $hypergraph_dir) = run_decoder($featlist, $run, $need_to_normalize); |
$need_to_normalize = 0; |
if ($___LATTICE_SAMPLES) { |
my $combined_file = "$nbest_file.comb"; |
safesystem("sort -k1,1n $nbest_file $lsamp_file > $combined_file") or |
die("failed to merge nbest and lattice samples"); |
safesystem("gzip -f $nbest_file; gzip -f $lsamp_file") or |
die "Failed to gzip nbests and lattice samples"; |
$orig_nbest_file = "$nbest_file.gz"; |
$orig_nbest_file = "$nbest_file.gz"; |
$lsamp_file = "$lsamp_file.gz"; |
$lsamp_file = "$lsamp_file.gz"; |
$nbest_file = "$combined_file"; |
} |
my $trans_file=$nbest_file.".transformed"; |
my $trans_cmd; |
$trans_cmd="cat $nbest_file | $___TRANSFORM_DECODED_FILE > $trans_file"; |
} |
else{ |
$trans_cmd="cat $nbest_file | sed 's/\@\@ //g' > $trans_file"; |
} |
print STDERR "Executing data transformation command: $trans_cmd \n"; |
safesystem($trans_cmd) or die "The data transformation failed \n"; |
move $trans_file, $nbest_file ; |
} |
safesystem("gzip -f $nbest_file") or die "Failed to gzip run*out" unless $___HG_MIRA; |
$nbest_file = $nbest_file.".gz"; |
} else { |
$nbest_file = "run$run.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz"; |
print "skipped decoder run $run\n"; |
$skip_decoder = 0; |
$need_to_normalize = 0; |
} |
print STDERR "Scoring the nbestlist.\n"; |
my $base_feature_file = "features.dat"; |
my $base_score_file = "scores.dat"; |
my $feature_file = "run$run.${base_feature_file}"; |
my $score_file = "run$run.${base_score_file}"; |
my $cmd = "$mert_extract_cmd $mert_extract_args --scfile $score_file --ffile $feature_file -r " . join(",", @references) . " -n $nbest_file"; |
if (! $___HG_MIRA) { |
$cmd .= " -d" if $__PROMIX_TRAINING; |
$cmd = &create_extractor_script($cmd, $___WORKING_DIR); |
&submit_or_exec($cmd, "extract.out","extract.err", 1); |
} |
my @MIN = @{$featlist->{"mins"}}; |
my @MAX = @{$featlist->{"maxs"}}; |
my @CURR = @{$featlist->{"values"}}; |
my @NAME = @{$featlist->{"names"}}; |
open my $out, '>', $weights_in_file or die "Can't write $weights_in_file (WD now $___WORKING_DIR)"; |
print $out join(" ", @CURR) . "\n"; |
print $out join(" ", @MIN) . "\n"; |
print $out join(" ", @MAX) . "\n"; |
close $out; |
safesystem("\\cp -f $weights_in_file run$run.$weights_in_file") or die; |
my $DIM = scalar(@CURR); |
$cmd = "$mert_mert_cmd -d $DIM $mert_mert_args"; |
my $mert_settings = " -n $___RANDOM_RESTARTS"; |
my $seed_settings = ""; |
my $seed = $run * 1000; |
$seed_settings .= " -r $seed"; |
} |
$mert_settings .= $seed_settings; |
if ($___NUM_RANDOM_DIRECTIONS == 0) { |
$mert_settings .= " -m 50"; |
} |
$mert_settings .= " -t random-direction"; |
} |
$mert_settings .= " -m $___NUM_RANDOM_DIRECTIONS"; |
} |
if ($__THREADS) { |
$mert_settings .= " --threads $__THREADS"; |
} |
my $ffiles = ""; |
my $scfiles = ""; |
if (defined $prev_feature_file) { |
$ffiles = "$prev_feature_file,$feature_file"; |
} else{ |
$ffiles = "$feature_file"; |
} |
if (defined $prev_score_file) { |
$scfiles = "$prev_score_file,$score_file"; |
} else{ |
$scfiles = "$score_file"; |
} |
my $mira_settings = ""; |
if (($___BATCH_MIRA || $___HG_MIRA) && $batch_mira_args) { |
$mira_settings .= "$batch_mira_args "; |
} |
$mira_settings .= " --dense-init run$run.dense"; |
if (-e "run$run.sparse-weights") { |
$mira_settings .= " --sparse-init run$run.sparse-weights"; |
} |
my $file_settings = " --ffile $ffiles --scfile $scfiles"; |
my $pro_file_settings = "--ffile " . join(" --ffile ", split(/,/, $ffiles)) . |
" --scfile " . join(" --scfile ", split(/,/, $scfiles)); |
push @allnbests, $nbest_file; |
my $promix_file_settings = |
"--scfile " . join(" --scfile ", split(/,/, $scfiles)) . |
" --nbest " . join(" --nbest ", @allnbests); |
