{ "56be4db0acb8001400a502ec": ". The American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos", "56be4db0acb8001400a502ed": ", as well as temporarily suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game", "56be4db0acb8001400a502ee": "\u201310 to earn their third Super Bowl title. The game was played on February 7", "56be4db0acb8001400a502ef": "\" with various gold", "56be4db0acb8001400a502f0": "the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L\"", "56be8e613aeaaa14008c90d1": "Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine", "56be8e613aeaaa14008c90d2": "American Football Conference", "56be8e613aeaaa14008c90d3": "prominently feature the", "56bea9923aeaaa14008c91b9": "Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine", "56bea9923aeaaa14008c91ba": "third Super Bowl title. The game was played on", "56bea9923aeaaa14008c91bb": "as well as temporarily suspending the tradition of", "56beace93aeaaa14008c91df": "temporarily suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which", "56beace93aeaaa14008c91e0": "game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L\"), so that the logo could prominently feature the Arabic numer", "56beace93aeaaa14008c91e1": "season. The American Football Conference (", "56beace93aeaaa14008c91e2": "(under which the game would have been known as \"", "56beace93aeaaa14008c91e3": "s (under", "56bf10f43aeaaa14008c94fd": "\"", "56bf10f43aeaaa14008c94fe": "season. The American Football Conference (", "56bf10f43aeaaa14008c94ff": "in the San Francisco Bay Area at Santa Clara, California. As this was the 50th Super Bowl, the league emphasized the \"golden anniversary", "56bf10f43aeaaa14008c9500": "Bowl title. The game was played on February 7, 2016, at Levi's Stadium in the San Francisco Bay Area at Santa", "56bf10f43aeaaa14008c9501": ", 2016,", "56d20362e7d4791d009025e8": "that the logo could prominently feature the Arabic numer", "56d20362e7d4791d009025e9": "24\u201310 to earn their third Super Bowl title. The game was played on February 7, 2016, at Levi'", "56d20362e7d4791d009025ea": "suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known", "56d20362e7d4791d009025eb": "temporarily suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which", "56d600e31c85041400946eae": "FC) champion Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers 24\u2013", "56d600e31c85041400946eb0": "the 50th Super Bowl, the league emphasized the \"", "56d600e31c85041400946eb1": "played on February 7, 2016", "56d9895ddc89441400fdb50e": "\"Super Bowl L\"), so that the logo could prominently feature the", "56d9895ddc89441400fdb510": "golden anniversary", "56be4e1facb8001400a502f6": "Valuable Player (MVP)", "56be4e1facb8001400a502f9": "Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots a chance to defend their title", "56be4e1facb8001400a502fa": "\u201318", "56beaa4a3aeaaa14008c91c2": "). They defeated the Arizona Cardinals 49\u2013", "56beaa4a3aeaaa14008c91c3": "chance", "56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91e9": "record, and denied the New England Patriots a chance to defend their title from", "56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91ea": "defend their title from Super Bowl XLIX by defeating them", "56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91eb": "Game and advanced to their second Super Bowl appearance since the franchise was founded in 1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record,", "56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91ec": "The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots a chance to defend their", "56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91ed": "The Panthers finished the regular season with a 15\u20131 record, and quarterback", "56bf159b3aeaaa14008c9507": "the franchise was founded in 1995. The", "56bf159b3aeaaa14008c9508": "Pittsburgh Steelers as one of four teams", "56bf159b3aeaaa14008c9509": "Most Valuable Player (MVP).", "56bf159b3aeaaa14008c950a": "was founded in 1995.", "56bf159b3aeaaa14008c950b": "in the AFC", "56d2045de7d4791d009025f3": "20\u201318 in the", "56d2045de7d4791d009025f4": "Bowl appearance since the franchise was", "56d2045de7d4791d009025f5": "MVP). They defeated the Arizona Cardinals 49\u201315 in the NFC Championship Game and advanced to their second Super Bowl", "56d2045de7d4791d009025f6": "to defend their title from Super Bowl XLIX by defeating them 20\u201318 in the AFC Championship Game. They joined the Patriots, Dallas", "56d6017d1c85041400946ebe": "Most Valuable Player (MVP). They defeated the Arizona Cardinals 49\u201315 in the NFC Championship Game and advanced", "56d6017d1c85041400946ec1": "defeated the Arizona Cardinals 49\u201315 in the NFC Championship Game and advanced to their second Super Bowl appearance since the franchise was founded in", "56d6017d1c85041400946ec2": "record, and denied the New England Patriots a chance to defend their title from Super Bowl XLIX by defeating them 20", "56d98a59dc89441400fdb52a": "England", "56d98a59dc89441400fdb52b": ")", "56d98a59dc89441400fdb52e": "their", "56be4eafacb8001400a50302": "Miller was named Super Bowl MVP, recording five solo tackles,", "56be4eafacb8001400a50303": ", including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller was named Super Bowl MVP, recording five solo tackles", "56be4eafacb8001400a50304": "including a fumble which", "56beab833aeaaa14008c91d2": ",", "56beab833aeaaa14008c91d3": "empty", "56beab833aeaaa14008c91d4": "including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver", "56beae423aeaaa14008c91f4": "including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller was named Super Bowl MVP, recording five solo tackles, 2\u00bd", "56beae423aeaaa14008c91f5": "they recovered for a touchdown.", "56beae423aeaaa14008c91f6": "for a", "56beae423aeaaa14008c91f7": "which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller was named Super Bowl MVP, recording five solo tackles, 2\u00bd sacks, and", "56bf17653aeaaa14008c9511": "for a touchdown. Denver linebacker", "56bf17653aeaaa14008c9513": "empty", "56bf17653aeaaa14008c9514": "a fumble which they recovered for a", "56bf17653aeaaa14008c9515": "empty", "56d204ade7d4791d00902603": "recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller was named Super Bowl MVP, recording five solo tackles, 2\u00bd sacks, and two forced fumble", "56d204ade7d4791d00902604": "empty", "56d601e41c85041400946ece": "for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller was", "56d601e41c85041400946ecf": "Denver linebacker Von Miller was named Super Bowl MVP, recording five solo tackles, 2\u00bd sacks, and two", "56d601e41c85041400946ed0": "s, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller was named", "56d601e41c85041400946ed1": "was named Super Bowl MVP, recording five solo tackles", "56d601e41c85041400946ed2": "Bowl 50 and never trailed. Newton was limited by Denver's defense, which sacked him seven times and forced him into three turnover", "56d98b33dc89441400fdb53b": "trailed. Newton was limited by Denver's defense, which sacked him seven times and forced him into three turnovers, including a fumble which", "56d98b33dc89441400fdb53c": "and never trailed. Newton was limited by Denver's defense, which sacked him seven", "56d98b33dc89441400fdb53d": "forced him into three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller was named", "56d98b33dc89441400fdb53e": "The Broncos took an early lead in Super Bowl 50 and never trailed. Newton", "56be5333acb8001400a5030a": "average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. The Super Bowl", "56be5333acb8001400a5030b": "third-most watched U.", "56be5333acb8001400a5030c": "by the British rock", "56be5333acb8001400a5030d": ".S., and charged an average of", "56be5333acb8001400a5030e": "charged an average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headline", "56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c91fd": "headlined the Super Bowl X", "56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c91fe": "play", "56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c91ff": "50 halftime show was headlined by the British rock group Coldplay with special guest performers Beyonc\u00e9 and Bruno Mars, who headlined", "56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c9200": "halftime shows, respectively. It was the third", "56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c9201": "watched U.S", "56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951b": "show was headlined by the British rock group Coldplay with special guest", "56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951c": "-second commercial during the game. The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headlined by the British rock group Coldplay with", "56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951e": "d by the British rock", "56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951f": ". The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headlined by the British rock group Coldplay with", "56d2051ce7d4791d00902608": "Coldplay with special guest performers Beyonc\u00e9 and Bruno Mars, who headlined the Super Bowl XLVII and Super Bowl XLVIII halftime", "56d2051ce7d4791d00902609": "average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headline", "56d2051ce7d4791d0090260a": "performers Beyonc\u00e9 and Bruno Mars, who headline", "56d2051ce7d4791d0090260b": "It was the third-", "56d602631c85041400946ed8": "halftime shows, respectively. It was the third", "56d602631c85041400946eda": ".S., and charged an average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. The Super Bowl 50", "56d602631c85041400946edb": "The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headlined by the", "56d602631c85041400946edc": "a 30-second commercial during the game. The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headlined by the British rock group Coldplay with special guest performers", "56d98c53dc89441400fdb544": "the", "56d98c53dc89441400fdb545": "an average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headlined", "56d98c53dc89441400fdb546": "empty", "56d98c53dc89441400fdb548": "game. The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was", "56be53b8acb8001400a50314": "early 2012, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell stated that the league planned to", "56be53b8acb8001400a50315": "\"spectacular\" and that it would be \"", "56be53b8acb8001400a50316": "stated that the league planned to make the 50th Super Bowl \"spectacular\" and that it would be \"an important game", "56beafca3aeaaa14008c9207": "be \"an important game for us as a", "56beafca3aeaaa14008c9208": "empty", "56bf42f53aeaaa14008c95a3": "th Super Bowl \"spectacular\" and that it would be \"an important game for us as a league\"", "56d2053ae7d4791d00902610": "empty", "56d6edd00d65d21400198250": "empty", "56d6edd00d65d21400198251": "empty", "56d98d0adc89441400fdb54e": "empty", "56d98d0adc89441400fdb54f": "empty", "56be5438acb8001400a5031a": "' Mercedes-Benz Superdome, Miami's Sun Life Stadium, and the San Francisco Bay Area's", "56be5438acb8001400a5031b": "-Benz Superdome, Miami's Sun Life Stadium, and the San Francisco Bay Area's Levi", "56be5438acb8001400a5031c": "Orleans' Mercedes-Benz Superdome, Miami's Sun Life Stadium, and the San", "56beb03c3aeaaa14008c920b": "empty", "56beb03c3aeaaa14008c920d": "empty", "56bf3c633aeaaa14008c9580": "eventually narrowed the bids to three sites:", "56bf3c633aeaaa14008c9581": "'s Sun Life Stadium, and the San Francisco Bay Area", "56bf3c633aeaaa14008c9582": "empty", "56d20564e7d4791d00902612": ", Miami's Sun Life Stadium, and the San", "56d6ee6e0d65d21400198254": "narrowed the bids to three sites: New Orleans' Mercedes", "56d6ee6e0d65d21400198255": "Miami's", "56d6ee6e0d65d21400198256": "empty", "56d6ee6e0d65d21400198257": "Benz Superdome, Miami's Sun Life Stadium, and the San Francisco Bay Area's Levi's", "56d6ee6e0d65d21400198258": "the bids to three sites: New Orleans' Mercedes-Benz Superdome, Miami's Sun Life Stadium, and the San", "56d98db6dc89441400fdb552": ": New Orleans", "56d98db6dc89441400fdb553": "' Mercedes-Benz Superdome, Miami's Sun Life Stadium, and the San Francisco Bay Area", "56d98db6dc89441400fdb554": "The league eventually narrowed the bids to three sites: New Orleans' Mercedes-Benz Superdome,", "56be54bdacb8001400a50322": ", held at Stanford", "56be54bdacb8001400a50323": "Bowl XIX)", "56be54bdacb8001400a50324": "whether the stadium underwent renovations. However, on May 3, 2013, the Florida legislature refused to approve the funding plan to pay for the renovations, dealing", "56be54bdacb8001400a50325": ", that the two finalists were Sun", "56be54bdacb8001400a50326": "Levi's Stadium. The South Florida/Miami area has", "56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921b": "the most recent one being Super", "56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921c": "May 3,", "56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921d": "Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. The San Francisco Bay Area last", "56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921e": "last hosted in 1985 (Super Bowl XIX), held at Stanford Stadium in Stanford, California, won by the home team 49ers", "56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921f": ". The San Francisco Bay Area last hosted in 1985 (Super Bowl", "56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9525": "hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most", "56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9526": "the renovations, dealing a significant blow to Miami'", "56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9528": "a significant blow to Miami's", "56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9529": "The", "56d6ef6a0d65d21400198260": "previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in", "56d6ef6a0d65d21400198262": "Miami bid depended on whether the stadium underwent renovations. However, on May 3, 2013, the Florida legislature refused to approve the funding plan to pay for", "56d98f0ddc89441400fdb558": "the Florida legislature refused to approve the funding plan to pay for", "56d98f0ddc89441400fdb559": "South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the", "56d98f0ddc89441400fdb55a": "Sun Life Stadium and Levi's", "56d98f0ddc89441400fdb55b": "for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. The San Francisco Bay Area last hosted", "56d98f0ddc89441400fdb55c": "2010. The San Francisco Bay Area last hosted in 1985 (Super Bowl XIX)", "56be5523acb8001400a5032c": "Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in California since", "56be5523acb8001400a5032d": ", and the first in California since Super Bowl XXX", "56be5523acb8001400a5032e": "Stadium. The $1", "56be5523acb8001400a5032f": "game to Levi's Stadium. The $1.2 billion stadium opened in 2014. It", "56be5523acb8001400a50330": "San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in California since", "56beb2153aeaaa14008c9225": "Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in California since Super Bowl XXXVII took place in San Diego in", "56beb2153aeaaa14008c9226": "meetings in Boston voted and awarded the game to Levi's Stadium. The $1.2 billion stadium opened in 2014. It is the first Super", "56beb2153aeaaa14008c9227": "game to Levi's Stadium. The $1.2 billion stadium opened in 2014. It", "56beb2153aeaaa14008c9228": "in the San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and", "56beb2153aeaaa14008c9229": "and the first in California since Super Bowl XXXVII took place in San Diego in 2003.", "56bf23363aeaaa14008c952f": "in Boston voted and awarded the game to Levi's Stadium. The $1.2 billion stadium", "56bf23363aeaaa14008c9530": "Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in", "56bf23363aeaaa14008c9531": "2 billion stadium opened in 2014. It is the first Super Bowl held in the San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985", "56bf23363aeaaa14008c9532": "held in the San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in California since Super Bowl XXX", "56bf23363aeaaa14008c9533": "empty", "56d6f0770d65d21400198268": ".2 billion", "56d6f0770d65d21400198269": "in", "56d6f0770d65d2140019826a": "spring meetings in Boston voted and", "56d6f0770d65d2140019826c": "the first in California since Super Bowl XXXVII took place in San Diego in", "56d98fbfdc89441400fdb562": "their spring meetings in Boston voted and awarded", "56d98fbfdc89441400fdb563": "in", "56d98fbfdc89441400fdb564": "in the San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in California since Super Bowl XXXVII took", "56d98fbfdc89441400fdb565": "Super Bowl held in the San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in", "56be572b3aeaaa14008c9052": "only ten teams to have completed a regular season with only one loss, and one of only six teams to have acquired", "56beb2a03aeaaa14008c922f": "the third straight season, the number one seeds from both", "56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9230": ", while the Panthers made their second Super Bowl appearance in franchise history, their other appearance being Super Bowl XXX", "56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9231": "Denver Broncos became one of four teams to have made eight appearances in the Super", "56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9232": "appearance in three years, having reached", "56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9233": "one loss, and one of only six teams to have acquired a 15", "56bf28c73aeaaa14008c9539": "one of only ten teams to have completed a", "56bf28c73aeaaa14008c953a": "Panthers made their second Super Bowl appearance", "56bf28c73aeaaa14008c953c": "their second Super Bowl appearance in franchise history, their other appearance being Super Bowl XXXVIII. Coincidentally, both teams", "56bf28c73aeaaa14008c953d": "with only one loss,", "56d6f1190d65d21400198272": "loss, and one", "56d6f1190d65d21400198273": "Bowl. The Carolina Panthers became one of only ten teams to have completed a regular season with only one loss", "56d6f1190d65d21400198274": "Super Bowl appearance in three years, having reached Super Bowl XLVIII, while the Panthers made their second Super Bowl", "56d6f1190d65d21400198275": "one of four teams to have made eight appearances in the Super", "56d6f1190d65d21400198276": "eight appearances in the Super Bowl. The Broncos made their second Super Bowl appearance in three years, having reached Super", "56d99179dc89441400fdb56c": "and one of only six teams to have acquired a 15\u20131 record, while the Denver Broncos", "56d99179dc89441400fdb56d": "of only six teams to have acquired a 15\u20131 record, while the Denver Broncos became one", "56d99179dc89441400fdb570": "one loss, and one of only six teams to have acquired a 15\u20131 record, while the Denver Broncos became one of four teams to", "56be59683aeaaa14008c9058": "to a torn ACL in the preseason, the Carolina Panthers", "56be59683aeaaa14008c9059": "(", "56be59683aeaaa14008c905a": "league expanded to a 16-game schedule in 1978. Carolina started the season 14\u2013", "56beb3083aeaaa14008c923d": ", breaking the 13\u20130 record previously shared with the 2009 New Orleans Saints and the 2011 Green", "56beb3083aeaaa14008c923e": "a season", "56beb3083aeaaa14008c923f": "throughout the NFC playoffs for the first time in", "56beb3083aeaaa14008c9240": "with the 2009 New Orleans Saints and the 2011 Green Bay", "56beb3083aeaaa14008c9241": "Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin to", "56bf2afe3aeaaa14008c9543": "their best regular season in franchise history, becoming the seventh team to win at least 15 regular season games since the league expanded to a 16-", "56bf2afe3aeaaa14008c9544": "seventh team", "56bf2afe3aeaaa14008c9545": "season 14\u20130, not only setting franchise records for the best start and the longest single-season winning streak, but also", "56bf2afe3aeaaa14008c9547": "history) along", "56d6f2000d65d2140019827c": "with", "56d6f2000d65d2140019827d": "Carolina started the season 14\u20130, not only setting franchise records for the best start and the longest single-season winning streak", "56d6f2000d65d2140019827e": "becoming the seventh team to win at least 15 regular season games since the league expanded", "56d6f2000d65d2140019827f": "CL in the preseason, the Carolina Panthers had their best regular season in franchise history, becoming the seventh team to win at least 15 regular season games since", "56d9943fdc89441400fdb576": "league expanded to a 16-", "56d9943fdc89441400fdb577": "best start and the longest single-season", "56d9943fdc89441400fdb578": "16-game schedule in 1978. Carolina started the season 14\u20130, not only setting franchise records for the best start", "56d9943fdc89441400fdb57a": "becoming the seventh team", "56beb3a03aeaaa14008c9247": "rating of 99.4. Newton's leading receivers were", "56beb3a03aeaaa14008c9248": "punts for 277 yards. Other key receivers included veteran", "56beb3a03aeaaa14008c9249": "(35 passing, 10 rushing), a career-low 10 interceptions, and a career-best quarterback rating of 99.4. Newton's", "56beb3a03aeaaa14008c924a": "throwing for 3,8", "56beb3a03aeaaa14008c924b": "o Cotchery (39 receptions for 485 yards), rookie Devin Fun", "56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960b": "yards). The Panthers backfield featured Pro Bowl running back Jonathan Stewart, who led the team", "56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960c": ", rookie Devin Funchess (31 receptions for 473 yards and five touchdowns), and second", "56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960d": ", Jr., who caught 44 passes for 739 yards and 10 touchdowns;", "56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960e": "passing", "56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960f": "receptions for 447 yards). The Panthers backfield featured Pro", "56d6f2960d65d21400198286": ". The Panthers backfield featured Pro Bowl running back Jonathan Stewart, who led the team with 9", "56d6f2960d65d21400198287": "39 yards and 10 touchdowns; Ginn also rushed for 60 yards and returned 27 punts for 277 yards.", "56d6f2960d65d21400198288": "Funchess (31 receptions for 473 yards", "56d6f2960d65d21400198289": "s leading receivers were", "56d6f2960d65d2140019828a": "n, Jr., who caught 44 passes for 7", "56d997cddc89441400fdb586": "Funchess (31 receptions for 473 yards", "56d997cddc89441400fdb587": "rushed for 256 yards and caught 18 passes for another", "56d997cddc89441400fdb588": "(39 receptions for 485 yards), rookie Devin Funchess (31 receptions for 4", "56d997cddc89441400fdb589": ", throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636, while recording a career-high and league-leading 45", "56d997cddc89441400fdb58a": ", Jr., who caught 44 passes for", "56beb4343aeaaa14008c925b": "them, two of the Panthers three starting linebackers were also selected to play in the Pro Bowl: Thomas Davis and Luke Kuechly. Davis", "56beb4343aeaaa14008c925c": "led", "56beb4343aeaaa14008c925d": "fumbles, and four interceptions, while Kuechly led the team in tackles (118) forced two fumbles", "56beb4343aeaaa14008c925e": "and Pro Bowl cornerback Josh Norman, who developed into a shutdown", "56beb4343aeaaa14008c925f": "y Ealy, who had 5", "56d6f3500d65d21400198290": "cornerback Josh Norman", "56d6f3500d65d21400198291": "end Jared Allen, a 5-time pro bowler who was the", "56d6f3500d65d21400198292": "line also featured veteran defensive end Jared Allen, a 5-time pro bowler who was the NFL's active career sack leader with 1", "56d6f3500d65d21400198293": "league, while also leading the NFL in interceptions with 24 and boasting four Pro Bowl", "56d6f3500d65d21400198294": "selections. Pro Bowl defensive tackle Kawann Short led the team in sacks with 11, while", "56d9992fdc89441400fdb59c": "ing four Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl defensive tackle Kawann Short led the team in sacks with 11, while", "56d9992fdc89441400fdb59e": "of his own. Carolina", "56d9992fdc89441400fdb59f": "interceptions, while Kuechly led the team in tackles (118) forced two fumble", "56d9992fdc89441400fdb5a0": "\u00bd sacks, four forced fumbles,", "56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9265": "planned to install a run-oriented offense with zone blocking", "56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9266": "seed. Under defensive", "56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9267": "key 27\u201320 win that enabled the team", "56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9268": "itis in his left foot. He set the NFL's all-time record for career passing yards in this game, but was bench", "56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9269": "Colts in 1998, due to a plantar fasciitis injury in his heel that he had suffered since the summer, and", "56bf301c3aeaaa14008c954d": "a 7\u20130 start, Manning led the NFL in interceptions. In week 10, Manning suffered a partial tear of the plantar", "56bf301c3aeaaa14008c954e": "Chargers, resulting in", "56bf301c3aeaaa14008c954f": "the playoffs", "56bf301c3aeaaa14008c9550": "issues with the offense, the Broncos finished the regular season", "56bf301c3aeaaa14008c9551": "allowed and sacks, and like the previous three seasons, the team has continued", "56d6f4030d65d2140019829a": "-claiming the starting quarterback position for the playoffs by leading the team to a key 27\u201320 win", "56d6f4030d65d2140019829b": "well as Manning having his worst statistical season since his rookie year with the Indianapolis Colts in 1998", "56d6f4030d65d2140019829c": "Osweiler, who took over as the starter for most of the remainder of the regular season. Osweiler was injured,", "56d6f4030d65d2140019829d": "Broncos were losing", "56d6f4030d65d2140019829e": "allowed and sacks, and like", "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5c8": "key 27\u201320 win that", "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5c9": "team had a 7\u20130 start, Manning led the NFL in", "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5ca": "were losing 13\u20137 against the 4\u201311 San Diego Chargers, resulting in Manning re-claim", "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5cb": "win that enabled the team to clinch the number one overall AFC seed. Under defensive coordinator Wade Phillips, the Broncos' defense ranked number", "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5cc": "win that enabled the team to clinch the number one overall AFC seed. Under defensive coordinator Wade Phillips, the Broncos' defense ranked number one in", "56beb57b3aeaaa14008c9279": "made a big impact with 7", "56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927a": "touchdowns and six interceptions for a rating of 86", "56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927b": "with 46 receptions for 517 yards. Running back C. J. Anderson", "56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927c": "five touchdowns, 24 receptions, and a 4.7 yards per carry average. Overall,", "56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927d": "weiler threw for 1,967 yards, 10 touchdowns and six interceptions for a rating of 86.4.", "56bf38383aeaaa14008c956b": "In contrast, Osweiler threw for 1,967 yards, 10", "56bf38383aeaaa14008c956c": ", Osweiler threw for 1,967 yards", "56bf38383aeaaa14008c956d": "contrast, Osweiler threw for 1,967 yards, 10 touchdowns", "56bf38383aeaaa14008c956e": "24 receptions, and a 4.7 yards per carry average. Overall, the offense ranked 19th", "56bf38383aeaaa14008c956f": "Overall, the offense ranked", "56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a4": "and seven touchdowns, while also catching 25 passes for 183 yards. Running back Ronnie", "56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a5": "receptions, and a 4.7 yards", "56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a6": "the offense ranked 19th", "56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a7": "67.9 passer rating, throwing for 2", "56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d6": "catching 25 passes for 183 yards. Running back Ronnie Hillman also made a", "56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d7": "304 yards and six touchdowns, while Emmanuel Sanders caught 76 passes for", "56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d8": "yards. Running back C. J. Anderson was the team's leading rusher 863 yards and seven touchdowns, while also", "56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d9": "304 yards and six touchdowns, while", "56d99c44dc89441400fdb5da": "yards and seven touchdowns, while also catching 25 passes for 183 yards. Running back Ronnie Hill", "56beb6533aeaaa14008c928d": "led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware was selected to play in the", "56beb6533aeaaa14008c928e": "Harris, Jr. (two interceptions) were the other", "56beb6533aeaaa14008c9290": "athan ranked second with 102. Cornerbacks Aqib Talib (three interceptions) and Chris Harris, Jr. (two interceptions)", "56beb6533aeaaa14008c9291": "the first time in franchise history, and fourth in points allowed (296). Defensive ends Derek Wolfe and Malik Jackson each had 5\u00bd", "56bf3e803aeaaa14008c9588": "Wolfe and Malik Jackson each had 5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led", "56bf3e803aeaaa14008c9589": "Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus", "56bf3e803aeaaa14008c958b": ", and fourth in points", "56d6fea90d65d214001982ae": ". Defensive ends Derek Wolfe and Malik Jackson each had 5\u00bd sacks", "56d6fea90d65d214001982af": "interceptions) and Chris Harris, Jr. (two interceptions) were the", "56d6fea90d65d214001982b0": "four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware was selected to play in the Pro Bowl for the ninth time in his career,", "56d6fea90d65d214001982b2": "\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker De", "56d99da8dc89441400fdb5fd": "Defensive ends Derek Wolfe and Malik Jackson each had 5\u00bd sacks. Pro", "56d99da8dc89441400fdb5ff": "with 7\u00bd sacks. Linebacker Brandon Marshall led the team in total tackles with 109, while Danny Trevathan ranked second with", "56d99da8dc89441400fdb600": "(4,530) for the first time in franchise history, and fourth", "56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a1": "comeback attempt to win 31\u201324, avenging their elimination from a year earlier. The Panthers then blew out the Arizona Cardinals in the NFC Championship", "56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a2": "\u201324, avenging their elimination from a year", "56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a3": "up a 31\u20130 halftime lead and then holding", "56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a4": "15, racking up 487", "56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a5": "up 487 yards and forcing seven turnover", "56bf34293aeaaa14008c9559": "running up a 31\u2013", "56bf34293aeaaa14008c955a": ". The Panthers then blew out", "56bf34293aeaaa14008c955b": "venging their elimination from a year earlier. The Panthers", "56d701280d65d214001982b8": "Panthers", "56d701280d65d214001982ba": "0 halftime lead and then holding off a furious second half comeback attempt to win 31\u201324, avenging their elimination from", "56d701280d65d214001982bc": "15,", "56d99e78dc89441400fdb616": "holding off a furious second half comeback attempt to win 31\u201324, avenging their elimination from a year earlier. The Panthers then blew", "56d99e78dc89441400fdb618": "empty", "56d99e78dc89441400fdb619": "empty", "56d99e78dc89441400fdb61a": "a year earlier. The Panthers then blew out the Arizona Cardinals in the NFC", "56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ab": "clock. Despite Manning's problems with", "56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ac": "interceptions during the season, he didn't", "56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ad": "game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots in the AFC Championship Game, 20\u201318, by", "56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ae": "seconds left on the clock. Despite Manning's", "56beb7953aeaaa14008c92af": "Pittsburgh Steelers in the divisional round, 23\u2013", "56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9561": "Broncos defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers in the divisional round, 23\u201316, by scoring 11 points in", "56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9562": "The Broncos defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers in the", "56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9563": "game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots in the AFC Championship Game, 20\u201318, by", "56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9564": "round, 23\u201316, by scoring 11 points in the final three minutes of the game", "56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9565": ", 23\u201316, by", "56d7018a0d65d214001982c2": "the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots in the AFC Championship Game, 20\u2013", "56d7018a0d65d214001982c3": "'s 2-point conversion attempt with 17 seconds left on the clock. Despite Manning's problems with interceptions during the season, he didn", "56d7018a0d65d214001982c5": ".", "56d99f99dc89441400fdb628": "Championship Game, 20\u201318, by intercepting a pass on New England's 2-point conversion attempt with 17", "56d99f99dc89441400fdb629": "Championship", "56d99f99dc89441400fdb62c": "of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots in the AFC Championship Game, 20\u201318, by intercepting", "56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b5": "a way to play", "56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b6": "Carolina suffered a major setback when Thomas Davis, an 11-year veteran who had already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went", "56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b7": "Championship Game", "56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b8": "a major setback when Thomas Davis, an 11-year veteran who had already", "56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9575": "empty", "56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9576": "empty", "56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9577": "a major setback when Thomas Davis, an 11-year veteran who had already", "56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9579": "who had already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game. Despite this, he insisted he", "56d703d10d65d214001982d6": "already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game. Despite this, he insisted he would", "56d703d10d65d214001982d7": "empty", "56d703d10d65d214001982d8": "he would still find a way to play in the", "56d9a026dc89441400fdb632": "-year veteran who", "56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92bd": "39. The past record was held by John Elway, who", "56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92be": "at age 39.", "56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92bf": "empty", "56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92c0": "The past record was held by John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38", "56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92c1": "held by John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl", "56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9591": "also the", "56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9592": "Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age", "56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9593": "quarterback ever to play in a Super Bowl at age 39. The past record was held by John Elway, who led", "56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9594": "quarterback ever to lead two different teams to multiple Super Bowls. He is also the oldest quarterback ever to play in a Super Bowl", "56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9595": "Manning became the first", "56d704430d65d214001982de": "Manning became the first quarterback ever to lead two different teams to multiple Super Bowls. He is also the oldest quarterback ever to", "56d704430d65d214001982e0": "Super Bowls. He is also the", "56d704430d65d214001982e1": "in a Super Bowl at", "56d704430d65d214001982e2": "empty", "56d9a0eadc89441400fdb63e": "s. He is also the oldest quarterback ever to play in a Super Bowl at age 39. The past record was held by John Elway", "56d9a0eadc89441400fdb63f": "Bowl XXXIII at age 38 and is currently Denver's Executive Vice", "56d9a0eadc89441400fdb640": "first quarterback ever to lead two different teams to multiple Super Bowls. He is also the oldest quarterback", "56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92c7": "was the #1 selection", "56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92c8": "Denver. Manning", "56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92c9": "to feature a quarterback on both teams who was the #1 pick in their", "56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92ca": "difference between opposing Super Bowl quarterbacks at 13 years and 48 days (Manning was 39, Newton was 26", "56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92cb": "The matchup", "56bf41013aeaaa14008c959b": "in 2011. The matchup also pits the top two picks of the", "56bf41013aeaaa14008c959c": "a quarterback on both teams who was the #1 pick in their draft classes. Manning was the #1 selection of the 1998 NFL", "56bf41013aeaaa14008c959d": "to feature a quarterback on both teams who was the #1 pick in their", "56bf41013aeaaa14008c959e": "Super Bowl quarterbacks at 13 years and 48 days (Mann", "56d7096b0d65d214001982fc": "the first Super Bowl to feature a quarterback on both teams who was the #1 pick in their draft classes. Manning was", "56d7096b0d65d214001982fd": "picked first in 2011. The matchup also pits the top two picks of the 2011 draft against each other: Newton for Carolina", "56d7096b0d65d214001982fe": "pits the top two picks of", "56d9a199dc89441400fdb647": "Newton also set the record", "56d9a199dc89441400fdb648": "Denver. Manning and Newton also set the record for the largest age difference between opposing Super Bowl quarterback", "56d9a199dc89441400fdb649": "Manning was the #1 selection", "56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92db": "Rivera having been a linebacker with the Chicago Bears in Super Bowl XX, and Kubiak replacing Elway at", "56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92dc": "this will be the first Super Bowl in which both", "56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92dd": "in the game themselves.", "56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92de": "having been a linebacker with the", "56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92df": "Broncos' defeats in Super Bowl", "56bf6c3e3aeaaa14008c9615": "in the game themselves.", "56bf6c3e3aeaaa14008c9617": "end of the Broncos' defeats in Super Bowls XXI and XXIV, this will be the", "56d709ef0d65d21400198306": "Bowl XX, and Kubiak replacing Elway at the end of the Broncos'", "56d709ef0d65d21400198307": "way at the end of the Broncos' defeats in Super Bowls XXI and XXIV, this will", "56beba103aeaaa14008c92e5": "ed the field", "56beba103aeaaa14008c92e6": "was in \"great shape\" for gameday. However, the turf showed problem throughout the game,", "56beba103aeaaa14008c92e7": "was in \"great shape\" for gameday. However", "56beba103aeaaa14008c92e8": "'s Stadium's field", "56beba103aeaaa14008c92e9": "Super Bowl games", "56bf467d3aeaaa14008c95a5": "hybrid Bermuda 419 turf. NFL and Atlanta Braves field director Ed Mangan stated that the field was in \"", "56bf467d3aeaaa14008c95a6": "odded the field with a new playing surface; a hybrid Bermuda 419 turf. NFL and Atlanta Braves field director Ed", "56bf467d3aeaaa14008c95a7": "s, the NFL re-sodded the field with a new playing surface; a hybrid Bermuda 419 turf", "56d70adc0d65d21400198311": "the field had to be re-sodded multiple", "56d70adc0d65d21400198312": "season, the field had to be re-sodded multiple times due to various issues, and during a week 6 game", "56d70adc0d65d21400198313": "new playing surface; a hybrid Bermuda 419 turf. NFL and Atlanta Braves field director Ed Mangan stated that the field was", "56d70adc0d65d21400198314": "hybrid Bermuda 419 turf. NFL and Atlanta Braves field director Ed Mangan stated that the field was in", "56d9a419dc89441400fdb678": "turf collapsed under Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, causing him to slip and miss a field goal,", "56d9a419dc89441400fdb679": "shape\" for gameday. However, the turf showed problem throughout the game, with a number", "56bebad93aeaaa14008c92f9": "The Broncos last wore matching white jerseys and pants in the Super Bowl in Super", "56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fa": "the Pittsburgh Steelers; they defeated the Seattle Seahawks 21\u201310 in Super Bowl XL 10", "56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fb": "when wearing orange jerseys,", "56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fc": "wore blue jerseys, which was their primary color at the time.", "56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fd": "prior. The Broncos' decision to wear white meant the Panthers would wear", "56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95ab": "the Super Bowl was the Pittsburgh Steelers;", "56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95ac": ". The only other AFC champion team to have worn white as the designated home team in the Super Bowl was the Pittsburgh Steelers; they defeated", "56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95ae": "the Super Bowl in Super Bowl XXXIII, Elway's last game as Denver QB, when they defeated the Atlanta", "56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95af": "-4 in Super Bowls when wearing orange jerseys, losing in Super Bowl", "56d70ccc0d65d2140019831d": "their standard home", "56d70ccc0d65d2140019831f": "4 in Super Bowls when", "56d9a637dc89441400fdb697": "Bowl XXXII, Denver wore blue jerseys, which was their primary color at the time. They", "56d9a637dc89441400fdb698": "way stated, \"We've had Super Bowl success in our white uniforms.\" The Broncos last", "56d9a637dc89441400fdb699": "home team in the Super Bowl was the Pittsburgh Steelers; they defeated the Seattle", "56d9a637dc89441400fdb69a": "the Super Bowl", "56bebb293aeaaa14008c9303": "empty", "56bebb293aeaaa14008c9304": "The Broncos practiced at Stanford University and stayed at the Santa", "56bebb293aeaaa14008c9305": "at Stanford University", "56bebb293aeaaa14008c9306": "Marriott. The Broncos practiced at Stanford University and stayed at the", "56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b5": "empty", "56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b6": "empty", "56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b7": "Stanford", "56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b8": "empty", "56d70d240d65d21400198326": "empty", "56d70d240d65d21400198327": "State", "56d70d240d65d21400198328": "Jose Marriott. The Broncos practiced at Stanford University and stayed at the", "56d70d240d65d21400198329": "empty", "56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a0": "Marriott. The Broncos practiced at Stanford University and stayed at the", "56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a1": "the San Jose State practice facility", "56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a2": "Jose Marriott. The Broncos practiced at Stanford University and stayed at the", "56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a3": "and stayed at the San Jose Marriott.", "56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9315": "als, colored in gold, behind the Vince Lombardi Trophy, instead of", "56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9316": "template introduced", "56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9317": "featuring large numerals, colored in gold, behind the Vince Lombardi Trophy,", "56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9318": ",", "56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9319": "L\" using the", "56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95bd": "empty", "56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95be": "al", "56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95c0": "pleasing logo", "56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95c1": "2014, the NFL announced that the practice of branding Super Bowl games with Roman numerals, a", "56d70daa0d65d21400198332": "the practice of branding Super Bowl games with Roman numerals, a practice established at Super Bowl V", "56d70daa0d65d21400198333": "Super Bowl LI. Jaime Weston, the league", "56d70daa0d65d21400198334": "logo template introduced at Super Bowl XLV. The logo also deviates from the template by featuring large numerals, colored", "56d70daa0d65d21400198335": "be temporarily suspended, and that the game would be named using Arabic numeral", "56d70daa0d65d21400198336": "Bowl 50 as opposed to Super", "56d9a7addc89441400fdb6a8": "use of Roman numerals will be reinstated for Super Bowl LI. Jaime Weston, the league", "56d9a7addc89441400fdb6ab": "for the change was", "56bebc383aeaaa14008c931f": "a player or coach appear in the Super Bowl, and", "56bebc383aeaaa14008c9320": "featured gold-trimmed logos. Gold football", "56bebc383aeaaa14008c9321": "teams at games.", "56bf52483aeaaa14008c95c7": "gold, and beginning on week 7,", "56bf52483aeaaa14008c95c8": "2015 NFL season to tie into the \"Golden Super Bowl\"; gold-tinted logos were implemented", "56d70e570d65d2140019833c": "the 50-yard line on fields was colored gold, and beginning on week 7, all sideline", "56d70e570d65d2140019833e": "s were implemented across the NFL'", "56d70e570d65d2140019833f": "7, all sideline jackets and hats featured gold-trimmed logo", "56d9b01fdc89441400fdb6d4": "gold-themed promotions and initiatives were held throughout the 2015 NFL season to tie into the \"", "56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9325": "s, and cultural", "56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9326": "activities that will highlight the Bay Area's technology, culinary creations,", "56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9327": "said of the highly visible homeless presence in this area \"they are going to have to leave\". San Francisco city supervisor Jane Kim unsuccessfully lobbied for", "56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9328": "Ed Lee said of the highly visible homeless presence in this area \"they are going to have to", "56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9329": "highlight the Bay Area's technology, culinary creations, and cultural diversity. More than 1 million people are expected to attend", "56bf53e73aeaaa14008c95cb": "'s technology, culinary creations, and cultural diversity. More than 1 million people are expected to attend the festivities", "56bf53e73aeaaa14008c95cc": "Francisco. In addition", "56bf53e73aeaaa14008c95cd": "cadero, featuring games and activities that will highlight the Bay Area's technology, culinary creations, and cultural diversity. More", "56bf53e73aeaaa14008c95ce": "Herman Plaza on The", "56d7145c0d65d2140019834c": "presence in this area \"they are going to have to leave\". San Francisco city supervisor Jane Kim unsuccessfully lobbied for", "56d7145c0d65d2140019834d": "The Embarcadero", "56d7145c0d65d2140019834f": "said of the highly visible homeless presence in this area \"they are going to have to leave\". San Francisco city supervisor Jane Kim unsuccessfully lobbied for", "56d9b389dc89441400fdb6ec": "highly visible homeless presence in this area \"they are going to have to leave\". San Francisco city supervisor", "56d9b389dc89441400fdb6ed": "supervisor", "56d9b389dc89441400fdb6ee": "leave\". San Francisco", "56d9b389dc89441400fdb6ef": "Week. San Francisco mayor Ed Lee said of the highly", "56d9b389dc89441400fdb6f0": "unsuccessfully lobbied for the NFL to reimburse San Francisco for", "56bebd713aeaaa14008c932f": "other ancillary events, including a week-long event", "56bebd713aeaaa14008c9330": "need the city council to help fund the event. Additional funding will be provided by the city council, which has announced plans to set aside", "56bebd713aeaaa14008c9331": ", a beer, wine and food festival", "56bf555e3aeaaa14008c95d3": "food festival at Bellomy Field at Santa Clara University, and a", "56bf555e3aeaaa14008c95d4": "University, and a pep rally. A professional fundraiser will aid in finding business sponsors", "56bf555e3aeaaa14008c95d5": "aside seed funding for the event", "56d714cd0d65d21400198356": "wine and food festival", "56d714cd0d65d21400198358": "cillary events, including a week-long event at the Santa Clara Convention Center, a beer, wine and food festival at B", "56d714cd0d65d21400198359": "aid in finding business sponsors and individual donors, but still may need the city council to help fund the event.", "56d9b43edc89441400fdb700": "Additional funding will be provided by the city council,", "56d9b43edc89441400fdb701": "million worth of other ancillary events, including a week-long event at the Santa Clara Convention Center, a beer, wine and", "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9335": "game, was moved to the Monday evening", "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9336": "Tuesday afternoon prior to", "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9337": "event featured an opening ceremony with", "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9338": "The game's media day, which was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to", "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9339": "featured an opening ceremony with player introductions on", "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95d9": ".", "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95da": "in San Jose. Alongside the traditional media availabilities, the event featured an opening ceremony with player introductions on a replica", "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95db": "on February 1, 2016 at SAP Center in San Jose. Alongside the traditional media availabilities, the event featured an opening", "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95dc": "event was held on February 1, 2016 at SAP Center in San Jose. Alongside the traditional media availabilities, the event featured an", "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95dd": "held on February 1, 2016 at SAP Center in San Jose. Alongside", "56d71bd80d65d2140019835e": "Jose. Alongside the traditional media availabilities, the event featured an opening ceremony with player introductions", "56d71bd80d65d21400198360": "opening ceremony", "56d71bd80d65d21400198361": "'s media day, which was typically held on", "56d71bd80d65d21400198362": "'", "56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb708": "'s media day, which was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to the game, was moved to the Monday evening and re", "56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb709": "San Jose. Alongside the traditional media availabilities, the event featured an opening ceremony with player introduction", "56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb70a": "was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to the game, was moved to the Monday evening", "56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb70b": "and re-branded as Super Bowl Opening Night. The event was held on February 1, 2016 at SAP Center in", "56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb70c": "the traditional media availabilities, the event featured an opening ceremony with", "56bebe873aeaaa14008c933f": "million through sponsors including Apple, Google, Yahoo!, Intel, Gap, Chevron, and Dignity Health", "56bebe873aeaaa14008c9340": "gay, bisexual and transgender-owned businesses in Business Connect, the Super Bowl program that provides local companies with contracting", "56bebe873aeaaa14008c9341": "local companies with contracting opportunities in and around the Super Bowl. The host committee has already raised over $40 million through sponsors including", "56bebe873aeaaa14008c9342": "program that provides local companies with contracting opportunities in and around the Super Bowl. The host committee has already raised over $40", "56bebe873aeaaa14008c9343": "gay, bisexual and transgender-owned businesses in Business Connect, the Super Bowl program that provides local companies with contracting opportunities in and around the", "56bf59523aeaaa14008c95e3": "the Super Bowl", "56bf59523aeaaa14008c95e4": "sought disabled veteran and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-owned businesses in Business Connect, the Super Bowl program that provides local", "56bf59523aeaaa14008c95e5": "contracting opportunities in and around the Super", "56d71cb60d65d21400198368": "Super Bowl. The host committee has already raised over $40 million through sponsors including Apple, Google,", "56d9b5ffdc89441400fdb720": "time, the Super Bowl 50 Host Committee and the NFL have openly sought disabled veteran and lesbian, gay,", "56d9b5ffdc89441400fdb721": "over $40", "56bebec43aeaaa14008c9349": "philanthropic initiative and focuses on providing grants", "56bebec43aeaaa14008c934a": "\"the most giving Super Bowl ever\", and will dedicate 25 percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes in the", "56bf5abc3aeaaa14008c95e9": "empty", "56bf5abc3aeaaa14008c95ea": "Bowl 50 Host Committee has vowed to", "56d71d150d65d2140019836e": "initiative and focuses on providing grants to", "56d71d150d65d2140019836f": "The Super Bowl 50 Host Committee has vowed to be \"the most giving Super Bowl", "56d71d150d65d21400198370": "percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes", "56d9b6a3dc89441400fdb72f": "Host Committee has", "56d9b6a3dc89441400fdb730": ",", "56bec0353aeaaa14008c934d": ") for a total of 66 lb (30", "56bec0353aeaaa14008c934e": "d \"50\". Each digit will weigh 33 lb (15 kg) for a", "56bec0353aeaaa14008c934f": "(15 kg) for a total of 66 lb (30 kg). Like the", "56bec0353aeaaa14008c9350": "winner of Super Bowl 50 will also receive a large, 18-karat gold-plated", "56bec0353aeaaa14008c9351": "-karat gold-plated \"50\". Each digit will weigh 33 lb", "56bf5b933aeaaa14008c95ed": "the Vince Lombardi Trophy that all Super Bowl champions receive, the winner of Super Bowl 50 will also receive a large, 18-", "56bf5b933aeaaa14008c95ef": "\"50", "56bf5b933aeaaa14008c95f1": "In addition to the Vince Lombardi Trophy that all Super Bowl champions", "56d71d9d0d65d21400198374": "Each digit will", "56d71d9d0d65d21400198377": "weigh 33 lb", "56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c9357": "version of EyeVision was last used in Super Bowl XXXV; for Super Bowl 50, the", "56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c9358": "array of 36 cameras along the upper deck that can be used to provide", "56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c9359": "an array of 36 cameras along the upper deck that can be used to", "56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c935a": "cycle between the three main broadcast television partners of the NFL. The network's lead broadcast", "56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c935b": "three main broadcast television partners of the NFL. The network's lead broadcast team of Jim Nantz and Phil Simms called the contest, with", "56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95f7": "as part of a cycle between the three main broadcast television", "56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95f8": "lines. CBS introduced new features during the telecast, including pylon cameras and microphone", "56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95f9": "Nantz and Phil Simms called the contest, with Tracy Wolfson and Evan Washburn on the side", "56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95fa": "network's lead broadcast team", "56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95fb": "last used in Super Bowl XXXV; for Super Bowl 50, the cameras were upgraded to 5K resolution.", "56d71ed50d65d2140019837c": "with", "56d71ed50d65d2140019837d": ", the game was televised by CBS, as part of a cycle between the three", "56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb740": "5K resolution.", "56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb741": "team of Jim Nantz and Phil Simms called the contest, with", "56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb742": "last used in Super Bowl XXXV; for Super Bowl 50, the cameras were upgraded to", "56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb743": "\u2014an", "56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb744": "the upper", "56bec1823aeaaa14008c9361": "-language broadcaster of the game, marking the third dedicated Spanish", "56bec1823aeaaa14008c9362": "Spanish", "56bec1823aeaaa14008c9363": "own that could broadcast", "56bec1823aeaaa14008c9364": "On December 28, 2015, ESPN Deportes announced that they had reached", "56bec1823aeaaa14008c9365": "' Monday Night Football commentary", "56bf6d343aeaaa14008c961b": "ESPN Deportes broadcast pre-game and post-game coverage, while Martin, Allegre", "56d71fc00d65d21400198386": "the-air viewers).", "56d71fc00d65d21400198389": "Deportes announced that they had", "56d9ba95dc89441400fdb754": "channel for over-the-air viewers). The game was called by ESPN Deportes' Monday Night Football commentary crew", "56d9ba95dc89441400fdb757": "Spanish play-by-play call was carried on CBS's second audio program", "56d9ba95dc89441400fdb758": "that they had reached an agreement with CBS and the NFL to be the exclusive Spanish", "56bec2013aeaaa14008c9371": "10, Xbox One and other digital media players (such as Chromecast and Roku). Due to Verizon Communications exclus", "56bec2013aeaaa14008c9372": "the NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available", "56bec2013aeaaa14008c9373": "app", "56bec2013aeaaa14008c9374": "tablets, Windows 10, Xbox One and other digital media players (such as C", "56bec2013aeaaa14008c9375": "Chromecast and Roku). Due to", "56bf6e7a3aeaaa14008c961f": "WatchESPN", "56bf6e7a3aeaaa14008c9620": "tablets, Windows 10, Xbox One and other digital media players (", "56bf6e7a3aeaaa14008c9621": "Verizon Wireless", "56bf6e7a3aeaaa14008c9622": "Sports.com, and", "56d7205e0d65d21400198391": "the NFL Mobile service", "56d7205e0d65d21400198392": "Verizon Communications exclusivity, streaming on smartphones was only provided to Verizon Wireless customers via the", "56d9bc13dc89441400fdb75e": "provided digital streams of the game via CBSSports.com, and the CBS Sports apps on tablets, Windows 10, Xbox One and other digital media", "56d9bc13dc89441400fdb75f": "zon Communications exclusivity", "56d9bc13dc89441400fdb760": "empty", "56bec2573aeaaa14008c937b": "empty", "56bec2573aeaaa14008c937c": "programs for Super Bowl 50, beginning with a special episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert following the game. Following a break for", "56bf6f743aeaaa14008c9631": "opposed to broadcasts of primetime series, CBS broadcast special episodes of its late night talk shows as its lead-", "56bf6f743aeaaa14008c9632": "of primetime series, CBS broadcast special episodes of its late night talk shows as its lead-out programs for Super Bowl 50,", "56d720c70d65d21400198396": "following the game. Following a break", "56d720c70d65d21400198397": "of its late night talk shows as its lead-out", "56d720c70d65d21400198398": "with Stephen Colbert following the game. Following a break for late local programming, CBS also aired a special episode of The Late Late", "56bec3153aeaaa14008c9389": "that allowed the beer manufacturer to air multiple advertisements during the game at a steep discount. It was also the", "56bec3153aeaaa14008c938a": "that", "56bec3153aeaaa14008c938b": "manufacturer to air multiple advertisements during the game at a", "56bec3153aeaaa14008c938c": ". This would be the final year in a multi-year contract with Anheuser-Busch InBev that allowed", "56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9635": "its \"", "56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9637": "record high price for a Super Bowl", "56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9638": "a 30", "56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9639": "s, a longtime sponsor of the game, held its \"Crash the Super Bowl\" contest that allowed viewers to create their own Dorito", "56d721af0d65d2140019839e": "a package covering time on both the television and digital broadcasts of the game, meaning that for the first time, digital streams of the game would carry", "56d721af0d65d2140019839f": "ritos ads for a chance to have it aired during the game. Nintendo and The Pok\u00e9mon Company also made their Super Bowl debut,", "56d721af0d65d214001983a0": "to air multiple advertisements during the game at a steep discount. It was also the final year that Doritos, a longtime", "56d9bdc1dc89441400fdb768": "advertisements had not yet sold out. CBS mandated that all advertisers purchase a package covering time on both the television and digital broadcasts of the", "56d9bdc1dc89441400fdb769": "purchase a package covering time on both", "56d9bdc1dc89441400fdb76a": "of the game, meaning that for the first time, digital streams", "56bec38b3aeaaa14008c9397": "Business Big Game\" contest, in which Death Wish Coffee had a 30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy of QuickBooks. Death Wish Coffee", "56bec38b3aeaaa14008c9398": "\" contest, in which Death Wish Coffee had a 30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy of QuickBooks. Death", "56bec38b3aeaaa14008c9399": "QuickBooks. Death Wish Coffee beat out nine other contenders from across the United", "56bec38b3aeaaa14008c939a": ", in which Death Wish Coffee had a 30-second commercial aired free of charge", "56bf71e73aeaaa14008c963f": "Game\" contest", "56bf71e73aeaaa14008c9640": "a \"Small Business Big Game\" contest, in which Death Wish Coffee had a 30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy", "56d722330d65d214001983a6": "empty", "56d722330d65d214001983a7": "empty", "56d722330d65d214001983a8": "empty", "56d9be16dc89441400fdb770": "\"Small Business", "56d9be16dc89441400fdb771": "Wish Coffee beat out nine other contenders from across the United States for the free advertisement.", "56bec4343aeaaa14008c93a9": "be aired during the Super Bowl. Fox paid for Deadpool, X-Men", "56bec4343aeaaa14008c93aa": "Day: Resurgence and Eddie the", "56bec4343aeaaa14008c93ab": "Paramount paid", "56bec4343aeaaa14008c93ac": "Jungle Book and Alice Through the Looking Glass", "56d723560d65d214001983ac": "Eddie the Eagle, Lionsgate", "56d723560d65d214001983ad": "gate paid for Gods of Egypt, Paramount paid for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield", "56d723560d65d214001983ae": "Independence Day: Resurgence and Eddie the Eagle, Lionsgate paid for Gods of Egypt, Paramount paid for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:", "56d723560d65d214001983af": "be aired during the Super Bowl. Fox paid for Deadpool, X", "56d9bf70dc89441400fdb77b": "America: Civil War, The", "56d9bf70dc89441400fdb77c": "-Men: Apocalypse, Independence Day: Resurgence and Eddie the Eagle, Lionsgate paid for Gods of Egypt, Paramount", "56d9bf70dc89441400fdb77d": "the Super Bowl. Fox paid for Dead", "56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b1": "empty", "56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b2": "Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters.", "56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b3": "empty", "56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b4": "Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color", "56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b5": "and Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray", "56bf738b3aeaaa14008c9655": "throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color", "56bf738b3aeaaa14008c9656": "will", "56d723ad0d65d214001983b4": "empty", "56d723ad0d65d214001983b5": "-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as", "56d723ad0d65d214001983b8": "game throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer E", "56d9c049dc89441400fdb78e": ", and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters.", "56d9c049dc89441400fdb78f": "Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray will anchor the pre-game and halftime coverage", "56d9c049dc89441400fdb790": "empty", "56d9c049dc89441400fdb791": "Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esia", "56d9c049dc89441400fdb792": "Malone as side", "56bec5233aeaaa14008c93cf": "the rest of the stations in the Broncos and Panthers radio networks will either carry the Westwood One feed or not carry the", "56bec5233aeaaa14008c93d0": "FM)", "56bec5233aeaaa14008c93d1": "(for Denver) and the eastern United States throughout the game (for Carolina). In accordance with", "56bec5233aeaaa14008c93d2": "the game on its sister station WBT-FM (99.3 FM), which is based in Chester, South", "56bec5233aeaaa14008c93d3": "Carolina, WBT (1110 AM) will carry the game, with Mick Mixon on play-by-play and", "56d724620d65d214001983be": "color commentary. WBT will also simulcast the game on its sister", "56d724620d65d214001983bf": "audible over much of the western United States after sunset (for Denver) and", "56d724620d65d214001983c0": "Chester, South Carolina. As KOA and", "56d724620d65d214001983c1": "Szoke on color commentary. WBT will also simulcast the game on its sister station WBT-FM (99", "56d9c203dc89441400fdb7a0": "by-play calls. In Denver, KOA (", "56d9c203dc89441400fdb7a3": "the western United States after sunset (for Denver", "56bec5ff3aeaaa14008c93e3": "empty", "56bec5ff3aeaaa14008c93e4": "empty", "56bec5ff3aeaaa14008c93e5": "the contest. The BBC will carry its", "56d724ea0d65d214001983c8": "empty", "56d724ea0d65d214001983c9": "empty", "56bec6573aeaaa14008c93e9": "43 previous Super Bowl Most Valuable Players. Bart Starr (", "56bec6573aeaaa14008c93ea": "39 of the 43 previous Super", "56bec6573aeaaa14008c93eb": "In honor of the 50th Super Bowl, the pregame ceremony featured the on-field introduction of 39 of the 43 previous Super Bowl", "56bec6573aeaaa14008c93ec": "No plans were announced regarding the recognition of Harvey Martin, co-MVP of Super Bowl XII, who died in", "56bec6573aeaaa14008c93ed": ") was shown in the locker room preparing for the game. No plans were announced regarding the", "56d7251d0d65d214001983cc": "current Broncos quarterback) was shown in the locker room preparing for the game. No plans were announced regarding the recognition of Harvey Martin, co-M", "56d7251d0d65d214001983cd": "introduction of 39 of the 43 previous Super Bowl Most Valuable Players. Bart Starr (MVP of Super Bowls", "56d7251d0d65d214001983cf": "Players. Bart Starr (MVP of Super", "56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b4": "MVP of Super Bowl XLI and current Broncos quarterback) was shown in the locker room preparing for the game. No", "56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b5": "Starr (MVP of Super Bowls I and II) and Chuck", "56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b6": "Peyton Manning (MVP of Super Bowl XLI and current Broncos quarterback) was shown in the locker room preparing for the game. No plans", "56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b7": ". Bart Starr (MVP of Super Bowls I and II)", "56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b8": "of the 43 previous Super Bowl Most Valuable Players. Bart Starr (MVP of Super Bowl", "56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93fd": "Academy Award winner Marlee Matlin provided American Sign Language (ASL", "56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93fe": "provided American Sign Language", "56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93ff": "anthem, while Academy Award winner Mar", "56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c9400": "Language (", "56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c9401": ") translation", "56d20650e7d4791d00902614": "and", "56d20650e7d4791d00902615": "performed", "56d7253b0d65d214001983d4": ", while Academy Award winner Marlee Matlin", "56d7253b0d65d214001983d5": "empty", "56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c4": "national anthem, while Academy Award winner Marlee Matlin provided American Sign", "56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c5": "empty", "56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c6": "winner", "56bec7353aeaaa14008c940d": ", the league confirmed that the show would be headlined by the British rock group Coldplay. On January 7, 2016,", "56bec7353aeaaa14008c940e": "Super", "56bec7353aeaaa14008c940f": "d by the British rock group Cold", "56bec7353aeaaa14008c9410": ", would be making an appearance.", "56bec7353aeaaa14008c9411": ", the league confirmed that the show", "56d725790d65d214001983d8": "Associated Press that Beyonc\u00e9,", "56d725790d65d214001983da": "2015, reports surfaced stating", "56d725790d65d214001983db": "7", "56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d0": "empty", "56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d1": "Hymn for", "56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d2": "XLVIII halftime show, and Mark", "56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d3": "halftime show and collaborated with Coldplay on the", "56bec7a63aeaaa14008c9417": "with Peyton Manning completing an 18-yard pass to tight end Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell. A pair", "56bec7a63aeaaa14008c9418": "-yard field goal. The score marked the first time in the entire postseason", "56bec7a63aeaaa14008c9419": "and a 22-yard throw to receiver", "56bec7a63aeaaa14008c941a": "strong with Peyton Manning completing an 18-yard pass to tight end Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell. A pair", "56bec7a63aeaaa14008c941b": "yard loss. Then after an incompletion, Thomas Davis tackled Anderson for a 1-yard gain on third down, forcing", "56d728a10d65d21400198413": ". A", "56d728a10d65d21400198414": "on a Brandon McManus 34-yard field goal. The score marked the first time in the entire postseason that Carolina was facing", "56d728a10d65d21400198415": "C. J. Anderson moved the ball up 20 yards to the Panthers 14-yard", "56d728a10d65d21400198416": "Panthers 14-yard line, but Carolina's defense dug in over the next three plays. First, linebacker", "56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7d8": "started out strong with Peyton Manning completing an 18-yard pass to tight end Owen Daniels and a 22-yard", "56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7d9": "a 3\u20130 lead on a Brandon McManus 34-yard field goal. The score marked the first time in the entire postseason that Carolina was", "56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7da": "A pair of carries by C. J. Anderson moved", "56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7db": "Thomas Davis tackled Anderson for a 1-yard", "56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7dc": "three plays. First, linebacker Shaq", "56bec8243aeaaa14008c942b": "a Broncos touchdown, giving", "56bec8243aeaaa14008c942c": "on 3rd-and-10 from the 15-yard line, linebacker Von", "56bec8243aeaaa14008c942d": "on 3rd", "56bec8243aeaaa14008c942e": ", Panthers quarterback Cam Newton appeared to complete a 24-yard pass Jerricho Cotchery, but", "56bec8243aeaaa14008c942f": "Carey stated he disagreed with the call and felt the review clearly showed the pass was complete. A few plays later, on 3rd-and", "56d728e00d65d2140019841c": "recovered it", "56d728e00d65d2140019841d": "24-yard pass Jerricho", "56d728e00d65d2140019841e": "15-yard line, linebacker Von Miller knocked the ball out of Newton's hands while sacking him", "56d728e00d65d2140019841f": "in a Super Bowl since Super Bowl XXVIII at the end of the", "56d728e00d65d21400198420": "lead. This was the first fumble return touchdown in a Super Bowl since Super Bowl XXVIII", "56d9c660dc89441400fdb7e7": "completion and upheld after a", "56d9c660dc89441400fdb7e8": "-yard pass Jerricho Cotchery, but the call was ruled an", "56d9c660dc89441400fdb7e9": "a Super Bowl since Super Bowl XXVIII at the end of", "56d9c660dc89441400fdb7ea": "0 lead. This was the first fumble return touchdown in a Super Bowl since Super Bowl XXVIII at the", "56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9435": "After", "56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9436": "called a fair catch. Norwood had not done so, and with no resistance around him, he took off for a Super Bowl record", "56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9437": "ball into the end zone, so McManus kicked a 33-yard field goal that increased their lead to 13\u20137.", "56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9438": "with 11:28 left in the second quarter. Later on, Broncos receiver Jordan Norwood received", "56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9439": ", 73-yard scoring drive. Newton completed 4 of 4 passes for 51 yards and rushed twice for 25 yards, while Jonathan Stewart finished the drive", "56d729180d65d21400198426": "yard return before Mario Addison dragged him down on the Panthers 14-yard line. Despite Denver'", "56d729180d65d21400198427": "-play, 73-yard scoring drive. Newton completed 4 of 4 passes for 51 yards and", "56d729180d65d21400198428": "yard scoring drive. Newton", "56d729180d65d21400198429": "make a tackle, apparently", "56d729180d65d2140019842a": "a Super Bowl record 61-yard return before Mario Addison dragged him down on the Panthers 14-yard line. Despite Denver's excellent field position", "56d9c6e0dc89441400fdb7f0": "to make a tackle, apparently thinking Norwood had called a fair catch. Norwood had not done so, and with no resistance around him", "56d9c6e0dc89441400fdb7f4": "touchdown run, cutting the score to 10\u20137", "56bec9133aeaaa14008c9445": "seconds left, Newton was sacked by DeMarcus Ware as time expired in", "56bec9133aeaaa14008c9446": "But with 11 seconds left, Newton was sacked by DeMarcus Ware as time expired in", "56bec9133aeaaa14008c9447": "-yard line. But", "56bec9133aeaaa14008c9448": "empty", "56bec9133aeaaa14008c9449": "Kony Ealy tipped a Manning pass to himself and then intercepted it, returning the ball 19 yards", "56d729ec0d65d21400198430": "Broncos 40-yard line. However", "56d729ec0d65d21400198431": "Darian Stewart, which linebacker Danny Trevathan recovered on", "56d729ec0d65d21400198432": "yards with their", "56d729ec0d65d21400198434": "-yard line with 1:55 left on the clock. The Panthers could not gain any yards with their possession and had", "56d9c79edc89441400fdb804": "Panthers 39-yard line with 1:55 left on the clock. The Panthers could not gain any yards with their possession and had to punt. After", "56d9c79edc89441400fdb805": "could not gain any yards with their possession and had to punt. After a Denver punt, Carolina drove to the Broncos 45-yard line. But with", "56d9c79edc89441400fdb806": "their possession and had to punt. After a Denver punt,", "56d9c79edc89441400fdb807": "tipped a Manning pass to", "56d9c79edc89441400fdb808": "returning the ball 19 yards to the Panthers 39-yard line with 1:55 left on the clock. The Panthers could not", "56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9455": "during the return, but Trevathan recovered it to", "56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9456": "d to score on", "56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9457": "the Broncos defense halted the drive on the 26-yard line, and it ended", "56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9458": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown. But once again they came up empty", "56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9459": "the hands of Ginn and was intercepted by safety T", "56d7282f0d65d21400198408": "by safety T. J. Ward. Ward fumbled the ball during", "56d7282f0d65d21400198409": "us' 33-yard field goal that gave the Broncos a 16\u20137 lead. Carolina got off to another strong start after the kickoff, with", "56d7282f0d65d2140019840a": "on a 44-yard field goal attempt. After the", "56d7282f0d65d2140019840c": "second offensive play. But the Broncos defense halted the drive on the 26-yard line, and it ended with", "56d9c92bdc89441400fdb80e": "field goal attempt. After the miss, Manning completed a pair of passes to Emmanuel Sanders", "56d9c92bdc89441400fdb80f": "score", "56d9c92bdc89441400fdb810": "opening drive of the second half when Newton completed a 45-yard pass to Ted Ginn Jr. on the Denver 35-yard line on", "56d9c92bdc89441400fdb811": "on", "56bec9e83aeaaa14008c945f": "in the third quarter, but early in the fourth, the Broncos drove to the Panthers 41-yard line. On the next play", "56bec9e83aeaaa14008c9460": "no more scoring in the third quarter, but early in the fourth, the Broncos drove", "56bec9e83aeaaa14008c9461": ", but early in the fourth, the Broncos drove to the Panthers 41-yard line. On the next play", "56bec9e83aeaaa14008c9462": "then set up Gano", "56d7261e0d65d214001983e0": "41-yard line. On the next play", "56d7261e0d65d214001983e1": "the Broncos drove to the Panthers 41-yard line. On the next play, Ealy", "56d7261e0d65d214001983e2": "line. A 16-yard reception by Devin Funchess and", "56d7261e0d65d214001983e4": "'s 39-yard field goal, cutting the Panthers deficit to one score at 16\u201310.", "56d9ca0adc89441400fdb820": "line. A 16-yard reception by Devin Funchess", "56d9ca0adc89441400fdb821": "knocked the ball out of Manning's hand", "56d9ca0adc89441400fdb822": ", but early in the fourth, the Broncos drove to the Panthers 41-yard line. On the next play, Ealy", "56d9ca0adc89441400fdb823": "the Panthers deficit to one score at 16\u201310. The next three drives of the game would end in", "56beca913aeaaa14008c946d": "and-9. On the next play, Miller stripped the ball away from Newton,", "56beca913aeaaa14008c946e": "ball away from Newton, and after several players dove for it, it took a long bounce backwards and was recovered by Ward, who returned it five yards", "56beca913aeaaa14008c946f": "to attempt to recover it, Newton did not and his lack of aggression later earned him heavy criticism. Meanwhile, Denver's offense was kept out of", "56beca913aeaaa14008c9470": "and was recovered by Ward, who returned it five yards to the Panthers 4-yard line. Although", "56beca913aeaaa14008c9471": "-9. On the next play, Miller stripped the ball away from Newton, and after several players dove for it, it took a", "56d726b60d65d214001983ea": "lack of aggression later earned him heavy criticism. Meanwhile, Denver's offense was kept out of the end zone for", "56d726b60d65d214001983eb": "the", "56d726b60d65d214001983ec": "yards to", "56d726b60d65d214001983ed": "regulation, Carolina got the ball on their own 24-yard line", "56d726b60d65d214001983ee": "soon faced 3rd-and-9. On the next play", "56d9cb47dc89441400fdb832": "to", "56d9cb47dc89441400fdb833": ". Then Anderson scored on a 2-yard", "56d9cb47dc89441400fdb834": "essentially putting the", "56d9cb47dc89441400fdb835": "-yard touchdown run and Manning completed a pass to Bennie Fowler", "56d9cb47dc89441400fdb836": "a 2-yard touchdown", "56becaf93aeaaa14008c9481": "McManus made all four", "56becaf93aeaaa14008c9482": "and a touchdown, along with four receptions for 10 yards. Miller had six total tackles (", "56becaf93aeaaa14008c9483": "receiver with six receptions for 83 yards. Anderson was the game's leading rusher with 90 yards and a touchdown", "56becaf93aeaaa14008c9484": "141 yards with one interception and zero touchdowns. Sanders was his top receiver with six receptions for 83", "56becaf93aeaaa14008c9485": "a touchdown, along with four receptions", "56d7270c0d65d214001983f4": "receiver with six receptions for 83 yards. Anderson was the game's leading rusher with 90 yards and a touchdown, along with", "56d7270c0d65d214001983f5": "one interception and zero touchdowns", "56d7270c0d65d214001983f6": "all four of his field goals, making him perfect on all 11 attempts during", "56d7270c0d65d214001983f7": "and two sacks. Ward had seven total tackles, a fumble recovery, and an interception. Mc", "56d7270c0d65d214001983f8": "caught four passes for 80 yards,", "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb842": "ly", "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb843": "just two weeks after breaking", "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb844": "for 141 yards with one interception", "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb845": "13 of 23 for 141 yards with one interception", "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb846": "yards. Miller had six total tackles (five solo), 2\u00bd sacks, and two forced fumbles. Ware had", "56becb823aeaaa14008c948b": "11). Their", "56becb823aeaaa14008c948c": "lowest totals ever by a Super Bowl winning team. The previous record was 244 yards", "56becb823aeaaa14008c948d": ". Manning and Newton had quarterback passer ratings of 56.6 and 55.4, respectively, and their added total of 112 is a record", "56becb823aeaaa14008c948e": "first downs were both the lowest totals ever by a Super Bowl winning team. The previous record was", "56becb823aeaaa14008c948f": "lost. The Broncos' seven sacks tied a Super Bowl record set by", "56d7277c0d65d214001983fe": "became the first head coach to win", "56d7277c0d65d214001983ff": "different teams, while Gary Kubiak became the first head coach to win a Super Bowl with the same franchise he", "56d7277c0d65d21400198401": "Super Bowl, and all of them had lost. The Broncos' seven sacks tied a Super Bowl record set by the Chicago Bears in Super Bowl X", "56d7277c0d65d21400198402": "a Super Bowl record with three sacks. Jordan Norwood's 61-yard punt return set a", "56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84c": "Super Bowl. Manning became the oldest quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl at age 39, and the first quarterback ever to win a", "56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84d": "Bowl. Manning became the", "56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84e": "Bowl", "56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84f": "-yard punt return set a new record, surpassing the old record of 45 yards set by John Taylor in Super Bowl XXIII", "56d9cd9adc89441400fdb850": "yards in a Super Bowl, and all", "5733a5f54776f41900660f45": "owska-Curie, who achieved international recognition for her research on radioactivity and was the first female recipient of the Nobel Prize. Famous musicians include W", "5733a5f54776f41900660f48": "and hero of the American Revolutionary War, was born here in", "5733a5f54776f41900660f44": "owa Wola,", "5733a5f54776f41900660f46": "famous people born", "5733a5f54776f41900660f47": "was the", "57336755d058e614000b5a3d": ", is the two-level garden with a terrace facing the pond. The park around the Kr\u00f3likar", "57336755d058e614000b5a3f": "to the Palace,", "57336755d058e614000b5a3c": "ior. Within the central area of the park one can still find old trees", "57336755d058e614000b5a3e": "Palace Park, dates back", "57336755d058e614000b5a40": "the Palace, is the two-level garden with a terrace", "57337ddc4776f41900660bbb": "niak\u00f3w Lake, the lakes in the \u0141", "57337ddc4776f41900660bbc": "preserved ecosystem, with a habitat of animals that includes the otter, beaver", "57337ddc4776f41900660bba": "preserved ecosystem, with a", "57337ddc4776f41900660bbd": "15 kilometres (9 miles) from Warsaw, the Vistula", "57337ddc4776f41900660bbe": "small lakes in the parks, but only", "57337ea24776f41900660bd0": ", and to this day there is much less ethnic diversity than", "57337ea24776f41900660bd3": ". In 1933, out of 1,178,914 inhabitants 833,500 were of Polish mother tongue", "57337ea24776f41900660bd2": ",914 inhabitants 833,500 were of Polish mother tongue. World", "57337ea24776f41900660bd1": "Jews constituted 219,000 (around 34% percent). Warsaw'", "57337ea24776f41900660bd4": "178,914 inhabitants 833,500 were of Polish mother tongue. World War II changed the demographics of the city, and", "57339555d058e614000b5df4": "of", "57339555d058e614000b5df5": "partitions of Poland separated", "57339555d058e614000b5df6": "the National Defence University, highest military academic institution in Poland, the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music the", "57339555d058e614000b5df3": "when the partitions of Poland separated Warsaw from the oldest and most influential Polish academic", "57339555d058e614000b5df7": "most influential Polish academic center, in Krak\u00f3w. Warsaw University of Technology is", "57339902d058e614000b5e70": "(107,639.10 sq ft), and plants covering 5,111", "57339902d058e614000b5e71": "Library garden, designed by Irena Bajerska, was opened on 12 June", "57339902d058e614000b5e72": "and opened on 15", "57339902d058e614000b5e73": "12 June 2002. It is one of the largest", "57339902d058e614000b5e74": "Budzy\u0144ski and Zbigniew Badowski and opened on 15 December 1999", "573399b54776f41900660e64": "foreign investment as well as funding from the European", "573399b54776f41900660e65": "a major success, but what followed was very much the opposite. However, over the past decade Warsaw has", "573399b54776f41900660e66": "in", "573399b54776f41900660e67": ". In particular, the city's metro", "57339a554776f41900660e74": "and most modern oncological institutions in Europe. The clinical section is", "57339a554776f41900660e75": "-Curie Institute of Oncology it is one of the largest and most modern oncological", "57339a554776f41900660e76": "diagnostic departments as well as an outpatient clinic. The infrastructure", "57339a554776f41900660e77": "cological institutions in Europe. The clinical section is located", "57339a554776f41900660e78": "unit, several diagnostic departments as well as an outpatient clinic", "57339ad74776f41900660e86": "National Theatre, as well as the Roma", "57339ad74776f41900660e87": "Festival of Old", "57339ad74776f41900660e88": ", the Jazz Jamboree, Warsaw Summer Jazz Days, the International Stanis\u0142aw Moniuszko Vocal Competition", "57339ad74776f41900660e89": "numerous musical venues,", "57339ad74776f41900660e8a": "is\u0142aw Moniuszko Vocal Competition, the", "57339c16d058e614000b5ec5": "(1922", "57339c16d058e614000b5ec6": "Ogr\u00f3d Saski (the Saxon Garden), the", "57339c16d058e614000b5ec7": "was in operation from 1870 to 1939, and in the inter-war period, the theatre complex also included Momus, Warsaw'", "57339c16d058e614000b5ec8": "theatre\". From the mid-1930s, the Great Theatre building housed the Upati Institute of Dramatic Arts \u2013 the first state-run", "57339c16d058e614000b5ec9": "1922\u201326), was the best example of \"Polish monumental theatre\". From the mid-1930s", "57339dd94776f41900660ecc": "herbs on the water to predict when they would be married, and to", "57339dd94776f41900660ecd": "event, and it continues today. The city council organize concerts and other events. Each Midsummer\u2019", "57339dd94776f41900660ece": "ki (Polish for Wreaths) have become a tradition and a yearly event in the programme of cultural events", "57339dd94776f41900660ecf": "Midsummer\u2019s Eve,", "57339dd94776f41900660ed0": "they would be married, and to whom.", "57339eb9d058e614000b5ef6": "Museum. From among Warsaw's 60 museums, the most prestigious ones", "57339eb9d058e614000b5ef7": "Hitler's private collection, and Museum", "57339eb9d058e614000b5ef8": "of Hunting and Riding and the Railway Museum. From among Warsaw's 60 museums, the most prestigious ones are National Museum with a", "57339eb9d058e614000b5ef9": "prestigious ones are National Museum with a collection of works whose origin ranges in", "57339eb9d058e614000b5efa": "antiquity till the present epoch as well as one of the best collections", "5733a1854776f41900660f0a": "the memory of the crime. The Warsaw Uprising Museum also operates a rare preserved and operating historic", "5733a1854776f41900660f0b": "plastikon. The Museum of Independence preserves", "5733a1854776f41900660f0c": "Uprising Museum also operates a rare preserved and operating historic stere", "5733a1854776f41900660f0d": "and history of Poland can be found in the Warsaw Uprising Museum and in the Katy\u0144 Museum which preserves the memory of the", "5733a1854776f41900660f0e": "Museum also operates a rare preserved and operating historic stereoscopic theatre, the Warsaw Fotoplastikon. The", "5733a2a9d058e614000b5f28": "the oldest exhibition site in Warsaw,", "5733a2a9d058e614000b5f29": ". Since 2011 Warsaw Gallery Weekend is held on", "5733a2a9d058e614000b5f2a": ",", "5733a2a9d058e614000b5f2b": "and creative", "5733a2a9d058e614000b5f2c": "to the mid-19th century organises exhibitions", "5733a32bd058e614000b5f32": "4th league (5th tier in Poland) -the bottom professional league in the National \u2013 Polish", "5733a32bd058e614000b5f33": "Old Town. Polonia was relegated from the country's top flight in 2013 because of their disastrous financial situation. They are", "5733a32bd058e614000b5f34": "because of their disastrous financial situation. They are now playing in the 4th league (5th tier in", "5733a32bd058e614000b5f35": "league (5th tier in Poland) -the bottom professional", "5733a32bd058e614000b5f36": "\u2013 Polish Football Association (PZPN)", "5733a45d4776f41900660f23": "female upper body and holding a sword in its claws. In 1653 the poet Zygmunt Laukowski asks the question:", "5733a45d4776f41900660f24": "Latin inscription Sigilium Ci", "5733a45d4776f41900660f25": "Warsaw's symbol and", "5733a45d4776f41900660f26": "bordered with the Latin inscription Sigilium Civitatis Varsoviensis (Seal of the city of Warsaw).", "5733a45d4776f41900660f27": "Civitatis Varsoviensis (Seal of the city of Warsaw). City records as far back as 1609 document", "5733a560d058e614000b5f77": "Oppman, is that", "5733a560d058e614000b5f78": "the entrance to the port of Copenhagen.", "5733a560d058e614000b5f79": "mouth of the Vistula River and plunged into its waters. She stopped to rest on a sandy beach by the village of Warszow", "5733a560d058e614000b5f7a": "ago two of Triton's daughters set out on a journey through the depths of the oceans and seas.", "5733a560d058e614000b5f7b": "the legendary figure", "5733a6ac4776f41900660f58": "write about", "5733a6ac4776f41900660f59": "Vilenski,", "5733a6ac4776f41900660f5a": "Polish", "5733a6ac4776f41900660f5b": ". No one will ever see the Warsaw I knew. Let me just write about it.", "5733a6ac4776f41900660f5c": "studied music at the Warsaw Conservatory. Warsaw was the beloved city of Isaac Bashevis Singer, which he described in many of his novels", "573312fcd058e614000b56e6": ", Paris and Barcelona is one of the cities with", "573312fcd058e614000b56e7": ". It was also ranked as one of the most liveable cities in Central Europe. Today Warsaw is considered an \"Alpha\u2013\" global city,", "573312fcd058e614000b56e8": "the world. It was also ranked as one of the most liveable cities in Central Europe. Today Warsaw is considered an \"Alpha\u2013\" global", "573312fcd058e614000b56e9": "European Union agency for external border security, has its headquarters", "573312fcd058e614000b56ea": "variety of industries, is characterised by FMCG manufacturing, metal processing, steel and electronic manufacturing and food processing. The city is", "5733140a4776f419006606e0": "became the capital of the Commonwealth and of the Crown of the", "5733140a4776f419006606e1": "the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto in 1943 and to", "5733140a4776f419006606e2": "of Prussia. In 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars, the city became the official capital of", "5733140a4776f419006606e3": "August and October 1944. Warsaw gained the title of the \"Phoenix City\" because it has survived many wars, conflicts and invasions throughout", "5733140a4776f419006606e4": "court from Krak\u00f3w to Warsaw", "573314e3d058e614000b56f0": ". The historic city-centre of Warsaw with its picturesque Old Town in", "573314e3d058e614000b56f1": "nearly every European architectural style and historical period. Warsaw provides many examples of architecture from the gothic,", "573314e3d058e614000b56f2": "examples of", "573314e3d058e614000b56f3": "its picturesque Old Town in 1980 was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site", "573314e3d058e614000b56f4": "The city is the seat of a Roman Catholic archdiocese", "57332442d058e614000b5720": "city name to a fisherman, Wars, and his wife, Sawa. According to legend, Sawa", "57332442d058e614000b5721": "to legend, Sawa was a mermaid living in", "57332442d058e614000b5722": "City of Warsaw\")", "57332442d058e614000b5723": "\u0142aw. Folk", "57332442d058e614000b5724": "wa and Warszowa), meaning \"belonging to Warsz\", Warsz being a shortened form of the masculine name of Slavic", "57332562d058e614000b5730": "'s economy rested on", "57332562d058e614000b5731": "d\u00f3w (12th/13th century). After Jazd\u00f3w was raided by nearby clans and dukes,", "57332562d058e614000b5732": "'s Warsaw were located in Br\u00f3dno (9th/10th century) and", "57332562d058e614000b5733": "of the seats of the Dukes of Masovia, becoming the official capital", "57332562d058e614000b5734": "nearby clans and dukes, a new similar settlement was established on the site of a small fishing village called Wars", "5733266d4776f41900660712": "by the Swedish, Brandenburgian and Transylvanian forces", "5733266d4776f41900660713": "and the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland when", "5733266d4776f41900660714": "pillaged by the Swedish", "5733266d4776f41900660715": "of the General Sejm, permanent from 1569. In 15", "5733266d4776f41900660716": "from", "57332a734776f41900660726": "South Prussia", "57332a734776f41900660727": "1815, Warsaw became the", "57332a734776f41900660728": "Duchy of Warsaw. Following the Congress of Vienna of 1815,", "57332a734776f41900660729": "Polish\u2013Lithuanian Commonwealth until 1796, when it", "57332a734776f4190066072a": "by Napoleon's army in 1806, Warsaw", "57332b66d058e614000b5758": "to Warsaw on 11", "57332b66d058e614000b5759": "Red Army defeated. Poland stopped by itself the full brunt of the Red Army and defeated an idea of the \"export of the revolution\"", "57332b66d058e614000b575a": "the capital was successfully defended and the", "57332b66d058e614000b575b": "from areas controlled by Russia in", "57332b66d058e614000b575c": "that Germany withdraw from areas controlled by Russia in 1914, which included Warsaw. Germany did so, and underground leader Pi\u0142sudski", "57332c1e4776f4190066073a": "Ghetto Uprising. Despite being heavily outgunned and outnumbered, the", "57332c1e4776f4190066073b": "nihilate the ghetto as part of Hitler's \"Final Solution\" on 19 April 1943, Jewish", "57332c1e4776f4190066073c": "occupied Europe. When the order came to annihilate the ghetto as part of Hitler", "57332c1e4776f4190066073d": "Despite being heavily outgunned and outnumbered, the Ghetto held out for almost a month. When the fighting ended, almost all survivors were", "57332c1e4776f4190066073e": "Warsaw, came under the rule of the General Government, a German Nazi colonial administration. All higher education institutions were immediately closed and Warsaw's", "57332e48d058e614000b5762": "control of Warsaw from the Germans before the", "57332e48d058e614000b5763": "empty", "57332e48d058e614000b5764": ", planned to last 48 hours, was partially successful, however it went on for 63 days.", "57332e48d058e614000b5765": "Germans before the Red Army arrived. Thus, on 1 August 1944, as the Red Army was nearing the city, the", "57332e48d058e614000b5766": ", the Polish government-", "57332f81d058e614000b5776": "up by the conquering Soviets, the \"Bricks for Warsaw\" campaign was initiated, and large prefabricated housing projects were", "57332f81d058e614000b5777": "a gift from the Soviet Union. The city resumed its role as the capital of Poland", "57332f81d058e614000b5778": "political and economic life.", "57332f81d058e614000b5779": "life. Many of the historic streets, buildings, and churches were", "57332f81d058e614000b577a": "ated housing projects were erected in Warsaw to address the housing shortage, along with", "573330444776f41900660758": "empty", "573330444776f41900660759": "\"renew the face", "573330444776f4190066075a": "new the face\" of Poland: Let Thy", "573330444776f4190066075b": "there. In 1979, less than a year after", "573330444776f4190066075c": "becoming pope, John Paul celebrated Mass in Victory Square in Warsaw and ended", "5733314e4776f4190066076a": "uto", "5733314e4776f4190066076b": "mi) east of Berlin, Germany. The city straddles the Vistula River", "5733314e4776f4190066076c": "is 100 metres (330 ft) above sea level. The highest point on the left side of the", "5733314e4776f4190066076d": "(325 mi) east of Berlin", "5733314e4776f4190066076e": "a), on the right side \u2013 122.1 metres (400.", "57335c20d058e614000b58f9": "and on the Vistula terrace", "57335c20d058e614000b58fa": ") high in the Old Town and Central district and about 10 m (32.8 ft) in the north and south of Warsaw", "57335c20d058e614000b58fc": "above Vistula level) and on the Vistula terraces (max. 6.5 m (", "57335c20d058e614000b58fb": "level). The significant element of the relief, in", "57335c20d058e614000b58fd": "which divides the city into two parts, left and right. The left one is situated both on the moraine plateau (10", "57335ddbd058e614000b592f": "moraine plateau has only a few natural and artificial ponds and also groups of clay pits. The pattern of the Vistula terraces is asymmetric", "57335ddbd058e614000b5930": "symmetrical. The left side consist mainly of two levels: the highest one contains former flooded", "57335ddbd058e614000b5931": "s is asymmetrical. The left side consist mainly of two levels: the highest", "57335ddbd058e614000b5932": "once) and only small part and not so visible moraine escarpment.", "57335ddbd058e614000b5933": "flood plain terrace. The contemporary flooded terrace still has visible", "57335fcad058e614000b5970": "buildings from the 19th century that had been preserved in reasonably reconstructible form were nonetheless eradicated in the 1950s and", "57335fcad058e614000b5971": "as in other cities of the communist-rule", "57335fcad058e614000b5972": "the", "57335fcad058e614000b5973": "planned destruction. After liberation, rebuilding began as in other cities of the communist-rule", "57335fcad058e614000b5974": "form were nonetheless eradicated in the 1950s and 1960s (e.g. Leopold Kronenberg Palace)", "573361404776f4190066093c": "Maior (14", "573361404776f4190066093d": ".", "573361404776f4190066093e": "1632). The most interesting examples of mannerist architecture are the Royal Castle (", "573361404776f4190066093f": "Gunpowder Tower (after 1379) and the Royal Castle Curia Maior (1407\u20131410). The most", "573361404776f41900660940": "Burbach family (14th century), Gunpowder Tower (after 1379) and the Royal Castle Curia Maior (", "573362b94776f41900660974": "rise architecture. The Neoclassical revival affected all aspects of architecture, the most notable are the Great Theater (", "573362b94776f41900660975": "(1777\u20131782). The economic growth during the first years of Congress Poland caused a rapid rise architecture. The Neoclassical revival affected all", "573362b94776f41900660976": "be described by the simplicity of the geometric", "573362b94776f41900660977": "(1677\u20131683), Wilan\u00f3w Palace (", "573362b94776f41900660978": "style are the Palace on the Water (rebuilt 1775\u20131795), Kr\u00f3likarnia (1782\u201317", "5733638fd058e614000b59e8": "Palace, the most distinctive buildings in pre", "5733638fd058e614000b59e9": "Exceptional examples of the bourgeois architecture of the later periods were not restored by", "5733638fd058e614000b59ea": "and the Br\u00fc", "5733638fd058e614000b59eb": "municipal government authorities have decided to rebuild the Saxon Palace and the Br\u00fchl Palace, the most distinctive buildings", "5733638fd058e614000b59ec": "been restored although many have been", "5733647e4776f419006609ae": "Little Insurgent located at the ramparts of the Old Town, commemorates the children who served as messengers and frontline troops in the Warsaw", "5733647e4776f419006609af": "line troops in the Warsaw Uprising, while the impressive Warsaw Uprising Monument by Wincenty Ku\u0107ma was erected", "5733647e4776f419006609b0": "the children who served as messengers and frontline troops in the Warsaw Uprising,", "5733647e4776f419006609b1": "history of Warsaw. Pawiak, an infamous German Gestapo prison now occupied by a Mausoleum of", "5733647e4776f419006609b2": "Poles. Another important monument, the statue", "573368044776f41900660a29": "ga. The oldest park in Praga, the Praga Park, was established in 1865\u20131871 and designed by Jan", "573368044776f41900660a2a": "include the Botanic Garden and the University Library garden. They have extensive botanical collection of rare domestic and foreign plants, while a palm", "573368044776f41900660a2b": "Garden and the University Library", "573368044776f41900660a2c": "1871", "573368044776f41900660a2d": "are also: Pole Mokotowskie (a big park in the northern Mokot\u00f3w, where was the first", "573368e54776f41900660a53": "are three cycling and walking trails.", "573368e54776f41900660a54": "Bielany Forest, located within the borders of Warsaw, is the remaining part of the Masovian Primeval Forest. Biel", "573368e54776f41900660a55": "any Forest, located within the borders of Warsaw, is the remaining part of the Masovian Primeval Forest. Bielany Forest nature reserve is connected with", "573368e54776f41900660a56": "close-to-wilderness areas (natural forests, wetlands along the Vistula) as well as arable land, meadows and forests", "573368e54776f41900660a57": "azienki park (a didactic-research unit of the University of Warsaw) as well as by the Park of Culture and", "57337f6ad058e614000b5bcb": "first years after the war, the population growth was c. 6%, so shortly the city", "57337f6ad058e614000b5bcc": "\u2013 only 420,000. During the first years after the war, the population growth was c. 6%, so shortly the city started to suffer from", "57337f6ad058e614000b5bcd": "the population growth in the following years. It also bolstered some", "57337f6ad058e614000b5bce": "no limitations to residency", "57337f6ad058e614000b5bcf": "ed some kind of conviction among Poles that Varsovians thought of themselves as better only", "57338007d058e614000b5bda": ",754 Jews (36.9%), 18,189 Protestants (2.", "57338007d058e614000b5bdb": "its existence, Warsaw has", "57338007d058e614000b5bdc": "all", "57338007d058e614000b5bdd": "hundreds of places of religious worship in all parts of", "57338007d058e614000b5bde": "(0.4%)", "573380e0d058e614000b5be9": "of powiat's entitlements \u2013 like already mentioned car registration. For example, the district", "573380e0d058e614000b5bea": "titlements of powiat, so", "573380e0d058e614000b5beb": "of territorial division in Poland is a commune (", "57338160d058e614000b5bf9": "(Rada Miasta), which comprises 60 members. Council members are elected directly every four years. Like most", "57338160d058e614000b5bfa": "is vested in a unicameral Warsaw City Council (Rada Miasta), which comprises 60 members. Council members are elected directly every four", "57338160d058e614000b5bfb": "have the oversight of various functions of the city government. Bills passed by a", "57338160d058e614000b5bfc": "may sign them into law. If the mayor vetoes a bill, the Council has 30 days to over", "57338160d058e614000b5bfd": "mayor (the President of Warsaw), who may sign them into law. If", "57338255d058e614000b5c0d": "Warsaw had been elected by the City council. In the years of 1994\u20131999 the mayor of the district Centrum automatically was designated as the", "57338255d058e614000b5c0e": "the Warsaw Voivode. Since 1990", "57338255d058e614000b5c0f": "the President of Warsaw: the mayor of Centrum was elected by the district council of Cent", "57338255d058e614000b5c10": "the years of 1994\u20131999 the mayor", "57338255d058e614000b5c11": "Between 1975 and 1990 the Warsaw Presidents was", "573382d24776f41900660c37": "The GDP per capita in Warsaw amounted", "573382d24776f41900660c38": ", which in 2008 was 305.1% of the Polish average, per capita (or 160% of the European Union average", "573382d24776f41900660c39": "1696 PLN per", "573382d24776f41900660c3a": "c.", "573382d24776f41900660c3b": "euro. Warsaw produces 12% of Poland's national income,", "5733834ed058e614000b5c26": "re-established in April 1991, following the", "5733834ed058e614000b5c27": "Today, the", "5733834ed058e614000b5c28": "listed and total capitalization of 162", "5733834ed058e614000b5c29": ") is, according to many indicators, the largest market in the region, with 3", "5733834ed058e614000b5c2a": ", ironically, located in the building previously used as the headquarters of the Polish United Workers", "573383d0d058e614000b5c35": "car manufacturer Daewoo, which assembled the Tico, Espero, Nubia, Tacuma, Leg", "573383d0d058e614000b5c36": "AvtoZAZ, a Ukrainian car manufacturer which assembled there the Chevrolet Aveo", "573383d0d058e614000b5c37": "Z, a Ukrainian car manufacturer which assembled there the Chevrolet Aveo. The license for the production of the Aveo", "573383d0d058e614000b5c38": "factory was purchased by the South Korean car", "573383d0d058e614000b5c39": "the Aveo expired in February 2011 and has since not been renewed.", "573166ede6313a140071cef2": "(Polish: Warszawa [var\u02c8\u0282ava] (", "573166ede6313a140071cef3": "the Vistula River in east-central Poland, roughly 260 kilometres (160 mi) from the Baltic Sea and 300 kilometres (", "573166ede6313a140071cef4": "Mountains. Its population is estimated at 1.740 million residents within a greater metropolitan area of 2.666 million residents, which makes Warsaw the 9", "573166ede6313a140071cef5": ".666 million", "573166ede6313a140071cef6": "greater", "5732b6b5328d981900602021": "kilometres (190 mi", "5732b6b5328d981900602022": ". The city limits cover 516.9 square kilometres (199.6 sq mi),", "5732b6b5328d981900602023": "from the Baltic Sea and 300 kilometres (", "5732b6b5328d981900602024": "sq mi), while the metropolitan area covers 6,100.43 square kilometres (2,355.39 sq mi", "5732b6b5328d981900602025": "sq mi), while the metropolitan area covers 6,100.43 square kilometres (2,", "56ddde6b9a695914005b9628": "West Francia. Through generations of assimilation and mixing with the native Frankish and Roman-Gaulish populations, their descendants would gradually merge with the", "56ddde6b9a695914005b9629": "the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name to Normandy, a region in France. They", "56ddde6b9a695914005b962a": "name to Normandy, a region in France. They were descended from Norse (\"Norman\" comes from \"Norseman\") raiders and", "56ddde6b9a695914005b962b": "Charles III of West Francia. Through generations of", "56ddde6b9a695914005b962c": "ds; Latin: Normanni) were the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name", "56dddf4066d3e219004dad5f": "quering southern Italy on the Saracens and Byzantines, and an expedition on behalf of their duke, William the Conqueror, led to", "56dddf4066d3e219004dad60": ",", "56dddf4066d3e219004dad61": "led to the Norman conquest of England at the Battle of Hastings in 10", "56dde0379a695914005b9636": "Old Low Franconian Nortmann \"Northman\" or directly", "56dde0379a695914005b9637": "directly from Old Norse Nor\u00f0ma\u00f0r, Latinized variously as Nortmannus,", "56dde0ba66d3e219004dad75": "was roughly equivalent to the old province of Rouen,", "56dde0ba66d3e219004dad76": "of Normandy, which began in 911 as a fiefdom, was established by the treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte between King Charles", "56dde0ba66d3e219004dad77": "old province of Rouen, and reproduced the Roman administrative structure of Gallia Lugdunensis II (part of the former Gallia", "56dde1d966d3e219004dad8d": "in the 880s, but were divided", "56dde27d9a695914005b9651": "unique \"Norman\"", "56dde27d9a695914005b9652": "'s Vikings and their Frankish wives would replace the Norse religion and Old", "56dde2fa66d3e219004dad9b": "the growing feudal doctrines of the rest of France,", "56dde3aa9a695914005b9660": "the Archangel Michael at Monte Gargano were met by Melus of Bari, a Lombard nobleman and rebel", "56dde3aa9a695914005b9661": "the port of Salerno when a Saracen attack occurred. The Normans", "56dde3aa9a695914005b9662": "Mezzogiorno). Probably as the result of returning pilgrims' stories,", "56de0daecffd8e1900b4b595": "Melfi. The Drengot family", "56de0daecffd8e1900b4b596": "the Mediterranean were descendants of Tancred of Hauteville and", "56de0e25cffd8e1900b4b59a": "Iron Arm's citadel at Squillace, and cathedrals, such", "56de0e25cffd8e1900b4b59b": "Saracens, under the leadership of the famous Robert Guiscard", "56de0e25cffd8e1900b4b59c": "From these bases, the Norman", "56de0ed14396321400ee2579": "of feudal law and order to forge a unique government. Under this state, there", "56de0ed14396321400ee257a": "to forge a unique government. Under this state,", "56de0ed14396321400ee257b": "Normans combined the administrative machinery of the Byzantines, Arabs, and Lombards with their", "56de0f6a4396321400ee257f": "Maniaces in 1038\u201340. There is debate whether the", "56de0ffd4396321400ee258d": "a Byzantine general was Herv\u00e9 in the 1050s. By then however, there were already Norman mercenaries serving", "56de0ffd4396321400ee258e": "Robert Crispin led the Normans of Edessa against the Turks. Roussel de Bailleul even tried to carve", "56de0ffd4396321400ee258f": "already Norman mercenaries serving as far away as Trebizond and", "56de10b44396321400ee2593": "and Tar", "56de10b44396321400ee2594": ", meaning \"Franks.\" The known trade between Amalfi and Antioch and between Bari and", "56de10b44396321400ee2595": "force of \"Franks\" into the upper Euphrates valley in northern Syria. From 1073 to 1074,", "56de11154396321400ee25aa": "Albanian clans known as the Maniakates were descended from Norman", "56de148dcffd8e1900b4b5bc": "ina and some minor cities in southwestern Macedonia and Thessaly before appearing at the gates of Thessal", "56de148dcffd8e1900b4b5bd": "By", "56de148dcffd8e1900b4b5be": "of Byzantium. The", "56de15104396321400ee25b7": "Byzantine resistance forced Bohemond to retreat from his campaign and sign a peace treaty with the Byzantines in the city of De", "56de15104396321400ee25b8": ", disease and Byzantine resistance forced Bohe", "56de15104396321400ee25b9": ", Kanina and Jericho. This time, the Albanians sided with the Normans, dissatisfied by the heavy taxes", "56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c2": "one of the", "56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c3": "high", "56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c4": "road to a third attack in 1185, when a large Norman army invaded Dyrrachium, owing to the betrayal of high Byzantine officials.", "56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5c8": "of this, Ethelred fled to Normandy in 1013, when he was forced from his kingdom by Sw", "56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5c9": "influenced him and his sons by Emma", "56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5ca": "occupied most of the important ports opposite England across the English", "56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5cb": "only were their original Viking brethren still ravaging the English coasts, they occupied most of the important ports opposite England across the English Channel", "56de1645cffd8e1900b4b5d0": "some of whom established an English cavalry force. This concept never really took root", "56de1645cffd8e1900b4b5d1": "it is", "56de1645cffd8e1900b4b5d2": "an event which resulted in the greatest of early conflicts between Saxon and", "56de16ca4396321400ee25c5": "for their land on the continent. They considered England to be their most important holding (it", "56de16ca4396321400ee25c6": "had lands on both sides of", "56de16ca4396321400ee25c7": "England killing King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings. The invading", "56de16ca4396321400ee25c8": "symbol", "56de1728cffd8e1900b4b5d7": "The Anglo-Norman language was eventually absorbed into the Anglo-Saxon language of their subjects (see Old English) and influenced it, helping (", "56de179dcffd8e1900b4b5da": "be subsumed into Irish culture to the point that", "56de179dcffd8e1900b4b5db": "the east of Ireland, later known", "56de179dcffd8e1900b4b5dc": "Morel. Other names beginning with Fitz (from the Norman for son)", "56de17f9cffd8e1900b4b5e0": "s southern borders. William invaded Scotland in 1072, riding as far as Abernethy where he met up with", "56de17f9cffd8e1900b4b5e1": "Edgar's sister Margaret, and came", "56de17f9cffd8e1900b4b5e2": "eventually fled to Scotland. King Malcolm III", "56de17f9cffd8e1900b4b5e3": "as Abernethy", "56de3cd0cffd8e1900b4b6be": "sister Maud of Scotland), and needing them to wrestle the kingdom from his half-brother M\u00e1el Coluim mac Alaxandair,", "56de3cd0cffd8e1900b4b6bf": "as well as founding a considerable number of", "56de3d594396321400ee26ca": "empty", "56de3d594396321400ee26cb": "him with defending the Marches and warring with the Welsh. In these original ventures,", "56de3d594396321400ee26cc": "Marches and warring with the Welsh", "56de3dbacffd8e1900b4b6d2": "long period of slow conquest during which almost all", "56de3e414396321400ee26d8": ". They were major foreign participants", "56de3e414396321400ee26d9": "in Iberia. In 1018, Roger de Tosny travelled to the Iberian Peninsula to carve out a state for himself from Moor", "56de3ebc4396321400ee26e6": "independent principality around that city. Tancred was instrumental in the conquest of Jerusalem and he worked for the expansion of the", "56de3ebc4396321400ee26e7": "kingdom in Transjordan and the", "56de3ebc4396321400ee26e8": "malfi were joined by Bohemond of Taranto and his nephew Tancred with an army of Italo-Normans", "56de3efccffd8e1900b4b6fe": "empty", "56de3f784396321400ee26fa": "the fleet. After some searching, it was discovered that the boat carrying his sister and his fianc\u00e9e Berengaria was anchored on the", "56de3f784396321400ee26fb": "release the prisoners and the treasure. Isaac refused, so Richard landed his troops", "56de3f784396321400ee26fc": "sister and his", "56de3f784396321400ee26fd": "to", "56de40da4396321400ee2708": "Conrad of Montferrat. The local barons abandoned Isaac, who considered making peace with Richard, joining him on the", "56de40da4396321400ee2709": "island. Richard left for Acre on 5 June, with his allies. Before his departure", "56de40da4396321400ee270a": "his mind and tried to escape. Richard then proceeded to conquer the whole island, his troops being led by Guy de Lusignan.", "56de41504396321400ee2714": "George and it was attended by Richard's sister", "56de41504396321400ee2715": "of Navarre. The wedding was held on 12", "56de41504396321400ee2716": "Heart married Berengaria of Navarre, first-born daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre.", "56de48f34396321400ee2770": "than it seemed. The island occupied", "56de48f34396321400ee2771": "ignan and became a stable feudal kingdom. It was only in 1489 that the Venetians", "56de49564396321400ee277a": "Between 1402 and 1405, the expedition led by the Norman noble Jean de Bethencourt and the Poitevine", "56de49a8cffd8e1900b4b7a7": "the islands to Enrique P\u00e9rez de Guzm\u00e1n, 2nd Count de Niebla.", "56de49a8cffd8e1900b4b7a8": "Jean's nephew Maciot de Bethencourt sold the", "56de49a8cffd8e1900b4b7a9": "empty", "56de4a474396321400ee2786": "customary", "56de4a474396321400ee2787": "1200 and 1245; and the Grand coutumier de Normandie (Great customary of Normandy", "56de4a89cffd8e1900b4b7bd": "Norman architecture typically stands out as a new stage in the architectural history of the regions they subdued. They spread a unique Romanesque idiom to England and", "56de4a89cffd8e1900b4b7be": "stands out", "56de4b074396321400ee2793": "elements of Islamic, Lombard, and Byzantine building techniques into their own, initiating a unique style known as Norman-", "56de4b074396321400ee2794": "empty", "56de4b074396321400ee2795": "empty", "56de4b5c4396321400ee2799": "age of illustrated manuscripts, but it was brief and the major scriptoria of Normandy ceased to function after the midpoint of the century", "56de4b5c4396321400ee279a": ", Saint-Evroul, and Saint-Wandrille. These centres were in contact with the so-called \"Winchester school\"", "56de4bb84396321400ee27a2": "French Revolution in", "56de4c324396321400ee27ab": "in the Nordic traditions imported in the previous half century", "56de4c324396321400ee27ac": "empty", "56de4c324396321400ee27ad": ". It was commissioned by Odo, the Bishop of Bayeux", "56de51244396321400ee27ef": ", which were common in Norman Italy and drew heavily on the Greek heritage. Lombard Salerno was a centre", "56de51c64396321400ee27f7": "th century. Under the German abbot Isembard, La Trinit\u00e9-du-Mont became a centre of musical composition", "56de51c64396321400ee27f8": "embard, La Trinit\u00e9-du-Mont became a centre of", "56de52614396321400ee27fb": "Grantmesnil, several monks of Saint-Evroul fled to southern Italy, where they were patronised by Robert Guiscard and established", "56de52614396321400ee27fc": "At Saint Evroul, a tradition of singing had developed and the choir achieved fame in Normandy. Under the Norman abbot Robert", "56de52614396321400ee27fd": "they continued", "56de52614396321400ee27fe": "empty", "56df9e2838dc4217001520f6": "his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (", "56df9e2838dc4217001520f8": "Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430 \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430; 10 July 1856 \u2013 7 January 1943) was a", "56df9e2838dc4217001520f9": "empty", "56e0b94b7aa994140058e6b7": "Cyrillic: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430 \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430; 10 July", "56e0b94b7aa994140058e6b8": "empty", "56e0b94b7aa994140058e6b9": "inventor, electrical engineer", "56e0b94b7aa994140058e6bb": "empty", "56df9ee138dc421700152108": ". His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse", "56df9ee138dc421700152109": "emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas", "56df9ee138dc42170015210a": "Currents\" as", "56df9ee138dc42170015210b": "States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial", "56df9ee138dc42170015210c": "up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by", "56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c1": "on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to", "56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c2": "motor", "56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c3": "who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. His work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating", "56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c4": "\"War of Currents\" as", "56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c5": "who also hired Tesla for a short time as a", "56dfa01738dc42170015211d": "lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs,", "56dfa01738dc42170015211e": "e Tower project. In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes", "56dfa01738dc42170015211f": "on to pursue his ideas of", "56e0bab7231d4119001ac35b": "clyff", "56e0bab7231d4119001ac35c": "high", "56e0bab7231d4119001ac35d": "ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-", "56e0bab7231d4119001ac35e": "controlled boat", "56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb7": "flux density the", "56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb8": "hotels", "56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb9": "for", "56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebba": "which was used to finance his own projects", "56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cb": "earning him a reputation in popular culture as an archetypal \"mad scientist\". His patents earned him a considerable", "56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cc": "flux density the", "56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cd": ":121,154 He lived most of his life in a", "56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6ce": "an archetypal \"", "56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cf": "unit of magnetic flux density the tesla in his honor.", "56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc1": "etic memory and creative abilities to", "56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc2": "the ability to memorize Serbian epic poems. \u0110uka had never received a formal education. Nikola credited his eidetic", "56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc3": "Nikola credited his eidetic memory and creative abilities to his mother's genetics and influence.", "56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc4": "(n\u00e9e", "56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36b": ". 28 June] 1856 into a Serb family", "56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36c": "(modern-day Croatia). His father, Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother,", "56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36d": ", near Montenegro", "56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36e": "-day Croatia). His father, Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, \u0110uka", "56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36f": "(n\u00e9e Mandi\u0107), whose father was also an Orthodox priest,:10 had a talent for making home craft tools, mechanical appliances", "56dfa1d34a1a83140091ebd4": "attended the \"Lower\" or \"", "56dfa1d44a1a83140091ebd6": "was the fourth of five children. He had an older brother named Dane and three", "56dfa1d44a1a83140091ebd7": "He had an older brother named Dane and three sisters, Milka, Angelina and Marica. Dane was killed in a horse", "56e0c0c7231d4119001ac375": "Nikola completed \"Lower\" or \"Primary\" School, followed by the \"Lower Real Gymnasium\" or \"", "56e0c0c7231d4119001ac376": ".\"", "56e0c0c7231d4119001ac377": "moved to Gospi\u0107, Austrian Empire, where Tesla's father worked as a", "56e0c0c7231d4119001ac378": "\"Primary\" School in S", "56e0c0c7231d4119001ac379": ". Nikola completed \"Lower\" or", "56dfa24a38dc421700152142": "believe that he was cheating. He finished a four-year term in three years, graduating", "56dfa24a38dc421700152143": "Tesla was able to perform integral calculus in his head, which prompted his teachers to believe that he was cheating. He finished a four", "56dfa24a38dc421700152144": "to Karlovac, to attend school at the Higher Real Gymnasium, where he was profoundly influenced by", "56dfa24a38dc421700152145": "integral calculus in", "56dfa24a38dc421700152146": "Higher Real Gymnasium, where he was profoundly influenced by a math teacher Martin", "56e0c1617aa994140058e6d5": "Hungarian Military Frontier. Tesla was able to perform integral calculus in his head, which prompted his teachers to believe that he was", "56e0c1617aa994140058e6d6": ".:32 The classes were held in German, as it was a school within the Austro-Hungarian Military", "56e0c1617aa994140058e6d7": "where he was profoundly influenced by a math teacher Martin Sekuli\u0107.:32 The classes", "56e0c1617aa994140058e6d8": "empty", "56e0c1617aa994140058e6d9": "Real", "56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf2": "for nine months and was near death multiple times. Tesla's father, in a moment of", "56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf3": "s father, in a moment of despair, promised to send him to the best engineering school if he recovered from", "56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf4": "months and was near death multiple times", "56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf5": "'s father, in a moment of", "56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf6": "father", "56e0c2307aa994140058e6df": "multiple times. Tesla's father, in a moment of despair, promised to send him to the best engineering school", "56e0c2307aa994140058e6e0": "empty", "56e0c2307aa994140058e6e1": "Smiljan. Shortly after he arrived, Tesla contracted", "56e0c2307aa994140058e6e2": "s father, in a moment of despair, promised to send him to the best engineering school if he recovered", "56e0c2307aa994140058e6e3": "birthtown, Smiljan. Shortly after he arrived, Tesla contracted cholera; he was bedridden for nine", "56dfa3394a1a83140091ebfc": "ly recover from his earlier illness.", "56dfa3394a1a83140091ebfd": ", and later said that Mark Twain'", "56dfa3394a1a83140091ebfe": "this contact with nature made him stronger", "56dfa3394a1a83140091ebff": "d being drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan by running away to Toming", "56dfa3394a1a83140091ec00": "Tesla said that this contact with nature made him stronger, both physically and mentally. He read many books while in Tomingaj, and later said that", "56e0c2bc231d4119001ac389": "garb. Tesla said that this contact with nature made him stronger, both physically and mentally. He read many books while in Tomingaj", "56e0c2bc231d4119001ac38a": "Mark Twain's", "56e0c2bc231d4119001ac38b": "drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan by running away", "56e0c2bc231d4119001ac38c": "Gra\u010dac. There, he explored the mountains in hunter's garb. Tesla said that this contact with nature made him stronger, both physically and", "56dfa3c338dc421700152154": "nearly twice as many required),", "56dfa3c338dc421700152155": "year, Tesla never missed a lecture, earned the highest grades possible, passed nine exams (nearly twice as many required), started a", "56dfa3c338dc421700152156": "possible, passed nine exams (nearly twice as many", "56dfa3c338dc421700152157": "Tesla suggested that commutators", "56dfa3c338dc421700152158": "\"Your son is a star of first rank.\" Tesla claimed that he worked from 3 a.m. to 11 p.m.,", "56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3ab": "excepted. He was", "56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3ac": "be killed through overwork. During his second year, Tesla came into conflict with Professor Poes", "56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3ad": ".", "56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3ae": "the dean of the technical faculty to his father, which stated,", "56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3af": "of commendation from the dean of the technical faculty to his father", "56dfa7887aa994140058dfa9": "family", "56dfa7887aa994140058dfaa": "ns", "56dfa7887aa994140058dfab": "60 florins a month. He spent his spare time", "56dfa7887aa994140058dfac": "Tesla left Graz and severed all relations with his family to hide the fact that he dropped out of school", "56dfa7887aa994140058dfad": "sman for 60 flori", "56e0ccaa7aa994140058e717": "Nikola suffered a nervous breakdown at around", "56e0ccaa7aa994140058e718": ", Milutin Tesla went to Maribor to", "56e0ccaa7aa994140058e719": "and severed all relations with his", "56e0ccaa7aa994140058e71a": "his spare time playing cards with local men", "56e0ccaa7aa994140058e71b": "around the same time", "56dfaa047aa994140058dfbd": "he died of a stroke", "56dfaa047aa994140058dfbe": "illness (although some sources say that he died of a stroke). During that year, Tesla taught a", "56dfaa047aa994140058dfbf": "a residence permit. On 17 April 1879, Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60 after", "56dfaa047aa994140058dfc0": "stroke)", "56dfaa047aa994140058dfc1": "guard for not having a residence permit. On 17 April 1879, Milutin Tesla died", "56e0cd33231d4119001ac3bf": "although some sources say that he died of a stroke). During that year, Tesla taught a", "56e0cd33231d4119001ac3c0": "On 24 March 1879, Tesla was returned to Gospi\u0107 under police guard for not having a residence", "56e0cd33231d4119001ac3c1": "Gospi\u0107 under police", "56e0cd33231d4119001ac3c2": ", Tesla taught a large class of students in his old school, Higher", "56dfac8e231d4119001abc5b": ",", "56dfac8e231d4119001abc5c": "he never studied Greek, a required", "56dfac8e231d4119001abc5e": "to study. Unfortunately, he arrived too late to enroll at Charles-Ferdinand University; he never studied Greek, a required subject", "56dfac8e231d4119001abc5f": "leave", "56e0cdb9231d4119001ac3c7": ", a required subject; and he was illiterate in Czech, another required subject. Tesla did, however, attend lectures at the university,", "56e0cdb9231d4119001ac3c8": ",", "56e0cdb9231d4119001ac3c9": "he arrived too late to enroll at Charles-Ferdinand University; he never studied Greek", "56e0cdb9231d4119001ac3ca": "did, however, attend lectures", "56dfad0a7aa994140058dfc7": "ed a telephone repeater or", "56dfad0a7aa994140058dfc8": "Budapest Telephone Exchange. Upon arrival, Tesla realized that the company, then under construction, was not functional, so he worked as", "56dfad0a7aa994140058dfc9": "to the Central Station equipment and claimed to have perfected a", "56dfad0a7aa994140058dfca": "Telephone Exchange. Upon arrival, Tesla realized that the company, then under", "56dfad0a7aa994140058dfcb": ", Tesla realized that the company, then under construction,", "56e0d402231d4119001ac3fc": "chief electrician position. During his", "56e0d402231d4119001ac3fd": "1881", "56e0d402231d4119001ac3fe": "In 1881, Tesla moved to Budapest to work under Ferenc Pusk\u00e1", "56e0d402231d4119001ac3ff": "to the Central Station equipment and claimed to have perfected a telephone repeater or amplifier, which was never patented nor", "56dfb0c8231d4119001abc83": "he was hired by Thomas Edison to work at his Edison Machine Works on Manhattan's lower east side", "56dfb0c8231d4119001abc84": "working for the Continental Edison Company in France, designing and making improvements to", "56dfb0c8231d4119001abc85": "work at", "56dfb0c8231d4119001abc86": "empty", "56dfb0c8231d4119001abc87": "60 where he was", "56e0d54a7aa994140058e769": "Thomas Edison to work at his", "56e0d54a7aa994140058e76a": "working for the Continental Edison Company in France, designing and making improvements to", "56e0d54a7aa994140058e76b": "'s lower east side. Tesla's work for Edison began with simple electrical engineering and quickly progressed to solving more difficult problems", "56e0d54a7aa994140058e76c": "his Edison Machine Works on Manhattan'", "56e0d54a7aa994140058e76d": "quickly progressed to solving more difficult problems.", "56dfb4be7aa994140058e00d": "a US$10 a week raise over Tesla's US$18 per week salary", "56dfb4be7aa994140058e00e": "noted as an odd statement", "56dfb4be7aa994140058e010": "it for you\u2014if you can do it.