import click import torch from pathlib import Path import pkgutil from imagen_pytorch import load_imagen_from_checkpoint from imagen_pytorch.version import __version__ from import Collator from imagen_pytorch.utils import safeget from imagen_pytorch import ImagenTrainer, ElucidatedImagenConfig, ImagenConfig from datasets import load_dataset import json def exists(val): return val is not None def simple_slugify(text, max_length = 255): return text.replace('-', '_').replace(',', '').replace(' ', '_').replace('|', '--').strip('-_')[:max_length] def main(): pass def imagen(): pass @imagen.command(help = 'Sample from the Imagen model checkpoint') @click.option('--model', default = './', help = 'path to trained Imagen model') @click.option('--cond_scale', default = 5, help = 'conditioning scale (classifier free guidance) in decoder') @click.option('--load_ema', default = True, help = 'load EMA version of unets if available') @click.argument('text') def sample( model, cond_scale, load_ema, text ): model_path = Path(model) full_model_path = str(model_path.resolve()) assert model_path.exists(), f'model not found at {full_model_path}' loaded = torch.load(str(model_path)) # get version version = safeget(loaded, 'version') print(f'loading Imagen from {full_model_path}, saved at version {version} - current package version is {__version__}') # get imagen parameters and type imagen = load_imagen_from_checkpoint(str(model_path), load_ema_if_available = load_ema) imagen.cuda() # generate image pil_image = imagen.sample(text, cond_scale = cond_scale, return_pil_images = True) image_path = f'./{simple_slugify(text)}.png' pil_image[0].save(image_path) print(f'image saved to {str(image_path)}') return @imagen.command(help = 'Generate a config for the Imagen model') @click.option('--path', default = './imagen_config.json', help = 'Path to the Imagen model config') def config( path ): data = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, 'default_config.json').decode("utf-8") with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(data) @imagen.command(help = 'Train the Imagen model') @click.option('--config', default = './imagen_config.json', help = 'Path to the Imagen model config') @click.option('--unet', default = 1, help = 'Unet to train', type = click.IntRange(1, 3, False, True, True)) @click.option('--epoches', default = 1000, help = 'Amount of epoches to train for') @click.option('--text', required = False, help = 'Text to sample with between epoches', type=str) @click.option('--valid', is_flag = False, flag_value=50, default = 0, help = 'Do validation between epoches', show_default = True) def train( config, unet, epoches, text, valid ): # check config path config_path = Path(config) full_config_path = str(config_path.resolve()) assert config_path.exists(), f'config not found at {full_config_path}' with open(config_path, 'r') as f: config_data = json.loads( assert 'checkpoint_path' in config_data, 'checkpoint path not found in config' model_path = Path(config_data['checkpoint_path']) full_model_path = str(model_path.resolve()) # setup imagen config imagen_config_klass = ElucidatedImagenConfig if config_data['type'] == 'elucidated' else ImagenConfig imagen = imagen_config_klass(**config_data['imagen']).create() trainer = ImagenTrainer( imagen = imagen, **config_data['trainer'] ) # load pt if model_path.exists(): loaded = torch.load(str(model_path)) version = safeget(loaded, 'version') print(f'loading Imagen from {full_model_path}, saved at version {version} - current package version is {__version__}') trainer.load(model_path) if torch.cuda.is_available(): trainer = trainer.cuda() size = config_data['imagen']['image_sizes'][unet-1] max_batch_size = config_data['max_batch_size'] if 'max_batch_size' in config_data else 1 channels = 'RGB' if 'channels' in config_data['imagen']: assert config_data['imagen']['channels'] > 0 and config_data['imagen']['channels'] < 5, 'Imagen only support 1 to 4 channels L, LA, RGB, RGBA' if config_data['imagen']['channels'] == 4: channels = 'RGBA' # Color with alpha elif config_data['imagen']['channels'] == 2: channels == 'LA' # Luminance (Greyscale) with alpha elif config_data['imagen']['channels'] == 1: channels = 'L' # Luminance (Greyscale) assert 'batch_size' in config_data['dataset'], 'A batch_size is required in the config file' # load and add train dataset and valid dataset ds = load_dataset(config_data['dataset_name']) trainer.add_train_dataset( ds = ds['train'], collate_fn = Collator( image_size = size, image_label = config_data['image_label'], text_label = config_data['text_label'], url_label = config_data['url_label'], name = imagen.text_encoder_name, channels = channels ), **config_data['dataset'] ) if not trainer.split_valid_from_train and valid != 0: assert 'valid' in ds, 'There is no validation split in the dataset' trainer.add_valid_dataset( ds = ds['valid'], collate_fn = Collator( image_size = size, image_label = config_data['image_label'], text_label= config_data['text_label'], url_label = config_data['url_label'], name = imagen.text_encoder_name, channels = channels ), **config_data['dataset'] ) for i in range(epoches): loss = trainer.train_step(unet_number = unet, max_batch_size = max_batch_size) print(f'loss: {loss}') if valid != 0 and not (i % valid) and i > 0: valid_loss = trainer.valid_step(unet_number = unet, max_batch_size = max_batch_size) print(f'valid loss: {valid_loss}') if not (i % 100) and i > 0 and trainer.is_main and text is not None: images = trainer.sample(texts = [text], batch_size = 1, return_pil_images = True, stop_at_unet_number = unet) images[0].save(f'./sample-{i // 100}.png')