import streamlit as st |
import re |
import io |
from io import BytesIO |
import base64 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import pandas as pd |
import time |
from datetime import datetime |
from streamlit_player import st_player |
from spacy import displacy |
import logging |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
from ..email.email import send_email_notification |
from ..auth.auth import ( |
authenticate_user, |
register_user |
) |
from ..database.database import ( |
get_student_data, |
store_application_request, |
store_morphosyntax_result, |
store_semantic_result, |
store_discourse_analysis_result, |
store_chat_history, |
create_admin_user, |
create_student_user, |
store_user_feedback |
) |
from ..admin.admin_ui import admin_page |
from ..text_analysis.morpho_analysis import ( |
generate_arc_diagram, |
get_repeated_words_colors, |
highlight_repeated_words, |
perform_advanced_morphosyntactic_analysis |
) |
from ..text_analysis.semantic_analysis import ( |
visualize_semantic_relations, |
perform_semantic_analysis |
) |
from ..text_analysis.discourse_analysis import ( |
compare_semantic_analysis, |
perform_discourse_analysis |
) |
from ..chatbot.chatbot import ( |
initialize_chatbot, |
get_chatbot_response |
) |
def initialize_session_state(): |
if 'initialized' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.clear() |
st.session_state.initialized = True |
st.session_state.logged_in = False |
st.session_state.page = 'login' |
st.session_state.username = None |
st.session_state.role = None |
def main(): |
initialize_session_state() |
print(f"Página actual: {st.session_state.page}") |
print(f"Rol del usuario: {st.session_state.role}") |
if st.session_state.page == 'login': |
login_register_page() |
elif st.session_state.page == 'admin': |
print("Intentando mostrar página de admin") |
admin_page() |
elif st.session_state.page == 'user': |
user_page() |
else: |
print(f"Página no reconocida: {st.session_state.page}") |
print(f"Estado final de la sesión: {st.session_state}") |
def login_register_page(): |
st.title("AIdeaText") |
left_column, right_column = st.columns([1, 3]) |
with left_column: |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Iniciar Sesión", "Registrarse"]) |
with tab1: |
login_form() |
with tab2: |
register_form() |
with right_column: |
display_videos_and_info() |
def login_form(): |
username = st.text_input("Correo electrónico", key="login_username") |
password = st.text_input("Contraseña", type="password", key="login_password") |
if st.button("Iniciar Sesión", key="login_button"): |
success, role = authenticate_user(username, password) |
if success: |
st.session_state.logged_in = True |
st.session_state.username = username |
st.session_state.role = role |
st.session_state.page = 'admin' if role == 'Administrador' else 'user' |
print(f"Inicio de sesión exitoso. Usuario: {username}, Rol: {role}") |
print(f"Estado de sesión después de login: {st.session_state}") |
st.rerun() |
else: |
st.error("Credenciales incorrectas") |
def admin_page(): |
st.title("Panel de Administración") |
st.write(f"Bienvenida, {st.session_state.username}") |
st.header("Crear Nuevo Usuario Estudiante") |
new_username = st.text_input("Correo electrónico del nuevo usuario", key="admin_new_username") |
new_password = st.text_input("Contraseña", type="password", key="admin_new_password") |
if st.button("Crear Usuario", key="admin_create_user"): |
if create_student_user(new_username, new_password): |
st.success(f"Usuario estudiante {new_username} creado exitosamente") |
else: |
st.error("Error al crear el usuario estudiante") |
def user_page(): |
lang_code = st.session_state.get('lang_code', 'es') |
translations = { |
'es': { |
'welcome': "Bienvenido a AIdeaText", |
'hello': "Hola", |
'tabs': ["Análisis Morfosintáctico", "Análisis Semántico", "Análisis del Discurso", "Chat", "Mi Progreso", "Formulario de Retroalimentación"] |
}, |
'en': { |
'welcome': "Welcome to AIdeaText", |
'hello': "Hello", |
'tabs': ["Morphosyntactic Analysis", "Semantic Analysis", "Discourse Analysis", "Chat", "My Progress", "Feedback Form"] |
}, |
'fr': { |
'welcome': "Bienvenue à AIdeaText", |
'hello': "Bonjour", |
'tabs': ["Analyse Morphosyntaxique", "Analyse Sémantique", "Analyse du Discours", "Chat", "Mon Progrès", "Formulaire de Rétroaction"] |
} |
} |
t = translations[lang_code] |
st.title(t['welcome']) |