\"", "56e0d6367aa994140058e773": "57 :64 This has", "56e0d6367aa994140058e774": "with pay and who did not have that sort of cash on hand. After months of work, Tesla", "56e0d6367aa994140058e775": ". After months of work, Tesla fulfilled the task and inquired about payment. Edison, saying that he was only joking, replied, \"Tes", "56dfb5777aa994140058e021": "name, Tesla", "56dfb5777aa994140058e022": "Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company", "56dfb5777aa994140058e023": "lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. The company installed electrical arc light based illumination systems designed by", "56dfb5777aa994140058e024": "company Tesla partnered with two businessmen in 1886, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting", "56dfb5777aa994140058e025": "empty", "56e0d6cf231d4119001ac420": "'s name", "56e0d6cf231d4119001ac421": ", Tesla Electric Light &", "56e0d6cf231d4119001ac422": "commutators, the first patents issued to Tesla in", "56e0d6cf231d4119001ac423": "lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. The company installed electrical arc light based illumination systems designed by", "56e0d6cf231d4119001ac424": "agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. The company", "56dfb5f5231d4119001abcb5": "in lieu of stock. He had to work at various electrical repair jobs and even as a ditch digger for $2 per day. Tesla considered the", "56dfb5f5231d4119001abcb6": "for new types of motors and electrical transmission equipment and also seemed to think it was better to", "56dfb5f5231d4119001abcb8": ". They eventually forced Tesla out leaving him penniless.", "56dfb5f5231d4119001abcb9": "1886/1887 as a time of \"ter", "56e0d76d231d4119001ac42b": "electrical utility than", "56e0d76d231d4119001ac42c": "lieu of stock. He had to work at various electrical repair jobs and even as a ditch digger for $2 per day. Tesla considered the winter", "56e0d76d231d4119001ac42d": "develop an electrical utility than invent new systems. They eventually forced Tesla out leaving him penn", "56dfb666231d4119001abcc0": "would go \u2153 to Tesla, \u2153", "56dfb666231d4119001abcc1": ", and New York attorney Charles F. Peck. The two men were", "56dfb666231d4119001abcc2": ", \u2153 to Peck and Brown, and \u2153 to fund development. They set up a laboratory for Tesla at 89 Liberty", "56dfb666231d4119001abcc3": "companies and promoting inventions and", "56e0d810231d4119001ac432": "S. Brown, a Western Union superintendent, and New York attorney Charles F", "56e0d810231d4119001ac433": "S. Brown, a Western Union superintendent,", "56e0d810231d4119001ac434": "Tesla's patents and other ideas they agreed to back him", "56e0d810231d4119001ac435": "men were experienced in setting up companies and promoting inventions and patents for", "56e0d810231d4119001ac436": "and New", "56dfb6d17aa994140058e053": "May 1888, was a simple self-starting design that", "56dfb6d17aa994140058e054": "of its advantages in long-distance, high-voltage transmission. The motor used polyphase current which generated a rotating magnetic field", "56dfb6d17aa994140058e055": ", a power system format that was starting to be built in Europe and the United States because of its", "56dfb6d17aa994140058e056": "have conceived in 1882). This innovative electric motor, patented in May 1888,", "56dfb6d17aa994140058e057": "ator, thus avoiding sparking and the high maintenance of", "56e0d9e0231d4119001ac43c": "rotating magnetic field to turn the motor (a principle Tesla claimed to have conceived in 1882). This innovative electric motor,", "56e0d9e0231d4119001ac43d": ",", "56e0d9e0231d4119001ac43e": "that laboratory in 1887 was an induction motor that ran on alternating current,", "56e0d9e0231d4119001ac43f": "in Europe and the", "56e057e1231d4119001ac043": "in March 1888 by the Italian physicist Galileo Ferraris, but decided Tesla's patent would probably control the market", "56e057e1231d4119001ac044": "erford Martin (a friend and publicist),", "56e057e1231d4119001ac045": "for Tesla to demonstrate his alternating current system", "56e057e1231d4119001ac046": "of Electrical Engineers (now IEEE). Engineers working for the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company reported to George Westinghouse that Tesla had a viable A", "56e057e1231d4119001ac047": "motor presented in a paper in March 1888 by the Italian physicist Galileo Ferrari", "56e0dbb57aa994140058e779": "Martin (a friend and publicist), arranged for Tesla to demonstrate his alternating current system, including his induction motor, at the", "56e0dbb57aa994140058e77a": ", including his induction motor, at the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (now IEEE)", "56e0dbb57aa994140058e77b": "paper in March 1888 by the Italian physicist Galileo Ferraris, but decided Tesla's", "56e0dbb57aa994140058e77c": "looked into getting a", "56e0dbb57aa994140058e77d": "empty", "56e05900231d4119001ac04d": "Brown and Peck", "56e05900231d4119001ac04e": "a royalty of $2.50 per AC horsepower produced by each motor. Westinghouse also hired Tesla for", "56e05900231d4119001ac04f": "also hired Tesla for one year for the large fee of $2,000", "56e05900231d4119001ac051": "Brown and Peck negotiated a licensing deal with George Westinghouse for", "56e0dc667aa994140058e783": "hired Tesla for one year for the large fee of $2,000 ($52,700 in today's", "56e0dc667aa994140058e784": "$60,000 in cash and stock and a royalty of $2.50", "56e0dc667aa994140058e785": ",700 in today's dollars) per month to be a consultant at the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company's Pittsburgh labs.", "56e0dc667aa994140058e786": "2,000 ($52,700 in today's dollars) per month to be a consultant at the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company's", "56e059c8231d4119001ac057": "there frustrating because", "56e059c8231d4119001ac058": "alternating current system to power the city's streetcars. He found the time there frustrating because of conflicts between him and the", "56e059c8231d4119001ac059": "to create an alternating current system to", "56e059c8231d4119001ac05a": "Tesla's induction motor could only run at a constant speed, it would not work", "56e0e518231d4119001ac444": "C current system Tesla proposed (to match the working frequency of Tesla's motor), although they", "56e0e518231d4119001ac445": "over how best to implement AC power. Between them, they settled on a 60-cycle", "56e05a78231d4119001ac062": "into", "56e05a78231d4119001ac063": "be put on hold for a while. The competition resulted in Edison Machine Works pursuing AC development in 1890 and by 1892 Thomas Edison was no longer", "56e05a78231d4119001ac064": "systems with Edison holding all the patents for DC and the incandescent light and Westinghouse using his own patented AC system to", "56e05a78231d4119001ac065": "all-out warfare by 1888. This started out as a competition between rival lighting systems with Edison holding all the patents for DC and", "56e0e5f37aa994140058e78b": "holding all the patents for DC and the incandescent light and Westinghouse using his own patented AC system to power arc lights as well as inc", "56e0e5f37aa994140058e78c": "patents for DC and the incandescent light and Westinghouse using", "56e0e5f37aa994140058e78d": "Machine Works", "56e0e5f37aa994140058e78e": "in", "56e0e5f37aa994140058e78f": "Westinghouse's first AC system in 1886 and had reached", "56e07c86231d4119001ac1cd": "Tesla", "56e07c86231d4119001ac1ce": "lamp.:79 An", "56e07c86231d4119001ac1cf": "Exposition", "56e07c86231d4119001ac1d0": "banner announcing the \"Tesla Polyphase System\", Tesla demonstrated a series of electrical effects previously", "56e07c86231d4119001ac1d1": "event in the history of AC power, as Westinghouse demonstrated the safety, reliability, and efficiency of a fully integrated alternating current system to the American", "56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d5": "event in the history of AC power, as Westinghouse demonstrated the safety", "56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d6": "Columbian Exposition, under a banner announcing the \"", "56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d7": "using high-voltage, high-frequency alternating current to light a wireless gas-discharge lamp.:79 An observer noted:", "56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d8": "reliability, and efficiency of a fully integrated alternating current", "56e0812c231d4119001ac213": ", high-voltage DC, and even compressed air. Adams pumped", "56e0812c231d4119001ac214": "including two-phase and three-phase AC, high-voltage DC, and even compressed air. Adams pumped", "56e0812c231d4119001ac215": "companies including two-phase and three-phase AC, high-voltage DC, and even compressed air. Adams pumped Tesla for", "56e0812c231d4119001ac216": "Columbian Exposition, a contract for building a two-", "56e0812c231d4119001ac217": "escent bulbs using two-phase alternating current. Based on Tesla's advice and Westinghouse's demonstration that they could build a complete", "56e0ee12231d4119001ac459": "proposals and open competitions on how best to utilize power generated by the falls with many", "56e0ee12231d4119001ac45a": "Adams pumped Tesla for information about the", "56e0ee12231d4119001ac45b": "systems. Tesla advised Adams that a two-phase", "56e0ee12231d4119001ac45c": "Adams pumped Tesla for information about the current state of all the competing systems. Tesla advised Adams", "56e089ab231d4119001ac285": "'s AC patents in exchange for Westinghouse", "56e089ab231d4119001ac287": "and Tesla would have to \"deal with the bankers\" to try to collect future royalties.", "56e089ab231d4119001ac288": "in stark terms, saying that if things", "56e089ab231d4119001ac289": "Westinghouse convinced Tesla to release his company from the licensing agreement over Tesla's AC patents in exchange for", "56e0ef0c231d4119001ac462": "control of Westinghouse Electric and Tesla would have to \"deal with the bankers\" to try to collect", "56e0ef0c231d4119001ac463": ", Brown, and Peck). In 1897, Westinghouse explained his financial difficulties to Tesla in stark terms, saying that", "56e0ef0c231d4119001ac464": "signed between the two companies in 1896 Westinghouse was still cash-strapped from the financial warfare. To secure further loans, Westinghouse", "56e08a1f7aa994140058e5da": "Street, in New York. He lit electric lamps wirelessly at both locations, demonstrating the potential of wireless power transmission. In the same year,", "56e08a1f7aa994140058e5db": "empty", "56e08a1f7aa994140058e5dc": "35, Tesla became a naturalized citizen of the United", "56e08a1f7aa994140058e5dd": "30 July 1891, at the age of 35,", "56e0ef90231d4119001ac468": "age of 35, Tesla became a naturalized citizen of the United States, and established his South Fifth Avenue laboratory, and", "56e0ef90231d4119001ac469": "empty", "56e0ef90231d4119001ac46a": "ly at both locations, demonstrating the potential of wireless power transmission. In the same year, he patented the Tesla coil", "56e0ef90231d4119001ac46b": "the Tesla coil.", "56e08aa0231d4119001ac299": "the modern-day IEEE, from", "56e08aa0231d4119001ac29a": "served as a vice president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the forerunner (", "56e08aa0231d4119001ac29d": "Institute of Radio Engineers) of the modern-day IEEE, from", "56e0f019231d4119001ac470": "as", "56e0f019231d4119001ac471": "empty", "56e0f019231d4119001ac472": "empty", "56e08b3c231d4119001ac2a4": ", a cold cathode electrical discharge tube. Soon after, much of Tesla's early research\u2014hundreds of invention models, plans, notes,", "56e08b3c231d4119001ac2a5": "\"X-Rays\"). His early experiments were with Crookes tubes, a cold cathode", "56e08b3c231d4119001ac2a6": "damaged film", "56e08b3c231d4119001ac2a7": "laboratory fire of March 1895", "56e0f32d231d4119001ac4c8": "Soon after", "56e0f32d231d4119001ac4c9": "his laboratory in", "56e0f32d231d4119001ac4ca": "tgen's December 1895", "56e0f32d231d4119001ac4cb": "quoted by The New York Times as saying, \"I am in too", "56e0f32d231d4119001ac4cc": "\"X-Rays\"). His early experiments were with Crookes tubes, a cold cathode electrical discharge tube.", "56e08d32231d4119001ac2ad": "-ray imaging (radiography), Tesla proceeded to do his own experiments in X-ray imaging, developing a high", "56e08d32231d4119001ac2ae": "Roentgen rays of", "56e08d32231d4119001ac2af": "proceeded to do his own experiments in X-ray imaging, developing a", "56e08d32231d4119001ac2b0": "and X-ray imaging (radiography), Tesla proceeded to do his own experiments in X-ray imaging, developing a", "56e08d32231d4119001ac2b1": "ray and X-ray", "56e0f5a6231d4119001ac4d4": "to produce X-rays. Tesla", "56e0f5a6231d4119001ac4d5": ", with his circuits, the \"", "56e0f5a6231d4119001ac4d6": "after", "56e08f4a231d4119001ac2b7": "he attributed the skin damage to various causes. He believed", "56e08f4a231d4119001ac2b8": "extent, by nitrous acid. Tesla incorrectly believed that X-rays were longitudinal waves, such as those", "56e08f4a231d4119001ac2b9": "his circuit and single-node X-ray", "56e08f4a231d4119001ac2ba": "but by the ozone generated in contact with the skin, and to", "56e08f4a231d4119001ac2bb": "caused by the Roentgen rays, but by the ozone generated in contact with the skin,", "56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4ee": "was not caused by the Roentgen rays, but by the ozone generated in contact with the skin", "56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4ef": "Tesla noted the hazards of working with his circuit and single-node X-ray-producing devices. In his", "56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4f0": "the ozone generated in contact with the skin, and to a lesser extent, by nitrous acid. Tesla incorrectly believed that X-ray", "56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4f1": "the", "56e0e69b7aa994140058e795": "the \"Tes", "56e0e69b7aa994140058e796": "C system as the \"Tesla Polyphase System\", noting how they believed Tesla's patents gave them patent priority", "56e0e69b7aa994140058e797": "Benjamin Lamme had made great progress developing", "56e0ed557aa994140058e7dd": "empty", "56e0ed557aa994140058e7e0": "end using a device he constructed known as the Egg", "56e0fa5b7aa994140058e859": "gun,\"", "56e0fa5b7aa994140058e85a": "feel a", "56e0fa5b7aa994140058e85b": "The particles in the beam of force ..", "56e0fa5b7aa994140058e85c": "break off the cathode,", "56e0fb14231d4119001ac525": "in 1893 in St. Louis, Missouri, the", "56e0fb14231d4119001ac526": "lectures and demonstrations in 1893 in St. Louis, Missouri, the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania", "56e0fb14231d4119001ac527": "Association. Tesla's demonstrations and principles were written about widely through various media outlets. Many devices", "56e0fb887aa994140058e869": "opportunity to further demonstrate", "56e0fb887aa994140058e86a": "\u2014which he dubbed \"teleautomaton\"", "56e0fb887aa994140058e86b": "\"Teleautomatics\" in an address to a meeting of the Commercial Club in Chicago,", "56e0fb887aa994140058e86c": "while he", "56e0fb887aa994140058e86d": "auto", "56e0fc3f7aa994140058e877": "first", "56e0fc3f7aa994140058e878": "this claim. This was the beginning", "56e0fc3f7aa994140058e879": "Company via simply restoring Tesla's prior patent).", "56e0fc3f7aa994140058e87a": "that their decision had no bearing on Marconi's claim", "56e0fc3f7aa994140058e87b": "it was done with 17 Tesla patents, though there is little to support this claim. This was the beginning of years of patent", "56e0fd167aa994140058e881": "were willing to give him all the power he needed without charging for it. Upon his arrival", "56e0fd167aa994140058e882": ". Upon his arrival, he told reporters that he was conducting wireless telegraphy experiments, transmitting signals from Pikes Peak to", "56e0fd167aa994140058e883": "there and he had associates who", "56e0fd167aa994140058e884": "On 17 May 1899, Tesla moved to Colorado Springs, where he", "56e0fde0cd28a01900c673ea": "of what Tesla was detecting from lightning storms confirmed his belief that the", "56e0fde0cd28a01900c673eb": "of what Tesla was detecting from lightning storms confirmed his belief that the earth had", "56e0fde0cd28a01900c673ec": "He stated", "56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6a": "from the released energy was heard 15 miles away in Cripple Creek, Colorado. People walking along the street observed sparks jumping between their feet and the", "56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6b": "Colorado. People walking along the street observed sparks jumping between", "56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6c": "of the lab glowed even when turned off. Horses in a livery stable", "56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6d": "consisting of millions of volts and up to 135 feet long. Thunder from", "56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6e": ". Light bulbs within 100 feet of the lab glowed even when turned off. Horses in a livery stable bolted from their stall", "56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fb": "up in them, and which caused heavy sparks to", "56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fc": "several hundred kilo", "56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fd": "it was found that the dynamos in a power house six miles away were repeatedly burned out, due to the", "56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fe": "burned out, due to the powerful high frequency currents set up in them, and which caused heavy sparks to jump through the", "56e10043e3433e1400422a84": "to the Red Cross Society where he referred to messages \"from another world\" that read \"1... 2...", "56e10043e3433e1400422a85": "on 8 December 1899 and", "56e10043e3433e1400422a86": "apparent to him", "56e10043e3433e1400422a87": "S (dot/dot", "56e10043e3433e1400422a88": "read \"", "56e100b6cd28a01900c67403": "invested $100,000 for Tesla to further develop and", "56e100b6cd28a01900c67404": "empty", "56e100b6cd28a01900c67405": "to further develop", "56e100b6cd28a01900c67406": ", John Jacob", "56e1011ecd28a01900c6740b": "down in 1904, and its contents were sold two years later to satisfy a debt.", "56e1011ecd28a01900c6740c": "empty", "56e1011ecd28a01900c6740d": "lab was torn down in 1904, and its contents were sold two years later", "56e1011ecd28a01900c6740e": "were sold two years later", "56e10179cd28a01900c67413": "empty", "56e10179cd28a01900c67414": "Colorado experiments had prepared Tesla for the establishment of the trans-Atlantic wireless telecommunications facility known as Wardencly", "56e10179cd28a01900c67415": "facility known as Wardenclyffe", "56e101f4e3433e1400422a8e": "asked where all the money had gone, Tesla responded by saying that", "56e101f4e3433e1400422a8f": "money on the", "56e101f4e3433e1400422a91": "later approached Morgan to ask for more funds to build a more powerful transmitter. When asked where all the money", "56e10296cd28a01900c67423": "lyffe", "56e10296cd28a01900c67424": "will be impossible for [me] to do anything in the matter,\" after Tesla had written to Morgan when", "56e10296cd28a01900c67425": "for another nine months. The tower", "56e10296cd28a01900c67426": "over 50 letters to Morgan, pleading for and demanding additional funding to complete the construction of Wardenc", "56e10325cd28a01900c67435": "On his 50th birthday in 1906, Tesla demonstrated his 200 horsepower (150 kilowatts) 16,000 rpm bladeless turbine", "56e10325cd28a01900c67436": "16,000 rpm bladeless turbine. During 1910\u20131911 at the Waterside", "56e10325cd28a01900c67437": "On his 50th birthday in 1906, Tesla demonstrated his 200 horsepower (", "56e10325cd28a01900c67438": "turbine engines", "56e10412e3433e1400422aba": "hundreds of feet and practically destroy civilization. A continuation of this process would", "56e10412e3433e1400422abb": "police arrived.:162\u2013164 In February 1912, an article\u2014", "56e10412e3433e1400422abc": ", in which an artist's illustration appears showing the entire earth cracking in half with the caption, \"Tesla claims that in", "56e10412e3433e1400422abd": "'s oscillator. While experimenting with mechanical oscillators at", "56e10412e3433e1400422abe": "ing with mechanical oscillators at his Houston Street lab, Tesla allegedly", "56e1066be3433e1400422ae4": ". The whole room will thus, Mr. Tesla claims, be converted into a", "56e1066be3433e1400422ae5": "infinitesimal electric waves", "56e1066be3433e1400422ae6": "schoolroom] with infinitesimal electric waves vibrating at high frequency. The whole room", "56e1066be3433e1400422ae7": "the brain enhanced intelligence. In 1912, he", "56e1075ae3433e1400422afa": "). In 1917, around the time that the Wardenclyffe Tower was demolished by Boldt", "56e1075ae3433e1400422afb": "Tower was demolished by Bold", "56e1075ae3433e1400422afc": "dollars). In 1917, around the time that the Wardenclyffe Tower was demolished by Boldt to make the land a more viable", "56e1075ae3433e1400422afd": "Before World", "56e1075ae3433e1400422afe": "472,500 in today's dollars). In 1917, around the time that the Wardenclyffe Tower was demolished by Boldt to make", "56e108abe3433e1400422b0c": "s, noted in 1953 that Tesla'", "56e108abe3433e1400422b0d": "high frequency radio waves would penetrate water but \u00c9mile Girardeau", "56e108abe3433e1400422b0e": "hesying or dreaming, since he had at his disposal no means of carrying them out, but one must add that", "56e108abe3433e1400422b0f": "electricity could be used to locate submarines via using the reflection of an \"electric ray\" of \"tremendous frequency,\"", "56e1097dcd28a01900c6748f": "at the time that Tesla and/or Edison had refused the prize.:245 The Nobel Foundation said, \"Any rumor that", "56e1097dcd28a01900c67490": "or Edison had refused the prize.:245 The Nobel Foundation said, \"", "56e1097dcd28a01900c67491": "Nobel Prize", "56e1097dcd28a01900c67492": "a Nobel Prize because he has made known his intention to refuse the reward is ridiculous", "56e10a28cd28a01900c674b1": "the original recipients and that neither was given the award because of", "56e10aa5cd28a01900c674b3": "although Edison did receive one of 38 possible bids in 1915 and Tesla did receive", "56e10aa5cd28a01900c674b4": "empty", "56e10aa5cd28a01900c674b5": "Edison won the prize (", "56e10b6ee3433e1400422b24": "Although the aircraft was probably impractical, it may be the earliest known design for what became the", "56e10b6ee3433e1400422b25": "less than $1,000.:251 Although the aircraft was probably impractical, it may be the earliest known design for what became the tiltrotor", "56e10b6ee3433e1400422b26": "probably impractical, it may be", "56e10b6ee3433e1400422b27": "through manipulation of the elevator devices", "56e10c61e3433e1400422b36": "Westinghouse Electric &", "56e10c61e3433e1400422b37": "inventor was living under. It has been described as being couched in the form of a \"consulting fee\" to get around Tesla", "56e10c61e3433e1400422b38": "expenses the Company would pay for the rest of Tesla's life. Accounts on how this came about vary. Several sources say", "56e10c61e3433e1400422b39": "how this came about vary. Several sources say Westinghouse was worried about potential bad publicity surrounding the impoverished conditions their former", "56e10d2dcd28a01900c674d7": ", a related new means", "56e10d2dcd28a01900c674d8": "energy with minimal loss over any terrestrial distance, a", "56e10d2dcd28a01900c674d9": "empty", "56e10d2dcd28a01900c674da": "a method of transmitting mechanical energy with minimal loss over any terrestrial distance, a related new means of communication, and", "56e10d2dcd28a01900c674db": "of transmitting mechanical energy with minimal loss over any terrestrial distance, a related new means of communication, and a method of accurately determining the location of", "56e10ddce3433e1400422b48": "library", "56e10ddce3433e1400422b49": "to his", "56e10ddce3433e1400422b4a": "was able", "56e10ddce3433e1400422b4b": "at fault", "56e10ddce3433e1400422b4c": "his ribs were broken in the accident (the full extent of his injuries will never be known", "56e10e73cd28a01900c674eb": "death ray. Tesla described the weapon as capable of being used against", "56e10e73cd28a01900c674ec": "to it as a \"", "56e10e73cd28a01900c674ed": ". Tesla described the weapon as capable of being used against ground-based infantry or for anti-aircraft purposes", "56e10e73cd28a01900c674ee": "empty", "56e10e73cd28a01900c674ef": "against ground-based infantry or for anti-aircraft purposes.", "56e10f14e3433e1400422b5c": "empty", "56e10f14e3433e1400422b5d": "I have built, demonstrated and used it. Only a little time will pass before I can give it to the world.", "56e10f14e3433e1400422b5e": "concerning the death ray, Tesla stated, \"But it is not an experiment ... I have built,", "56e10f14e3433e1400422b5f": "the world.\" His records indicate that the device is based on a narrow stream of small tungsten pellets that are accelerated", "56e10f14e3433e1400422b60": "But it is not an experiment ... I have built, demonstrated and used it. Only a little time will", "56e10fbacd28a01900c67509": "static repulsion). Tesla tried to interest the", "56e10fbacd28a01900c6750a": "same year, Tesla wrote a treatise, The Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-", "56e10fbacd28a01900c6750b": "describes an open-ended vacuum tube with a", "56e10fbacd28a01900c6750c": ".\" This treatise is currently in the Nikola Tesla Museum archive in Belgrade. It describes an", "56e10fbacd28a01900c6750d": "and directing non-dispersive particle streams (through electrostatic repulsion). Tesla tried to interest", "56e11044e3433e1400422b76": "the invention. His room had been entered and his papers had been", "56e11044e3433e1400422b77": "in which the negotiations were being conducted, Tesla said that efforts had been made to steal the invention. His room had been entered and his papers", "56e11044e3433e1400422b78": "part of it to paper; the blueprint for the teleforce weapon was", "56e110c3cd28a01900c67531": "of death had been coronary thrombosis. Tesla's remains were taken to", "56e110c3cd28a01900c67532": "Tesla had placed on his door", "56e110c3cd28a01900c67533": "the cause of death had been coronary thrombosis. Tesla's remains were taken to the", "56e110c3cd28a01900c67534": "3327 of the New Yorker Hotel. His body was later found by maid Alice Mona", "56e110c3cd28a01900c67535": "E. Campbell Funeral Home at Madison Ave. and 81st St. A long-time friend", "56e11161e3433e1400422b86": "OAP custody. After a three-day investigation, Trump's report concluded that there was nothing which would", "56e11161e3433e1400422b87": "-known electrical engineer serving as a technical aide to the", "56e11161e3433e1400422b89": "under", "56e11161e3433e1400422b8a": "New Yorker and other New York City hotels was transported to the Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Company under", "56e111e5e3433e1400422b90": "the WNYC radio while violin pieces \"Ave Maria\"", "56e111e5e3433e1400422b91": "ko\" were played in the background. On 12 January, two thousand people attended a state funeral for Tesla at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine.", "56e111e5e3433e1400422b92": "ve Maria\" and \"Tamo daleko\" were", "56e111e5e3433e1400422b93": "conducted by prominent priests in the Trinity Chapel (today's Serbian", "56e111e5e3433e1400422b94": ", New York, where it was later cremated. The following day, a second service was conducted by prominent priests in the", "56e1127bcd28a01900c67549": "United", "56e1127bcd28a01900c6754a": "Kosanovi\u0107's secretary Charlotte Muzar", "56e1127bcd28a01900c6754b": ". The ashes are", "56e1127bcd28a01900c6754c": "estate was shipped to Belgrade in 80 trunks marked N.T. In 1957, Kos", "56e1127bcd28a01900c6754d": "was", "56e11996e3433e1400422bde": "278 patents issued to Tesla in", "56e11996e3433e1400422bdf": "for, and various", "56e11996e3433e1400422be0": "278 patents issued to Tesla", "56e11996e3433e1400422be1": "developed by Tesla were not put into", "56e11a16cd28a01900c675b5": ".\":283,", "56e11a16cd28a01900c675b6": "., at", "56e11a16cd28a01900c675b7": ". \"", "56e11a16cd28a01900c675b8": ". or later, with dinner from exactly 8:10 p.m., at Delmonico's restaurant and later the Waldorf-Astoria", "56e11a73e3433e1400422bf0": "For exercise, Tesla walked between 8 to 10 miles per day.", "56e11a73e3433e1400422bf1": "that it stimulated his brain", "56e11a73e3433e1400422bf2": "quished his toes one hundred times for each foot every night, saying that it stimulated", "56e11a73e3433e1400422bf3": "quished his toes one hundred times for each foot every night, saying that it stimulated", "56e11afbcd28a01900c675c7": "interview, Tesla said that he believed that all fundamental laws could be reduced to one", "56e11afbcd28a01900c675c8": "Brisbane", "56e11afbcd28a01900c675c9": "an interview with newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane, Tesla said that he did", "56e11ba9cd28a01900c675d7": "he had been visited by a specific", "56e11ba9cd28a01900c675d8": "to feed the pigeons and even brought injured ones into his hotel room to", "56e11ba9cd28a01900c675d9": "end of", "56e11ba9cd28a01900c675da": ". Tesla spent over $2,000, including building a device that comfortably supported her so her", "56e11ba9cd28a01900c675db": "of his life, Tesla walked to the park every day to feed the pigeons and even brought injured ones into his hotel room to nurse back to", "56e11c24e3433e1400422c18": "empty", "56e11c24e3433e1400422c19": "(64 kg), with almost no weight variance from 1888 to about", "56e11c24e3433e1400422c1a": "City, meticulous in his grooming", "56e11c24e3433e1400422c1b": "1888 to about 1926.:292 He was an elegant, stylish figure", "56e11cedcd28a01900c675e7": "He suffered a peculiar affliction in which blinding flashes of light would appear before his eyes, often accompanied by visions.:33", "56e11cedcd28a01900c675e8": ":33 Often, the visions were linked to", "56e11cedcd28a01900c675e9": "his mind with extreme precision, including all dimensions, before moving to the construction stage, a technique sometimes", "56e11cedcd28a01900c675ea": "the construction", "56e11cedcd28a01900c675eb": "have come across; at other times they would provide the solution to a particular problem he had", "56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f1": "Tesla developed a passion for (and became very proficient at) billiards, chess and card", "56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f2": "study at Graz, Tesla developed a passion", "56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f3": "gaming table.:43, 301 On one occasion at his laboratory, Tesla", "56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f4": ".", "56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f5": "awakened me ... [Tesla] spoke animatedly, with pauses, [", "56e11e57e3433e1400422c28": "Tesla never married; he said his chastity was very", "56e11e57e3433e1400422c29": "any known relationships.", "56e11e57e3433e1400422c2a": ".", "56e11f05e3433e1400422c2e": "admiringly of Tesla. Robert Underwood Johnson described him as attain", "56e11f05e3433e1400422c2f": "were", "56e11f05e3433e1400422c30": "ed in his soul.\" Tesla's friend, Julian Hawthorne,", "56e11f05e3433e1400422c31": "did one meet a scientist or engineer who was also a", "56e11f05e3433e1400422c32": "social life, many people spoke very positively and admiring", "56e11f83cd28a01900c67611": "1920s, Tesla also befriended George Sylvester Viereck, a poet, writer, mystic, and", "56e11f83cd28a01900c67612": "held by Viereck and his wife.", "56e11f83cd28a01900c67613": ", and Kenneth Swezey. In middle age, Tesla became a close friend of Mark Twain", "56e12005cd28a01900c67617": "could", "56e12005cd28a01900c67618": "110 He was quick to", "56e12005cd28a01900c67619": "He", "56e12005cd28a01900c6761a": "to criticize clothing; on several occasions, Tesla directed a", "56e120a1e3433e1400422c38": "Tesla exhibited a pre-atomic understanding of physics in his writings; he disagreed with the theory of atoms being composed of smaller subatomic particles", "56e120a1e3433e1400422c39": "subatomic particles, stating there was no such thing as an electron creating an electric charge", "56e120a1e3433e1400422c3a": "of smaller subatomic particles, stating there was no such thing as an electron creating an electric", "56e120a1e3433e1400422c3b": "his writings; he disagreed with", "56e12110e3433e1400422c4a": "empty", "56e12110e3433e1400422c4b": "empty", "56e12110e3433e1400422c4c": "empty", "56e121b7e3433e1400422c50": "all details\" and that he hoped to soon give it", "56e121b7e3433e1400422c51": "of gravity\" that \"[would] put", "56e121b7e3433e1400422c52": "he started working on", "56e121b7e3433e1400422c53": "writings", "56e122dacd28a01900c67639": ", became a proponent of an imposed selective breeding version of eugenics. His opinion stemmed from the belief that", "56e122dacd28a01900c6763a": ", however, to push it further. In a 1937", "56e122dacd28a01900c6763b": "\" had interfered with the natural \"ruthless", "56e122dacd28a01900c6763c": "thless workings of nature,\" rather than from conceptions of a \"master race\" or inherent superiority of one person over", "56e1239acd28a01900c67641": "In 1926, Tesla commented on the ill", "56e1239acd28a01900c67642": "future would be", "56e1239acd28a01900c67643": "social subservience of women and the struggle of women", "56e12477e3433e1400422c5e": "\" (20 December 1914). Tesla believed that the League of Nations was not a remedy for the times and", "56e12477e3433e1400422c5f": "mation of the War\" (20", "56e12477e3433e1400422c60": "Science and Discovery are the great Forces which will lead to the Consummation", "56e12477e3433e1400422c61": "). Tesla believed that the League of Nations was not a remedy for the times and issues.[citation needed]", "56e124f1cd28a01900c6764f": "himself to be a \"believer in", "56e124f1cd28a01900c67650": "ism. Despite this, he had a", "56e124f1cd28a01900c67651": "raised an Orthodox Christian. Later in his life, he did", "56e1254ae3433e1400422c66": "empty", "56e1254ae3433e1400422c67": "empty", "56e1254ae3433e1400422c68": "empty", "56e125b6e3433e1400422c6c": "; The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, compiled and edited by David Hatcher Childress", "56e125b6e3433e1400422c6d": "are My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, compiled and", "56e125b6e3433e1400422c6e": "compiled and edited by David Hatcher Childress; and", "56e1262fcd28a01900c67655": "\" published in", "56e1262fcd28a01900c67656": "\"Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency,", "56e1262fcd28a01900c67657": "empty", "56e126dae3433e1400422c7c": "live theater, comics and video games. The impact of the technologies invented or envisioned by Tesla is a recurring theme in several", "56e126dae3433e1400422c7d": "theater, comics and video games. The impact of the technologies invented or envisioned by Tesla is a recurring theme in several types of science fiction.", "56e126dae3433e1400422c7e": "empty", "56e127bccd28a01900c6765b": "his contribution to electrical power generation. He received congratulatory letters from more than", "56e127bccd28a01900c6765c": "congratulatory letters from more than 70 pioneers in science and engineering, including", "56e127bccd28a01900c6765d": "1931, Time magazine put him on its cover. The", "56e127bccd28a01900c6765e": "empty", "56e127bccd28a01900c6765f": "con", "56e16182e3433e1400422e28": "theory is a branch of the", "56e16182e3433e1400422e29": "in theoretical computer science that focuses on classifying computational problems according to their inherent difficulty, and", "56e16182e3433e1400422e2a": "a computer, which is equivalent to stating that the problem may be", "56e16839cd28a01900c67887": "used in parallel computing). One of the roles of computational complexity theory is to determine the practical", "56e16839cd28a01900c67888": "used in parallel computing). One of", "56e16839cd28a01900c67889": "empty", "56e16839cd28a01900c6788a": "used in circuit complexity) and the number of processors (used in parallel computing). One of the", "56e16839cd28a01900c6788b": "of computational complexity theory is to determine the practical limits", "56e17644e3433e1400422f40": "in theoretical computer science are analysis of algorithms and computability theory. A key distinction between analysis of", "56e17644e3433e1400422f41": "restrictions on the available resources is what distinguishes computational complexity from computability theory: the latter theory asks what kind of problems can, in principle,", "56e17644e3433e1400422f42": "used to solve the same problem. More precisely, it tries to classify problems that can or cannot be solved with appropriately restricted resources.", "56e17644e3433e1400422f43": "resources needed by a particular algorithm to solve a problem, whereas the latter asks a more general", "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a1": ") and the", "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a2": "(", "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a3": "for a decision problem. For example,", "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a4": "problem of primality testing. The instance is a number (e.g. 15) and the solution is \"yes\" if", "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a5": "problem refers to the abstract question to be solved. In contrast, an instance of this", "56e17e6ee3433e1400422f7f": "passing through all of Germany", "56e17e6ee3433e1400422f80": "following instance of the decision version of the", "56e17e6ee3433e1400422f81": "2000 kilometres passing through all of Germany's 15 largest cities? The quantitative answer", "56e181d9e3433e1400422fa0": "(i.e., the set {0,1}), and thus the strings are bitstrings.", "56e181d9e3433e1400422fa1": "mathematical objects other than bitstrings must be", "56e181d9e3433e1400422fa2": "in a real-world computer, mathematical objects other than bitstrings must be suitably encoded. For example, integers can be represented", "56e181d9e3433e1400422fa3": "is a string over an alphabet. Usually, the alphabet is taken to be the binary alphabet (", "56e181d9e3433e1400422fa4": "must be suitably encoded. For example, integers can be represented in binary notation, and graphs can be encoded directly via their ad", "56e190bce3433e1400422fc8": "formal language, where the members of the language are instances whose output is", "56e190bce3433e1400422fc9": ", whether a given input string is a member of the formal language under consideration. If the algorithm deciding this problem returns the answer yes, the algorithm", "56e190bce3433e1400422fca": "theory. A decision problem is a special type of computational problem", "56e190bce3433e1400422fcb": "string is a member of the formal", "56e190bce3433e1400422fcc": "language are instances whose output is yes, and the non-members are those instances whose output is no. The objective is to decide,", "56e19557e3433e1400422fee": "decision problem is then the set of all", "56e19557e3433e1400422ff0": "not. The formal language associated with this decision problem is then", "56e19557e3433e1400422ff1": "strings", "56e19724cd28a01900c679f6": "isn't just yes or no. Notable examples include the traveling salesman problem and", "56e19724cd28a01900c679f7": "or no. Notable examples include the traveling salesman problem and the integer factorization problem.", "56e19724cd28a01900c679f8": "complex than that", "56e19724cd28a01900c679f9": "function) is expected for every input, but the output is more complex than that", "56e19724cd28a01900c679fa": "for every input, but the output", "56e1a0dccd28a01900c67a2e": "notion of decision problems. However,", "56e1a0dccd28a01900c67a2f": "can be recast as decision problems. For example, the multiplication of two integers can be expressed as the", "56e1a38de3433e140042305c": "does it take", "56e1a38de3433e140042305d": "an increase in the input size. For instance", "56e1a38de3433e140042305e": "may wish to see how much", "56e1a38de3433e140042305f": "time to solve. Thus the time required to solve a problem (or the space required", "56e1a38de3433e1400423060": "(or the space required, or", "56e1a564cd28a01900c67a48": ". If T(n) is a polynomial in n, then the algorithm is said to be a polynomial time algorithm. Co", "56e1a564cd28a01900c67a49": "as a function of n. Since the time taken on different inputs of the same size can be", "56e1a564cd28a01900c67a4a": "is n,", "56e1a564cd28a01900c67a4b": "the maximum time taken over all inputs of size n. If T(n) is a polynomial in n, then the algorithm is", "56e1a564cd28a01900c67a4c": "defined to be the maximum time taken over all inputs of size n. If T(n) is a polynomial in", "56e1aba0e3433e1400423094": "cellular automata or any programming language can be computed on a Turing machine. Since Turing machines are easy to analyze mathematically, and are", "56e1aba0e3433e1400423095": "is believed that if a problem can be solved", "56e1aba0e3433e1400423097": "symbols contained on a strip of tape.", "56e1aba0e3433e1400423098": "Life, cellular automata or any programming language can be computed on a", "56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a68": "efficiently. Algorithms that", "56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a69": "deterministic", "56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a6a": "inistic Turing machine is a deterministic Turing machine", "56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a6b": "deterministic Turing machine is a deterministic Turing machine with an added", "56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a6c": "most basic Turing machine, which uses a", "56e1b00ce3433e140042309e": "machines, non-deterministic Turing machines, quantum Turing machines, symmetric Turing machines and alternating Tur", "56e1b00ce3433e140042309f": "than others", "56e1b00ce3433e14004230a1": "empty", "56e1b169cd28a01900c67a72": "and memory consumption of these alternate models may vary.", "56e1b169cd28a01900c67a73": "Turing machines have been proposed in the literature, for example random access machines. Perhaps surprisingly, each of these models can", "56e1b169cd28a01900c67a74": "power. The time and memory consumption of these alternate models may vary. What all these models have in", "56e1b169cd28a01900c67a75": "vary. What all these models have in common is", "56e1b355e3433e14004230b0": "many different possibilities at once. The non-", "56e1b355e3433e14004230b1": "the mathematical models we want to analyze, so that non-deterministic time is a very important resource in analyzing computational problems.", "56e1b355e3433e14004230b2": "captures many of the mathematical models", "56e1b355e3433e14004230b3": "mathematical models we want to analyze", "56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa3": "time f(n) on a deterministic Turing", "56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa4": "deterministic Turing machine M on input x is the total number of state transitions, or steps", "56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa5": "on", "56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa6": "machine is used.", "56e1b754cd28a01900c67abc": "empty", "56e1b754cd28a01900c67abd": "empty", "56e1b754cd28a01900c67abe": "computational resource. Complexity measures are very generally defined", "56e1b754cd28a01900c67abf": "be viewed as a computational resource. Complexity measures are very generally defined by the Blum complexity", "56e1b754cd28a01900c67ac0": "Analogous definitions can be made for space requirements. Although time and", "56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e6": "and average case complexity refer to", "56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e7": "or any other complexity", "56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e8": "other complexity measure) of", "56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e9": "others,", "56e1ba41cd28a01900c67ae0": "case. If we assume that all possible permutations of the input list are equally likely, the average time taken for sorting is O(", "56e1ba41cd28a01900c67ae1": ". This solves the problem of sorting a list of integers that", "56e1ba41cd28a01900c67ae2": ", the average time taken for sorting is O(n log", "56e1bc3ae3433e1400423104": "(n) for a problem requires showing that no algorithm can", "56e1bc3ae3433e1400423105": "one is interested in proving upper and lower bounds on the minimum amount of time required by the", "56e1bc3ae3433e1400423106": "show a lower bound of T(n) for a problem requires showing that no algorithm can have time complexity lower than T", "56e1bc3ae3433e1400423107": "\"all possible algorithms\" includes not just the algorithms known today, but", "56e1bc3ae3433e1400423108": ", but any algorithm that", "56e1bd4acd28a01900c67afc": "and smaller terms. This makes the bounds independent of the specific details of the computational model used.", "56e1bd4acd28a01900c67afd": "and lower bounds are usually stated using the big O", "56e1bd4acd28a01900c67afe": "and lower bounds are usually", "56e1bd4acd28a01900c67aff": "O notation, which hides constant factors and smaller terms. This makes the bounds independent of the specific details of the computational model used. For", "56e1c0f6cd28a01900c67b2c": "complicated definitions that do not fit into this framework. Thus, a", "56e1c0f6cd28a01900c67b2d": "into this framework. Thus, a typical", "56e1c0f6cd28a01900c67b2e": "into this framework. Thus, a typical complexity class has a definition like the following", "56e1c2eee3433e1400423134": "n) often yields complexity classes that depend on the chosen machine model.", "56e1c2eee3433e1400423135": "binary string} can be solved in linear time on a multi-tape Turing machine, but necessarily requires quadratic time in", "56e1c2eee3433e1400423136": "Turing machines. If we allow polynomial variations in running time, Cobham-Edmonds thesis states", "56e1c2eee3433e1400423137": "ing the computation time above by some", "56e1c2eee3433e1400423138": "instance, the language {xx | x is any binary string} can be solved in linear time on a multi-tape", "56e1c3e1e3433e1400423148": "by bounding the time or space used", "56e1c3e1e3433e1400423149": "space used by the algorithm. Some important complexity classes of decision problems defined in", "56e1c3e1e3433e140042314a": "empty", "56e1c4fce3433e140042314e": "which are defined using probabilistic Tur", "56e1c4fce3433e140042314f": "class of counting problems", "56e1c4fce3433e1400423150": "all decision", "56e1c4fce3433e1400423151": "are defined using Boolean circuits", "56e1c4fce3433e1400423152": "complexity class of counting problems (not decision problems). Classes like IP and AM are defined", "56e1c720e3433e140042316a": "to such questions is given by the time", "56e1c720e3433e140042316b": "training the respective resources. Thus there are pairs of complexity classes such that one is", "56e1c720e3433e140042316c": "For time and space requirements, the", "56e1c720e3433e140042316d": "if the inclusion is strict. For time and space requirements, the answer to such questions is given by the time and space hierarchy theorems respectively", "56e1c720e3433e140042316e": "space requirements, the answer to such questions is given by", "56e1c7e2cd28a01900c67b74": "and space hierarchy theorems form the basis for most separation results of", "56e1c7e2cd28a01900c67b75": "tells us that P is strictly contained in EXP", "56e1c7e2cd28a01900c67b76": "contained in EXPTIME, and the space hierarchy theorem tells us", "56e1c9bfe3433e1400423192": ", Karp reductions and Levin reductions, and the bound on the complexity of reductions, such as polynomial", "56e1c9bfe3433e1400423193": "reduces to Y. There are many different types of reductions, based on", "56e1c9bfe3433e1400423194": "can be solved using an algorithm for Y, X is no more difficult than Y, and we say that X reduces", "56e1c9bfe3433e1400423195": "as polynomial-time reductions or log-space reductions.", "56e1c9bfe3433e1400423196": "method of reduction, such as Cook reductions, Karp reductions and Levin reductions, and", "56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67bac": "s can be used", "56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67bad": "the reduction process", "56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67bae": "that the reduction process takes polynomial time. For example, the problem of squaring an integer can be reduced to", "56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67baf": "both inputs of the multiplication algorithm. Thus we see that squaring is not more difficult than multiplication, since squar", "56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67bb0": "ing an integer", "56e1ce08e3433e14004231a4": "for NP is the set of NP-hard", "56e1ce08e3433e14004231a5": "allows us to solve any problem in C. Of course, the notion of hard problems depends on the type of reduction being used.", "56e1ce08e3433e14004231a6": "s are commonly used. In particular, the set of problems", "56e1ce08e3433e14004231a8": "being hard", "56e1d9fee3433e14004231cb": "most likely not to be in P. Because the problem P = NP is not solved, being able to reduce a known NP-complete", "56e1d9fee3433e14004231cc": "then X is said to be complete for C. This means that X is the hardest problem in C. (Since many problems could be equally hard", "56e1d9fee3433e14004231cd": "in", "56e1d9fee3433e14004231ce": "the hardest problem in C. (Since", "56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bca": "such", "56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bcb": "like to solve efficiently, but for which no efficient algorithm is known, such as the Boo", "56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bcc": "it is easily observed that each problem in P is also", "56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bcd": "ing machines are special non-deterministic", "56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bce": "class P is often seen as a mathematical abstraction modeling those computational tasks that admit an efficient algorithm. This hypothesis is", "56e1ddfce3433e14004231d5": "various types of integer programming problems in operations research, many problems in logistics, protein structure prediction in biology, and the ability to find formal", "56e1ddfce3433e14004231d6": "the", "56e1ddfce3433e14004231d8": "is one of the most important open questions in theoretical computer", "56e1ded7cd28a01900c67bd4": "ner that if P \u2260 NP", "56e1ded7cd28a01900c67bd5": "te problems. The graph isomorphism problem, the discrete logarithm problem and the integer factorization problem are examples of problems believed to", "56e1ded7cd28a01900c67bd6": "shown by Ladner that if P \u2260 NP then there exist problems in NP that are neither in P nor NP-complete", "56e1e9dfe3433e14004231fc": "(\u221a(n log(n))) for graphs with n vertices.", "56e1e9dfe3433e14004231fd": "problem is the", "56e1e9dfe3433e14004231fe": "graphs are", "56e1e9dfe3433e14004231ff": "The graph isomorphism problem is the computational problem", "56e1e9dfe3433e1400423200": "Eugene Luks has run time 2O", "56e1ec83cd28a01900c67c0a": "in polynomial time.", "56e1ec83cd28a01900c67c0b": "2)1/3(log (n", "56e1ec83cd28a01900c67c0c": "(and even in UP and co-UP). If the", "56e1ec83cd28a01900c67c0e": "algorithm", "56e1ee4de3433e1400423210": "unequal would be a", "56e1ee4de3433e1400423211": "one class. Proving that", "56e1ee4de3433e1400423212": "possible that P = PSPACE. If P is not equal to NP, then P is not equal to", "56e1ee4de3433e1400423214": "that any of these", "56e1efa0e3433e140042321a": "not equal to co-NP; however, it has not yet been", "56e1efa0e3433e140042321b": "empty", "56e1efa0e3433e140042321c": "NP problems. It is believed that NP is not equal to co-NP; however, it has not yet been proven. It has been shown", "56e1efa0e3433e140042321d": "problems with the yes/no answers reversed) of NP problems. It is believed that NP is not equal to co-NP;", "56e1f10ee3433e1400423222": "solved in logarithmic space)", "56e1f10ee3433e1400423223": "between the two, such as", "56e1f10ee3433e1400423224": "in logarithmic space) is strictly contained in P or equal to P. Again, there are many complexity classes between the", "56e1f10ee3433e1400423225": "or equal to P. Again, there are many complexity classes between the two, such", "56e1f10ee3433e1400423226": "empty", "56e1fc57e3433e140042322c": ".g., given large but", "56e1fc57e3433e140042322f": "the intractability of a problem is somewhat independent of technological progress. Nevertheless, a polynomial time algorithm is not always practical", "56e1fc57e3433e1400423230": "P, then the NP-complete", "56e1febfe3433e1400423236": "most cases. Similarly, algorithms can solve the NP", "56e1febfe3433e1400423237": "intractability means in practice is open to debate. Saying that a problem is", "56e1febfe3433e1400423238": "practice is open to debate. Saying that", "56e1febfe3433e1400423239": "problem is not in P does not imply that all large cases of the problem", "56e1febfe3433e140042323a": "problem over a wide range of sizes in less than quadratic time and SAT solvers routinely handle large instances", "56e200e4cd28a01900c67c14": "influential", "56e200e4cd28a01900c67c15": "to the complexity of algorithmic problems started off, numerous", "56e200e4cd28a01900c67c16": "in", "56e200e4cd28a01900c67c17": "Alan Turing in 1936,", "56e200e4cd28a01900c67c18": "started off, numerous", "56e202e9e3433e1400423240": "size", "56e202e9e3433e1400423241": ") point out, the beginning of systematic studies in computational complexity is attributed to the seminal paper \"On the Computational Complexity", "56e202e9e3433e1400423242": "seminal paper \"On the Computational Complexity of Algorithms\" by Juris Hartmanis and Richard Stearns (1965", "56e202e9e3433e1400423243": "(2003) point out, the beginning of systematic studies in computational complexity is attributed to", "56e202e9e3433e1400423244": "\"On the Computational Complexity of Algorithms\" by Juris Hartmanis and Richard Stearns", "56e2042ecd28a01900c67c1e": "resources include John Myhill's definition of", "56e2042ecd28a01900c67c1f": "ao Yamada's paper on real-time computations (1962). Somewhat earlier, Boris", "56e2042ecd28a01900c67c20": "s (1962). Somewhat earlier, Boris T", "56e20a27cd28a01900c67c24": "empty", "56e20a27cd28a01900c67c25": "discussion abstract enough to be independent of the", "56e20a3ae3433e140042324a": "working independently, Leonid Levin in the USSR, proved that there exist practically relevant problems that are NP", "56e20a3ae3433e140042324b": "In 1967, Manuel Blum developed an axiom", "56e20a3ae3433e140042324d": "Manuel Blum developed an axiomatic complexity theory based on his", "56e20a3ae3433e140042324e": ", working independently, Leonid Levin in the USSR, proved that there exist practically relevant problems that are NP-complete. In 1972, Richard Kar", "56e7477700c9c71400d76f23": "professional development. Teachers may", "56e7477700c9c71400d76f24": "at a school or other place of formal education", "56e7477700c9c71400d76f25": ". In many countries, a person who wishes to become a teacher must first obtain specified", "56e7477700c9c71400d76f26": "carried", "56e7477700c9c71400d76f27": "qualifications or credentials from a university or college. These professional qualifications may include the study of pedagogy, the science of teaching.", "56e748a200c9c71400d76f37": "s, community roles, or life", "56e748a200c9c71400d76f38": "literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training, the arts, religion,", "56e748a200c9c71400d76f39": ". Teachers may provide instruction in literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training, the arts, religion, civics,", "56e748a200c9c71400d76f3a": "empty", "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f51": "empty", "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f52": "a teacher occupying a transient or ongoing role, such as", "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f53": "or skills in the wider community setting", "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f54": "empty", "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f55": "can take place through home schooling. Informal learning may be assisted by a teacher occupying a", "56e74af500c9c71400d76f65": "empty", "56e74af500c9c71400d76f66": "such as gurus, m", "56e74af500c9c71400d76f67": "empty", "56e74af500c9c71400d76f68": "youth pastors and lamas, may teach religious texts such as the Quran,", "56e74bf937bdd419002c3e33": "paid professionals. Such professionals enjoy a status", "56e74bf937bdd419002c3e34": "paid professionals. Such professionals enjoy a status in some societies on a par with physicians, lawyers, engineers, and accountants (", "56e74bf937bdd419002c3e35": "a", "56e74bf937bdd419002c3e36": "schooling, or in the wider community. Formal teaching may be carried out by", "56e74bf937bdd419002c3e37": "informally, within the family, which is called homeschooling", "56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f6e": "teaching. Outside of", "56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f6f": "empty", "56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f70": "supervise study halls, help with the organization of school functions", "56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f71": ", and serve as supervisors for extracurricular activities. In", "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f76": "empty", "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f77": "instill,", "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f78": "bodies designed to instill, preserve and update the knowledge and professional standing of teachers.", "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f79": "bodies designed to instill, preserve and update the knowledge and professional standing of teachers", "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f7a": "the knowledge", "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f94": ". In other areas these roles may belong to the State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Education Agency or", "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f95": "of Public Instruction, the State Education Agency or other governmental bodies. In still other areas Teaching Unions may be responsible", "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f96": "members in good standing with the college, and private schools may also require their teachers to be college peoples", "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f97": "standards of practice, providing for the ongoing education of teachers, investigating complaints involving members, conducting hearing", "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f98": "the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Education Agency or other governmental bodies. In", "56e7504437bdd419002c3e5b": "who teaches", "56e7504437bdd419002c3e5c": "in another environment such as outdoors. A teacher who teaches on an individual basis may be described as a tutor", "56e7504437bdd419002c3e5d": "such as outdoors. A teacher who teaches on an individual basis may be described", "56e7504437bdd419002c3e5e": "student learning, often in a school or academy or", "56e751fb00c9c71400d76fa8": "and their learning goals as well as standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. Many times, teachers assist in learning", "56e751fb00c9c71400d76fa9": "approach to learning, including a course of study and lesson plan that teaches skills, knowledge and/or thinking skills. Different ways to teach are often", "56e751fb00c9c71400d76faa": "standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. Many times, teachers assist", "56e751fb00c9c71400d76fab": "teachers assist in learning outside of the classroom by accompanying students on field trips. The increasing use of technology,", "56e751fb00c9c71400d76fac": "study and lesson plan that teaches skills, knowledge and/or thinking skills. Different ways to teach are often referred to as pedagogy. When", "56e7535037bdd419002c3e6f": "plan, or a practical skill. A teacher may follow standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. The teacher", "56e7535037bdd419002c3e70": "students with different abilities and students with learning disabilities.", "56e7535037bdd419002c3e71": "empty", "56e7535037bdd419002c3e72": "empty", "56e7535037bdd419002c3e73": "empty", "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbc": "the learners comes into play when a teacher assesses the pedagog", "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbd": "parent described the place of a teacher", "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbe": ", the pedagogy of the learners comes into play when a teacher", "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbf": "of psychology to get each new class of rookies off", "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fc0": "broaden the viewpoint of all. This function looks like that of a coach", "56e7550700c9c71400d76fc6": "taught by different subject specialists each session during the week and may have ten or more different teachers", "56e7550700c9c71400d76fc7": "teach them the whole curriculum. In secondary schools they will be taught by different subject specialists each session during the week", "56e7550700c9c71400d76fc8": "children", "56e7550700c9c71400d76fc9": "primary school where they act as form tutor, specialist teacher", "56e7550700c9c71400d76fca": "In secondary schools they will be taught by different subject specialists each session during the week and may have ten or more different teachers. The relationship between children", "56e7560937bdd419002c3e8b": "sometimes referred to as a \"platoon\" system, involves placing a group of students together in one class that moves from one specialist to", "56e7560937bdd419002c3e8c": "of peers for all classes", "56e7560937bdd419002c3e8d": "from teachers who specialize", "56e7560937bdd419002c3e8e": "with the", "56e7560937bdd419002c3e8f": "as well", "56e756bc37bdd419002c3e95": "reach their full cognitive potential", "56e756bc37bdd419002c3e96": "student on learning by providing a social networking support that allows them to reach their full cognitive potential. Co-teachers work in sync with", "56e756bc37bdd419002c3e97": "teaching has", "56e756bc37bdd419002c3e98": "iously to fulfill the needs of every student in the classroom. Co-teaching focuses the student on", "56e756bc37bdd419002c3e99": "that allows them to reach their full cognitive potential. Co-teachers work in syn", "56e7578a37bdd419002c3ea9": "empty", "56e7578a37bdd419002c3eaa": "the most common form of school discipline was corporal punishment. While a child was in school, a teacher", "56e7578a37bdd419002c3eab": "act as a substitute parent, with all the normal forms of", "56e7578a37bdd419002c3eac": "empty", "56e7578a37bdd419002c3ead": "of school discipline was corporal punishment. While a child was in school, a teacher was expected to act as a substitute parent,", "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb3": "lawful in the United States following a US Supreme Court decision in 1977 which held that paddling did", "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb4": "much of the world. Most Western countries, and some others, have now banned it, but it remains lawful in the United States following", "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb5": "birch", "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb6": "strapping or birching the student in order to cause physical pain) was one of the most common forms of school discipline throughout much", "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb7": "US Supreme", "56e7591b00c9c71400d76fec": "place in the classroom or hallway, but nowadays", "56e7591b00c9c71400d76fed": "paddle. This often used to take place in the classroom or hallway, but nowadays the punishment", "56e7591b00c9c71400d76fee": "classroom or hallway, but nowadays the punishment", "56e7591b00c9c71400d76fef": "use it. Corporal punishment", "56e7591b00c9c71400d76ff0": "in American schools is administered to the seat of the student's trousers or skirt with a specially made wooden paddle. This often used", "56e759bb00c9c71400d77000": "empty", "56e759bb00c9c71400d77001": "For details of individual", "56e759bb00c9c71400d77002": "Caribbean countries. For details of individual countries", "56e75a9037bdd419002c3ec7": "in the school day (such as lunch, recess or after school); or even to attend school on a non-school", "56e75a9037bdd419002c3ec8": "is one of the most common punishments in schools", "56e75a9037bdd419002c3ec9": "\" held at some schools. During detention, students normally have to sit in a classroom", "56e75a9037bdd419002c3eca": "; or even to attend school on a non-school day, e.g. \"Saturday", "56e75a9037bdd419002c3ecb": "have to sit in a classroom and do work, write lines or a punishment essay, or sit quietly.", "56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed1": "and firm, clear boundaries", "56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed2": "and inappropriate behavior. Teachers are expected to respect", "56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed3": "empty", "56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed4": "and Western Europe relies upon the idea of an assertive teacher who is prepared to impose their will upon", "56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed5": "discipline.[verification", "56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef5": "some teachers and parents advocate a more assertive and confrontational style of discipline.[", "56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef6": "from the weakness in school discipline and if teachers exercised firm control", "56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef7": "the weakness in school discipline and if teachers exercised firm control over the classroom they would be able to teach more", "56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef8": "many problems with modern schooling stem from the weakness in school discipline and if teachers exercised firm control over the classroom they would be able to teach more efficiently.", "56e75e4500c9c71400d7702c": "ageable and do", "56e75e4500c9c71400d7702d": "able with", "56e75e4500c9c71400d7702e": "commensurable with those in Western countries. In Japan, for example, although average", "56e75e4500c9c71400d7702f": "or that the educational goals in these countries are commensurable with those in Western", "56e75f5500c9c71400d7703a": "divert the teacher from instruction, leaving little opportunity for concentration and focus on what is being taught. In response, teachers may concentrate", "56e75f5500c9c71400d7703b": "students, ignoring attention-seeking and disruptive students. The result of this is that motivated students, facing demanding university entrance examinations, receive d", "56e75f5500c9c71400d7703c": "attention on motivated students, ignoring attention", "56e75f5500c9c71400d7703d": ", receive disproportionate", "56e75f5500c9c71400d7703e": "administrators and governors", "56e7611500c9c71400d77054": "school in which community discipline prevails, and in", "56e7611500c9c71400d77055": ", and a good judicial system for enforcing these laws, is a", "56e7611500c9c71400d77056": "and in which an increasingly", "56e7611500c9c71400d77057": "model democratic schools claim that popularly based authority can maintain order more effectively than dictatorial authority for governments and schools alike", "56e7611500c9c71400d77058": "preservation of public order is easier and more efficient than anywhere else.", "56e761d037bdd419002c3f13": "the course materials, it has been found that teachers who showed enthusiasm towards the course", "56e761d037bdd419002c3f14": "teachers", "56e761d037bdd419002c3f15": "receptive students", "56e761d037bdd419002c3f17": "repeatedly covered a curriculum until they begin to feel bored with the subject which in turn bores the students as", "56e762fe00c9c71400d77072": "are varied, and emotional facial expressions, result in college students reporting higher levels of intrinsic motivation to learn. Students who experienced a very", "56e762fe00c9c71400d77073": ", experimental studies exploring intrinsic motivation of college students has shown that nonverbal expressions of enthusiasm, such as demonstrative gesturing,", "56e762fe00c9c71400d77074": "Teachers that exhibit enthusiasm can lead to students who are more likely", "56e762fe00c9c71400d77075": "trative gesturing, dramatic movements which are varied, and emotional facial expressions, result in college students reporting higher levels of intrinsic motivation", "56e762fe00c9c71400d77076": "and vitality in the classroom. Controlled, experimental studies exploring intrinsic motivation of college students has", "56e763e800c9c71400d77086": "\"motivational embellishment\"; increasing a student's interest by the variety, novelty, and surprise of the enthusiastic teacher's", "56e763e800c9c71400d77087": "Teacher enthusiasm may contribute to a classroom atmosphere full of energy", "56e763e800c9c71400d77088": "the enthusiastic teacher", "56e763e800c9c71400d77089": "atmosphere full of", "56e764e200c9c71400d7708e": "towards school are closely linked", "56e764e200c9c71400d7708f": "on the kind of relationship", "56e764e200c9c71400d77090": "-student interactions are crucial in linking academic success with personal achievement. Here, personal success is a student's internal goal of improving", "56e764e200c9c71400d77091": "the kind of relationship they build with their students. Useful teacher-to-student", "56e764e200c9c71400d77092": "Their ability to create effective learning environments that foster student achievement depends on the kind of", "56e765ba00c9c71400d770a2": "allow humor into their classroom, and demonstrate a", "56e765ba00c9c71400d770a4": "that spend more time interacting and working directly with students are perceived as supportive and effective teachers. Effective teachers have been shown to invite student participation", "56e765ba00c9c71400d770a5": "in courses", "56e765ba00c9c71400d770a6": "in courses taught by these teachers. Teachers that spend more time interacting and working directly with students are perceived as supportive and effective teachers. Effective", "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f49": "out of", "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4a": "enjoy being around their students. A teacher who cares for their students is going to help that individual succeed in", "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4b": "they do not enjoy what they are doing, the students", "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4c": "and show that to their students. A spark in the", "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4d": "course they", "56e7673a37bdd419002c3f53": "during their educational career", "56e7673a37bdd419002c3f54": "bus driver, teacher, administrator or other adult; sometime during", "56e7673a37bdd419002c3f55": "sexual attention from an adult associated with education; be they a volunteer,", "56e7673a37bdd419002c3f56": "empty", "56e7673a37bdd419002c3f57": "empty", "56e7683d00c9c71400d770ca": ". It is important to note", "56e7683d00c9c71400d770cb": "questions referred to \"sexual abuse", "56e7683d00c9c71400d770cd": "any professional, a group that included priests, religious leaders", "56e7683d00c9c71400d770ce": "schools", "56e768ce37bdd419002c3f67": "ve, Pamela Rogers, and Mary Kay Letourneau have caused", "56e768ce37bdd419002c3f69": "such as Debra LaFave, Pamela Rogers, and Mary Kay Letour", "56e769dc00c9c71400d770e8": "age of consent should not be placed on the sex offenders register and that prosecution for statutory", "56e769dc00c9c71400d770e9": "we are concerned about.\" This has led to outrage from child", "56e769dc00c9c71400d770ea": "profession. This has", "56e769dc00c9c71400d770eb": "enjoy teaching avoiding the", "56e769dc00c9c71400d770ec": "rape \"is a real anomaly in the law that we are concerned about.\"", "56e76abf37bdd419002c3f75": "' performance. Stress can be caused by organizational change, relationships with students, fellow teachers, and administrative personnel, working", "56e76abf37bdd419002c3f76": "face several occupational hazards in their line of work, including occupational stress, which can negatively impact teachers' mental", "56e76abf37bdd419002c3f77": "Teachers face several occupational hazards in their", "56e76abf37bdd419002c3f78": "and students' performance. Stress can be caused by organizational change, relationships with students, fellow teachers", "56e76abf37bdd419002c3f79": ", and administrative personnel, working environment,", "56e76b8337bdd419002c3f7f": "empty", "56e76b8337bdd419002c3f80": ", twice the figure for", "56e76b8337bdd419002c3f81": "workers.", "56e76b8337bdd419002c3f82": ". A 2012 study found that teachers experienced double the rate of anxiety, depression, and stress than average", "56e76b8337bdd419002c3f83": "study found that teachers experienced double the rate of anxiety, depression, and stress than average", "56e76c6a00c9c71400d7710e": "support networks and mentoring, changing the work environment, and offering promotions and bonuses, may be effective in helping to reduce occupational", "56e76c6a00c9c71400d7710f": "s of teaching. Organizational interventions, like changing teachers' schedules, providing support networks and mentoring, changing the work environment,", "56e76c6a00c9c71400d77110": "in helping to reduce occupational stress among teachers. Individual-level interventions, including stress-management training and counseling, are also used to", "56e76c6a00c9c71400d77111": ", providing support networks and mentoring, changing the work environment, and offering promotions and bonuses", "56e76c6a00c9c71400d77112": "changing the work environment, and offering promotions and bonuses, may", "56e76d6537bdd419002c3f93": "psychiatric evaluation to be able to teach in classroom. This is not always", "56e76d6537bdd419002c3f94": "learning institutions but is fast becoming the norm in many countries as security", "56e76d6537bdd419002c3f95": ". The high school student follows an education specialty track, obtain the prerequisite \"student-teaching\" time, and receive a", "56e76d6537bdd419002c3f96": "they can teach in a school", "56e76d6537bdd419002c3f97": ", require that prospective teachers", "56e76de800c9c71400d77122": "(universities and/or TAFE colleges", "56e76de800c9c71400d77123": "individual states and territories. Generally, education in Australia follows the three-tier model which includes primary education (primary schools), followed by", "56e76de800c9c71400d77124": "follows the three-tier model which includes primary education (primary schools), followed by secondary education (secondary", "56e76de800c9c71400d77125": "empty", "56e76de800c9c71400d77126": "model which includes primary education (primary schools), followed by secondary education (", "56e76ea737bdd419002c3f9d": "from $40,000/year to $90,000/", "56e76ea737bdd419002c3f9e": "Degree. In most provinces a second Bachelor's Degree such as a Bachelor of Education is required to become a qualified teacher. Salary ranges", "56e76ea737bdd419002c3fa1": "secondary degree Bachelor's Degree. In most provinces a second Bachelor's Degree such as", "56e76f7000c9c71400d7712c": "teachers depend on the", "56e76f7000c9c71400d7712d": "schools (Gymnasium). Salaries", "56e76f7000c9c71400d7712e": "mainly civil servants recruited in special university classes, called L", "56e76f7000c9c71400d7712f": "special university classes, called Lehramtstudien (Teaching Education Studies). There are many differences", "56e76f7000c9c71400d77130": "en (Teaching Education Studies)", "56e7714a00c9c71400d77137": "experience and qualifications. Extra pay is also given for teaching through the Irish language, in a Gael", "56e7714a00c9c71400d77138": ".", "56e7714a00c9c71400d77139": "(i.e. holding the position of principal, deputy principal or assistant principal), experience and", "56e7714a00c9c71400d7713a": "and qualifications. Extra pay is also given for teaching through the Irish language, in a", "56e7721500c9c71400d77140": "teaching post - who is not registered with the Teaching", "56e7721500c9c71400d77141": "to be registered with the Teaching Council; under Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act 2001, a person employed in any", "56e7721500c9c71400d77142": "registered with the Teaching Council; under Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act 2001, a person employed in any capacity in a recognised teaching post -", "56e7721500c9c71400d77143": "Teaching Council; under", "56e772bf37bdd419002c3fbb": "These procedures apply to teaching and also to non-teaching posts and those who", "56e772bf37bdd419002c3fbc": "the teaching", "56e772bf37bdd419002c3fbe": "capacity including in a voluntary role\"", "56e772bf37bdd419002c3fbf": "role\". Existing staff will be vetted on a phased", "56e773fa00c9c71400d7714a": "20,13", "56e773fa00c9c71400d7714b": "depending on experience and extra responsibilities. Preschool", "56e773fa00c9c71400d7714c": "experience and extra", "56e773fa00c9c71400d7714d": "Teachers in state schools must have at least a bachelor's degree, complete an approved teacher education", "56e773fa00c9c71400d7714e": "from \u00a320,133 to \u00a341,0", "56e7752337bdd419002c3fd5": ". Excellent job opportunities are expected as retirements, especially among secondary school teachers, outweigh slowing enrollment growth; opportunities will vary by geographic area", "56e7752337bdd419002c3fd6": "empty", "56e7752337bdd419002c3fd7": "into teaching,", "56e7752337bdd419002c3fd8": "as retirements, especially among secondary school teachers,", "56e7752337bdd419002c3fd9": "offer", "56e775ec00c9c71400d7715c": "Registration\" is given by the GTCS which is raised to \"Full Registration\" status after a year if there is sufficient evidence to show", "56e775ec00c9c71400d7715d": "(ITE) at one of the seven Scottish Universities who", "56e775ec00c9c71400d7715e": "seven Scottish Universities who offer these courses. Once successfully completed, \"Provisional", "56e775ec00c9c71400d7715f": "to complete a programme of Initial Teacher", "56e775ec00c9c71400d77160": "if there is sufficient evidence to show that the \"Standard for Full Registration\" has", "56e7770037bdd419002c3fdf": "earn Chartered Teacher Status (requi", "56e7770037bdd419002c3fe0": ", but could then go on to earn up to \u00a3", "56e7770037bdd419002c3fe1": "positions attracts a salary of between \u00a334,566 and", "56e7770037bdd419002c3fe2": "on to earn up to \u00a3", "56e7770037bdd419002c3fe3": "moted teachers in Scotland earned from \u00a320,427 for a Probationer, up", "56e777e500c9c71400d77176": "the medium of Welsh: in 2008/09, 22 per cent of classes in maintained primary schools used Welsh as", "56e777e500c9c71400d77177": ", 22 per cent of classes in maintained primary schools used Welsh as the sole or main medium of instruction.", "56e777e500c9c71400d77178": "instruction. Welsh medium education is available to all age groups through nurseries,", "56e777e500c9c71400d77179": "medium of Welsh: in 2008/09, 22 per cent of classes in maintained primary schools used Welsh as the sole or main medium of", "56e777e500c9c71400d7717a": "instruction", "56e7788200c9c71400d77180": "reports in recent years", "56e7788200c9c71400d77181": "and reports in recent years suggest that the average age of teachers in Wales is", "56e7788200c9c71400d77182": "T and reports in recent years suggest that the", "56e7788200c9c71400d77183": "empty", "56e7788200c9c71400d77184": "younger than in previous years. A", "56e7796637bdd419002c3ffd": "not as rigorous as those for full-time professionals. The Bureau of Labor", "56e7796637bdd419002c3ffe": "that there are 1.4 million elementary school teachers, 674,000", "56e7796637bdd419002c3fff": "be certified by the state in which they teach. Many", "56e7796637bdd419002c4000": "the requirements for getting a license to teach in public schools. Teaching certification generally lasts three years, but teachers can receive certificates that last as", "56e7796637bdd419002c4001": "years. Public school teachers are required to have a bachelor's degree and the majority must be certified by the state", "56e77a8700c9c71400d7718a": "public school", "56e77a8700c9c71400d7718b": "after-", "56e77a8700c9c71400d7718c": "median salary earning $41,855. Many teachers take advantage of the opportunity to increase their income by supervising after", "56e77a8700c9c71400d7718d": "salaries", "56e77a8700c9c71400d7718e": ", high test scores and for high success", "56e77b8c00c9c71400d77194": "long tradition of \"discernment of spirits\", of vocations, and other aspects of spiritual life", "56e77b8c00c9c71400d77196": "personal, Spirit-enlightened", "56e77b8c00c9c71400d77197": "official position, as opposed to the unofficial positions of spiritual guides in the Orthodox Catholic and Protestant", "56e77b8c00c9c71400d77198": "the hierarchical structure of the", "56e77c6737bdd419002c401d": "from Elder to Bishop, or no office at all. The emphasis on spiritual mentorship", "56e77c6737bdd419002c401e": "more \"low-church\" traditions of Protestantism, with a", "56e77c6737bdd419002c401f": "for all of his family, ideal", "56e77c6737bdd419002c4020": ",", "56e77c6737bdd419002c4021": ", additional spiritual guidance is offered by those holding the office of", "56e77cee00c9c71400d771a8": "teacher is known as a guru, and, in many traditions of Hinduism - especially those common in the West - the emphasis on spiritual mentorship", "56e77cee00c9c71400d771a9": "a great deal of control over the lives of their disciples", "56e77cee00c9c71400d771aa": "the spiritual teacher", "56e77cee00c9c71400d771ab": "those common in the West -", "56e77da237bdd419002c403b": "empty", "56e77da237bdd419002c403c": "commonly called a", "56e77da237bdd419002c403d": "continue their Bodhisattva vow is called", "56e77da237bdd419002c403e": "ly determined to be reborn, often many times, in order to continue their Bodhisattva vow is called a T", "56e77da237bdd419002c403f": "often many times, in order to continue their Bodhisattva vow is called a T", "56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b0": "proper way of Islamic living", "56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b1": ", or actions", "56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b2": "- the highest of which is a Qutb", "56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b3": "mullahs (the teachers", "56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b4": "a more important dimension, with emphasis on learning from living saints - the highest of which is a Qutb - and of traditions passed", "56f7c651aef2371900625bf5": "writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his ex", "56f7c651aef2371900625bf6": "(/\u02c8lu\u02d0\u03b8\u0259", "56f7c651aef2371900625bf7": "Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the Pope", "56f7c651aef2371900625bf8": "Worms", "56f7c651aef2371900625bf9": "\u02c8lu\u02d0\u00f0\u0259r/; German: [\u02c8ma\u0250\u032fti\u02d0", "56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727a": "free gift of God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer", "56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727b": "the only source of divinely revealed knowledge from God and opposed sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood", "56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727c": "wider teachings, are called Lutherans even though Luther insisted on Christian or Evangelical as the only acceptable names for individuals", "56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727d": "of Luther's wider teachings, are called", "56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727e": "names for individuals who profess", "56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17284": "culture. It fostered the development of a standard version of the German language, added several principles to the art of translation, and influenced the", "56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17285": "in churches. His marriage to Katharina von Bora set a model for the practice", "56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17286": "(instead of Latin) made it more accessible, which had a tremendous impact on the church and", "56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17287": ", added several principles", "56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17288": "standard version of the German language, added several principles to the art of translation, and influenced the writing of an English translation, the", "56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e1728e": "and middling means\" and notes that Luther's enemies later wrongly described her as a whore and bath attendant. He had several", "56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e1728f": "Mansfeld in 1484, where his father was a leaseholder of copper mines and smelters and served as one of four", "56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e17290": "ach in 1498. The three schools focused on the so-", "56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e17291": "family moved to Mansfeld in 1484, where his father was a leaseholder of copper mines and smelters and served as one", "56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e17292": "feld, then Magdeburg in 1497, where he attended a", "56f7e9caaef2371900625c56": "beerhouse and whorehouse. He was made to wake at four every morning for what has been described as \"a day of", "56f7e9caaef2371900625c57": "morning for what has been described as \"a day", "56f7e9caaef2371900625c58": "ing spiritual exercises.\" He received his master's", "56f7e9caaef2371900625c59": "of Erfurt, which he later described as a beerhouse and whorehouse. He was", "56f7e9caaef2371900625c5a": "been described as \"a day of rote learning and often wearying spiritual exercises.\" He received his master", "56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172cd": "reason. For Luther, reason could be used to question men and institutions, but not God. Human beings could learn about God only through divine", "56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172ce": "Gabriel Biel", "56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172cf": "learn about God", "56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172d0": "about God only through divine revelation, he believed, and Scripture therefore became increasingly", "56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172d1": "Gabriel Biel. He was deeply influenced by two tutors, Bartholomaeus Arnoldi von Usingen and Jodo", "56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172d7": ", \"Help! Saint Anna, I", "56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172d8": "17 July 1505. One friend blamed the decision on", "56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172d9": "blamed the decision on Luther's sadness over the deaths of two friends. Luther himself seemed sad", "56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172da": "\"This day you see me", "56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172db": "he was terrified of death and divine judgment, he cried out, \"Help! Saint Anna, I will become a", "56f7ef96aef2371900625c74": "of my poor soul.", "56f7ef96aef2371900625c75": "of Christ. He taught that true repentance does", "56f7ef96aef2371900625c76": "taught that true repentance does not involve self-inflicted penance", "56f7ef96aef2371900625c77": "poor soul.\" Johann von Staupitz, his superior, pointed Luther", "56f7ef96aef2371900625c78": "of him the jailer and hangman of my poor soul.\" Johann von Staup", "56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172eb": "empty", "56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172ec": "degree in the Sentences by Peter", "56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172ed": "Luther, to teach theology. He received a bachelor's degree in Biblical studies on 9 March 1508, and another bachelor'", "56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172ee": "9 March 1508, and another", "56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172ef": "in 15", "56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb0": "was received into the senate of the theological faculty of the University of Wittenberg, having been called to the position of Doctor in", "56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb1": "the rest", "56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb2": "empty", "56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb3": "having been called to the position of Doctor in Bible", "56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb4": "position of Doctor in Bible. He spent the rest of his", "56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e17367": "be", "56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e17368": "the church.", "56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e17369": "1516, Johann Tetzel, a Dominican friar and papal commissioner for indulgences, was sent", "56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e1736a": "by donating money to the church", "56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e1736b": "; justification rather depends only on such faith as is active in charity and good works (fides caritate formata). The benefits of good", "56f7ffadaef2371900625d5e": "than doctrinaire.", "56f7ffadaef2371900625d5f": "to church practices, and the tone of the writing is accordingly \"", "56f7ffadaef2371900625d60": ". Peter with the money of poor believers rather than with his own", "56f7ffadaef2371900625d61": ", which asks: \"Why does the pope, whose wealth today is", "56f7ffadaef2371900625d62": "that Luther had no intention of confronting the church, but saw his disputation as a scholarly objection to church practices", "56f80143aef2371900625d68": "empty", "56f80143aef2371900625d69": "the co", "56f80143aef2371900625d6a": "empty", "56f80143aef2371900625d6b": "coin in the coffer rings, the", "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e17377": "salvation were in error. Christians, he said, must not slacken in following Christ", "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e17378": "and granted them salvation were in error. Christians, he said, must not slacken in following Christ on account of such false", "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e17379": "Christians, he said, must not slacken in following", "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e1737a": "empty", "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e1737b": "olved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. Christians, he", "56f8046faef2371900625d71": "for the living was in line with Catholic dogma of the", "56f8046faef2371900625d72": "aggerate", "56f8046faef2371900625d73": "matter in regard to indulgences for the dead, his teaching on indulgences for the living was in line", "56f8046faef2371900625d74": "his teaching on indulgences for the living", "56f80604a6d7ea1400e17387": "it has settled as one of the pillars of history, has little foundation in truth. The story is", "56f80604a6d7ea1400e17388": "as one of the pillars of history, has little", "56f80604a6d7ea1400e17389": "lanchthon, though it is thought that he was not in Wittenberg at the", "56f80604a6d7ea1400e1738a": "the pillars of history, has little foundation in truth. The story is", "56f80604a6d7ea1400e1738b": "use, the story of the posting on the door, even though it has settled as one of the pillars of history,", "56f8074faef2371900625d79": "empty", "56f8074faef2371900625d7a": "copies of the theses had spread throughout Germany; within two months, they had spread", "56f8074faef2371900625d7b": "1518 that friends", "56f8074faef2371900625d7c": "in history to be aided by the printing press. Within two weeks,", "56f8074faef2371900625d7d": "by the", "56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17391": "creative and productive. Three of his best-known works were published in 1520: To the", "56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17392": "Wittenberg to hear Luther speak. He published a", "56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17393": "s and his Work on the Psalm", "56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17394": "20: To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of a", "56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17395": "short commentary on Galatians and his Work on", "56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739b": "as the Messiah. \"This one and firm rock, which we call the", "56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739c": "justification \u2013 God's act of declaring a sinner righteous \u2013", "56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739d": "\u2013 by faith alone through God's grace. He began to teach that salvation or redemption is a gift of God's grace, attainable", "56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739e": "convinced that the church was corrupt in its ways and had lost sight of what he saw as several of the central truths of Christianity. The most important", "56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739f": "Jesus as the Messiah. \"This one and firm", "56f80ccfaef2371900625d83": "though I had been", "56f80ccfaef2371900625d84": "his position on", "56f80ccfaef2371900625d85": "to", "56f80ccfaef2371900625d86": "Luther came to understand justification as entirely the work of God. This", "56f80ccfaef2371900625d87": "the righteous", "56f80e1daef2371900625d8d": "'s rediscovery of \"Christ and His salvation\" was the first", "56f80e1daef2371900625d8e": "empty", "56f80e1daef2371900625d8f": "His railing against the sale of indulgences was based", "56f80e1daef2371900625d90": "empty", "56f80fdfaef2371900625d95": "did not reply to Luther's letter containing", "56f80fdfaef2371900625d96": "to Luther's letter containing the 95 Theses. He", "56f80fdfaef2371900625d97": "He had the theses checked", "56f80fdfaef2371900625d98": "bishopric. As Luther later", "56f80fdfaef2371900625d99": "one bishopric. As Luther later noted, \"the pope had a finger in the pie as well, because", "56f811bdaef2371900625d9f": "the next three years he deployed a series of papal theologians and envoys against Luther, which served only to harden the reformer", "56f811bdaef2371900625da0": "in October 1518, under questioning by papal legate Cardinal Cajetan Luther stated that he did not consider the papacy part of the biblical", "56f811bdaef2371900625da1": "he", "56f811bdaef2371900625da2": "to recant, but the legate desisted", "56f811bdaef2371900625da3": "Luther if he failed to recant, but the leg", "56f81393aef2371900625da9": "councils were infallible. For this, E", "56f81393aef2371900625daa": "at Altenburg in Saxony, the papal nuncio Karl von Miltitz adopted a more conciliatory approach. Luther made certain concessions to the", "56f81393aef2371900625dab": "1415. From that moment", "56f81393aef2371900625dac": "Karlstadt at Leipzig and invited Luther to speak", "56f81393aef2371900625dad": ", was determined to expose Luther's doctrine in", "56f81537aef2371900625db3": "retals at Wittenberg on 10 December 1520, an act", "56f81537aef2371900625db4": "drawn from his writings, including the 95 Theses, within 60 days. That autumn, Johann Eck proclaimed the bull in Meissen", "56f81537aef2371900625db5": "the papal bull (edict) Exsurge Domine that he risked excommunication unless he recanted 41", "56f81537aef2371900625db6": "by Pope Leo X on 3 January 15", "56f81537aef2371900625db7": "1521, in the bull De", "56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f1": "to 25 May 1521, with", "56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f2": "of the estates of the Holy Roman Empire that took place in Worms, a town", "56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f3": "to", "56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f4": "18 April", "56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f5": "Emperor Charles V presiding. Prince", "56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fb": "but requested time to think about the answer", "56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fc": "but requested time to think", "56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fd": "on behalf of the Empire as assistant of the Archbishop of Trier, presented Luther with copies of his writings laid out on a", "56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fe": "his writings laid out on a table and asked him if the books were his, and whether he stood by their contents. Luther confirmed he was", "56f82454a6d7ea1400e173ff": "Luther confirmed he was their author, but requested time to think about the answer to the second question. He prayed", "56f82549a6d7ea1400e17415": "ett considers this speech as a \"world classic of epoch-making", "56f82549a6d7ea1400e17416": "empty", "56f82549a6d7ea1400e17417": "of epoch-making oratory.", "56f82549a6d7ea1400e17418": "empty", "56f826a7a6d7ea1400e17427": ". Recent scholars consider", "56f826a7a6d7ea1400e17428": "other\". Recent scholars consider the evidence for these words to", "56f826a7a6d7ea1400e17429": "would tend to select the more dramatic", "56f826a7a6d7ea1400e1742a": "believe that Luther would tend", "56f827caa6d7ea1400e17439": "his", "56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743a": "1521, declaring Luther an outlaw, banning his literature, and requiring his arrest: \"We want him to be apprehended", "56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743b": "conferences were held to determine Luther's fate. The Emperor presented the final draft of the Edict", "56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743c": "as", "56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743d": "notorious heretic.\" It also made it a crime for anyone in Germany to give Luther food or shelter.", "56f82989aef2371900625e6b": ", and a \"Refutation of the Argument of Latomus,\" in which he", "56f82989aef2371900625e6c": "back to Wittenberg was planned.", "56f82989aef2371900625e6d": "indulgences in his episcopates, and a \"Refutation of the Argument of Latomus,\" in", "56f82989aef2371900625e6e": "and poured out doctrinal and polemical writings. These included a renewed", "56f82989aef2371900625e6f": "his stay at Wartburg, which he referred to as \"my Patmos\", Luther", "56f82b25a6d7ea1400e17457": "August 1521, Luther wrote", "56f82b25a6d7ea1400e17458": "ers by nature, he explained, and God'", "56f82b25a6d7ea1400e17459": "commit sins while we are here, for this life", "56f82b25a6d7ea1400e1745a": ", death", "56f82b25a6d7ea1400e1745b": "sins while we are here, for this life is not a", "56f84485aef2371900625f71": ". His essay On Confession, Whether the Pope has the Power to Require It rejected compulsory confession and encouraged private confession", "56f84485aef2371900625f72": "has the Power to", "56f84485aef2371900625f73": "Martin Luther on Monastic Vows. He assured", "56f84485aef2371900625f74": "is a sacrifice, asserting instead that it is a gift, to be received with thanksgiving by the whole", "56f84485aef2371900625f75": "gift,", "56f845dba6d7ea1400e17519": "in which he broadened the foundations of the Reformation placing them on prophetic faith. His main interest was centered on the prophecy of the", "56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751a": "onians 2 was identified as the power of the Papacy. So too was the Little", "56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751b": ", 23\u201325. The antichrist of 2 Thessalonian", "56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751c": "the prophecy of the Little Horn", "56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751d": "9\u201312, 23\u2013", "56f84760aef2371900625f81": "wrote A Sincere Admonition by Martin Luther to All Christians to Guard Against Insurrection and Rebellion. Wittenberg", "56f84760aef2371900625f82": "21, exceeding anything envisaged by", "56f84760aef2371900625f83": ", embarked on a radical programme of reform", "56f84760aef2371900625f84": "statues and images in churches, and denunciations of the magistracy. After secretly visiting Wittenberg in early December 1521", "56f84760aef2371900625f85": "the magistracy. After secretly visiting Wittenberg in early December 1521, Luther wrote A Sincere Admonition", "56f848e0a6d7ea1400e1752f": "For eight days in Lent, beginning on Invocavit Sunday, 9 March,", "56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17530": "Sunday, 9 March, Luther preached eight sermons, which became known as the \"Invocavit Sermons\". In these sermons", "56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17531": "writing, but only by my", "56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17532": ", beginning on Invocavit Sunday, 9 March, Luther preached eight sermons, which became known", "56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17533": "to trust God's word rather than violence to bring", "56f84a60aef2371900625f9d": "of Luther", "56f84a60aef2371900625f9e": "Dr. Martin's return spread among us! His words, through divine mercy, are bringing back every day", "56f84a60aef2371900625f9f": "jurist Jerome Schurf wrote to the elector: \"Oh, what joy has Dr. Martin's", "56f84a60aef2371900625fa0": "has Dr. Martin'", "56f84a60aef2371900625fa1": "wrote to the elector: \"Oh, what joy has Dr. Martin's return spread among us! His words, through", "56f84b68aef2371900625fa7": ", he now faced a battle against not only the established Church but also the radical reformers who threatened the new order by fomenting social unrest and", "56f84b68aef2371900625fa8": "ing the new church practices", "56f84b68aef2371900625fa9": "empty", "56f84b68aef2371900625faa": "modifying the new church practices. By working alongside the authorities to restore public order, he signalled", "56f84b68aef2371900625fab": "order by fomenting social unrest and", "56f84d33aef2371900625fb1": "under the leadership of radical", "56f84d33aef2371900625fb2": ", Luther was unable to stifle radicalism further afield. Preachers such", "56f84d33aef2371900625fb3": "the 15th century. Luther's pamphlets against the Church and the hierarchy, often worded with \"liberal\" phraseology, now led", "56f84d33aef2371900625fb4": "the leadership of radicals such as M\u00fcntzer in Thuringia and Michael Gaismair in Tyrol,", "56f84d33aef2371900625fb5": "the hierarchy, often worded with \"liberal\" phrase", "56f84e63aef2371900625fc1": "at the widespread burning", "56f84e63aef2371900625fc2": "his return to Wittenberg, he gave his interpretation of the Gospel teaching on wealth, condemned the violence as the", "56f84e63aef2371900625fc3": "Thuringia, he", "56f84e63aef2371900625fc4": "condemned the violence as the devil's work, and called", "56f84e63aef2371900625fc5": "ggrieved to obey the temporal authorities. During", "56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754b": "law of God and Empire\", so they deserved \"death in body and soul, if only as", "56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754c": "if only as highwaymen and murderers.\" Lastly, Luther charged the rebels with blasphemy for calling themselves \"Christian brethren\"", "56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754d": "therefore should not be resisted. This reference from the Bible forms the foundation for the doctrine known as the Divine Right of", "56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754e": "of Kings, or, in the German", "56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754f": "right of the princes. Second", "56f851b1a6d7ea1400e1755d": "Luther's backing for the uprising, many rebels laid down their weapons;", "56f851b1a6d7ea1400e1755e": "ist movement and other religious movements, while Luther's Reformation flourished under the wing of the", "56f851b1a6d7ea1400e1755f": "zer's execution, brought the revolutionary stage of the Reformation to a close. Thereafter,", "56f851b1a6d7ea1400e17560": "; others felt betrayed. Their defeat by the Swabian League at the Battle of Frankenhausen on 15 May 1525, followed by M\u00fcnt", "56f851b1a6d7ea1400e17561": "Thereafter, radicalism found a refuge in the anabaptist movement and other religious movements, while", "56f852fba6d7ea1400e1756d": "Martin Luther married Katharina von Bora, one of 12 nuns he had helped escape from the Nimbschen", "56f852fba6d7ea1400e1756e": "rina von Bora, one of 12 nuns he had helped escape from", "56f852fba6d7ea1400e1756f": "23, when", "56f852fba6d7ea1400e17570": "arranged for them to be smuggled out in herring barrels. \"Sudden", "56f852fba6d7ea1400e17571": "he wrote to Wenceslaus Link, \"the Lord has plunged me into marriage.", "56f8541da6d7ea1400e17577": "ach the", "56f8541da6d7ea1400e17578": "the same day, the couple was married by Bugenhagen. The ceremonial walk to the church and the wedding banquet were left out, and were made", "56f8541da6d7ea1400e17579": "engaged", "56f8541da6d7ea1400e1757a": "ach the Elder and his wife as witnesses. On the evening of", "56f8541da6d7ea1400e1757b": "13 June 1525, the couple was engaged with Johannes Bugenhagen, Justus Jonas, Johannes Apel, Philipp Melanch", "56f855caaef2371900625ff3": "as I feel at present. Not that I", "56f855caaef2371900625ff4": ". Not that I am insensible to my flesh", "56f855caaef2371900625ff5": "the plainest food, and, as he admitted himself, his mildewed bed was not properly", "56f855caaef2371900625ff6": "who called it reckless. Luther had written", "56f855caaef2371900625ff7": "is", "56f8575aaef2371900625ffd": "\"The Black Cloister,\" a wedding present from the new elector John the Steadfast (1525\u201332). They", "56f8575aaef2371900625ffe": "six children,", "56f8575aaef2371900625fff": "was often short. Between bearing six children, Hans \u2013 June 1526; Elizabeth \u2013 10 December 1527, who died within a", "56f8575aaef2371900626000": "\u2013 June 1526; Elizabeth \u2013 10 December 1527", "56f8575aaef2371900626001": "in 1542; Martin \u2013 1531; Paul \u2013 January 1533; and", "56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175af": "church. His Biblical ideal of congregations' choosing their own ministers had proved unwork", "56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b0": "based on personal faith and experience and a territorial church including all in a", "56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b1": "this was the direction in which he", "56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b2": "including all in a given locality. If he were forced to choose, he would take his stand with the", "56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b3": "of the cross, the negation of every affirmation: as long as the cross", "56f85bb8aef237190062600f": "fell short of his earlier radical pronouncements. For example, the Instructions for the Visitors of Parish Pastors in Electoral Saxony", "56f85bb8aef2371900626010": "Eisleben reformer Johannes Agricola challenged this compromise, and Luther condemned him for teaching that faith is separate from works. The Instruction is a", "56f85bb8aef2371900626011": "), drafted by Melanchthon with Luther's approval, stressed the role of repentance in the forgiveness of sins, despite Luther's", "56f85bb8aef2371900626012": "one controlling system with another. He concentrated on the church in the Electorate of Saxony, acting only as an adviser to churches", "56f85bb8aef2371900626013": "a visitation of the church, a power formerly exercised by bishops. At times, Luther", "56f85cf0aef2371900626019": "the young, Luther incorporated religious instruction into the", "56f85cf0aef237190062601a": "ments, altar", "56f85cf0aef237190062601b": "public", "56f85cf0aef237190062601c": "included congregational singing of hymns and psalms in German, as well as", "56f85cf0aef237190062601d": "such as the Mass vestments, altar, and candles were made", "56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c3": "pastoral care and Christian education in the territory. \"Merciful God, what misery I have seen", "56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c4": ". and unfortunately many pastors are well-nigh unskill", "56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c5": "the Electorate of Saxony,", "56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c6": "unskilled", "56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c7": "introduced the new order of worship during their visitation of the Electorate of Saxony, which", "56f86680a6d7ea1400e175cd": "a synopsis, the Small", "56f86680a6d7ea1400e175ce": "material on the Ten", "56f86680a6d7ea1400e175cf": "s Supper. Luther incorporated questions and answers in the catechism so that the", "56f86680a6d7ea1400e175d0": "techism as a", "56f86680a6d7ea1400e175d1": "the Apostles' Creed", "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175d7": "them all devoured. For I", "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175d8": "acknowledge none of them to be really a book of mine, except perhaps the Bond", "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175d9": "s most personal works. \"Regarding the plan to collect my writings in volumes,\" he wrote, \"I", "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175da": "at all eager about it", "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175db": "For I acknowledge none of them to be really a book of mine, except perhaps the Bondage of the Will and the Catechism", "56f86966aef2371900626053": "they expressed the Apostles' Creed in simpler, more personal, Trinitarian language. He rewrote each article of the Creed to express the character of", "56f86966aef2371900626054": "or the Holy Spirit. Luther's goal was to enable the catechumens to see themselves as a personal object of the work of the", "56f86966aef2371900626055": "divine unity with separate personalities. Salvation originates with the Father and draws the believer to the Father. Luther's treatment of the Apostles' Creed must", "56f86966aef2371900626056": "Father creates, the Son redeems", "56f86966aef2371900626057": "Larger Catechism was effective for pastors. Using the German vernacular", "56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f5": "had translated the Bible", "56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f6": "that faith alone justifies \u2013 whoever would speak plainly and clearly about this", "56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f7": "alone\" after \"faith\" in Romans 3:28, he replied in", "56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f8": "and demand it. For in that very passage he is dealing with the main point of Christian doctrine, namely, that we", "56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f9": "is dealing with the main point of Christian doctrine, namely, that we are justified", "56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17605": "ligible to both northern and", "56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17606": "direct language to make the Bible accessible to everyday Germans, \"for we are removing impediments and difficulties so", "56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17607": "Germans. He intended his vigorous, direct language to make the Bible accessible to everyday Germans, \"for we are removing impedi", "56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17608": "empty", "56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17609": "used the variant of German spoken at the Saxon chancellery,", "56f86e91aef2371900626067": "The Luther Bible influenced other vernacular translations, such as William Tyndale's English Bible (1525", "56f86e91aef2371900626068": "Germany. The Luther Bible influenced other vernacular translations, such as William", "56f86e91aef2371900626069": "by Lucas Cranach that contained anti-papal imagery, it played a major role in the spread of Luther's doctrine", "56f86e91aef237190062606a": "publications, Luther's version quickly became a popular and influential Bible translation. As such, it made a significant contribution to the evolution of the German language", "56f86e91aef237190062606b": "Tyndale's English Bible (1525 forward), a precursor of the King James Bible", "56f87000aef2371900626071": "high art and folk music, also all classes, clergy and laity, men, women and children. His tool", "56f87000aef2371900626072": "(\"From Heaven Above to Earth I", "56f87000aef2371900626073": "e Burg ist unser Gott\" (\"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God\"), based on", "56f87000aef2371900626074": "clergy", "56f87000aef2371900626075": "based on Psalm 46, and \"Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her", "56f8720eaef237190062608f": "Luther to write the hymn \"Ein neue", "56f8720eaef2371900626090": "his life and the unfolding Reformation. This", "56f8720eaef2371900626091": ", prompting Luther to write the hymn \"Ein neues Lied wir heben an\" (", "56f8720eaef2371900626092": "known in English by John C. Messenger's translation by the title and first line \"Flung to the He", "56f8720eaef2371900626093": "first line \"Flung to the Heedless Winds\" and sung to the tune Ibstone composed in 1875", "56f87392aef2371900626099": "gies as early as 1525. Sixteenth-century Lutheran hymnals also included \"", "56f87392aef237190062609a": "en Gott\" (\"We All Believe in One True God\") is a", "56f87392aef237190062609b": "although 18th-century hymnals tended to label the hymn as Trinit", "56f87392aef237190062609c": "use the hymn because of the perceived difficulty of", "56f87392aef237190062609d": "although 18th-century hymnals tended to label the hymn as Trinitarian rather than catechetical", "56f87531a6d7ea1400e1766f": ". The hymn functioned both as", "56f87531a6d7ea1400e17670": "'s concern to clarify and strengthen the text and to provide an appropriately prayerful tune.", "56f87531a6d7ea1400e17671": "\", corresponds exactly to Luther's explanation of the prayer in the", "56f87531a6d7ea1400e17672": "1538 hymnic version of the", "56f87531a6d7ea1400e17673": "16th- and 20th-century versifications of the Lord", "56f87760aef23719006260cc": "Achtlied", "56f87760aef23719006260cd": "essential Reformation doctrine, this expanded version of \"Au", "56f87760aef23719006260ce": "-stanza", "56f87760aef23719006260cf": "Reformation hymn that developed the theme of \"grace alone\" more fully. Because it expressed", "56f87760aef23719006260d0": "woe I cry to you\") in 1523 as a hymnic version of Psalm 130 and sent it as a", "56f879bdaef23719006260de": "\", and adopted for Easter \"Christ ist erstanden\" (Christ is risen), based on Victimae", "56f879bdaef23719006260df": "ich fahr dahin\", a paraphrase of Nunc dimittis, was intended for Purification, but became", "56f879bdaef23719006260e0": "transformed A solus ortus cardine to \"Christum wir sollen loben schon\" (\"We", "56f879bdaef23719006260e1": "\"Nun komm", "56f879bdaef23719006260e2": "\" (Now come, Savior of the gentiles), based on Veni red", "56f87e95aef237190062610a": "including J. S. Bach, used", "56f87e95aef237190062610b": "19", "56f87e95aef237190062610c": "s four-part setting", "56f87e95aef237190062610d": "'s four", "56f87e95aef237190062610e": "of his questions and answers concerning baptism in the Small Catechism. Luther adopted a preexisting Johann Walter tune associated", "56f88025aef237190062611e": "ideas of the Reformation. He supplied four of eight songs of the First Lutheran hymnal Achtlied", "56f88025aef237190062611f": "Lutheran hymnal Achtliederbuch, 18 of 26 songs of", "56f88025aef2371900626120": "of the First Lutheran hymnal Achtlied", "56f88025aef2371900626121": "al Achtliederbuch, 18 of 26 songs of the Erfurt Enchiridion, and", "56f88025aef2371900626122": "all published in 15", "56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f3": "seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 91, and Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu", "56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f4": "2, Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, BWV 7, Nun komm", "56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f5": "Burg", "56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f6": "Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 91, and", "56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f7": "namely Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4, as early as possibly 1707, in his second", "56f8837aa6d7ea1400e176fd": "in which they sleep in peace.\" He also rejected the existence of Purgatory, which involved Christian souls undergoing penitential suffering", "56f8837aa6d7ea1400e176fe": "the existence of Purgatory, which involved Christian souls undergoing penitential suffering after death. He affirmed the continuity of one's personal identity beyond", "56f8837aa6d7ea1400e176ff": "saints: \"It is enough for us to know that souls do not leave their bodies to", "56f8837aa6d7ea1400e17700": "the views of John Calvin and Philipp", "56f8837aa6d7ea1400e17701": "currently residing \"", "56f884cba6d7ea1400e17707": "empty", "56f884cba6d7ea1400e17708": "after death differed from the later Lutheran theologians such as Johann Gerhard.", "56f884cba6d7ea1400e17709": "reached the same", "56f884cba6d7ea1400e1770a": "of the Christian's soul after death differed from the later Lutheran theologians such as Johann Gerhard", "56f88690a6d7ea1400e17723": "\" (homo enim in hac vita) tired from his daily labour (", "56f88690a6d7ea1400e17724": "on Genesis contains a passage which concludes that \"the soul does not sleep (anima non sic dormit),", "56f88690a6d7ea1400e17725": "1765 argued that John Jortin misread this and other passages", "56f88690a6d7ea1400e17726": "(homo enim in hac vita) tired from his daily labour (defatigus diurno labore", "56f88690a6d7ea1400e17727": "tin mis", "56f88c37aef2371900626176": "October 1529, Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse, convoked an assembly of German", "56f88c37aef2371900626177": ", Landgrave of", "56f88c37aef2371900626178": "\u2013 the sacrament of the", "56f88c37aef2371900626179": "was achieved on fourteen points out of", "56f88c37aef237190062617a": "trinal unity in the emerging Protestant states. Agreement was achieved on", "56f88eafaef2371900626194": "called the sacramental union, while his opponents believed God to be only spiritually or symbolically present. Zwingli, for example, denied Jesus", "56f88eafaef2371900626195": "or", "56f88eafaef2371900626196": "eth nothing\" (John 6.63), Zwingli", "56f88eafaef2371900626197": "(1 Corinthians 11:23\u201326). Luther insisted on the Real Presence of the body and blood", "56f88eafaef2371900626198": "cup is the new covenant in my blood\" (1 Corinthians 11:23\u201326). Luther insisted on the Real Presence of the", "56f8907faef23719006261b2": "Schmalkaldic League the following year by leading Protestant nobles such as John of Saxony,", "56f8907faef23719006261b3": "for the formation of the Schmalkaldic League the following year by leading Protestant nobles such as John of Saxony, Philip of Hesse, and George", "56f8907faef23719006261b4": "the Augsburg Confession, and for the formation of the Schmal", "56f8907faef23719006261b5": "empty", "56f8907faef23719006261b6": "the following year by leading Protestant nobles such as John of Saxony, Philip of Hesse, and George, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach. The Swiss cities", "56f895339e9bad19000a0177": "thus in separating them is", "56f895339e9bad19000a0178": "understanding the world outside", "56f895339e9bad19000a0179": "reason, and held them in dialectical partnership.", "56f895339e9bad19000a017a": "sense to itself, that it has internal coherence. The right tool for understanding the world outside of the Bible", "56f895339e9bad19000a017b": ". [...] For reason is the greatest enemy that faith has", "56f897059b226e1400dd0c5d": "hope in large-scale Jewish conversion to Christianity. In his later years, Luther grew more hostile toward the Jews,", "56f897059b226e1400dd0c5e": "His 1543 treatise Von den Juden und ihren L\u00fcgen (On", "56f897059b226e1400dd0c5f": "acknowledge", "56f897059b226e1400dd0c60": "1523, Luther wrote that Jesus Christ was born a Jew which discouraged mistreatment of the Jews and", "56f897059b226e1400dd0c61": "the papacy. His", "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a5": "of the Ninety-five Theses, provoking accusations of", "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a6": "the Turks in his 1518 Explanation of the Ninety-five", "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a7": ", who were enemies of Christ. This is absolutely contrary to Christ's doctrine and name\". On the other", "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a8": "that the spiritual war against an alien", "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a9": "against resisting the", "56f89a959b226e1400dd0c9d": "\". Though Luther saw the Muslim faith as a tool of the devil, he was indifferent to its practice: \"Let the Turk", "56f89a959b226e1400dd0c9e": "translation of the Qur'an. He went on to produce several critical pamphlets on Islam, which", "56f89a959b226e1400dd0c9f": "\"the Turk\". Though Luther saw the Muslim faith as a tool of the devil, he", "56f89a959b226e1400dd0ca0": "Christians live.\" He opposed banning the", "56f89a959b226e1400dd0ca1": "medanism\" or \"the Turk\". Though", "56f8a2969e9bad19000a022b": "with six series of theses against Agricola and the antinomians, four of which became the basis for disput", "56f8a2969e9bad19000a022c": "these", "56f8a2969e9bad19000a022d": "Christians. Based on this sermon and others by Agricola,", "56f8a2969e9bad19000a022e": "s moral law (the Ten Commandments), revealed God", "56f8a2969e9bad19000a022f": "law (", "56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0251": "mount to asserting that Christians are no longer sinners in themselves", "56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0252": ", removing the three letters l-a-w from the church \u2013 does", "56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0253": "law \u2013 in any form \u2013 should not be preached to Christians anymore would be tantamount to asserting that Christians are no", "56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0254": "of the law,\" that is, the law as the Holy Spirit's tool to work sorrow over sin in man's heart, thus preparing", "56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0255": "life, Christ's death for sin, or God's goodness experienced in creation. Simply refusing to preach the Ten Commandments among", "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025b": "illustration of the Ten Commandments, which a Christian should follow in his or her vocations", "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025c": "understood as an example, is nothing more than an illustration of the Ten Commandments, which a Christian", "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025d": ", when understood as an example, is nothing", "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025e": "'s condemning judgment but as an expression of his eternal will, that is, of the natural law \u2013", "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025f": "\"third use of the law.\" For Luther, also Christ's life, when understood as", "56f8aa749b226e1400dd0da7": "life. Luther's teaching of the Ten Commandments, therefore, has clear", "56f8aa749b226e1400dd0da8": "' future angel-like life in heaven in the midst", "56f8aa749b226e1400dd0da9": "life of Christians accorded to them by the sacrament of baptism, are a present foreshadowing of the", "56f8ac579e9bad19000a02b9": "solicited the approval", "56f8ac579e9bad19000a02ba": "did during the subsequent public controversy. In the view of Luther's biographer", "56f8ac579e9bad19000a02bb": "result", "56f8ac579e9bad19000a02bc": "caused lasting damage to Luther's reputation", "56f8ac579e9bad19000a02bd": "In the view of", "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02eb": ", and equally, do not realize who or what they are in the sight of God\"", "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ec": "who set themselves against God were equally guilty. As early as 15", "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ed": ". In his 2010 book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy,", "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ee": "guilty of the murder of Christ, and he lived within a local community that had", "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ef": "his works dealt with them directly. Luther rarely encountered Jews during his life, but his attitudes reflected a theological and", "56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e05": "6", "56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e06": "God, Luther called for a \"scharfe Barmherzigke", "56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e07": "ding rabbis from preaching, seizing Jews' property and money, and smashing up their homes, so that these \"", "56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e08": "a \"", "56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e09": "laters and the", "56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3b": "\"that priest whose name was Martin Luther\u2014may his body and soul be", "56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3c": "said that whoever would help the Jews was doomed to perdition.", "56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3d": "-Jewish works: they refused", "56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3e": "hell!\u2014who wrote and issued many", "56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3f": "help the Jews was doomed to perdition.\" Josel asked the city of Strasbourg to forbid the", "56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e75": "to Luther.\" According to Michael, just about every anti-", "56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e76": "quoted in a 54-page explanation of the Aryan Law by Dr", "56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e77": "referring to Luther.\" According to", "56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e78": "from Luther. Heinrich Himmler wrote admiringly of his writings and sermons on the", "56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e79": "Aryan Law by Dr. E.H. Schulz and Dr. R. Frercks", "56f8b7189e9bad19000a0389": "asse applauded the burning of the synagogues and the coincidence of the day, writing in the introduction,", "56f8b7189e9bad19000a038a": "that Luther's writing was a \"blueprint.\" Sasse applauded the burning of the synagogues and the coincidence of the day", "56f8b7189e9bad19000a038b": "llnacht", "56f8b7189e9bad19000a038c": "endium of Luther's writings shortly after Kristallnacht, for which Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of the History of the Church", "56f8b7189e9bad19000a038d": "synagogues and the coincidence of the day, writing", "56f8b9839e9bad19000a03bf": "that Luther had died before ever [On the Jews and Their Lies] was written.", "56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c0": "was no continuity between Luther's thought and", "56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c1": "Martin Brecht points out that", "56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c2": "arguing that it was because the Nazis were already anti-Semites that they revived Luther's work. Hans J", "56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c3": "emon-Netto agreed, arguing", "56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03db": "justify at least in part the anti-", "56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03dc": "used Luther's hostile publications towards the Jews", "56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03dd": "the anti-Semitic policies of the National Socialists.", "56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03de": "Germanizing the Christian critique of Judaism and establishing anti-Semitism as a key", "56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03df": "suspicion of Judaism. Ronald Berger writes that Luther is credited with \"German", "56f8bd509b226e1400dd0eed": "state", "56f8bd509b226e1400dd0eee": "that Luther often deliberately used", "56f8bd509b226e1400dd0eef": "\" for effect, both in his writings condemning the Jews and in dia", "56f8bd509b226e1400dd0ef0": "deteriorated,", "56f8bd509b226e1400dd0ef1": "that since Luther's increasingly antisemitic", "56f8c0cd9b226e1400dd0f35": "the author of Hitler and Nazism (Routledge", "56f8c0cd9b226e1400dd0f36": "who voted for the Nazis in elections held from 1928-1933, where he claimed that from his research he found that the", "56f8c0cd9b226e1400dd0f37": "in the journal History Today an", "56f8c0cd9b226e1400dd0f38": "'", "56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f45": "bladder stones, and arthritis, and an ear infection ruptured an ear drum. In December 1544", "56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f46": "including M\u00e9ni\u00e8re's disease, vertigo, fainting, tinnitus,", "56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f47": "tus, and a cataract in one eye. From 1531 to 1546, his health deteriorated further. The years of struggle with", "56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f48": "the bigamy of the Philip of Hesse incident, in which", "56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f49": "incident, in which Luther had played a leading role, all may have contributed. In 1536, he began to suffer from kidney and bladder stones,", "56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f61": "husband, you are too rude,\" and he responded, \"They are teaching me to be rude.\" In", "56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f62": ", \"Dear husband, you are too rude,\"", "56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f63": "husband, you are too rude,\" and he responded, \"", "56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f64": "45 and 1546 Luther preached three times in the Market Church in Hall", "56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f65": "was overheard saying, \"Dear husband, you", "56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f7d": "before his death. It was \"entirely devoted to the obdurate Jews, whom it was a", "56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f7e": "they do.", "56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f7f": "46, three days before his death. It was \"entirely devoted to the obdurate Jews, whom it was a matter", "56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f80": "summons to drive", "56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f81": "ist", "56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a0": "George, and Gerhard. Luther journeyed to Mansfeld twice", "56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a1": "a settlement", "56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a2": "his siblings' families continuing in their father Hans Luther's copper", "56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a3": "mining trade. Their livelihood was threatened by", "56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a4": "livelihood was threatened by Count Albrecht of Mansfeld bringing the industry under his own control", "56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c6": "the doctrine which you have taught in his name?