if ($___START_WITH_HISTORIC_BESTS && defined $prev_init_file) { |
$file_settings .= " --ifile $prev_init_file,run$run.$weights_in_file"; |
} else { |
$file_settings .= " --ifile run$run.$weights_in_file"; |
} |
$cmd .= $file_settings; |
my %sparse_weights; |
my $pro_optimizer_cmd = "$pro_optimizer $megam_default_options run$run.pro.data"; |
$cmd = "$mert_pro_cmd $proargs $seed_settings $pro_file_settings -o run$run.pro.data ; echo 'not used' > $weights_out_file; $pro_optimizer_cmd"; |
&submit_or_exec($cmd, $mert_outfile, $mert_logfile, 1); |
} elsif ($___PRO_STARTING_POINT) { |
my $pro_cmd = "$mert_pro_cmd $proargs $seed_settings $pro_file_settings -o run$run.pro.data ; $pro_optimizer_cmd"; |
&submit_or_exec($pro_cmd, "run$run.pro.out", "run$run.pro.err", 1); |
($bestpoint,$devbleu) = &get_weights_from_mert("run$run.pro.out","run$run.pro.err",scalar @{$featlist->{"names"}},\%sparse_weights, \@promix_weights); |
$cmd =~ s/--ifile (\S+)/--ifile run$run.init.pro/; |
open(MERT_START,$1); |
open(PRO_START,">run$run.init.pro"); |
print PRO_START $bestpoint." 1\n"; |
my $mert_line = <MERT_START>; |
$mert_line = <MERT_START>; |
chomp $mert_line; |
print PRO_START $mert_line." 0\n"; |
$mert_line = <MERT_START>; |
chomp $mert_line; |
print PRO_START $mert_line." 1\n"; |
close(PRO_START); |
open(SPARSE_WEIGHTS,">run$run.merge-weights"); |
foreach my $fname (keys %sparse_weights) { |
print SPARSE_WEIGHTS "$fname $sparse_weights{$fname}\n"; |
} |
$cmd = $cmd." --sparse-weights run$run.merge-weights"; |
$cmd =~ s/(--ifile \S+)/$1,run$run.init.pro/; |
&submit_or_exec($cmd . $mert_settings, $mert_outfile, $mert_logfile, ($__THREADS ? $__THREADS : 1) ); |
} elsif ($___BATCH_MIRA) { |
safesystem("echo 'not used' > $weights_out_file") or die; |
$cmd = "$mert_mira_cmd $mira_settings $seed_settings $pro_file_settings -o $mert_outfile"; |
&submit_or_exec($cmd, "run$run.mira.out", $mert_logfile, 1); |
} elsif ($___HG_MIRA) { |
safesystem("echo 'not used' > $weights_out_file") or die; |
$mira_settings .= " --type hypergraph "; |
$mira_settings .= join(" ", map {"--reference $_"} @references); |
$mira_settings .= " --hgdir $hypergraph_dir "; |
$cmd = "$mert_mira_cmd $mira_settings $seed_settings -o $mert_outfile"; |
&submit_or_exec($cmd, "run$run.mira.out", $mert_logfile, 1); |
} elsif ($__PROMIX_TRAINING) { |
safesystem("echo 'not used' > $weights_out_file") or die; |
$cmd = "$__PROMIX_TRAINING $promix_file_settings"; |
$cmd .= " -t mix "; |
$cmd .= join(" ", map {"-p $_"} @_PROMIX_TABLES_BIN); |
$cmd .= " -i $___DEV_F"; |
print "Starting promix optimisation at " . `date`; |
&submit_or_exec($cmd, "$mert_outfile", $mert_logfile, 1); |
print "Finished promix optimisation at " . `date`; |
} else { |
&submit_or_exec($cmd . $mert_settings, $mert_outfile, $mert_logfile, ($__THREADS ? $__THREADS : 1) ); |
} |
die "Optimization failed, file $weights_out_file does not exist or is empty" |
if ! -s $weights_out_file; |
if (! $___HG_MIRA) { |
safesystem("\\cp -f extract.err run$run.extract.err") or die; |
safesystem("\\cp -f extract.out run$run.extract.out") or die; |
} |
safesystem("\\cp -f $mert_outfile run$run.$mert_outfile") or die; |
safesystem("\\cp -f $mert_logfile run$run.$mert_logfile") or die; |
safesystem("touch $mert_logfile run$run.$mert_logfile") or die; |
safesystem("\\cp -f $weights_out_file run$run.$weights_out_file") or die; |
safesystem("\\cp -f $interpolated_config run$run.$interpolated_config") or die; |
} |
print "run $run end at ".`date`; |
($bestpoint,$devbleu) = &get_weights_from_mert("run$run.$mert_outfile","run$run.$mert_logfile",scalar @{$featlist->{"names"}},\%sparse_weights,\@promix_weights); |
my $merge_weight = 0; |
print "New mixture weights: " . join(" ", @promix_weights) . "\n"; |