st.write(f"{t['hello']}, {st.session_state.username}") |
tabs = st.tabs(t['tabs']) |
with tabs[0]: |
display_morphosyntax_analysis_interface(nlp_models, lang_code) |
with tabs[1]: |
display_semantic_analysis_interface(nlp_models, lang_code) |
with tabs[2]: |
display_discourse_analysis_interface(nlp_models, lang_code) |
with tabs[3]: |
display_chatbot_interface(lang_code) |
with tabs[4]: |
display_student_progress(st.session_state.username, lang_code) |
with tabs[5]: |
display_feedback_form(lang_code) |
def display_videos_and_info(): |
st.header("Videos: pitch, demos, entrevistas, otros") |
videos = { |
"Intro AideaText": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA-md1VxaRc", |
"Presentación fundación Ser Maaestro": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imc4TI1q164", |
"Pitch IFE Explora": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqi4Di_Rj_s", |
"Entrevista Dr. Guillermo Ruíz": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ch8cRja3oc", |
"Demo versión desktop": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP6eXbog-ZY" |
} |
selected_title = st.selectbox("Selecciona un video tutorial:", list(videos.keys())) |
if selected_title in videos: |
try: |
st_player(videos[selected_title]) |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"Error al cargar el video: {str(e)}") |
st.markdown(""" |
## Novedades de la versión actual |
- Nueva función de análisis semántico |
- Soporte para múltiples idiomas |
- Interfaz mejorada para una mejor experiencia de usuario |
""") |
def register_form(): |
st.header("Solicitar prueba de la aplicación") |
name = st.text_input("Nombre completo") |
email = st.text_input("Correo electrónico institucional") |
institution = st.text_input("Institución") |
role = st.selectbox("Rol", ["Estudiante", "Profesor", "Investigador", "Otro"]) |
reason = st.text_area("¿Por qué estás interesado en probar AIdeaText?") |
if st.button("Enviar solicitud"): |
logger.info(f"Attempting to submit application for {email}") |
logger.debug(f"Form data: name={name}, email={email}, institution={institution}, role={role}, reason={reason}") |
if not name or not email or not institution or not reason: |
logger.warning("Incomplete form submission") |
st.error("Por favor, completa todos los campos.") |
elif not is_institutional_email(email): |
logger.warning(f"Non-institutional email used: {email}") |
st.error("Por favor, utiliza un correo electrónico institucional.") |
else: |
logger.info(f"Attempting to store application for {email}") |
success = store_application_request(name, email, institution, role, reason) |
if success: |
st.success("Tu solicitud ha sido enviada. Te contactaremos pronto.") |
logger.info(f"Application request stored successfully for {email}") |
else: |
st.error("Hubo un problema al enviar tu solicitud. Por favor, intenta de nuevo más tarde.") |
logger.error(f"Failed to store application request for {email}") |
def display_feedback_form(lang_code): |
logging.info(f"display_feedback_form called with lang_code: {lang_code}") |
translations = { |
'es': { |
'title': "Formulario de Retroalimentación", |
'name': "Nombre", |
'email': "Correo electrónico", |
'feedback': "Tu retroalimentación", |
'submit': "Enviar", |
'success': "¡Gracias por tu retroalimentación!", |
'error': "Hubo un problema al enviar el formulario. Por favor, intenta de nuevo." |
}, |
'en': { |
'title': "Feedback Form", |
'name': "Name", |
'email': "Email", |
'feedback': "Your feedback", |
'submit': "Submit", |
'success': "Thank you for your feedback!", |
'error': "There was a problem submitting the form. Please try again." |
}, |
'fr': { |
'title': "Formulaire de Rétroaction", |
'name': "Nom", |
'email': "Adresse e-mail", |
'feedback': "Votre rétroaction", |
'submit': "Envoyer", |
'success': "Merci pour votre rétroaction !", |
'error': "Un problème est survenu lors de l'envoi du formulaire. Veuillez réessayer." |
} |
} |
t = translations[lang_code] |
st.header(t['title']) |
name = st.text_input(t['name']) |
email = st.text_input(t['email']) |
feedback = st.text_area(t['feedback']) |
if st.button(t['submit']): |
if name and email and feedback: |
if store_user_feedback(st.session_state.username, name, email, feedback): |
st.success(t['success']) |
else: |
st.error(t['error']) |
else: |
st.warning("Por favor, completa todos los campos.") |
def is_institutional_email(email): |
forbidden_domains = ['gmail.com', 'hotmail.com', 'yahoo.com', 'outlook.com'] |
