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Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one | |
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, | |
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specific language governing permissions and limitations | |
under the License. | |
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<html> | |
<head> | |
<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> | |
<script src="lib/simpleRequire.js"></script> | |
<script src="lib/config.js"></script> | |
<script src="lib/jquery.min.js"></script> | |
<script src="lib/facePrint.js"></script> | |
<script src="lib/testHelper.js"></script> | |
<script src="lib/frameInsight.js"></script> | |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/reset.css" /> | |
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<body> | |
<style> | |
.test-title { | |
background: #146402; | |
color: #fff; | |
} | |
</style> | |
<div id="main0"></div> | |
<div id="panel0"></div> | |
<div id="duration"></div> | |
<script> | |
require(['echarts'], function (echarts) { | |
// The data count is from a real requirement. | |
var rawDataChunkSize = 1e4; | |
var chunkCount = 20; | |
var minute = 60 * 1000; | |
var xValue = +new Date(2011, 0, 1); | |
var baseValue = Math.random() * 12000; | |
var xValueMin = 0; | |
var xValueMax = rawDataChunkSize * chunkCount; | |
var yValueMin = Infinity; | |
var yValueMax = -Infinity; | |
var rawData = []; | |
for (var i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) { | |
rawData.push(generateOHLC(rawDataChunkSize)); | |
} | |
yValueMax = Math.ceil(yValueMax); | |
yValueMin = Math.floor(yValueMin); | |
function run() { | |
frameInsight.init(echarts, 'duration'); | |
// var data = generateOHLC(rawDataChunkSize); | |
var chart = window.chart = init(); | |
var loadedChunkIndex = 0; | |
appendData(); | |
function appendData() { | |
if (loadedChunkIndex >= chunkCount) { | |
return; | |
} | |
setTimeout(function () { | |
chart.appendData({seriesIndex: 0, data: rawData[loadedChunkIndex]}); | |
loadedChunkIndex++; | |
appendData(); | |
}, 300); | |
} | |
} | |
function generateOHLC(count) { | |
var data = []; | |
var tmpVals = new Array(4); | |
var dayRange = 12; | |
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { | |
baseValue = baseValue + Math.random() * 20 - 10; | |
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { | |
tmpVals[j] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * dayRange + baseValue; | |
if (tmpVals[j] < yValueMin) { | |
yValueMin = tmpVals[j]; | |
} | |
if (tmpVals[j] > yValueMax) { | |
yValueMax = tmpVals[j]; | |
} | |
} | |
tmpVals.sort(); | |
var idxRandom = Math.random(); | |
var openIdx = Math.round(Math.random() * 3); | |
var closeIdx = Math.round(Math.random() * 2); | |
if (closeIdx === openIdx) { | |
closeIdx++; | |
} | |
// ['open', 'close', 'lowest', 'highest'] | |
// [1, 4, 3, 2] | |
data.push([ | |
echarts.format.formatTime('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss', xValue += minute), | |
+tmpVals[openIdx].toFixed(2), // open | |
+tmpVals[3].toFixed(2), // highest | |
+tmpVals[0].toFixed(2), // lowest | |
+tmpVals[closeIdx].toFixed(2) // close | |
]); | |
} | |
return data; | |
} | |
function calculateMA(dayCount, data) { | |
var result = []; | |
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) { | |
if (i < dayCount) { | |
result.push('-'); | |
continue; | |
} | |
var sum = 0; | |
for (var j = 0; j < dayCount; j++) { | |
sum += data[i - j][2]; | |
} | |
result.push(+(sum / dayCount).toFixed(3)); | |
} | |
return result; | |
} | |
function init() { | |
var option = { | |
backgroundColor: '#eee', | |
// animation: false, | |
legend: { | |
left: 0 | |
}, | |
tooltip: { | |
trigger: 'axis', | |
axisPointer: { | |
type: 'line' | |
} | |
}, | |
toolbox: { | |
feature: { | |
dataZoom: { | |
yAxisIndex: false | |
}, | |
brush: { | |
type: ['polygon', 'rect', 'lineX', 'lineY', 'keep', 'clear'] | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
// brush: { | |
// xAxisIndex: 'all', | |
// brushLink: 'all', | |
// outOfBrush: { | |
// colorAlpha: 0.1 | |
