#!/usr/bin/env perl # # This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General # Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version. use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long "GetOptions"; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use File::Basename; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; my $BITPAR = "/exports/home/s0565741/work/bin/bitpar"; my $TMPDIR = "tmp"; my $SCRIPTS_ROOT_DIR = "$RealBin/../.."; my $DEESCAPE = "$SCRIPTS_ROOT_DIR/tokenizer/deescape-special-chars.perl"; my $DEBUG = 0; my $BASIC = 0; my $OLD_BITPAR = 0; my $UNPARSEABLE = 0; my $RAW = ""; GetOptions( "basic" => \$BASIC, "bitpar=s" => \$BITPAR, "old-bitpar" => \$OLD_BITPAR, "raw=s" => \$RAW, "unparseable" => \$UNPARSEABLE ) or die("ERROR: unknown options"); `mkdir -p $TMPDIR`; my ($scriptname, $directories) = fileparse($0); my ($TMP, $tmpfile) = tempfile("$scriptname-XXXXXXXXXX", DIR=>$TMPDIR, UNLINK=>1); if ($OLD_BITPAR) { open(INPUT,"$DEESCAPE | iconv -c -f UTF-8 -t iso-8859-1 |"); } else { open (INPUT,"$DEESCAPE |"); } while() { my $hasWords = 0; foreach (split) { if ($OLD_BITPAR) { s/\(/\*LRB\*/g; s/\)/\*RRB\*/g; } print $TMP $_."\n"; $hasWords = 1; } if ($hasWords == 0) { print $TMP " \n"; } print $TMP "\n"; } close($TMP); my $pipeline = "cat $tmpfile | $BITPAR/BitPar/src/bitpar -ts '()' -s TOP -v $BITPAR/GermanParser/Tiger/grammar $BITPAR/GermanParser/Tiger/lexicon -u $BITPAR/GermanParser/Tiger/open-class-tags -w $BITPAR/GermanParser/Tiger/wordclass.txt |"; if ($RAW) { $pipeline .= "tee \"$RAW\" |"; } if ($OLD_BITPAR) { $pipeline .= "iconv -c -t UTF-8 -f iso-8859-1 |"; } open(PARSER,$pipeline); while(my $line = ) { if ($line =~ /^No parse for/) { if ($UNPARSEABLE) { my $len = length($line); $line = substr($line, 15, $len - 17); $line = escape($line); print $line; } print "\n"; next; } print STDERR $line if $DEBUG; chop($line); my @LABEL = (); my @OUT = (); for(my $i=0;$i node, # any (non-auxiliary) subtrees will instead be attached to the # parent (or closest non-auxiliary ancestor). } else { if ($label =~ /^\\\$(,|.|Par)$/) { $label = "PUNC$1"; } else { $label =~ s/\$/PUNC/g; # no $! $label =~ s/\|/:/g; # moses does not like bars $label =~ s/^[^A-Z]*([A-Z]+).*/$1/g if $BASIC; # basic labels only } push @OUT,""; } push @LABEL,$label; $i++ if substr($line,$i+1,1) eq " "; $i++ if substr($line,$i+1,1) eq " "; } elsif (substr($line,$i,1) eq ")") { die("ERROR: NO LABEL ON STACK") unless @LABEL; my $label = pop @LABEL; print STDERR substr(" ",0,scalar @LABEL)."END of $label\n" if $DEBUG; if (!&is_aux_label($label)) { push @OUT,""; } $i++ if substr($line,$i+1,1) eq " "; } elsif (substr($line,$i,3) eq "*T*") { die("ERROR: NO LABEL FOR TRACE") unless @LABEL; pop @LABEL; pop @OUT; #print "POPPING TRACE LABEL ", pop @OUT; my ($trace,$rest) = split(/\)/,substr($line,$i+1)); $i+=length($trace)+1; } else { my ($word,$rest) = split(/\)/,substr($line,$i)); if (substr($line,$i,2) eq "\\)") { $word = substr($line,$i,2); } $i+=length($word)-1; print STDERR substr(" ",0,scalar @LABEL)."WORD $word\n" if $DEBUG; push @OUT,&escape($word); } } die("ERROR: STACK NOT EMPTY $#LABEL\n") if @LABEL; my $first=1; foreach (@OUT) { print " " unless $first; s/\\//; if ($OLD_BITPAR) { s/\*RRB\*/\)/g; s/\*LRB\*/\(/g; } print $_; $first = 0; } print "\n"; } sub is_aux_label { my ($label) = @_; return ($label =~ /^\\<.*\\>$/); } sub escape { my ($text) = @_; $text =~ s/&/&/g; $text =~ s/\|/|/g; $text =~ s//>/g; $text =~ s/'/'/g; $text =~ s/"/"/g; $text =~ s/\[/[/g; $text =~ s/\]/]/g; return $text; }