return not any(domain in email.lower() for domain in forbidden_domains) |
def display_student_progress(username, lang_code='es'): |
student_data = get_student_data(username) |
if student_data is None or len(student_data['entries']) == 0: |
st.warning("No se encontraron datos para este estudiante.") |
st.info("Intenta realizar algunos análisis de texto primero.") |
return |
st.title(f"Progreso de {username}") |
with st.expander("Resumen de Actividades y Progreso", expanded=True): |
total_entries = len(student_data['entries']) |
st.write(f"Total de análisis realizados: {total_entries}") |
analysis_types = [entry['analysis_type'] for entry in student_data['entries']] |
analysis_counts = pd.Series(analysis_types).value_counts() |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
analysis_counts.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax) |
ax.set_title("Tipos de análisis realizados") |
ax.set_xlabel("Tipo de análisis") |
ax.set_ylabel("Cantidad") |
st.pyplot(fig) |
dates = [datetime.fromisoformat(entry['timestamp']) for entry in student_data['entries']] |
analysis_counts = pd.Series(dates).value_counts().sort_index() |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
analysis_counts.plot(kind='line', ax=ax) |
ax.set_title("Análisis realizados a lo largo del tiempo") |
ax.set_xlabel("Fecha") |
ax.set_ylabel("Cantidad de análisis") |
st.pyplot(fig) |
with st.expander("Histórico de Análisis Morfosintácticos"): |
morphosyntax_entries = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'morphosyntax'] |
for entry in morphosyntax_entries: |
st.subheader(f"Análisis del {entry['timestamp']}") |
if entry['arc_diagrams']: |
st.write(entry['arc_diagrams'][0], unsafe_allow_html=True) |
with st.expander("Histórico de Análisis Semánticos"): |
semantic_entries = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'semantic'] |
st.write(f"Número total de entradas semánticas: {len(semantic_entries)}") |
for entry in semantic_entries: |
st.subheader(f"Análisis del {entry['timestamp']}") |
st.write(f"Archivo analizado: {entry.get('filename', 'Nombre no disponible')}") |
st.write(f"Claves disponibles en esta entrada: {', '.join(entry.keys())}") |
if 'network_diagram' in entry: |
try: |
logger.info(f"Longitud de la imagen recuperada: {len(entry['network_diagram'])}") |
st.image(f"data:image/png;base64,{entry['network_diagram']}") |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"No se pudo mostrar la imagen: {str(e)}") |
st.write("Datos de la imagen (para depuración):") |
st.write(entry['network_diagram'][:100] + "...") |
else: |
logger.warning(f"No se encontró 'relations_graph' en la entrada: {entry.keys()}") |
st.write("No se encontró el gráfico para este análisis.") |
with st.expander("Histórico de Análisis Discursivos"): |
discourse_entries = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'discourse'] |
for entry in discourse_entries: |
st.subheader(f"Análisis del {entry['timestamp']}") |
st.write(f"Archivo patrón: {entry.get('filename1', 'Nombre no disponible')}") |
st.write(f"Archivo comparado: {entry.get('filename2', 'Nombre no disponible')}") |
try: |
if 'graph1' in entry and 'graph2' in entry: |
img1 = Image.open(BytesIO(base64.b64decode(entry['graph1']))) |
img2 = Image.open(BytesIO(base64.b64decode(entry['graph2']))) |
total_width = img1.width + img2.width |
max_height = max(img1.height, img2.height) |
combined_img = Image.new('RGB', (total_width, max_height)) |
combined_img.paste(img1, (0, 0)) |
combined_img.paste(img2, (img1.width, 0)) |
buffered = BytesIO() |
combined_img.save(buffered, format="PNG") |
img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode() |
st.image(f"data:image/png;base64,{img_str}") |
elif 'combined_graph' in entry: |
img_bytes = base64.b64decode(entry['combined_graph']) |
st.image(img_bytes) |
else: |
st.write("No se encontraron gráficos para este análisis.") |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"No se pudieron mostrar los gráficos: {str(e)}") |
st.write("Datos de los gráficos (para depuración):") |
if 'graph1' in entry: |
st.write("Graph 1:", entry['graph1'][:100] + "...") |
if 'graph2' in entry: |
st.write("Graph 2:", entry['graph2'][:100] + "...") |
if 'combined_graph' in entry: |
st.write("Combined Graph:", entry['combined_graph'][:100] + "...") |
with st.expander("Histórico de Conversaciones con el ChatBot"): |
if 'chat_history' in student_data: |