// } | |
// }, | |
grid: [ | |
{ | |
left: '10%', | |
right: '10%', | |
height: 300 | |
}, | |
// { | |
// left: '10%', | |
// right: '10%', | |
// height: 70, | |
// bottom: 80 | |
// } | |
], | |
xAxis: [ | |
{ | |
type: 'category', | |
scale: true, | |
boundaryGap : false, | |
// inverse: true, | |
axisLine: {onZero: false}, | |
splitLine: {show: false}, | |
splitNumber: 20, | |
min: xValueMin, | |
max: xValueMax | |
}, | |
// { | |
// type: 'category', | |
// gridIndex: 1, | |
// data: data.categoryData, | |
// scale: true, | |
// boundaryGap : false, | |
// axisLine: {onZero: false}, | |
// axisTick: {show: false}, | |
// splitLine: {show: false}, | |
// axisLabel: {show: false}, | |
// splitNumber: 20, | |
// min: 'dataMin', | |
// max: 'dataMax' | |
// } | |
], | |
yAxis: [ | |
{ | |
scale: true, | |
splitArea: { | |
show: true | |
}, | |
min: yValueMin, | |
max: yValueMax | |
}, | |
// { | |
// scale: true, | |
// gridIndex: 1, | |
// splitNumber: 2, | |
// axisLabel: {show: false}, | |
// axisLine: {show: false}, | |
// axisTick: {show: false}, | |
// splitLine: {show: false} | |
// } | |
], | |
dataZoom: [ | |
{ | |
type: 'inside', | |
// xAxisIndex: [0, 1], | |
// start: 10, | |
// end: 100 | |
}, | |
{ | |
show: true, | |
// xAxisIndex: [0, 1], | |
type: 'slider', | |
bottom: 10, | |
// start: 10, | |
// end: 100 | |
} | |
], | |
series: [ | |
{ | |
type: 'candlestick', | |
// progressiveMode: 'linear', | |
// data: data, | |
encode: { | |
x: 0, | |
y: [1, 4, 3, 2] | |
}, | |
// progressiveChunkMode: 'sequential' | |
// progressive: false | |
// progressive: progressive | |
// tooltip: { | |
// formatter: function (param) { | |
// var param = param[0]; | |
// return [ | |
// 'Date: ' + + '<hr size=1 style="margin: 3px 0">', | |
// 'Open: ' +[0] + '<br/>', | |
// 'Close: ' +[1] + '<br/>', | |
// 'Lowest: ' +[2] + '<br/>', | |
// 'Highest: ' +[3] + '<br/>' | |
// ].join('') | |
// } | |
// } | |
} //, | |
// { | |
// name: 'MA5', | |
// type: 'line', | |
// data: calculateMA(5, data), | |
// smooth: true, | |
// lineStyle: { | |
// normal: {opacity: 0.5} | |
// } | |
// }, | |
// { | |
// name: 'MA10', | |
// type: 'line', | |
// data: calculateMA(10, data), | |
// smooth: true, | |
// lineStyle: { | |
// normal: {opacity: 0.5} | |
// } | |
// }, | |
// { | |
// name: 'MA20', | |
// type: 'line', | |
// data: calculateMA(20, data), | |
// smooth: true, | |
// lineStyle: { | |
// normal: {opacity: 0.5} | |
// } | |
// }, | |
// { | |
// name: 'MA30', | |
// type: 'line', | |
// data: calculateMA(30, data), | |
// smooth: true, | |
// lineStyle: { | |
// normal: {opacity: 0.5} | |
// } | |
// }, | |
// { | |
// name: 'Volumn', | |
// type: 'bar', | |
// xAxisIndex: 1, | |
// yAxisIndex: 1, | |
// data: data.volumns | |
// } | |
] | |
}; | |
var panel = document.getElementById('panel0'); | |
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main0', { | |
title: 'Append data and progressive by mod', | |
autoResize: false, | |
option: option, | |
height: 550 | |
}); | |
return chart; | |
// chart && chart.on('brushSelected', renderBrushed); | |
// function renderBrushed(params) { | |
// var sum = 0; | |
// var min = Infinity; | |
// var max = -Infinity; | |
// var countBySeries = []; | |
// var brushComponent = params.batch[0]; | |
// var rawIndices = brushComponent.selected[0].dataIndex; | |
// for (var i = 0; i < rawIndices.length; i++) { | |
// var val = data.values[rawIndices[i]][1]; | |
// sum += val; | |
// min = Math.min(val, min); | |
// max = Math.max(val, max); | |
// } | |
// panel.innerHTML = [ | |
// '<h3>STATISTICS:</h3>', | |
// 'SUM of open: ' + (sum / rawIndices.length).toFixed(4) + '<br>', | |
// 'MIN of open: ' + min.toFixed(4) + '<br>', | |
// 'MAX of open: ' + max.toFixed(4) + '<br>' | |
// ].join(' '); | |
// } | |
// chart && chart.dispatchAction({ | |
// type: 'brush', | |
// areas: [ | |
// { | |
// brushType: 'lineX', | |
// coordRange: ['2016-06-02', '2016-06-20'], | |
// xAxisIndex: 0 | |
// } | |
// ] | |
// }); | |
} | |
run(); | |
}); | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
</html> |