} |
die "Failed to parse mert.log, missed Best point there." |
if !defined $bestpoint || !defined $devbleu; |
print "($run) BEST at $run: $bestpoint => $devbleu at ".`date`; |
my @newweights = split /\s+/, $bestpoint; |
$merge_weight = pop @newweights; |
} |
if ($___HISTORIC_INTERPOLATION>0 && $run>3) { |
my %historic_sparse_weights; |
if (-e "run$run.sparse-weights") { |
open my $sparse_fh, '<', "run$run.sparse-weights" or die "run$run.sparse-weights: $!"; |
while (<$sparse_fh>) { |
chop; |
my ($feature, $weight) = split; |
$historic_sparse_weights{$feature} = $weight; |
} |
close $sparse_fh; |
} |
my $prev = $run - 1; |
my @historic_weights = split /\s+/, `cat run$prev.$weights_out_file`; |
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@newweights); $i++) { |
$newweights[$i] = $___HISTORIC_INTERPOLATION * $newweights[$i] + (1 - $___HISTORIC_INTERPOLATION) * $historic_weights[$i]; |
} |
print "interpolate with " . join(",", @historic_weights) . " to " . join(",", @newweights); |
foreach (keys %sparse_weights) { |
$sparse_weights{$_} *= $___HISTORIC_INTERPOLATION; |
} |
foreach (keys %historic_sparse_weights) { |
$sparse_weights{$_} += (1 - $___HISTORIC_INTERPOLATION) * $historic_sparse_weights{$_}; |
} |
} |
open my $weights_fh, '>', "run$run.$weights_out_file" or die "run$run.$weights_out_file: $!"; |
print $weights_fh join(" ", @newweights); |
close $weights_fh; |
} |
$featlist->{"values"} = \@newweights; |
if (scalar keys %sparse_weights) { |
$sparse_weights_file = "run" . ($run + 1) . ".sparse-weights"; |
open my $sparse_fh, '>', $sparse_weights_file or die "$sparse_weights_file: $!"; |
foreach my $feature (keys %sparse_weights) { |
my $sparse_weight = $sparse_weights{$feature}; |
$sparse_weight *= $merge_weight; |
} |
print $sparse_fh "$feature $sparse_weight\n"; |
} |
close $sparse_fh; |
} |
my $shouldstop = 1; |
for (my $i = 0; $i < @CURR; $i++) { |
die "Lost weight! mert reported fewer weights (@newweights) than we gave it (@CURR)" |
if !defined $newweights[$i]; |
if (abs($CURR[$i] - $newweights[$i]) >= $minimum_required_change_in_weights) { |
$shouldstop = 0; |
last; |
} |
} |
&save_finished_step($finished_step_file, $run); |
if ($shouldstop) { |
print STDERR "None of the weights changed more than $minimum_required_change_in_weights. Stopping.\n"; |
last; |
} |
my $firstrun; |
if ($prev_aggregate_nbl_size == -1) { |
$firstrun = 1; |
} else { |
$firstrun = $run - $prev_aggregate_nbl_size + 1; |
$firstrun = ($firstrun > 0) ? $firstrun : 1; |
} |
print "loading data from $firstrun to $run (prev_aggregate_nbl_size=$prev_aggregate_nbl_size)\n"; |
$prev_feature_file = undef; |
$prev_score_file = undef; |
$prev_init_file = undef; |
for (my $i = $firstrun; $i <= $run; $i++) { |
if (defined $prev_feature_file) { |
$prev_feature_file = "${prev_feature_file},run${i}.${base_feature_file}"; |
} else { |
$prev_feature_file = "run${i}.${base_feature_file}"; |
} |
if (defined $prev_score_file) { |
$prev_score_file = "${prev_score_file},run${i}.${base_score_file}"; |
} else { |
$prev_score_file = "run${i}.${base_score_file}"; |
} |
if (defined $prev_init_file) { |
$prev_init_file = "${prev_init_file},run${i}.${weights_in_file}"; |
} else { |
$prev_init_file = "run${i}.${weights_in_file}"; |
} |
} |
print "loading data from $prev_feature_file\n" if defined($prev_feature_file); |
print "loading data from $prev_score_file\n" if defined($prev_score_file); |
print "loading data from $prev_init_file\n" if defined($prev_init_file); |
} |
if (defined $allsorted) { |
safesystem ("\\rm -f $allsorted") or die; |
} |
safesystem("\\cp -f $weights_in_file run$run.$weights_in_file") or die; |
safesystem("\\cp -f $mert_logfile run$run.$mert_logfile") or die; |
