# -*- makefile -*- casing1 ?= truecase casing2 ?= truecase word-alignment ?= fast moses.threads = $(shell parallel --number-of-cores) # numerical constants for moses moses.inputtype.plaintext = 0 PHRASE_TABLES = $(ptable) LANGUAGE_MODELS = $(lmodel) DISTORTION_MODELS = $(lexdm) # defaults ptable = model/tm/bin/${L1}-${L2} lmodel = model/lm/${L2}/kenlm lexdm_specs = wbe-mslr-bidirectional-fe-allff lexdm = model/dm/bin/${L1}-${L2}/${dflt_lexdmodel_specs} ptable.max-phrase-length ?= 7 ptable.smoothing ?= --GoodTuring ptable.source-factors ?= 0 ptable.target-factors ?= 0 ptable.num-features ?= 5 ptable.implemetation ?= 1 # reminder: implementation types: # 0 - text # 1 - binary via processPhraseTable # 14 - based on dynamic suffix arrays # if you don't provide the phrase table, you must # specify the components of the word-aligned corpus # as target-specific variable assignments model/tm/bin/${L1}-${L2}: ptable.L1_text = ${ model/tm/bin/${L1}-${L2}: ptable.smoothing = --GoodTuring # source corpus and parameters here: # reordering model dmodel.type = wbe dmodel.orientation = mslr dmodel.direction = bidirectional dmodel.language = fe dmodel.collapsing = allff dmodel.smooth = 0.5 dmodel.num-feats = 9 dmodel.description = $(addprefix ${dmodel.type}-${dmodel.orientation}-,\ ${dmodel.direction}-${dmodel.language}-${dmodel.collapsing}) distortion-limit = 6 # DEFAULT TUNING PARAMETERS FACTORSEP ?= \n mert.nbest = 100 mert.extra-flags ?= mert.extra-flags += --no-filter-phrase-table mert.decoder-flags = -threads ${moses.threads} -fd '${FACTORSEP}'