# # Copyright (c) 2013-present, Anoop Kunchukuttan # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # #Program for text written in one Indic script to another based on Unicode mappings. # # @author Anoop Kunchukuttan # import sys, string, itertools, re, os from collections import defaultdict from indicnlp import common from indicnlp import langinfo from indicnlp.script import indic_scripts as isc from indicnlp.transliterate.sinhala_transliterator import SinhalaDevanagariTransliterator as sdt import pandas as pd OFFSET_TO_ITRANS={} ITRANS_TO_OFFSET=defaultdict(list) DUPLICATE_ITRANS_REPRESENTATIONS={} def init(): """ To be called by library loader, do not call it in your program """ ### Load the ITRANS-script offset map. The map was initially generated using the snippet below (uses the old itrans transliterator) ### The map is modified as needed to accomodate extensions and corrections to the mappings # # base=0x900 # l=[] # for i in range(0,0x80): # c=chr(base+i) # itrans=ItransTransliterator.to_itrans(c,'hi') # l.append((hex(i),c,itrans)) # print(l) # # pd.DataFrame(l,columns=['offset_hex','devnag_char','itrans']).to_csv('offset_itrans_map.csv',index=False,encoding='utf-8') itrans_map_fname=os.path.join(common.get_resources_path(),'transliterate','offset_itrans_map.csv') #itrans_map_fname=r'D:\src\python_sandbox\src\offset_itrans_map.csv' itrans_df=pd.read_csv(itrans_map_fname,encoding='utf-8') global OFFSET_TO_ITRANS, ITRANS_TO_OFFSET, DUPLICATE_ITRANS_REPRESENTATIONS for r in itrans_df.iterrows(): itrans=r[1]['itrans'] o=int(r[1]['offset_hex'],base=16) OFFSET_TO_ITRANS[o]=itrans if langinfo.is_consonant_offset(o): ### for consonants, strip the schwa - add halant offset ITRANS_TO_OFFSET[itrans[:-1]].extend([o,0x4d]) else: ### the append assumes that the maatra always comes after independent vowel in the df ITRANS_TO_OFFSET[itrans].append(o) DUPLICATE_ITRANS_REPRESENTATIONS = { 'A': 'aa', 'I': 'ii', 'U': 'uu', 'RRi': 'R^i', 'RRI': 'R^I', 'LLi': 'L^i', 'LLI': 'L^I', 'L': 'ld', 'w': 'v', 'x': 'kSh', 'gj': 'j~n', 'dny': 'j~n', '.n': '.m', 'M': '.m', 'OM': 'AUM' } class UnicodeIndicTransliterator(object): """ Base class for rule-based transliteration among Indian languages. Script pair specific transliterators should derive from this class and override the transliterate() method. They can call the super class 'transliterate()' method to avail of the common transliteration """ @staticmethod def _correct_tamil_mapping(offset): # handle missing unaspirated and voiced plosives in Tamil script # replace by unvoiced, unaspirated plosives # for first 4 consonant rows of varnamala # exception: ja has a mapping in Tamil if offset>=0x15 and offset<=0x28 and \ offset!=0x1c and \ not ( (offset-0x15)%5==0 or (offset-0x15)%5==4 ) : subst_char=(offset-0x15)//5 offset=0x15+5*subst_char # for 5th consonant row of varnamala if offset in [ 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d]: offset=0x2a # 'sh' becomes 'Sh' if offset==0x36: offset=0x37 return offset @staticmethod def transliterate(text,lang1_code,lang2_code): """ convert the source language script (lang1) to target language script (lang2) text: text to transliterate lang1_code: language 1 code lang1_code: language 2 code """ if lang1_code in langinfo.SCRIPT_RANGES and lang2_code in langinfo.SCRIPT_RANGES: # if Sinhala is source, do a mapping to Devanagari first if lang1_code=='si': text=sdt.sinhala_to_devanagari(text) lang1_code='hi' # if Sinhala is target, make Devanagiri the intermediate target org_lang2_code='' if lang2_code=='si': lang2_code='hi' org_lang2_code='si' trans_lit_text=[] for c in text: newc=c offset=ord(c)-langinfo.SCRIPT_RANGES[lang1_code][0] if offset >=langinfo.COORDINATED_RANGE_START_INCLUSIVE and offset <= langinfo.COORDINATED_RANGE_END_INCLUSIVE: if lang2_code=='ta': # tamil