import streamlit as st |
import logging |
from datetime import datetime, timezone |
from dateutil.parser import parse |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
from ..utils.widget_utils import generate_unique_key |
from session_state import initialize_session_state, logout |
from translations import get_translations |
from ..auth.auth import authenticate_user, authenticate_student, authenticate_admin |
from ..admin.admin_ui import admin_page |
from ..chatbot import display_sidebar_chat |
from ..studentact.student_activities_v2 import display_student_activities |
from ..studentact.current_situation_interface import display_current_situation_interface |
from ..studentact.current_situation_analysis import analyze_text_dimensions |
from ..database.sql_db import ( |
get_user, |
get_admin_user, |
get_student_user, |
get_teacher_user, |
create_user, |
create_student_user, |
create_teacher_user, |
create_admin_user, |
update_student_user, |
delete_student_user, |
record_login, |
record_logout, |
get_recent_sessions, |
get_user_total_time, |
store_application_request, |
store_student_feedback |
) |
from ..database.mongo_db import ( |
get_collection, |
insert_document, |
find_documents, |
update_document, |
delete_document |
) |
from ..database.morphosintax_mongo_db import ( |
store_student_morphosyntax_result, |
get_student_morphosyntax_analysis, |
update_student_morphosyntax_analysis, |
delete_student_morphosyntax_analysis, |
get_student_morphosyntax_data |
) |
from ..database.chat_mongo_db import store_chat_history, get_chat_history |
from ..morphosyntax.morphosyntax_interface import ( |
display_morphosyntax_interface, |
display_arc_diagram |
) |
from ..semantic.semantic_interface import ( |
display_semantic_interface, |
display_semantic_results |
) |
from ..semantic.semantic_live_interface import display_semantic_live_interface |
from ..discourse.discourse_live_interface import display_discourse_live_interface |
from ..discourse.discourse_interface import ( |
display_discourse_interface, |
display_discourse_results |
) |
def user_page(lang_code, t): |
logger.info(f"Entrando en user_page para el estudiante: {st.session_state.username}") |
if 'selected_tab' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.selected_tab = 0 |
if 'semantic_live_active' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.semantic_live_active = False |
if 'user_data' not in st.session_state: |
with st.spinner(t.get('loading_data', "Cargando tus datos...")): |
try: |
st.session_state.user_data = get_student_morphosyntax_data(st.session_state.username) |
st.session_state.last_data_fetch = datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat() |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error al obtener datos del usuario: {str(e)}") |
st.error(t.get('data_load_error', "Hubo un problema al cargar tus datos. Por favor, intenta recargar la p谩gina.")) |
return |
logger.info(f"Idioma actual: {st.session_state.lang_code}") |
logger.info(f"Modelos NLP cargados: {'nlp_models' in st.session_state}") |
languages = {'Espa帽ol': 'es', 'Portugu锚s': 'pt', 'English': 'en', 'Fran莽ais': 'fr'} |
st.markdown(""" |
<style> |
.stSelectbox > div > div { |
padding-top: 0px; |
} |
.stButton > button { |
padding-top: 2px; |
margin-top: 0px; |
} |
div[data-testid="stHorizontalBlock"] > div:nth-child(3) { |
display: flex; |
justify-content: flex-end; |
align-items: center; |
} |
</style> |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
with st.container(): |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([2, 2, 1]) |
with col1: |
st.markdown(f"<h3 style='margin-bottom: 0; padding-top: 10px;'>{t['welcome']}, {st.session_state.username}</h3>", |
unsafe_allow_html=True) |
with col2: |
selected_lang = st.selectbox( |
t['select_language'], |
list(languages.keys()), |
index=list(languages.values()).index(st.session_state.lang_code), |
key=f"language_selector_{st.session_state.username}_{st.session_state.lang_code}" |
) |
new_lang_code = languages[selected_lang] |
if st.session_state.lang_code != new_lang_code: |
st.session_state.lang_code = new_lang_code |
st.rerun() |
with col3: |
if st.button(t['logout'], |
key=f"logout_button_{st.session_state.username}_{st.session_state.lang_code}"): |
st.session_state.clear() |
st.rerun() |
st.markdown("---") |
chatbot_t = t.get('CHATBOT_TRANSLATIONS', {}).get(lang_code, {}) |
display_sidebar_chat(lang_code, chatbot_t) |
if 'tab_states' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.tab_states = { |
'current_situation_active': False, |
'morpho_active': False, |
'semantic_live_active': False, |
'semantic_active': False, |
'discourse_live_active': False, |
'discourse_active': False, |
'activities_active': False, |
'feedback_active': False |
} |
tab_names = [ |