if($___RETURN_BEST_DEV) { |
my $bestit=1; |
my $bestbleu=0; |
my $evalout = "eval.out"; |
for (my $i = 1; $i < $run; $i++) { |
my $candidate; |
if ($___HG_MIRA) { |
die "File not found: run$i.out" unless -r "run$i.out"; |
$candidate = "--candidate run$i.out"; |
} |
else { |
die "File not found: run$i.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz" unless -r "run$i.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz"; |
$candidate = "--nbest run$i.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz"; |
} |
my $cmd = "$mert_eval_cmd --reference " . join(",", @references) . " $mert_extract_args $candidate"; |
$cmd .= " -l $__REMOVE_SEGMENTATION" if defined( $__PROMIX_TRAINING); |
&submit_or_exec($cmd, $evalout, "/dev/null", 1); |
open my $fh, '<', $evalout or die "Can't read $evalout : $!"; |
my $bleu = <$fh>; |
chomp $bleu; |
if($bleu > $bestbleu) { |
$bestbleu = $bleu; |
$bestit = $i; |
} |
close $fh; |
} |
print "copying weights from best iteration ($bestit, bleu=$bestbleu) to moses.ini\n"; |
my $best_sparse_file = undef; |
if(defined $sparse_weights_file) { |
$best_sparse_file = "run$bestit.sparse-weights"; |
} |
my $best_featlist = get_featlist_from_file("run$bestit.dense"); |
$best_featlist->{"untuneables"} = $featlist->{"untuneables"}; |
$best_featlist->{"allcomponentsuntuneable"} = $featlist->{"allcomponentsuntuneable"}; |
$best_featlist->{"skippeduntuneablecomponents"} = $featlist->{"skippeduntuneablecomponents"}; |
create_config($___CONFIG_ORIG, "./moses.ini", $best_featlist, |
$bestit, $bestbleu, $best_sparse_file); |
} |
else { |
create_config($___CONFIG_ORIG, "./moses.ini", $featlist, $run, $devbleu, $sparse_weights_file); |
} |
&save_finished_step($finished_step_file, $run); |
chdir($cwd); |
print "Training finished at " . `date`; |
} |
sub get_weights_from_mert { |
my ($outfile, $logfile, $weight_count, $sparse_weights, $mix_weights) = @_; |
my ($bestpoint, $devbleu); |
if ($___PAIRWISE_RANKED_OPTIMIZER || ($___PRO_STARTING_POINT && $logfile =~ /pro/) |
|| $___BATCH_MIRA || $__PROMIX_TRAINING || $___HG_MIRA) { |
open my $fh, '<', $outfile or die "Can't open $outfile: $!"; |
my @WEIGHT; |
@$mix_weights = (); |
for (my $i = 0; $i < $weight_count; $i++) { push @WEIGHT, 0; } |
my $sum = 0.0; |
while (<$fh>) { |
if (/^F(\d+) ([\-\.\de]+)/) { |
$WEIGHT[$1] = $2; |
$sum += abs($2); |
} elsif (/^M(\d+_\d+) ([\-\.\de]+)/) { |
push @$mix_weights,$2; |
} elsif (/^(.+_.+) ([\-\.\de]+)/) { |
$$sparse_weights{$1} = $2; |
} |
} |
close $fh; |
die "It seems feature values are invalid or unable to read $outfile." if $sum < 1e-09; |
$devbleu = "unknown"; |
foreach (@WEIGHT) { $_ /= $sum; } |
foreach (keys %{$sparse_weights}) { $$sparse_weights{$_} /= $sum; } |
$bestpoint = join(" ", @WEIGHT); |
if($___BATCH_MIRA || $___HG_MIRA) { |
open my $fh2, '<', $logfile or die "Can't open $logfile: $!"; |
while(<$fh2>) { |
if(/Best BLEU = ([\-\d\.]+)/) { |
$devbleu = $1; |
} |
} |
close $fh2; |
} |
} else { |
open my $fh, '<', $logfile or die "Can't open $logfile: $!"; |
while (<$fh>) { |
if (/Best point:\s*([\s\d\.\-e]+?)\s*=> ([\-\d\.]+)/) { |
$bestpoint = $1; |
$devbleu = $2; |
last; |
} |
} |
close $fh; |
} |
return ($bestpoint, $devbleu); |
} |
sub run_decoder { |
my ($featlist, $run, $need_to_normalize) = @_; |
my $filename_template = "run%d.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out"; |
my $filename = sprintf($filename_template, $run); |
my $hypergraph_dir = "hypergraph"; |
my $lsamp_filename = undef; |
if ($___LATTICE_SAMPLES) { |
my $lsamp_filename_template = "run%d.lsamp$___LATTICE_SAMPLES.out"; |
$lsamp_filename = sprintf($lsamp_filename_template, $run); |
} |
print "params = $___DECODER_FLAGS\n"; |
my @vals = @{$featlist->{"values"}}; |