\" A distinct \"Yes\" was Luther", "56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c7": ", the common prayer of the dying. At 1 a.m.", "56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c8": "verend father, are", "56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c9": "and Michael Coelius,", "56f8c8469e9bad19000a04ca": "your hand I commit my spirit; you", "56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e0": "by Charles not to", "56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e1": ". A year later, troops of Luther", "56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e2": "in Eisleben, the city of his birth. He was buried in the Castle Church in Wittenberg, beneath the pulpit. The funeral", "56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e3": "pulpit. The funeral", "56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e4": "his speech, and he died shortly afterwards at 2:45", "56f8ca289b226e1400dd1007": ". The statement was in Latin, apart", "56f8ca289b226e1400dd1008": "found on which Luther had written his last statement. The statement was", "56f8ca289b226e1400dd1009": "empty", "56f8cc399e9bad19000a0514": "images of Luther that emphasized his monumental size were crucial to", "56f8cc399e9bad19000a0515": "amer (1530", "56f8cc399e9bad19000a0516": "man with a \"double chin, strong mouth, piercing deep-set eyes, fleshy face, and squat neck.", "56f8cc399e9bad19000a0517": "life of the medieval religious orders. Famous images from", "56f8cc399e9bad19000a0518": "imposing,", "56f8ce779b226e1400dd103d": "empty", "56f8ce779b226e1400dd103e": "Lutheran Calendar of Saints and in the Episcopal (United States) Calendar of Saints. In the Church of England's Calendar of Saints he is commemorated", "56f8ce779b226e1400dd103f": "with a commemoration in the Lutheran Calendar of Saints and in the Episcopal (United States) Calendar of", "56f8ce779b226e1400dd1040": "empty", "56f8ce779b226e1400dd1041": "commemorated", "5705e26d75f01819005e76d4": "political divisions. Southern California is a major economic center", "5705e26d75f01819005e76d5": "-county definition, including Kern and San Luis Obis", "5705e26d75f01819005e76d6": "Cal, is a geographic and cultural", "5705e26d75f01819005e76d7": "state", "5705e26d75f01819005e76d8": "abbreviated SoCal, is a geographic and cultural region that generally comprises California'", "5705e33f52bb89140068964c": "for the greater Southern California Megaregion, one of the 11 megaregions of the United States. The megaregion'", "5705e33f52bb89140068964d": "California Megaregion, one of the 11 mega", "5705e33f52bb89140068964e": "the United States. The megaregion's area is more expansive, extending east into Las Vegas, Nevada, and south across the Mexican border into", "5705e33f52bb89140068964f": "one of the 11 megaregions of the United States. The megaregion's area is more expansive, extending east into Las", "5705e33f52bb891400689650": "empty", "5705e3f252bb89140068966a": "spo metropolitan", "5705e3f252bb89140068966b": "areas, or MSAs: the Los Angeles metropolitan area, consisting of Los Angeles and Orange counties; the Inland Empire, consisting of", "5705e3f252bb89140068966c": "; the San Diego metropolitan area; the Oxnard\u2013Thousand Oaks\u2013Ventura metropolitan area; the Santa Barbara metro area; the San", "5705e3f252bb89140068966d": "Obispo", "5705e3f252bb89140068966e": ", southern California contains roughly 60", "5705e4fe75f01819005e7704": "empty", "5705e4fe75f01819005e7705": "empty", "5705e4fe75f01819005e7706": "the state of Nevada. To the south", "5705e4fe75f01819005e7707": "the border with the state of Nevada. To the south is the Mexico\u2013", "5705e63175f01819005e7720": "Diego, as well as three of the country", "5705e63175f01819005e7721": "populous in the", "5705e63175f01819005e7722": "and the second most populous in the United States. To the south and with a population of 1,307,402 is San", "5705e63175f01819005e7723": "populous in the United States. To the south and with a population of 1,307,40", "5705e63175f01819005e7724": "second most populous in the United States. To the south and with a population of 1,307,402 is San Diego, the", "5705e99452bb891400689688": ", San Diego, San Bernardino, and Riverside are the five most populous in the state and all are in the", "5705e99452bb891400689689": "Diego, San Bernardino, and", "5705e99452bb89140068968a": "empty", "5705e99452bb89140068968b": "empty", "5705e99452bb89140068968c": "the five most populous in the state and all are in the", "5705eb3375f01819005e7764": "southern California. Hollywood, a district within Los Angeles, is also a", "5705eb3375f01819005e7765": "the motion picture industry. Headquartered in southern California are The Walt Disney Company (which also owns ABC), Sony Pictures,", "5705eb3375f01819005e7766": "music industry", "5705eb3375f01819005e7767": "motion picture industry. Headquartered in southern California are The Walt Disney Company (which also owns ABC), Sony Pictures", "5705eb3375f01819005e7768": ", and Warner Brothers.", "5705ec1675f01819005e776e": "professional surfers Rob Machado, Tim Curran, Bobby Martinez, Pat O'Connell, Dane Reynolds", "5705ec1675f01819005e776f": "and the U.S. Open of Surfing are all in southern California. Southern California is", "5705ec1675f01819005e7770": "Diego Yacht Club held the America's Cup, the most", "5705ec1675f01819005e7771": "Reynolds, and Chris Ward", "5705ec1675f01819005e7772": "and Body Glove are all headquartered here. Professional skateboarder Tony Hawk, professional", "5705eccb52bb8914006896b8": "empty", "5705eccb52bb8914006896b9": "its", "5705eccb52bb8914006896ba": ", and the desert", "5705eccb52bb8914006896bb": "Springs is popular for its resort feel and nearby", "5705edcd52bb8914006896ca": "is not a formal geographic designation, and definitions of what constitutes southern California vary. Geographically, California's north-south midway point lies at exactly 37", "5705edcd52bb8914006896cb": "southern", "5705edcd52bb8914006896cc": "constitutes southern California vary. Geographically, California's north-south midway point lies at exactly 37\u00b0 9'", "5705edcd52bb8914006896cd": "south midway point lies at exactly 37\u00b0 9' 58.23\" latitude, around 11 miles (", "5705edcd52bb8914006896ce": "the county", "5705eee952bb8914006896de": "California, and political disputes raged between the Californios of Monterey in the upper part and Los Angeles in the lower", "5705eee952bb8914006896df": "Instead, the passing of the Compromise of 1850 enabled California to be admitted to the Union as a free state", "5705eee952bb8914006896e0": "a free state, preventing southern California", "5705eee952bb8914006896e1": "ruled California, and political disputes", "5705eee952bb8914006896e2": "the Missouri Compromise. Instead, the passing of the Compromise of 1850 enabled California to be", "5705f09e75f01819005e77a4": "territorial status separate from Northern California. The last attempt, the Pico Act of 1859, was passed by the California State Legislature and signed by", "5705f09e75f01819005e77a5": "include all the counties up to the then much larger Tulare County (that", "5705f09e75f01819005e77a6": "ed with inequitable taxes", "5705f09e75f01819005e77a7": "is now Kings, most of Kern", "5705f09e75f01819005e77a8": "counties up to the then much larger Tulare County (that included what is now Kings,", "5705f13d52bb8914006896f0": "Los Angeles Times defined", "5705f13d52bb8914006896f1": "empty", "5705f13d52bb8914006896f2": "as including \"the seven counties of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, Ventura and Santa Barbara", "5705f13d52bb8914006896f3": "and Santa Barbara.", "5705f13d52bb8914006896f4": "Los Angeles, San Bernardino", "5705f36452bb891400689718": "the state, the California State Automobile Association and the Automobile Club of Southern", "5705f36452bb891400689719": "Southern California, choose to simplify matters by dividing the state along the", "5705f36452bb89140068971a": "simplify matters by dividing the state along the lines where their jurisdictions for membership apply, as either northern or southern California, in contrast to the", "5705f36452bb89140068971b": "Clubs of the state, the California State Automobile Association and the Automobile Club of Southern California, choose to", "5705f36452bb89140068971c": "but in that definition", "5705f7c875f01819005e77dc": "polis in the United States, after the Great Lakes Megalopolis and the Northeastern", "5705f7c875f01819005e77dd": "communities. The urban", "5705f7c875f01819005e77de": "use of automobiles and highways. The dominant areas are Los Angeles,", "5705f7c875f01819005e77df": "composed of numerous smaller cities and communities. The urban area is", "5705f7c875f01819005e77e0": "center", "5705fb7f52bb891400689750": "s and 1990s. Newly developed exurbs formed in the Antelope Valley north of Los Angeles, the Victor Valley and the Coach", "5705fb7f52bb891400689751": ", the main gap to continued urbanization is Camp Pendleton. The cities and communities along Interstate 15 and Interstate 215 are so inter-related", "5705fb7f52bb891400689752": ". and Orange Counties, there are some differences in development, as most of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties (the non-des", "5705fb7f52bb891400689753": "non-desert portions) were developed in the 1980s and 1990s. Newly developed exurbs formed in the", "5705fb7f52bb891400689754": "as they do with the Inland Empire. To", "5705fc3a52bb89140068976a": "or mild and wet. Serious rain can occur unusually. In the summers, temperature ranges are 90-60's", "5705fc3a52bb89140068976b": "California have Mediterranean climate. But snow is very rare in", "5705fc3a52bb89140068976c": "bit warm or mild", "5705fc3a52bb89140068976d": "In the summers, temperature ranges are 90-60'", "5705fc3a52bb89140068976e": "many sunny days. Summers are hot and dry, while winters are a bit warm or mild and wet. Serious rain can occur unusually.", "5705fd8475f01819005e7841": "of one of the more varied collections of geologic, topographic, and natural ecosystem landscapes in a diversity outnumbering other major regions in the state", "5705fd8475f01819005e7840": "Southern California consists of one of the more varied collections of geologic, topographic, and", "5705fd8475f01819005e7842": "Southern California consists of one of the more varied collections of geologic, topographic, and natural ecosystem landscapes in a diversity outnumbering", "5705fd8475f01819005e7843": "Pacific Ocean islands, shorelines, beaches, and coastal plains,", "5705fd8475f01819005e7844": "through the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges with their peaks, into the large and small interior valleys, to the vast deserts of California.", "5705fec152bb89140068977a": "earthquakes. Nearly all of them are so small that they are not felt. Only several hundred are greater than magnitude 3.0", "5705fec152bb89140068977b": ".0, and only about 15\u2013", "5705fec152bb89140068977c": "20 are", "5705fec152bb89140068977d": "earthquakes. Nearly all of them are so small that they are not felt.", "5705fec152bb89140068977e": "damage of any earthquake in U", "5705ffde52bb891400689784": "event. Other faults include the San Jacinto Fault, the Puente Hills Fault, and the Elsinore", "5705ffde52bb891400689785": "which", "5705ffde52bb891400689786": ".0 event. Other faults include the San Jacinto Fault, the", "5705ffde52bb891400689787": "empty", "5705ffde52bb891400689788": "event. Other faults include the San Jacinto Fault, the Puente Hills Fault, and the Elsinore Fault Zone. The US", "570602fa52bb89140068979e": "many culturally distinct areas but as a whole combine to create the southern California atmosphere.", "570602fa52bb89140068979f": "is divided culturally, politically, and economically into distinctive regions, each containing its own culture and atmosphere, anchored usually by a city", "570602fa52bb8914006897a0": "empty", "570603c475f01819005e7882": "Area", "570603c475f01819005e7883": "United States Census, southern California has a population of 22,680,010. Despite a reputation for high growth rates, southern California'", "570603c475f01819005e7884": "became concentrated in the northern part of the state due", "570603c475f01819005e7885": "States Census", "570603c475f01819005e7886": "680,0", "5706074552bb8914006897d4": "Southern California consists of one Combined Statistical Area, eight Metropolitan Statistical Areas, one international metropolitan", "5706074552bb8914006897d5": "-San Marcos metropolitan area form the Southern Border Region. North of Greater Los Angeles are the Santa Barbara", "5706074552bb8914006897d6": "El Centro metropolitan area", "5706074552bb8914006897d7": "Southern California consists of one Combined Statistical Area, eight Metropolitan Statistical Areas, one international metropolitan area, and multiple metropolitan divisions. The region is", "5706074552bb8914006897d8": "form the", "570607f575f01819005e78b4": "California's most developed cities lie along or in close proximity to the coast, with the exception of San Bernardino and", "570607f575f01819005e78b5": "in the United States)", "570607f575f01819005e78b6": "). In southern California there are also twelve cities with more than 200,000 residents and 34 cities over 100,000 in population. Many of", "570607f575f01819005e78b7": "States). In southern California there are also", "570607f575f01819005e78b8": ". In southern California there are also twelve", "5706094b52bb8914006897de": "s not nearly as dominant, the vast majority of transport runs on this fuel. Southern California", "5706094b52bb8914006897df": "music). Other industries include software, automotive, ports, finance, tourism, biomedical, and regional logistics. The region was a leader", "5706094b52bb8914006897e0": "by the housing crash", "5706094b52bb8914006897e1": "not nearly as dominant, the", "5706094b52bb8914006897e2": "include software, automotive", "57060a1175f01819005e78d2": "the U.S., cattle and citrus were major industries until farmlands were turned into suburbs. Although military spending cutbacks have had an", "57060a1175f01819005e78d3": "the U.S., cattle and citrus were major industries until farmlands", "57060a1175f01819005e78d5": "Since the 1920s, motion pictures, petroleum and aircraft manufacturing have been major industries. In one of the richest agricultural", "57060a1175f01819005e78d4": "and", "57060a1175f01819005e78d6": "were major industries until farmlands were turned into suburbs. Although military spending cutbacks have had an impact,", "57060a6e52bb8914006897f8": "Central business districts (CBD) include Downtown Los", "57060a6e52bb8914006897f9": "is home to many major business districts. Central business", "57060a6e52bb8914006897fa": "districts. Central business districts (CB", "57060cc352bb89140068980e": "empty", "57060cc352bb89140068980f": "districts of Downtown Burbank, Downtown Santa Monica, Downtown Glendale and Downtown Long Beach. Los Angeles itself has many business districts including", "57060cc352bb891400689810": "Santa Monica, Downtown Glendale and Downtown Long", "57060cc352bb891400689811": "Mile including Century City, Westwood and Warner Center in", "57060df252bb891400689820": "business districts of Downtown San Bernardino, Hospitality Business/Financial Centre", "57060df252bb891400689821": "empty", "57060df252bb891400689822": "empty", "57060eaf75f01819005e7910": "Downtown Santa Ana, the South Coast Metro and Newport Center", "57060eaf75f01819005e7911": "is a rapidly developing business center that includes Downtown Santa Ana, the", "57060eaf75f01819005e7912": "as well as", "57060eaf75f01819005e7913": "headquartered at the University of California, Irvine. West Irvine includes", "57060eaf75f01819005e7914": "center that includes Downtown Santa Ana", "57060f3e75f01819005e7922": "Diego and some within North County regions", "57060f3e75f01819005e7923": "Mar Heights, Mission Valley, Rancho Bernardo, Sorrento Mesa, and", "57060f3e75f01819005e7924": "and University City. Most of these districts are", "57060f3e75f01819005e7925": "Northern San", "570610b275f01819005e792a": "home", "570610b275f01819005e792b": "iest airport in the United States by passenger volume (see World's busiest airports by passenger traffic", "570610b275f01819005e792c": "the world; Van Nuys Airport, the world's busiest general aviation airport", "570610b275f01819005e792d": "United States by international passenger traffic", "570610b275f01819005e792e": "(see World'", "5706111a52bb89140068984c": "empty", "5706111a52bb89140068984d": "other line connecting San Bernardino,", "5706111a52bb89140068984e": "empty", "5706111a52bb89140068984f": "Downtown Los Angeles, connecting Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, and San", "570611c475f01819005e793c": "' busiest commercial port; the adjacent Port of Long Beach, the United States' second busiest container port", "570611c475f01819005e793d": "adjacent Port of Long Beach, the United States' second busiest container port; and", "570611c475f01819005e793e": "' busiest commercial port; the adjacent Port of Long Beach,", "5706139252bb891400689864": "z Hills, Fullerton, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Northridge, Pomona,", "5706139252bb891400689865": "San Diego, San Marcos, and San Luis Obispo); and private institutions such as the California Institute of Technology", "5706139252bb891400689866": "universities and other public and private", "5706139252bb891400689867": "California State University campuses (Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Dominguez", "5706139252bb891400689868": "such as the California Institute of Technology", "5706143575f01819005e7950": "Rams, San Diego", "5706143575f01819005e7951": "Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Clippers", "5706143575f01819005e7952": "empty", "5706143575f01819005e7953": "s); MLB (Los Angeles Dodgers, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, San Diego Padres); NHL (Los", "5706143575f01819005e7954": "Angeles Dodgers", "5706149552bb891400689880": "USA \u2014 that both played at the StubHub Center and were local rivals. However, Chivas were suspended following the", "5706149552bb891400689881": ",", "5706149552bb891400689882": "Soccer teams in Los Angeles \u2014", "5706149552bb891400689883": "and were local rivals. However, Chivas", "5706149552bb891400689884": "2005", "570614ff52bb89140068988a": "empty", "570614ff52bb89140068988b": "s both field teams in NCAA Division I in the Pac-12", "570614ff52bb89140068988c": "empty", "570614ff52bb89140068988d": "southern California. The UCLA Bruins and the USC Trojans", "570614ff52bb89140068988e": "southern California. The UCLA Bruins", "5706155352bb891400689894": "particularly at the high school level, with increasing numbers of schools adding rugby as an official school", "5706155352bb891400689895": "empty", "5706155352bb891400689896": "empty", "57092322efce8f15003a7db0": "largest digital subscription television company. Following BSkyB's 2014 acquisition of Sky Italia and a majority 90.04% interest", "57092322efce8f15003a7db1": "digital subscription television company. Following BSkyB's 2014 acquisition of Sky Italia and a majority 90.04% interest", "57092322efce8f15003a7db2": "Broadcasting, BSkyB became the UK's largest digital subscription", "57092322efce8f15003a7db3": "interest in Sky D", "57092322efce8f15003a7db4": "Sky Italia and a majority 90.04% interest in Sky Deutschland in November 2014,", "57094a79efce8f15003a7dc4": "rights to be against the interests of competition and the consumer, BSkyB's", "57094a79efce8f15003a7dc5": "to broadcasters. Sky picked up the remaining four for \u00a31.3bn. In February 2015", "57094a79efce8f15003a7dc6": "company had expected to pay. The move has been followed by staff cuts, increased subscription prices (including 9% in Sky's family package", "57094a79efce8f15003a7dc7": "an increase of 70% on the previous contract and was said", "57094b4f9928a814004714f6": "Sky Sports News. Initially BSkyB provided", "57094b4f9928a814004714f7": "provided Sky Travel to the service. However, this was replaced by Sky Three on 31 October 2005, which was itself later re-branded", "57094b4f9928a814004714f8": "Channel 4 and National Grid Wireless. Prior to", "57094b4f9928a814004714f9": "Initially BSkyB", "57094b4f9928a814004714fa": "thereby making them a competitor by default, B", "57094ca7efce8f15003a7dd6": "; waiving the charge for subscribers whose package included two or more premium channels. This changed as", "57094ca7efce8f15003a7dd7": "without Sky+ functionality. In September 2007, Sky launched a new TV advertising campaign", "57094ca7efce8f15003a7dd8": "Sky+HD Box as standard, thus giving all", "57094ca7efce8f15003a7dd9": "box,", "57094ca7efce8f15003a7dda": "ving the charge", "57094d489928a8140047150a": "tight controls over use of VideoGuard decoders; they are", "57094d489928a8140047150b": "look-and-feel as all the others. This extends to the Personal video recorder (PVR) offering (branded", "57094d489928a8140047150c": "SkyB utilises the VideoGuard pay", "57094d489928a8140047150d": "BSkyB has design authority", "57094d489928a8140047150e": "over use of VideoGuard decoders; they are not", "570953a7efce8f15003a7dff": "the basis that their new deal offered \"substantially more value\" by including HD channels and Video On Demand content which was not", "570953a7efce8f15003a7dfe": "and Virgin Media became involved in a dispute over the carriage of Sky channels on cable TV. The failure to renew the existing carriage agreements negotiated with", "570953a7efce8f15003a7e00": ". The failure to renew the existing", "570953a7efce8f15003a7e01": "Telewest resulted in Virgin", "570953a7efce8f15003a7e02": "failure to renew the existing carriage agreements negotiated with NTL and Telewest resulted in Virgin Media removing the basic channels from the network", "570960cf200fba1400367f01": "new brand,\" plus \"financial and other terms, the details of which are confidential\". On 27 January 2014", "570960cf200fba1400367f02": "settlement, in which Microsoft will not appeal the ruling, and will rename", "570960cf200fba1400367f03": "use of the term \"SkyDrive\" infringed on Sky\u2019s right to the \"Sky\" trademark. On 31 July 2013,", "570960cf200fba1400367f04": "to allow for an orderly transition to a new brand,\"", "570960cf200fba1400367f05": "2013", "570961aa200fba1400367f15": "400,000 new subscribers, with the majority taking at least one premium channel as well, which helped BSkyB reach", "570961aa200fba1400367f16": "The service continued", "570961aa200fba1400367f17": "der was required to decode,", "570961aa200fba1400367f18": "business strategy to an entirely fee-based concept. The new", "570961aa200fba1400367f19": "SkyB gained 400,000 new", "570963a5200fba1400367f33": "Sky provides television and broadband internet services and fixed line telephone services to consumers and businesses in the United Kingdom.", "570963a5200fba1400367f34": "and fixed line telephone services to consumers and businesses in", "570963a5200fba1400367f35": "company which serves the United Kingdom. Sky provides television and broadband internet services and fixed line telephone services to", "570963a5200fba1400367f36": "UK's largest pay-TV broadcaster with 11 million customers as of 2015", "57096505ed30961900e84082": "UHD broadcasts, which Sky will introduce later", "57096505ed30961900e84083": "a", "57096505ed30961900e84084": "boxes with a Wi-Fi or Power-line connection rather than receive their own satellite feeds. This allows", "57096505ed30961900e84085": "Sky Q, a range of products and services to be available in 2016. The Sky Q", "57096505ed30961900e84086": "Mini", "570966e0200fba1400367f4f": "the Sky Movies and Sky Box Office channels including optional Dolby Digital soundtracks for recent films, although", "570966e0200fba1400367f50": ", with set-top boxes including modems for a return path. Sky News, amongst other channels, provides a pseudo-video", "570966e0200fba1400367f51": "system, with set-top boxes including modems for a return path. Sky News,", "570966e0200fba1400367f52": "'s standard definition broadcasts are in DVB-compliant MPEG-2, with the Sky Movies and Sky Box Office channels including", "570966e0200fba1400367f53": "compliant MPEG-2, with", "570967c4ed30961900e840ba": "This was subsequently followed by more Astra satellites as well as Eutelsat's Eurobird 1 (now Eutelsat 33", "570967c4ed30961900e840bb": "1998 the new service used the Astra 2A satellite which was located at the 28.5\u00b0E orbital position, unlike the analogue", "570967c4ed30961900e840bc": "to launch a new all-digital service, Sky, with", "570967c4ed30961900e840bd": "broadcast", "570967c4ed30961900e840be": "which was broadcast from 19.2\u00b0E. This", "5709686c200fba1400367f77": "40,000 people had registered to receive the HD service. In the week before the launch, rumours started to surface that B", "5709686c200fba1400367f78": "had either cancelled or rescheduled its installation. Finally, the BBC reported that 17,000 customers had yet to receive the service due to failed deliveries.", "5709686c200fba1400367f79": ", Sky+ HD, on 22 May 2006. Prior to its launch, BSkyB claimed that 40,000 people had registered to", "5709686c200fba1400367f7a": "installation. Finally, the BBC reported that", "5709686c200fba1400367f7b": "B claimed that 40,000 people had registered to receive the HD service. In the week before the launch, rumours started to surface that B", "57096b66200fba1400367fa7": "service on the digital terrestrial platform, and on", "57096b66200fba1400367fa8": "BSkyB announced its intention to replace its three free-to", "57096b66200fba1400367fa9": "content from the BSkyB portfolio including sport (including English Premier League Football), films, entertainment and", "57096b66200fba1400367faa": "Media. However, industry sources believe BSkyB will be forced to", "57096b66200fba1400367fab": "2007, BSkyB announced its intention to replace its three free-to-air digital terrestrial channels with four subscription channels. It was proposed that", "57096c95200fba1400367fbb": "require a monthly subscription, and some are pay-per-view services. To view the encrypted content a VideoGuard UK equipped receiver (all", "57096c95200fba1400367fbc": "per-view services. To view the encrypted content a VideoGuard UK equipped receiver (", "57096c95200fba1400367fbd": "and cannot be used to decrypt other services", "57096c95200fba1400367fbe": "which is fitted at the end of the", "57096c95200fba1400367fbf": ". Some broadcasts are free-to-air and unencrypted, some", "57096e1ced30961900e84102": "hard to retain", "57096e1ced30961900e84103": "decision was taken. ITV also asked the Office of Fair Trading to investigate since it", "57096e1ced30961900e84104": "of 1991, talks were held for the broadcast rights for Premier", "57096e1ced30961900e84105": "the High Court to get an injunction as it believed their bid details had been leaked before the decision was taken. ITV also asked the Office of Fair Trading", "57096e1ced30961900e84106": "the Premier League rights, would give them a monopoly of all live", "57096f37200fba1400367fe5": "'s EPG for a fee, ranging from \u00a315\u2013100,000. Third-party channels which opt", "57096f37200fba1400367fe6": ", free carriage on a BSkyB leased transponder, or actual", "57096f37200fba1400367fe7": "BSkyB's EPG for a", "57096f37200fba1400367fe8": "EPG, with open access being an enforced part of their operating licence from Ofcom. Any channel", "57096f37200fba1400367fe9": "fee, ranging from \u00a315\u2013100,000. Third-party channels which opt for encryption receive discounts ranging from reduced price to free", "57097051ed30961900e84132": "the use of the Sky Digital brand made", "57097051ed30961900e84133": "ITV Digital) terrestrial offering and cable services. Within 30 days, over 100,000 digi", "57097051ed30961900e84134": "At this time the use of the Sky Digital brand made an", "57097051ed30961900e84135": "ibox", "57097051ed30961900e84136": "1 October 1998 under the name Sky Digital, although small-scale tests were carried", "57097141200fba1400367ff9": "trial. Virgin Media", "57097141200fba1400367ffa": "from their platform, although Virgin Media did in fact have an option to carry Channel 4 HD in the future. Nonetheless, the linear channels were not offered", "57097141200fba1400367ffb": "trial. Virgin Media has claimed that other HD channels were \"locked up\" or otherwise withheld from their platform,", "57097141200fba1400367ffc": "from NTL:Telewest) started to offer a high-definition television (HDTV) capable set top box, although", "57097141200fba1400367ffd": ". Virgin Media has claimed that other HD channels were \"locked up", "57097b50200fba140036804d": ", Europe's first pay-TV platform in to achieve that milestone. Confirming it had reached", "57097b50200fba140036804e": "the UK represented an audience of more than 25m people. The target was first announced in August 2004, since then an", "57097b50200fba140036804f": "2004", "57097b50200fba1400368050": "first pay-TV platform in to achieve that", "57097b50200fba1400368051": "its target, the broadcaster said its reach into 36% of households in the UK represented an", "57097c8fed30961900e841f2": "\u2019, along with alcohol, tobacco and gambling. Conservative MP Alec Shelbrook", "57097c8fed30961900e841f3": "a woman in receipt of benefits", "57097c8fed30961900e841f4": "' \"Sky TV bills to establish if a woman in receipt of benefits as a single mother is wrongly claiming to be living alone\" \u2013", "57097c8fed30961900e841f5": "'s presence in the household. In December, the UK\u2019s parliament heard a claim", "57097c8fed30961900e841f6": ". In December, the UK\u2019s parliament heard a claim", "57097d63ed30961900e841fc": "of their respective basic channels.", "57097d63ed30961900e841fd": "which had previously been offered by BSkyB. As part of the agreements, both BSkyB and Virgin Media agreed to terminate all High Court proceedings", "57097d63ed30961900e841fe": "Virgin Media agreed to terminate all High Court proceedings against each other relating to the carriage of their", "57097d63ed30961900e841ff": "secure additional capped payments if their channels meet certain performance-related targets. Currently there is no indication as to whether the new deal includes the additional Video", "57097d63ed30961900e84200": "\u00a330m for the", "570d2417fed7b91900d45c3d": "considered the \"spiritual home\" of Australian cricket and Australian rules football, and hosts the grand", "570d2417fed7b91900d45c3e": "spiritual home\" of Australian cricket and Australian rules football, and hosts the grand final of the Australian Football League (AFL) each year", "570d2417fed7b91900d45c3f": "of GSP per capita because of its limited mining activity. Culturally, Melbourne is home to a", "570d2417fed7b91900d45c40": "Melbourne is home to a number of museums, art galleries and theatres and is also described as", "570d2417fed7b91900d45c41": "of the Australian Football League (AFL) each year, usually drawing crowds of over 95,000 people", "570d2556fed7b91900d45c47": "for gold", "570d2556fed7b91900d45c48": "gold, especially from Ireland and China. Many Chinese miners worked in Victoria, and their", "570d2556fed7b91900d45c49": "their legacy is particularly strong in Bend", "570d2556fed7b91900d45c4a": "level", "570d2556fed7b91900d45c4b": "environs. Although there was some racism directed at them, there was not the", "570d26efb3d812140066d48f": "the same as the lower house members\u2014four years. Elections for", "570d26efb3d812140066d490": "November every four years. Prior to the 2006 election, the Legislative Council consisted of 44 members elected to eight-year terms from 22 two", "570d26efb3d812140066d491": "members\u2014four years. Elections for the Victorian Parliament are now fixed and occur", "570d26efb3d812140066d492": "and", "570d26efb3d812140066d493": "number of upper house members was reduced from 44 to 40 and their term of office is now the same as the lower house members\u2014four years", "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a3": "political parties. Traditionally, Labor is strongest in Melbourne's working class western and northern suburbs, and the regional cities of Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong", "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a4": ". The Liberals' main support lies in Melbourne's more affluent eastern and outer suburbs, and some", "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a5": "North Western and Eastern rural regional areas. The Greens, who won their first lower house seats in 2014,", "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a6": ". The Liberals' main support lies in Melbourne's more affluent eastern and outer suburbs, and", "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a7": "cities of Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong. The Liberals' main support lies in Melbourne's", "570d29c2b3d812140066d4bd": "home of 152,775 Muslims and 45,150", "570d29c2b3d812140066d4be": ",150 Jews", "570d29c2b3d812140066d4bf": "1% of Victorians describe themselves as Christian. Roman Catholics form", "570d29c2b3d812140066d4c0": ". Roman", "570d29c2b3d812140066d4c1": ". Buddhism is the state's largest non-Christian religion, with 168,637 members as of the most recent census", "570d2af0fed7b91900d45c93": "ated as Vic) is a state in the south-east of Australia. Victoria is Australia's most", "570d2af0fed7b91900d45c94": ", Melbourne, which is Australia's second-largest city. Geographically the smallest state on the Australian", "570d2af0fed7b91900d45c95": "Australia to the", "570d2af0fed7b91900d45c96": "by Bass Strait and Tasmania to", "570d2af0fed7b91900d45c97": ". Victoria is Australia's most densely populated state and its second-most populous state overall. Most of its population is concentrated in the area surrounding Port", "570d2c20fed7b91900d45ca7": "New South Wales. The first settlement in", "570d2c20fed7b91900d45ca8": "had become the largest city", "570d2c20fed7b91900d45ca9": "The Victorian gold rush in the 1850s and 1860s significantly increased both the population and wealth of the colony, and by the Federation of Australia", "570d2c20fed7b91900d45caa": "of Australia until the construction of", "570d2c20fed7b91900d45cab": "and 1860s significantly increased", "570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbb": "for grain, mostly in the state's west. More than 50% of this area is so", "570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbc": ". A further 6,000 square kilometres (2,300 sq mi) is sown for", "570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbd": "asparagus, broccoli, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. Last year, 121,200 tonnes of", "570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbe": "is also a leader in stone fruit production. The main vegetable", "570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbf": "more than 3 million tonnes of wheat and 2 million tonnes of barley. Victorian farms produce nearly", "570d2f5bfed7b91900d45ccf": "except for certain \"entrenched\" provisions that require either an absolute majority", "570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd0": "an absolute majority in both houses, a three-fifths majority in both houses, or the approval", "570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd1": "Constitution Act 1855, which establishes the Parliament as the state", "570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd2": "absolute majority in both houses, a three-fifths majority", "570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd3": "\"", "570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce3": "\u00b0F) warmer than around Melbourne (see chart). Victoria's highest maximum temperature since", "570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce4": "erts. Average temperatures exceed 32 \u00b0C (90 \u00b0F) during summer", "570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce5": "s warm", "570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce6": "(4\u201313 \u00b0F) warmer than around Melbourne (see chart). Victoria's highest", "570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce7": "Except at cool mountain elevations, the inland monthly temperatures are 2", "570d32e4fed7b91900d45d01": "Public schools, also known as state or government schools, are funded and run directly by the Victoria Department of Education", "570d32e4fed7b91900d45d02": "the coeducational schools John Monash Science School, Nossal High School and", "570d32e4fed7b91900d45d03": "Private schools also receive", "570d32e4fed7b91900d45d04": "standards. In addition, Victoria has four government selective schools, Melbourne High School for boys, MacRobertson Girls", "570d32e4fed7b91900d45d05": "sal High School and Suzanne Cory High School, and The Victorian College of", "570d3468b3d812140066d543": "will mean that Australia", "570d3468b3d812140066d544": "followed by Ford's decision in December of the same year", "570d3468b3d812140066d545": "base for the manufacturing plants of the major car", "570d3468b3d812140066d546": "brands Ford, Toyota and Holden; however,", "570d3468b3d812140066d547": "(Ford's Victorian plants\u2014in", "570d35b7b3d812140066d54d": ". There is an extensive series of river systems in Victoria. Most notable is the Murray River system", "570d35b7b3d812140066d54e": "(6,", "570d35b7b3d812140066d54f": "Mount Bogong the highest peak at 1,986 m (6,516 ft). There are extensive semi-", "570d35b7b3d812140066d550": ",600 ft), with Mount Bogong the highest peak at 1,986 m (6", "570d35b7b3d812140066d551": "the west and northwest. There is an", "570d391fb3d812140066d575": "at Omeo on 13 June 1965, and again at Falls Creek on 3 July 1970. Temperature extremes for the state are listed in the table", "570d391fb3d812140066d576": "Falls Creek on 3 July 1970. Temperature extremes", "570d391fb3d812140066d577": "7 \u00b0C (10.9 \u00b0F) was recorded at Omeo on 13 June 1965, and again at", "570d391fb3d812140066d578": ") in winter and below 0 \u00b0C (32 \u00b0F) in the highest parts of the", "570d391fb3d812140066d579": "\u00b0C (48 \u00b0F) in winter and below 0 \u00b0C (32 \u00b0F)", "570d4030fed7b91900d45d9f": "provided by several private and public railway operators who operate over government-owned lines. Major operators include: Metro Trains Melbourne which", "570d4030fed7b91900d45da0": "who operate over government-owned lines. Major operators include: Metro Trains Melbourne which runs an extensive, electrified, passenger system throughout Melbourne", "570d4030fed7b91900d45da1": "an extensive, electrified, passenger system throughout Melbourne and suburbs; V/Line which", "570d4030fed7b91900d45da2": "transport in Victoria is provided by several private and public", "570d4030fed7b91900d45da3": "freight services; Great Southern Rail which operates The Overland", "570d418dfed7b91900d45dbd": "Legislative Assembly", "570d418dfed7b91900d45dbe": "the Legislative Assembly (the lower house) and the Legislative Council (the upper house). Victoria is currently governed by", "570d418dfed7b91900d45dbf": "still exist, which are administered directly", "570d418dfed7b91900d45dc0": "has 37 seats in the Australian House of Representatives and 12 seats in the Australian", "570d418dfed7b91900d45dc1": "Local", "570d4329fed7b91900d45dd7": "population of Victoria increased sevenfold from 7", "570d4329fed7b91900d45dd8": "field in the world\" and the largest gold nugget. Victoria produced in the decade 1851\u20131860 20 million ounces", "570d4329fed7b91900d45dd9": "subsequently at Bendigo. Later discoveries occurred at", "570d4329fed7b91900d45dda": "later, still in 1851 gold was discovered near Ballarat, and subsequently at Bendigo", "570d4329fed7b91900d45ddb": "Days later, still in 1851 gold was discovered near Ballarat, and subsequently at Bendigo. Later discoveries occurred at many sites across", "570d44abb3d812140066d5fd": "540", "570d44abb3d812140066d5fe": "attend Catholic schools. More than 462,000 students were enrolled in primary schools and more than 390,000 in secondary schools. Retention rates for the", "570d44abb3d812140066d5ff": "214 independent schools. Just under 540,", "570d44abb3d812140066d600": "schools, and just over 311,800 in private schools. Over 61", "570d44abb3d812140066d601": "Just under 540,800 students were enrolled in public schools, and just over 311,800 in private schools. Over 61 per cent of private students", "570d4606b3d812140066d619": "cattle and produces nearly two-thirds of the nation's milk, almost 6.4 billion litres. The state", "570d4606b3d812140066d61a": "rock lobster worth A$13", "570d4606b3d812140066d61b": ", followed by southern rock lobster worth A$13.7 million", "570d4606b3d812140066d61c": ".4 million beef cattle, with more than 2", "570d4606b3d812140066d61d": "in Australia. It is home to 60% of Australia's 3 million dairy cattle and produces nearly two-thirds of the nation", "570d47b8b3d812140066d62d": "8 1\u20442 in) standard gauge. Two tourist railways operate over 760 mm (2 ft 6 in) narrow gauge", "570d47b8b3d812140066d62e": "760 mm (2 ft 6 in) narrow gauge lines, which are the remnants of five formerly government-owned", "570d47b8b3d812140066d62f": "trunk routes", "570d47b8b3d812140066d630": "gauge. Two tourist railways operate over 760 mm (2 ft 6 in) narrow gauge lines, which are the remnants of five formerly government-", "570d47b8b3d812140066d631": ") broad gauge. However, the interstate trunk routes, as well as a number of branch lines in the west of the state have", "570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e13": "Port Phillip. It", "570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e14": "ts' wives, and 7 children). They had", "570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e15": "1803", "570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e16": "riff, principally out of fear that the French, who", "570d4c3bfed7b91900d45e31": "Ballarat there was an armed rebellion against the government of Victoria by miners protesting", "570d4c3bfed7b91900d45e33": ". This was crushed by", "570d4c3bfed7b91900d45e32": "troops, but the discontents prompted colonial authorities to reform the administration (particularly reducing the hated mining licence", "570d4c3bfed7b91900d45e34": "there was an armed rebellion against the government of Victoria by miners protesting against mining taxes (", "570d4c3bfed7b91900d45e35": "Eureka rebellion went on", "570d4e6cb3d812140066d66d": "are not exclusively the Commonwealth", "570d4e6cb3d812140066d66e": "Premier is the public face of government and, with cabinet, sets", "570d4e6cb3d812140066d66f": "government that are not exclusively the Commonwealth's, by the Australian Constitution", "570d4e6cb3d812140066d670": "the political party or coalition with the most seats in the Legislative Assembly. The", "570d4e6cb3d812140066d671": "by the Australian Constitution, such as education, health and law enforcement. The current Premier of Victoria", "570d50a5fed7b91900d45e7d": "of farmland is used to grow", "570d50a5fed7b91900d45e7e": "more than 60% of the state's total land surface. Victorian farms range from small horticultural outfits to", "570d50a5fed7b91900d45e7f": "total gross value. As of 2004, an estimated 32,463 farms", "570d50a5fed7b91900d45e80": "outfits to large-scale livestock and grain productions. A quarter", "570d50a5fed7b91900d45e81": "7", "570d529fb3d812140066d6bb": "also play a big", "570d529fb3d812140066d6bc": "regional cities, such as the V8 Supercars and Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix at Phillip Island", "570d529fb3d812140066d6bd": ". Most of these events are centre", "570d529fb3d812140066d6be": "as", "570d529fb3d812140066d6bf": "s and Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix at Phillip Island, the Grand Annual Steeplechase at Warrnambool and the Australian International Airshow at Geelong", "57105da9a58dae1900cd699e": "peaked near an estimated two million by 1562, concentrated mainly in the southern and central parts of France,", "57105da9a58dae1900cd699f": "1562, concentrated mainly in", "57105da9a58dae1900cd69a0": "and edicts of toleration from", "57105da9a58dae1900cd69a1": "crown. A series of religious", "57105da9a58dae1900cd69a2": "parts of France, about one-eighth the number of French Catholics. As Huguenots gained influence and more openly displayed their", "57106185b654c5140001f8db": "connotations of a somewhat related word in German Eidgenosse (Confederates as in \"a citizen of one", "57106185b654c5140001f8dd": "Thus, Hugues", "57106185b654c5140001f8dc": "Hugues by way of the Dutch word", "57106185b654c5140001f8de": "the Reformed Church) involved in the Amboise plot of 1560: a foiled attempt to wrest power in France from the influential", "57106185b654c5140001f8df": "the Duke of Savoy through an alliance between the city-state of Geneva and the Swiss Confederation. The label Huguenot was purportedly first", "57106644b654c5140001f8e5": ", a French version of the Scriptures was", "57106644b654c5140001f8e6": "the papacy by the time the Protestant Reformation finally arrived. Around 1294, a French version of the Scriptures was prepared by the", "57106644b654c5140001f8e7": "the Scriptures was prepared by the Roman Catholic priest, Guyard de", "57106644b654c5140001f8e8": "struggles with the papacy", "57106644b654c5140001f8e9": "vernacular languages was important to the spread of the Protestant movement and development of the Reformed church in France. The country", "57106d2fb654c5140001f8ef": "and the university were all handed over to the Huguenots. Tension with Paris led to a siege by the royal army in 1622. Peace terms", "57106d2fb654c5140001f8f0": "in 1622. Peace terms called for the dismantling of the city's fortifications. A royal citadel was built and the university and consulate were", "57106d2fb654c5140001f8f2": "and the university and consulate were taken over by the Catholic party. Even before the", "57106d2fb654c5140001f8f1": ". A royal citadel was built and the university and", "57106d2fb654c5140001f8f3": "and the ville de s\u00fbret\u00e9 was no", "571077ecb654c5140001f909": "with", "571077ecb654c5140001f90a": ", who arrived on 6 April 16", "571077ecb654c5140001f90b": "is today Cape", "571077ecb654c5140001f90c": "Cape Town. The couple left for the Far East ten years later. On 31 December 1687 the", "571077ecb654c5140001f90d": "Town. The couple left for the Far East ten years later. On", "57107932a58dae1900cd69ca": "Great Britain's colonies, including Nova Scotia. A number of New", "57107932a58dae1900cd69cb": "permanent settlement and chose the harbor at the end of Newtown Creek, becoming the first Europeans to live in Brooklyn, then known as Boschwick", "57107932a58dae1900cd69cc": "known as", "57107932a58dae1900cd69cd": "communion, and welcomes Francophone New", "57107932a58dae1900cd69ce": "se fran\u00e7aise \u00e0", "57107a3ea58dae1900cd69df": "first Huguenot church in North America in that city.", "57107a3ea58dae1900cd69e1": "ian nobility and descent, including Edmund Bohun of Suffolk England from the Humphrey de Bohun line", "57107a3ea58dae1900cd69e2": "first Huguenot church in North America in that city. After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, several Huguenot families of Norman and", "57107a3ea58dae1900cd69e0": "early years, many Huguenots also settled in the", "57107a3ea58dae1900cd69de": "Jacques de Bordeaux of Grenoble, immigrated to the Charleston Orange district. They were very successful at marriage and property speculation. After petitioning", "57107c24a58dae1900cd69e8": "attractive country for exile after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. They also found", "57107c24a58dae1900cd69e9": "Orange, who later became", "57107c24a58dae1900cd69ea": "opposition to Louis XIV, as the most attractive country for exile after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes", "57107c24a58dae1900cd69eb": "Dutch Republic in 1672. William formed the League of Augsburg as a coalition to oppose Louis and the French state.", "57107c24a58dae1900cd69ec": "Orange, who later became King of England, emerged as the strongest opponent of king Louis XIV", "57107d73b654c5140001f91d": "recognition of Protestantism in France, and forced the Huguenots to convert. While nearly three-quarters", "57107d73b654c5140001f91e": "following their defeat. They retained the religious provisions of the Edict of Nantes until the rule of Louis XIV", "57107d73b654c5140001f91f": "were killed or submitted, roughly 500,000 Huguenots had fled France by", "57107d73b654c5140001f920": "caused the political and military privileges of the Huguenots to be abolished following their defeat. They retained the religious provisions of the Edict of Nantes until the rule", "57107e6ca58dae1900cd69f2": ". The height of", "57107e6ca58dae1900cd69f3": "for", "57107e6ca58dae1900cd69f4": "the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre when 5,000 to 30,000 were killed, although there", "57107e6ca58dae1900cd69f5": "reasons for this as well, as some of the Huguenots were nobles", "57107e6ca58dae1900cd69f6": "Huguenots. Some Huguenot preachers and congregants were attacked as they attempted to meet for worship. The height of this persecution", "57108073b654c5140001f927": "under the regency of his Italian Catholic mother Marie de' Medici, became", "57108073b654c5140001f926": "contacts with foreign powers, and openly revolting against central power. The rebellions were implacably suppressed by the French", "57108073b654c5140001f928": "in southwestern France, between 16", "57108073b654c5140001f929": "Huguenots were on the defensive, and the government increasingly applied pressure. A series of three small civil wars known as the Huguenot rebellion", "57108073b654c5140001f925": "ing against central power. The rebellions were implacably", "57108198b654c5140001f937": "regard themselves as Huguenots to this day", "57108198b654c5140001f938": "sace in", "57108198b654c5140001f939": "after centuries of exile. Long integrated into Australian", "57108198b654c5140001f93a": "embrace and conserve its cultural heritage,", "57108198b654c5140001f93b": ",", "57108c95b654c5140001f979": "or settle in", "57108c95b654c5140001f97a": "District", "57108c95b654c5140001f97b": "settle in different parts of the country, but rather, formed three societies", "57108c95b654c5140001f97c": "21 miles north of New York in a town which they named New Rochelle, and", "57108c95b654c5140001f97d": "a third further upstate in New Paltz. The \"Huguenot Street Historic District\" in New Paltz has been designated", "57108d69b654c5140001f983": "received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy", "57108d69b654c5140001f984": "to", "57108d69b654c5140001f985": "Amongst them", "57108d69b654c5140001f986": "Republic amounted to ca.", "57108d69b654c5140001f987": "Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 7", "57108ee6a58dae1900cd6a1a": "the gate of King Hugo, was haunted by the ghost of le roi Huguet (regarded by Roman", "57108ee6a58dae1900cd6a1b": "(\"these supposedly 'reformed'", "57108ee6a58dae1900cd6a1c": "; popular fancy held that Huguon, the gate of King Hugo, was haunted by the ghost of le roi Huguet (", "57108ee6a58dae1900cd6a1d": "place in Tours that the pr\u00e9tendus r\u00e9form\u00e9s (\"these supposedly 'reformed'\")", "57108ee6a58dae1900cd6a1e": "(regarded by Roman", "571090abb654c5140001f995": "population. Such economic separation was the condition of the refugees' initial", "571090abb654c5140001f996": "(It has been adapted as a restaurant\u2014see illustration above. The house derives its", "571090abb654c5140001f997": "also settled elsewhere in Kent, particularly Sandwich, Faversham and Maidstone\u2014towns in which there used to be", "571090abb654c5140001f998": "the City. They also settled elsewhere in Kent,", "571090abb654c5140001f999": "as many Huguenots worked as weavers. The Weavers, a half-timbered house by the river", "57109180a58dae1900cd6a41": "of the founders of the Bank of Ireland. A", "57109180a58dae1900cd6a40": "names still in use, and with areas of the main towns and cities named", "57109180a58dae1900cd6a42": "as mayors in Dublin, Cork, Youghal and Waterford in the 17th and 18th centuries. Numerous signs of", "57109180a58dae1900cd6a43": "in Cork City; and D'Olier Street in Dublin, named after a High Sheriff and one of the founders of the", "57109180a58dae1900cd6a44": "named after the people who settled there. Examples include the Huguenot District and French Church Street in Cork", "57109275b654c5140001f99f": "French crown's refusal to allow non-Catholics to settle in New France may help to explain that colony's", "57109275b654c5140001f9a0": "of the Seven Years' War), a sizeable population of Huguenot descent lived in the British colonies, and many participated in the British defeat of", "57109275b654c5140001f9a1": ", a sizeable population of Huguenot descent lived in the British colonies, and many participated in the British defeat of New France in 1759-", "57109275b654c5140001f9a2": "'s refusal to allow non-Catholics to settle in New France may help to explain that colony's slow rate of population growth compared to that", "57109275b654c5140001f9a3": "that", "571093aba58dae1900cd6a5c": "as Henry IV, and having recanted Protestantism in favour of Roman Catholicism, issued the Edict of Nantes. The Edict reaffirmed", "571093aba58dae1900cd6a5d": "when Henry of Navarre, having succeeded", "571093aba58dae1900cd6a5e": "and a degree of religious and political freedom within their domains", "571093aba58dae1900cd6a5f": "Edict of Nantes. The Edict reaffirmed Catholicism as the state religion of France, but granted the Protestants equality with", "571093aba58dae1900cd6a60": "of religious and", "571094b7a58dae1900cd6a66": "the Huguenots and costly for France. It precipitated civil bloodshed", "571094b7a58dae1900cd6a67": "Virginia, especially. The English welcomed the French refugees, providing money from both government and private agencies to aid", "571094b7a58dae1900cd6a68": "their relocation. Those", "571094b7a58dae1900cd6a69": ", ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors", "571094b7a58dae1900cd6a6a": "South Africa. Four thousand emigrated to the North", "571095a8a58dae1900cd6a76": "faith to express their beliefs to the Portuguese. This was", "571095a8a58dae1900cd6a77": "captured part of the Huguenots. The Portuguese threatened the prisoners with death if they did not convert to Catholicism. The Huguenots of Guan", "571095a8a58dae1900cd6a78": "an attempt to establish a French colony", "571095a8a58dae1900cd6a79": "A couple of ships with around 500 people arrived at the Guanabara Bay, present-day Rio de Janeiro, and settled in a small", "571095a8a58dae1900cd6a7a": "protect them from attack from the Portuguese troops and Brazilian Native Americans. It was an attempt to establish a French colony", "5710968aa58dae1900cd6a86": "it, Duvenh", "5710968aa58dae1900cd6a87": ")", "5710968aa58dae1900cd6a88": ", Rossouw (Rousseau), Talja", "5710968aa58dae1900cd6a89": "joen (Villion) and Visagie", "571097baa58dae1900cd6a98": "; Jack Jouett, who made the ride from Cuckoo Tavern to warn Thomas Jefferson and others that Tarleton and his men", "571097baa58dae1900cd6a99": "akin Episcopal Church in Virginia as an historic shrine", "571097baa58dae1900cd6a9a": "The last active Huguenot congregation in North", "571097baa58dae1900cd6a9b": "against the king; Francis Marion, and a number of other leaders of the American Revolution and later statesmen. The last active Huguenot congregation in", "571097baa58dae1900cd6a9c": "as was Henry Laurens, who signed the Articles of Confederation for South Carolina", "571098f8a58dae1900cd6ab2": "until the end of the 18th", "571098f8a58dae1900cd6ab3": "' demonstrates a Huguenot influence,", "571098f8a58dae1900cd6ab4": "cious:", "571098f8a58dae1900cd6ab5": "time. Although 19th", "571099b2b654c5140001f9b3": "Stockholm, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Helsinki, and Em", "571099b2b654c5140001f9b4": "the French language in their church services for nearly a century. They ultimately decided to switch to German in protest against the occupation of", "571099b2b654c5140001f9b5": "as those of Fredericia (Denmark),", "571099b2b654c5140001f9b6": "Helsinki, and Em", "571099b2b654c5140001f9b7": "congregations were", "5710e8c8a58dae1900cd6b26": "south. In the early 18th century, a regional group known as the Camisards who were Huguenots rioted", "5710e8c8a58dae1900cd6b27": "country. Following this exodus, Huguenots remained in large numbers in only", "5710e8c8a58dae1900cd6b28": ": England, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark,", "5710e8c8a58dae1900cd6b29": "in the region, burning churches and killing clergy.", "5710e8c8a58dae1900cd6b2a": "to 1,000,000) fled to surrounding Protestant countries: England, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, and Prussia \u2014", "5710e9f8a58dae1900cd6b30": "ez proceeded to massacre", "5710e9f8a58dae1900cd6b31": "ly inferior Spanish forces led by Pedro Menendez. Menendez proceeded", "5710e9f8a58dae1900cd6b32": "Spanish encampment at Fort Matanzas. Hundreds of French soldiers were", "5710e9f8a58dae1900cd6b33": "less Huguenots, after which", "5710e9f8a58dae1900cd6b34": "-day continental United States, but survived only a short time.", "5710eb6fb654c5140001fa17": "ris", "5710eb6fb654c5140001fa18": "expedition that", "5710eb6fb654c5140001fa19": "established Fort Caroline in what is now Jacksonville, Florida. War at home again precluded a resupply", "5710eb6fb654c5140001fa1a": "Ren\u00e9 Goulaine de Laudonni\u00e8re launched a second voyage to build a colony;", "5710eb6fb654c5140001fa1b": "lieutenant Ren\u00e9 Goulaine de", "5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3a": ",", "5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3b": "outside town on farms in the English style; and others moved to different areas. Gradually they intermarried with their English neighbors.", "5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3c": "neighbors.", "5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3d": "isolated settlement, many had died; others lived outside", "5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3e": "migrated from England to the colony of Virginia, where the English Crown had promised them land grants in Lower Norfolk County.", "5710ed7bb654c5140001fa2b": "were already visible in the \"Apologie\" of", "5710ed7bb654c5140001fa2c": "present day. The Prinsenhof is one of the 14 active", "5710ed7bb654c5140001fa2d": "held services in French. The practice has continued to the present day. The Prin", "5710ed7bb654c5140001fa2e": "of the Dutch Reformed Church. The ties between Huguenots and the Dutch Republic", "5710ed7bb654c5140001fa2f": "eur, lord of Villiers. Louise de Coligny, daughter of the murdered", "5710f114a58dae1900cd6b60": ", a leading Huguenot theologian", "5710f114a58dae1900cd6b61": "criticism of the Pope and the doctrine of transubstantiation", "5710f114a58dae1900cd6b62": "terms, this was one of the largest waves of immigration ever of a single ethnic community to Britain. Andrew Lortie (born And", "5710f114a58dae1900cd6b63": "for articulating their criticism of", "5710f114a58dae1900cd6b64": "Andr\u00e9 Lortie), a leading Huguenot theologian and writer", "5710f2e2a58dae1900cd6b72": "th centuries, encouraged by an act of parliament for Protestants' settling in Ireland. Huguenot regiments fought for William of Orange in the", "5710f2e2a58dae1900cd6b73": "Smaller settlements, which included Killeshandra in County Cavan, contributed to the expansion of flax", "5710f2e2a58dae1900cd6b74": "titles, many settling in Dublin. Significant Huguenot settlements were in Dublin, Cork,", "5710f2e2a58dae1900cd6b75": ". Smaller settlements, which included Killeshandra in County Cavan, contributed to the expansion of flax cultivation and the growth of the", "5710f2e2a58dae1900cd6b76": "early 18th centuries, encouraged by an act of parliament for Protestants' settling in Ireland. Huguenot regiments fought for William of", "5710f4b8b654c5140001fa45": "established a thriving glass-making works, which provided wealth to the principality for many years. Other founding families created enterprises based on textiles and", "5710f4b8b654c5140001fa46": ". The Count supported mercantilism and welcomed technically skilled immigrants into his lands", "5710f4b8b654c5140001fa47": "Huguenot occupations in France. The community and its congregation remain active to this day, with descendants of many of the founding families still living in the", "5710f4b8b654c5140001fa48": "such", "5710f4b8b654c5140001fa49": "community and its congregation remain active to this day, with descendants", "5711119cb654c5140001fae3": "and Ireland. They also spread beyond Europe to the Dutch Cape Colony in South Africa", "5711119cb654c5140001fae4": "the Duchy of Prussia, the Channel Islands, and Ireland. They also spread beyond Europe", "5711119cb654c5140001fae6": "Electorate of the Palatinate in the Holy Roman Empire, the Duchy of Prussia, the Channel Islands, and Ireland.", "5711119cb654c5140001fae5": "empty", "5711119cb654c5140001fae7": "several of the English colonies of North America, and Quebec, where they were accepted and", "571112ada58dae1900cd6bcc": "who respected people'", "571112ada58dae1900cd6bcd": "as a noble man who respected people's dignity and lives. Janet Gray and other supporters", "571112ada58dae1900cd6bce": "man who respected people'", "571112ada58dae1900cd6bcf": "arguing that for the word to have spread into common use in France, it must have originated in the French", "571112ada58dae1900cd6bd0": "would be roughly equivalent to little Hugos, or those who want", "57111380a58dae1900cd6bd6": "on to become a leader of the", "57111380a58dae1900cd6bd7": "to join William Farel, Calvin and the Reformation", "57111380a58dae1900cd6bd8": "15", "57111380a58dae1900cd6bd9": "Jacques Lefevre (c. 1455\u20131536). The", "57111380a58dae1900cd6bda": "included the pro-reform and Gallican Roman Catholics, such as Jacques Lefevre (c. 1455\u20131536)", "57111428b654c5140001faff": "Protestants had been massacred in Paris alone. Beyond Paris", "57111428b654c5140001fb00": "Beyond Paris, the killings continued until 3 October. An amnesty granted in 1573 pardoned the perpetrators.[citation needed]", "57111428b654c5140001fb01": "massacred in Paris alone. Beyond Paris, the killings continued until 3 October. An amnesty granted in 1573 pardoned", "57111428b654c5140001fb02": "2,000 and 3,000 Protestants were killed in Paris and between 3,000", "57111429b654c5140001fb03": "French provinces. By 17", "571114cfb654c5140001fb09": "ating, he instituted dragonnades, which included the occupation and looting of Huguenot homes by military troops, in an effort to forcibly", "571114cfb654c5140001fb0a": "them. In 1685, he issued the Edict of Fontainebleau, revoking", "571114cfb654c5140001fb0b": "Edict of Nantes and declaring", "571114cfb654c5140001fb0c": "Huguenot schools and excluded", "571114cfb654c5140001fb0d": "1685, he issued the Edict of Fontainebleau, revoking the Edict of Nantes", "5711163bb654c5140001fb13": "land consisting of six thousand one hundred acres with the help of Jacob Leisler. It was named New Rochelle", "5711163bb654c5140001fb14": "in the county of Westchester on the north shore of Long Island Sound, seemed to be", "5711163bb654c5140001fb15": "\"Bauffet's Point\" after traveling from England where they had previously taken refuge on account of religious persecution, four years before the rev", "5711163bb654c5140001fb16": "Rochelle, their former strong-hold in France. A small wooden church was first erected in", "5711163bb654c5140001fb17": "the Huguenots in New York. It is said", "57111713a58dae1900cd6c00": "empty", "57111713a58dae1900cd6c01": "the French made numerous contributions to United States economic life, especially as merchants and artisans in the late Colonial and early Federal periods", "57111713a58dae1900cd6c02": "congregations (or", "57111713a58dae1900cd6c03": "Protestant denominations with more numerous members. The Huguenots adapted quickly and often married outside their immediate French communities", "57111713a58dae1900cd6c04": "and surnames for their children well into the nineteenth century. Assimilated,", "571117d4a58dae1900cd6c0a": "Congress", "571117d4a58dae1900cd6c0b": "and publishing his multi-volume masterpiece, Historical and Critical Dictionary. It became one of the 100 foundational texts of the US Library of Congress. Some", "571117d4a58dae1900cd6c0c": "of the US Library of Congress. Some Huguenot descendants in the Netherlands may be noted by French family", "571117d4a58dae1900cd6c0d": "foundational texts of the US Library of Congress. Some Huguenot descendants in the Netherlands may be noted by French family names, although they", "571117d4a58dae1900cd6c0e": "their own participation, some of the Dutch patriciate are of part-Huguenot descent. Some Huguenot families have kept", "57111992b654c5140001fb43": "Truman Brewery, then known as the Black Eagle Brewery, was", "57111992b654c5140001fb44": "as the Black Eagle Brewery, was founded in 1724. The flight", "57111992b654c5140001fb45": "population, then comprising about a third of the population", "57111992b654c5140001fb46": "French added to the existing immigrant population, then comprising", "57111992b654c5140001fb47": "East London. In Wandsworth, their gardening skills benefited the Battersea market gardens. The Old Truman Brewery, then known as", "57111ab8a58dae1900cd6c3c": ", Bremen and Lower Saxony. Three hundred refugees were granted asylum at the court of George William, Duke of Brunswick-", "57111ab8a58dae1900cd6c3d": "of Baden, Franconia (Principality of Bayreuth", "57111ab8a58dae1900cd6c3e": "in Brandenburg-Prussia, where they were granted special privileges (E", "57111ab8a58dae1900cd6c3f": "of his army: the Altpreu\u00dfische Infantry Regiments No. 13 (Regiment on foot Varenne) and 15 (", "57111ab8a58dae1900cd6c40": "special privileges (Edict of Potsdam) and churches in which to worship (such as the", "57111b95a58dae1900cd6c50": "Elector of Brandenburg, invited Huguenots to settle in his realms, and a number of their descendants rose to positions of prominence in Prussia. Several prominent", "57111b95a58dae1900cd6c51": "ace Adolf", "57111b95a58dae1900cd6c52": "Brandenburg, invited Huguenots to settle in his realms, and a number of their descendants rose to positions of prominence in Prussia.", "57111b95a58dae1900cd6c53": "War Battle of Tannenberg, Luftwaffe General and fighter ace Adolf Galland,", "57111b95a58dae1900cd6c54": "in", "57112686b654c5140001fbd3": "sources such as solar power, nuclear", "57112686b654c5140001fbd4": "-combustion heat sources such as solar power, nuclear power or geothermal energy may be used. The ideal thermodynamic cycle", "57112686b654c5140001fbd5": "analyze this process is called the Rankine cycle. In the cycle, water is heated and transforms into steam", "57112686b654c5140001fbd6": "process is called the Rankine cycle. In the cycle, water is heated and transforms into steam", "57112686b654c5140001fbd7": "tion heat sources such as solar power, nuclear power or geothermal energy may be used", "571126dfa58dae1900cd6cb2": "atmospheric engine, invented by Thomas Newcomen", "571126dfa58dae1900cd6cb3": ", invented by Thomas Newcomen around 1712. It", "571126dfa58dae1900cd6cb4": "commercially successful true engine, in that it could generate power and transmit it to a machine", "571126dfa58dae1900cd6cb5": "The first commercially successful true engine, in that it could generate power and transmit it to a machine, was the atmospheric engine, invented by Thomas", "571126dfa58dae1900cd6cb6": "and transmit it to a machine, was the atmospheric engine, invented by Thomas Newcomen around 1712. It was an improvement over Save", "571127a5a58dae1900cd6cc4": "and, on 21 February 1804, the world's", "571127a5a58dae1900cd6cc5": "hick visited the Newcastle area later", "571127a5a58dae1900cd6cc6": ". The design incorporated a number of", "571127a5a58dae1900cd6cc7": "increased its efficiency. Trevithick visited the Newcastle area later in", "571127a5a58dae1900cd6cc8": "fil to Abercynon in south Wales. The design incorporated a number of important innovations that included using high-pressure steam which reduced the weight of", "571135b8a58dae1900cd6d0e": "ors became popular in", "571135b8a58dae1900cd6d0f": "or, which uses a steam jet usually supplied from the boiler. Injectors became popular in the 1850s but are no", "571135b8a58dae1900cd6d10": "jet usually supplied from the boiler. Injectors", "571135b8a58dae1900cd6d11": "have a water pump to re", "571135b8a58dae1900cd6d12": "run continuously. Utility and industrial boilers commonly use multi-stage centrifugal pumps; however", "57113639a58dae1900cd6d18": "expansion stages between two cylinders, one at each end of the engine. This allowed the crankshaft to be better balanced,", "57113639a58dae1900cd6d19": "allowed the crank", "57113639a58dae1900cd6d1a": "cylinders may be used for the low-", "57113639a58dae1900cd6d1b": "line, but various other formations were used. In the late 19th century, the", "57113639a58dae1900cd6d1c": "ansion engine popular with large passenger liners (such", "571136b8a58dae1900cd6d22": "exhaust valves driven by trip mechanisms or cams profiled so as to give ideal events;", "571136b8a58dae1900cd6d23": "usual compromise solution has been to provide lap by lengthening rubbing surfaces of the valve in such", "571136b8a58dae1900cd6d24": "attempts to overcome this problem by means of various patent valve gear", "57113ba6b654c5140001fc1f": "s are also too small in area to lower steam pressure significantly, de", "57113ba6b654c5140001fc20": "Except in the smallest of boilers the steam escape has little effect on dampening the fire. The plugs are also too small in", "57113ba6b654c5140001fc21": "fire. Except in the smallest of", "57113ba6b654c5140001fc22": "the boiler.", "57113ba6b654c5140001fc23": "the crew.[citation needed]", "57113be3a58dae1900cd6d28": "81 James Watt", "57113be3a58dae1900cd6d29": "that water and coal or", "57113be3a58dae1900cd6d2a": "the amount of power they produced, but high pressure steam engines were light enough to be applied to vehicles such as", "57113be3a58dae1900cd6d2b": "ten-horsepower engines enabled a wide range of manufacturing machinery", "57113be3a58dae1900cd6d2c": "The stationary steam engine was a key component of the Industrial Revolution, allowing factories to locate where water power was unavailable", "57113c6da58dae1900cd6d32": "D; the", "57113c6da58dae1900cd6d33": "useful work on the steam digester in 1679, and first used a piston to raise", "57113c6da58dae1900cd6d34": "Denis Papin, a Huguenot refugee, did some useful work on the steam digester in 1679, and first used a piston to raise", "57113c6da58dae1900cd6d35": "in", "57113c6da58dae1900cd6d36": "in 1606 for fifty steam powered inventions, including a water pump for draining inundated mines. Denis Papin, a Huguenot", "57113f83b654c5140001fc29": "20th", "57113f83b654c5140001fc2a": "19th century compound engines came into", "57113f83b654c5140001fc2b": "of coal carried. Steam engines remained the dominant source of power until the early 20th century, when advances in the design of", "57113f83b654c5140001fc2d": "triple expansion engines being common, especially in shipping where efficiency was important to reduce the weight of coal carried.", "57113f83b654c5140001fc2c": "shipping where efficiency was important to reduce the weight of coal carried. Steam engines remained the dominant source of", "571142b3a58dae1900cd6d5a": "design was the use of steam", "571142b3a58dae1900cd6d5b": "of the 19th century. Steam turbines are generally more efficient than reciprocating piston type steam", "571142b3a58dae1900cd6d5c": "directly instead of through a connecting", "571142b3a58dae1900cd6d5d": "of", "571142b3a58dae1900cd6d5e": "where their efficiency", "571144d1a58dae1900cd6d6e": "firebox). In some cases the heat source is a nuclear reactor, geothermal energy, solar energy or", "571144d1a58dae1900cd6d6f": "an appropriate supply of air in a closed space (called variously combustion chamber, fire", "571144d1a58dae1900cd6d70": "toy steam engines, the heat source", "571144d1a58dae1900cd6d71": "combustion engine or industrial process. In the", "57114667a58dae1900cd6d80": "spot various problems and calculate developed horsepower. It was routinely used by engineers, mechanics and insurance inspectors. The engine indicator can also", "57114667a58dae1900cd6d81": "combustion engines. See image of indicator", "57114667a58dae1900cd6d82": "developed horsepower. It was routinely used by engineers,", "57114667a58dae1900cd6d83": ").", "57114667a58dae1900cd6d84": "indicator.", "5711475ca58dae1900cd6d8a": "the double expansion group is duplicated, producing a 4-cylinder compound, the individual", "5711475ca58dae1900cd6d8b": "out", "5711475ca58dae1900cd6d8c": "are connected to the cranks as with a two-cylinder simple at 90\u00b0 out of phase with each other (", "5711488ab654c5140001fc3d": "s its direction of flow at each stroke (counterflow), entering and exhausting from the cylinder by", "5711488ab654c5140001fc3e": ", exhaust, compression. These events are controlled by valves often working inside a steam chest adjacent to the cylinder; the valves distribute the steam", "5711488ab654c5140001fc3f": "reverses its direction of flow at each stroke", "5711488ab654c5140001fc40": "controlled by valves often working inside a steam chest adjacent to the cylinder; the valves distribute the steam by opening", "5711488ab654c5140001fc41": "opening and closing steam ports communicating with the cylinder end(s) and are driven by", "57114aceb654c5140001fc47": "of each stroke making the steam flow only in one direction. By this means, the simple-expansion uni", "57114aceb654c5140001fc48": "areas,", "57114aceb654c5140001fc49": "each stroke making the steam flow only in one direction. By this means, the simple", "57114b1a2419e31400955575": "oscillating cylinder steam", "57114b1a2419e31400955576": "used in full size working engines, mainly on ships where their compactness is valued.[citation", "57114b1a2419e31400955577": "valves, the entire cylinder rocks, or oscillates,", "57114b1a2419e31400955578": "full size working engines, mainly on ships", "57114dfb50c2381900b54a53": "loop\" system, where the exhaust steam is directly released to the atmosphere, and a separate source of water feeding the boiler is supplied", "57114dfb50c2381900b54a54": "low cost, and its thermodynamic properties. Mercury is the working fluid in the mercury vapor turbine. Low boiling hydrocarbons can be used in a", "57114dfb50c2381900b54a55": "binary", "57114dfb50c2381900b54a56": "as non-toxic and unreactive chemistry, abundance, low cost, and its thermodynamic properties. Mercury", "57114e8d50c2381900b54a5b": "the cycle can operate over is quite small;", "57114e8d50c2381900b54a5c": "range the cycle can operate over is", "57114e8d50c2381900b54a5d": "30 \u00b0C. This gives a theoretical Carnot", "57114e8d50c2381900b54a5f": "coal-fired power station. This low turbine", "57114e8d50c2381900b54a5e": "entry temperature (compared with a gas turbine) is why the Rankine cycle is often used as a bottoming cycle", "57114f0050c2381900b54a65": "railway locomotives, ships, steamboats and road vehicles. Their use in agriculture led to an increase in", "57114f0050c2381900b54a66": "motorcycles (", "57114f0050c2381900b54a67": "led to an increase in the land available for cultivation. There have at one time or another been steam-powered", "57114f0050c2381900b54a68": "farm tractors, motorcycles (without much success) and even automobiles as the", "57114f0050c2381900b54a69": "cultivation. There", "571153422419e3140095557d": "experiments using a trio of locomotives, concluding with the Catch Me Who Can in 1808", "571153422419e3140095557e": "the Rain", "571153422419e3140095557f": "built the Locomotion for the Stockton and Darlington Railway. This was the first public steam", "571153422419e31400955580": "twin-cylinder locomotive Salamanca by Matthew Murray was used by the edge railed rack and pinion", "571153422419e31400955581": "was used by the edge railed rack and pinion Middleton Railway.", "5711541350c2381900b54a6f": "enters one or more subsequent lower-pressure (LP) cylinders. The complete expansion of", "5711541350c2381900b54a70": "and cooling, increasing the efficiency of the engine. By staging the expansion in multiple cylinders, torque variability can be reduced. To", "5711541350c2381900b54a71": "a high-pressure (HP) cylinder and then enters one or more subsequent lower-pressure (LP) cylinders. The complete", "5711541350c2381900b54a72": ", increasing the efficiency of the engine. By staging the expansion in multiple cylinders, torque variability", "571154c72419e31400955587": "in reduction of", "571154c72419e31400955588": "steam turbines. In electricity production, the high speed of turbine rotation matches well with the speed of modern", "571154c72419e31400955589": "their driving turbines. In marine service, (pioneered on the Turbinia), steam turbines with reduction gearing (", "571154c72419e3140095558a": "the Turbinia has direct turbines to propellers", "571154c72419e3140095558b": "turbine units and typical combined cycle power plants has resulted in reduction", "571155ae2419e31400955591": "is named after William John", "571155ae2419e31400955592": "closed loop with some of the heat", "571155ae2419e31400955593": "steam, producing liquid water)) to provide a practical", "571155ae2419e31400955594": "a condenser. The Rankine cycle is used in virtually all steam power production", "571155ae2419e31400955595": "the heat added being converted", "571156152419e3140095559b": "a three-fold improvement over the average Newcomen design. Early Watt engines", "571156152419e3140095559f": "was first introduced by", "571156152419e3140095559e": ". The concept of duty", "571156152419e3140095559d": "foot-pounds of work delivered by burning one bushel (94 pounds) of coal. The best examples of New", "571156152419e3140095559c": "7", "57115ac550c2381900b54a77": "steam turbines in power generation. Considering that the great majority of worldwide electric generation is produced by turbine type steam engines, the \"", "57115ac550c2381900b54a78": "of electric motors and internal combustion engines gradually resulted in the replacement", "57115ac550c2381900b54a79": "turn of the 19", "57115ac550c2381900b54a7a": "procating (piston) steam engines in commercial usage, and", "57115b2850c2381900b54a7f": "s. It received some use in mines, pumping stations and for supplying water wheels used to", "57115b2850c2381900b54a80": "supplying water wheels used to power textile machinery. An attractive feature of the Savery engine was its low cost", "57115b2850c2381900b54a81": "It received some use in mines, pumping stations and for supplying water wheels used to power textile machinery. An", "57115b2850c2381900b54a82": "to raise water from below, then it", "57115b2850c2381900b54a83": "ura Portugal introduced an ingenious improvement of Save", "57115b8b50c2381900b54a89": ".", "57115b8b50c2381900b54a8a": "-pressure engine patent in 1802. These were much more powerful for a given cylinder size than previous engines and could", "57115b8b50c2381900b54a8b": "-pressure engine patent in 1802. These were much more", "57115b8b50c2381900b54a8c": "the steam engine as a power source) resulted in the design", "57115b8b50c2381900b54a8d": "Thereafter, technological developments and improvements in manufacturing techniques (partly brought about by the adoption of the steam engine", "57115bf350c2381900b54a93": "engines. It is a single-step, 5-cylinder", "57115bf350c2381900b54a94": "the potential of the engine as", "57115bf350c2381900b54a95": "reaches some 27-30% on high-pressure engines. It is a single-step", "57115bf350c2381900b54a96": "iprojekt AB in Sweden has made progress in using modern materials for harnessing the power of steam. The efficiency of Energipro", "57115bf350c2381900b54a97": "step, 5-cylinder engine (no compound) with superheated steam and consumes approx. 4 kg (8.", "57115c7450c2381900b54a9d": "returns to the boiler. Such towers often have visible plumes", "57115c7450c2381900b54a9e": "by the warm air. Evaporative cooling towers need less water flow than \"once-through\" cooling", "57115c7450c2381900b54a9f": "costly. Evaporative (wet) cooling towers use the rejected heat to evaporate water; this water is", "57115c7450c2381900b54aa0": "P is not used, steam turbines in power stations use surface condensers as a cold sink. The condensers are", "57115c7450c2381900b54aa1": "towers use the rejected heat to", "57115dbe2419e314009555a5": "a set speed, because it would assume a new constant speed in response to load changes. The governor was able to handle smaller variations such as those caused", "57115dbe2419e314009555a6": "use on a steam engine in 1788 after Watt", "57115dbe2419e314009555a7": "attainable near", "57115dbe2419e314009555a8": "in response to changes in load was attainable near the", "57115dbe2419e314009555a9": "smaller variations such as those caused by fluctu", "57115e532419e314009555af": "not employed", "57115e532419e314009555b0": "engines and almost universal for marine engines after 1880;", "57115e532419e314009555b1": "for road engines and almost universal", "57115e532419e314009555b2": "particularly in Britain, where compounding was never common and not employed after 1930). However, although never", "57115e532419e314009555b3": "empty", "57115f0a50c2381900b54aa7": "constant; if the exhaust event is too brief, the totality of the exhaust steam cannot evacuate the cylinder, choking it and giving excessive compression", "57115f0a50c2381900b54aa8": "brief, the totality of the exhaust steam", "57115f0a50c2381900b54aa9": "periods which should ideally", "57115f0a50c2381900b54aaa": "expansion period. However, as one and the same valve usually controls both steam flows, a short cutoff at admission adversely", "57115f652419e314009555b9": "water being pumped. Savery's", "57115f652419e314009555ba": "steam pump that used steam in direct contact with the water being pumped. Savery's steam pump used con", "57115f652419e314009555bb": "a steam pump that used steam in direct contact with the water being pumped. Savery's steam pump used condensing steam to create", "57115f652419e314009555bc": "the first patent for a steam engine in", "57115f652419e314009555bd": "the first commercial true steam engine using a", "57115ff82419e314009555c3": "reduction gearing", "57115ff82419e314009555c4": "M) in", "57115ff82419e314009555c5": "turbine rotor is also only capable of providing power when rotating in one direction. Therefore, a reversing stage or gearbox is usually", "57115ff82419e314009555c6": "only efficient if they rotate at relatively high speed, therefore", "57115ff82419e314009555c7": "redirect the steam flow onto the next rotor", "5711607f2419e314009555cd": "component of cogeneration processes and as a prime mover. This is becoming known as the Advanced Steam", "5711607f2419e314009555ce": "a steam plant lower than for internal combustion engines. For mobile applications", "5711607f2419e314009555cf": "largely superseded by internal combustion engines or electric motors. However, most electric power", "5711607f2419e314009555d0": "steam power. Recent concerns about fuel sources and pollution have incited a renewed interest in steam both as", "5711607f2419e314009555d1": "than for", "571161092419e314009555d7": "engine such as the", "571161092419e314009555d8": "-tight in the face of wear and thermal", "571161092419e314009555d9": "link", "5711619950c2381900b54aaf": "when James Watt developed (176", "5711619950c2381900b54ab0": "major step occurred when James Watt developed (1763\u20131775)", "5711619950c2381900b54ab1": "empty", "5711619950c2381900b54ab2": "en's. Newcomen's and Watt's early engines were \"atmospheric\". They were powered by", "5711619950c2381900b54ab3": "partial vacuum generated by condensing steam, instead of the pressure of expanding steam. The engine cylinders had to", "5711623e50c2381900b54ab9": ". This arrangement is considerably safer.[", "5711623e50c2381900b54aba": "that the pressure in the boiler does not go too high; one may be adjusted by the user, the second is typically designed", "5711623e50c2381900b54abb": "when a driver fastened the valve down to allow greater steam pressure and", "5711623e50c2381900b54abc": "to allow greater steam pressure and more power from the engine. The more recent type of safety valve uses an adjustable", "5711623e50c2381900b54abd": "a", "5711628a2419e314009555dd": "steam, it provided more uniform speed due to variable steam cut off, making it well suited", "5711628a2419e314009555de": "and automatic variable steam cutoff. When Corliss was given the Rumford medal the", "5711628a2419e314009555e1": "addition to using 30% less steam, it", "5711628a2419e314009555df": "empty", "5711628a2419e314009555e0": "Corliss was given the Rumford medal the committee said that \"no one", "571163172419e314009555e7": "to the development of thermodynamic theory", "571163172419e314009555e8": "development of modern high-pressure and -temp", "571163172419e314009555e9": "procedures. Watt was also aware of the change", "571163172419e314009555ea": "Watt was also aware of the change in the boiling point of water with pressure. Otherwise, the improvements to the engine itself were more mechanical in nature", "571163172419e314009555eb": "boilers", "5711648850c2381900b54ac3": "over others is that during the compression stage relatively little work is required to drive the pump, the working fluid being in its liquid phase at this point.", "5711648850c2381900b54ac4": "during the compression stage relatively little work is required to drive the pump, the working fluid being in its liquid phase at this point", "5711648850c2381900b54ac5": "this point. By condensing the fluid, the work required by the", "5711648850c2381900b54ac6": "gas turbines are fairly well matched.[", "5711651050c2381900b54acb": "superheaters to raise", "5711651050c2381900b54acc": "(bunker) to the firebox. See: Mechanical", "5711651050c2381900b54acd": ", and various mechanisms to increase the draft for fireboxes. When coal is used, a chain or screw stoking mechanism and its drive engine or", "5711651050c2381900b54ace": "mechanism and its drive engine or motor may be included to move the fuel from a supply bin (bunker) to the firebox. See", "5711651050c2381900b54acf": "water to the boiler during operation, condensers to recirculate the water and recover the late", "5711658e50c2381900b54ad5": "was the first major warship to replace the proven technology of the reciprocating engine", "5711658e50c2381900b54ad6": "however superseded by the British invention steam turbine where speed was required, for instance in warships, such as the", "5711658e50c2381900b54ad7": ". It was however superseded by the British invention steam turbine where speed was required, for instance in warships, such as the dreadnought battleship", "5711658e50c2381900b54ad8": "was not essential. It was however superseded by the British invention steam turbine where speed was required,", "5711658e50c2381900b54ad9": "for instance in warships, such as the dreadnought battleships, and", "571166352419e314009555f1": "and for express passenger work in Britain, but were not repeated. Elsewhere, notably in the U.S.A., more advanced designs", "571166352419e314009555f2": "turbines were not ideally suited to the railroad environment and these", "571166352419e314009555f3": "of steam turbine railroad locomotives were manufactured. Some non-condensing direct-drive locomotives did", "571166352419e314009555f4": "steam that drives a turbine connected to an electrical generator. Nuclear-powered ships and submarines either use a", "571166352419e314009555f5": "generate electricity by heating water to", "5711669550c2381900b54adf": "needed to compress the working fluid in gaseous form", "5711669550c2381900b54ae0": "and re-evaporation occurring in the cylinder", "5711669550c2381900b54ae1": ") processes in the Rankine cycle and isothermal", "5711669550c2381900b54ae2": "temperature) processes in the theoretical Carnot", "5711669550c2381900b54ae3": "in the", "571a484210f8ca1400304fbd": "of atmospheric oxygen levels show a global downward", "571a484210f8ca1400304fbe": ", after hydrogen and helium.", "571a484210f8ca1400304fc0": "silicon dioxide, making up almost half of the crust's", "571a484210f8ca1400304fc1": "temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element", "571a484210f8ca1400304fbf": "At standard temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element bind to form di", "571bb2269499d21900609ca9": "with symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group", "571bb2269499d21900609caa": "table and is a highly reactive nonmetal and oxidizing agent that readily forms", "571bb2269499d21900609cab": "element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless and odorless diatomic gas with the formula O\n2.", "571bb2269499d21900609cad": "and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group", "571bb2269499d21900609cac": "metal and oxidizing agent that readily forms compounds (not", "571c3a685efbb31900334db2": "of atmospheric oxygen levels show a global downward trend, because of fossil-fuel burning. Oxygen is the most abundant element by mass in the Earth'", "571c3a685efbb31900334db3": "in the universe, after hydrogen and", "571c3a685efbb31900334db4": ". By mass, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe, after", "571c3a685efbb31900334db5": "abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust as part of oxide compounds such as silicon dioxide, making up almost half of the crust", "571c3a685efbb31900334db6": "element with symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table and is a", "571a49de4faf5e1900b8a94a": "organisms is oxygen as it is a part of water, the major constituent of lifeforms. Oxygen is used", "571a49de4faf5e1900b8a94b": ". It is too chemically reactive to remain a free element in air without being continuously replenished by the photosynthetic", "571a49de4faf5e1900b8a94c": "uses the energy of sunlight to produce oxygen from water. It is too chemically reactive to remain a free element in air without being continuously", "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c09c": "radiation", "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c09d": "by", "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c09e": "energy of sunlight to produce oxygen from water. It is too chemically reactive to remain a free element in air without being", "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c09f": "respiration and released", "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c0a0": "-product of smog. At even higher low earth orbit altitude", "571a4b0f10f8ca1400304fd5": "and replace one-fourteenth of the air's volume before extinguishing the subjects", "571a4b0f10f8ca1400304fd6": "replace one-fourteenth of the air's volume before extinguishing the subjects. From", "571a4b0f10f8ca1400304fd7": "only a part of air that he called", "571a4b0f10f8ca1400304fd8": "a lit candle in a closed container over water caused the water to rise and replace one-fourteenth of the air'", "571c3e8cdd7acb1400e4c0a6": "he called spiritus nitroaereus or just", "571c3e8cdd7acb1400e4c0a7": "that placing", "571c3e8cdd7acb1400e4c0a8": "us nitroaereus or just nitroaereus. In", "571c3e8cdd7acb1400e4c0a9": "late 17th century", "571c3e8cdd7acb1400e4c0aa": "Robert Boyle proved that air is necessary for", "571a4d1a4faf5e1900b8a958": "Air\" which was included in the", "571a4d1a4faf5e1900b8a959": "felt peculiarly light and easy for some", "571a4d1a4faf5e1900b8a95b": "active and lived longer while breathing it. After breathing the gas himself, he wrote", "571a4d1a4faf5e1900b8a95a": "lungs was not sensibly different from that of common air, but I fancied that my breast felt peculiarly light and easy for", "571c4132dd7acb1400e4c0b0": "wrote: \"The feeling of it to my lungs was not sensibly different from that of", "571c4132dd7acb1400e4c0b1": "(HgO) inside a glass tube, which liberated a gas he named \"", "571c4132dd7acb1400e4c0b2": "and Observations on Different Kinds of Air", "571c4132dd7acb1400e4c0b3": "clergyman Joseph Priestley focused sunlight on mercuric oxide (HgO) inside", "571c4132dd7acb1400e4c0b4": "but I fancied that", "571a4ead10f8ca1400304fdd": "the vessel's neck with water resulted in some water rising into the neck. Philo incorrectly surmised that", "571a4ead10f8ca1400304fde": ". Philo", "571a4ead10f8ca1400304fdf": "that inverting a vessel over a burning candle", "571a4ead10f8ca1400304fe0": ". Philo incorrectly surmised that parts of the air in the vessel were converted into the classical element", "571c7abfdd7acb1400e4c0ba": "centuries later Leonardo da Vinci built on Philo's work by observing", "571c7abfdd7acb1400e4c0bb": "century BCE Greek writer on mechanics, Philo of Byzantium. In his work Pneumatica, Philo observed that in", "571c7abfdd7acb1400e4c0bc": "Greek writer on mechanics, Philo of", "571c7abfdd7acb1400e4c0bd": "the glass. Many centuries later Leonardo da Vinci built on Philo's work by observing that a portion of air is consumed", "571c7abfdd7acb1400e4c0be": "Many centuries later Leonardo da Vinci built on Philo's work by observing that a portion of", "571a50df4faf5e1900b8a960": "oxides, c", "571a50df4faf5e1900b8a961": "of oxygen with a high oxidative potential, such as peroxides, chlorates, nitrates, perchlorates", "571a50df4faf5e1900b8a962": "of most of the chemical energy released in combustion. Combustion hazards also apply to compounds of oxygen with a high oxid", "571a50df4faf5e1900b8a963": "rapid combustion. Fire and explosion hazards exist when concentrated oxid", "571cebc05efbb31900334e49": "and explosion hazards", "571cebc05efbb31900334e4a": "most of the", "571cebc05efbb31900334e48": "donate oxygen to a fire.", "571cebc05efbb31900334e4b": "s also apply to compounds of oxygen with a high oxidative potential, such as peroxides, chlor", "571cebc05efbb31900334e4c": "of oxygen with a high oxid", "571a52cb4faf5e1900b8a968": "3 normal pressure that would", "571a52cb4faf5e1900b8a969": "used", "571a52cb4faf5e1900b8a96a": "was", "571a52cb4faf5e1900b8a96b": "Concentrated O\n2 will allow combustion to proceed rapidly and energetically. Steel pipes and storage vessels used to store", "571ce9bddd7acb1400e4c1a0": "would be used in a mission.[k", "571ce9bddd7acb1400e4c1a1": "allow combustion to proceed rapidly and energetically. Steel pipes and storage vessels used to store and transmit both gaseous and liquid oxygen will act as", "571ce9bddd7acb1400e4c1a2": "and storage vessels used to store and transmit both gaseous and liquid oxygen will act as a fuel; and therefore the design and manufacture of O\n2", "571ce9bddd7acb1400e4c1a4": ". The fire", "571a53d410f8ca1400304fe6": "(", "571a53d410f8ca1400304fe7": "than the crust, is largely composed of silicates of magnesium", "571a53d410f8ca1400304fe5": ", in bauxite", "571ce7f25efbb31900334e3e": "'s crustal rock is composed in large part of oxides of silicon (silica SiO\n2, as found in", "571ce7f25efbb31900334e3f": "). The rest of the Earth's crust is also made of oxygen compounds, in particular various complex silicates (", "571ce7f25efbb31900334e40": "calcium carbonate (in limestone). The rest of the Earth's crust is", "571ce7f25efbb31900334e41": "in granite and quartz), aluminium (aluminium oxide", "571ce7f25efbb31900334e42": "large part of oxides", "571c7d55dd7acb1400e4c0c4": "is formed of two volumes of hydrogen and one volume of", "571c7d55dd7acb1400e4c0c5": "hydrogen, instead of the modern value of about 16. In 1805, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Alexander von Humboldt showed that water is formed", "571c7d55dd7acb1400e4c0c6": "all elements were monatomic and that the atoms in compounds would normally have the simplest atomic ratios with", "571c7d55dd7acb1400e4c0c7": "atomic mass of oxygen as 8 times that of hydrogen, instead of the modern value of about 16. In", "571c7d55dd7acb1400e4c0c8": "s formula was HO, giving the atomic mass of oxygen as", "571c8198dd7acb1400e4c0ce": "rusting (when they were", "571c8198dd7acb1400e4c0cf": "were any initial quantitative experiments conducted to test the idea; instead, it was based on observations of what happens when something burns,", "571c8198dd7acb1400e4c0d0": "was based on observations of what happens when something burns, that most common objects appear to become lighter and seem to lose something in the process", "571c8198dd7acb1400e4c0d1": "a role in phlogiston theory, nor were any initial quantitative experiments conducted to test the idea; instead, it", "571c8198dd7acb1400e4c0d2": "observations of what happens when", "571c83f3dd7acb1400e4c0d8": "double bond that results from the filling of molecular orbitals formed from the atomic orbitals of the individual oxygen atoms, the filling of", "571c83f3dd7acb1400e4c0d9": "the", "571c83f3dd7acb1400e4c0da": "of the two atomic 2p orbitals that lie along the O", "571c83f3dd7acb1400e4c0db": "molecular axis, and then cancellation of contributions from the remaining two of the six 2p electrons after their partial filling of the lowest \u03c0 and \u03c0", "571c83f3dd7acb1400e4c0dc": "of two pairs of atomic 2p orbitals perpendicular to the O-O molecular axis, and then cancellation of contributions from", "571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e2": "s, brazing, welding and cutting of steels and other", "571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e3": "Greek roots \u1f40\u03be\u03cd\u03c2 oxys, \"acid\", literally \"sharp\",", "571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e4": "1773 or", "571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e5": ". The name oxygen", "571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e6": "work was published first. The name", "571c879bdd7acb1400e4c0ec": "oxygen reacts only slowly with most organic molecules, which have paired", "571c879bdd7acb1400e4c0ed": "This combination of cancellations and \u03c3 and \u03c0 overlaps results in dioxygen's double", "571c879bdd7acb1400e4c0ee": "\u03c0* orbitals in the diagram", "571c879bdd7acb1400e4c0ef": ", and", "571c879bdd7acb1400e4c0f0": "An electron configuration with two unpaired electrons as found in dioxygen (see", "571c8eb9dd7acb1400e4c0f6": "it has kept the name in French and several other European", "571c8eb9dd7acb1400e4c0f7": "published in 1777. In that work, he proved that", "571c8eb9dd7acb1400e4c0f8": "and several other European languages.", "571c8eb9dd7acb1400e4c0f9": "air that", "571c8eb9dd7acb1400e4c0fa": "been consumed.", "571c9074dd7acb1400e4c100": "(O\n3) is usually known as ozone and is a very reactive allotrope of oxygen that is damaging to lung", "571c9074dd7acb1400e4c101": "that this phase, created by pressurizing O\n2 to 20 GPa, is in fact a r", "571c9074dd7acb1400e4c102": "trope", "571c9074dd7acb1400e4c103": "by-product of automobile exhaust. The metastable molecule tetraoxygen", "571c9074dd7acb1400e4c104": "(UV) radiation. Since ozone absorbs strongly in the UV region of the spectrum,", "571c91c8dd7acb1400e4c10a": "dioxygen, O\n2. It is the form that is a major part of the Earth's atmosphere", "571c91c8dd7acb1400e4c10b": "oxygen, O\n2. It is the form that is a major", "571c91c8dd7acb1400e4c10c": "of single bonds in the biosphere and responsible for the exothermic reaction of O2 with any organic molecule. Due to", "571c91c8dd7acb1400e4c10d": "the energy of", "571c91c8dd7acb1400e4c10e": "that is a major part of the Earth's atmosphere (see Occurrence).", "571c9348dd7acb1400e4c114": "ed the component", "571c9348dd7acb1400e4c115": "method of welding and cutting metal later", "571c9348dd7acb1400e4c116": "process for producing liquid oxygen was independently developed in 1895 by German engineer Carl von Linde and British engineer William Hampson. Both men", "571c9348dd7acb1400e4c118": "1895 by German engineer Carl von Linde and British engineer William Hampson. Both men", "571c96095efbb31900334dbc": "more soluble in water than nitrogen is. Water in equilibrium with air contains approximately 1 molecule of dissolved O\n2 for every 2 molecules of N", "571c96095efbb31900334dbd": "20 \u00b0C (7.6 mg\u00b7L\u2212", "571c96095efbb31900334dbe": "C", "571c96095efbb31900334dbf": "7.6 mg", "571c96095efbb31900334dc0": "of dissolved O\n2 for every 2 molecules of N\n2,", "571c97e2dd7acb1400e4c11e": "of its volume and 23.1% of its mass (some 1015 tonnes).[d] Earth is unusual among the planets of the", "571c97e2dd7acb1400e4c11f": "abundant chemical element in", "571c97e2dd7acb1400e4c120": "atmosphere,", "571c97e2dd7acb1400e4c121": "Oxygen gas is the second most", "571c97e2dd7acb1400e4c122": "is produced solely by ultraviolet radiation impacting oxygen-containing", "571caac55efbb31900334dc6": "to liquefy carbon dioxide, which in turn was evaporated to cool oxygen gas enough to liquefy it. He sent a", "571caac55efbb31900334dc7": "which in turn", "571caac55efbb31900334dc8": ", Zygmunt Wr\u00f3blewski and Karol", "571caac55efbb31900334dc9": "sulfur dioxide in order to liquefy carbon dioxide", "571caac55efbb31900334dca": "and cooling it. Using a cascade method, Swiss chemist and physicist Raoul Pierre Pictet evaporated liquid sulfur dioxide in order to lique", "571cac5d5efbb31900334dd0": "silicon wafer exposed to the solar wind in space and returned by the crashed Genesis spacecraft", "571cac5d5efbb31900334dd1": "of the primordial solar nebula. Analysis of a silicon wafer exposed to", "571cac5d5efbb31900334dd2": ", and meteorites, but were long unable to obtain reference values for the isotope ratios in the Sun, believed to be the same as those of", "571cac5d5efbb31900334dd3": "oxygen-16 than does the Earth. The measurement implies that an unknown process depleted oxygen-16 from the Sun's disk of proto", "571cac5d5efbb31900334dd4": "s in", "571cb010dd7acb1400e4c128": "also produced in the troposphere by the photolysis of ozone by light of short wavelength, and by the", "571cb010dd7acb1400e4c129": "a name given to several higher-energy species of molecular O\n2 in which all the electron spins are paired. It is much more reactive towards common", "571cb010dd7acb1400e4c12a": "electron spins are paired. It is much more reactive towards common organic molecules than is molecular oxygen per se. In nature, single", "571cb010dd7acb1400e4c12b": "sphere by the photolysis of ozone by light of short wavelength, and by the immune system as", "571cb010dd7acb1400e4c12c": "oids in photosynthetic organisms (and possibly", "571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c132": "tends to be higher in oxygen-18. Marine", "571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c133": "what the climate", "571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c134": "tends to be higher in oxygen-16, and the seawater left behind", "571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c135": "years ago (see oxygen isotope ratio cycle). Seawater", "571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c136": "up to several hundreds of thousands of years old.", "571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13c": "presents two spectrophotometric absorption bands peaking at the wavelengths 687 and 760 nm.", "571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13d": "; but it has been proposed as a possible method of monitoring the", "571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13e": "nm. Some remote sensing scientists have proposed using the measurement of the radiance coming from vegetation canopies", "571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13f": "s reflectance from its fluorescence, which is much weaker. The measurement is technically difficult owing to", "571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c140": ". This approach exploits the fact that in those bands it is possible to discriminate the vegetation'", "571cc3dedd7acb1400e4c146": "2 molecules. Liquid oxygen is attracted to a magnet to", "571cc3dedd7acb1400e4c147": ". Liquid oxygen is attracted to a magnet to a sufficient extent that, in laboratory demonstrations, a bridge of liquid", "571cc3dedd7acb1400e4c148": "laboratory demonstrations, a bridge of liquid oxygen may be supported against its own weight between the poles", "571cc3dedd7acb1400e4c149": "the molecule, and the negative exchange energy between neighboring O\n2 molecules. Liquid oxygen is attracted to a magnet to a sufficient extent that,", "571cc3dedd7acb1400e4c14a": "spin magnetic moments of the unpaired electrons in the molecule, and the negative exchange energy between neighboring O\n2 molecules. Liquid oxygen is attracted to", "571cc5c45efbb31900334dda": "Oxygen", "571cc5c45efbb31900334ddb": "anaerobic organisms, which were the dominant form of early life on Earth until O\n2 began to accumulate in the atmosphere about 2.5 billion", "571cc5c45efbb31900334ddc": "Oxygen is", "571cc5c45efbb31900334ddd": "use in organisms. Parts of the immune system of higher organisms", "571cc5c45efbb31900334dde": "oxide, superoxide, and singlet oxygen to destroy invading microbes. Reactive oxygen species also play an important role in", "571cc6f85efbb31900334de4": "and freezes at 54.36 K (", "571cc6f85efbb31900334de5": "the fractional distillation of liquefied", "571cc6f85efbb31900334de6": "with the blue color of the sky, which is due to", "571cc6f85efbb31900334de7": "also be produced by condensation out of air, using liquid nitrogen as a coolant. It is a highly", "571cc6f85efbb31900334de8": "(\u2212182.95 \u00b0C, \u2212", "571cc8815efbb31900334dee": "bodies. The increased solubility of O\n2 at lower temperatures (see Physical properties) has important implications for ocean", "571cc8815efbb31900334def": "oxygen also occurs in solution in", "571cc8815efbb31900334df0": "water bodies. Scientists assess this aspect of water quality by measuring the water", "571cc8815efbb31900334df2": "lubility of O\n2 at lower temperatures (see Physical properties)", "571cc8815efbb31900334df1": "O\n2 at lower temperatures (see Physical properties) has important implications for ocean life, as polar ocean", "571cca4add7acb1400e4c150": "billion years, any free oxygen produced by these organisms combined with dissolved iron in the oceans to form banded iron", "571cca4add7acb1400e4c151": ". Free oxygen first appeared in significant quantities", "571cca4add7acb1400e4c152": "evolved, probably about 3.5 billion", "571cca4add7acb1400e4c153": "during the Paleoproterozoic eon (between 3.0 and 2.3 billion years ago)", "571cca4add7acb1400e4c154": "2.7 billion", "571ccc00dd7acb1400e4c15a": "main driving factor of the oxygen cycle is photosynthesis, which is responsible for modern Earth's", "571ccc00dd7acb1400e4c15b": "cycle is photosynthesis, which is responsible for modern Earth's atmosphere. Photosynthesis releases oxygen into the", "571ccc00dd7acb1400e4c15c": "releases oxygen into the atmosphere, while respiration and decay remove it from the atmosphere. In the present equilibrium, production", "571ccc00dd7acb1400e4c15d": "photosynthesis, which is responsible for modern Earth's atmosphere. Photosynthesis releases oxygen into the atmosphere, while respira", "571ccc00dd7acb1400e4c15e": "This biogeochemical cycle describes the movement of oxygen within and between its three main reservoirs on Earth: the atmosphere", "571ccd9b5efbb31900334df8": "the producer bed through it, in the reverse direction of flow. After a set cycle time the operation of the two beds is", "571ccd9b5efbb31900334df9": "lite bed, by reducing the chamber operating pressure and diverting part of the oxygen gas from the", "571ccd9b5efbb31900334dfa": "released from the other nitrogen-saturated zeolite bed, by reducing the chamber", "571ccd9b5efbb31900334dfb": "tion. Oxygen gas is increasingly obtained by these non-cryogenic technologies", "571ccd9b5efbb31900334dfc": "reverse direction of flow. After a set cycle time the operation of the", "571ccfbadd7acb1400e4c164": "acidified water does not prove that the empirical formula of water is H2O unless certain assumptions are made about the molecular formulae of hydrogen and", "571ccfbadd7acb1400e4c165": ", the 2:1 ratio observed in the DC electrolysis of acidified water does not prove", "571ccfbadd7acb1400e4c166": "made about the molecular formulae of hydrogen and oxygen themselves. A similar method is the electrocatalytic O\n2 evolution from oxides and ox", "571ccfbadd7acb1400e4c167": "evolution from", "571ccfbadd7acb1400e4c168": "themselves. A similar method is the", "571cd11add7acb1400e4c16e": "exposure for", "571cd11add7acb1400e4c16f": "are establishments, found in Japan, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada", "571cd11add7acb1400e4c170": "support a performance boost from enriched O\n2 mixtures only if they are", "571cd11add7acb1400e4c172": "s, found in Japan, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada since the late 1990s that offer higher than normal O\n2 exposure", "571cd11add7acb1400e4c171": "offer higher than normal O\n2 exposure for a fee. Professional athletes, especially in American football, also sometimes go off field between plays to", "571cd3b55efbb31900334e03": "bubbles of inert gas, mostly nitrogen and", "571cd3b55efbb31900334e04": "the anaerobic bacteria that cause gas gangrene, so increasing its partial pressure helps kill them. Decompression sickness occurs in", "571cd3b55efbb31900334e05": ", when needed, the medical staff. Carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene, and decompression sickness (the '", "571cd3b55efbb31900334e06": "partial pressure of O\n2 around the patient and", "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c17b": "effect of decreasing resistance to blood flow in many types of diseased lungs, easing work load on the heart. Oxygen", "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c17a": ", pneumonia, some heart disorders (congestive heart failure), some disorders that cause increased pulmonary artery pressure, and", "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c179": "treat", "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c178": "the air is the essential purpose of re", "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c17c": "to take up and use gaseous", "571cd703dd7acb1400e4c182": "Due", "571cd703dd7acb1400e4c183": ", such as aluminium and titanium, are oxidize", "571cd703dd7acb1400e4c184": "coated with a thin film of oxide that passivates the metal and slows further corrosion. Many oxides of the transition metals are", "571cd703dd7acb1400e4c185": "electronegativity, oxygen forms chemical bonds with almost all other elements to give corresponding oxides. The surface of most metals, such as aluminium", "571cd703dd7acb1400e4c186": "corrosion. Many oxides of the transition metals are non-stoichiometric compounds, with slightly less metal than the chemical formula", "571cd88ddd7acb1400e4c18d": "-pressurized fixed-wing aircraft sometimes have supplemental O\n2 supplies.[h] Passengers traveling in (", "571cd88ddd7acb1400e4c18e": "pressurization. Sudden cabin pressure loss activates chemical oxygen generators above each seat,", "571cd88ddd7acb1400e4c18f": "of oxygen gas is then produced", "571cd88ddd7acb1400e4c190": "into the sodium chlorate inside the canister. A steady stream of", "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c196": "equivalent to 840 liters of", "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c198": "chemical compounds. For reasons of economy, oxygen is often transported in bulk as a liquid in specially insulated tankers, since one liter", "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c197": "storage containers, which stand outside", "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c199": "\u00b0F). Such tankers are used to refill bulk liquid oxygen storage containers,", "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c19a": "storage containers, which stand outside hospitals and other institutions with a need for large volumes of pure oxygen gas. Liquid oxygen is passed through heat exchangers,", "571cdcb85efbb31900334e0c": ",", "571cdcb85efbb31900334e0d": ": alcohols (R-OH); ethers (R-O-R); ketones (R-CO-", "571cdcb85efbb31900334e0e": "-CO-R); aldehydes (R-CO-H); carboxylic acids (R-COOH", "571cdcb85efbb31900334e0f": "((CH\n3)\n2CO) and phenol (C\n6H\n5OH) are used as feeder materials in the synthesis of", "571cdcb85efbb31900334e10": "H); carboxylic acids (R-COOH); esters (", "571cde695efbb31900334e16": "such as squalene and the carotenes,", "571cde695efbb31900334e17": "such as squalene and the carotenes, contain no oxygen. Of the organic compounds", "571cde695efbb31900334e18": "in these acids and their ester residues). Oxygen also occurs in phosphate (PO3\u2212", "571cde695efbb31900334e19": "phosphate (PO3\u2212\n4)", "571cde695efbb31900334e1a": "contain oxygen (due to the presence of carbonyl groups in these acids and their ester residues)", "571ce3745efbb31900334e20": "lungs and central nervous system can also occur in deep scuba diving and surface supplied diving. Prolonged breathing of an air mixture", "571ce3745efbb31900334e21": "O\n2 at 66 m or more of depth; the", "571ce3745efbb31900334e22": "also occur in deep s", "571ce3745efbb31900334e23": "2 partial pressure more than 60 kPa can eventually lead to permanent pulmonary fibros", "571ce3745efbb31900334e24": "(causing seizures, its most feared effect for divers)", "571ce5055efbb31900334e2a": "), and the resulting O\n2 partial pressure in the astronaut's arterial blood is", "571ce5055efbb31900334e2b": ". In the case of spacesuits, the O\n2 partial pressure in the breathing gas is, in general, about 30 kPa", "571ce5055efbb31900334e2c": "O\n2 partial", "571ce5055efbb31900334e2e": "and the resulting O\n2 partial pressure in the astronaut's arterial", "571ce5055efbb31900334e2d": "some modern space suits, or in early spacecraft such as Apollo, causes no damage due", "571ce6655efbb31900334e34": "O\n2 partial pressure of about 21 kPa. This is not", "571ce6655efbb31900334e35": "typically composed of only 30%\u201350% O\n2 by", "571ce6655efbb31900334e36": "2 by volume (about 30 kPa at standard pressure)", "571ce6655efbb31900334e37": "s (kPa),", "571ce6655efbb31900334e38": "or 2.5 times the normal sea-level O\n2 partial pressure of about 21 kPa", "5725b33f6a3fe71400b8952d": "followed by the 1979 oil crisis, termed the \"", "5725b33f6a3fe71400b8952e": "of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (", "5725b33f6a3fe71400b8952f": "an oil embargo. By the", "5725b33f6a3fe71400b89530": ". The embargo caused an oil crisis, or \"shock\", with many", "5725b33f6a3fe71400b89531": "was later called the \"first oil shock\", followed by the 1979 oil crisis", "5725b5a689a1e219009abd28": "sought to", "5725b5a689a1e219009abd29": "being targeted by the boycott. Arab oil producers linked any future policy changes to peace between the belligerents. To address this, the", "5725b5a689a1e219009abd2a": "negotiations with the combatants. They arranged for Israel to pull back from the Sinai Peninsula", "5725b5a689a1e219009abd2b": "lan Heights. By January 18, 1974, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had negotiated an Israeli troop withdrawal from", "5725b76389a1e219009abd4a": "OPEC issued a joint communiqu\u00e9 stating that, from then on, they would price", "5725b76389a1e219009abd4b": "value of the dollar had been pegged to the price of gold and all other currencies were pegged to the dollar,", "5725b76389a1e219009abd4c": "for a time", "5725b76389a1e219009abd4d": "result was a depreciation of the dollar", "5725b76389a1e219009abd4e": "the pound sterling. The other industrialized nations followed suit with their respective currencies", "5725b92e38643c19005acbd3": ". Until", "5725b92e38643c19005acbd4": "was slow to readjust prices to reflect this depreciation. From 1947 to 1967, the dollar price of oil had risen by less than", "5725b92e38643c19005acbd5": "EC ministers had not developed institutional mechanisms to update prices in sync with changing", "5725b92e38643c19005acbd6": "empty", "5725bad5271a42140099d0bd": "of hostilities in the Arab\u2013Israeli conflict released", "5725bad5271a42140099d0be": "launched", "5725bad5271a42140099d0bf": "of oil] is going to rise... Certainly! And how!..", "5725bad5271a42140099d0c0": "US ally. Weeks later, the Shah of Iran said in an interview: \"Of course [the price of oil] is", "5725bad5271a42140099d0c1": ". It's only fair that, from now on, you should pay more for oil. Let's say ten times more.\"", "5725bcb6271a42140099d0eb": "United States. Saudi", "5725bcb6271a42140099d0ec": "s until their economic and political objectives were met. On October 19, Nixon requested Congress to appropriate", "5725bcb6271a42140099d0ed": "announced it would", "5725bcb6271a42140099d0ee": "by five percent from September's output and to continue to cut", "5725bcb6271a42140099d0ef": "output and to continue to cut production in five percent monthly increments until their economic and political objectives were met.", "57261dab38643c19005ad037": ", particularly in", "57261dab38643c19005ad038": "for", "57261dab38643c19005ad039": "demand. Much went for arms purchases that ex", "57261dab38643c19005ad03a": ", which often also distributed funds to violent Sunni extremist groups such as Al", "57261dab38643c19005ad03b": "political tensions, particularly in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia spent over", "57261f9f271a42140099d4a9": "more worried about energy were no match for Kissinger'", "57261f9f271a42140099d4aa": "and government agencies", "57261f9f271a42140099d4ab": "Middle East could become another superpower confrontation with the USSR was of more concern to the US than oil. Further, interest groups and government", "57261f9f271a42140099d4ac": "to 1973.", "5726241189a1e219009ac2de": "left oil companies searching for new ways to increase oil supplies, even in rugged", "5726241189a1e219009ac2df": "U.S. energy security. On an international level, the price increases changed competitive positions in many industries, such as automobiles. Macroeconomic problems", "5726241189a1e219009ac2e0": "demands to address the threats to U.S. energy security. On an international", "5726241189a1e219009ac2e1": "competitive positions in many industries, such as automobiles. Macroeconomic problems", "5726241189a1e219009ac2e2": "The embargo had a negative influence on the US economy by causing immediate demands to address the threats", "5726487b5951b619008f6edd": "having refused to allow America to use their airfields and embargoed arms and supplies to both the Arabs", "5726487b5951b619008f6ede": "ed arms", "5726487b5951b619008f6edf": "to both the Arabs and the Israelis), while the", "5726487b5951b619008f6ee0": "), while the other six faced partial cutbacks", "5726487b5951b619008f6ee1": "ed arms and supplies to both the Arabs and the Israelis), while the other six faced partial cutbacks. The UK had traditionally been an", "572649d8f1498d1400e8db36": "series of strikes by coal miners and railroad workers over the winter of 1973\u201374 became a major factor", "572649d8f1498d1400e8db37": ". The Netherlands imposed prison sentences", "572649d8f1498d1400e8db38": "of 1973\u201374 became a major factor in the change of government. Heath asked the", "572649d8f1498d1400e8db39": "Despite being relatively unaffected by the embargo, the UK nonetheless faced an oil crisis of its own", "572649d8f1498d1400e8db3a": "houses over the winter. The UK", "57264cac708984140094c1b3": "of \"old oil\" (that which had already been discovered) while allowing", "57264cac708984140094c1b4": "oil\" (that which had already been discovered) while allowing newly discovered", "57264cac708984140094c1b5": "promote oil exploration. Scarcity was addressed by rationing (as in many countries). Motorists faced long lines at gas stations", "57264cac708984140094c1b7": "countries). Motorists faced long lines at gas stations beginning in summer", "57264d9edd62a815002e80fe": "Office, a short-term organization created to coordinate the response to the embargo. Simon", "57264d9edd62a815002e80ff": "In 1973, Nixon named William E. Simon as the first Administrator of the Federal Energy Office, a short-term organization created to coordinate the", "57264d9edd62a815002e8100": "1974 that each had consumed in 1972, which worked for states whose populations", "57264d9edd62a815002e8101": "Simon allocated states the same amount of domestic oil for 1974 that each had consumed in 1972, which worked for states whose populations were not increasing.", "57264efddd62a815002e8134": ", 1995, Bill Clinton signed the National Highway Designation Act, ending the federal 55 mph (89 km/", "57264efddd62a815002e8135": "limit, allowing states to restore their", "57264efddd62a815002e8136": "level", "57264efddd62a815002e8137": "55 mph (about 88 km/h) was imposed", "57264efddd62a815002e8138": "1995, Bill Clinton signed the National Highway Designation Act, ending the federal 55 mph (89 km/h) speed limit,", "572650325951b619008f6fa9": "energy, nuclear power and domestic fossil fuels. There is criticism", "572650325951b619008f6faa": "power and domestic fossil fuels. There is criticism that American energy policies since", "572650325951b619008f6fab": "have repeatedly backed policies which promise solutions that are politically exped", "57265200708984140094c237": "prices and being challenged by under-developed countries that they briefly considered", "57265200708984140094c238": "British Ambassador to the United States Lord Cromer revealed Schlesinger had told him that \"it was no longer obvious to him", "57265200708984140094c239": ", declassified documents revealed that the U.S. was so distraught", "57265200708984140094c23a": "he ordered a British intelligence estimate of U.S", "57265360dd62a815002e819a": ", the Saudi and Kuwaiti governments declared Japan a \"nonfriendly\" country to encourage it to change its non", "57265360dd62a815002e819b": "country to encourage it to change its noninvolvement policy. It received a 5", "57265360dd62a815002e819c": "reconsider its policy toward Israel if Israel refused to accept these preconditions\".", "57265360dd62a815002e819d": "it", "57265360dd62a815002e819e": "Arab oil. 71% of its imported oil came from the", "57265526708984140094c2bd": "ite Muslim nation, which fell to a theocratic Islamist government under the Ayatollah Ru", "57265526708984140094c2be": "technology, and outright military presence. Saudi Arabia and Iran became increasingly dependent on American security assurances to manage both external and internal threats, including increased", "57265526708984140094c2bf": "Iranian Revolution. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, is an Arab", "57265526708984140094c2c0": "Ruhollah Khomeini in the", "57265526708984140094c2c1": "of Saudi Arabia in December of the same year. In November 2010, Wikileaks leaked confidential diplomatic cables pertaining to the United States and", "5726581fdd62a815002e823a": "and later the Honda Accord all had four cylinder engines that were more fuel efficient than", "5726581fdd62a815002e823b": "Japanese imports, primarily the Toyota Corona, the Toyota Corolla, the", "5726581fdd62a815002e823c": ".", "5726581fdd62a815002e823d": "Colt), the Subaru DL, and later the Honda", "572659535951b619008f703f": "the first Japanese compacts, and both", "572659535951b619008f7040": "as Datsun) introduced larger cars such as the Toyota", "572659535951b619008f7041": "first Japanese compacts", "572659535951b619008f7042": ", and both Toyota and Nissan (then known as Datsun) introduced larger cars such as the Toyota Corona Mark II, the Toyota Cress", "57265a58dd62a815002e8270": "Dakota and the Chevrolet S", "57265a58dd62a815002e8271": "uzu-built Chevrolet LUV", "57265a58dd62a815002e8272": ". Mitsubishi rebranded its For", "57265a58dd62a815002e8273": "sold as the Ford Courier), and the Isuzu-built Chevrolet LUV. Mitsubishi rebranded its Forte as the", "57265bdfdd62a815002e829e": "models for domestic sales. The Dodge Omni / Plymouth Horizon from Chrysler, the Ford Fiesta and the Chevrolet Chevette all", "57265bdfdd62a815002e829f": "remained constant at $12 from", "57265bdfdd62a815002e82a0": "Lincoln Continental, Mercury Marquis, and various other luxury oriented", "57265bdfdd62a815002e82a1": "of oil remained constant at $12 from 1974 to 1979. Sales of large sedans for most makes (except Chrysler products) recovered within two model", "57265bdfdd62a815002e82a2": "s, Chevrolet Monte Carlo, Ford Thunderbird and various other", "57265ceddd62a815002e82b8": ", virtually all \"full-size\" American cars had shrunk, featuring", "57265ceddd62a815002e82b9": "wheel drive lineup for 1982 (except for the M-body Dodge Diplomat/Plymouth Gran Fury and Chrysler New Yorker Fifth Avenue sedans)", "57265ceddd62a815002e82ba": "for 1982 (except for the M-body", "57265e11708984140094c3bb": "briefly fell back to pre-1973 levels. This \"sale\" price was", "57265e11708984140094c3bc": "per barrel. Adjusted for inflation, oil briefly fell back to pre-1973 levels. This", "57265e11708984140094c3bd": "which had peaked during the 1979 energy crisis at nearly $40", "57265e11708984140094c3be": "countries. Additionally, its own member nations were divided. Saudi Arabia, trying to recover market share, increased production, pushing prices down, shrinking or", "5725b41838643c19005acb7f": ", which accomplished landing the first humans on the Moon from 1969 to 1972. First conceived during Dwight D. Eisenhower", "5725b41838643c19005acb80": "25, 1961, address to Congress. Project Mercury was followed by the two-man Project Gemini (", "5725b41838643c19005acb81": "The Apollo program, also known as Project Apollo, was the third United States human spaceflight program carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space", "5725b41838643c19005acb82": "first humans on the Moon from 1969 to 1972. First conceived during Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration as a three", "5725b41838643c19005acb83": "three-man spacecraft to follow the one-man Project Mercury which put the", "5725b56589a1e219009abd20": "supported three manned missions in 1973\u201374, and the Apollo\u2013Soyuz Test Project, a joint Earth orbit mission with", "5725b56589a1e219009abd21": "for the success of the Apollo missions. Apollo used Saturn family rockets as launch vehicles. Apollo", "5725b56589a1e219009abd22": "1961 to 1972, and was supported by the two-man Gemini program which ran concurrently with", "5725b56589a1e219009abd23": "from 1961 to 1972, and was", "5725b64d89a1e219009abd40": "13 landing was prevented by an oxygen tank explosion in transit to the Moon, which disabled", "5725b64d89a1e219009abd41": ", but the Apollo 13 landing was prevented by an oxygen tank explosion in transit to the Moon, which disabled the command spacecraft's propulsion and", "5725b64d89a1e219009abd42": "the Moon, which disabled the command spacecraft's propulsion and life support. The crew returned to Earth safely by using the Lunar Module as a \"", "5725b64d89a1e219009abd43": "that killed the entire crew during a prelaunch test. After the first landing, sufficient flight hardware remained for", "5725b64d89a1e219009abd44": "prevented by an oxygen tank explosion in transit to the Moon, which disabled the command spacecraft's propulsion and life", "5725b77889a1e219009abd54": "beyond low Earth orbit. The program returned 842 pounds (382 kg) of lunar rocks and soil to", "5725b77889a1e219009abd55": "ninth", "5725b77889a1e219009abd56": "lecommunications, and", "5725b77889a1e219009abd57": "Johnson Space Center and Kennedy Space Center. Apollo", "5725b888ec44d21400f3d453": "spacecraft like I'd name my baby.\" Silver", "5725b888ec44d21400f3d454": "manager Abe Silverstein, who later said that \"I was naming the spacecraft like I'd name my baby.\" Silverstein chose the name", "5725b888ec44d21400f3d455": ". While the Mercury capsule could only support one astronaut on a limited Earth orbital mission, Apollo would carry three astronauts. Possible", "5725b888ec44d21400f3d457": "name my baby.\" Silverstein chose the name at home one", "5725b888ec44d21400f3d456": "circumlunar flights,", "5725ba5038643c19005acbe7": "-house spacecraft design studies led by Maxime Faget", "5725ba5038643c19005acbe8": "performed its own in-house", "5725ba5038643c19005acbe9": "the Glenn L. Martin Company. Meanwhile, NASA performed its own in-house spacecraft design studies led by Maxime", "5725ba5038643c19005acbea": ". Dryden announced the Apollo", "5725bb34271a42140099d0c7": "\"missile gap\" that he and many other senators felt had formed between the Soviets and themselves due to the", "5725bb34271a42140099d0c8": "Kennedy used aerospace technology as a symbol of national prestige, pledging to make the US not \"first but, first and, first if", "5725bb34271a42140099d0c9": "s and themselves due to the inaction of President Eisenhower. Beyond military power, Kennedy used", "5725bb34271a42140099d0ca": "Kennedy had been speaking out against the", "5725bb34271a42140099d0cb": "US not \"first but, first and, first if, but first period.\" Despite Kennedy's rhetoric, he did not immediately come", "5725bc7138643c19005acc1d": "refusing to", "5725bc7138643c19005acc1e": "pledged their support for a crash program", "5725bc7138643c19005acc1f": ". At a meeting of the US House Committee on Science", "5725bc7138643c19005acc20": "crash program aimed at ensuring that America would catch up. Kennedy was circumspect in his response to the news, refusing to make a commitment", "5725bd4b38643c19005acc31": "empty", "5725bd4b38643c19005acc32": "On April 20, Kennedy sent a memo to Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, asking Johnson to look into the", "5725bd4b38643c19005acc33": "B. Johnson, asking Johnson to look into the status of America'", "5725bd4b38643c19005acc34": "America's space program, and into programs that could offer NASA the opportunity to catch up. Johnson responded approximately", "5725be0fec44d21400f3d4a5": "by Rice University, and Administrator Webb announced the conversion on September 19, 1961. It was also clear NASA would soon outgrow its practice of", "5725be0fec44d21400f3d4a6": "the Apollo program would exceed the capabilities of", "5725be0fec44d21400f3d4a7": "would soon outgrow its practice of controlling missions from its Cape Canaveral", "5725be0fec44d21400f3d4a8": "grow its practice of controlling missions from its Cape Canaveral Air Force Station launch facilities in Florida, so a new Mission Control Center", "5725be0fec44d21400f3d4a9": ", on land donated by Rice University, and Administrator Webb announced the conversion on September 19, 1961. It was also clear", "5725bf2e89a1e219009abdce": "outgrow the Canaveral launch facilities", "5725bf2e89a1e219009abdcf": "bus was named the LOC's first Director. Construction began in November 1962. Upon Kennedy's death, President", "5725bf2e89a1e219009abdd0": "Apollo would outgrow the Canaveral launch facilities in Florida", "5725bf2e89a1e219009abdd1": ". Debus, a member of Dr. Wernher von Braun's original V", "5725c01389a1e219009abdd7": "B) to which Gemini and Apollo spacecraft were initially received prior to being mated to their launch", "5725c01389a1e219009abdd8": "altitude", "5725c01389a1e219009abdd9": "(", "5725c01389a1e219009abdd6": ") Vertical Assembly Building (VAB) in which the space vehicle (", "5725c123271a42140099d131": "in his organization, so he recruited Dr. George E.", "5725c123271a42140099d132": "necessary to effectively administer Apollo. Webb then worked with Associate", "5725c123271a42140099d133": "management skills in his organization,", "5725c123271a42140099d134": "E. Mueller for a high management job. Mueller accepted, on the condition that he have a say in NASA reorganization necessary to effectively administer", "5725c2a038643c19005acc6b": "could be found among high-ranking officers in the United States Air Force, so he got Webb'", "5725c2a038643c19005acc6c": "Based on his industry experience on Air Force missile projects, Mueller realized some skilled managers could", "5725c2a038643c19005acc6d": ". Mueller agreed, and Phillips managed Apollo from January 1964, until it achieved the first manned landing in July 1969", "5725c2a038643c19005acc6e": "him, on the condition that Phillips be made Apollo Program Director. Mueller agreed, and Phillips managed Apollo from", "5725c2a038643c19005acc6f": "officers under him, on the condition that Phillips be made Apollo Program Director. Mueller agreed, and Phillips managed Apollo from", "5725c4c289a1e219009abe44": "in favor at NASA. Many engineers feared that a rendezvous \u2014let alone a docking\u2014 neither of", "5725c4c289a1e219009abe45": "somewhat as a voice in the wilderness,\" Houbolt pleaded that LOR should not be discount", "5725c4c289a1e219009abe46": "In early 1961, direct ascent was generally the mission mode in favor at NASA. Many engineers", "5725c604271a42140099d185": "Flight, Joseph Shea, who became a champion", "5725c604271a42140099d186": ". This", "5725c604271a42140099d187": "played an important role in publicizing the workability of the approach. In late 1961 and early 1962, members of the Manned Spacecraft Center began to", "5725c604271a42140099d188": "1961, to recommend a launch vehicle to be used in the Apollo program, represented a turning point in NASA's mission mode decision.", "5725c604271a42140099d189": "mans' establishment of an ad-hoc committee headed by his special", "5725c6dcec44d21400f3d531": "Webb to defend themselves, delaying its formal announcement to the press on July 11, 1962, and forcing Webb to still hedge the decision as \"", "5725c6dcec44d21400f3d532": "actually to second-guess NASA's decisions on the Saturn V launch vehicle and LOR by forcing Shea, Seamans,", "5725c6dcec44d21400f3d533": "and even Webb to defend themselves, delaying its formal announcement to", "5725c6dcec44d21400f3d534": "press on July 11, 1962, and forcing Webb", "5725c7f5271a42140099d1a1": "defended von Braun, until Kennedy ended the s", "5725c7f5271a42140099d1a2": "no good\" in front of the press, during a presentation by von Braun. Webb jumped in and defended von Braun,", "5725c7f5271a42140099d1a3": ") contractors. Wiesner finally relented, unwilling to settle the dispute once and for all in Kennedy'", "5725c7f5271a42140099d1a4": "as the LEM contractor", "5725c948ec44d21400f3d577": "happened on Apollo 13 when an oxygen tank explosion left the command ship without electrical power. The Lunar", "5725c948ec44d21400f3d578": "be identified that would prohibit use of the SPS.\" Ironically, just such", "5725c948ec44d21400f3d579": "SM failure could be identified that would prohibit use of the SPS.\" Ironically, just such a failure happened on Apollo 13 when an", "5725c948ec44d21400f3d57a": "would prohibit use of the SPS.\" Ironically, just such a failure happened", "5725ca35271a42140099d1c1": "which the crew would spend the entire direct-ascent mission and lift off from the lunar surface for", "5725ca35271a42140099d1c2": "began of a Command/Service", "5725ca35271a42140099d1c3": ", after being soft-landed by a larger landing propulsion module. The final choice of lunar", "5725cb4a89a1e219009abec8": "its attitude and steer its atmospheric entry path. Parachutes were carried to slow its descent to splashdown. The module was 11.42", "5725cb4a89a1e219009abec9": ", designed to carry three astronauts from launch to lunar orbit and back to an Earth ocean landing. It was the only", "5725cb4a89a1e219009abeca": "feet (3.91 m) in diameter,", "5725cb4a89a1e219009abecb": "5,560", "5725cb4a89a1e219009abecc": "three astronauts from launch to lunar orbit and back to an Earth ocean landing. It was the only component", "5725cc2038643c19005acd1b": ") long and 12.83 feet (3.91 m) in diameter.", "5725cc2038643c19005acd1c": "flights. On", "5725cc2038643c19005acd1d": "diameter. The initial lunar flight version weighed approximately 51,300 pounds (23,300 kg) fully fueled, while", "5725cc2038643c19005acd1e": "-band antenna was", "5725cc2038643c19005acd1f": "antenna was", "5725cda338643c19005acd3f": "the second stage", "5725cda338643c19005acd40": "started", "5725cda338643c19005acd41": "Aviation won the contract to build the", "5725cda338643c19005acd42": "actual lunar spacecraft, would incorporate", "5725ceb989a1e219009abf0a": "LM) was designed to descend from lunar orbit to land two astronauts on", "5725ceb989a1e219009abf0b": "(16,400 kg), and allowed surface stays of over", "5725ceb989a1e219009abf0d": "lightweight construction. It consisted of separate descent", "5725ceb989a1e219009abf0e": "Earth, its fuselage was designed totally without aerodynamic considerations, and was of an extremely lightweight construction.", "5725d01989a1e219009abf28": "started work on plans for very large launch vehicles, the Saturn series, and the even larger Nova series. In the midst of these plans", "5725d01989a1e219009abf29": "the three-man Apollo Command/Service Module directly to the lunar surface, on top of a large descent rocket stage, would require a", "5725d01989a1e219009abf2b": "the MSFC proceeded to", "5725d0e3271a42140099d235": "Saturn I test flights were launched from LC-34, with only live", "5725d0e3271a42140099d236": "three", "5725d0e3271a42140099d237": "further supported the", "5725d0e3271a42140099d238": "and severity of micrometeo", "5725d2ef271a42140099d255": "third stage of the Saturn V. The Saturn I", "5725d2ef271a42140099d256": "replaced the S-IV", "5725d2ef271a42140099d257": "600,000 pounds-force (", "5725d2ef271a42140099d258": "were designated", "5725d403ec44d21400f3d65b": "110.6 m) tall with its 96,800-pound (43,900 kg) lunar payload. Its capability grew to", "5725d403ec44d21400f3d65c": "(", "5725d403ec44d21400f3d65d": "It was 33 feet (10.1 m) in diameter and stood 363 feet (110.6 m) tall", "5725d403ec44d21400f3d65e": "(43,900 kg) lunar payload. Its capability grew to 103,600 pounds (", "5725d51589a1e219009abf6e": "t, a geologist, was", "5725d51589a1e219009abf6f": "The Apollo astronauts were chosen from the Project Mercury and Gemini veterans, plus from two later astronaut", "5725d51589a1e219009abf70": "last mission, Apollo 17.", "5725d51589a1e219009abf71": "Apollo 11 and Apollo", "5725d51589a1e219009abf72": "astronauts were chosen from the Project Mercury and", "5725d61038643c19005acdd3": "were", "5725d61038643c19005acdd4": "Apollo 7, Walter M. Schirra, Donn Eisele, and Walter Cunningham, were awarded the lesser", "5725d61038643c19005acdd5": "to", "5725d61038643c19005acdd6": ". Schirra, Donn Eisele, and Walter Cunningham,", "5725d61038643c19005acdd7": "mission Apollo 7, Walter M. Schirra, Donn Eisele, and Walter Cunningham, were awarded the", "5725d6cb38643c19005acde7": "1966 with the Saturn IB. The first, AS-201 launched on February 26, reached an altitude of 265.7 nautical miles", "5725d6cb38643c19005acde8": "in 1966 with the Saturn IB. The first", "5725d6cb38643c19005acde9": ".7", "5725d6cb38643c19005acdea": "Block I CSMs were launched from LC", "5725d79e89a1e219009abf90": "titled Commander (CDR) Command Module Pilot (CMP) and Lunar Module Pilot (LMP", "5725d79e89a1e219009abf91": "crew positions were titled Commander (CDR) Command Module Pilot (", "5725d79e89a1e219009abf92": "(CMP) and Lunar Module Pilot (LMP). The astronaut", "5725d79e89a1e219009abf93": "). The traditional visor helmet", "5725d79e89a1e219009abf94": "AS-207/208, or AS", "5725d8a3271a42140099d28f": "and Apollo programs, selected the first Apollo crew in January 1966, with Grissom as Command Pilot, White as", "5725d8a3271a42140099d290": ". But Ei", "5725d8a3271a42140099d291": "Chaffee. NASA", "5725d8a3271a42140099d292": "Apollo crew in January 1966, with Grissom as Command Pilot, White as Senior Pilot, and rookie Donn F. Ei", "5725d8a3271a42140099d293": "Apollo programs, selected the first Apollo", "5725d94bec44d21400f3d69b": "IB was allocated", "5725d94bec44d21400f3d69c": "and contribute no new engineering knowledge about the spacecraft.", "5725d94bec44d21400f3d69d": "day first flight, and AS-205 would have", "5725d94bec44d21400f3d69e": "redesignated AS-205/208 or AS-258, planned for August 1967.", "5725da63ec44d21400f3d6ab": "and identify corrections. Phillips documented his findings in a December", "5725da63ec44d21400f3d6ac": "to cause Manned Space Flight Administrator George Mueller to appoint program director Samuel Phillips to head a \"tiger", "5725da63ec44d21400f3d6ad": "appoint program director Samuel Phillips to head a \"tiger", "5725da63ec44d21400f3d6ae": "head a \"tiger team\" to investigate North American's problems and identify corrections.", "5725db4aec44d21400f3d6bd": ", and Chaffee decided to name their flight Apollo", "5725db4aec44d21400f3d6be": "power. If", "5725db4aec44d21400f3d6bf": "the spacecraft transferring from pad-supplied to internal power. If successful, this would be", "5725db4aec44d21400f3d6c0": "34 with the spacecraft transferring from pad-supplied to internal power.", "5725dc1638643c19005ace01": "electrical fire began in the cabin, and spread quickly in the high pressure, 100% oxygen atmosphere. Pressure rose high", "5725dc1638643c19005ace02": "hatch. Then, communications problems frustrated the astronauts and forced a", "5725dc1638643c19005ace03": "area, frustrating attempts to rescue the crew", "5725dc1638643c19005ace04": "simulated countdown. During this hold, an electrical fire began in the cabin, and spread quickly in the high pressure", "5725dc1638643c19005ace05": "hatch. Then, communications problems frustrated the", "5725dd1689a1e219009abfe2": "accident was complex, the review board concluded that \"deficiencies existed in Command Module design, workmanship", "5725dd1689a1e219009abfe3": "\"deficiencies existed in Command Module design, workmanship and quality control.