for i, chat in enumerate(student_data['chat_history']): |
st.subheader(f"Conversación {i+1} - {chat['timestamp']}") |
for message in chat['messages']: |
if message['role'] == 'user': |
st.write("Usuario: " + message['content']) |
else: |
st.write("Asistente: " + message['content']) |
st.write("---") |
else: |
st.write("No se encontraron conversaciones con el ChatBot.") |
if st.checkbox("Mostrar datos de depuración"): |
st.write("Datos del estudiante (para depuración):") |
st.json(student_data) |
def display_morphosyntax_analysis_interface(nlp_models, lang_code): |
translations = { |
'es': { |
'title': "AIdeaText - Análisis morfológico y sintáctico", |
'input_label': "Ingrese un texto para analizar (máximo 5,000 palabras", |
'input_placeholder': "Esta funcionalidad le ayudará con dos competencias:\n" |
"[1] \"Escribe diversos tipos de textos en su lengua materna\"\n" |
"[2] \"Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en su lengua materna\"\n\n" |
"Ingrese su texto aquí para analizar...", |
'analyze_button': "Analizar texto", |
'repeated_words': "Palabras repetidas", |
'legend': "Leyenda: Categorías gramaticales", |
'arc_diagram': "Análisis sintáctico: Diagrama de arco", |
'sentence': "Oración", |
'success_message': "Análisis guardado correctamente.", |
'error_message': "Hubo un problema al guardar el análisis. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.", |
'warning_message': "Por favor, ingrese un texto para analizar.", |
'pos_analysis': "Análisis de categorías gramaticales", |
'morphological_analysis': "Análisis morfológico", |
'sentence_structure': "Estructura de oraciones", |
'word': "Palabra", |
'count': "Cantidad", |
'percentage': "Porcentaje", |
'examples': "Ejemplos", |
'lemma': "Lema", |
'tag': "Etiqueta", |
'dep': "Dependencia", |
'morph': "Morfología", |
'root': "Raíz", |
'subjects': "Sujetos", |
'objects': "Objetos", |
'verbs': "Verbos", |
'grammatical_category': "Categoría gramatical", |
'dependency': "Dependencia", |
'morphology': "Morfología" |
}, |
'en': { |
'title': "AIdeaText - Morphological and Syntactic Analysis", |
'input_label': "Enter a text to analyze (max 5,000 words):", |
'input_placeholder': "This functionality will help you with two competencies:\n" |
"[1] \"Write various types of texts in your native language\"\n" |
"[2] \"Read various types of written texts in your native language\"\n\n" |
"Enter your text here to analyze...", |
'analyze_button': "Analyze text", |
'repeated_words': "Repeated words", |
'legend': "Legend: Grammatical categories", |
'arc_diagram': "Syntactic analysis: Arc diagram", |
'sentence': "Sentence", |
'success_message': "Analysis saved successfully.", |
'error_message': "There was a problem saving the analysis. Please try again.", |
'warning_message': "Please enter a text to analyze.", |
'pos_analysis': "Part of Speech Analysis", |
'morphological_analysis': "Morphological Analysis", |
'sentence_structure': "Sentence Structure", |
'word': "Word", |
'count': "Count", |
'percentage': "Percentage", |
'examples': "Examples", |
'lemma': "Lemma", |
'tag': "Tag", |
'dep': "Dependency", |
'morph': "Morphology", |
'root': "Root", |
'subjects': "Subjects", |
'objects': "Objects", |
'verbs': "Verbs", |
'grammatical_category': "Grammatical category", |
'dependency': "Dependency", |
'morphology': "Morphology" |
}, |
'fr': { |
'title': "AIdeaText - Analyse morphologique et syntaxique", |
'input_label': "Entrez un texte à analyser (max 5 000 mots) :", |
'input_placeholder': "Cette fonctionnalité vous aidera avec deux compétences :\n" |
"[1] \"Écrire divers types de textes dans votre langue maternelle\"\n" |
"[2] \"Lire divers types de textes écrits dans votre langue maternelle\"\n\n" |
"Entrez votre texte ici pour l'analyser...", |
'analyze_button': "Analyser le texte", |
'repeated_words': "Mots répétés", |
'legend': "Légende : Catégories grammaticales", |
'arc_diagram': "Analyse syntaxique : Diagramme en arc", |
'sentence': "Phrase", |
'success_message': "Analyse enregistrée avec succès.", |
'error_message': "Un problème est survenu lors de l'enregistrement de l'analyse. Veuillez réessayer.", |
'warning_message': "Veuillez entrer un texte à analyser.", |
'pos_analysis': "Analyse des parties du discours", |
'morphological_analysis': "Analyse morphologique", |
'sentence_structure': "Structure des phrases", |
'word': "Mot", |
'count': "Nombre", |
'percentage': "Pourcentage", |