t.get('current_situation_tab', "Mi Situaci贸n Actual"), |
t.get('morpho_tab', 'An谩lisis Morfosint谩ctico'), |
t.get('semantic_live_tab', 'An谩lisis Sem谩ntico Vivo'), |
t.get('semantic_tab', 'An谩lisis Sem谩ntico'), |
t.get('discourse_live_tab', 'An谩lisis de Discurso Vivo'), |
t.get('discourse_tab', 'An谩lsis de Discurso'), |
t.get('activities_tab', 'Mis Actividades'), |
t.get('feedback_tab', 'Formulario de Comentarios') |
] |
tabs = st.tabs(tab_names) |
for index, tab in enumerate(tabs): |
with tab: |
try: |
if tab.selected and st.session_state.selected_tab != index: |
can_switch = True |
for state_key in st.session_state.tab_states.keys(): |
if st.session_state.tab_states[state_key] and index != get_tab_index(state_key): |
can_switch = False |
break |
if can_switch: |
st.session_state.selected_tab = index |
if index == 0: |
st.session_state.tab_states['current_situation_active'] = True |
display_current_situation_interface( |
st.session_state.lang_code, |
st.session_state.nlp_models, |
t |
) |
elif index == 1: |
st.session_state.tab_states['morpho_active'] = True |
display_morphosyntax_interface( |
st.session_state.lang_code, |
st.session_state.nlp_models, |
t |
) |
elif index == 2: |
st.session_state.tab_states['semantic_live_active'] = True |
display_semantic_live_interface( |
st.session_state.lang_code, |
st.session_state.nlp_models, |
t |
) |
elif index == 3: |
st.session_state.tab_states['semantic_active'] = True |
display_semantic_interface( |
st.session_state.lang_code, |
st.session_state.nlp_models, |
t |
) |
elif index == 4: |
st.session_state.tab_states['discourse_live_active'] = True |
display_discourse_live_interface( |
st.session_state.lang_code, |
st.session_state.nlp_models, |
t |
) |
elif index == 5: |
st.session_state.tab_states['discourse_active'] = True |
display_discourse_interface( |
st.session_state.lang_code, |
st.session_state.nlp_models, |
t |
) |
elif index == 6: |
st.session_state.tab_states['activities_active'] = True |
display_student_activities( |
username=st.session_state.username, |
lang_code=st.session_state.lang_code, |
t=t |
) |
elif index == 7: |
st.session_state.tab_states['feedback_active'] = True |
display_feedback_form( |
st.session_state.lang_code, |
t |
) |
except Exception as e: |
state_key = get_state_key_for_index(index) |
if state_key: |
st.session_state.tab_states[state_key] = False |
logger.error(f"Error en tab {index}: {str(e)}") |
st.error(t.get('tab_error', 'Error al cargar esta secci贸n')) |
if st.session_state.get('debug_mode', False): |
with st.expander("Debug Info"): |
st.write(f"P谩gina actual: {st.session_state.page}") |
st.write(f"Usuario: {st.session_state.get('username', 'No logueado')}") |
st.write(f"Rol: {st.session_state.get('role', 'No definido')}") |
st.write(f"Idioma: {st.session_state.lang_code}") |
st.write(f"Tab seleccionado: {st.session_state.selected_tab}") |
st.write(f"脷ltima actualizaci贸n de datos: {st.session_state.get('last_data_fetch', 'Nunca')}") |
st.write(f"Traducciones disponibles: {list(t.keys())}") |
def get_tab_index(state_key): |
"""Obtiene el 铆ndice del tab basado en la clave de estado""" |
index_map = { |
'current_situation_active': 0, |
'morpho_active': 1, |
'semantic_live_active': 2, |
'semantic_active': 3, |
'discourse_live_active': 4, |
'discourse_active': 5, |
'activities_active': 6, |
'feedback_active': 7 |
} |
return index_map.get(state_key, -1) |
def get_state_key_for_index(index): |
"""Obtiene la clave de estado basada en el 铆ndice del tab""" |
state_map = { |
0: 'current_situation_active', |
1: 'morpho_active', |
2: 'semantic_live_active', |
3: 'semantic_active', |
4: 'discourse_live_active', |
5: 'discourse_active', |
6: 'activities_active', |
7: 'feedback_active' |
} |
return state_map.get(index) |
def display_feedback_form(lang_code, t): |
""" |
Muestra el formulario de retroalimentaci贸n |
Args: |
lang_code: C贸digo de idioma |
t: Diccionario de traducciones |
""" |
logging.info(f"display_feedback_form called with lang_code: {lang_code}") |
feedback_t = t.get('FEEDBACK', {}) |
if not feedback_t: |
feedback_t = t |
st.header(feedback_t.get('feedback_title', 'Formulario de Opini贸n')) |
name = st.text_input(feedback_t.get('name', 'Nombre')) |
email = st.text_input(feedback_t.get('email', 'Correo electr贸nico')) |
feedback = st.text_area(feedback_t.get('feedback', 'Retroalimentaci贸n')) |
if st.button(feedback_t.get('submit', 'Enviar')): |
if name and email and feedback: |
if store_student_feedback(st.session_state.username, name, email, feedback): |
st.success(feedback_t.get('feedback_success', 'Gracias por tu respuesta')) |
else: |
st.error(feedback_t.get('feedback_error', 'Hubo un problema al enviar el formulario. Por favor, intenta de nuevo.')) |
else: |
st.warning(feedback_t.get('complete_all_fields', 'Por favor, completa todos los campos')) |