import unittest from onmt.modules.embeddings import Embeddings import itertools from copy import deepcopy import torch from onmt.tests.utils_for_tests import product_dict class TestEmbeddings(unittest.TestCase): INIT_CASES = list(product_dict( word_vec_size=[172], word_vocab_size=[319], word_padding_idx=[17], position_encoding=[False, True], feat_merge=["first", "concat", "sum", "mlp"], feat_vec_exponent=[-1, 1.1, 0.7], feat_vec_size=[0, 200], feat_padding_idx=[[], [29], [0, 1]], feat_vocab_sizes=[[], [39], [401, 39]], dropout=[0, 0.5], freeze_word_vecs=[False, True] )) PARAMS = list(product_dict( batch_size=[1, 14], max_seq_len=[23] )) @classmethod def case_is_degenerate(cls, case): no_feats = len(case["feat_vocab_sizes"]) == 0 if case["feat_merge"] != "first" and no_feats: return True if case["feat_merge"] == "first" and not no_feats: return True if case["feat_merge"] == "concat" and case["feat_vec_exponent"] != -1: return True if no_feats and case["feat_vec_exponent"] != -1: return True if len(case["feat_vocab_sizes"]) != len(case["feat_padding_idx"]): return True if case["feat_vec_size"] == 0 and case["feat_vec_exponent"] <= 0: return True if case["feat_merge"] == "sum": if case["feat_vec_exponent"] != -1: return True if case["feat_vec_size"] != 0: return True if case["feat_vec_size"] != 0 and case["feat_vec_exponent"] != -1: return True return False @classmethod def cases(cls): for case in cls.INIT_CASES: if not cls.case_is_degenerate(case): yield case @classmethod def dummy_inputs(cls, params, init_case): max_seq_len = params["max_seq_len"] batch_size = params["batch_size"] fv_sizes = init_case["feat_vocab_sizes"] n_words = init_case["word_vocab_size"] voc_sizes = [n_words] + fv_sizes pad_idxs = [init_case["word_padding_idx"]] + \ init_case["feat_padding_idx"] lengths = torch.randint(0, max_seq_len, (batch_size,)) lengths[0] = max_seq_len inps = torch.empty((max_seq_len, batch_size, len(voc_sizes)), dtype=torch.long) for f, (voc_size, pad_idx) in enumerate(zip(voc_sizes, pad_idxs)): for b, len_ in enumerate(lengths): inps[:len_, b, f] = torch.randint(0, voc_size-1, (len_,)) inps[len_:, b, f] = pad_idx return inps @classmethod def expected_shape(cls, params, init_case): wvs = init_case["word_vec_size"] fvs = init_case["feat_vec_size"] nf = len(init_case["feat_vocab_sizes"]) size = wvs if init_case["feat_merge"] not in {"sum", "mlp"}: size += nf * fvs return params["max_seq_len"], params["batch_size"], size def test_embeddings_forward_shape(self): for params, init_case in itertools.product(self.PARAMS, self.cases()): emb = Embeddings(**init_case) dummy_in = self.dummy_inputs(params, init_case) res = emb(dummy_in) expected_shape = self.expected_shape(params, init_case) self.assertEqual(res.shape, expected_shape, init_case.__str__()) def test_embeddings_trainable_params(self): for params, init_case in itertools.product(self.PARAMS, self.cases()): emb = Embeddings(**init_case) trainable_params = {n: p for n, p in emb.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad} # first check there's nothing unexpectedly not trainable for key in emb.state_dict(): if key not in trainable_params: if key.endswith("emb_luts.0.weight") and \ init_case["freeze_word_vecs"]: # ok: word embeddings shouldn't be trainable # if word vecs are freezed continue if key.endswith(""): # ok: positional encodings shouldn't be trainable assert init_case["position_encoding"] continue else:"Param {:s} is unexpectedly not " "trainable.".format(key)) # then check nothing unexpectedly trainable if init_case["freeze_word_vecs"]: self.assertFalse( any(trainable_param.endswith("emb_luts.0.weight") for trainable_param in trainable_params), "Word embedding is trainable but word vecs are freezed.") if init_case["position_encoding"]: self.assertFalse( any(trainable_p.endswith("") for trainable_p in trainable_params), "Positional encoding is trainable.") def test_embeddings_trainable_params_update(self): for params, init_case in itertools.product(self.PARAMS, self.cases()): emb = Embeddings(**init_case) trainable_params = {n: p for n, p in emb.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad} if len(trainable_params) > 0: old_weights = deepcopy(trainable_params) dummy_in = self.dummy_inputs(params, init_case) res = emb(dummy_in) pretend_loss = res.sum() pretend_loss.backward() dummy_optim = torch.optim.SGD(trainable_params.values(), 1) dummy_optim.step() for param_name in old_weights.keys(): self.assertTrue( trainable_params[param_name] .ne(old_weights[param_name]).any(), param_name + " " + init_case.__str__())