'examples': "Exemples", |
'lemma': "Lemme", |
'tag': "Étiquette", |
'dep': "Dépendance", |
'morph': "Morphologie", |
'root': "Racine", |
'subjects': "Sujets", |
'objects': "Objets", |
'verbs': "Verbes", |
'grammatical_category': "Catégorie grammaticale", |
'dependency': "Dépendance", |
'morphology': "Morphologie" |
} |
} |
t = translations[lang_code] |
input_key = f"morphosyntax_input_{lang_code}" |
if input_key not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state[input_key] = "" |
sentence_input = st.text_area( |
t['input_label'], |
height=150, |
placeholder=t['input_placeholder'], |
value=st.session_state[input_key], |
key=f"text_area_{lang_code}", |
on_change=lambda: setattr(st.session_state, input_key, st.session_state[f"text_area_{lang_code}"]) |
) |
if st.button(t['analyze_button'], key=f"analyze_button_{lang_code}"): |
current_input = st.session_state[input_key] |
if current_input: |
doc = nlp_models[lang_code](current_input) |
advanced_analysis = perform_advanced_morphosyntactic_analysis(current_input, nlp_models[lang_code]) |
st.markdown(f"##### {t['legend']}") |
legend_html = "<div style='display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;'>" |
for pos, color in POS_COLORS.items(): |
if pos in POS_TRANSLATIONS[lang_code]: |
legend_html += f"<div style='margin-right: 10px;'><span style='background-color: {color}; padding: 2px 5px;'>{POS_TRANSLATIONS[lang_code][pos]}</span></div>" |
legend_html += "</div>" |
st.markdown(legend_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
word_colors = get_repeated_words_colors(doc) |
with st.expander(t['repeated_words'], expanded=True): |
highlighted_text = highlight_repeated_words(doc, word_colors) |
st.markdown(highlighted_text, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
with st.expander(t['sentence_structure'], expanded=True): |
for i, sent_analysis in enumerate(advanced_analysis['sentence_structure']): |
sentence_str = ( |
f"**{t['sentence']} {i+1}** " |
f"{t['root']}: {sent_analysis['root']} ({sent_analysis['root_pos']}) -- " |
f"{t['subjects']}: {', '.join(sent_analysis['subjects'])} -- " |
f"{t['objects']}: {', '.join(sent_analysis['objects'])} -- " |
f"{t['verbs']}: {', '.join(sent_analysis['verbs'])}" |
) |
st.markdown(sentence_str) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
with st.expander(t['pos_analysis'], expanded=True): |
pos_df = pd.DataFrame(advanced_analysis['pos_analysis']) |
pos_df['pos'] = pos_df['pos'].map(lambda x: POS_TRANSLATIONS[lang_code].get(x, x)) |
pos_df = pos_df.rename(columns={ |
'pos': t['grammatical_category'], |
'count': t['count'], |
'percentage': t['percentage'], |
'examples': t['examples'] |
}) |
st.dataframe(pos_df) |
with col2: |
with st.expander(t['morphological_analysis'], expanded=True): |
morph_df = pd.DataFrame(advanced_analysis['morphological_analysis']) |
column_mapping = { |
'text': t['word'], |
'lemma': t['lemma'], |
'pos': t['grammatical_category'], |
'dep': t['dependency'], |
'morph': t['morphology'] |
} |
morph_df = morph_df.rename(columns={col: new_name for col, new_name in column_mapping.items() if col in morph_df.columns}) |
morph_df[t['grammatical_category']] = morph_df[t['grammatical_category']].map(lambda x: POS_TRANSLATIONS[lang_code].get(x, x)) |
dep_translations = { |
'es': { |
'ROOT': 'RAÍZ', 'nsubj': 'sujeto nominal', 'obj': 'objeto', 'iobj': 'objeto indirecto', |
'csubj': 'sujeto clausal', 'ccomp': 'complemento clausal', 'xcomp': 'complemento clausal abierto', |
'obl': 'oblicuo', 'vocative': 'vocativo', 'expl': 'expletivo', 'dislocated': 'dislocado', |
'advcl': 'cláusula adverbial', 'advmod': 'modificador adverbial', 'discourse': 'discurso', |
'aux': 'auxiliar', 'cop': 'cópula', 'mark': 'marcador', 'nmod': 'modificador nominal', |
'appos': 'aposición', 'nummod': 'modificador numeral', 'acl': 'cláusula adjetiva', |
'amod': 'modificador adjetival', 'det': 'determinante', 'clf': 'clasificador', |
'case': 'caso', 'conj': 'conjunción', 'cc': 'coordinante', 'fixed': 'fijo', |
'flat': 'plano', 'compound': 'compuesto', 'list': 'lista', 'parataxis': 'parataxis', |
'orphan': 'huérfano', 'goeswith': 'va con', 'reparandum': 'reparación', 'punct': 'puntuación' |
}, |
'en': { |
'ROOT': 'ROOT', 'nsubj': 'nominal subject', 'obj': 'object', |
'iobj': 'indirect object', 'csubj': 'clausal subject', 'ccomp': 'clausal complement', 'xcomp': 'open clausal complement', |
