{ |
"_name_or_path": "/Users/sanjay.kumar/Data Science/layoutlm-token-clf/prod-checkpoint", |
"architectures": [ |
"LayoutLMv3ForTokenClassification" |
], |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"bos_token_id": 0, |
"classifier_dropout": null, |
"coordinate_size": 128, |
"doctype_entities": { |
"age", |
"date", |
"dos", |
"mrn", |
"patient-account-number", |
"patient-dob", |
"patient-name", |
"relationship-to-patient", |
"sex" |
], |
"accom", |
"adm-clerk", |
"admit-physician", |
"admit-source", |
"age", |
"attending-physician", |
"dos", |
"e-mail", |
"emp-phone", |
"employer", |
"employer-address", |
"fin-class", |
"guarantor-address", |
"guarantor-emp-ph", |
"guarantor-employer", |
"guarantor-name", |
"guarantor-phone-no", |
"guarantor-ss", |
"martial-st", |
"mrn", |
"next-of-kin", |
"nok-address", |
"nok-phone", |
"patient-account-number", |
"patient-address", |
"patient-dob", |
"patient-name", |
"patient-phone", |
"person-notify-address", |
"person-notify-phone", |
"person-to-notify", |
"primary-care-doctor", |
"pt-status", |
"race", |
"reason-for-visit", |
"relationship", |
"religion", |
"room-bed", |
"serv-loc", |
"sex", |
"ss", |
"time" |
], |
"History and Physical": [ |
"allergies", |
"chief-complaint", |
"corrected-copy", |
"date-dictated", |
"date-transcribed", |
"dictating-physician", |
"dos", |
"electronically-signed-by-doctor", |
"family-history", |
"history-number", |
"history-of-present-illness", |
"immunizations", |
"impression", |
"medical-history", |
"medications", |
"patient-dob", |
"patient-name", |
"patient-number", |
"plan", |
"review-of-systems", |
"social-history" |
], |
"Request for Release of Information": [ |
"hospital-name", |
"mrn", |
"patient-account-number", |
"patient-dob", |
"patient-name", |
"purpose-of-request" |
], |
"discharge_summary": [ |
"admission-date", |
"admitting-diagnosis", |
"age", |
"cc", |
"condition-at-discharge", |
"consultations", |
"cosigned-date-time", |
"date-dictated", |
"date-transcribed", |
"dictating-physician", |
"discharge-date", |
"discharge-diagnosis", |
"disposition", |
"electronically-signed-by-doctor", |
"home-medications", |
"mrn", |
"patient-account-number", |
"patient-dob", |
"patient-name", |
"primary-care-doctor", |
"problems-reviewed", |
"referrals", |
"report-number", |
"sex", |
"signed-date-time", |
"transcriptionist" |
] |
}, |
"eos_token_id": 2, |
"has_relative_attention_bias": true, |
"has_spatial_attention_bias": true, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_size": 768, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "O", |
"1": "B-accom", |
"2": "B-adm-clerk", |
"3": "B-admission-date", |
"4": "B-admit-physician", |
"5": "B-admit-source", |
"6": "B-admitting-diagnosis", |
"7": "B-age", |
"8": "B-allergies", |
"9": "B-attending-physician", |
"10": "B-cc", |
"11": "B-chief-complaint", |
"12": "B-condition-at-discharge", |
"13": "B-consultations", |
"14": "B-corrected-copy", |
"15": "B-cosigned-date-time", |
"16": "B-date", |
"17": "B-date-dictated", |
"18": "B-date-transcribed", |
"19": "B-dictating-physician", |
"20": "B-discharge-date", |
"21": "B-discharge-diagnosis", |
"22": "B-disposition", |
"23": "B-dos", |
"24": "B-e-mail", |
"25": "B-electronically-signed-by-doctor", |
"26": "B-emp-phone", |
"27": "B-employer", |
"28": "B-employer-address", |
"29": "B-family-history", |
"30": "B-fin-class", |
"31": "B-guarantor-address", |
"32": "B-guarantor-emp-ph", |
"33": "B-guarantor-employer", |
"34": "B-guarantor-name", |
"35": "B-guarantor-phone-no", |
"36": "B-guarantor-ss", |
"37": "B-history-number", |
"38": "B-history-of-present-illness", |
"39": "B-home-medications", |
"40": "B-hospital-name", |
"41": "B-immunizations", |
"42": "B-impression", |
"43": "B-martial-st", |
"44": "B-medical-history", |
"45": "B-medications", |
"46": "B-mrn", |
"47": "B-next-of-kin", |
"48": "B-nok-address", |
"49": "B-nok-phone", |
"50": "B-patient-account-number", |
"51": "B-patient-address", |
"52": "B-patient-dob", |
"53": "B-patient-name", |
"54": "B-patient-number", |
"55": "B-patient-phone", |
"56": "B-person-notify-address", |
"57": "B-person-notify-phone", |
"58": "B-person-to-notify", |
"59": "B-plan", |
"60": "B-primary-care-doctor", |
"61": "B-problems-reviewed", |
"62": "B-pt-status", |
"63": "B-purpose-of-request", |
"64": "B-race", |
"65": "B-reason-for-visit", |
"66": "B-referrals", |
"67": "B-relationship", |
"68": "B-relationship-to-patient", |
"69": "B-religion", |
"70": "B-report-number", |
"71": "B-review-of-systems", |
"72": "B-room-bed", |
"73": "B-serv-loc", |
"74": "B-sex", |
"75": "B-signed-date-time", |
"76": "B-social-history", |
"77": "B-ss", |
"78": "B-time", |
"79": "B-transcriptionist" |
}, |
"initializer_range": 0.02, |
"input_size": 224, |
"intermediate_size": 3072, |
"label2id": { |
"B-accom": 1, |
"B-adm-clerk": 2, |
"B-admission-date": 3, |
"B-admit-physician": 4, |
"B-admit-source": 5, |
"B-admitting-diagnosis": 6, |
"B-age": 7, |
"B-allergies": 8, |
"B-attending-physician": 9, |
"B-cc": 10, |
"B-chief-complaint": 11, |
"B-condition-at-discharge": 12, |
"B-consultations": 13, |
"B-corrected-copy": 14, |
"B-cosigned-date-time": 15, |
"B-date": 16, |
"B-date-dictated": 17, |
"B-date-transcribed": 18, |
"B-dictating-physician": 19, |
"B-discharge-date": 20, |
"B-discharge-diagnosis": 21, |
"B-disposition": 22, |
"B-dos": 23, |
"B-e-mail": 24, |
"B-electronically-signed-by-doctor": 25, |
"B-emp-phone": 26, |
"B-employer": 27, |
"B-employer-address": 28, |
"B-family-history": 29, |
"B-fin-class": 30, |
"B-guarantor-address": 31, |
"B-guarantor-emp-ph": 32, |
"B-guarantor-employer": 33, |
"B-guarantor-name": 34, |
"B-guarantor-phone-no": 35, |
"B-guarantor-ss": 36, |
"B-history-number": 37, |
"B-history-of-present-illness": 38, |
"B-home-medications": 39, |
"B-hospital-name": 40, |
"B-immunizations": 41, |
"B-impression": 42, |
"B-martial-st": 43, |
"B-medical-history": 44, |
"B-medications": 45, |
"B-mrn": 46, |
"B-next-of-kin": 47, |
"B-nok-address": 48, |
"B-nok-phone": 49, |
"B-patient-account-number": 50, |
"B-patient-address": 51, |
"B-patient-dob": 52, |
"B-patient-name": 53, |
"B-patient-number": 54, |
"B-patient-phone": 55, |
"B-person-notify-address": 56, |
"B-person-notify-phone": 57, |
"B-person-to-notify": 58, |
"B-plan": 59, |
"B-primary-care-doctor": 60, |
"B-problems-reviewed": 61, |
"B-pt-status": 62, |
"B-purpose-of-request": 63, |
"B-race": 64, |
"B-reason-for-visit": 65, |
"B-referrals": 66, |
"B-relationship": 67, |
"B-relationship-to-patient": 68, |
"B-religion": 69, |
"B-report-number": 70, |
"B-review-of-systems": 71, |
"B-room-bed": 72, |
"B-serv-loc": 73, |
"B-sex": 74, |
"B-signed-date-time": 75, |
"B-social-history": 76, |
"B-ss": 77, |
"B-time": 78, |
"B-transcriptionist": 79, |
"O": 0 |
}, |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-05, |
"max_2d_position_embeddings": 1024, |
"max_position_embeddings": 514, |
"max_rel_2d_pos": 256, |
"max_rel_pos": 128, |
"model_type": "layoutlmv3", |
"num_attention_heads": 12, |
"num_channels": 3, |
"num_hidden_layers": 12, |
"pad_token_id": 1, |
"patch_size": 16, |
"rel_2d_pos_bins": 64, |
"rel_pos_bins": 32, |
"second_input_size": 112, |
"shape_size": 128, |
"text_embed": true, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": "4.41.2", |
"type_vocab_size": 1, |
"visual_embed": true, |
"vocab_size": 50265 |
} |