\"", "5725dd1689a1e219009abfe4": "of NASA Administrator Webb, North American removed Harrison Storms as Command Module program manager. Webb also reassigned Apollo Spacecraft Program Office (ASPO", "5725dd1689a1e219009abfe5": "of NASA Administrator Webb, North American removed Harrison Storms as Command Module program manager. Webb also", "5725de30ec44d21400f3d6ed": "the fire, changes were made in the Block II spacecraft and operational procedures, the most", "5725de30ec44d21400f3d6ee": ", and removal of flammable cabin and space suit materials. The Block II design already called for replacement of the Block I", "5725de30ec44d21400f3d6ef": "Block I spacecraft only for unmanned Saturn V flights. Crew members would also exclusively wear modified, fire-resistant Block II space suits, and would be designated", "5725de30ec44d21400f3d6f0": "fire-resistant Block II space suits,", "5725de30ec44d21400f3d6f1": "would also exclusively wear modified, fire-resistant Block II space suits, and would be designated by the Block II titles, regardless of whether a LM", "5725df1838643c19005ace15": "lunar orbit but without landing (a \"dress rehearsal\"); and G", "5725df1838643c19005ace16": "on lunar exploration to include H lunar landings", "5725df1838643c19005ace17": "\"); and G would be the first manned", "5725e08389a1e219009ac010": "capability of the Command Module's heat shield to survive a trans-lunar reentry was demonstrated by using the Service Module engine to", "5725e08389a1e219009ac011": "The Saturn V experienced pogo oscillation, a", "5725e08389a1e219009ac012": "the CSM caused by the fire enabled NASA to catch up on man-rating the LM and Saturn V. Apollo 4 (AS-", "5725e08389a1e219009ac013": "The delay", "5725e152271a42140099d2cd": "1. The LM engines were successfully test-fired and restarted, despite a", "5725e152271a42140099d2ce": "by", "5725e152271a42140099d2cf": "the first descent stage firing. The ascent engine was fired in abort", "5725e152271a42140099d2d0": "used for Apollo 1. The LM engines", "5725e152271a42140099d2d1": "first unmanned test flight of L", "5725e28f38643c19005ace23": ".", "5725e28f38643c19005ace24": "it was believed they might soon repeat the feat with human cosmonauts. The decision was not announced publicly until successful", "5725e28f38643c19005ace25": "the Saturn V on another simple Earth-orbiting mission, ASPO Manager George Low suggested the bold step of sending Apollo 8 to orbit", "5725e28f38643c19005ace26": "veterans Frank Borman and James Lovell, and rookie", "5725e28f38643c19005ace27": "waste the Saturn V on another simple", "5725e36f89a1e219009ac038": "1969. They spent a total of 21 hours, 36 minutes on the surface", "5725e36f89a1e219009ac039": "minutes on the surface, and", "5725e36f89a1e219009ac03a": "automated scientific instruments, while continuously sending black-and-white television back to Earth. The astronauts returned safely on", "5725e36f89a1e219009ac03b": "a total of 21 hours, 36 minutes on the surface, and spent 2 hours, 31 minutes outside the spacecraft", "5725e36f89a1e219009ac03c": "36 minutes on the surface, and spent 2 hours, 31 minutes outside the spacecraft, walking on the surface, taking", "5725e44238643c19005ace35": "Gemini veteran Richard F. Gordon, Jr. Conrad", "5725e44238643c19005ace36": "of Storms. The Command Module Pilot was Gemini veteran Richard F. Gordon,", "5725e44238643c19005ace37": "In November 1969, Gemini veteran Charles \"Pet", "5725e44238643c19005ace38": "of the", "5725e547ec44d21400f3d71f": "through Apollo 20. NASA publicized a preliminary list of eight more planned landing sites, with plans to increase the", "5725e547ec44d21400f3d720": "the CSM and LM for the last five missions, along with the payload capacity of the Saturn V.", "5725e547ec44d21400f3d721": "increase the mass of the CSM and LM for the last five missions, along with the payload capacity of the Saturn V. These final missions", "5725e547ec44d21400f3d722": "of 15 Saturn Vs were enough for lunar landing missions", "5725e547ec44d21400f3d723": "days. These missions would", "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d729": "of", "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d72a": "landings allowed", "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d72b": "in the factory, and a subcontractor not making a tank component according to updated design specifications. Apollo", "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d72c": ". Apollo 13 launched Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise in April 1970, headed for the Fra Mauro formation. But two", "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d72d": "1970, headed for the Fra Mauro formation.", "5725e95f89a1e219009ac086": "; this eliminated Apollo 20. NASA", "5725e95f89a1e219009ac087": "Marshall Space Center in Huntsville, Alabama, Micho", "5725e95f89a1e219009ac088": ", it was decided to use an existing Saturn V", "5725e95f89a1e219009ac089": "made to also cancel", "5725ea6889a1e219009ac09e": "age from about 3.2 billion years for the basaltic samples derived", "5725ea6889a1e219009ac09f": "osite rock is composed almost exclusively of the calcium-rich", "5725ea6889a1e219009ac0a0": ", retrieved by astronauts David Scott and James Irwin during the", "5725ea6889a1e219009ac0a1": "from the lunar maria, to about 4.6 billion years for samples derived", "5725eb8a38643c19005ace7f": "breccia", "5725eb8a38643c19005ace80": "effects. Many samples appear to be pitted with micrometeoroid impact craters, which is never seen on Earth rocks, due to the", "5725eb8a38643c19005ace81": "all the", "5725ec7538643c19005ace8f": "Budget Office report, A Budgetary Analysis of NASA's New Vision for Space, September 2004. The Space", "5725ec7538643c19005ace90": "Space Review estimated in 2010 the", "5725ec7538643c19005ace91": "A Budgetary Analysis of NASA's New Vision for Space, September 2004. The Space Review estimated in 2010 the cost of", "5725ee6438643c19005aceb3": "called for using an empty S-IVB", "5725ee6438643c19005aceb4": "(Apollo X,) proposed up to 30 flights to Earth orbit, using the space in the Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter (", "5725ee6438643c19005aceb5": "Program (", "5725ef6838643c19005acece": "have been used", "5725ef6838643c19005acecf": "launched in 1973 using the two lower stages of", "5725ef6838643c19005aced0": "one of these plans to make it off the drawing board. Dubbed Skylab, it was constructed complete on the ground rather than in space", "5725ef6838643c19005aced1": "entered the atmosphere in 1979, by which time it had become the oldest operational Apollo-", "5725f07f89a1e219009ac0be": "exception of", "5725f07f89a1e219009ac0bf": "15 Lunar Module blast crater while orbiting above the lunar surface. In 2009, NASA's robotic Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, while orbiting", "5725f07f89a1e219009ac0c0": "mission Command Module in lunar orbit; the degree to which these flags retain their original colors", "5725f16f89a1e219009ac0cc": "and Christmas provided an inspiring end to 1968, which had been a troubled year for the US, marked by Vietnam War protests, race riots, and", "5725f16f89a1e219009ac0cd": "the ninth orbit of the Moon. The mission and Christmas provided an inspiring end to 1968, which had been a troubled year for the US, marked", "5725f16f89a1e219009ac0ce": ", 1968. An estimated one-quarter of the", "5725f16f89a1e219009ac0cf": "had been a troubled year for the US, marked by Vietnam War", "5725f239271a42140099d35d": "Nafzger to", "5725f239271a42140099d35e": "missing tapes", "5725f239271a42140099d35f": "the lunar television", "5725f239271a42140099d360": "shortage prompted NASA to remove massive numbers of magnetic tapes from the National Archives and Records Administration to be recorded", "5725f239271a42140099d361": "camera which recorded in", "5725f39638643c19005acef7": "The video was processed to remove random noise and camera shake without destroying historical legitimacy. The images were", "5725f39638643c19005acef8": "zger and assigned to Lowry Digital for restoration. The video was", "5725f39638643c19005acef9": "With a budget of $230,000, the surviving original lunar broadcast data from Apollo 11 was compiled by Nafzger and assigned", "5725f39638643c19005acefa": "$230,000, the surviving original lunar broadcast data from Apollo 11", "5725f39638643c19005acefb": "scope recordings made at Johnson Space Center. The restored video, remaining in black and", "5725b7f389a1e219009abd5c": "on the laws of European Union member states. The three sources of European Union law are primary", "5725b7f389a1e219009abd5d": "establish secondary", "5725b7f389a1e219009abd5e": "is a body of treaties and legislation", "5725b7f389a1e219009abd5f": "states. The three sources of European Union law are primary law, secondary law and supplementary law. The main", "5725b7f389a1e219009abd60": "Council of the European Union, which under the Treaties may establish secondary law to pursue the objective set", "5725c28a271a42140099d14d": "establish secondary", "5725c28a271a42140099d14e": "which", "5725c28a271a42140099d14f": "on the laws of European Union member states. The three sources of European Union law are primary", "5725c28a271a42140099d150": "are the Treaties establishing the European Union. Secondary sources include regulations and directives which are based on the Treaties. The", "57268b43dd62a815002e88f0": "on the Treaties. The legislature of the European Union is principally composed of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, which", "57268b43dd62a815002e88f1": "is a body of treaties and legislation", "57268b43dd62a815002e88f2": "sources of primary law are the Treaties establishing the European Union. Secondary sources include regulations and directives which are based", "57268b43dd62a815002e88f3": "Union is principally composed of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union,", "5725bbec271a42140099d0d1": "of European Union law.", "5725bbec271a42140099d0d2": "by the courts of member states and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Where the laws of member states provide", "5725bbec271a42140099d0d3": ", the European Commission can take proceedings against the member state under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European", "5725bbec271a42140099d0d4": "state under the", "5725bbec271a42140099d0d5": "law include case law by the Court of Justice, international law and general principles of European Union law.", "5725c3a9ec44d21400f3d503": "European Union. The European Court of Justice", "5725c3a9ec44d21400f3d504": ", the European Commission can take proceedings against the member state under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European", "5725c3a9ec44d21400f3d505": "be enforced by the courts of member states. In case of European Union law which should have been transposed into the", "5725c3a9ec44d21400f3d506": "states provide for lesser rights European", "57268bf9dd62a815002e890a": "laws of member states", "57268bf9dd62a815002e890b": "Directives, the European Commission can take proceedings against the member state under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The European Court of Justice", "57268bf9dd62a815002e890c": ". In case of European Union law which should have been transposed into the laws of member states, such as Directives,", "57268bf9dd62a815002e890d": "transposed into the", "5725c743ec44d21400f3d549": "amendments and must give their consent for laws to pass. The", "5725c743ec44d21400f3d54a": "on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which have been agreed or adhered to among the governments of all 28", "5725c743ec44d21400f3d54b": "Parliament (elected by citizens) can make amendments and must give their consent for", "5725c743ec44d21400f3d54c": ". It appoints the Commissioners and the board of the European Central Bank. The European Court of Justice is the supreme judicial body which interpret", "5725c743ec44d21400f3d54d": "has laws which \"constitute\" its basic governance structure. The EU's primary", "5725ca4389a1e219009abeb4": "as stated in the TEU, whereby", "5725ca4389a1e219009abeb5": "French overseas departments", "5725ca4389a1e219009abeb6": "which frame policies of the European Union", "5725ca4389a1e219009abeb7": "Canary Islands and the French overseas departments. European", "5725ca4389a1e219009abeb8": "U allows the European Council to make specific provisions for regions", "57268d2ddd62a815002e894e": "measure", "57268d2ddd62a815002e894f": "done for customs matters in Gibraltar and Saint", "57268d2ddd62a815002e8950": "rule on their validity, which is subject to international law. Individuals may rely on primary law in the Court of", "57268d2ddd62a815002e8951": "U objectives. The Court of Justice of the European Union can interpret", "5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5bb": "and the Treaty of Lisbon 2007. Since its establishment, more member states have joined through a series of accession", "5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5bc": "with common rules for coal and steel, and then atomic energy, but more complete and", "5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5bd": "were established through the Treaty of Rome 1957 and the Maastricht Treaty 1992 (now:", "5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5be": "but more complete and formal institutions were established through the Treaty", "5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5bf": "power of member", "57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b0": "market", "57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b1": "made", "57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b2": "more social Europe in the Treaty of Amsterdam 1997,", "57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b3": "giving it", "57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b4": "(", "57264865dd62a815002e8062": "document. However, as a result of the referendum in France and the referendum in the Netherlands, the", "57264865dd62a815002e8063": "there was an attempt to reform the constitutional law", "57264865dd62a815002e8064": "Instead, the Lisbon Treaty was enacted. Its substance was very similar to the proposed constitutional treaty", "57264865dd62a815002e8065": "though it significantly altered the", "57264865dd62a815002e8066": "reform the constitutional law of the European Union and make it more transparent; this would have also produced a single constitutional document. However,", "57268f2bf1498d1400e8e3c4": "an attempt to", "57268f2bf1498d1400e8e3c5": "was very similar to the proposed constitutional treaty, but it was formally", "57268f2bf1498d1400e8e3c6": "empty", "57268f2bf1498d1400e8e3c7": "law of the European Union and make it more transparent;", "57264a8cdd62a815002e808c": "\"completely independent\" and not \"take", "57264a8cdd62a815002e808d": "suggestion, giving reasons. The Commission's President (currently an ex-", "57264a8cdd62a815002e808e": "Council is the \"de facto catalyst of many legislative initiatives\". The Parliament can also formally request the Commission", "57264a8cdd62a815002e808f": "each of the 28 member states, including the President and the High Representative for Foreign and Security", "57264a8cdd62a815002e8090": "Luxembourg Prime Minister, Jean-Claude Juncker) sets the agenda for the", "572691545951b619008f76e1": "Treaty of Lisbon. This means Commissioners are, through the appointment process, the un", "572691545951b619008f76e2": "that Commissioners should be \"complete", "572691545951b619008f76e3": "\"de facto catalyst of many legislative initiatives\". The Parliament can also formally request the Commission to submit a legislative proposal but the Commission can reject such", "572691545951b619008f76e4": "in the Treaty of Lisbon. This", "572691545951b619008f76e5": "request the Commission to submit a legislative proposal but", "57264e455951b619008f6f65": "s recommendation. The President of the Council and a Commissioner can sit in", "57264e455951b619008f6f66": "but not EU taxes), and having immunity from prosecution for doing official acts. Commissioners have sometimes been found to", "57264e455951b619008f6f67": "to have abused their offices, particularly since the Santer Commission was censure", "57264e455951b619008f6f68": "any law. By contrast to the ECJ's relaxed approach, a Committee", "57264e455951b619008f6f69": "conduct of monetary policy for the purpose of managing the", "5726926a5951b619008f7709": "Dalli, who quickly resigned after allegations that he received", "5726926a5951b619008f770a": "culture had developed where few Commissioners had \u2018even the slightest sense of responsibility\u2019. This led to the creation of the European Anti-fraud", "5726926a5951b619008f770b": "European Anti", "5726926a5951b619008f770c": "purpose of managing the euro. It has a six-person board appointed by the European Council,", "5726926a5951b619008f770d": "received a \u20ac60", "572651f9f1498d1400e8dbee": "and not", "572651f9f1498d1400e8dbef": "kratia\") is not in the hands of directly elected", "572651f9f1498d1400e8dbf0": "in the hands of directly elected representatives of the", "572651f9f1498d1400e8dbf1": "maladministration or appoint an Ombudsman pending any court proceedings.", "572651f9f1498d1400e8dbf2": "initiating legislation, the", "5726938af1498d1400e8e446": "\u00e9cologiste \"Les Verts\" v Parliament that", "5726938af1498d1400e8e447": "of directly elected representatives of the people (\"demos\"): in the EU", "5726938af1498d1400e8e448": ". MEPs divide, as they do in national Parliaments, along political party lines: the conservative European People's Party", "5726938af1498d1400e8e449": "in the hands of directly elected representatives of the", "5726938af1498d1400e8e44a": "declined post-war. Over time", "5726545f708984140094c2a5": "the TEU article 15 defines as providing the 'necessary impetus for its development and shall define the", "5726545f708984140094c2a6": "drive forward its work', but it does not itself", "5726545f708984140094c2a7": "define this to mean at least 55 per cent of the Council members (", "5726545f708984140094c2a8": "composed of different ministers of the member states. The heads of government of member states also convene a \"", "5726545f708984140094c2a9": "; for foreign affairs, the", "57269424dd62a815002e8a1e": "this means around 74 per cent, or 260 of the 352 votes.", "57269424dd62a815002e8a1f": ".). The minister must have the authority to represent and bin the member states in decisions.", "57269424dd62a815002e8a20": "inversely to member state size, so smaller member states are not dominated by larger member states. In total", "57269424dd62a815002e8a21": "etc", "572656e4dd62a815002e81fa": "294 defines the \"ordinary legislative procedure\" that applies for most EU acts. The essence is there are three readings, starting with", "572656e4dd62a815002e81fb": "define the EU's \"competence\". Many member state courts believe they", "572656e4dd62a815002e81fc": "4 and 5 state that powers remain with the member states unless they have", "572656e4dd62a815002e81fd": "same. A different procedure exists for budgets. For \"enhan", "572656e4dd62a815002e81fe": "Council must vote by qualified majority to", "572695285951b619008f774b": "The essence is there are three readings, starting with a Commission proposal", "572695285951b619008f774c": "member state Parliaments believe they decide, while within the EU, the Court of Justice believes it has the final say.", "572695285951b619008f774d": "about the Kompet", "572695285951b619008f774e": "and qualified majority. This means, legislation can be blocked by a majority in Parliament, a minority in the Council, and", "572658435951b619008f7025": "for appointment to the highest judicial offices\" (or for the General Court, the \"ability required for appointment to", "572658435951b619008f7026": "European Union article 19(2) there is one judge from each member state, 28", "572658435951b619008f7027": "of the Treaties", "572658435951b619008f7028": "EU", "572658435951b619008f7029": "Belgian Cour du travail, etc", "5726965ef1498d1400e8e484": "judgments, including Van Gend en Loos, Man", "5726965ef1498d1400e8e485": ") is the main judicial", "5726965ef1498d1400e8e486": "law according to the principles it deems to be appropriate. Arguably this has been done", "5726965ef1498d1400e8e487": "and then a separate Court of Auditors. Under the Treaty on European Union article 19(2) there is one", "5726965ef1498d1400e8e488": "Belgian Cour du travail, etc", "57265e455951b619008f70bb": "themselves\" on the \"basis of reciprocity\". EU law would not \"be overridden by domestic", "57265e455951b619008f70bc": "\"imperil the very foundations of the\" EU. But despite the views of the Court of Justice, the national courts of member states", "57265e455951b619008f70bd": "the \"directly applicable measures of the institutions", "5726975c708984140094cb1f": "Court of Justice under TFEU", "5726975c708984140094cb20": "against its decision. The Court of Justice, repeating its", "5726975c708984140094cb21": ", then EU law has primacy. In the first major case in 1964, Costa v ENEL", "572699db5951b619008f7799": "of its institutions, and has a", "572699db5951b619008f779a": "member states recognise that EU law takes primacy over national law where this agreed in the Treaties, they do not accept that the Court", "572699db5951b619008f779b": "Alliance Ltd) v Secretary of State for Transport, although the UK constitution is uncodified,", "572699db5951b619008f779d": "wish of the people to withdraw from the EU. It was", "572699db5951b619008f779c": "the European Communities Act 1972", "57269aa65951b619008f77ab": "of the law is often monetary damages, but courts can also require specific performance or will grant an injunction, in order to ensure the law", "57269aa65951b619008f77ac": "\"standing\" (locus standi) to bring claims against EU institutions and other member states for breach of the treaties", "57269aa65951b619008f77ad": "law, or fundamental rights are engaged. The", "57269aa65951b619008f77ae": "and member states to follow the law. Both member states and the Commission have a general legal right or \"standing\" (locus standi", "57269bb8708984140094cb95": "when it imported urea-formaldehyde plastics from Germany to the Netherlands.", "57269bb8708984140094cb96": "are \u2018directly applicable in all Member States\u2019. Moreover, member states", "57269bb8708984140094cb97": ". EU Regulations are the same as Treaty provisions in this sense, because as TFEU article", "57269bb8708984140094cb98": "they are \u2018directly applicable in all Member States\u2019. Moreover, member states", "57269cc3dd62a815002e8b12": "claims", "57269cc3dd62a815002e8b13": "give citizens (as opposed to the member state) standing to sue other citizens. In theory, this is because T", "57269cc3dd62a815002e8b14": "suasively argued that Directives should create rights and duties for all citizens. The Court of Justice refused,", "57269cc3dd62a815002e8b15": "rights and duties for", "57269e3bf1498d1400e8e516": "dispute with a public authority, but in a dispute with another citizen or company. So, in CIA Security v Signalson and Securit", "57269e3bf1498d1400e8e517": "edex GmbH & Co KG", "57269e3bf1498d1400e8e518": "(", "57269e3bf1498d1400e8e519": "ation of the state", "57269e3bf1498d1400e8e51a": "because equality was also a general principle of EU law. Third, if the defendant is an emanation of the state, even if not", "57269f3ef1498d1400e8e534": "of EU and a claimant's loss, damages must be paid. The fact that the incompatible law is an Act of", "57269f3ef1498d1400e8e535": "but can sue the member state itself for failure to implement the law. So, in Francovich v Italy, the Italian government had", "57269f3ef1498d1400e8e536": "Francovich v Italy, the", "57269f3ef1498d1400e8e537": "claims against other non-state parties, but can sue the member", "5726a00cf1498d1400e8e550": "of law which have been developed by the European Court of Justice that constitute", "5726a00cf1498d1400e8e551": "provided for in the treaties but which affect how European Union law is interpreted and applies. In formulating these principles, the courts have drawn on a", "5726a09f708984140094cc39": "to the aims pursued. The principle of proportionality is also recognised in Article 5 of the", "5726a09f708984140094cc3a": "\"", "5726a09f708984140094cc3b": "appropriate and necessary to achieve the objectives legitimately pursued. When there is a choice between several", "5726a14c708984140094cc51": "central element of the general principle of legal certainty in", "5726a14c708984140094cc52": "an important general principle of international", "5726a14c708984140094cc53": "of the general", "5726a14c708984140094cc54": "law. As a general principle in European Union law it means that the law must be certain, in that it is clear and precise,", "5726a1e5dd62a815002e8b86": ", can supply guidelines", "5726a1e5dd62a815002e8b87": "member states. Therefore, the European Court of Justice cannot uphold measures which are incompatible with fundamental rights recognised and protected in", "5726a299dd62a815002e8b9e": "ever more apparent. In 1999 the European Council set up a body tasked with drafting a European", "5726a299dd62a815002e8b9f": ", to be subject to human rights. At the", "5726a299dd62a815002e8ba0": "with drafting a European Charter of Human Rights, which could", "5726a299dd62a815002e8ba1": "Union institutions, to be subject to human rights. At the time the only concern was that member states", "5726a299dd62a815002e8ba2": "need to ensure that European Union measures are compatible with the human rights enshrined in member", "5726a34bf1498d1400e8e59e": "s and principles set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of", "5726a34bf1498d1400e8e59f": "out", "5726a34bf1498d1400e8e5a0": "adopted at", "5726a34bf1498d1400e8e5a1": "of European Union law, codifying the fundamental rights which were previously considered general principles of European Union law. In effect", "5726a3c6f1498d1400e8e5ae": "ration of employment, health and safety", "5726a3c6f1498d1400e8e5af": "the 1989 Strasbourg European Council. The Social Charter declares 30 general principles, including on fair remuneration of employment, health and safety at", "5726a3c6f1498d1400e8e5b0": "Confederation (", "5726a3c6f1498d1400e8e5b1": "Union Confederation (ETUC) and CEEP, the European Centre of Public Enterprises", "5726a3c6f1498d1400e8e5b2": "the \"social partners\" representatives, namely UNICE, the employers' confederation, the European Trade Union", "5726a46cdd62a815002e8bd0": "exempt from legislation arising from the protocol, unless it agreed to be bound by it. The protocol was", "5726a46cdd62a815002e8bd1": "state to veto the Social Charter being included as the \"Social Chapter\" of the 1992 Maastricht Treaty - instead, an Agreement", "5726a46cdd62a815002e8bd2": "Maastricht", "5726a46cdd62a815002e8bd3": "Treaty. To achieve aims of the Agreement", "5726a5525951b619008f78dd": "social policy areas, including labour and industry relations, equal opportunity, health and safety,", "5726a5525951b619008f78de": ". In the 10 years following the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam and adoption of the Social Chapter the European Union has undertaken policy initiatives in", "5726a5525951b619008f78df": "workforce consultation in businesses, and the 1996 Parental Leave Directive. In the 10 years following the 1997 Treaty of", "5726a5525951b619008f78e0": "of the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam. The UK subsequently", "5726a5525951b619008f78e1": "in businesses, and the 1996 Parental Leave Directive", "5726a638dd62a815002e8bf6": "the main aims of the EEC through the \"institution of a system ensuring that competition in the common market is not distorted", "5726a638dd62a815002e8bf7": "as one of the main aims of the EEC through the \"institution of a", "5726a638dd62a815002e8bf8": "of Rome established the enactment of competition law as one of the main aims of the", "5726a638dd62a815002e8bf9": ", which prohibited anti-competitive agreements, subject", "5726a638dd62a815002e8bfa": "not included as member states could not establish consensus on", "5726a7ecf1498d1400e8e654": "not include unreasonable restraints that risk eliminating competition anywhere (or compliant with", "5726a7ecf1498d1400e8e655": "technological innovation, gives consumers a \"fair share", "5726a7ecf1498d1400e8e656": "proportionality). Article 102 prohibits the abuse of dominant position, such as price discrimination and exclusive dealing", "5726a7ecf1498d1400e8e657": "agreements in Article 101(1), including price fixing. According to Article 101(2", "5726b58f5951b619008f7b55": "of free movement of", "5726b58f5951b619008f7b56": "free trade, without standards to ensure fair trade, can benefit some people and", "5726b58f5951b619008f7b57": "political and eventually a full union", "5726b58f5951b619008f7b58": "other values such as public health, consumer protection, labour rights, fair competition, and environmental improvement", "5726b58f5951b619008f7b59": "expanding market, particularly workers,", "5726b718dd62a815002e8dbe": "reasoned that freedom of association is", "5726b718dd62a815002e8dbf": "ees. It also means states can be", "5726b718dd62a815002e8dc0": "be applied proportionately. This means the rule must be pursue a", "5726b718dd62a815002e8dc1": "Free movement of goods within the European Union is achieved by a customs union, and the principle of non-discrimination. The", "5726b718dd62a815002e8dc2": "free movement", "5726b929f1498d1400e8e8e8": "ed that the prohibition would deter people from buying it: it would have \"a considerable influence on the behaviour of", "5726b929f1498d1400e8e8e9": "not closed. In the most famous case Rewe-Zentral AG v Bundesmonopol f\u00fcr Branntwein, the Court of", "5726b929f1498d1400e8e8ea": "product, this can also infringe article 34. So, in a 2009 case,", "5726b929f1498d1400e8e8eb": "This was not a", "5726b929f1498d1400e8e8ec": "Belgian law requiring all margarine to be in cube shaped packages infringed article 34, and was not", "5726ba2c708984140094cf59": "practice. The attempt to raise standards is hoped to", "5726ba2c708984140094cf5a": "only way for sellers to overcome consumers' \"traditional social practices and to local habits and customs\" to buy their", "5726ba2c708984140094cf5b": "a total ban for advertising alcohol on the radio, TV and in magazines could fall within article 34 where", "5726ba2c708984140094cf5c": "hinder market access, the Court of Justice developed a presumption that \"selling arrangements\" would be presumed to not fall into TFEU", "5726baf2dd62a815002e8e74": "employment, tax, and social security rights. By contrast a citizen", "5726baf2dd62a815002e8e75": "and benefits (paradoxically at the same time). Nevertheless, practically \"all available research finds little impact\" of \"", "5726baf2dd62a815002e8e76": "mann was entitled to stay", "5726baf2dd62a815002e8e77": "fears about immigrants taking away people's jobs and benefits (paradoxically", "5726baf2dd62a815002e8e78": "gwan community, which provided for", "5726bc1add62a815002e8ea6": "in the Netherlands, but working between 3 and 14 hours a week in Germany, did not have a", "5726bc1add62a815002e8ea7": "between 3 and 14 hours a week in Germany, did not have a right to receive German child benefits, even", "5726bc1add62a815002e8ea8": "14 hours a week in Germany, did not have a right to receive German child benefits", "5726bc1add62a815002e8ea9": ", people must receive equal treatment regarding \"social advantages\", although the Court has approved residential qualifying periods. In Hendrix v Employee", "5726bc1add62a815002e8eaa": "the measure was disproportionate. Second, article 7(2) requires equal treatment in respect of tax. In Finanzamt K\u00f6ln", "5726bcde708984140094cfbf": "has accordingly increased the number of social services that people", "5726bcde708984140094cfc0": "to avoid \"structural, staffing and financial problems\" if (mainly German) foreign students applied for places because", "5726bcde708984140094cfc1": "the Court of Justice, and has accordingly increased the number of social services that people can access wherever they move. The Court", "5726bcde708984140094cfc2": ", and has accordingly increased the number of social services that people can access wherever they move. The Court has", "5726c002708984140094d073": "Belgian", "5726c002708984140094d074": "employed", "5726c002708984140094d075": "economic activity, particularly the self-employed, or \"undertakings\" such as companies or firms, have a right to set", "5726c002708984140094d076": "\" and proportionately applied. All people or entities that engage in economic activity,", "5726c002708984140094d077": "loyed, or \"under", "5726c19add62a815002e8f8a": "Dimas to create criminal sentences for \"ecological crimes\". The competence for the Union to do this was contested in", "5726c19add62a815002e8f8b": "Parliament against that legislation on the basis that criminal law should not be an EU competence, but was rejected at vote. However", "5726c19add62a815002e8f8c": "against that legislation on the basis that criminal law should not be an EU competence, but was rejected at vote. However, in October 2007, the Court", "5726c19add62a815002e8f8d": "national basis, may legislate in criminal law \u2013 something never done", "5726c3da708984140094d0d9": "care generally counts as a service. In Geraets-Smits v Stichting", "5726c3da708984140094d0da": "activity does fall within article 56", "5726c3da708984140094d0db": "provide services\" under TFEU article 56 applies to people who give services \"for remuneration\", especially commercial or", "5726c3da708984140094d0dc": "hospital services should not be regarded as economic, and should not fall", "5726c5a9f1498d1400e8eac4": "are created by law, they are in principle subject to any rules for", "5726c5a9f1498d1400e8eac5": "on company seats were not yet harmonised. By contrast, in Centros Ltd v Er", "5726c5a9f1498d1400e8eac6": "bottom in", "5726c5a9f1498d1400e8eac7": "while it still operated and was incorporated in Hungary. Thus, the court draws a distinction between the right of establishment for foreign companies (where restrictions must", "5726c5a9f1498d1400e8eac8": "was an \"outright negation\" of the right of establishment. However, in Cartesio Oktat\u00f3 \u00e9s Szolg\u00e1l", "5725b81b271a42140099d097": "s remaining rainforests, and comprises the largest and most biodiverse", "5725b81b271a42140099d098": "ica or Amaz\u00f4nia; Spanish: Selva Amaz\u00f3nica, Amazon\u00eda or usually Amazonia; French: For\u00eat amazonienne; Dutch:", "5725b81b271a42140099d099": "rainforests, and comprises the largest and most biodiverse tract of tropical rainforest in the world, with an estimated 390 billion individual trees divided into", "5725b81b271a42140099d09a": "covers most of the Amazon basin of South America. This basin encompasses 7,000,000 square kilometres (2", "5725b81b271a42140099d09b": "The majority of the forest is contained within Brazil, with 6", "5728349dff5b5019007d9efe": "Amazonia or", "5728349dff5b5019007d9eff": "covered", "5728349dff5b5019007d9f00": ", is a moist broadleaf forest that covers most of the Amazon basin of South America. This basin encompasses 7,000,000 square kilometres (2,700,000", "5728349dff5b5019007d9f01": ": Floresta Amaz\u00f4nica or Amaz\u00f4n", "5728349dff5b5019007d9f02": "amazonienne; Dutch: Amazoneregenwoud), also known in English as Amazonia or the Amazon Jungle, is a moist", "5729e2316aef0514001550c4": "Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. States or departments in four nations contain \"Amazonas\" in their names", "5729e2316aef0514001550c5": "in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. States or departments in four nations contain \"Amazonas\" in their names", "5729e2316aef0514001550c6": ", of which 5,500,000 square kilometres (2,100,000 sq", "5729e2316aef0514001550c7": "Portuguese: Floresta Amaz\u00f4nica or Amaz\u00f4nia; Spanish: Selva Amaz\u00f3nica, Amazon\u00eda or usually Amazonia;", "5729e2316aef0514001550c8": "\" in", "5725be0f271a42140099d117": "years have allowed savanna regions to expand into the tropics. During the Oligocene,", "5725be0f271a42140099d118": "dinosaurs and the wetter climate may have allowed the tropical rainforest to spread out across the continent. From 66\u201334 Mya, the rainforest", "5725be0f271a42140099d119": "spanned a relatively narrow band. It expanded again during the Middle Miocene", "5725be0f271a42140099d11a": "spanned a relatively narrow band. It expanded again during the Middle", "5725be0f271a42140099d11b": ", for example, the rainforest spanned a relatively narrow band. It expanded again during the Middle Miocene, then retracted to a mostly", "57283adcff5b5019007d9f94": "during these glacial periods, allowing for the survival and evolution of a broad diversity of species.", "57283adcff5b5019007d9f95": "rainforest to spread out across the continent. From 66\u201334 Mya, the rainforest extended as far south as 45\u00b0.", "57283adcff5b5019007d9f96": "the tropics. During the Oligocene, for example, the rainforest spanned a relatively narrow band. It expanded again during", "57283adcff5b5019007d9f97": "It expanded again during the Middle Miocene, then retracted to a mostly inland formation at the last glacial maximum. However", "57283adcff5b5019007d9f98": ", for example, the", "5729e500af94a219006aa6b5": "45\u00b0. Climate fluctuations", "5729e500af94a219006aa6b6": ". It expanded again during the Middle Miocene, then retracted to a mostly inland formation at the last glacial maximum.", "5729e500af94a219006aa6b7": "retracted to a mostly inland formation at the last glacial maximum. However,", "5729e500af94a219006aa6b8": "empty", "5729e500af94a219006aa6b9": "the wetter climate may have allowed the", "5725c071271a42140099d127": "a lake; now known as the Solim\u00f5es Basin. Within the", "5725c071271a42140099d128": "the middle of the continent by the Purus Arch. Water on the eastern side flowed toward the Atlantic, while to the west water flowed toward", "5725c071271a42140099d129": "Amazon", "5725c071271a42140099d12a": "Mountains rose, however, a large basin was created", "5725c071271a42140099d12b": "es Mountains rose, however, a large basin was", "57283d173acd2414000df78f": "; now known as the Solim\u00f5es Basin. Within", "57283d173acd2414000df790": "toward the Pacific across the Amazonas", "57283d173acd2414000df791": "rose, however, a large basin was created that enclosed a lake; now known as the Solim\u00f5", "57283d173acd2414000df792": "mid-Eocene, it is believed that the drainage basin of the Amazon was split along the", "57283d173acd2414000df793": "Eo", "5729e6313f37b319004785a9": "west water", "5729e6313f37b319004785aa": ", however, a large basin was created that enclosed a lake; now known as the Solim\u00f5es Basin. Within the", "5729e6313f37b319004785ab": "while to the west water flowed toward the Pacific across the Amazon", "5729e6313f37b319004785ac": "flow toward the Atlantic", "5729e6313f37b319004785ad": "cene, it is believed that the drainage basin of the Amazon was split", "5725c41eec44d21400f3d50b": "well supported by the", "5725c41eec44d21400f3d50c": "last 21,000 years through the Last G", "5725c41eec44d21400f3d50d": "argue that the rainforest remained largely intact but extended less far to the north,", "5725c41eec44d21400f3d50e": "years through the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and subsequent", "5725c41eec44d21400f3d50f": "to the north, south, and east than is seen today. This debate has proved difficult to resolve", "572841772ca10214002da1a6": "that the rainforest was reduced to", "572841772ca10214002da1a7": "there have been significant changes in Amazon", "572841772ca10214002da1a8": "present, and this was almost certainly associated with reduced moist tropical vegetation cover in the basin. There is debate, however, over how extensive this", "572841772ca10214002da1a9": "to small, isolated refugia separated by open", "572a0bfaaf94a219006aa779": ", over how extensive this reduction was. Some scientists argue that the rainforest was reduced to small,", "572a0bfaaf94a219006aa77a": "that the rainforest was reduced to small, isolated refu", "572a0bfaaf94a219006aa77b": "this was almost certainly associated with reduced moist tropical vegetation cover in the basin. There is debate, however, over how extensive this reduction was", "572a0bfaaf94a219006aa77c": "in the rainforest mean that data sampling is biased away from the center of the Amazon basin, and both explanations", "572a0bfaaf94a219006aa77d": "refugia separated by open forest and grassland; other scientists", "5725c63438643c19005acc9f": "West longitude at the eastern coast of South America, 27.7 million tons (15%)", "5725c63438643c19005acca0": ", across 1,600 miles (2,600 km) over the Atlantic Ocean", "5725c63438643c19005acca1": "of the Sahara each year, at", "5725c63438643c19005acca2": "of dust are windblown out of the", "5725c63438643c19005acca3": "35 degrees West longitude at the eastern coast", "5728455bff5b5019007da078": "(some dust falls into the Atlantic), then at 35 degrees West longitude at the eastern coast of South America, 27.", "5728455bff5b5019007da079": "of", "5728455bff5b5019007da07a": ": an average 182 million tons of dust are windblown out of the Sahara each", "5728455bff5b5019007da07b": "1,600 miles (2,600 km) over the Atlantic Ocean (some dust falls into the Atlantic), then at 35 degrees West", "5728455bff5b5019007da07c": "has measured the amount of dust transported by", "5729ea263f37b319004785bd": "dust remain in the air, 43 million tons of dust are windblown and", "5729ea263f37b319004785be": "eastern coast of South America, 27", "5729ea263f37b319004785bf": "empty", "5729ea263f37b319004785c0": "Atlantic Ocean (some dust falls into the Atlantic), then at 35 degrees West longitude at the eastern coast of South America, 27.7 million", "5729ea263f37b319004785c1": "across 1,600 miles (2,600 km) over the Atlantic Ocean (some dust falls into the", "5725c95f38643c19005accf3": "may have lived in the Amazon region in AD 1500, divided between dense coastal settlements, such as that at Maraj\u00f3,", "5725c95f38643c19005accf4": "By 1900 the population had", "5725c95f38643c19005accf5": "0.52/sq mi) is the maximum that can be sustained", "5725c95f38643c19005accf6": "region was actually densely populated. Some 5 million people may have lived in the Amazon region in AD 1500, divided between dense coastal settlements,", "5725c95f38643c19005accf7": "the", "572847dd4b864d19001648bc": "was impossible to sustain a large population through agriculture given the poor soil. Archeologist Betty Meggers was a prominent proponent", "572847dd4b864d19001648bd": "have suggested that the region was actually densely populated. Some 5 million people may have lived in the Amazon region in", "572847dd4b864d19001648be": "rainforest through hunting, with agriculture needed to host a larger population. However, recent anthropological", "572847dd4b864d19001648bf": "a long time, it was thought that the Amazon rainforest was only ever sparsely populated, as it was impossible to sustain a", "5729eb34af94a219006aa6c9": ". Archeologist Betty Meggers was a prominent proponent of this idea, as described in her book Amazon", "5729eb34af94a219006aa6ca": "Amazon rainforest was", "5729eb34af94a219006aa6cb": "AD 1500, divided between dense coastal settlements, such as that at Maraj\u00f3, and inland dwellers. By 1900 the population had fallen", "5729eb34af94a219006aa6cc": "s was", "5729eb34af94a219006aa6cd": "dwellers. By 1900 the population had", "5725cbb289a1e219009abed2": ". Ondemar Dias is accredited with first discovering the geoglyphs in 1977 and Alceu Ranzi with furthering their discovery after", "5725cbb289a1e219009abed3": "s Unnatural", "5725cbb289a1e219009abed4": "being a pristine wilderness, has been shaped by man for at least 11,000 years through practices such as forest gardening and", "5725cbb289a1e219009abed5": "geoglyph", "5725cbb289a1e219009abed6": ". Ondemar Dias is accredited with first discovering the geoglyphs in 1977 and", "5729edd56aef051400155112": "claims about Pre-Columbian civilizations. Ondemar Dias is accredited with first discovering the geoglyphs in 1977 and Al", "5729edd56aef051400155113": "s Unnatural Histories presented", "5729edd56aef051400155114": "was later devastated by the spread of diseases from Europe, such as smallpox. Since the 1970s, numerous geoglyphs have been discovered on de", "5729edd56aef051400155115": "rainforest, rather than being a pristine", "5729edd56aef051400155116": "The first European to travel the length of the", "5725cf3238643c19005acd61": "University of Florida. Among those", "5725cf3238643c19005acd62": "hostile environment; meaning that large portions of the Amazon rainforest are probably the result of centuries of human management,", "5725cf3238643c19005acd63": "of some of these large settlements in the middle of the Amazon forest were", "5725cf3238643c19005acd64": "soil allowed agriculture and silviculture in the previously hostile environment; meaning that large portions of the Amazon", "5725cf3238643c19005acd65": ", rather than naturally occurring as has previously been supposed. In the region of the Xingu tribe, remains", "5729ef266aef05140015511c": "than naturally occurring as has previously been supposed. In the region", "5729ef266aef05140015511d": "the region of the Xingu tribe, remains of some of these large settlements", "5729ef266aef05140015511e": "culture in the previously hostile environment; meaning that large portions of the Amazon", "5729ef266aef05140015511f": "distributed over large areas in the Amazon forest, is now widely accepted as a product of indigenous soil", "5729ef266aef051400155120": "is distributed over large areas in the Amazon forest, is", "5725d16aec44d21400f3d61b": "of the fish species live in Amazonian rivers and streams. Scientists have described between 96,660 and 128", "5725d16aec44d21400f3d61c": "of the Amazon, and one in five of the fish species live in Amazonian rivers and streams. Scientists", "5725d16aec44d21400f3d61d": "to about 2.5 million insect species, tens of", "5725d16aec44d21400f3d61e": "live in Amazonian", "5725d16aec44d21400f3d61f": ", 428 amphibians, and 378 reptiles have been scientifically classified in the region. One in five of all the bird species in the world", "5729f0db6aef051400155126": "and some 2,000 birds and mammals. To date, at least 40,000 plant species, 2,200 fishes, 1", "5729f0db6aef051400155127": "the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon, and one in five of the fish", "5729f0db6aef051400155128": "in the", "5729f0db6aef051400155129": ",294 birds, 427 mammals", "5729f0db6aef05140015512a": "and some", "5726722bdd62a815002e8528": ". The average plant biomass is estimated at 356 \u00b1 47 tonnes per hectare. To date, an estimated 438,000 species of", "5726722bdd62a815002e8529": "social interest have been registered in the region with many more remaining", "5726722bdd62a815002e852a": "tree species in the region", "5726722bdd62a815002e852b": "one square kilometer (247 acres) of Amazon rainforest can", "5726722bdd62a815002e852c": "on Earth with one 2001 study finding a quarter square kilometer (", "5729f2646aef051400155130": "have been registered", "5729f2646aef051400155131": "in 1999 found one square kilometer (247 acres) of Amazon rainforest can contain about 90,790 tonnes", "5729f2646aef051400155132": "than 1,100 tree species. A study in 1999 found", "5729f2646aef051400155133": "acres) of Amazon rainforest can contain about 90,790 tonnes of living plants. The average plant biomass is estimated at 356 \u00b1 47 tonnes", "5729f2646aef051400155134": "is estimated at 356 \u00b1 47", "5729f3831d0469140077967b": "electric shock that can stun or kill", "5729f3831d0469140077967c": "contains several species that can pose a hazard. Among the", "5729f3831d0469140077967d": "stun or kill, while piranha are known to bite and injure humans. Various species", "5729f3831d0469140077967e": "ies virus. Malaria, yellow fever and Dengue fever can", "5729f3831d0469140077967f": ", while piranha are known to bite and injure humans. Various species of poison dart frogs secrete lipophilic al", "5729fd56af94a219006aa72f": "s were", "5729fd56af94a219006aa730": ", the colonists", "5729fd56af94a219006aa731": "forest's interior was highly restricted, and the forest remained basically", "5729fd56af94a219006aa732": "to deforestation and caused extensive environmental damage. Deforestation is considerable, and", "5729fd56af94a219006aa733": ". The main sources of deforestation in the Amazon are human settlement and development of the land. Prior to the early 1960s, access to", "5729feaf6aef051400155188": "of forest lost in the Amazon rose from 41", "5729feaf6aef051400155189": "from logging rainforest zones and converting these to pastoral", "5729feaf6aef05140015518a": "227,000 sq mi), with most of the lost forest becoming pasture for cattle. Seventy percent of formerly forested land in the Amazon, and", "5729feaf6aef05140015518b": "however, conducted by Leydimere Oliveira et al., has shown that the", "5729feaf6aef05140015518c": ", Brazil is the second-largest global producer of soybeans after the United States. New research however, conducted by Leydimere Oliveira", "572a005f1d046914007796b7": "used to justify many of the controversial", "572a005f1d046914007796b8": "two highways successfully opened up the rainforest and led to increased settlement and deforestation", "572a005f1d046914007796b9": "the Amazon. The first two highways successfully", "572a005f1d046914007796bb": "Brazilian Amazon between 2004 and 2014, there has been an increase to the present day.", "572a005f1d046914007796ba": "2 km2 or 8,646 sq mi per year) was 18% higher than", "572a020f6aef051400155198": "the world's terrestrial primary productivity and 10% of the carbon stores in ecosystems\u2014of", "572a020f6aef051400155199": "concerned about loss", "572a020f6aef05140015519a": "62 \u00b1 0.37 tons of carbon per hectare per year between 1975", "572a020f6aef05140015519b": "of 1.1 \u00d7 1011 metric tonnes of carbon. Amazon", "572a020f6aef05140015519c": "concerned about loss of biodiversity that will result from destruction", "572a03a06aef0514001551aa": "computer model of future climate change caused", "572a03a06aef0514001551ab": "become unsustainable under conditions of severely reduced rainfall and increased temperatures, leading to an almost complete loss of rainforest cover in the basin by", "572a03a06aef0514001551ac": "could become unsustain", "572a03a06aef0514001551ad": "change caused by greenhouse gas emissions shows that the Amazon rainforest could become unsustainable under conditions of", "572a03a06aef0514001551ae": "any rainfall", "572a064a3f37b3190047865d": "by deforestation and ecocide, such as in the Peruvian", "572a064a3f37b3190047865e": ". Meanwhile, the relationship between non-human primates in the subsistence and symbolism of indigenous lowland", "572a064a3f37b3190047865f": "continue to struggle to fight for their cultural survival and the fate of their forested territories. Meanwhile, the relationship between non-human primate", "572a064a3f37b31900478660": ",", "572a064a3f37b31900478661": "As", "572a07c11d046914007796d5": "Google Earth, members of", "572a07c11d046914007796d6": "rainforests of southern Suriname, map out their ancestral lands to help strengthen their territorial claims. Currently, most tribes", "572a07c11d046914007796d7": "of the basin", "572a07c11d046914007796d8": "of the Trio Tribe, who live in the", "572a07c11d046914007796d9": "ventures to target their territories.", "572a09abaf94a219006aa75b": "and subsequent carbon related emissions, the classification of tree growth stages within different parts of the forest is crucial. In 2006", "572a09abaf94a219006aa75c": "to eighteen", "572a09abaf94a219006aa75d": "Amazon's biomass and subsequent carbon related emissions, the classification of tree growth stages within different parts of the forest is", "572a09abaf94a219006aa75e": "(4) regenerating forest", "572a09abaf94a219006aa75f": "continued development]. The researcher used a combination of Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and The", "572a0b101d046914007796e9": "concludes that the forest is on the brink of being turned into savanna or desert, with", "572a0b101d046914007796eb": "towards a", "572a0b101d046914007796ec": "that the forest is on the brink of being turned", "572a0b101d046914007796ed": ", 2006 article in the UK newspaper The Independent", "572a0b101d046914007796ea": "concludes that the forest is on the brink of being turned into savanna or desert, with catastrophic consequences", "572a0bebaf94a219006aa76f": "(1,900,000 km2) in 2005. The 2010 drought had three epicenters where vegetation died off, whereas", "572a0bebaf94a219006aa770": "(1,900,", "572a0bebaf94a219006aa771": "drought had three epicenters where", "572a0bebaf94a219006aa772": "The 2010 drought had three epicenters where vegetation died off", "572a0bebaf94a219006aa773": ". The findings were published in the journal Science. In a typical year the Amazon absorbs 1.5", "5725b9db38643c19005acbe1": ".", "5725b9db38643c19005acbe2": "tion. Increasing awareness of the differences persuaded more recent authors", "5725b9db38643c19005acbe3": "their bodies consist of a mass of jelly, with one layer of cells on the outside and another lining the internal cavity. In cte", "5725c0f289a1e219009abdf2": "teis", "5725c0f289a1e219009abdf3": "that swim by means of cilia. Adults of various species range from a few millimeters to 1.5 m (", "5725c0f289a1e219009abdf4": "\u025bn\u0259", "5725c0f289a1e219009abdf5": "body cavity for both digestion and", "5725c0f289a1e219009abdf6": "and \u03c6\u03ad\u03c1\u03c9 pher\u014d 'carry'; commonly known as comb jellies)", "57263eaa38643c19005ad371": ".", "57263eaa38643c19005ad372": "cilia which they use for swimming \u2013 they are the largest animals that swim by means of cilia. Adults of", "57263eaa38643c19005ad373": "body cavity for both digestion and respiration. Increasing awareness of the", "57263eaa38643c19005ad374": "\u1d7b\u02c8n\u0252f\u0259r\u0259", "57263eaa38643c19005ad375": "tion. Increasing awareness of the differences persuaded more recent authors", "5725bae289a1e219009abd90": "which live as parasites on the salps on which adults of their species", "5725bae289a1e219009abd91": "a pair of retractable tentacles fringed with tentilla (\"little", "5725bae289a1e219009abd92": "phores can eat ten times their own weight in a day. Only 100\u2013150 species have been validated, and possibly another 25 have not been", "5725c337271a42140099d163": ", because they specialize in different types of prey, which they capture by as wide a", "5725c337271a42140099d164": "Almost all cteno", "5725c337271a42140099d165": "are", "5725c337271a42140099d166": "capture prey. The phylum has a wide range", "5725c337271a42140099d167": "build huge populations in the same area, because they specialize", "5726400589a1e219009ac5ee": "retractable tentacles fringed with tentilla (\"little tentacles\") that are covered with colloblast", "5726400589a1e219009ac5ef": "(\"little tentacles\") that are covered with colloblasts, sticky cells that capture prey. The", "5726400589a1e219009ac5f0": "species, which live as parasites on the salps on", "5726400589a1e219009ac5f1": "species to build huge populations in the same area, because they specialize in different types of prey, which they capture by as wide a range of", "5726400589a1e219009ac5f2": "times their own", "5725bc0338643c19005acc11": "the adult size and shape. The combination of hermaphr", "5725bc0338643c19005acc12": "the platyctenids, whose young live as cydippid-like plankton", "5725bc0338643c19005acc13": "live as cydippid-like plankton until they reach near-", "5725c57a89a1e219009abe5e": "exceptions are the beroids, whose young are miniature beroids with large mouths and no tentacles", "5725c57a89a1e219009abe5f": "bodies and kept there until they hatch. The young are generally plank", "5725c57a89a1e219009abe60": "then sink to the bottom and rapidly metamorphose into the adult form. In at least some", "5725c57a89a1e219009abe61": "in most species look like miniature cydippids, gradually changing into their adult shapes as they grow. The exceptions", "5725c57a89a1e219009abe62": ". The exceptions are the beroids, whose young", "5726415bec44d21400f3dcd1": "morphose into the adult form. In at least some species", "5726415bec44d21400f3dcd2": "young live as cydippid-like plankton until they reach near-adult size, but then sink to the", "5726415bec44d21400f3dcd3": "until they hatch. The young are generally plank", "5726415bec44d21400f3dcd4": "live as cydippid-like plankton until they reach near-adult size, but then sink to the bottom and rapidly meta", "5726415bec44d21400f3dcd5": "ctenids, whose young live as cydip", "5725bdbe38643c19005acc39": "is blamed for causing fish stocks to", "5725bdbe38643c19005acc3a": "of", "5725bdbe38643c19005acc3b": "In bays where they occur in very high numbers, predation by", "5725c69738643c19005accb9": "of the Mnemiopsis population. The later accidental introduction of Beroe helped to mitigate the problem, as Beroe prey", "5725c69738643c19005accba": "kton (planktonic plants), which are a vital part", "5725c69738643c19005accbb": "kton (planktonic plants), which are a vital part of marine food chains. One ctenophore, Mnemiopsis", "5725c69738643c19005accbc": "(", "5726431d271a42140099d7f5": "to", "5726431d271a42140099d7f6": "that promoted the growth of the Mnemiopsis population. The later accidental introduction of Beroe helped to mitigate", "5726431d271a42140099d7f7": "The later accidental introduction of Beroe helped to mitigate the problem, as Beroe preys on other cte", "5726431d271a42140099d7f8": "by other factors, such as over-fishing and long-term environmental changes that promoted the growth of", "5726431d271a42140099d7f9": "which are a vital part of marine food chains", "5725c91e38643c19005acceb": "has long been debated, and the majority view at present, based on molecular phylogenetics, is that cnidarians and bilaterians", "5725c91e38643c19005accec": "on molecular", "5725c91e38643c19005acced": "that cnidarians and bilaterians are more closely related to each other than either is to ctenophores. A", "5725c91e38643c19005accee": "ctenophores in the evolutionary family tree of", "5726449f1125e71900ae1928": "to represent ctenophor", "5726449f1125e71900ae1929": "the ctenophores in the evolutionary family tree of animals has long", "5726449f1125e71900ae192a": "umulating since the 1980s indicates that the \"cydippids", "5726449f1125e71900ae192b": "have been found in lagerst\u00e4tten as far back as the early Cambrian, about 515 million years ago. The position", "5725cb33271a42140099d1db": "ians (which include almost all other animals). Unlike sponges, both ctenophores and cni", "5725cb33271a42140099d1dc": "nophores and cnidarians have:", "5725cb33271a42140099d1dd": "ctenophores and cnidarians have: cells bound by inter-cell connections and carpet-like basement membrane", "5725cb33271a42140099d1de": ", about", "5725cb33271a42140099d1df": "dar", "572646655951b619008f6ebf": "than bilaterians (", "572646655951b619008f6ec0": "nophores are distinguished from all other animals by having colloblasts, which are sticky and adhere to prey, although a", "572646655951b619008f6ec1": "bilater", "572646655951b619008f6ec2": "sensory organs. Ctenophores are distinguished from all other animals by having colloblast", "572646655951b619008f6ec3": "is more complex than sponges, about as complex as cnidarians (jellyfish, sea an", "572647d0708984140094c14b": "nophores as triploblastic, while others still regard them as diploblastic.", "572647d0708984140094c14c": "called the mesoglea in c", "572647d0708984140094c14d": "-like", "572647d0708984140094c14e": "empty", "572648e8dd62a815002e8076": "below. The name \"ctenophora\" means \"comb-bearing", "572648e8dd62a815002e8077": "5 meters (4.9 ft", "572648e8dd62a815002e8078": "species have eight strips, called", "572648e8dd62a815002e8079": "(4.9 ft) in size, ctenophores are the largest non-colonial animals that use cilia (", "57264a0ef1498d1400e8db40": "least two textbooks base their descriptions of cteno", "57264a0ef1498d1400e8db41": "Coastal species need to be tough enough to withstand waves and swirling sediment particles, while some", "57264a0ef1498d1400e8db42": "Pleurobrachia, Beroe and Mnemiopsis. At least two textbooks base", "57264a0ef1498d1400e8db43": ", Beroe and Mnemiopsis", "57264b1ddd62a815002e80a0": "muscles; a", "57264b1ddd62a815002e80a1": "pores.", "57264b1ddd62a815002e80a2": "organ is covered with ciliated cells that circulate water through the", "57264b1ddd62a815002e80a3": "internal cavity forms: a mouth that can usually be closed by muscles; a pha", "57264b1ddd62a815002e80a4": "s. The inner surface of the cavity is", "57264cfa708984140094c1c3": "cilia and flag", "57264cfa708984140094c1c4": "away from the mouth, although they can also reverse direction. Hence ctenophores usually swim in the direction in which the mouth is pointing", "57264cfa708984140094c1c5": "of unusually long cilia, up to 2 millimeters (0.079", "57264cfa708984140094c1c6": "\"aboral pole\"), and are spaced more or less evenly around the body, although spacing patterns vary", "57264cfa708984140094c1c7": "3 pattern, where the extra compact filament is suspected", "57264e66dd62a815002e811a": "ctenophores control their buoyancy, but experiments have shown that some species rely on os", "57264e66dd62a815002e811b": "osmotic pressure to adapt to water of", "57264e66dd62a815002e811c": ". If they enter less dense brackish water, the ciliary rosettes in the body cavity may pump this into the me", "57264e66dd62a815002e811d": "is uncertain how ctenophores control their buoyancy, but", "572655e5f1498d1400e8dc5e": "yst is protected by a", "572655e5f1498d1400e8dc5f": "rs", "572655e5f1498d1400e8dc60": "of the nervous", "572655e5f1498d1400e8dc61": ", in other words the overall state of the nervous system. For example", "572655e5f1498d1400e8dc62": "rs\", that sense its orientation. The statocyst is protected by a transparent dome made of long, im", "57265746dd62a815002e8218": "Cydippid ctenophores have bodies that are more or", "57265746dd62a815002e8219": "pids have bodies that are flattened to various", "57265746dd62a815002e821a": "round. From opposite sides of the body extends a pair of long, slender tentacles, each housed in a sheath", "57265746dd62a815002e821b": "each housed in a sheath into which it can be withdrawn. Some species of cydippids have bodies that are flattened to", "57265746dd62a815002e821c": "are more uniformly round. From opposite sides of the body extends a pair of long, slender tentacles, each housed in a", "572658daf1498d1400e8dcac": "on", "572658daf1498d1400e8dcad": "nematocytes into their bodies for defense. The", "572658daf1498d1400e8dcae": ", while the tentilla of all other known ctenophores elongate when relaxed. Euplokamis' tentilla", "572658daf1498d1400e8dcaf": "to their inactive state, but", "572658daf1498d1400e8dcb0": "uncoiling movement powered by contraction of the striated muscle. The wriggling motion is produced by smooth muscles, but of a highly specialized type", "572659ea5951b619008f7051": "in some species runs all the way", "572659ea5951b619008f7052": "from near the mouth to the opposite end, and are spaced evenly round the body. The \"", "572659ea5951b619008f7053": "the way along the comb rows. This forms a mechanical system for transmitting the beat rhythm from", "572659ea5951b619008f7054": "and are spaced evenly round the body. The \"combs\" beat in a metachron", "57265aaf5951b619008f706b": "tentacles originate from the corners of the mouth, running in convoluted", "57265aaf5951b619008f706c": "mouth, running in convolu", "57265aaf5951b619008f706d": "ates have four auricles, gelatinous projections edged with cilia that produce water currents", "57265aaf5951b619008f706e": "have a pair of lobes, which are muscular, cuplike extensions of", "57265aaf5951b619008f706f": "like extensions of the body that project beyond the mouth. Their inconspicuous tentacles originate from the corners of the mouth, running in con", "57265c10f1498d1400e8dd36": "movements of lobates' combs are coordinated by nerves rather than by water disturbances created by the cilia, yet comb", "57265c10f1498d1400e8dd37": "This may have enabled l", "57265c10f1498d1400e8dd38": "four of the comb rows. Most lobates are quite passive when moving through the water,", "57265c10f1498d1400e8dd39": "moving through the water, using the cilia on their comb rows for propulsion, although Leucothea has long and active a", "57265d86f1498d1400e8dd50": "a, also known as Nuda, have no feeding appendages, but their large pharynx, just inside the large mouth and filling", "57265d86f1498d1400e8dd51": "always other ctenophores. In front of the", "57265d86f1498d1400e8dd52": "\"bite", "57265d86f1498d1400e8dd53": "but their large pharynx, just inside the", "57265d86f1498d1400e8dd54": "adhesive strip. This", "57265e97708984140094c3c3": "pair of comb-rows along each aboral edge, and tentilla emerging from a groove all along the oral edge", "57265e97708984140094c3c6": "the mouth and a", "57265e97708984140094c3c4": "(4.9 ft) long, and can undulate slowly or quite rapidly. Velamen parallelum, which is typically less than", "57265e97708984140094c3c5": "ctenophores \u2013 up to 1.5 meters (", "57265e97708984140094c3c7": "in the middle", "572681c1dd62a815002e8796": "bearing", "572681c1dd62a815002e8797": "known platyctenid species lack comb-rows. Platyctenids are usually cryptically colored, live on rocks,", "572681c1dd62a815002e8798": "the pharynx and using it as a muscular \"foot\". All but one of the known platy", "572681c1dd62a815002e8799": "are usually cryptically colored, live on rocks, algae,", "572683075951b619008f7513": "ctenids use internal fertilization and keep the eggs in brood", "572683075951b619008f7514": "in the epidermis.", "572683075951b619008f7515": "but platyctenids use internal fertilization and keep the eggs in brood chambers until", "572683075951b619008f7516": "Almost all species are hermaphrodites, in", "572683075951b619008f7517": "time \u2013 except that in two species of the genus Ocryopsis individuals remain of the same single sex all their lives. The go", "572684365951b619008f753f": "the genus Beroe the juveniles, like the adults, lack tentacles and tentacle sheaths. In most", "572684365951b619008f7540": "roe the juveniles, like the adults, lack tentacles and tentacle", "572684365951b619008f7541": "genus Beroe the juvenile", "572684365951b619008f7542": "their", "572684365951b619008f7543": "Development of the fertilized", "572686fc708984140094c8e5": "much the same wavelengths as their bodies", "572686fc708984140094c8e6": "size than adults, whose luminescence is diffused over", "572686fc708984140094c8e7": "luminesce", "572686fc708984140094c8e8": "Detailed statistical investigation has not suggested the function of ctenophores", "5726887e708984140094c917": "swallow. Members of the cydippid genus Pleurobrachia and the lobate Bolinopsis often reach high population densities at the same place", "5726887e708984140094c918": "for them to swallow. Members of the cydippid genus", "5726887e708984140094c919": "place and time", "5726887e708984140094c91a": "generally feeds on smaller, weaker swimmers such", "5726887e708984140094c91b": "Bolinopsis often reach high population densities at the same place and time", "57268a37f1498d1400e8e33c": "the specialist jelly-eater", "57268a37f1498d1400e8e33d": "provide a good diet if there", "57268a37f1498d1400e8e33e": "often have large seasonal variations in population, most fish that prey on them are", "57268a37f1498d1400e8e33f": "Red Sea. The larvae of some sea anemones are parasites on c", "57268a37f1498d1400e8e340": "made them a poor diet for other animals. It is also often difficult to identify the remains of ctenophores in the guts", "57268c01dd62a815002e8912": "Sea), as it can breed very rapidly and tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and salinities. The impact was increased by chronic", "57268c01dd62a815002e8913": "animal'", "57268c01dd62a815002e8915": "in the late 1980s the Western Atlantic ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi was accidentally introduced into the Black Sea and Sea of A", "57268c01dd62a815002e8914": "the animal's metabolism. However the abundance of plankton in the area seems unlikely to be restored to pre-Mnemiopsis", "57268c01dd62a815002e8916": "predicted until after it so successfully colonized the", "57268da7f1498d1400e8e39c": "was exceptionally suited to preservation of soft tissue. Until the mid-1990s only two specimens good enough", "57268da7f1498d1400e8e39d": "-like structures unlike anything", "57268da7f1498d1400e8e39e": "sian) period. Three additional putative species were then found in the Burgess Shale and other Canadian rocks of similar age, about 505 million years ago", "57268da7f1498d1400e8e39f": "s were mounted on prominent vanes. The Ediacaran Eoandromeda could putatively", "57268da7f1498d1400e8e3a0": "putative species were then found", "57268f05dd62a815002e8990": "animals whose descendants became swimmers and changed the cilia from a feeding mechanism to a propulsion system.", "57268f05dd62a815002e8991": "ile animals whose descendants", "57268f05dd62a815002e8992": "for filter feeding. They suggested that", "57268f05dd62a815002e8993": "on its branches what they considered rows of cilia, used for filter feeding. They suggested that", "57268f05dd62a815002e8994": "frond-like fossil Stromatoveris, from China's Chengjiang lagerst\u00e4tte and dated to about 515 million years ago", "57269016708984140094ca41": "of the early evolution of animals and the origin of", "57269016708984140094ca42": "is very", "572691bedd62a815002e89dc": "was broadened to include representatives of other phyla, it concluded that cnidarians are probably more closely related to bilaterians than either", "572691bedd62a815002e89dd": "molecular phylogeny analysis in 2001, using 26 species,", "572691bedd62a815002e89de": "ago while other lineages perished. When the analysis was broadened to include representatives of other phyla, it concluded that cnidarians are probably", "572691bedd62a815002e89df": "cydippid families were more similar to members", "5725ce4d38643c19005acd4d": "contains the San Joaquin Valley. It is approximately 220 miles (", "5725ce4d38643c19005acd4e": "fifth-largest city in California, the largest inland city in", "5725ce4d38643c19005acd4f": "of the state capital, Sacramento, or 185 miles (300 km) south", "5725ce4d38643c19005acd50": "city in the U.S. state of California. As", "5725ce4d38643c19005acd51": ", is a city in the U.S. state of California. As of", "5725cfd0271a42140099d225": "and the", "5725cfd0271a42140099d226": "Railroad established a station near Easterby's\u2014by now a huge", "5725cfd0271a42140099d227": "ton residents, drawn", "5725cfd0271a42140099d228": "city in 1885. By 1931 the Fresno Traction Company operated 47 streetcars", "5725cfd0271a42140099d229": "ton residents, drawn by the convenience of the railroad and worried about flooding, moved to the new community. Fresno became", "5725d183271a42140099d23d": "including Little Armenia, German Town, Little Italy, and Chinatown. In 1940, the Census Bureau reported Fresno's population as", "5725d183271a42140099d23e": "camps. The Fresno Fairgrounds was also utilized as an assembly center.", "5725d183271a42140099d23f": "of Fresno area Japanese Americans to internment camps. The Fresno Fair", "5725d183271a42140099d240": "Armenia, German Town, Little Italy, and Chinatown. In 1940, the Census Bureau reported Fresno's population as", "5725d183271a42140099d241": "in what is now North Fresno, was the site of the Pinedale Assembly Center, an interim facility", "5725d34aec44d21400f3d639": "September 1958, Bank of", "5725d34aec44d21400f3d63a": "instrument", "5725d34aec44d21400f3d63b": "creator resigned, BankAmericard went on to become the", "5725d34aec44d21400f3d63c": "to become the first successful credit card;", "5725d34aec44d21400f3d63d": "which its creator resigned", "5725d42a89a1e219009abf58": "Jamboree\" radio and television show in Wheeling, West Virginia. Aken", "5725d42a89a1e219009abf59": "world-famous \"WWVA Jamboree\" radio and television show in Wheeling, West Virginia. Aken, adopted", "5725d42a89a1e219009abf5a": "-western show at The Fresno Barn", "5725d42a89a1e219009abf5b": ". Aken also made his first", "5725d42a89a1e219009abf5c": "adopted by Mexican movie actress Lupe", "5725d662ec44d21400f3d687": "empty", "5725d662ec44d21400f3d688": "zen Japanese Gardens, numerous picnic areas and several miles of trails, is in North Fresno and is adjacent to the San", "5725d662ec44d21400f3d689": ". Kearney Park is the largest of the", "5725d662ec44d21400f3d68a": "of trails, is in", "5725d662ec44d21400f3d68b": "Shinzen Japanese Gardens, numerous picnic areas and several miles of trails, is in North Fresno and is adjacent to the San Joaquin River", "5725d7e438643c19005acdf9": "buildings. Among them", "5725d7e438643c19005acdfa": "Fresno County Courthouse (demolished), the Fresno Carnegie Public Library (demolished), the Fresno", "5725d7e438643c19005acdfb": "s most beautiful architectural buildings. Among them, the original Fresno County", "5725d7e438643c19005acdfc": "flourished, filled with electric Street Cars, and contained some of the San Joaquin Valley's most beautiful architectural buildings. Among them,", "5725daa8ec44d21400f3d6b3": "walk up to and touch. Current plans call for the reopening of the Fulton Mall to automobile traffic. The public art pieces will be restored", "5725daa8ec44d21400f3d6b4": "locations and will feature wide sidewalks (up to 28' on the east side of the street", "5725daa8ec44d21400f3d6b5": ". The public art pieces will be restored and placed near their current locations and will feature wide", "5725daa8ec44d21400f3d6b6": "s (up to 28' on the east side of the street) to continue", "5725daa8ec44d21400f3d6b7": "be restored and placed near their current locations and will feature wide sidewalks (up to 28' on the east side of the", "5725db98ec44d21400f3d6c5": "within the City of Fresno, much of the neighborhood", "5725db98ec44d21400f3d6c6": "thoroughfares are Kings Canyon Avenue and Clo", "5725db98ec44d21400f3d6c7": "through the 1970s, it has recently experienced a surge in new home construction. It is also the home of the", "5725db98ec44d21400f3d6c8": "\"county island\" within Fresno County. Largely developed", "5725db98ec44d21400f3d6c9": "is also the home of the Sunnyside Country Club, which maintains a golf course designed by William P.", "5725dd7d89a1e219009abfea": ". The theater was built in 1939 and is at Olive and Wishon Avenues in the heart", "5725dd7d89a1e219009abfeb": "with small shops and services that flocked to the area shortly after World War II. The character of small local businesses largely remains today", "5725dd7d89a1e219009abfec": "the Tower District were developed due to the proximity of the original", "5725dd7d89a1e219009abfed": "is actually in another nearby area). The Tower District neighborhood is just north of downtown", "5725dd7d89a1e219009abfee": "The character of small local businesses largely remains today. To some extent, the", "5725e1c4271a42140099d2d7": "tation needed] After decades of neglect and suburban flight, the neighborhood revival followed the re-", "5725e1c4271a42140099d2d8": "significant", "5725e1c4271a42140099d2d9": "Theatre in the", "5725e1c4271a42140099d2da": "Avenues. Fresno native Audra McDonald performed in the leading roles of E", "5725e1c4271a42140099d2db": "the theater while she was a high school student. McDonald subsequently became a leading performer on Broadway in New", "5725e45689a1e219009ac048": ", Tower District is also known as the center of Fresno", "5725e45689a1e219009ac049": "as the center of Fresno's local punk/goth/deathrock", "5725e45689a1e219009ac04a": "s local punk/goth/deathrock and heavy", "5725e45689a1e219009ac04b": "Tower District has become", "5725e45689a1e219009ac04c": "hundred feet of each other. Since renewal, the Tower District has become an", "5725e748ec44d21400f3d733": "ard, Taylor & Wheeler. The residential architecture of", "5725e748ec44d21400f3d734": "ard, Taylor & Wheeler.", "5725e748ec44d21400f3d735": "Revival Style architecture, Mission Revival Style architecture, and many Storybook houses designed by Fresno architects, Hilliard, Taylor & Wheeler.", "5725e748ec44d21400f3d736": "style homes, Spanish Colonial Revival Style architecture, Mediterranean Revival Style architecture, Mission Revival Style architecture, and many Storybook houses designed by Fresno", "5725ec8289a1e219009ac0ae": "Stranahan for the Pacific Improvement Corporation, and was officially platted in 1911. The tract's boundaries", "5725ec8289a1e219009ac0af": "January 1912,", "5725ec8289a1e219009ac0b0": "the community. At the time of", "5725ec8289a1e219009ac0b1": "acres", "5725ec8289a1e219009ac0b2": "trees had to be watered by tank wagon. In 1914 developers Billings & Meyer", "5725edfe38643c19005ace9f": "), west of the 41 freeway and south of Nielsen Ave (or the", "5725edfe38643c19005acea0": "southwest of the 99 freeway (which divides it from Downtown Fresno), west", "5725edfe38643c19005acea1": "in the city. The neighborhood lies southwest of the 99 freeway (which divides it from Downtown Fresno)", "5725edfe38643c19005acea2": "west of the 41 freeway and south of Nielsen Ave (or the newly constructed 180 Freeway), and extends to the city limits to", "5725edfe38643c19005acea3": ", is one of", "5725f00938643c19005aced7": "the name by the", "5725f00938643c19005aced8": "Kerman, California. A small, two-lane rural road", "5725f00938643c19005aced9": "preferred neighborhood for Fresno's elite African-American families. Another section, Brookhaven, on", "5725f00938643c19005aceda": "Fresno's elite African-American families. Another section, Brookhaven, on the southern edge of the West Side south of", "5725f00938643c19005acedb": "one time the preferred neighborhood for Fresno's elite African-American families. Another section, Brookhaven,", "5725f190ec44d21400f3d76f": "and 1990s by the Fresno Housing Authority. The US Department of", "5725f190ec44d21400f3d770": "(and other small industrial facilities) has long plagued area residents. The Fresno Chandler Executive Airport is also on the West Side. Due to", "5725f190ec44d21400f3d771": "the neighborhood is also home to several public housing developments built between the 1960s and 1990s by the Fresno Housing Authority. The US Department of Housing", "5725f190ec44d21400f3d772": "of neglect by developers, is not a", "5725f190ec44d21400f3d773": "housing developments built between the 1960s and 1990s by the Fresno Housing Authority. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has also built small subdivisions", "5725f2c838643c19005aceed": "to 7pm. Woodward Park is home to the annual", "5725f2c838643c19005aceee": "and Friant Dam. The park's numerous picnic tables make for a great picnic destination", "5725f2c838643c19005aceef": "(California Interscholastic Federation) State Championship cross country", "5725f2c838643c19005acef0": "Federation) State Championship cross country meet, which takes place in late November", "5725f2c838643c19005acef1": "tones", "5725f46289a1e219009ac0fa": "the first aviation community to be built[citation", "5725f46289a1e219009ac0fb": "s to share certain roads. Sierra Sky Park was", "5725f46289a1e219009ac0fc": "Formed in 1946, Sierra Sky Park Airport is a residential airport community born of a unique agreement in", "5725f46289a1e219009ac0fd": "community born", "5725f46289a1e219009ac0fe": "now numerous such communities across the United States and around the", "5725f5b1271a42140099d371": "81% of possible sunshine, for a total of 3550 hours. Average annual precipitation is around 11.5 inches (292", "5725f5b1271a42140099d372": "), which, by definition, would classify the area as a semidesert. Most of the wind rose direction occurrences", "5725f5b1271a42140099d373": ". Fresno meteorology was selected in a national U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study", "5725f5b1271a42140099d374": "is an increased presence of southeastern wind directions in the wind rose statistics.", "5725f5b1271a42140099d375": ", as winds are driven downward along the axis of the California Central Valley; in December,", "5725f6e138643c19005acf19": "airport was 2.2 inches (0.", "5725f6e138643c19005acf1a": "(32.2 \u00b0C)+, and", "5725f6e138643c19005acf1b": "(112.5 mm) from July 1933 to June 1934.", "5725f6e138643c19005acf1c": "has ranged from 23.57 inches (598", "5725f6e138643c19005acf1d": "thru January 28, respectively, and no freeze occurred between in the 1983/1984 season. Annual rainfall has ranged from 23", "5725f7cd38643c19005acf23": "Vietnamese, 0.2% Korean), 849 (", "5725f7cd38643c19005acf24": "total population", "5725f7cd38643c19005acf25": "are Mexican", "5725f7cd38643c19005acf26": "(12.6%) Asian (3.6% Hmong, 1.7% Indian, 1.2% Filipino", "5725f7cd38643c19005acf27": "in", "5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b1": "was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 3.07. There were 111,529 families (70.4% of", "5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b2": "up of individuals and 12,344 (7.8%) had someone living", "5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b3": ", 30,547 (19.3%) had a female", "5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b4": "which 68,", "5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b5": "(0.9%) same-sex married couples or partnerships. 35,064 households (22.1%) were", "5725fabc89a1e219009ac128": "2% Asian (about", "5725fabc89a1e219009ac129": "American, 11.2% Asian (about a third of", "5725fabc89a1e219009ac12a": "and 97,915 families residing in the city. The population density was 4,097.9 people per square", "5725fabc89a1e219009ac12b": "makeup of the city was 50.2% White, 8.4% Black or African American", "5725fabc89a1e219009ac12c": ", 1.6% Native American, 11.2% Asian (", "5725fb8138643c19005acf3f": "existing VHF television stations in", "5725fb8138643c19005acf40": "-TV, which debuted on June 1, 1953. KMJ is now", "5725fb8138643c19005acf41": "The very first Fresno television station to begin broadcasting was KMJ-TV, which debuted on June 1, 1953. KMJ is", "5725fb8138643c19005acf42": "Fresno stations include ABC O&O KFS", "5725fb8138643c19005acf43": ". The very first Fresno television station to begin broadcasting was KMJ-TV, which debuted on June 1, 1953. KMJ is now known", "5725fcbe271a42140099d3ad": "Freeway/Eisenhower Freeway) comes into Fresno from Atascadero in the south", "5725fcbe271a42140099d3ae": "State Route 41 (Yosemite Freeway/Eisenhower Freeway) comes into Fresno from Atascade", "5725fcbe271a42140099d3af": "vis and Huntington Lake. State Route 41 (Yosemite Freeway/Eisenhow", "5725fcbe271a42140099d3b0": ", heads east to the city of Clovis and Huntington Lake. State Route 41 (Yosemite Freeway/Eisenhower Freeway) comes into", "5725fe63ec44d21400f3d7dd": "and traffic in cities along SR 99, as well as the desirability of Federal funding, much discussion has been", "5725fe63ec44d21400f3d7de": "cities along", "5725fe63ec44d21400f3d7df": "made to build what is now Interstate 5 on the west side of the Central", "5725fe63ec44d21400f3d7e0": ". city not directly linked to an Interstate highway. When the Interstate Highway System was", "5725ff8238643c19005acf49": "heading west and south out of the city. The city of Fresno is planned to serve the future California High Speed", "5725ff8238643c19005acf4a": "mainlines of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and", "5725ff8238643c19005acf4b": "planned to", "5725ff8238643c19005acf4c": "city; the San Joaquin Valley Railroad also operates former Southern Pacific branchlines heading west and south out of the", "5725ff8238643c19005acf4d": "operates former Southern Pacific branchlines heading west and south out of the city.", "5725d34089a1e219009abf50": "tofore established principles of pre-allocation of network bandwidth, largely fortified by the development of telecommunications in the Bell System. The new concept", "5725d34089a1e219009abf51": "Starting in", "5725d34089a1e219009abf52": "late 1950s, American computer scientist Paul Baran developed the concept Distributed Adaptive Message Block", "5725d34089a1e219009abf53": "The new concept found little resonance among network implementers until the independent", "572632ceec44d21400f3dc2f": "decade following, including the incorporation of the", "572632ceec44d21400f3dc30": "until the independent work of Donald Davies at the National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom) (NPL)", "572632ceec44d21400f3dc31": "early ARPANE", "5725d52f89a1e219009abf78": "bit rate and latency between nodes. In cases of billable services", "5725d52f89a1e219009abf79": "information transmitted, such as characters", "5725d52f89a1e219009abf7a": "information transmitted, such as characters, packets,", "572634a789a1e219009ac56c": "cases of billable services, such as cellular communication services, circuit", "572634a789a1e219009ac56d": "no data is transferred, while packet switching may be characterized by a fee per unit of information transmitted, such as characters, packets, or messages.", "572634a789a1e219009ac56e": "session, each having a constant bit rate and latency between nodes. In", "572634a789a1e219009ac56f": "of billable services, such as cellular communication", "5726219489a1e219009ac2ce": "but may be forwarded according to some scheduling discipline for", "5726219489a1e219009ac2cf": ". Packets are normally forwarded by intermediate network nodes asynchronously using first-in, first-", "5726219489a1e219009ac2d0": "ously", "5726356938643c19005ad2ff": "but may be forwarded according to some scheduling discipline for", "5726356938643c19005ad300": ". Packets are normally forwarded by intermediate network nodes asynchronously using first-in, first-", "5726356938643c19005ad301": "or guaranteed quality of service, such as weighted fair queuing or leaky bucket. In case of a", "5726249538643c19005ad07f": "The work focuses on three key ideas: use of a decentralized network with multiple paths between any two points, dividing user", "5726249538643c19005ad080": "three key ideas: use of a decentralized network with multiple paths between any two", "5726249538643c19005ad081": "B-265", "5726249538643c19005ad082": "presented to the Air Force in the summer of 1961 as briefing B-265, later published as RAND report P-2626 in 1962", "57263677ec44d21400f3dc4a": ", first presented to the Air Force in the summer of 1961 as briefing B-265, later published as RAND report P", "57263677ec44d21400f3dc4c": ". Report P", "57263677ec44d21400f3dc49": "research at the RAND Corporation for the US Air", "57263677ec44d21400f3dc4b": "switching", "572629c6271a42140099d6a3": "work. A member of Davies' team (Roger Scantlebury) met Lawrence Roberts at the 1967 ACM Symposium on", "572629c6271a42140099d6a4": "Operating System Principles and", "572629c6271a42140099d6a5": "an's,", "572629c6271a42140099d6a6": ", Donald", "5726378238643c19005ad313": "UK. He gave a talk on the proposal in 1966,", "5726378238643c19005ad314": "CM Symposium on Operating System Principles", "5726378238643c19005ad315": "the UK. He gave a talk on the proposal in 1966", "5726385e271a42140099d797": "for a dedicated path", "5726385e271a42140099d798": "set-up, but with less information as to the application's requirements", "5726385e271a42140099d799": "and out-of-order delivery", "5726385e271a42140099d79a": "s are routed individually, sometimes resulting in different paths and out-of-order", "5726398589a1e219009ac58b": ", timestamp, or sequence number, which is different", "5726398589a1e219009ac58a": "identifier rather than address information and are negotiated between endpoints so that they are delivered in order and with error checking. Address information", "5726398589a1e219009ac589": "packet requires the node to look up the connection id in a table. The packet header can be small, as it only needs to contain", "5726398589a1e219009ac588": "as length, timestamp, or sequence", "57263b1638643c19005ad333": "internal network routing operations. For X.25 its packet", "57263b1638643c19005ad335": "ABM). X.25 connections are typically established for each communication session, but it does have a feature allowing a limited amount of traffic to be", "57263b1638643c19005ad334": "layer, and the A", "57263b1638643c19005ad336": "configuration is to run IP over ATM or a version of MPLS.", "57263c78ec44d21400f3dc7b": "functionality than in the datagram model.", "57263c78ec44d21400f3dc7c": "the edge", "57263c78ec44d21400f3dc7d": "In the virtual call system, the network guarantees sequenced delivery of data to the host.", "57263c78ec44d21400f3dc7e": "host. This results in a simpler host interface with less functionality than in the data", "57263cfcec44d21400f3dc8d": ", updated the distributed namespace, and configured any", "57263cfcec44d21400f3dc8e": "Apple Inc. in 1985 for Apple", "57263cfcec44d21400f3dc8f": "router or server. The AppleTalk system automatically assigned addresses, updated the distributed namespace, and configured any required inter-network routing", "57263cfcec44d21400f3dc90": "AppleTalk system automatically assigned addresses, updated the distributed namespace, and configured any required inter-network routing. It was a", "57263dcd89a1e219009ac5a2": "grams and associated end-to-end protocol mechanisms. Concepts", "57263dcd89a1e219009ac5a3": "rather than the network itself, using unreliable datagrams and associated end-to-end protocol mechanisms. Concepts of this", "57263dcd89a1e219009ac5a4": "explore alternatives to the early ARPANET design and to support network research generally. It was the first network to make the", "57263dcd89a1e219009ac5a5": "to-end protocol", "57263ea0271a42140099d7c3": "built with three layers, it later (1982) evolved into a seven-layer OSI-compliant", "57263ea0271a42140099d7c4": "released in 1975 in", "57263ea0271a42140099d7c5": "specifications", "57263ea0271a42140099d7c6": "Linux", "57263fd138643c19005ad37b": "centers", "57263fd138643c19005ad37c": "based on Kemney's work at Dartmouth\u2014which", "57263fd138643c19005ad37d": "They lost money from the beginning, and Sinback, a high-level marketing manager, was given", "57263fd138643c19005ad37e": "a computer time-sharing service, apparently the world's first commercial online service. (In addition to selling", "5726414e271a42140099d7e5": "Tymnet and Telenet public data networks, X", "5726414e271a42140099d7e6": "from the State of Michigan and the National Science Foundation (NSF), the packet-s", "5726414e271a42140099d7e7": "host connection was made between the IBM mainframe computer systems at", "57264228ec44d21400f3dcf5": "means of making ARPANET technology public. He", "57264228ec44d21400f3dcf6": "to X.29. Telenet designed these protocols and helped standardize them in the CCITT. Telenet was", "57264228ec44d21400f3dcf7": ". Telenet designed these protocols and helped standardize them in the CCITT", "57264228ec44d21400f3dcf8": "provided the financing. It initially used ARPANET technology but changed the host interface to X.25", "57264228ec44d21400f3dcf9": "IPTO director Larry Roberts as a means of making ARPANET technology public. He had tried to interest AT&T in buying", "5726431aec44d21400f3dd13": ". Users typically connected via dial-up connections or dedicated async connections. The business consisted of a large", "5726431aec44d21400f3dd14": "Mr.", "5726431aec44d21400f3dd15": "headquartered in San Jose", "5726431aec44d21400f3dd16": "connections or dedicated async", "5726431aec44d21400f3dd17": "connections. The business consisted of a large", "572643de5951261400b5195a": "were two kinds of X.25 networks. Some such as DATAPAC and TRANSPAC were initially implemented", "572643de5951261400b5195b": "75 and X.121 allowed the interconnection of national X.25 networks", "572643de5951261400b5195c": "sold several DATAPAC clones to foreign PTT", "5726446a89cfff1900a8404d": "some cases.", "5726446a89cfff1900a8404e": "PAC", "5726446a89cfff1900a8404f": "early 1980s, AUST", "57264586f1498d1400e8dac6": "(using the X.121 DNIC 2041), the", "57264586f1498d1400e8dac7": "1 was the public switched data network operated by the Dutch PTT Telecom (now known as K", "57264586f1498d1400e8dac8": "T Telecom (now known as KPN). Strictly speaking Datanet 1 only referred to the network and the connected users via", "57264586f1498d1400e8dac9": "speaking Datanet 1 only referred to the network and the connected users via", "5726462b708984140094c117": "and", "5726462b708984140094c118": "and research institutions that could not", "5726462b708984140094c119": "Computer Science Network (CSNET) was a", "5726472bdd62a815002e8042": "1998 and was a prime investor in the National LambdaRail (N", "5726472bdd62a815002e8043": "Internet2 Network, called Abi", "5726472bdd62a815002e8044": "to launch a brand new nationwide", "5726472bdd62a815002e8045": "Internet2 Network, called Abi", "5726472bdd62a815002e8046": "consortium led by members from the research and education communities, industry,", "572647e2dd62a815002e805c": "56 kbit/s, 1.5 Mbit/s (T1), and 45 Mbit/s (T3", "572647e2dd62a815002e805d": "(NSFNET) was a program of coordinated, evolving projects sponsored by the National Science Foundation (", "572647e2dd62a815002e805e": "research and education networking in the United States. NSFNET was also the name given to several nationwide backbone networks operating at speeds of 56 kbit", "572648d1708984140094c15d": "(NSF) sponsored project to provide high-speed", "572648d1708984140094c15e": "feat for that time. The vBNS installed one of", "572648d1708984140094c15f": "points in the United States. The network was engineered and operated by MCI Telecommunications", "572648d1708984140094c160": "a cooperative agreement with the NSF. By 1998, the vBNS had", "572648d1708984140094c161": "MCI", "57264684708984140094c123": "in the 14th century. The world population as a whole did not recover to", "57264684708984140094c124": "of Central Asia, where it then travelled along the Silk Road, reaching Crimea by 1343.", "57264684708984140094c125": "to have killed 30", "57264684708984140094c126": "to 350\u2013375 million in the 14th century. The world population as a whole did not recover to pre-plague", "57264684708984140094c127": "Oriental rat fleas living on the black rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships. Spreading throughout the Mediterranean and Europe, the", "572647935951b619008f6ec9": ", in various areas including Central Asia, Kurdistan, Western Asia, Northern India and Uganda. Nestor", "572647935951b619008f6eca": ", caused by Yersinia pestis, is enzootic (commonly present) in populations of", "572647935951b619008f6ecb": "million Chinese and other Asians during", "572647935951b619008f6ecc": "had been observed at the beginning of the 14th century", "572647935951b619008f6ecd": "great", "57264845f1498d1400e8db0a": "such as war, famine, and weather contributed to the severity of the Black", "57264845f1498d1400e8db0b": "infected corpses over the city walls of Kaffa", "57264845f1498d1400e8db0c": "Genoese traders fled, taking the plague by ship into Sicily and the south of Europe, whence it spread north. Whether or not this hypothesis", "57264845f1498d1400e8db0d": "47. After a protracted siege,", "57264845f1498d1400e8db0e": ", during which the Mongol army under Jani Beg was suffering from the disease, the army catapult", "572648ed5951b619008f6f03": "the disease spread northwest across", "572648ed5951b619008f6f04": "parts of Belgium and", "572648ed5951b619008f6f05": "48, then turned and spread east through Germany and Scandinavia from", "572648ed5951b619008f6f06": "France, Spain, Portugal and", "572648ed5951b619008f6f07": "Finally it spread to northwestern Russia in 1351. The plague was somewhat less common", "57264991f1498d1400e8db2e": "through the port's trade with Constantinople, and ports on the Black", "57264991f1498d1400e8db2f": ". In 1348\u201349, the disease reached Antioch.", "57264991f1498d1400e8db30": "As it spread to western Europe,", "57264991f1498d1400e8db31": "them dying during the journey, but the infection had been spread to the people of Asia Minor.[citation", "57264a74708984140094c18b": "14th-century epidemic as a proper name. In England, it was not until 1823", "57264a74708984140094c18c": "\"Vulgo & ab effectu atram mortem vocatibant. (\"Commonly and from", "57264a74708984140094c18d": ", they called it the black death", "57264a74708984140094c18e": "as a proper name.", "57264a74708984140094c18f": "that the Latin name atra mor", "57264b3edd62a815002e80aa": "widely accepted theory. Today, this is known as the Miasma theory. The word 'plague'", "57264b3edd62a815002e80ab": "in", "57264b3edd62a815002e80ac": "plague' had no special significance at this time, and only the recurrence of outbreaks during the Middle Ages gave it the name that has", "57264b3edd62a815002e80ad": "ma theory. The word 'plague' had no special significance at this time, and only the recurrence of outbreaks during the", "57264c42dd62a815002e80c6": "ed by replicating Y.", "57264c42dd62a815002e80c7": "the", "57264c42dd62a815002e80c8": "in thousands of plague bacteria being flushed into the feeding site, infecting the host", "57264c42dd62a815002e80c9": "site, infecting the host. The bub", "57264c42dd62a815002e80ca": "scientists who visited Hong Kong in 1894, among whom was the French-Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin, after whom the", "57264cc6dd62a815002e80e4": "He was able to adopt the epidemiology of the bubonic plague for the Black Death", "57264cc6dd62a815002e80e5": "that was prevalent in the Eastern Roman Empire from 541 to", "57264cc6dd62a815002e80e6": "empty", "57264cc6dd62a815002e80e7": "700 CE", "57264cc6dd62a815002e80e8": "plague\". He was able to", "57264d58f1498d1400e8db7a": "are high fevers and purple skin patches (purpura due to disseminated intravascular coagulation). In cases of pneumonic", "57264d58f1498d1400e8db7b": "to disseminated intravascular co", "57264d58f1498d1400e8db7c": ", headaches, painful aching joints, nausea", "57264d58f1498d1400e8db7d": "onic plague", "57264d58f1498d1400e8db7e": "the disease is so rapid that there would often be no time for the development of the enlarged lymph nodes that were noted as", "57264e2f708984140094c1e1": "plague that devastated Europe during the Middle", "57264e2f708984140094c1e2": "skeletons from mass graves in northern, central and southern Europe that were associated archaeologically with the Black Death and subsequent resurgences.", "57264e2f708984140094c1e3": "open-access scientific journal PLoS Pathogens published a paper by a multinational team who undertook a new investigation into the role of Yersinia", "57264e2f708984140094c1e4": "the open-access scientific journal PLoS Pathogens published a paper by", "57264e2f708984140094c1e5": "was the causa", "57264f18f1498d1400e8dbae": "and France", "57264f18f1498d1400e8dbaf": "two waves. Surveys of plague pit remains in France and England", "57264f18f1498d1400e8dbb0": "of the modern Y. pestis strains", "57264f18f1498d1400e8dbb1": "spread through the Low Countries from 1350 differed from that found in Britain and France, implying Bergen op Zoom (", "57264f18f1498d1400e8dbb2": "is, suggesting the plague may have entered Europe in two waves. Surveys of", "57264fe65951b619008f6fa1": "Based on genetic evidence derived from Black Death victims in the East Smithfield burial site in England,", "57264fe65951b619008f6fa2": "Schuenemann et al. concluded in 2011 \"that the Black Death in", "57264fe65951b619008f6fa3": "pestis from plague victims and indicated that the strain that caused the Black Death is ancestral to most modern strains of the disease.", "57264fe65951b619008f6fa4": "medieval Europe was caused by a variant of Y. pestis that may no longer exist.\"", "5726509bdd62a815002e815a": "taken up by a number of", "5726509bdd62a815002e815b": "Graham Twigg produced the first major work to challenge the bubonic plague theory directly, and", "5726509bdd62a815002e815c": "Samuel K. Cohn, Jr.", "5726509bdd62a815002e815d": "plague, leading him to conclude that contemporary accounts were exaggerations. In 1984 zoologist Graham Twigg produced the first", "5726509bdd62a815002e815e": "onic plague, leading him to conclude that contemporary accounts were ex", "5726516a708984140094c223": "lack", "5726516a708984140094c224": "over 100% as no census was undertaken between the time of publication of the Domesday Book and the year 1377. Estimates of plague victims are usually extra", "5726516a708984140094c225": "between the time of publication of the Domesday Book and the year 1377.", "5726516a708984140094c226": "year 1377. Estimates of plague victims are usually extrapolated from", "5726516a708984140094c227": "plague in England, and even", "57265285708984140094c25b": "fleas in goods was likely to be of marginal significance; and that the DNA results may be flawed and might", "57265285708984140094c25c": "of the Black Death was much faster than that of modern bubonic plague; that mortality rates of the Black Death appear", "57265285708984140094c25d": "other mass graves.", "57265285708984140094c25e": "transport systems, the spread of", "57265285708984140094c25f": "; and that the pattern of the Black Death, with major outbreaks in the same areas separated by 5 to 15 years, differs from modern bu", "5726534d708984140094c26d": ". pestis as the major agent of the pandemic suggest that its", "5726534d708984140094c26e": "no single alternative solution has achieved widespread acceptance. Many scholars arguing for the Y. pestis as the major agent of the pan", "5726534d708984140094c26f": "extent and symptoms can be explained by a combination of bubonic plague with other diseases, including typhus", "5726534d708984140094c270": "wills registered in London during the period, which supported the pneumonic hypothesis", "5726534d708984140094c271": "s on rats;", "5726542ff1498d1400e8dc28": "Black Death killed about 40% of Egypt's population. Half of Paris", "5726542ff1498d1400e8dc29": "mass burial pits being created in response to the large numbers", "5726542ff1498d1400e8dc2a": "similar percentage of Londoners may have died from the disease as well. Interestingly", "5726542ff1498d1400e8dc2b": "50 thousand in 1351. At least 60% of the population of Hamburg and Bremen perished, and a similar percentage of Londoners may", "5726542ff1498d1400e8dc2c": "170,000 settlements in Germany, and", "572654e2708984140094c2b7": "repeatedly returned to haunt Europe and the Mediterranean throughout the 14th", "572654e2708984140094c2b8": ", marked the retreat from most of Europe (18th century) and northern Africa (19th century). According to Geoffrey Parker, \"", "572654e2708984140094c2b9": "; 1374", "5726559edd62a815002e81c8": "million in 1300, and a postincident population figure as low as 2 million. By the end of", "5726559edd62a815002e81c9": "20%. The", "5726559edd62a815002e81ca": "1471 took as much as 10\u201315% of the population", "5726559edd62a815002e81cb": "hundred years, further outbreak", "57265642f1498d1400e8dc68": "in 1623\u201325,", "57265642f1498d1400e8dc69": "Italian Plague of 1629\u20131631", "57265642f1498d1400e8dc6b": "again in 1635", "57265642f1498d1400e8dc6c": "three years before it continued on into Russia", "57265642f1498d1400e8dc6a": ", the plague was present in Paris around 30 per cent of the time. The Black Death ravaged Europe for three years before it continued on", "57265700dd62a815002e820e": "v", "57265700dd62a815002e820f": "-century Spain. The plague of 1649 probably reduced the population of", "57265700dd62a815002e8210": "million victims in Italy, or about 14% of the population. In 1656, the plague", "57265700dd62a815002e8211": "plague killed about", "57265700dd62a815002e8212": "third of Stockholm", "5726577f708984140094c301": "Baghdad has suffered severely from visitations of the plague, and sometimes two-thirds of", "5726577f708984140094c302": "location in the Islamic world virtually every year between 1500 and 1850. Plague repeatedly", "5726577f708984140094c303": "an additional thirty-one", "5726577f708984140094c304": "1500 and 1850. Plague repeatedly struck the cities of North Africa. Algiers lost 30 to 50 thousand inhabitants to it in 1620\u2013", "572657d9dd62a815002e8230": "illustrates the relationships between these three types", "572657d9dd62a815002e8231": "mineral content of the rock which gives it a characteristic", "572657d9dd62a815002e8232": "metamorphic rock may also undergo additional metamorphism. All three types", "572657d9dd62a815002e8233": "rock can then be subsequently turned into a metamorphic rock due to heat and pressure and is then weathered", "572657d9dd62a815002e8234": "rock, and magma. When a rock crystallizes from", "57265d08708984140094c397": "tectonic plates that move across the plastically deforming, solid, upper mantle", "57265d08708984140094c398": "rigid uppermost portion of the upper mantle, is separated into a number", "57265d08708984140094c399": "of discoveries, the most important of which was seafloor spreading, showed that the", "57265d08708984140094c39a": "the", "57265d08708984140094c39b": "mantle. This coupling between rigid plates moving on the surface of the Earth and the", "57265f605951b619008f70db": "a mechanism for Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift, in which the continents move across the surface of the Earth over geologic time.", "57265f605951b619008f70dc": "the seafloor where hydrothermal vents and volcanoes exist, were explained as divergent boundaries, where two plates move apart. Arcs of volcanoes and", "57265f605951b619008f70dd": "setting for the observations of structural", "57265f605951b619008f70de": "over geologic time. They also provided a driving force for crustal deformation, and a new setting for the observations of structural geology. The power", "57265f605951b619008f70df": "in its ability to combine all of these observations into a single theory of how the lit", "57266193dd62a815002e832a": ". These images have led to a much more detailed view of the", "57266193dd62a815002e832b": "a liquid outer core (where shear waves were not able to propagate) and a dense solid inner core. These advances", "57266193dd62a815002e832d": "arrival times of seismic waves in reverse to image the interior of the Earth. Early advances in this field", "57266193dd62a815002e832e": "in a CT scan. These images", "57266193dd62a815002e832c": "in the same way a doctor images a body in a CT scan. These images", "572663a9f1498d1400e8ddf2": "small to be shown clearly on the third timeline on the right, another reason for expanding the fourth scale. The Pleistocene", "572663a9f1498d1400e8ddf4": "are therefore each", "572663a9f1498d1400e8ddf5": "in the third scale. Since the Quaternary", "572663a9f1498d1400e8ddf6": "era, so the most recent era is expanded in the third scale. Since the Quaternary is a very short period with short epochs, it", "572665ff708984140094c4c3": "tains to the formation of faults and the age of the sequences through which they cut. Faults are younger than the rocks they", "572665ff708984140094c4c4": ". Finding the key bed in", "572665ff708984140094c4c5": "fault or a", "572665ff708984140094c4c6": "fault", "572667e2f1498d1400e8de90": "example, in sedimentary rocks, it is common for gravel from an older formation to be ripped up and included in a newer", "572667e2f1498d1400e8de91": "bodies are picked up as magma or lava flows, and are incorporated, later to cool in the matrix. As a result, xeno", "572667e2f1498d1400e8de92": "when xenoliths are found", "572667e2f1498d1400e8de93": "for gravel from an older formation to be ripped up and included in a newer layer. A similar situation with igneous rocks", "572667e2f1498d1400e8de94": "s and components states that, with", "572669a9dd62a815002e8416": "faunal succession is based on the appearance of", "572669a9dd62a815002e8417": "the localization of fossil types due to lateral", "572669a9dd62a815002e8418": "the appearance of fossils in sedimentary rocks.", "572669a9dd62a815002e8419": "facies change in sedimentary strata), and that not all fossils may be", "572669a9dd62a815002e841a": "which they are found. Based on principles laid out", "57266c015951b619008f7237": "science was facilitated by the ability to obtain accurate absolute dates to geologic events using radioactive isotopes and other methods. This changed the understanding", "57266c015951b619008f7238": "to obtain accurate absolute dates to geologic events using radioactive isotopes and other methods.", "57266c015951b619008f7239": "20", "57266c015951b619008f723a": "s could only use fossils and stratigraphic correlation to date sections of rock relative to one another", "57266c015951b619008f723b": "dates it became possible to assign absolute ages", "57266e72f1498d1400e8df8c": "into and out of the crystal lattice. These are", "57266e72f1498d1400e8df8d": "be used to determine", "57266e72f1498d1400e8df8e": "gon dating and uranium-thorium dating. These methods are used for a variety of applications", "57266e72f1498d1400e8df8f": "different radiometric isotopes stop diffusing into and out of the crystal lattice. These are used in geochronologic and thermo", "5726701add62a815002e84c8": "rock units within the folds remain pointing upwards, they are called an", "5726701add62a815002e84c9": "superposition, this can result in older rocks moving on top of younger ones. Movement along", "5726701add62a815002e84ca": "facing downward, the structure is called an overturned anticline or syncline, and if", "5726701add62a815002e84cb": "folds can either be those where the material in the center", "5726701add62a815002e84cc": "accomplished in two primary ways", "572671a5f1498d1400e8dfe4": "at the depth to be ductilely stretched are often also metamorph", "572671a5f1498d1400e8dfe5": "This typically results in younger units being placed below older units. Stretching of units can result in their thinning; in fact, there is", "572671a5f1498d1400e8dfe6": "being placed below older", "572671a5f1498d1400e8dfe7": "also metamorphosed. These stretched rocks can also pinch into lenses", "572671a5f1498d1400e8dfe8": "ly", "572673f5708984140094c69b": "on the rock unit that is increasing in elevation to be eroded by hillslopes and channels. These sediments are deposited on the rock", "572673f5708984140094c69c": "result in the emplace", "572673f5708984140094c69d": "unit that is going down. Continual motion along the fault maintains the topographic gradient in spite", "572673f5708984140094c69e": "s, such as those that are observable across the Canadian shield, or rings of di", "572673f5708984140094c69f": ", and therefore often form in large numbers in areas that are being actively deformed. This can result in the emplacement", "57267640f1498d1400e8e074": "is undiscernable without laboratory analysis. In addition, these processes can occur in stages. In many places,", "57267640f1498d1400e8e075": "continental", "57267640f1498d1400e8e076": ", the oldest known rock in the world have been metamorphosed to the point where", "57267640f1498d1400e8e077": ", consist almost entirely of layered basaltic lava flows. The sedimentary sequences of the mid", "57267640f1498d1400e8e078": "were metamorphosed and deformed, and then deformation ended and the upper, undeformed units were deposited.", "572677e7708984140094c723": "(the study of rocks), stratigraphy (the study of sedimentary layers), and structural geology (", "572677e7708984140094c724": "petrology (", "572677e7708984140094c725": "past and", "572677e7708984140094c726": "decipher Earth history and understand the processes that occur on and inside the Earth. In typical", "57267947f1498d1400e8e0ec": "mineralogy analysis, thin sections of rock samples are analyzed through a petrographic microscope, where the minerals can be", "57267947f1498d1400e8e0ed": "the primary methods for identifying rocks in the", "57267947f1498d1400e8e0ee": "different properties in plane-polarized and cross-polarized light, including their birefringence, pleochroism", "57267947f1498d1400e8e0ef": "the laboratory are through optical microscopy and by using an electron microprobe. In an optical mineralogy analysis, thin sections", "57267947f1498d1400e8e0f0": "con", "57267b3c5951b619008f7423": "igneous rocks. This work can also help to explain processes that occur within the Earth, such", "57267b3c5951b619008f7424": "understand metamorphic processes and", "57267b3c5951b619008f7425": "igneous rocks. This work can also help to explain processes that occur within the Earth, such as subduction and magma", "57267d52708984140094c7d9": "analog and numerical experiments of rock deformation in", "57267d52708984140094c7da": "plot and combine measurements of geological structures", "57267d52708984140094c7db": "empty", "57267d52708984140094c7dc": "of rock deformation in the area. In addition, they perform analog and numerical experiments of rock", "57267ebfdd62a815002e872c": "to show the relationship between erosion and the shape of the mountain range. These studies can also", "57267ebfdd62a815002e872d": "work in the same way as these analog models, though they are", "57267ebfdd62a815002e872e": "metamorphism through pressure, temperature,", "57267ebfdd62a815002e872f": ", which results in realistic-looking patterns of faulting and the growth of a critically tapered (", "57267ebfdd62a815002e8730": "and uplift in the mountain", "57268066708984140094c821": "processes occurring", "57268066708984140094c822": ". Geophysical data and well", "57268066708984140094c823": ".", "57268066708984140094c824": "of stratigraphic sections that can be returned from the field, such as those from drill cores. Stratigraphers", "57268066708984140094c825": "computer programs to do this in three dimensions. Stratigraphers can then use these data to reconstruct ancient processes occurring", "57268220f1498d1400e8e218": "stratigraphers", "57268220f1498d1400e8e216": "environment in which the rock units formed. Geochronologists precisely date", "57268220f1498d1400e8e219": "graphers", "57268220f1498d1400e8e217": "s on the", "572683f95951b619008f7525": ", the polymath Shen Kuo (1031\u20131095) formulated a hypothesis for the process of land formation: based on his observation", "572683f95951b619008f7526": "Ibn Sina (Avicenna, 981\u20131037) proposed detailed explanations for the formation of mountains, the origin of earthquake", "572683f95951b619008f7527": "geology can", "572683f95951b619008f7528": "a sea. Drawing from Greek and Indian scientific literature that were not destroyed by the Muslim conquests, the Persian scholar Ibn Sina (A", "572683f95951b619008f7529": "India, hypothesizing that the Indian subcontinent was once a sea. Drawing from Greek and Indian scientific literature that were not destroyed by", "57268527708984140094c8bf": "the bottom of the sea, which in turn were raised up to become dry land. Hutton published", "57268527708984140094c8c0": "mountains to be eroded and for sediments to form new rocks at the bottom of the sea, which", "57268527708984140094c8c1": "for mountains to be eroded and for sediments to form new rocks at the", "57268527708984140094c8c2": "allow enough time for mountains to be eroded and for sediments to form new rocks at the bottom of", "572686ac5951b619008f75a9": "recrossed some 50 times. The results of his un", "572686ac5951b619008f75aa": "in 1809 by William Mac", "572686ac5951b619008f75ab": "American Philosophical Society in a memoir entitled Observations on the Geology of the United States explanatory of", "572686ac5951b619008f75ad": "the nation's first geological map. This antedates William Smith'", "572686ac5951b619008f75ac": "the American Philosophical", "57268882f1498d1400e8e306": ", Principles of Geology, in", "57268882f1498d1400e8e307": "occurred throughout the Earth's history and are still occurring today. In contrast, catastrophism is the theory that Earth", "57268882f1498d1400e8e308": "and", "57268882f1498d1400e8e309": "contrast, catastrophism is the theory that Earth's features formed", "57268882f1498d1400e8e30a": "the", "5726642f5951b619008f7157": "in Tyne and Wear, North East England, 103 miles (166 km) south of Edinburgh and 277 miles (446 km) north", "5726642f5951b619008f7158": ", 103 miles (166 km) south of", "5726642f5951b619008f7159": "is a city in Tyne and Wear, North East England, 103 miles (166 km) south", "5726642f5951b619008f715a": "k\u00e6s\u0259l \u0259\u02ccp", "5726642f5951b619008f715b": "England, 103 miles (", "5726651ff1498d1400e8de30": "developed around the Roman settlement Pons Aelius and was named after the castle", "5726651ff1498d1400e8de31": ", learning, digital", "5726651ff1498d1400e8de32": "mining area. The port developed in the 16th century and, along", "5726651ff1498d1400e8de33": "the Tyne Bridge. It has hosted the world's most popular", "5726651ff1498d1400e8de34": "around the Roman", "5726660d5951b619008f71b1": "first recorded settlement in what is now Newcastle was Pons Aelius, a Roman fort and bridge across", "5726660d5951b619008f71b2": "immigration and the incursion of Pictish tribes from the north, not as a fighting", "5726660d5951b619008f71b3": "Aelius, a Roman fort and bridge across the River Tyne. It was given the family", "5726660d5951b619008f71b4": "Fragments", "5726660d5951b619008f71b5": ". This rare honour suggests that Hadrian may have visited the site and", "572666d9dd62a815002e83b4": "Henry II, the city had a new charter granted by Elizabeth in 1589. A 25-foot (7.6 m", "572666d9dd62a815002e83b5": ". Newcastle was successfully defended against the Scots three times during the 14th century, and was created a county corporate with", "572666d9dd62a815002e83b6": "charter granted by Elizabeth in 1589. A 25-foot (7", "572666d9dd62a815002e83b7": "the town. Newcastle was successfully defended", "572666d9dd62a815002e83b8": ". Newcastle was successfully defended against the Scots three times during the 14th", "57266783f1498d1400e8de86": "act restricted all shipments of coal from Tyne", "57266783f1498d1400e8de87": "made a", "57266783f1498d1400e8de88": "major town. The phrase taking coals to Newcastle was first recorded contextually in 1538. The phrase itself", "57266783f1498d1400e8de89": "all shipments of coal from", "57266783f1498d1400e8de8a": "a shipment of coal to Newcastle by merchants plotting to ruin him; however his shipment arrived on the", "57266a15f1498d1400e8def6": "the 1630s about 7,000 out of 20,000 inhabitants of Newcastle died of plague, more than one-third of the population. Specifically within the", "57266a15f1498d1400e8def7": "east of the city and beside the river, resided the close-knit community of keelmen and their families. They were so", "57266a15f1498d1400e8def8": ". Specifically within the year 1636, it is roughly estimated with evidence held by the Society of Antiquaries", "57266a15f1498d1400e8def9": "with evidence held by the Society of Antiquaries that 47% of the then population of Newcastle died from the epidemic;", "57266a15f1498d1400e8defa": "city and beside", "57266ab3dd62a815002e8434": "reinforced fortification on the", "57266ab3dd62a815002e8435": "ph", "57266ab3dd62a815002e8436": "Triumphans\" (\"Triumphing by a brave defence\") upon the town. Charles I was imprisoned", "57266ab3dd62a815002e8437": "During the English Civil War, the North declared for the King", "57266ab3dd62a815002e8438": "in South Shields following a siege. In 1644 the city was then besieged for many months and was eventually stormed ('with roaring", "57266cc9f1498d1400e8df53": "the world, moved to the city. The", "57266cc9f1498d1400e8df54": "'s", "57266cc9f1498d1400e8df55": "2-mile (4.", "57266cc9f1498d1400e8df52": "in the world to be lit up by", "57266cc9f1498d1400e8df56": "Street in the city, was the first public road in the world to be lit up by", "57266dd4f1498d1400e8df78": "-listed 16th century merchant's house at 28\u2013", "57266dd4f1498d1400e8df79": "higher parts of the city centre and the extant Castle Keep, originally recorded", "57266dd4f1498d1400e8df7a": "Bessie Surtees House, the Cooperage and Lloyds Quayside Bars, Derwentwater House and \"House", "57266dd4f1498d1400e8df7b": "centuries, including Bessie Surtees House, the Cooperage and Lloyds", "57266dd4f1498d1400e8df7c": "retains a medieval street layout. Narrow alleys or '", "57266ec2dd62a815002e84a0": "foodie street category. A portion of Grainger Town was demolished", "57266ec2dd62a815002e84a1": "demolished in the 1960s to make way for the Eldon Square Shopping Centre, including all but one side of the original Eldon", "57266ec2dd62a815002e84a2": "Grey Street as one of the finest streets in England. The street curves down from Grey's Monument towards", "57266ec2dd62a815002e84a3": "British scholar of", "57266ec2dd62a815002e84a4": ". The street curves down from Grey's Monument towards the valley of the", "57266fa1f1498d1400e8dfa4": "United Football Club's ground, though this is not exercised, although the Freemen", "57266fa1f1498d1400e8dfa5": "right to graze cattle on it. The right incidentally extends", "57266fa1f1498d1400e8dfa7": ", Alan Shearer, the late Nelson Mandela and the Royal Shakespeare Company. The Hoppings funfair, said to be", "57266fa1f1498d1400e8dfa8": "and Hampstead Heath put together and the freemen of the city have the right to graze cattle on it. The", "57266fa1f1498d1400e8dfa6": "graze cattle on it. The", "57267076708984140094c601": "has integrated the older Newcastle Quayside more closely with major cultural developments in Gateshead, including the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art", "57267076708984140094c602": "; an innovative tilting bridge, the Gateshead Millennium Bridge was commissioned by", "57267076708984140094c603": "in 2008 for ten days; it was not made", "57267076708984140094c604": "in Gateshead, including the BALTIC Centre", "57267076708984140094c605": ", the Gateshead Millennium Bridge was commissioned by Gateshead Council and has integrated the older Newcastle Quayside more closely with major cultural developments in Gates", "572671165951b619008f72b7": "of the city centre including Grainger Market, Theatre", "572671165951b619008f72b8": "stories high, with vertical dormers, domes, turrets", "572671165951b619008f72b9": "s and spikes. Richard Grainger was said to 'have found Newcastle of bricks and timber and left it in stone'. Of", "572671165951b619008f72ba": "Newcastle upon Tyne's finest", "572671e55951b619008f72d7": "empty", "572671e55951b619008f72d8": "destroyed by a fire in 1901 and replaced by lattice", "572671e55951b619008f72d9": "roof which was destroyed by a fire in 1901", "572671e55951b619008f72da": "ger Market itself, was opened in 1835 and was Newcastle", "572671e55951b619008f72db": "Gallery has a painting of this event. With the exception", "57267383dd62a815002e8552": "er than some other locations in the world at a similar latitude, due to the warming influence of the Gulf Stream", "57267383dd62a815002e8553": ") during August 1990 down to \u221212.", "57267383dd62a815002e8554": "January 1982.", "57267383dd62a815002e8555": "Weather Centre include 32.5 \u00b0C (90.", "57267383dd62a815002e8556": "er than some other locations in the world", "572674f6f1498d1400e8e03a": "largest city centre shopping complexes in the UK. It incorporates a flagship Debenhams store as well as one of", "572674f6f1498d1400e8e03b": "incorporates a flagship Debenhams store as well as one of the largest John", "572674f6f1498d1400e8e03c": "are several major shopping areas in Newcastle City Centre. The largest of these is the El", "572674f6f1498d1400e8e03d": ", including", "572674f6f1498d1400e8e03e": "the area could be redeveloped. This was completed in February 2010 with the opening of a flagship Debenhams department store as well as other", "5726769c708984140094c711": "United Kingdom is located in Kingston Park on the edge", "5726769c708984140094c712": "Tesco store in the United Kingdom is located in Kingston Park on the edge of Newcastle. Close to Newcastle, the", "5726769c708984140094c713": "empty", "5726769c708984140094c714": "Tesco store in the United Kingdom is located in Kingston Park on the edge of Newcastle. Close to Newcastle, the largest indoor shopping centre in", "5726769c708984140094c715": "the largest indoor shopping centre", "5726778df1498d1400e8e0ac": "still be found in areas such as South Heaton in Newcastle but", "5726778df1498d1400e8e0ad": "the time when the", "5726778df1498d1400e8e0ae": "empty", "5726778df1498d1400e8e0af": "s were built as terraces, one of each pair of doors led to an upstairs flat while the other led into the ground-floor", "5726778df1498d1400e8e0b0": "most rapidly. They can still be found in areas such as South Heaton in Newcastle but once dominated the streetscape on", "572678c0dd62a815002e863e": "is one of few authorities to see the proportion of detached homes rise in the", "572678c0dd62a815002e863f": "see the", "572678c0dd62a815002e8640": "in the 2010 Census (to 7.8%), in this", "572678c0dd62a815002e8641": "dwelling type within the highest of the five colour-coded brackets at 5.9%, and on a par with Oxford and", "572678c0dd62a815002e8642": "local authorities: Harrogate,", "572679c35951b619008f73db": "(population circa", "572679c35951b619008f73dc": "metropolitan borough of Newcastle had a population of around 259,000. Newcastle has", "572679c35951b619008f73dd": "Tyneside (population circa 201,000), South Tyneside", "572679c35951b619008f73de": "for National Statistics. The metropolitan boroughs", "572679c35951b619008f73df": ",650,000. Newcastle is also home to a large student population with Newcastle and Northumbria Universities in", "57267a94f1498d1400e8e122": ",", "57267a94f1498d1400e8e123": "Charlton,", "57267a94f1498d1400e8e124": "(Polish, Czech", "57267a94f1498d1400e8e125": ". There is a strong presence of Border Reiver surnames, such as", "57267a94f1498d1400e8e126": ", Hall, Nixon, Little and Robson. There are also small but significant Chinese,", "57267b65dd62a815002e86a6": "dialect has much of its", "57267b65dd62a815002e86a7": ". An example of this is the pronunciation of certain words: \"dead\", \"cow\", \"", "57267b65dd62a815002e86a8": "of certain words: \"", "57267b65dd62a815002e86a9": "Anglo-Saxon \"laeran\", meaning \"teach\"), \"burn\" (", "57267b65dd62a815002e86aa": "Geordie, and", "57267c63dd62a815002e86d6": "yes\") and \"nowt\" (IPA://na\u028at", "57267c63dd62a815002e86d7": "The words \"", "57267c63dd62a815002e86d8": ", from the Dutch gooien, via West Fri", "57267c63dd62a815002e86d9": "\"), \"netty\" (\"toilet\"", "57267c63dd62a815002e86da": "and hjem are the corresponding modern Norwegian and Danish words. Some words used in the Geordie dialect are used", "57267ce7708984140094c7c9": "'s case included a motorway underpass", "57267ce7708984140094c7ca": "the University College London, and Widex, a Danish hearing aid manufacturer, Newcastle was named as the noisiest city in the whole of the UK", "57267ce7708984140094c7cb": "ing", "57267ce7708984140094c7cc": "s at arbitrarily selected locations, which in Newcastle's case included a motorway under", "57267ce7708984140094c7cd": "levels would have a negative long-term impact on the", "57267de1f1498d1400e8e194": "gay scene - '", "57267de1f1498d1400e8e195": "city centre. There are many bars on the Bigg Market, and other popular areas for nightlife", "57267de1f1498d1400e8e196": "- is centred on the Times Square area near the Centre for Life and has a range of bars", "57267de1f1498d1400e8e197": "Road in the Jesmond area of the city. In recent years \"The Gate\" has opened in the city centre,", "57267de1f1498d1400e8e198": "s gay scene - 'The Pink Triangle' -", "57267f695951b619008f74bd": "make way for Grey", "57267f695951b619008f74be": "ble", "57267f695951b619008f74bf": "on Mos", "57267f695951b619008f74c0": "The city has a proud history of theatre. Stephen Kemble of the famous Kemble family", "57267f695951b619008f74c1": ". The original Theatre Royal in Newcastle was opened on 21 January 1788 and was", "5726800add62a815002e8750": "by the Northern Stage company. Other theatres in the city include the Live Theatre, the People's", "5726800add62a815002e8751": "productions in addition to those produced", "5726800add62a815002e8752": "by John and Benjamin Green. It has", "5726800add62a815002e8753": ", first opened", "5726800add62a815002e8754": "and the Jubilee Theatre. NewcastleGateshead was voted in 2006 as the arts capital of the UK in a survey", "572680865951b619008f74e7": "150,000 books. Its music", "572680865951b619008f74e8": "premises were built in 1825 and the building was designed by John and Benjamin Green. Operating since 1793 and founded as a", "572680865951b619008f74e9": "ation club,\u2019 its lecture theatre was the first public building to be", "572680865951b619008f74ea": "club,\u2019 its lecture theatre was the first public building to be", "572680865951b619008f74eb": "and the building was designed by John and Benjamin Green. Operating since 1793 and founded as a \u2018conversation", "57268109f1498d1400e8e1fa": ", Indie and Dance music. The biennial AV Festival", "57268109f1498d1400e8e1fb": ", featuring exhibitions, concerts, conferences and film screenings, is held", "57268109f1498d1400e8e1fc": "Gateshead Quaysides over the Spring bank holiday, with performances by acts from the world of Rock, Indie and", "57268109f1498d1400e8e1fd": "Gateshead, a festival of food and", "57268109f1498d1400e8e1fe": "East Art Expo, a festival of art and design from the regions professional artists, is held in", "57268341f1498d1400e8e23c": "the largest travelling fair in Europe,", "57268341f1498d1400e8e23d": "Gay Community in mid July. The Ouseburn Festival, a family oriented weekend festival near the", "57268341f1498d1400e8e23e": "zes Park and in the city's", "57268341f1498d1400e8e23f": "Park", "57268341f1498d1400e8e240": "to be the", "572683e6f1498d1400e8e24c": "in the Norman Foster designed Sage Gateshead Music and Arts Centre in September. In October, there", "572683e6f1498d1400e8e24e": "event, blending drama, music and food from Punjabi, Pakistani, Bengali and Hindu cultures. NewcastleGateshead also holds an annual", "572683e6f1498d1400e8e24f": "Norman Foster designed Sage Gateshead Music and Arts Centre in September", "572683e6f1498d1400e8e250": "an annual International Arts Fair. The 2009", "572683e6f1498d1400e8e24d": "la, held on the late August bank holiday weekend, is an annual two-day multicultural event, blending drama, music and food from Punjabi", "5726847f708984140094c8ab": "1961. Brian Johnson was a member of local rock band Geordie before becoming", "5726847f708984140094c8ac": ", reckoned by many to be the originators of", "5726847f708984140094c8ad": "ier thrash metal band", "5726847f708984140094c8ae": "a member of local rock band Geordie before becoming the lead", "5726847f708984140094c8af": "g on the Tyne\" (1971), was covered by Geordie ex-footballer Paul", "57268525dd62a815002e8806": "s last surviving news cinema still in full-time", "57268525dd62a815002e8807": "refurbished original building. The site currently houses three cinemas, including the restored Classic \u2014the United Kingdom's last surviving news cinema still in", "57268525dd62a815002e8808": "-time operation\u2014alongside two new screens, a roof extension containing the Tyneside", "57268525dd62a815002e8809": "2008; during", "57268525dd62a815002e880a": "side Cinema reopened in the restored and refurbished original building. The site currently houses three cinemas, including the restored Classic \u2014the", "57268692dd62a815002e8826": "the New", "57268692dd62a815002e8827": "Tyneside's shipbuilding heritage, and inventions which changed", "57268692dd62a815002e8828": "inventions which", "57268692dd62a815002e8829": "Museum of Antiquities", "57268692dd62a815002e882a": ".", "57268731f1498d1400e8e2e2": ". The city was also backdrop to another gangster film", "57268731f1498d1400e8e2e3": "shot on location in", "57268731f1498d1400e8e2e4": "in the city is On the Night of the Fire (1939), though by and large the action is studio-bound. Later came The", "57268731f1498d1400e8e2e5": "directed by Mike Figgis and starring Tommy Lee Jones, Melanie Griffith, Sting and Sean Bean.", "57268731f1498d1400e8e2e6": "the Fire (1939), though by and large the action is studio-bound. Later came The Clouded Yellow (1951) and", "572687e1dd62a815002e8852": "away on the coast at South Shields. Another famous athletic event is the 5.9-mile (9.5 km)", "572687e1dd62a815002e8853": "towards", "572687e1dd62a815002e8854": "(", "572687e1dd62a815002e8855": "new Sport Central complex at Northumbria University. The Eagles are the most successful team in the history of the British Basketball League (", "572687e1dd62a815002e8856": "ydon), which has taken place on 9 June annually since 1981, to commemorate the celebrated Blaydon", "57268885dd62a815002e886a": ", and the fastest growing regional airport in the UK, expecting to reach 10 million passengers by", "57268885dd62a815002e886b": "per year, and is the tenth largest,", "57268885dd62a815002e886c": "city centre on the northern outskirts of the city", "57268885dd62a815002e886d": "6 miles (9.7 km) from the city centre on the northern outskirts of the city near", "57268885dd62a815002e886e": "approximately 20 minutes. The airport handles over five million passengers per year, and is the tenth", "572689385951b619008f761b": "company. The city's other mainline", "572689385951b619008f761c": ", it was the first covered railway station in the world and was much copied across the UK. It has a neoclassical fa\u00e7ade, originally", "572689385951b619008f761d": "collaboration with Robert Stephenson. The station sightlines towards the", "572689385951b619008f761e": ". The station sightlines towards the Castle Keep, whilst showcasing the curvature of the station\u2019s arched roof. The first services were operated", "572689385951b619008f761f": "was completed on the stations historic entrance. Glazing was placed over the historic arches and the Victorian architecture", "572689b6dd62a815002e8890": "these services call at Durham, Darlington, York", "572689b6dd62a815002e8891": "Country trains serve destinations in Yorkshire, the Midlands and the South West. First Trans", "572689b6dd62a815002e8892": "of trains extended to Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness. CrossCountry trains serve destinations in Yorkshire, the Midlands", "572689b6dd62a815002e8893": "trains to London King's Cross, with", "572689b6dd62a815002e8894": "and Peterborough and north to Scotland with all trains calling at Edinburgh and a small number", "57268a8fdd62a815002e88ce": "urban light", "57268a8fdd62a815002e88cf": "was Britain's first urban light rail", "57268a8fdd62a815002e88d0": ", a system of suburban", "57268a8fdd62a815002e88d1": "was opened in five phases between 1980 and 1984,", "57268a8fdd62a815002e88d2": ", a", "57268bb25951b619008f7645": "cases complete reconstruction, for example North", "57268bb25951b619008f7646": ". Proposed routes include to Newcastle's west end, to the Cobalt business park in", "57268bb25951b619008f7647": "and most stations are undergoing improvement works (", "57268bb25951b619008f7648": "Cobalt business park in North Tyneside, to the Metrocentre in Gateshead and to additional locations in Gateshead, South Tyne", "57268bb25951b619008f7649": ". Longer term plans include the procurement of an entirely new fleet of trains and further extensions to the system. Proposed routes include to Newcastle'", "57268d1b708984140094c9cd": "coast between Tynemouth and Cullercoats. Many of these designations are recent\u2014upon", "57268d1b708984140094c9ce": "roads between this and the A1's former alignment through the Tyne Tunnel were renumbered, with many city centre roads changing from a 6-", "57268d1b708984140094c9cf": "Gateshead, Chester-le-Street, Durham and Darlington; and the A1058 \"Coast Road\", which runs", "57268d1b708984140094c9d0": "Newcastle Airport and up through central Northumberland and central Scottish", "57268d1b708984140094c9d1": "a project to build a second road", "57268ff9f1498d1400e8e3e6": "the city: Haymarket bus station and Eldon Square bus station. Arriva mainly operates", "57268ff9f1498d1400e8e3e7": "two major bus stations in the city: Haymarket bus station and Eldon Square bus station. Arriva mainly operates from Haymarket", "57268ff9f1498d1400e8e3e8": "and", "57268ff9f1498d1400e8e3e9": ", Killingworth, Wallsend and Ponteland. Bus Services in Newcastle upon Tyne and the surrounding boroughs part of the Tyne and Wear area are", "57268ff9f1498d1400e8e3ea": "South Tyne", "57269120708984140094ca59": "integrate cycling into workplace travel plans; link the", "57269120708984140094ca5a": "ating and implementing contraflows on one", "57269120708984140094ca5b": "authority also has infrastructure aims and objectives which include: developing on road cycle networks on quieter", "57269120708984140094ca5c": "include: developing on road cycle networks on quieter streets; making safer routes on busier streets; in", "57269120708984140094ca5d": "objectives which include: developing on road cycle networks on quieter streets; making safer routes on busier streets; in", "5726934f5951b619008f771d": "company cited high fuel prices and new competition from low-cost air services as the cause \u2013", "5726934f5951b619008f771e": "summer 2007, Thomson cruise lines have included Newcastle as a departure port on its Norwegian and Fjords cruise", "5726934f5951b619008f771f": "DS Sea", "5726934f5951b619008f7720": "departure port on its Norwegian and Fjords", "5726934f5951b619008f7721": "\u2013 the", "57269526dd62a815002e8a4e": "Mary's Catholic Comprehensive School,", "57269526dd62a815002e8a4f": "Newcastle area. St Cuthbert's High School", "57269526dd62a815002e8a50": "are located on the same street in Jesmond. Newcastle School for Boys is the only independent boys'", "57269526dd62a815002e8a51": "sforth. Newcastle College is the largest general further", "57269526dd62a815002e8a52": "Sacred Heart and Benfield School. The largest co-ed independent school is the Royal Grammar School", "57269698dd62a815002e8a6c": "origins in the Newcastle Polytechnic, established in 1969 and became the University of Northumbri", "57269698dd62a815002e8a6d": "umbria University. Newcastle University has its origins in the School of Medicine and", "57269698dd62a815002e8a6e": "Good", "57269698dd62a815002e8a6f": "Northumbria University has its origins", "57269698dd62a815002e8a70": "the UK's leading international universities. It won the coveted Sunday Times University of the Year award in 2000", "572699b55951b619008f778f": "cathedrals began their lives as parish churches. St Mary's became a cathedral in 1850 and St Nicholas", "572699b55951b619008f7790": "by Pugin and the Coptic Cathedral located in Fenham. All three cathedrals began their lives as parish", "572699b55951b619008f7791": "Welby Pugin and the Coptic Cathedral located in Fenham. All three cathedrals began their lives as parish churches. St Mary", "572699b55951b619008f7792": "by Augustus Welby Pugin and the Coptic Cathedral located in Fenham. All", "572699b55951b619008f7793": "of St Thomas the Martyr which is the only parish church in the", "57269b165951b619008f77b3": "church tower received a battering during the Siege of", "57269b165951b619008f77b4": "River Tyne dedicated to St Andrew, including the Priory church at Hexham. The building contains more old stonework", "57269b165951b619008f77b5": "in Newcastle.", "57269b165951b619008f77b6": ". The church tower received a battering during the Siege of Newcastle by the Scots who finally breached the Town Wall and forced surrender. Three of the", "57269b165951b619008f77b7": "than any other church in Newcastle. It is surrounded by the last of the ancient churchyards to", "57269c26f1498d1400e8e4ca": "s music television programme, The Tube. BBC North East and Cumbria is located to the north of the city on Barrack Road", "57269c26f1498d1400e8e4cb": "television programme, The Tube. BBC North East and Cumbria is located to the north of the city on", "57269c26f1498d1400e8e4cc": "2005 it moved to a new facility on The Watermark business park next to the MetroCentre in Gateshead. The entrance to", "57269c26f1498d1400e8e4cd": "a new facility on The Watermark business park next to the", "57269c26f1498d1400e8e4ce": "based at City Road for over 40 years after its launch in January 1959. In", "57269d745951b619008f77d7": "of the city's universities", "57269d745951b619008f77d8": "by students from both of the city's universities,", "57269d745951b619008f77d9": "Student Radio is", "57269d745951b619008f77da": "run by students", "57269d745951b619008f77db": "a Radio Lollipop station based at the Great North Children's Hospital in the Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary", "57269e80f1498d1400e8e520": "city in 1816. Other notable people born in or associated with Newcastle include: engineer and industrialist Lord Armstrong, engineer and", "57269e80f1498d1400e8e521": "of concertos in the 18th century,", "57269e80f1498d1400e8e522": "include: engineer and industrialist Lord Armstrong, engineer and father of the modern steam railways George Stephenson, his son, also an engineer, Robert Stephenson", "57269e80f1498d1400e8e523": ". Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st Baron Collingwood, was born in the city. Ironmaster, metallurgist, and member of parliament Isaac Low", "57269e80f1498d1400e8e524": "Lowthian Bell was born in the city in 1816. Other notable people born in or associated with Newcastle include: engineer and", "57269fab5951b619008f7807": "Burdon, Sting, Mark Knopfler, Alan Hull, Cheryl Cole and Neil Tennant lived in Newcastle. Hank", "57269fab5951b619008f7808": "former WWE NXT champion Neville were born in the city. John Dunn, inventor", "57269fab5951b619008f7809": "s, and former WWE NXT champion Neville were born in the city", "57269fab5951b619008f780a": "ed Northumbrian smallpipes, the most characteristic musical instrument in the region, lived and", "57269fab5951b619008f780b": "Hank Marvin and Bruce Welch were both former pupils of Rutherford Grammar School, actors Charlie Hunnam and James Scott, entertainers Ant and Dec and international", "5726710b708984140094c61d": "Museum, the Science Museum and the Royal Albert Hall. The museum", "5726710b708984140094c61e": "is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Like other national", "5726710b708984140094c61f": "Natural History Museum, the Science Museum and the Royal Albert Hall. The museum is a", "5726710b708984140094c620": "is located in the Brompton district of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea", "572680ac708984140094c83d": "area", "572680ac708984140094c83e": "1852 and named after Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.", "572680ac708984140094c83f": "Memorial and the", "572680ac708984140094c840": "(often abbreviated as the V&A), London,", "572680ac708984140094c841": "non-departmental public", "57268294708984140094c877": "silver, ironwork, jewellery, furniture, medieval objects, sculpture, prints and printmaking,", "57268294708984140094c878": "from the cultures of Europe, North America, Asia and North Africa. The holdings of ceramics, glass, textiles, costumes", "57268294708984140094c879": "5 acres (51,000 m2)", "57268294708984140094c87a": ". The holdings of ceramics, glass, textiles, costumes, silver, ironwork, jewellery, furniture, medieval objects, sculpture, prints and", "57268294708984140094c87b": "ironwork,", "572685cd5951b619008f7573": "refreshment rooms opened in 1857, the museum being the", "572685cd5951b619008f7574": "rooms opened in 1857, the museum being", "572685cd5951b619008f7575": ". The site was occupied by Bro", "572685cd5951b619008f7576": "s, first opening in May 1852 at Marlborough House, but by September had been", "572685cd5951b619008f7577": "were underway to transfer the museum", "57268d02f1498d1400e8e378": "at the National", "57268d02f1498d1400e8e379": "\"to ascertain practically what hours are most convenient", "57268d02f1498d1400e8e37a": "both applied art and science as educational resources to help boost productive industry. In these early years the practical use of the collection was very", "57268d02f1498d1400e8e37b": "High Art\" at the National Gallery and scholarship at the British Museum. George Wallis (1811\u20131891), the first Keeper of Fine", "57268d02f1498d1400e8e37c": "In 1893 the \"", "57268f2c708984140094ca25": "by the British government in 1944 \"to promote by all practicable means the improvement of design", "57268f2c708984140094ca26": "after the war, the Britain Can", "57268f2c708984140094ca27": "able means the improvement of design in the", "57268f2c708984140094ca28": "Industrial Design established by the British government in 1944 \"to promote by all practicable means the improvement of design", "57268f2c708984140094ca29": "organised", "572691d7708984140094ca6d": "of mediaeval music", "572691d7708984140094ca6e": "1973, as part of its", "572691d7708984140094ca6f": "val music and instrumentation and related how those contributed to contemporary music 500 years later. This innovative approach to bringing young", "572691d7708984140094ca70": "of mediaeval music and", "57269656708984140094cafd": "fashion, architecture, product design, graphic arts and photography. It is planned that it could open within five years. Dundee City Council is", "57269656708984140094cafe": "photography. It is planned that it could open within five years. Dundee City Council is expected to pay a major part of the running costs", "57269656708984140094caff": "of 2015, with costs estimated at \u00a376 million", "57269656708984140094cb00": "architecture, product design, graphic arts and photography. It is planned that it could open within five years. Dundee City", "57269656708984140094cb01": "costs estimated at \u00a376 million, it is the most expensive gallery project ever undertaken in Scotland.", "572698d7dd62a815002e8a98": ", which was extended, most notably by the \"Brompton Boilers\",", "572698d7dd62a815002e8a99": "transferred to the Tate Gallery) and now used as the picture galleries and tapestry gallery respectively. The North and South Courts", "572698d7dd62a815002e8a9a": "respectively. The North and South Courts, were then built, both of which opened by June 1862. They now form the galleries for temporary exhibitions and", "572698d7dd62a815002e8a9b": "The Victorian parts of the building have a complex history, with piecemeal additions by different", "572698d7dd62a815002e8a9c": "both of which opened by June 1862. They now", "57269c06708984140094cba1": "my); James Watt (mechanics); Bram", "57269c06708984140094cba2": "Oriental Courts (covering India, China and Japan) completed in 1863, none of this decoration survives", "57269c06708984140094cba3": "endid lecture theatre although this is seldom open", "57269c06708984140094cba4": "main entrance to the museum with its bronze doors designed by James Gamble & Reuben Townroe having six panels depicting: Humphry Davy (", "57269c06708984140094cba5": "pediment of the North Fa\u00e7ade commemorating the Great Exhibition the profits from which helped to fund the", "57269d68708984140094cbd7": "and the occasional figure, with moulded plaster foliage on the main part of the wall and a plaster frieze around the decorated ceiling", "57269d68708984140094cbd8": "was designed and sculpted by Alfred Stevens and was removed from Dorchester House prior to that building'", "57269d68708984140094cbd9": "were assigned to different", "57269d68708984140094cbda": ". The Green Dining Room 1866\u201368 was the work of Philip", "57269d68708984140094cbdb": "\u201377", "5726a0205951b619008f781b": "(2.1 m) in length, the balustrades and columns are Portland stone. It is now used to jointly house the prints", "5726a0205951b619008f781c": "Fowke, Royal Engineers the next architect to work at the museum was Colonel (later Major", "5726a0205951b619008f781d": ", also of the Royal Engineers. He", "5726a0205951b619008f781e": "Engineers. He designed to the north west of the garden the five-storey", "5726a0205951b619008f781f": "stone. It is now used to jointly", "5726a2445951b619008f7861": "ceilings 70 feet (21 m) in height to accommodate the plaster casts of parts of famous buildings, including Trajan's Column", "5726a2445951b619008f7862": "Scott was the", "5726a2445951b619008f7863": "of the \"Brompton Boilers\"), these vast spaces have ceilings", "5726a2445951b619008f7864": "sgraffito was used to decorate the east side of the building designed by F. W. Moody, a final embellish", "5726a2445951b619008f7865": "parapet were designed by Reuben Townroe who also designed the plaster work in the library, Sir John Taylor designed the book shelves", "5726a5b5f1498d1400e8e5fe": "of the British artists", "5726a5b5f1498d1400e8e5ff": "Gothic feature, the top row of", "5726a5b5f1498d1400e8e600": "museum. Construction took place between 1899 and", "5726a5b5f1498d1400e8e601": "the galleries are also mullioned and", "5726a5b5f1498d1400e8e602": "with twin doors", "5726a9ff708984140094cd4b": "interior makes much use of marble in", "5726a9ff708984140094cd4c": "Queen Victoria above the frame around the arches and entrance, sculpted by Alfred Drury", "5726a9ff708984140094cd4d": "hall and flanking staircases, although the galleries as originally designed were white with restrained classical detail and moulding", "5726a9ff708984140094cd4e": "much use of marble in the entrance hall and flanking", "5726a9ff708984140094cd4f": "well as the Costume Gallery. The interior makes much use of marble in the entrance hall and flanking staircases, although the galleries as originally designed", "5726ace8dd62a815002e8c9e": "post-war years there was little money available", "5726ace8dd62a815002e8c9f": "way of building work; the first major work was the creation", "5726ace8dd62a815002e8ca0": "the building as galleries, all the Victorian interiors except for the staircase were recast during the remodelling.", "5726ace8dd62a815002e8ca1": "remodelling. To link this to the rest of the museum, a new entrance building was constructed on the site of the former boiler house, the", "5726ace8dd62a815002e8ca2": "and Douglas Co", "5726afeb708984140094cdd7": "s, prints and drawings, displays in Room 117, the garden, sacred silver and stained glass; in 2006: Central Hall Shop,", "5726afeb708984140094cdd8": "MUMA) were responsible for the", "5726afeb708984140094cdd9": "new Medieval and", "5726afeb708984140094cdda": "Eva Ji\u0159i\u010dn\u00e1 designed the enhancements to the main", "5726afeb708984140094cddb": "and Renaissance galleries which opened in 2009.", "5726b12f5951b619008f7aaf": "The central", "5726b12f5951b619008f7ab0": "the edge which may be drained to use the", "5726b12f5951b619008f7ab1": "along the south fa\u00e7ade; in the two corners by the north fa\u00e7ade there", "5726b12f5951b619008f7ab2": "eastern and western edges of the lawns have glass planters which contain orange and lemon trees", "5726b12f5951b619008f7ab3": "by the north fa\u00e7ade", "5726b2fcf1498d1400e8e7e4": "&A", "5726b2fcf1498d1400e8e7e5": "the V&A alongside Royal Institute of British Architects opened the first permanent gallery in the UK covering the history of", "5726b2fcf1498d1400e8e7e7": "V&A alongside Royal Institute of British Architects opened the first permanent gallery in the UK covering the history of architecture with displays using models,", "5726b2fcf1498d1400e8e7e6": "RIBA Drawings and Archives Collection has been transferred to the", "5726b2fcf1498d1400e8e7e8": "and original drawings. With the opening of the new gallery, the RIBA Drawings and Archives Collection has been", "5726b6e05951b619008f7b99": "Sir Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Had", "5726b6e05951b619008f7b9a": "Hoar", "5726b6e05951b619008f7b9b": "all the major British", "5726b6e05951b619008f7b9c": "Loughborough Pearson, George Edmund Street, Richard Norman Shaw, Alfred Waterhouse, Sir Edwin Lutyens", "5726b6e05951b619008f7b9d": "igo Jones, Sir Christopher Wren, Sir John Vanbrugh, Nicholas Hawksmoor, William Kent, James Gibbs", "5726ba83dd62a815002e8e6a": "the two top stories of the facade of Sir Paul Pindar's house dated c1600 from Bishopsgate with elaborately carved wood work and lead", "5726ba83dd62a815002e8e6b": "has a series of pillars from various buildings and different periods, for example a column from", "5726ba83dd62a815002e8e6c": "of the Great", "5726ba83dd62a815002e8e6d": "and different periods, for example a column from the Alhambra. Examples covering", "5726ba83dd62a815002e8e6e": "London, there is a brick", "5726bc505951b619008f7c79": "Eastern and Persian rugs and carpets is amongst the finest in the world, many were part of the Salting Be", "5726bc505951b619008f7c7a": "Eastern and Persian rugs and carpets is amongst the finest in the world", "5726bc505951b619008f7c7b": "1909.", "5726bc505951b619008f7c7c": "bar from a Cairo mosque with ivory forming complex geometrical patterns inlaid in wood is one of the larger objects on display. Extensive", "5726bc505951b619008f7c7d": "complex geometrical patterns inlaid in wood is one of the larger objects on display. Extensive examples of", "5726bdc6f1498d1400e8e9c0": "and drawings, jade wine cups and", "5726bdc6f1498d1400e8e9c1": ", including about 10,000 textiles and 6000 paintings, the", "5726bdc6f1498d1400e8e9c2": "parts of buildings such as a jaali and", "5726bdc6f1498d1400e8e9c4": "as a", "5726bdc6f1498d1400e8e9c3": "important in the West comprising nearly 60,000 objects", "5726bf325951b619008f7cfd": ". Two large ancestor portraits of a husband and wife painted in watercolour on silk date from the 18th century. There is a unique Chinese lac", "5726bf325951b619008f7cfe": "The Far Eastern collections include more than 70,000", "5726bf325951b619008f7cff": "include life-size tomb guardians. Classic examples of Chinese manufacturing are displayed that include lacquer, silk", "5726bf325951b619008f7d00": "during the reign of the Xuande Emperor in the Ming dynasty. Examples of", "5726bf325951b619008f7d01": "more than 70,000 works of art from the countries of East Asia: China, Japan and Korea.", "5726c4b5dd62a815002e8fd8": "c1640 is", "5726c4b5dd62a815002e8fd9": "azarin Chest dated c1640 is one", "5726c4b5dd62a815002e8fda": "screens, textiles and dress including kimonos are some of the objects on display.", "5726c4b5dd62a815002e8fdb": "display. One of the finest objects displayed is Suzuki", "5726c4b5dd62a815002e8fdc": "block prints including the work of Ando Hiroshige, graphic works include", "5726c80c5951b619008f7de7": "repouss\u00e9 work and embroidery. Tibetan art from the 14th to the 19th century is represented by", "5726c80c5951b619008f7de8": "th century", "5726c80c5951b619008f7de9": "19th centuries. Refined Hindu and Buddhist sculptures reflect the influence of India", "5726c80c5951b619008f7dea": "boxes inlaid", "5726c80c5951b619008f7deb": "2000", "5726c9a4708984140094d16f": "of sketches and references to", "5726c9a4708984140094d170": "The Codex consists of three parchment-bound manuscripts, Forster", "5726c9a4708984140094d171": "books. The Codex", "5726c9a4708984140094d172": "some of Leonardo da Vinci's note books. The Codex consists of three parchment-bound manuscripts, Forster I", "5726c9a4708984140094d173": "Giovanni Boccaccio, Dante, Racine, Rabela", "5726cc11dd62a815002e9086": ". Illuminated manuscripts in the library dating from the 12th to 16th centuries include: the Eadwine Psalter[ci", "5726cc11dd62a815002e9087": "24 Charter illuminated by Lucas Hor", "5726cc11dd62a815002e9088": ", London; the Armagnac manuscript of the trial and rehabilitation of Joan of Arc,", "5726cc11dd62a815002e9089": "enbout, London; the Armagnac manuscript of the trial and rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, Rouen. also", "5726cc11dd62a815002e908a": "trial and rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, Rouen. also the Victorian period is represented", "5726ce11f1498d1400e8ebc4": "most of the items in the", "5726ce11f1498d1400e8ebc5": "s. A computer system called MODES cataloging system was used from the 1980s to the 1990s, but those electronic", "5726ce11f1498d1400e8ebc6": "collection, unless those were newly accessioned into the collection, probably do not show up in the computer system. There is a", "5726ce11f1498d1400e8ebc8": "s", "5726ce11f1498d1400e8ebc7": "kept in different formats including printed exhibit catalogs, and card catalogs. A computer", "5726cfa3708984140094d209": "The", "5726cfa3708984140094d20a": "under the same pressure being felt in archives around the world, to", "5726cfa3708984140094d20b": "was physically found during the creation of the Factory Project. The fourth goal of", "5726cfa3708984140094d20c": "had a collection of old", "5726cfa3708984140094d20d": "Project is to audit the collection. All of those items which were photographed and cataloged, must be audited to make sure everything listed as being in", "5726d4a45951b619008f7f69": "galleries include", "5726d4a45951b619008f7f6a": "Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Grinling Gibbons, Daniel Marot, Louis Laguerre, Antonio Verrio, Sir", "5726d4a45951b619008f7f6b": ", Sir James Thornhill, William Kent, Robert Adam, Josiah Wedgwood, Matthew Boulton, Canova, Thomas Chippen", "5726d4a45951b619008f7f6c": "William Morris. Patrons who have influenced taste are also represented by works of art from their collections, these include: Horace Walpole (a", "5726d4a45951b619008f7f6d": "influenced taste are also represented by works of art", "5726d7faf1498d1400e8ecdb": "porcelain. In", "5726d7faf1498d1400e8ecda": "influenced by the spread of printed books and the work of", "5726d7faf1498d1400e8ecde": "and machinery had a significant effect on manufacturing, and for the", "5726d7faf1498d1400e8ecdc": "era new technology and machinery had a significant effect on manufacturing, and for the", "5726d7faf1498d1400e8ecdd": "to the production of tea paraphern", "5726d993f1498d1400e8ed16": "other includes reproductions of various works of Italian Renaissance sculpture and architecture, including a full-size replica of Michelangelo's David", "5726d993f1498d1400e8ed17": "for conservation reasons the", "5726d993f1498d1400e8ed18": "s of two earlier", "5726d993f1498d1400e8ed19": "David and Ver", "5726d993f1498d1400e8ed1a": "The other includes reproductions of various works of Italian Renaissance sculpture and architecture, including a full-size replica of", "5726dba1dd62a815002e92e4": "Examples from every factory are represented, the collections of Chelsea porcelain and Worcester Porcelain being especially", "5726dba1dd62a815002e92e5": "sen porcelain", "5726dba1dd62a815002e92e6": "18th and 19th centuries. The collection of 18th-", "5726dba1dd62a815002e92e7": "first factory in Europe to discover the Chinese method of making porcelain. Among the finest examples are the Meissen Vulture from 1731", "5726dba1dd62a815002e92e8": "the collection is Meissen porcelain, from the first factory in Europe to discover the Chinese method of making", "5726dd71f1498d1400e8edd8": "Leach as well as Mintons &", "5726dd71f1498d1400e8edd9": "ornamented ceramic stoves from the 16th and 17th centuries, made in Germany and Switzerland. There is an un", "5726dd71f1498d1400e8edda": "dishes, jugs and candlesticks. The largest objects in the collection are a series of elaborately ornamented", "5726dd71f1498d1400e8eddb": "ons & Royal Doulton are represented in the collection. There is an extensive collection of Delftware produced in both Britain and Holland, which", "5726dd71f1498d1400e8eddc": "over a metre in height. Bernard Palissy", "5726de7a5951b619008f80ab": "example of Frank Lloyd Wright's work in", "5726de7a5951b619008f80ac": "glass and Bohemian glass and more recent periods, including", "5726de7a5951b619008f80ad": "and Asia. The earliest glassware on display comes from Ancient Egypt and continues", "5726de7a5951b619008f80af": "represented in the collection", "5726de7a5951b619008f80ae": "by Ren\u00e9 Lalique. There are many examples of crystal chandelier", "5726e06df1498d1400e8ee52": "also displayed in these galleries. Examples of British stained glass", "5726e06df1498d1400e8ee53": "pelle, is", "5726e06df1498d1400e8ee54": "as the Luck of Edenhall", "5726e06df1498d1400e8ee55": "also displayed in these galleries. Examples of British stained glass are", "5726e06df1498d1400e8ee56": "12th century and continuing to the present. Some of the most outstanding stained glass, dated 1243\u201348 comes from", "5726e1fcdd62a815002e93c4": "represented in the collection include: Paul", "5726e1fcdd62a815002e93c5": "collection of drawings includes over 10,000 British and 2,000 old master works, including works by: D\u00fcrer, Giovanni Benedetto Cast", "5726e1fcdd62a815002e93c6": "Lewis, Eric Gill, Stanley Spencer, John Piper,", "5726e1fcdd62a815002e93c7": ", John Martin, Samuel Palmer, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, Lord Frederic Leighton", "5726e1fcdd62a815002e93c8": "talenti, Rembrandt, Antonio Verrio, Paul Sandby, John Russell, Angelica Kauffman", "5726e37ef1498d1400e8eed8": "the nearby department store", "5726e37ef1498d1400e8eed9": ". Costume sketches, design notebooks, and other", "5726e37ef1498d1400e8eeda": ", containing over 14,000 outfits plus accessories, mainly dating from 1600 to the present.", "5726e37ef1498d1400e8eedb": "to the present. Costume sketches, design notebooks, and other works on paper are typically held by the Word and Image", "5726e37ef1498d1400e8eedc": ", and other works on paper are typically held by the Word and Image department. Because everyday clothing from previous eras has not generally survived,", "5726e4eedd62a815002e9438": "chy, Christian", "5726e4eedd62a815002e9439": "Laurent, Guy Laroche, Irene Galitzine, M", "5726e4eedd62a815002e943a": "with work in the collection include Coco Chanel, Hubert de Givenchy, Christian Dior, Crist\u00f3bal Balenciaga, Yves Saint Laurent", "5726e4eedd62a815002e943b": "Vivienne West", "5726e4eedd62a815002e943c": "2002, the Museum acquired", "5726e680dd62a815002e946e": "Sir", "5726e680dd62a815002e946f": "to the museum in 1882, then valued at \u00a3250,000. One of the most important pieces in this collection is", "5726e680dd62a815002e9470": "with inlaid brass work by Andr\u00e9 Charles Boulle, a commode by Bernard", "5726e680dd62a815002e9471": "of art Nouveau furniture to the museum, which he had acquired the previous year at the Paris Exposition Universelle. This was criticized at the time,", "5726e680dd62a815002e9472": ", David Roentgen, Gilles Joubert & Pierre Langlois. In 1901, Sir George Donaldson donated several pieces of art Nouveau furniture", "5726e834dd62a815002e94a4": "modernists in the collection include", "5726e834dd62a815002e94a5": "Edward William Godwin, Charles Voysey, Adolf Loos and", "5726e834dd62a815002e94a6": "as well as marble with gilded carvings. Furniture designed by Ernest Gimson, Edward William Godwin, Charles Voysey, Adolf Loos and", "5726e834dd62a815002e94a7": "furniture is the highly elaborate French Cabinet dated 1861", "5726e834dd62a815002e94a8": "olu mounts. One of the", "5726e9c65951b619008f8247": "Major bequests include Reverend Chauncy Hare Townshend's collection of 154 gems bequeathed in 1869,", "5726e9c65951b619008f8248": "present day, as well as jewellery designs on paper. The museum owns pieces by renowned jewelers Car", "5726e9c65951b619008f8249": "adopted daughter Hor", "5726e9c65951b619008f824a": "Dame Joan Evans' 1977 gift of more than 800 jewels dating from the Middle Ages to the early 19th century. A new jewellery gallery", "5726e9c65951b619008f824b": "made for Catherine the Great, bracelet", "5726ee28708984140094d656": "a", "5726ee28708984140094d657": ", designed by Sir George Gilbert", "5726ee28708984140094d658": "liturgical vessels and items.", "5726ee28708984140094d659": "in a wide range of colours. The arches and columns are decorated with polished quartz and panels of", "5726ee28708984140094d655": "removed in 1967. It was made by Skidmore & Company. Its structure of timber and cast iron is embelli", "5726ef12dd62a815002e959e": ", uses a nautilus shell to form the hull of a vessel, which rests on the tail of a parcelgilt mermaid", "5726ef12dd62a815002e959f": ", who rests on a hexagonal gilt plinth on six claw-and-ball feet. Both masts have main and top-sail", "5726ef12dd62a815002e95a0": ". Also of importance is the Becket Casket dated", "5726ef12dd62a815002e95a1": "tops are made from gold. These items are", "5726ef12dd62a815002e95a2": "rarest items in the collection is the 58 cm high Gloucester Candlestick, dated to c1110, made from gilt bronze;", "5726f1ec708984140094d6aa": "of over 5,100 names on the Parliamentary website led to Chris", "5726f1ec708984140094d6ad": "Musical Instruments gallery closed 25 February 2010, a decision which was highly controversial. An online petition of over 5,100 names on the Parliamentary website", "5726f1ec708984140094d6ab": "Smith asking Parliament about the future of the collection. The answer, from Bryan Davies was that the museum intended to", "5726f1ec708984140094d6ac": "galleries for Furniture and Europe 1600\u20131800, and that the Horniman Museum and other institutions were possible candidates for loans of material to", "5726f1ec708984140094d6a9": "the instruments remained publicly viewable. The Horniman went on to host a joint exhibition with the V&A of musical", "5726f2bcf1498d1400e8f0bc": "is the Spanish tempera on wood, 670 x 486 cm, retable of St George, c. 1400", "5726f2bcf1498d1400e8f0bd": "is amongst the painter's last works. One of the largest objects in", "5726f2bcf1498d1400e8f0be": "British watercolours, pastels and 2000 miniatures, for which the museum holds the national collection. Also on loan", "5726f2bcf1498d1400e8f0bf": "Majesty the", "5726f2bcf1498d1400e8f0c0": "a fresco by Pietro Perugino dated", "5726f4a0708984140094d6e9": "Bonington and Alphonse Legros", "5726f4a0708984140094d6ea": "Hayman, Pompeo Batoni, Benjamin West, Paul Sandby, Richard Wilson, William Etty, Henry Fuse", "5726f4a0708984140094d6eb": "Constable's works came to", "5726f4a0708984140094d6ec": "polo,", "5726f4a0708984140094d6ed": "polo, Canaletto, Francis Hayman, Pompeo Batoni, Benjamin", "5726f755708984140094d737": "that formed part of the Jones bequest", "5726f755708984140094d738": "elli's Virgin and Child) that formed part of the Jones bequest", "5726f755708984140094d739": "works by Fran\u00e7ois Boucher", "5726f755708984140094d73a": "and as such are displayed in the galleries of continental art 1600\u20131800, including the portrait of Fran\u00e7ois, Duc", "5726f90b708984140094d75d": "apart capture images of different animals and humans performimg various actions. There are several of John Thomson's 1876-7", "5726f90b708984140094d75e": "their motor cars and a sequence of photographs recording the guests at the famous fancy-dress ball held at Devonshire House in 1897 to celebrate Queen Victoria", "5726f90b708984140094d75f": "animals and humans", "5726f90b708984140094d760": "wide range of society figures of the period,", "5726f90b708984140094d761": "collection. The museum also holds James Lafayette's society portraits, a collection of more than 600 photographs dating from the late 19th to early 20", "5726fb18dd62a815002e96ce": "of wood carving), ivory", "5726fb18dd62a815002e96cf": "the Renaissance, Baroque, Neo-Classical, Victorian and Art Nouveau periods. All uses of sculpture are", "5726fb18dd62a815002e96d0": "mythical, statues for gardens including fountains, as well as architectural decorations. Materials used include, marble,", "5726fb18dd62a815002e96d1": "Spanish medieval statues and carvings, the Renaissance, Baroque, Neo-Classical, Victorian and", "5726fc63dd62a815002e9706": "plaster. There are several small scale bronzes by", "5726fc63dd62a815002e9707": "Antonio Corradini, Andrea Brustolon, Giovanni Battista", "5726fc63dd62a815002e9708": "Rossellino and coloured terracotta decoration", "5726fc63dd62a815002e9709": "mannati, Giacomo della Porta, Giambologna", "5726fc63dd62a815002e970a": "Italian, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical sculpture (both original and in", "5726fe95dd62a815002e9732": "work in the collection are", "5726fe95dd62a815002e9733": "Hubert Le Sueur, Fran\u00e7ois Girardon,", "5726fe95dd62a815002e9734": "of", "5726fe95dd62a815002e9735": "; these were given to the museum by the sculptor in 1914, as acknowledgement", "5726fe95dd62a815002e9736": "more than 20 works in the museum collection, making it one of the largest", "572700c8dd62a815002e976a": ", Edward Hodges Bail", "572700c8dd62a815002e976b": ", John Gibson, Edward Hodges", "572700c8dd62a815002e976c": "'", "572700c8dd62a815002e976d": "Europeans who", "572702a3dd62a815002e9790": ".", "572702a3dd62a815002e9791": "s Theseus", "572702a3dd62a815002e9792": "with", "572702a3dd62a815002e9793": "-century and early 20th-century sculpture, this includes work", "572702a3dd62a815002e9794": "ur. The galleries overlooking the garden are arranged by theme", "572703fdf1498d1400e8f23c": "s consists of more than 53,000 examples, mainly western European though all populated continents are represented, dating from the 1st century A", "572703fdf1498d1400e8f23d": "date of production. The collections are well represented in these areas:", "572703fdf1498d1400e8f23e": "represented, dating from the 1st century AD to", "572703fdf1498d1400e8f23f": "collections are well represented in these areas", "572703fdf1498d1400e8f240": "The collection of textiles consists of more than 53,000 examples, mainly western European though all populated continents are represented, dating from the 1", "57270541dd62a815002e97c8": "16", "57270541dd62a815002e97c9": "size make these unique. Both of the major English centres of tapestry weaving of the 16th and 17th centuries respectively, Sheldon", "57270541dd62a815002e97ca": "1750s. Other continental centres of tapestry weaving with work in the collection include Brussels, Tournai, Beauvais, Strasbourg", "57270541dd62a815002e97cb": "century. Some of the finest tapestries are examples from the Gobelins workshop, including a set", "57270541dd62a815002e97cc": "tapestry manufactory in the late 17th century and early 18th", "57270676dd62a815002e97f0": "quilting, the late 14th-century Sicilian Tristan Quilt, is also held by the collection. The collection has numerous examples of various types of", "57270676dd62a815002e97f1": "'The Forest' tapestry of 1887), rugs and carpets, as well as pattern books and paper designs. The art deco period", "57270676dd62a815002e97f2": "and paper designs. The art deco period is covered by rugs and fabrics designed by Marion Dorn. From the same period there is a rug", "57270676dd62a815002e97f3": "-century Sicilian Tristan Quilt, is also held by the collection. The collection has numerous examples of various types of textiles", "57270676dd62a815002e97f4": "'The Forest' tapestry of 1887), rugs and carpets, as well as pattern books and paper designs", "57270817708984140094d8c7": "in March 2009. The collections are stored by the V&A, and are available for research, exhibitions and other shows. They", "57270817708984140094d8c8": "about live", "57270817708984140094d8c9": "wigs, prompt books, and posters.", "57270817708984140094d8ca": "rock", "57270817708984140094d8cb": "formerly the Theatre Museum, opened in March 2009. The collections are stored by the V&A, and are available for research, exhibitions and other shows", "57270ab9708984140094d8f7": ": performing surveys, assessments", "57270ab9708984140094d8f8": "for the long-term preservation of the collections, and covers all the collections held by the V&A and the V&A Museum of Childhood", "57270ab9708984140094d8f9": "damaging objects. Activities include controlling the museum environment (for example, temperature and light) and preventing pests (primarily", "57270ab9708984140094d8fa": "&A and the V&A Museum of Childhood. The conservators specialise in particular areas of conservation. Areas covered by", "57270ab9708984140094d8fb": "ive\" conservation this includes: performing surveys, assessments and providing advice on the", "57267b755951b619008f7433": "The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) (stylized in its logo as abc since", "57267b755951b619008f7434": "Television Group, a subsidiary of Disney Media Networks division of The Walt Disney Company. The network is part of the Big Three", "57267b755951b619008f7435": "by the Disney\u2013ABC", "57267b755951b619008f7436": "on Columbus Avenue and West", "57267b755951b619008f7437": "Big Three television networks", "57267ca75951b619008f7469": "several print publications, and television and radio stations. In 1996, most of Capital Cities/ABC's assets were purchased by The Walt Disney", "57267ca75951b619008f746a": "by Edward", "57267ca75951b619008f746b": "channel ESPN, the network's parent merged", "57267ca75951b619008f746c": "Blue Network, which had been purchased", "57267ca75951b619008f746d": "in the footsteps of", "57267f1cdd62a815002e8740": "allow pay television providers", "57267f1cdd62a815002e8741": "'s signal with the feed of a Canadian broadcaster to protect domestic programming rights", "57267f1cdd62a815002e8742": "or through a cable, satellite or IPTV provider, although most ABC programs are subject to simultaneous substitution regulations imposed", "57267f1cdd62a815002e8743": "properties in 2007.", "57267f1cdd62a815002e8744": "an American station's signal with the feed of a Canadian broadcaster to protect domestic programming", "5726808bdd62a815002e8776": "), the Mutual Broadcasting System and the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). The last was owned by electronics", "5726808bdd62a815002e8777": "Radio", "5726808bdd62a815002e8778": "Blue and NBC Red. The NBC Blue Network was created in 1927 for the primary purpose of testing new programs on", "5726808bdd62a815002e8779": "was dominated by three companies: the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), the", "5726808bdd62a815002e877a": "was", "572681ab708984140094c85d": "for radio stations if", "572681ab708984140094c85e": "practices of radio networks and published its report on the broadcasting of network radio programs in 1940. The report recommended that RCA give up control of", "572681ab708984140094c85f": ". In 1938, the FCC began a series of investigations into the", "572681ab708984140094c860": "radio network", "572681ab708984140094c861": "radio programs in 1940. The report recommended", "572684f5dd62a815002e87fc": "was rejected by Woods and", "572684f5dd62a815002e87fd": "to sell NBC Blue in 1941, and gave the mandate to do so to Mark Woods", "572684f5dd62a815002e87fe": "included", "572684f5dd62a815002e87ff": "Blue divided their respective corporate assets. Between 1942 and 1943, Woods offered to sell the entire NBC Blue Network, a package that included lease", "572684f5dd62a815002e8800": "Francisco and WENR-TV in Chicago), 60 affiliates, four operations facilities (in New", "572685d1f1498d1400e8e29e": "chain Rexall", "572685d1f1498d1400e8e29f": ". The Commission authorized the transaction on October 12, 1943. Soon afterward, the Blue Network was purchased by the", "572685d1f1498d1400e8e2a0": "was purchased by the new company Noble founded, the American Broadcasting System. Noble subsequently", "572685d1f1498d1400e8e2a1": "transaction on October 12, 1943. Soon afterward, the Blue Network was purchased by the new company Noble", "572685d1f1498d1400e8e2a2": "System. Noble subsequently acquired the rights to the \"American Broadcasting Company\"", "57268739708984140094c8ed": "time when NBC and CBS", "57268739708984140094c8ee": "ABC made a name for itself by utilizing the practice of counterprogramming, with which it often", "57268739708984140094c8ef": "utilizing the practice of counterprogramming, with which it often placed shows of its own", "57268739708984140094c8f0": "'s traditions of public service,", "57268739708984140094c8f1": "service, it aired symphony performances conducted by Paul Whiteman, performances from the Metropolitan Opera, and jazz concerts aired", "57269260dd62a815002e89ea": "sustainable viewership.", "57269260dd62a815002e89eb": "'s other channels, ABC is broadcast in", "57269260dd62a815002e89ec": "June 2000). In contrast to Disney's other channels, ABC is broadcast in the United States,", "57269260dd62a815002e89ed": "a free-to-air channel", "57269260dd62a815002e89ee": "it would discontinue ABC1 citing to the channel's inability to attain", "57269344f1498d1400e8e43e": "interests in other countries; many governments also wanted to increase their independence and strengthen legislation to limit", "57269344f1498d1400e8e43f": "interests", "57269344f1498d1400e8e440": "limit foreign ownership of broadcasting properties. As a result, ABC", "57269344f1498d1400e8e441": "ended the need for ABC to hold interests", "5726caaaf1498d1400e8eb5c": "[where?], leading ABC to learn of subsidiaries in that region. Goldenson tried international investing, having ABC invest in the Latin American", "5726caaaf1498d1400e8eb5d": ". Goldenson also invested", "5726caaaf1498d1400e8eb5e": ". Goldenson tried international investing, having ABC invest in the Latin American market, acquiring a", "5726caaaf1498d1400e8eb5f": "to the international market. Leonard Goldenson said that ABC'", "5726caaaf1498d1400e8eb60": "on ABC the same strategies he had made", "5726e5ac708984140094d51b": "1965 with the debut of A Charlie Brown Christmas (other Peanuts specials broadcast annually by ABC, including A Charlie Brown Christmas, include", "5726e5ac708984140094d51c": "Awards", "5726e5ac708984140094d51d": "specials", "5726e5ac708984140094d51e": "the CMA Music Festival. Since 2000", "5726e5ac708984140094d51f": "to the Academy Awards, Emmy Awards (", "5726e5b1f1498d1400e8ef30": "hiatus to provide coverage of the international millennium festivities, though Clark", "5726e5b1f1498d1400e8ef31": "America pageant from 1954 to 1956, 1997 to 2005 (with the television rights being", "5726e5b1f1498d1400e8ef32": "within the coverage. ABC has also aired the Miss America pageant from 1954 to 1956, 1997", "5726e5b1f1498d1400e8ef33": "crest); the only exception was in 1999, when ABC put it on a one-year hiatus to provide", "5726e5b1f1498d1400e8ef34": "the international millennium festivities,", "5726e671dd62a815002e9464": "schedule", "5726e671dd62a815002e9465": "ter & Gamble-produced soap", "5726e671dd62a815002e9466": "to be part of the ABC Daytime block. In addition to the long-running All My Children", "5726e671dd62a815002e9467": "Procter &", "5726e671dd62a815002e9468": "2011) and One Life to Live (1968\u20132012), notable", "5726e773f1498d1400e8ef6e": "football season, during prime time on Saturday nights", "5726e773f1498d1400e8ef6c": "-produced highlight compilation programs for The Open Championship golf and The Wimbledon", "5726e773f1498d1400e8ef6b": "on Sundays either encores of primetime reality series, cancelled series being burned off that had no room on the primetime schedule, occasional theatrical films which", "5726e773f1498d1400e8ef6a": "shows Christmas Day", "5726e773f1498d1400e8ef6d": "network in the early to mid-2000s that no", "5726e860708984140094d579": "of engineering, thought that the low-band VHF frequencies (cor", "5726e860708984140094d57a": "frequencies (corresponding to channels 2 through 6) would be requisitioned from broadcasting use and real", "5726e860708984140094d57b": "These applications all requested for the stations to broadcast on VHF channel 7, as Frank Marx, then ABC's", "5726e860708984140094d57c": "and Detroit). These applications all requested for the stations to broadcast on VHF channel 7, as Frank Marx, then ABC's vice-", "5726e942f1498d1400e8efa0": ", with less coverage", "5726e942f1498d1400e8efa1": "CBS and NBC, even though it", "5726e942f1498d1400e8efa2": "third rival at the time, the DuMont Television Network. Before", "5726e942f1498d1400e8efa3": "Portland) did not yet have any television service. The result was a strange period where television flourished in certain areas and network radio remained", "5726ea06dd62a815002e950a": "giving him $5 million with which to prevent ABC", "5726ea06dd62a815002e950b": "end of 1949, movie theater operator United Paramount", "5726ea06dd62a815002e950c": "owned-and-operated stations and nine full-time affiliates. Its revenues", "5726ea06dd62a815002e950d": "Court to become an independent entity", "5726ea06dd62a815002e950e": "to prevent ABC from going bankrupt; as banks refused further credit, that amount was obtained through a loan from the Prudential Insurance Company of America.", "5726ec6ff1498d1400e8eff2": "which sought to", "5726ec6ff1498d1400e8eff3": "'s board of directors. However, the transaction had to", "5726ec6ff1498d1400e8eff4": "Television Network, the FCC conducted a series of hearings to ensure whether Paramount was truly separated from United Paramount", "5726ed12708984140094d645": "UPT-ABC merger. One FCC Commissioner saw the possibility of ABC, funded by", "5726ed12708984140094d646": "$6 million", "5726ed12708984140094d647": "its freeze on new station license applications, among the issues the Commission was slated to address was whether to approve", "5726ed12708984140094d648": "s Sixth Report and Order announced the end of its freeze on new station license applications, among the issues the Commission was slated to address was whether", "5726edeff1498d1400e8f024": "launched over the course of", "5726edeff1498d1400e8f025": "undertook on the use of the VHF spectrum", "5726edeff1498d1400e8f026": "broadcasting purposes, the FCC implemented a freeze on new station applications. However, KGO-TV in San Francisco, which had", "5726edeff1498d1400e8f027": "running for", "5726efdbdd62a815002e95c6": "the", "5726efdbdd62a815002e95c7": "-oriented series in an attempt by ABC to counterprogram its", "5726efdbdd62a815002e95c8": "was filmed", "5726efdbdd62a815002e95c9": "time animated programming, but it", "5726f0865951b619008f82e5": ", because the network did not have the technical and financial resources to carry the program in the format.", "5726f0865951b619008f82e6": "would resume its relationship with Disney in 1985, when the anthology series returned to the network for a three-season run as", "5726f0865951b619008f82e7": "Disney Productions, having improved its financial situation, had purchased ABC's shares in the Disneyland theme park for $7.5", "5726f0865951b619008f82e8": "the Disney", "572734af708984140094dae3": "ika Design Group to design and produce its 2001\u201302 identity, which continued using the black-and-yellow color", "572734af708984140094dae4": "the Troika Design Group to design", "572734af708984140094dae5": "network hired the Troika Design Group to design and produce its 2001\u2013", "572734af708984140094dae6": "identity, which continued using", "572735a15951b619008f86bf": ", featuring a small black-and-white \"ABC Circle\" logo on a yellow background", "572735a15951b619008f86c0": "a", "572735a15951b619008f86c1": "four-note signature has been updated with", "572735a15951b619008f86c2": "used since 2000) and", "572736625951b619008f86d1": ") beginning", "572736625951b619008f86d2": "circle and the letters, and a bronze border surrounding the circle. The ABC logo first appeared as a on-screen bug in the", "572736625951b619008f86d3": "of the network's founding, ID sequences had the logo appear in a gold CGI design", "572736625951b619008f86d4": "letters, and a bronze border surrounding the circle. The ABC logo first appeared as a on-screen bug in the 1993\u201394 season,", "572736fc5951b619008f86d9": "development including white,", "572736fc5951b619008f86da": "saw the emergence of many graphical imaging packages for the network in which based the logo'", "572736fc5951b619008f86db": "blue, pink, rainbow neon and glittering dotted lines. Among the \"ABC Circle\" logo", "57273799f1498d1400e8f4be": "letters \"abc\" enclosed in a single black circle. The new logo debuted on-air for ABC's promos at the", "57273799f1498d1400e8f4bf": "the lowercase letters \"abc\" enclosed in a single black circle. The new logo debuted on-air for ABC's", "57273799f1498d1400e8f4c0": "easier to redesign and duplicate, which conferred a benefit for ABC (mostly before the", "57273799f1498d1400e8f4c1": "most closely resembling Chalet. The logo's simplicity made it easier to redesign and duplicate, which conferred a benefit for ABC (", "5727387b5951b619008f86e9": "into", "5727387b5951b619008f86ea": "of ABC Radio, with Clear Channel Communications and", "5727387b5951b619008f86eb": "as well as the distribution rights to CBS's, and the Mutual Broadcasting System during the 1990s) as potential buyers. On", "57273954708984140094db05": ", Disney announced a restructuring of its", "57273954708984140094db06": "comprising just over half of the 36 races held annually) effective with the 2006 season", "57273954708984140094db07": "NBC and CBS", "57273954708984140094db08": "broadcast 17 Nextel Cup races each season (comprising just over half of the 36 races held annually) effective with", "57273a0d708984140094db0d": "outlined a", "57273a0d708984140094db0e": "saw the debut of the", "57273a0d708984140094db0f": "Channels (Toon & Playhouse), ABC daytime with Soapnet and ABC prime time with", "57273a0d708984140094db10": "style dating show's success led to a spinoff, The Bachelorette, which premiered the following year", "57273abef1498d1400e8f4da": "ham). The network", "57273abef1498d1400e8f4db": "and WTVD in Raleigh-Durham). The network had earlier reached an eleventh-hour deal to renew its carriage agreement", "57273abef1498d1400e8f4dc": "York City,", "57273abef1498d1400e8f4dd": "the 2000\u201301 season as the most-watched network,", "57273b69dd62a815002e99d6": "addition to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, the network entered the 2000s with hits", "57273b69dd62a815002e99d7": "World and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, the latter of which moved to The WB in September 2000, beginning to wane as", "57273b69dd62a815002e99d8": "aire. 2000 saw the end", "57273c195951b619008f8721": ".", "57273c195951b619008f8722": "ing the show as a", "57273c195951b619008f8723": "Buena Vista Television", "57273c195951b619008f8724": "Buena Vista Television relaunching the show as a syndicated program (under that incarnation's original host Meredith Vieira) in September of that year", "57273d19708984140094db3d": "The Walt Disney Company announced an agreement to merge with Capital Cities/ABC for $19 billion. Disney shareholders approved the merger at a special", "57273d19708984140094db3e": "ABC with Robert Iger taking his place as president and CEO. Around the time of the merger, Disney's television", "57273d19708984140094db3f": "units had already produced series", "57273d19708984140094db40": "created sitcom Sports Night, centering on the trav", "57273d19708984140094db41": "The Walt Disney Company announced an", "57273dbbf1498d1400e8f508": "Untold Story Behind the Rise of ABC\", \"in the", "57273dbbf1498d1400e8f509": ". However, ABC's", "57273dbbf1498d1400e8f50a": "'", "57273ef15951b619008f8751": "Street, one block away from", "57273ef15951b619008f8752": "AM)", "57273ef15951b619008f8753": "by the flagship station of CBS Radio (now WCBS (AM)) until 1946.", "57273f9d708984140094db51": ". Goldenson added to the confusion when, in October 1954, he proposed a merger between UPT and the DuMont Television Network,", "57273f9d708984140094db52": "as well as two other stations. The merged ABC-DuMont", "57273f9d708984140094db53": "existing DuMont programming, and guaranteed advertising time for DuMont Laboratories receivers. In addition, to comply", "57273f9d708984140094db54": "owned-and-operated station WABD in the New York City market, as well", "5727403af1498d1400e8f526": "quarantine that", "5727403af1498d1400e8f527": "he had", "5727403af1498d1400e8f528": "s in Hollywood, with whom he had worked when UPT was a subsidiary of Paramount Pictures. ABC's merger with UPT led to the", "57274118dd62a815002e9a1c": "adapted from the", "57274118dd62a815002e9a1d": "after the start of the network's bond with the Disney studio, James Lewis Baughman, who worked as a columnist at that", "57274118dd62a815002e9a1e": "Bros. Presents. Airing during the 1955\u201356 season, it showcased television adaptations", "57274118dd62a815002e9a1f": "(a remake of the 1954 film The Boy from Oklahoma); and Maverick. However, the most iconic of ABC's relationships with Hollywood producers", "572741aaf1498d1400e8f53e": "guarantee of $4.5 million in additional loans, a third of the budget intended for the park.", "572741aaf1498d1400e8f53f": "on October 27,", "572741aaf1498d1400e8f540": "night program, Disneyland, which debuted on the network on October 27, 1954 as the first", "572741aaf1498d1400e8f541": "budget intended for the park. Around 1954, ABC agreed to finance Disneyland in", "572742daf1498d1400e8f550": "music choice policy should be reviewed to allow listeners access to many styles of music.", "572742daf1498d1400e8f551": "LOVE Radio\", which featured", "572742daf1498d1400e8f552": "\"LOVE Radio\", which featured a limited selection of music genres, was launched on ABC's seven owned-and-operated FM stations", "572742daf1498d1400e8f553": "be reviewed to allow listeners access to many styles", "5727436af1498d1400e8f558": ") that were produced on an average budget of $400,000\u2013$", "5727436af1498d1400e8f559": "early success through the showcase for his 1971 film Duel) that were", "5727436af1498d1400e8f55a": "directed by such talented filmmakers as Aaron Spelling, David Wolper and Steven Spielberg", "5727436af1498d1400e8f55b": "length dramatic films directed by such talented filmmakers as Aaron Spelling, David Wolper and Steven Spielberg (the latter of whom gained early success through the showcase", "572743fb708984140094db93": "'s gains in audience share were greatly helped by the fact that several smaller markets had grown large enough to allow full-time affiliations", "572743fb708984140094db94": "to better determine what types of sponsors to sell advertising slots to and provide programming that would appeal towards certain audiences. ABC'", "572743fb708984140094db95": "the fact that several smaller markets had grown large enough to allow full-time affiliations from", "5727448b5951b619008f87a1": "premier game of the week until 2006, when Sunday Night", "5727448b5951b619008f87a2": "network for 41", "5727448b5951b619008f87a3": "that year as part of a broadcast deal that in turn saw MNF move to ESPN", "5727448b5951b619008f87a4": "cate the weekly budget for ABC's prime time schedule to just six days, as opposed to seven on competing networks. 1970 also", "57274633dd62a815002e9a4e": "major networks from monopolizing the broadcast landscape by barring them from own", "57274633dd62a815002e9a4f": "produce and distribute programming for U.S", "57274633dd62a815002e9a50": "any of the prime time programming that they broadcast", "572746d3dd62a815002e9a66": "to Henry Plitt in", "572746d3dd62a815002e9a67": "Citing limited profitability of its cinemas, ABC Great States, the Central West division of ABC Theatres, was sold to Henry", "572746d3dd62a815002e9a68": "cigarette advertising from all television and radio networks, including ABC, when it took effect on January 2, 1971. Citing limited profit", "572746d3dd62a815002e9a69": "the Central West division of ABC Theatres, was sold to Henry Plitt in 1974. On January 17, 1972,", "572747dd5951b619008f87a9": ", Eisner's main credit at", "572747dd5951b619008f87aa": "a segment on the anthology series Love, American Style), as well as several soap operas; however,", "572747dd5951b619008f87ab": "ideas for many series including Happy Days (which originated as a segment on the anthology series Love, American Style)", "572747dd5951b619008f87ac": "the network's program development manager. He helped bring about ideas for many series including Happy Days (", "572748745951b619008f87b1": "WCVB-TV premiered morning show Good Day!", "572748745951b619008f87b2": "1972 and", "572748745951b619008f87b3": "detective series S", "572748745951b619008f87b4": "Morning!, it was groundbreaking for being entirely produced on the road and broadcasting from locations outside of the Boston", "5727492f708984140094dbb5": "-off series, Laverne & Shirley, which debuted in 1976. Charlie's Angels and Three's Company (which debuted", "5727492f708984140094dbb6": "Silverman, who left ABC in 1978 to become president of NBC", "5727492f708984140094dbb7": "om, women in main and guest", "572749d7dd62a815002e9a90": "being the first television series to feature an openly gay main character (played by a then-unknown Billy Crystal); it last ran on", "572749d7dd62a815002e9a91": "featured three stories centered partly", "572749d7dd62a815002e9a92": "by Aaron Spelling which was based around the crew of a cruise ship and featured three stories centered partly on the ship's", "572749d7dd62a815002e9a93": "based on an Alex Haley novel that was published", "572749d7dd62a815002e9a94": "lasted nine seasons. Roots went on to become one of the highest-rated programs", "57274a8cf1498d1400e8f5b4": ", sought to become a global leader in television news. In 1977, Roone Arledge was named president of the new ABC News in addition", "57274a8cf1498d1400e8f5b5": "(although it is actually located at 149 Columbus Avenue). Meanwhile, a former parking lot", "57274a8cf1498d1400e8f5b6": "named president", "57274a8cf1498d1400e8f5b7": "an impressive", "57274baff1498d1400e8f5dc": "series, before becoming a year-round program", "57274baff1498d1400e8f5dd": "; after its first episode received harshly negative reviews", "57274baff1498d1400e8f5de": "after its first episode received harshly negative reviews, the program \u2013 which debuted as a summer series, before becoming", "57274baff1498d1400e8f5df": "received", "57274cac708984140094dbdd": "retain some over-the-air presence in the Detroit market (the E.W.", "57274cac708984140094dbde": "its contract with NBC expired two months after the purchase was finalized in", "57274cac708984140094dbdf": ", 1994, ABC purchased Flint, Michigan affiliate WJRT-TV and WTVG in Toledo,", "57274cac708984140094dbe0": "called ABC Cable News, with plans to launch the network in 1995; however, the plan would ultimately be shelved by company management", "57274d905951b619008f87e1": ".S. version of Life on Mars suffered from low viewership, despite the former, a spin off of The Practice", "57274d905951b619008f87e2": "season; other series", "57274d905951b619008f87e3": "time was the game show Duel, which premiered in December 2007. The program would become a minor success for the network during its initial six", "57274e6a5951b619008f87f1": "22, Disney\u2013ABC Television Group announced a partnership with Apple Inc. to make individual episodes of ABC and Disney Channel programs", "57274e6a5951b619008f87f2": "this reorganization, the group announced that it would lay off 5% of its workforce. On April", "57274e6a5951b619008f87f3": "with Apple Inc.", "57274e6a5951b619008f87f4": "Communications announced that it would rebrand ABC Radio as", "57274f07708984140094dbed": ", the network", "57274f07708984140094dbee": "two former hit shows now out of the picture, the network's remaining top veteran shows Desperate House", "57274f07708984140094dbef": "hit drama", "57274f07708984140094dbf0": "shows now out of the picture,", "5727504b5951b619008f881d": "-Spears and Hanna-Barbera libraries", "5727504b5951b619008f881e": "and ABC Circle Films as a production company. However", "5727504b5951b619008f881f": "as a production company. However, between the publication and implementation of these regulations, the separation of the network's catalog was made", "5727504b5951b619008f8820": "created two companies: Worldvision Enterprises as a syndication distributor, and", "57275273dd62a815002e9b16": "General Hospital, and ABC News productions), although Disney\u2013ABC Domestic Television (formerly known as Buena Vista Television) handles domestic", "57275273dd62a815002e9b17": "Television (formerly known as Buena", "57275273dd62a815002e9b18": "of the library is the aforementioned Selznick", "57275273dd62a815002e9b19": "the aforementioned Selznick library, the Cinerama Productions/Palomar theatrical library and the Selmur Productions catalog", "57275339dd62a815002e9b28": "2015[update", "57275339dd62a815002e9b29": "the District of Columbia, four U.S. possessions, Bermuda and Saba; this makes ABC the largest U", "57275339dd62a815002e9b2a": "WABC-TV and WPVI-TV, the first two stations to carry the network's programming. As", "57275339dd62a815002e9b2b": "Americans with at least one television set).", "572754b5dd62a815002e9b44": "first color broadcasts, the ABC logo consisted of a tiny lowercase \"abc\" in the center", "572754b5dd62a815002e9b45": "letter a, a design", "572754b5dd62a815002e9b46": "lowercase letter a, a design known as the \"ABC Circle", "57275573708984140094dc45": "s and Rudolph's Shiny New Year \u2013 which continue to be", "57275573708984140094dc46": "on the network's schedule that was", "57275573708984140094dc47": "SD), when Extreme Makeover", "57275573708984140094dc48": "Edition ended its", "57275650708984140094dc5f": "S. television properties. However, most of Hearst Television's 16 ABC-affiliated stations transmit the network's programming in 1080i HD", "57275650708984140094dc60": "of Hearst Television's 16 ABC-affiliated stations transmit the network", "57275650708984140094dc61": "HD, while 11 other affiliates owned by various companies carry the network feed in 480i standard definition either due to technical considerations for affiliates", "57275650708984140094dc62": "80i HD, while 11 other affiliates owned by various companies carry the network feed in", "57275743f1498d1400e8f680": "a second", "57275743f1498d1400e8f681": "The network also struggled to establish new comedies to support the previous year", "57275743f1498d1400e8f682": "establish", "57275743f1498d1400e8f683": "also struggled to establish new comedies to support the previous year'", "5727590df1498d1400e8f6b6": "'s use of certain characters from One Live to Live on General Hospital during the transition)", "5727590df1498d1400e8f6b7": "licensing fees and issues over ABC's use of certain characters from One Live to Live on General Hospital during the transition). The talk", "5727590df1498d1400e8f6b8": "licensing fees and issues over ABC's use of certain characters from One Live to Live on General Hospital during the transition). The talk/lifestyle", "5727590df1498d1400e8f6b9": "both companies suing one another for allegations of interference with the process of", "5727590df1498d1400e8f6ba": "over ABC's use of certain characters from One Live to Live on General Hospital during the transition). The", "572759c1f1498d1400e8f6ca": "gged behind ABC for", "572759c1f1498d1400e8f6cb": "for eight years, finished the season in first place in the 18\u201349 demographic", "572759c1f1498d1400e8f6cc": "languished in", "572759c1f1498d1400e8f6cd": "in total viewership behind long-dominant CBS. ABC itself would finish the season in third place as Fox crashed to fourth in both demographics", "57275a505951b619008f889f": "ABC a strong competitor (after being paired with 20/20 and beginning with the 2012\u2013", "57275a505951b619008f88a0": "both a critical and commercial success. Shark Tank (based on the Dragon's Den reality format) also became a", "57275a505951b619008f88a1": "night schedule, gradually helping make ABC a strong", "57275a505951b619008f88a2": "bright spots during this season were", "57275bfb708984140094dc97": "procedural from Steven Bochco (who created Doogie Howser, M.D. and the critically pill", "57275bfb708984140094dc98": "television standards (particularly its occasional use of graphic language and rear", "57275bfb708984140094dc99": "network television standards (particularly its occasional use of graphic", "57275bfb708984140094dc9a": ", which led some affiliates to initially refuse to air", "57275bfb708984140094dc9b": ", which led", "57275cb3f1498d1400e8f6da": "a total viewership share of 23.63% of American households, just below the limit of 25%", "57275cb3f1498d1400e8f6db": "-operated television stations on the provider's systems in ABC O&O markets. By that year, ABC had a total viewership share", "57275cb3f1498d1400e8f6dc": "In 1993, the FCC repealed the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules, once again allowing networks to hold interests in television", "57275cb3f1498d1400e8f6dd": "the FCC repealed the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules, once again allowing networks to hold interests", "57275e125951b619008f88d7": "it to invest in other properties and programming. In May 1960, ABC purchased Chicago radio station", "57275e125951b619008f88d8": ", who was trying to establish a television station in Toronto,", "57275e125951b619008f88d9": "The network's finance", "57275e125951b619008f88da": "agreed to acquire a 25% interest in CFTO-TV; however, legislation by the Canadian Radio-Television Commission prohibited", "57275e95f1498d1400e8f6f4": "it compete with NBC and CBS, ABC's management believed that sports could be a major catalyst in improving the network's", "57275e95f1498d1400e8f6f5": "Sports Programs, Inc. and produced by a young Roone Arledge which featured a different sporting event each broadcast. ABC purchased Sports", "57275e95f1498d1400e8f6f6": "become the future core of ABC Sports, with Arledge as the executive producer of", "57275e95f1498d1400e8f6f7": "World of Sports, an anthology series created by Edgar Scherick through his company Sports Programs", "57275f6ef1498d1400e8f706": "citation needed] its recording division was renamed ABC Records in 1966. In December of that year, the ABC television network premiered", "57275f6ef1498d1400e8f707": "responses to their partner's questions (some of which were fairly risque). As ABC began to outgrow its facilities at", "57275f6ef1498d1400e8f708": "date concept in which a suitor selected one of three contestants sight unseen based on the answers to selected questions. This was followed up in July 1966", "57275f6ef1498d1400e8f709": "to outgrow its facilities at", "57276166dd62a815002e9bd8": "service over the channel space of Nickelodeon.", "57276166dd62a815002e9bd9": "Mork & Mindy.", "57276166dd62a815002e9bda": "the three major networks represented 90% of all prime-time television viewership in the U.S.).", "57276166dd62a815002e9bdb": "the Alpha Repertory Television Service (ARTS), a cable channel", "5727623a5951b619008f8921": ". On January 4, 1984, The New York Times reported that ABC, through its subsidiary ABC Video Enterprises, had exercised its option to", "5727623a5951b619008f8922": "Corporation. On January 4, 1984, The New York Times reported that ABC,", "5727623a5951b619008f8923": "committee approved the company's interest acquisition in ESPN, and", "5727623a5951b619008f8924": "ABC Video Enterprises, had exercised its option to purchase up to 15% (or between $25 million", "572763a8708984140094dcd9": "Doogie Howser, M.D", "572763a8708984140094dcda": "CEO. Capital Cities/ABC reported revenues of $465 million", "572763a8708984140094dcdb": "network entered the 1990s with additional family-friendly hits including America's Funniest Home Videos (which has gone on", "572763a8708984140094dcdc": "additional family-friendly hits including America's Funniest Home Videos (which has gone on", "572763a8708984140094dcdd": "; and Ellen, which became notable for a 1997 episode which served as the coming out of series star", "572764855951b619008f8951": "News programming includes Good Morning America from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m", "572764855951b619008f8952": "the late night newsmagazine Nightline. Late nights feature the weeknight", "572764855951b619008f8953": ".m. weekdays (along with one-hour weekend editions); nightly editions of ABC World News Tonight (whose weekend editions", "572764855951b619008f8954": "occasionally subject to abbreviation or pre", "57276576dd62a815002e9c18": "by New York City O&O WABC-TV and Philadelphia O&O W", "57276576dd62a815002e9c19": "New Jersey is served by New York City O&O WABC-TV and Philadelphia O&O WPVI-TV; Rhode Island", "57276576dd62a815002e9c1a": "Delaware", "57276576dd62a815002e9c1b": "served by New York City O&O WABC-TV and Philadelphia O&O WP", "57276690708984140094dd01": "(now The Prospect Studios) on Prospect Avenue in Hollywood, California, shared with the operations of KAB", "57276690708984140094dd02": "(now The Prospect Studios) on Prospect Avenue in", "57276690708984140094dd03": "and by Touchstone Television beginning in 1985, before Touchstone was reorganized as ABC Studios in February 2007. Since the 1950s", "57276690708984140094dd04": "has had two main production facilities: the ABC Television Center (now The Prospect Studios) on Prospect", "5727678e5951b619008f8973": "the Times Square Studios at 1500 Broadway on land in Times Square owned by a development fund for the", "5727678e5951b619008f8974": "1999, Good Morning America and Nightline are broadcast from this particular facility. ABC News has premises a little further on", "5727678e5951b619008f8975": "in 2006 in honor of", "5727678e5951b619008f8976": "fund for the 42nd Street Project; opened in 1999, Good", "572768d9708984140094dd13": "since July 6, 2009", "572768d9708984140094dd14": "empty", "572768d9708984140094dd15": "called ABC on Demand, which is carried on most traditional cable and IPTV providers. The Walt", "572768d9708984140094dd16": "), as part of an agreement reached in April that year that also allowed Disney to acquire a 27%", "572769e85951b619008f8985": "The", "572769e85951b619008f8986": "on Hulu and WATCH ABC until eight days after their initial broadcast, in order to encourage live", "572769e85951b619008f8987": ". Restrictions implemented by Disney\u2013ABC Television Group on January 7, 2014 restrict streaming of the most recent episode", "572769e85951b619008f8988": "and WATCH ABC until eight days after their initial broadcast, in order to encourage live or same-week (via", "57276a8f5951b619008f8995": "Studios) and the on-screen bug; steel", "57276a8f5951b619008f8996": "-oriented", "57276a8f5951b619008f8997": "logo carries a simpler gloss design than the previous version, and contains lettering", "57276a8f5951b619008f8998": "gloss design than the previous version, and contains lettering more closely resembling Paul Rand's", "57276c64f1498d1400e8f7b2": "were", "57276c64f1498d1400e8f7b3": "s compared to the 74 that carried the majority of CBS programs and the 71 that were primarily affiliated with", "57276c64f1498d1400e8f7b4": "1961) mandated the inclusion of UHF tuning, most viewers needed to purchase a", "57276c64f1498d1400e8f7b5": "take on an", "57276d7f708984140094dd3f": ", with some very small markets", "57276d7f708984140094dd40": "s intake of money at the time would allow it to accelerate its content production. Still, ABC's limited reach would continue to ho", "57276d7f708984140094dd41": "ABC programming reported five times lower viewership than its competitors. However, the network", "57276d7f708984140094dd42": "smaller markets would not grow large enough to support a full-time ABC affiliate until the 1960s,", "57276f82dd62a815002e9cd0": "as well. ABC requested additional productions from Disney. In late", "57276f82dd62a815002e9cd1": "to quickly become \"", "57276f82dd62a815002e9cd2": "in January 1959, at which point detective shows were beginning", "57276f82dd62a815002e9cd3": "went on to quickly become \"immense", "5727705f5951b619008f89f3": "at the same period. To catch up, ABC followed up The Flintstones with another animated series from Hanna-Barbera, The Jetsons", "5727705f5951b619008f89f4": "to be broadcast in color on the network. On April 1, 1963, ABC", "5727705f5951b619008f89f5": "to be broadcast in color on the", "5727705f5951b619008f89f6": "in viewership (with its audience share having increased to 33% from", "5727705f5951b619008f89f7": "), a drama", "572771a5f1498d1400e8f840": "1965", "572771a5f1498d1400e8f841": "the Department of Justice in July 1967, with IT", "572771a5f1498d1400e8f842": "would allow ABC to retain autonomy in the publishing business. The merger was suspended, and a", "572771a5f1498d1400e8f843": "ownership", "57277373dd62a815002e9d24": "present-day Cable One). The remaining $500 million was loaned by Warren Buffett, who promised that his company Berkshire Hathaway", "57277373dd62a815002e9d25": "ABC and Capital Cities respectively decided to sell WXYZ-TV and Tampa independent station WFTS-TV", "57277373dd62a815002e9d26": "WJR and WHYT)", "57277373dd62a815002e9d27": "E. W. Scripps Company (although Capital Cities/ABC originally intended to seek a cross-ownership waiver to retain WXYZ", "57277373dd62a815002e9d28": "the merger offer, which was formally announced on March 18, 1985, with Capital Cities purchasing ABC", "572774cf5951b619008f8a51": "Owned Stations and ABC Video Enterprises; John B. Sias was appointed president", "572774cf5951b619008f8a52": "Philadelphia, KTRK-TV/", "572774cf5951b619008f8a53": "\u2013", "572774cf5951b619008f8a54": "Cities received federal approval on September 5,", "572774cf5951b619008f8a55": "/Fresno and WTVD/Raleigh) and several radio stations to ABC's broadcasting portfolio, and also", "57277585708984140094de2b": ", NBC had regained the ratings lead among the Big Three networks in 1984 on", "57277585708984140094de2c": "Belvedere, Roseanne, Who's the Boss?, Just", "57277585708984140094de2d": "to refocus itself on comedies and family-oriented series beginning in the mid-1980s including Mr. Belvedere,", "57277585708984140094de2e": "Shirley ended its run in 1983, Happy Days and Three's Company ended in 1984 (with the latter producing a short-lived spin", "57277585708984140094de2f": ". After nearly a decade of ratings", "57277632f1498d1400e8f8c4": "series featured during the run", "57277632f1498d1400e8f8c5": "IF\" block (which promotions referenced stood for \"Thank Goodness It's Funny\"). Many of the series featured during the", "57277632f1498d1400e8f8c6": "Thank", "57277632f1498d1400e8f8c7": "culminating in the", "572776e85951b619008f8a7f": "KXYZ and KXYZ-FM for $1 million in shares and", "572776e85951b619008f8a80": "California; that park was sold in 1972 and demolished in 1986, with the land that occupied the park later becoming home to the headquarters of Oracle Corporation", "572776e85951b619008f8a81": "In 1968, ABC took advantage of new FCC ownership regulations that allowed broadcasting companies to own a maximum of", "572776e85951b619008f8a82": "ABC Marine World in Redwood City, California; that park was sold in 1972 and demolished in 1986, with the", "572776e85951b619008f8a83": "mar Pictures", "5727780a5951b619008f8a9d": "not until the late 1950s that the ABC network became a serious contender to NBC and", "5727780a5951b619008f8a9e": "population, as it still had relatively fewer affiliates than NBC and CBS. In 1957, ABC Entertainment president Olli", "5727780a5951b619008f8a9f": "strong ratings in the Philadelphia market on WFIL-TV; Treiz ultimately negotiated a deal to take the", "5727780a5951b619008f8aa0": "ultimately negotiated a deal to take the show national, under the revised title American Bandstand; the show", "5727780a5951b619008f8aa1": "Bandstand had pulled very strong ratings", "57277944f1498d1400e8f90a": "with an image", "57277944f1498d1400e8f90b": "of 1957, and its detective shows did the same", "57277944f1498d1400e8f90c": "shows aired by NBC and CBS in the fall of 1957", "57277944f1498d1400e8f90d": "competitors\", offering a", "57277af2708984140094dec3": "first such offering by a U.S. broadcast network). Similar to sister", "57277af2708984140094dec4": "the network'", "57277af2708984140094dec5": "'s WatchESPN service (which originated the \"WATCH\" brand used by the streaming services", "57277af2708984140094dec6": "(which originated the \"WATCH\" brand used by", "57277bfc708984140094ded9": "largest operator of ABC", "57277bfc708984140094deda": "ABC affiliates and two additional subchannel-only affiliates", "57277bfc708984140094dedb": ", the only provider of ABC programming for the majority of Arizona (out", "57277bfc708984140094dedc": "as Cleveland, Phoenix, Detroit and Denver),", "57277bfc708984140094dedd": "s Company is the largest operator of ABC stations in terms of overall", "57277cf6dd62a815002e9e76": "June 16, 2007, ABC began to phase in a new imaging campaign for the", "57277cf6dd62a815002e9e77": "the on-air design was intended to emphasize the availability of ABC content across multiple platforms (in particular, using a", "57277cf6dd62a815002e9e78": "of ABC content across multiple platforms (in particular, using a system of icons representing", "57277cf6dd62a815002e9e79": "the logo was accompanied by animated water and ribbon effects.", "57277de9dd62a815002e9ea4": "one another, while WWSB and WOTV serve areas", "57277de9dd62a815002e9ea5": "the case of WWSB, this dates back to when WTSP was Tampa's primary ABC affiliate", "57277de9dd62a815002e9ea6": "to when WTSP was Tampa's primary ABC affiliate prior to 1994, with the former being necessitated to serve the southern part of", "57277de9dd62a815002e9ea7": "another, while WWSB and WOTV serve areas that do not receive an adequate signal from their market's primary ABC affiliate", "57269e8a5951b619008f77f5": "the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. After founding the Mongol Empire and being", "57269e8a5951b619008f77f6": "\"Genghis Khan\", he started the Mongol invasions that resulted in the conquest of most of Eurasia", "57269e8a5951b619008f77f7": "proclaimed \"Genghis Khan\", he started the Mongol invasions that resulted in the conquest of most of Eurasia. These included raids or invasion", "57269e8a5951b619008f77f8": ", Khwarezmid Empire, Western Xia and Jin dynasties. These campaigns were often accompanied by wholesale massacres of the civilian populations \u2013", "57269e8a5951b619008f77f9": "s that resulted in the conquest of most of Eurasia. These included raids or invasions of the Qara Khitai,", "5726a00d708984140094cc25": "edei Khan as his successor and split his empire into khanates among his sons and grandsons. He", "5726a00d708984140094cc26": "Genghis Khan died, he assigned \u00d6gedei", "5726a00d708984140094cc27": ",", "5726a00d708984140094cc28": ".", "5726a00d708984140094cc29": ", the Caucasus, Central Asia, and substantial portions of modern Eastern Europe, Russia, and Southwest Asia. Many of these invasions repeated the earlier large", "5726a21bf1498d1400e8e578": "Tem\u00fcjin was probably born in 1162 in Del\u00fc\u00fcn Boldog, near Bur", "5726a21bf1498d1400e8e579": "probably", "5726a21bf1498d1400e8e57a": "the Kiyad and", "5726a21bf1498d1400e8e57b": "his fist, a traditional sign that he was destined to become a great leader. He was the second-oldest son of", "5726a340dd62a815002e8bbc": "well as two half-brothers named Begter and Bel", "5726a340dd62a815002e8bbd": "member of the tribe Khongirad. Tem\u00fcjin was to live there", "5726a340dd62a815002e8bbe": "future wife B\u00f6rte, who was a member of the tribe Khongirad. Tem\u00fcjin was to live there", "5726a340dd62a815002e8bbf": "\u00fcjin's", "5726a340dd62a815002e8bc0": "who was a member of the tribe Khongirad. Tem\u00fcjin was to live there in service", "5726a4a9708984140094ccb7": "adult. Temujin's resentment erupted during one hunting excursion that Tem\u00fcjin and his brother Khasar killed their half", "5726a4a9708984140094ccb8": "\u00fcjin", "5726a4a9708984140094ccb9": "wild fruits and ox carcasses, marmots, and other small game killed by Tem\u00fcjin and his brothers. Begter", "5726a4a9708984140094ccba": "eventually Temujin's mother Hoelun (not Begter'", "5726a5f65951b619008f7903": "Genghis Khan's future generals, joined forces with him. Tem\u00fcj", "5726a5f65951b619008f7904": "in a raid and held prisoner by his father's former allies, the Tayichi'ud. The Tayichi'ud", "5726a5f65951b619008f7905": "captured in a", "5726a5f65951b619008f7906": "able to escape from the ger (yurt) in the middle of the night by hiding", "5726a5f65951b619008f7907": ".[citation needed] It was around this time that Jelme and Bo'orchu, two of Genghis Khan's", "5726a784708984140094ccff": "which", "5726a784708984140094cd00": "lun taught him many lessons about the unstable political climate of Mongolia, especially the need for", "5726a784708984140094cd01": "this time, none of", "5726a784708984140094cd02": "\u00fcjin grew up observing the tough political climate of Mongolia, which included tribal warfare", "5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c34": "around 16 in order to cement alliances between their respective tribes.", "5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c35": "in order to cement alliances between their respective tribes. Soon after B\u00f6rte's marriage to Tem\u00fcjin,", "5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c36": ". Soon after B\u00f6rte's marriage to Tem\u00fcjin, she was kidnapped by the Merkits and reportedly given", "5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c37": "nine months later, clouding the issue of his parentage. Despite speculation", "5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c38": "be Tem\u00fcjin's only empress, though he did follow tradition by taking several", "5726a9ed5951b619008f7969": ",", "5726a9ed5951b619008f796a": "(1187\u20141241), \u00d6gedei (1189\u201412", "5726a9ed5951b619008f796b": "the names of sons were documented, daughters were not. The names of at least six", "5726a9ed5951b619008f796c": "names of", "5726a9ed5951b619008f796d": "of at least six daughters are", "5726ab47f1498d1400e8e6a2": "'s anda (sworn brother or blood brother) Toghrul, who was Khan of", "5726ab47f1498d1400e8e6a3": "was first reinforced when B\u00f6rte was captured by the Merk", "5726ab47f1498d1400e8e6a4": "and suggested that he also involve his childhood friend Jamukha, who had himself become Khan (ruler", "5726ab47f1498d1400e8e6a5": "to his father's anda (sworn brother or", "5726ab47f1498d1400e8e6a6": ". Tem\u00fcjin turned to Toghrul for support, and in response, Toghrul offered his vassal 20,000 of", "5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6ca": "apart in their friendship, each began consolidating power, and soon became rivals. Jamukha supported the traditional Mongolian aristocracy, while", "5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6cb": "and eliciting sympathy for Tem\u00fcjin", "5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6cc": "for the next ten years is very unclear, as historical records are mostly silent", "5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6cd": "a broader", "5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6ce": "\u00fcjin", "5726ae32708984140094cdab": "integrated its members into his own tribe. He would even have", "5726ae32708984140094cdac": "Tem\u00fcj", "5726ae32708984140094cdad": "in promised civilians and soldiers wealth from future possible war spoils. As he defeated rival tribes, he did not drive away enemy soldiers", "5726ae32708984140094cdae": "tribe under his protection and integrated its members into his own tribe. He would even have his mother", "5726af765951b619008f7a51": "already opposed Tem\u00fcjin's forces; however, the internal dispute between Toghrul and Jamukha, plus the desertion of a number", "5726af765951b619008f7a52": "marriage to Jochi, the eldest son of Tem\u00fcjin, a sign of disrespect in the Mongolian", "5726af765951b619008f7a53": "s defeat. Jamukha escaped during the conflict. This defeat was a catalyst for the fall and eventual dissolution of the Ker", "5726af765951b619008f7a54": "to", "5726b0985951b619008f7a91": ", although enough sectors again voluntarily sided with Tem\u00fcjin.", "5726b0985951b619008f7a92": "Jamukha's assumption of this title was the final breach with Tem\u00fcjin, and Jamukha formed a", "5726b0985951b619008f7a93": "his", "5726b0985951b619008f7a94": "d with Tem\u00fcjin. In 12", "5726b0985951b619008f7a95": "Naiman Mongols), with whom Jamukha", "5726b1d95951b619008f7acd": "known to have", "5726b1d95951b619008f7ace": "\u00fcjin had killed the men who betrayed Jamukha, stating that he did not want dis", "5726b1d95951b619008f7acf": "the fact that in the past Ja", "5726b1d95951b619008f7ad0": "friendship to Jamukha, asking him", "5726b879708984140094cf01": "of Genghis Khan's life are marked by claims of a series of betrayals and conspiracies", "5726b879708984140094cf02": "betrayals and conspiracies. These include rifts with his early allies such as Jamukha (", "5726b879708984140094cf03": "understanding the motivations of his rivals, exemplified by his extensive spy network and Y", "5726b879708984140094cf04": "his father's ally), his son Jochi, and problems with the most important shaman, who was allegedly trying to drive a wedge between", "5726b879708984140094cf05": "s and con", "5726b9e15951b619008f7bf1": "Mongols\"", "5726b9e15951b619008f7bf2": "a", "5726b9e15951b619008f7bf3": "This unification of all confederations by Genghis Khan established peace between previously warring tribes and a single political", "5726b9e15951b619008f7bf4": "subdue the Merkits, Naimans, Mongols", "5726b9e15951b619008f7bf5": "\" (as they became known collectively). At a", "5726bb645951b619008f7c3b": "the Mongols under the reign of Genghis' third son, \u00d6gedei Khan. The Jin dynasty collapsed in 1234, after the", "5726bb645951b619008f7c3c": "of Zhongdu (modern-day Beijing). This forced the Emperor Xuanzong to move his capital south to Kaifeng", "5726bb645951b619008f7c3d": "15 Genghis besieged, captured, and sacked the Jin capital of Zhongdu (", "5726bb645951b619008f7c3e": "ei Khan. The Jin dynasty collapsed in", "5726bb645951b619008f7c3f": ", after the conquest of Western Xia, Genghis", "5726bd655951b619008f7c9f": "By this time the Mongol army was exhausted from ten years of continuous campaigning in China against the Western Xia and Jin dynasty. Therefore", "5726bd655951b619008f7ca0": "exhausted from ten years of continuous campaigning in China against the Western Xia and Jin dynasty. Therefore, Genghis sent only two tu", "5726bd655951b619008f7ca1": "that Tem\u00fcjin defeated and folded into his Mongol Empire, fled west and usurped the khanate of Qara Khitai", "5726bd655951b619008f7ca2": "ate of Qara Khitai (also known as the Western Liao, as it was originally established as remnants of the Liao dynasty", "5726bd655951b619008f7ca3": "the Mongol army was exhausted from ten years of continuous campaigning in China against the Western Xia and Jin dynasty. Therefore, Genghis", "5726bf135951b619008f7ce9": "g fled again, but was soon hunted down by Jebe's army and executed.", "5726bf135951b619008f7cea": ". Kuchlug fled again, but was soon hunted down by Jebe's army and executed", "5726bf135951b619008f7ceb": "army and executed. By 12", "5726bf135951b619008f7cec": "'s army was defeated west of K", "5726bf135951b619008f7ced": "'s supporters, leaving the Qara Khitai more vulnerable to Mongol conquest", "5726c0c5dd62a815002e8f76": "troops in China, designated his successors to be his family members and likely appointed \u00d6g", "5726c0c5dd62a815002e8f77": "a second group of three ambassadors (two Mongols and a Muslim) to meet the Shah himself instead of the", "5726c0c5dd62a815002e8f78": "warezmian city of Otrar, attacked the caravan that came from", "5726c0c5dd62a815002e8f79": "by Shah Ala ad-Din Muhammad. Genghis Khan saw the potential advantage in Kh", "5726c0c5dd62a815002e8f7a": "spies and therefore", "5726c20fdd62a815002e8fa6": "Jochi led the first division into the northeast of Khwarezmia. The second division", "5726c20fdd62a815002e8fa7": "part of Khwarzemia to form, with the first division, a pincer", "5726c20fdd62a815002e8fa8": "attack on Samar", "5726c20fdd62a815002e8fa9": "three groups. His son Jochi led the first division into the northeast of Khwarez", "5726c20fdd62a815002e8faa": "three groups. His son Jochi led the first division", "5726c3b3708984140094d0cf": "fragmentation was", "5726c3b3708984140094d0d0": "fractions of the Khwarzemi forces instead of facing a unified defense. The Mongol army quickly seized", "5726c3b3708984140094d0d1": "tactics. Genghis Khan ordered the", "5726c3b3708984140094d0d2": "s, as it allowed the Mongols, although exhausted from the long journey, to immediately set", "5726c3b3708984140094d0d3": "of the population and executed Inalchuq by pouring molten silver into his ears and eyes, as retribution for his actions. Near the end of", "5726c4c8708984140094d0f5": "of farmland. According to legend, Genghis Khan even went so far as to divert", "5726c4c8708984140094d0f6": "was brutal. After the capital Samarkand fell, the capital was moved to Bukhara by the remaining", "5726c4c8708984140094d0f7": "Empire, including not only royal buildings, but entire towns, populations, and even vast", "5726c61ff1498d1400e8eae2": "in accordance with their usual custom, then they were", "5726c61ff1498d1400e8eae3": "and executed every soldier that had", "5726c61ff1498d1400e8eae4": "loyal supporters of the Shah, held out in the citadel. After the", "5726c7a85951b619008f7ddd": "a fire broke out, razing most of the city to the ground. Genghis Khan had the city", "5726c7a85951b619008f7dde": "was sent into slavery. As the Mongol soldiers looted the city, a fire broke out", "5726c7a85951b619008f7ddf": "'s citadel for another twelve days. Survivors from the citadel", "5726c7a85951b619008f7de0": "city's citadel for", "5726c7a85951b619008f7de1": "Genghis Khan had the city's surviving population assemble in the main mosque of the town, where", "5726c9b0dd62a815002e9046": "the Mongol army was split into two forces.", "5726c9b0dd62a815002e9047": ". Subutai agreed but was in no mood to pardon the princes. As was customary in Mongol society for nobility, the Russian princes were given a", "5726c9b0dd62a815002e9048": "a bloodless death. Subutai had a large wooden platform constructed on which he ate his meals", "5726c9b0dd62a815002e9049": "the Black Sea. Heading home, Subutai's forces attacked the allied forces of the Cuman\u2013", "5726c9b0dd62a815002e904a": "had made up", "57272bcb5951b619008f8683": "Rus' in 1237, concluding the campaign in 1240.", "57272bcb5951b619008f8684": "kand. The famous cavalry expedition led by Subutai and", "57272bcb5951b619008f8685": "the Mongols returned to conquer Volga Bulgaria and Kievan Rus'", "57272bcb5951b619008f8686": "the regions. In 1225 both divisions returned to Mongolia. These invasions added Transoxiana and Persia to an already formidable", "57272bcb5951b619008f8687": "nations, particularly Europe. These two campaigns", "57272ce1f1498d1400e8f43a": "was here that Genghis Khan reportedly saw a line of five stars arranged in the sky", "57272ce1f1498d1400e8f43b": "Suzhou (not", "57272ce1f1498d1400e8f43c": "in Jiangsu province),", "57272ce1f1498d1400e8f43d": "and crossed the Yellow River, defeating the Tangut relief army. According", "57272ce1f1498d1400e8f43e": "s to a battle near Helan Mountains", "57272dd55951b619008f8697": "gate. Ma Jianlong later died from wounds received from arrows in battle. Genghis Khan, after conquering Deshun,", "57272dd55951b619008f8698": "Gansu Province) to escape the severe summer. The new Tangut emperor quickly surrendered to the Mongols, and the rest of the Tangut", "57272dd55951b619008f8699": "shui County, Gansu Province) to escape the severe summer.", "57272dd55951b619008f869a": "ut", "57272dd55951b619008f869b": "and resistance,", "57272ec7f1498d1400e8f44e": "s Khan, Chagatai declared before his father and brothers that he would never accept Jochi as Genghis Khan", "57272ec7f1498d1400e8f44f": "reached old age. The long running paternity discussion about Genghis' oldest son Jochi was particularly contentious because of the seniority of", "57272ec7f1498d1400e8f450": ", \u00d6gedei was appointed", "57272ec7f1498d1400e8f451": "of the Kh", "57272ff2708984140094dabd": "not follow Jochi if he were to become his father's successor. Tolui, Genghis Khan", "57272ff2708984140094dabe": "to become his father's successor. Tolui", "57272ff2708984140094dabf": "Tolui, Genghis Khan's youngest son, was not to be his successor because he was the youngest and in the", "57272ff2708984140094dac0": "ing one of his sons as his successor. Chagatai was considered unstable due to his temper and rash behavior,", "5727311d5951b619008f86ab": "nch. Jo", "5727311d5951b619008f86ac": "1223, the accuracy of this story is", "5727311d5951b619008f86ad": "sons in the spring of 1223, and while his brothers heeded the order, Jo", "5727311d5951b619008f86ae": "and his brothers in the siege of Urgench. Jochi had attempted to protect Urgench from destruction, as it", "5727311d5951b619008f86af": "chnevsky, have commented on the possibility that", "57273249f1498d1400e8f46a": "after the infection of an arrow wound he received during his final campaign. Later Mongol chronicles connect Genghis' death with a Western Xia princess", "57273249f1498d1400e8f46b": "in hunting or battle", "57273249f1498d1400e8f46c": "Mongol chronicles connect Genghi", "57273249f1498d1400e8f46d": "even relates the legend that the princess hid a small dagger and stabbed him, though some Mongol authors", "57273249f1498d1400e8f46e": "because of", "572732f8f1498d1400e8f474": "many assume he is buried somewhere", "572732f8f1498d1400e8f475": "is his memorial, but not his", "572732f8f1498d1400e8f476": "to conceal where he was finally buried. The Genghis Khan Mausoleum, constructed many years after his death", "572732f8f1498d1400e8f477": "Kentii mountain range). According to legend,", "57273455f1498d1400e8f48c": "sen Khoroo", "57273455f1498d1400e8f48d": "erected there to house them. In 1968 during the Cultural Revolution, Red Guards destroyed almost", "57273455f1498d1400e8f48e": ". In 1968 during the Cultural Revolution, Red Guards destroyed almost everything of value. The \"relics\" were remade in the", "57273455f1498d1400e8f48f": "Red Guards destroyed almost everything of value. The \"relics\" were remade in the 1970s and a great marble", "57273455f1498d1400e8f490": "Lord's Enclosure' (Mongolian:", "57273581708984140094daeb": "of actually locating the ruler's long-lost", "57273581708984140094daec": "a joint Japanese-Mongolian archaeological dig uncovered what is believed to be Genghis Khan's palace in rural", "57273581708984140094daed": "same manner of burial as the Sumerian King Gilgamesh of Uruk and Atilla the Hun)", "57273581708984140094daee": "s palace in rural Mongolia, which raises", "572736bff1498d1400e8f4b5": "s in military and civilian life, including Mongols, Turks and others and included many diverse Khans of various ethnicities", "572736bff1498d1400e8f4b4": "Mongol Empire was governed by a civilian and military", "572736bff1498d1400e8f4b6": "its size. Many of the empire's nomadic inhabitants considered themselves Mongols in", "572736bff1498d1400e8f4b7": "civilian and military code, called the Yassa, created by Genghis Khan. The Mongol Empire did not emphasize the importance", "572736bff1498d1400e8f4b8": "civilian and military code, called the Yassa, created by Genghi", "57273887dd62a815002e99a2": "Shamanist, Buddhist or Christian. Religious tolerance was thus", "57273887dd62a815002e99a3": "held that religion", "57273887dd62a815002e99a4": "personal concept, and not subject to law or interference.[citation needed] Sometime before the rise of Gen", "57273887dd62a815002e99a5": "Various Mongol", "572739a75951b619008f86f7": "Khan attempted to create a civil state under the Great Yassa that would have established", "572739a75951b619008f86f8": "discriminatory policies towards sedentary peoples such as the Chinese. Women played a relatively important role in Mongol Empire and in family, for example T\u00f6", "572739a75951b619008f86f9": "the Great Yassa that would have established the legal equality of all individuals, including women. However, there", "572739a75951b619008f86fa": "in charge", "57273b1a5951b619008f8709": "and states conquered by him. He also realised that such administrators could not be found among his Mongol people because they were no", "57273b1a5951b619008f870a": "that he needed people who could govern cities and states conquered by him.", "57273b1a5951b619008f870b": "s forefathers. Chu'Tsai", "57273b1a5951b619008f870c": "that such administrators could not be found among his Mongol people because they were nomads and thus had no experience governing cities.", "57273c01f1498d1400e8f4e2": "regarded them as close advisors, often extending", "57273c01f1498d1400e8f4e3": "far from the Mongol Empire capital Kara", "57273c01f1498d1400e8f4e4": "were allowed to pursue the Great Raid into the Caucasus and Kievan Rus'", "57273c01f1498d1400e8f4e5": "the same privileges and trust normally reserved for close family members. He allowed them to make decisions on their own when they embarked on campaigns far from", "57273c01f1498d1400e8f4e6": "korum. Muq", "57273d06f1498d1400e8f4f6": "in employing Muslim and Chinese siege engines and engineers to aid the Mongol cavalry in capturing cities. Another standard tactic", "57273d06f1498d1400e8f4f7": "army, and adopting new ideas, techniques and tools from", "57273d06f1498d1400e8f4f8": "Muslim and Chinese siege engines and engineers to aid the Mongol cavalry in capturing cities. Another standard tactic of the Mongol military was the", "57273d06f1498d1400e8f4f9": "they conquered, particularly in employing Muslim and Chinese siege engines and engineers to aid the", "57273dccdd62a815002e99fa": "79 and that concluded with the Mongols gaining control of all of China. They also pushed further into Russia", "57273dccdd62a815002e99fb": "or more after Genghis's death in 1227. Under Genghis's successor \u00d6gedei Khan the speed of expansion", "57273dccdd62a815002e99fc": "gaining control of", "57273dccdd62a815002e99fd": "speed of expansion reached its peak. Mongol armies pushed into Persia, finished", "57273eecf1498d1400e8f51e": "Genghis Khan is looked on as a great military leader, and it is popular for male children to carry", "57273eecf1498d1400e8f51f": "have noted that Genghis Khan instituted certain levels of meritocracy", "57273eecf1498d1400e8f520": "trade between the West, Middle East and Asia, thus expanding the horizons of all three cultural areas. Some historians have noted that Genghi", "57273eecf1498d1400e8f521": "Genghis Khan is looked on as a great military leader, and it is popular", "5727404b708984140094db59": "as the \"father of the Mongols\" especially among the younger generation. However, there is a chasm in the perception", "5727404b708984140094db5a": "\"Genghis Khan's Mongolia\", to themselves as \"Genghis Khan's children\"", "5727404b708984140094db5b": "uniting warring tribes. For example, it is not uncommon for Mongolians to refer to their country as \"Genghis", "5727404b708984140094db5c": "However, there is a chasm in the perception of his brutality. Mongolians maintain that the historical records written by non-Mon", "5727404b708984140094db5d": "is looked upon positively by Mongolians for his role in uniting warring tribes. For", "57274126dd62a815002e9a24": "g (\u20ae). Mongolia's main", "57274126dd62a815002e9a25": ", 10,000, and 20,000 Mongolian t\u00f6gr\u00f6g (\u20ae", "57274126dd62a815002e9a26": "from liquor bottles", "57274126dd62a815002e9a27": ". Major Genghis Khan statues have been erected before the parliament and near Ulaanbaa", "57274126dd62a815002e9a28": "(\u20ae). Mongolia's main international airport in Ulaanbaatar is named Ching", "5727515af1498d1400e8f63a": "the Mongol Empire and therefore the basis for Mongolia as a country.", "5727515af1498d1400e8f63b": "j sees Genghis Khan as a leader from whom to learn for anti-corruption efforts as Genghis Khan sought equal protection under the", "5727515af1498d1400e8f63c": "with the equality of law, and not with the distinction", "5727515af1498d1400e8f63d": "President Elbegdorj sees Genghis Khan as a leader from whom to learn for anti-corruption efforts as", "57275250708984140094dc25": "conquest of China after 65 years of struggle, remains a mixed topic.[citation needed", "57275250708984140094dc26": "a population of around 5 million, almost twice the population of Mongolia. While Genghis Khan never conquered all of", "57275250708984140094dc27": "literature praising Genghis as a great military leader and political genius. The years of the Mongol-established Yuan dynasty left an in", "57275250708984140094dc28": "lai Khan completed that conquest and established the", "57275250708984140094dc29": "dynasty relatively fewer.", "572753af708984140094dc2f": "universally condemned as a destructive and genocidal warlord who caused enormous damage and destruction to the population of these areas. Steven", "572753af708984140094dc30": "universally condemned as a destructive and genocidal warlord who caused enormous damage", "572753af708984140094dc31": "killed up to three-fourths of the population of the Iranian Plateau, possibly 10 to 15 million people. Some historians have estimated that Iran'", "572754cd5951b619008f8863": "all of the major cities of Eastern Europe with the exceptions of Novgorod and Pskov", "572754cd5951b619008f8864": ",", "572754cd5951b619008f8865": "the Persian historian Rashid-al-Din Hamadani, the Mongols killed more than 70,000 people in Merv and more than 190,000 in Nisha", "572754cd5951b619008f8866": ", such as when portions of southern Khu", "572754cd5951b619008f8867": "Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan, launched an invasion into Kiev", "572756715951b619008f8877": "Nishapur and", "572756715951b619008f8878": "Turks, Persians, the citizens of Baghdad and Damascus,", "572756715951b619008f8879": "Nishapur, Bukhara and", "5727580bf1498d1400e8f69a": "djectival modifier -s, creating \"Jenggis\", which in medieval romanization would be written", "5727580bf1498d1400e8f69b": ": \u6b63) meaning \"right\", \"just\", or \"true\", would have received the Mongolian adject", "5727580bf1498d1400e8f69c": "were called ten", "5727580bf1498d1400e8f69d": "s. However, it seems that if they had meant to call Genghis tenggis", "5727580bf1498d1400e8f69e": "or \"wide-spreading\"", "572758c3dd62a815002e9b78": "Khan, Chinggis Qan, Djingis Kahn, Russian: \u0427\u0438\u043d\u0433\u0438\u0441\u0445\u0430\u043d (", "572758c3dd62a815002e9b79": "izxon, \u00c7\u0131\u00f1\u011f\u0131z Xan, Chengez Khan, Chinggis Khan, Chinggis Xa", "572758c3dd62a815002e9b7a": "izxon, \u00c7\u0131\u00f1\u011f\u0131z Xan", "572758c3dd62a815002e9b7b": "different languages such as Mongolian Chinggis Khaan, English Chinghiz, Chinghis, and Ching", "572758c3dd62a815002e9b7c": ", Chinggis Xaan, Chingis Khan, Jenghis Khan, Chinggis Qan, Djingis", "5726d8bd708984140094d35b": "be seen as outdated or only app", "5726d8bd708984140094d35c": "a large extent. The", "5726d8bd708984140094d35d": "kos imply", "5726d8bd708984140094d35e": "by other specialist practitioners, such", "5726d8bd708984140094d35f": "from pharma", "5726d9935951b619008f7fed": "and physiological effects on the human body in great detail, they play an important role in optimisation of", "5726d9935951b619008f7fee": "play an important role in", "5726d9935951b619008f7fef": "pharmacy in which they practice. Since pharmacists know about the mode", "5726d9935951b619008f7ff0": "various roles to ensure optimal health outcomes for their patients through the quality use of medicines. Pharmacists", "5726d9935951b619008f7ff1": "roles to ensure optimal health outcomes for their patients through the quality use of", "5726da89dd62a815002e92b2": "UK is considered a", "5726da89dd62a815002e92b3": "s", "5726da89dd62a815002e92b4": "Pharmacy Technician in the UK is considered a health care professional and often does not work under the direct", "5726da89dd62a815002e92b5": "s the time to specialise in their expert field as medication consultants spending more time working with patients and in research.", "5726da89dd62a815002e92b6": "health care professional and often does not work under the direct supervision of a pharmacist (", "5726db5add62a815002e92d5": "properties of plants. He wrote several treatises on the topic. The Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides", "5726db5add62a815002e92d6": "Golden Age. The", "5726db5add62a815002e92d7": "properties of", "5726db5add62a815002e92d4": "Diocles of Carystus (4th century BC) was one", "5726db5add62a815002e92d8": "century BC) was one of several men studying the medicinal properties of plants. He wrote several treatises on the topic", "5726dcbddd62a815002e9320": "18). Ranked positions in the pre-Heian Imperial court were established; and this organizational structure remained", "5726dcbddd62a815002e9321": "of pharmacists in society was expressly defined in the Taih\u014d Code (", "5726dcbddd62a815002e9322": "d in the Y\u014dr\u014d Code", "5726dcbddd62a815002e9323": "to those of modern pharmacists were highly respected. The place of pharmacists in society", "5726dcbddd62a815002e9324": "those of modern pharmacists were highly respected. The place of pharmacist", "5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee04": "s. He devoted in fact a whole volume", "5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee05": "amongst others describing arsenious oxide, and being acquainted with silicic acid. He made clear distinction between sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate, and", "5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee06": "-Maridini under the title De Veneris", "5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee08": "(1008\u20131074), both of which were printed in Latin more than fifty times, appearing as De Medici", "5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee07": "Ibn al-Wafid (1008\u20131074), both", "5726deed5951b619008f80c5": "1422. The oldest is claimed to have been set up in 1221 in the Church of", "5726deed5951b619008f80c6": "14", "5726deed5951b619008f80c7": "a perfume museum. The medieval Esteve Pharmacy, located in Ll\u00ed", "5726deed5951b619008f80c8": "Novella in Florence, Italy, which now houses a perfume museum. The medieval Esteve Pharmacy,", "5726deed5951b619008f80c9": ", dates back to the 15th century, keeping albarellos from the 16th and 17th centuries, old", "5726e08e5951b619008f810f": "the dispensary is subject to pharmacy legislation; with requirements for storage conditions, compulsory texts, equipment, etc., specified in", "5726e08e5951b619008f8110": "to pharmacy legislation; with requirements for storage conditions, compulsory texts, equipment, etc., specified in legislation. Where it was once the", "5726e08e5951b619008f8111": "ing medications, there has been an increasing trend towards the", "5726e08e5951b619008f8112": "and", "5726e08e5951b619008f8113": "/dispensing medications, there has been an increasing trend towards the use", "5726e179dd62a815002e93ae": ", toxicology, nuclear pharmacy, pain management, psychiatry", "5726e179dd62a815002e93af": "pain management, psychiatry, anti-coagulation clinics, herbal medicine, neurology/epilepsy management, pediatrics, neo", "5726e179dd62a815002e93b0": "in various disciplines of pharmacy. For example, there are pharmacists who specialize in hematology/onc", "5726e179dd62a815002e93b1": "pharmacy, pain management, psychiatry, anti-coagulation clinics, herbal medicine, neurology/", "5726e313f1498d1400e8eeb2": "total parenteral nutrition (", "5726e313f1498d1400e8eeb3": "given intravenously. This is a complex process that requires adequate training of personnel,", "5726e313f1498d1400e8eeb4": ".", "5726e313f1498d1400e8eeb5": "combined with the potential impact of medications and pharmacy", "5726e313f1498d1400e8eeb6": "found within the premises of the hospital. Hospital pharmacies usually stock a larger range", "5726e3c4dd62a815002e9404": "often collaborate with physicians and other healthcare professionals to improve pharmaceutical care. Clinical pharmacists are now an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach to patient", "5726e3c4dd62a815002e9405": "provide direct patient care services that optimizes the use of medication and promotes health, wellness, and disease prevention", "5726e3c4dd62a815002e9406": "settings, but the clinical pharmacy movement initially began inside hospitals", "5726e3c4dd62a815002e9407": "participate in patient", "5726e3c4dd62a815002e9408": "with physicians and other healthcare professionals to improve pharmaceutical", "5726e5c95951b619008f81cb": "allergies while designing and initiating a drug therapy plan.", "5726e5c95951b619008f81cc": "monitor for potential drug interactions, adverse", "5726e5c95951b619008f81cd": "e.g., drug choice, dose, route, frequency", "5726e5c95951b619008f81ce": "often involves an evaluation of the appropriate", "5726e985dd62a815002e94da": "board certification. The official designation for pharmacists who pass the ambulatory care", "5726e985dd62a815002e94db": "full independent prescribing authority. In some states such North Carolina and New Mexico these pharmacist clinicians are", "5726e985dd62a815002e94dc": "given collaborative prescriptive", "5726e985dd62a815002e94dd": "VA, the Indian Health Service, and NIH) ambulatory care pharmacists are given full independent prescribing authority.", "5726e985dd62a815002e94de": "ties approved a", "5726ea985951b619008f8261": "services", "5726ea985951b619008f8262": ". Consultant pharmacists most typically work in nursing homes, but are", "5726ea985951b619008f8263": "PharMerica). This", "5726ea985951b619008f8264": "directly with patients, primarily because many elderly people are now taking numerous medications but continue to live outside of institutional settings. Some community pharmacies employ", "5726ea985951b619008f8265": "United States many now work for several large pharmacy management companies (primarily Omnicare, Kindred Healthcare and PharMeric", "5726eb4b5951b619008f826b": "bound", "5726eb4b5951b619008f826c": "that walk in their door. The primary", "5726eb4b5951b619008f826d": "are also recommended to some patients by their physicians", "5726eb4b5951b619008f826e": "-mortar community pharma", "5726eb4b5951b619008f826f": "than traveling to", "5726ed6cf1498d1400e8f00c": "reliably assess", "5726ed6cf1498d1400e8f00d": "However, this practice has been criticized", "5726ed6cf1498d1400e8f00e": "a doctor or to obtain medications which their doctors were unwilling to prescribe. However,", "5726ed6cf1498d1400e8f00f": "s, and an individual's overall suitability for use", "5726ed6cf1498d1400e8f010": "a prescription. Many customers order drugs from such pharmacies to avoid", "5726edecdd62a815002e957e": "of legitimate doctor-patient relationship. The filling pharmacy has", "5726edecdd62a815002e957f": "in the course of legitimate doctor-patient relationship. The filling pharmacy has a corresponding responsibility to ensure that the prescription is valid", "5726ef73f1498d1400e8f05e": "of legitimate doctor-patient relationship. The filling pharmacy has", "5726ef73f1498d1400e8f05f": ", can obtain controlled substances (", "5726ef73f1498d1400e8f060": "with which people, youth in particular, can obtain controlled substances (", "5726ef73f1498d1400e8f061": "issued by a doctor/practitioner who has an established doctor-patient relationship. There are many instances where a practitioner issues a prescription", "5726ef73f1498d1400e8f062": "as hydrocodone) via the Internet without a prescription", "5726f0e35951b619008f82f7": "(FDA) regulations and federal laws, enforcement is generally targeted at international drug", "5726f0e35951b619008f82f8": "consumer costs. While in most cases importation", "5726f0e35951b619008f82f9": "buying Canadian drugs for personal", "5726f0e35951b619008f82fa": "there has been a push to legalize importation of medications from Canada and other countries, in order to reduce consumer costs. While in", "5726f0e35951b619008f82fb": "U.S. citizens buying Canadian drugs", "5726f2375951b619008f830f": "the combination of pharmacy practice science and", "5726f2375951b619008f8310": "the needs of major national and international patient information projects and health system inter", "5726f2375951b619008f8311": "science. Pharmacy informaticists work in many practice areas of pharmacy, however, they may also work in information technology departments or for", "5726f2375951b619008f8312": "of pharmacy practice science and applied information science. Pharmacy informaticists work in many practice areas of pharmacy, however, they may also work in", "5726f2375951b619008f8313": "work in", "5726f36cdd62a815002e95fe": ". In addition to supplying these drugs, specialty pharma", "5726f36cdd62a815002e95ff": "19 of 28 newly FDA approved medications in", "5726f36cdd62a815002e9600": "oid arthritis. Unlike a traditional community pharmacy where prescriptions for any common medication can be brought in and filled", "5726f36cdd62a815002e9601": "also provide lab monitoring, adherence counseling, and assist patients with", "5726f36cdd62a815002e9602": "cies carry novel medications that need to be properly stored, administered, carefully monitored, and clinically managed. In addition to supplying these drugs,", "5726f48df1498d1400e8f0da": "(", "5726f48df1498d1400e8f0db": "as there is no patient exploitation and patients have the right to a written prescription that can be filled elsewhere.", "5726f48df1498d1400e8f0dc": "be filled elsewhere. 7 to 10 percent", "5726f48df1498d1400e8f0dd": ". These jurisdictions also usually specify that only pharmacists may supply scheduled pharmaceuticals to the public", "5726f48df1498d1400e8f0de": "(AMA)", "5726f635dd62a815002e9657": ".6 kilometres) between a", "5726f635dd62a815002e9656": "ing physicians who are allowed to both prescribe and dispense prescription-", "5726f635dd62a815002e9658": "the GP practice be located in a", "5726f635dd62a815002e9659": "are allowed to both prescribe and dispense prescription-only medicines to their patients from within their practices. The law requires that the", "5726f7715951b619008f838d": "interest directly conflicts with the patient's interest in obtaining cost-effective medication and avoiding", "5726f7715951b619008f838e": ", and in exaggerating their seriousness, because he or she can then sell more medications to the patient. Such self", "5726f7715951b619008f838f": "the checks", "5726f7715951b619008f8391": "has a financial self-interest in \"diagnosing\" as many conditions as possible, and in exaggerating their seriousness,", "5726f7715951b619008f8390": "for the majority rule is the high risk of a", "5726f868dd62a815002e9684": "In particular, Medication Therapy Management (MTM) includes the clinical services that pharmacists can provide for their patients. Such", "5726f868dd62a815002e9685": "education resulting in increased patient health outcomes and decreased costs to the", "5726f868dd62a815002e9686": "for their patients. Such services include the thorough analysis of all medication (prescription, non-prescript", "5726f868dd62a815002e9687": "the coming decades, pharmacists are expected to become more integral within the health care system. Rather than simply dispens", "5726f868dd62a815002e9688": "prescription, and", "5726f96ddd62a815002e9698": "s in Australia receive remuneration from the Australian Government for conducting comprehensive Home Medicines Reviews. In Canada, pharmacists in certain provinces", "5726f96ddd62a815002e9699": "required before entering practice", "5726f96ddd62a815002e969a": "limited prescribing rights (as in Alberta and British Columbia) or are remunerated by their provincial government for expanded services such as medications", "5726f96ddd62a815002e969b": "being paid for by the government for medicine use reviews. In Scotland the pharmacist can write prescriptions for Scottish registered", "5726f96ddd62a815002e969c": "for conducting comprehensive Home Medicines Reviews. In Canada, pharmacists in certain provinces have limited prescribing rights", "5726fa525951b619008f83f7": "in typed text. The show globe was also used until the early 20th century. Pharmacy", "5726fa525951b619008f83f8": "Pharmacy organizations often use other symbols, such as the Bowl of Hygieia which is often used in the Netherlands, conical measures, and caduceuse", "5726fa525951b619008f83f9": "'apothecary')", "5726fa525951b619008f83fa": ", Italy, Spain, and India, the increasingly rare Gaper in the Netherlands, and a red stylized letter A in Germany and Austria (", "5726fa525951b619008f83fb": "text. The show globe was also used until the early 20th century. Pharmacy organizations often use other symbols, such as the Bowl of Hygie", "5726e65e708984140094d53d": "organism's own healthy tissue. In many species, the immune system", "5726e65e708984140094d53e": ", known as pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, and", "5726e65e708984140094d53f": ", known as pathogen", "5726e65e708984140094d540": "many biological structures and processes within", "5726eb76f1498d1400e8efda": "organism's own healthy tissue. In many species, the immune system", "5726eb76f1498d1400e8efdb": ", known as pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, and", "5726eb76f1498d1400e8efdc": ", known as pathogen", "5728eff82ca10214002daadc": "from the organism's own healthy tissue. In", "5728eff82ca10214002daadd": "'s own healthy tissue. In many species, the immune system can be classified into subsystems, such as", "5728eff82ca10214002daade": ", blood\u2013cerebrospinal fluid barrier, and similar fluid\u2013brain barriers separate the peripheral immune system from the neuroimmune system", "5728eff82ca10214002daadf": "system versus the adaptive immune system, or humoral immunity versus cell-mediated immunity. In humans, the blood\u2013brain barrier, blood\u2013cerebro", "572a14af3f37b319004786c1": "worms, and distinguish them from the organism's own healthy tissue. In many species", "572a14af3f37b319004786c3": "a system of many biological structures and", "572a14af3f37b319004786c2": "species, the immune system can be classified into subsystems, such as the innate immune system versus the adaptive immune system, or humoral", "572a14af3f37b319004786c4": "In many species, the immune system can be classified into subsystems, such as the", "5726eb785951b619008f8275": ", leading to an enhanced response to subsequent", "5726eb785951b619008f8276": "recognize and neutralize pathogens. Even simple unicellular organisms such as bacteria possess a rudimentary immune system, in", "5726eb785951b619008f8277": "organisms such as bacteria possess a rudimentary immune system, in the form of enzymes that protect against bacterio", "5726eb785951b619008f8278": ". Other", "572a135daf94a219006aa79f": "ability to adapt over time to recognize specific pathogens more efficiently. Adaptive (or acquired) immunity creates immunological memory after", "572a135daf94a219006aa7a0": "a rudimentary immune system, in the form of enzymes that protect against bacteriophage infections. Other basic immune mechanisms evolved in ancient eukaryotes and remain", "572a135daf94a219006aa7a1": "even more sophisticated defense mechanisms, including the ability to adapt", "572a135daf94a219006aa7a2": "infections", "5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe2": "result in autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and cancer. Immunodeficiency occurs when the", "5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe3": "itis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus type 1, and", "5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe4": ", resulting", "5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe5": "threatening infections. In humans, immunodeficiency can either be the result of", "5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe6": "such as severe combined immunodeficiency, acquired conditions such as HIV/AIDS, or the use of immunosup", "5728f2e26aef051400154896": "life-threatening infections. In humans", "5728f2e26aef051400154897": "normal, resulting in recurring and life-threatening infections. In humans, immunodeficiency can either be the result of a genetic disease such", "5728f2e26aef051400154898": "ology covers the study of all aspects of", "5728f2e26aef051400154899": "1, and systemic lupus erythematosus.", "5726f8abf1498d1400e8f166": "time.", "5726f8abf1498d1400e8f167": "the causes of immunity to disease. The earliest", "5726f8abf1498d1400e8f168": "exploited by Louis Pasteur in his development of vaccination and his proposed germ theory of disease. Pasteur's theory", "5726f8abf1498d1400e8f169": "he was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1905, that microorganisms were confirmed as the cause of infectious disease. Virus", "5728f3724b864d1900165116": "had recovered from a previous bout of the disease could", "5728f3724b864d1900165117": "'s 1891", "5728f3724b864d1900165118": "munology is a science that examines the structure and", "5728f3724b864d1900165119": "disease. The earliest known reference to immunity", "5726f8aef1498d1400e8f16e": "an infection to improve its recognition", "5726f8aef1498d1400e8f16f": "In simple terms, physical barriers prevent pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from entering the organism", "5726f8aef1498d1400e8f170": ", in the", "5728f6446aef0514001548e4": "bacteria and viruses from entering the organism. If a pathogen breaches these barriers,", "5728f6446aef0514001548e5": "immune systems are found in all plants and animals.", "5728f6446aef0514001548e6": "all plants and animals. If pathogen", "5728f6446aef0514001548e7": "protects organisms from infection with layered defenses of increasing specificity.", "5728f7774b864d190016512e": "and non-self molecules. In im", "5728f7774b864d190016512f": "immune system to distinguish between self and non-self molecules", "5728f7774b864d1900165130": "as substances", "5728f7774b864d1900165131": "adaptive immunity", "5728f7774b864d1900165132": "antigens (short for antibody generators) and are defined as substances that bind to", "5728f9882ca10214002dab5a": "are conserved among broad groups of microorganisms, or when damaged, injured or stressed cells send out alarm signals", "5728f9882ca10214002dab5b": ". Innate immune", "5728f9882ca10214002dab5c": "innate response is usually triggered when microbes are identified by pattern recognition receptors, which recognize", "5728f9882ca10214002dab5d": "nate response is usually triggered when microbes are", "5728fb002ca10214002dab6a": "exo", "5728fb002ca10214002dab6b": "of insects, the shells and membranes of externally deposited eggs, and skin are examples of mechanical barriers that are the", "5728fb002ca10214002dab6c": "mechanical barriers", "5728fb002ca10214002dab6d": "tourinary tract. In the lungs, coughing and", "5728fb002ca10214002dab6e": "such as the lungs, intestines, and the genitourinary", "5728fc2eaf94a219006a9ec7": "contains", "5728fc2eaf94a219006a9ec8": ", while semen contains defensins and zinc to kill pathogens. In the stomach, gastric acid and prote", "5728fc2eaf94a219006a9ec9": "The skin and respiratory tract secrete antimicrobial peptides such as the \u03b2", "5728fc2eaf94a219006a9eca": "also protect against infection", "5728fc2eaf94a219006a9ecb": "l secretions serve as", "5728fd206aef05140015494c": "an \"overgrowth\" of fungi and cause conditions", "5728fd206aef05140015494d": "candidiasis (a yeast infection). There is good", "5728fd206aef05140015494e": "flora serve as biological barriers by competing with pathogenic bacteria for food and space and, in some", "5728fd206aef05140015494f": "ic", "572900f73f37b31900477f69": "and interferons that have anti-vir", "572900f73f37b31900477f6a": "inflammation are redness, swelling, heat, and pain, which are caused by increased blood flow into tissue. Inflammation is produced by", "572900f73f37b31900477f6b": "sanoids include prostaglandins that produce fever and the dilation of blood vessels associated with inflammation, and leukot", "572900f73f37b31900477f6c": "interleukins that are responsible for", "572900f73f37b31900477f6d": "have anti-viral effects, such as shutting down", "572905ce1d04691400778f83": "defense, as phagocytes have been", "572905ce1d04691400778f84": "called", "572905ce1d04691400778f85": "sosome to form a phagolysosome. The pathogen is killed by the activity", "572905ce1d04691400778f86": "gocytosis probably represents the oldest form of host defense, as phagocytes have been identified in both vertebrate and", "572905ce1d04691400778f87": "cellular vesicle called a phago", "5729081d3f37b31900477fab": "reside within tissues and produce a wide array of chemicals including enzymes, complement proteins, and", "5729081d3f37b31900477fac": "macrophages are phagocytes that", "5729081d3f37b31900477fad": "wide array of", "5729081d3f37b31900477fae": "also act as", "5729081d3f37b31900477faf": ". Neutrophils are normally found in the bloodstream and are", "572908c13f37b31900477fbd": "ocytes", "572908c13f37b31900477fbe": "ocyte", "572908c13f37b31900477fbf": "cells)", "572908c13f37b31900477fc0": "also important mediators in the activation of the adaptive", "5729efab3f37b319004785cf": "link between the bodily tissues and the innate and adaptive immune systems,", "5729efab3f37b319004785d0": "many spine-like projection", "5729efab3f37b319004785d1": "in the skin, nose, lungs, stomach, and intestines. They are", "5729efab3f37b319004785d2": "neuronal dendrites", "5729f06f1d04691400779674": "oglobulin receptors (KIR) which essentially", "5729f06f1d04691400779673": "recognizing such cells by a condition known as \"missing self.", "5729f06f1d04691400779675": "makeup on the surface of those cells is altered and the NK cells become activated through recognition of \"missing self\"", "5729f06f1d04691400779676": "marker called MHC I (major", "5729f12e3f37b319004785e1": ", where each pathogen is \"remembered\" by a signature antigen. The adaptive immune response is", "5729f12e3f37b319004785e2": "that", "5729f12e3f37b319004785e3": "memory cells are used to quickly eliminate", "5729f1fcaf94a219006aa6d3": "MHC molecules", "5729f1fcaf94a219006aa6d4": "cells which have a role in modulating immune response. Killer T cells only recognize antigens coupled to Class I", "5729f1fcaf94a219006aa6d5": "two mechanisms of antigen presentation reflect the different roles of the", "5729f1fcaf94a219006aa6d6": "regulatory T cells which have a role in modulating immune response. Killer T cells only", "5729f1fcaf94a219006aa6d7": "\" target, such", "5729f39a6aef05140015514c": "cells are activated when their T cell receptor (TCR) binds to this specific", "5729f39a6aef05140015514e": "T cell then travels throughout the body in search of cells where the MHC I receptors bear this antigen.", "5729f39a6aef05140015514d": "of another cell. Recognition of this MHC", "5729f39a6aef051400155150": "\"helper", "5729f39a6aef05140015514f": "are infected with", "5729f4b41d0469140077968b": "be activated by engagement of a single MHC:antigen molecule. Helper T cell activation", "5729f4b41d0469140077968c": "HC:antigen molecule. Helper T", "5729f4b41d0469140077968d": "gen complex is also recognized by the helper cell's CD4 co-receptor, which recruits molecules inside the T cell", "5729f4b41d0469140077968e": ". Helper T cells have a weaker association with the MHC:anti", "5729f4b41d0469140077968f": "cells enhance the microbicidal function of macrophages and the activity", "5729f5a03f37b31900478605": "and CD8+ (\u03b1\u03b2) T cells and share the characteristics of helper T", "5729f5a03f37b31900478606": "restricted V\u03b4", "5729f5a03f37b31900478607": "T cell receptor (TCR) as opposed to CD4+ and CD8+ (", "5729f5a03f37b31900478608": "\u03b3\u03b4", "5729f5a03f37b31900478609": "T cells,", "5729f69caf94a219006aa6f9": "toxins or by interfering with the receptors that viruses and bacteria", "5729f69caf94a219006aa6fa": "complex is taken up by the B cell and processed by proteolysis into peptides.", "5729f69caf94a219006aa6fb": "peptide", "5729f799af94a219006aa707": "When B cells and T cells are activated and begin to", "5729f799af94a219006aa708": "immune", "5729f799af94a219006aa709": "ive\" because it occurs during the lifetime of an individual as an", "5729f799af94a219006aa70a": "immune system for future challenges. Im", "5729f8516aef05140015516c": "mother. Breast milk or colostrum also contains antibodies that are transferred to the gut", "5729f8516aef05140015516d": "passive immunity because the fetus does not", "5729f8516aef05140015516e": ", with the same range of antigen specificities as their mother. Breast milk or c", "5729f8516aef05140015516f": "the gut", "5729f9953f37b3190047861f": ", most notably prolactin, growth hormone and vitamin", "5729f9953f37b31900478620": "coincides", "5729f9953f37b31900478621": "Hormones can act as immunomodulators, altering the sensitivity of the immune system. For example, female sex hormone", "5729f9953f37b31900478622": "immune system as well, most notably pro", "5729fa40af94a219006aa70f": "effect and may result", "5729fa40af94a219006aa710": "and a lower immune response, than", "5729fa40af94a219006aa711": "individual. Additionally, proteins such as NFIL3, which have been shown to", "5729fb003f37b31900478627": ", notably thyroid hormone activity. The age-related decline in immune function is also", "5729fb003f37b31900478628": ". This means that they get less sun and therefore produce less cholecalciferol via UVB radiation. Second, as a person ages the", "5729fb003f37b31900478629": "decreased activity levels. This means that they get less sun and therefore produce less chole", "5729fb003f37b3190047862a": "progressive decline in hormone levels with age is partially responsible for weakened immune responses in aging individuals. Conversely, some hormones are regulated by the immune", "5729fc3d1d0469140077969d": "a similar way, especially if the tumor cells have", "5729fc3d1d0469140077969e": "are generated against", "5729fc3d1d0469140077969f": "of helper T cells. Tumor antigens are presented", "5729fc3d1d046914007796a0": "molecules in a similar way to viral antigens", "5729fd111d046914007796a5": "cells at the site of infection undergo rapid apoptosis to prevent the spread of the disease to other parts of the plant. Systemic", "5729fd111d046914007796a6": "RNA silencing mechanisms are particularly important in this systemic response as they can block virus replication", "5729fd111d046914007796a7": "the spread of the disease to", "5729fd111d046914007796a8": "disease to other parts of the plant. Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a type", "5729fd111d046914007796a9": "parts of the plant. Systemic acquired", "5729fe5c3f37b3190047862f": "Under normal circumstances, many T cells", "5729fe5c3f37b31900478630": "react with \"self\"", "5729fe5c3f37b31900478631": "non-self, and attacks part of the body. Under normal circumstances, many", "5729fe5c3f37b31900478632": "preventing autoimmun", "5729fefbaf94a219006aa739": "IgA antibody concentrations, and cytokine production. Additionally,", "5729fefbaf94a219006aa73a": "with impaired cell-", "5729fefbaf94a219006aa73b": "drug use", "5729fefbaf94a219006aa73c": ", malnutrition is", "5729fefbaf94a219006aa73d": "iency and a high", "5729ffda1d046914007796af": "associated with that", "5729ffda1d046914007796b0": "T cells. Active immunity can also be generated artificially", "5729ffda1d046914007796b1": "as well as its inducibility. With infectious disease remaining one of the leading causes of death in the human population", "5729ffda1d046914007796b2": "can also be", "572a019f3f37b31900478643": "depends on its ability to elude host immune responses. Therefore, pathogens evolved several methods that allow them to successfully infect a host,", "572a019f3f37b31900478644": "type III secretion system, they", "572a019f3f37b31900478645": "they may insert a hollow tube", "572a019f3f37b31900478646": "pathogen to the host. These proteins are", "572a02483f37b3190047864b": "/nonself distinction", "572a02483f37b3190047864c": "entities (pathogens, an allograft) trigger a destructive immune", "572a02483f37b3190047864d": "CST, Burnet developed a theory of how an immune response is triggered according to the self/non", "572a02483f37b3190047864e": "signal\" activation", "572a03086aef0514001551a2": "such as central obesity, hyperglycemia, osteoporosis, and their use must be", "572a03086aef0514001551a3": "T cells. However, the killing is indiscriminate and other constantly dividing cells and their organs are affected, which causes", "572a03086aef0514001551a4": ". Immunosup", "572a03086aef0514001551a5": "ive drugs such as cyclosporin prevent T cells from", "572a04d51d046914007796cd": "tonin. Inflammation causes a great deal of oxidative stress and the presence of melatonin during sleep times", "572a04d51d046914007796ce": "awake active times, anti-inflammatory molecules, such as cortisol and catecholamines, peak. There are two", "572a04d51d046914007796cf": "such as cortisol and catecholamines, peak. There are two theories as to why the pro", "572a04d51d046914007796d0": "time. First, inflammation would cause serious cognitive and physical impairments if it were to occur during wake times", "572a058aaf94a219006aa751": "of vitamin D, calcidiol into the steroid hormone version, calcitriol. Only after binding", "572a058aaf94a219006aa752": "vitamin D, calcitriol, but the T-cell expresses", "572a058aaf94a219006aa753": "-cell expresses the gene CYP27B1, which is the gene responsible for", "572a058aaf94a219006aa754": "CYP27B1 and thus activate vitamin D calcidiol, are dendritic cells,", "572a058aaf94a219006aa755": "CYP27B1 and thus activate vitamin D calcidiol, are dendritic cells, keratinocyte", "572a06af3f37b31900478667": "phagocytic cells are also used by most forms of invertebrate life. Rib", "572a06af3f37b31900478668": "immunity. The complement system and phagocytic cells are also used by most forms of invertebrate life. Ribonucleases and the", "572a06af3f37b31900478669": "used by most forms of invertebrate life. Ribonucleases and the RNA interference pathway are conserved across all eukaryotes, and", "572a06af3f37b3190047866a": "main form of invertebrate systemic immunity. The complement system and phagocytic cells are also used by most forms of in", "572a07fc6aef0514001551dc": "ocyte receptors (VLRs) that, like the antigen receptors of jawed vertebrates, are produced from only", "572a07fc6aef0514001551dd": "the adaptive immune system (e.g", "572a07fc6aef0514001551de": "of the jawed vertebrates. Many of the classical molecules", "572a07fc6aef0514001551df": "VLRs) that, like the antigen receptors of jawed", "572a096e6aef0514001551e4": "life, with bacteria using a unique defense mechanism, called the restriction modification system to protect themselves from viral pathogens, called bacteriophages", "572a096e6aef0514001551e5": "called bacterio", "572a096e6aef0514001551e6": "vertebrate immunity. Immune systems appear even in", "572a096e6aef0514001551e7": "component, adaptive immune system arose with the first vertebrates, as invertebrates do not generate lymphocytes or an antibody-", "572a0a686aef0514001551ec": "between \"cellular\" and \"humoral\" theories of immunity. According to the cellular theory of immunity, represented in particular", "572a0a686aef0514001551ed": "of the 20th century saw a battle between \"cellular\" and \"humoral\" theories of immunity. According to", "572a0a686aef0514001551ee": "in immunology from the", "572a0a686aef0514001551ef": "the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century saw a battle between \"cellular\" and \"hu", "572a0a686aef0514001551f0": "\u2013 that were responsible for immune responses.", "572a0b0b6aef0514001551f6": "the", "572a0b0b6aef0514001551f7": "on to become cancers.", "572a0b0b6aef0514001551f8": "molecules on their surface, thus avoiding detection by killer T cells. Some tumor cells also release products", "572a0b0b6aef0514001551f9": ", thus avoiding detection by killer T cells. Some", "572a0bf96aef051400155204": "them for destruction. This is also called antibody-dependent (", "572a0bf96aef051400155205": "may also involve contact dermatitis (poison ivy).", "572a0bf96aef051400155206": "itivity) usually takes between two and three days to develop. Type IV reactions are involved in many autoimmune and infectious diseases, but", "572a0bf96aef051400155207": "complement proteins, and I", "572a0bf96aef051400155208": ", but may also involve contact dermatitis", "572a0ce11d046914007796fd": "yotic parasites that cause malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) and", "572a0ce11d046914007796fe": "also called intracellular path", "572a0ce11d046914007796ff": "e compounds that diminish or misdirect the host's immune response. Some bacteria form biofilms to protect themselves from the cells and proteins of the", "572a0ce11d04691400779700": "innate immune system is to hide within the cells of their host (also called intracellular pathogenesis). Here, a pathogen", "572a0ce11d04691400779701": "yotic parasites that cause malaria (Plasmodium falciparum)", "572a0e4b6aef051400155214": "system are more complicated. The", "572a0e4b6aef051400155215": "variation. An example is HIV, which mutates rapidly, so the proteins on its viral envelope that", "572a0e4b6aef051400155216": "response. Mask", "572a0e4b6aef051400155217": "epitopes concealed. This is called antigenic variation. An", "572a0f073f37b3190047867f": ". melanocytes) into tumors called melanomas. A third possible source of tumor antigens are proteins normally important for regulating", "572a0f073f37b31900478680": "immune surveillance. The transformed cells of tumors express antigens that are not found on normal", "572a0f073f37b31900478681": "to identify and eliminate tumors. This is called immune surveillance", "572a0f073f37b31900478682": "proteins normally important for regulating cell growth and survival, that commonly mutate into cancer inducing molecules called onco", "572a0f073f37b31900478683": "when expressed at high levels, transforms certain skin cells (e.", "572a10cd6aef051400155222": "sometimes the case for Taxol. Computational methods have", "572a10cd6aef051400155223": "ogenic compound, as is sometimes the case for Taxol. Computational methods have been developed", "572a10cd6aef051400155224": "proteomics is the study of large", "572a10cd6aef051400155225": "immunogenicity is referred to as immunoinformatics. Immunoproteomics is the study of large sets", "572a10cd6aef051400155226": "The emerging field", "572a12386aef051400155234": "1", "572a12386aef051400155235": ",", "572a12386aef051400155236": "levels of the", "572a12386aef051400155237": "It is during this time that undifferentiated, or less differentiated, like na\u00efve and central", "572a142e3f37b319004786b9": "initial", "572a142e3f37b319004786bc": "and opsonize (coat) the surface", "572a142e3f37b319004786ba": "coat) the surface of a pathogen, marking it for destruction. This deposition of complement can also kill cells directly by disrupt", "572a142e3f37b319004786bb": "killing response. The speed of the response is a result of signal amplification that occurs following sequential proteolytic activation", "57271c235951b619008f860b": "the British Empire), in Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution and in East Germany to oust their communist", "57271c235951b619008f860c": "the Soviet Union, recently with the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia and the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine, among other various movements", "57271c235951b619008f860d": "East Germany", "57271c235951b619008f860e": "s was brought about by Egyptians against the British occupation in", "57271c235951b619008f860f": "Empire), in Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution and in East Germany to oust their communist governments,", "5728d4c03acd2414000dff9f": ", in the American Civil Rights Movement, in the Singing Revolution to bring independence to the", "5728d4c03acd2414000dffa0": "fight against apartheid, in the American Civil Rights Movement, in the Singing Revolution", "5728d4c03acd2414000dffa1": "ience is one of the many ways people have rebelled against what they deem to be", "5728d4c03acd2414000dffa2": "occupation in the 1919 Revolution. Civil disobedience is one of", "5728d4c03acd2414000dffa3": "many ways people have rebelled against", "57271f125951b619008f8635": "speech in which she tells him that she must obey her conscience rather than human law. She is not at all afraid of the death", "57271f125951b619008f8636": "edipus, defies Creon, the current King of Thebes, who is trying to stop her from giving her brother Polynices a", "57271f125951b619008f8637": "rather than human law. She is not at all afraid of the death he threatens her", "57271f125951b619008f8638": "she does not do", "57271f125951b619008f8639": "s' play Anti", "5728d5793acd2414000dffb3": ", Oedipus, defies Creon, the", "5728d5793acd2414000dffb4": "afraid of the death he threatens her with (and eventually carries out", "5728d5793acd2414000dffb5": "giving her brother Polynices a proper", "5728d5793acd2414000dffb6": "speech in which she tells", "5728d5793acd2414000dffb7": "ipus, defies Creon, the current King of Thebes,", "5727213c708984140094da35": ",", "5727213c708984140094da36": "forms of authority of his time\u2014and then imagine", "5727213c708984140094da38": "gue] statement of the principle of nonviolent", "5727213c708984140094da39": "later by Gandhi in his doctrine of Satyagraha", "5727213c708984140094da37": "eau in his essay Civil Disobedience, and later by Gandhi in his doctrine of", "5728d63c4b864d1900164f18": "s Satyagraha was partially influenced and inspired", "5728d63c4b864d1900164f19": "of 1819, poet Percy Shelley wrote the political poem The Mask of Anarchy later that year, that begins with the images", "5728d63c4b864d1900164f1a": "it is known that Gandhi would often quote Shelley's Masque of", "5728d63c4b864d1900164f1c": "of authority of his time\u2014and then imagines the stirrings of a new form", "5728d63c4b864d1900164f1b": "of Anarchy later that year, that begins with the", "572726c9708984140094da7b": "describing", "572726c9708984140094da7e": "It has been used to describe everything", "572726c9708984140094da7c": "It has", "572726c9708984140094da7d": ", draft evade", "5728d6f02ca10214002da90e": "aim at a federal official. Indeed, for Vice President Agnew it has become a code-word", "5728d6f02ca10214002da90f": "gers, arsonists, draft evaders, campaign hecklers, campus militants, anti-", "5728d6f02ca10214002da910": "Vice President Agnew it has become a code-word describing the activities of muggers", "5728d6f02ca10214002da911": "been argued that the term \"civil disobedience\" has always suffered from", "5728d6f02ca10214002da912": "times, become utterly debased. Marshall Cohen notes, \"It has been used to describe everything from bringing a test-case in the federal courts", "572807802ca10214002d9bf8": "violent civil disobedience", "572807802ca10214002d9bf9": "impossible. In reviewing the voluminous literature on the subject", "572807802ca10214002d9bfa": "ience rapidly finds himself surrounded by a maze of semantical problems and grammatical niceties. Like", "572807802ca10214002d9bfb": "orator intends it to have.