#!/usr/bin/env perl # # This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General # Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version. use warnings; use strict; use utf8; binmode STDIN, ":utf8"; binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"; binmode STDERR, ":utf8"; sub NumStr($); my $NUM_SPLIT_LINES = $ARGV[0]; my $TMPDIR = $ARGV[1]; $TMPDIR = "$TMPDIR/tmp.$$"; mkdir $TMPDIR; print STDERR "TMPDIR=$TMPDIR \n"; my $cmd = ""; for (my $i = 2; $i < scalar(@ARGV); ++$i) { $cmd .= $ARGV[$i] ." "; } # split input file open (INPUT_ALL, "> $TMPDIR/input.all"); binmode INPUT_ALL, ":utf8"; while (my $line = ) { chomp($line); print INPUT_ALL $line."\n"; } close(INPUT_ALL); my $cmd2 = "split -l $NUM_SPLIT_LINES -a 5 -d $TMPDIR/input.all $TMPDIR/x"; `$cmd2`; # create exec file open (EXEC, "> $TMPDIR/exec"); binmode EXEC, ":utf8"; # execute in parallel print STDERR "executing\n"; my $i = 0; my $filePath = "$TMPDIR/x" .NumStr($i); while (-f $filePath) { print EXEC "$cmd < $filePath > $filePath.out\n"; ++$i; $filePath = "$TMPDIR/x" .NumStr($i); } close (EXEC); $cmd2 = "parallel < $TMPDIR/exec"; `$cmd2`; # concatenate print STDERR "concatenating\n"; $i = 1; my $firstPath = "$TMPDIR/x" .NumStr(0) .".out"; $filePath = "$TMPDIR/x" .NumStr($i) .".out"; while (-f $filePath) { $cmd = "cat $filePath >> $firstPath"; `$cmd`; ++$i; $filePath = "$TMPDIR/x" .NumStr($i) .".out"; } # output open (OUTPUT_ALL, "$firstPath"); binmode OUTPUT_ALL, ":utf8"; while (my $line = ) { chomp($line); print "$line\n"; } close(OUTPUT_ALL); $cmd = "rm -rf $TMPDIR/"; `$cmd`; ########################################### sub NumStr($) { my $i = shift; my $numStr; if ($i < 10) { $numStr = "000000$i"; } elsif ($i < 100) { $numStr = "00000$i"; } elsif ($i < 1000) { $numStr = "0000$i"; } elsif ($i < 10000) { $numStr = "000$i"; } elsif ($i < 100000) { $numStr = "00$i"; } elsif ($i < 1000000) { $numStr = "0$i"; } else { $numStr = $i; } return $numStr; }