if ($need_to_normalize) { |
print STDERR "Normalizing lambdas: @vals\n"; |
my $totlambda = 0; |
grep($totlambda += abs($_), @vals); |
grep($_ /= $totlambda, @vals); |
} |
my %model_weights; |
my $valcnt = 0; |
my $offset = 0; |
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) { |
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i]; |
if (!defined $model_weights{$name}) { |
$model_weights{$name} = "$name="; |
$valcnt = 0; |
while (defined $featlist->{"skippeduntuneablecomponents"}->{$name}{$valcnt+$offset}) { |
$model_weights{$name} .= sprintf " x"; |
$offset++; |
} |
} |
$model_weights{$name} .= sprintf " %.6f", $vals[$i]; |
$valcnt++; |
while (defined $featlist->{"skippeduntuneablecomponents"}->{$name}{$valcnt+$offset}) { |
$model_weights{$name} .= sprintf " x"; |
$offset++; |
} |
} |
my $decoder_config = ""; |
$decoder_config = "-weight-overwrite '" . join(" ", values %model_weights) ."'" unless $___USE_CONFIG_WEIGHTS_FIRST && $run==1; |
$decoder_config .= " -weight-file run$run.sparse-weights" if -e "run$run.sparse-weights"; |
$decoder_config .= " -report-segmentation" if $__PROMIX_TRAINING; |
print STDERR "DECODER_CFG = $decoder_config\n"; |
print "decoder_config = $decoder_config\n"; |
my $decoder_cmd; |
my $lsamp_cmd = ""; |
if ($___LATTICE_SAMPLES) { |
$lsamp_cmd = " -lattice-samples $lsamp_filename $___LATTICE_SAMPLES "; |
} |
if (defined $___JOBS && $___JOBS > 1) { |
die "Hypergraph mira not supported by moses-parallel" if $___HG_MIRA; |
$decoder_cmd = "$moses_parallel_cmd $pass_old_sge -config $___CONFIG"; |
$decoder_cmd .= " -inputtype $___INPUTTYPE" if defined($___INPUTTYPE); |
$decoder_cmd .= " -cache-model $___CACHE_MODEL" if defined($___CACHE_MODEL); |
$decoder_cmd .= " -qsub-prefix mert$run -queue-parameters \"$queue_flags\" -decoder-parameters \"$___DECODER_FLAGS $decoder_config\" $lsamp_cmd -n-best-list \"$filename $___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE distinct\" -input-file $___DEV_F -jobs $___JOBS -decoder $___DECODER > run$run.out"; |
} else { |
my $nbest_list_cmd = "-n-best-list $filename $___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE distinct"; |
if ($___HG_MIRA) { |
safesystem("rm -rf $hypergraph_dir"); |
$nbest_list_cmd = "-output-search-graph-hypergraph true gz"; |
} |
$decoder_cmd = "$___DECODER $___DECODER_FLAGS -config $___CONFIG"; |
$decoder_cmd .= " -inputtype $___INPUTTYPE" if defined($___INPUTTYPE); |
$decoder_cmd .= " $decoder_config $lsamp_cmd $nbest_list_cmd -input-file $___DEV_F"; |
if (defined $___USE_MULTI_MOSES) { |
$decoder_cmd = "$___MULTI_MOSES $decoder_cmd"; |
} |
if (defined $___DEV_SYMAL) { |
$decoder_cmd = "$___MOSES_SIM_PE $decoder_cmd -ref $references[0] -symal $dev_symal_abs -tmp $working_dir_abs > run$run.out"; |
} |
$decoder_cmd .= " > run$run.out"; |
} |
print STDERR "Executing: $decoder_cmd \n"; |
safesystem($decoder_cmd) or die "The decoder died. CONFIG WAS $decoder_config \n"; |
if (!$___HG_MIRA) { |
sanity_check_order_of_lambdas($featlist,$filename); |
} else { |
print STDERR "WARN: No sanity check of order of features in hypergraph mira\n"; |
} |
return ($filename, $lsamp_filename, $hypergraph_dir); |
} |
sub insert_ranges_to_featlist { |
my $featlist = shift; |
my $ranges = shift; |
$ranges = [] if !defined $ranges; |
my $niceranges; |
foreach my $range (@$ranges) { |
my $name = undef; |
foreach my $namedpair (split /,/, $range) { |
if ($namedpair =~ /^(.*?):/) { |
$name = $1; |
$namedpair =~ s/^.*?://; |
} |
my ($min, $max) = split /\.\./, $namedpair; |
die "Bad min '$min' in --range=$range" if $min !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/; |
die "Bad max '$max' in --range=$range" if $min !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/; |