\" He encourages a distinction between lawful protest demonstration, nonviolent civil disobedience, and violent civil", "572807802ca10214002d9bfc": "no less) meaning than the individual orator intends it to have.\" He encourages a distinction between law", "5728d7c54b864d1900164f4c": "less) meaning than the individual orator intends it to have.\" He encourages a distinction between", "5728d7c54b864d1900164f4d": "the student of civil disobedience rapidly finds himself", "5728d7c54b864d1900164f4e": "civil disobedience rapidly finds himself surrounded by a maze of semantical problems and grammatical niceties. Like Alice", "5728d7c54b864d1900164f4f": "voluminous literature on the subject, the student of civil disobedience rapidly finds himself surrounded by a maze of semantical problems", "5728d7c54b864d1900164f50": "that \"the formulation of a single all-encompassing definition of the term is extremely", "57280f974b864d1900164370": "obedience is usually defined", "57280f974b864d1900164371": "s relation to the state and its laws, as distinguished from a constitutional impasse in which two public agencies, especially two equally sovereign", "57280f974b864d1900164372": "empty", "57280f974b864d1900164373": "as pertaining to a citizen's", "57280f974b864d1900164374": "as distinguished from a constitutional impasse in which two public agencies, especially two equally sovereign branches of government", "5728d9403acd2414000e001b": "in which", "5728d9403acd2414000e001c": "Civil dis", "5728d9403acd2414000e001d": "court,", "5728d9403acd2414000e001e": "in which two public agencies, especially two equally sovereign branches of government, conflict. For instance, if the head of government of", "5728d9403acd2414000e001f": "not be civil disobedience, since the head of government would be acting in", "572812e74b864d19001643ce": "only individuals act, only individuals can act unjustly. When the government knocks on the door, it is an individual in", "572812e74b864d19001643cf": ", it is an individual in the form of a postman", "572812e74b864d19001643d0": "man chose to be", "572812e74b864d19001643d1": "what is being said. The majority may be powerful but it is not necessarily right. What, then, is the proper", "572812e74b864d19001643d2": "but it is not", "5728dafe3acd2414000e005d": "it is not necessarily right.", "5728dafe3acd2414000e005e": "his refusal to pay, Thoreau", "5728dafe3acd2414000e005f": "express the voice of the people, this fact would not compel the obedience of individuals who disagree", "5728dafe3acd2414000e0060": ". The majority may be powerful but it is not necessarily right. What, then", "5728dafe3acd2414000e0061": "wrong. More than this, since only individuals act, only individuals can act unjustly. When the government knocks on the door, it is", "5728151b4b864d1900164428": "private universities can be justified if it reflects \"a larger challenge to the legal system that permits those decisions to be taken\". The same principle,", "5728151b4b864d1900164429": "entities. Brownlee argues that disobedience in opposition to the decisions of non-governmental agencies such as trade unions, banks", "5728151b4b864d190016442a": "empty", "5728151b4b864d190016442b": "system that permits those decisions to be taken\". The same principle, she argues, applies to breaches of law", "5728dc2d3acd2414000e0080": "taken\". The same principle, she argues, applies to breaches of law in protest against international organizations", "5728dc2d3acd2414000e0081": "edi", "5728dc2d3acd2414000e007f": "edi", "5728dc2d3acd2414000e0083": "of non-governmental agencies such as trade unions, banks, and private universities can be justified", "572818f54b864d190016446c": "ence rather than simply covert lawbreaking. If a lawyer wishes to help a client overcome legal obstacles to securing her or his natural rights, he might", "572818f54b864d190016446d": "argues that if it is necessary to disobey rules that conflict", "572818f54b864d190016446e": "It is usually recognized that lawbreaking, if it is not done publicly, at least must be publicly announced in order to constitute civil", "572818f54b864d190016446f": "If a lawyer wishes to help a client overcome legal obstacles to securing her or his natural rights, he might, for", "572818f54b864d1900164470": "Shiphrah and Puah refused a direct order of Pharaoh but misrepresented how", "5728dddc2ca10214002da9d2": "were hiding a Jew in their house.\" By", "5728dddc2ca10214002da9d3": "but misrepresented how they", "5728dddc2ca10214002da9d4": "Jurors\" notes, \"Think of the dilemma faced by German citizens when", "5728dddc2ca10214002da9d5": "of public civil disobedience rather than simply covert lawbreaking", "5728dddc2ca10214002da9d6": "find that assisting in fabricating evidence or committing perjury is more effective than open", "57281c594b864d19001644a2": "ifying disobedience, and if one cannot justify civil", "57281c594b864d19001644a3": "obed", "57281c594b864d19001644a4": "and refusal to submit to arrest. Civil disob", "57281c594b864d19001644a5": "\"", "57281c594b864d19001644a6": "that they", "5728df634b864d1900164fe2": "but holds that they do not have to be non-violent. It has been argued that, while", "5728df634b864d1900164fe3": "in its definition of civil dis", "5728df634b864d1900164fe4": "must be much more serious than those justifying disobedience, and if one cannot justify civil rebellion, then one", "5728df634b864d1900164fe6": "preserve society's tolerance of civil dis", "5728202c4b864d19001644ec": "their repeal, or to exert pressure to get one'", "5728202c4b864d19001644ed": "Independence to \"alter or abolish\" an unjust", "5728202c4b864d19001644ee": "obedience is more of an active", "5728202c4b864d19001644ef": "the social fabric). Gandhi's acts have been", "5728202c4b864d19001644f0": "have identified the right espoused in The Declaration of Independence to \"alter or abolish\" an unjust government to be a principle of civil", "5728e07e3acd2414000e00e9": "of an effort to render certain laws ineffective", "5728e07e3acd2414000e00ea": "political wishes on some other issue. Revolutionary civil disobedience is more of an active attempt", "5728e07e3acd2414000e00eb": "government (or to change cultural traditions, social customs, religious beliefs, etc...revolution doesn't have to", "5728e07e3acd2414000e00ec": "s acts have been described as revolutionary civil disob", "5728e07e3acd2414000e00ed": "effective, to cause their repeal, or to exert pressure to get one's political wishes on some other issue. Revolutionary civil dis", "572822233acd2414000df555": "all the activists. This is a form of jail solidarity.[", "572822233acd2414000df556": "have also been many instances of solitary", "572822233acd2414000df557": "disobedience took place during the Roman Empire[", "572822233acd2414000df558": "not yet a well-", "572822233acd2414000df559": ". This", "5728e3c33acd2414000e0131": "a well-known author, and his arrest was not covered in any newspapers in the", "5728e3c33acd2414000e0132": "There have also been many instances of solitary civil disob", "5728e3c33acd2414000e0133": "it happened. The tax collector who arrested him rose to higher political office, and Thoreau's essay was not published until after the end", "5728e3c33acd2414000e0134": "[citation needed][original research?] In modern times, some activists who commit civil disob", "5728e3c33acd2414000e0135": "tation needed][original research?] In modern times, some activists who commit civil disobedience", "572825a92ca10214002d9efe": "policy goals may serve a propaganda purpose. Some civil disobedients, such as the proprietors of illegal medical cannabis", "572825a92ca10214002d9eff": "undertaken in the name of civil disobedience, which", "572825a92ca10214002d9f00": "though, that the very harmlessness of such entirely symbolic illegal protests toward public policy goals may serve a propaganda purpose. Some civil disobed", "572825a92ca10214002d9f01": "stander, somewhat inane", "572825a92ca10214002d9f02": "foot (55 m)-tall,", "5728e5224b864d1900165032": "notes, though, that the very harmlessness of such entirely symbolic illegal protests toward public policy goals may serve", "5728e5224b864d1900165033": "if they were widely practiced, would in themselves constitute hardly more than a nuisance (e.g. trespass", "5728e5224b864d1900165034": "ience", "5728e5224b864d1900165035": "sick) while openly breaking the law. Julia Butterfly Hill lived in Luna, a", "5728e5224b864d1900165036": "variety of different illegal acts. Bedau writes, \"There is a whole class of acts, undertaken in the", "5728284e3acd2414000df5cd": "councilors stating, \"Wise", "5728284e3acd2414000df5ce": "government and unwillingness to stand for its policies. For example, Joseph Haas was arrested for allegedly sending an email to the Lebanon,", "5728284e3acd2414000df5cf": "the 1978 Supreme Court case of FCC v. Pacifica Foundation. Threatening government officials is another classic way of expressing defiance toward the government and", "5728284e3acd2414000df5d0": "criminalized behavior is pure speech, civil disobedience can consist simply of engaging in the forbidden speech. An example would be WBAI", "5728284e3acd2414000df5d1": "to the 1978 Supreme Court case of FCC v. Pacifica Foundation. Threatening", "5728e5f43acd2414000e0171": "of expressing defiance toward the government and unwillingness to stand", "5728e5f43acd2414000e0172": "is pure speech, civil disob", "5728e5f43acd2414000e0173": "in comedy album,", "5728e5f43acd2414000e0174": "George Carlin comedy album, which eventually led to the 1978 Supreme Court case of FCC v. Pacifica Foundation. Threatening government officials is", "57282dfb4b864d1900164668": "and using sickles to deflate one of the large domes covering", "57282dfb4b864d1900164669": "although civil disobedients are constrained in their use of coercion by their conscientious aim", "57282dfb4b864d190016466a": "this way, they might be considered co", "57282dfb4b864d190016466b": "cive. Brownlee notes that \"although civil disobedients are constrained in their use of coercion", "57282dfb4b864d190016466c": "conscientious aim to engage in moral dialogue, nevertheless they", "5728e715ff5b5019007da914": ", draft dodging, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and sit-ins", "5728e715ff5b5019007da916": "taxes, draft dodging, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and sit-ins, make it more difficult for a system to function. In", "5728e715ff5b5019007da917": "aim to engage in moral dialogue, nevertheless they may find it necessary to employ limited coercion in order to get their issue onto the table", "5728e715ff5b5019007da918": "padlocking the gates and using sickles to deflate one of the large", "5728e8212ca10214002daa6c": "obedients have nonetheless found it hard", "5728e8212ca10214002daa6d": "-disposed man, or as a maniac and disturber of the peace, and see if he can get over this obstruction to his", "5728e8212ca10214002daa6e": "chosen to be an agent of", "5728e8212ca10214002daa6f": "his neighborliness without a ruder and more impetuous thought or speech", "5728e8212ca10214002daa70": "nonetheless found it hard to resist responding to investigators' questions, sometimes due to a", "5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c5": "the legitimacy of their particular government, or", "5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c6": "s who favor the existence of government still don't believe in the legitimacy of their", "5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c7": "all to obey the laws that a government meeting certain standards of legitimacy has established, or else suffer the penalties set out in the law.", "5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c8": "of government still don't believe in the legitimacy of their particular government", "5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c9": "infringe the rights of", "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01d9": "of civil disobedience. ACT-UP's Civil Disobed", "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01da": "'s Civil Disobedience Training handbook states that a civil disobedient who pleads guilty is essentially stating,", "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01db": "obedient's duty to submit to the punishment prescribed by law, while others believe that", "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01dc": "been argued that either choice is compatible", "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01dd": "proud of it. I feel I did the right thing by violating this particular law; I am guilty as charged,\" but that pleading not guilty sends", "5728ec6a4b864d19001650aa": "for trial before the local Justice of the Peace, that", "5728ec6a4b864d19001650ab": "volunteered to defend the arrested persons, advising them to plead \"nolo contendere\", as an alternative to pleading either guilty or not-", "5728ec6a4b864d19001650ac": "site knowing that they faced arrest. At a pre-arranged announced time, one at a time they stepped across the \"line\"", "5728ec6a4b864d19001650ad": "bus", "5728ec6a4b864d19001650ae": "lo contendere\", as an alternative to pleading either guilty or not-guilty.", "5728ed94ff5b5019007da97c": "edience. The key point is that the spirit of protest should be maintained all the way, whether it is done by remaining in jail,", "5728ed94ff5b5019007da97d": "There may be many times when protesters choose to go to", "5728ed94ff5b5019007da97e": "should be maintained all the way, whether it is done by remaining in jail,", "5728ed94ff5b5019007da97f": "\"There may be many times when protesters choose to go to jail, as a way of continuing their protest, as", "5728eef92ca10214002daab0": "ents, as in the case of the Camden 28, in which the defendants were offered an opportunity to plead guilty to one", "5728eef92ca10214002daab1": "tactics to secure the", "5728eef92ca10214002daab2": "same plea bargain for everyone. But some activists", "5728eef92ca10214002daab3": "to one misdemeanor count", "5728eef92ca10214002daab4": "edients, as in the case of the Camden 28, in which the defendants were offered an opportunity", "5728f50baf94a219006a9e55": "the other allocution speeches given", "5728f50baf94a219006a9e56": "Burgos", "5728f50baf94a219006a9e57": "a speech explaining their actions, in allocution. In U.", "5728f50baf94a219006a9e58": "actions, and even a likelihood of repeating her illegal actions. Some of the other allocution speeches given by the protesters complained about mis", "5728f50baf94a219006a9e59": "the Navy\". As", "5728facd4b864d1900165170": "technical defense. In countries such as the United States whose", "5728facd4b864d1900165171": "s seek jury nullification. Over the years, this has been made more", "5728facd4b864d1900165172": "prerogative, and United States v. Dougherty, which held that the judge need not allow defendants to openly seek jury nullification.", "5728facd4b864d1900165173": "need not inform jurors of their nullification prerogative, and United States v. Dougherty, which", "5728facd4b864d1900165174": "ification prerogative, and United", "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef5": "that act did not constitute civil disob", "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef6": "act did not constitute civil disobedience. It has also been argued that breaking the law for self", "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef7": "a civil disobedi", "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef8": "is not civil", "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef9": "ed", "5728fc9e1d04691400778f11": "obed", "5728fc9e1d04691400778f12": "illegal protests from punishment on the basis of their challenging the legality of the Vietnam War; the courts ruled it was a political question. The necessity defense", "5728fc9e1d04691400778f13": "Seabrook Station", "5728fc9e1d04691400778f14": "\"Indirect civil disobedience involves violating a law which is not, itself, the object of protest, whereas direct", "5728fc9e1d04691400778f15": "civil disobedience involves protesting the existence of a particular law by breaking that law.\"", "5728fd3c3f37b31900477f2b": "or has no right not", "5728fd3c3f37b31900477f2d": "offender as a rational person because it focuses attention on", "5728fd3c3f37b31900477f2e": "the most important consideration would be whether it would do more harm than good. This means", "5728fd3c3f37b31900477f2f": "This means that the objector has no right not to be punished. It is a matter for the state (including the", "57273a465951b619008f86ff": "involves mass production of similar items", "57273a465951b619008f8700": "typically involves mass production", "57273a465951b619008f8701": "purchaser, while construction", "57273a465951b619008f8702": "manufacturing", "57273a465951b619008f8703": "for a known client. Construction as an industry comprises six to nine percent of the", "57273cca708984140094db33": ", logistics, inconvenience to the public caused by construction", "57273cca708984140094db34": "construction manager, design engineer, construction engineer or project manager", "57273cca708984140094db35": "the job, the successful scheduling, budgeting, construction-site", "57273cca708984140094db36": ", inconvenience to the public caused by construction delays and bidding, etc. The", "57273cca708984140094db37": "the job, the successful scheduling, budgeting, construction-site safety, availability and transportation of building materials, logistics, inconveni", "57273d8bf1498d1400e8f4fe": "wastewater and", "57273d8bf1498d1400e8f4ff": "non-residential (commercial/institutional). Infrastructure is often called heavy/highway, heavy civil or heavy engineering.", "57273d8bf1498d1400e8f500": "s, bridges, highways, water/wastewater and utility distribution. Industrial includes", "57273d8bf1498d1400e8f501": "commercial/institutional). Infrastructure is often called heavy/highway, heavy civil or heavy engineering. It includes", "57273d8bf1498d1400e8f502": "mills and manufacturing plants. There are other ways", "57273e50dd62a815002e9a02": "industry. Each year, ENR compiles and reports on data about the size of design and construction companies.", "57273e50dd62a815002e9a03": "telecom, hazardous waste plus a tenth category for other projects. In their reporting on the Top 400, they used data on transportation, sewer,", "57273e50dd62a815002e9a04": "tenth category for other projects. In their reporting on the Top 400", "57273e50dd62a815002e9a05": "and reports on data about the size of design and construction companies. They publish a list of the largest companies in", "57273f27dd62a815002e9a0a": "building construction, heavy and civil engineering construction, and specialty trade contractors. There are also categories for construction service firms (", "57273f27dd62a815002e9a0b": "(", "57273f27dd62a815002e9a0c": "ectors: building construction, heavy and civil engineering construction, and specialty trade contractors.", "57273f27dd62a815002e9a0d": "contractors. There are also categories for construction service firms (e.g., engineering, architecture) and construction managers (firms", "57274046dd62a815002e9a12": "laborer, paymaster, and design team for the entire project. Although building construction projects", "57274046dd62a815002e9a13": "sizes", "57274046dd62a815002e9a14": "renovations, such as addition of a room, or renovation of a bathroom", "57274046dd62a815002e9a15": "The majority of building construction jobs are small renovations, such as addition of a room, or renovation of a bathroom", "57274046dd62a815002e9a16": "master, and design team for the entire project", "572742bd5951b619008f8785": "site conditions, local regulations, economies of scale", "572742bd5951b619008f8786": "on a per square meter", "572742bd5951b619008f8787": "Materials readily available in the area generally dictate the construction materials used (e.g", "572742bd5951b619008f8788": "must conform to local building authority regulations and codes of practice. Materials readily available in the area generally dictate the", "572744aff1498d1400e8f588": "flexibly construct", "572744aff1498d1400e8f589": "building printing is making it possible to flexibly construct small commercial buildings and private habitations in around 20 hours, with built-", "572744aff1498d1400e8f58a": "with built-in plumbing and electrical facilities", "572744aff1498d1400e8f58b": "with the next-generation printers capable of 3.5 metres (11 ft)", "572745c6708984140094db9a": "the modern industrialized world, construction usually involves the translation of designs into reality. A formal design team may be assembled to plan the physical", "572745c6708984140094db99": "s. The design team is most commonly employed by (i.e.", "572745c6708984140094db9b": "The design team", "572745c6708984140094db9c": ") the property owner. Under", "572745c6708984140094db9d": "physical proceedings, and to integrate those proceedings with the other parts. The design usually consists of drawings and specifications, usually prepared by a design", "57274e0d708984140094dbe5": ", construction managers, and general contractors were more likely to be entirely separate companies, even in the larger firms. Presently,", "57274e0d708984140094dbe6": "separate companies, even in the larger firms. Presently, a firm that is nominally an \"architecture\" or \"construction management\" firm", "57274e0d708984140094dbe7": "contract where the contractor is given a performance specification and must undertake the", "57274e0d708984140094dbe8": "fields as employees, or to have an associated company that provides each necessary skill. Thus, each such firm may offer itself as", "57274e975951b619008f87f9": "traditional offerings of design or construction services alone and are", "57274e975951b619008f87fa": "project structures allows the owner to integrate the services of architects, interior designers, engineers and constructors throughout design", "57274e975951b619008f87fb": "general, each of these project structures allows the owner to integrate", "57274f67708984140094dbf5": ". Cash flow problems exist when the present amount of funding cannot cover the", "57274f67708984140094dbf6": "prevalent in the construction field. Financial planning for the project is intended to ensure that a solid", "57274f67708984140094dbf7": "the project is started and is required to", "57274f67708984140094dbf8": "Cash flow problems exist when the present amount of funding cannot cover the current", "5727502f708984140094dc07": "overall plan for the financial", "5727502f708984140094dc08": "and materials involved to a proper valuation. Cost overruns with government projects have occurred when the contractor identified change", "5727502f708984140094dc09": "act to study the expected monetary flow over the life of the project and to monitor the payouts throughout the", "5727502f708984140094dc0b": "act to study", "5727502f708984140094dc0a": "to monitor the payouts throughout", "572750e8dd62a815002e9af0": "\u2013 bridge collapses or explosions. Other legal requirements come", "572750e8dd62a815002e9af1": "where the building will be built, either by arguing that a rule is inapplicable (", "572750e8dd62a815002e9af2": "to adhere to codes does not benefit the owner. Some legal requirements come from malum in se considerations, or the desire to", "572750e8dd62a815002e9af3": "built, either by arguing that a rule is inapplicable (the bridge design will not cause a collapse), or that the custom", "572750e8dd62a815002e9af4": "malum prohibitum considerations, or things that are a matter of custom or expectation, such as is", "572751b4708984140094dc1b": "Thus, the contracts must be designed to ensure that each side is", "572751b4708984140094dc1c": "to result in the project flowing smoothly, whereas poorly drafted contracts lead to confusion", "572751b4708984140094dc1d": "designed to ensure that each side is capable of performing the obligations set out. Contracts that set", "572751b4708984140094dc1e": "matter as trying to get the other side to agree to as much as", "572751b4708984140094dc1f": "to result in the project flowing smoothly, whereas", "5727526cdd62a815002e9b0e": "ing where the emphasis is on a co-operative relationship between the principal and contractor and other", "5727526cdd62a815002e9b0f": "Partner", "5727526cdd62a815002e9b10": "that arise from the often highly competitive and adversarial practices within the construction industry", "5727526cdd62a815002e9b11": "that involve relationship contracting where the emphasis is on a co-operative relationship between the principal and", "572753335951b619008f8853": "her role is to design the works, prepare the specifications and produce construction drawings, administer the contract, tender the works,", "572753335951b619008f8854": "client and the main contractor. Any subcontractor has a direct contractual relationship with the", "572753335951b619008f8855": ". Any subcontractor has a direct contractual relationship with the main contractor. The procedure continues until", "572753335951b619008f8856": "Any subcontractor has a direct contractual relationship with the main contractor. The procedure continues until", "572753335951b619008f8857": "arrangement, the", "57275411dd62a815002e9b30": "As they build phase 1, they design phase", "57275411dd62a815002e9b31": "-bid-build contract, where the project is completely designed by the owner, then", "57275411dd62a815002e9b32": "&B contractors present different ideas", "57275411dd62a815002e9b33": "design", "57275411dd62a815002e9b34": "best and hires the appropriate contractor. Often, it is not just one contractor, but a consortium of several contractors working together. Once these have been", "572754fff1498d1400e8f660": ".", "572754fff1498d1400e8f661": "construction adheres to the approved plans and the", "572754fff1498d1400e8f662": "ens the likelihood of damage to the existing electrical, water, sewage, phone, and cable facilities, which could", "572754fff1498d1400e8f663": "empty", "572754fff1498d1400e8f664": "that the construction adheres to the approved plans", "572755b7708984140094dc4d": "about 667,000 firms employing 1 million contractors (200,000 general contractors, 38,000 heavy, and 432,000 specialty", "572755b7708984140094dc4e": "80", "572755b7708984140094dc4f": "split evenly between residential and nonresident", "572755b7708984140094dc50": "As a whole, the industry employed", "572755b7708984140094dc51": "rate. In the United States, approximately", "5727565ef1498d1400e8f674": "43,3", "5727565ef1498d1400e8f675": "2010", "5727565ef1498d1400e8f676": ", sectors and locations in the construction and built environment industry. The results showed that areas of particularly strong growth in the construction industry, such as the", "572756fe708984140094dc71": "that for all workers. Falls are one of the most", "572756fe708984140094dc72": "is one of the", "572756fe708984140094dc73": "in the European Union", "572756fe708984140094dc74": "causes of fatal and non-fatal injuries among construction workers. Proper safety equipment such as harnesses", "572746addd62a815002e9a5e": "tax credit scholarships that might be available", "572746addd62a815002e9a5f": "select their students and are funded in whole or in part by charging their students tuition, rather than relying", "572746addd62a815002e9a60": "thus", "572746addd62a815002e9a61": "have (e.g. sport scholarship,", "57274712708984140094dbad": "whole gamut of educational activity, ranging from pre", "57274712708984140094dbae": "empty", "57274712708984140094dbaf": "whole gamut of educational activity, ranging from pre-school to tertiary level institutions. Annual tuition fees at", "57274712708984140094dbb0": "12 schools range from nothing at so called 'tuition-free", "5727478cf1498d1400e8f59a": "and year 13 (upper sixth). This category includes university-preparatory schools or \"", "5727478cf1498d1400e8f59b": "'s financial endowment. High tuition,", "5727478cf1498d1400e8f59c": "school's financial endowment.", "5727478cf1498d1400e8f59d": "salaries for the best teachers and also used to provide enriched learning environments, including a low student to teacher ratio, small class sizes and services,", "5727478cf1498d1400e8f59e": "or \"prep schools\", boarding schools and day schools. Tuition at private secondary schools varies from school to school and depends", "5727482bf1498d1400e8f5a4": "a subcategory of private schools", "5727482bf1498d1400e8f5a5": ". Others use the denomination as more of a general", "5727482bf1498d1400e8f5a6": "and religion. They include parochial schools, a term which is often used to denote Roman Catholic schools. Other religious groups represented in the K-12", "5727490bdd62a815002e9a82": "the removal of the purported distractions of co-education; the presence of boarding facilities; or", "5727490bdd62a815002e9a83": "of co-education; the presence of boarding facilities; or stricter discipline based on their power of expulsion, a tool not readily", "5727490bdd62a815002e9a84": "social status of the 'old school tie'; better quality physical infrastructure", "57274971708984140094dbbb": "illi,", "57274971708984140094dbbc": "allegiance. These schools are typically viewed as 'elite schools'. Many of the 'grammar schools' also fall", "57274971708984140094dbbd": "dney) and St Joseph's College,", "57274971708984140094dbbe": "Although most are non-aligned, some of the best known independent schools", "57274a1edd62a815002e9a9a": "less common than in many other countries. Overall, between 1992 and 2008 the percent of pupils in such schools in Germany", "57274a1edd62a815002e9a9b": "and 2008 the percent of pupils", "57274a1edd62a815002e9a9c": "GDR). Percent of students in private high schools", "57274a1edd62a815002e9a9d": "they are less common than in many other countries. Overall, between 1992 and 2008 the percent of pupils in", "57274a1edd62a815002e9a9e": "1992 and 2008 the percent of pupils in such schools in Germany increased from 6.1% to 7.", "57274a8ff1498d1400e8f5bc": "the so-called Sonderungsverbot). Therefore, most Ersa", "57274a8ff1498d1400e8f5bd": "schools with such low tuition fees, which is why all German Ersatzschulen are additionally financed with", "57274a8ff1498d1400e8f5be": "tzschulen lack the freedom to operate completely outside of government regulation. Teachers at Ersatzschulen must", "57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d4": "empty", "57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d5": "the German dual education system. Erg\u00e4nzungsschulen have the freedom to operate", "57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d6": ") schools, which are run by private individuals, private organizations or rarely, religious groups and offer a type", "57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d7": ", religious groups and offer a type of education which is not available at public schools. Most of these schools are vocational schools", "57274beff1498d1400e8f5e4": "government and the", "57274beff1498d1400e8f5e5": "school leaving certificates. Prominent Examination Boards that are present in multiple states", "57274beff1498d1400e8f5e6": "Education appears", "57274beff1498d1400e8f5e7": ", a private school is an unaid", "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa4": "of this system point out that this", "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa5": "who check compliance and to fewer schools in a country that has the largest adult", "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa6": "various studies have reported unpopularity of government schools and an increasing number of private", "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa7": "and societies can run schools in India. They will have to satisfy a number of infrastructure and human resource related criteria to get Recognition (a form", "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa8": "school inspectors who check compliance and to fewer schools in a country that has the largest adult illiterate population in the world. While official", "57274d1cdd62a815002e9aae": "fees, which tend to be relatively low in Ireland compared to the rest of the world. There is, however, a", "57274d1cdd62a815002e9aaf": "of teacher's salaries are paid by the State. If the school wishes to employ extra teachers they are", "57274d1cdd62a815002e9ab0": "low in Ireland compared to the rest of the world. There is, however, a limited element of state assessment of private schools, because of", "57274d1cdd62a815002e9ab1": "and the Leaving Certificate, for example.", "57274d1cdd62a815002e9ab2": ",", "57274d9bf1498d1400e8f5f6": "would instead become \"", "57274d9bf1498d1400e8f5f7": "an uproar among the Chinese and a compromise was achieved in that the schools would instead", "57274d9bf1498d1400e8f5f8": "be assimilated into the National School system. This caused", "57274d9bf1498d1400e8f5f9": "instructed all schools to surrender their properties and be assimilate", "57274d9bf1498d1400e8f5fa": "a system, the government is only in charge of the school curriculum", "57274e145951b619008f87e7": ", which might be in their own city or far off, like boarding schools", "57274e145951b619008f87e8": "like boarding schools. The medium of education is English", "57274e145951b619008f87e9": "compulsory subject, Nepali and/or the state's official language is also taught. Preschool education is mostly limited to organized neighbourhood nursery", "57274e145951b619008f87ea": "and the quality of education is quite high. Technically, these would be categorized as private schools, but many of them have the name \"Public", "57274e145951b619008f87eb": "many", "57274eca5951b619008f87ff": "of April 2014, there are 88 private schools in New Zealand, catering for around 28,000 students or 3.7%", "57274eca5951b619008f8800": "State-integrated schools keep their private school special character and receives state funds", "57274eca5951b619008f8801": "State-integrated schools keep their private school special character and receives state funds in return for having to operate like a state school, e.g", "57274eca5951b619008f8802": "state curriculum, they must employ registered teachers, and they can't charge tuition fees (they can charge", "57274eca5951b619008f8803": "As of April 2014, there are 88 private schools in New Zealand", "57274f49f1498d1400e8f61e": "'s College in Christchurch; or Presbyterian, such as Saint Kentigern College and St Cuthbert's College in Auckland, Scots College", "57274f49f1498d1400e8f61f": ", Samuel", "57274f49f1498d1400e8f620": "College in Auckland, Scots College and Queen Margaret College in Wellington,", "57274f49f1498d1400e8f621": "international school ACG New Zealand International College. There are three", "57274f49f1498d1400e8f622": "s College in Christchurch; or Presbyterian, such as Saint Kentigern College and St", "5727500f708984140094dbfd": "izing tuition fee policy for private schools, by replacing values education for third and fourth years with English, mathematics and natural", "5727500f708984140094dbfe": "applications for new courses, new schools and conversions,", "5727500f708984140094dbff": "for private schools, by replacing values", "5727500f708984140094dc00": "public schools. This situation is more evident at the tertiary level. Government regulations have given private education more flexibility and autonomy in recent", "5727500f708984140094dc01": "resource utilization. Per unit costs in private schools are generally lower", "572750df5951b619008f882f": "available to underprivileged, but deserving high school graduates, who wish to pursue", "572750df5951b619008f8830": "is made available to underprivileged, but deserving high school graduates, who wish to pursue college/technical education in private", "572750df5951b619008f8831": "in private colleges and universities", "5727515f708984140094dc11": "grown ever since. After the abolition of apartheid", "5727515f708984140094dc12": "schools:", "5727515f708984140094dc13": ". After the abolition of apartheid, the laws governing private education in South Africa changed significantly.", "5727515f708984140094dc14": "includes traditional private schools and schools which are privately governed[", "5727515f708984140094dc15": "in South Africa are private church schools that were established by missionaries in the early nineteenth century. The private sector has grown ever since. After", "57275409708984140094dc35": "other race groups . Former \"Model C\" schools are not private schools, as they are state-controlled. All schools in", "57275409708984140094dc36": "have the right to set compulsory school fees, and formerly model C schools tend to set much higher school fees than other", "57275409708984140094dc37": "schools tend to produce better academic results than government schools formerly reserved for other race groups . Former \"", "572754dd708984140094dc3b": "Swedish pupils were enrolled in private schools in 2008. Sweden is internationally known for this innovative school voucher model that provides Swedish pupils with the opportunity", "572754dd708984140094dc3c": ". Over 10% of Swedish pupils were", "572754dd708984140094dc3d": "), offers", "572754dd708984140094dc3e": "are free to choose a private school and the private school gets paid the same amount as municipal schools. Over 10% of Swedish pupils were enrolled", "572754dd708984140094dc3f": "pupils with the opportunity to choose the school they prefer. For instance, the biggest school", "572756265951b619008f886d": "to those from a certain locality, and of any religion or occupation. According to The Good Schools Guide approximately 9 per cent of children being educated in", "572756265951b619008f886e": "schools are single-sex (though this is becoming less", "572756265951b619008f886f": "be called independent schools, because of their freedom to operate", "572756265951b619008f8870": "3,000 to \u00a321,000 and above per year for day pupils, rising to \u00a327,000+ per year for board", "572756265951b619008f8871": "any religion or occupation. According to The Good Schools Guide approximately 9 per cent", "572757bef1498d1400e8f690": "these", "572757bef1498d1400e8f691": "South, many white students migrated to the academies, while public schools", "572757bef1498d1400e8f692": "in turn more heavily concentrated with African-American students (see List of private schools in Mississippi). The academic content of", "572757bef1498d1400e8f693": ". Board of Education of Topeka that demanded United States schools desegregate \"", "572757bef1498d1400e8f694": "-American students (see List of private schools in Mississippi). The academic content of the academies was usually College Preparatory", "572758e0f1498d1400e8f6ae": "and grants from religious organizations or private individuals. Government funding for religious schools is either", "572758e0f1498d1400e8f6af": "to restrictions or possibly forbidden, according to", "572758e0f1498d1400e8f6b0": "preferring the advantages of independent control of their student admissions and course content instead of the public funding they could get with charter status.", "572758e0f1498d1400e8f6b1": "such funding without hassle, preferring the advantages of independent control of their student admissions and course content", "572759665951b619008f8883": "favor educational choice, so long as states may set standards for educational accomplishment. Some of the", "572759665951b619008f8884": "268 U.S. 510 (1925); Meyer v", "572759665951b619008f8885": "case law on this is as follows: Runyon v. McCrary,", "572759665951b619008f8886": "v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390 (", "572759665951b619008f8887": "may set standards for educational accomplishment. Some of the most relevant Supreme Court case law on this is", "572759dbdd62a815002e9b94": "indeed the globe, and a list of applicants which far exceeds", "572759dbdd62a815002e9b95": "States have a student", "572759dbdd62a815002e9b96": "in New York City, and nearly $50,000 for boarding", "572759dbdd62a815002e9b97": "as the Groton School had substantial endowments running to hundreds of millions of dollars supplemented by fundraising drives", "5727aa413acd2414000de921": "and World War II and began to reform the curriculum and liberalize admissions after the war. The undergraduate college became coeducational after its 1977", "5727aa413acd2414000de922": "affiliated professional schools into a modern research university; Harvard was a founding member of the Association of American Universities", "5727aa413acd2414000de923": "and Fellows of Harvard College) is its first chartered corporation. Although", "5727aa413acd2414000de924": ". Eliot's long tenure (1869\u20131909", "5727aa413acd2414000de925": "Harvard was a founding member of the Association of American Universities in 1900. James Bryant Conant led the university through", "5727aeac3acd2414000de987": "To date, some", "5727aeac3acd2414000de988": "79 individual libraries with over 18 million volumes. Harvard's alumni", "5727aeac3acd2414000de989": "62 living billionaires, 3", "5727aeac3acd2414000de98a": ", but the University's large endowment allows it to offer generous", "5727aeac3acd2414000de98b": ", alongside the", "5727aec03acd2414000de991": "University is organized into eleven separate academic units\u2014", "5727aec03acd2414000de992": "in the All", "5727aec03acd2414000de993": ", and public health schools are in the Longwood Medical Area. Harvard's $37.", "5727aec03acd2414000de994": "with campuses throughout the Boston metropolitan area: its 209-acre (85 ha) main", "5727aec03acd2414000de995": "(85 ha) main campus is centered on Harvard Yard in Cambridge, approximately 3 miles (5 km", "5727afa82ca10214002d93c2": "University of Cambridge. He had left the school \u00a3779 and his library of some 400 books. The charter creating the", "5727afa82ca10214002d93c3": "Towne\". In 1638, the college became home for North America's first known printing press, carried by the", "5727afa82ca10214002d93c4": "General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was initially called \"New College\" or \"the college at New Towne\"", "5727afa82ca10214002d93c5": "the college at New Towne\". In 1638, the college became", "5727afa82ca10214002d93c6": ". He had left the school \u00a3779 and his library of some 400 books. The charter", "5727b0892ca10214002d93e8": "many of its earliest graduates went on to become clergymen in Congregational and", "5727b0892ca10214002d93e9": "leaders in the colony had attended the University of Cambridge\u2014\u200b\u200bbut conformed Puritanism. It was never affiliated with any particular denomination, but", "5727b0892ca10214002d93ea": "and perpetuate it to posterity, dreading to leave an illiterate ministry", "5727b8df3acd2414000dea99": "over their replacements. Henry Ware was elected to the chair in 1805, and the liberal Samuel Webber", "5727b8df3acd2414000dea9a": "to the presidency of Harvard", "5727b8df3acd2414000dea9b": ", putting those ministers and their congregations in tension with more traditionalist, Calvinist parties.:1\u20134 When the Hollis Professor of Divinity David T", "5727c0402ca10214002d9564": "of the \"", "5727c0402ca10214002d9565": "Scottish philosophers Thomas Reid and Dugald Stewart, whose works were part of", "5727c0402ca10214002d9566": "Harvard students were exposed, including Platonic treatises by Ralph Cudworth, John Norrisand, in a Romantic vein, Samuel Coleridge.", "5727c3b02ca10214002d95ba": "but by Transcendentalist Unitarian convictions. Derived from William Ellery Channing and Ralph Waldo Emerson,", "5727c3b02ca10214002d95bb": "by a desire to secularize education, but by Transcendentalist Unitarian convictions. Derived from William Ellery Channing", "5727c3b02ca10214002d95bc": "of human nature, the right and ability of each person", "5727c55bff5b5019007d94ce": "talented youth. In 1943, he asked the faculty make a definitive statement about what general education ought to be, at the secondary as well as the college", "5727c55bff5b5019007d94cf": "vehicle of opportunity for the talented rather than an entitlement for the wealthy, so Conant devised programs to", "5727c55bff5b5019007d94d0": "a definitive statement about what general education ought to be, at the secondary as well as the college level. The resulting Report, published in 1945, was", "5727c69d3acd2414000dec13": "Following the merger of Harvard and Radcliffe admissions in 1977", "5727c69d3acd2414000dec14": "schools, which had accepted females and other groups in greater numbers even before the college, also became more diverse in the post-World War II period.", "5727c69d3acd2414000dec15": ", which had accepted females and other groups in greater numbers even before the college, also became more", "5727c8863acd2414000dec49": "neighborhood. Harvard Yard itself contains the central administrative offices and main libraries of the university,", "5727c8863acd2414000dec4a": ", nine of which are south of Harvard Yard along or near the Charles River. The other three are located in", "5727c8863acd2414000dec4b": ", nine of which are south of Harvard Yard along or near the Charles River. The other three are located in a", "5727c8863acd2414000dec4c": ", as well as a dining hall and library. The facilities were made possible by a gift from Yale", "5727cc15ff5b5019007d9576": "School of Dental Medicine", "5727cc15ff5b5019007d9577": "ston. The John W. Weeks Bridge is a pedestrian", "5727cc15ff5b5019007d9578": ". The John W. Weeks Bridge is a pedestrian bridge over the Charles River connecting both campuses. The Harvard Medical School, Harvard", "5727cd0f4b864d1900163d72": ", but surrounding community, pointing to such features as the enhanced transit", "5727cd0f4b864d1900163d73": "well as the construction of bike paths, and buildings throughout the Allston campus. The institution asserts that such", "5727cd0f4b864d1900163d74": "southward. The university now owns approximately fifty percent more land in Allston than in Cambridge. Proposals", "5727cebc2ca10214002d96f0": "lecturers, and instructor", "5727cebc2ca10214002d96f1": "when Charles William Eliot, a young graduate student who would later become Harvard's 21st and longest-serving", "5727cebc2ca10214002d96f2": "form of red can be traced", "5727cebc2ca10214002d96f3": "form of red can be traced back", "5727cebc2ca10214002d96f4": "when Charles William Eliot, a young graduate student who would later become Harvard's 21st and longest-serving president (", "5727cff1ff5b5019007d95c4": "attempt to re-balance its budget was their halting of construction of the $1.2 billion Allston Science Complex that", "5727cff1ff5b5019007d95c5": ", it had nearly regained the loss suffered during the 2008 recession.", "5727cff1ff5b5019007d95c6": "2008", "5727cff1ff5b5019007d95c7": "lost 22% (approximately $8 billion) from", "5727cff1ff5b5019007d95c8": "a reduction of nearly 50% of its endowment in the first four months alone. Forbes", "5727d0f73acd2414000ded13": "unrealistic", "5727d0f73acd2414000ded14": "South African holdings", "5727d0f73acd2414000ded15": "and blockaded a speech given by South African Vice", "5727d1c93acd2414000ded3f": "to Harvard is characterized by the Carnegie Foundation as", "5727d1c93acd2414000ded40": "College ended its early admissions", "5727d1c93acd2414000ded41": ". Harvard College accepted 5.3% of applicants for the class of 2019, a record low", "5727d1c93acd2414000ded42": "among all national universities", "5727d3843acd2414000ded69": "the World. Harvard offers a comprehensive doctoral graduate", "5727d3843acd2414000ded6a": "istence between graduate and undergraduate degrees. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, The New York Times, and some students have", "5727d3843acd2414000ded6b": "ence between graduate and undergraduate degrees. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, The New York Times, and some students have", "5727d4922ca10214002d977c": "magna cum laude, and the next 30% of the class are awarded cum laude. Harvard has chapters", "5727d4922ca10214002d977d": "number of students who receive Latin", "5727d4922ca10214002d977e": "operate on a semester calendar beginning in early September and ending in mid-May.", "5727d4922ca10214002d977f": "is evidence that the quality of the student body and its motivation have also increased. Harvard College reduced the number of students who", "5727d6154b864d1900163e34": "a total cost of attendance of", "5727d6154b864d1900163e35": "total 88% of Harvard's aid for undergraduate students, with aid also provided by loans (", "5727d6154b864d1900163e36": ", $35 million from federal support", "5727d6154b864d1900163e37": "the", "5727d6154b864d1900163e38": "few thousand dollars per year, and families earning between $120,000 and $180,000 pay no more than 10%", "5727d6faff5b5019007d969a": ", and atlases both old and new is stored in Pusey Library and open to the public. The largest collection of", "5727d6faff5b5019007d969c": "System is centered in", "5727d6faff5b5019007d969d": "the Harvard University", "5727d6faff5b5019007d969b": "Widener Library in Harvard Yard and comprises nearly 80 individual libraries holding over 18 million volumes. According to the", "5727d88b4b864d1900163e5e": "pre-Raphaelite, and", "5727d88b4b864d1900163e5f": "Western Hemisphere, and the Semitic Museum", "5727d88b4b864d1900163e60": "Le Corbusier, housing the film archive, the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, specializing in the cultural history and civilizations of the", "5727d9c43acd2414000dee17": "st university in the world in terms of number of alumni holding CEO position in Fortune Global 500 companies.", "5727d9c43acd2414000dee18": "parents in 2013, and was the first nominated by parents in 2009. In 2011, the Mines ParisTech", "5727d9c43acd2414000dee19": "'s undergraduate program has been continuously among the top two in", "5727da564b864d1900163e8e": "The Harvard Crimson competes in 42 intercollegiate sports in the NCAA Division I Ivy", "5727da564b864d1900163e8f": "together to compete against a combined Oxford University and Cambridge", "5727da564b864d1900163e90": "42 intercollegiate sports in the NCAA Division I Ivy League. Harvard has an intense athletic rivalry with Yale University culminating in The Game", "5727db85ff5b5019007d96fc": "wider playing surface. So, other steps had to be taken. Camp would instead support revolutionary new rules for the 1906 season", "5727db85ff5b5019007d96fd": "number of deaths and serious injuries in the sport, Walter Camp (former captain of the Yale football team), suggested", "5727db85ff5b5019007d96fe": "field to open up the game. But the stadium was too narrow to", "5727db85ff5b5019007d96ff": "game is played. In", "5727dc473acd2414000dee43": "s and specialty classes. It is home to Harvard volleyball, fencing and wrestling. The offices of several of the school'", "5727dc473acd2414000dee44": "three-court gym floor to play basketball. The MAC", "5727dc473acd2414000dee45": "gym floor to play basketball. The MAC offers personal trainers and specialty classes.", "5727dd2e4b864d1900163eba": ", the Harvard-Yale Regatta was the original source of the athletic", "5727dd2e4b864d1900163ebb": "won NCAA titles in Men's and Women's Fencing. Harvard also won the Intercollegiate Sailing Association National Championships", "5727dd2e4b864d1900163ebc": "the athletic rivalry between", "5727dd2e4b864d1900163ebd": "s ice hockey team (with a strong rivalry against Cornell), squash, and even recently won", "5727de862ca10214002d9860": "Alejandro Toledo; Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou; Canadian Governor General David Lloyd Johnston;", "5727de862ca10214002d9861": "hu; former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto; U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan;", "5727de862ca10214002d9862": "of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan; Canadian political leader Michael Ignatieff; Pakistani Members of Provincial Assembly Murtaza Bhutto", "5727de862ca10214002d9863": "Figueres; Mexican Presidents Felipe Calder\u00f3n, Carlos Salinas de Gortari and Miguel de la Madrid;", "5727e0474b864d1900163f08": ". Du Bois; philosopher Henry David Thoreau; authors Ralph Waldo Emerson and William S. Burroughs; educators", "5727e0474b864d1900163f09": ". Eliot and E. E. Cummings; conductor Leonard Bernstein; cell", "5727e0474b864d1900163f0a": "Yo Yo", "5727e0474b864d1900163f0b": "Johnson; musicians Rivers Cuomo, Tom Morello, and Gram", "5727e21e4b864d1900163f34": "biologist E. O. Wilson, cognitive scientist", "5727e21e4b864d1900163f35": "Steven Pinker, physicists Lisa", "5727e21e4b864d1900163f36": "and Martin Feldstein, political philosophers Harvey Mansfield,", "5727c94bff5b5019007d954a": "in the Jacksonville metropolitan area, with a population of 1,345,5", "5727c94bff5b5019007d954b": "is the most populous city proper in Florida and the Southeast, and the 12th most populous in the United States. Jacksonville is the principal city in the", "5727c94bff5b5019007d954c": "population", "5727c94bff5b5019007d954d": "1968. Consolidation gave Jacksonville its great size", "5727c94bff5b5019007d954e": "state of Florida, and", "5727cb4b2ca10214002d9676": "crossed, known as Wa", "5727cb4b2ca10214002d9677": "at the narrow point in the river where cattle crossed, known as Wacca Pilatka to the Seminole and the Cow Ford to the", "5727cb4b2ca10214002d9678": "and about 340 miles (550 km) north of Miami. The Jacksonville Beaches communities are along the adjacent Atlantic coast. The", "5727cb4b2ca10214002d9679": "River, about 25 miles (40 km", "5727cb4b2ca10214002d967a": "known as Wacca Pilatka to the Seminole and the", "5727cd7dff5b5019007d958e": "\"Jacksonvillians\" or \"Jaxsons\" (also spelled \"Ja", "5727cd7dff5b5019007d958f": "ine location facilitates two United States Navy bases and the Port of Jacksonville, Florida's third largest seaport", "5727cd7dff5b5019007d9590": "economy include services such as banking, insurance, healthcare and logistics. As with much", "5727cd7dff5b5019007d9591": "be called \"Jacksonvillians\" or \"Jaxsons\"", "57280e1aff5b5019007d9bec": "achite at the site of what is now downtown Jacksonville; this may be", "57280e1aff5b5019007d9bed": "of the St. Johns River. One early map shows a village called Ossachite", "57280e1aff5b5019007d9bee": "historical era, the region was inhabited by the Moc", "57280e1aff5b5019007d9bef": ", centered around the mouth of the St. Johns River. One early map shows a village called Ossachite at the site of", "57280e1aff5b5019007d9bf0": ", the beginning", "57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c26": "1562 calling it the River of May because he discovered it", "57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c27": "by attacking the French presence at Fort Caroline. On September 20, 1565, a Spanish force from the nearby Spanish settlement of", "57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c28": "Fort Caroline, on the St. Johns near", "57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c29": "Johns River", "57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c2a": "Spanish renamed the fort San", "572810ec2ca10214002d9d06": "Florida area prospered economically more than it had under the Spanish. Britain ceded", "572810ec2ca10214002d9d07": "ceded the Florida Territory to the United States in 1821, American settlers on the north side of", "572810ec2ca10214002d9d08": "; these names ostensibly reflect the fact that cattle were brought across the river there. The British introduced the cultivation of sugar cane, indigo and fruits", "572810ec2ca10214002d9d09": ", indigo and fruits as well the export", "572810ec2ca10214002d9d0a": ", indigo and fruits as well the export of lumber. As", "5728128cff5b5019007d9c76": "Confederate cause. The city was blockaded by Union", "5728128cff5b5019007d9c77": "shipped from Florida to aid the Confederate cause. The city was blockaded by Union forces, who gained control of the nearby Fort Clinch. Though", "5728128cff5b5019007d9c78": "Confederate cavalry confronted a Union expedition resulting in the Battle of Cedar Creek. Warfare", "5728128cff5b5019007d9c79": "long occupation left the city disrupted after the war", "5728128cff5b5019007d9c7a": "the city changed hands several times between Union and Confederate forces. The", "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cbc": "city on February 22, 1888 during his trip to Florida. This highlighted the visibility of the state as", "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cbd": "became popular winter resorts for the rich and famous. Visitors arrived by steamboat and later by railroad. President Grove", "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cbe": "th century by yellow fever outbreaks. In", "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cbf": ". President Grover Cleveland", "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cc0": "city's tourism, however, was dealt major blows in the late 19th century by", "5728170d3acd2414000df443": "multi-story structure built by Klutho was the Dyal-Upchurch Building in 1902. The St. James Building", "5728170d3acd2414000df444": "Upchurch Building in 1902. The", "5728170d3acd2414000df445": "it was one of the worst disasters in Florida history and the largest urban fire in the southeastern", "5728170d3acd2414000df446": "James Building, built", "57281940ff5b5019007d9d44": "Norman Studios, remains", "57281940ff5b5019007d9d45": "of Hollywood as a major film production center ended the city'", "57281940ff5b5019007d9d46": "of Hollywood as a major film production center ended the city'", "57281940ff5b5019007d9d47": "s warm climate, exotic locations, excellent rail access, and cheap labor. Over the course of the decade, more than 30 silent film studios", "57281ab63acd2414000df493": "newer housing in the suburbs. After World War II, the government of the city of Jacksonville began to increase spending to fund new", "57281ab63acd2414000df494": "the war. Mayor W. Haydon Burns' Jacksonville Story resulted in the construction", "57281ab63acd2414000df495": "declined from 75.8%", "57281ab63acd2414000df496": "middle class \"white flight\" left Jacksonville with a much poorer population than", "57281ab63acd2414000df497": "group", "57281bb84b864d190016449a": "study recommended that the city of Jacksonville begin annexing out", "57281bb84b864d190016449b": "suburbs had difficulty obtaining municipal services", "57281bb84b864d190016449c": "in six referendums", "57281bb84b864d190016449d": "the city of Jacksonville begin annexing outlying communities in order to create the needed tax base to improve services throughout the county. Voters outside", "57281d494b864d19001644be": "of the city's officials,", "57281d494b864d19001644bf": "period", "57281d494b864d19001644c0": "s, who wanted more involvement in government, and whites in the suburbs, who", "57281d494b864d19001644c1": "s in the suburbs, who wanted more services and more control", "57281edd3acd2414000df4eb": ", authorized a half-penny sales tax. This would generate most of the revenue required for the $2.25 billion", "57281edd3acd2414000df4ec": "all combined under the new government. In honor of the occasion", "57281edd3acd2414000df4ed": "all combined under the new government. In honor of the occasion, then-Mayor Hans Tanzler posed", "57281edd3acd2414000df4ee": "Lee Meredith behind a sign marking the new border of", "57281edd3acd2414000df4ef": "the governments merged to create the Consolidated City of Jacksonville. Fire, police,", "572820512ca10214002d9e72": "square miles (2,264 km2)", "572820512ca10214002d9e73": "uous United States; of this, 86.66% (757.7 sq mi or 1,962 km2)", "572820512ca10214002d9e74": "city. The Trout River, a major tributary of the St. Johns River", "572820512ca10214002d9e75": "and ; 13.34% (116.7 sq mi or 302 km2) is water. Jacksonville surround", "572820512ca10214002d9e76": "s the town of Baldwin. Nassau County lies to the north", "572821274b864d1900164510": "is the Bank of America Tower, constructed in 1990 as the Barnett Center. It has a", "572821274b864d1900164511": "its distinctive flared base", "572821274b864d1900164512": "skyline is the", "572821274b864d1900164513": "'s skyline is the Bank of America Tower", "572821274b864d1900164514": "617 ft (188 m) and includes 42 floors. Other notable structures include the 37-story Wells Fargo Center", "5728223cff5b5019007d9dc4": "and hot and humid weather during summers. Seasonal rainfall is concentrated in the warmest months from May through September, while the driest months are from November", "5728223cff5b5019007d9dc5": "mild weather during winters and hot and", "5728223cff5b5019007d9dc6": "weather, and winters are typically mild and sunny", "5728223cff5b5019007d9dc7": "rainfall is concentrated in the warmest months from May through September, while the driest months are from November through April. Due to Jacksonville", "57282358ff5b5019007d9dde": ". High heat indices are common for the summer months in the area, with indices above 110 \u00b0F (43", "57282358ff5b5019007d9ddf": "\u00b0C) on", "57282358ff5b5019007d9de0": "for the summer months in the area, with indices above 110 \u00b0F (43.", "57282358ff5b5019007d9de1": "indices above 110 \u00b0", "572824f13acd2414000df58f": ". These tropical cyclones were the costliest indirect hits to Jacksonville. Hurricane Floyd in 1999 caused damage mainly to Jacksonville Beach.", "572824f13acd2414000df590": "Atlantic and brushing past the area. The", "572824f13acd2414000df591": "more than", "572824f13acd2414000df592": "just barely diminished to 110 mph (180 km/h), making it a strong Category 2 on the Saf", "572824f13acd2414000df593": "s than most other east coast cities, although the threat does", "572826634b864d19001645be": "community, with 25,033 in the metropolitan area as of", "572826634b864d19001645bf": "1 according to the 2000 United States Census. Jacksonville has Florida's largest Filipino", "572826634b864d19001645c0": "Census. Jacksonville has Florida's largest Filipino American community, with 25,033 in the metropolitan area as of the 2010 Census. Much of", "572826634b864d19001645c1": "as of the 2010 Census. Much of Jacksonville's Filipino community served in or has ties", "572827fc3acd2414000df5bb": "24, 28.5% from 25 to 44", "572827fc3acd2414000df5bc": "the average family size was 3", "572827fc3acd2414000df5bd": "94.1 males. For every 100", "572827fc3acd2414000df5be": "every 100 females age 18", "5727e6cbff5b5019007d97ee": "is now", "5727e6cbff5b5019007d97ef": "poor people in the United", "5727e6cbff5b5019007d97f0": "m claims that the 62 wealthiest individuals own as much wealth as the poorer half of the global population combined. Oxfam's claims have however", "5727e6cbff5b5019007d97f1": "reliable", "5727e6cbff5b5019007d97f2": "fam's claims have however been questioned on the", "5729d36b1d04691400779607": "half of the global population combined. Oxfam's claims have", "5729d36b1d04691400779608": "on the basis of the methodology used: by using net wealth", "5729d36b1d04691400779609": "up assets and subtracting debts), the Oxfam report, for instance, finds that there are more poor people in", "5729d36b1d0469140077960a": "much wealth as the poorer", "5729d36b1d0469140077960b": "in the hands of those in the top percentile, whose assets each exceed $759,900. A 2016 report by Ox", "5727e8424b864d1900163fc0": "est 1 percent in the United States now own more wealth than the bottom 90", "5727e8424b864d1900163fc1": "Fact the top 400 richest Americans \"have more wealth", "5727e8424b864d1900163fc2": "\". In September 2012, according to the", "5727e8424b864d1900163fc3": "tantial head start\". In September 2012, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, \"over", "5729d44b1d04691400779611": "ial head start\". In September 2012", "5729d44b1d04691400779612": "wealth may help explain why many Americans who have become rich may have had a \"subs", "5729d44b1d04691400779613": "New York", "5729d44b1d04691400779614": "Americans \"have more wealth than half of all Americans combined.\" According to the New York Times on", "5729d44b1d04691400779615": "substantial head start\". In September 2012, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, \"over", "5727e9523acd2414000def95": "of workers. In this perspective, wages and profits are determined by the marginal value", "5727e9523acd2414000def96": "-paid professions and", "5727e9523acd2414000def97": "empty", "5727e9523acd2414000def98": "gap between highly-paid professions and lower-paid", "5727e9523acd2414000def99": "landlord). Thus, in a market economy", "5729d51d3f37b3190047858f": "profits are determined by the marginal value added of", "5729d51d3f37b31900478590": "determined by the marginal value added of each economic actor (worker, capitalist/business owner, landlord). Thus, in a market economy, inequality", "5729d51d3f37b31900478591": "landlord). Thus", "5729d51d3f37b31900478592": "of the productivity gap between highly-paid professions and lower-paid", "5729d51d3f37b31900478593": ", landlord). Thus, in a market economy, inequality is a reflection of the productivity", "5727ea45ff5b5019007d986e": "a situation of relatively stagnant wages", "5727ea45ff5b5019007d986f": "the productivity of each", "5727ea45ff5b5019007d9870": "a situation of relatively stagnant wages for the working class amidst rising levels of property income for the", "5727ea45ff5b5019007d9871": "capital equipment for labor (mechanization and automation) raises the productivity of each worker, resulting in a situation of relatively stagnant wages for the", "5729d609af94a219006aa661": "profits. Over the long-term, this trend increases the organic composition of", "5729d609af94a219006aa662": "worker, resulting in a situation of relatively stagnant wages for the", "5729d609af94a219006aa663": "are required in proportion to capital inputs, increasing unemployment (", "5729d609af94a219006aa664": "s (workers) under competitive pressure to reduce costs and maximize profits.", "5729d609af94a219006aa665": "that less workers", "5727ec062ca10214002d99b6": "where professional and labor organizations cannot limit the number of workers) the workers wages will not be controlled by these organizations", "5727ec062ca10214002d99b7": ", pass environmental costs on to society, and", "5727ec062ca10214002d99b8": "i.e. where professional and labor organizations cannot limit the number of workers) the workers wages will", "5727ec062ca10214002d99b9": ", wages can be considered as a function of market price of skill", "5727ec062ca10214002d99ba": "the same way", "5729d878af94a219006aa66b": "race", "5729d878af94a219006aa66c": ", often lead to high levels of inequality, outcomes that are widely viewed", "5729d878af94a219006aa66d": "of the skilled worker. \"On the other hand, markets can also concentrate wealth, pass environmental costs on to society, and abuse workers and", "5729d878af94a219006aa66e": "their business is chronically understaffed. Their competitors will take advantage of the", "5729d878af94a219006aa66f": "capitalist mode of production (i.e. where professional and labor organizations", "5727ed2e3acd2414000df001": "job. This is because competition between workers drives down the wage. An example of this would", "5727ed2e3acd2414000df002": "This is because competition between employers for", "5727ed2e3acd2414000df003": "would include jobs that require highly developed skills", "5727ed2e3acd2414000df004": "a large amount of time (high supply) competing for a job that few require (low demand) will result in", "5727ed2e3acd2414000df005": "a relative", "5729da0faf94a219006aa675": "(low supply), but a large need for the", "5729da0faf94a219006aa676": "workers willing to work a large amount of time (high supply)", "5729da0faf94a219006aa677": ") will", "5729da0faf94a219006aa678": "up the wage. Examples of this would include jobs that require highly developed skills, rare", "5729da0faf94a219006aa679": "low demand) will result in a low wage for that job. This is because competition between workers drives down the wage. An example", "5727ee372ca10214002d99ec": "impact of the", "5727ee372ca10214002d99ed": "shelter (\"push\"", "5727ee372ca10214002d99ee": "\"pull\") such as vocation and more likely to", "5727ee372ca10214002d99ef": "is motivated by survival needs such as income for food and shelter (\"", "5727ee372ca10214002d99f0": "opportunity. Necessity-based entrepreneurship is motivated by survival needs such as income for food and shelter (\"push\" motivations), whereas opportunity", "5729de24af94a219006aa689": "inequality tends to increase entrepreneurship rates at the individual level (self-employment). However", "5729de24af94a219006aa68a": "growth", "5729de24af94a219006aa68b": "by achievement-oriented motivations (\"pull\") such as vocation and more likely to involve", "5729de24af94a219006aa68c": "pull\") such as vocation and more likely to involve the pursue of new products, services, or", "5729de24af94a219006aa68d": "oriented motivations (", "5727ef664b864d1900164060": "Gini index for an income distribution before taxation and the Gini index after taxation is an indicator for the", "5727ef664b864d1900164061": "system", "5727ef664b864d1900164062": "which income", "5727ef664b864d1900164063": "level of inequality within a society, either increasing it or decreasing it, provided that income does not", "5729e02f1d04691400779639": "equal distribution of income across the board. The difference between the Gini index for an income distribution before taxation and the Gini index", "5729e02f1d0469140077963a": "empty", "5729e02f1d0469140077963b": "applied to social spending can", "5729e02f1d0469140077963c": "taxation", "5727f05b4b864d1900164068": "leads directly to lower incomes, and thus lower aggregate savings and investment. Conversely, education raises incomes and promotes growth because it", "5727f05b4b864d1900164069": "this is that a lack of education leads directly to lower incomes, and thus lower aggregate savings and investment. Conversely, education raises income", "5727f05b4b864d190016406a": "and investment. Conversely, education raises incomes and promotes growth because it helps to unleash the", "5727f05b4b864d190016406b": "wages for those with this education, however, increases in education first increase and then decrease growth as well as income", "5727f05b4b864d190016406c": "unable to afford an education, or choose not to pursue optional education, generally receive much lower wages. The justification for this is that a lack of", "5729e1101d04691400779641": "s and promotes", "5729e1101d04691400779642": "as income inequality. As a result, those who are unable to afford an education, or choose not to pursue optional education, generally receive much lower", "5729e1101d04691400779643": "justification for this is that a lack of education", "5729e1101d04691400779644": ", however, increases in education first increase and then decrease growth as well as income inequality. As a result, those who are unable", "5729e1101d04691400779645": "as well as income inequality. As a result, those who are unable to afford an education, or choose not to pursue optional education, generally receive much", "5727f16c3acd2414000df05b": ".'s wealthiest citizens and the rest of", "5727f16c3acd2414000df05c": ". It estimated that if the average United States worker had completed just one more year of school, it would add an additional $105 billion in", "5727f16c3acd2414000df05d": "made it more prone to boom-and", "5727f16c3acd2414000df05e": "&P recommended increasing access to education. It estimated that if the average United States worker", "5729e1e36aef0514001550ba": "concluded that the widening dis", "5729e1e36aef0514001550bb": "just one more year of school, it would add an additional $105 billion in growth to the country's economy over", "5729e1e36aef0514001550bc": "in growth to the country's economy over", "5729e1e36aef0514001550bd": "parity between the U.S.'s wealthiest citizens and the rest of the nation had slowed its recovery", "5729e1e36aef0514001550be": "parity between the U.S.'s wealthiest citizens and the rest of the nation had slowed", "5727f2714b864d1900164072": "decrease in the price of skilled labor. High school education during the period was designed to equip students with necessary skill sets to be able to perform", "5727f2714b864d1900164073": "decrease in the price of skilled labor. High school education during the period was designed to equip students with necessary skill sets to be able to", "5727f2714b864d1900164074": "the mass high school education movement from 1910\u20131940", "5727f2714b864d1900164075": "a large gap in male and female education may indicate backwardness and so may be associated with lower economic growth, which can explain why there", "5727f2714b864d1900164076": "increase in skilled workers, which led to a decrease in the price of skilled labor. High school education during the period was designed", "5729e2b76aef0514001550ce": ". Education is very important for the", "5729e2b76aef0514001550cf": "is regarded as a stepping-stone to acquire college and advanced degrees. This decrease in wages caused a period of compression and decreased inequality between skilled and", "5729e2b76aef0514001550d0": "unskilled workers. Education is very important for the growth of the economy, however educational inequality in gender also influence towards the", "5729e2b76aef0514001550d1": "compression and decreased inequality between skilled and unskilled workers.", "5729e2b76aef0514001550d2": "important for the growth of the", "5727f6723acd2414000df0e7": "educational outcomes, poor health outcomes, and high rates of crime and", "5727f6723acd2414000df0e8": "John Schmitt and Ben Zipperer (", "5727f6723acd2414000df0ea": "the view that U.S.-style labor-market flexibility dramatically improves labor-market outcomes. Despite", "5727f6723acd2414000df0e9": "business regulation along with the decline of union", "5729e38daf94a219006aa69d": "membership", "5729e38daf94a219006aa69e": "income inequality, high relative and absolute poverty rates, poor and unequal educational outcomes,", "5729e38daf94a219006aa69f": "in comparison to continental European liberal", "5729e38daf94a219006aa6a0": "that U.S.-style labor-market flexibility dramatically improves labor-market outcomes. Despite popular prejudices to the contrary, the", "5729e38daf94a219006aa6a1": "t and Ben Zipperer (", "5727f7523acd2414000df10d": "in inequality. He points out that nations with high rates", "5727f7523acd2414000df10e": "empty", "5727f7523acd2414000df10f": "ization, particularly in Scandinavia, have very low levels of inequality, and concludes \"the historical pattern is clear", "5727f7523acd2414000df110": "played a more significant role in expanding the income", "5729e4291d04691400779651": "historical", "5729e4291d04691400779652": "industrialized nations that didn't experience steep surges in inequality", "5729e4291d04691400779653": "which were also experienced by other industrialized nations that didn't experience steep surges in inequality. He points out that nations", "5729e4291d04691400779654": "He points out", "5729e4291d04691400779655": "particularly in Scandinavia, have very low", "5727fc37ff5b5019007d9a18": "has only accounted for 5-15% of rising income inequality. Robert Lawrence argues that technological innovation and automation has", "5727fc37ff5b5019007d9a19": "amuelson theorem regarding the effects of international trade on the distribution of incomes. Lawrence Katz estimates that trade has only accounted for 5-", "5727fc37ff5b5019007d9a1a": "effect on the rising inequality in the United States. He attributes this", "5727fc37ff5b5019007d9a1b": ", and that wealthier countries no longer have significant numbers of low-skilled manufacturing workers that could be affected by competition from poor", "5729f1283f37b319004785d7": "a global to a domestic scale", "5729f1283f37b319004785d8": "income inequality. Robert Lawrence argues that technological innovation and automation has meant that low-skilled jobs have been replaced by", "5729f1283f37b319004785d9": "s", "5729f1283f37b319004785da": "skilled jobs becoming more tradeable. However, he concedes that the effect of trade on inequality", "5729f1283f37b319004785db": "Cuaresma find support in the data that international trade is", "5727fd123acd2414000df185": "factors are accounted for there is still a difference in earnings between women and men. The income gap in other countries ranges from 53% in", "5727fd123acd2414000df186": "and may be less", "5727fd123acd2414000df187": "in favor of males in the labor market. Several factors", "5727fd123acd2414000df188": "than pay when looking for work, and may be less willing to travel or relocate. Thomas Sowell, in his book Knowledge and Decisions,", "5729f1c13f37b319004785e7": "or relocate. Thomas Sowell, in his book Knowledge and Decisions, claims that this difference is due to women not taking jobs due to marriage", "5729f1c13f37b319004785e8": "may contribute to", "5729f1c13f37b319004785e9": "taking jobs due to marriage or pregnancy, but income", "5729f1c13f37b319004785ea": "average, women are more likely than men to consider factors", "5729f1c13f37b319004785eb": "explain the entire difference. A U.S. Census's report stated that in", "5727ff083acd2414000df1ab": "of this capital having more wealth and income and introducing inequality. Eventually, through various possible", "5727ff083acd2414000df1ac": "equal distributions of wealth. As a country develops, it acquires more capital, which leads to the owners of this capital having more wealth and income", "5727ff083acd2414000df1ad": ",", "5727ff083acd2414000df1ae": "it acquires more capital, which leads to the owners of this capital having more wealth and income and introducing inequality. Eventually", "5729f24baf94a219006aa6dd": "possible redistribution mechanisms such as social welfare programs, more developed countries move back to lower", "5729f24baf94a219006aa6de": "s argued that levels of economic inequality are in large part the", "5729f24baf94a219006aa6df": ". According to Kuznets, countries with low levels of development have relatively equal distributions of wealth. As a country develops, it", "5729f24baf94a219006aa6e0": "economic inequality are in large part the result of stages of development. According to Kuznets, countries with low levels of development", "5729f24baf94a219006aa6e1": "in large part the result", "57287b322ca10214002da3be": "developing economies level of inequality bulging out to form what is now known as the Kuznets curve. Kuznet", "57287b322ca10214002da3bf": "time. As an example, income inequality did fall in the United States during its High school movement from 1910 to 1940", "57287b322ca10214002da3c0": "eventually decrease given time. As an example, income inequality did fall in the United", "57287b322ca10214002da3c1": ". Kuznets' curve predicts that income inequality will eventually", "5729f3883f37b319004785f1": ", recent data shows that", "5729f3883f37b319004785f2": "time. As an example, income inequality did fall in the United States during its High", "5729f3883f37b319004785f3": "necessarily disprove Kuznets' theory.[citation needed", "5729f3883f37b319004785f4": "-income developing economies level of inequality bulging out to form what is now known as the Kuznets", "5729f3883f37b319004785f5": ", more recent testing of this theory with superior panel data has shown it to be", "57287c2bff5b5019007da26c": "Piketty in his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century argues that the fundamental", "57287c2bff5b5019007da26d": "of already-wealthy individuals or entities. According to this", "57287c2bff5b5019007da26e": ", wealth condensation can", "57287c2bff5b5019007da26f": "book Capital in the Twenty-First Century argues that the fundamental force for divergence is the usually greater return of capital (r) than", "5729f4273f37b319004785fb": "(r) than economic growth (g), and that larger fortunes generate higher returns [pp. 3", "5729f4273f37b319004785fc": "the persistence of inequality within society. Thomas Piketty in his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century argues that the fundamental force", "5729f4273f37b319004785fd": ". Over time, wealth condensation can significantly contribute to the persistence of inequality within society. Thomas Piketty in his book", "5729f4273f37b319004785fe": "contribute to the persistence of inequality within society. Thomas Piketty in his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century argues that the fundamental force", "5729f4273f37b319004785ff": "the persistence of inequality within society. Thomas Piketty in his book Capital in the Twenty", "5729f4e46aef051400155157": "-seeking\". While the market will bid up compensation for rare and desired skills to reward wealth creation, greater productivity, etc.,", "5729f4e46aef051400155156": "by fostering competition to cut prices, profits and large compensation. A better explainer of growing inequality, according to S", "5729f4e46aef051400155158": "entrepreneurs from earning excess profits by fostering competition to cut prices, profits and large compensation.", "5729f4e46aef051400155159": "which may better be explained by the non", "5729f4e46aef05140015515a": "This process, known to economists as rent-", "5729f60caf94a219006aa6ef": "in more unequal countries (r = -.907)", "5729f60caf94a219006aa6f0": "lower level of economic growth when", "5729f60caf94a219006aa6f1": "r =", "5729f60caf94a219006aa6f2": "more unequal countries (r = -.907). A similar", "5729f60caf94a219006aa6f3": "and lower rates of social goods, a lower level of", "572a05eb3f37b31900478653": "s economic growth. High and persistent unemployment, in which", "572a05eb3f37b31900478654": "Increasing inequality harms economic growth. High and persistent unemployment, in which inequality increases, has a negative effect on", "572a05eb3f37b31900478655": "can harm growth not only because it is a waste of resources,", "572a05eb3f37b31900478656": ", but also because it generates redistributive pressures and subsequent distortions, drives people to poverty, constrains liquidity", "572a05eb3f37b31900478657": "growth. High and persistent unemployment, in which inequality increases, has a negative effect on subsequent long", "572a06866aef0514001551be": ", and lower rates of social goods (life expectancy by country, educational performance, trust among strangers, women", "572a06866aef0514001551bf": ", they found social/health problems lower in countries like Japan and", "572a06866aef0514001551c0": "problems lower in countries like Japan and Finland and states like Utah and New", "572a06866aef0514001551c2": "patents issued) in countries and", "572a06866aef0514001551c1": "(life expectancy by country, educational performance,", "572a070c6aef0514001551c8": "longer lives still holds among", "572a070c6aef0514001551c9": "a higher GDP per capita. Life expectancy in Sweden (80 years)", "572a070c6aef0514001551ca": "among the richest thirty or so countries in the world. Americans live no", "572a070c6aef0514001551cb": "in the world. Americans live no longer on average", "572a070c6aef0514001551cc": ") and Japan (82) \u2013 where income was", "572a07a86aef0514001551d2": "Health and Social Problems\" from nine factors, authors Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett found health and social problems \"more common in countries with bigger income", "572a07a86aef0514001551d3": "Creating an index of \"Health and Social Problems\" from nine factors, authors Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett found health", "572a07a86aef0514001551d4": "Wilkinson and Kate Pickett found health and social problems \"more common in countries with bigger income inequalities\", and more common among", "572a07a86aef0514001551d5": "capita income", "572a07a86aef0514001551d6": "\", and more common among states in the", "572a0a391d046914007796df": "studies looking into the relationship have concentrated on homicides \u2013 since homicides are almost identically defined across all nations and jurisdictions. There have", "572a0a391d046914007796e0": "as studying areas within countries. Daly et al. 2001 found", "572a0a391d046914007796e1": "amount of inequality in each province or", "572a0a391d046914007796e3": "correlated with inequality in society. Most studies looking", "572a0a391d046914007796e2": "Research has been conducted comparing developed countries with undeveloped countries, as well as studying areas within countries. Daly et", "572a0bafaf94a219006aa765": "person, such as basic necessities like food, water, and healthcare; while, an additional dollar spent by a much richer person", "572a0bafaf94a219006aa766": "water, and healthcare; while, an additional dollar spent by a much richer person will very likely go to luxury items providing relatively less utility to that", "572a0bafaf94a219006aa767": "go to luxury items", "572a0bafaf94a219006aa768": "amount of wealth in society, a society with more equality will have higher aggregate utility. Some studies have found evidence for this theory, noting", "572a0bafaf94a219006aa769": ") decreases as a person becomes richer. From this standpoint, for any given amount of wealth in society, a society", "572a0c541d046914007796f3": ". The debate is summarized in \"The Hidden Prosperity of the Poor\"", "572a0c541d046914007796f4": "\"consumption by high-income households\" as it does their income,", "572a0c541d046914007796f5": "should be the measure of inequality, and inequality of consumption is less extreme than inequality of income in the US. Will Wilkinson of", "572a0c541d046914007796f6": "Cato Institute states that \"the weight of the evidence", "572a0c541d046914007796f7": "Will Wilkinson of the libertarian Cato Institute states that \"the weight of the evidence shows", "572a0d21af94a219006aa783": "within the United States and around the world, have created deep financial '", "572a0d21af94a219006aa784": ". To compensate for stagnating", "572a0d21af94a219006aa785": "2007\u201308 being the most recent example. To compensate for stag", "572a0d21af94a219006aa786": "financial] crises more likely to happen than in the past\" \u2013", "572a0d21af94a219006aa787": "and easier credit in general to keep unemployment rates low. This has given the American", "572a0e0e1d04691400779707": "s over the medium term, suggesting that the benefits do not trickle down. In contrast, an increase in the income share of the bottom 20", "572a0e0e1d04691400779708": "the quality", "572a0e0e1d04691400779709": "s institutions and high levels of education. According to IMF staff economists, \"if", "572a0e0e1d0469140077970a": "the income share of the bottom 20 percent (the poor) is associated with higher GDP growth. The poor and the middle class", "572a0e0e1d0469140077970b": "that the benefits do not trickle down. In contrast, an increase in the income share of", "572a0ecb1d04691400779717": "because it generates redistributive pressures and subsequent distortions, drives", "572a0ecb1d04691400779718": ", drives people to poverty, constrain", "572a0ecb1d04691400779719": "is a waste of resources, but also because it generates redistributive pressures and subsequent distortions, drives people to poverty,", "572a0ecb1d0469140077971a": "to economists David Castells-Quintana and Vicente Royuela,", "572a0ecb1d0469140077971b": "s, drives people to poverty, constrains liquidity limiting labor mobility, and erodes self-esteem promoting social dislocation, unrest and", "572a1046af94a219006aa78d": "that income inequality harms", "572a1046af94a219006aa78e": "years. ... The main reason for this", "572a1046af94a219006aa78f": "in physical capital. But now that human capital", "572a1046af94a219006aa790": "that, \"The view that income inequality harms growth \u2013 or that improved equality can help sustain growth \u2013 has become", "572a1046af94a219006aa791": "for this shift is the increasing importance of human capital in development. When physical capital", "572a11663f37b31900478693": "affect economic growth. He showed that, in", "572a11663f37b31900478694": "rates of investment in education. Both are reflected in higher rates of growth. Also, very unequal societies tend to be politically and socially unstable", "572a11663f37b31900478695": "economic growth. He showed that, in accordance with the credit market imperfection approach, inequality is associated with", "572a11663f37b31900478696": "otti concluded that, \"more equal societies have lower fertility rates and higher rates of investment in", "572a11663f37b31900478697": "fertility rates and higher rates of investment in education. Both are reflected in higher rates of", "572a12381d0469140077972d": "ro, found that there is \"little overall relation between income inequality", "572a12381d0469140077972e": "by Barro in 1999 and 2000, high levels of inequality reduce growth in relatively poor countries", "572a12381d0469140077972c": "to work by Barro in 1999 and 2000, high levels of inequality reduce growth in relatively poor countries", "572a12381d0469140077972b": "countries but encourage growth in rich", "572a12381d0469140077972f": "\"little overall relation between income inequality and rates of growth and investment", "572a13841d0469140077973b": "curve hypothesis, which states that with economic development, inequality first increases, then decreases. Economist Thomas Piketty challenges this notion, claiming", "572a13841d0469140077973c": "\" Kuznets curve hypothesis, with its emphasis on the balancing of economic growth in the long run, cannot account for the significant increase", "572a13841d0469140077973d": "Thomas Piketty challenges this notion, claiming that", "572a13841d0469140077973e": "Kuznets curve hypothesis, with its emphasis on the", "572a13841d0469140077973f": "argues that the \"magical\" Kuznets curve hypothesis, with its emphasis on the balancing of economic growth in the long run,", "572a18a4af94a219006aa7df": "if these increase with inequality, were thought to offset reduced consumer demand. A 2013 report on Nigeria", "572a18a4af94a219006aa7e0": "a positive effect on economic development. Analyses based on comparing yearly equality figures to yearly growth rates were misleading because it takes several years", "572a18a4af94a219006aa7e1": "s through which inequality may have a positive effect on economic", "572a18a4af94a219006aa7e2": "comparing yearly equality figures to yearly growth", "572a18a4af94a219006aa7e3": "inequality may have a positive effect on economic development. According to a 1955 review, savings by the wealthy, if these increase", "572a1a5c6aef051400155284": ". For instance, with low inequality a country with a growth rate of 2% per head and 40%", "572a1a5c6aef051400155285": "the growth elasticity of poverty \u2013 can depend on the existing", "572a1a5c6aef051400155286": "is necessary, it is not sufficient for progress on reducing poverty.\"", "572a1a5c6aef051400155287": "2% per head and 40%", "572a1a5c6aef051400155288": "achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, it is becoming", "572a1ba46aef05140015528e": "is held outside the formal or legal property ownership registration system. Much unregistered property is held in informal form through various associations", "572a1ba46aef05140015528f": "and other arrangements. Reasons for extra-legal ownership include excessive bureaucratic red tape in buying property and building, In some countries it can take over 200 steps", "572a1ba46aef051400155290": "or having documents notarized", "572a1ba46aef051400155291": "is held outside the formal or legal property ownership registration system. Much unregistered property is held in informal form through various associations and", "572a1ba46aef051400155292": "formal or legal property ownership registration system. Much unregistered property", "572a1c943f37b319004786e1": "from 1984 and 1991, the number of quality rental units", "572a1c943f37b319004786e2": "affordable housing \u2013 at least in the US \u2013 is caused in part by income inequality. David Rodda noted that from 1984 and", "572a1c943f37b319004786e3": "(David Rodda, Jacob", "572a1c943f37b319004786e4": "increased (Rhoda", "572a1c943f37b319004786e5": "1994:148). Through gentrification of older neighbourhoods,", "572a1dbb3f37b319004786f5": "equipped to manage their finances. Secondly, aspirational consumption describes the", "572a1dbb3f37b319004786f6": "middle income earners aspiring to achieve the standards of living enjoyed by their wealthier counterparts and one method of achieving this aspiration is by", "572a1dbb3f37b319004786f7": "the costs of housing, pensions,", "572a1dbb3f37b319004786f8": "the costs must be borrowed and often those on lower incomes are those who are worse equipped to manage their finance", "572a1dbb3f37b319004786f9": "is", "572a1f086aef0514001552c0": "nets Curve (EKC).[not in citation given] It should be noted here however that in certain cases, with great economic", "572a1f086aef0514001552c1": "[", "572a1f086aef0514001552c2": ", and thus the amount of environmental degradation would be lower as", "572a1f086aef0514001552c3": "here however that in certain cases, with", "572a1fe16aef0514001552d0": "the vast disparities in wealth to the private ownership of the", "572a1fe16aef0514001552d1": "attribute the vast dispar", "572a1fe16aef0514001552d2": "attribute the vast disparities in wealth to the private", "572a1fe16aef0514001552d3": "so that income differentials", "572a1fe16aef0514001552d4": "ities in wealth to the private ownership of the means of production by a class of owners, creating", "572a20816aef0514001552e4": "whole, including the poorest members. Rawls does not", "572a20816aef0514001552e5": "the ideal moral society would be one where all individuals are free from force", "572a20816aef0514001552e6": "zick recognized that some modern economic inequalities", "572a20816aef0514001552e7": "force (usually in the form of taxation), and", "572a20816aef0514001552e8": "some modern economic inequalities were the result of forceful taking of property, and a", "572a213e6aef0514001552ee": "an end rather than the end itself. Its goal is to \u201cwid[", "572a213e6aef0514001552ef": "[en] people\u2019s choices and the level of their achieved", "572a213e6aef0514001552f0": "income inequality", "572a213e6aef0514001552f1": "\u201cdefines well-being as utility maximization\u201d, economic growth and income are considered a means to an end rather than the", "572a213e6aef0514001552f2": "Its goal is to \u201cwid[en] people\u2019s choices and the level of their achieved well-being\u201d through increasing functionings", "572a2224af94a219006aa823": "additional aid. To prevent such inequality,", "572a2224af94a219006aa824": "important to have political freedom, economic facilities, social opportunities, transparency guarantees,", "572a2224af94a219006aa825": "income as they would otherwise. An old, ill man cannot earn as much as a healthy young man; gender roles and customs may prevent a woman", "572a2224af94a219006aa826": "woman from receiving an education or working outside the home. There may be an epidemic that causes widespread panic, or there could", "572a2224af94a219006aa827": "the gap without additional aid. To prevent such inequality, this approach believes", "5727efabff5b5019007d98e2": "sentient time-travelling space ship. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain in", "5727efabff5b5019007d98e3": ". The programme depicts the adventures of the Doctor, a Time Lord\u2014a space and time-travelling humanoid alien.", "5727efabff5b5019007d98e4": "space ship. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain", "5727efabff5b5019007d98e5": "and", "5727efabff5b5019007d98e6": "adventures of the Doctor, a Time Lord\u2014a space and time-travelling humanoid alien. He explores the universe", "5727f0b1ff5b5019007d98f2": "show has influenced generations of British television professionals, many of whom grew up watching the series. The programme originally ran from 1963 to 1989", "5727f0b1ff5b5019007d98f3": "writer for the first five years of its revival, produced in-house by BBC Wales in Cardiff. The first series of", "5727f0b1ff5b5019007d98f4": "revive regular production in 1996 with a backdoor pilot, in the form of a television film. The programme was relaunched in 2005", "5727f0b1ff5b5019007d98f5": "was relaunched in 2005 by", "5727f0b1ff5b5019007d98f6": "who was showrunner", "5727f18c3acd2414000df063": "that this is a life process of Time Lords through", "5727f18c3acd2414000df064": "nature of the plot", "5727f18c3acd2414000df065": "portrayal differs, but they are all intended to be aspects of the same character and form", "5727f18c3acd2414000df066": "-travelling nature of the plot", "5727f18c3acd2414000df067": "the same character and form part of", "5727f2583acd2414000df087": "I Type 40 TARDIS \u2013 \"Time and Relative Dimension in Space", "5727f2583acd2414000df088": "frey in a stolen Mark I Type 40 TARDIS \u2013 \"Time and Relative Dimension in Space\" \u2013 time machine which allows him to", "5727f2583acd2414000df089": "of the primary character, a rogue Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey", "5727f2583acd2414000df08a": "and Relative", "5727f2583acd2414000df08b": ". The TARDIS has a \"chameleon circuit\" which normally allows the machine to take", "5727f3193acd2414000df0a5": "Earth. He often finds events that pique his curiosity as he tries to prevent evil", "5727f3193acd2414000df0a6": ", as he has found a fascination with planet Earth. He often finds events that pique his curiosity as he tries to prevent evil forces from", "5727f3193acd2414000df0a7": "as he tries to prevent evil forces from harming innocent people or changing history,", "5727f3193acd2414000df0a8": "often finds events that pique his curiosity as he tries to prevent evil forces from harming innocent people", "5727f3193acd2414000df0a9": "forces", "5727f44c2ca10214002d9a32": "script ready to go, so the show had little choice but to use it. According to producer Verity Lambert; \"We didn't have a", "5727f44c2ca10214002d9a33": "introduced the eponymous aliens that would become the series' most popular monsters, and was responsible for the BBC's first merchand", "5727f44c2ca10214002d9a34": "had the Dalek serial to go ... We had a bit of a crisis of confidence because Donald [Wilson", "5727f44c2ca10214002d9a35": "one be a success, but The Mutants was the only script ready to go, so the", "5727f44c2ca10214002d9a36": "the Dalek serial to go ... We had a bit of a crisis of confidence because Donald [Wilson] was so adamant that we", "5727f5622ca10214002d9a44": ", cancelled with the decision not to commission", "5727f5622ca10214002d9a45": "commission a planned 27th series of the show for transmission in 1990, the BBC repeatedly affirmed that the", "5727f5622ca10214002d9a46": ", cancelled with the decision not to commission a planned 27th series of the show for transmission in 1990, the BBC repeatedly affirmed that the series", "5727f5622ca10214002d9a47": "suspended in 1989 by Jonathan Powell, controller of BBC 1. Although (as series co-star Sophie Aldred reported", "5727f5622ca10214002d9a48": ". Falling viewing numbers, a decline in the", "5727f678ff5b5019007d9956": "led to a", "5727f678ff5b5019007d9957": "the BBC about such a venture as early as July 1989, while the 26th series was still in production. Segal's negotiations eventually led", "5727f678ff5b5019007d9958": ", it was less so in the United States and did", "5727f678ff5b5019007d9959": "-production between Fox, Universal Pictures, the BBC and BBC Worldwide. Although the film was successful in the UK (with 9.", "5727f678ff5b5019007d995a": "approached the BBC about such a venture as early as July 1989, while the 26th series was still in", "5727f746ff5b5019007d9960": "although four additional specials starring David Tennant were made. In 2010,", "5727f746ff5b5019007d9961": ". There have since been nine further series in 2006\u20132008 and 2010\u20132015, and Christmas Day specials every year", "5727f746ff5b5019007d9963": "2018. In addition, Series 10 will", "5727f746ff5b5019007d9964": "as head writer and", "5727f746ff5b5019007d9962": "There have since been nine", "5727f8342ca10214002d9a7c": "similar", "5727f8342ca10214002d9a7d": "is similar to the 1988 continuation of Mission Impossible, but differs from most other series relaunches which have either been reboots (for", "5727f8342ca10214002d9a7e": ", Battlestar Galactica and Bionic Woman[citation needed]) or set in the same universe as the", "5727f8342ca10214002d9a7f": "1963\u20131989 series[note 2] and the 1996 telefilm. This is similar to the 1988 continuation of Mission Impossible,", "5727f8342ca10214002d9a80": "The 2005 version of Doctor Who is a direct plot continuation of the original 1963\u20131989 series", "5727fc7f4b864d1900164160": "the assassination, as well as", "5727fc7f4b864d1900164161": ", as well as a series of power blackouts across the country, and they broadcast it again", "5727fc7f4b864d1900164162": "power blackouts across the country, and they broadcast it again on", "5727fc7f4b864d1900164163": "to the coverage of the assassination, as well as a series", "5727fc7f4b864d1900164164": "the transmission of the first episode was delayed by ten minutes due to extended news coverage of the assassination of", "5727fdb94b864d190016417c": "vote at Digital Spy deemed the series the \"", "5727fdb94b864d190016417d": "the remainder of it. The phrase retains this association with Doctor Who, to", "5727fdb94b864d190016417e": "a 2011 online vote at Digital Spy deemed the series the \"s", "5727fdb94b864d190016417f": "programme", "5727fdb94b864d1900164180": "Who, to the point that in 1991 the Museum of the Moving Image in", "5727fed73acd2414000df1a1": "or death to persons, animals or property, whether intentional or accidental\") Doctor", "5727fed73acd2414000df1a2": "horse-laugh out of a nightmare, with", "5727fed73acd2414000df1a3": "Who, sired by a horse", "5727fed73acd2414000df1a4": "television series, where actors who look like human beings bleed paint", "5727fed73acd2414000df1a5": "\"very unsuitable\" for family viewing. Responding", "5727ffb5ff5b5019007d9a8c": ", the Patent Office ruled in", "5727ffb5ff5b5019007d9a8d": "the show in the public's consciousness; BBC scriptwriter Anthony Coburn, who lived in the resort of Herne Bay, Kent, was one", "5727ffb5ff5b5019007d9a8e": "a time machine. In 1996", "5727ffb5ff5b5019007d9a8f": "a police box as a time machine.", "5727ffb5ff5b5019007d9a90": "1996, the BBC applied for a trade mark to use the", "572800b03acd2414000df1f1": "the 10-episode serial The War Games; and The Trial of a Time Lord, which ran for 14 episodes (albeit divided into", "572800b03acd2414000df1f2": "it divided into three production codes and four narrative segments) during season 23. Occasionally", "572800b03acd2414000df1f3": "One, from 23 November 1963", "572800b03acd2414000df1f4": "none of the regular cast); almost an entire season of seven-episode serials (", "572800b03acd2414000df1f5": "Time Lord, which ran for 14 episodes (albeit divided into", "572801823acd2414000df1fb": "its own title. Occasionally", "572801823acd2414000df1fc": ", on overseas commercial channels), and an extended episode broadcast on Christmas Day. Each series includes several standalone and multi-part", "572801823acd2414000df1fd": "2005 revival, with", "572801823acd2414000df1fe": "or part of a larger story, has its own title. Occasionally", "572801823acd2414000df1ff": "episode, whether standalone or part of a larger", "5728023a4b864d19001641f4": ". Four mini", "5728023a4b864d19001641f5": "in the 1984 series, a single season in 1985, and the revival), two feature", "5728023a4b864d19001641f6": "Need charity appeals, while another mini-episode was produced in 2008 for a Doctor Who-themed edition of The Proms. The 1993 2", "5728023a4b864d19001641f7": "collaboration with the cast of the BBC soap-opera EastEnders and was filmed partly on the", "5728023a4b864d19001641f8": "(the most common format), 45-minute episodes (for Resurrection of the Daleks in the 1984 series, a single season in 1985", "572803493acd2414000df229": "included", "572803493acd2414000df22a": "first two Doctors: William Hart", "572803493acd2414000df22b": ", mostly stories featuring the first two Doctors: William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton. In all, 97", "572803493acd2414000df22c": "first two Doctors", "572803493acd2414000df22d": "the first six years of the programme are not", "572804522ca10214002d9b94": "BBC from the archives of other countries who bought prints for broadcast, or", "572804522ca10214002d9b95": "episodes have been returned to the BBC from the archives of other countries who bought prints for broadcast, or by private", "572804522ca10214002d9b97": "the archives of other countries who bought prints for broadcast, or by private individuals", "572804522ca10214002d9b96": ", as well as excerpts filmed from the television screen onto 8 mm cine film and clips that were shown on other programmes.", "572804522ca10214002d9b98": "also been", "572805363acd2414000df26d": "available for purchase in May 2013 through", "572805363acd2414000df26e": "company Theta-Sigma, in collaboration with Big", "572805363acd2414000df26f": "\" reconstructions have also been released by the BBC on VHS, on MP3 CD-ROM, and as special features on DVD.", "572805363acd2414000df270": "and the comprehensive stage notes for the original filming, for the serial's DVD release", "572805363acd2414000df271": "The", "57280757ff5b5019007d9b42": ", as well as the depiction of alternative Doctors either from the Doctor'", "57280757ff5b5019007d9b43": "of appearance\".[citation needed] The device has allowed for", "57280757ff5b5019007d9b44": "prompted by original star William Hartnell's poor health. The actual term \"regeneration\" was not initially", "57280757ff5b5019007d9b45": "character. This was first prompted by original star William Hartnell's poor health. The actual term \"regeneration\" was not", "57280757ff5b5019007d9b46": "of the main character. This was first prompted by original star William Hartnell's poor health. The actual term \"regeneration", "572808bf4b864d190016429a": "not often being", "572808bf4b864d190016429b": "recognised", "572808bf4b864d190016429c": "would later establish that a Time Lord can only", "572808bf4b864d190016429d": "starting from the Twelfth Doctor, due to the Eleventh Doctor being the product of the Doctor's twelfth regeneration from his original set", "572808bf4b864d190016429e": "of", "572809ab4b864d19001642ae": ". Notably,", "572809ab4b864d19001642af": "established numerical", "572809ab4b864d19001642b0": "-episode \"The Night of the Doctor\" to have been retroactively inserted into the show's fictional chronology between McGann and Eccleston", "572809ab4b864d19001642b1": "Lord, where", "572809ab4b864d19001642b2": "of the Doctor's nature", "57280b2b2ca10214002d9c66": "Doctor observes a former version of his current incarnation in \"Father's Day\", and the", "57280b2b2ca10214002d9c67": "to reprise the role of their specific Doctor. In 1973's The Three Doctors, William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton returned alongside Jon Per", "57280b2b2ca10214002d9c68": "face with himself although it is found out that this incarnation is in fact just a flesh replica. In \"The Name of the Doctor\",", "57280b2b2ca10214002d9c6a": "\"The Name of the Doctor\", the Eleventh Doctor meets an unknown incarnation of himself, whom he refers to as \"his secret\"", "57280b2b2ca10214002d9c69": "'Watcher') in the", "57280cac2ca10214002d9ca8": "featuring Paul McGann, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Peter Davison was released", "57280cac2ca10214002d9ca9": "2003, an audio drama titled Zagreus featuring Paul McGann, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Peter Davison was released with additional archive", "57280cac2ca10214002d9caa": "was released with additional archive recordings of Jon Per", "57280cac2ca10214002d9cab": "recordings of Jon Pertwee. Again in 2003, Colin", "57280cac2ca10214002d9cac": "Colin Baker and Sylvester", "57280e323acd2414000df349": "Eleventh Doctor clarified he was the product of the twelfth regeneration, due to a previous incarnation which he chose not to count and one other aborted", "57280e323acd2414000df34a": "s long history, there have been revelations about the Doctor that have raised additional questions. In The Brain of Mor", "57280e323acd2414000df34b": "to the Fifth Doctor's regeneration; when the Fifth Doctor confirms", "57280e323acd2414000df34c": "faces depicted may have been incarnations of the Time Lord Morbius).", "57280e323acd2414000df34d": "that same", "57280f0d3acd2414000df35b": "the war even began, I was a father and a grandfather. Now I am neither.\" The Doctor remarks in", "57280f0d3acd2414000df35c": "The Doctor's Daughter\" (2008),", "57280f0d3acd2414000df35d": "when he really wants to\u2014\"The rest of the time they sleep in my mind\".", "57280f0d3acd2414000df35e": "2005), Dr. Constantine states that, \"Before the war even began, I was a father and a grandfather. Now I", "57280f0d3acd2414000df35f": "The Empty Child\" (2005),", "5728103eff5b5019007d9c30": "the earlier series included Romana (Mary Tamm and Lalla Ward), a Time Lady; Sarah Jane", "5728103eff5b5019007d9c31": "to further the story by requesting exposition from the Doctor and manufacturing peril for", "5728103eff5b5019007d9c33": "in", "5728103eff5b5019007d9c34": "Deadly Assassin. Notable companions from the earlier series included Romana (Mary Tam", "5728103eff5b5019007d9c32": "course of the series. Companions are", "572811434b864d190016438c": "Noble (Catherine Tate)", "572811434b864d190016438d": "Piper),", "572811434b864d190016438e": "Tate", "572811434b864d190016438f": "John Barrowman) recurring as secondary companion figures. The Eleventh Doctor became the first to travel", "572811434b864d1900164390": "begins anew with each", "572812142ca10214002d9d2a": "his intention to reintroduce classic icons of Doctor Who one step at a time: the Autons with the Nestene Consciousness and Daleks in", "572812142ca10214002d9d2b": "has continued the trend by reviving the Silurians in series 5,", "572812142ca10214002d9d2c": "ros", "572812142ca10214002d9d2d": "Warriors in Series 7", "572812142ca10214002d9d2e": "With the show's 2005 revival, executive producer Russell T Davies stated his intention to reintroduce classic icon", "572812eaff5b5019007d9c80": "s second serial in 1963, are Doctor", "572812eaff5b5019007d9c81": "; attacks upon them using various weapons can blind a Dalek, making it go", "572812eaff5b5019007d9c82": "the series plot, as they frequently remark in", "572812eaff5b5019007d9c83": "ognisable metallic voices,", "572812eaff5b5019007d9c84": "device that serves the purpose of a hand, and a directed-energy weapon. Their main weakness is their eyestalk; attacks upon them", "572813b52ca10214002d9d68": "in 1971", "572813b52ca10214002d9d69": "Who", "572813b52ca10214002d9d6a": "who", "572813b52ca10214002d9d6b": ", a renegade Time Lord who desires to rule the universe. Conceived as \"Professor Moriarty to the Doctor'", "572813b52ca10214002d9d6c": "portrayed by several actors, since the Master is a Time Lord as", "572814882ca10214002d9d72": "\"Time Lady,\" going by the", "572814882ca10214002d9d73": "'s re-introduction", "572814882ca10214002d9d74": "i provided the character's re-introduction in the 2007 episode \"Uto", "572814882ca10214002d9d75": "or \"Time Lady,\" going by", "572814882ca10214002d9d76": "become a female incarnation or \"Time Lady", "572816213acd2414000df429": "from Dick Mills. The various parts were built up using musique concr\u00e8te techniques,", "572816213acd2414000df42a": "Ron Grainer and realised by Delia Derbyshire of the BBC", "572816213acd2414000df42b": "as the theme tune up to the end of season 17 (1979\u201380). It is regarded", "572816213acd2414000df42c": "Workshop, with assistance from Dick Mills. The various parts were built up using musique concr\u00e8te techniques", "572816213acd2414000df42d": "availability of commercial synthesisers or multitrack mixers. Each note was individually created by cutting,", "5728177f2ca10214002d9db0": "John Debney created a new", "5728177f2ca10214002d9db1": "The Christmas Invasion\", Gold introduced a modified closing credits arrangement that was used up", "5728177f2ca10214002d9db2": "new arrangement for the Seventh Doctor's era which lasted from season 24 (1987) until the series' suspension in", "5728177f2ca10214002d9db3": "A different arrangement was recorded by", "572817802ca10214002d9db4": ", which was in turn replaced by", "5728185f3acd2414000df45b": "of Gold's 2010 arrangement had", "5728185f3acd2414000df45d": "hostile reception from", "5728185f3acd2414000df45c": "arrangement was made for the 50th Anniversary special \"The Day of", "5728185f3acd2414000df45e": "of the", "5728185f3acd2414000df45f": "In 2011,", "572819864b864d190016447e": "Pink Floyd, the Australian string ensemble Fourplay, New Zealand", "572819864b864d190016447f": "interpreted the theme include Orbital, Pink Floyd, the Australian string ensemble Fourplay", "572819864b864d1900164480": "compilation CDs, and has", "572819864b864d1900164481": "over the years. In the early 1970s, Jon Pertwee, who", "572819864b864d1900164482": "2\" by Gary Glitter (who recorded vocals for some of the CD-single remix", "57281a952ca10214002d9dea": "well known for his theme and incidental music for", "57281a952ca10214002d9deb": "1970s version of The Tomorrow People. Simpson's first Doctor Who score was Planet of Giants (", "57281a952ca10214002d9dec": "s", "57281a952ca10214002d9ded": "music for many adventures of the 1960s and 1970s,", "57281a952ca10214002d9dee": "version of The Tomorrow People. Simpson's first Doctor Who score was Planet of Giants (1964) and", "57281bbc2ca10214002d9dfa": "Gold and Russell T Davies answered questions during the interval and Daleks and Cybermen appeared whilst music from their stories", "57281bbc2ca10214002d9dfb": "Proms. The BBC Philharmonic and the London Philharmonic Choir performed Murray Gold's", "57281bbc2ca10214002d9dfc": "2006. A Doctor Who Prom was celebrated on 27 July 2008 in the Royal Albert Hall as part of the annual BBC Prom", "57281bbc2ca10214002d9dfd": "of Wales", "57281bbc2ca10214002d9dfe": "T Davies and starring David", "57281cb22ca10214002d9e1e": "empty", "57281cb22ca10214002d9e1f": "featured tracks from the first two series, the second and third featured music from the third and fourth series respectively. The fourth", "57281cb22ca10214002d9e20": "2008\u20132010 specials (The Next Doctor to End of", "57281cb22ca10214002d9e21": "2010 specials (The Next Doctor to End of Time Part 2). The soundtrack for Series 5 was released on", "57281cb22ca10214002d9e22": "a two disc special edition and contained music from the 2008\u20132010 specials (The Next Doctor to", "57281f203acd2414000df4f5": "had the \"DW\" TARDIS insignia removed and the font was subtly altered", "57281f203acd2414000df4f6": "final season and for the majority of", "57281f203acd2414000df4f7": "original logo used for the First Doctor (and briefly for the Second Doctor) was reused in a", "57281f203acd2414000df4f8": "used in the television movie featuring the Eighth Doctor was an updated version of the logo used for", "57281f203acd2414000df4f9": "Doctor had the \"DW\" TARDIS insignia placed to the right in 2012, but the same font remained, albeit with a slight", "57282036ff5b5019007d9d9c": "family show, drawing audiences of many millions of", "57282036ff5b5019007d9d9d": "for stories which did not feature them. The second was the late 1970s, when Tom", "57282036ff5b5019007d9d9e": "the Daleks regularly brought Doctor Who ratings of between 9", "57282036ff5b5019007d9d9f": "mania\" period (circa 1964\u20131965), when the popularity of the Daleks regularly brought Doctor Who", "57282036ff5b5019007d9da0": "Doctor Who was repeated with", "572821ceff5b5019007d9db2": "'s 23rd series was postponed in 1985 and the show was off the air for 18 months. Its late 1980s performance of three to five", "572821ceff5b5019007d9db3": "1989 suspension. Some fans considered this disingenuous, since the programme was scheduled against the soap opera Coronation Street, the most popular show", "572821ceff5b5019007d9db4": "rd series was postponed in 1985 and the show was off the air for 18 months. Its late 1980s", "572821ceff5b5019007d9db5": "of 1979, viewership peaked at 16 million.[citation needed] Figures remained respectable into the 1980s, but fell noticeably after the programme", "572821ceff5b5019007d9db6": "fans considered", "5728231fff5b5019007d9dd4": "TV in Edmonton, Canada, 15 days", "5728231fff5b5019007d9dd5": "Silver Nemesis was broadcast with all three episodes airing back to back on TVNZ in New Zealand in November, after", "5728231fff5b5019007d9dd6": "in Edmonton, Canada, 15 days before the BBC One showing, and two days before it aired on Fox in the United", "5728231fff5b5019007d9dd7": ", after the first episode had been shown in the UK but before the final two instalments", "5728231fff5b5019007d9dd8": "back to back on TVNZ in New Zealand in November", "5728245b2ca10214002d9ed6": "s on ABC2. The ABC also provided partial", "5728245b2ca10214002d9ed7": "show's 40th anniversary, and the weekdai", "5728245b2ca10214002d9ed8": "has periodically repeated episodes", "5728245b2ca10214002d9ed9": "50th anniversary. The ABC broadcasts the modern", "5728245b2ca10214002d9eda": "inception, having been", "572825714b864d1900164590": "O's status as an educational channel. Its airing of The Talons", "572825714b864d1900164591": "1981, TVO airings were bookended by science-fiction writer Judith Merril who would", "572825714b864d1900164592": ") through to series 24 in 1991. From 1979 to 1981, TVO airing", "572825714b864d1900164593": "educational context in keeping with TVO's status as an educational channel. Its airing of The Talons of Weng-Chi", "572825714b864d1900164594": "Judith Merril who would", "572826762ca10214002d9f2c": "introductions", "572826762ca10214002d9f2d": "credits; for the broadcast of \"The Christmas Invasion\" on 26 December 2005, Billie", "572826762ca10214002d9f2e": "at 20:00 E/P (20:30 in Newfoundland and Labrador), shortly after that day", "572826762ca10214002d9f2f": "E/P (20", "572826762ca10214002d9f30": "excerpts from the Doctor Who Confidential documentary were played over the closing credits; for the broadcast of \"The Christmas Invasion\" on 26 December 2005", "5728274cff5b5019007d9e26": "head from", "5728274cff5b5019007d9e27": "VHS,", "5728274cff5b5019007d9e28": "in July 2013. Many early releases have been re-released as", "5728274cff5b5019007d9e29": "wide selection of serials are available from", "5728274cff5b5019007d9e2a": "wide selection of serials are available from BBC Video", "572828383acd2414000df5c3": ". In", "572828383acd2414000df5c4": "Cybermen) played the Doctor. Other original plays have", "572828383acd2414000df5c5": "Keys to Doomsday. In the late 1980s, Jon Pertwee and Colin Baker both played the Doctor at different times during the run of", "572828383acd2414000df5c6": "played the Doctor. Other original plays have been staged as amateur productions, with other actors playing the Doctor, while Terry", "572828383acd2414000df5c7": "Seven Keys to Doomsday. In the late 1980s, Jon Pertwee and Colin Baker both", "572829532ca10214002d9fa2": ", BBC Worldwide and the American entertainment company Starz debuted in 2011", "572829532ca10214002d9fa3": "modern-day Cardiff and investigating alien activities and crime. The series debuted on BBC Three on 22 October 2006. John Barrowman reprised his role of", "572829532ca10214002d9fa4": "the 2005 series produced by Russell T Davies, the BBC commissioned", "572829532ca10214002d9fa5": "2011. The series was predominantly set in", "572829532ca10214002d9fa6": "hiko Sato first seen in \"Aliens of London\". A second series of Torchwood aired in 2008; for three episodes, the cast was", "57282f204b864d190016468a": "BBC; a special aired on New Year's Day 2007 and a full series began on", "57282f204b864d190016468b": "on 24 September 2007. A second series followed in 2008, notable for (as", "57282f204b864d190016468c": "journalist Sarah Jane Smith,", "57282f204b864d190016468d": "Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart", "57282f204b864d190016468e": "from the main show by David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor. In 2010", "5728303e4b864d19001646aa": "Square location and around Greenwich. The special was one of several special", "5728303e4b864d19001646ab": "with the soap opera EastEnders, the action taking place in the latter's Albert Square location and around Greenwich. The special was one of", "5728303e4b864d19001646ac": "charity special, titled Dimensions in Time was produced for Children in Need, featuring all of the surviving actors who played the Doctor and a number of previous companions", "5728303e4b864d19001646ad": "one of several special 3D programmes the BBC produced at the time, using a 3D system that made use of the Pulfrich effect requiring", "5728303e4b864d19001646ae": "using a 3D", "572831512ca10214002da04a": "the Doctor is forced to regenerate several times, with his subsequent incarnations played by, in order, Richard E. Grant, Jim Broadbent", "572831512ca10214002da04b": "E. Grant, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant and Joanna", "572831512ca10214002da04c": "Atkinson) encounters both", "572831512ca10214002da04d": "version released on video was split into only two episodes", "572831512ca10214002da04e": "and later", "572833662ca10214002da086": "Apollo Justice: Ace", "572833662ca10214002da087": "Adult Swim comedy show Robot Chicken, the Family", "572833662ca10214002da088": "Scape", "572833662ca10214002da089": "!", "572833662ca10214002da08a": "the young adult fantasy novels Brisingr and High Wizardry, the video", "572834524b864d1900164716": "was released on LP record; Doctor Who and the Pescatons featuring the Fourth Doctor. The first commercially available audiobook was an", "572834524b864d1900164717": "television story The Chase released in 1966. Ten years later, the first original Doctor Who", "572834524b864d1900164718": "and the Pescatons featuring the Fourth Doctor. The first commercially available audiobook was", "572834524b864d1900164719": "audio release was a 21-minute narrated abridgement of the First Doctor television story The Chase released in 1966.", "572834524b864d190016471a": "Who and the Pescatons featuring the Fourth Doctor. The first commercially available audiobook was an abridged reading of the Fourth Doctor story", "572835854b864d190016472e": ". The earliest of these featured the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, with Paul McGann's Eight Doctor joining", "572835854b864d190016472f": "line in 2001. Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor", "572835854b864d1900164730": "and Seventh Doctors, with Paul McGann's Eight Doctor joining the", "572835854b864d1900164731": "the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, with Paul McGann's Eight Doctor joining the line", "572835854b864d1900164732": "s Fourth Doctor began appearing for Big Finish in 2012", "572836732ca10214002da0dc": "-sixties through", "572836732ca10214002da0dd": "1965 to 1991 the books published were primarily novel", "572836732ca10214002da0de": "by BBC", "572836732ca10214002da0df": "been published, and a dedicated Doctor Who Magazine with newsstand circulation has been published regularly since 1979. This is published by Pan", "572836732ca10214002da0e0": "ised adaptations of broadcast episodes; beginning in 1991 an extensive line of original fiction was launched, the Virgin New Adventures and Virgin Missing", "572837402ca10214002da0f4": ". In this respect it", "572837402ca10214002da0f5": "respect it is noteworthy that the BBC takes no position on the canonicity of any of such stories, and producers of the show", "572837402ca10214002da0f6": "webcasts, DVD extras, and even stage performances. In this respect it", "572837402ca10214002da0f7": "novels, comics, short stories, audio books, radio plays, interactive video games, game books, webcasts, DVD", "572838323acd2414000df737": "has received recognition as one of Britain'", "572838323acd2414000df738": "T Davies' tenure as executive producer. In 2011, Matt Smith became the first Doctor to be nominated for a BAFTA", "572838323acd2414000df739": "and in 2016, Michelle Gomez became the first female to receive a BAFTA nomination for the series, getting a Best Supporting Actress nomination for her", "572838323acd2414000df73a": "one of Britain's finest television programmes, winning the 2006 British Academy", "572838323acd2414000df73b": "Russell T Davies' tenure as", "57283a392ca10214002da118": "th anniversary special. During its original run, it was recognised for its imaginative stories, creative low-budget special effects, and", "57283a392ca10214002da119": ", creative low-budget special effects, and pioneering use of electronic music (originally produced by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop", "57283a392ca10214002da11a": "The programme is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the", "57283a392ca10214002da11b": "is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world, the \"", "57283a392ca10214002da11c": "-budget special effects, and pioneering use of electronic music (originally produced by the", "57283b91ff5b5019007d9fa4": ". In 1996, BBC television held the", "57283b91ff5b5019007d9fa5": "\" as the culmination of their \"TV60\" series, celebrating 60 years of BBC television broadcasting, where Doctor Who was voted as", "57283b91ff5b5019007d9fa6": "(a", "57283b91ff5b5019007d9fa7": "by industry", "57283b91ff5b5019007d9fa8": "of BBC television broadcasting, where Doctor Who was voted as the \"Best Popular Drama\" the corporation", "57283ce72ca10214002da14c": "Top Gear and The Apprentice. The episode \"Vincent and the Doctor\" was shortlisted for", "57283ce72ca10214002da14d": ". The episode \"Vincent and the Doctor\" was shortlisted for a Mind Award at the 2010 Mind Mental Health Media Awards for its", "57283ce72ca10214002da14e": "awards ceremonies. It won", "57283ce72ca10214002da14f": "Best Drama", "57283ce72ca10214002da150": "and the public, across various awards ceremonies. It won five BAFTA TV Awards, including Best Drama Series,", "57283dbeff5b5019007d9fc6": "series, six times (every year since 2006, except for 2009, 2013 and 2014). The winning episodes", "57283dbeff5b5019007d9fc7": "/\"The Big Bang\" (2011), and \"The Doctor's Wife\" (2012). Doctor Who star Matt", "57283dbeff5b5019007d9fc8": "\"Blink", "57283dbeff5b5019007d9fc9": "Doctor Dances\" (2006), \"The Girl in the Fireplace\" (2007), \"Blink\"", "57283dbeff5b5019007d9fca": "for films and series, six times (every year since 2006, except for 2009, 2013 and 2014). The winning episodes were \"The", "57283e652ca10214002da166": "Science Theater 3000, Family", "57283e652ca10214002da167": "empty", "57283e652ca10214002da168": "ates", "57283e652ca10214002da16a": "Everything, Mystery Science Theater", "57283e652ca10214002da169": "on programs such as Saturday Night Live, The Chaser's War on Everything, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Family Guy, American Dad!,", "57283c464b864d19001647c8": "Chicago. The university", "57283c464b864d19001647c9": "Chicago. The university, established in 1890, consists of The College,", "57283c464b864d19001647ca": "of Social Service Administration, the Harris School of Public Policy Studies, the Graham School of Continuing Liberal", "57283c464b864d19001647cb": "Chicago (UChicago, Chicago,", "57283c464b864d19001647cc": "well known for its professional schools, which include the Pritzker School of Medicine, the University of Chicago Booth", "57283db6ff5b5019007d9fbc": "physics department helped develop the world's first man-made,", "57283db6ff5b5019007d9fbd": "of 2020, the Barack Obama Presidential", "57283db6ff5b5019007d9fbe": "and Argonne National Laboratory, as well as the Marine Biological Laboratory", "57283db6ff5b5019007d9fbf": "religion, and the behavioralism school of political science. Chicago's physics department helped develop the world'", "57283db6ff5b5019007d9fc0": "States. With an estimated completion date of 2020, the Barack Obama Presidential Center will be housed at the university and", "57283f014b864d19001647e8": "1891, and the first classes were held in 1892. Both Harper and future president Robert Maynard Hutchins", "57283f014b864d19001647e9": "first classes were held in 1892. Both Harper and future president", "57283f014b864d19001647ea": "a", "57283f014b864d19001647eb": "Harper became the university's first president in 1891, and the first classes were held in 1892. Both", "57283f014b864d19001647ec": "man in history John D. Rockefeller, the University of Chicago was incorporated in 1890; William Rainey Harper became the university'", "57284142ff5b5019007da00a": "the Rockefeller donation provided money for academic operations and long-", "57284142ff5b5019007da00b": "president of the board of trustees and donor of the", "57284142ff5b5019007da00c": "businessmen Charles L", "57284142ff5b5019007da00d": "Ryerson Physical Laboratory) Adolphus Clay Bartlett and Leon Mandel", "57284142ff5b5019007da00e": ",", "572843304b864d1900164848": "'s approval, and to send copies of examinations for suggestions. The University of Chicago agreed to confer a degree on any graduating senior from an", "572843304b864d1900164849": "Moines College, Kalamazoo College, Butler University, and Stetson University. In 1896, the university affiliated with Shimer College in", "572843304b864d190016484a": "any", "572843304b864d190016484b": "grade", "572843304b864d190016484c": "University of Chicago, fearful that its vast resources would injure smaller schools by drawing away good students, affiliated with several regional colleges", "57284456ff5b5019007da05c": "his", "57284456ff5b5019007da060": "the university underwent many changes during his 24-year tenure. Hutchins eliminated varsity football from the", "57284456ff5b5019007da05f": "enrolled its first medical", "57284456ff5b5019007da05e": "Social Thought,", "57284456ff5b5019007da05d": ", the university's fifth president, Robert Maynard Hutchins, took office; the", "57284618ff5b5019007da0a8": "the university, like Shimer", "57284618ff5b5019007da0a9": "university became a major sponsor of a controversial urban renewal project for Hyde Park, which profoundly affected both the neighborhood's architecture and", "57284618ff5b5019007da0aa": "young students to attend college; in addition, students enrolled at Shimer were enabled to transfer automatically to the University of Chicago after their second year,", "57284618ff5b5019007da0ab": "and", "57284618ff5b5019007da0ac": "to the University of Chicago after their second year,", "572847ff3acd2414000df869": "university experienced its share of student unrest during the 1960s, beginning in 1962, when students occupied", "572847ff3acd2414000df86a": "in the", "572847ff3acd2414000df86b": "what became known as the Kalven Report. The report, a two-page statement of the university's policy", "572847ff3acd2414000df86c": "s policy in \"social and political action,\" declared that \"To perform its mission in the society, a", "572847ff3acd2414000df86d": "independence from political fashions, passions, and pressures.\" The report has since been", "572849b4ff5b5019007da0f2": "will cost around $200 million and occupy the buildings of the Chicago Theological Seminary. During the", "572849b4ff5b5019007da0f3": "received $100 million from The Pearson Family Foundation to", "572849b4ff5b5019007da0f4": "University received $100 million from The Pearson Family Foundation to establish The Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts and", "572849b4ff5b5019007da0f5": "Study and", "572849b4ff5b5019007da0f6": "s, the university began a number of multimillion-dollar expansion projects. In 2008, the University of Chicago announced plans to establish the Milton", "57284b904b864d19001648e2": "University of Chicago trustees and plotted by Chicago architect Henry Ives Cobb", "57284b904b864d19001648e3": "Cobb. The Main Quadrangles consist of six quadrangles, each surrounded by buildings, bordering one larger quadrangle. The buildings of the Main Quadrangles were", "57284b904b864d19001648e4": "chell Tower, for example, is modeled after", "57284b904b864d19001648e5": "of the University", "57284b904b864d19001648e6": "Gothic styles, patterned on the colleges of the University of Oxford", "57284d484b864d1900164900": "Law Quadrangle (a complex designed by Saar", "57284d484b864d1900164901": "s the need for an off-campus book depository.", "57284d484b864d1900164902": "(2001)", "57284d484b864d1900164903": "(2001), South Campus", "57284d484b864d1900164904": "2004, produced the Gerald Ratner Athletics Center (2003), the Max Palevsky Residential Commons (2001)", "57284e9fff5b5019007da150": "neighborhood of Chicago. The Center in Paris, a campus located on the", "57284e9fff5b5019007da151": "India, which", "57284e9fff5b5019007da152": "New Delhi, India, which opened in 2014, and a center in Hong Kong which opened in 2015.", "57284e9fff5b5019007da153": "graduate study programs. In fall 2010, the University of Chicago also opened a center in", "57284e9fff5b5019007da154": "a center in Beijing, near Renmin University's", "5728501aff5b5019007da166": ", and the President of the university is Robert Zimmer. In December 2013 it was announced that the Director of Argonne National Laboratory, Eric Isaacs,", "5728501aff5b5019007da167": "Chief Financial Officer, Chief Investment Officer, and Dean of Students of the", "5728501aff5b5019007da168": "Fermilab, the Secretary of the university, and the Student Ombudsperson. As of August 2009", "5728501aff5b5019007da169": "the President of the university is Robert Zimmer. In December 2013 it was announced that the Director of Argonne", "5728501aff5b5019007da16a": "), the Directors of Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab, the Secretary", "5728510f4b864d1900164936": "the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools", "5728510f4b864d1900164937": "of the University of Chicago consist of the College, four divisions of graduate research and seven professional schools. The university also contains", "5728510f4b864d1900164938": "number of independent academic institutions, including Fermilab, Argonne National Laboratory, and", "57285213ff5b5019007da180": "the University of Chicago grants Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in 50 academic majors and 28 minors. The college's academic", "57285213ff5b5019007da181": "the Biological Sciences Collegiate Division, the Physical Sciences Collegiate Division, the Social", "57285213ff5b5019007da182": "first four are sections within their corresponding graduate divisions, while the New Collegiate Division administers in", "57285213ff5b5019007da183": "within their", "572853e8ff5b5019007da188": "known as the Common Core. In 2012-2013, the Core classes at Chicago were limited to 17 students, and are generally led by a", "572853e8ff5b5019007da189": "\"Among the", "572853e8ff5b5019007da18a": "their demanding standards,", "572853e8ff5b5019007da18b": "experience.", "572855973acd2414000df925": "the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project, a mathematics program used in urban primary and secondary schools. The university", "572855973acd2414000df926": "provide a forum for graduate students, faculty, and visiting scholars to present scholarly work in progress. The university also operates the University", "572855973acd2414000df927": "disabilities, maintains a location on the University of Chicago campus. Since 1983, the University of Chicago has maintained the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project,", "572855973acd2414000df928": "of academic institutions and programs apart from its undergraduate and postgraduate schools. It operates the University of Chicago Laboratory", "572855973acd2414000df929": "for graduate students, faculty, and visiting scholars to present scholarly work in progress. The university also operates", "572856beff5b5019007da190": "in 2011, houses a large study space and an automatic book storage and retrieval system. The John Cre", "572856beff5b5019007da191": "Angelo Law Library, the Social Service Administration Library, and the Eckhart Library for mathematics and computer", "572856beff5b5019007da192": "collections of print volumes in the United States. The Joe and Rika Mansueto", "572856beff5b5019007da193": "11th most among library systems in the United States. The university's main library is the Regenstein Library, which", "572856beff5b5019007da194": "Library, and the Eckhart Library for mathematics and computer science, which closed temporarily for renovation on July 8,", "57285841ff5b5019007da19a": "Among", "57285841ff5b5019007da19b": "with a number of research institutions apart from the university proper. The university partially manages Argonne National", "57285841ff5b5019007da19c": "a joint stake in Fermilab, a nearby particle physics laboratory, as well as", "57285841ff5b5019007da19d": "university, In", "57285841ff5b5019007da19e": "Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass. Although formally unrelated, the National Opinion Research", "57286010ff5b5019007da1ca": "of the electron, and of the development of radiocarbon dating by Willard F. Libby in 1947. The chemical experiment that tested", "57286010ff5b5019007da1cb": "The university's sociology department was the first independent sociology department in the United States and gave birth to the", "57286010ff5b5019007da1cc": "Chicago school of sociology. In physics, the", "57286010ff5b5019007da1cd": "at the university. REM sleep was discovered at the university in 1953 by Nathaniel Kleitman and", "572861cc4b864d190016495e": "College's general education core", "572861cc4b864d190016495f": "when pressure arose in the", "572861cc4b864d1900164960": "is a facade designed to keep", "572861cc4b864d1900164961": ". The Logan Center was designed", "572861cc4b864d1900164962": "the wind. The", "572863363acd2414000df985": "were female. Admissions to the University", "572863363acd2414000df986": ", the lowest in the", "572863363acd2414000df987": "Law School in 2011 was 171. In 2015, the College of the University of Chicago had an acceptance rate of 7.8% for", "572863363acd2414000df988": "Chicago is highly selective. The middle 50% band of SAT scores for the undergraduate class of 2015,", "572863363acd2414000df989": "undergraduate class of 2015, excluding the writing section, was 1420\u20131530, the average MCAT score for entering students in the P", "572864542ca10214002da2de": ", Chicago reinstated football as a Division III team, resuming playing its home", "572864542ca10214002da2df": "UAA). The university was a", "572864542ca10214002da2e0": "1935, the University of Chicago reached the Sweet Sixteen. In 1935, Chicago Maroons football player Jay Berwanger became the first winner of the", "572864542ca10214002da2e1": ". However, the university chose to withdraw from the conference in 1946 after", "572864542ca10214002da2e2": "a founding member of the Big Ten Conference and participated in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball and Football and was a regular", "5728659f4b864d190016498a": "religious groups, academic clubs and teams, and common-interest organizations. Notable extracurricular groups include the University of Chicago College", "5728659f4b864d190016498b": "championships, leading both categories internationally. The university's competitive", "5728659f4b864d190016498c": "the University", "5728659f4b864d190016498d": "at the University of Chicago run over 400 clubs and organizations known as Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs).", "5728659f4b864d190016498e": "the top ranked team in North America in 2013-14 and 2014", "5728667eff5b5019007da1fc": "Life, elected together as a slate by the student body", "5728667eff5b5019007da1fd": "The University of Chicago Student Government.", "5728667eff5b5019007da1fe": ", one for", "5728667eff5b5019007da1ff": "elected to represent members from their respective academic unit. It is led by an", "572867543acd2414000df9a1": "the sororities are members of the National Panhellenic Conference", "572867543acd2414000df9a2": "undergraduates were members of fraternities or sororities. The student activities office has used similar figures, stating that one in ten", "572867543acd2414000df9a3": "of undergraduates were members of fraternities or sororities.", "572867543acd2414000df9a4": "ed community service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. Four of the sororities are members of the National Panhellenic Conference, and ten", "572867543acd2414000df9a5": "office has used similar figures, stating that one in ten undergraduates participate in Greek", "5728683b3acd2414000df9af": "has held", "5728683b3acd2414000df9b0": "festival, Kuviasungner", "5728683b3acd2414000df9b1": "which involves humorous discussions about the", "5728683b3acd2414000df9b2": "ger Hunt", "5728683b3acd2414000df9b3": "holds a summer carnival and concert called Summer Breeze that hosts outside musicians, and is home to Doc Films,", "57286951ff5b5019007da20e": "owner and chairman Thomas", "57286951ff5b5019007da20f": ", Bloomberg L", "57286951ff5b5019007da210": "and the third", "57286951ff5b5019007da211": "Joe Mansueto, Chicago Cubs owner and chairman Thomas S. Ricketts", "57286951ff5b5019007da212": "Chicago Cubs owner and chairman Thomas S. Rickett", "57286ab72ca10214002da31e": "Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders", "57286ab72ca10214002da31f": "Braun, United States Senator from Vermont and 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders, and", "57286ab72ca10214002da320": "Attorney General", "57286ab72ca10214002da321": "Senator from Vermont and 2016 Democratic", "57286ab72ca10214002da322": "of Poland Marek", "57286bf84b864d19001649d4": "born Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize for Literature winning writer Saul Bellow, political philosopher, literary critic and author of", "57286bf84b864d19001649d6": "I Fall Lauren Oliver, Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Philip Roth, Canadian-born Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize", "57286bf84b864d19001649d2": "Sontag, analytic philosopher and Stanford University Professor of Comparative", "57286bf84b864d19001649d5": "Times bestseller \"The Closing of", "57286bf84b864d19001649d3": "Oliver, Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Philip Roth, Canadian-born Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize for Literature winning writer Saul Bellow, political philosopher, literary critic", "57286d7d4b864d19001649e0": "film Life Itself Roger", "57286d7d4b864d19001649e1": "Kaufman, and Carl Van V", "57286d7d4b864d19001649e2": "Carl Van Vechten, photographer", "57286d7d4b864d19001649e3": "film Life Itself Roger Ebert, director, writer, and comedian Mike Nichols, film director and screenwriter Philip Kaufman,", "57286d7d4b864d19001649e4": "Asner, Pulitzer Prize for Criticism winning film critic and the subject of", "57286ec63acd2414000df9d1": "and Lynn Margulis, computer scientist Richard", "57286ec63acd2414000df9d2": "In science, alumni include astronomers Carl Sagan, a prominent contributor to the scientific research of extraterrestrial life, and Edwin Hubble", "57286ec63acd2414000df9d3": ", computer scientist Richard Hamming, the creator of the Hamming Code, lithium-ion battery", "57286ec63acd2414000df9d4": "Friedman, who worked on some early projects", "57286ec63acd2414000df9d5": ", mathematician and Fields Medal", "572870b2ff5b5019007da222": "Conservative British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, George Stigler, Nobel laureate and proponent of regulatory capture theory, Gary", "572870b2ff5b5019007da223": "his", "572870b2ff5b5019007da224": "economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author Thomas Sowell is", "572870b2ff5b5019007da225": "to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and Eugene Fama, known for his", "572871bc4b864d1900164a04": "hominid australopithecine known as \"Lucy\" in the Afar Triangle region, psychologist John B. Watson, American", "572871bc4b864d1900164a05": "region, psychologist John B. Watson, American psychologist who established the psychological school of behaviorism, communication theorist Harold Innis, chess grandmaster Samuel", "572871bc4b864d1900164a06": "David", "572872dd2ca10214002da37e": "winner of the Nobel Prize Tsung-Dao Lee, and astrophysicist", "572872dd2ca10214002da37f": "son, elementary charge calculator Robert A. Milli", "572872dd2ca10214002da380": "pert-Mayer, the youngest American winner of the Nobel Prize Tsung-", "572872dd2ca10214002da381": "calculator A. A. Michelson, elementary", "572872dd2ca10214002da382": "the most brilliant and productive experimental physicists of the twentieth century\" Luis Walter Alvarez, Murray Gell-", "5728742cff5b5019007da246": "Rowley, astronomer", "5728742cff5b5019007da247": "Gerard Kuiper, one of the most important figures in the early development of the discipline of linguistics Edward Sapir, and the founder", "5728742cff5b5019007da248": "in the early development of the discipline of linguistics Edward", "5728742cff5b5019007da249": "of the most important figures in the early development of", "5728742cff5b5019007da24a": "and author Allan Bloom, cancer researchers Charles Brenton Huggins and Janet Rowley, astronomer Gerard Kuiper, one", "5728759cff5b5019007da25b": ", James Heckman, Lars Peter Hansen, Roger Myerson and Robert Lucas, Jr., Freakonomics author and", "5728759cff5b5019007da25a": "Sahlins, historian Dipesh Chakrabarty, paleontologists Neil Shubin and Paul Sereno,", "5728759cff5b5019007da25c": "the Treasury and former Goldman Sachs Chairman", "5728759cff5b5019007da25d": "States Secretary of the Treasury and former Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO", "5728759cff5b5019007da25e": "John", "57285ed5ff5b5019007da1b6": "including modern Mongolia and Korea. It was the first foreign dynasty to rule all of China", "57285ed5ff5b5019007da1b7": "Yuan (Chinese: \u5927\u5143; pinyin: D\u00e0 Yu\u00e1n; Mongolian: Yehe", "57285ed5ff5b5019007da1b8": "'s North China for decades, it was not until 1271 that Kublai Khan officially proclaimed the", "57285ed5ff5b5019007da1b9": "pinyin: Yu\u00e1n Ch\u00e1o)", "57285ed5ff5b5019007da1ba": "including today's North China for decades, it was not until", "572860e03acd2414000df977": "new", "572860e03acd2414000df978": "is considered both a successor to the Mongol Empire and an imperial Chinese dynasty. It was", "572860e03acd2414000df979": "astic Name (\u300a\u5efa\u570b\u865f\u8a54\u300b), Kublai announced the name of", "572860e03acd2414000df97a": "the dynasty as Taizu", "57286192ff5b5019007da1dc": "emperors held the nominal title", "57286192ff5b5019007da1dd": "the \"", "57286192ff5b5019007da1de": "Ulus\" (lit. \"Great Mongol State\"", "57286192ff5b5019007da1df": "known as the \"Empire of the Great Khan\" or \"Khanate of the Great Khan\"", "57286192ff5b5019007da1e0": "\"Mongol Dynasty of China\", similar to the", "572863c72ca10214002da2d4": "Kublai was unable to read Chinese but", "572863c72ca10214002da2d5": "his mother Sorghaghtani. He sought the counsel of Chinese Buddhist", "572863c72ca10214002da2d6": "his brother Kublai control over Mongol held territories in China. Kublai built schools for Confucian", "572863c72ca10214002da2d7": "built schools for Confucian scholars, issued paper money, revived Chinese rituals, and endorsed policies that", "572863c72ca10214002da2d8": "s destroyed the weakened Jin dynasty in 1234, conquering most of northern China. \u00d6gedei offered his nephew", "572864dd4b864d1900164976": "10,000 troops. The three Khitan Generals Shimobeidier (\u77f3\u62b9\u5b5b\u8fed\u5152),", "572864dd4b864d1900164977": "3 Tumens in the Mongol army. Liu Heima and Shi", "572864dd4b864d1900164978": "Shi", "572864dd4b864d1900164979": "Tianze served Og\u00f6dei Khan. Liu Heima and Shi Tianxiang led armies against Western Xia for the Mongols. There", "572864dd4b864d190016497a": "ier (\u77f3\u62b9\u5b5b\u8fed\u5152), Tab", "5728661e2ca10214002da2e8": "Kerait woman; the Ker", "5728661e2ca10214002da2e9": "and Yan Shi (Yen Shih, \u56b4\u5be6) and other high ranking Chinese who served", "5728661e2ca10214002da2ea": "dynasty. Interethnic marriage between Han and Jurchen became common at this time. His father was Shi Bingzhi (\u53f2\u79c9\u76f4, Shi", "5728661e2ca10214002da2eb": "son Shi Gang", "5728661e2ca10214002da2ec": "high ranking Chinese who served in the Jin dynasty and defected to the", "572867212ca10214002da2f2": "Song dynasty in southern China. The Mongol force that invaded southern China was far greater than the force they sent to invade", "572867212ca10214002da2f3": "q B\u00f6ke Great Khan, beginning a", "572867212ca10214002da2f4": "hampered by inadequate supplies and surrendered in 1264. All of the three western khanates (Golden Horde, Chagatai Khanate and Il", "572867212ca10214002da2f5": "tai in Mongolia proclaimed Ariq", "572867212ca10214002da2f6": "khanate) became functionally autonomous, although only the", "572867d72ca10214002da2fc": "revolts and defections to the Song", "572867d72ca10214002da2fd": "Song dynasty remained an obstacle in the south. Kublai", "572867d72ca10214002da2fe": "Li Tan, the son-in-law of a powerful official, instigated a revolt against Mongol rule in", "572867d72ca10214002da2ff": "feared that his dependence on Chinese", "572867d72ca10214002da300": ". He feared that his dependence on Chinese officials left him vulnerable", "572869b84b864d19001649ae": "expanding the circulation of paper money,", "572869b84b864d19001649b0": "their official rank was nebulous.", "572869b84b864d19001649b2": "the lowest rank. Kublai", "572869b84b864d19001649b1": "the Han Chinese occupying the lowest rank. Kublai's Chinese advisers still wielded significant power in the government, but", "572869b84b864d19001649af": "and left the local administrative structure of past Chinese dynasties unchanged. However, Kublai rejected plans to revive the Confucian imperial examinations and divided", "57286b003acd2414000df9c1": "now modern Beijing, in 1266. In 1271, Kublai formally claimed the Mandate of Heaven and declared that 1272 was the first", "57286b003acd2414000df9c2": "of", "57286b003acd2414000df9c3": "Chinese dynasty. The name of the dynasty originated from the I Ching and describes the \"origin of the universe\" or a \"primal", "57286b003acd2414000df9c4": "new city near the former Jurchen capital Zhongdu, now modern Beijing,", "57286b003acd2414000df9c5": "public image as a sage emperor by following the rituals of Confucian propriety and ancestor vene", "57286bb84b864d19001649c8": "his court, such as the Venetian merchant", "57286bb84b864d19001649c9": "such as the Venetian merchant Marco Polo, who wrote the most influential", "57286bb84b864d19001649ca": "Mongol postal system, constructing infrastructure, providing loans that financed trade caravans,", "57286bb84b864d19001649cb": "in the north. Mongol rule was cosmopolitan", "57286bb84b864d19001649cc": "commodities, and culture between China and the West. Kublai expanded the Grand Canal from southern", "57286c8cff5b5019007da218": "gave up the title, so the northern branch of the family kept the title of Duke", "57286c8cff5b5019007da219": "fu. Kong Zhu refused, and gave up the title, so the northern branch of the family kept the", "57286c8cff5b5019007da21a": "Kong Duanyou's brother Kong Duancao who", "57286c8cff5b5019007da21b": "you fled south with the Song Emperor to Quzhou, while the newly established Jin dynasty (", "57286c8cff5b5019007da21c": "s brother Kong Duancao who remained in Qufu", "57286d4f2ca10214002da328": "Mongol and Chinese imperial", "57286d4f2ca10214002da329": "emperor drowned, bringing an end to the Song dynasty. The conquest of the Song reunited northern and southern China for the first time in three hundred years", "57286d4f2ca10214002da32a": "the loyalists at", "57286d4f2ca10214002da32b": "line with the tradition of Mongol and Chinese imperialism. He renewed a", "57286d4f2ca10214002da32c": "73, the last obstacle in his way to capture the rich Yangzi River basin. An unsuccessful naval expedition was undertaken against Japan in 1274", "57286dfa2ca10214002da332": ") to Dai Viet and whose descendants established the Tr\u1ea7n dynasty which ruled Vietnam \u0110", "57286dfa2ca10214002da333": "was the original", "57286dfa2ca10214002da334": "auspicious typhoon. Kublai", "57286dfa2ca10214002da335": ") in 1282", "57286dfa2ca10214002da336": ". Kublai botched his campaigns against Annam, Champa, and Java, but won a Pyrrh", "57286ead2ca10214002da346": ", but he died before Kublai in 1285. Thus, Zhenjin's third son,", "57286ead2ca10214002da347": "tractable problem, later causing much", "57286ead2ca10214002da348": "few decades.", "57286ead2ca10214002da349": "much of the work", "57286ead2ca10214002da34a": "such as Vietnam, which recognized his nominal suzerainty and paid tributes for a", "57286f373acd2414000df9db": "He had been mentored by Li Meng, a Confucian academic. He made many", "57286f373acd2414000df9dc": "discontent of some Mongol elite. He had been mentored by Li Meng,", "57286f373acd2414000df9dd": "some", "57286f373acd2414000df9de": "(Chinese: \u5c1a", "57286f373acd2414000df9df": "State Affairs", "57286fa83acd2414000df9e5": "father, was formally promulgated. Gegeen was assassinated in a", "57286fa83acd2414000df9e6": "two years, from 1321 to 1323. He", "57286fa83acd2414000df9e7": "the Da Yuan Tong Zhi (Chinese: \u5927\u5143\u901a\u5236, \"the comprehensive institutions of the Great Yuan\"), a huge collection of codes", "57286fa83acd2414000df9e8": ". Gegeen was assassinated in a coup involving five princes from a rival faction, perhaps steppe elite opposed to Confucian reforms", "57286fa83acd2414000df9e9": "'s son", "5728705c2ca10214002da35a": "princes and officers", "5728705c2ca10214002da35b": "s, whose despotic rule clearly marked the", "5728705c2ca10214002da35c": ", who was backed by Chagatai", "5728705c2ca10214002da35d": "ate", "5728705c2ca10214002da35e": "by the Qipchaq commander El Tem\u00fcr. He", "5728710c3acd2414000df9ef": "compendium named Jingshi Dadian (Chinese: \u7d93\u4e16\u5927\u5178). Tugh Tem\u00fcr supported Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucian", "5728710c3acd2414000df9f0": "effort to patronize Chinese learning was founding the Academy of the Pavilion", "5728710c3acd2414000df9f1": "Confucianism and promoting Chinese cultural", "5728710c3acd2414000df9f2": "ugh Tem\u00fcr is known for his cultural contribution instead. He adopted many measures honoring Confucianism and promoting Chinese cultural", "5728710c3acd2414000df9f3": "The academy was responsible for compiling and publishing a number of books, but its most important achievement was its compilation of a vast institutional compend", "572871bd3acd2414000dfa03": "he was not", "572871bd3acd2414000dfa04": "Tem\u00fcr in 1332 and subsequent death of Rinchinbal (Emperor Ningzong) the same year, the 13-", "572871bd3acd2414000dfa05": "13-year-old Toghun Tem\u00fcr (Emperor Huizong)", "572871bd3acd2414000dfa06": "back from G", "572871bd3acd2414000dfa07": "'s nephew Toqto", "572872822ca10214002da374": "Kingdom saw them as too Chinese. Gradually, they lost influence in", "572872822ca10214002da375": "Kingdom saw them as too Chinese. Gradually, they lost influence in China as well. The reigns of the later Yuan emperors were short and marked", "572872822ca10214002da376": "influence on other Mongol lands across Asia, while the Mongols beyond the Middle Kingdom saw them", "572872822ca10214002da377": "bitterness among", "572872822ca10214002da378": ", they lost influence in China as well. The reigns of the later Yuan emperors were short and", "57287338ff5b5019007da232": "of the M\u00edng dynasty (1368\u20131644), founded by", "57287338ff5b5019007da233": "local warlords' military power, and gradually lost his interest in politics and ceased to intervene in political struggles. He fled north to Shangdu", "57287338ff5b5019007da234": "rebels, Toghun Tem\u00fcr suddenly dismissed him for fear of betrayal. This resulted in Toghun Tem\u00fcr", "57287338ff5b5019007da235": "military power, and gradually lost his interest in politics and ceased to", "57287338ff5b5019007da236": ". He had tried to", "572878942ca10214002da3a2": "and commerce across Asia until its decline", "572878942ca10214002da3a3": "Tibetan-rite Tantric Buddhism had significantly influenced China during this period. The Muslims of the Yuan", "572878942ca10214002da3a4": "Asian and European contacts produced a fair amount of cultural exchange. The other cultures and peoples in the Mongol World Empire also very", "572878942ca10214002da3a5": "-rite Tantric Buddhism had significantly influenced China during this period. The Muslims of the Yuan dynasty introduced Middle", "572879574b864d1900164a14": "probably in the hope of maintaining order over Han society. Advances were", "572879574b864d1900164a15": "numbers of Chinese in the northwest and southwest. Nestor", "572879574b864d1900164a16": "certain persecutions in favor of Buddhism from the Yuan government. Confucian governmental practices", "572879574b864d1900164a17": "by the Yuan court, probably in the hope of maintaining order over Han society.", "572879574b864d1900164a18": "From this period dates the conversion to Islam, by Muslims of Central Asia, of growing numbers of Chinese in the northwest and southwest. Nestorian", "57287b4a4b864d1900164a28": ",\" the capital of the Great Khan, and of life there astounded the people of Europe. The account", "57287b4a4b864d1900164a29": "sight", "57287b4a4b864d1900164a2a": "due to the lack of mentioning the Great Wall of China, tea houses, which would have been a prominent sight", "57287b4a4b864d1900164a2b": "places he named", "57287b4a4b864d1900164a2c": "contact with Persian traders since many of the places", "57287c142ca10214002da3d0": "and water communications were", "57287c142ca10214002da3d1": "parks. During the Yuan period, Beijing became the terminus of the Grand Canal of China, which was completely renovated. These commercially oriented", "57287c142ca10214002da3d2": "25 days of the", "57287c142ca10214002da3d3": "was rebuilt with new palace", "57287c142ca10214002da3d4": "was tasked with many public works projects and helped the Yuan reform the", "57287ccb2ca10214002da3da": "the traditional historiography as well as the official views (including the government of the Ming dynasty which overthrew the Yuan dynasty),", "57287ccb2ca10214002da3db": "which overthrew the Yuan dynasty), there also exist Chinese people[who?] who did", "57287ccb2ca10214002da3dc": "besides it there is nothing great or precious.\" In traditional historiography of China, on the other", "57287ccb2ca10214002da3dd": "Mongolian ideology Yuan is considered to be \"the beginning of", "57287ccb2ca10214002da3de": "Yuan dynasty), there also exist", "57287d4a2ca10214002da3e4": "central government institution called the Department of State Affairs (Shangshu S", "57287d4a2ca10214002da3e5": "civil affairs, the Privy Council (Chinese: \u6a1e\u5bc6\u9662) to manage military affairs, and the Censorate to conduct", "57287d4a2ca10214002da3e6": "other governmental agencies (such", "57287d4a2ca10214002da3e7": "military jurisdictions, due to the Mongol traditional reliance on", "57287d4a2ca10214002da3e8": "-style Six Ministries), was created in China. At various times another central government institution called the Department", "57287ddf3acd2414000dfa3f": ", as the real military authority in Yuan", "57287ddf3acd2414000dfa40": "courts of justice. Cases involving members of more than one ethnic group were", "57287ddf3acd2414000dfa41": "ethnic group were decided by a mixed board consisting of Chinese and Mongols. Another example was the insignificance of", "57287ddf3acd2414000dfa42": "extend to legal cases involving Mongols and Semuren, who had separate courts of justice.", "57287e512ca10214002da3f8": "s actively sponsored cultural activities; an example is", "57287e512ca10214002da3f9": "not master written Chinese", "57287e512ca10214002da3fa": "of the dynasty. Most of the Emperors could not master written Chinese, but they could generally converse well in", "57287e512ca10214002da3fb": "the Emperors could not master written Chinese, but they could generally converse well in the", "57287e512ca10214002da3fc": "rat, and the Ikeres, kept the imperial blood purely", "57287ee3ff5b5019007da274": "and", "57287ee3ff5b5019007da275": "increasingly sinicized while maintaining his Mongolian credentials with his own people. He set up a civilian administration to", "57287ee3ff5b5019007da276": ", built a capital within China, supported Chinese religions and culture, and devised suitable economic and", "57287f6a3acd2414000dfa51": "both the qu form of poetry and the zaju variety show. Another important consideration", "57287f6a3acd2414000dfa52": "that tends to", "57287f6a3acd2414000dfa53": "China, relatively to works", "57287f6a3acd2414000dfa54": "when people think of classical Chinese art. Another important aspect of Yuan times is the increasing incorporation of", "57287f6a3acd2414000dfa55": "landscape painting as well as the classical joining together of the arts of painting, poetry, and calligraphy, the Song dynasty and the Yuan dynasty are linked together", "57287fec4b864d1900164a3c": ". Many Mongol", "57287fec4b864d1900164a3d": "his successors kept a Sakya Imperial Preceptor (Dishi) at court. Before the end of the Yuan dynasty", "57287fec4b864d1900164a3e": "esteemed the Sakya sect of Tibetan Buddhism, other religions became less important. He and his successors kept", "57287fec4b864d1900164a3f": "the Yuan dynasty had dramatically increased", "57287fec4b864d1900164a40": ", 14 leaders of the Sakya sect had held the post of Imperial Preceptor, thereby enjoying special power. Furthermore,", "5728804b4b864d1900164a46": "(12", "5728804b4b864d1900164a47": ". The summation of a finite arithmetic series is also", "5728804b4b864d1900164a48": "the Four Unknowns, written in 1303. The", "5728804b4b864d1900164a49": "'s", "5728804b4b864d1900164a4a": "written in 1303. The opening pages contain a diagram of Pascal's triangle. The summation of", "5728809f2ca10214002da40c": "was disseminated in 1281 as the official calendar", "5728809f2ca10214002da40d": "but Mongol rulers were known", "5728809f2ca10214002da40e": "signs of Muslim influences in the Shoushi calendar, but Mongol rulers were known to be interested in Muslim calendars. Mathematical", "5728809f2ca10214002da40f": "the construction of calendars. He was one of the first mathematicians in China to work", "5728809f2ca10214002da410": "Song dynasty astronomer Shen Kuo or possibly by the work of Arab astronomers. There are no explicit signs of Muslim influences in the Shoushi calendar", "572881022ca10214002da416": "scholars were attracted to the medical profession", "572881022ca10214002da417": "The Mongols characterized otachi doctors by their use of herbal remedies, which was distinguished from the", "572881022ca10214002da418": "gol physicians called otachi and", "572881022ca10214002da419": "support from the Yuan government and were given special legal privileges. Kublai created the Imperial Academy", "572881022ca10214002da41a": "doctors. Confucian scholars were attracted to the medical profession because it ensured a high income", "572881704b864d1900164a50": "they expanded towards the west. Chinese medical techniques", "572881704b864d1900164a51": "a healthy diet in", "572881704b864d1900164a52": "and the rest of the empire. Several medical advances were made in the Yuan period. The physician Wei Yilin (1277\u20131347)", "572881704b864d1900164a53": "herbal drugs and elixirs were transmitted westward to the Middle East and the rest of the empire. Several", "572881704b864d1900164a54": "Yuan inherited from the Jin dynasty. All four schools were based on the same intellectual", "572881d34b864d1900164a5a": "or Muslim medicine. The Nestorian physician Jesus the", "572881d34b864d1900164a5b": "of the court. Chinese physicians opposed Western medicine because its humoral system", "572881d34b864d1900164a5c": "members of the court. Chinese physicians opposed Western medicine because its humoral system contradicted the yin-yang and wuxing philosophy underlying traditional Chinese medicine.", "572881d34b864d1900164a5d": "vicenna'", "572881d34b864d1900164a5e": "in", "572882242ca10214002da420": "12th century. However, most published", "572882242ca10214002da421": "with the name of T\u00f6regene", "572882242ca10214002da422": "inscribed", "572882242ca10214002da423": "'s Nong Shu were printed with earthenware movable type, a technology invented in the", "572882242ca10214002da424": "Mongols through Kingdom of Qocho and Tibetan inter", "5728827b2ca10214002da42a": ". The Mongols experimented with establishing the Chinese-style paper monetary system in Mongol-controlled territories outside of China. The Yuan minister Bolad", "5728827b2ca10214002da42b": "berry trees. The Yuan government used woodblocks to print paper money, but switched to bronze plates in 1275. The", "5728827b2ca10214002da42c": "controlled territories outside of China. The Yuan minister Bolad was sent to Iran, where he explained Yuan paper money to the Il", "5728827b2ca10214002da42d": "blocks to print paper money, but", "5728827b2ca10214002da42e": "of the Yuan. Chao were made from the bark of mulberry trees. The Yuan government used woodblocks to print paper money,", "572883153acd2414000dfa6f": "examination in the early 14th century. In general there were very few North Chinese or Southerners reaching the highest-post in the government compared with", "572883153acd2414000dfa70": "against the use of \"barbarians\" in his", "572883153acd2414000dfa71": "system of government created by Kublai Khan was the product of a compromise between Mongolian patrimonial", "572883153acd2414000dfa72": "was the product of a compromise between Mongolian patrimonial feudalism and the", "572883153acd2414000dfa73": "s and Semuren were given certain advantages in the dynasty, and", "572883a33acd2414000dfa79": "were recruited into the Mongol forces with one unit called \"Right Alan Guard\" which was combined with \"recent", "572883a33acd2414000dfa7a": "management with Chinese and Qara-Khitays (Khitans) of gardens and fields in Samarqand was", "572883a33acd2414000dfa7b": "chosen as administrators and co-management with Chinese and Qara-", "572883a33acd2414000dfa7c": "Alan Guard\" which was combined with \"recently surrendered\" soldiers, Mongols, and Chinese soldiers stationed in the area of", "572883a33acd2414000dfa7d": "a requirement since Muslims were not allowed to", "57288428ff5b5019007da28e": "like Lan Yu who rebelled against the Mongols and defeated them in combat. Some Muslim communities had", "57288428ff5b5019007da28f": "for assisting them. During the war fighting the Mongols", "57288428ff5b5019007da290": ", restricting Halal slaughter and other Islamic practices like circumcision, as well as Kosher butchering for Jews, forcing them to", "57288428ff5b5019007da291": "role in overthrowing the Mongols and it was given", "57288428ff5b5019007da292": "Mongols and defeated them in combat. Some Muslim communities had a Chinese surname which meant \"barracks\" and could also", "5728848cff5b5019007da298": "were entitled institutionally and legally, so a person's standing within the classes was not a guarantee", "5728848cff5b5019007da299": "was misleading and that the position of people within the four-class system was not an", "5728848cff5b5019007da29a": "and legally, so a person's standing within the classes was not a guarantee of their standing, since there", "5728848cff5b5019007da29b": "mu than there were Mongol and Semu", "572885023acd2414000dfa83": "were ranked. The Northern Chinese were ranked higher and Southern Chinese were ranked lower because southern China", "572885023acd2414000dfa84": "caving in. Major commerce during this era gave rise to favorable conditions for private southern Chinese manufacturers", "572885023acd2414000dfa85": "higher and", "572885023acd2414000dfa86": "class was the date", "572885023acd2414000dfa87": "were placed, the more the held out", "5728855d3acd2414000dfa8d": "higher than the Korean King, who was ranked last, because", "5728855d3acd2414000dfa8e": "ighurs of the Kingdom of Qocho over the Koreans at the court the Korean King objected", "5728855d3acd2414000dfa8f": "Mongols placed the Uighurs of the Kingdom of Qocho over the Koreans at", "5728855d3acd2414000dfa90": "placed the Uighurs of the Kingdom of Qocho over the Koreans at the court the Korean King objected, then the Mongol Emperor Kub", "572885c44b864d1900164a78": "(or Zhong", "572885c44b864d1900164a79": "south-eastern part of present-day Inner", "572885c44b864d1900164a7a": "; similarly, another top-level administrative department called the Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs (", "572885c44b864d1900164a7b": "); similarly, another top-level administrative department called the Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs (or Xuanzheng Yuan) held", "572885c44b864d1900164a7c": "region of the dynasty", "5728dab94b864d1900164f96": "-west, Ethiopia to the north and Somalia to the north-east. Kenya covers 581,309 km2 (224,", "5728dab94b864d1900164f97": "covers 581,309 km2 (224,445 sq mi)", "5728dab94b864d1900164f98": "AC). Its capital and largest city is Nairobi. Kenya's territory lies on the equator", "5728dab94b864d1900164f99": ", officially the Republic of Kenya, is a country in Africa and a founding member of", "5728dab94b864d1900164f9a": "Ethiopia to the", "5728de0e2ca10214002da9dc": "wildlife reserves and national parks", "5728de0e2ca10214002da9dd": "y areas in the neighboring western region. The north-eastern regions along the border with Somalia and Ethiopia are a", "5728de0e2ca10214002da9de": "Somalia and Ethiopia are arid and semi-arid areas with near-", "5728de0e2ca10214002da9df": "the capital city, Nairobi, and especially closer to Mount Kenya, which has snow permanently on its peaks. Further inland, in the", "5728de0e2ca10214002da9e0": "and Ethiopia are arid and semi-arid areas with near-desert landscapes. Kenya is known for its safaris, diverse climate", "5728ef8d2ca10214002daac2": "gave way to the Kenya Colony. Kenya obtained independence in December 1963. Following a referendum in August", "5728ef8d2ca10214002daac3": "the Early Modern period; European exploration of the interior began in the 19th century. The British Empire established the East Africa", "5728ef8d2ca10214002daac4": "Protectorate in 1895, which starting in 1920 gave way to the", "5728ef8d2ca10214002daac5": "tic populations together constitute around 9", "5728ef8d2ca10214002daac6": "groups found in Africa. Bantu and Nilotic populations together constitute around", "5728f5376aef0514001548c4": "groups, who are the native inhabitants of the agricultural land surrounding Mount Kenya.[", "5728f5376aef0514001548c5": "The Republic of Kenya is named after Mount Kenya. The origin of the name Kenya is not clear, but", "5728f5376aef0514001548c6": ". If so, then the British may not so much have mispronounced it ('Keenya'", "5728f9342ca10214002dab52": "Joseph Thompsons, a Scottish geologist and naturalist, indicated Mt. Kenya as Mt. Kenia, 1862. Controversy over the actual meaning of the word", "5728f9342ca10214002dab53": "Ludwig Krapf recorded the name as both Kenia and Kegnia believed by most to be a", "5728f9342ca10214002dab54": ". Controversy over the actual meaning of the word Kenya notwithstanding, it is clear that the", "5728f9342ca10214002dab55": "empty", "5728f9cf4b864d1900165166": "can be found in the national parks and game reserves in the country. The annual animal migration occurs between June and September with", "5728f9cf4b864d1900165167": "Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya, in a constant clockwise fashion, searching for food and water supplies. This Serengeti Migration of", "5728f9cf4b864d1900165168": "birds can be found in the national parks and game reserves in the country", "5728f9cf4b864d1900165169": "This Ser", "5728f9cf4b864d190016516a": "found in the national parks and game reserves", "5728fa576aef051400154920": "to Homo erectus. Previous research", "5728fa576aef051400154921": ".6-million-year-old fossil belonging to Homo erectus. Previous research on early hominids is particularly identified with Mary Leakey", "5728fa576aef051400154922": "350,000 years ago) are possible direct ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, and lived in Kenya in the", "5728fa576aef051400154923": "1.8 and 2.5 million years ago) and Homo erectus (1.", "5728fa576aef051400154924": "in Kenya in the Pleistocene epoch.", "5728fd9b3f37b31900477f3b": "India. By the 15th-century, Portuguese voyager Duarte Barbosa claimed that \"Mombasa is a place of great", "5728fd9b3f37b31900477f3c": "also great ships, both of which are bound from Sofala and others which come", "5728fd9b3f37b31900477f3d": "links with other nearby city-states, as well", "5728fea1af94a219006a9ef5": "representing the Ming Dynasty visited the East African coast", "5728fea1af94a219006a9ef6": "led Mombasa for dominance in the African Great Lakes region. Malindi has traditionally been a", "5728fea1af94a219006a9ef7": "Malindi has traditionally been a friendly port", "5729024f1d04691400778f5f": "land, capturing British supplies, and remaining undefeated. He eventually surrendered in", "5729024f1d04691400778f60": "British resources as possible. Completely cut off from Germany, von Lettow conducted an effective guerrilla warfare campaign, living off the land, capturing", "5729024f1d04691400778f61": "tow conducted an effective guerrilla warfare campaign, living off the land, capturing British supplies, and remaining undefeated. He eventually surrendered in", "5729024f1d04691400778f62": "I in August 1914, the governors of British East Africa (as the Protectorate was generally known)", "5729024f1d04691400778f63": "many British resources as possible. Completely cut off from Germany, von Lettow conducted an effective guerrilla warfare campaign, living off", "572903d96aef0514001549a4": "the land d", "572903d96aef0514001549a5": "ability to provide a living from the land dwindled. There were 80,000 white", "572903d96aef0514001549a6": "people, most of", "572903d96aef0514001549a7": "farmers. To protect their interests, the settlers banned the growing", "5729046aaf94a219006a9f4d": ". The Home Guard formed the core of the government's strategy as it was composed of loyalist", "5729046aaf94a219006a9f4e": "the British Army and King's African Rifles. By the", "5729046aaf94a219006a9f4f": "detention camps. The Home Guard formed the core of the government'", "5729046aaf94a219006a9f50": "better understanding of the Mau Mau command structure. Operation Anvil opened on 24 April 1954, after weeks of planning by the army with the approval of", "5729046aaf94a219006a9f51": "General China) on 15 January 1954 and the subsequent interrogation led to a", "572906e23f37b31900477f8d": "the Legislative Council took place in 1957. Despite", "572906e23f37b31900477f8e": "conferred on all of Kenya. The United Kingdom ceded sovereignty over the Colony of Kenya and, under an agreement dated 8 October 1963", "572906e23f37b31900477f8f": "in 1957", "572906e23f37b31900477f90": "Kenyatta that formed a government. The Colony of Kenya and the Protectorate of Kenya", "572906e23f37b31900477f91": "months later on 12 December 1964, Kenya became a republic under the name \"Republic of Kenya", "572909406aef0514001549dc": "ing) system, where voters were supposed to line up behind their favoured", "572909406aef0514001549dd": "saw the advent", "572909406aef0514001549de": "that allowed for only one political party", "572909ebaf94a219006a9fc5": "multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and", "572909ebaf94a219006a9fc6": "the government and the National Assembly and the Senate. The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature. There was growing concern especially", "572909ebaf94a219006a9fc7": "is exercised by the government. Legislative power is", "572909ebaf94a219006a9fc8": "government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the National Assembly and the Senate.", "572909ebaf94a219006a9fc9": "party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government", "57290b21af94a219006a9fcf": "'s Corruption Perception Index (CPI), a metric which attempts to gauge the", "57290b21af94a219006a9fd0": "176 total countries in the CPI, with a", "57290b21af94a219006a9fd1": ". In 2012, the nation placed 1", "57290b21af94a219006a9fd2": "ing corruption from the Kenyan government, for instance, the establishment of a new and independent", "57290d811d04691400778fcf": "arrived later. This led to protests and open", "57290d811d04691400778fd0": "substantial margin after votes from his stronghold arrived later. This led to protests and open discrediting of the E", "57290d811d04691400778fd1": "ga and Kibaki. As the count came into the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) headquarters, Odinga was shown to have a", "57290d811d04691400778fd2": "Kenya (ECK) headquarters, Odinga was", "57290e153f37b31900477fd9": ", the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission initiated community dialogues, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya started peace meetings and the Kenya National Dialogue", "57290e153f37b31900477fda": ". For example, the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission initiated community dialogues, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya started peace meetings and the Kenya National Dialogue", "57290e153f37b31900477fdb": "empty", "57290e153f37b31900477fdc": "Cooperation. For example, the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission initiated", "57290ee2af94a219006a9fff": ", the", "57290ee2af94a219006aa000": "ga signed an agreement on the formation of a coalition", "57290ee2af94a219006aa001": "Odinga", "57290ee2af94a219006aa002": "s second Prime Minister. Under the deal, the president would appoint cabinet ministers from both PNU", "57290ee2af94a219006aa003": "parties withdraws from the deal before then", "57290f963f37b31900477feb": "finer details of the power-sharing agreement. Kenyan lawmakers unanimously approved a power-sharing deal 18 March 2008, aimed at salvaging a country", "57290f963f37b31900477fec": "baki's PNU and", "57290f963f37b31900477fed": "'s Harambee House. On 29 February 2008, representatives of PNU and ODM began working on the finer details of the power-", "57290f963f37b31900477fee": "African Union chairman Jakaya Ki", "57290f963f37b31900477fef": "as they brought together the former rivals to the signing ceremony, beamed live on national TV from the steps of Nairobi's Harambee", "572913626aef051400154a30": "of that day, the new constitution heralding the Second Republic came into force.", "572913626aef051400154a31": "The event was attended by various African leaders and praised by the international community", "572913626aef051400154a32": "A referendum to vote on the proposed constitution was held on 4 August 2010, and the new constitution passed by a wide margin. Among", "572913626aef051400154a33": "4 August 2010, and the new constitution passed by a wide margin. Among other things,", "572913626aef051400154a34": "s", "572914441d04691400779025": "law suggested was necessary to guard against armed groups. Opposition politicians, human rights groups", "572914441d04691400779026": "groups", "572914441d04691400779027": "impact. Through the Jubillee", "572914441d04691400779028": "a press statement cautioning about the law", "572914441d04691400779029": "the law suggested was necessary to guard against armed groups. Opposition politicians, human rights groups, and nine Western countries criticised the", "572914f46aef051400154a46": "Jinping after a stop in Russia and not having visited the United States as president. In July 2015 Obama", "572914f46aef051400154a47": "and not having visited the United States as president. In", "572914f46aef051400154a48": "Kenyatta visited China at the invitation of President Xi Jinping after a stop in Russia and not having visited the United States as president", "572914f46aef051400154a49": "empty", "572915621d0469140077902f": "the national elections of December 2007 and the violence that subsequently engulfed the country, a commission of inquiry, the", "572915621d04691400779030": "performed its duty well.", "572915621d04691400779031": "well.\" Nevertheless", "572915e43f37b31900478005": "were", "572915e43f37b31900478006": "armed forces, like", "572915e43f37b31900478007": "notoriety. This has changed recently. In what are by Kenyan standards unprecedented revelations, in 2010, credible claims of corruption were", "572915e43f37b31900478008": "standards unprecedented revelations, in 2010, credible claims of corruption were made with regard to recruitment and procurement", "572916f16aef051400154a56": "in the world. As of 2005, 17.7% of Kenyans lived on less than $1.25 a day. The important agricultural sector is", "572916f16aef051400154a57": "market or occasionally an emerging market, but it is not one of", "572916f16aef051400154a58": "less than $1.25 a day. The", "572916f16aef051400154a59": "75% of the workforce compared to less than 3% in the food secure developed countries. Kenya is usually classified as a frontier", "572917743f37b3190047800d": "has posted tremendous growth in the service sector, boosted by rapid", "572917743f37b3190047800f": "has posted tremendous growth in the service sector, boosted by rapid expansion in telecommunication and financial activity over the last decade,", "572917743f37b31900478010": "labour force but contribute 75% of", "572917743f37b3190047800e": "of the population relies on food aid.[citation needed] Industry and manufacturing is the smallest sector, accounting for 16% of GDP. The service", "572917ff6aef051400154a5e": "is the major contributor to the pick", "572917ff6aef051400154a5f": "the southeast. Tourism", "572917ff6aef051400154a60": "expansive East and West Tsavo National Park 20,808 square kilometres (8,034 sq", "572917ff6aef051400154a62": "growth. Tourism is now Kenya's largest foreign exchange earning sector, followed by flowers, tea, and coffee", "572917ff6aef051400154a61": ". Tourism is now Kenya's largest foreign exchange earning sector, followed by flowers, tea, and coffee. In 2006 tourism generated US", "572918bd3f37b31900478016": "the two most valuable of all of Kenya's exports. The production of major food staple", "572918bd3f37b31900478017": "production of major food staples such as corn is subject to sharp weather-related fluctuations", "572918bd3f37b31900478015": "The principal cash crops are tea, horticultural", "572918bd3f37b31900478018": "\u2014", "57291a7b1d0469140077903f": "stimulating the growth of local seed production and agro-dealer networks for distribution and marketing. This", "57291a7b1d04691400779040": "timulating the growth of local seed production and agro-dealer networks for distribution and marketing. This work, which included", "57291a7b1d04691400779041": "increase local producer prices by 20\u2013", "57291a7b1d04691400779042": "timulating the growth of local seed production and agro-dealer networks for distribution and marketing. This work", "57291a7b1d04691400779043": "rs, helped to increase local producer prices by 20\u201325% in Nairobi and Mombas", "57291b461d04691400779049": "rot in the", "57291b461d0469140077904a": "semi-arid areas and farmers in other regions often", "57291b461d0469140077904b": "s and is heavily dependent on food aid. Poor roads, an inadequate railway network, under-used water transport and", "57291b461d0469140077904c": "portion of the population regularly starves and is heavily", "57291b461d0469140077904d": "attained the level of investment and efficiency in agriculture that can guarantee food security and coupled with resulting poverty (53% of the population lives below", "57291beb1d04691400779053": "is a cement production industry.[citation needed] Kenya has an oil refinery", "57291beb1d04691400779054": "cement production industry.[citation needed] Kenya has an oil refinery that processes imported crude petroleum into petroleum products,", "57291beb1d04691400779055": "industrially developed country in the African Great Lakes", "57291beb1d04691400779056": "imported crude petroleum into petroleum products, mainly for the domestic", "57291d9e3f37b31900478035": "(AGOA) has given a boost to manufacturing in recent years. Since AGOA took effect in 2000, Kenya's clothing sales to the", "57291d9e3f37b31900478036": "including the removal of duty on capital equipment and", "57291dfaaf94a219006aa09b": "make up the rest of the supply. Kenya's installed capacity stood at 1,142 megawatts between 2001 and 2003. The state-", "57291dfaaf94a219006aa09c": "Dam in the west. A petroleum", "57291dfaaf94a219006aa09d": "(KenGen), established in 1997 under the name of Kenya Power Company, handles the generation", "57291f153f37b31900478043": "proven deposits of oil in Turkana and the commercial viability was just", "57291f153f37b31900478044": ". Kenya currently", "57291f153f37b31900478045": "s oil reserves to be around 10 billion", "57291f153f37b31900478046": "billion barrels. Exploration is still continuing", "57291fb4af94a219006aa0b1": "Titanium, a subsidiary of Base resources of Australia, shipped its first major consignment of minerals to China. About", "57291fb4af94a219006aa0b2": ", representing Kenya's largest source", "57291fb4af94a219006aa0b3": "Kenya's Capital FM website by Liu Guangyuan, China's ambassador to Kenya, at the time of President Kenyatta's 2013 trip", "57291fb4af94a219006aa0b4": "trade ... reached $2.84 billion\" in 2012. Kenyatta was \"[a]", "57291fb4af94a219006aa0b5": "bilateral trade ... reached $2.84 billion\" in", "57292046af94a219006aa0bb": "framework for the Action Plan and ensure climate change is treated as", "57292046af94a219006aa0bc": ", developed with support from the Climate & Development Knowledge Network, sets out the Government of Kenya's vision for a 'low", "57292046af94a219006aa0bd": "Knowledge Network, sets out the Government of Kenya's vision for a 'low carbon climate res", "57292046af94a219006aa0be": "2030, an economic", "57292046af94a219006aa0bf": "Network, sets out the Government of Kenya's vision for a", "572920d73f37b31900478055": "Most of the prostitutes in", "572920d73f37b31900478056": "i, and Diani", "572920d73f37b31900478057": "Diani were subject to prostitution.", "572920d73f37b31900478058": "active in agriculture. In 2006, UNICEF estimated that up to 30% of girls in the coastal areas of Malindi, Mom", "572921646aef051400154a78": "Peri-urban and rural dwellers", "572921646aef051400154a79": "some urban areas. Primarily consisting of a mixture of Swahili and English, it is an example of linguistic code-", "572921646aef051400154a7a": "code-switching.", "572921646aef051400154a7b": ", with many in rural areas speaking only their native languages. British English is primarily used in the", "572922206aef051400154a8a": "47.7% regarding themselves as Protestant and 23.5% as Roman Catholic of the Latin Rite. The Presbyterian Church of", "572922206aef051400154a8b": "the Independent Presbyterian Church in Kenya, and the Reformed Church of East Africa. 621,200 of Kenyans are", "572922206aef051400154a8c": "Kenyans are Christian (83%), with 47.7% regarding themselves as Protestant and 23.5% as", "572922206aef051400154a8d": "of Kenyans are Orthodox Christians. Notably, Kenya has the highest number of Quakers", "57292449af94a219006aa0dd": "2%, indigenous beliefs 1.7%)", "57292449af94a219006aa0de": "Roughly 4% of Muslims are Ahmadiyya, 8% Shia and another 8% are non", "57292449af94a219006aa0df": "8% Shia and another 8% are non-denominational Muslims,", "57292449af94a219006aa0e0": "population there. Roughly 4% of Muslims are Ahmadiyya, 8", "572924b53f37b31900478067": "Bureau of Statistics, in 2011 there were 65,000 qualified nurses registered in the country; 8,600 clinical", "572924b53f37b31900478068": "nurses registered in the country; 8,600 clinical officers and 7,000", "572924b53f37b31900478069": "Statistics, in 2011 there were 65,000 qualified nurses registered in the country; 8,600 clinical officers and 7,000", "572924b53f37b3190047806a": "pensaries,", "572925491d046914007790c3": ": Half of Kenyans", "572925491d046914007790c4": "the HIV epidemic may be improving in Kenya, as HIV prevalence is declining among young people (", "572925491d046914007790c5": "as HIV prevalence is declining among young people (ages 15\u201324)", "572925491d046914007790c6": "of Kenyans live below the poverty level. Preventable diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, diarrhoea", "572925491d046914007790c7": "Diseases of poverty directly correlate with a country's economic performance and wealth distribution: Half of Kenyans live below the poverty level. Preventable diseases", "572925a81d046914007790cd": "\u20134\u20132\u20133 system was", "572925a81d046914007790ce": ", which were critical issues at the time. Changes in the subject content of history and geography were made to reflect national", "572925a81d046914007790cf": "s sovereignty. The commission focused on identity and unity, which were critical issues at the time.", "572925a81d046914007790d0": "Commission was formed to introduce changes that would reflect the nation's", "572925a81d046914007790d1": "December 1963, an authority named the Ominde Commission was formed to introduce changes that would reflect the nation's", "572926086aef051400154ac2": "second university in Kenya as well as the reforming of the", "572926086aef051400154ac3": "system. Although the 7\u20134\u20132\u20133 system theoretically ended with the", "572926086aef051400154ac4": "with the introduction of the new", "572926086aef051400154ac5": "that the 7\u2013", "572926653f37b31900478079": "Kenya announced the introduction of free primary education. As a result, primary school enrolment increased", "572926653f37b3190047807a": "in the informal sector. In January 2003, the Government of Kenya announced the", "572926653f37b3190047807b": "4\u20134 system was launched in January 1985. It", "572926653f37b3190047807c": "a statement declaring that from 2008, secondary education would be heavily subsidiszed, with", "572926653f37b3190047807d": "secondary education would be heavily subsidis", "572926d23f37b31900478083": "trade such as tailoring, carpentry, motor vehicle repair", "572926d23f37b31900478084": "of their respective course. The higher diploma is accepted by many employers in place of a bachelor'", "572926d23f37b31900478085": "Those who complete", "572926d23f37b31900478086": "for about two years. Those who complete high school can join", "5729276c1d046914007790d7": "those who proceed to secondary school or vocational training. The result of this examination is needed for placement at secondary school. Primary", "5729276c1d046914007790d8": "KCSE), which determines those proceeding to the universities, other professional training or employment.", "5729276c1d046914007790d9": "admission to Standard One (First", "5729276c1d046914007790da": "end of primary education, pupils sit the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KC", "5729276c1d046914007790db": "system and is a key requirement for admission to Standard One (First Grade). At the end of primary education, pupils sit the Kenya Certificate of", "572927d06aef051400154ade": "National Library Service", "572927d06aef051400154adf": ". In addition, some of the counties within the country have either established", "572927d06aef051400154ae0": "included the McMillan Memorial Library located at the central business district of Nairobi. A public", "572927d06aef051400154ae1": ", equip, manage and maintain national and public libraries in the country. In addition,", "5729281baf94a219006aa11f": "having consistently produced Olympic and Commonwealth Games champions", "5729281baf94a219006aa120": ", rugby union and boxing. The country is known chiefly for its dominance in middle", "5729281baf94a219006aa121": "Boston Marathon winner and two-time world champion Catherine Ndereba, 800m world record", "5729281baf94a219006aa122": "union and boxing. The country is known chiefly for its dominance in middle-distance and long-distance athletics, having consistently produced Olympic and Commonwealth Games", "572928bf6aef051400154af0": "usher in Kenya's ongoing distance dynasty in the 1970s and was followed by Commonwealth Champion Henry Rono's spectacular string of world record", "572928bf6aef051400154af1": "champion Kipcho", "572928bf6aef051400154af2": "no helped usher in Kenya's ongoing distance dynasty in the 1970s and was followed by Commonwealth Champion Henry Rono's spectacular string", "572928bf6aef051400154af3": "m gold medalist who went ahead to win the IAAF Golden League jackpot, and Samuel Wan", "572928bf6aef051400154af4": "to stop the defections, but they have continued anyway", "5729293d3f37b3190047809f": "was also a regional powerhouse in soccer.", "5729293d3f37b319004780a0": "increasing in popularity, especially with", "5729293d3f37b319004780a1": "Oldham Roughyeds. Besides the former European", "5729293d3f37b319004780a2": "has played for", "5729293d3f37b319004780a3": "increasing", "57292994af94a219006aa131": "until its exclusion after the 2002 event owing to financial", "57292994af94a219006aa132": "g\u00e5rd, Hannu Mikkola, Tommi M\u00e4kinen, Shekhar Mehta, Carlos Sainz and", "57292994af94a219006aa133": "the rally still runs annually as part of the Africa rally championship, the organisers are hoping to be allowed to rejoin the World Rally championship in the next", "572929d56aef051400154b0a": "(chai ya saa n", "572929d56aef051400154b0b": "chakula cha mchana) and supper in the evening (cha", "572929d56aef051400154b0c": "sour milk, meat, fish or any other", "572929d56aef051400154b0d": "or supper. Regional variations and dishes also", "57293b843f37b31900478133": "i.e., human-induced] interference with the climate system\". IPCC reports cover \"the scientific, technical and", "57293b843f37b31900478134": "Programme (UNEP), and later endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 43/53. Membership of the IPCC", "57293b843f37b31900478135": "(WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP", "57293b843f37b31900478136": "under the auspices of the United Nations, set up at the request of member governments. It was first established", "57293b843f37b31900478137": "climate change. The ultimate objective of the UNFCCC is to \"stabilize greenhouse gas", "57293bc91d0469140077919b": ", following the election of the new IPCC", "57293bc91d0469140077919c": "this election, the IPCC was", "57293bc91d0469140077919d": "; Robert Watson in 1997; and Bert Bolin in 1988. The chair", "57293bc91d0469140077919e": "election, the IPCC was led by his vice-Chair", "57293bc91d0469140077919f": "chairs", "57293c246aef051400154bb8": "at Sessions with about seven-eighths of participants being from governmental organizations.", "57293c246aef051400154bb9": "level of government representatives. Non Governmental and Inter", "57293c246aef051400154bba": "attend as observers. Sessions of the IPCC Bureau,", "57293c246aef051400154bbb": "report states there were 322 persons in attendance at Sessions with about seven", "57293ca73f37b3190047815b": "1989 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO", "57293ca73f37b3190047815c": "The organisation is required to comply", "57293ca73f37b3190047815e": "the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Costs of the Secretary and", "57293ca73f37b3190047815f": ", and by IPCC Members; the scale of payments is", "57293ca73f37b3190047815d": "PCC Panel", "57293d116aef051400154bc8": "model results, reports from government agencies and non-governmental organizations, and", "57293d116aef051400154bc9": "of sufficient quality. Examples of", "57293d116aef051400154bca": "and non-governmental organizations, and", "57293d116aef051400154bcb": "the", "57293d6d1d046914007791b7": "empty", "57293d6d1d046914007791b8": "Working Group chairs. Lead authors are responsible for writing sections of", "57293d6d1d046914007791b9": "Working Group chairs. Lead authors are responsible for writing sections of chapters. Contributing authors prepare text, graphs or data for inclusion by the lead authors", "57293d6d1d046914007791ba": "authors\". The coordinating", "57293d6d1d046914007791bb": "of authors who are responsible for writing and editing the material. A chapter typically has two \"coordinating lead authors", "57293e221d046914007791d5": "has been responsible for over half the enhanced greenhouse effect. They predict that under a \"", "57293e221d046914007791d6": "temperature has increased by 0.3 to", "57293e221d046914007791d7": "the greenhouse gases, resulting on", "57293e221d046914007791d8": "as usual\" (", "57293e221d046914007791d9": "additional warming of the Earth's surface. They calculate with confidence that CO2 has been responsible for over half the enhanced greenhouse effect. They predict that", "57293e983f37b3190047818b": "projected to increase by between 1.4 and 5.8 \u00b0C above 1990 levels by 2100\". The TAR has also been endorsed", "57293e983f37b3190047818c": "Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, and European Geosciences Union (refer to \"End", "57293e983f37b3190047818d": "the Royal Swedish Academy of", "57293e983f37b3190047818e": "the Royal Irish", "57293e983f37b3190047818f": "continue to rise, with average global surface temperature projected to increase by between 1.4 and 5.8 \u00b0C above 1990 levels by", "57293f353f37b3190047819b": ", has responded to Lindzen's criticisms of the SPM", "57293f353f37b3190047819c": "TAR WGI, has responded to Lindzen's", "57293f353f37b3190047819d": "delegates from many of the world's governments, and that any", "57293f353f37b3190047819e": "of TAR WGI, has responded to Lind", "57293f353f37b3190047819f": "Policymakers", "57293f8a6aef051400154bde": "and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN) and the Special Report on Managing Risks of", "57293f8a6aef051400154bdf": ") and the Special Report on", "57293f8a6aef051400154be0": "as for IPCC Assessment Reports", "57293f8a6aef051400154be1": "for all IPCC Special Reports follows the same procedures as", "572940246aef051400154bec": "reports is a major IPCC function, it", "572940246aef051400154bed": "EP Governing Council resolutions and decisions as well as on", "572940246aef051400154bee": "the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, required under the UNFCCC. This involves", "572940246aef051400154bef": "supports other activities, such as the Data Distribution Centre and the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, required under the UNFCCC.", "572940973f37b319004781a5": "date is incorrect, while reaffirming that the conclusion in the final summary was robust. They expressed", "572940973f37b319004781a6": "summary was robust. They expressed regret for \"the poor application of well-", "572940973f37b319004781a7": "by the IPCC from the WWF report, which has misquoted its own source, an", "572940973f37b319004781a8": "not included in the final summary for policymakers. The IPCC has since acknowledged that the date is incorrect, while reaffirming", "572941273f37b319004781ad": "of the IPCC working group II, said that \"What", "572941273f37b319004781ae": "gone in the", "572941273f37b319004781af": ",", "572941273f37b319004781b0": "The IPCC needs to look at this trend in", "572941273f37b319004781b1": "IPCC chairman Robert Watson has said \"The mistakes all appear to have gone in the direction of making it seem like climate change is more serious by", "57294209af94a219006aa201": "did not reach temperatures recorded in central England in 2007. The MBH99 finding", "57294209af94a219006aa202": ". Mann, Raymond S.", "57294209af94a219006aa203": "1999 paper by Michael E. Mann, Raymond S. Bradley and Malcolm", "57294209af94a219006aa204": "schematic in the first", "57294279af94a219006aa209": ", and a Senate speech by US Republican senator James Inhofe alleged that \"manmade global warming is the greatest", "57294279af94a219006aa20a": "Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, and in turn the criticisms in these papers were examined by other studies and comprehensively refuted by Wahl & Am", "57294279af94a219006aa20b": "s controversy", "57294279af94a219006aa20c": "which he mis-identified", "57294279af94a219006aa20d": "turning its own previous view in the 1995 report", "572943ab1d04691400779219": "\"misguided and illegitimate investigation\" apparently aimed at intimidating scientists, and at his request the U.S. National Academy of Sciences arranged for its", "572943ab1d0469140077921a": "U.S. National Academy of Sciences arranged for its National Research Council to set up a special investigation", "572943ab1d0469140077921b": "Rep. Joe Barton, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and", "572943ab1d0469140077921c": "Joe Barton, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce wrote joint letters with E", "572943ab1d0469140077921d": "and Hughes. Sherwood Boehlert, chairman of the House Science Committee", "572944e03f37b319004781e2": "the divergence problem", "572944e03f37b319004781e1": "In addition, analysis of the Medieval Warm Period cited reconstructions by Crowley & Lower", "572944e03f37b319004781e4": "TAR); Mann, Bradley &", "572944e03f37b319004781e5": "s by Crowley & Lowery 2000 (as cited in the TAR) and Osborn & Briffa 2006. Ten", "572944e03f37b319004781e3": "addition, analysis of the Medieval Warm Period cited reconstructions by Crowley & Lowery 2000 (as cited in the TAR) and Osborn", "572945b11d0469140077922f": "IPCC report in 2001. The study compared IPCC 2001 projections on temperature and sea level change with observations. Over the", "572945b11d04691400779230": "and sea levels have been rising at or above the maximum rates proposed during the", "572945b11d04691400779231": "study compared IPCC 2001 projections on temperature and sea level change with", "572945b11d04691400779232": "PCC report in 2001. The study compared IPCC 2001 projections on temperature and sea level change with observations. Over the six", "572949306aef051400154c68": "which suggests that previous estimates by the IPCC, far from overstating dangers and risks, have actually understated them is a study", "572949306aef051400154c69": "\". This may have been due, in part,", "572949306aef051400154c6a": "levels. These values are much greater than the 9\u201388 cm as projected by the IPCC itself in its Third Assessment Report, published in", "572949306aef051400154c6b": "Another example of scientific research which suggests that previous estimates by the IPCC, far from", "57294baaaf94a219006aa26b": "consensus within the IPCC process and ask to include dissenting or minority positions or to improve statements about uncertain", "57294baaaf94a219006aa26c": "s State of the Planet 2008-2009 some limitations of the IPCC", "57294baaaf94a219006aa26d": "IPCC consensus approach and asks for concurring, smaller assessments of special problems instead", "57294e6b1d04691400779275": "been compared with dealings with other environmental challenges (compare Ozone depletion", "57294e6b1d04691400779276": "warming). In case of the Ozone depletion global regulation based", "57294e6b1d04691400779277": "efficiency and success has been compared with dealings with other environmental challenges (compare Ozone depletion and global warming). In", "5729506d6aef051400154cac": "ozone depletion case had a better understanding of scientific ignorance and uncertainties. The ozone case communicated to lay persons \"", "5729506d6aef051400154cad": ". In the UK, a report for a House of Lords committee asked to urge the IPCC to involve better", "5729506d6aef051400154cae": "the ozone depletion case had a better understanding of", "5729506d6aef051400154caf": "-sharing conflicts with regard to the distribution of emission reductions remain an unsolved problem. In the UK,", "5729517d6aef051400154cc8": "is rapidly changing, this has been raised as a serious shortcoming in a body", "5729517d6aef051400154cc9": "the", "5729517d6aef051400154cca": "on", "572951f16aef051400154cce": "contributing or lead IPCC report authors \u2013", "572951f16aef051400154ccf": ", five climate scientists \u2013 all contributing or", "572951f16aef051400154cd0": "lead IPCC report authors \u2013 wrote in the journal Nature calling for changes to", "572951f16aef051400154cd1": "climate science assessment process into a moderated \"living\" Wikipedia-IPCC. Other recommendations included that the panel employ a full-time staff", "572953013f37b3190047824d": "algae up to 100 in plants like Arabidopsis and", "572953013f37b3190047824e": ", including fatty acid synthesis, much amino", "572953013f37b3190047824f": "and the immune response in plants. The number of chloroplast", "572953013f37b31900478250": "use the ATP and NADPH to make organic molecules from carbon dioxide in a process known as the Calvin cycle. Chloroplasts carry out a number", "572953013f37b31900478251": "cell varies from 1 in algae up", "5729544c3f37b31900478257": "in two to reproduce. Their behavior is strongly influenced by environmental factors like light color and intensity. Chloroplasts, like mi", "5729544c3f37b31900478258": "DNA, which is thought to be inherited from their ancestor\u2014a photosynthetic cyanobacterium that was engulfed by an early eukaryotic cell.", "5729544c3f37b31900478259": "color", "5729544c3f37b3190047825a": "like mitochondria, contain their own", "5729544c3f37b3190047825b": ", which is thought to", "572956c86aef051400154d1a": "plasts closely resemble cyanobacteria. Chloroplasts are only found in plants and algae", "572956c86aef051400154d1b": "in 1883 that chloroplasts closely resemble cy", "572956c86aef051400154d1c": "Chloroplasts", "572956c86aef051400154d1d": "ote was engulfed. This origin of chloroplasts was first suggested by the Russian", "572956c86aef051400154d1e": ", where an aerobic prokaryote was engulfed. This origin of chloroplasts was first suggested by the Russian biologist Konstantin Meresch", "572957361d046914007792cf": "including chlorophyll a. Phycobilins are also common", "572957361d046914007792d0": "pigments, usually organized into hemispherical phycobilisomes attached", "572957361d046914007792d2": "phyll a. Phy", "572957361d046914007792d3": "cell wall,", "572957361d046914007792d1": "bacteria also contain a peptidoglycan cell wall, which is thicker than in other gram-negative bacteria, and which is located between their", "572957ad1d046914007792d9": "new cellular resident quickly became an advantage, providing food for the eukaryotic host, which allowed it to live within it. Over time, the", "572957ad1d046914007792da": "phagocytic vacuole it was contained in. The two innermost lipid-bilayer", "572957ad1d046914007792db": "of the ancestral cyanobacterium's gram negative cell wall, and not the phagoso", "572957ad1d046914007792dc": "s that surround all chloroplasts", "572957ad1d046914007792dd": "host,", "5729582b1d046914007792e3": "the chloroplastidan, or green chloroplast", "5729582b1d046914007792e4": "of three chloroplast lineages\u2014the glaucophyte chloroplast lineage, the rhodophyte, or red al", "5729582b1d046914007792e5": "second two are the", "5729582b1d046914007792e6": "as primary plastids (\"plastid\" in this context means almost the same thing as c", "5729582b1d046914007792e7": "or the chloroplastidan, or green chloroplast lineage. The second two are the largest, and the green chloroplast lineage is", "572958cc6aef051400154d2a": "to be one of the first organisms to contain a chloroplast. The", "572958cc6aef051400154d2b": "fixation enzyme rubisco in. The starch that they synthesize collects outside the chloroplast", "572958cc6aef051400154d2c": "Glaucophyte chloroplasts also contain concentric unstacked thylakoids, which surround a carboxysome - an", "572958cc6aef051400154d2d": "an icosahedral structure that glaucophyte chloroplasts and cyanobacteria keep", "572958cc6aef051400154d2e": "intermediate between cyano", "57295a116aef051400154d44": "phycobilin phycoerytherin is responsible for giving many red algae their distinctive red color.", "57295a116aef051400154d45": "esize a form of star", "57295a116aef051400154d46": "coerythe", "57295a116aef051400154d47": "red phycoerytherin pigment is an adaptation to help red algae catch more sunlight in deep water\u2014as such, some", "57295a116aef051400154d48": "doplasts synthesize a form of", "57295b5b1d04691400779315": "replaced it with an intermembrane space. Some plants seem to have kept the genes for the synthesis of", "57295b5b1d04691400779316": "chloroplast lineage. Their", "57295b5b1d04691400779317": "mbrane space. Some plants seem to have kept the genes for the synthesis of the pept", "57295b5b1d04691400779318": "due to accessory pigments that override", "57295b5b1d04691400779319": "an wall between their double membrane, and", "572961f61d04691400779359": "the secondary endosymbiotic event, when", "572961f61d0469140077935a": "but failed to digest it\u2014much like the cyanobacterium", "572961f61d0469140077935b": "anobacterial membranes, sometimes the eaten alga's cell membrane, and the phagosomal vacuole from the host", "572961f61d0469140077935c": ", sometimes the eaten alga's cell membrane, and the phagosomal vacuole from", "572961f61d0469140077935d": "a double membrane from their cyanobacterial ancestor,", "572962953f37b319004782f5": "the cyanobacterial membranes, and the secondary host's phagosomal", "572962953f37b319004782f6": "l membranes, and the secondary host's phagosomal membrane. Euglenophyte chloroplasts have a pyren", "572962953f37b319004782f7": "contain chloroplasts derived", "572962953f37b319004782f8": "alga. Euglenophyte chloroplasts have three membranes\u2014it is thought that the membrane of the primary endosym", "572962953f37b319004782f9": "\u2014it is thought that the membrane of the primary endosymbiont was lost, leaving the cyanobacterial", "572963221d04691400779385": "that of the chlorarachniophytes. Cryptophyte chloroplasts have four membranes, the outermost of which is continuous", "572963221d04691400779386": "renoid and thylakoids in stack", "572963221d04691400779387": "have four membranes, the outermost of which is continuous with the", "572963221d04691400779388": "s are a group of algae that contain", "572963221d04691400779389": "ophytes, or cryptomonads are a group of algae that contain a", "572963876aef051400154dd2": "re parasitic, and have a nonphotosynthetic chloroplast. They", "572963876aef051400154dd3": "now known that the helicosproida are green algae rather than chroma", "572963876aef051400154dd4": "veolates. The apicom", "572963876aef051400154dd5": "green algae rather than", "572963876aef051400154dd6": "are non", "5729645b3f37b31900478321": "interferes with this apicoplast function, and when apicomplexans", "5729645b3f37b31900478322": "s provide plant cells with many important things besides sugar, and apicoplasts are no different\u2014they synthesize fatty acids,", "5729645b3f37b31900478323": "important functions other than", "5729645b3f37b31900478324": "die when something interferes with this apicoplast function, and when apicomplexans are grown in an isopentenyl pyro", "5729645b3f37b31900478325": "esize fatty acids, isopentenyl pyrophosphate, iron-sulfur clusters", "572965566aef051400154e00": "-", "572965566aef051400154e01": "pigment peri", "572965566aef051400154e02": "not connected to the endoplasmic reticulum. They contain a pyrenoid, and have triplet-stacked thylakoids", "572965566aef051400154e03": "is found outside the chloroplast An important feature of these chloroplasts", "572965e73f37b3190047832b": "replaced it with a new chloroplast derived from a haptophyte endosymbiont. Karlodinium and Karenia", "572965e73f37b3190047832c": "Karenia probably took up different heterokontophytes. Because the haptophyte chloroplast has four membranes,", "572965e73f37b3190047832d": "lineages (including Karlodinium and Karenia) lost their original red algal derived chloroplast,", "572965e73f37b3190047832e": "haptophyte was heavily reduced, stripped of a few membranes and its nucleus, leaving only its chloroplast (with its original double", "572966626aef051400154e13": "physis", "572966626aef051400154e14": "has been stripped of its nucleomorph and outermost two membranes", "572966626aef051400154e12": "of", "572966626aef051400154e15": "that the Dinophysis chloroplast is a kleptoplast\u2014if so, Dinophysis chloroplasts wear out", "572966ebaf94a219006aa391": "store its own food\u2014its starch is found in granules in the dinophyte host's cytoplasm instead", "572966ebaf94a219006aa392": ". However the diatom endosymbiont can't store its own food\u2014its starch is found in granules in", "572966ebaf94a219006aa393": "ic reticulum", "572966ebaf94a219006aa394": "has been reduced relatively little\u2014it still retains its original mitochondria, and has endoplasmic reti", "572966ebaf94a219006aa395": "nt can't store its own food\u2014its starch is found in granules in the dinophyte host's cytoplasm instead", "572967e31d046914007793b1": "the dinophyte nucleus. The endosymbiotic event that led to this chloroplast was serial secondary endosymbi", "572967e31d046914007793b2": "nucleomorph\u2014all the nucleomorph genes have been transferred to the dinophyte nucleus. The endo", "572967e31d046914007793b3": "nucleus. The endosymbiotic event that led to this chloroplast was serial secondary endosymbiosis rather than tertiary", "572967e31d046914007793b4": "green alga containing a primary chloroplast (making a secondary c", "572967e31d046914007793b5": "the nucleomorph genes have been", "5729686d1d046914007793c1": "much less", "5729686d1d046914007793c2": "symbiont more recently.", "5729686d1d046914007793c3": "karyotes. Being in the early stages of endosymbiosis, Pauline", "5729686d1d046914007793c4": "phores, descended from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus. Chromatophores cannot", "5729686d1d046914007793c5": "es have transferred much less of their DNA to the nucleus of their host. About 0.3\u20130.8% of the nuclear DNA in", "572968cf1d046914007793cb": "ctDNA, or cpDNA. It is also known as the plastome. Its existence was first proved in 1962,", "572968cf1d046914007793cc": "algal groups are extremely underrepresented,", "572968cf1d046914007793cd": "liverwort and tobacco", "572968cf1d046914007793ce": "are", "572968cf1d046914007793cf": "species have been sequenced, but they're mostly those of land", "57296977af94a219006aa3bd": "possible that the inverted repeats help stabilize the rest", "57296977af94a219006aa3be": "chloroplast genome, as chloroplast DNAs which have lost some of the inverted repeat segments tend to get rearranged more", "57296977af94a219006aa3bf": "bacteria and the other two chloroplast lineages (glaucophyta and", "572969f51d046914007793dd": "determined, but two main models have been proposed. Scientists have attempted to observe chloroplast replication", "572969f51d046914007793de": "(D-loop). As the D-loop moves through the circular DNA, it adopts a theta intermediary form,", "572969f51d046914007793e0": "through the circular DNA, it adopts a theta intermediary", "572969f51d046914007793df": "been proposed. Scientists have attempted to observe chloroplast replication via electron microscopy since the 1970s. The results of the microscopy", "572969f51d046914007793e1": "chloroplast DNA replicates using a double displacement loop (D-loop). As the D-loop moves through", "57296a65af94a219006aa3c3": "direction that they initially opened (the highest gradient is most likely nearest the start site because it was single stranded for the longest amount of time)", "57296a65af94a219006aa3c4": "NA, there are several A \u2192 G deamination gradients. DNA becomes susceptible to deamination events when it is single", "57296a65af94a219006aa3c5": "direction that they initially opened (the highest gradient is most likely nearest the start site because it was single", "57296a65af94a219006aa3c6": "mechanism is", "57296a65af94a219006aa3c7": "most likely nearest the start site because it was single stranded for the", "57296ab93f37b31900478369": "circular DNA or broken circles, then a D-loop mechanism of replication is", "57296ab93f37b3190047836a": "predominant theory continues to hold that most cpDNA is circular and most likely replicates via a D", "57296ab93f37b3190047836b": "; however", "57296ab93f37b3190047836c": "and that more species still contain complex structures that scientists do not yet understand. When the original experiments on cpDNA were performed, scientists", "57296b151d046914007793f1": "olates too) had a green algal derived chloro", "57296b151d046914007793f2": "(a heterokontophyte) now have a red algal derived chloroplast, the presence of many green algal", "57296b151d046914007793f3": "of all chromalve", "57296b151d046914007793f4": "s (a heterokon", "57296bf96aef051400154e52": "genome\u2014most became nonfunctional pseudogenes, though a few tRNA genes still work in the mitochondrion. Some transferred c", "57296bf96aef051400154e53": "found new homes in the mitochondrial genome\u2014most became nonfunctional pseudogenes, though a", "57296bf96aef051400154e54": "transferred genes aren't even targeted back to the chloroplast. Many became exaptations, taking on new functions like participating in cell", "57296bf96aef051400154e55": "ory pathway)", "57296c5c3f37b3190047837f": "s chloroplast proteins from", "57296c5c3f37b31900478380": "can be recognized by the chloroplast. These proteins also help the polypeptide get imported into the", "57296c5c3f37b31900478381": "the cytosol, an enzyme specific to chloroplast", "57296c5c3f37b31900478382": "help the polypeptide get imported into", "57296cb21d04691400779403": "chloroplast that occupies much", "57296cb21d04691400779404": "(e.g., Chlamydomonas), a ribbon-like spiral around the edges of the", "57296cb21d04691400779405": "shapes exists among the algae, which often contain a single chloroplast that can be shaped", "57296cb21d04691400779406": "., Oedogonium), a cup (e.g.", "57296cb21d04691400779407": "Chlamydomonas)", "57296d1b1d0469140077940d": "not true\u2014", "57296d1b1d0469140077940e": "fact that chloroplasts are surrounded by a double membrane is often cited as evidence that they are the", "57296d1b1d0469140077940f": "biotic cyanobacteria. This is often interpreted as meaning the outer chloroplast membrane is the product of the host", "57296d8d1d0469140077941d": "compared to the mitochondrial double membrane. This is not a valid comparison\u2014the", "57296d8d1d0469140077941e": "In addition, in terms of function, the inner chloroplast membrane", "57296d8d1d0469140077941f": ". In addition, in terms of function, the inner chloroplast membrane, which regulates metabolite passage and synthesizes some materials", "57296d8d1d04691400779420": "opposite direction compared to", "57296d8d1d04691400779421": "is also often compared to the mitochondrial double membrane. This is not a valid", "57296de03f37b3190047839b": "loplasts in petals and roots, respectively. They may exist to increase the chloroplast's surface area for cross-", "57296de03f37b3190047839c": "plasts. However, there is a growing body of evidence that stromules are functional, integral features of plant cell plastids", "57296de03f37b3190047839d": "strom", "57296de03f37b3190047839e": "s dismissed the structures as artifactual, claiming that stromules were just oddly", "57296e43af94a219006aa3e5": "inner chloroplast", "57296e43af94a219006aa3e6": "chloroplasts contain a structure called the chloroplast peripheral reticulum. It is often found in the chloro", "57296e43af94a219006aa3e7": "continuous with the inner chloroplast membrane that extends into the internal stromal fluid of the chloro", "57296e43af94a219006aa3e8": ", though it has also been found in some C3 angiosperms,", "57296e43af94a219006aa3e9": ". It is often found in the chloroplasts of C4 plants, though it has also been found in some C3", "57296eb01d04691400779435": "s and prokaryotes. Such loss is also rarely observed in other plastids and prokaryotes.", "57296eb01d04691400779436": "the", "57296eb01d04691400779437": "subunit", "57296eb01d04691400779438": "and prokaryotes.", "57296eb01d04691400779439": "around 17 nm vs 25 nm). They take mRNAs transcribed from the chloroplast DNA and translate them into protein", "57296eee6aef051400154e8e": "They are also common in etioplasts, but decrease in", "57296eee6aef051400154e8f": "about 45\u201360 nanometers across. They are surrounded by a lipid monolayer. Plastoglob", "57296eee6aef051400154e90": ". They are surrounded by", "57296eee6aef051400154e91": "are surrounded by a lipid monolayer. Plastoglobuli are found in all chloroplasts,", "57296eee6aef051400154e92": "layer. Plast", "57296f3caf94a219006aa3fb": ". In old or stressed chloroplasts, plastoglobuli tend to occur in linked groups or chains,", "57296f3caf94a219006aa3fc": "occur singularly, attached directly to their parent thylakoid", "57296f3caf94a219006aa3fd": "the vast majority of plastoglobuli occur singularly, attached directly to their parent thylakoid. In old or stressed chloroplasts", "57296f3caf94a219006aa3fe": "in the stroma, but it is now thought that they are permanently attached either to a thylakoid or to another", "57296f85af94a219006aa403": "consist of", "57296f85af94a219006aa404": "electrons, surrounded by two hemispherical starch plates. The starch is accumulated as the py", "57296f85af94a219006aa405": "found in higher plants. Pyrenoids are roughly spherical and highly refractive bodies which are", "57296f85af94a219006aa406": ", or be produced \"de novo\".", "57296f85af94a219006aa407": "Pyrenoids are roughly spherical and highly refractive bodies which are a site of starch", "57296fd71d0469140077943f": "helicoid stromal thy", "57296fd71d04691400779440": "lakoids. The helices", "57296fd71d04691400779441": "a hundred thylakoids, though grana with 10\u201320 thylakoids are most common. Wrapped around the grana are", "57296fd71d04691400779442": "thylakoid space they enclose form", "57296fd71d04691400779443": "of flattened circular granal thylakoids that resemble pancakes. Each granum can contain anywhere from two to a", "5729703d3f37b319004783bb": "the hydrogen ions in the thylakoid space to generate ATP energy as the hydrogen ions", "5729703d3f37b319004783bc": "carotenoids that absorb light energy and use it to energize", "5729703d3f37b319004783bd": "ions into the thylakoid space, decreasing the pH and turning it", "5729703d3f37b319004783be": "the thylakoid space, decreasing the pH and turning it acidic. ATP synthase is a large protein complex that harnesses the concentration gradient of", "5729703d3f37b319004783bf": "contain light-harvesting complexes with chlorophyll and carotenoids that absorb light energy and use it to energize electrons", "572970916aef051400154eba": "\u2014granal thylakoids, which are arranged in grana, and stromal thylakoids, which are in contact with the strom", "572970916aef051400154ebb": "a. The flat tops and bottoms of granal thylak", "572970916aef051400154ebc": "stroma. Granal thylakoids are pancake-shaped circular disks about 300\u2013600 nanometers in diameter.", "572970916aef051400154ebe": "al thylakoids are helicoid sheets that spiral around grana. The flat tops and bottoms", "572970916aef051400154ebd": ". This allows them to stack tightly, forming grana with many layers of tightly appressed", "57297103af94a219006aa423": "synthetic carotenoids. They help transfer and", "57297103af94a219006aa424": "and their bright", "57297103af94a219006aa425": "groups of chloroplasts.", "57297103af94a219006aa426": "n, are also common.", "57297103af94a219006aa427": "that", "5729714daf94a219006aa42d": "chloroplasts. Phycobilins come in all colors, though phycoerytherin is one of the pigments", "5729714daf94a219006aa42e": "Phycobilins are a third group of pigments found in cyanobacteria, and glauc", "5729714daf94a219006aa42f": "lakoid stacking in red algal chloroplasts. Cryptophyte chloroplast", "5729714daf94a219006aa430": "are a third group of", "5729714daf94a219006aa431": "therin is one of the pigments that makes", "572971af6aef051400154ede": "This is a big problem, since O2 is", "572971af6aef051400154edf": "the process of photosynthesis, chloroplasts use an enzyme", "572971af6aef051400154ee0": "big problem, since O2 is produced by the initial light reactions of photosynthesis, causing issues down", "572971af6aef051400154ee1": "end result of ATP energy being wasted and CO2 being released, all with no sugar being produced. This", "572971af6aef051400154ee2": ". This is a big problem, since O2 is produced by the initial light reactions of photosynthesis, causing issues down the line in the", "5729723c6aef051400154ee8": "the stroma where they still carry out cyclic electron flow, a light-driven method of synthesizing ATP to power the Calvin cycle", "5729723c6aef051400154ee9": "rubisco activity. Because", "5729723c6aef051400154eea": "chloroplasts are specialized for the light reactions, so they lack rubisco", "5729723c6aef051400154eeb": "s\u2014though bundle sheath chloroplasts still", "5729723c6aef051400154eec": "-driven method of synthesizing ATP to power the Calvin cycle without generating oxygen. They", "5729729a1d0469140077948b": "chlorophyll in them are what make the photosynthetic parts of a plant green", "5729729a1d0469140077948c": "chyma cells, though chloroplast", "5729729a1d0469140077948d": "s, or more specifically, the chloro", "5729729a1d0469140077948e": "s\u2014the chloroplasts, or more specifically", "5729729a1d0469140077948f": "parts of a plant contain", "572972f46aef051400154ef2": "chlorophyll. Chloroplasts can also be found in the bundle sheath cells of a leaf, especially in C", "572972f46aef051400154ef3": "can contain 30\u201370 chloroplasts per cell, while stomatal guard cells contain only around 8", "572972f46aef051400154ef6": "cti, chloroplasts are found in the stems", "572972f46aef051400154ef4": "a leaf, and the guard cells of stomata", "572972f46aef051400154ef5": "bundle sheath cells of a leaf, especially in C4 plants, which carry out the Calvin cycle in their bundle sheath cells. They are", "5729735c3f37b319004783fb": "evolved to have many small chloroplasts instead of a few big ones. Chloroplast movement is considered one", "5729735c3f37b319004783fc": "ability to distribute chloroplasts so that they can take shelter behind each other", "5729735c3f37b319004783fd": "imizing the surface area to absorb light. Under intense light, they will seek", "5729735c3f37b319004783fe": "edge-on. This reduces exposure and protects them from photooxidative", "5729735c3f37b319004783ff": "chloroplasts so that they can take shelter behind each other or spread out may be the reason why land plants evolved to have many", "572973ccaf94a219006aa449": "species will cause the hypersensitive response. The reactive oxygen species also directly kill any", "572973ccaf94a219006aa44a": "both responses by", "572973ccaf94a219006aa44b": "and systemic acquired resistance, where infected cells release signals warning the rest of the plant of a pathogen's", "572973ccaf94a219006aa44c": "species. High levels of reactive oxygen species will cause the hypersensitive response. The reactive oxygen species", "572973ccaf94a219006aa44d": "oxygen species will cause the hypersensitive response. The reactive", "57297427af94a219006aa453": "as cellular sensors. After detecting stress in a cell, which might be due to a pathogen", "57297427af94a219006aa454": "cellular sensors. After detecting", "57297427af94a219006aa455": "leave the chloroplast, but instead pass", "57297427af94a219006aa456": ", jasm", "572974923f37b3190047840b": "photosynthe", "572974923f37b3190047840c": "chloroplast is its role in photosynthesis, the process by which", "572974923f37b3190047840d": "phases are linked by the energy carriers adenosine triphosphate (ATP)", "572974923f37b3190047840e": ". Water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are used in", "572974923f37b3190047840f": "which builds", "572975073f37b31900478415": "ion gradient to generate ATP energy. The two photosystems capture light energy to energize electrons taken from water, and release them down", "572975073f37b31900478416": "two photosystems capture light energy to energize electrons taken from water, and release them down an electron transport chain. The molecules between the photosystem", "572975073f37b31900478417": "stroma through ATP synthase. ATP synthase", "572975073f37b31900478418": "ia, chloroplasts use the potential energy stored in an H+, or hydrogen", "572975073f37b31900478419": "release them down an electron transport chain. The molecules between the photosystems harness the electrons", "572975511d046914007794a7": "obtain and energize new electrons", "572975511d046914007794a8": "down more H+-pumping electron transport chains to transport more hydrogen ions into the thylakoid space to generate more ATP.", "572975511d046914007794a9": "energize new electrons", "572975511d046914007794aa": "photophosphorylation is common", "572975a3af94a219006aa465": "energy from more ATP, but one out", "572975a3af94a219006aa466": "every", "572975a3af94a219006aa467": "of every six produced leaves the cycle\u2014the end product of the dark reactions", "572975a3af94a219006aa468": "(RuBP) molecules. The result is unstable six-carbon molecules that immediately break down into three-carbon molecules called 3-phosphoglyc", "572976183f37b31900478431": "lakoids. The starch granules displace the thylakoids, but leave them intact. Waterlogged roots can also cause star", "572976183f37b31900478432": "of photosynthesis, and might simply be a side effect of another photosynthesis-depress", "572976183f37b31900478433": "together to make starch, which accumulates into the starch grains", "572976183f37b31900478434": ", the starch grains themselves", "572976183f37b31900478435": "s, possibly due to less sucrose being exported out of the chloro", "572976791d046914007794af": ". These", "572976791d046914007794b0": "can accidentally add O2 instead of CO2 to RuBP. This process reduces the efficiency of photosynthesis\u2014it consumes ATP and oxygen", "572976791d046914007794b1": "oxygen, releases CO2, and produces no sugar. It can waste up to half the carbon fixed by the Calvin cycle. Several", "572976791d046914007794b2": "ula", "572976791d046914007794b3": "ation, and pyrenoids. Chloroplasts in C4 plants are notable as they exhibit a distinct chloroplast dimorphism", "572976cfaf94a219006aa493": "get to where it", "572976cfaf94a219006aa494": "Chloroplasts alone make almost all of", "572976cfaf94a219006aa495": "mitochondria, probably because it has trouble crossing membranes", "572976cfaf94a219006aa496": "nine. Cysteine is made in the chloroplast (the proplast", "57297725af94a219006aa49b": "plastids in root tip meristems\u2014instead, the formation of starch-storing amyloplasts is more common", "57297725af94a219006aa49c": "cell organelle called a plastid, though the two", "57297725af94a219006aa49d": "organelle called a plastid, though the two", "57297725af94a219006aa49e": ". Chloroplast", "5729779b6aef051400154f62": "plasts lack chlorophyll", "5729779b6aef051400154f63": "starts to be produced. This process, where the etioplast becomes a chloroplast, takes several hours. Gymnosperms do", "5729779b6aef051400154f64": "that form a lattice of tubes in their stroma, called a prolamellar body. While etioplasts lack chlorophyll", "5729779b6aef051400154f65": "tubes", "5729779b6aef051400154f66": "ations", "572977fbaf94a219006aa4ad": "chromoplasts, and it is", "572977fbaf94a219006aa4ae": "Starch storing amyloplasts can also be converted to chromoplasts, and it is possible for proplastids", "572977fbaf94a219006aa4af": "s", "572977fbaf94a219006aa4b0": "Starch storing amyloplasts can also be converted to chromoplasts, and it is possible for proplastids to", "572977fbaf94a219006aa4b1": "plastids responsible for the bright colors seen in flowers and ripe fruit. Starch storing", "5729784b1d046914007794c9": "poles of the c", "5729784b1d046914007794ca": "formation there, but near the center of the c", "5729784b1d046914007794cb": "proteins FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 assemble into filaments, and with the help of a protein ARC6, form a structure called a", "5729784b1d046914007794cc": ". These proteins are active at the poles of the chloroplast, preventing", "5729784b1d046914007794cd": "inhibits them, allowing the Z-ring to", "5729789b6aef051400154f6c": "rol\u00e6, chloroplasts have a third plastid-dividing ring located in", "5729789b6aef051400154f6d": "outer plastid-dividing ring is found wrapped around the outer chloroplast membrane. It", "5729789b6aef051400154f6e": "outer plastid", "5729789b6aef051400154f6f": ", and shrinks to squeeze the chloroplast. This is when c", "5729789b6aef051400154f70": "chloroplast. This is when chloroplast constriction begins.\nIn a few species like", "572978e66aef051400154f76": "large dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts. Exposure to white light can stimulate these chloroplasts to divide and reduce the", "572978e66aef051400154f78": ". Chloroplast", "572978e66aef051400154f79": "light to complete division. Spinach", "572978e66aef051400154f77": "dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts. Exposure", "57297991af94a219006aa4b7": "have caught attention by developers of genetically modified", "57297991af94a219006aa4b8": "biological containment strategy is therefore suitable for establishing the coexist", "57297991af94a219006aa4b9": "yet been studied for all relevant crop species, recent results in tobacco plants are promising", "57297991af94a219006aa4ba": "be disseminated by pollen. This makes plastid transformation a valuable tool for the creation and cultivation of genetically modified plants that", "57296d571d04691400779413": "For example, 5", "57296d571d04691400779414": "can be expressed as a product of primes that is unique up to ordering. The uniqueness in this theorem requires excluding 1 as", "57296d571d04691400779415": "number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is called a composite number. For example", "57296d571d04691400779416": "the central role of primes in number theory: any integer greater than 1 can be expressed", "57296d571d04691400779417": "(", "57296f293f37b319004783a3": ". Algorithms much more", "57296f293f37b319004783a4": "division. It consists of testing whether n is a", "57296f293f37b319004783a5": "The property of being", "57296f293f37b319004783a6": "practical. Particularly fast methods are available for numbers of special forms, such as Mersenne numbers. As of January 2016", "57296f293f37b319004783a7": "probability of error, and the AKS primality test, which always produces", "572970c11d04691400779463": ", that is to say, the statistical behaviour of primes in the", "572970c11d04691400779464": "number theorem, proven at the end of the 19th century, which says that the probability that a given, randomly chosen number n", "572970c11d04691400779465": "of the 19th century, which says that the probability that a given, randomly chosen number n is prime is inversely", "572970c11d04691400779466": ",", "572970c11d04691400779467": "numbers. However, the distribution of primes, that is to say, the statistical behaviour of primes in the large, can", "5729727baf94a219006aa437": ". Such questions spurred the development of various branches of number theory", "5729727baf94a219006aa438": "factoring large numbers into their prime factors. Prime numbers give rise to various generalizations in other mathematical domains, mainly algebra, such as prime elements", "5729727baf94a219006aa439": "large numbers into their prime factors. Prime numbers give rise to various generalizations in", "5729727baf94a219006aa43a": "the sum of two primes), and the twin prime conjecture (that there are infinitely many pairs of", "5729727baf94a219006aa43b": "prime factors. Prime numbers", "572973f76aef051400154f0a": "larger than 5 end in 1, 3, 7", "572973f76aef051400154f0b": "4. No even number greater than 2 is prime because by definition, any such number n has at least three distinct divi", "572973f76aef051400154f0c": "2 is prime because by definition, any such number n has at least three distinct divisor", "572973f76aef051400154f0d": "the usual decimal system, all prime numbers larger than 5 end in 1, 3, 7, or 9, since even", "572973f76aef051400154f0e": "that n is not prime.", "57297547af94a219006aa45b": "to be a prime. For example, Derrick Norman Lehmer's", "57297547af94a219006aa45c": "Lebesgue is said to be the last professional mathematician to call 1 prime.", "57297547af94a219006aa45d": "of primes up to 10,006,721, reprinted as late as 1956, started with 1 as its first prime.", "57297547af94a219006aa45e": "By the Middle Ages and Renaissance many mathematicians included 1 as the", "57297547af94a219006aa45f": ", so they could not consider it to be a prime. By the", "57297781af94a219006aa4a3": "a prime, these two presentations would be considered different factorizations of", "57297781af94a219006aa4a4": "prime, these two presentations would be considered different", "57297781af94a219006aa4a6": "prime, but Euclid's fundamental theorem of arithmetic (mentioned above) would not hold as stated.", "57297781af94a219006aa4a5": ", all other numbers) and produce as", "57297781af94a219006aa4a7": "(that is, all other numbers) and", "572978f91d046914007794d3": "perfect number from a Mersenne prime. The", "572978f91d046914007794d4": "the explicit study of prime numbers come from the Ancient Greeks. Euclid's Elements (circa 300 BC) contain important", "572978f91d046914007794d5": "Mersenne prime. The Sie", "572978f91d046914007794d6": "knowledge of prime numbers: the Egyptian fraction expansions in the Rhind papyrus, for instance, have quite different forms for primes and for", "572978f91d046914007794d7": "theorems about primes, including the infinitude of primes and the", "57297a276aef051400154f88": "Fermat also conjectured that all numbers of the form 22n + 1 are prime (they are called Fermat numbers) and he verified", "57297a276aef051400154f89": "in his honor", "57297a276aef051400154f8a": "Marin Mersenne looked at primes of the form 2p \u2212 1, with p a prime. They are called M", "57297a276aef051400154f8c": "a prime. They are called Mersenne primes in his honor", "57297a276aef051400154f8b": "verified this up to n = 4 (or 216 + 1). However, the very next Fermat", "57297bc9af94a219006aa4c7": "these numbers divides 37, so 37 is prime. This routine can be implemented more efficiently if a complete list of primes up to is known\u2014", "57297bc9af94a219006aa4c8": "37, only three divisions are necessary (m = 2", "57297bc9af94a219006aa4c9": "or equal to the square root of n. If the result of any of these divisions is an integer,", "57297bc9af94a219006aa4cb": "equal to the square root of n. If the result of any of these divisions is an integer, then n is not a", "57297bc9af94a219006aa4ca": ", the trial divisions are by m = 2, 3, 4, 5, and", "57297d421d046914007794e5": "n times and pass every time, then the probability that our number is composite is 1/(1-p)", "57297d421d046914007794e6": "For example, trial division is a deterministic algorithm because, if performed correctly, it will always identify a prime number as prime and a composite", "57297d421d046914007794e7": "not completely prove that a number is prime", "57297d421d046914007794e8": "only", "57297d421d046914007794e9": "ly with the number of tests, so we can be as sure as we like (though never perfectly sure) that the number is prime.", "57297ed93f37b3190047845f": "tic test is the Fermat primal", "57297ed93f37b31900478460": "can be useful for practical purposes. More powerful extensions of the Fermat primal", "57297ed93f37b31900478461": "test, which", "57297ed93f37b31900478462": "has no way of distinguishing between prime numbers and Carmichael numbers. Carmichael numbers are substantially rarer than prime numbers, though", "57297ed93f37b31900478463": "A particularly simple example of a probabilistic test is the Fermat primality test, which relies on the fact (Fer", "572980f9af94a219006aa4d1": "this form are known as factorial primes. Other primes where either p + 1 or", "572980f9af94a219006aa4d2": "\u2212 1, where p is an arbitrary prime. The Lucas\u2013Lehmer test is particularly fast for numbers of this form", "572980f9af94a219006aa4d3": "this form are known as factorial", "572980f9af94a219006aa4d4": "2p \u2212 1, where", "572980f9af94a219006aa4d5": "\u2212 1, where p is an arbitrary prime. The Lucas", "572982e66aef051400154f92": "offers $150,000 and $250,000 for primes", "572982e66aef051400154f93": "table gives the largest known primes of the mentioned types. Some of these primes have been found using distributed computing.", "572982e66aef051400154f94": "256k for", "572982e66aef051400154f95": "the largest known primes of the mentioned types. Some of these primes have been found using distributed computing. In 2009,", "572982e76aef051400154f96": "2009, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search project was awarded a US$100,000 prize for first discovering a prime with at least", "572985011d04691400779501": "the floor function, i.e., largest integer not greater", "572985011d04691400779502": "), which states that there always exists at least one prime number", "572985011d04691400779503": "based on Wilson's theorem and generates the number 2 many times and all", "572985011d04691400779504": "empty", "572985011d04691400779505": "are prime for any natural number n.", "572987e46aef051400154fa2": "all primes congruent", "572987e46aef051400154fa3": "only when a and q are coprime, i.e., their", "572987e46aef051400154fa4": "is satisfied", "572987e46aef051400154fa5": "primes. The picture below illustrates this with q = 9: the numbers are", "572987e46aef051400154fa6": "s only", "572989846aef051400154fc0": "aforementioned fact that there are infinitely many primes can also be seen using the zeta function: if there", "572989846aef051400154fc1": "s then \u03b6(1) would have a finite value. However, the harmonic series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4", "572989846aef051400154fc2": "the harmonic series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... diverge", "572989846aef051400154fc3": "the richness of the zeta function and a glimpse of modern algebraic number theory is the", "572989846aef051400154fc4": "a finite value. However, the harmonic series 1 + 1/2 + 1", "57298ef11d0469140077952d": "s = \u22122, \u22124, ..., all zeroes of the \u03b6-function have real part equal", "57298ef11d0469140077952e": "states that the irregularity in the distribution of prime", "57298ef11d0469140077952f": "(about x/log x", "57298ef11d04691400779530": "ification needed] From a physical viewpoint, it roughly states that the irregularity in", "57298ef11d04691400779531": "needed] From a physical viewpoint, it roughly states that the irregularity in the distribution of", "57299021af94a219006aa50c": "prime and a semiprime, the product of two primes", "57299021af94a219006aa50b": ". As of February 2011[update], this conjecture has been verified for all numbers up to n", "57299021af94a219006aa50d": "elementary formulation, many of these conjectures have withstood a proof for decades:", "57299021af94a219006aa50e": "s theorem says that every sufficiently large even number can be expressed as the sum", "57299021af94a219006aa50f": "a semiprime, the product of two prime", "572991943f37b319004784a1": "of consecutive primes greater than 2. Legendre's conjecture states that there is a prime number between", "572991943f37b319004784a2": "the distribution of primes. It is conjectured that there are infinitely many twin primes, pairs of primes with difference 2 (t", "572991943f37b319004784a3": "(n + 1", "572991943f37b319004784a4": "'s conjecture", "572991943f37b319004784a5": "pairs of primes with difference 2 (twin prime conjecture). Pol", "57299326af94a219006aa515": ". H. Hardy prided themselves on doing work that had absolutely no military significance. However, this vision was", "57299326af94a219006aa516": "shattered in the 1970s, when it was publicly announced that prime numbers could be", "57299326af94a219006aa517": "wear evenly. In particular, number theorists such as", "57299326af94a219006aa518": "that prime numbers could be used as the basis for the creation of public key cryptography algorithms. Prime numbers are also used for hash", "57299326af94a219006aa519": "of studying the topic with the exception", "572995d46aef051400154fe8": "s little theorem is the following: if p is a prime number other than 2", "572995d46aef051400154fe9": "a recurring decimal, whose period is p \u2212 1 or a d", "572995d46aef051400154fea": "is p \u2212 1 or a", "572995d46aef051400154feb": "a divisor of p \u2212 1. The fraction 1", "572995d46aef051400154fec": "uga's conjecture says that this equation is also a sufficient condition for p to be prime. Another consequence", "572996c73f37b319004784b3": "-key cryptography algorithms, such as RSA", "572996c73f37b319004784b4": "iation, while the reverse operation the discrete l", "572996c73f37b319004784b5": "easier (i.e., more efficient) to perform the multiplication of two (", "572996c73f37b319004784b6": "y than to calculate x and y", "572996c73f37b319004784b7": "while the reverse operation the discrete logarithm", "572998673f37b319004784d5": "Magicicadas. If Magicicadas appeared at a non-prime number intervals, say every 12 years, then predators", "572998673f37b319004784d6": "and then die after a few weeks at most. The", "572998673f37b319004784d7": "year cicadas would be up", "572998673f37b319004784d8": "s. Though small, this advantage appears to have been", "572998673f37b319004784d9": "cadas of the genus Magicicada make use of prime numbers", "57299a6f6aef051400155016": "of a field F containing both 0 and 1. It is", "57299a6f6aef051400155017": "containing both 0 and 1. It is either Q or the finite field with p elements, whence the name. Often a", "57299a6f6aef051400155019": "of mathematics. Generally, \"prime\" indicates", "57299a6f6aef05140015501a": "0 and 1. It is either Q or the finite field with p elements, whence the name", "57299a6f6aef051400155018": "is intended by using the word prime, namely", "57299c2c6aef051400155020": ". An element", "57299c2c6aef051400155021": ", subtraction and multiplication", "57299c2c6aef051400155022": "An element is irreducible if", "57299c2c6aef051400155023": "is irreducible if it is not a unit and cannot be written as a product of two ring elements that are not", "57299c2c6aef051400155024": "Z of integers, the set", "57299d1c1d04691400779581": "s. Not every prime (in Z) is a Gaussian prime: in the bigger ring Z[i], 2", "57299d1c1d04691400779582": "in Z) of the form 4k + 3 are Gaussian primes, whereas rational prime", "57299d1c1d04691400779583": "and a and b are arbitrary integers. Its prime", "57299d1c1d04691400779584": "e.", "57299d1c1d04691400779585": "ssian primes, whereas rational primes of the", "57299ec43f37b3190047850d": "arithmetic generalizes to the Lasker\u2013Noether theorem, which expresses every ideal in a Noetherian comm", "57299ec43f37b3190047850e": "in commutative algebra, algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. The prime ideals of the ring of integers are the ideals (", "57299ec43f37b3190047850f": "of", "57299ec43f37b31900478510": "izes to the Lasker", "57299ec43f37b31900478511": ", (2), (3), (5),", "5729a03f1d04691400779593": "extension field, a basic problem of algebraic number theory, bears some resemblance with ramification in geometry", "5729a03f1d04691400779594": "a basic problem of algebraic number theory, bears some resemblance with ramification in geometry. Such ramification questions occur even in number-theoretic", "5729a03f1d04691400779595": "ification questions occur even in number-theoretic questions solely concerned with integer", "5729a03f1d04691400779596": "both geometry and number theory. For example, factorization or ramification of", "5729a26d6aef05140015505a": "completing Q (rough", "5729a26d6aef05140015505b": "owski's", "5729a26d6aef05140015505c": "to the p-adic", "5729a26d6aef05140015505d": "the p-adic norm |\u2212|p yields the field of p-adic numbers. These are essentially all possible ways to complete", "5729a3716aef05140015506a": "de rythme (1949\u2013", "5729a3716aef05140015506b": "\"Neumes rythmiques\". According to Messiaen this way of composing was \"inspired by the", "5729a3716aef05140015506c": "rythmiques\". According to Messiaen this way of composing was \"inspired by the movements of nature, movements", "5729a3716aef05140015506d": "\"Neumes rythmiques\". According to Messiaen this way of composing was \"", "5729a3716aef05140015506e": ") and", "572f5533a23a5019007fc55b": "Swiss canton", "572f5533a23a5019007fc55c": "chtenstein border, Swiss-German and then", "572f5533a23a5019007fc55d": "Alps, forms part of", "572f5533a23a5019007fc55e": "50,000 people. It is the second-longest river in Central and Western Europe (after the Danube), at about 1,230 km (", "572f5533a23a5019007fc55f": "eventually empties into the North Sea in the Netherlands. The biggest city on the river", "572fe1d404bcaa1900d76e37": ". It", "572fe1d404bcaa1900d76e3a": "second-longest river in Central and Western Europe (after the Danube), at about 1,230", "572fe1d404bcaa1900d76e3b": "eventually empties into the North Sea in the Netherlands. The biggest city on the river", "572f55e8a23a5019007fc56b": "hongized Rhei", "572f55e8a23a5019007fc56c": ".", "572f55e8a23a5019007fc56d": "i- is due to the Proto-Germanic adoption", "572f55e8a23a5019007fc56e": "in German Rhein and French Rhin is due to the influence of Greek orthography, while the vocalisation", "572fe288a23a5019007fcad7": "spelling with Rh- in English Rhine as well as in German Rhein and French Rhin", "572fe288a23a5019007fcad8": "Rhine", "572fe288a23a5019007fcada": "the name of the Rhine in modern languages are all derived from the Gaulish name R\u0113nos, which was adapted in Roman-era geography (", "572fe288a23a5019007fcad9": "z, via Old Frankish giving Old English R\u00edn, Old High", "572fe288a23a5019007fcadb": "forms of the name of the Rhine in modern languages are all derived from the Gaul", "572f567cb2c2fd140056803f": "measure objectively; it", "572f567cb2c2fd1400568040": "by the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat in 2010", "572f567cb2c2fd1400568041": "to the inclusion of Lake Constance and the Alpine Rhine is more difficult to measure objectively; it was cited as 1,232 kilometres", "572f567cb2c2fd1400568042": "(1036.20 km). The river length is significantly shortened from the river's natural course due to number of canalisation", "572f567cb2c2fd1400568043": "] The \"total length of the Rhine\", to the inclusion of Lake Constance and the Alpine Rhine is more difficult", "572fe393947a6a140053cdba": "(1036.20 km). The river length is significantly shortened from the river's natural course due", "572fe393947a6a140053cdbb": "] The \"total length of the Rhine\", to the inclusion of Lake Constance and the Alpine Rhine is more difficult", "572fe393947a6a140053cdbc": "at in 2010.[note 1", "572fe393947a6a140053cdbe": "the inclusion of Lake Constance and the Alpine Rhine is more difficult to measure objectively; it was", "572fe393947a6a140053cdbd": "Rijkswater", "572f5703a23a5019007fc573": "part of the Swiss canton of Graub\u00fcnden, and later forms the border between Switzerland to the West and Liechtenstein", "572f5703a23a5019007fc574": "wide glacial alpine valley known as the Rhine Valley (", "572f5703a23a5019007fc575": "section is nearly 86 km long, and descends from", "572f5703a23a5019007fc576": "Chur", "572f5703a23a5019007fc577": "known as the Rhine Valley (German: Rheintal). Near Sargans a natural dam, only a few", "572fe41e04bcaa1900d76e4b": "s-Reichenau the Anterior", "572fe41e04bcaa1900d76e4c": "(German: Rheintal). Near Sargans a natural dam, only a few metres high, prevents it from", "572fe41e04bcaa1900d76e4d": "Aare. The Alpine Rhine begins in the most western part of the Swiss canton of Grau", "572fe41e04bcaa1900d76e4e": "Aare. The Alpine Rhine begins in the most western", "572fe41e04bcaa1900d76e4f": "are. The Alpine Rhine begins in the most", "572f57c704bcaa1900d7686d": "Many local fields have an official name", "572f57c704bcaa1900d7686e": "formed small islands by", "572f57c704bcaa1900d7686f": "delta is a nature reserve and bird", "572f57c704bcaa1900d76870": "au, H\u00f6chst and Fu\u00dfach.", "572f57c704bcaa1900d76871": "and Fu\u00dfach.", "572fe4a304bcaa1900d76e55": "nature reserve and bird sanctuary. It includes the Austrian towns of Gai\u00dfau, H\u00f6chst", "572fe4a304bcaa1900d76e56": "Constance forms an", "572fe4a304bcaa1900d76e57": "of the Rhine into Lake Constance forms an inland delta. The delta is delimited in the West by the Alter Rhein (", "572fe4a304bcaa1900d76e58": "\"). Many local fields have an official name containing this", "572fe4a304bcaa1900d76e59": "also the local pronunciation of Esel (\"Donkey\"). Many local", "572f5875947a6a140053c89a": ". It is expected that the continuous input of sediment into the lake will", "572f5875947a6a140053c89b": "be diverted, too, and it now", "572f5875947a6a140053c89c": "A regulation of the", "572f5875947a6a140053c89d": "happened to the former Lake", "572f5875947a6a140053c89e": "It is expected that the continuous input of sediment into the", "572fe53104bcaa1900d76e69": "called for, with an upper canal near Diepoldsau and a lower canal at Fu\u00dfach, in order to counteract the constant", "572fe53104bcaa1900d76e6b": "the constant flooding and strong sedimentation in the western Rhine Delta. The Dornbirner Ach had to", "572fe53104bcaa1900d76e6a": "and a lower canal at Fu\u00dfach, in order to", "572fe53104bcaa1900d76e6c": "the lake will silt", "572fe53104bcaa1900d76e6d": "lower canal at Fu", "572f58d9a23a5019007fc57d": "s lie in the German states of Bavaria and Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg, the Austrian state of Vorarlberg", "572f58d9a23a5019007fc580": "states of Bavaria and Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg, the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, and the Swiss cantons", "572f58d9a23a5019007fc57e": "), and a connecting stretch of the Rhine, called the Seerhein (\"", "572f58d9a23a5019007fc581": "Austrian state of Vorarlberg, and the Swiss cantons of Thurgau and St. Gallen. The Rhine", "572f58d9a23a5019007fc57f": "Austrian border. It is located at approximately 47\u00b039\u2032N 9\u00b019\u2032E\ufeff /", "572fe60fb2c2fd140056858b": "s lie in the German states of Bavaria and Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg, the Austrian state of Vorarlberg", "572fe60fb2c2fd140056858c": "canton", "572fe60fb2c2fd140056858d": "Rhine\"). The lake is situated in Germany, Switzerland and Austria near the Alps. Specifically, its shorelines lie in the", "572fe60fb2c2fd140056858e": "of Thurgau and St. Gallen. The Rhine flows", "572fe60fb2c2fd140056858f": "\"). The lake is situated in Germany, Switzerland and Austria near", "572f59b4a23a5019007fc587": "the Rhine water abruptly falls into the depths because of the greater density of cold water. The flow reappears on the", "572f59b4a23a5019007fc58a": ", off the island of Lindau. The water then follows the northern shore until", "572f59b4a23a5019007fc588": "the greater density of cold water. The flow reappears on the surface at", "572f59b4a23a5019007fc58b": "the Rhine water abruptly falls into the depths because of the greater density of cold water. The flow reappears on the surface at", "572f59b4a23a5019007fc589": "A small fraction of the flow is diverted off the island of Mainau into Lake \u00dc", "572fe92204bcaa1900d76e95": "Most of the water flows via the Constance hopper into the Rheinrinne (\"Rhine Gutter\") and See", "572fe92204bcaa1900d76e96": "the Rhine", "572fe92204bcaa1900d76e97": "Most of the water flows via the Constance hopper into the Rheinrinne", "572fe92204bcaa1900d76e98": "Rheinrinne (\"", "572fe92204bcaa1900d76e99": "mountain water continues for some distance into the", "572f609ca23a5019007fc5af": "fifth of the discharge at the Dutch border. The Aare also contains the waters from the 4,", "572f609ca23a5019007fc5b0": "Rhine Falls, and is joined by its major tributary, the river Aare. The Aare more than doubles the", "572f609ca23a5019007fc5b1": ". The Rhine roughly forms the German-Swiss border from Lake Constance with the exceptions of the canton of Schaffhausen and parts of the canton", "572f609ca23a5019007fc5b2": "than doubles the Rhine's water discharge, to an average of nearly 1,000 m3/s (35,000 cu ft/s), and", "572f609ca23a5019007fc5b3": "the highest point of the Rhine basin. The Rhine roughly forms", "572fe9b3947a6a140053cde0": ". The", "572fe9b3947a6a140053cde1": "-Stadt, until it turns north at the so-called Rhine knee at Basel, leaving Switzerland", "572fe9b3947a6a140053cde2": "steraarhorn, the highest point of the Rhine basin. The Rhine", "572fe9b3947a6a140053cde3": "hausen and parts of the cantons of Z\u00fcrich and Basel-Stadt, until", "572fe9b3947a6a140053cde4": "the Rhine basin. The Rhine roughly forms the German-Swiss border from Lake Constance", "572f60f4947a6a140053c8ea": "The most important tributaries in this area are the Ill below of", "572f60f4947a6a140053c8eb": "between High and Upper", "572f60f4947a6a140053c8ec": "overall direction of the Rhine changes from West to North. Here the High Rhine ends. Legally, the Central Bridge is the boundary", "572f60f4947a6a140053c8ed": "Central Bridge is the boundary between High and Upper Rhine. The river now flows North as Upper Rhine through the Upper Rhine", "572f60f4947a6a140053c8ee": "the first major city in the course of the stream,", "572fec30947a6a140053cdf2": "In Mainz, the Rhine leaves the Upper Rhine Valley and flows", "572fec30947a6a140053cdf3": "is located the \"Rhine knee\"; this is a major bend, where the overall direction of the Rhine changes from West", "572fec30947a6a140053cdf4": "Ill below of Strasbourg, the Neckar in Mannheim and the Main across from Mainz. In", "572fec30947a6a140053cdf5": "Here the High Rhine ends. Legally, the Central Bridge is", "572fec30947a6a140053cdf6": "which is about 300 km long and up to 40 km wide. The most important", "572f64ccb2c2fd14005680b7": "decreased sharply. On the", "572f64ccb2c2fd14005680b8": "ing program in the", "572f64ccb2c2fd14005680b9": "in the 19th Century. The rate of flow was increased and the ground water level fell significantly.", "572f64ccb2c2fd14005680ba": "the traffic. In some places, there are large compensation pools, for", "572f64ccb2c2fd14005680bb": "compensation pools, for example the huge Bassin de compensation de Plobsheim in Al", "572feddda23a5019007fcb5b": "On the French side, the Grand Canal d'Alsace was dug, which carries a significant part of", "572feddda23a5019007fcb5c": "19th Century. The rate of flow was increased and the ground water level fell significantly. Dead branches dried up and", "572feddda23a5019007fcb5d": "forests on the flood plains decreased sharply. On the French side", "572feddda23a5019007fcb5e": "was changed significantly", "572feddda23a5019007fcb5f": "of flow was increased and the ground water level fell significantly. Dead", "572f65e9b2c2fd14005680cc": "ar, the Main and, later, the Moselle, which contributes an average discharge of more than 300 m", "572f65e9b2c2fd14005680cd": "the Rhine via the Moselle. As it approaches the Dutch border", "572f65e9b2c2fd14005680cb": "Germany.", "572f65e9b2c2fd14005680ce": "uplands. Most of Luxembourg and a very small part of Belgium also drain to the Rhine via the Mos", "572f65e9b2c2fd14005680cf": "lands. Most of Luxembourg", "572ff07304bcaa1900d76ef5": "/s). Northeastern France drains to the Rhine via the Mos", "572ff07304bcaa1900d76ef6": "3/s (81,000 cu ft/s) and an average width of 400 m (", "572ff07304bcaa1900d76ef7": "elle. As it approaches the Dutch border", "572ff07304bcaa1900d76ef8": "ft/s). Northeastern France drains to the Rhine via the Moselle; smaller rivers drain", "572ff07304bcaa1900d76ef9": "2,290 m3/s (81,000 cu ft/s) and an average width of 400 m (", "572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5eb": "which is known for its many castles", "572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5ec": "the Middle Rhine flows through", "572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5ed": ", with", "572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5ee": "and Bonn, the Middle Rhine flows through the Rhine", "572ff12e04bcaa1900d76eff": "quite deep and is the stretch of the river which is known for its many castles and vineyards. It is a UNESCO World Heritage", "572ff12e04bcaa1900d76f00": "river which is known for its many castles and vineyards. It is a UNESCO World Heritage", "572ff12e04bcaa1900d76f02": "and vineyards. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (2002) and known as \"the Romantic Rhine", "572ff12e04bcaa1900d76f03": "s and vineyards. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (2002) and known as \"the Romantic Rhine\", with more", "572f6c85947a6a140053c940": "the river passes the major cities of Cologne, D\u00fcsseldorf and Duisburg. Duisburg is the home of Europe's", "572f6c85947a6a140053c942": ". Duisburg is the home of Europe's largest inland port and", "572f6c85947a6a140053c943": "region with drinking water. It contributes 70 m3/s (", "572f6c85947a6a140053c944": "is along the Lower Rhine that the bulk of them are concentrated, as the", "572f6c85947a6a140053c941": "the major cities of Cologne, D\u00fcsseldorf and Duisburg. Duisburg is", "572ff293947a6a140053ce52": "transition from heavy industry to light industry and cleanup measures, such as the reforestation of Slag and brownfields.", "572ff293947a6a140053ce53": "of them are concentrated, as the river passes the major cities of", "572ff293947a6a140053ce54": "passes the major cities of Cologne, D\u00fcsseldorf and Duisburg. Dui", "572ff293947a6a140053ce55": "cu ft/s) to the Rhine. Other rivers in the Ruhr Area, above all", "572ff293947a6a140053ce56": ", thanks to a combination of stricter environmental controls, a transition from heavy industry to light", "572f6ec7a23a5019007fc621": "slopes full of vines, settlements crowded on the narrow river banks", "572f6ec7a23a5019007fc622": "settlements crowded on the narrow river banks and scores of castles lined up along the top of the steep slopes, the Middle Rhine", "572f6ec7a23a5019007fc623": "slopes full of vines, settlements crowded on the narrow river banks and scores", "572f6ec7a23a5019007fc624": "s", "572ff35f947a6a140053ce66": "monuments, the slopes full of vines, settlements crowded on the narrow river banks and scores of", "572ff35f947a6a140053ce67": "Rhine Gorge between R\u00fcde", "572ff35f947a6a140053ce68": "scores of castles lined up along the top of the", "572ff35f947a6a140053ce69": "are viniculture and tourism. The", "572ff35f947a6a140053ce6a": "around the famous rock Lorelei. With its outstanding architectural monuments, the slopes full of vines, settlements crowded on the narrow river banks and", "572f7588947a6a140053c984": "in particular the agglomerations Cologne, D\u00fcsseldorf and Ruhr area.", "572f7588947a6a140053c985": "Duisburg with the largest river", "572f7588947a6a140053c986": "the most important cities in this region is Dui", "572f7588947a6a140053c987": "urbation in Germany, the Rhine-Ruhr region. One of the most important cities in this region is Duisburg", "572f7588947a6a140053c988": "E", "572ff430a23a5019007fcba9": ". One of the most important cities in this region is Duisburg with the", "572ff430a23a5019007fcbaa": ". The region downstream", "572ff430a23a5019007fcbab": "Ruhr region. One of the most important cities in this region is Duisburg with the largest river port in Europe (", "572ff430a23a5019007fcbac": "Ruhr region. One of the most", "572ff430a23a5019007fcbad": "-Datteln Canal, which runs parallel to the Lippe. Between Emmerich and Cleves the Emmerich Rhine Bridge", "572f76d1b2c2fd1400568154": "off, near Hardinxveld-Giessendam and continues as the Noord, to join the Lek, near the village", "572f76d1b2c2fd1400568153": "the Lek, near the village of Kinder", "572f76d1b2c2fd1400568155": "Scheur and the Nieuwe Waterweg, to the North Sea. The Oude Maas branches off, near Dordrecht, farther", "572ff4ca04bcaa1900d76f24": "the main flow of water. Two thirds of the water flow volume", "572ff4ca04bcaa1900d76f25": "From here, the situation becomes more complicated, as the Dutch name", "572ff4ca04bcaa1900d76f26": "de and Nieuwe", "572ff4ca04bcaa1900d76f27": "past Rotterdam and continues via Het Scheur and the Nieuwe Waterweg, to the North Sea. The", "572f7b33947a6a140053c9a2": "its name and becomes", "572f7b33947a6a140053c9a3": "becomes the Lek. It flows farther west, to rejoin the Noord", "572f7b33947a6a140053c9a4": "of the water flow of the Rhine north into", "572f7b33947a6a140053c9a5": "to rejoin the Noord River into the Nieuwe", "572ff56304bcaa1900d76f2d": "Nieuwe Maas and to the", "572ff56304bcaa1900d76f2e": "empty", "572ff56304bcaa1900d76f2f": "Nederrij", "572ff56304bcaa1900d76f30": "farther west, to rejoin the No", "572ff56304bcaa1900d76f31": "e, the Nederrijn changes its name and becomes the Lek", "572ff5fcb2c2fd1400568657": ", the course of which now lies", "572ff5fcb2c2fd1400568658": "is used only for smaller streams farther to the north, which together formed the main river Rhine in Roman times.", "572ff5fcb2c2fd1400568659": "they", "572ff5fcb2c2fd140056865a": "Leiden\") and then, Oude Rijn (\"Old Rhine\"", "572ff5fcb2c2fd140056865b": "ijn, from here on, is used only for smaller streams farther to the north, which together formed the main river Rhine in Roman times", "572ff673b2c2fd1400568669": "euse Delta, the most important natural region of the Netherlands begins near Millingen aan de", "572ff673b2c2fd140056866a": "delta where the Rhine flows into Lake Constance, so it is clearer to call the", "572ff673b2c2fd140056866b": "Rhine-Meuse delta, or even Rhine\u2013Meuse\u2013Scheldt delta, as", "572ff7ab04bcaa1900d76f51": "forming Nieuwe Maas. The northern flow keeps the name IJssel until it flows into Lake IJsselme", "572ff7ab04bcaa1900d76f52": "), Nieuwe Maas (\"New Meuse\"), Het Scheur (\"the Rip\") and Nieuw", "572ff7ab04bcaa1900d76f53": "n. This creates three main flows, two of which change names rather often. The largest and southern main branch begins as Wa", "572ff7ab04bcaa1900d76f55": "branch where it changes from Boven to Beneden Merwe", "572ff7ab04bcaa1900d76f54": "(\"the Rip\") and Nieuwe Water", "572ff83ab2c2fd1400568681": "1421 to", "572ff83ab2c2fd1400568682": "St. Elizabeth's flood (1421), the Meuse flowed just south of today's line Merwede", "572ff83ab2c2fd1400568683": "lock and diverted into a new outlet called \"Bergse", "572ff83ab2c2fd1400568685": "formed an archipelago-like estuary with Waal and Lek. This system of numerous bays", "572ff83ab2c2fd1400568684": "through", "572ff890a23a5019007fcbce": "s now separated from the sea, in five places, namely at the mouths of", "572ff890a23a5019007fcbcf": "changed the Delta in the second half of the 20th Century fundamentally. Currently Rhine", "572ff890a23a5019007fcbcd": "and smaller rivers and streams. Many rivers", "572ff890a23a5019007fcbd0": "of the current delta is characterized by the delta's main arms, disconnected", "572ff935b2c2fd140056869b": "huge areas of land into the sea", "572ff935b2c2fd140056869c": "rivers, but also by tidal currents. This meant that high tide formed a serious risk because", "572ff935b2c2fd140056869d": "delta, shaped not only by the sedimentation of the rivers, but", "572ff935b2c2fd140056869e": "construction of the Delta Works, tidal influence was palpable up to Nijmegen", "572ffa79a23a5019007fcbe9": "plates were caught in the squeeze and rotated or were pushed laterally, generating the individual features of Mediterranean geography: Iberia pushed", "572ffa79a23a5019007fcbeb": ", the mountains of Greece and", "572ffa79a23a5019007fcbec": "moving west, the mountains of Greece and the islands. The compression and", "572ffa79a23a5019007fcbea": "thys Ocean, between the Eurasian", "572ffa79a23a5019007fcbed": "the", "572ffb02b2c2fd14005686b7": "At that time, it did not yet carry discharge from the Alps; instead, the watersheds of the Rhone and Danube drained the northern flanks", "572ffb02b2c2fd14005686b8": "eastern France and the Lower Rhine Embayment, in northwest Germany", "572ffb02b2c2fd14005686b9": "Upper Rhine Graben, that continued northward and is considered the first", "572ffb02b2c2fd14005686ba": "in northwest Germany and the southeastern Netherlands. By the time of the Miocene, a river system had developed in the Upper Rhine Graben, that continued northward", "572ffc0f947a6a140053cef0": "watershed southward. By the Pliocene period, the Rhine had captured", "572ffc0f947a6a140053cef1": "ar.", "572ffc0f947a6a140053cef2": ", the Rhine had captured most of its current Alpine watershed from the Rh\u00f4ne, including the Aar. Since that time", "572ffce5a23a5019007fcc15": "diverted through the English Channel. Since then, during glacial times, the river mouth was located offshore of Brest, France and rivers, like", "572ffce5a23a5019007fcc16": "margins became exposed.", "572ffce5a23a5019007fcc17": "ft) and much of the continental margins became exposed. In the Early Pleistocene, the Rhine followed a", "572ffce5a23a5019007fcc18": "This", "572ffce5a23a5019007fcc19": "North", "572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e5": "the end of the Pleistocene (~11,600 BP). In northwest Europe, it saw two very", "572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e6": "phases, peaking around 70,000 BP and around 29,000\u201324,000", "572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e7": "mainly because sea level was approximately 120 m", "572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e8": "through the English Channel and finally, to the Atlantic Ocean. The English Channel, the Irish Channel and most of the North Sea were dry land, mainly", "572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e9": "Netherlands and extended", "572fff45947a6a140053cf26": "have been a glacier. A tundra", "572fff45947a6a140053cf27": "; although, its source must still have been a glacier. A tundra", "572fff45947a6a140053cf28": "to the Atlantic Ocean. Such was the case during the Last G", "572fff45947a6a140053cf29": "to the Atlantic Ocean.", "572fff45947a6a140053cf2a": "Age; although, its source must still have been a glacier. A tundra, with Ice Age flora", "572fffb404bcaa1900d76fef": ", adding to the ocean and land subsidence, drowned the former coasts", "572fffb404bcaa1900d76ff0": ", to open forest, began about 13,000 BP. By 9000 BP,", "572fffb404bcaa1900d76ff1": "alpine glaciers began to thaw and fall-winter snow covers melted in spring. Much of the discharge was routed to the Rhine and its downstream extension", "572fffb404bcaa1900d76ff2": "to the", "572fffb404bcaa1900d76ff3": "As northwest Europe slowly began to warm up from 22,000 years ago", "573003dd947a6a140053cf42": "rising, at the rate of about 1", "573003dd947a6a140053cf43": "or", "573003dd947a6a140053cf44": "coastal processes together,", "573003dd947a6a140053cf45": "compensate the transgression by the sea; in the last 7000 years, the coast line was roughly", "573003dd947a6a140053cf46": "so far, that natural sedimentation by the Rhine and coastal processes together, could compensate the transgression by the sea; in the", "5730042804bcaa1900d77011": "plain. As sea-level continued to rise in", "5730042804bcaa1900d77014": "euse delta began", "5730042804bcaa1900d77012": "its ice-age braidplain. As sea-level continued to rise in the Netherlands, the formation of the Holocene", "5730042804bcaa1900d77013": "level rise and tectonic", "57300580b2c2fd140056874d": "yr BP (= years Before Present), human impact is seen in the delta. As", "57300580b2c2fd140056874f": "growth has sped up. This caused increased flooding and sedimentation, ending peat formation in the delta. The shifting of", "57300580b2c2fd140056874e": "times onward", "57300580b2c2fd1400568751": "approximately 80 avulsions", "57300580b2c2fd1400568750": "delta started with peat mining, for salt and fuel, from Roman times onward. This was followed by embankment, of the major distribu", "5730069004bcaa1900d7702d": "three branches: the River Waal (6/9 of total discharge), the", "5730069004bcaa1900d7702e": "Lek discharge to the", "5730069004bcaa1900d7702f": "lake. The discharge of the Rhine is divided among three branches: the River Waal (", "5730069004bcaa1900d77030": "sselme", "5730069004bcaa1900d77031": "discharge to the North Sea", "57300761947a6a140053cf9a": "qui Germanos a Gallia dividit \"(The Rhine", "57300761947a6a140053cf9b": "Commentary on the Aeneid of Ver", "57300761947a6a140053cf9c": "the historical period in the 1st century BC in Roman", "57300761947a6a140053cf9d": "boundary between Gallia and Germania by", "573007fab2c2fd140056876b": "The Germanic populations of these lands seem in Roman times to have been", "573007fab2c2fd140056876c": "The southern part was different. The upper Rhine and upper Danube are easily crossed", "573007fab2c2fd140056876d": "broad, remained the Roman boundary until the empire fell. The southern part was different. The upper Rhine and upper Danube are easily", "573007fab2c2fd140056876f": "broad, remained the Roman boundary until the empire fell. The southern part was different. The upper Rhine and upper Danube are easily crossed. The frontier which", "573007fab2c2fd140056876e": "Rhine and upper Danube are easily crossed. The frontier which they form is in", "57300888b2c2fd1400568775": "s at oppidum Ubiorum (\"town of the Ubii\"),", "57300888b2c2fd1400568777": ", V Alaudae", "57300888b2c2fd1400568778": "along the Rhine. The actual number of legions present at any base or in all, depended on whether a state or", "57300888b2c2fd1400568776": "of war existed. Between about AD 14 and 180, the assignment of legion", "57300888b2c2fd1400568779": "and XX Valeria (Pannonian troops); two legions at oppidum Ubiorum (", "57300911947a6a140053cfb6": "the Drachenfel", "57300911947a6a140053cfb7": ") (\"dragons rock\"), near Bonn at the Rhine and of the Burgundians and their court at Worms,", "57300911947a6a140053cfb8": "), near Bonn at the Rhine and of the Burgundians and their court at Worms, at the Rhine and Kriemhild's", "57300911947a6a140053cfb9": "period, by the 5th century establishing the kingdoms of Francia on the Lower Rhine, Burgundy on the Upper Rhine and Aleman", "57300911947a6a140053cfba": "lemannia on the High Rhine. This \"Germanic Heroic", "573009a004bcaa1900d7704f": "the Rhine, in the county of Holland, fell to the Burgundian Netherlands in the 15th century; Holland remained", "573009a004bcaa1900d77050": "castles in Rhineland-Palatinate attest to the importance of the river as a commercial route", "573009a004bcaa1900d77051": "the borders of Francia. In the 9th, it formed part of the border between", "573009a004bcaa1900d77052": "War. The numerous historic castles in Rhineland-Palatinate attest to the importance of the river as a commercial route.", "573009a004bcaa1900d77053": "Holland remained contentious territory throughout", "57300a25a23a5019007fcc97": "minister Adolphe Thiers", "57300a25a23a5019007fcc98": ", prompted by French prime minister Adolphe Thiers's desire to reinstate the Rhine as a", "57300a25a23a5019007fcc99": ", since the Middle Ages, though the language border was \u2013 and is", "57300a25a23a5019007fcc9a": ", such as Louis XIV and Napoleon Bonaparte", "57300a25a23a5019007fcc9b": "foreign policy, since the Middle Ages, though the language border", "57300a9a04bcaa1900d77063": "decreed that it would be occupied by the allies, until 1935 and after that", "57300a9a04bcaa1900d77064": "that, it would be a demilitarised zone, with the German army forbidden to enter", "57300a9a04bcaa1900d77065": "be a demilitarised zone, with the German army forbidden to", "57300a9a04bcaa1900d77066": "could probably have prevented the re-occupation, Britain and France", "57300a9a04bcaa1900d77067": "Treaty of Versailles and", "57300bf504bcaa1900d77087": "tary of", "57300bf504bcaa1900d77088": "the Germans failed to demolish it. This also became the subject of a film, The Bridge at Remagen. Seven", "57300bf504bcaa1900d77089": "gen, became famous, when U.S.", "57300bf504bcaa1900d7708a": "gen, became famous, when U.S. forces were able to capture it intact \u2013 much to their", "57300bf504bcaa1900d7708b": "famous, when U.S. forces were able to capture it intact \u2013 much to their own surprise", "57300c67947a6a140053cff0": "1", "57300c67947a6a140053cff1": "the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat confirm", "57300c67947a6a140053cff3": ". After this number was placed into the authoritative Brockhaus Enzyklop\u00e4die, it", "57300c67947a6a140053cff2": "). In 1932 the German encyclopedia Knaurs Lexikon stated the length as 1,", "57300c68947a6a140053cff4": "In 1932 the German encyclopedia Knaurs Lexikon stated the length as 1,320 kilometres (820 miles", "572fac17947a6a140053cb54": "areas that are not explicitly reserved to Westminster. The British Parliament retains the", "572fac17947a6a140053cb55": "specifying powers that", "572fac17947a6a140053cb56": ". The British Parliament retains the ability", "572fac17947a6a140053cb57": "reduce the areas in which it can make laws. The first meeting of the new Parliament took place on 12 May 1999.", "572fac17947a6a140053cb58": ", and can extend or reduce the areas in which it can make laws. The first meeting of the new Parliament took place on 12 May 1999.", "572facb0a23a5019007fc863": "more self-government for Scotland, within the unitary state of the United Kingdom. Kilbrandon published his report in 1973 recommending", "572facb0a23a5019007fc864": ", both seated at Westminster, and the lack of a Parliament of Scotland remained an important element in", "572facb0a23a5019007fc865": "outbreak of the First World War. A sharp rise in nationalism in Scotland", "572facb0a23a5019007fc866": "remained an important element in Scottish national identity. Suggestions for a", "572facb0a23a5019007fc867": ", both seated at Westminster, and the lack of a Parliament of Scotland remained an important element in Scottish national identity. Suggestions", "572fad30a23a5019007fc86d": "'s Scotland's oil\" campaign", "572fad30a23a5019007fc86e": "SNP. The party argued that the revenues from the oil were not benefitting Scotland as much as they", "572fad30a23a5019007fc870": "Wilson committing his government to some form of devolved legislature in 1974.", "572fad30a23a5019007fc86f": "revenues from the oil were not benefitting Scotland as much as they should. The combined effect of these events led", "572fad30a23a5019007fc871": "s oil\" campaign of the Scottish National Party (SNP) resulted", "572fadcbb2c2fd1400568329": "this figure did not equal the", "572fadcbb2c2fd140056832a": "volved Scottish Assembly failed. Although the vote was 51.6% in favour of a Scottish Assembly, this figure did not equal the 40% of the", "572fadcbb2c2fd140056832c": "the majority of the Scottish electorate voted for it in a referendum to be held on 1 March 1979 that represented at least 40% of the", "572fadcbb2c2fd140056832b": "elected", "572fadcbb2c2fd140056832d": "the majority of the Scottish electorate voted for it in a referendum to be held on 1 March", "572fae4b04bcaa1900d76bdf": "a Scottish Parliament grew, in part because the government of the United Kingdom was controlled by the Conservative Party, while Scotland", "572fae4b04bcaa1900d76be0": "Publishing its blueprint for devolution", "572fae4b04bcaa1900d76be1": "group, leading to the 1989 Scottish Constitutional Convention with various organisations such as Scottish churches, political parties", "572fae4b04bcaa1900d76be2": "initiated as a pressure group, leading to the 1989 Scottish Constitutional Convention with various", "572faec7b2c2fd1400568333": "many repeated motifs, such", "572faec7b2c2fd1400568334": "shapes based on Raeburn's Skating Minister. Crow-stepped gables and", "572faec7b2c2fd1400568335": "building there are many repeated motifs, such as shapes based on Raeburn'", "572faec7b2c2fd1400568336": "parkland", "572faec7b2c2fd1400568337": "in partnership with local Edinburgh Architecture firm RMJM which was led by Design Principal Tony Kettle. Some of the principal features", "572faf74b2c2fd1400568349": "Hall of the Church of Scotland on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. Official photographs and television interviews were", "572faf74b2c2fd1400568347": "adjoining the Assembly Hall, which is part of the School of Divinity of the University of Edinburgh. This building was vacated twice to allow for the", "572faf74b2c2fd1400568348": "the Assembly Hall, which is part of the School of", "572faf74b2c2fd140056834b": "relocated to the former Strathclyde Regional Council debating chamber in Glasgow, and to the University of Aberdeen", "572faf74b2c2fd140056834a": "Assembly Hall of the Church of Scotland on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. Official photographs and television interviews were held in", "572fb059947a6a140053cb80": "Assembly Hall, the Parliament also used buildings rented from the City of Edinburgh Council. The former administrative building of Lothian Regional Council on George IV Bridge", "572fb059947a6a140053cb81": "Holyrood in 2004 this building was demolished. The former Mid", "572fb059947a6a140053cb82": "lothian County Buildings facing", "572fb059947a6a140053cb83": "built as the headquarters of the pre-1975 Midlo", "572fb059947a6a140053cb84": "Bridge in Edinburgh (originally built as the headquarters of the pre-1975 Midlothian County Council) housed the Parliament'", "572fb42904bcaa1900d76c15": "only", "572fb42904bcaa1900d76c16": "s, who give advice on how to interpret", "572fb42904bcaa1900d76c17": "Scott). The Presiding Officer and deputies are elected by a secret ballot of the 129 MSPs, which is the", "572fb42904bcaa1900d76c18": "Scottish Parliament,", "572fb42904bcaa1900d76c19": "proceedings of meetings. A", "572fbb04a23a5019007fc8f7": "agree the", "572fbb04a23a5019007fc8f8": "chamber, is another of the roles of the Presiding Officer", "572fbb04a23a5019007fc8f9": "representative from each political parties with five or more seats in", "572fbb04a23a5019007fc8fa": "has the staff, property and resources it requires to operate. Convening the Parliamentary Bureau, which all", "572fbea404bcaa1900d76c5b": "section of the chamber. The largest party in the Parliament", "572fbea404bcaa1900d76c5c": "either side. The Presiding Officer, parliamentary clerks and officials sit opposite members at the front of the", "572fbea404bcaa1900d76c5d": "typically sit in their party groupings. The First Minister, Scottish cabinet ministers and Law officers sit in the front row, in the middle", "572fbea404bcaa1900d76c5e": "in the debating chamber, but typically sit in their party groupings. The", "572fbea404bcaa1900d76c5f": "Law Officers may attend and speak in the plenary meetings of the Parliament but, as they", "572fbf21a23a5019007fc938": "mace, which is made from silver and inlaid with gold panned from Scottish rivers and inscribed with the words: Wisdom, Compassion, Justice and Integrity", "572fbf21a23a5019007fc937": "of Parliament, reinfor", "572fbf21a23a5019007fc93a": "a Scottish Parliament, which are the first words of the Scotland Act", "572fbf21a23a5019007fc939": "lid. At the beginning of each sitting in the chamber, the lid of the case is rotated so that the mace is above the glass, to symbol", "572fbf21a23a5019007fc93b": "laws. Presented to the Scottish Parliament by the Queen upon its official opening in July 1999,", "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c73": "September to mid December, with", "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c74": "open", "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c75": "also recorded in text form, in print and online, in the Official Report, which is the", "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c76": "recesses in April and October. Plenary", "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c77": "es in April and October.", "572fc043a23a5019007fc95d": "s to address Parliament in this manner are determined by the Presiding Officer on the advice of the", "572fc043a23a5019007fc95e": "to the Scottish census. Invitations to address Parliament", "572fc043a23a5019007fc960": "for Reflection, at which a speaker addresses members for up to four minutes, sharing a perspective on", "572fc043a23a5019007fc95f": ". This contrasts with the formal style of \"Pray", "572fc043a23a5019007fc961": "and are chosen to represent the balance of religious beliefs according to the Scottish census. Invitation", "572fc41f947a6a140053cc80": ". Typically, ministers or party leaders", "572fc41f947a6a140053cc81": "clapping is allowed. Speeches to the chamber are normally delivered in English, but members may", "572fc41f947a6a140053cc82": "Officer tries to achieve a balance between different viewpoints and political parties when selecting members to speak. Typically, ministers or party leaders open debates, with opening", "572fc41f947a6a140053cc83": "members wish to participate in the debate. Debate is more informal than in some parliamentary systems", "572fc41f947a6a140053cc84": "or party leaders open debates, with opening speakers given between 5 and 20 minutes, and succeeding", "572fc49d04bcaa1900d76ccb": "that have been moved that day. This \"Decision Time\" is heralded by the sounding of the division bell, which is heard throughout", "572fc49d04bcaa1900d76ccc": "in the chamber to return and", "572fc49d04bcaa1900d76ccd": "Ps who are not in the chamber to return and vote.", "572fc49d04bcaa1900d76cce": "card with a microchip which, when inserted into the console, identifies them and allows them to vote", "572fc49d04bcaa1900d76ccf": "vote.", "572fc5a1947a6a140053cc8a": ". MSPs do not tend to vote against such instructions, since those", "572fc5a1947a6a140053cc8b": ", and, in serious cases, may be expelled from their parties outright.", "572fc5a1947a6a140053cc8c": "to vote. Parties entrust some MSPs, known as whips, with the task", "572fc5a1947a6a140053cc8e": "since those who do are unlikely to reach higher political ranks in their parties. E", "572fc5a1947a6a140053cc8d": "are unlikely to reach higher political ranks in their parties. Errant members can be des", "572fc659b2c2fd1400568447": "\" is held, which lasts for 45 minutes. Members Business is a debate on a motion", "572fc659b2c2fd1400568449": "to a particular area such as a member's", "572fc659b2c2fd1400568448": "the debate. The relevant minister, whose department the debate and motion relate to \"", "572fc659b2c2fd140056844a": "relate to \"wind", "572fc659b2c2fd140056844b": "Scottish minister. Such motions are on issues which may be of interest to a particular area such as", "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf5": "of committees is stronger in the Scottish Parliament than in other parliamentary systems,", "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf6": "Scottish Parliament is to take evidence from witnesses, conduct inquiries and scrutinise legislation. Committee meetings take place on Tuesday,", "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf7": "take evidence from witnesses, conduct inquiries and scrutinise legislation. Committee meetings take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning when Parliament is", "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf8": "and Thursday morning when", "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf9": "revising chamber. The principal role of committees in the Scottish Parliament is to take evidence from witnesses, conduct", "572fc78d04bcaa1900d76d07": "Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments; and Delegated Powers and Law Reform.", "572fc78d04bcaa1900d76d08": "Parliament's standing orders, which govern their remits and proceedings. The current Mandatory Committees in the fourth Session of the Scottish Parliament are", "572fc78d04bcaa1900d76d09": "of parties across Parliament. There are different committees with their functions set out in different ways. Mandatory Committees are committees which are set down", "572fc78d04bcaa1900d76d0a": "functions set out in different ways. Mandatory Committees are committees which are set down under the", "572fc78d04bcaa1900d76d0b": "Mandatory Committees in the fourth Session of the Scottish Parliament are: Public Audit; Equal Opportunities; European and External Relations", "572fc80b04bcaa1900d76d11": "Parliament.", "572fc80b04bcaa1900d76d12": "one (", "572fc80b04bcaa1900d76d13": "or more) of the departments (or ministries) of the Scottish Government. The current Subject Committees in the fourth", "572fc80b04bcaa1900d76d14": ", Climate Change and Environment; Welfare Reform; and Infrastructure and Capital", "572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d1f": "the use of land or property. Private Bill Committees have been set up to consider", "572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d20": "development projects such as infrastructure projects that require the use of land or property. Private Bill Committees have been set up to consider", "572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d21": "the Edinburgh Tram Network, the Glasgow Airport Rail Link, the Airdrie", "572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d22": "of Scotland", "572fca7eb2c2fd1400568473": "continues to constitute the supreme legislature of Scotland. However,", "572fca7eb2c2fd1400568474": "constitute the supreme legislature of Scotland. However, under the terms of the Scotland Act,", "572fca7eb2c2fd1400568475": "Parliament", "572fca7eb2c2fd1400568476": "foreign policy", "572fca7eb2c2fd1400568477": "the purposes of parliamentary sovereignty, the Parliament of the", "572fcb6da23a5019007fc9f1": "education, environment, food standards, health, home affairs, Scots law \u2013 courts, police and fire services, local government", "572fcb6da23a5019007fc9f2": "to alter income tax in Scotland by up to 3 pence in the", "572fcb6da23a5019007fc9f3": ", economic development, education, environment, food standards, health, home affairs, Scots law", "572fcb6da23a5019007fc9f4": "Scotland Act as reserved matters. All matters that are not", "572fcb6da23a5019007fc9f5": "The 2012 Act conferred", "572fcc43b2c2fd140056847d": "UK goods and services, constitution, electricity, coal, oil, gas, nuclear energy, defence and national security, drug policy, employment,", "572fcc43b2c2fd140056847e": "of the", "572fcc43b2c2fd140056847f": "security and stability of UK's", "572fcc43b2c2fd1400568480": "reserved to, and dealt with at, Westminster (and where Ministerial", "572fcd86947a6a140053ccda": "areas", "572fcd86947a6a140053ccdb": "can introduce new laws or amendments to", "572fcd86947a6a140053ccdc": "a number of ways; the Scottish Government can introduce new laws or amendments to existing laws as", "572fcd86947a6a140053ccdd": "empty", "572fcd86947a6a140053ccde": "areas", "572fce12a23a5019007fca11": ", initially, in the relevant committee or committees and is then submitted to", "572fce13a23a5019007fca12": "associated with it. Statements from the Presiding Officer and the member in charge of the bill are also lodged indicating whether the bill is within the legislative competence of", "572fce13a23a5019007fca13": "full debate in the chamber on the general principles of the", "572fce13a23a5019007fca14": "charge of the bill are also lodged indicating whether the bill is within the legislative competence of the Parliament.", "572fce13a23a5019007fca15": ", where the minister or member in charge of", "572fd1c4947a6a140053cd02": "stage comprises two parts: consideration of amendments to the bill as a general debate, and a final vote on", "572fd1c4947a6a140053cd03": "Opposition members can table \"wrecking amendments\" to the bill, designed to thwart further progress and take up parliamentary", "572fd1c4947a6a140053cd04": "at Decision Time on whether", "572fd1c4947a6a140053cd05": ". This stage comprises two parts: consideration of amendments to the bill as a general debate, and a final vote on the bill. Opposition members can", "572fd1c4947a6a140053cd06": "vote being taken. After a general debate on the final form of the bill, members proceed to vote at Decision Time on whether they", "572fd264b2c2fd14005684a9": "with a phrase that reads: \"The Bill for this Act of the Scottish Parliament was passed by the Parliament on [", "572fd264b2c2fd14005684aa": "Court of the United Kingdom for a ruling on whether it is within the powers of the Parliament", "572fd264b2c2fd14005684ab": ". However he cannot do so", "572fd264b2c2fd14005684ac": "assent: After the bill has been passed", "572fd264b2c2fd14005684ad": "passed by the Parliament on [Date] and received royal assent on [Date]\"", "572fd47fa23a5019007fca55": "Lord Advocate and the Solicitor General. Whilst the First Minister chooses the ministers \u2013 and may decide", "572fd47fa23a5019007fca57": ", the leader of the largest party is returned as First", "572fd47fa23a5019007fca56": "a general election). Any member can put their name forward to be First Minister, and a", "572fd47fa23a5019007fca58": ", appointed to their roles by the First Minister. Junior ministers, who do not attend cabinet, are also appointed to assist Scottish ministers", "572fd47fa23a5019007fca59": "Ministers who form the government", "572fd6aa04bcaa1900d76d9f": "of four years after 1999 (i.e., 5 May 2011, 7 May", "572fd6aa04bcaa1900d76da0": "if the Parliament fails to nominate one of its members to be First Minister within 28 days of a General Election or of the position becoming vacant", "572fd6aa04bcaa1900d76da1": "Thursday in May, a multiple of four years after 1999 (i.e., 5 May 2011, 7 May 2015, etc.)", "572fd6aa04bcaa1900d76da3": "voting", "572fd6aa04bcaa1900d76da2": "(i.e., 5 May 2011, 7 May", "572fd73e947a6a140053cd32": "can deliver statements to Parliament upon which MSPs are invited to question. For example, at the beginning of each parliamentary year", "572fd73e947a6a140053cd33": "has been delivered, the", "572fd73e947a6a140053cd34": "year. After the statement has been delivered, the leaders of the opposition parties and other MSPs question the First Minister on issues", "572fd73e947a6a140053cd35": "the Scottish Parliament to scrutinise the Government. The First Minister or members of the cabinet can deliver statements to Parliament upon which MS", "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3a": "between 11:40 a.m. and 12 p", "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3b": "Parliament is sitting, First Minister's Question Time takes", "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3c": "m. and 12 p.m. where members can direct questions to any member of the Scottish Government. At 2.30pm", "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3d": ". This gives members an opportunity to question the First Minister directly on issues under their jurisdiction.", "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3e": "2.30pm, a 40", "572fd8efb2c2fd14005684f9": "due to their dispersed population and distance from the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. If", "572fd8efb2c2fd14005684fb": "resigns from Parliament, this", "572fd8efb2c2fd14005684fa": "his or her constituency, where a replacement MSP is returned from one of", "572fd8efb2c2fd14005684fd": "a Constituency MSP resigns from Parliament", "572fd8efb2c2fd14005684fc": "one member to represent the constituency, and the member with most votes is returned as a constituency MSP. The 73 Scottish Parliament constituencies shared the same", "572fda6fb2c2fd140056850b": "all available list", "572fda6fb2c2fd140056850c": "the Parliament are allocated to parties proportionally to the number of votes received in the second vote of the ballot using the", "572fda6fb2c2fd140056850d": "all available list seats are allocated.", "572fda6fb2c2fd140056850e": "of seats", "572fda6fb2c2fd140056850f": ". For example, to determine who is awarded the first list seat, the", "572fdb17b2c2fd140056851d": "if he or she is judged to be insane under", "572fdb17b2c2fd140056851e": "under the terms of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment)", "572fdb17b2c2fd140056851f": "to being an MSP. Such qualifications were introduced under the House", "572fdb17b2c2fd1400568520": "apply to being an MSP. Such qualifications were introduced under the House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 and the British Nationality Act 1981. Specifically,", "572fdb17b2c2fd1400568521": "over the age of", "572fdbb004bcaa1900d76dd9": "ain Gray retained East Lothian by 151 votes. The SNP took a further eight seats from the Liberal Democrats and one seat from the Conservatives", "572fdbb004bcaa1900d76dda": "meant that there was sufficient support in the Scottish Parliament to hold a referendum on Scottish independence.", "572fdbb004bcaa1900d76ddb": "empty", "572fdbb004bcaa1900d76ddc": "empty", "572fdbb004bcaa1900d76ddd": "the Conservatives. The SNP overall majority meant that there was sufficient support in the Scottish Parliament to hold", "572fdc34a23a5019007fca93": "suffered a net loss of", "572fdc34a23a5019007fca94": "but vowed to campaign for the", "572fdc34a23a5019007fca95": "on the Lothian regional list and the Conservatives suffered a net loss of five seats, with leader Annabel", "572fdc34a23a5019007fca96": "net loss of five seats, with leader Annabel Goldie claiming that their support had held firm. Nevertheless, she too announced she", "572fdc34a23a5019007fca97": "chie was elected on the Lothian regional list and the Conservatives suffered a net loss of five seats, with leader", "572fdd03a23a5019007fca9d": "Northern Irish Westminster MPs are unable to vote on the domestic legislation of the Scottish Parliament. This", "572fdd03a23a5019007fca9e": ". This phenomenon is", "572fdd03a23a5019007fca9f": "and has led to criticism. Following the Conservative victory in the 2015", "572fdd03a23a5019007fcaa0": "to vote on domestic legislation that applies", "572fdd03a23a5019007fcaa1": "Commons are able to vote on domestic legislation that applies only to England, Wales and Northern Ireland \u2013 whilst English, Scottish,", "572ff626947a6a140053ce8e": "the other", "572ff626947a6a140053ce8f": "\"from the bottom up\". The movements have \"", "572ff626947a6a140053ce90": "one end is a strategy of Islamization of society through state power seized by revolution or invasion; at the other \"reformist\" pole Islamist", "572ff626947a6a140053ce91": "strategy of Islamization of society through state power seized by revolution or invasion; at the other \"reformist\"", "572ff626947a6a140053ce92": "poles\": at one end is a strategy of Islamization of society through state power seized by revolution or invasion", "572ff760b2c2fd1400568677": "democratic", "572ff760b2c2fd1400568678": "(see", "572ff760b2c2fd1400568679": "of Pakistan is basically a socio-political and democratic", "572ff760b2c2fd140056867a": "and work within the democratic process include", "572ff760b2c2fd140056867b": "entirely reject democracy, often declaring as kuffar those Muslims who support it (see takfirism), as well as calling for violent", "572ff86004bcaa1900d76f65": "by", "572ff86004bcaa1900d76f66": "those in the Wahhabi movement) and", "572ff86004bcaa1900d76f67": "the same", "572ff86004bcaa1900d76f68": "i movement) and the \"vanguard of change and Islamic reform\" centered around", "572ff86004bcaa1900d76f69": "when the Muslim Brotherhood movement and its focus on Islamisation of pan-Arabism was eclipse", "572ff932a23a5019007fcbd5": "who do not believe that Islam is merely a political ideology include Fred", "572ff932a23a5019007fcbd6": ", to the detriment of", "572ff932a23a5019007fcbd7": "because it posits a political role for", "572ff932a23a5019007fcbd8": "concept not just because it posits a political role for Islam but also", "572ff932a23a5019007fcbd9": "Esposi", "572ffabf04bcaa1900d76f9f": "heyday of secular Arab nationalism between 1945 and 1970\", and it is quietist/non-political Islam, not Islam", "572ffabf04bcaa1900d76fa0": "nationalism between 1945 and 1970\", and it is quietist/non-political", "572ffabf04bcaa1900d76fa1": "was a historical flu", "572ffabf04bcaa1900d76fa2": "in legal, social, political, economic", "572ffabf04bcaa1900d76fa3": "to live by", "572ffbaa947a6a140053cee7": ", and non-Afghan veterans of the war returned home with their prestige, \"experience, ideology,", "572ffbaa947a6a140053cee6": "Western governments bulwarks against\u2014what were thought to be at", "572ffbaa947a6a140053ceea": "thought to be at the time\u2014more dangerous left", "572ffbaa947a6a140053cee9": "1970s and sometimes later, Western and pro-Western governments often supported sometimes fledgling Islamists and Islamist groups that later came to be seen as dangerous enemies", "572ffbaa947a6a140053cee8": "\u2014more dangerous leftist/communist/nationalist insurgents/opposition, which Islamist", "572ffbaab2c2fd14005686cd": "thought to be at the time\u2014more dangerous left", "572ffc99947a6a140053cef6": "government has also been reported to have promoted Islamist preachers \"in the hope of channeling Muslim energies into zones of piety and charity.\"", "572ffc99947a6a140053cef7": "Egypt to Western investment (infitah); transferring Egypt's allegiance from the Soviet Union to the United", "572ffc99947a6a140053cef8": "President Anwar Sadat \u2013 whose policies", "572ffc99947a6a140053cef9": "included opening Egypt to Western", "572ffc99947a6a140053cefa": "Sadat was later assassinated and a formidable insurgency was formed", "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fc7": "of", "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fc8": "hate them for their religion ...", "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fc9": "While this effort", "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fca": ", it has done much to overwhelm", "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fcb": "has by no means converted all, or even most", "572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686ef": "Islamist movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood, \"are", "572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f2": "cost medical clinics, housing assistance to students from out of town, student advisory groups, facilitation of inexpensive mass marriage", "572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f0": "empty", "572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f3": ", facilitation of inexpensive mass marriage ceremonies to avoid prohibitive", "572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f1": "incompetent, inefficient, or neglectful governments", "572ffee1947a6a140053cf14": "dividing his time between law practice", "572ffee1947a6a140053cf15": "nah. He was a critic of the mainstream Indian nationalist and secularist Indian National Congress. Iqbal's seven English lectures were published", "572ffee1947a6a140053cf17": "University press in 1934 in a book titled The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. These lectures dwell on the role of", "572ffee1947a6a140053cf16": "not support Indian involvement in World War I and remained in close touch", "572ffee1947a6a140053cf18": "the London branch of the All India Muslim League. He came back to Lahore in 1908. While", "572fffb1b2c2fd14005686f9": "as well as for the", "572fffb1b2c2fd14005686fa": ", culture and political influence. In his travels to Egypt, Afghanistan, Palestine and Syria, he promoted ideas of greater", "572fffb1b2c2fd14005686fb": "the spiritual foundations of Islam and Muslim society, but that India's Hindu-majority population would crowd out Muslim heritage, culture and", "572fffb1b2c2fd14005686fc": ", calling for", "572fffb1b2c2fd14005686fd": "in Allahabad as well as for the session in Lahore in 1932. In his Allahabad Address on 29 December 1930, Iqbal outlined a vision of an independent state", "5730005db2c2fd1400568703": "a modern context, and influenced not only conservative ulema but liberal modernizer Islamists such as al-Faruqi, whose \"", "5730005db2c2fd1400568704": "-century figure in the Islamic revival in India, and then after independence from Britain, in Pakistan. Trained as a", "5730005db2c2fd1400568705": "whose \"Islamization of Knowledge\" carried forward", "5730005db2c2fd1400568706": "\" carried forward some of Maududi's key principles.", "5730005db2c2fd1400568707": "Knowledge\" carried forward some of Maududi's", "57300137b2c2fd1400568717": "Islami party in 1941 and remained its leader until", "57300137b2c2fd1400568718": "-Islami party in 1941 and remained its leader until 1972. However, Maududi had much more", "57300137b2c2fd140056871a": "\" carried forward some of Maududi's key principles.", "57300137b2c2fd140056871b": "Knowledge\" carried forward some of Maududi's", "57300200b2c2fd1400568729": "democracy,\" based on the principles of: tawhid (unity of God), risala (", "57300200b2c2fd140056872a": "khilafa (caliphate). Although Maududi talked about Islamic revolution, by \"revolution\"", "57300200b2c2fd140056872b": "evolution\" he meant not the violence or populist policies of the Iranian Revolution, but the gradual changing the hearts and minds of individuals from", "57300200b2c2fd140056872c": "of: ta", "57300200b2c2fd140056872d": "Islamic without Sharia, and Islam required the establishment of an Islamic state. This state should be a \"theo-democracy,", "5730035e04bcaa1900d77001": ". His was arguably the first, largest and", "5730035e04bcaa1900d77002": "/religious organization. Under the motto \"the Qur'an", "5730035e04bcaa1900d77003": "arguably the first, largest and most influential modern Islamic political/religious", "5730035e04bcaa1900d77004": "believed in", "5730035e04bcaa1900d77005": "of government rule based on Sharia", "5730040f947a6a140053cf4c": "elements of the Brotherhood, though", "5730040f947a6a140053cf4d": "years later following confrontations with Egyptian president Gamal Abdul Nasser,", "5730040f947a6a140053cf4e": "periodic repression in Egypt and has been banned several times, in 1948 and several years later following confrontations with Egyptian president Ga", "5730040f947a6a140053cf4f": "thousands of", "5730040f947a6a140053cf50": "assassination of Egypt's premier Mahmud Fami Naqrashi three months earlier. The Brotherhood has suffered periodic repression in Egypt", "573004bf947a6a140053cf56": "an Islamist democrat of Muslim Brotherhood, was the first democratically elected president of Egypt. He was deposed during the 2013 Egyptian coup d'", "573004bf947a6a140053cf59": "Islamic world, particularly in the Arab world. For many years it was described as \"semi-legal\" and was the only", "573004bf947a6a140053cf57": ". In the Egyptian parliamentary election, 2011\u20132012, the political parties identified as \"Islamist\" (the", "573004bf947a6a140053cf58": "In the Egyptian parliamentary election, 2011\u20132012, the political parties identified", "573004bf947a6a140053cf5a": "democratically elected president of Egypt. He was deposed", "573005b9947a6a140053cf6a": "the Six-Day War by Israeli troops constituted a pivotal event in", "573005b9947a6a140053cf6b": "secular, socialist and nationalist politics ensued. Ba'athism,", "573005b9947a6a140053cf6c": "anti-democratic Islamist movements inspired by Maududi and Sayy", "573005b9947a6a140053cf6d": "movements inspired by Maududi and Sayyid Qutb gained ground.", "573005b9947a6a140053cf6e": "pivotal event in the Arab Muslim world. The defeat along with economic stagnation in the defeated countries, was blamed on the secular Arab nationalism of", "5730088e947a6a140053cfad": "the Prophet Mohammad and his successors such as Ali for restoration of Sharia law was essential to Islam, that many secular, Western", "5730088e947a6a140053cfac": "perceived to be placed somewhere between beliefs of Sunni Islamic thinkers like Mawdudi and Qutb. He believed that complete", "5730088e947a6a140053cfae": "ing\" of Muslim lands was part of a long", "5730088e947a6a140053cfaf": "Iranian Revolution, had resemblance with Mohammad Iqbal, ideological father of the State", "5730088e947a6a140053cfb0": "plundering\" of", "57300e2604bcaa1900d770b7": "Jordan (SCIRI) and Lebanon (Hezbol", "57300e2604bcaa1900d770b9": "Israel-Leban", "57300e2604bcaa1900d770b8": "populations", "57300e2604bcaa1900d770ba": "-minded Shia terrorist groups in Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Jordan (SCIRI) and Lebanon (Hezbol", "57300e2604bcaa1900d770bb": "hold on", "57300ec0947a6a140053d004": "-Islamic effort was Palestinian sheikh Abdullah Yusuf Azzam. While the military effectiveness of these \"Afghan Arabs", "57300ec0947a6a140053d005": "in", "57300ec0947a6a140053d006": "conflict, pitting indigenous", "57300ec0947a6a140053d007": ", the Soviet Union deployed its 40th Army into Afghanistan, attempting to suppress an Islamic rebellion against an allied Marxist regime in the Afghan Civil", "57300ec0947a6a140053d008": "this pan-Islamic", "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d1": "an", "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d2": "its aid. But when Saddam, secularist and Ba'athist dictator of neighboring Iraq, attacked Saudi Arabia (his", "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d3": "Iraq, attacked Saudi Arabia (his enemy in the war", "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d4": "occupation of Kuwait", "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d5": "received its", "573010fab2c2fd14005687d7": "attacks on government officials and tourists in Egypt, a bloody civil war in Algeria and Osama bin Laden", "573010fab2c2fd14005687d9": "even aiding some violent Islamist groups) that did", "573010fab2c2fd14005687d8": "Palestinian-Israeli", "573010fab2c2fd14005687da": "One result of this was a campaign of attacks on government officials and tourists in Egypt, a bloody civil war in Algeria and O", "573010fab2c2fd14005687db": "the world and even aiding some", "573011de04bcaa1900d770f9": "While Qutb's ideas became increasingly", "573011de04bcaa1900d770fa": "the Brotherhood", "573011de04bcaa1900d770fb": "Hudaybi, remained moderate and interested in political negotiation and activism. Fringe", "573011de04bcaa1900d770fc": "Tariq) did, however, develop and they pursued a more radical direction. By the 1970s, the Brotherhood had renounced", "573011de04bcaa1900d770fd": "-1960s (particularly the manifesto Milestones, a.k.a. Ma'alim fi", "5730126ba23a5019007fcd09": "anti-colonial movements the extremist group directed its attacks against what it believed were \"apostate\" leaders of Muslim states, leaders who", "5730126ba23a5019007fcd0a": "Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization responsible for the", "5730126ba23a5019007fcd0b": "apostate\" leaders of Muslim states, leaders who held secular leanings or who", "5730126ba23a5019007fcd0c": "Salaam Far", "5730126ba23a5019007fcd0d": "the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization responsible for the assassination of An", "5730131c947a6a140053d052": "Islamiya (or al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya", "5730131c947a6a140053d053": "for Islamic order was", "5730131c947a6a140053d055": "buildings", "5730131c947a6a140053d054": "-Hijra, and these groups have variously been involved in activities such as attempted assassinations of political figures, arson of video", "5730131c947a6a140053d056": "Group). Victims of their campaign against the Egyptian state in the 1990", "5730208fa23a5019007fcded": "the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state in Palestine. It was soon competing", "5730208fa23a5019007fcdee": "took a more uncompromising stand, calling for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state in Palestine. It was soon competing with", "5730208fa23a5019007fcdef": "youth of the intifada in their cultural conservat", "5730208fa23a5019007fcdf1": "towards Israel,", "5730208fa23a5019007fcdf0": "the establishment of an Islamic state in Palestine.", "573020f7b2c2fd14005688f7": "2007 it drove the PLO out of Gaza. Hamas has been praised", "573020f7b2c2fd14005688f8": "tyrdom operations\". In the January 2006 legislative election\u2014its first foray into the political process\u2014it", "573020f7b2c2fd14005688f9": "destruction and significant loss", "573020f7b2c2fd14005688fa": "2007 it drove the PLO out of Gaza. Hamas has been praised by Muslims for driving Israel out of the", "573020f7b2c2fd14005688fb": "tyrdom operations\". In the January 2006 legislative election\u2014its first foray into the political process\u2014it", "57302700a23a5019007fce89": "Islamic Front first gained influence when strongman General Gaafar al-Nimeiry invited members to serve in his government in 1979", "57302700a23a5019007fce8a": "by placing sympathetic students in the university", "57302700a23a5019007fce8b": "with money from foreign Islamist banking systems", "57302700a23a5019007fce8c": "foreign Islamist banking systems, especially those linked with Saudi Arabia. He also recruited and built a cadre of influential loyalists by placing sympathetic students in the university", "57302700a23a5019007fce8d": "al-Ni", "573027d6a23a5019007fce9d": "in 1989 it was able to overthrow the elected post-al-Nimeiry government with the help", "573027d6a23a5019007fce9e": "in power.", "573027d6a23a5019007fce9f": "The NIF regime also harbored Osama bin Laden for a time (before 9/11), and", "573027d6a23a5019007fcea0": "elected post", "573027d6a23a5019007fcea1": "time (before 9/11), and worked to unify Islamist opposition to the American", "5730285a04bcaa1900d77270": "influenced by Salafism and the jihad in Afghanistan, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood, was the", "5730285a04bcaa1900d7726f": "local elections", "5730285a04bcaa1900d7726e": "voting was canceled by a", "5730285a04bcaa1900d7726d": "rate of unemployment among young Algerian men. The FIS won sweeping victories in local elections and it was going to", "5730285a04bcaa1900d77271": "it used", "573028fa04bcaa1900d77287": "to justice and prosperity, due to a vicious and", "573028fa04bcaa1900d77288": ", a more conservative and anti-democratic Islamist movement known as", "573028fa04bcaa1900d7728a": "communist forces collapsed, and democratic Islamist elements of mujahdeen founded the Islamic State of Afghanistan.", "573028fa04bcaa1900d77289": "the Soviet Union in the 1980s did not", "573028fa04bcaa1900d7728b": ". In 1992, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan ruled by communist forces collapsed, and", "57302a3aa23a5019007fcecf": "in", "57302a3aa23a5019007fced0": "an idealized and systematized version of", "57302a3aa23a5019007fced1": "habism", "57302a3aa23a5019007fced2": "\"an idealized and systematized version of conservative tribal village customs\" under the label of Sharia to an entire", "57302a3aa23a5019007fced3": "Afghan refugees and supported by governmental and religious groups in neighboring Pakistan. The Taliban differed from other Islamist movements to the point where they might", "57302ad804bcaa1900d772af": "an important", "57302ad804bcaa1900d772b0": "was much more committed to Islam", "57302ad804bcaa1900d772b1": "Haq was an admirer of Mawdudi and Mawdudi's party Jama", "57302ad804bcaa1900d772b2": "and Islamism became his \"official state ideology\". Z", "57302ad804bcaa1900d772b3": "-ul-Haq was much more committed", "57302bd0b2c2fd14005689db": "/", "57302bd0b2c2fd14005689dc": "Iraq and Syria. In 2014, the group proclaimed itself a caliphate, with religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. As of", "57302bd0b2c2fd14005689de": "territory occupied by ten million people in Iraq and", "57302bd0b2c2fd14005689df": "\"The Islamic State\", formerly known as the \"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant\" and before", "57302bd0b2c2fd14005689dd": "i/Salafi jihadist extremist militant group which is led by and", "57302cd004bcaa1900d772d7": "and \"notorious intransigence\"). The group", "57302cd004bcaa1900d772d8": "group has been designated a terrorist organisation by the United Nations, the European Union and member states, the", "57302cd004bcaa1900d772da": "offensive. The group is adept", "57302cd004bcaa1900d772d9": "on a \"historic scale\". The group has been", "57302cd004bcaa1900d772db": "\"). The group gained prominence after it drove Iraqi government forces out of key cities in western Iraq in a 2014 offensive.", "57302e45947a6a140053d22e": "other four rightly guided Caliphs in", "57302e45947a6a140053d22f": "for which it blames \"the disbelieving (Kafir", "57302e45947a6a140053d230": "history than some other Islamists such as Muhammad Qutb. HT sees Islam's pivotal turning point", "57302e45947a6a140053d231": ", or one of the other four rightly guided Caliphs in the 7th century,", "57302e45947a6a140053d232": "point as occurring not with the death of Ali, or one of the", "57302efe04bcaa1900d772f5": "government,\" i.e., launch", "57302efe04bcaa1900d772f6": "the government,\" i.e., launch a \"bloodless\" coup. It allegedly attempted and", "57302efe04bcaa1900d772f7": "now banned in both countries. But many HT members have gone on to join terrorist groups and", "57302efe04bcaa1900d772f8": "\"change of the government,\" i.e., launch a \"", "57302efe04bcaa1900d772f9": "many jihadi terrorists have cited HT as their", "57302faa04bcaa1900d77311": "free rein, heightened by expos\u00e9s such as the 2007 Channel 4 documentary", "57302faa04bcaa1900d77312": "Undercover Mosque, has given rise to the term Londonistan. Following the 9/11 attacks, however, Abu Hamza al-Masri, the", "57302faa04bcaa1900d77313": "allowing them free rein, heightened by expos\u00e9s such as the 2007 Channel 4", "57302faa04bcaa1900d77314": "needed]", "57302faa04bcaa1900d77315": "to terrorism", "57303048947a6a140053d254": "for establishing something similar to the defunct U.S. Information Agency, which was charged with undermining the communist", "57303048947a6a140053d255": "d in the U.S. around public diplomacy programmes conducted by the State Department. There", "57303048947a6a140053d256": "Islamism, since 2001. These efforts were centred", "57303048947a6a140053d257": "in efforts to counter Islamism, or violent Islamism, since", "57303048947a6a140053d258": "programmes conducted by the State Department. There have", "573060b48ab72b1400f9c4c6": "is \"a policy of extending a country's power", "573060b48ab72b1400f9c4c7": "to be debated by scholars. Some writers, such as Edward Said, use the term more broadly to", "573060b48ab72b1400f9c4c9": "and ideas. The term imperialism has been applied", "573060b48ab72b1400f9c4ca": "Asia and Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries. Its precise meaning continues to be debated by scholars. Some writers, such", "573062662461fd1900a9cdf7": "or cultural stereotypes. There are \"formal\" or \"informal\" imperialisms. \"Formal imperialism\"", "573062662461fd1900a9cdf8": "\"Formal imperialism\" is defined as \"physical control or full-", "573062662461fd1900a9cdfa": "has on another group of people. This is often through various forms of \"othering\" (", "573062662461fd1900a9cdfb": "group, often a state power, has on another group of", "57306797396df919000960ee": "al\" imperialism, the first meaning physical control or \"full-", "57306797396df919000960ef": "not been finalized for centuries and was confusedly seen to represent the policies of major powers, or simply, general-purpose aggressiveness. Further", "57306797396df919000960f0": "or control by a group of people over another. To clear out this confusion about the definition of imperialism one could speak", "57306797396df919000960f2": "simply, general-purpose aggressiveness. Further on, some writers[who?] used the term imperialism", "57306797396df919000960f1": "ceivable kinds of dominance. Informal rule is generally less costly than taking over territories formally. This is because, with informal rule", "573081c2069b531400832133": "was the highest form of capitalism, claiming that imperialism developed after colonialism, and was distinguished from colonialism by", "573081c2069b531400832134": "aspects of trade that went overseas consisted of animals and plant products", "573081c2069b531400832135": "\"The word \u2018empire", "573081c2069b531400832136": "leader Lenin suggested that \"imperialism was the highest", "573081c2069b531400832137": "politics now focuses on states becoming major economic players in the market; some states today are viewed as empires due to their political", "573083dc2461fd1900a9ce6d": ".:116 Thus it can be said that imperialism includes some form of colonialism", "573083dc2461fd1900a9ce6e": "can be said that imperialism includes some form of colonialism, but colonialism itself does not", "573083dc2461fd1900a9ce6f": "that imperialism includes some form of colonialism, but colonialism itself does not automatically imply imperialism, as it lacks a political focus", "573083dc2461fd1900a9ce70": "scholars have argued that each have their own distinct definition. Imperialism and colonial", "573083dc2461fd1900a9ce71": "settlement or commercial intentions. Colonialism in", "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c54c": "then gaining the benefits from the spoils of the war", "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c54d": "of an other, if", "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c54e": "an other, if", "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c550": "populations they control, yet scholars sometimes find it difficult to illustrate the difference between the two", "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c54f": "eventually is able to rule over the areas the previous nation had controlled. Colonialism's core meaning is the exploitation of the valuable assets and", "5730876a396df9190009617a": "ism\" and a theory of races formed a supposedly rational justification for imperialism. The rhetoric of colonizers being racially", "5730876a396df9190009617c": "to have achieved its purpose, for example throughout", "5730876a396df9190009617b": "theory of races formed a supposedly rational justification for imperialism. The rhetoric of colonizers being racially superior appears to have", "5730876a396df9190009617d": "ism is the", "5730876a396df9190009617e": "grounds. J. A. Hobson identifies this justification on general grounds as: \"It", "573088da069b53140083216b": "empty", "573088da069b53140083216c": "survival while Mackinder supported", "573088da069b53140083216d": "for a state\u2019s survival while Mackinder supported Britain\u2019s imperial expansion; these two arguments dominated the discipline for", "573088da069b53140083216e": "Political geographers such as Friedrich Ratzel of Germany and Halford Mackinder of Britain also supported imperialism. Ratzel believed expansion was necessary", "573088da069b53140083216f": "; these", "57308cf88ab72b1400f9c576": "able to become fully human in the temperate zone. Tropicality can be paralleled with Edward Said\u2019s Orientalism as the west\u2019s construction", "57308cf88ab72b1400f9c577": "ed with Edward Said\u2019", "57308cf88ab72b1400f9c578": "\u2019s Orientalism as the west\u2019s construction of the east as the \u201cother", "57308cf88ab72b1400f9c579": "fully human in the temperate zone. Tropicality can be paralleled with Edward Said\u2019s Orientalism as the west\u2019s construction of", "57308cf88ab72b1400f9c57a": "superior and the norm, which justified its dominance over the essential", "57308ddc396df919000961a5": "study in relation to British", "57308ddc396df919000961a7": "and proceeds rather by diagnosis than by historical description\". British imperialism often used the concept of", "57308ddc396df919000961a4": "'empty land'). The country of Australia serves as a case", "57308ddc396df919000961a6": "imperialism are often generalizable to the policies and practices of the British Empire \"during the last generation, and proceeds rather by diagnosis than by", "57308ddc396df919000961a8": "practices of the British Empire", "57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c580": "difference and distance between \"we\" the West and \"", "57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c581": "but also was a way of ordering the East and making", "57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c582": "This", "57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c583": "of knowledge", "57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c584": "the East, or \"here\" in", "5730909d8ab72b1400f9c58a": "\"scramble for Africa\". He states that maps \"contributed to empire by promoting, assisting, and legit", "5730909d8ab72b1400f9c58b": "nineteenth-century maps during", "5730909d8ab72b1400f9c58c": "highlights the use of blank space to denote unknown or unexplored territory.", "5730909d8ab72b1400f9c58d": "to obtain \"information to fill in blank spaces on", "5730909d8ab72b1400f9c58e": "assisting, and legitimizing the extension of French and British", "573092088ab72b1400f9c595": "ism has played an important role in the histories of Japan, Korea, the Assyrian Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Roman Empire, Greece", "573092088ab72b1400f9c594": "Assyrian Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Roman Empire,", "573092088ab72b1400f9c597": "for example the Ethiopian Empire, Oyo Empire, Asante Union, Luba Empire, Lunda Empire, and Mutapa Empire", "573092088ab72b1400f9c598": "ism has played an important role in the histories of Japan, Korea,", "573092088ab72b1400f9c596": "yo Empire, Asante Union, Luba Empire, Lunda Empire, and", "573093598ab72b1400f9c5ae": "Nor is such a usage of culture recent, as part of Roman imperialism local elites would be exposed", "573093598ab72b1400f9c5af": "of another. This is more than just \"foreign\" music, television or film becoming popular with young people", "573093598ab72b1400f9c5b0": "the foreign country depicted. For example, depictions of opulent American lifestyles in the soap opera Dallas during", "573093598ab72b1400f9c5b1": "\" music, television or film becoming popular with young people, but that popular culture changing their own expectations of life and their desire for their own", "573093598ab72b1400f9c5b2": "to the benefits and luxuries of Roman culture and lifestyle, with the", "57309446396df919000961b8": "the", "57309446396df919000961b9": "the \"The Great Game\" in Persian lands, the \"", "57309446396df919000961ba": ", the \"The Great Game\" in Persian lands, the \"Scramble for Africa", "57309446396df919000961bb": "20th century, for example, the \"The Great Game\" in Persian lands, the \"Scramble for Africa", "57309446396df919000961bc": ", and annexing other parts", "57309564069b5314008321a5": "was influential, and Europeans rejected", "57309564069b5314008321a6": "necessary.'\"[attribution needed] Because of the resources made available by imperialism,", "57309564069b5314008321a7": "rejected the notion that \"imperialism\" required formal, legal control by one government over another country. \"In their", "57309564069b5314008321a8": "with", "57309564069b5314008321a9": "ism was influential, and Europeans rejected the notion that \"", "573098f38ab72b1400f9c5d2": ": there, the \"", "573098f38ab72b1400f9c5d4": ", and manpower. Although a substantial number of colonies had been designed to provide economic profit and to ship resources to home ports in", "573098f38ab72b1400f9c5d3": "and twentieth", "573098f38ab72b1400f9c5d5": "been designed to provide economic profit and to ship resources to home ports in the seventeenth and", "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5dc": "in less-developed countries were still fighting with arrows, swords, and leather shields (e.g. the", "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5dd": "with arrows, swords, and leather shields (e", "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5de": "This technology gave European armies an advantage over their opponents, as armies in less-developed countries were still fighting with arrows, swords, and leather", "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5df": "Along with advancements in communication, Europe also continued to advance in military technology. European chemists made deadly explosives that could be used in combat, and", "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5e0": "advancements in communication, Europe also continued to advance in military technology. European chemists made deadly explosives that", "57309bfb8ab72b1400f9c5e6": "parallel", "57309bfb8ab72b1400f9c5e7": "character of \"imperialism\".", "57309bfb8ab72b1400f9c5e8": ", often going back to Christopher Columbus", "57309bfb8ab72b1400f9c5e9": "s. As the application of the term has expanded, its meaning has shifted along five distinct but often parallel axes: the moral,", "57309ef18ab72b1400f9c600": "writers were at their most prolific before World War I, they remained active in the interwar years. Their combined work informed the study", "57309ef18ab72b1400f9c602": "consumption", "57309ef18ab72b1400f9c601": "While these non-Marxist writers were at their most prolific before World War I, they remained active in the interwar", "57309ef18ab72b1400f9c603": ". A. Hobson (1858\u20131940), Joseph Schumpeter (1883\u20131950)", "57309ef18ab72b1400f9c604": "States from the 1950s. Hobson argued that domestic", "5730a0778ab72b1400f9c60a": "Africa), environmental determin", "5730a0778ab72b1400f9c60b": "seen as \"less civilized\" therefore justifying colonial control as a civilizing mission", "5730a0778ab72b1400f9c60c": "the Americas, second in Asia and lastly in Africa), environmental determinism was used to", "5730a0778ab72b1400f9c60d": "determined by the environment in which they lived and thus validated their domination. For example", "5730a0778ab72b1400f9c60e": "of certain territories and peoples. It was believed", "5730a314069b5314008321eb": "temperate climate produced a hard-working, moral, and upstanding human being. Alternatively, tropical climates yielded lazy attitudes,", "5730a314069b5314008321ec": "governing of a more evolved social structure; they were seen as incapable of such a feat. Similarly,", "5730a314069b5314008321ed": "-Atlantic temperate climate produced a hard-working, moral, and upstanding human being.", "5730a314069b5314008321ee": "attitudes,", "5730a314069b5314008321ef": "guidance and intervention from the European empire to aid in the governing of a more evolved social structure; they were seen as incapable of such a feat.", "5730a40f396df91900096234": "empty", "5730a40f396df91900096235": "and was chartered by Queen Elizabeth in the following year. With the establishment of trading posts in India, the British were able", "5730a40f396df91900096236": "up trading posts in India. In 1767 political activity caused exploitation of the East India Company causing the plundering of the", "5730a40f396df91900096237": "as early as the sixteenth century", "5730a40f396df91900096238": "trading posts in India. In 1767 political activity caused exploitation of the East India Company", "5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf29": "it developed, the new empire took on roles of trade with France, supplying raw materials and purchasing manufactured items, as well as lending prestige to the", "5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2a": "with France, supplying raw materials and purchasing manufactured items, as well as lending prestige", "5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2d": "of trade with France, supplying raw materials and purchasing manufactured items, as well", "5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2b": "colonial empire. As it developed, the new empire took on roles of trade with France", "5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2c": "Republicans, at first hostile to empire, only became supportive when Germany started to build her own colonial empire. As it", "5730a951069b531400832213": "\u2013", "5730a951069b531400832214": ". In", "5730a951069b531400832215": "Britain, France sent small numbers of settlers to its colonies, with the only notable exception of Algeria, where French settlers nevertheless always remained a small", "5730a951069b531400832216": "ize the inferior\". Full citizenship rights \u2013 \u2018\u2019assimil", "5730a951069b531400832217": "standards by bringing Christianity and French culture. In 1884 the leading exponent of colonialism,", "5730aa52069b53140083221d": "the 1950s. Whereas they won the war in Algeria, the French leader at the time, Charles de Gaulle, decided", "5730aa52069b53140083221e": "to France. Nearly all of France's colonies gained independence by 1960, but France retained great financial and diplomatic influence. It", "5730aa52069b53140083221f": "in suppressing insurrections and coups d", "5730aa52069b531400832220": ", but France retained great financial and diplomatic influence. It has repeatedly sent troops", "5730aa52069b531400832221": "in Algeria, the French leader at the time, Charles de Gaulle, decided to grant Algeria independence anyway in 1962. Its settlers and", "5730ab63396df91900096260": "which was famously described as \"not holy, not Roman, and not an empire\", as a great number of small states and principalities", "5730ab63396df91900096263": "their original homelands in Scandinavia and northern Europe, Germanic tribes expanded throughout northern and western Europe in the", "5730ab63396df91900096261": "of small states and principalities existed in the loosely autonomous confederation. Although by 1000 CE, the Germanic conquest of central, western, and southern Europe (", "5730ab63396df91900096262": "states and principalities existed", "5730ab63396df91900096264": "Western Roman Empire to its German successor which was famously", "5730ac782461fd1900a9cf73": "a maritime power, and not a nation-state, as", "5730ac782461fd1900a9cf74": "Prussia and the German states continued to stand aloof from imperialism, preferring to manipulate the", "5730ac782461fd1900a9cf75": "it would eventually become,", "5730ac782461fd1900a9cf77": "disputes over colonies would distract Germany from its central interest, Europe itself", "5730ac782461fd1900a9cf76": "well in the tropics and the diplomatic disputes over colonies would", "5730aef38ab72b1400f9c682": "by Hamburg merchants and traders, his neighbors at Friedrichsruh. The establishment of the German colonial empire proceeded", "5730aef38ab72b1400f9c683": "and the South Pacific, before losing interest in imperialism. Historians have debated exactly why Germany made", "5730aef38ab72b1400f9c685": "of German prestige. He was influenced by Hamburg merchants and traders", "5730aef38ab72b1400f9c684": "-lived move.[verification needed] Bismarck was aware that public opinion had started to demand colonies for", "5730aef38ab72b1400f9c686": ", before losing interest", "5730b1022461fd1900a9cfa4": "Japan", "5730b1022461fd1900a9cfa3": "in", "5730b1022461fd1900a9cfa6": "Caroline,", "5730b1022461fd1900a9cfa5": ". During the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937, Japan's military invaded central China and by the end of the Pacific War,", "5730b255396df919000962b0": "ization\" [korenizatsiia] was intended to support non", "5730b255396df919000962b1": "an internationalist ideology: Lenin in particular asserted the right to", "5730b255396df919000962b2": "socialist framework. Never formally revoked, it stopped being implemented after 1932. After World War II, the Soviet Union installed socialist", "5730b255396df919000962b3": "After World War", "5730b255396df919000962b4": "those it had installed in 1919\u201320 in the old Tsarist Empire in areas", "5730b4282461fd1900a9cfc5": "wave of", "5730b4282461fd1900a9cfc6": "Stalinist states and purging", "5730b4282461fd1900a9cfc9": "the war on imperialism, stating that soon the people of different countries will come together and overthrow their imperialist leaders", "5730b4282461fd1900a9cfc8": "only succeed in Russia as part of a world revolution. Lenin wrote extensively on the matter and famously declared that Imperial", "5730b4282461fd1900a9cfc7": "the USSR, like Sultan Galiev and Vasyl Shakhrai, considered the", "5730b541396df919000962c2": "an informal economic", "5730b541396df919000962c3": "Asia", "5730b541396df919000962c5": "the loss of the American colonies in 1776. Britain made compensating gains in India, Australia, and in constructing", "5730b541396df919000962c4": "loss of the American", "5730b541396df919000962c6": "mercantilism, and involved colonies and holdings primarily in North America, the Caribbean", "5730b6592461fd1900a9cfcf": "19th century, with the Scramble for Africa and major additions in Asia and the Middle East. The British spirit of", "5730b6592461fd1900a9cfd0": "and the writer Rudyard Kipling. The British Empire was the largest Empire that the world has ever seen both", "5730b6592461fd1900a9cfd2": "spirit of imperialism was expressed by Joseph Chamberlain and Lord Rosebury, and implemented in Africa by Cecil Rhodes. The", "5730b6592461fd1900a9cfd1": "ism", "5730b7ce069b5314008322c3": "hegemony and imperium of historical empires. In 1898, Americans", "5730b7ce069b5314008322c4": "given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts", "5730b7ce069b5314008322c6": "States expressed its opposition to Imperialism, at least in a form distinct from", "5730b7ce069b5314008322c5": "\" changed all this", "5730b7ce069b5314008322c7": "by Smed", "5730b8ca8ab72b1400f9c704": "a 'new world' which was to be", "5730b8ca8ab72b1400f9c705": "1914. Three years later in 1917, he was appointed to then President Woodrow Wilson's inquiry in 1917. The", "5730b8ca8ab72b1400f9c706": "Isiah Bowman. Bowman was the director of the American Geographical Society in 1914. Three years later in 1917, he was appointed", "5730b8ca8ab72b1400f9c707": "by geographical order. As a result of his role in the inquiry, Isiah Bowman would come to be known as Wilson's geographer.", "5730b8ca8ab72b1400f9c708": "The point of this inquiry was to build a premise that would allow for", "5730bb522461fd1900a9d011": "during westward", "5730bb522461fd1900a9d012": "forgets during this process of converting the other that enlightenment and democracy are concepts that not all will agree", "5730bb522461fd1900a9d013": "United States, whom he described as using aggressive means of attack towards the contemporary Orient", "5730bb522461fd1900a9d015": "have described the internal", "5730bc308ab72b1400f9c73c": "the beginning of the 17th century the empire contained 32 provinces and numerous vassal states. Some of these", "5730bc308ab72b1400f9c73d": "At the", "5730bc308ab72b1400f9c73e": "empire contained 32 provinces and numerous vassal states. Some of these were later absorbed into the empire", "5730bc308ab72b1400f9c73f": "beginning of the 17th century the empire contained 32 provinces and numerous vassal states. Some of these were later absorbed into the empire", "5730bc308ab72b1400f9c740": "of these were later absorbed into the empire, while others were granted various types of autonomy during the course of centuries.", "5730bd00069b5314008322d7": ". Following a long period of military setbacks against European powers, the Ottoman", "5730bd00069b5314008322d9": "in the early 20th century, with the imperial ambition of recovering its lost territories, but it dissolved in the aftermath of World War I,", "5730bd00069b5314008322db": "lost territories, but it dissolved in the aftermath of World War I, leading to the emergence of the new state of Turkey in", "5730bd00069b5314008322da": "at the center of interactions between the Eastern and Western worlds for six centuries. Following a long period of military setbacks against European powers,", "5730982f396df919000961e2": "back to the revival movement of John and Charles Wesley in England as well as the Great Awakening in the United States. As such, the", "5730982f396df919000961e3": "the union of the Methodist Church (USA) and the Evangelical United Brethren Church, the UMC traces its roots back", "5730982f396df919000961e4": "United States. As such, the church's theological orientation is", "5730982f396df919000961e5": "the revival movement of John and Charles Wesley in England as well as the Great Awakening in the United", "5730982f396df919000961e6": "the Great Awakening in the United States. As such, the church's theological orientation is decidedly Wesleyan. It embraces both", "573098c12461fd1900a9cee5": "and the third largest Christian denomination. As of 2014, worldwide membership was about 12 million: 7.2 million in the United States, and", "573098c12461fd1900a9cee6": "third largest Christian denomination. As of 2014, worldwide membership was about 12 million: 7.2 million in the United States, and 4.4 million", "573098c12461fd1900a9cee7": ", worldwide membership was about 12 million: 7.2 million in the United States, and 4.4 million in Africa", "573098c12461fd1900a9cee8": "associations. In 2015, Pew Research estimated that 3.6% of the U", "57309921396df919000961f6": ", opinions and disciplined lifestyle. Eventually, the so-called", "57309921396df919000961f7": "Eventually, the so-called Methodists started individual", "57309921396df919000961f8": "Eventually, the so-called Methodists started individual societies or classes for members of the Church of England", "573099f42461fd1900a9cef7": "less than two years, the \"Holy Club\" disbanded. John Wesley returned to England and met", "573099f42461fd1900a9cef8": "they saw", "573099f42461fd1900a9cef9": ", old, Bible Christianity\". The ministers retained their membership in the Church of England.", "573099f42461fd1900a9cefa": "Christ. Three teachings they saw as the foundation of Christian faith were", "57309a6c2461fd1900a9ceff": "Church of England, the American Revolution decisively separated the Methodists in the American colonies from the life and sacraments", "57309a6c2461fd1900a9cf00": "wanted the Methodists to stay within the Church of England, the American Revolution", "57309a6c2461fd1900a9cf01": "Society. Together with Coke, Wesley sent a revision of the Anglican Prayerbook and the Articles of Religion which were", "57309a6c2461fd1900a9cf02": "Though John Wesley originally wanted the Methodists to stay within the Church of England, the American Revolution decisively separated the Methodists in the American colonies from", "57309a6c2461fd1900a9cf03": "Wesley decisively appointed fellow priest Thomas Coke as superintendent (bishop)", "57309adb396df919000961fc": "erected in 1763 by", "57309adb396df919000961fd": "Methodist church in continuous use in the", "57309adb396df919000961fe": "1769 it purchased the shell of a building which had been erected in 1763 by a German Reformed congregation. At this time, Methodists had", "57309adb396df919000961ff": "of 4th and New Streets, in the Old City neighborhood of Philadelphia, is the oldest Methodist church in continuous use in the", "57309adb396df91900096200": "Methodist Church, located at the corner of 4th and New Streets, in", "57309cd6069b5314008321c3": "African Methodist Episcopal denomination. Absalom Jones became an Episcopal priest. In 1836, the", "57309cd6069b5314008321c4": "om Jones became the first African Americans ordained by the Methodist Church. They were", "57309cd6069b5314008321c5": "denomination. Absalom Jones became an Episcopal priest. In 1836, the church's basement was excavated to make room for", "57309d31396df91900096210": "in the United States, like", "57309d31396df91900096211": "1844, the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal", "57309d31396df91900096212": ", the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church split into two", "57309d31396df91900096213": "United States, like many other Protestant denominations,", "5730a97a396df9190009625a": "United Brethren Church (represented by Bishop Reuben H", "5730a97a396df9190009625b": "Bishop Reuben H. Mueller) and The Methodist Church (represented by Bishop Lloyd Christ Wicke) joined hands at the", "5730a97a396df9190009625c": "Church (represented by Bishop Reuben", "5730a9fa2461fd1900a9cf6d": "cedon. It upholds the concept of the \"visible and invisible Church,\" meaning that all who", "5730a9fa2461fd1900a9cf6e": "Chalcedonian Creed of the Council of Chalcedon. It upholds the concept of the \"", "5730a9fa2461fd1900a9cf6f": "the concept of the \"visible and invisible Church,\" meaning that all who are truly believers in every age belong to the holy Church invisible", "5730aaa88ab72b1400f9c64e": "two of his lay", "5730aaa88ab72b1400f9c650": "elected from", "5730aaa88ab72b1400f9c64f": "considered valid by the ancient church", "5730ab288ab72b1400f9c655": "Methodist Church in 1968, theologian Albert C", "5730ab288ab72b1400f9c654": "John Wesley and Charles Wesley (Anglicans), but also Philip William Otterbein and Martin Boehm (", "5730ab288ab72b1400f9c656": "ical Association). With the formation of The United Methodist Church in 1968, theologian Albert C. Outler led the team which system", "5730ab288ab72b1400f9c657": "formation of The United Methodist Church in 1968, theologian Albert C. Outler led the team which systemat", "5730ac6b8ab72b1400f9c670": "all people. It is", "5730ac6b8ab72b1400f9c672": "might sense both our sinfulness before God and God's", "5730ac6b8ab72b1400f9c671": "which enables us to love and motivates us to seek", "5730ac6b8ab72b1400f9c673": ",", "5730aeba069b531400832241": "time.", "5730aeba069b531400832242": "is in justifying grace we are received by God, in spite of our", "5730aeba069b531400832243": "of our sin. In this reception, we", "5730aeba069b531400832244": "as conversion, \"", "5730aeba069b531400832245": "pardons the believer of sin. It is", "5730afed069b53140083225f": "ifying grace enables us to respond to God by leading a Spirit-filled and Christ-like life aimed toward love. Wesley", "5730afed069b531400832260": "could not fall into sin. Such a man can lose all", "5730afed069b531400832261": "-like life aimed toward love.", "5730afed069b531400832262": "like life aimed toward love. Wesley never claimed this state of perfection for", "5730b07c8ab72b1400f9c696": "and between Anglo-Catholic and Reformed theology and", "5730b07c8ab72b1400f9c697": "between liturgical and charismatic, and between Anglo-Catholic", "5730b07c8ab72b1400f9c698": "clergy and la", "5730b07c8ab72b1400f9c699": "liberal and progressive Protestant groups such as the United Church of Christ and", "5730b10b8ab72b1400f9c69f": "\"was a founding member of the Religious Coalition for", "5730b10b8ab72b1400f9c69e": "-term or partial birth abortion except as a medical necessity. The denomination as a whole is committed to \"assist[ing] the ministry of", "5730b10b8ab72b1400f9c6a0": "st[ing] the ministry of crisis pregnancy centers and pregnancy resource centers that compassionately help women find feasible alternatives", "5730b1e28ab72b1400f9c6ae": "an unacceptable pregnancy. In continuity with past Christian teaching, we recognize tragic conflicts of life with", "5730b1e28ab72b1400f9c6af": "the United Methodist Church are part of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice's governing coalition, The General Board of Church", "5730b1e28ab72b1400f9c6b0": "of the life", "5730b2312461fd1900a9cfad": "United Methodist Church membership in the Religious", "5730b2312461fd1900a9cfae": "floor vote. Rev. Paul", "5730b2312461fd1900a9cfaf": "force of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality", "5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb3": "his famous sermon,", "5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb6": "an alcoholic. At one time, Methodist ministers had to take a pledge not to drink and encouraged their congregations to do the same. Today the United Methodist", "5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb4": "drink and encouraged their congregations to do the same. Today the United Methodist Church states that it \"affirms our long-standing support of abstin", "5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb5": "children and youth, and supporting the church's witness of abstinence.\" Moreover,", "5730b54c069b53140083228d": "its bishops", "5730b54c069b53140083228e": "United Methodist Church, along with other Methodist churches, condemns capital punishment, saying that it cannot accept retribution or social vengeance as a reason", "5730b54c069b53140083228f": "Church calls for its bishops", "5730b54c069b531400832290": "United Methodist Church, along with other Methodist churches, condemns capital punishment,", "5730b5cc396df919000962d2": "have sought other ways to recognize same-sex couples", "5730b5cc396df919000962d3": "United Methodist funds to any gay organization or group", "5730b5cc396df919000962d4": "nationwide, have provided blessings for same-sex marriages. In April of 2016, a", "5730b6bd2461fd1900a9cfd7": "ministers to officiate same-sex weddings,", "5730b6bd2461fd1900a9cfd8": "favor of same", "5730b6bd2461fd1900a9cfd9": "The United Methodist Church \"implore[s] families and churches not to reject or condemn lesbian and gay members and friends\" and", "5730b776069b5314008322bd": "recognize ordained transgender pastors. The Baltimore-Washington Conference of the UMC has approved the appointment of an openly partnered lesbian to the provisional diacon", "5730b776069b5314008322be": "their own policy related to transgender pastors, and therefore some regional conferences have voted to recognize", "5730b776069b5314008322bf": "Rose Mary", "5730b9852461fd1900a9cff9": "ministry to those persons who conscientiously choose to serve in the armed forces or to accept alternative service. The church also", "5730b9852461fd1900a9cffa": "therefore refuse to", "5730b9852461fd1900a9cffb": "that \"as Christians they are aware", "5730b9dc8ab72b1400f9c70e": "compatible with Christ's message and teachings. Therefore, the Church", "5730b9dc8ab72b1400f9c70f": "is to resolve by peaceful means every dispute that arises between or among them; that human values must outweigh military claims as governments determine their priorities; that", "5730b9dc8ab72b1400f9c710": "them; that", "5730bdfe396df9190009630e": "who are addicted to pornography are physiologically altered, as is their perspective, relationships with parishioners and family, and their perceptions of", "5730bdfe396df9190009630f": "empty", "5730bdfe396df91900096310": "] all", "5730bf03069b5314008322eb": "there", "5730bf03069b5314008322ed": "UMC stands in \"opposition to the creation of embryos", "5730bf03069b5314008322ec": "\"a human", "5730c059069b531400832305": "America were separated from the Church of England, John Wesley himself provided a revised version of The Book of", "5730c059069b531400832306": "Church of England.\" When the Methodists in America were separated from the Church of England, John Wesley himself", "5730c059069b531400832307": "the world, either in ancient or modern language, which", "5730c52fb54a4f140068cc46": "ordination, anointing of the sick and daily office prayer services. Some clergy offer healing services, while exorc", "5730c52fb54a4f140068cc47": ". Along with these, there are also special services", "5730c52fb54a4f140068cc48": "for holy days such as All Saints Day", "5730c6d3b54a4f140068cc4c": ". James UMC\"). Methodists also honor notable heroes", "5730c6d3b54a4f140068cc4d": "UMC\"). Methodists also honor notable heroes and heroines of", "5730c6d3b54a4f140068cc4e": "Faith, evangelists, or important biblical figures such as Saint Matthew,", "5730c737b54a4f140068cc52": "every four years (quadrennium", "5730c737b54a4f140068cc54": "revised after each General", "5730c737b54a4f140068cc55": "every four years (quadrennium). Legislative changes are recorded in The Book of Discipline which is revised after each General Conference. Non-", "5730c737b54a4f140068cc53": "be in Portland, Oregon. Bishops, Councils, Committees", "5730c737b54a4f140068cc56": "2012. The event is currently rotated between the U.S. jurisdictions of the church. The 2016 General Conference", "5730c810aca1c71400fe5aa7": "Episcopal Areas, which consist of one or more Annual Conferences", "5730c810aca1c71400fe5aa8": "every four years. The United States is divided into five jurisdictions: Northeastern, Southeastern, North Central, South Central and", "5730c810aca1c71400fe5aa9": ". The United States is divided into five jurisdictions: Northeastern, Southeastern, North Central, South Central and Western. Outside the United", "5730c810aca1c71400fe5aaa": "is", "5730c810aca1c71400fe5aab": "Northeastern, Southeastern, North Central, South Central and Western. Outside the United States the church is divided into seven central conferences: Africa, Congo", "5730c8a1f6cb411900e2449c": "most high profile decisions in recent years by one of the councils was a decision by the Mission Council of the South Central Jurisdiction which in March 2007", "5730c8a1f6cb411900e2449d": "or could be submitted for approval by the Southern Jurisdictional Conference at its July 2008 meeting in Dallas, Texas, remains unresol", "5730c8a1f6cb411900e2449e": "church bishops). One of the most high profile decisions in recent years by one of the councils was a decision by the Mission", "5730c8a1f6cb411900e2449f": "meetings are made by the Mission Council (usually consisting of church bishops). One of the most high profile decisions in recent", "5730c8a1f6cb411900e244a0": "of the Iraq War which the church bishops have criticized. A debate over whether the decision should", "5730ca6eaca1c71400fe5ac2": "Discipline between sessions of General Conference, and during General Conference,", "5730ca6eaca1c71400fe5ac1": "ing", "5730ca6eaca1c71400fe5ac3": "in accordance with church law. The Council reviews all decisions of law made by bishops The", "5730ca6eaca1c71400fe5ac4": "consists of nine members, both laity and clergy, elected by the General Conference for an", "5730ca6eaca1c71400fe5ac5": "meets twice a year at various locations throughout the world. The Judicial Council also hears appeals from those who have been", "5730cb0fb7151e1900c0154a": "Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church or a synod in some Lutheran", "5730cb0fb7151e1900c0154b": "synod in some Lutheran denominations such as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is the basic unit", "5730cb0fb7151e1900c0154c": "the Annual Conference. In many", "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c2": "three members and no more than nine members and it is recommended that no gender should hold more", "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c3": "the church and any interested", "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c4": "organizational structure of local United Methodist churches. All UM churches must have a board of trustees with at least three members and no more than", "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c5": "administrative council. Other committees are suggested but not required such as a missions committee, or evangelism or worship committee. Term limits", "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c6": "salaries (compensation", "5730cc2cb54a4f140068cc66": "its history, the United Methodist Church has placed great emphasis on the importance of education. As such, the United Methodist Church established and is affiliated with", "5730cc2cb54a4f140068cc67": "hundred colleges and universities in the United", "5730cc2cb54a4f140068cc68": "Denver, University of Evansville, and Southern Methodist University.", "5730d26fb54a4f140068cc94": ".), or another equivalent degree, before commission", "5730d26fb54a4f140068cc95": "the authority and appointment of their bishops. They generally serve as pastors in local congregations. Deacons are in service ministry and", "5730d26fb54a4f140068cc96": "to the authority and appointment of their bishops. They generally serve as pastors in local congregations. Deacon", "5730d26fb54a4f140068cc97": "equivalent degree, before", "5730d3adaca1c71400fe5af5": "by the resident bishop on the advice of the Annual Conference Cabinet, which is composed of the Area", "5730d3adaca1c71400fe5af6": "appointments are officially fixed. Many Annual Conferences try to avoid making", "5730d3adaca1c71400fe5af7": "sessions of Annual Conference. While an appointment is made one year at a time, it is most common for", "5730d473b7151e1900c0155a": "for ministry and mission. Elders may also be assigned as District Superintendents, and they are eligible for election to", "5730d473b7151e1900c0155b": "extension ministries of the church. Elders are given the authority to preach the Word", "5730d473b7151e1900c0155c": "by the church, and ordained by a bishop", "5730d473b7151e1900c0155d": "ment,", "5730d523aca1c71400fe5b03": "affirmed by the church", "5730d523aca1c71400fe5b04": ".", "5730d523aca1c71400fe5b05": "within the local church or to an extension ministry that supports the mission of the church", "5730d523aca1c71400fe5b06": "supports the mission of the church. Deacons", "5730d597f6cb411900e244d6": "serves a two-three-year term in a full-time appointment after being", "5730d597f6cb411900e244d7": "\" for those who seek to be ordained in the respective orders. The provisional elder/deacon is a seminary graduate who", "5730d597f6cb411900e244d8": "for those", "5730d6fcb7151e1900c01562": "the pastoral appointment. Local Pastors are often bi-vocational, living out their ministerial call in the local church and in their field of employment", "5730d6fcb7151e1900c01563": "bachelor", "5730d6fcb7151e1900c01564": "Ordained Ministry, as well as an advanced course or study or prescribed", "5730d6fcb7151e1900c01565": "examinations, and appear before the District Committee on Ministry and the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. They may continue towards Associate Membership allowing them to", "5730d77ef6cb411900e244dc": ". Individuals who were not previously baptized are baptized as part of their profession of faith and", "5730d77ef6cb411900e244dd": ". Individuals may also become a Professing Member through transfer from another Christian denomination", "5730d77ef6cb411900e244de": "have not subsequently professed their own faith. These Baptized", "5730de74f6cb411900e244fc": "completing sixth grade to participate, although the pastor has discretionary authority to allow a younger person to participate. In confirmation and membership", "5730de74f6cb411900e244fd": "church to offer membership preparation or confirmation classes to all people, including adults. The term confirmation", "5730de74f6cb411900e244fe": "In confirmation and membership preparation classes,", "5730de74f6cb411900e244ff": "discretionary authority to allow a younger person to participate. In confirmation and membership preparation classes, students learn about Church and the Methodist-Christian theological", "5730e936aca1c71400fe5b61": "reporting how they have served and", "5730e936aca1c71400fe5b62": "local church lay servant, who serve in and through their local churches, and certified lay servants, who serve in their own churches, in other", "5730e936aca1c71400fe5b63": "Council or", "5730e936aca1c71400fe5b64": "be recommended by their pastor and Church Council or Charge Conference, and complete the basic course for lay servant", "5730e9f4aca1c71400fe5b73": "one", "5730e9f4aca1c71400fe5b74": ". The United Methodist Church is active in ecumenical relations with other Christian", "5730e9f4aca1c71400fe5b75": "the World Council of Churches, Churches Uniting in Christ, and Christian", "5730ea71b54a4f140068cce4": "denominations: the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the African Methodist Episcopal Z", "5730ea71b54a4f140068cce5": "1985 been exploring a possible merger with three historically African-American Methodist denominations: the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the African", "5730ea71b54a4f140068cce6": ", and the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. A Commission on Pan Methodist Cooperation", "5730eb5b497a881900248a3f": "empty", "5730eb5b497a881900248a40": "experienced significant membership losses in recent decades. At the time of its formation, the UMC had about 11 million", "5730eb5b497a881900248a41": ", the United Methodist Church has experienced significant membership losses in recent decades. At the time of its formation, the UMC had about 11", "5730eb5b497a881900248a42": "empty", "5730eb5b497a881900248a43": "below 10 million for the first time", "5730ebe0a5e9cc1400cdbae5": ". churches collectively losing about", "5730ebe0a5e9cc1400cdbae6": "collectively losing about 1,000 members a week", "5730ebe0a5e9cc1400cdbae7": "bishop has estimated that typical Sunday attendance of the UMC is higher in his country than in", "5730ec85e6313a140071caba": "Holiness Consortium, which seeks to reconceive and promote Biblical holiness in today's Church. It is also active", "5730ec85e6313a140071cabb": "an interdenominational group composed of various churches in the tradition", "5730ec85e6313a140071cabc": "in the World Methodist Council, an interdenominational group", "5733cf61d058e614000b62e9": "(1754\u20131763) was the", "5733cf61d058e614000b62ea": "with 2 million in the British North American colonies. The outnumbered French particularly depended on the Indians. Long in conflict, the", "5733cf61d058e614000b62eb": "worldwide Seven Years'", "5733cf61d058e614000b62ec": "American allies. At", "5733cff84776f419006612b4": "the French Fort Duquesne and present-day Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The dispute erupted into violence in the Battle of Jumonville Glen in May", "5733cff84776f419006612b5": "French Fort Duquesne and present-day Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The dispute erupted into violence", "5733cff84776f419006612b6": "day Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The dispute erupted into violence in the Battle of Jumonville Glen in May 1754, during which", "5733d13e4776f419006612c4": "The Acadians, both those captured in arms and those who had", "5733d13e4776f419006612c5": "Monongahela on July 9, 1755 and died a few days later. British operations in 1755, 1756 and 17", "5733d13e4776f419006612c6": ", without direction from Great Britain. The Acadians", "5733d13e4776f419006612c7": "the main effort by Braddock was a disaster; he was defeated in the Battle", "5733d13e4776f419006612c8": "Great Britain. The Acadians, both those", "5733d249d058e614000b6331": "the British military launched a campaign to capture the Colony of Canada. They succeeded in capturing territory in surrounding colonies and ultimately Quebec.", "5733d249d058e614000b6332": "the war. Between 1758 and 1760, the British military launched a campaign to capture the Colony", "5733d249d058e614000b6333": "the colonies at a time when France was unwilling to risk large convoys to aid the limited forces it had in New France. France concentrated its", "5733d249d058e614000b6334": "limited forces it had in New France. France concentrated its forces against Prussia and its allies in the European theatre of the war. Between 1758 and 1760", "5733d2dbd058e614000b6339": "for the return of Havana, Cuba). France's colonial presence north of the Caribbean was reduced to the islands of Saint Pierre and Mique", "5733d2dbd058e614000b633a": "loss to Britain of Florida (Spain had ceded this to Britain in exchange for the return of Havana, Cuba", "5733d2dbd058e614000b633b": "dominant colonial power in", "5733d3cb4776f419006612ea": "historians generally use the traditional name or sometimes the Seven Years' War. Other,", "5733d3cb4776f419006612eb": "monarch, such as King William's War or Queen Anne's War. As there had already been a King George'", "5733d3cb4776f419006612ec": "historians generally use the traditional name or sometimes the Seven Years' War. Other, less frequently used names for the war", "5733d3cb4776f419006612ed": "George's War in the 1740s, British colonists named the second war in King George'", "5733d4c8d058e614000b6353": "years, from the Battle of Ju", "5733d4c8d058e614000b6354": "empty", "5733d4c8d058e614000b6355": "known as the Seven Years' War. \"Seven Years\" refers to events in Europe, from the official", "5733d4c8d058e614000b6356": "with the fighting on mainland North America, where", "5733d5704776f4190066130e": ",", "5733d5704776f4190066130f": "in the Illinois", "5733d5704776f41900661310": "married Indian women.", "5733d68ed058e614000b637f": ", from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in the north, to Georgia in the south. Many of the older colonies had land claims that extended arbitrarily far", "5733d68ed058e614000b6380": ", still had a significant French-speaking population", "5733d68ed058e614000b6381": "colonies had land claims that extended arbitrarily far to the west, as the extent of the continent was unknown at the time their", "5733d7cbd058e614000b63ab": "benaki were engaged in Father Le Loutre's War and still held sway in parts of Nova Scotia", "5733d7cbd058e614000b63ac": "empty", "5733d7cbd058e614000b63ad": "and the Ohio Country, although the latter also included Algonquian-speaking populations of Delaware and Shawnee, as", "5733d7cbd058e614000b63ae": "day Upstate", "5733da01d058e614000b63f9": ". Most of the other northern tribes sided with the French,", "5733da01d058e614000b63fa": "portions of the Great Lakes region (an area not directly subject to the conflict between the French and British)", "5733da01d058e614000b63fb": "and Choctaw,", "5733dab4d058e614000b6409": "3,000 troupes de la marine, companies of colonial regulars (some of whom had significant woodland combat experience). The", "5733dab4d058e614000b640a": "s de", "5733dab4d058e614000b640b": ", no French regular army troops were stationed in North America,", "5733db8dd058e614000b6428": "British merchants or fur-", "5733db8dd058e614000b6429": "the portage at Niagara, and followed the southern", "5733db8dd058e614000b642a": "on informed them of the French claims on the territory and told", "5733dc95d058e614000b644a": "Briton\". C\u00e9loron threatened \"Old Briton\" with severe consequences if he continued to trade with the British.", "5733dc95d058e614000b644b": "arrived at Logstown, the Native Americans in the area informed C\u00e9lor", "5733dc95d058e614000b644c": "with the British regardless of the French. C\u00e9loron continued south until his expedition reached the confluence of the Ohio and the", "5733dc95d058e614000b644d": "Briton\". C\u00e9loron threatened \"Old Briton\" with severe consequences", "5733dd4f4776f419006613aa": "dispose", "5733dd4f4776f419006613ab": "\"All I can say is that the Natives of these localities are very badly dispose", "5733dd4f4776f419006613ac": "brisk", "5733e5a14776f4190066145b": "mouth of the Monongahela River (the site of present-day", "5733e5a14776f4190066145c": ", agreed to terms that included permission to", "5733e5a14776f4190066145d": "settle 100 families in the territory, and construct a fort for their protection. But, as the territory was", "5733e5a14776f4190066145e": "build a \"strong house\" at the mouth of the Monongahela", "5733e5a14776f4190066145f": "opened negotiations with the Indian tribes at Logstown. He completed the 1752 Treaty of Logstown in which the local Indians, through", "5733e771d058e614000b6545": "disputes also extended into the Atlantic Ocean, where both powers wanted access to the rich fisheries", "5733e771d058e614000b6546": "George's War) formally ended in 1748 with", "5733e771d058e614000b6547": "off Newfoundland", "5733e771d058e614000b6548": "territorial claims between British and French colonies in North America were turned over to a commission to resolve, but it reached no", "5733e8ae4776f419006614a6": "Miami people of Pickawillany for", "5733e8ae4776f419006614a7": "orders to cease trading with the British. On June 21, the French war party attacked the", "5733e8ae4776f419006614a8": "the", "5733e8ae4776f419006614a9": "to the area under the command of Charles Michel de Langlade, an officer in the Troupes de", "5733ea04d058e614000b6594": "euf Creek. As he moved south, he drove off or captured British traders, alarming both the British", "5733ea04d058e614000b6595": "Pennsylvania), designed to guard the headwaters of LeBoeuf Creek. As he moved south, he drove off or captured", "5733ea04d058e614000b6596": "of LeBoeuf Creek. As he moved south, he drove off or captured British traders", "5733ea04d058e614000b6597": "threatened the French with military action, which", "5733ea04d058e614000b6598": "Mingo", "5733eb34d058e614000b65cc": "Clinton did not respond to his satisfaction, Chief Hendrick said that the \"Covenant Chain\", a long-standing friendly", "5733eb34d058e614000b65cd": "Speaker of their tribal council, insisted that the British abide by their obligations and", "5733eb34d058e614000b65ce": "at Albany, New York with Governor Clinton and officials from some of the other American colonies. Mohawk Chief Hendrick, Speaker of their", "5733eb34d058e614000b65cf": "was known to the Iroquois as Warraghiggey", "5733ef47d058e614000b662b": "French", "5733ef47d058e614000b662c": "ordered the 21-year-old Major George Washington (whose brother was another Ohio Company investor) of the Virginia Regiment to warn the French", "5733ef47d058e614000b662d": "in October 1753 Dinwiddie ordered the 21-year-old Major George Washington (whose brother was another Ohio Company", "5733ef47d058e614000b662e": "party, picking up along the way Jacob Van Braam as an interpreter; Christopher Gist,", "5733f062d058e614000b6633": "empty", "5733f062d058e614000b6634": "to dine with him. Over dinner, Washington presented Saint-Pierre with the letter from Dinwiddie", "5733f062d058e614000b6635": "told Washington that France's claim to the region was superior to", "5733f062d058e614000b6636": "forces", "5733f1784776f41900661575": "period, and Contrec\u0153", "5733f1784776f41900661576": "Washington returned, Dinwiddie had", "5733f1784776f41900661577": "Washington returned, Dinwiddie", "5733f309d058e614000b6648": "May 28 in what", "5733f309d058e614000b6649": "of Tanaghrisson'", "5733f309d058e614000b664a": "Jumon", "5733f410d058e614000b6663": "had already sailed. Admiral Edward Hawke detached a fast squadron to North", "5733f410d058e614000b6664": "sailed. Admiral Edward Hawke detached a fast squadron to North America in an attempt to intercept the French", "5733f410d058e614000b6665": "in February 17", "5733f410d058e614000b6666": "to lead the expedition. Word of the British", "5733f5264776f419006615a3": "approved of by the crown. Nevertheless, the format of the congress and many specifics of the plan", "5733f5264776f419006615a4": "was seen to be pivotal in the success in the war that was unfolding. The plan that the delegates agreed to", "5733f5264776f419006615a5": "many specifics of the plan became the prototype for confederation during the War of", "5733f5264776f419006615a6": ", since allegiance of the various tribes and nations was seen to be pivotal in the success in the war that was unfolding. The", "5733f5f24776f419006615c1": "up in trees and behind logs. Braddock called for a retreat. He was killed", "5733f5f24776f419006615c2": "soldiers ambushing them from up in trees and behind logs. Braddock called for a retreat. He was killed. Approximately 1,000 British", "5733f5f24776f419006615c3": "George Washington, retreated to Virginia. Two future opponents in the American Revolutionary War, Washington and Thomas Gage, played key roles in organizing", "5733f5f24776f419006615c4": ") led about 1,500 army troops and provincial militia on an expedition in June 1755 to take Fort Duquesne. The expedition was a disaster", "5733f7b9d058e614000b66a9": "Oneida Carry between the Mohawk River and Wood Creek", "5733f7b9d058e614000b66aa": "he planned to attack Fort Niagara. As a response,", "5733f7b9d058e614000b66ab": "Shirley's inexperience in managing large expeditions.", "5733f7b9d058e614000b66ac": "and Wood Creek", "5733f8dc4776f419006615f7": "the construction of Fort Carillon (later renamed Fort Ticonderoga after British capture in 1759)", "5733f8dc4776f419006615f8": "Ticonderoga Point, where they began the construction", "5733f8dc4776f419006615f9": "Johnson was seen as the larger threat, Vaudreuil sent Dieskau to Fort St.", "5733f8dc4776f419006615fa": "Shirley's, which was noticed by New France's governor, the Marquis de Vaudreuil", "5733f8dc4776f419006615fb": "sides withdrawing from the field. Johnson's advance stopped at Fort William Henry, and the", "5733f9fa4776f4190066161f": "year, captured Fort Beaus\u00e9jour in June 1755, cutting the French fortress at Louisbourg off from land-", "5733f9fa4776f41900661620": "Acadian resistance, in concert with native allies, including the Mi'kmaq", "5733f9fa4776f41900661621": "(ranging around the Bay of Fundy, on the Petitcodiac and St. John rivers, and \u00ce", "5733faaf4776f4190066162f": "Ontario and an expedition through the wilderness of the Maine district and down the C", "5733faaf4776f41900661630": "and New York's Governor Sir Charles Hardy", "5733faaf4776f41900661631": ", he laid out his plans for 1756. In addition to renewing the efforts to capture Niagara, Crown Point and Duquesne,", "5733faaf4776f41900661632": "plans for 1756. In addition to renewing the efforts to capture", "5733fb7bd058e614000b66ff": "Austrian Succession.", "5733fb7bd058e614000b6700": "led by Major General Louis-", "5733fb7bd058e614000b6701": "1756, led by Major General Louis-Joseph", "5733fc6ed058e614000b670f": "British hopes for campaigns on Lake Ontario, and endangered the Oswego garrison, already short on supplies. French forces in", "5733fc6ed058e614000b6710": "s Shirley had erected at the Oneida Carry. In the", "5733fc6ed058e614000b6711": "the March Battle of Fort Bull, French forces destroyed the fort and large quantities of supplies, including 45,000 pounds", "5733fc6ed058e614000b6712": "forts Shirley had erected at the Oneida Carry. In the March Battle of Fort Bull, French forces destroyed the fort and large quantities", "5733fd66d058e614000b6735": "command", "5733fd66d058e614000b6736": "mbie refused to take any", "5733fd66d058e614000b6737": "m and the Indians under", "5733fd66d058e614000b6738": "in Albany, Abercrombie refused to take any significant actions until Loudoun approved them. Mont", "5733fe73d058e614000b673d": "a cautious field commander,", "5733fe73d058e614000b673e": "and a fleet outnumbering the British one awaited Loudoun at Louisbourg. Faced with this strength, Loudoun returned to New York", "5733fe73d058e614000b673f": "State responsible for the colonies, to", "5733fe73d058e614000b6740": ", he began organizing for the expedition to Quebec. He was then ordered by William Pitt,", "5733ffa7d058e614000b674f": "Montcalm's Indian allies, angered", "5733ffa7d058e614000b6750": "they", "5733ffa7d058e614000b6751": "against the position across the frozen Lake", "57340111d058e614000b677d": "and Louisbourg, while Vau", "57340111d058e614000b677e": "prices and were believed by Montcalm to line his", "57340111d058e614000b677f": "schemes to supply the colony inflated prices and were believed by Montcalm to line his pockets and those of his associates", "5734025d4776f419006616c3": "uneasy coalition in which Pitt dominated the military planning.", "5734025d4776f419006616c4": "combined with other failures", "5734025d4776f419006616c5": "bercrombie as commander in chief after the failures of 1757. Pitt's plan called for three major offensive actions involving large numbers", "5734025d4776f419006616c6": "s plan called for three major offensive actions involving large numbers of regular troops,", "573403394776f419006616dd": "Fort Frontenac, including caches of supplies destined for New France", "573403394776f419006616de": "John Bradstreet on an expedition that successfully destroyed Fort Frontenac, including caches of supplies destined", "573403394776f419006616df": "Carillon, in which 3,600 Frenchmen famously and decisively defeated Abercrombie's force of 18,000 regulars,", "573403394776f419006616e0": "600 Frenchmen famously and decisively defeated Abercrombie'", "57340549d058e614000b67dd": "the Seven Years' War in 1758, France's new foreign", "57340549d058e614000b67de": "ily and politically, as Pitt again planned significant campaigns against New France, and sent funds to", "57340549d058e614000b67df": "battles at Lagos and Quiberon Bay. In one piece of good fortune, some French supply ships", "573406d1d058e614000b6801": "), and victory at Fort Niagara successfully cut off the French frontier forts further to the west and south. The victory was made complete in", "573406d1d058e614000b6802": "despite", "573406d1d058e614000b6803": "captured Ticonderoga, James Wolfe defeated Montcalm", "573406d1d058e614000b6804": "in all theaters in the Annus Mirabilis of 1759, when they finally captured Ticonderoga, James Wolfe defeated Mont", "573407d7d058e614000b6813": "their Roman Catholic tradition, continued ownership of their property, and the right", "573407d7d058e614000b6814": "France aboard British ships with an agreement that they were not", "573407d7d058e614000b6815": "In September 1760, and before any hostilities erupted, Governor Vaudreuil negotiated from Montreal a c", "573408ef4776f41900661757": "able to negotiate the retention of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, two small islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, along", "573408ef4776f41900661758": "Voltaire referred to Canada disparagingly as nothing more than a few acres of snow. The British, for their part, were happy to", "573408ef4776f41900661759": "Paris on 10 February 1763, and war in the European", "573408ef4776f4190066175a": "of the Treaty of Paris on 10 February", "57340a094776f4190066177d": "-speaking Roman Catholic residents. The deportation of Acadians beginning in 1755 resulted in land", "57340a094776f4190066177e": "dien\" evolved to \"Cadien\", then to", "57340a094776f4190066177f": "Europe and the colonies further south. The British resettled many Acadians throughout its North American provinces, but many went to France, and", "57340a094776f41900661780": "led many Acadians throughout its North American provinces, but many went to France,", "57340b1bd058e614000b6869": "Quebec Act in 1774 to address this and other issues, religious concerns were raised in the largely Protestant Thirteen Colonies over the", "57340b1bd058e614000b686a": "law, including the", "57340b1bd058e614000b686b": "a temporary impediment to a rising tide of westward-bound settlers", "57340d124776f419006617c3": "some Christianized Yamasee were", "57340d124776f419006617c0": "to", "57340d124776f419006617c1": "business with the British, and a rise in tensions between the Choctaw and the Creek, historic enemies whose divisions the British at times exploited.", "57340d124776f419006617c2": "(which was not completed until 1769) had modest repercussions, the British takeover of Spanish Florida resulted in the westward", "57340d124776f419006617bf": "governmental records from St. Augustine, although some Christianized Yamasee", "573735e8c3c5551400e51e71": "motion. A fundamental error was the belief that a force is required to maintain motion, even at a constant velocity. Most of the", "573735e8c3c5551400e51e72": "Archimedes retained fundamental errors in understanding force. In part this was due to an incomplete understanding of the", "573735e8c3c5551400e51e73": ". By the early 20th century, Einstein developed a theory of relativity that correctly", "573735e8c3c5551400e51e74": "to maintain motion, even at a constant velocity.", "573735e8c3c5551400e51e75": "of the sometimes non-obvious force of friction, and a consequently inadequate view of the nature of natural motion. A fundamental error was the", "57373a9fc3c5551400e51e7b": "between particles smaller than atoms. The Standard Model predicts that exchanged particles called gauge bosons are the fundamental means by which forces are emitted and absorbed", "57373a9fc3c5551400e51e7c": "are known: in order of decreasing strength, they are: strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational.:2", "57373a9fc3c5551400e51e7d": "physics observations made during the 1970", "57373a9fc3c5551400e51e7e": "Model predict", "57373a9fc3c5551400e51e7f": "forces between particles smaller than atoms", "57373d0cc3c5551400e51e85": "the elements earth and water", "57373d0cc3c5551400e51e86": ", and while the projectile sailed through the air, no discernible efficient cause acts on it. Aristotle was", "57373d0cc3c5551400e51e87": "acts on it. Aristotle was aware of this problem and proposed that the air displaced through the", "57373d0cc3c5551400e51e88": "application of a force needed to keep a cart moving, had conceptual trouble accounting for the behavior of projectiles, such as", "57373d0cc3c5551400e51e89": "needed to keep a cart moving, had conceptual trouble accounting for the behavior of projectiles, such as the flight of arrows. The place where the", "57373f80c3c5551400e51e8f": "acted on", "57373f80c3c5551400e51e90": "century work of Galileo Galilei, who was influenced by the late Medieval", "57373f80c3c5551400e51e91": "constructed an experiment in which stones and cannonballs were both rolled down an incline to dis", "57373f80c3c5551400e51e92": "carried an innate force of impetus. Galileo constructed an experiment in which stones and cannonballs were both rolled down an incline to dis", "57373f80c3c5551400e51e93": "was influenced by", "5737432bc3c5551400e51e99": "insight that constant velocity was associated with a lack of net force", "5737432bc3c5551400e51e9a": "related by", "5737432bc3c5551400e51e9b": "making rest physically in", "5737432bc3c5551400e51e9c": "the concept of relative velocities.", "5737432bc3c5551400e51e9d": "determine which object is \"in motion\" and which object is \"at rest\". In other words, to phrase", "5737477bc3c5551400e51ea3": "about applying a force in the direction the vehicle is moving. This is true even though another person who is observing", "5737477bc3c5551400e51ea4": "with its constant velocity in the direction of the vehicle's motion that ensures the ball continues to move forward even as it", "5737477bc3c5551400e51ea5": ", the two", "5737477bc3c5551400e51ea6": "is at rest, the two situations are considered to be physically indistinguishable", "573749741c4567190057445d": "next to himself, it will remain stationary with respect to", "573749741c4567190057445e": "object with mass in mid-air next to himself, it will remain stationary with respect to the astronaut due", "573749741c4567190057445f": "intergalactic space with no net force of gravity acting on their shared reference frame. This principle of equivalence was one of the foundational under", "573749741c45671900574460": "ible in such environments. If an astronaut places an object with mass in mid-air next to", "573749741c45671900574461": "continue in many different forms of constant motion, even those that are not strictly constant velocity", "573750f51c45671900574467": "a coherent theory of quantum gravity", "573750f61c45671900574468": "that remain as to what is the proper definition of mass. General relativity offers an equivalence between space-time and mass, but lacking a coherent", "573750f61c45671900574469": "s second law can be taken as a quantitative definition of mass by writing the law as an equality; the relative", "573750f61c4567190057446a": "an equivalence between space-time and mass, but lacking", "573750f61c4567190057446b": "General relativity offers an equivalence between space-time and mass,", "5737534ec3c5551400e51eab": "the action-reaction law, with F called the \"action\" and \u2212F the \"re", "5737534ec3c5551400e51eac": "can be attributed to the presence of different objects. The third law means that all forces are interactions between different", "5737534ec3c5551400e51ead": "the first body. F and \u2212F are equal in", "5737534ec3c5551400e51eae": "interactions", "573755afc3c5551400e51eb3": "an external force acts on the system,", "573755afc3c5551400e51eb4": ", then the center of mass will experience an acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the external force divided by the mass", "573755afc3c5551400e51eb5": "to each other, the system itself remains unaccelerated. Alternatively, if an external force acts on", "573766251c45671900574471": ". Through experimentation, it", "573766251c45671900574472": "Newtonian mechanics", "573766251c45671900574473": "pulls, this can provide an intuitive understanding for describing forces. As with other physical concepts (e.g. temperature), the intuitive", "573766251c45671900574474": "intuitive understanding of forces is quantified using precise operational definitions that are consistent with direct observations and", "57376828c3c5551400e51eb9": "same direction", "57376828c3c5551400e51eba": "rope will be. The two people could be pulling against each other as in tug of war or the two people", "57376828c3c5551400e51ebb": "but you do not know which direction either person is pulling, it is impossible to determine", "57376828c3c5551400e51ebc": "\"vector quantities\". This means that forces follow a different set", "57376828c3c5551400e51ebd": "that forces follow a different set of mathematical rules than physical quantities that do not have direction", "57376a1bc3c5551400e51ec3": "specified in order to account for their effects on the motion of the body", "57376a1bc3c5551400e51ec4": "s represented by sides of a parallelogram, gives an equivalent resultant vector that is", "57376a1bc3c5551400e51ec5": "represented by sides of a parallelogram, gives an equivalent resultant vector that is equal in magnitude and direction to", "57376a1bc3c5551400e51ec6": "that is equal in magnitude and direction to the transversal of the parallelogram. The magnitude of the resultant varies from the difference of the", "57376a1bc3c5551400e51ec7": "the parallelogram rule of vector addition: the addition of two vectors represented by sides of a", "57376c50c3c5551400e51ecd": "north, and one pointing east. Summing these component forces using vector addition yields the original force. Resolving force vectors into components", "57376c50c3c5551400e51ece": "force vectors into components of a set of basis vectors is often a more mathematically clean way to describe forces than using magnitudes and directions.", "57376c50c3c5551400e51ecf": "Orthogonal components are independent of each other because forces acting at ninety degrees to each other have", "57376c50c3c5551400e51ed0": "considering what set of basis vectors will make the mathematics most convenient. Choosing a basis vector that is in the", "57376c50c3c5551400e51ed1": "would then have only one non-zero component. Orthogonal force vectors can be three", "57376df3c3c5551400e51ed7": ", generated between the object and the table surface. For a situation with no movement, the static", "57376df3c3c5551400e51ed8": "friction increases or decreases in", "57376df3c3c5551400e51ed9": "friction force exactly balances the applied force resulting in no acceleration. The static friction increases or", "57376df3c3c5551400e51eda": ". For a situation with no movement, the static friction", "57377083c3c5551400e51edf": "spring scale experiences the force of gravity acting on the object balanced by a force applied by the \"spring reaction force\", which equals the object", "57377083c3c5551400e51ee0": "; Archimedes' analysis of the lever; Boyle's", "57377083c3c5551400e51ee1": "Archimedes' principle for buoyancy; Archimedes' analysis of the lever; Boyle's", "57377083c3c5551400e51ee2": "measuring forces, using simple devices such as weighing scales and spring balances. For example, an object suspended on a vertical spring scale experiences", "57377083c3c5551400e51ee3": "for springs. These were all formulated and experimentally verified before Isaac Newton expounded his Three Laws", "573776eec3c5551400e51ee9": ". This was contrary to Aristotle's notion of a \"natural", "573776eec3c5551400e51eea": "\" did not exist. Galileo concluded that motion in a constant velocity was completely equivalent to rest. This was contrary", "573776eec3c5551400e51eeb": "objects with mass naturally approached. Simple experiments showed that Galileo's understanding of the equivalence of constant velocity and rest were correct. For example, if a", "573776eec3c5551400e51eec": "constant velocity, Aristotelian physics would have the cannonball fall straight down while the ship moved beneath", "573776eec3c5551400e51eed": "telian universe, the falling cannonball would land behind the foot of the mast of a moving ship. However, when this experiment is actually conducted,", "57377862c3c5551400e51ef3": "ed this motion as being caused by the applied", "57377862c3c5551400e51ef4": "a non", "57377862c3c5551400e51ef5": "kinetic friction. In such a situation, a force is applied in", "57377862c3c5551400e51ef6": "-zero velocity, it continues to move with", "57377aac1c45671900574479": ". This is, of course, difficult to imagine in the context of \"", "57377aac1c4567190057447a": ", of course, difficult to imagine in the context of \"forces\". However, the potentials V(", "57377aac1c4567190057447b": "discrete portions. This is,", "57377aac1c4567190057447c": ",", "57377aac1c4567190057447d": "z) or fields, from which the forces generally can be derived, are treated", "57377c98c3c5551400e51efb": "also a discrete intrinsic angular momentum-like", "57377c98c3c5551400e51efc": "However, already in quantum mechanics there is one \"ca", "57377c98c3c5551400e51efd": "have a symmetric spin function (e.", "57377c98c3c5551400e51efe": "), and vice versa, i.", "57377c98c3c5551400e51eff": "parallel spins) the spatial variables must be antisymmetric (i.", "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f05": "with an associated instantaneous change in the direction of the", "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f06": ".:199\u2013128 When particle A emits (creates) or absorbs (annihilates) virtual particle B, a", "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f07": "accurately to be \"fundamental interactions\".:199\u2013128 When particle A emit", "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f08": "a force. Thus the currently known fundamental forces are considered more", "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f09": "a straight line (see world line) traveling through time, which normally increases up or to the right in the diagram. Matter and", "5737804dc3c5551400e51f0f": "modeled by Hooke's law, are the result of electromagnetic", "5737804dc3c5551400e51f10": "forces in the universe are based on four fundamental interactions. The", "5737804dc3c5551400e51f11": "springs, modeled by Hooke's law, are the result of electromagnetic forces and the Exclusion Principle acting together to return an object to its", "5737804dc3c5551400e51f12": "'s law, are the result of", "5737804dc3c5551400e51f13": "force acts between masses. All other forces in nature derive from these four fundamental interactions. For example, friction is a manifestation of the electromagnetic", "5737821cc3c5551400e51f19": "by observation. The complete formulation of the standard model predicts an as yet", "5737821cc3c5551400e51f1a": "out as a possibility with candidate theories such as supersymmetry proposed to accommodate some of the outstanding unsolved problems in physics. Physicist", "5737821cc3c5551400e51f1b": "into a theory of everything.", "5737821cc3c5551400e51f1c": "virtual particles called gauge bosons. This standard model of particle physics pos", "573784fa1c45671900574483": "squared (this measurement is taken from sea level and may vary depending on location), and", "573784fa1c45671900574484": "Newton, the tendency for objects to fall towards the Earth was not understood to be related to", "573784fa1c45671900574485": "was constant and independent of the mass of the object. Today,", "573784fa1c45671900574486": "objects. Galileo was instrumental in describing the characteristics of falling objects by determining that the acceleration of every object in free-fall was constant and independent", "573784fa1c45671900574487": "the surface of the Earth is usually designated as and has a magnitude of about 9.81 meters per second squared (this measurement is taken", "573786b51c4567190057448d": "the acceleration of the", "573786b51c4567190057448e": "in different ways at larger distances. In particular, Newton determined that the acceleration", "573786b51c4567190057448f": ") and the radius () of the Earth to the gravitational acceleration:", "573786b51c45671900574490": "to gravity is proportional to the mass of the attracting body. Combining these ideas", "57378862c3c5551400e51f21": "though", "57378862c3c5551400e51f22": "be universal. Succinctly stated, Newton's Law of Gravitation states", "57378862c3c5551400e51f23": "of Gravitation states that the force on a spherical object of mass due to the gravitational pull", "57378862c3c5551400e51f24": "realized that since all celestial bodies followed the same laws of motion, his law of gravity had to be universal", "5737898f1c45671900574495": "'s orbit and found that his theory added", "5737898f1c45671900574496": "despite some", "5737898f1c45671900574497": "ists", "5737898f1c45671900574498": "however, despite some early indications, no such planet could be found. When Albert Einstein formulated his theory of general relativity", "5737898f1c45671900574499": ") that would explain the discrepan", "57378b141c4567190057449f": "thrown from the ground moves in a parabola, as it is in a uniform gravitational field. Its space-time trajectory (when the", "57378b141c456719005744a0": "is seen", "57378b141c456719005744a1": "far, general relativity has been acknowledged as the theory that best explains gravity. In GR, gravitation is not", "57378b141c456719005744a2": "and so far, general relativity has been acknowledged as the theory that best explains", "57378c9b1c456719005744a8": "of electric current as the time rate of change of electric charge, a", "57378c9b1c456719005744a9": "a charge. This force can", "57378c9b1c456719005744a7": "electric charge, a rule of vector multiplication called Lorentz's Law describes the force on a", "57378c9b1c456719005744aa": "in a magnetic field. The connection between electricity and", "57378e311c456719005744af": "fields could be \"self", "57378e311c456719005744b0": "traveled at a speed that he calculated to be the speed of light. This insight united the nascent", "57378e311c456719005744b1": "fields themselves. This led Maxwell to", "57378e311c456719005744b2": "James Clerk Maxwell unified", "57378e311c456719005744b3": "1864 when James Clerk Maxwell unified a number of earlier theories into a set of 20 scalar equations, which were", "573792ee1c456719005744b9": "by wave\u2013particles known as photons. In QED, photons are the fundamental exchange particle, which described all", "573792ee1c456719005744ba": "physicists, a new", "573792ee1c456719005744bb": "photons are the fundamental exchange particle, which described all", "573792ee1c456719005744bc": "the", "573792ee1c456719005744bd": "a new theory of electromagnetism was developed using quantum mechanics. This final modification to electromagnetic theory ultimately led to quantum electrodynamics (", "5737958ac3c5551400e51f29": "occupy the same quantum mechanical state as other electrons. When the electrons in a material are", "5737958ac3c5551400e51f2a": "lower energy quantum mechanical states for them all, so some of them must be in higher energy states. This", "5737958ac3c5551400e51f2b": "result of the existence of a finite", "5737958ac3c5551400e51f2c": "are densely packed together, there are not", "5737958b1c456719005744c3": "occupy the same quantum mechanical state as other electrons. When the electrons in a material are", "5737958b1c456719005744c4": "lower energy quantum mechanical states for them all, so some of them must be in higher energy states. This", "5737958b1c456719005744c5": "result of the existence of a finite", "5737958b1c456719005744c6": "are densely packed together, there are not", "573796edc3c5551400e51f33": "that the elementary particles affected are not directly observable.", "573796edc3c5551400e51f34": "of the force is observed between hadrons (the best known example being the force that acts between nucleons in atomic", "573796edc3c5551400e51f35": "are not directly observable. This phenomenon is called color confinement.", "573796edc3c5551400e51f36": "ons, which form part of the virtual pi and rho mesons, which classically transmit the nuclear force", "573796edc3c5551400e51f37": "acts", "57379829c3c5551400e51f3d": "The word \"", "57379829c3c5551400e51f3e": "forces and the weak force are indistinguishable at a temperatures in", "57379829c3c5551400e51f3f": "A consistent electroweak theory has also been developed, which shows that electromagnetic forces and the weak force are indistinguishable at a temperatures", "57379829c3c5551400e51f40": "over short distances", "57379829c3c5551400e51f41": "13 times less than that of the strong force. Still, it is stronger than gravity over short distances", "57379a4b1c456719005744cd": "electrons) follows resulting in the force that acts in a direction normal to the surface interface between two", "57379a4b1c456719005744ce": "fermionic nature of electrons) follows resulting in the force that acts in a direction normal to the surface interface between two objects.:93", "57379a4b1c456719005744cf": "surface interface between", "57379a4b1c456719005744d0": "their electron clouds overlap,", "57379ed81c456719005744d5": "transmit tension forces instantaneously in action-reaction pairs so that if", "57379ed81c456719005744d6": "string acts on the load. However,", "57379ed81c456719005744d7": "tension force on a load", "57379ed81c456719005744d8": "load. These tandem effects", "57379ed81c456719005744d9": "frictionless, unbreakable, and unstretchable. They can be combined with ideal pulleys, which allow ideal strings to switch physical", "5737a0acc3c5551400e51f47": "life, matter has extended structure and forces that act on one part of an object might affect other parts of an object.", "5737a0acc3c5551400e51f48": "three-dimensional", "5737a0acc3c5551400e51f49": "structure and forces that act on one part of an object", "5737a0acc3c5551400e51f4a": "rather than three-dimensional objects. However, in real life, matter has extended structure and forces that act on one", "5737a0acc3c5551400e51f4b": "change shape", "5737a25ac3c5551400e51f51": ":38-1\u201338", "5737a25ac3c5551400e51f52": "(deformations)", "5737a25ac3c5551400e51f53": "formalism includes pressure terms associated with forces that act normal to the cross-sectional area (the matrix", "5737a25ac3c5551400e51f54": "that act normal to the cross-sectional area (the matrix diagonals of the tensor) as well", "5737a4511c456719005744df": "the same", "5737a4511c456719005744e0": "momentum for momentum", "5737a4511c456719005744e1": "Law of Motion can be used", "5737a5931c456719005744e7": "the motion of an object, and therefore do not change the speed of the object (magnitude of the velocity", "5737a5931c456719005744e8": "motion of an object, and therefore", "5737a5931c456719005744e9": "the tangential force, which accelerates the object by either slowing it down or speed", "5737a5931c456719005744ea": "is the distance to the center of the circular path and is the unit vector", "5737a5931c456719005744eb": "pointing in the radial direction outwards from the center. This means that the unbalanced centripetal force felt by any object is always", "5737a7351c456719005744f1": "conservative force that acts on", "5737a7351c456719005744f2": "locations in space, and can be considered to be an artifact of the potential field", "5737a7351c456719005744f3": "that for a closed system, the net mechanical energy is conserved whenever a conservative force acts on the system. The force, therefore, is related directly", "5737a7351c456719005744f4": "A conservative force that acts on a closed system has an associated mechanical work that allows energy to convert only between", "5737a7351c456719005744f5": "kinetic or potential forms. This", "5737a84dc3c5551400e51f59": "microstates. For example, friction is caused by the gradients of numerous electrostatic potentials between the atoms,", "5737a84dc3c5551400e51f5a": "is caused", "5737a84dc3c5551400e51f5b": "Nonconservative forces other than friction include other contact forces, tension, compression, and drag. However, for any sufficiently", "5737a84dc3c5551400e51f5c": "are the results of conservative", "5737a9afc3c5551400e51f61": "macroscopic closed systems, nonconservative forces", "5737a9afc3c5551400e51f62": "connection between macroscopic nonconservative forces and microscopic conservative forces is described", "5737a9afc3c5551400e51f63": "with statistical mechanics. In macroscopic closed systems, nonconservative forces", "5737a9afc3c5551400e51f64": "of the system, and are often associated with the transfer of heat. According to the Second law", "5737a9afc3c5551400e51f65": "In macroscopic closed systems, nonconservative forces act to change the internal energies of the system, and are often associated with the transfer", "5737aafd1c456719005744fb": "aircraft weight, jet thrust, bicycle spoke tension, torque wrench", "5737aafd1c456719005744fc": "used", "5737aafd1c456719005744fd": "one kilogram of mass. The kilogram-force leads to an alternate, but rarely", "5737aafd1c456719005744fe": "spoke tension, torque wrench settings and engine output torque. Other arcane units of force include the", "5737aafd1c456719005744ff": "2 when subjected to a force of 1 kg" }