'obl': 'oblique', 'vocative': 'vocative', 'expl': 'expletive', 'dislocated': 'dislocated', 'advcl': 'adverbial clause modifier', |
'advmod': 'adverbial modifier', 'discourse': 'discourse element', 'aux': 'auxiliary', 'cop': 'copula', 'mark': 'marker', |
'nmod': 'nominal modifier', 'appos': 'appositional modifier', 'nummod': 'numeric modifier', 'acl': 'clausal modifier of noun', |
'amod': 'adjectival modifier', 'det': 'determiner', 'clf': 'classifier', 'case': 'case marking', |
'conj': 'conjunct', 'cc': 'coordinating conjunction', 'fixed': 'fixed multiword expression', |
'flat': 'flat multiword expression', 'compound': 'compound', 'list': 'list', 'parataxis': 'parataxis', 'orphan': 'orphan', |
'goeswith': 'goes with', 'reparandum': 'reparandum', 'punct': 'punctuation' |
}, |
'fr': { |
'ROOT': 'RACINE', 'nsubj': 'sujet nominal', 'obj': 'objet', 'iobj': 'objet indirect', |
'csubj': 'sujet phrastique', 'ccomp': 'complément phrastique', 'xcomp': 'complément phrastique ouvert', 'obl': 'oblique', |
'vocative': 'vocatif', 'expl': 'explétif', 'dislocated': 'disloqué', 'advcl': 'clause adverbiale', 'advmod': 'modifieur adverbial', |
'discourse': 'élément de discours', 'aux': 'auxiliaire', 'cop': 'copule', 'mark': 'marqueur', 'nmod': 'modifieur nominal', |
'appos': 'apposition', 'nummod': 'modifieur numéral', 'acl': 'clause relative', 'amod': 'modifieur adjectival', 'det': 'déterminant', |
'clf': 'classificateur', 'case': 'marqueur de cas', 'conj': 'conjonction', 'cc': 'coordination', 'fixed': 'expression figée', |
'flat': 'construction plate', 'compound': 'composé', 'list': 'liste', 'parataxis': 'parataxe', 'orphan': 'orphelin', |
'goeswith': 'va avec', 'reparandum': 'réparation', 'punct': 'ponctuation' |
} |
} |
morph_df[t['dependency']] = morph_df[t['dependency']].map(lambda x: dep_translations[lang_code].get(x, x)) |
def translate_morph(morph_string, lang_code): |
morph_translations = { |
'es': { |
'Gender': 'Género', 'Number': 'Número', 'Case': 'Caso', 'Definite': 'Definido', |
'PronType': 'Tipo de Pronombre', 'Person': 'Persona', 'Mood': 'Modo', |
'Tense': 'Tiempo', 'VerbForm': 'Forma Verbal', 'Voice': 'Voz', |
'Fem': 'Femenino', 'Masc': 'Masculino', 'Sing': 'Singular', 'Plur': 'Plural', |
'Ind': 'Indicativo', 'Sub': 'Subjuntivo', 'Imp': 'Imperativo', 'Inf': 'Infinitivo', |
'Part': 'Participio', 'Ger': 'Gerundio', 'Pres': 'Presente', 'Past': 'Pasado', |
'Fut': 'Futuro', 'Perf': 'Perfecto', 'Imp': 'Imperfecto' |
}, |
'en': { |
'Gender': 'Gender', 'Number': 'Number', 'Case': 'Case', 'Definite': 'Definite', 'PronType': 'Pronoun Type', 'Person': 'Person', |
'Mood': 'Mood', 'Tense': 'Tense', 'VerbForm': 'Verb Form', 'Voice': 'Voice', |
'Fem': 'Feminine', 'Masc': 'Masculine', 'Sing': 'Singular', 'Plur': 'Plural', 'Ind': 'Indicative', |
'Sub': 'Subjunctive', 'Imp': 'Imperative', 'Inf': 'Infinitive', 'Part': 'Participle', |
'Ger': 'Gerund', 'Pres': 'Present', 'Past': 'Past', 'Fut': 'Future', 'Perf': 'Perfect', 'Imp': 'Imperfect' |
}, |
'fr': { |
'Gender': 'Genre', 'Number': 'Nombre', 'Case': 'Cas', 'Definite': 'Défini', 'PronType': 'Type de Pronom', |
'Person': 'Personne', 'Mood': 'Mode', 'Tense': 'Temps', 'VerbForm': 'Forme Verbale', 'Voice': 'Voix', |
'Fem': 'Féminin', 'Masc': 'Masculin', 'Sing': 'Singulier', 'Plur': 'Pluriel', 'Ind': 'Indicatif', |
'Sub': 'Subjonctif', 'Imp': 'Impératif', 'Inf': 'Infinitif', 'Part': 'Participe', |
'Ger': 'Gérondif', 'Pres': 'Présent', 'Past': 'Passé', 'Fut': 'Futur', 'Perf': 'Parfait', 'Imp': 'Imparfait' |
} |
} |
for key, value in morph_translations[lang_code].items(): |
morph_string = morph_string.replace(key, value) |
return morph_string |
morph_df[t['morphology']] = morph_df[t['morphology']].apply(lambda x: translate_morph(x, lang_code)) |
columns_to_display = [t['word'], t['lemma'], t['grammatical_category'], t['dependency'], t['morphology']] |
columns_to_display = [col for col in columns_to_display if col in morph_df.columns] |
st.dataframe(morph_df[columns_to_display]) |
with st.expander(t['arc_diagram'], expanded=True): |
sentences = list(doc.sents) |
arc_diagrams = [] |
for i, sent in enumerate(sentences): |
st.subheader(f"{t['sentence']} {i+1}") |
html = displacy.render(sent, style="dep", options={"distance": 100}) |
html = html.replace('height="375"', 'height="200"') |
html = re.sub(r'<svg[^>]*>', lambda m: m.group(0).replace('height="450"', 'height="300"'), html) |
html = re.sub(r'<g [^>]*transform="translate\((\d+),(\d+)\)"', lambda m: f'<g transform="translate({m.group(1)},50)"', html) |