die "No name given in --range=$range" if !defined $name; |
push @{$niceranges->{$name}}, [$min, $max]; |
} |
} |
my $seen = undef; |
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) { |
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i]; |
$seen->{$name} ++; |
my $min = 0.0; |
my $max = 1.0; |
if (defined $niceranges->{$name}) { |
my $minmax = shift @{$niceranges->{$name}}; |
($min, $max) = @$minmax if defined $minmax; |
} |
$featlist->{"mins"}->[$i] = $min; |
$featlist->{"maxs"}->[$i] = $max; |
} |
return $featlist; |
} |
sub sanity_check_order_of_lambdas { |
my $featlist = shift; |
my $filename_or_stream = shift; |
my @expected_lambdas = @{$featlist->{"names"}}; |
my @got = get_order_of_scores_from_nbestlist($filename_or_stream); |
die "Mismatched lambdas. Decoder returned @got, we expected @expected_lambdas" |
if "@got" ne "@expected_lambdas"; |
} |
sub get_featlist_from_moses { |
my $configfn = shift; |
my $featlistfn = "./features.list"; |
if (-e $featlistfn && ! -z $featlistfn) { |
print STDERR "Using cached features list: $featlistfn\n"; |
} else { |
print STDERR "Asking moses for feature names and values from $___CONFIG\n"; |
my $cmd; |
if ($___CACHE_MODEL) { |
$cmd = "MOSES_INI=`$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/ems/support/cache-model.perl $configfn $___CACHE_MODEL` && "; |
$configfn = "\$MOSES_INI"; |
} |
$cmd .= "$___DECODER $___DECODER_FLAGS -config $configfn"; |
$cmd .= " -inputtype $___INPUTTYPE" if defined($___INPUTTYPE); |
$cmd .= " -show-weights"; |
if (defined $___USE_MULTI_MOSES) { |
$cmd = "$___MULTI_MOSES $cmd"; |
} |
print STDERR "Executing: $cmd\n"; |
&submit_or_exec($cmd, $featlistfn, "/dev/null", 1); |
} |
return get_featlist_from_file($featlistfn); |
} |
sub get_featlist_from_file { |
my $featlistfn = shift; |
my @names = (); |
my @startvalues = (); |
my @untuneables = (); |
my @allcomponentsuntuneable = (); |
my %skippeduntuneablecomponents = (); |
open my $fh, '<', $featlistfn or die "Can't read $featlistfn : $!"; |
my $nr = 0; |
my $i = 0; |
my @errs = (); |
while (<$fh>) { |
$nr++; |
chomp; |
if (/^(\S+)= (.+)$/) { |
my ($longname, $valuesStr) = ($1, $2); |
next if (!defined($valuesStr)); |
my @values = split(/ /, $valuesStr); |
my $valcnt = 0; |
my $hastuneablecomponent = 0; |
foreach my $value (@values) { |
if ($value =~ /^UNTUNEABLECOMPONENT$/) { |
$skippeduntuneablecomponents{$longname}{$valcnt} = 1; |
$i++; |
$valcnt++; |
} elsif ($value =~ /^[+-]?[0-9.\-e]+$/) { |
push @names, $longname; |
push @startvalues, $value; |
$i++; |
$valcnt++; |
$hastuneablecomponent = 1; |
} else { |
push @errs, "$featlistfn:$nr:Bad initial value of $longname: $value\n" |
} |
} |
if (!$hastuneablecomponent) { |
push @allcomponentsuntuneable, $longname; |
} |
} |
elsif (/^(\S+) UNTUNEABLE$/) { |
my ($longname) = ($1); |
push @untuneables, $longname; |
} |
} |
close $fh; |
if (scalar @errs) { |
warn join("", @errs); |
exit 1; |
} |
return {"names"=>\@names, "values"=>\@startvalues, "untuneables"=>\@untuneables, "allcomponentsuntuneable"=>\@allcomponentsuntuneable, "skippeduntuneablecomponents"=>\%skippeduntuneablecomponents}; |
} |
sub get_order_of_scores_from_nbestlist { |
my $fname_or_source = shift; |
open my $fh, $fname_or_source or die "Failed to get order of scores from nbestlist '$fname_or_source': $!"; |
my $line = <$fh>; |
close $fh; |
die "Line empty in nbestlist '$fname_or_source'" if !defined $line; |
my ($sent, $hypo, $scores, $total) = split /\|\|\|/, $line; |
$scores =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; |
die "No scores in line: $line" if $scores eq ""; |
my @order = (); |
my $label = undef; |
my $sparse = 0; |
foreach my $tok (split /\s+/, $scores) { |
if ($tok =~ /.+_.+=/) { |
$sparse = 1; |
} elsif ($tok =~ /^([a-z][0-9a-z]*)=/i) { |
$label = $1; |
} elsif ($tok =~ /^-?[-0-9.\-e]+$/) { |
if (!$sparse) { |
die "Found a score but no label before it! Bad nbestlist '$fname_or_source'!" |
if !defined $label; |
push @order, $label; |
} |
$sparse = 0; |
} else { |
die "Not a label, not a score '$tok'. Failed to parse the scores string: '$scores' of nbestlist '$fname_or_source'"; |
} |
} |
print STDERR "The decoder returns the scores in this order: @order\n"; |
return @order; |
} |
sub create_config { |
my $infn = shift; |
my $outfn = shift; |
my $featlist = shift; |
my $iteration = shift; |
my $bleu_achieved = shift; |
my $sparse_weights_file = shift; |
my @keep_weights = (); |
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) { |
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i]; |
my $val = $featlist->{"values"}->[$i]; |
print STDERR "featlist: $name=$val \n"; |
} |
my %P; |
{ |
my $parameter = undef; |
print "Parsing --decoder-flags: |$___DECODER_FLAGS|\n"; |
$___DECODER_FLAGS =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//; |
$___DECODER_FLAGS =~ s/\s+/ /; |
foreach (split(/ /, $___DECODER_FLAGS)) { |
if (/^\--?([^\d].*)$/) { |
$parameter = $1; |
} else { |
my $value = $_; |
die "Found value with no -paramname before it: $value" |
if !defined $parameter; |
push @{$P{$parameter}}, $value; |
} |
} |
} |
if (defined($sparse_weights_file)) { |
push @{$P{"weight-file"}}, File::Spec->catfile($___WORKING_DIR, $sparse_weights_file); |
} |
open my $ini_fh, '<', $infn or die "Can't read $infn: $!"; |
delete($P{"config"}); |
print "Saving new config to: $outfn\n"; |
open my $out, '>', $outfn or die "Can't write $outfn: $!"; |
print $out "# MERT optimized configuration\n"; |
print $out "# decoder $___DECODER\n"; |
print $out "# BLEU $bleu_achieved on dev $___DEV_F\n"; |
print $out "# We were before running iteration $iteration\n"; |
print $out "# finished ".`date`; |
my %oldvalues = (); |
my $line = <$ini_fh>; |
while(1) { |
last unless $line; |
if ($line !~ /^\[(.+)\]\s*$/) { |
$line = <$ini_fh>; |
print $out $line if $line =~ /^\#/ || $line =~ /^\s+$/; |
next; |
} |
my $parameter = $1; |
if ($parameter eq "weight") { |
while ($line = <$ini_fh>) { |
last if $line =~ /^\[/; |
if ($line =~ /^(\S+)= (.+)$/) { |
for( @{$featlist->{"untuneables"}} ){ |
if ($1 eq $_ ) { |
push @keep_weights, $line; |
} |
} |
for( @{$featlist->{"allcomponentsuntuneable"}} ){ |
if ($1 eq $_ ) { |
push @keep_weights, $line; |
} |
} |
my ($longname, $valuesStr) = ($1, $2); |
next if (!defined($valuesStr)); |
print $valuesStr; |
my @values = split(/ /, $valuesStr); |
my $valcnt = 0; |
foreach my $value (@values) { |
if ($value =~ /^[+-]?[0-9.\-e]+$/) { |
$oldvalues{$longname}{$valcnt} = $value; |
} |
$valcnt++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
elsif (defined($P{$parameter})) { |
while ($line = <$ini_fh>) { |
last if $line =~ /^\[/; |
} |
} |
else { |
print $out "[$parameter]\n"; |
while ($line = <$ini_fh>) { |
last if $line =~ /^\[/; |
print $out $line; |
} |
} |
} |
foreach my $parameter (sort keys %P) { |
print $out "\n[$parameter]\n"; |
foreach (@{$P{$parameter}}) { |
print $out $_."\n"; |
} |
} |
print $out "[weight]\n"; |
my $prevName = ""; |
my $outStr = ""; |
my $valcnt = 0; |
my $offset = 0; |
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) { |
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i]; |
my $val = $featlist->{"values"}->[$i]; |
if ($prevName ne $name) { |
print $out "$outStr\n"; |
$valcnt = 0; |
$outStr = "$name="; |
$prevName = $name; |
while (defined $featlist->{"skippeduntuneablecomponents"}->{$name}{$valcnt+$offset}) { |
$outStr .= " $oldvalues{$name}{$valcnt+$offset}"; |
$offset++; |
} |
} |