exceptions offset=UnicodeIndicTransliterator._correct_tamil_mapping(offset) newc=chr(langinfo.SCRIPT_RANGES[lang2_code][0]+offset) trans_lit_text.append(newc) # if Sinhala is source, do a mapping to Devanagari first if org_lang2_code=='si': return sdt.devanagari_to_sinhala(''.join(trans_lit_text)) return ''.join(trans_lit_text) else: return text class ItransTransliterator(object): """ Transliterator between Indian scripts and ITRANS """ @staticmethod def to_itrans(text,lang_code): if lang_code in langinfo.SCRIPT_RANGES: if lang_code=='ml': # Change from chillus characters to corresponding consonant+halant text=text.replace('\u0d7a','\u0d23\u0d4d') text=text.replace('\u0d7b','\u0d28\u0d4d') text=text.replace('\u0d7c','\u0d30\u0d4d') text=text.replace('\u0d7d','\u0d32\u0d4d') text=text.replace('\u0d7e','\u0d33\u0d4d') text=text.replace('\u0d7f','\u0d15\u0d4d') offsets = [ isc.get_offset(c,lang_code) for c in text ] ### naive lookup # itrans_l = [ OFFSET_TO_ITRANS.get(o, '-' ) for o in offsets ] itrans_l=[] for o in offsets: itrans=OFFSET_TO_ITRANS.get(o, chr(langinfo.SCRIPT_RANGES[lang_code][0]+o) ) if langinfo.is_halanta_offset(o): itrans='' if len(itrans_l)>0: itrans_l.pop() elif langinfo.is_vowel_sign_offset(o) and len(itrans_l)>0: itrans_l.pop() itrans_l.extend(itrans) return ''.join(itrans_l) else: return text @staticmethod def from_itrans(text,lang): """ TODO: Document this method properly TODO: A little hack is used to handle schwa: needs to be documented TODO: check for robustness """ MAXCODE=4 ### TODO: Needs to be fixed ## handle_duplicate_itrans_representations for k, v in DUPLICATE_ITRANS_REPRESENTATIONS.items(): if k in text: text=text.replace(k,v) start=0 match=None solution=[] i=start+1 while i<=len(text): itrans=text[start:i] # print('===') # print('i: {}'.format(i)) # if i0 and langinfo.is_halanta(solution[-1],lang): offs=[offs[1]] ## dependent vowel else: offs=[offs[0]] ## independent vowel c=''.join([ langinfo.offset_to_char(x,lang) for x in offs ]) match=(i,c) elif len(itrans)==1: ## unknown character match=(i,itrans) elif i ") sys.exit(1) if sys.argv[1]=='transliterate': src_language=sys.argv[4] tgt_language=sys.argv[5] with open(sys.argv[2],'r', encoding='utf-8') as ifile: with open(sys.argv[3],'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile: for line in ifile.readlines(): transliterated_line=UnicodeIndicTransliterator.transliterate(line,src_language,tgt_language) ofile.write(transliterated_line) elif sys.argv[1]=='romanize': language=sys.argv[4] ### temp fix to replace anusvara with corresponding nasal #r1_nasal=re.compile(ur'\u0902([\u0915-\u0918])') #r2_nasal=re.compile(ur'\u0902([\u091a-\u091d])') #r3_nasal=re.compile(ur'\u0902([\u091f-\u0922])') #r4_nasal=re.compile(ur'\u0902([\u0924-\u0927])') #r5_nasal=re.compile(ur'\u0902([\u092a-\u092d])') with open(sys.argv[2],'r', encoding='utf-8') as ifile: with open(sys.argv[3],'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile: for line in ifile.readlines(): ### temp fix to replace anusvara with corresponding nasal #line=r1_nasal.sub(u'\u0919\u094D\\1',line) #line=r2_nasal.sub(u'\u091e\u094D\\1',line) #line=r3_nasal.sub(u'\u0923\u094D\\1',line) #line=r4_nasal.sub(u'\u0928\u094D\\1',line) #line=r5_nasal.sub(u'\u092e\u094D\\1',line) transliterated_line=ItransTransliterator.to_itrans(line,language) ## temp fix to replace 'ph' to 'F' to match with Urdu transliteration scheme transliterated_line=transliterated_line.replace('ph','f') ofile.write(transliterated_line) elif sys.argv[1]=='indicize': language=sys.argv[4] with open(sys.argv[2],'r', encoding='utf-8') as ifile: with open(sys.argv[3],'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile: for line in ifile.readlines(): transliterated_line=ItransTransliterator.from_itrans(line,language) ofile.write(transliterated_line)