st.write(html, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
arc_diagrams.append(html) |
if store_morphosyntax_result( |
st.session_state.username, |
current_input, |
word_colors, |
advanced_analysis['arc_diagram'], |
advanced_analysis['pos_analysis'], |
advanced_analysis['morphological_analysis'], |
advanced_analysis['sentence_structure'] |
): |
st.success(t['success_message']) |
else: |
st.error(t['error_message']) |
else: |
st.warning(t['warning_message']) |
def display_semantic_analysis_interface(nlp_models, lang_code): |
translations = { |
'es': { |
'title': "AIdeaText - Análisis semántico", |
'text_input_label': "Ingrese un texto para analizar (máx. 5,000 palabras):", |
'text_input_placeholder': "El objetivo de esta aplicación es que mejore sus habilidades de redacción...", |
'file_uploader': "O cargue un archivo de texto", |
'analyze_button': "Analizar texto", |
'semantic_relations': "Relaciones Semánticas Relevantes", |
'identified_entities': "Entidades Identificadas", |
'key_concepts': "Conceptos Clave", |
'success_message': "Análisis semántico guardado correctamente.", |
'error_message': "Hubo un problema al guardar el análisis semántico. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.", |
'warning_message': "Por favor, ingrese un texto o cargue un archivo para analizar." |
}, |
'en': { |
'title': "AIdeaText - Semantic Analysis", |
'text_input_label': "Enter a text to analyze (max. 5,000 words):", |
'text_input_placeholder': "The goal of this application is to improve your writing skills...", |
'file_uploader': "Or upload a text file", |
'analyze_button': "Analyze text", |
'semantic_relations': "Relevant Semantic Relations", |
'identified_entities': "Identified Entities", |
'key_concepts': "Key Concepts", |
'success_message': "Semantic analysis saved successfully.", |
'error_message': "There was a problem saving the semantic analysis. Please try again.", |
'warning_message': "Please enter a text or upload a file to analyze." |
}, |
'fr': { |
'title': "AIdeaText - Analyse sémantique", |
'text_input_label': "Entrez un texte à analyser (max. 5 000 mots) :", |
'text_input_placeholder': "L'objectif de cette application est d'améliorer vos compétences en rédaction...", |
'file_uploader': "Ou téléchargez un fichier texte", |
'analyze_button': "Analyser le texte", |
'semantic_relations': "Relations Sémantiques Pertinentes", |
'identified_entities': "Entités Identifiées", |
'key_concepts': "Concepts Clés", |
'success_message': "Analyse sémantique enregistrée avec succès.", |
'error_message': "Un problème est survenu lors de l'enregistrement de l'analyse sémantique. Veuillez réessayer.", |
'warning_message': "Veuillez entrer un texte ou télécharger un fichier à analyser." |
} |
} |
t = translations[lang_code] |
st.header(t['title']) |
text_input = st.text_area( |
t['text_input_label'], |
height=150, |
placeholder=t['text_input_placeholder'], |
) |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(t['file_uploader'], type=['txt']) |
if st.button(t['analyze_button']): |
if text_input or uploaded_file is not None: |
if uploaded_file: |
text_content = uploaded_file.getvalue().decode('utf-8') |
else: |
text_content = text_input |
analysis_result = perform_semantic_analysis(text_content, nlp_models[lang_code], lang_code) |
with st.expander(t['key_concepts'], expanded=True): |
key_concepts_text = " ".join([f"[[{concept}]]" for concept, _ in analysis_result['key_concepts']]) |
st.markdown(key_concepts_text) |
with st.expander(t['identified_entities'], expanded=True): |
entities_text = "" |
for entity in analysis_result['entities']: |
entities_text += f"[[{entity['text']} ({entity['label']}) - Contexto: {entity['context']}]] " |
st.markdown(entities_text) |
with st.expander(t['semantic_relations'], expanded=True): |
st.pyplot(analysis_result['relations_graph']) |
if store_semantic_result(st.session_state.username, text_content, analysis_result): |
st.success(t['success_message']) |
else: |
st.error(t['error_message']) |
else: |
st.warning(t['warning_message']) |
def display_discourse_analysis_interface(nlp_models, lang_code): |
translations = { |
'es': { |
'title': "AIdeaText - Análisis del discurso", |
'file_uploader1': "Cargar archivo de texto 1 (Patrón)", |
'file_uploader2': "Cargar archivo de texto 2 (Comparación)", |
'analyze_button': "Analizar textos", |