$outStr .= " $val"; |
$valcnt++; |
while (defined $featlist->{"skippeduntuneablecomponents"}->{$name}{$valcnt+$offset}) { |
$outStr .= " $oldvalues{$name}{$valcnt+$offset}"; |
$offset++; |
} |
} |
print $out "$outStr\n"; |
for (@keep_weights) { |
print $out $_; |
} |
close $ini_fh; |
close $out; |
print STDERR "Saved: $outfn\n"; |
} |
sub substitute_ttable { |
my ($old_ini, $new_ini, $new_ttable, $ttable_type) = @_; |
$ttable_type = "0" unless defined($ttable_type); |
open(NEW_INI,">$new_ini") || die "Failed to create $new_ini"; |
open(INI,$old_ini) || die "Failed to open $old_ini"; |
while(<INI>) { |
if (/\[ttable-file\]/) { |
print NEW_INI "[ttable-file]\n"; |
my $ttable_config = <INI>; |
chomp $ttable_config; |
my @ttable_fields = split /\s+/, $ttable_config; |
$ttable_fields[0] = $ttable_type; |
$ttable_fields[4] = $new_ttable; |
print NEW_INI join(" ", @ttable_fields) . "\n"; |
} else { |
print NEW_INI; |
} |
} |
close NEW_INI; |
close INI; |
} |
sub safesystem { |
print STDERR "Executing: @_\n"; |
system(@_); |
if ($? == -1) { |
warn "Failed to execute: @_\n $!"; |
exit(1); |
} elsif ($? & 127) { |
printf STDERR "Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", |
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'; |
exit(1); |
} else { |
my $exitcode = $? >> 8; |
warn "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode; |
return ! $exitcode; |
} |
} |
sub ensure_full_path { |
my $PATH = shift; |
$PATH =~ s/\/nfsmnt//; |
return $PATH if $PATH =~ /^\//; |
my $dir = Cwd::getcwd(); |
$PATH = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $PATH); |
$PATH =~ s/[\r\n]//g; |
$PATH =~ s/\/\.\//\//g; |
$PATH =~ s/\/+/\//g; |
my $sanity = 0; |
while($PATH =~ /\/\.\.\// && $sanity++ < 10) { |
$PATH =~ s/\/+/\//g; |
$PATH =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\.\.\//\//g; |
} |
$PATH =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\.\.$//; |
$PATH =~ s/\/+$//; |
$PATH =~ s/\/nfsmnt//; |
return $PATH; |
} |
sub submit_or_exec { |
my ($cmd, $stdout, $stderr, $threads) = @_; |
print STDERR "exec: $cmd\n"; |
if (defined $___JOBS && $___JOBS > 1) { |
my $queue_flags_for_this_command = $queue_flags; |
$threads = 1 unless defined($threads); |
$queue_flags_for_this_command =~ s/(\-pe smp) \d+/$1 $threads/; |
safesystem("$qsubwrapper $pass_old_sge -command='$cmd' -queue-parameter=\"$queue_flags_for_this_command\" -stdout=$stdout -stderr=$stderr" ) |
or die "ERROR: Failed to submit '$cmd' (via $qsubwrapper)"; |
} else { |
safesystem("$cmd > $stdout 2> $stderr") or die "ERROR: Failed to run '$cmd'."; |
} |
} |
sub create_extractor_script() { |
my ($cmd, $outdir) = @_; |
my $script_path = File::Spec->catfile($outdir, "extractor.sh"); |
open my $out, '>', $script_path |
or die "Couldn't open $script_path for writing: $!\n"; |
print $out "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n"; |
print $out "cd $outdir\n"; |
print $out "$cmd\n"; |
close $out; |
`chmod +x $script_path`; |
return $script_path; |
} |
sub save_finished_step { |
my ($filename, $step) = @_; |
open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "$filename: $!"; |
print $fh $step . "\n"; |
close $fh; |
} |
sub setup_reference_length_type { |
if (($___CLOSEST + $___AVERAGE + $___SHORTEST) > 1) { |
die "You can specify just ONE reference length strategy (closest or shortest or average) not both\n"; |
} |
if ($___SHORTEST) { |
return " reflen:shortest"; |
} elsif ($___AVERAGE) { |
return " reflen:average"; |
} elsif ($___CLOSEST) { |
return " reflen:closest"; |
} else { |
return ""; |
} |
} |
sub setup_case_config { |
if ($___NOCASE) { |
return " case:false"; |
} else { |
return " case:true"; |
} |
} |
sub is_mac_osx { |
return ($^O eq "darwin") ? 1 : 0; |
} |