import argparse |
import os |
import shutil |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
def check_attributes(object_, attributes): |
missing = [] |
for attr in attributes: |
if not hasattr(object_, attr): |
missing.append(attr) |
if len(missing) > 0: |
return False |
else: |
return True |
def set_seeds(seed, cuda=True): |
if not hasattr(seed, "__iter__"): |
seed = (seed, seed, seed) |
np.random.seed(seed[0]) |
torch.manual_seed(seed[1]) |
if cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed[2]) |
def make_onehot(array, labels=None, axis=1, newaxis=False): |
if labels is None: |
labels = np.unique(array) |
labels = list(map(lambda x: x.item(), labels)) |
new_shape = list(array.shape) |
if newaxis: |
new_shape.insert(axis, len(labels)) |
else: |
new_shape[axis] = new_shape[axis] * len(labels) |
if type(array) == np.ndarray: |
new_array = np.zeros(new_shape, dtype=array.dtype) |
elif torch.is_tensor(array): |
new_array = torch.zeros(new_shape, dtype=array.dtype, device=array.device) |
else: |
raise TypeError("Onehot conversion undefined for object of type {}".format(type(array))) |
n_seg_channels = 1 if newaxis else array.shape[axis] |
for seg_channel in range(n_seg_channels): |
for l, label in enumerate(labels): |
new_slc = [slice(None), ] * len(new_shape) |
slc = [slice(None), ] * len(array.shape) |
new_slc[axis] = seg_channel * len(labels) + l |
if not newaxis: |
slc[axis] = seg_channel |
new_array[tuple(new_slc)] = array[tuple(slc)] == label |
return new_array |
def match_to(x, ref, keep_axes=(1,)): |
target_shape = list(ref.shape) |
for i in keep_axes: |
target_shape[i] = x.shape[i] |
target_shape = tuple(target_shape) |
if x.shape == target_shape: |
pass |
if x.dim() == 1: |
x = x.unsqueeze(0) |
if x.dim() == 2: |
while x.dim() < len(target_shape): |
x = x.unsqueeze(-1) |
x = x.expand(*target_shape) |
x = x.to(device=ref.device, dtype=ref.dtype) |
return x |
def make_slices(original_shape, patch_shape): |
working_shape = original_shape[-len(patch_shape):] |
splits = [] |
for i in range(len(working_shape)): |
splits.append([]) |
for j in range(working_shape[i] // patch_shape[i]): |
splits[i].append(slice(j*patch_shape[i], (j+1)*patch_shape[i])) |
rest = working_shape[i] % patch_shape[i] |
if rest > 0: |
splits[i].append(slice((j+1)*patch_shape[i], (j+1)*patch_shape[i] + rest)) |
slices = list(itertools.product(*splits)) |
for i in range(len(slices)): |
slices[i] = [slice(None), ] * (len(original_shape) - len(patch_shape)) + list(slices[i]) |
return slices |
def coordinate_grid_samples(mean, std, factor_std=5, scale_std=1.): |
relative = np.linspace(-scale_std*factor_std, scale_std*factor_std, 2*factor_std+1) |
positions = np.array([mean + i * std for i in relative]).T |
axes = np.meshgrid(*positions) |
axes = map(lambda x: list(x.ravel()), axes) |
samples = list(zip(*axes)) |
samples = list(map(np.array, samples)) |
return samples |
def get_default_experiment_parser(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument("base_dir", type=str, help="Working directory for experiment.") |
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=str, default=None, help="Path to a config file.") |
parser.add_argument("-v", "--visdomlogger", action="store_true", help="Use visdomlogger.") |
parser.add_argument("-tx", "--tensorboardxlogger", type=str, default=None) |
parser.add_argument("-tl", "--telegramlogger", action="store_true") |
parser.add_argument("-dc", "--default_config", type=str, default="DEFAULTS", help="Select a default Config") |
parser.add_argument("-ad", "--automatic_description", action="store_true") |
parser.add_argument("-r", "--resume", type=str, default=None, help="Path to resume from") |
parser.add_argument("-irc", "--ignore_resume_config", action="store_true", help="Ignore Config in experiment we resume from.") |
parser.add_argument("-test", "--test", action="store_true", help="Run test instead of training") |
parser.add_argument("-g", "--grid", type=str, help="Path to a config for grid search") |
parser.add_argument("-s", "--skip_existing", action="store_true", help="Skip configs for which an experiment exists, only for grid search") |
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mods", type=str, nargs="+", default=None, help="Mods are Config stubs to update only relevant parts for a certain setup.") |
parser.add_argument("-ct", "--copy_test", action="store_true", help="Copy test files to original experiment.") |
return parser |
def run_experiment(experiment, configs, args, mods=None, **kwargs): |
if "explogger_kwargs" not in kwargs: |
kwargs["explogger_kwargs"] = dict(folder_format="{experiment_name}_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") |
if "explogger_freq" not in kwargs: |
kwargs["explogger_freq"] = 1 |
if "resume_save_types" not in kwargs: |
kwargs["resume_save_types"] = ("model", "simple", "th_vars", "results") |
config = Config(file_=args.config) if args.config is not None else Config() |
config.update_missing(configs[args.default_config].deepcopy()) |
if args.mods is not None and mods is not None: |
for mod in args.mods: |
config.update(mods[mod]) |
config = Config(config=config, update_from_argv=True) |
if args.skip_existing: |
existing_configs = [] |
for exp in os.listdir(args.base_dir): |
try: |
existing_configs.append(Config(file_=os.path.join(args.base_dir, exp, "config", "config.json"))) |
except Exception as e: |
pass |
if args.grid is not None: |
grid = GridSearch().read(args.grid) |
else: |
grid = [{}] |
for combi in grid: |
config.update(combi) |
if args.skip_existing: |
skip_this = False |
for existing_config in existing_configs: |
if existing_config.contains(config): |
skip_this = True |
break |
if skip_this: |
continue |
if "backup_every" in config: |
kwargs["save_checkpoint_every_epoch"] = config["backup_every"] |
loggers = {} |
if args.visdomlogger: |
loggers["v"] = ("visdom", {}, 1) |
if args.tensorboardxlogger is not None: |
if args.tensorboardxlogger == "same": |
loggers["tx"] = ("tensorboard", {}, 1) |
else: |
loggers["tx"] = ("tensorboard", {"target_dir": args.tensorboardxlogger}, 1) |
if args.telegramlogger: |
kwargs["use_telegram"] = True |
if args.automatic_description: |
difference_to_default = Config.difference_config_static(config, configs["DEFAULTS"]).flat(keep_lists=True, max_split_size=0, flatten_int=True) |
description_str = "" |
for key, val in difference_to_default.items(): |
val = val[0] |
description_str = "{} = {}\n{}".format(key, val, description_str) |
config.description = description_str |
exp = experiment(config=config, |
base_dir=args.base_dir, |
resume=args.resume, |
ignore_resume_config=args.ignore_resume_config, |
loggers=loggers, |
**kwargs) |
trained = False |
if args.resume is None or args.test is False: |
exp.run() |
trained = True |
if args.test: |
exp.run_test(setup=not trained) |
if isinstance(args.resume, str) and exp.elog is not None and args.copy_test: |
for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(exp.elog.save_dir, "test*")): |
if os.path.isdir(f): |
shutil.copytree(f, os.path.join(args.resume, "save", os.path.basename(f))) |
else: |
shutil.copy(f, os.path.join(args.resume, "save")) |