'comparison': "Comparación de Relaciones Semánticas", |
'success_message': "Análisis del discurso guardado correctamente.", |
'error_message': "Hubo un problema al guardar el análisis del discurso. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.", |
'warning_message': "Por favor, cargue ambos archivos para analizar." |
}, |
'en': { |
'title': "AIdeaText - Discourse Analysis", |
'file_uploader1': "Upload text file 1 (Pattern)", |
'file_uploader2': "Upload text file 2 (Comparison)", |
'analyze_button': "Analyze texts", |
'comparison': "Comparison of Semantic Relations", |
'success_message': "Discourse analysis saved successfully.", |
'error_message': "There was a problem saving the discourse analysis. Please try again.", |
'warning_message': "Please upload both files to analyze." |
}, |
'fr': { |
'title': "AIdeaText - Analyse du discours", |
'file_uploader1': "Télécharger le fichier texte 1 (Modèle)", |
'file_uploader2': "Télécharger le fichier texte 2 (Comparaison)", |
'analyze_button': "Analyser les textes", |
'comparison': "Comparaison des Relations Sémantiques", |
'success_message': "Analyse du discours enregistrée avec succès.", |
'error_message': "Un problème est survenu lors de l'enregistrement de l'analyse du discours. Veuillez réessayer.", |
'warning_message': "Veuillez télécharger les deux fichiers à analyser." |
} |
} |
t = translations[lang_code] |
st.header(t['title']) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
uploaded_file1 = st.file_uploader(t['file_uploader1'], type=['txt']) |
with col2: |
uploaded_file2 = st.file_uploader(t['file_uploader2'], type=['txt']) |
if st.button(t['analyze_button']): |
if uploaded_file1 is not None and uploaded_file2 is not None: |
text_content1 = uploaded_file1.getvalue().decode('utf-8') |
text_content2 = uploaded_file2.getvalue().decode('utf-8') |
graph1, graph2 = perform_discourse_analysis(text_content1, text_content2, nlp_models[lang_code], lang_code) |
st.subheader(t['comparison']) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.pyplot(graph1) |
with col2: |
st.pyplot(graph2) |
if store_discourse_analysis_result(st.session_state.username, text_content1, text_content2, graph1, graph2): |
st.success(t['success_message']) |
else: |
st.error(t['error_message']) |
else: |
st.warning(t['warning_message']) |
def display_chatbot_interface(lang_code): |
translations = { |
'es': { |
'title': "Expertos en Vacaciones", |
'input_placeholder': "Escribe tu mensaje aquí...", |
'initial_message': "¡Hola! ¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?" |
}, |
'en': { |
'title': "Vacation Experts", |
'input_placeholder': "Type your message here...", |
'initial_message': "Hi! How can we help you?" |
}, |
'fr': { |
'title': "Experts en Vacances", |
'input_placeholder': "Écrivez votre message ici...", |
'initial_message': "Bonjour! Comment pouvons-nous vous aider?" |
} |
} |
t = translations[lang_code] |
st.title(t['title']) |
if 'chatbot' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.chatbot = initialize_chatbot() |
if 'messages' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.messages = [{"role": "assistant", "content": t['initial_message']}] |
chat_container = st.container() |
with chat_container: |
for message in st.session_state.messages: |
with st.chat_message(message["role"]): |
st.markdown(message["content"]) |
user_input = st.chat_input(t['input_placeholder']) |
if user_input: |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) |
with chat_container: |
with st.chat_message("user"): |
st.markdown(user_input) |
with chat_container: |
with st.chat_message("assistant"): |
message_placeholder = st.empty() |
full_response = "" |
for chunk in get_chatbot_response(st.session_state.chatbot, user_input, lang_code): |
full_response += chunk |
message_placeholder.markdown(full_response + "▌") |
message_placeholder.markdown(full_response) |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": full_response}) |
try: |
store_chat_history(st.session_state.username, st.session_state.messages) |
st.success("Conversación guardada exitosamente") |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"Error al guardar la conversación: {str(e)}") |
logger.error(f"Error al guardar el historial de chat para {st.session_state.username}: {str(e)}") |
st.markdown('<script>window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);</script>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |